1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,162 WWW.MY-SUBS.CO 1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 - Synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.MY-SUBS.com - 2 00:00:13,680 --> 00:00:16,808 Any spoken request to leave the Silo is granted, 3 00:00:18,352 --> 00:00:19,811 but it is irrevocable. 4 00:00:22,648 --> 00:00:24,107 You have been asked to clean 5 00:00:24,107 --> 00:00:26,693 and have been provided with materials to do so, 6 00:00:28,362 --> 00:00:30,572 but you cannot be forced into cleaning. 7 00:00:31,532 --> 00:00:33,325 Once outside the air lock, 8 00:00:34,159 --> 00:00:35,786 you are outside the law. 9 00:00:39,206 --> 00:00:40,666 Have you any last words? 10 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:44,711 Sorry for all the fuss. 11 00:01:21,331 --> 00:01:23,625 We do not know why we are here. 12 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:28,630 We do not know who built the Silo. 13 00:01:31,049 --> 00:01:35,012 We do not know why everything outside the Silo is as it is. 14 00:01:40,184 --> 00:01:43,353 We do not know when it will be safe to go outside. 15 00:01:48,233 --> 00:01:50,027 We only know that day... 16 00:01:51,195 --> 00:01:54,531 ... is not this day. 17 00:04:32,898 --> 00:04:34,149 Why'd he say it? 18 00:04:39,530 --> 00:04:41,907 I can't believe they're sending the sheriff out to clean. 19 00:04:41,907 --> 00:04:44,785 You know, once he said it, they didn't have any choice. 20 00:04:44,785 --> 00:04:46,870 But why would the sheriff wanna go out? 21 00:04:50,791 --> 00:04:52,167 It's happening. 22 00:04:53,502 --> 00:04:55,212 Oh, shit. He's coming. 23 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:14,273 Oh, no. 24 00:05:19,695 --> 00:05:20,696 Come on. 25 00:05:24,616 --> 00:05:25,909 Damn it, Allison. 26 00:05:28,620 --> 00:05:29,788 You were right. 27 00:05:46,805 --> 00:05:48,056 They have to see. 28 00:06:29,723 --> 00:06:31,433 - How much? - Ten. 29 00:06:31,934 --> 00:06:36,063 You bet ten credits he wouldn't clean? They always clean. 30 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:39,566 Can he last three minutes before the poison gets him? That's the bet. 31 00:07:03,340 --> 00:07:04,967 Come on, Sheriff! 32 00:07:25,904 --> 00:07:27,239 What's he doing? 33 00:07:28,782 --> 00:07:31,910 Has anyone taken their helmet off before? 34 00:07:39,668 --> 00:07:41,879 Get up! 35 00:07:43,046 --> 00:07:44,046 Where's he going? 36 00:07:45,507 --> 00:07:46,884 To be with his wife. 37 00:08:13,994 --> 00:08:16,371 The sheriff's dead. What happens now? 38 00:08:17,915 --> 00:08:21,418 Fucking liar. He's a fucking liar! 39 00:08:26,507 --> 00:08:30,302 Hey! Hey! Cut it out! 40 00:08:31,261 --> 00:08:33,722 Stop now! Come on. 41 00:08:33,722 --> 00:08:37,433 Listen up! Everybody, calm down! Listen up! 42 00:08:41,730 --> 00:08:44,608 That is fucked up, no question. 43 00:08:45,442 --> 00:08:48,362 But it is no excuse for us to lose our shit. 44 00:08:48,362 --> 00:08:51,406 If anybody's gonna fight over a sheriff being sent out to clean, 45 00:08:51,406 --> 00:08:53,700 let them fight Up Top or in the Mids. 46 00:08:54,326 --> 00:08:58,747 Here, in the Down Deep, it's none of our business. 47 00:08:58,747 --> 00:09:01,959 Our business is keeping the lights on. 48 00:09:02,543 --> 00:09:03,544 Yes! 49 00:09:04,044 --> 00:09:05,754 Keeping the generator running. 50 00:09:05,754 --> 00:09:07,506 Yes! 51 00:09:07,506 --> 00:09:09,967 Keeping the Silo alive! 52 00:09:09,967 --> 00:09:12,010 Yeah! 53 00:09:13,136 --> 00:09:14,888 Here in the Down Deep, 54 00:09:15,973 --> 00:09:19,226 we'll just get shit done. Okay? 55 00:09:19,226 --> 00:09:20,477 Yeah! 56 00:09:21,019 --> 00:09:22,896 Okay? 57 00:09:24,648 --> 00:09:26,233 Okay? 58 00:09:26,233 --> 00:09:28,944 Yeah! 59 00:10:01,852 --> 00:10:04,021 You got a message from Karins. 60 00:10:04,021 --> 00:10:07,357 We've been getting more alerts about people lining up at Recycling, 61 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:09,776 trying to get their hands on pipes, hammers... 62 00:10:09,776 --> 00:10:11,486 Yeah. People are boneheads. 63 00:10:11,486 --> 00:10:12,696 Well, people are scared. 64 00:10:12,696 --> 00:10:16,617 Yeah, I'm gonna check in with everybody, uh, on the radio. 65 00:10:16,617 --> 00:10:18,577 Do you want anything from the cafeteria? 66 00:10:18,577 --> 00:10:20,120 You should go home, Sandy. 