1 00:00:40,332 --> 00:00:42,372 Hey. Salut. 2 00:00:42,542 --> 00:00:44,662 You're home early. T'es rentrée tôt. 3 00:00:45,219 --> 00:00:46,872 Yes. Oui. 4 00:00:46,892 --> 00:00:49,435 I thought you were showing a house today. Je croyais que tu faisais visiter une maison. 5 00:00:49,455 --> 00:00:51,672 I canceled it. J'ai annulé. 6 00:00:53,162 --> 00:00:55,327 Um. Is everything okay? Tout va bien ? 7 00:00:56,329 --> 00:00:58,182 It will be. Je crois. 8 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:00,833 I hope. J'espère. 9 00:01:02,435 --> 00:01:04,502 Did something happen to Anna? Un problème avec Anna ? 10 00:01:04,522 --> 00:01:06,906 No, she's fine. Non, elle va bien. 11 00:01:08,741 --> 00:01:10,732 So... Donc 12 00:01:11,377 --> 00:01:13,482 What's going on? que se passe-t-il ? 13 00:01:13,532 --> 00:01:16,032 I know about you and Vivienne. Je sais pour toi et Vivienne. 14 00:01:17,117 --> 00:01:19,117 Who? Qui ça ? 15 00:01:38,012 --> 00:01:41,222 - I can explain. - I don't want to hear your explanation. - Je peux tout expliquer. - Je veux rien entendre. 16 00:01:41,242 --> 00:01:43,675 I want you to listen to me. Je veux que tu m'écoutes. 17 00:01:45,045 --> 00:01:46,812 Sit down. Assieds-toi. 18 00:01:59,952 --> 00:02:03,110 You know, this is not what it looks like. C'est pas ce que tu crois. 19 00:02:03,130 --> 00:02:04,772 Sure it is. Bien sûr que si. 20 00:02:04,792 --> 00:02:08,852 You've been fucking a woman named Vivienne. T'as baisé une certaine Vivienne. 21 00:02:08,872 --> 00:02:13,142 She's one of your creative writing students. Une de tes étudiantes en création littéraire. 22 00:02:14,592 --> 00:02:16,922 Does she know you're married? Elle sait que t'es marié ? 23 00:02:17,644 --> 00:02:19,822 I'm so fucking sorry. Je suis désolé. 24 00:02:19,842 --> 00:02:22,512 I'm gonna make this easy on you. Je vais te faciliter les choses. 25 00:02:22,552 --> 00:02:25,142 I'm not divorcing you. Je ne divorcerai pas. 26 00:02:28,272 --> 00:02:32,422 I love our family and I love the life that we've built J'aime notre famille et la vie que nous avons bâtie, 27 00:02:32,442 --> 00:02:35,209 and I'm not throwing it away. pas question d'abandonner ça. 28 00:02:35,229 --> 00:02:36,911 We can get therapy. On peut suivre une thérapie. 29 00:02:36,931 --> 00:02:38,312 First, Tout d'abord, 30 00:02:38,332 --> 00:02:40,592 you will never see Vivienne again. tu ne reverras plus jamais Vivienne. 31 00:02:40,612 --> 00:02:43,483 Other than to tell her that it's over. Sauf pour lui dire que c'est terminé. 32 00:02:43,503 --> 00:02:44,262 - Of course. - Second... Bien sûr. 33 00:02:44,282 --> 00:02:46,287 Ensuite 34 00:02:46,307 --> 00:02:50,252 Neither of us will mention this to Anna. aucun de nous deux n'en parlera à Anna. 35 00:02:52,132 --> 00:02:54,522 Well, I agree with that. Eh bien, ça me va. 36 00:02:54,542 --> 00:02:59,452 Third, we're going on a vacation. Et enfin, on part en vacances. 37 00:02:59,552 --> 00:03:02,502 - A what? - A family vacation. - Quoi ? - Des vacances en famille. 38 00:03:02,522 --> 00:03:05,757 You, me and Anna. Toi, moi et Anna. 39 00:03:07,428 --> 00:03:10,622 - Okay. - Our life, our... family, - OK. - Notre vie, notre famille. 40 00:03:10,642 --> 00:03:15,067 it means more to me than anything in the world. Ça compte plus que tout au monde à mes yeux. 41 00:03:15,369 --> 00:03:17,232 Me too. Pour moi aussi. 42 00:03:17,338 --> 00:03:19,032 Now... À présent 43 00:03:19,907 --> 00:03:25,072 Go pick up Anna from soccer practice, please. va récupérer Anna après son football, s'il te plaît. 44 00:03:57,112 --> 00:04:04,202 LA MAISON DU BAYOU 45 00:04:27,972 --> 00:04:30,162 I still don't understand why I have to come with you guys. Je pige toujours pas pourquoi je dois venir. 46 00:04:30,182 --> 00:04:34,279 'Cause you're too young to leave at home. T'es trop jeune pour rester seule à la maison. 47 00:04:34,647 --> 00:04:37,632 Are we almost there? It's a surprise. - On arrive bientôt ? - C'est une surprise. 48 00:04:37,652 --> 00:04:40,633 You know how I can tell you picked this place - and not dad? - Hmm? Tu sais comment je devine que c'est ton idée ? 49 00:04:40,653 --> 00:04:42,602 Because it's hot, it's in the middle of nowhere Parce qu'il fait chaud, c'est au milieu de nulle part 50 00:04:42,622 --> 00:04:44,038 and it's boring. et c'est chiant. 51 00:04:44,058 --> 00:04:46,539 You know what they say, honey. "There are no boring places. Tu connais le proverbe, chérie. 52 00:04:46,559 --> 00:04:47,102 - Only boring people." - "Boring people." "Ce n'est pas le lieu, qui est ennuyeux. 53 00:04:47,122 --> 00:04:49,109 - Mais les gens." - "Les gens." 54 00:04:49,129 --> 00:04:50,277 That's right. Exact. 55 00:04:50,297 --> 00:04:53,162 You know, if I were her age, I wouldn't really wanna spend Si j'avais son âge, 56 00:04:53,233 --> 00:04:55,022 a week out here either. ça me soûlerait aussi de passer une semaine ici. 57 00:04:55,042 --> 00:04:57,152 Well, thanks for humoring me then. Super, merci de faire ça pour moi. 58 00:04:57,172 --> 00:05:02,632 No, I didn't mean it like that. I just... I'm sure you did. - Non, je voulais pas dire ça - Mais si. 59 00:05:04,044 --> 00:05:06,044 Hey. 60 00:05:06,313 --> 00:05:08,682 I... I'm trying. Je fais des efforts. 61 00:05:09,149 --> 00:05:11,102 Try harder. Fais-en davantage. 62 00:05:17,357 --> 00:05:19,691 Whoa. 63 00:05:22,930 --> 00:05:25,730 Wait until you see the pool. Attends de voir la piscine. 64 00:05:46,120 --> 00:05:48,072 Holy shit. Putain ! 65 00:05:48,092 --> 00:05:49,412 Language. Ton langage. 66 00:05:49,432 --> 00:05:53,140 No, but I mean, get real, dad. This place is huge. Non, sérieux, papa. Cette baraque est énorme. 67 00:05:53,160 --> 00:05:54,707 This is really where we're staying? On va vraiment rester ici ? 68 00:05:54,727 --> 00:05:57,044 I've been talking about coming here for months. Je t'en ai parlé pendant des mois. 69 00:05:57,064 --> 00:06:00,172 I even showed it to you online and said I wanted to visit. Je te l'ai même montrée sur Internet, je voulais la visiter. 70 00:06:00,192 --> 00:06:03,250 - You don't remember, do you? - Uh. Um. T'as oublié, pas vrai ? 71 00:06:03,270 --> 00:06:04,684 Yeah, well, Je vois. 72 00:06:04,704 --> 00:06:08,789 the owner's selling it and hired my agency to handle the details. It goes on the market in a month. Le propriétaire la vend, mon agence gère la transaction. 73 00:06:08,809 --> 00:06:12,826 In the meantime, they're letting us stay. They've been using it as a rental. Elle sera sur le marché dans un mois. En attendant, on peut l'occuper. 74 00:06:12,846 --> 00:06:13,062 I told you that too, but you don't remember. Elle était en location. 75 00:06:13,082 --> 00:06:16,452 Je te l'ai dit aussi, mais t'as oublié. 76 00:06:17,683 --> 00:06:20,312 Who'd own a house like this way out here? Qui peut bien posséder une maison pareille ici ? 77 00:06:20,332 --> 00:06:23,337 Someone very rich and very tired of other people. Quelqu'un de très riche et très fatigué de ses semblables. 78 00:06:23,357 --> 00:06:25,357 Get the bags. Va chercher les sacs. 79 00:06:53,353 --> 00:06:55,369 It's beautiful. Magnifique. 80 00:06:55,389 --> 00:06:58,057 Not so boring now, is it? Pas si chiant que ça, hein ? 81 00:06:58,225 --> 00:07:01,232 Is the person selling this house really old or something? C'est un vieux qui vend cette maison ? 82 00:07:01,252 --> 00:07:04,578 To be honest, I don't know who owns this house. Pour être franche, j'ignore tout du propriétaire. 83 00:07:04,598 --> 00:07:08,182 It's part of a trust. Two hundred acres of land. Ça fait partie du marché. Quatre-vingt hectares de terre. 84 00:07:08,202 --> 00:07:09,952 Everything was done through an intermediary. They specifically asked me to handle the listing. Tout a été traité via un intermédiaire. 85 00:07:09,972 --> 00:07:13,892 On m'a juste demandé de m'occuper de l'annonce. 86 00:07:14,875 --> 00:07:16,852 Come on, tub tub. Viens là, Tub Tub. 87 00:07:17,344 --> 00:07:19,612 Hi, baby. Coucou, mon chou. 88 00:07:19,772 --> 00:07:23,363 Don't let tub tub loose outside. There are coyotes here. Ne le laisse pas traîner dehors, à cause des coyotes. 89 00:07:23,383 --> 00:07:24,842 Oh, can I pick my own bedroom? Je peux choisir ma chambre ? 90 00:07:24,862 --> 00:07:27,320 Sure. They're upstairs. Oui. Va voir à l'étage. 91 00:07:27,362 --> 00:07:29,288 What now? Quoi, encore ? 92 00:07:33,293 --> 00:07:36,772 I need to set up the camera for the virtual tour. Je dois installer les caméras pour la visite virtuelle. 93 00:07:36,792 --> 00:07:39,165 Sorry about the floor. Désolé pour le parquet. 94 00:07:58,812 --> 00:08:01,254 Jesus Christ. Bon sang. 95 00:08:03,522 --> 00:08:05,942 I could use a drink. Je boirais bien un verre. 96 00:08:11,072 --> 00:08:13,280 There's a store about 20 miles up the road. Il y a une épicerie, à 30 kilomètres. 97 00:08:13,300 --> 00:08:15,334 I saw a sign. J'ai vu un panneau. 98 00:08:18,805 --> 00:08:21,989 We can get groceries and wine. On pourrait faire des courses, et prendre du vin. 99 00:08:22,009 --> 00:08:26,426 I was thinking of cooking veal cutlets tonight. Je pensais cuisiner des côtelettes de veau, ce soir. 100 00:08:26,446 --> 00:08:28,962 Or I could grill burgers. Ou je peux faire des grillades. 101 00:08:29,449 --> 00:08:31,762 Anna and I hate veal. Anna et moi, on déteste le veau. 102 00:08:36,356 --> 00:08:38,352 Great. Super. 103 00:08:40,661 --> 00:08:43,232 Veal cutlets it is. Alors, ce sera du veau. 104 00:08:48,312 --> 00:08:50,717 You know, just 'cause I messed up, don't be spiteful. J'ai merdé, OK, mais fais pas ta peau de vache. 105 00:08:50,737 --> 00:08:52,552 Oh. 106 00:08:52,572 --> 00:08:55,032 I'm being spiteful? Moi, une peau de vache ? 107 00:09:01,202 --> 00:09:05,350 I really don't know what the rules are anymore. Je ne sais plus quelles sont les règles. 108 00:09:10,212 --> 00:09:12,673 Well, it was your idea to come here. C'était ton idée, de venir ici. 109 00:09:12,693 --> 00:09:14,992 And you're lucky because the other option's divorce Estime-toi heureux, sinon c'était le divorce, 110 00:09:15,012 --> 00:09:17,844 and I don't think that'd work out too well for you. et je pense pas que t'en serais sorti gagnant. 111 00:09:17,864 --> 00:09:19,913 Yeah, you would take Anna and the money. Ouais, t'aurais gardé Anna et le fric. 112 00:09:19,933 --> 00:09:21,662 - I've heard the threats before. - Then they must be true. Je connais ce genre de menaces. 113 00:09:21,682 --> 00:09:23,932 Alors ça doit être vrai. 114 00:09:26,139 --> 00:09:28,174 I hate this. Je déteste ça. 115 00:09:29,576 --> 00:09:31,576 Same. Pareil. 116 00:09:34,572 --> 00:09:37,631 You know what? I need a drink too. J'ai besoin d'un verre, moi aussi. 117 00:09:37,651 --> 00:09:39,662 Go get food and wine. Va acheter la bouffe et le vin. 118 00:09:43,924 --> 00:09:47,522 Anna, come on. Mom wants us to run an errand. Anna, viens là. Maman nous envoie faire des courses. 119 00:09:47,542 --> 00:09:51,511 - Oh, come on, I'm having fun. - Yeah, I know. - Oh, non. Je m'amusais ! - Oui, je sais. 120 00:09:51,531 --> 00:09:53,552 Yeah, here. Tiens. 121 00:10:04,444 --> 00:10:06,512 Need a little help. J'ai besoin d'aide. 122 00:10:16,782 --> 00:10:21,702 APPÂTS ET MATÉRIEL DE PÊCHE BIÈRE FRAÎCHE 123 00:10:45,919 --> 00:10:50,122 Wow. 124 00:10:53,152 --> 00:10:56,009 Looks like we're the city slickers around here. On a l'air de snobinards, ici. 125 00:10:56,029 --> 00:10:59,731 We're city slickers everywhere, dad. On est des snobinards partout, papa. 126 00:11:03,742 --> 00:11:06,119 - What? You're not gonna help me shop? - Sorry, dad. - Quoi, tu vas pas m'aider ? - Désolée. 127 00:11:06,139 --> 00:11:08,321 Vintage fashion magazines are more interesting. Les vieux magazines de mode, c'est plus intéressant. 128 00:11:08,341 --> 00:11:13,372 - Oh. - What do you want me to do? Okay. - Tu veux que je fasse quoi ? - OK. 129 00:11:19,922 --> 00:11:24,262 CÔTELETTES DE VEAU 130 00:11:47,314 --> 00:11:49,315 Hey. 131 00:11:49,583 --> 00:11:51,472 What you reading? Tu lis quoi ? 132 00:11:51,685 --> 00:11:53,622 Nothing. Rien. 133 00:11:54,588 --> 00:11:56,542 Where you from? Tu viens d'où ? 134 00:11:56,891 --> 00:11:58,922 Houston. Houston. 135 00:11:59,593 --> 00:12:02,012 Wow. That far? Ouah. De si loin ? 136 00:12:05,472 --> 00:12:07,566 My name's Isaac. Je m'appelle Isaac. 137 00:12:09,636 --> 00:12:11,562 I'm Anna. Moi, c'est Anna. 138 00:12:12,506 --> 00:12:16,882 You know what, Anna? You look a lot like my ex-girlfriend. Tu sais quoi, Anna ? Tu ressembles beaucoup à mon ex. 139 00:12:16,902 --> 00:12:19,092 - I do? - Yeah. - Sérieux ? - Ouais. 140 00:12:19,112 --> 00:12:21,313 Way cuter, though. Mais, en plus jolie. 141 00:12:24,702 --> 00:12:27,902 Where are you and your dad staying? I saw you come in with him. Vous créchez où, toi et ton père ? Je t'ai vue arriver avec lui. 142 00:12:27,922 --> 00:12:30,082 My mom's here with us too. On est avec ma mère, aussi. 143 00:12:30,858 --> 00:12:33,002 They're not getting along. Ils s'entendent pas trop. 144 00:12:33,460 --> 00:12:34,812 They mean to you? Ils te font du mal ? 145 00:12:34,832 --> 00:12:37,082 No. They're fine. Non. Ils sont cool. 146 00:12:38,382 --> 00:12:41,782 Um. We're staying at this big, old house on the water On s'est installés dans cette grosse baraque sur l'eau, 147 00:12:41,802 --> 00:12:44,103 in the middle of nowhere. en pleine cambrousse. 148 00:12:44,237 --> 00:12:47,654 I think I know it. Uh. About 20 miles east? Je connais. C'est à 30 bornes à l'est ? 149 00:12:47,674 --> 00:12:49,892 Yeah, I think so. My dad drove. Ouais, je crois. 150 00:12:51,979 --> 00:12:53,682 So... C'est mon père qui a conduit. Donc 151 00:12:54,648 --> 00:12:56,522 How old are you? T'as quel âge ? 152 00:12:56,616 --> 00:12:58,562 I'm almost 15. Bientôt 15 ans. 153 00:12:58,953 --> 00:13:02,402 Really? You look a lot older. Vraiment ? T'as l'air plus mûre. 154 00:13:03,782 --> 00:13:05,702 99 ASTUCES POUR L'EXCITER 155 00:13:09,452 --> 00:13:12,479 We should get some ice cream sometime. On ira se prendre une glace, un jour. 156 00:13:12,499 --> 00:13:15,367 I'm 18. I'll drive. J'ai 18 ans. Je conduirai. 157 00:13:30,017 --> 00:13:31,912 - Who were you talking to? - Hmm? À qui tu parlais ? 158 00:13:31,932 --> 00:13:33,801 You making friends over there? Tu te faisais des amis ? 159 00:13:33,821 --> 00:13:35,855 Shut up. La ferme. 