1 00:00:24,248 --> 00:00:27,589 My heart has been broken for a long time. 2 00:00:27,689 --> 00:00:29,750 I started to make myself vulnerable again, 3 00:00:29,850 --> 00:00:32,271 but I'm scared. 4 00:00:32,371 --> 00:00:35,192 How can I trust myself to make the right decision? 5 00:00:35,292 --> 00:00:37,293 Sincerely, G. 6 00:00:39,373 --> 00:00:41,154 Dear G, 7 00:00:41,254 --> 00:00:43,755 I know that feeling - 8 00:00:43,855 --> 00:00:45,836 when the thing you're trying to protect 9 00:00:45,936 --> 00:00:48,677 is the same thing that's aching. 10 00:00:48,777 --> 00:00:50,877 What's the point of opening yourself up 11 00:00:50,977 --> 00:00:52,978 when it will inevitably lead to pain and hurt? 12 00:00:55,259 --> 00:00:57,200 But it's better to grow old 13 00:00:57,300 --> 00:01:00,041 and die alone in a room full of memories 14 00:01:00,141 --> 00:01:04,762 than to lock yourself away so there's nothing to remember. 15 00:01:04,862 --> 00:01:07,923 Every element of you was made in a star. 16 00:01:08,023 --> 00:01:10,324 We all burst out of this darkness, 17 00:01:10,424 --> 00:01:12,885 and in the grand scheme of things, 18 00:01:12,985 --> 00:01:16,926 we're nothing but a momentary, meaningless blip. 19 00:01:17,026 --> 00:01:19,967 Your heart can again be a star - 20 00:01:20,067 --> 00:01:23,529 a living flame to light the darkness. 21 00:01:23,629 --> 00:01:27,650 We all have the choice to carry the universe in our heart, 22 00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:29,751 or be crushed by it. 23 00:01:32,072 --> 00:01:35,413 So, G, is the universe trying to tell you something? 24 00:01:35,513 --> 00:01:37,333 Dad! 25 00:01:37,433 --> 00:01:39,174 And are you ready to listen? 26 00:01:39,274 --> 00:01:40,855 Dad! 27 00:01:40,955 --> 00:01:42,855 You hit someone. 28 00:01:42,955 --> 00:01:44,456 It's just a coincidence. 29 00:01:44,556 --> 00:01:47,417 What? 30 00:01:47,517 --> 00:01:48,437 It's just a coincidence. 31 00:01:48,517 --> 00:01:50,818 OK! 32 00:01:50,918 --> 00:01:52,919 Doesn't mean anything. It's just a coincidence. 33 00:01:54,039 --> 00:01:56,040 - Fuck! 34 00:02:19,968 --> 00:02:22,429 Um... 35 00:02:22,529 --> 00:02:25,190 -Everyone's OK? -I think I am 36 00:02:46,537 --> 00:02:48,538 Oh, shit. 37 00:02:53,340 --> 00:02:59,302 # Oh, ooh 38 00:03:02,223 --> 00:03:07,705 # Oh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh... # 39 00:03:23,270 --> 00:03:27,091 No, no, no! No. 40 00:03:34,034 --> 00:03:36,034 Get out of my fucking way! 41 00:03:39,636 --> 00:03:41,636 I read Contact. 42 00:03:42,277 --> 00:03:43,937 Five times. 43 00:03:44,037 --> 00:03:46,098 - Wow. - I liked it. 44 00:03:46,198 --> 00:03:48,199 Obviously. 45 00:03:49,399 --> 00:03:50,980 It's a beautiful story. 46 00:03:51,080 --> 00:03:52,700 That's not even his best one. 47 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:54,221 What's that? 48 00:03:54,321 --> 00:03:56,321 The one he wrote with his wife. 49 00:03:58,482 --> 00:04:00,663 - What's it called? - It's not actually a book. 50 00:04:00,763 --> 00:04:03,504 Hey! Hey! Emma, get away from her! 51 00:04:03,604 --> 00:04:06,465 - Why? - It is not safe. 52 00:04:06,565 --> 00:04:08,466 What are you talking about? You're the one who did that. 53 00:04:08,566 --> 00:04:10,106 I am not having this argument right now with you! 54 00:04:10,206 --> 00:04:12,387 - Hey, hey! - What's there to argue about? 