67 00:10:23,707 --> 00:10:25,209 Oh, he really loved her. 68 00:10:26,460 --> 00:10:27,753 If you're wondering why. 69 00:10:28,253 --> 00:10:31,089 Yeah. 70 00:11:41,827 --> 00:11:45,080 I'm a size medium, by the way. 71 00:11:45,080 --> 00:11:48,041 Maybe 20 years ago. 72 00:11:49,585 --> 00:11:52,838 The Jensen baby's due next week. 73 00:11:52,838 --> 00:11:54,100 I used to be able to knock out 74 00:11:54,101 --> 00:11:57,593 25 of these a year, one for every tenth kid. 75 00:11:57,593 --> 00:11:59,553 Now I'm lucky if I do five. 76 00:12:01,346 --> 00:12:03,348 - Drink? - Yeah. 77 00:12:05,142 --> 00:12:07,644 Day like today, I think we get the good stuff. 78 00:12:12,524 --> 00:12:14,359 Comes from before the rebellion. 79 00:12:15,277 --> 00:12:16,862 Maybe before everything. 80 00:12:20,324 --> 00:12:21,533 Thank you. 81 00:12:21,533 --> 00:12:22,826 To Holston Becker. 82 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:32,169 You decide who you're gonna pick for sheriff? 83 00:12:33,462 --> 00:12:34,755 I'm not looking at him? 84 00:12:34,755 --> 00:12:38,634 I'll help break in the next one, but I'm going to retire. 85 00:12:39,885 --> 00:12:42,513 When Jamal was retiring, 86 00:12:42,513 --> 00:12:45,641 he chose Holston to be sheriff. That was easy. 87 00:12:45,641 --> 00:12:47,559 If Holston had been retiring, 88 00:12:47,559 --> 00:12:49,645 I could've just followed his wishes, but now... 89 00:12:49,645 --> 00:12:53,106 Judicial will try and slip one of their people into the post. 90 00:12:53,607 --> 00:12:56,068 Holston didn't say anything to you? 91 00:13:02,074 --> 00:13:05,410 I've been looking through the mayor's ledgers. I'm up to 97. 92 00:13:06,870 --> 00:13:08,480 Births. Deaths. 93 00:13:08,481 --> 00:13:12,459 How much water was used that year. How many computer cables. 94 00:13:12,459 --> 00:13:14,127 Was anyone sent out? 95 00:13:15,420 --> 00:13:19,758 So far, not a single instance of a mayor sending a sheriff out to clean. 96 00:13:19,758 --> 00:13:21,969 He went out, but you didn't send him. 97 00:13:21,969 --> 00:13:25,013 I didn't bring this up 'cause I feel sorry for myself. 98 00:13:26,139 --> 00:13:27,550 I brought it up 'cause I don't know 99 00:13:27,551 --> 00:13:30,894 what happened before these ledgers existed. 100 00:13:32,437 --> 00:13:34,064 Before the rebellion? 101 00:13:34,064 --> 00:13:36,525 Before whatever caused the rebellion. 102 00:13:38,944 --> 00:13:40,404 You worry it was a cleaning? 103 00:13:41,113 --> 00:13:44,449 - I worry about instability. - Yeah. 104 00:13:45,742 --> 00:13:48,078 That's why we need a new sheriff as soon as possible. 105 00:13:52,291 --> 00:13:53,917 This is the last one we've got. 106 00:13:53,917 --> 00:13:55,294 Thank you. 107 00:13:56,336 --> 00:13:57,754 I need this. 108 00:13:58,797 --> 00:14:01,592 - No, you're not getting it. No! You... - No. I need this. 109 00:14:01,592 --> 00:14:04,136 - No, you can't have my fucking hammer! - Hey! 110 00:14:04,136 --> 00:14:05,762 - Stop this shit! - I need to protect my family! 111 00:14:05,762 --> 00:14:09,349 - Put the hammer down. - Hey! Cut that shit out! 112 00:14:10,809 --> 00:14:12,352 Shit. Judicial. 113 00:14:12,895 --> 00:14:14,229 Shit. 114 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:19,735 Deputy Brooks. 115 00:14:20,402 --> 00:14:23,030 Mr. Sims, I got this under control. 116 00:14:25,532 --> 00:14:26,867 Get their names. 117 00:14:31,246 --> 00:14:33,165 Any idea when we'll get a new sheriff? 118 00:14:34,333 --> 00:14:36,293 'Cause there's still a long line at our local Recycling, 119 00:14:36,293 --> 00:14:39,129 and the deputy asked me to make sure we have enough ammunition. 120 00:14:47,179 --> 00:14:48,889 Level 14 is clear. 121 00:15:03,195 --> 00:15:05,364 - What are you doing? - What does it look like? 122 00:15:05,364 --> 00:15:07,616 It looks like you showed up in a bad mood. 123 00:15:07,616 --> 00:15:09,409 Now, you're taking it out on that toaster. 124 00:15:09,409 --> 00:15:12,162 No. I'm fixing it. 125 00:15:12,162 --> 00:15:15,082 Oh. You've been coming in here since you were 13... 126 00:15:15,082 --> 00:15:16,542 Oh, here we go. 127 00:15:16,542 --> 00:15:18,877 ... to fix shit, so you don't have to deal with shit. 128 00:15:18,877 --> 00:15:22,089 Can you just let me work alone, please? 129 00:15:22,089 --> 00:15:25,259 This have anything to do with what you said after the sheriff cleaned? 130 00:15:26,468 --> 00:15:28,011 Because Shirley came by last night. 