160 00:13:38,025 --> 00:13:41,272 - Register's broken. - Uh-huh. La caisse est HS. 161 00:13:43,597 --> 00:13:46,882 Hey. You wanna help me bag these things up? Bon, tu m'aides à emballer tout ça ? 162 00:13:46,902 --> 00:13:48,901 Yeah. Ouais. 163 00:13:50,242 --> 00:13:52,752 You know, your mom said you'd like it here. Ta mère a dit que tu te plairais, ici. 164 00:13:52,772 --> 00:13:55,188 Didn't she also say to get veal? Elle a dit aussi d'acheter du veau, non ? 165 00:13:55,208 --> 00:13:57,162 Well, they didn't have any. Ils n'en n'ont pas. 166 00:14:01,252 --> 00:14:04,092 Oh, look at this. Hé, vise-moi ça. 167 00:14:04,417 --> 00:14:06,934 Pop rocks. Those are nasty. - Du sucre pétillant. - C'est dégueu. 168 00:14:06,954 --> 00:14:08,952 What are you talking about? You used to love these things. Yeah, when I was like ten. Qu'est-ce que tu racontes ? T'as toujours adoré ça. 169 00:14:08,972 --> 00:14:11,438 Ouais, quand j'avais dix ans. 170 00:14:11,458 --> 00:14:13,673 - Come on, dad. - Hey, you know what? - Non, papa. - Vous savez quoi ? 171 00:14:13,693 --> 00:14:15,609 Add those. Ajoutez ça. 172 00:14:15,629 --> 00:14:17,243 All right. D'accord. 173 00:14:17,263 --> 00:14:21,414 Comes to 58 dollars and six cents. Ça nous fait 58,06 dollars. 174 00:14:21,434 --> 00:14:23,442 That is 60. En voilà 60. 175 00:14:23,603 --> 00:14:25,482 Keep the change. Gardez la monnaie. 176 00:14:28,475 --> 00:14:30,156 Thank you. Merci. 177 00:14:30,176 --> 00:14:32,578 Oh, here, you got it. Tiens, attrape ça. 178 00:14:41,221 --> 00:14:43,389 Dad, you okay? Papa, ça va ? 179 00:14:46,994 --> 00:14:49,161 Um. LE DIABLE VOUS OBSERVE 180 00:14:50,330 --> 00:14:53,313 Did that old guy seem odd to you? Ce vieux type, il t'a pas paru bizarre ? 181 00:14:53,333 --> 00:14:55,762 No, I don't think so. Why? Non, pas vraiment. Pourquoi ? 182 00:14:55,782 --> 00:14:58,622 Maybe there's somewhere closer to the house we can shop. On trouvera peut-être une épicerie plus proche de la maison. 183 00:14:58,642 --> 00:15:02,202 Oh, I don't mind if we have to come back here. Ça me dérangerait pas de revenir ici. 184 00:15:21,896 --> 00:15:24,192 - Dad. - Yeah? - I got a weird question. - Shoot. - Papa. - Oui ? 185 00:15:24,212 --> 00:15:28,181 - J'ai une question tordue. - Vas-y. 186 00:15:28,201 --> 00:15:31,986 Is everything okay with you and mom? Tout va bien, entre toi et maman ? 187 00:15:32,006 --> 00:15:33,753 Okay in what way? Bien dans quel sens ? 188 00:15:33,773 --> 00:15:35,582 Don't do that. Arrête. 189 00:15:35,602 --> 00:15:38,172 - Don't... - Don't deflect. That's what mom does. Can you just be honest? Détourne pas la conversation, comme maman. 190 00:15:38,192 --> 00:15:40,232 Tu peux être honnête ? 191 00:15:41,182 --> 00:15:42,832 Marriage is really hard work. And sometimes, it doesn't go in the direction you hoped. Un mariage, ça demande des efforts, 192 00:15:42,852 --> 00:15:47,692 et parfois, ça ne va pas dans la direction souhaitée. 193 00:15:47,862 --> 00:15:49,703 - Are you guys getting a divorce? - No. Vous allez divorcer ? 194 00:15:49,723 --> 00:15:51,842 - No. No, no, no. - Don't have to freak out. - Non, non. - Arrête de flipper. 195 00:15:51,862 --> 00:15:53,932 - It's fine. I don't care. - Who's freaking out? It's just, like, all my friends' parents are divorced. - Ça va. Je m'en fiche. - Je flippe ? 196 00:15:53,952 --> 00:15:56,242 Tous les parents de mes amis ont divorcé. 197 00:15:56,262 --> 00:15:57,352 - Listen. - It's not a big deal. - Écoute. - C'est rien. 198 00:15:57,372 --> 00:15:59,780 - I... - Let's not think like that, okay? Ne pense pas comme ça, OK ? 199 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:01,500 Well... Eh bien 200 00:16:02,172 --> 00:16:04,118 I love you both. Je vous aime tous les deux. 201 00:16:04,138 --> 00:16:06,822 - I just want you to know. - Good. - Je veux que vous le sachiez. - Bien. 202 00:16:06,842 --> 00:16:11,862 You know, sometimes I think to myself, "how did I get such a wise daughter?" Parfois, je me dis : "Pourquoi ai-je une fille aussi sage ?" 203 00:16:11,882 --> 00:16:16,831 And then I think, "wow, she probably has a really wise dad." Puis je me dis : "Ouah, son père doit être très futé." 204 00:16:16,851 --> 00:16:18,899 Oh, I don't know about that. Ça, je sais pas trop. 205 00:16:18,919 --> 00:16:20,852 Get out. Descends. 206 00:16:27,527 --> 00:16:29,462 Maybe Toby needs a friend. Toby a peut-être besoin d'un ami. 207 00:16:29,482 --> 00:16:31,630 That'd be awesome. Ce serait génial. 208 00:16:34,101 --> 00:16:36,050 - Mom? - Jess? Maman ? 209 00:16:36,070 --> 00:16:37,452 Mom? Jess ? 210 00:16:38,205 --> 00:16:39,242 Jess? Maman ? 211 00:16:45,922 --> 00:16:47,194 Mom? Maman ? 212 00:16:47,214 --> 00:16:49,329 This... this fucking thing won't open. Ce putain de truc s'ouvre pas. 213 00:16:49,349 --> 00:16:50,697 Language. Ton langage. 214 00:16:50,717 --> 00:16:53,452 - Door won't open? - No, a manhole cover in lower Manhattan. Yes, the door. - La porte s'ouvre pas ? - Non, une plaque d'égout à Manhattan. 215 00:16:53,472 --> 00:16:55,472 Oui, la porte. 216 00:16:56,456 --> 00:16:58,973 I have to get inside for the virtual tour. Je dois entrer pour la visite virtuelle. 217 00:16:58,993 --> 00:17:00,340 But don't you have a key? Mais, t'as pas la clé ? 218 00:17:00,360 --> 00:17:04,792 Yeah, to the house, the... the pool shed, the mailbox, but not for this door. Si, pour la maison, la cabane, le courrier, mais pas cette porte. 219 00:17:04,812 --> 00:17:08,772 Jess, let... let me help. Let me give it a shot. Laisse-moi essayer. 220 00:17:12,206 --> 00:17:14,841 Okay. 221 00:17:23,542 --> 00:17:25,602 Yeah, that thing's not opening. Ouais, ça veut pas s'ouvrir. 222 00:17:25,622 --> 00:17:29,232 - Yeah. - Do you want me to kick it down? Hmm. Not yet. - Oui. - Tu veux que je la défonce ? 223 00:17:29,252 --> 00:17:31,105 Pas encore. 224 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:33,125 Did you get the veal? T'as trouvé du veau ? 225 00:17:33,132 --> 00:17:34,492 They didn't have any. So, what did you get instead? Ils n'en n'avaient pas. 226 00:17:34,512 --> 00:17:36,612 T'as pris quoi, à la place ? 227 00:17:36,632 --> 00:17:39,932 Burger meat for grilling. Des steaks hachés, à griller. 228 00:17:40,533 --> 00:17:42,768 Let me see something. Laisse-moi jeter un œil. 229 00:17:50,110 --> 00:17:52,259 No sunlight gets in. Aucune lumière du jour. 230 00:17:52,279 --> 00:17:54,322 That's weird. C'est bizarre. 231 00:17:58,052 --> 00:18:01,334 This room wasn't on the blueprint. Cette pièce n'était pas sur le plan. 232 00:18:01,354 --> 00:18:04,562 I... I think it's, like, a storage room Ça doit être un débarras, 233 00:18:04,582 --> 00:18:08,502 or maybe a... a panic room. ou une pièce sécurisée. 234 00:18:10,030 --> 00:18:12,042 Freaky. Flippant. 235 00:18:15,972 --> 00:18:18,132 I'll get it. Je m'en occupe. 236 00:18:30,284 --> 00:18:31,298 Can I help you? Je peux t'aider ? 237 00:18:31,318 --> 00:18:33,652 Yeah. So you're Anna's mom. C'est donc vous, la mère d'Anna. 238 00:18:33,787 --> 00:18:34,962 Who's asking? Oh, I'm Isaac. I'm... I'm a friend. Qui es-tu ? 239 00:18:34,982 --> 00:18:37,238 Oh, je suis Isaac. Un ami. 240 00:18:37,258 --> 00:18:38,972 A friend of Anna's? Un ami d'Anna ? 241 00:18:38,992 --> 00:18:41,852 I met her at my grandpappy's grocery store today. Je l'ai rencontrée à l'épicerie de mon grand-père. 242 00:18:41,872 --> 00:18:44,812 Uh-huh. And? Well, I was just stopping to invite you - Et ? - Je passais juste dans le coin 243 00:18:44,832 --> 00:18:46,932 and your family to dinner. pour vous inviter tous à dîner. 244 00:18:46,952 --> 00:18:49,582 We're your nearest neighbors, just a few miles that way. On est vos seuls voisins à des kilomètres à la ronde. 245 00:18:49,602 --> 00:18:53,087 That's very sweet of you, Isaac. Um. C'est très gentil de ta part, Isaac. 246 00:18:53,107 --> 00:18:54,822 I'm sorry, we have other plans. Navrée, on a autre chose de prévu. 247 00:18:54,842 --> 00:18:57,742 We're on a family vacation. I'm sure you understand. Ce sont des vacances en famille. Tu comprends, j'en suis sûre. 248 00:18:57,762 --> 00:19:00,593 I do. I do. But if you change your mind, Oui. 249 00:19:00,613 --> 00:19:01,795 we're having veal cutlets tonight. Si vous changez d'avis, on fera des côtelettes de veau. 250 00:19:01,815 --> 00:19:04,102 We got a lot in at the store. On en a plein, en stock. 251 00:19:04,351 --> 00:19:07,001 Veal cutlets, at your store? Des côtelettes de veau, à l'épicerie ? 252 00:19:07,021 --> 00:19:09,922 Yes, ma'am. W... we got a huge shipment in yesterday. Oui, madame. On a reçu une grosse livraison, hier. 253 00:19:09,942 --> 00:19:13,825 They're on display. No one could miss 'em. Elles sont en vitrine. Impossible de les rater. 254 00:19:14,761 --> 00:19:16,802 Give me your address, Isaac. Donne-moi ton adresse, Isaac. 255 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:21,492 On second thought, we would love to join you. Tout bien réfléchi, on serait ravis de venir. 256 00:19:48,772 --> 00:19:50,212 I'm telling you, Je te jure, 257 00:19:50,232 --> 00:19:51,962 I didn't see it. j'ai rien vu du tout. 258 00:19:51,982 --> 00:19:55,632 Or maybe he's lying about the stupid cutlets. Ou alors, il ment à propos de ces fichues côtelettes. 259 00:19:55,652 --> 00:19:57,842 He's not lying. You are. Il ne ment pas. Toi, si. 260 00:19:57,862 --> 00:20:02,112 Why would you trust some stranger over me? Tu fais davantage confiance à un inconnu qu'à moi ? 261 00:20:02,475 --> 00:20:05,078 I didn't wanna say anything... Je voulais rien dire, 262 00:20:06,313 --> 00:20:08,915 But the old man at the store... mais ce vieux type à l'épicerie, 263 00:20:09,702 --> 00:20:12,900 - He wrote this on my receipt. - Hmm. il a écrit ça sur mon ticket. 264 00:20:12,920 --> 00:20:16,804 "You're being watched by the devil." "Le diable vous observe." 265 00:20:16,824 --> 00:20:19,639 - He's probably making a joke or... - I don't wanna have dinner Il voulait jute te faire une blague 266 00:20:19,659 --> 00:20:20,742 with some creepy locals just so you can prove a point. Je veux pas aller dîner avec des bouseux flippants 267 00:20:20,762 --> 00:20:22,409 juste pour te donner raison. 268 00:20:22,429 --> 00:20:23,822 Well... neither do I. Moi non plus. 269 00:20:23,842 --> 00:20:25,879 Okay, then. Would you knock this stuff off? OK. Tu veux bien poser ce truc-là ? 270 00:20:25,899 --> 00:20:27,122 - Come on. You are beautiful. - What is wrong with you? Allons, tu es magnifique. 271 00:20:27,142 --> 00:20:29,722 Qu'est-ce qui cloche chez toi ? 272 00:20:30,037 --> 00:20:31,792 Why couldn't you buy the veal like I asked? Pourquoi t'as pas acheté ce veau ? 273 00:20:31,812 --> 00:20:32,872 - I am telling you, I didn't see it. - Sure you did. Je te l'ai dit, 274 00:20:32,892 --> 00:20:34,712 - j'ai pas vu. - Bien sûr que si. 275 00:20:34,732 --> 00:20:39,059 But you hate veal, so you didn't buy it. Because you do exactly what you want Mais tu détestes ça, alors t'en as pas acheté. 276 00:20:39,079 --> 00:20:41,922 and damn the consequences. Parce que tu fais ce que tu veux, peu importe les conséquences. 277 00:20:41,942 --> 00:20:44,098 You're not just talking about veal. Tu ne parles pas que du veau. 278 00:20:44,118 --> 00:20:46,952 Wow, what a genius you are. Ouah, quel génie tu fais. 279 00:20:50,257 --> 00:20:54,372 You know, Anna hates veal too. Tu sais, Anna aussi déteste le veau. 280 00:20:54,627 --> 00:20:56,722 But you never think about her. Mais tu penses jamais à elle. 281 00:20:56,742 --> 00:20:59,446 She's all I think about. Je ne pense qu'à elle. 282 00:20:59,466 --> 00:21:00,713 - Yeah? - Yeah. - Ouais ? - Oui. 283 00:21:00,733 --> 00:21:03,450 I think she would be very surprised to hear that. Elle serait très surprise d'entendre ça. 284 00:21:03,470 --> 00:21:05,718 So, now, I'm a bad parent? Not you? Quoi, c'est moi, le mauvais parent ? 285 00:21:05,738 --> 00:21:07,102 N... not the cheater. Never you. No, no, no. Pas toi, le mari infidèle ? 286 00:21:07,122 --> 00:21:09,332 Non, pas toi, jamais. 287 00:21:09,575 --> 00:21:12,426 You're the nice one and I'm the asshole. T'es le gentil, et moi la connasse. 288 00:21:12,446 --> 00:21:14,132 Isn't that right? C'est bien ça ? 289 00:21:14,152 --> 00:21:17,842 Isn't that how you try to manipulate Anna into seeing us? C'est l'image que t'essaies de donner à Anna ? 290 00:21:17,862 --> 00:21:20,612 I'm not gonna stay here and get emotionally abused. Je vais pas me laisser humilier. 291 00:21:20,632 --> 00:21:22,112 Then go to your whore. Alors, va voir ta pute. 292 00:21:22,132 --> 00:21:25,222 You know, at least she made me feel good about myself. Au moins, avec elle, j'étais bien dans ma peau. 293 00:21:25,242 --> 00:21:29,362 You make me feel like slitting my wrists. Avec toi, j'ai envie de me trancher les veines. 294 00:21:31,662 --> 00:21:34,333 Then fucking do it. Alors vas-y, putain, fais-le. 295 00:21:34,734 --> 00:21:38,812 You... broke my heart. Tu m'as brisé le cœur. 296 00:21:38,832 --> 00:21:41,382 Oh, my god. Oh, mon Dieu. 297 00:21:52,722 --> 00:21:54,462 I loved you. I love you. Je t'aimais. 298 00:21:54,482 --> 00:21:56,602 Je t'aime. 299 00:21:56,852 --> 00:22:00,407 - I'm your wife. - I know. - Je suis ta femme. - Je sais. 300 00:22:00,427 --> 00:22:02,052 How could you treat me like this? How can you do this to us? Comment t'as pu me faire ça ? 301 00:22:02,072 --> 00:22:04,378 Nous faire ça, à nous ? 302 00:22:04,398 --> 00:22:09,972 You're right. I am sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. C'est vrai. Je suis désolé. Je sais pas ce qui m'a pris. 303 00:22:09,992 --> 00:22:11,892 Did you end things with that woman? Yes. It's over between me and Vivienne. T'as rompu avec elle ? 304 00:22:11,912 --> 00:22:15,392 Oui. Moi et Vivienne, c'est terminé. 305 00:22:15,412 --> 00:22:17,622 Do you swear it? Tu le jures ? 306 00:22:18,145 --> 00:22:20,332 On Anna's life. Sur la vie d'Anna. 307 00:22:21,315 --> 00:22:23,842 Because this is why... C'est pour cette raison 308 00:22:23,882 --> 00:22:26,599 - I brought us here. - I... que je nous ai amenés ici. 309 00:22:26,619 --> 00:22:29,112 I didn't want you to sneak off to go see her. Pour éviter que tu files la voir en cachette. 310 00:22:29,132 --> 00:22:34,208 I... I wanted you to give us a chance to rebuild. Pour que tu nous donnes une chance de tout reconstruire. 