55 00:04:12,487 --> 00:04:14,488 Hey! Emma, he's right. I've got to go. 56 00:04:20,210 --> 00:04:21,430 Why don't you watch where you're going? 57 00:04:21,530 --> 00:04:23,531 Yeah? Why don't you eat my dick?! 58 00:04:24,571 --> 00:04:26,392 Fucking hell... 59 00:04:26,492 --> 00:04:28,793 - I'll be back. Emma! - You better be back! 60 00:04:28,893 --> 00:04:30,893 - Or I'll send the boys to break your legs! - Emma! 61 00:04:33,614 --> 00:04:36,035 Sorry about the, uh, accident. 62 00:04:36,135 --> 00:04:37,596 It's OK. Everybody alright in there? 63 00:04:37,696 --> 00:04:40,237 No. No, not really. No. 64 00:04:40,337 --> 00:04:41,637 But at least I didn't kill any Italian people. 65 00:04:41,737 --> 00:04:43,558 That must be a relief. 66 00:04:43,658 --> 00:04:44,878 - Really is. 67 00:04:44,978 --> 00:04:46,959 - Going somewhere? - I was. 68 00:04:47,059 --> 00:04:49,120 Mmm. Taking the chicken with you? 69 00:04:49,220 --> 00:04:52,521 I didn't know what else to do with it. Give it a month. 70 00:04:52,621 --> 00:04:54,442 Well, I believe we already have each other's insurance information, 71 00:04:54,542 --> 00:04:56,122 - so we'll just... - I think we do. 72 00:04:56,222 --> 00:04:58,443 Can we... invite Mary to dinner tonight? 73 00:04:58,543 --> 00:05:00,544 - Why? No. - No. 74 00:05:04,745 --> 00:05:06,366 I brought red. 75 00:05:06,466 --> 00:05:08,466 Already got one open. 76 00:05:14,708 --> 00:05:16,709 Emma did that. 77 00:05:23,472 --> 00:05:25,412 That's a nice dress. 78 00:05:25,512 --> 00:05:26,733 - Thanks. - She bought it. 79 00:05:26,833 --> 00:05:29,013 - Yep. - Today. 80 00:05:29,113 --> 00:05:31,134 - Mm-hm. - After the accident. 81 00:05:31,234 --> 00:05:33,495 Accidents. 82 00:05:33,595 --> 00:05:35,136 Well, I think you look lovely. 83 00:05:35,236 --> 00:05:37,236 And I'm wearing florals too. 84 00:05:39,037 --> 00:05:40,738 Dad's cooking vegan food. 85 00:05:40,838 --> 00:05:42,538 Oh, um, I'm not hungry. 86 00:05:42,638 --> 00:05:44,639 I ate before I got here. 87 00:05:46,119 --> 00:05:48,620 I'm just kidding. 88 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:50,981 Hey, Ems, can you do daddy a favour 89 00:05:51,081 --> 00:05:52,241 and maybe go out to the garden and pick a little basil for me? 90 00:05:52,321 --> 00:05:54,182 - Yeah, sure. - Great. 91 00:05:54,282 --> 00:05:55,783 Also, maybe some parsley? A little thyme. 92 00:05:55,883 --> 00:05:57,883 - OK. - Great. 93 00:06:02,765 --> 00:06:04,626 Did you tell anyone? 94 00:06:04,726 --> 00:06:05,946 What, that you murdered a poor Italian family? 95 00:06:06,046 --> 00:06:07,947 I never said they were poor. 96 00:06:08,047 --> 00:06:09,988 Circumstantially, not socio-economically! 97 00:06:10,088 --> 00:06:12,508 Did you tell anyone about me? 98 00:06:12,608 --> 00:06:14,109 - Is that a threat? - No, it's not a threat. 