131 00:15:28,011 --> 00:15:31,515 She said you stormed out, yelling, "He lied!" 132 00:15:31,515 --> 00:15:32,641 Don't think I was yelling. 133 00:15:34,226 --> 00:15:37,312 You know what? Coming in here, sitting in that chair, using my tools, 134 00:15:37,312 --> 00:15:38,438 that's a privilege. 135 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:39,750 And the only way you get to stay here 136 00:15:39,751 --> 00:15:42,025 is by telling me what in hell's going on. 137 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:46,655 Okay, then I won't stay. 138 00:15:47,990 --> 00:15:51,201 You didn't come here to mend a toaster. You came here to talk. 139 00:15:52,202 --> 00:15:53,579 I know that's hard for you. 140 00:15:56,290 --> 00:15:57,708 Okay. Take your time. 141 00:16:08,302 --> 00:16:09,511 It's about George. 142 00:16:10,637 --> 00:16:12,598 It's been three months since he died. 143 00:16:14,099 --> 00:16:16,810 - You're saying he lied? - No. Holston lied. 144 00:16:17,311 --> 00:16:19,188 - You still think George was murdered? - Yeah. 145 00:16:19,188 --> 00:16:22,816 - Yeah, 'cause he didn't kill himself, so... - How can you be so sure? 146 00:16:22,816 --> 00:16:24,818 'Cause the last time I saw him, 147 00:16:24,818 --> 00:16:26,778 he really wanted to show me something. 148 00:16:27,529 --> 00:16:29,907 We were celebrating Cooper becoming my shadow. 149 00:16:30,741 --> 00:16:33,577 George was always paranoid 'cause we weren't sanctioned, 150 00:16:33,577 --> 00:16:34,995 so he never came to these things. 151 00:16:34,995 --> 00:16:36,872 Computer guy! 152 00:16:37,915 --> 00:16:39,082 They're making me get drunk. 153 00:16:39,082 --> 00:16:41,001 Well, it looks like you're putting up a fight. 154 00:16:41,001 --> 00:16:42,127 Coop, 155 00:16:42,127 --> 00:16:44,630 why don't we get you some water and a chair? 156 00:16:48,592 --> 00:16:49,593 Cake? 157 00:17:02,189 --> 00:17:05,651 Hey, everyone knows about us. They don't give a shit. 158 00:17:05,651 --> 00:17:07,528 They're not gonna send us to the mines. 159 00:17:07,528 --> 00:17:09,530 You'd be fine down there, tough girl. 160 00:17:10,781 --> 00:17:13,242 Hey, uh... Something happened. 161 00:17:14,785 --> 00:17:15,993 Something big. 162 00:17:15,993 --> 00:17:18,497 I can't tell you here, but can I speak to you after? 163 00:17:18,497 --> 00:17:20,040 Yeah, sure. I work until late. 164 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:21,875 Oh, uh, then I'll-I'll tell you at your place. 165 00:17:21,875 --> 00:17:22,960 Okay. 166 00:17:23,544 --> 00:17:24,837 Everybody! 167 00:17:25,921 --> 00:17:27,005 Where's Coop? 168 00:17:27,005 --> 00:17:29,299 - Get Coop up here. - Oh. 169 00:17:29,299 --> 00:17:31,385 This is all about him. Come here. 170 00:17:32,052 --> 00:17:34,221 Coop, I know you're freaking the fuck out. 171 00:17:37,224 --> 00:17:40,477 - You are ready to shadow Jules. - Gotta go. 172 00:17:40,477 --> 00:17:42,980 Let's all give it up for Cooper! Come on. 173 00:17:55,284 --> 00:17:58,078 When I got off work at midnight, I was exhausted. 174 00:17:58,954 --> 00:18:00,831 I was looking forward to seeing George. 175 00:18:10,382 --> 00:18:11,383 George? 176 00:19:04,061 --> 00:19:05,812 - Hey. - Hey. 177 00:19:05,812 --> 00:19:07,606 Well, you don't look too hungover. 178 00:19:07,606 --> 00:19:09,358 I'm not. Just sad. 179 00:19:10,442 --> 00:19:11,442 Why? 180 00:19:12,986 --> 00:19:14,988 - You didn't hear? - I just got up. Hear what? 181 00:19:14,988 --> 00:19:17,074 Computer George went off the stairs last night. 182 00:19:19,535 --> 00:19:20,827 They're saying suicide. 183 00:19:23,539 --> 00:19:24,665 Did you know him well? 184 00:19:41,223 --> 00:19:43,809 Look, Jules, I don't know what you want me to say. 185 00:19:43,809 --> 00:19:46,103 I really liked the guy. 186 00:19:46,103 --> 00:19:48,730 And suicide is a crime against the Silo. 187 00:19:48,730 --> 00:19:51,567 - I know. - If you have proof that he didn't jump, 188 00:19:51,567 --> 00:19:54,111 you'd be saving me a mountain of paperwork. But... 189 00:19:55,362 --> 00:19:56,488 But murder? 190 00:19:57,739 --> 00:20:00,033 And by who? And why? 191 00:20:00,033 --> 00:20:03,745 I don't know! I just know he didn't kill himself, Hank. 192 00:20:03,745 --> 00:20:06,498 Okay, see, for it to be murder, you need more than that. 193 00:20:06,498 --> 00:20:09,293 - You need motive and opportunity. - Don't fucking patronize me, Hank. 194 00:20:09,293 --> 00:20:11,670 Hey, I'm not patronizing you, it's just... 195 00:20:15,716 --> 00:20:17,384 What? Hmm? 196 00:20:19,511 --> 00:20:21,054 I know you two were... 197 00:20:22,222 --> 00:20:25,434 I figured, down here, who cares? The thing is, 198 00:20:25,434 --> 00:20:28,520 if you were in a sanctioned relationship, this would be easier. 