311 00:22:34,228 --> 00:22:36,262 I'm gonna get help. Je vais me faire aider. 312 00:22:37,498 --> 00:22:39,292 I just... oh, my god. Je 313 00:22:39,312 --> 00:22:41,402 Oh, mon Dieu. 314 00:22:41,468 --> 00:22:43,632 It's hard to trust you. C'est difficile d'avoir confiance en toi. 315 00:22:43,652 --> 00:22:47,592 You just keep hurting me... Over and over. Tu me blesses en permanence. 316 00:22:47,612 --> 00:22:50,023 I'm so sorry. Je suis vraiment désolé. 317 00:22:50,043 --> 00:22:52,326 I want things to be like they used to. Je veux que tout redevienne comme avant. 318 00:22:52,346 --> 00:22:54,380 Mm-hmm. 319 00:22:54,647 --> 00:22:57,042 We're gonna be okay. Tout ira bien. 320 00:22:57,384 --> 00:22:59,385 We're gonna be okay. Tout ira bien. 321 00:23:21,341 --> 00:23:24,152 Mom! Dad! Maman ! Papa ! 322 00:23:26,072 --> 00:23:27,995 Wow. - Are you okay, hon? - Yeah. Ça va, ma puce ? 323 00:23:28,015 --> 00:23:31,342 I think it's finally stopping. - Ouais. - Ça ne saigne plus, je crois. 324 00:23:31,362 --> 00:23:35,420 You know, it happens when she gets stressed. Ça arrive quand elle est stressée. 325 00:23:35,912 --> 00:23:37,642 How do I look? Je ressemble à quoi ? 326 00:23:37,662 --> 00:23:41,652 Like a supermodel who got punched in the nose. À un mannequin qui s'est fait ratatiner le pif. 327 00:23:41,672 --> 00:23:44,162 At least we have a reason to stay home tonight. Au moins, on a un prétexte pour annuler. 328 00:23:44,182 --> 00:23:47,147 - Yeah, well, that boy didn't give me a number to call and cancel. - His name is Isaac. Ce gamin m'a pas donné son numéro. 329 00:23:47,167 --> 00:23:47,402 - Who cares if we don't call and cancel? - His name's Isaac. Il s'appelle Isaac. 330 00:23:47,422 --> 00:23:50,242 - On s'en fiche d'appeler, non ? - Il s'appelle Isaac. 331 00:23:50,262 --> 00:23:52,786 We can't just stand him... And his grandfather up, On peut pas leur faire faux bond, 332 00:23:52,806 --> 00:23:54,521 especially if they're cooking a meal. surtout s'ils ont cuisiné. 333 00:23:54,541 --> 00:23:55,582 - Okay, well... - Like, what if they mess with the house when we leave? OK, dans ce cas 334 00:23:55,602 --> 00:23:58,058 Et s'ils saccagent la maison après notre départ ? 335 00:23:58,078 --> 00:24:02,763 I'll go to the store in the morning and apologize. Demain matin, j'irai m'excuser à l'épicerie. 336 00:24:02,783 --> 00:24:05,092 I don't want Isaac to see me with a bloody nose, mom. - I know, honey. - What if it happens again? Je veux pas qu'Isaac me voit avec cette tronche. 337 00:24:05,112 --> 00:24:09,132 - Je sais, ma puce. - Et si ça recommence ? 338 00:24:09,152 --> 00:24:12,705 - Okay. - We can have a nice dinner. - OK. - Faisons un dîner sympa. 339 00:24:12,725 --> 00:24:15,061 Just the three of us. Rien que tous les trois. 340 00:24:19,233 --> 00:24:21,662 Oh. One minute! Une minute ! 341 00:24:38,952 --> 00:24:40,962 Hi there, Anna's mom and dad. - What are you doing here? - I'm real sorry. Salut, les parents d'Anna. 342 00:24:40,982 --> 00:24:42,836 - Que fais-tu ici ? - Je suis désolé. 343 00:24:42,856 --> 00:24:44,752 I... I know you were supposed to come to our place, but the strangest thing happened. Je sais que vous étiez censés venir chez nous, 344 00:24:44,772 --> 00:24:46,342 mais on a eu une tuile. 345 00:24:46,362 --> 00:24:48,922 - What's that? - Our oven died. - Quoi ? - Notre four est mort. 346 00:24:48,942 --> 00:24:51,078 - Seriously? - Yeah. So, - Sans rire ? - Ouais. 347 00:24:51,098 --> 00:24:52,762 we did the next best thing. Donc, on a fait ce qu'il fallait faire. 348 00:24:52,782 --> 00:24:55,148 We just brought the food over here to cook for you. On a ramené de quoi cuisiner chez vous. 349 00:24:55,168 --> 00:24:57,351 It's... it's in the truck with my grandpappy. Là, dans le pick-up, avec mon grand-père. 350 00:24:57,371 --> 00:24:58,682 Hmm. 351 00:24:58,702 --> 00:25:03,062 Uh. Veal cutlets, onions, carrots, grits. Côtelettes de veau, oignons, carottes, gruau de maïs. 352 00:25:03,082 --> 00:25:05,102 Grandpappy sure can cook. Papi est un vrai cordon bleu. 353 00:25:05,122 --> 00:25:08,442 Uh. We even brought a bottle of wine. On a même ramené du vin. 354 00:25:08,462 --> 00:25:12,282 It... it's just how we do things on the bayou. On est comme ça, dans le bayou. 355 00:25:12,302 --> 00:25:14,612 - Hmm. - So, can we come in? Alors, on peut entrer ? 356 00:25:14,632 --> 00:25:16,882 Uh. We'll even do dishes. On fera même la plonge. 357 00:25:17,892 --> 00:25:21,074 Ye... yes, uh, of course you can. Oui, bien sûr, entrez. 358 00:25:21,094 --> 00:25:25,697 Hey, grandpappy, they said it's okay to come in! Hé, papi ! C'est OK, on peut entrer. 359 00:25:28,402 --> 00:25:29,516 Great. Super. 360 00:25:29,536 --> 00:25:31,482 Come on in. Je t'en prie, entre. 361 00:25:52,426 --> 00:25:56,842 Thanks for cooking. It's no big deal. - Merci de cuisiner. - C'est pas grand-chose. 362 00:25:57,197 --> 00:25:59,142 My name's John. Je m'appelle John. 363 00:26:01,868 --> 00:26:03,752 You know, about that note you wrote me, Vous savez, le mot que vous avez écrit 364 00:26:03,772 --> 00:26:05,652 the one on the receipt. sur mon ticket de caisse 365 00:26:05,672 --> 00:26:07,672 I remember. Je m'en souviens. 366 00:26:07,941 --> 00:26:10,022 What did you mean by that? Ça voulait dire quoi ? 367 00:26:12,522 --> 00:26:14,914 Get me a measuring cup. Passez-moi le verre gradué. 368 00:26:20,032 --> 00:26:22,154 The little one. Le plus petit. 369 00:26:25,359 --> 00:26:27,372 Sometimes... Parfois 370 00:26:27,861 --> 00:26:32,512 When a man does bad things, it opens up a door. quand un homme commet une faute, il ouvre une porte. 371 00:26:32,532 --> 00:26:34,348 I don't understand. Je comprends pas. 372 00:26:34,368 --> 00:26:36,368 Are you sure? Vous en êtes sûr ? 373 00:26:39,005 --> 00:26:42,723 The devil is watching us all the time. Le diable nous observe en permanence. 374 00:26:42,743 --> 00:26:47,122 Some of us invite him in. Some don't. Certains le font entrer. D'autres, non. 375 00:26:47,142 --> 00:26:51,292 I felt you needed to hear those words, but... Il me semblait que vous aviez besoin d'entendre ça, 376 00:26:51,312 --> 00:26:55,172 Didn't want to say 'em in front of your daughter. mais je voulais rien dire devant votre fille. 377 00:26:55,192 --> 00:26:59,391 Well, no offense, but I don't believe in the devil. Le prenez pas mal, mais je crois pas au diable. 378 00:27:01,194 --> 00:27:03,872 The devil believes in you. Le diable croit en vous. 379 00:27:04,598 --> 00:27:07,702 Thanks. I appreciate that. Merci. C'est gentil. 380 00:27:20,981 --> 00:27:22,229 His name's Toby. Il s'appelle Toby. 381 00:27:22,249 --> 00:27:23,872 We call him tub tub. He likes you. On le surnomme Tub Tub. 382 00:27:23,892 --> 00:27:25,452 Il t'aime bien. 383 00:27:25,472 --> 00:27:29,287 Cats can sense things people can't. Les chats sentent des choses invisibles. 384 00:27:31,602 --> 00:27:36,312 Come on, tub tub. Yeah, there you go. Allez, Tub Tub. Va te promener. 385 00:27:37,731 --> 00:27:39,862 Is that thing on? Ça filme, là ? 386 00:27:40,500 --> 00:27:42,500 No. Non. 387 00:27:42,936 --> 00:27:46,854 So, you were saying it's just you and your grandfather out here? Donc, tu vis seul avec ton grand-père, c'est bien ça ? 388 00:27:46,874 --> 00:27:49,791 Yes, ma'am. My parents died some time ago. Oui, madame. Mes parents sont morts il y a longtemps. 389 00:27:49,811 --> 00:27:52,082 He raised me as his own. Il m'a élevé comme son fils. 390 00:27:52,179 --> 00:27:54,494 - How'd your parents die? - Anna. - Ils sont morts comment ? - Anna. 391 00:27:54,514 --> 00:27:56,029 Don't. It's rude. Non. C'est impoli. 392 00:27:56,049 --> 00:27:57,402 It's fine. I would be curious too. Ça va. 393 00:27:57,422 --> 00:27:59,192 Je serais curieux aussi. 394 00:27:59,212 --> 00:28:01,554 Uh. They died of bone cancer. Cancer des os. 395 00:28:01,721 --> 00:28:04,242 - Both of them? - Yes, ma'am. - Tous les deux ? - Oui, madame. 396 00:28:04,262 --> 00:28:07,742 Grandpappy says bone cancer's the most painful way to die. Mon grand-père dit que c'est la pire façon de mourir. 397 00:28:07,762 --> 00:28:10,510 But he says a lot of crazy things. Mais il dit un tas de trucs débiles. 398 00:28:10,530 --> 00:28:12,565 He's a wild one. Il est un peu timbré. 399 00:28:13,902 --> 00:28:16,502 What are the schools like around here? Comment sont les écoles, dans le coin ? 400 00:28:16,522 --> 00:28:18,718 Why? Are you wanting to move here with Anna? Vous allez vous installer ici avec Anna ? 401 00:28:18,738 --> 00:28:20,382 No. Non. 402 00:28:20,402 --> 00:28:23,023 I wouldn't know much about schools. J'y connais pas grand-chose en écoles. 403 00:28:23,043 --> 00:28:25,292 Grandpappy taught me everything I know. Papi m'a tout appris. 404 00:28:25,312 --> 00:28:27,142 But I'm gonna run the store one day. Un jour, je gérerai la boutique. 405 00:28:27,162 --> 00:28:28,796 That's so cool. C'est trop cool. 406 00:28:28,816 --> 00:28:30,912 You really think so? Tu trouves ? 407 00:28:30,984 --> 00:28:32,482 Yeah. Ouais. 408 00:28:32,502 --> 00:28:34,734 I... I like your shirt. It matches your eyes. Super, ton T-shirt. C'est assorti à tes yeux. 409 00:28:34,754 --> 00:28:36,503 How old are you, Isaac? Quel âge as-tu, Isaac ? 410 00:28:36,523 --> 00:28:39,239 Eighteen. I'm trying to grow a beard. Dix-huit ans. 411 00:28:39,259 --> 00:28:40,382 Hmm. Je me laisse pousser la barbe. 412 00:28:42,362 --> 00:28:45,452 Who owns this house? Do you know? Tu sais qui possède cette maison ? 413 00:28:45,472 --> 00:28:47,162 I don't know much about 'em. They're never really here. Je les connais pas trop. 414 00:28:47,182 --> 00:28:48,715 On les voit jamais. 415 00:28:48,735 --> 00:28:50,682 Really? Vraiment ? 416 00:28:51,232 --> 00:28:54,672 But being your closest neighbor, I'd think you'd know. Vous êtes pourtant nos plus proches voisins. 417 00:28:54,692 --> 00:29:01,678 Hey, everybody, dinner is almost ready and it looks delicious. Venez, le dîner est bientôt prêt, et ça a l'air délicieux. 418 00:29:07,587 --> 00:29:09,587 This is great. C'est succulent. 419 00:29:10,292 --> 00:29:12,725 You are one hell of a cook. Vous êtes un vrai chef. 420 00:29:14,261 --> 00:29:17,402 There's nothing my grandpappy can't do. Mon grand-père sait tout faire. 421 00:29:17,422 --> 00:29:21,165 I bet your mom's a hell of a cook too. Ta mère doit être une sacrée cuisinière. 422 00:29:22,302 --> 00:29:24,302 Um. 423 00:29:24,932 --> 00:29:28,452 - She's, uh... - No. That's okay, sweetie. Uh. Cooking isn't my forte. - Elle est - Pas la peine, ma puce. 424 00:29:28,472 --> 00:29:30,056 Cuisiner, c'est pas mon truc. 425 00:29:30,076 --> 00:29:32,960 It's just, I never got interested in it. Ça ne m'a jamais intéressée. 426 00:29:32,980 --> 00:29:36,663 Out here, cooking isn't an interest. Ici, la cuisine, c'est pas un loisir. 427 00:29:36,683 --> 00:29:38,717 It's a necessity. C'est une nécessité. 428 00:29:40,487 --> 00:29:42,837 We don't have restaurants for miles. On a aucun restaurant dans la région. 429 00:29:42,857 --> 00:29:45,442 You don't cook, you don't eat. Si on cuisine pas, on mange pas. 430 00:29:45,625 --> 00:29:51,545 I know how to cook, Isaac. It's just, uh, not a passion of mine. Je sais cuisiner, Isaac. C'est juste que ce n'est pas ma passion. 431 00:29:51,565 --> 00:29:53,079 Hmm. 432 00:29:53,099 --> 00:29:55,412 Everyone's got their passion. On a tous une passion. 433 00:30:00,542 --> 00:30:02,689 Would you mind if I light some candles? Ça vous gêne, si j'allume des bougies ? 434 00:30:02,709 --> 00:30:04,762 No, uh... Non. 435 00:30:06,746 --> 00:30:08,682 That would be nice. Ce serait sympa. 436 00:30:26,099 --> 00:30:28,548 - Isaac. - Yes, ma'am. Isaac. 437 00:30:28,568 --> 00:30:28,682 How did you know where the candles are? Oui, madame. 438 00:30:28,702 --> 00:30:32,662 Comment savais-tu où se trouvaient les bougies ? 439 00:30:33,042 --> 00:30:36,189 Lucky guess. I'll be. Simple coup de chance. 440 00:30:36,209 --> 00:30:41,378 I guess cats aren't the only ones who can sense things. Les chats ne sont pas les seuls à sentir les choses. 441 00:30:49,489 --> 00:30:52,722 Pretty funny thing to say, huh, grandpappy? C'est marrant, hein papi ? 442 00:30:58,899 --> 00:31:00,732 Gosh, you know... Zut 443 00:31:01,936 --> 00:31:04,692 Uh, I don't have any matches. J'ai pas d'allumettes. 444 00:31:05,106 --> 00:31:06,672 Oh, um... 445 00:31:06,692 --> 00:31:09,182 I'll find some in the kitchen. John, come help me look. Je vais en chercher dans la cuisine. 446 00:31:09,202 --> 00:31:11,452 John, viens m'aider. 447 00:31:20,087 --> 00:31:23,403 I want these people out of the house. Look. Listen, they're weird, Je veux qu'ils sortent d'ici. 448 00:31:23,423 --> 00:31:23,522 but they haven't done anything wrong exactly. Écoute, ils sont bizarres, 449 00:31:23,542 --> 00:31:25,362 mais ils n'ont rien fait de mal. 450 00:31:25,382 --> 00:31:29,576 That creepy boy is looking at Anna in a way I don't like. - Right. - And how did he know where the candles are? J'aime pas la façon dont ce gamin flippant reluque Anna. 451 00:31:29,596 --> 00:31:31,244 Okay, listen, we will finish dinner Et comment il savait, pour les bougies ? 452 00:31:31,264 --> 00:31:33,146 and then we will tell them we're going to bed. Bon, on finit le dîner et on leur dit qu'on va se coucher. 453 00:31:33,166 --> 00:31:34,582 Can't we get them out faster? Si on les foutait dehors ? 454 00:31:34,602 --> 00:31:38,251 Hey, you're the one that said we shouldn't piss them off. T'as dit qu'il fallait pas les énerver. 455 00:31:38,271 --> 00:31:39,619 Fine. D'accord. 456 00:31:39,639 --> 00:31:43,223 I... I want them gone the minute we finish eating. Dès la fin du repas, ils dégagent. 457 00:31:43,243 --> 00:31:45,592 I don't want Anna alone with them. Je laisse pas Anna seule avec eux. 458 00:31:45,612 --> 00:31:47,922 Oh, shit, uh, we forgot the matches. Merde, les allumettes. 459 00:31:47,942 --> 00:31:51,882 Here, come on. I'll tell them we couldn't find 'em. Pas grave, on dira qu'on les a pas trouvées. 460 00:31:52,032 --> 00:31:54,835 Mom, dad, Isaac just did something really cool. Maman, papa, Isaac vient de faire un truc génial. 461 00:31:54,855 --> 00:31:57,805 - What, he found matches? - No, he touched the candles with his finger Quoi, il a trouvé les allumettes ? 462 00:31:57,825 --> 00:31:59,062 and they just lit up. Can you do that trick again? Il a juste touché les bougies, et elles se sont allumées. 