99 00:06:14,209 --> 00:06:15,870 'Cause it certainly sounded like a threat. 100 00:06:15,970 --> 00:06:16,730 Well, I could have eaten you already. 101 00:06:16,810 --> 00:06:19,431 When you came to my house, 102 00:06:19,531 --> 00:06:21,031 I could quite easily have locked you in the basement. 103 00:06:21,131 --> 00:06:22,792 And you know what? You look fucking delicious. 104 00:06:22,892 --> 00:06:25,593 That's a joke. I don't want to harm you or Emma. 105 00:06:25,693 --> 00:06:27,554 That's why I tried to stay away from you! 106 00:06:27,654 --> 00:06:29,434 Well, you certainly did a really good job of it. 107 00:06:29,534 --> 00:06:31,115 You're the one that came to my house. 108 00:06:31,215 --> 00:06:32,715 You're the one who hit me with your car. 109 00:06:32,815 --> 00:06:35,236 And I only came tonight because she asked me. 110 00:06:35,336 --> 00:06:37,997 - Let me tell you, you'll never see me again! - Good. 111 00:06:38,097 --> 00:06:39,598 Ugh, are you going to tell anyone?! 112 00:06:39,698 --> 00:06:41,518 No! No. 113 00:06:41,618 --> 00:06:43,479 No, I didn't tell anyone, OK? 114 00:06:43,579 --> 00:06:45,080 Can you please stop asking me that? 115 00:06:45,180 --> 00:06:46,440 Good, because you have no fucking idea 116 00:06:46,540 --> 00:06:49,201 how fucked I am if you do. 117 00:06:49,301 --> 00:06:50,221 I have a feeling I might just know how fucked you would be. 118 00:06:50,301 --> 00:06:51,922 Oh, you really do? 119 00:06:52,022 --> 00:06:54,283 You have no fucking idea what it's like 120 00:06:54,383 --> 00:06:56,564 to live isolated away from everyone that you care about. 121 00:06:56,664 --> 00:06:59,845 OK? I never asked you to see who I was. 122 00:06:59,945 --> 00:07:02,086 - Well, I certainly didn't ask... 123 00:07:02,186 --> 00:07:03,686 - Hi! - Hi, baby. 124 00:07:03,786 --> 00:07:05,967 Your table looks amazing. 125 00:07:06,067 --> 00:07:08,248 Great job, baby. Thank you so much. 126 00:07:08,348 --> 00:07:11,129 I was just saying to your dad it looks so nice. 127 00:07:11,229 --> 00:07:13,650 Aw. 128 00:07:13,750 --> 00:07:15,730 Help yourself. 129 00:07:15,830 --> 00:07:17,371 Thanks. I will. 130 00:07:17,471 --> 00:07:19,412 Wait, Dad, have you checked it? 131 00:07:19,512 --> 00:07:21,812 Have I checked IT? 132 00:07:21,912 --> 00:07:24,573 If it's vegan. Most red wines use eggshell. 133 00:07:24,673 --> 00:07:28,455 Eggshell? Like, from chickens? Hmm. 134 00:07:28,555 --> 00:07:29,975 I don't think that'll be a problem. 135 00:07:30,075 --> 00:07:31,056 I don't mind. 136 00:07:31,156 --> 00:07:32,496 Dad. 137 00:07:32,596 --> 00:07:34,597 It's all good. 138 00:07:35,477 --> 00:07:37,478 To chicken wine. 139 00:07:56,244 --> 00:07:58,245 Mmm. 140 00:08:00,406 --> 00:08:02,346 This is yummy. 141 00:08:02,446 --> 00:08:04,447 Dad's a great cook. 142 00:08:09,849 --> 00:08:11,750 We don't usually eat vegan. 143 00:08:11,850 --> 00:08:13,850 That's what makes it... 144 00:08:14,170 --> 00:08:16,171 ..good. 145 00:08:19,492 --> 00:08:22,073 Have you always been vegan? 146 00:08:22,173 --> 00:08:24,314 No, not always. 