199 00:20:28,520 --> 00:20:30,022 A partner has certain rights. 200 00:20:31,356 --> 00:20:33,483 Yeah. Well... 201 00:20:36,069 --> 00:20:37,070 Fuck it. 202 00:20:38,488 --> 00:20:40,115 I'll run your concerns Up Top. 203 00:20:40,115 --> 00:20:42,826 I'll say it came from a coworker who knew him well. 204 00:20:42,826 --> 00:20:45,412 See what the sheriff has to say. He's a good man. 205 00:20:46,288 --> 00:20:47,998 Nobody likes a suicide. 206 00:20:53,128 --> 00:20:56,256 Come on! 207 00:21:11,355 --> 00:21:12,564 That's her. 208 00:21:13,065 --> 00:21:15,025 - What's her name? - What? 209 00:21:15,025 --> 00:21:17,152 What's her name? 210 00:21:17,152 --> 00:21:19,154 Juliette. 211 00:21:19,154 --> 00:21:21,031 Juliette Nichols. 212 00:21:32,751 --> 00:21:36,255 The body was found here, on this ventilation unit. 213 00:21:40,342 --> 00:21:44,346 I'm thinking George must've fallen maybe 100 feet, give or take. 214 00:21:44,888 --> 00:21:46,390 No witnesses. 215 00:21:46,390 --> 00:21:48,851 So, nothing much more I can give you. 216 00:21:51,019 --> 00:21:52,688 You seem awfully tense. 217 00:21:53,272 --> 00:21:55,065 Oh, I... I'm always tense, sir. 218 00:21:56,525 --> 00:21:59,736 I get it. Suicide is a serious crime. 219 00:21:59,736 --> 00:22:02,698 - No, it wasn't suicide. - So you've said. 220 00:22:02,698 --> 00:22:06,827 Yeah. He wasn't depressed. He wasn't giving anything away. 221 00:22:06,827 --> 00:22:07,911 There was no sudden elation 222 00:22:07,911 --> 00:22:10,414 that he finally made a decision that he would... 223 00:22:10,414 --> 00:22:14,001 We're all taught those signs so early, people get good at hiding them. 224 00:22:14,501 --> 00:22:15,502 How'd you know him? 225 00:22:16,503 --> 00:22:17,671 Oh, uh, George... 226 00:22:17,671 --> 00:22:20,299 Everybody knows everybody down here. 227 00:22:21,008 --> 00:22:23,677 And George was the funny computer guy. 228 00:22:24,887 --> 00:22:26,346 Why do you think he was murdered? 229 00:22:26,346 --> 00:22:27,514 He have any enemies? 230 00:22:27,514 --> 00:22:28,640 I just know he... 231 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:30,710 I told her, for murder, 232 00:22:30,711 --> 00:22:32,644 you need motive and opportunity and... 233 00:22:32,644 --> 00:22:34,771 Yeah, but I told you we have opportunity. 234 00:22:34,771 --> 00:22:36,982 He died at 3:00 a.m? 235 00:22:37,482 --> 00:22:39,359 No one's on the stairs then. Right? 236 00:22:41,403 --> 00:22:42,946 Unless you're a porter. 237 00:22:44,031 --> 00:22:45,407 Or going to jump. 238 00:22:47,492 --> 00:22:48,869 Go to Dispatch, would you? 239 00:22:48,869 --> 00:22:51,496 See if there were any porters on the stairs when it happened. 240 00:22:51,496 --> 00:22:52,581 - Yeah. - Okay. 241 00:22:59,087 --> 00:23:01,381 That's a nice watch. Is that a relic? 242 00:23:02,090 --> 00:23:05,469 - Um, it's... it's legal. - Just said it was nice. 243 00:23:07,971 --> 00:23:09,848 Look, I'm sorry about your coworker. 244 00:23:11,767 --> 00:23:14,436 I'm gonna go look at his body again. Check for any signs of a struggle. 245 00:23:14,436 --> 00:23:15,521 Okay. 246 00:23:16,021 --> 00:23:19,274 Hate to ask, but maybe there's something you'd see that I don't. 247 00:23:20,192 --> 00:23:21,610 But only if you're up to it. 248 00:23:23,695 --> 00:23:27,950 Uh, no, yeah. Of... Of course. Yeah, sure. Cool. 249 00:23:40,838 --> 00:23:43,423 We're looking for anything unusual. 250 00:23:44,383 --> 00:23:49,137 Abrasions that wouldn't be consistent with a fall. Evidence of a fight. 251 00:23:52,391 --> 00:23:54,226 - You ready? - Yep. 252 00:24:07,030 --> 00:24:08,282 Some people... 253 00:24:09,324 --> 00:24:12,244 cut their wrists in previous attempts. 254 00:24:14,830 --> 00:24:16,498 Then they decide to be sure... 255 00:24:18,792 --> 00:24:20,294 so they jump. 256 00:24:26,258 --> 00:24:29,261 Even after all these years, I haven't gotten used to the sight. 257 00:24:30,762 --> 00:24:32,222 - You ever seen... - Dead person? Yeah. 258 00:24:32,222 --> 00:24:33,599 My brother when I was 12. 