463 00:31:59,082 --> 00:32:00,440 Tu peux le refaire ? 464 00:32:00,460 --> 00:32:04,963 Oh, I'll show you a lot more tricks, Anna. Je te montrerai d'autres tours, Anna. 465 00:32:06,366 --> 00:32:09,249 Isaac, um, John and I were talking Isaac, John et moi avons discuté, 466 00:32:09,269 --> 00:32:13,054 and we're grateful for the meal, on vous remercie beaucoup pour le repas, 467 00:32:13,074 --> 00:32:15,492 but we're really tired after the drive and we're going to bed early, right after dinner. mais la route nous a éreintés 468 00:32:15,512 --> 00:32:18,692 et nous aimerions aller nous coucher juste après le dîner. 469 00:32:18,712 --> 00:32:22,082 And I... I just wanted you and your grandpa to know. Je tenais simplement à vous le dire. 470 00:32:22,102 --> 00:32:24,497 Wow, grandpappy. You hear that? Ouah, papi. T'entends ça ? 471 00:32:24,517 --> 00:32:26,133 They're inviting us to stay the night. Ils nous invitent à passer la nuit ici. 472 00:32:26,153 --> 00:32:27,212 - No, I... I... I... - We're touched, ma'am. Non, je 473 00:32:27,232 --> 00:32:28,672 Nous sommes très touchés, madame. 474 00:32:28,692 --> 00:32:33,652 No one's ever invited us to stay in a house like this before. Personne nous a jamais invités à dormir dans une maison pareille. 475 00:32:34,702 --> 00:32:39,062 I... I'm not inviting you to stay the night. I'm... Je ne vous invite pas à dormir ici. 476 00:32:39,082 --> 00:32:42,582 I'm saying that you have to leave after dinner, Je dis que vous devrez partir après le dîner, 477 00:32:42,602 --> 00:32:44,652 if not sooner. voire plus tôt. 478 00:32:44,672 --> 00:32:47,054 But we brought ice cream for dessert. On a amené de la glace pour le dessert. 479 00:32:47,074 --> 00:32:50,708 Well, we'll eat it when you're gone. On la mangera quand vous serez partis. 480 00:32:52,113 --> 00:32:53,727 Oh, come on. Oh, allons. 481 00:32:53,747 --> 00:32:55,622 What did we do? Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait ? 482 00:32:55,642 --> 00:32:58,099 I know there's enough room in this house for all of us. Cette baraque est assez grande pour nous tous. 483 00:32:58,119 --> 00:33:00,600 Six bedrooms, if I'm not mistaken. Six chambres, si je me trompe pas. 484 00:33:00,620 --> 00:33:03,037 That's not counting the game room Sans compter la salle de jeu. 485 00:33:03,057 --> 00:33:05,232 or the bonus room... Ni la chambre supplémentaire. 486 00:33:05,652 --> 00:33:08,641 Or even that locked room you can't get into. Ou celle que vous n'arrivez pas à ouvrir. 487 00:33:08,661 --> 00:33:10,710 How do you know about the locked room? Comment es-tu au courant de ça ? 488 00:33:10,730 --> 00:33:12,312 How do you think? À votre avis ? 489 00:33:12,332 --> 00:33:14,447 You've been in this house before. Vous êtes déjà venus dans cette maison. 490 00:33:14,467 --> 00:33:17,202 Oh, girl, you got a gusher. Ouah, c'est un vrai geyser. 491 00:33:19,006 --> 00:33:21,492 Mom, I don't feel good. Maman, je me sens pas bien. 492 00:33:22,752 --> 00:33:24,324 - Oh! - Oh, my god. Oh, mon Dieu ! 493 00:33:24,344 --> 00:33:26,692 - Whoa. Come on. Anna, Anna. - Oh. Get her. Anna. 494 00:33:26,712 --> 00:33:28,229 Tiens-la. 495 00:33:28,249 --> 00:33:30,064 Oh, for Christ sakes. Bonté divine. 496 00:33:30,084 --> 00:33:32,618 I gotta use your pisser. Faut que j'aille pisser. 497 00:33:33,319 --> 00:33:35,535 - Anna. - Hey, baby? - Anna. - Ma puce ? 498 00:33:35,555 --> 00:33:39,142 - Let's get her in the living room, okay? - Okay. - Amenons-la dans le salon. - OK. 499 00:33:41,694 --> 00:33:43,343 Anna. Anna. 500 00:33:43,363 --> 00:33:44,792 - Wake up. Wake up. - Wake up. Wake up. Hey. Réveille-toi. 501 00:33:44,812 --> 00:33:47,148 Allez, réveille-toi. 502 00:33:47,168 --> 00:33:49,116 Hey. 503 00:33:49,136 --> 00:33:52,771 Hey, are you okay? Are you okay? Tu te sens bien ? Ça va ? 504 00:33:54,741 --> 00:33:56,222 Hey, sweetie. Ma puce. 505 00:33:56,242 --> 00:33:58,142 - Can you hear my voice? - Can you hear me? - T'entends ma voix ? - Tu m'entends ? 506 00:33:58,162 --> 00:34:00,062 - Your mom's here. I'm here. - You're okay. Ta maman est là. Moi aussi. 507 00:34:00,082 --> 00:34:01,862 Tout va bien. 508 00:34:01,882 --> 00:34:03,832 Mom. Maman. 509 00:34:04,985 --> 00:34:06,566 What happ... what happened? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? 510 00:34:06,586 --> 00:34:07,772 You fainted. You had another nosebleed. Tu t'es évanouie. 511 00:34:07,792 --> 00:34:10,542 T'as encore saigné du nez. 512 00:34:14,295 --> 00:34:15,776 I have to wash my face. Je dois me laver le visage. 513 00:34:15,796 --> 00:34:18,322 Oh, it's fine. I've seen blood before. T'inquiète, j'ai déjà vu du sang. 514 00:34:18,342 --> 00:34:20,580 - Much more than that. - You need to leave. - Bien plus que ça. - Vous devez partir. 515 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:22,162 I'm not sure you want that, ma'am. Pas sûr que vous en ayez envie, madame. 516 00:34:22,182 --> 00:34:25,052 She's very sure. Our daughter isn't feeling well. Elle en est absolument sûre. Notre fille se sent mal. 517 00:34:25,072 --> 00:34:26,220 Dad, I'm fine. Papa, je vais bien. 518 00:34:26,240 --> 00:34:27,554 - No, hey. Isaac... - No, you're not. - Hé, Isaac. - Non. 519 00:34:27,574 --> 00:34:29,982 Enough is enough. Come on. Ça suffit. Allez. 520 00:34:31,732 --> 00:34:35,129 It can take grandpappy a little bit. Sometimes he gets the squirts. Papi va prendre son temps. Il a du mal à uriner. 521 00:34:35,149 --> 00:34:37,430 - Then go wait in the truck. - Mom. - Va l'attendre dans le pick-up. - Maman. 522 00:34:37,450 --> 00:34:39,802 - It's okay. - Wow. Ça va aller. 523 00:34:39,822 --> 00:34:44,104 I feel like your cat's the only one that likes me here. Je crois que votre chat est le seul à m'apprécier, ici. 524 00:34:44,124 --> 00:34:49,210 You cook veal cutlets for strangers and this is the thanks you get? On cuisine pour des étrangers, et tout ça pour quoi ? 525 00:34:49,230 --> 00:34:52,345 You like me though, don't you, Anna? Tu m'aimes bien Anna, pas vrai ? 526 00:34:52,365 --> 00:34:54,462 I can tell. Je peux le deviner. 527 00:34:55,102 --> 00:34:57,350 - The way a woman likes a man. - Stop it! - Comme une femme aime un homme. - Arrête ! 528 00:34:57,370 --> 00:34:59,452 You're done here, Isaac. Get out. I knew you'd have problems getting into that locked room. C'est fini, Isaac. Sors d'ici. 529 00:34:59,472 --> 00:35:02,890 Je savais que cette porte vous donnait du fil à retordre. 530 00:35:02,910 --> 00:35:04,911 It's the only key. C'est la seule clé. 531 00:35:10,483 --> 00:35:13,200 I think my grandpappy's tangling with your cat. On dirait que papi s'embrouille avec votre chat. 532 00:35:13,220 --> 00:35:14,982 Toby? Toby ? 533 00:35:15,822 --> 00:35:17,802 Wait. Wait. Attends. 534 00:35:17,822 --> 00:35:19,792 Toby. Toby. 535 00:35:21,461 --> 00:35:23,509 - Toby! Toby! - What the hell is going on in here? - Toby ! - C'est quoi ce cirque ? 536 00:35:23,529 --> 00:35:24,945 - Did you hurt our cat? - No! Vous avez blessé notre chat ? 537 00:35:24,965 --> 00:35:26,213 - Open the door. - I was just looking for the bathroom. Je cherchais les toilettes. 538 00:35:26,233 --> 00:35:27,562 - That door was open. - Toby! - The cat ran inside. - Toby. - C'était ouvert. - Toby ! 539 00:35:27,582 --> 00:35:30,152 - Le chat est entré. - Toby. 540 00:35:30,172 --> 00:35:33,362 Now, I may have closed it by accident. You're lying. This door has been locked the entire time. Je l'ai peut-être refermée sans faire gaffe. 541 00:35:33,382 --> 00:35:36,232 Vous mentez. Cette porte était verrouillée. 542 00:35:36,252 --> 00:35:37,742 Grandpappy never lies. Papi ne ment jamais. 543 00:35:37,762 --> 00:35:39,222 - Toby. Toby. - Wait, you have a key to the room too? Toby. 544 00:35:39,242 --> 00:35:41,932 Vous aussi, vous avez la clé ? 545 00:35:43,262 --> 00:35:46,000 Toby, Toby, Toby! Give me the key. Toby ! 546 00:35:46,020 --> 00:35:47,400 Give it to me. Donne-moi la clé. Donne ! 547 00:35:47,420 --> 00:35:49,003 - Toby! Toby! - Give me the fucking key! File cette putain de clé ! 548 00:35:49,023 --> 00:35:50,371 - This key? - Yeah! - Celle-ci ? - Oui ! 549 00:35:50,391 --> 00:35:51,671 - Just give it to me. - Jesus. - Donne-moi ça. - Seigneur. 550 00:35:51,691 --> 00:35:54,482 Grandpappy, he's hurting me. Papi, il me fait du mal. 551 00:35:59,822 --> 00:36:03,802 See, John? - Told you I'd show you some tricks. - Huh? Vous voyez, John ? J'en connais, des tours. 552 00:36:03,822 --> 00:36:06,005 What's going on? Quoi encore ? 553 00:36:08,441 --> 00:36:10,843 Good thing we have candles. Heureusement, on a des bougies. 554 00:36:14,381 --> 00:36:16,542 Anna, honey, are you okay? Anna, ma puce, ça va ? 555 00:36:16,549 --> 00:36:18,531 Take your grandson and get out of here. Prenez votre petit-fils et tirez-vous. 556 00:36:18,551 --> 00:36:20,667 - He's not my grandson. - What? - Ce n'est pas mon petit-fils. - Quoi ? 557 00:36:20,687 --> 00:36:22,468 What do you mean, he's not your grandson? Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire ? 558 00:36:22,488 --> 00:36:24,662 I mean, he's not my grandson. Ce n'est pas mon petit-fils. 559 00:36:24,682 --> 00:36:27,640 All right. All right, you know what? Just give me the key. D'accord. Vous savez quoi ? 560 00:36:27,660 --> 00:36:29,662 We're gonna take our cat and I'm gonna call the police. Filez-moi la clé. On récupère notre chat et j'appelle les flics. 561 00:36:29,682 --> 00:36:31,178 Ça suffit. 562 00:36:31,198 --> 00:36:33,713 - Something's hurting Toby, dad! - Okay, calm down. - Something's hurting him! - Calm down. Quelque chose attaque Toby, papa ! 563 00:36:33,733 --> 00:36:37,192 Do something, dad. Can't just open it up. Fais quelque chose, papa. 564 00:36:37,442 --> 00:36:39,452 Toby. Toby ! 565 00:36:39,472 --> 00:36:41,532 Oh, my god. Mon Dieu 566 00:36:50,372 --> 00:36:52,522 Is Toby dead? Toby est mort ? 567 00:36:52,542 --> 00:36:55,652 Listen, give me the key! Allez, file-moi cette clé ! 568 00:36:55,672 --> 00:36:57,882 Check your back pocket. Regardez dans votre poche. 569 00:36:58,993 --> 00:37:01,194 Jesus Christ. Nom de Dieu. 570 00:37:04,098 --> 00:37:05,622 I'll be. Ça alors ! 571 00:37:05,642 --> 00:37:07,314 - I'm opening it. - No, no, no. Stop, stop! - J'ouvre. - Non. Fais pas ça ! 572 00:37:07,334 --> 00:37:10,050 - John, John, John, please. You have to stop. - I'm opening the door. - Please stop. We heard... - I'm opening the door. - John, s'il te plaît. Arrête. - Je vais ouvrir. 573 00:37:10,070 --> 00:37:11,718 - There's something in there. - Mom, Il y a quelque chose, là-dedans. 574 00:37:11,738 --> 00:37:15,022 - Toby's in there! - There is something... I know, but there is something else in there. - Toby est à l'intérieur, ouvre ! - Je sais. 575 00:37:15,042 --> 00:37:16,723 - We all heard it. Please don't... - Could be a coyote went in there, Il y a une chose à l'intérieur. On l'a tous entendue. 576 00:37:16,743 --> 00:37:18,558 you know, when the door opened. Peut-être bien qu'un coyote a réussi à entrer. 577 00:37:18,578 --> 00:37:22,012 Oh, coyote. Now, that is bad news for tub tub. No, no. Enough's enough! Oups, un coyote. Pas de chance pour Tub Tub. 578 00:37:22,032 --> 00:37:23,552 Non, ça suffit ! 579 00:37:23,572 --> 00:37:26,934 - I'm opening the damn door! - No, please don't! - Don't open the door. - Back off! - J'ouvre cette porte ! - Je t'en prie, non ! 580 00:37:26,954 --> 00:37:28,802 Are you out of your mind? Please, John, let's... - Recule ! - T'as perdu la tête ? 581 00:37:28,822 --> 00:37:30,312 - Come on! - Let us go. - Par pitié, John, arrête. - Laisse-moi faire ! 582 00:37:30,332 --> 00:37:32,006 - Let's go. - Open the door. Dad, open the door. Ouvre la porte, papa. 583 00:37:32,026 --> 00:37:35,994 Damn, I must have brought the wrong key. Zut, j'ai dû apporter la mauvaise clé. 584 00:37:36,763 --> 00:37:38,445 Can we go, please? On peut arrêter ça, s'il te plaît ? 585 00:37:38,465 --> 00:37:39,652 - Can we go? Oh, my god. - Mom, we can't go! We can't just leave Toby, mom! - D'accord ? Mon Dieu. - Non ! 586 00:37:39,672 --> 00:37:41,982 On peut pas abandonner Toby, maman ! 587 00:37:42,002 --> 00:37:46,420 Listen to me. It's a cat. We will buy another cat. We will. Écoute-moi. C'est un chat, on t'en achètera un autre. 588 00:37:46,440 --> 00:37:46,572 Grandpappy, did you find that bathroom? Promis. 589 00:37:46,592 --> 00:37:48,554 Papi, t'as trouvé les toilettes ? 590 00:37:48,574 --> 00:37:50,457 - We have to get out of here. - Yeah. Through there. - Ouais. C'est par-là. - Faut se tirer d'ici. 591 00:37:50,477 --> 00:37:53,112 Of course. I remember now. Bien sûr, ça me revient. 592 00:37:53,482 --> 00:37:55,642 Uh. Sorry about your cat. Désolé pour le chat. 593 00:37:55,772 --> 00:37:57,884 Fuck you. Va te faire foutre. 594 00:37:59,685 --> 00:38:02,369 Listen, you need to come with me. Vous devez venir avec moi. 595 00:38:02,389 --> 00:38:06,012 We need to talk before Isaac gets back. On doit parler avant qu’Isaac revienne. 596 00:38:06,032 --> 00:38:08,208 Follow me. Come here. Come here. - Suivez-moi. - Allez, viens. 597 00:38:08,228 --> 00:38:10,629 We have to go. We have to go. Faut y aller. 598 00:38:11,932 --> 00:38:14,682 So, are you robbing us? Is that what's going on? Vous êtes venus nous cambrioler ou quoi ? 599 00:38:14,702 --> 00:38:18,152 You ain't got nothing we need or want. Vous n'avez rien qui nous intéresse. 600 00:38:18,172 --> 00:38:20,206 Then why are you here? Alors, pourquoi êtes-vous là ? 601 00:38:20,374 --> 00:38:22,542 Like I told him... Je lui ai déjà dit. 602 00:38:23,177 --> 00:38:26,827 When a man does bad things, it opens up a door. Quand un homme commet une faute, il ouvre une porte. 603 00:38:26,847 --> 00:38:29,782 You are nuts and so is that kid. Vous êtes cinglé, et ce gamin aussi. 604 00:38:29,802 --> 00:38:33,434 Bad things? Bad things like what? Une faute ? Quel genre de faute ? 605 00:38:33,454 --> 00:38:35,272 Like lying. Le mensonge. 606 00:38:35,355 --> 00:38:37,232 Cheating. L'adultère. 607 00:38:37,491 --> 00:38:38,806 Murder. Le meurtre. 608 00:38:38,826 --> 00:38:42,042 - Ain't you read your Bible? - Oh, god. - Vous n'avez pas lu la Bible ? - Bon sang. 609 00:38:42,062 --> 00:38:45,512 In the store, Isaac was so nice to me. Au magasin, Isaac était tellement gentil avec moi. 610 00:38:45,532 --> 00:38:48,362 He said I looked like his ex-girlfriend. Il a dit que je ressemblais à son ex. 611 00:38:48,862 --> 00:38:51,337 Now, he's being so mean. Et là, il est juste horrible. 