147 00:08:24,414 --> 00:08:25,514 I still eat meat occasionally. 148 00:08:25,614 --> 00:08:27,615 Why? 149 00:08:32,617 --> 00:08:33,997 Dad said you learnt psychology. 150 00:08:34,097 --> 00:08:36,478 Oh, he did? 151 00:08:36,578 --> 00:08:37,719 She wanted to know something about you, 152 00:08:37,819 --> 00:08:39,819 so I chose to tell her that. 153 00:08:42,820 --> 00:08:44,761 Do you have any people that come and see you? 154 00:08:44,861 --> 00:08:46,862 No, they don't. 155 00:08:48,742 --> 00:08:50,323 Yeah. Um, that would be tricky. 156 00:08:50,423 --> 00:08:53,484 Why? 157 00:08:53,584 --> 00:08:57,005 Uh, just after my degree, I wasn't... 158 00:08:57,105 --> 00:08:59,606 I wasn't able. 159 00:08:59,706 --> 00:09:01,707 What happened? 160 00:09:03,347 --> 00:09:06,409 Um... 161 00:09:06,509 --> 00:09:09,410 You know, I now get to write for a much bigger audience, 162 00:09:09,510 --> 00:09:10,770 for websites. 163 00:09:10,870 --> 00:09:13,771 What sort of websites? 164 00:09:13,871 --> 00:09:16,292 Like an advice column that goes to a bunch of websites. 165 00:09:16,392 --> 00:09:17,893 So I'm still helping people. 166 00:09:17,993 --> 00:09:20,053 - Is that fun? - Yeah. 167 00:09:20,153 --> 00:09:21,814 It's actually a great way 168 00:09:21,914 --> 00:09:23,014 to get to know more about yourself. 169 00:09:23,114 --> 00:09:25,115 Mmm. 170 00:09:32,117 --> 00:09:34,118 Did Dad tell you I've been going to a psychiatrist? 171 00:09:35,839 --> 00:09:37,739 Um... 172 00:09:37,839 --> 00:09:39,840 How are you finding it? 173 00:09:40,720 --> 00:09:42,721 It's OK, I guess. 174 00:09:44,562 --> 00:09:46,562 Is it, um... Is it helpful? 175 00:09:48,803 --> 00:09:50,744 I still get sad. 176 00:09:50,844 --> 00:09:53,025 Yeah. Well, we all get sad sometimes. 177 00:09:53,125 --> 00:09:55,666 Um... 178 00:09:55,766 --> 00:09:58,827 - Do you feel safe? - What do you mean? 179 00:09:58,927 --> 00:10:00,907 Well, do you feel like, um... 180 00:10:01,007 --> 00:10:03,148 You know, you can trust 181 00:10:03,248 --> 00:10:05,709 the person that you're sharing with? 182 00:10:05,809 --> 00:10:08,310 Like he won't tell anyone what I'm saying? 183 00:10:08,410 --> 00:10:11,791 No, like, do you trust them, to be vulnerable in front of them? 184 00:10:11,891 --> 00:10:13,392 Do you feel like you could talk to them about anything? 185 00:10:13,492 --> 00:10:14,672 She doesn't talk to anyone. 186 00:10:14,772 --> 00:10:16,773 Dad! 187 00:10:18,413 --> 00:10:20,394 Where did you find them? 188 00:10:20,494 --> 00:10:22,035 I don't need advice on my parenting choices. 189 00:10:22,135 --> 00:10:24,996 She has a degree in psychology. 190 00:10:25,096 --> 00:10:26,876 An undergraduate degree. Trevor came highly recommended. 191 00:10:26,976 --> 00:10:30,117 Mmm. 192 00:10:30,217 --> 00:10:33,599 Well, maybe it's just not a good fit for you right now. 193 00:10:33,699 --> 00:10:36,640 He keeps on getting me to try these different pills. 