259 00:24:33,599 --> 00:24:35,368 My mother when I was 13. But, you know... 260 00:24:35,369 --> 00:24:37,227 ... you knew that, so... 261 00:24:39,855 --> 00:24:42,191 Someone says murder, you look into them. 262 00:24:42,191 --> 00:24:44,401 Find out what reason they might have for saying that... 263 00:24:44,401 --> 00:24:46,361 The reason is 'cause he was murdered. That's why. 264 00:24:47,279 --> 00:24:50,741 But you might not wanna believe it's suicide, given your history. 265 00:24:51,241 --> 00:24:53,327 That's something I can understand. 266 00:24:56,413 --> 00:24:58,040 Anything new? 267 00:24:58,707 --> 00:25:00,417 Not really. 268 00:25:00,417 --> 00:25:01,919 What they say at Dispatch? 269 00:25:02,544 --> 00:25:05,047 It was a quiet night for the porters. Nobody up or down. 270 00:25:05,047 --> 00:25:06,840 - Judicial's on their way. - Okay. 271 00:25:06,840 --> 00:25:09,134 Possible suicide and all, they want a briefing. 272 00:25:09,134 --> 00:25:12,137 You guys, uh, ask around. 273 00:25:12,846 --> 00:25:14,681 See if there was anyone else on the stairs. 274 00:25:15,265 --> 00:25:16,433 All right. 275 00:25:24,024 --> 00:25:25,359 You want something to eat? 276 00:25:25,984 --> 00:25:26,985 No. 277 00:25:30,280 --> 00:25:32,241 How long were you and George in a relationship? 278 00:25:34,368 --> 00:25:35,827 I won't tell anybody. 279 00:25:36,537 --> 00:25:38,497 I don't know what you're talking about. 280 00:25:39,831 --> 00:25:41,333 Why didn't you get sanctioned? 281 00:25:46,463 --> 00:25:47,464 Why not? 282 00:25:49,174 --> 00:25:50,759 Look, if we're gonna figure out what happened, 283 00:25:50,759 --> 00:25:52,386 you're gonna have to tell me the truth. 284 00:25:52,386 --> 00:25:54,263 When you went to my deputy and said murder, 285 00:25:54,263 --> 00:25:56,306 you wanted help, right? 286 00:25:57,015 --> 00:25:58,642 He didn't kill himself. 287 00:25:59,351 --> 00:26:01,520 Okay. 288 00:26:03,981 --> 00:26:05,607 I gotta go meet with Judicial. 289 00:26:09,152 --> 00:26:10,988 Juliette, the not knowing, 290 00:26:12,573 --> 00:26:14,408 it's gonna haunt you forever. 291 00:26:19,955 --> 00:26:21,540 He left something for me. 292 00:26:23,333 --> 00:26:24,626 What? 293 00:26:24,626 --> 00:26:28,964 You being sheriff and me, not being sheriff. 294 00:26:28,964 --> 00:26:32,134 I need you to promise me you're not gonna rat me out to Judicial. 295 00:26:32,134 --> 00:26:33,218 Is it a relic? 296 00:26:34,261 --> 00:26:36,096 'Cause if it is, I'm gonna have to confiscate it. 297 00:26:40,058 --> 00:26:41,852 No, he didn't leave me anything. 298 00:26:42,394 --> 00:26:43,395 Nothing to show you. 299 00:26:45,355 --> 00:26:47,107 But who's to say where I found it? 300 00:26:49,818 --> 00:26:51,028 The Silo's a big place. 301 00:27:24,645 --> 00:27:25,687 What is this? 302 00:27:26,813 --> 00:27:28,065 I don't know. 303 00:27:28,065 --> 00:27:31,068 Maybe it was his way of saying goodbye. Giving you something. 304 00:27:35,864 --> 00:27:37,199 He left this with it. 305 00:27:41,328 --> 00:27:42,538 Where's the rest of it? 306 00:27:42,538 --> 00:27:44,122 That's all there was. I don't know. 307 00:27:46,124 --> 00:27:49,294 "Remember where you last saw this?" 308 00:27:55,676 --> 00:27:58,762 What I'm about to show you is more illegal than any relic. 309 00:27:59,429 --> 00:28:02,641 I'm sure Up Top knows about it, but they don't seem to care. 310 00:28:03,225 --> 00:28:04,810 I'm from Up Top 311 00:28:05,602 --> 00:28:07,437 and I have no idea where we're going. 312 00:28:15,696 --> 00:28:18,198 Our agreement still apply? 313 00:28:18,949 --> 00:28:19,950 Yeah. 314 00:28:22,619 --> 00:28:23,787 All right. 315 00:28:33,589 --> 00:28:35,632 I hope you're not afraid of the dark. 316 00:28:39,428 --> 00:28:40,888 Or tight spaces. 317 00:28:42,806 --> 00:28:43,807 Or heights. 318 00:29:13,962 --> 00:29:16,006 - Who did all this? - I don't know. 319 00:29:16,715 --> 00:29:18,467 We think it's from before the rebellion. 320 00:29:22,221 --> 00:29:24,515 Hey. Careful. 321 00:29:28,685 --> 00:29:30,812 - What's down there? - You'll see. 322 00:30:12,187 --> 00:30:13,188 Thanks. 323 00:30:15,399 --> 00:30:19,236 There were probably a hundred work lights here at one time. 324 00:30:20,070 --> 00:30:23,115 Only these ones are left. 325 00:30:25,242 --> 00:30:26,451 What is that? 326 00:30:26,451 --> 00:30:29,746 Best guess is what's left of the machine that dug the Silo. 327 00:30:29,746 --> 00:30:33,584 Theory goes, digger comes down this far, 328 00:30:33,584 --> 00:30:35,460 there's no easy way to get it out, 329 00:30:35,460 --> 00:30:41,258 so the founders just walled it off with a 30-foot cap of concrete. 