612 00:38:51,572 --> 00:38:53,387 Yeah, well... Eh bien, 613 00:38:53,407 --> 00:38:55,956 That's Isaac in a nutshell. t'as parfaitement résumé Isaac. 614 00:38:55,976 --> 00:39:00,902 If Isaac isn't your grandson, then who is he? Si ce n'est pas votre petit-fils, qui est-il ? 615 00:39:00,922 --> 00:39:05,631 He just sort of appeared one summer. Un été, il a surgi de nulle part. 616 00:39:05,651 --> 00:39:08,154 Walked right out of the bayou. Marchant à travers le bayou. 617 00:39:08,856 --> 00:39:14,625 Said his parents had died, left him a bunch of money. Ses parents étaient soi-disant morts, en lui laissant un beau magot. 618 00:39:16,522 --> 00:39:20,432 Never even told me his last name. Il ne m'a jamais dit son nom. 619 00:39:20,982 --> 00:39:24,585 But he didn't have no place to live. Mais il n'avait aucun endroit où aller. 620 00:39:24,605 --> 00:39:27,240 Didn't have no possessions. Il ne possédait rien. 621 00:39:28,072 --> 00:39:31,325 So I kinda, sorta, took him in. Alors, je l'ai pris sous mon aile. 622 00:39:31,345 --> 00:39:34,828 - You took him in? - Stop! - Sous votre aile ? - Stop ! 623 00:39:34,848 --> 00:39:37,372 I'm not done talking. J'ai pas fini de parler. 624 00:39:42,589 --> 00:39:45,358 He ain't got no education... Il n'a aucune éducation, 625 00:39:45,842 --> 00:39:49,922 But he's got a good Christian spirit. mais c'est un bon chrétien. 626 00:39:51,262 --> 00:39:55,516 I... I guess I'm his helpmate, so to speak. Je suis un peu son compagnon de vie. 627 00:39:55,536 --> 00:39:57,551 Oh, god. Bon sang. 628 00:39:57,571 --> 00:39:59,412 How long has he lived with you? It's hard telling. You lose track of time Depuis quand vit-il avec vous ? 629 00:39:59,432 --> 00:40:02,256 Difficile à dire. On perd la notion du temps, 630 00:40:02,276 --> 00:40:04,443 out on the bayou. dans le bayou. 631 00:40:05,902 --> 00:40:08,347 Few years, maybe. Quelques années, je crois. 632 00:40:08,615 --> 00:40:09,796 Maybe decades. Ou bien des décennies. 633 00:40:09,816 --> 00:40:12,152 There's no way. C'est bidon. 634 00:40:13,686 --> 00:40:15,492 Thing is... Le truc 635 00:40:16,082 --> 00:40:19,873 He don't never seem to get any older. c'est qu'il ne semble pas vieillir. 636 00:40:19,893 --> 00:40:23,577 He's good with those damn magic tricks, though, isn't he? Il est doué pour les tours de magie, hein ? 637 00:40:23,597 --> 00:40:25,646 But he always looks the same to me. Mais son apparence ne change pas. 638 00:40:25,666 --> 00:40:28,782 Maybe 18 or so. - This is bullshit. - Just let him talk. Dix-huit ans, environ. 639 00:40:28,802 --> 00:40:29,322 - No, it's bullshit! - Let him talk! - C'est des conneries. - Laisse-le parler. 640 00:40:29,342 --> 00:40:32,882 - C'est des foutaises ! - Arrête ! 641 00:40:33,106 --> 00:40:35,892 I'd like to put some music on. Je vais mettre un peu de musique. 642 00:40:35,909 --> 00:40:38,682 Make sure Isaac can't hear. Histoire qu'Isaac n'entende rien. 643 00:40:39,513 --> 00:40:42,812 I got something else to tell you. J'ai autre chose à vous dire. 644 00:41:05,962 --> 00:41:08,288 So, what are you telling me? You telling me that she found out about us? Tu veux dire qu'elle sait, pour nous deux ? 645 00:41:08,308 --> 00:41:12,559 I wasn't careful enough. I was so stupid about it. Yes, she followed me, okay? J'ai pas été assez prudent, j'ai déconné. 646 00:41:12,579 --> 00:41:14,061 I just found out about it. Oui, elle m'a suivi. Je viens juste de l'apprendre. 647 00:41:14,081 --> 00:41:16,330 - She could be watching us right now. - Well, that ain't the song Si ça se trouve, elle nous observe, là. 648 00:41:16,350 --> 00:41:17,082 - I was looking for. - I can't believe she knows. C'est pas la chanson que je cherchais. 649 00:41:17,102 --> 00:41:18,152 J'arrive pas à le croire. 650 00:41:18,172 --> 00:41:20,792 She's dragging me on a trip with Anna. I... Elle me traîne dans un voyage avec Anna, je 651 00:41:20,812 --> 00:41:23,370 - What is this? Wh... what is this? - God, I fucked this up. - C'est quoi, ça ? - J'ai tout fait foirer. 652 00:41:23,390 --> 00:41:26,240 - It's gonna be okay. - I'm telling you, - Ça va aller. - Je te préviens, 653 00:41:26,260 --> 00:41:28,312 she is vicious. elle est diabolique. 654 00:41:28,862 --> 00:41:31,272 You have no idea. T'as pas idée. 655 00:41:31,732 --> 00:41:33,612 I have to be more careful from now on. Je vais devoir être plus prudent. 656 00:41:33,632 --> 00:41:37,017 Everything will be different when I get back, Vivienne. Tout sera différent à mon retour, Vivienne. 657 00:41:37,037 --> 00:41:40,988 I will file the divorce papers, and we can start our new life together. Je remplirai les papiers du divorce, et on commencera une nouvelle vie. 658 00:41:41,008 --> 00:41:42,392 - No, no, no, no! - Yes, yes. Non, non ! 659 00:41:42,412 --> 00:41:44,391 Si, si. 660 00:41:44,411 --> 00:41:45,459 - No. - Yes. - Non. - Si. 661 00:41:45,479 --> 00:41:48,662 - Come on. - It's okay. - Allons. - Ça va. 662 00:41:48,682 --> 00:41:52,372 Jessica, please. - I don't know what's going on right now. - I love you so much. Jessica, je t'en prie. J'ignore ce qui se passe. 663 00:41:52,392 --> 00:41:54,701 Je t'aime tellement. 664 00:41:54,721 --> 00:41:56,932 I love you more. Je t'aime encore plus. 665 00:42:08,969 --> 00:42:10,422 How did you get that? D'où ça sort, ce truc ? 666 00:42:10,442 --> 00:42:12,853 - I think it's one of Isaac's magic tricks. - Listen. Un des tours de magie d'Isaac, je suppose. 667 00:42:12,873 --> 00:42:14,521 Fuck your magic. Je l'emmerde, votre magie. 668 00:42:14,541 --> 00:42:16,182 Was that real? C'était réel ? 669 00:42:16,202 --> 00:42:20,162 That was real. That was real. So, you've been seeing Vivienne. C'était réel. Bien réel. 670 00:42:20,847 --> 00:42:22,492 Yeah? Yeah? T'as continué de voir Vivienne, exact ? 671 00:42:22,662 --> 00:42:23,932 Oui ? 672 00:42:23,952 --> 00:42:27,367 And you... you... You're going to... to... Et t'allais 673 00:42:27,387 --> 00:42:29,832 You're going to divorce me? demander le divorce ? 674 00:42:30,882 --> 00:42:35,702 I... no. I said that to her, but I didn't mean it. Non, je lui ai dit ça, mais c'était faux. 675 00:42:35,722 --> 00:42:39,179 My god. You've been playing both of us this entire time Mon Dieu. Tu t'es foutu de nous pendant tout ce temps-là, 676 00:42:39,199 --> 00:42:41,122 and you've been lying to me. et tu m'as menti. 677 00:42:41,142 --> 00:42:42,616 I can't believe this. J'arrive pas à y croire. 678 00:42:42,636 --> 00:42:44,851 No, hey, listen, don't get emotional. Écoute, te mets pas dans cet état. 679 00:42:44,871 --> 00:42:46,712 I can get however I want. - Not in front of Anna. - Not in front of Anna? You're a piece of shit. Je fais ce que je veux. 680 00:42:46,732 --> 00:42:47,962 Pas devant Anna. 681 00:42:47,982 --> 00:42:51,152 Pas devant Anna ? Sale enfoiré. 682 00:42:51,912 --> 00:42:54,547 Dad, are you leaving me and mom? Papa, tu vas nous abandonner ? 683 00:43:01,888 --> 00:43:04,242 I'm gonna kill you. Je vais vous buter. 684 00:43:05,058 --> 00:43:06,312 Look. Regardez. 685 00:43:06,332 --> 00:43:10,232 Greatest hits of gene Allison. See? Greatest Hits, de Gene Allison. Vous voyez ? 686 00:43:10,252 --> 00:43:14,482 No. You're a liar and so is that boy. Non. Vous mentez, comme ce gamin. 687 00:43:14,502 --> 00:43:17,112 You're doing this to mess with me. Vous essayez de m'embrouiller. 688 00:43:17,132 --> 00:43:19,953 Anna and I are gonna leave right now. - Please don't. - You... you're disgusting. Anna et moi, on part, tout de suite. 689 00:43:19,973 --> 00:43:20,112 - Please don't. - You see this? - Non. - Tu me dégoûtes. 690 00:43:20,132 --> 00:43:22,422 - Arrête. - Tu vois, ça ? 691 00:43:22,442 --> 00:43:24,222 Go to hell. Va en enfer. 692 00:43:24,352 --> 00:43:26,502 Yeah, I'm divorcing you now. We're done. C'est moi, qui divorce. C'est terminé. 693 00:43:26,522 --> 00:43:28,830 - Listen to me... - I'm out. Jessica! - Écoute-moi, Jessica ! - C'est fini. 694 00:43:28,850 --> 00:43:31,082 - Come on. I want you to get up. Get up. - No, you can't leave dad. - Allez, lève-toi. - Non, pas sans papa. 695 00:43:31,102 --> 00:43:32,252 - Jessica! - I'm out. Jessica ! 696 00:43:32,272 --> 00:43:34,402 C'est terminé. 697 00:43:35,272 --> 00:43:38,152 Hey, guys. What'd I miss? Salut. J'ai raté quelque chose ? 698 00:43:38,225 --> 00:43:40,259 Toby? Toby ? 699 00:43:45,122 --> 00:43:47,452 Oh, my god. Mon Dieu. 700 00:43:47,832 --> 00:43:51,404 Wait. I figured it out. Minute. Je viens de piger. 701 00:43:59,513 --> 00:44:01,972 Other than Anna... Excepté Anna 702 00:44:02,315 --> 00:44:06,317 You're all in on this, aren't you? vous êtes tous dans le coup, exact ? 703 00:44:07,654 --> 00:44:10,742 - In on what? - In on this. - Quel coup ? - Ça. 704 00:44:10,762 --> 00:44:14,442 You're all working together, aren't you? Vous êtes tous de mèche, pas vrai ? 705 00:44:14,772 --> 00:44:18,912 You and the old man, both have keys to the locked room. Toi et le vieux, vous avez tous les deux la clé. 706 00:44:18,932 --> 00:44:20,722 And you, Et toi, 707 00:44:20,742 --> 00:44:23,250 you already know these people and you paid them. tu connaissais ces types, et tu les as payés. 708 00:44:23,270 --> 00:44:26,219 You set me up and taped me somehow Tu m'as piégé et enregistré, 709 00:44:26,239 --> 00:44:28,272 and now, you're getting your sick revenge. tout ça pour te venger. 710 00:44:28,292 --> 00:44:31,652 You don't want to rebuild our marriage. You want revenge. Tu veux pas rebâtir notre mariage. Tu veux juste te venger. 711 00:44:31,672 --> 00:44:34,294 - You're crazy. - You know, I knew you were vicious T'es cinglé. 712 00:44:34,314 --> 00:44:35,429 I knew it, Je savais que t'étais diabolique. 713 00:44:35,449 --> 00:44:38,612 but I didn't know you were a psychopath. Mais je savais pas que t'étais une psychopathe. 714 00:44:38,632 --> 00:44:40,442 How could you do this to Anna? Comment t'as pu faire ça à Anna ? 715 00:44:40,462 --> 00:44:43,282 I've never met these people before in my life. J'ai jamais rencontré ces gens de toute ma vie. 716 00:44:43,302 --> 00:44:45,972 I'm calling the police on you. - Call them. Call them right now. - Wait, wait. - J'appelle les flics. - Vas-y, appelle-les. 717 00:44:45,992 --> 00:44:47,332 Who took my phone? - Where is my phone? - Stop, dad! Stop! Minute. Qui a pris mon téléphone ? 718 00:44:47,352 --> 00:44:50,143 - Où est-il ? - Arrête, papa ! 719 00:44:50,163 --> 00:44:52,622 Maybe it was Vivienne. Maybe... maybe she's the one that set you up. Did you ever think about that? C'était peut-être Vivienne. Elle t'a peut-être piégé. 720 00:44:52,642 --> 00:44:54,632 T'y as déjà pensé ? 721 00:44:55,368 --> 00:44:57,885 And you're a lying, cheating asshole T'es une ordure, un sale menteur, 722 00:44:57,905 --> 00:45:01,472 and she's probably exactly like you. et je parie qu'elle te ressemble. 723 00:45:01,492 --> 00:45:04,926 You're the one who followed me, who stalked me. C'est toi qui m'as suivi et espionné. 724 00:45:04,946 --> 00:45:06,960 Exactly. What if she's doing the same thing? Exact. Et si elle faisait pareil ? 725 00:45:06,980 --> 00:45:09,452 Please stop! Arrêtez, s'il vous plaît ! 726 00:45:12,787 --> 00:45:17,932 Before you played that... Record... Avant de mettre ce disque 727 00:45:18,342 --> 00:45:20,626 What were you going to say? qu'alliez-vous dire ? 728 00:45:20,712 --> 00:45:28,382 I was gonna tell you that there's something you need to see in that locked room. Qu'il y a une chose que vous devriez voir, dans cette pièce verrouillée. 729 00:45:33,772 --> 00:45:35,790 - Holy shit! - What? - Putain ! - Quoi ? 730 00:45:35,810 --> 00:45:37,812 Someone's out there. J'ai vu quelqu'un. 731 00:45:38,144 --> 00:45:39,552 Where? Où ça ? 732 00:45:39,572 --> 00:45:41,922 I saw something by the water. J'ai vu quelque chose, près de l'eau. 733 00:45:41,942 --> 00:45:43,472 Could be a coyote. Sans doute un coyote. 734 00:45:43,492 --> 00:45:47,167 Yeah, could be. Or maybe a wolf. Possible. Ou un loup. 735 00:45:47,187 --> 00:45:49,412 Even a wild dog. Ou un chien sauvage. 736 00:45:53,660 --> 00:45:54,842 There! Là ! 737 00:45:54,862 --> 00:46:00,781 - I don't see it. Where are you looking? - No, I saw it. I saw it too. - Je vois rien. Où ça ? - Non, je l'ai vu, moi aussi. 738 00:46:00,801 --> 00:46:04,322 Probably just a coyote. Or a wolf. C'est sûrement un coyote, ou un loup. 739 00:46:04,342 --> 00:46:06,672 Better to be safe though. Mieux vaut rester prudents. 740 00:46:13,781 --> 00:46:16,329 Good thing this gun's still here. Heureusement, ce fusil est toujours là. 741 00:46:16,349 --> 00:46:18,349 Whoa. 742 00:46:19,085 --> 00:46:21,220 Don't worry. Ne vous en faites pas. 743 00:46:21,272 --> 00:46:24,237 If you're righteous, you'll survive. Les justes, ça survit toujours. 744 00:46:24,257 --> 00:46:27,741 - Just be careful, please. - Wait. - Pas de bêtise, je t'en prie. - Attends. 745 00:46:27,761 --> 00:46:29,829 How's this camera work? Ça marche comment, la caméra ? 746 00:46:33,872 --> 00:46:39,042 Look, grandpappy. I'm a movie star. Vise un peu ça, papi. Je suis une star de cinéma. 747 00:46:39,272 --> 00:46:41,632 Don't put me on that. Braque pas ce machin sur moi. 748 00:46:42,810 --> 00:46:44,802 Isaac. Isaac. 749 00:46:45,178 --> 00:46:47,746 Isaac, what is it that you want? Isaac, qu'est-ce que tu veux ? 750 00:46:49,149 --> 00:46:53,252 I want you to take real good care of this camera. Je veux que vous preniez soin de cette caméra. 751 00:46:53,562 --> 00:46:55,855 I'm gonna be famous one day. Je vais devenir célèbre. 752 00:46:55,856 --> 00:46:58,357 Just like Charles manson. Comme Charles Manson. 753 00:47:08,282 --> 00:47:11,718 You know, you hear about god's son. On parle toujours du fils de Dieu. 754 00:47:11,738 --> 00:47:14,032 Does Satan have a son? Est-ce que Satan a un fils ? 755 00:47:15,082 --> 00:47:17,409 Food for thought. Ça fait réfléchir. 756 00:47:21,381 --> 00:47:23,783 Please put that gun down. Je t'en prie, pose cette arme. 757 00:47:24,018 --> 00:47:27,802 - Let's go outside, John. - No. - Allons faire un tour dehors, John. - Non. 758 00:47:28,421 --> 00:47:31,605 - Why not? - Because you're gonna shoot me. - Pourquoi non ? - Parce que tu vas m'abattre. 759 00:47:31,625 --> 00:47:33,602 Shoot you? Vous abattre ? 