194 00:10:36,740 --> 00:10:38,200 They don't really make me feel good. 195 00:10:38,300 --> 00:10:40,521 Right. Yeah. 196 00:10:40,621 --> 00:10:43,202 And sometimes we have these big feelings 197 00:10:43,302 --> 00:10:45,523 and we don't know what to do with them. 198 00:10:45,623 --> 00:10:47,523 But if you find the right person to talk to, 199 00:10:47,623 --> 00:10:50,204 then it can help you understand them. 200 00:10:50,304 --> 00:10:51,965 Maybe she could lock herself in a basement 201 00:10:52,065 --> 00:10:53,125 with a bag of meat and some chickens. 202 00:10:53,225 --> 00:10:54,286 Dad, stop being weird. 203 00:10:54,786 --> 00:10:56,406 You need to feel safe, 204 00:10:56,506 --> 00:10:58,647 so you can be vulnerable. 205 00:10:58,747 --> 00:11:01,168 In the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure 206 00:11:01,268 --> 00:11:03,129 if you're the right person to be handing out advice. 207 00:11:03,229 --> 00:11:05,229 - She's trying to help. - We are all trying to help, Emma! 208 00:11:29,718 --> 00:11:31,719 Emma? 209 00:11:32,679 --> 00:11:34,680 You can come in. 210 00:11:37,320 --> 00:11:39,321 I just wanted to say goodbye. 211 00:11:44,843 --> 00:11:46,624 My mum gave it to me, 212 00:11:46,724 --> 00:11:50,145 if you think I'm too old to have one. 213 00:11:50,245 --> 00:11:52,026 I still sleep with my husband's teddy. 214 00:11:52,126 --> 00:11:54,747 Really? 215 00:11:54,847 --> 00:11:56,847 He died a really long time ago. 216 00:11:59,728 --> 00:12:01,909 Oh, wow! 217 00:12:02,009 --> 00:12:04,830 - I fixed it. - Huh. 218 00:12:04,930 --> 00:12:07,271 It's better than before. 219 00:12:07,371 --> 00:12:09,372 It's a lot better than the last time I saw it. 220 00:12:12,373 --> 00:12:15,994 - What's that story? - What story? 221 00:12:16,094 --> 00:12:18,155 The one about Carl Sagan that he wrote with his wife. 222 00:12:18,255 --> 00:12:20,035 Yes. The story of the golden record. 223 00:12:20,135 --> 00:12:22,136 Record? 224 00:12:22,236 --> 00:12:25,577 A vinyl music record, except made out of gold. 225 00:12:26,177 --> 00:12:28,178 It was shot into space a really long time ago. 226 00:12:31,779 --> 00:12:35,401 So NASA compiled all these images and sounds and music, 227 00:12:35,501 --> 00:12:38,642 in case an alien civilisation ever found it 228 00:12:38,742 --> 00:12:41,043 and tried to work out who we are. 229 00:12:41,143 --> 00:12:44,884 And it was up to Carl Sagan to decide what went on it. 230 00:12:44,984 --> 00:12:47,965 So he put pictures of animals and architecture and food, 231 00:12:48,065 --> 00:12:53,487 and music like Chuck Berry and Bach and Mozart and Beethoven 232 00:12:53,587 --> 00:12:56,208 and tribal music and electronic music and classical music. 233 00:12:56,308 --> 00:12:58,529 And there's even a wedding song from Peru. 234 00:12:58,629 --> 00:13:05,211 But the most important thing came from his wife, Ann Druyan. 235 00:13:05,311 --> 00:13:07,732 Now, she was on his team, 236 00:13:07,832 --> 00:13:09,893 but they weren't married when they began working together. 237 00:13:09,993 --> 00:13:12,653 But it's when they fell in love. 238 00:13:12,753 --> 00:13:16,935 And she found a piece of music that was 2,000 years old. 239 00:13:17,035 --> 00:13:18,295 And when she rang him up to tell him, 240 00:13:18,395 --> 00:13:21,176 they got engaged on the phone. 