330 00:30:42,885 --> 00:30:47,222 Digger must have looked like this for, pfft, a hundred years. 331 00:30:47,806 --> 00:30:50,267 Anything of value has been stripped a long time ago. 332 00:30:51,977 --> 00:30:53,937 First time I saw this place, 333 00:30:54,438 --> 00:30:57,274 it made me realize how little we know about the Silo. 334 00:31:00,819 --> 00:31:01,904 Ready? 335 00:31:03,906 --> 00:31:07,242 Oh, um, it's better not to look down. 336 00:31:14,416 --> 00:31:15,416 You okay? 337 00:32:00,462 --> 00:32:01,880 What is this place? 338 00:32:02,422 --> 00:32:03,590 George. 339 00:32:04,174 --> 00:32:05,759 He put it all together. 340 00:32:10,055 --> 00:32:13,141 Last time I saw this thing was... was down here. 341 00:32:19,231 --> 00:32:20,357 Was in this box. 342 00:32:29,116 --> 00:32:32,828 These are why he wanted to keep us a... a secret. 343 00:32:32,828 --> 00:32:36,206 You know, if he ever got caught with them, he didn't want me sucked in. 344 00:32:37,624 --> 00:32:39,001 Are these all relics? 345 00:32:40,252 --> 00:32:41,253 Yeah. 346 00:32:44,298 --> 00:32:45,549 I don't know... 347 00:32:47,217 --> 00:32:48,468 Never seen this one before. 348 00:32:50,470 --> 00:32:52,264 Maybe it's what he wanted you to see? 349 00:32:52,264 --> 00:32:53,432 No idea what it is. 350 00:33:00,731 --> 00:33:04,651 So, George sold and traded relics? 351 00:33:04,651 --> 00:33:06,862 Yeah. He was obsessed with the before time. 352 00:33:06,862 --> 00:33:08,682 You know, he'd come down here on his own 353 00:33:08,683 --> 00:33:09,948 and he'd be looking for something. 354 00:33:09,948 --> 00:33:12,117 - Looking for what? - I don't know. He never told me. 355 00:33:12,117 --> 00:33:13,952 He just said that he'd know it if he saw it. 356 00:33:16,955 --> 00:33:17,955 That's odd. 357 00:33:19,291 --> 00:33:22,586 This plastic wire used to be wrapped around the spool. 358 00:33:31,970 --> 00:33:33,639 Wait. Hold on. 359 00:34:18,100 --> 00:34:19,141 What is this? 360 00:34:53,552 --> 00:34:54,553 What is that? 361 00:34:59,183 --> 00:35:00,559 You see any of this before? 362 00:35:01,268 --> 00:35:02,269 No. 363 00:35:03,937 --> 00:35:06,398 He never mentioned this? Said what might be on it? 364 00:35:06,398 --> 00:35:07,482 No. 365 00:35:10,903 --> 00:35:14,031 "Instructions on how to recover deleted files." 366 00:35:17,868 --> 00:35:19,870 There's handwriting on the back. 367 00:35:20,746 --> 00:35:22,206 That's not George's handwriting. 368 00:35:24,666 --> 00:35:25,792 It's my wife's. 369 00:35:28,754 --> 00:35:30,380 Do you think your wife knew George? 370 00:35:30,923 --> 00:35:33,842 Allison did some IT work for him not long before she went out. 371 00:35:36,136 --> 00:35:38,013 Wh... Why didn't you tell me that? 372 00:35:39,473 --> 00:35:40,474 Huh? 373 00:35:42,226 --> 00:35:44,520 If George and your w... 374 00:35:46,146 --> 00:35:47,689 Did... Did you talk to him? 375 00:35:47,689 --> 00:35:48,899 Once. 376 00:35:53,654 --> 00:35:56,740 Oh, shit. The watch. 377 00:35:57,324 --> 00:35:58,700 You'd seen it before, hadn't you? 378 00:35:58,700 --> 00:36:00,536 That's why you checked his wrists. 379 00:36:01,411 --> 00:36:05,207 That's... That's why... That's why you knew we were together. 380 00:36:06,750 --> 00:36:08,836 Is... Is that why you're here? 381 00:36:08,836 --> 00:36:11,213 To see if I had anything to do with why your wife went out to clean? 382 00:36:11,213 --> 00:36:13,090 I came down here to determine his cause of death. 383 00:36:13,090 --> 00:36:15,592 Bullshit! You're wondering if George had anything to do 384 00:36:15,592 --> 00:36:18,011 with why your wife went out to clean. 385 00:36:18,011 --> 00:36:20,764 And I'm gonna have to tell Judicial his death was an accident. 386 00:36:20,764 --> 00:36:23,976 Wh... Why? Why would you do that? He was murdered! 387 00:36:23,976 --> 00:36:26,061 - By who? - I don't know by who! 388 00:36:26,061 --> 00:36:28,313 There's a reason why George hid this. 389 00:36:28,313 --> 00:36:31,233 Maybe it'll tell us why... why... what happened to him. 390 00:36:31,233 --> 00:36:33,068 I don't know why he hid a fucking hard drive. 