760 00:47:35,012 --> 00:47:37,752 - ♪ Tell me the truth... ♪ - I thought we were gonna go hunt coyotes. Je pensais aller chasser le coyote. 761 00:47:37,772 --> 00:47:41,082 We can talk about this. Can we talk about this, please? On peut discuter de tout ça, s'il te plaît ? 762 00:47:41,102 --> 00:47:43,292 Will you please put that gun down? Peux-tu poser cette arme ? 763 00:47:43,312 --> 00:47:46,753 - Please? - Jessica. - S'il te plaît ? - Jessica. 764 00:47:46,773 --> 00:47:48,592 Fine. D'accord. 765 00:47:48,612 --> 00:47:51,257 I'll leave the gun with grandpappy. Je vais confier ce fusil à papi. 766 00:47:51,277 --> 00:47:55,328 You can stay here with your wife and your daughter. Il va rester là avec votre femme et votre fille. 767 00:47:55,348 --> 00:48:01,601 ♪ If you will only tell me the truth ♪ 768 00:48:01,621 --> 00:48:04,542 Okay, John. No gun. Voilà, John. Aucune arme. 769 00:48:05,172 --> 00:48:08,174 - ♪ Whoa... - Let's go for that walk. Allons faire un tour. 770 00:48:08,194 --> 00:48:10,377 - John. - No, dad. Dad. - John. - Papa, non. 771 00:48:10,397 --> 00:48:12,913 Just stay here. It'll be all right. Restez là. Tout ira bien. 772 00:48:12,933 --> 00:48:14,282 - Don't go. - It's okay. - Don't go, dad. Don't go. - I know. I know. - N'y va pas. - T'en fais pas. 773 00:48:14,302 --> 00:48:16,750 - Reste là, papa. - Je sais. 774 00:48:16,770 --> 00:48:18,770 It's okay. Ça va aller. 775 00:48:20,440 --> 00:48:26,445 ♪ And I just don't understand ♪ 776 00:48:27,815 --> 00:48:35,753 ♪ why don't you tell me the truth ♪ 777 00:48:37,492 --> 00:48:40,141 Oh, come on, little girlie. Allons, jeune fille. 778 00:48:40,161 --> 00:48:42,761 You don't gotta be frightened. N'aie pas peur. 779 00:48:43,130 --> 00:48:45,542 I'm not the bogeyman. Je vais pas te manger. 780 00:48:46,299 --> 00:48:52,086 ♪ That I'm willing to let you go ♪ 781 00:48:52,106 --> 00:48:53,821 ♪ whoa ♪ 782 00:48:53,841 --> 00:48:59,813 ♪ without your love ♪ 783 00:49:17,064 --> 00:49:20,082 This wasn't the deal we made. C'est pas ce qu'on avait décidé. 784 00:49:23,002 --> 00:49:27,088 No, listen, all you have to do is Rob us and shoot Jessica. Vous deviez juste nous cambrioler et tuer Jessica. 785 00:49:27,108 --> 00:49:29,022 What the fuck are you doing in there? What the fuck are you pushing me for? C'est quoi, ce bordel ? 786 00:49:29,042 --> 00:49:31,632 Me pousse pas ! 787 00:49:32,813 --> 00:49:35,029 How did you get that recording of me and Vivienne? Comment t'as eu cet enregistrement ? 788 00:49:35,049 --> 00:49:36,730 - Oh, magic. - Yeah? - Par magie. - Ah ouais ? 789 00:49:36,750 --> 00:49:38,622 - Yeah. - I have to look squeaky-clean and you have to be believable for Anna's sake. - Oui. - Je dois être blanc comme neige 790 00:49:38,642 --> 00:49:41,202 et tu dois rester crédible devant Anna. 791 00:49:41,222 --> 00:49:43,122 Oh, I'm not believable? They don't know I'm 21, that... that I was in the army. Quoi, je suis pas crédible ? 792 00:49:43,142 --> 00:49:46,542 Elles savent pas que j'ai 21 ans et que j'ai fait l'armée. 793 00:49:46,562 --> 00:49:48,909 But you keep fucking up my plan. Pourtant, tu fais tout foirer. 794 00:49:48,929 --> 00:49:50,577 I'm fucking up? Je fais tout foirer ? 795 00:49:50,597 --> 00:49:52,813 I'm not the one trying to murder my wife. J'ai pas organisé le meurtre de ma femme, moi. 796 00:49:52,833 --> 00:49:54,280 Don't say that. Ne dis pas ça. 797 00:49:54,300 --> 00:49:57,383 - Murder? Murder. - Don't say that. - Don't say that. - You don't like that word. - Quoi, "meurtre" ? Meurtre. - Tais-toi. 798 00:49:57,403 --> 00:49:59,702 - Murder. Murder. - Don't say that. Don't say that. - La ferme. - T'aimes pas ce mot. 799 00:49:59,807 --> 00:50:00,182 Don't say that. Don't say that, Isaac. - Meurtre, meurtre. - Arrête de dire ça. 800 00:50:00,202 --> 00:50:04,162 Prononce pas ce mot-là, Isaac. 801 00:50:04,332 --> 00:50:06,311 Get off of me. Lâche-moi. 802 00:50:09,049 --> 00:50:10,463 This was the perfect plan. Le plan était parfait. 803 00:50:10,483 --> 00:50:14,769 I knew that she would drag me here. She babbled about this stupid house nonstop. Je savais qu'elle me traînerait ici. 804 00:50:14,789 --> 00:50:14,902 I spent so long strategizing and finding you. Elle arrêtait pas de parler de cette putain de baraque. 805 00:50:14,922 --> 00:50:17,805 J'en ai bavé avant de te trouver. 806 00:50:17,825 --> 00:50:19,472 Yeah. Ouais. 807 00:50:19,492 --> 00:50:22,275 It's not easy finding a killer for hire. Pas facile, de recruter un tueur à gages. 808 00:50:22,295 --> 00:50:24,962 You gotta visit some pretty dark places. Faut explorer son côté sombre. 809 00:50:24,982 --> 00:50:27,782 I'm not gonna pay you if this thing goes sideways. Si ça tourne mal, tu peux dire adieu à ton fric. 810 00:50:27,802 --> 00:50:29,183 Oh. 811 00:50:29,203 --> 00:50:31,852 Yeah, 'cause you'll be in jail. Tu m'étonnes, tu seras en taule. 812 00:50:31,872 --> 00:50:32,853 Well, so will you. Et toi aussi. 813 00:50:32,873 --> 00:50:36,523 Along with that crazy, old man you work with. He's never gonna see daylight again. Avec ce vieux barjot qui te sert de complice. 814 00:50:36,543 --> 00:50:36,632 You're gonna see the electric chair, bub. Il reverra plus la lumière du jour. 815 00:50:36,652 --> 00:50:39,572 Toi, tu finiras sur la chaise électrique. 816 00:50:40,114 --> 00:50:42,622 You're the mastermind here. C'est toi le cerveau, ici. 817 00:50:42,817 --> 00:50:44,951 We're just country folk. Nous, on est juste des bouseux. 818 00:50:45,002 --> 00:50:48,635 What happened to our cat in that locked room? Il est arrivé quoi à notre chat, dans cette pièce ? 819 00:50:48,655 --> 00:50:51,371 Maybe a coyote killed him and I brought him back to life. Peut-être qu'un coyote l'a tué, et que je l'ai ressuscité. 820 00:50:51,391 --> 00:50:52,862 This is what I'm talking about. You quit scaring people with this voodoo shit C'est de ça, dont je parle. 821 00:50:52,882 --> 00:50:54,782 Arrête avec ton numéro de vaudou 822 00:50:54,802 --> 00:50:56,996 and do your job. et fais ton boulot. 823 00:50:57,198 --> 00:50:59,079 This is my job. C'est ça, mon boulot. 824 00:50:59,099 --> 00:51:00,742 Okay. OK. 825 00:51:00,762 --> 00:51:03,622 Keep the train on the tracks and you'll get your 100 grand. Suis le plan comme prévu, et t'auras tes 100 000 dollars. 826 00:51:03,642 --> 00:51:06,712 Then you can take the car to Mexico, like we planned. Ensuite, vous prenez la voiture et vous filez au Mexique. 827 00:51:06,732 --> 00:51:10,608 I feel like you're trying to control me. J'ai l'impression que tu veux m'entuber. 828 00:51:10,845 --> 00:51:12,962 You want your wife gone, Tu veux te débarrasser de ta femme, 829 00:51:12,982 --> 00:51:14,995 you want a good story for your kid, tu veux une jolie histoire pour ta fille, 830 00:51:15,015 --> 00:51:19,300 for the cops and your shiny, new girlfriend. pour les flics et ta nouvelle nana. 831 00:51:19,320 --> 00:51:21,520 That takes work. Ça demande du boulot. 832 00:51:21,789 --> 00:51:24,023 That takes trust. Et de la confiance. 833 00:51:26,492 --> 00:51:29,509 Are you sure you want to go through with this? T'es sûr de vouloir aller jusqu'au bout ? 834 00:51:29,529 --> 00:51:32,345 We can call this whole thing off right now. On peut tout arrêter maintenant. 835 00:51:32,365 --> 00:51:36,362 No, we are doing it, but from now on, play by the rules. Non, pas question. Mais à présent, tu suis les règles. 836 00:51:36,382 --> 00:51:38,822 - Okay. - Okay. OK. 837 00:51:38,842 --> 00:51:41,956 So go in there, Rob us, and when we're walking back Donc, retourne nous cambrioler, 838 00:51:41,976 --> 00:51:44,842 to the locked room, you shoot Jessica in the head et quand on s'approchera de cette pièce verrouillée, 839 00:51:45,478 --> 00:51:48,932 and then you get the fuck out. tu abats Jessica dans la tête et vous foutez le camp. 840 00:51:49,582 --> 00:51:51,232 Okay. OK. 841 00:52:07,332 --> 00:52:10,003 They've been gone so long now. Ils sont partis depuis un bout de temps. 842 00:52:12,882 --> 00:52:14,754 I could put some music on again. Je peux remettre un peu de musique. 843 00:52:14,774 --> 00:52:16,489 No. Non. 844 00:52:16,509 --> 00:52:18,152 No, it's okay. Ça ira. 845 00:52:18,172 --> 00:52:20,179 What... Quel est 846 00:52:21,348 --> 00:52:23,783 What's... what's your real name? Quel est votre vrai nom ? 847 00:52:25,451 --> 00:52:27,921 Grandpappy's fine. Vous pouvez m'appeler papi. 848 00:52:28,421 --> 00:52:31,090 Grandpappy. Grandpappy. Papi. 849 00:52:35,461 --> 00:52:37,778 I wanna ask you something. J'ai une question. 850 00:52:37,798 --> 00:52:39,798 Yeah? Ouais ? 851 00:52:42,822 --> 00:52:45,652 I think there's something wrong with Isaac. Je crois qu'Isaac n'est pas normal. 852 00:52:45,672 --> 00:52:52,192 I think that he is... evil, and he wants to hurt people. Je crois qu'il est malveillant, qu'il aime faire du mal aux autres. 853 00:52:52,212 --> 00:52:56,114 Yeah, some days, I think that too. Ouais, je trouve aussi, parfois. 854 00:52:58,092 --> 00:53:00,301 - But you're not like him. - Hmm. Mais vous n'êtes pas comme lui. 855 00:53:00,321 --> 00:53:02,789 Not from what I can tell. D'après ce que je vois. 856 00:53:05,225 --> 00:53:07,225 So... Donc 857 00:53:09,662 --> 00:53:12,131 I'd like to make a proposition. J'ai une proposition à vous faire. 858 00:53:12,232 --> 00:53:15,934 - A proposition? - Yes. - Une proposition ? - Oui. 859 00:53:17,204 --> 00:53:19,286 Let me and my daughter go. Laissez-nous partir, moi et ma fille. 860 00:53:19,306 --> 00:53:21,092 We'll sneak out. Isaac won't see us. We'll get in our car and drive away. En cachette, sans qu'Isaac nous voit. 861 00:53:21,112 --> 00:53:24,325 On prendra la voiture et on disparaîtra. 862 00:53:24,345 --> 00:53:28,162 What about dad? Quiet. - Et papa ? - Tais-toi. 863 00:53:31,484 --> 00:53:33,522 You'll go to the police. Vous irez voir les flics. 864 00:53:33,542 --> 00:53:35,501 I'll tell them that you're innocent. Je leur dirai que vous êtes innocent. 865 00:53:35,521 --> 00:53:39,925 I'll say that you're a hostage just like us. Que vous étiez un otage, comme nous. 866 00:53:41,972 --> 00:53:44,163 But I have a gun. Vous oubliez le fusil. 867 00:53:45,565 --> 00:53:48,512 Well, I think Isaac is making you do this. Isaac vous manipule. 868 00:53:48,532 --> 00:53:50,736 I know he is. Je le sais. 869 00:53:53,232 --> 00:53:55,852 I can't turn my back on him. Je peux pas le trahir. 870 00:53:56,122 --> 00:54:01,661 If you let us go, I will... I will give you everything I have. Si vous nous laissez partir, je vous donnerai tout ce que j'ai. 871 00:54:01,681 --> 00:54:04,072 Mom, what about dad? Maman, et papa ? 872 00:54:04,251 --> 00:54:06,400 We can't just leave him here to die. On peut pas le laisser mourir. 873 00:54:06,420 --> 00:54:08,372 Hush. Silence. 874 00:54:08,455 --> 00:54:10,512 They're almost back. Ils vont pas tarder. 875 00:54:10,832 --> 00:54:13,252 Oh, shit. Oh, merde. 876 00:54:14,712 --> 00:54:18,522 I can't believe you wanted to leave dad. J'y crois pas, t'allais abandonner papa. 877 00:54:18,698 --> 00:54:21,067 Don't tell him I said that. Ne lui dis rien. 878 00:54:31,311 --> 00:54:33,093 We didn't see any coyotes. Aucune trace de coyote. 879 00:54:33,113 --> 00:54:35,214 But we did some talking. Mais on a bien bavardé. 880 00:54:35,516 --> 00:54:38,432 Ma'am, your husband's right. Madame, votre mari a raison. 881 00:54:38,452 --> 00:54:40,132 We're robbing you. On va vous cambrioler. 882 00:54:40,152 --> 00:54:42,803 Me and grandpappy are gonna lock you in that room. Moi et papi, on va vous enfermer dans cette pièce. 883 00:54:42,823 --> 00:54:45,671 See, we've been sneaking in this house for a few weeks now. On rôde autour de cette baraque depuis des semaines. 884 00:54:45,691 --> 00:54:47,640 Thought you were the new owners. On vous a pris pour les nouveaux proprios. 885 00:54:47,660 --> 00:54:49,410 Just bad luck, really. Pas de bol, c'est tout. 886 00:54:49,430 --> 00:54:51,596 Like bone cancer. Comme le cancer des os. 887 00:54:51,832 --> 00:54:55,022 You're gonna lock us in the room? Yes, ma'am. - Vous allez nous enfermer là-dedans ? - Oui, madame. 888 00:54:55,042 --> 00:54:57,122 After we take your money and your SUV. - That was their plan all along. - But we'll die if you lock us up. How... how will we get out? Après avoir pris votre fric et votre caisse. 889 00:54:57,142 --> 00:54:59,092 C'était leur plan, depuis le début. 890 00:54:59,112 --> 00:55:02,332 On mourra, enfermés là-dedans. Comment va-t-on sortir ? 891 00:55:02,352 --> 00:55:05,959 We'll call the police, leave an anonymous tip. On passera un coup de fil anonyme à la police. 892 00:55:05,979 --> 00:55:08,162 I'll leave some food and water in there for you. Je vous laisserai de la nourriture, et de l'eau. 893 00:55:08,182 --> 00:55:10,364 Thank you. I trust them. Merci. Je leur fais confiance. 894 00:55:10,384 --> 00:55:16,403 You're a fucking idiot. They are not gonna call the police. Espèce d'idiot. Ils n'appelleront jamais les flics. 895 00:55:16,423 --> 00:55:19,840 My daughter is 14 years old. Ma fille a 14 ans. 896 00:55:19,860 --> 00:55:24,511 Please, I'm... I'm asking you, please don't do this. Je vous en supplie, ne faites pas ça. 897 00:55:24,531 --> 00:55:27,722 - Ma'am, you have my word. - Your word? - Madame, vous avez ma parole. - Ta parole ? 898 00:55:27,742 --> 00:55:30,182 - Your word doesn't mean anything. - Calm down, okay? - Ta parole ne vaut rien. - Du calme, OK ? 899 00:55:30,202 --> 00:55:33,320 Your word means even less. Why the fuck would I calm down? Et ta parole, encore moins. Pourquoi je me calmerais ? 900 00:55:33,340 --> 00:55:35,102 Jess. Jess. 901 00:55:36,276 --> 00:55:38,511 It's the room or a bullet. C'est la pièce, ou une balle. 902 00:55:45,385 --> 00:55:47,622 It's okay. Ça va aller. 903 00:56:02,503 --> 00:56:04,636 Time's wasting. Le temps presse. 904 00:56:04,637 --> 00:56:06,592 What is this place? C'est quoi, cet endroit ? 905 00:56:06,612 --> 00:56:08,672 Why are you doing this? - Why are you doing this? - I think we just have to put our differences aside... Pourquoi fais-tu ça ? 906 00:56:08,692 --> 00:56:12,092 On devrait mettre nos différends de coté 907 00:56:12,112 --> 00:56:16,148 And do what they... Don't talk to me! - et faire ce qu'ils - Ne me parle pas ! 908 00:56:19,719 --> 00:56:22,022 You first, John. Vous d'abord, John. 909 00:56:22,655 --> 00:56:24,742 Me? Moi ? 