241 00:13:21,276 --> 00:13:22,597 Must have been a pretty amazing piece of music, huh? 242 00:13:22,677 --> 00:13:25,018 Yeah. 243 00:13:25,118 --> 00:13:27,339 So the next day, after the phone call, 244 00:13:27,439 --> 00:13:28,859 Ann had an idea of something else 245 00:13:28,959 --> 00:13:30,740 that should go on the record. 246 00:13:30,840 --> 00:13:32,040 They could measure the electrical impulses 247 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:33,461 of a human brain 248 00:13:33,561 --> 00:13:35,341 and turn it into sound. 249 00:13:35,441 --> 00:13:37,702 So Ann meditated, 250 00:13:37,802 --> 00:13:39,383 and they recorded the sounds of her brain. 251 00:13:39,483 --> 00:13:41,543 And during that meditation, 252 00:13:41,643 --> 00:13:43,624 she thought about the man she loved, 253 00:13:43,724 --> 00:13:46,025 and now there's a record of her and Carl's love 254 00:13:46,125 --> 00:13:48,126 echoing its way across the universe. 255 00:13:56,529 --> 00:13:59,410 My mum told my dad that she wanted him to be happy. 256 00:14:03,011 --> 00:14:05,952 Before she died of cancer, 257 00:14:06,052 --> 00:14:08,053 she said that she wanted my dad to find love again. 258 00:14:10,854 --> 00:14:12,854 My aunty told me that. 259 00:14:14,295 --> 00:14:16,035 Do you like talking to your aunt? 260 00:14:16,135 --> 00:14:18,396 Yeah. 261 00:14:18,496 --> 00:14:20,497 I bet she likes talking to you. 262 00:14:29,580 --> 00:14:31,581 I'm going to leave you now. 263 00:14:47,906 --> 00:14:51,808 Emma, I, uh... 264 00:14:51,908 --> 00:14:54,188 Hey, I wasn't sure I was going to give you this. 265 00:15:01,271 --> 00:15:03,412 - We don't have a CD player. - We do in the car. 266 00:15:03,512 --> 00:15:06,413 - We do? - You never used it. 267 00:15:06,513 --> 00:15:08,513 Listen to track 4. It's how your dad feels about you. 268 00:15:15,116 --> 00:15:18,657 Hey, sweetie, when, uh, when did Aunty Sarah tell you that? 269 00:15:18,757 --> 00:15:20,498 - What? - About what your mom said. 270 00:15:20,598 --> 00:15:23,018 When did she tell you that? 271 00:15:23,118 --> 00:15:25,119 You said that I could talk to her about anything. 272 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:28,660 She told me this morning. 273 00:15:28,760 --> 00:15:30,821 Why? 274 00:15:30,921 --> 00:15:32,422 Hey! Where do you think you're going? 275 00:15:32,522 --> 00:15:34,522 To the car. 276 00:15:41,645 --> 00:15:44,066 Hey! 277 00:15:44,166 --> 00:15:46,627 Don't worry, I'm going for good! 278 00:15:46,727 --> 00:15:48,467 Where? 279 00:15:48,567 --> 00:15:50,568 I haven't worked it out yet. 280 00:15:52,369 --> 00:15:54,469 Do you have any idea 281 00:15:54,569 --> 00:15:57,951 how confusing this entire situation is? 282 00:15:58,051 --> 00:16:00,111 I mean... 283 00:16:00,211 --> 00:16:02,232 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I felt that 284 00:16:02,332 --> 00:16:05,273 there was a real connection between the two of us. 285 00:16:05,373 --> 00:16:07,754 And Emma - Emma said more to you this evening 286 00:16:07,854 --> 00:16:09,855 than she has to anyone in... 287 00:16:12,095 --> 00:16:13,236 But I watched you eat a live chicken 288 00:16:13,336 --> 00:16:15,337 and an entire goat. 289 00:16:17,337 --> 00:16:19,338 Nobody's perfect. 