391 00:36:33,068 --> 00:36:37,239 This is a red-level relic, making it a threat to order in the Silo. 392 00:36:37,239 --> 00:36:41,034 I don't care about the order in the Silo. I want you to do your job! 393 00:36:41,034 --> 00:36:43,120 Maintaining order in the Silo is my job. 394 00:36:43,120 --> 00:36:44,788 What about finding out the truth? 395 00:36:44,788 --> 00:36:48,292 I've gotta get this into the incinerator before anyone else finds it. 396 00:36:48,292 --> 00:36:49,960 - No. - That's enough! 397 00:36:52,212 --> 00:36:56,675 Maybe if you'd listened to your wife, she'd still be alive right now! 398 00:37:02,139 --> 00:37:06,894 To get to my office, I have to walk through the cafeteria. 399 00:37:07,895 --> 00:37:10,856 So, now I go to work before dawn, 400 00:37:10,856 --> 00:37:12,566 and I come home after dark 401 00:37:12,566 --> 00:37:15,068 just so I don't have to see her body on that hill. 402 00:37:17,154 --> 00:37:19,531 Allison asked questions too. 403 00:37:25,704 --> 00:37:27,206 She was never afraid. 404 00:37:27,831 --> 00:37:30,125 Then please... Just... 405 00:37:31,710 --> 00:37:32,711 help me. 406 00:37:41,720 --> 00:37:43,555 I'll keep trying to find out what happened to George, 407 00:37:43,555 --> 00:37:46,975 but you have to stay quiet and you have to keep your head down. 408 00:37:46,975 --> 00:37:48,602 Stop wearing that watch! 409 00:37:48,602 --> 00:37:51,605 It may be legal, but it draws attention. 410 00:37:52,898 --> 00:37:55,526 When I find something, I'll send word. 411 00:37:55,526 --> 00:37:56,610 A signal. 412 00:37:57,152 --> 00:37:58,278 I promise. 413 00:37:58,278 --> 00:37:59,446 What kind of signal? 414 00:37:59,446 --> 00:38:00,989 You'll know it when you see it. 415 00:38:01,490 --> 00:38:03,116 Anything I can do while I wait? 416 00:38:03,116 --> 00:38:05,202 I have to figure out what this is, 417 00:38:05,202 --> 00:38:08,747 and you need to trust me. 418 00:38:12,292 --> 00:38:13,502 Yeah. 419 00:38:15,170 --> 00:38:17,464 You actually said if he'd listened to his wife, 420 00:38:17,464 --> 00:38:18,841 she'd still be alive? 421 00:38:19,675 --> 00:38:21,802 And you wonder why you never heard from him again. 422 00:38:23,554 --> 00:38:26,223 Jules, y-you could've told me this before. 423 00:38:26,723 --> 00:38:31,144 - He asked me to wait, so I waited. - And you got no word, no sign. 424 00:38:33,730 --> 00:38:36,650 Well, I'm sorry you didn't get the answers you were hoping for, 425 00:38:36,650 --> 00:38:38,944 but maybe you should take a day. 426 00:38:38,944 --> 00:38:43,198 Maybe do something. Take your mind off it. 427 00:38:44,408 --> 00:38:45,868 Maybe I should keep my mind on it. 428 00:38:48,203 --> 00:38:49,955 I didn't show the sheriff everything. 429 00:38:59,590 --> 00:39:01,633 Bottom half of the note George left me. 430 00:39:01,633 --> 00:39:03,886 "I found what I was looking for." 431 00:39:03,886 --> 00:39:06,138 Why didn't you show this to the sheriff? 432 00:39:06,138 --> 00:39:08,223 George told me that whatever he was looking for 433 00:39:08,223 --> 00:39:10,058 was more dangerous than any relic. 434 00:39:10,559 --> 00:39:13,353 He was afraid me even knowing about it could get me sent out. 435 00:39:13,353 --> 00:39:15,230 What was he looking for? 436 00:39:17,316 --> 00:39:19,151 Jules, this is getting dangerous. 437 00:39:24,031 --> 00:39:25,031 Yeah. 438 00:39:26,366 --> 00:39:27,868 Um, I'll fix this later. 439 00:39:28,410 --> 00:39:29,953 No, you won't. 440 00:39:29,953 --> 00:39:31,580 Yeah. No, I won't. 441 00:39:33,832 --> 00:39:35,751 Um... Okay. 442 00:39:37,294 --> 00:39:38,295 Hey. 443 00:39:39,546 --> 00:39:41,715 Try not to get yourself killed down there. 444 00:39:43,634 --> 00:39:44,635 Yeah. 445 00:39:55,812 --> 00:39:57,940 I've got the judge's picks for sheriff. 446 00:39:58,440 --> 00:39:59,775 Four mediocre candidates 447 00:39:59,775 --> 00:40:02,319 just to shine a light on the one she really wants. 448 00:40:03,445 --> 00:40:06,073 - Paul Billings. - I remember him. He was a deputy. 449 00:40:06,073 --> 00:40:07,157 Yeah, in the Mids. 450 00:40:07,157 --> 00:40:09,910 He was a good guy till he abandoned us for Judicial. 451 00:40:09,910 --> 00:40:11,995 He got married and he wanted better hours. 452 00:40:11,995 --> 00:40:15,249 To be honest, Paul Billings wouldn't be the worst. 453 00:40:15,249 --> 00:40:17,334 I don't want someone who's not the worst. 454 00:40:17,334 --> 00:40:18,982 I keep thinking any minute 455 00:40:18,983 --> 00:40:20,629 someone's gonna come through that door 456 00:40:20,629 --> 00:40:23,507 and tell me there's an armed mob coming up the stairs. 