910 00:56:25,926 --> 00:56:28,575 - It's okay. - Dad. - Ça va aller. - Papa. 911 00:56:28,595 --> 00:56:31,522 - Go on. - No. - Allez. - Non. 912 00:56:33,333 --> 00:56:37,782 - No. No. - All right. - Non. - T'en fais pas. 913 00:56:44,211 --> 00:56:46,211 Dad. Papa. 914 00:56:48,502 --> 00:56:50,216 Come on. Allez. 915 00:57:00,961 --> 00:57:02,942 Isaac? Isaac ? 916 00:57:03,664 --> 00:57:05,942 Isaac, what are you doing? Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? 917 00:57:05,962 --> 00:57:08,942 I'm putting you where you belong, John. Je vous remets à votre place. 918 00:57:08,962 --> 00:57:12,619 Isaac, let me out. Isaac, laisse-moi sortir. 919 00:57:12,639 --> 00:57:14,442 John... John. 920 00:57:15,075 --> 00:57:17,952 Isaac. - Let me out. - Hey, John? Isaac ? Ouvre. 921 00:57:17,972 --> 00:57:20,227 Hé, John. 922 00:57:20,247 --> 00:57:22,315 Murder. Meurtre. 923 00:57:25,502 --> 00:57:27,887 Let me out, Isaac. Laisse-moi sortir, Isaac. 924 00:57:29,156 --> 00:57:33,006 Isaac... Isaac... Isaac. 925 00:57:33,026 --> 00:57:34,641 Isaac... 926 00:57:34,661 --> 00:57:37,412 I'm gonna kill you! Je vais te buter ! 927 00:57:37,702 --> 00:57:41,181 Isaac, open the door! Open the door! Isaac, ouvre cette porte ! 928 00:57:41,201 --> 00:57:45,303 I'm gonna fucking tear you apart. Je vais te massacrer. 929 00:57:47,174 --> 00:57:48,288 See, ma'am, Voyez-vous, madame, 930 00:57:48,308 --> 00:57:50,791 I'm guessing he's cheated on you many a times before je parie qu'il vous a déjà trompée plusieurs fois, 931 00:57:50,811 --> 00:57:52,125 with many different women. avec des tas de femmes. 932 00:57:52,145 --> 00:57:56,029 But you always take him back, don't you? - What is he talking about? - I... I... I don't... I don't know. Mais vous revenez toujours vers lui, pas vrai ? 933 00:57:56,049 --> 00:57:57,130 Anna... - De quoi il parle ? - J'en sais rien. 934 00:57:57,150 --> 00:57:57,452 Hey, baby. Don't listen to Isaac. Anna. 935 00:57:57,472 --> 00:58:00,500 Ma puce, n'écoute pas ce qu'il dit. 936 00:58:00,520 --> 00:58:02,172 Don't listen to him. Ne l'écoute pas. 937 00:58:02,192 --> 00:58:05,706 Isaac! What do you think you're doing? Isaac ! Qu'est-ce que tu fous ? 938 00:58:05,726 --> 00:58:09,209 You've been in denial about your husband for a long time now. Vous avez toujours été dans le déni, concernant votre mari. 939 00:58:09,229 --> 00:58:10,842 - Anna! Let me out! - It's time you face the truth. - Anna ! - Il est temps d'affronter la vérité. 940 00:58:10,862 --> 00:58:13,592 Laisse-moi sortir ! 941 00:58:13,934 --> 00:58:15,748 Better go get that. Vous devriez aller voir. 942 00:58:15,768 --> 00:58:17,184 - Don't worry. - Isaac... - Ne vous inquiétez pas. - Isaac. 943 00:58:17,204 --> 00:58:19,453 Me and grandpappy will stay right here with Anna. Moi et papi, on veille sur Anna. 944 00:58:19,473 --> 00:58:22,392 No. No. No, mom, you can't leave me. No, you can't leave, mom. Non, maman. Me laisse pas. 945 00:58:22,412 --> 00:58:24,992 Me laisse pas, maman. 946 00:58:25,012 --> 00:58:28,295 - Mom. - You dirty motherfucker! - Sale fils de pute ! - Maman. 947 00:58:28,315 --> 00:58:30,315 Isaac! Isaac ! 948 00:58:31,451 --> 00:58:34,635 Open the door. Open the door! Ouvre cette porte ! 949 00:58:34,655 --> 00:58:37,632 Open this fucking door! Ouvre cette putain de porte ! 950 00:58:38,625 --> 00:58:40,782 Anna? Anna. Baby, don't listen to what he says, baby. Anna ? 951 00:58:40,802 --> 00:58:44,845 Ne l'écoute pas, ma puce. 952 00:58:44,865 --> 00:58:46,712 Listen, he's a liar. If he says anything about me, you know he's lying, okay? C'est un menteur. 953 00:58:46,732 --> 00:58:51,618 Ce qu'il dit sur moi, c'est faux, d'accord ? 954 00:58:51,638 --> 00:58:52,882 Okay? Same with your mother! OK ? 955 00:58:52,902 --> 00:58:54,988 Pareil avec ta mère. 956 00:58:55,008 --> 00:58:58,242 Same with your fucking mother! Pareil avec ta saloperie de mère ! 957 00:59:03,750 --> 00:59:05,299 You. Vous. 958 00:59:05,319 --> 00:59:08,402 Oh, my god. You're his wife. Oh, my god. I'm so sorry. I... I got a text. Mon Dieu. C'est vous, sa femme. 959 00:59:08,422 --> 00:59:11,402 Désolée. J'ai reçu un SMS. 960 00:59:11,422 --> 00:59:14,875 From my husband? Yes. - De mon mari ? - Oui. 961 00:59:14,895 --> 00:59:17,010 You knew he was married? Vous saviez qu'il était marié. 962 00:59:17,030 --> 00:59:18,780 You're as bad as he is. Vous êtes aussi pourrie que lui. 963 00:59:18,800 --> 00:59:21,072 I'm really, really sorry. I am. He... he told me that he was here all alone here, Je suis vraiment désolée. 964 00:59:21,092 --> 00:59:23,350 Il m'a dit qu'il était ici tout seul, 965 00:59:23,370 --> 00:59:25,252 that he needed me to come right away. qu'il fallait que je vienne tout de suite. 966 00:59:25,272 --> 00:59:28,955 See? I drove as fast as I could. Vous voyez ? J'ai conduit aussi vite que j'ai pu. 967 00:59:28,975 --> 00:59:31,692 - My husband didn't text you that. - What? Mon mari n'a pas écrit ça. 968 00:59:31,712 --> 00:59:33,026 This house is being robbed. - Quoi ? - C'est un cambriolage. 969 00:59:33,046 --> 00:59:35,872 The men are still inside. They have John locked up. Les types sont encore là. Ils ont enfermé John. 970 00:59:35,892 --> 00:59:38,262 - Are you serious? - Yes. My daughter's inside too. - Sans déconner ? - Oui. Ma fille est à l'intérieur. 971 00:59:38,282 --> 00:59:40,734 They took John's phone and texted you to lure you here. Ils ont utilisé le téléphone de John pour vous piéger. 972 00:59:40,754 --> 00:59:42,469 - Why? - To hurt you. They're crazy. - Pourquoi ? - Vous blesser. 973 00:59:42,489 --> 00:59:43,392 - They have a gun. - Okay, well... well, I'll help however you need, okay? Ils sont cinglés et armés. 974 00:59:43,412 --> 00:59:45,102 OK, je vais tout faire pour vous aider. 975 00:59:45,122 --> 00:59:47,908 - I'll... I'll call the police. - No, phones don't work. Do you have anything J'appelle la police. 976 00:59:47,928 --> 00:59:49,976 I can use as a weapon? I don't know, a knife? Pas de réseau. Vous avez une arme ? Un couteau ? 977 00:59:49,996 --> 00:59:51,478 - Mace. Mace. - Give it to me. Give it to me. - Une lacrymo. - Donnez-la-moi. 978 00:59:51,498 --> 00:59:53,046 - Okay. - You need to go to the police. - OK. - Allez voir la police. 979 00:59:53,066 --> 00:59:54,848 Tell them that we are being held at gunpoint. Dites-leur qu'on est pris en otages. 980 00:59:54,868 --> 00:59:56,616 There's an old man and a teenage boy. Par un vieil homme et un adolescent. 981 00:59:56,636 --> 00:59:59,562 Is John okay? Anna? John va bien ? Et Anna ? 982 00:59:59,639 --> 01:00:02,452 Do not use my daughter's name. Ne prononcez pas le nom de ma fille. 983 01:00:02,812 --> 01:00:04,932 You disgust me. Vous me dégoûtez. 984 01:00:04,952 --> 01:00:07,494 - I actually came here to break up with John. - I don't give a shit. Je suis venue rompre avec John. 985 01:00:07,514 --> 01:00:09,329 - You can have him. - He told me all of this... J'en ai rien à foutre. Je vous le laisse. 986 01:00:09,349 --> 01:00:12,132 Shut up. - Il m'a tout raconté - La ferme. 987 01:00:12,152 --> 01:00:15,712 From now on, my family is me and my daughter. Désormais, ma famille, c'est moi et ma fille. 988 01:00:15,732 --> 01:00:20,107 If you don't come back here with the police and I survive... Si vous ramenez pas la police et que je survis, 989 01:00:20,127 --> 01:00:24,711 I swear, I will find you and I will kill you. je vous retrouverai et je vous ferai la peau. 990 01:00:24,731 --> 01:00:26,902 I'll get help. I swear. Je vais chercher de l'aide. Promis. 991 01:00:26,933 --> 01:00:30,268 - Go. - Okay. - Maintenant. - OK. 992 01:00:55,662 --> 01:00:58,152 No, don't do this. Non, me fais pas ça. 993 01:00:59,933 --> 01:01:01,948 They're taking too long. C'est trop long. 994 01:01:01,968 --> 01:01:04,217 Take Anna out and get the gasoline. Prends Anna et l'essence. 995 01:01:04,237 --> 01:01:05,318 Anna! Anna ! 996 01:01:05,338 --> 01:01:06,586 Dad! Dad! Papa ! 997 01:01:06,606 --> 01:01:10,157 Anna! Isaac, you betrayed me. Anna ! Isaac, tu m'as trahi. 998 01:01:10,177 --> 01:01:11,182 - You betrayed me! - You betrayed your own family. Sale traître ! 999 01:01:11,202 --> 01:01:12,827 T'as trahi ta propre famille. 1000 01:01:12,847 --> 01:01:15,942 I'm gonna Bury every cent of that money. You're not gonna see anything. You're not gonna see anything! Je vais brûler jusqu'au dernier billet. T'auras pas un rond. 1001 01:01:15,962 --> 01:01:18,932 Que dalle ! 1002 01:01:18,952 --> 01:01:22,922 You really think I was in this for the money? Tu crois vraiment que j'ai fait ça pour l'argent ? 1003 01:01:23,932 --> 01:01:25,742 Put the key in, Isaac. Put the key in! Sers-toi de la clé, Isaac. 1004 01:01:25,762 --> 01:01:27,909 La clé ! 1005 01:01:27,929 --> 01:01:32,145 Put the key in, Isaac! Let me out! Enfonce la clé, Isaac ! Laisse-moi sortir ! 1006 01:01:32,165 --> 01:01:34,292 Open the fucking door! Isaac. Isaac! Ouvre cette putain de porte ! 1007 01:01:34,312 --> 01:01:36,416 Isaac ! 1008 01:01:36,436 --> 01:01:37,542 - Open the door! - Check the closet, John. Ouvre la porte ! 1009 01:01:37,562 --> 01:01:39,753 Jette un œil au placard, John. 1010 01:01:39,773 --> 01:01:42,092 It's your only way out. C'est la seule issue. 1011 01:02:17,143 --> 01:02:20,072 Open that closet fast, John. Vite, ouvre ce placard, John. 1012 01:02:27,822 --> 01:02:29,582 Come on. Allez. 1013 01:02:33,772 --> 01:02:35,728 Shit. Merde. 1014 01:02:36,496 --> 01:02:37,744 - Oh, my god. - Try it again. Mon Dieu. 1015 01:02:37,764 --> 01:02:40,480 - I'm trying. - Try it again, Vivienne. - Encore une fois, Vivienne. - J'essaie. 1016 01:02:40,500 --> 01:02:41,982 Okay. - Oh, my god. - Vivienne. OK. 1017 01:02:42,002 --> 01:02:43,962 - Bon sang. - Vivienne. 1018 01:02:43,982 --> 01:02:45,218 The doors won't open. C'est bloqué. 1019 01:02:45,238 --> 01:02:48,288 - What is happening? - I'm trapped! - Comment ça ? - Je suis coincée ! 1020 01:02:48,308 --> 01:02:51,959 Jessica. - Look out. - Mom. - Jessica, attention. - Maman. 1021 01:02:51,979 --> 01:02:54,282 Grandpappy's making me do this. Papi me force à faire ça. 1022 01:03:02,052 --> 01:03:03,762 Stop. Right there. Arrête-toi. 1023 01:03:03,782 --> 01:03:06,012 Juste ici. 1024 01:03:09,696 --> 01:03:14,015 It's a fine night for a bonfire, don't you think? Belle nuit pour un feu de camp, non ? 1025 01:03:14,035 --> 01:03:15,562 That's what Isaac says. We called the police on you. C'est ce que dit Isaac. 1026 01:03:15,582 --> 01:03:17,551 On a appelé la police. 1027 01:03:17,571 --> 01:03:18,732 - They're on their way. - Now, you know that's not true. Ils sont en route. 1028 01:03:18,752 --> 01:03:21,632 Allons, vous savez bien que c'est faux. 1029 01:03:21,909 --> 01:03:23,891 Isaac's controlling this, isn't he? Isaac est derrière tout ça, n'est-ce pas ? 1030 01:03:23,911 --> 01:03:25,092 But why? Mais pourquoi ? 1031 01:03:25,112 --> 01:03:28,528 Maybe he didn't have nothing better to do. Peut-être pour tuer le temps. 1032 01:03:28,548 --> 01:03:32,065 It's so heavy, mom. I can't hold it anymore. C'est trop lourd, maman. Je peux plus le tenir. 1033 01:03:32,085 --> 01:03:36,412 You start pouring that gasoline on the car. Verse l'essence sur la voiture. 1034 01:03:36,623 --> 01:03:37,792 - There's a woman inside. - That woman is no good. Il y a une femme, à l'intérieur. 1035 01:03:37,812 --> 01:03:40,073 Cette femme ne vaut rien. 1036 01:03:40,093 --> 01:03:42,475 - You know what? Her and your dad... - Hey. Elle et ton père 1037 01:03:42,495 --> 01:03:44,979 Don't say it. Why? - Ne dites rien. - Pourquoi ? 1038 01:03:44,999 --> 01:03:46,814 You trying to protect his good name? Vous tenez à protéger sa réputation ? 1039 01:03:46,834 --> 01:03:48,902 I'm protecting my daughter. Je protège ma fille. 1040 01:03:49,669 --> 01:03:51,522 Anna... Anna. 1041 01:03:53,072 --> 01:03:57,324 Start pouring that gas or I'm gonna shoot your mama. Verse cette essence, ou je tire sur ta mère. 1042 01:03:57,344 --> 01:04:00,460 You do it yourself. You don't make my child do it. Faites-le vous-même. Ma fille n'a rien à voir là-dedans. 1043 01:04:00,480 --> 01:04:02,422 That's not how this works. Ça marche pas comme ça. 1044 01:04:02,442 --> 01:04:05,265 Don't. Don't! Don't! Arrête ! 1045 01:04:05,285 --> 01:04:07,835 - Don't. Stop it, please! - No. Hey. Non. 1046 01:04:07,855 --> 01:04:09,636 Go back. - Arrête, je t'en prie ! - Recule. 1047 01:04:09,656 --> 01:04:10,737 I'll do it. Je vais le faire. 1048 01:04:10,757 --> 01:04:12,907 - No! - Good. - Bien. - Non ! 1049 01:04:12,927 --> 01:04:14,927 No. 1050 01:04:14,929 --> 01:04:16,610 - Don't! - Anna, shut your eyes. - Non ! - Anna, ferme les yeux. 1051 01:04:16,630 --> 01:04:17,872 Mom. No, Jessica! Maman. 1052 01:04:17,892 --> 01:04:20,447 Non, Jessica ! 1053 01:04:20,467 --> 01:04:22,449 No! 1054 01:04:22,469 --> 01:04:25,719 - Make sure you get some under the hood. - I'm sorry! Arrosez bien le capot. 1055 01:04:25,739 --> 01:04:28,522 No, Jessica! Oh, my god! Je suis désolée ! Non, Jessica ! 1056 01:04:29,376 --> 01:04:31,532 No, Jessica, please! Oh, mon Dieu ! Jessica, pitié ! 1057 01:04:31,552 --> 01:04:35,042 - Jessica, no! - I'm so fucking sorry. No! - Jessica, non ! - Je suis désolée. 1058 01:04:35,062 --> 01:04:37,232 Non ! 1059 01:04:37,484 --> 01:04:40,285 No! 1060 01:04:44,672 --> 01:04:48,708 Jessica! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Jessica! Jessica ! Je suis désolée ! 1061 01:04:48,728 --> 01:04:52,012 Please! Stop! Pitié ! Arrêtez ! 1062 01:04:52,182 --> 01:04:57,162 Jessica! Please! Stop! No! Jessica ! Je vous en prie ! 1063 01:04:57,182 --> 01:04:58,518 Non ! 1064 01:04:58,538 --> 01:05:02,089 - Don't do it! No! - Ashes to ashes. - Faites pas ça ! - "Poussière tu étais 1065 01:05:02,109 --> 01:05:03,090 Dust to dust. "poussière tu redeviendras." 1066 01:05:03,110 --> 01:05:08,272 No, Jessica! Oh, my god! Non, Jessica ! Oh, mon Dieu ! 1067 01:05:11,217 --> 01:05:13,252 Just like cooking veal. À point, comme mes côtelettes. 1068 01:05:13,272 --> 01:05:15,402 Oh, my god. Oh, mon Dieu ! 1069 01:05:16,023 --> 01:05:19,582 Please, Jessica, no! Jessica, non ! 1070 01:05:22,792 --> 01:05:28,381 Help me! No! Au secours ! Non ! 1071 01:05:28,401 --> 01:05:30,442 No! Non ! 1072 01:05:30,462 --> 01:05:35,122 - Anna, run! - Jessica! No! - Anna, cours ! - Jessica ! Non ! 1073 01:05:38,652 --> 01:05:40,446 Motherfucker! Fils de pute ! 