290 00:16:21,979 --> 00:16:23,920 Uh... 291 00:16:24,020 --> 00:16:26,020 Just... 292 00:17:02,212 --> 00:17:03,033 Gary? 293 00:17:03,132 --> 00:17:04,813 Hey, Sarah. 294 00:17:04,913 --> 00:17:06,574 Is everything OK? 295 00:17:06,674 --> 00:17:08,675 Uh... 296 00:17:09,794 --> 00:17:11,975 What's happened? 297 00:17:12,075 --> 00:17:14,336 Nothing. Nothing. 298 00:17:14,437 --> 00:17:16,457 Um, don't worry. Everything is fine. 299 00:17:16,557 --> 00:17:19,258 I think. 300 00:17:19,358 --> 00:17:21,419 What are you doing? 301 00:17:21,519 --> 00:17:24,340 I'm just watching some shitty romance thing. 302 00:17:24,439 --> 00:17:28,622 - Could I ask you a favour? - Of course. 303 00:17:28,722 --> 00:17:30,722 Could I possibly drop Emma off at your place, for a bit? 304 00:17:32,403 --> 00:17:34,144 Are you OK? 305 00:17:34,244 --> 00:17:36,464 Yeah. 306 00:17:36,564 --> 00:17:38,564 I just need to figure something out. 307 00:17:39,485 --> 00:17:42,265 Is she OK? 308 00:17:47,167 --> 00:17:48,789 She's been listening to the same song on repeat 309 00:17:48,889 --> 00:17:50,629 for the last hour. 310 00:17:50,729 --> 00:17:52,729 What are you talking about? 311 00:17:57,292 --> 00:17:59,292 Gary? 312 00:18:34,544 --> 00:18:36,544 I'm not perfect either. 313 00:19:38,046 --> 00:19:40,867 # Don't care 'bout what you do 314 00:19:40,966 --> 00:19:43,588 # Don't care 'bout what you done 315 00:19:43,687 --> 00:19:46,428 # Don't care 'bout who you knew 316 00:19:46,528 --> 00:19:49,310 # Don't make you anyone 317 00:19:49,410 --> 00:19:52,511 # Don't care how much you got 318 00:19:52,611 --> 00:19:55,191 # Don't care how much you make 319 00:19:55,292 --> 00:19:58,432 # Don't talk 'bout what you're not 320 00:19:58,533 --> 00:20:00,874 # Don't play the record straight 321 00:20:00,974 --> 00:20:03,035 # No need to put a front 322 00:20:03,135 --> 00:20:06,035 # No need to lay it on 323 00:20:06,136 --> 00:20:09,117 # Say people are too hard, tryin' to get it 324 00:20:09,216 --> 00:20:12,557 # Tryin' to get it wrong 325 00:20:12,658 --> 00:20:15,479 # You say you got a ride 326 00:20:15,579 --> 00:20:18,200 # You got a stack of bills 327 00:20:18,300 --> 00:20:21,200 # You say you got your pride 328 00:20:21,301 --> 00:20:24,122 # You got your happy pills 329 00:20:24,222 --> 00:20:27,162 # You say you got your gold 330 00:20:27,263 --> 00:20:30,004 # You say you're rich and well 331 00:20:30,104 --> 00:20:32,205 # You say your body's old 332 00:20:32,305 --> 00:20:35,046 # But you got the magic spell 333 00:20:35,146 --> 00:20:37,807 # Well, no need to put a front 334 00:20:37,907 --> 00:20:41,008 # No need to lay it on 335 00:20:41,108 --> 00:20:43,849 # Say people are too hard, tryin' to get it 336 00:20:43,948 --> 00:20:47,530 # Tryin' to get it wrong 337 00:20:47,629 --> 00:20:50,211 # People are too hard, tryin' to get it 338 00:20:50,311 --> 00:20:52,312 # Tryin' to get it wrong, yeah... #