457 00:40:23,507 --> 00:40:26,677 And 140 years of peace is gonna go down the drain. 458 00:40:27,511 --> 00:40:30,389 And my next thought is, I have to go talk to Holston about this. 459 00:40:30,389 --> 00:40:33,642 Yeah. I think the same thing about ten times a day. 460 00:40:34,434 --> 00:40:36,645 I wish he'd said who should take the job. 461 00:40:38,313 --> 00:40:39,690 He did. 462 00:40:43,944 --> 00:40:46,530 - He left a note. - Why did you wait until now to tell me? 463 00:40:46,530 --> 00:40:48,782 Because it's ridiculous, and if anything, 464 00:40:48,782 --> 00:40:52,119 it's a sign he wasn't quite there at the end. 465 00:40:52,703 --> 00:40:55,289 - Who'd he choose? - You might wanna top off your drink. 466 00:40:58,542 --> 00:41:02,504 "In my final act as sheriff, I, Holston Becker, 467 00:41:02,504 --> 00:41:06,758 nominate Juliette Nichols of Mechanical as my successor." 468 00:41:06,758 --> 00:41:08,844 - Juliette Nichols? - She's an engineer. 469 00:41:09,803 --> 00:41:12,139 "Even if she refuses, I ask that this badge, 470 00:41:12,139 --> 00:41:14,892 my personal property, be given to her. Holston Becker." 471 00:41:15,275 --> 00:41:16,351 Why her? 472 00:41:16,351 --> 00:41:19,771 Like I say, he wasn't in his right mind at the end. 473 00:41:20,856 --> 00:41:21,982 I wanna meet her. 474 00:41:22,482 --> 00:41:23,859 Are you sure? 475 00:41:24,610 --> 00:41:26,778 I said meet her, not give her the job. 476 00:41:26,778 --> 00:41:28,739 I'll message and have her start up tomorrow. 477 00:41:29,489 --> 00:41:31,408 No. I'll go to her. 478 00:41:31,408 --> 00:41:33,619 Oh, yeah? 144 levels? 479 00:41:33,619 --> 00:41:36,705 I just sent a sheriff out to clean. 480 00:41:37,831 --> 00:41:41,168 I need to walk the Silo. The people need to see their mayor. 481 00:42:18,247 --> 00:42:19,790 You've got a lot of rope. 482 00:42:21,458 --> 00:42:22,584 Yeah. 483 00:42:24,336 --> 00:42:25,671 What do you need it for? 484 00:42:26,505 --> 00:42:28,924 To get where I'm going. 485 00:42:29,550 --> 00:42:30,759 Okay. Where's that? 486 00:42:32,761 --> 00:42:33,846 The past. 487 00:42:34,972 --> 00:42:36,014 The past? 488 00:42:39,184 --> 00:42:40,602 What are you looking for? 489 00:42:40,602 --> 00:42:41,978 Well, what I'm looking for isn't nearly 490 00:42:41,979 --> 00:42:43,230 as important as what I've found. 491 00:42:43,230 --> 00:42:44,815 Mm-hmm? 492 00:42:44,815 --> 00:42:46,275 You. 493 00:42:46,859 --> 00:42:48,861 Wow. You idiot. 494 00:42:50,445 --> 00:42:52,281 Seriously, what are you looking for? 495 00:42:53,365 --> 00:42:54,908 Uh, if I find it, I'll let you know. 496 00:42:54,908 --> 00:42:57,995 - Get off me... Okay, okay, okay. - Tell me. Tell me. 497 00:42:59,705 --> 00:43:00,873 I think it's a door. 498 00:43:03,166 --> 00:43:04,293 Hmm? 499 00:43:05,169 --> 00:43:06,336 A door? 500 00:43:07,838 --> 00:43:08,964 What do you mean, a door? 501 00:43:09,590 --> 00:43:12,926 Uh. I... I saw it on a... a-an old drawing. 502 00:43:12,926 --> 00:43:15,053 It's at the end of a short tunnel. 503 00:43:15,053 --> 00:43:18,140 W-Well, what's behind it? How do you even know it's real? 504 00:43:18,140 --> 00:43:20,100 Well, I don't know. That's why I need to find it. 505 00:43:20,100 --> 00:43:22,853 It's somewhere down at the bottom. 506 00:43:24,313 --> 00:43:25,647 At the bottom? 507 00:43:26,148 --> 00:43:28,901 There's water. There's water down there. 508 00:43:28,901 --> 00:43:30,819 Why would anyone put a door at the bottom? 509 00:43:30,819 --> 00:43:34,239 - I know that the water scares you. - Yeah, it scares me, George. 510 00:43:34,239 --> 00:43:36,325 'Cause you sink in water and you can't breathe. 511 00:43:36,325 --> 00:43:38,827 What if you... What if you fall off the rope? 512 00:43:38,827 --> 00:43:41,121 What if you can't get back up again? What if... 513 00:43:41,121 --> 00:43:42,372 I'm gonna be careful. 514 00:43:46,168 --> 00:43:47,920 Okay, make me a deal. Um... 515 00:43:49,755 --> 00:43:51,006 if you're gonna go down there, 516 00:43:51,006 --> 00:43:54,801 I, uh... I don't wanna know about it until after. 517 00:43:56,470 --> 00:43:57,596 Okay? 518 00:44:00,140 --> 00:44:01,350 Deal. 519 00:44:02,935 --> 00:44:04,061 Okay. 520 00:45:09,793 --> 00:45:10,794 Okay. 521 00:46:16,193 --> 00:46:18,403 No! 522 00:46:23,325 --> 00:46:24,910 Fuck. 523 00:46:40,000 --> 00:46:45,000 - Synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.MY-SUBS.com -