1074 01:05:43,192 --> 01:05:44,799 - Anna! - Mom! - Anna ! - Maman ! 1075 01:05:44,819 --> 01:05:48,162 Oh, god. Vivienne. Vivienne. Oh, mon Dieu ! Vivienne. 1076 01:05:48,789 --> 01:05:50,990 Oh, god, Vivienne. 1077 01:05:51,892 --> 01:05:53,373 Oh, my god! Mon Dieu ! 1078 01:05:53,393 --> 01:05:56,022 Shit. Vivienne! Fuck! Merde. Vivienne ! 1079 01:05:56,042 --> 01:05:58,212 Putain ! 1080 01:06:03,512 --> 01:06:05,218 Honey, no, it's okay. Ma chérie, ça va. 1081 01:06:05,238 --> 01:06:07,154 Come here, Anna. Anna, look at me. Anna, regarde-moi. 1082 01:06:07,174 --> 01:06:10,390 Look at me. Are you okay? Are you okay? Okay. Ça va ? Tu n'as rien ? 1083 01:06:10,410 --> 01:06:13,359 All right. Honey. Oh, god. Super, ma puce. Bon sang. 1084 01:06:13,379 --> 01:06:16,462 - No keys. Shit, shit, shit. - Isaac has all the keys. Pas de clé. Merde. C'est Isaac qui a toutes les clés. 1085 01:06:16,482 --> 01:06:19,962 Oh, dad has the other key. Honey, honey, you have to stay. Ton père a l'autre clé. 1086 01:06:20,487 --> 01:06:22,036 - Okay, listen to me. - What? Chérie, reste ici. Écoute-moi bien. 1087 01:06:22,056 --> 01:06:23,403 If you see Isaac, - Quoi ? - Si tu vois Isaac, 1088 01:06:23,423 --> 01:06:24,842 - you're gonna scream... - No. - hurle bien fort - Non. 1089 01:06:24,862 --> 01:06:27,674 - And then you shoot him. - No, no, no. - Mom, I can't do this. - You can do this. - et tue-le. - Non. 1090 01:06:27,694 --> 01:06:30,044 - You can't... I can't do this. - You're gonna do this. - Maman, je peux pas. - Mais si. 1091 01:06:30,064 --> 01:06:31,846 Listen to me. You're gonna aim - Je peux pas. - Tu vas y arriver. 1092 01:06:31,866 --> 01:06:33,646 and you're gonna shoot and I'll come running. Tu vas viser, 1093 01:06:33,666 --> 01:06:34,272 You're gonna aim at his eyes, okay? tu vas tirer, et j'arriverai en courant. 1094 01:06:34,292 --> 01:06:36,472 Vise bien ses yeux, OK ? 1095 01:06:36,492 --> 01:06:40,054 - Listen to me. - I can't do this, mom! Listen to me. - Écoute-moi bien. - J'y arriverai pas, maman ! 1096 01:06:40,074 --> 01:06:42,990 If I don't try to save your dad, you will never forgive me. Si je sauve pas ton père, tu me le pardonneras jamais. 1097 01:06:43,010 --> 01:06:46,559 Okay. Okay. OK. 1098 01:06:46,579 --> 01:06:48,195 Mom, what are you gonna do? Maman, qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ? 1099 01:06:48,215 --> 01:06:50,722 Take this. It's mace. Prends ça. Une lacrymo. 1100 01:06:51,042 --> 01:06:53,462 I'm gonna find Isaac. Je vais trouver Isaac. 1101 01:07:17,744 --> 01:07:19,779 Isaac? Isaac ? 1102 01:07:23,284 --> 01:07:26,718 Isaac. 1103 01:07:34,512 --> 01:07:37,262 Grandpappy needs you. Papi a besoin de toi. 1104 01:07:37,932 --> 01:07:40,542 He's hurt real bad. Il est gravement blessé. 1105 01:07:54,281 --> 01:07:56,262 John? John ? 1106 01:08:12,299 --> 01:08:14,362 Hello? T'es là ? 1107 01:08:25,362 --> 01:08:27,180 John? John ? 1108 01:08:51,738 --> 01:08:53,922 John? John ? 1109 01:08:54,375 --> 01:08:56,876 John. 1110 01:09:04,218 --> 01:09:06,212 Jess... Jess. 1111 01:09:12,226 --> 01:09:14,722 Is Anna okay? Et Anna ? 1112 01:09:15,863 --> 01:09:18,112 She's fine. Elle va bien. 1113 01:09:18,731 --> 01:09:23,202 Isaac said that Vivienne is here... Isaac a dit que Vivienne était ici. 1114 01:09:24,872 --> 01:09:27,152 And they killed her. Ils l'ont tuée. 1115 01:09:27,241 --> 01:09:28,992 No. Non. 1116 01:09:29,942 --> 01:09:32,662 Vivienne's... Vivienne's alive. Vivienne est 1117 01:09:32,682 --> 01:09:34,762 Vivienne est vivante. 1118 01:09:35,349 --> 01:09:36,822 She's... she's waiting for you. Elle 1119 01:09:36,842 --> 01:09:39,502 Elle t'attend. 1120 01:09:48,602 --> 01:09:51,472 John, do you have the car keys? John, t'as les clés de la voiture ? 1121 01:09:53,934 --> 01:09:56,235 Isaac took them. Isaac les a prises. 1122 01:09:59,472 --> 01:10:01,632 Jessica... Jessica. 1123 01:10:02,642 --> 01:10:05,202 Tell Vivienne I love her. Dis à Vivienne que je l'aime. 1124 01:10:08,614 --> 01:10:10,692 I will. Promis. 1125 01:10:47,955 --> 01:10:49,502 Hey. 1126 01:10:49,522 --> 01:10:51,623 Mom! Maman ! 1127 01:10:52,359 --> 01:10:53,639 Don't come any closer. T'approche pas. 1128 01:10:53,659 --> 01:10:57,011 - Or what? - Or I'll shoot you. - Sinon ? - Sinon, je tire. 1129 01:10:57,031 --> 01:10:59,932 Mom, it's Isaac! Mom! Mama, Isaac est ici ! 1130 01:11:00,942 --> 01:11:03,602 You ever even shot a gun before? Tu t'es déjà servie d'une arme ? 1131 01:11:05,182 --> 01:11:07,907 Did you hurt my dad? T'as fait du mal à mon père ? 1132 01:11:08,022 --> 01:11:10,343 You're so pretty when you cry. T'es trop mignonne quand tu pleures. 1133 01:11:10,482 --> 01:11:12,558 You're such a good girl, Anna. T'es une fille bien, Anna. 1134 01:11:12,578 --> 01:11:14,495 So sweet and pure in your nature. Gentille et pure, naturellement. 1135 01:11:14,515 --> 01:11:16,342 Stop it. Stop talking. Arrête. 1136 01:11:16,362 --> 01:11:18,999 Tais-toi. 1137 01:11:19,019 --> 01:11:21,372 I know what you're going through. Je sais ce que tu ressens. 1138 01:11:21,392 --> 01:11:23,588 I've been there too. J'ai déjà vécu ça. 1139 01:11:24,242 --> 01:11:26,473 You deserve better than your parents. Tu mérites mieux que tes parents. 1140 01:11:26,493 --> 01:11:28,342 You deserve love. Tu mérites d'être aimée. 1141 01:11:28,362 --> 01:11:30,863 My parents love me. Mes parents m'aiment. 1142 01:11:32,012 --> 01:11:33,902 Treat you like an afterbirth. Comme un résidu de placenta. 1143 01:11:33,922 --> 01:11:36,050 That's not true. C'est faux. 1144 01:11:36,070 --> 01:11:38,419 That's not true! Tu mens ! 1145 01:11:38,439 --> 01:11:40,888 You want to go for a ride with me? On va faire un tour ? 1146 01:11:40,908 --> 01:11:42,189 No. Non. 1147 01:11:42,209 --> 01:11:45,862 But you don't even know where I'm headed. Je t'ai même pas dit où on allait. 1148 01:11:46,547 --> 01:11:50,392 I can show you things you can't even dream of. Je peux te montrer des choses que tu n'imagines pas. 1149 01:11:51,717 --> 01:11:53,672 Got a little boat tied up out back. J'ai une barque, amarrée pas loin d'ici. 1150 01:11:53,692 --> 01:11:56,462 Grandpappy didn't even know about it. Papi est même pas au courant. 1151 01:11:56,482 --> 01:12:01,408 We can disappear into the bayou. No one will ever see us again. On peut disparaître dans le bayou. Personne ne nous reverra. 1152 01:12:01,428 --> 01:12:04,344 I don't make this offer to many girls. Je propose pas ça à toutes les filles. 1153 01:12:04,364 --> 01:12:06,962 It's a rare gem of an offer. C'est une offre précieuse. 1154 01:12:07,234 --> 01:12:08,912 Just like you. Tout comme toi. 1155 01:12:10,003 --> 01:12:11,952 A rare gem. Une pierre précieuse. 1156 01:12:14,508 --> 01:12:16,472 Anna! Anna ! 1157 01:12:29,123 --> 01:12:31,032 Mom! Maman ! 1158 01:12:32,392 --> 01:12:33,622 Let her go! Whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa. Can't do that, ma'am. Laisse-la ! 1159 01:12:33,642 --> 01:12:37,092 Impossible, madame. 1160 01:12:37,112 --> 01:12:39,672 See, I'm thinking about taking your daughter here as my wife. Je pense prendre votre fille comme épouse. 1161 01:12:39,692 --> 01:12:42,615 Hardly seen a prettier girl. You'll go to hell for what you've done. - Elle est d'une rare beauté. - T'iras en enfer. 1162 01:12:42,635 --> 01:12:46,787 Been there already. Not much to see compared to earth. J'y suis déjà allé. Pas terrible, comparé à la terre. 1163 01:12:46,807 --> 01:12:50,152 Anna, stay strong. Anna, sois forte. 1164 01:12:50,710 --> 01:12:52,993 You know why this happened, don't you? Vous savez ce qui a causé tout ça ? 1165 01:12:53,013 --> 01:12:58,316 See, your husband hired me and grandpappy to kill you. Votre mari nous a engagés, moi et papi, pour vous tuer. 1166 01:13:00,087 --> 01:13:01,742 That's not true. C'est faux. 1167 01:13:01,762 --> 01:13:03,655 Oh, sure it is. C'est la pure vérité. 1168 01:13:03,972 --> 01:13:06,840 See, he thought we were just country folk. Il nous a pris pour des bouseux. 1169 01:13:06,860 --> 01:13:10,643 Didn't understand the nature of the beast. Il n'a pas mesuré la nature de la bête. 1170 01:13:10,663 --> 01:13:12,412 Truth is John's the one who needed to be killed. En vérité, 1171 01:13:12,432 --> 01:13:15,082 c'est John qui devait mourir. 1172 01:13:15,102 --> 01:13:17,102 Not you. Pas vous. 1173 01:13:19,907 --> 01:13:22,032 Or your lovely, little Anna. Ni votre adorable Anna. 1174 01:13:23,782 --> 01:13:26,726 Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Merde, putain ! 1175 01:13:26,746 --> 01:13:28,832 No! Non ! 1176 01:13:29,583 --> 01:13:31,784 Don't hurt my mom. Touche pas à ma mère. 1177 01:13:33,420 --> 01:13:34,700 Hey, hey. 1178 01:13:34,720 --> 01:13:38,224 Hey. 1179 01:13:39,793 --> 01:13:43,172 Hold on. Let's talk about this. Minute. On peut discuter. 1180 01:13:43,302 --> 01:13:48,600 If you're righteous, you'll survive. Les justes, ça survit toujours. 1181 01:14:05,986 --> 01:14:11,923 I was just joshing about marrying your daughter. Je plaisantais, en parlant d'épouser votre fille. 1182 01:14:12,492 --> 01:14:16,543 From where I sit, marriage is just a pit of spikes. Le mariage, c'est une fosse hérissée de pieux. 1183 01:14:16,563 --> 01:14:18,902 Who the hell are you? Qui es-tu ? 1184 01:14:19,833 --> 01:14:23,703 I see myself as a moral compass. Disons que j'incarne le sens moral. 1185 01:14:24,512 --> 01:14:27,321 People spin in the wrong direction, Les gens s'égarent, 1186 01:14:27,341 --> 01:14:29,442 I set 'em straight. je les ramène sur le droit chemin. 1187 01:14:33,222 --> 01:14:39,742 Me and the old man built this house for people just like your husband. Avec papi, on a bâti cette maison pour les gens comme votre mari. 1188 01:14:39,762 --> 01:14:43,337 Murderers, liars, cheaters Des meurtriers, des menteurs, des maris infidèles, 1189 01:14:43,357 --> 01:14:45,942 and sinners are all alike. tous fourvoyés dans le péché. 1190 01:14:46,032 --> 01:14:48,909 They're drawn to it like a magnet. Cet endroit les attire comme un aimant. 1191 01:14:48,929 --> 01:14:50,844 It's my task to kill 'em. Mon devoir, c'est de les tuer. 1192 01:14:50,864 --> 01:14:53,032 You're insane. T'es cinglé. 1193 01:14:53,412 --> 01:14:55,932 I've been alive for centuries. J'ai vécu durant des siècles. 1194 01:14:57,671 --> 01:14:59,932 Maybe I'm a demon. Je suis peut-être un démon. 1195 01:15:00,832 --> 01:15:03,302 Or maybe I'm an angel. Ou un ange. 1196 01:15:03,577 --> 01:15:06,345 Or just a really confused kid. Ou juste un gamin complètement perdu. 1197 01:15:22,612 --> 01:15:24,662 Here. Tenez. 1198 01:15:25,042 --> 01:15:27,066 Take 'em. Prenez-les. 1199 01:15:33,674 --> 01:15:35,742 Anna. Anna. 1200 01:15:40,047 --> 01:15:43,330 Honey, Isaac's dying. - I'm fucking scared, mom. - We have to go. Ma puce, c'est fini pour lui. 1201 01:15:43,350 --> 01:15:44,965 Go. Go! We have to go. - J'ai peur, maman. - On doit partir. 1202 01:15:44,985 --> 01:15:45,402 Everything's gonna be okay. Run. Run! Run. Allez ! On se tire. 1203 01:15:45,422 --> 01:15:47,532 Tout ira bien. Cours ! 1204 01:15:47,552 --> 01:15:50,222 Run. Run. Allez, cours ! 1205 01:16:08,342 --> 01:16:10,376 Thank god. Seigneur, merci. 1206 01:16:20,654 --> 01:16:25,192 Check your phone. Check your phone right now, please. Vérifie ton téléphone. Vite, s'il te plaît. 1207 01:16:25,212 --> 01:16:28,709 Do you have a signal? I don't have any. Why isn't it working, mom? Tu captes ? 1208 01:16:28,729 --> 01:16:29,072 It's not working. Pas de réseau. Pourquoi ça marche pas ? 1209 01:16:29,092 --> 01:16:30,444 Je capte pas. 1210 01:16:30,464 --> 01:16:33,781 Did Isaac hurt you? Did he... did he touch you? Isaac t'a fait du mal ? Il t'a touchée ? 1211 01:16:33,801 --> 01:16:36,592 - No. - No? - Non. - Sûre ? 1212 01:16:36,612 --> 01:16:41,455 We left dad there, mom. We have to go back. What about dad, mom? On a laissé papa. On doit retourner là-bas. 1213 01:16:41,475 --> 01:16:41,622 - What about... what about dad? - What about dad? Et papa, maman ? 1214 01:16:41,642 --> 01:16:43,590 On fait quoi, pour papa ? 1215 01:16:43,610 --> 01:16:46,702 Listen to me. We're safe. Écoute-moi. On est en sécurité. 1216 01:16:46,722 --> 01:16:53,662 That's what matters. That we're safe right now. We're safe. C'est tout ce qui compte. On est en sécurité, à présent. 1217 01:17:01,612 --> 01:17:05,952 BUREAU DU SHÉRIF 1218 01:17:08,462 --> 01:17:10,984 And I keep telling you, there are no houses out there. Et je vous le répète, il n'y a aucune maison là-bas. 1219 01:17:11,004 --> 01:17:12,519 Not like the one you described. Aucune de ce genre-là. 1220 01:17:12,539 --> 01:17:15,952 Yeah, something went wrong with my phone and my computer Il s'est passé un truc avec mon téléphone et mon ordinateur, 1221 01:17:15,972 --> 01:17:18,725 and the pictures aren't there anymore. toutes les photos ont disparu. 1222 01:17:18,745 --> 01:17:20,452 It's not like I don't believe you. Je veux bien vous croire. 1223 01:17:20,472 --> 01:17:25,767 We were inside that house. I was the real estate agent. The house is real and we need to find it On était dans cette maison. C'est moi, l'agent immobilier. 1224 01:17:25,787 --> 01:17:27,033 and my husband. Cette maison existe, on doit la retrouver, ainsi que mon mari. 1225 01:17:27,053 --> 01:17:31,372 And we need to find Isaac and... and the old man. Et aussi Isaac et ce vieil homme. 1226 01:17:32,482 --> 01:17:34,462 - It's easy to get confused on the bayou. - We're not confused. Le bayou, ça peut vite vous jouer des tours. 1227 01:17:34,482 --> 01:17:36,676 On est parfaitement lucides. 1228 01:17:36,696 --> 01:17:39,252 Isaac tried to kill us. Isaac a essayé de nous tuer. 1229 01:17:39,499 --> 01:17:41,982 And my dad is dead. Et mon père est mort. 1230 01:17:42,002 --> 01:17:45,492 Like I said, deputies will be dispatched. Mes hommes iront jeter un œil. 1231 01:17:45,512 --> 01:17:48,622 Listen, I don't know what really went on between you and your husband, J'ignore ce qui s'est passé entre vous et votre mari, 1232 01:17:48,642 --> 01:17:50,332 but if he's out there, we'll find him. mais s'il a disparu, on le retrouvera. 1233 01:17:50,352 --> 01:17:52,959 He's probably just disoriented. Il doit juste être un peu désorienté. 1234 01:17:52,979 --> 01:17:54,152 He may still be alive. You haven't heard a word I said. Mais il est sûrement en vie. 1235 01:17:54,172 --> 01:17:56,898 Vous ne m'avez pas écoutée. 1236 01:17:56,918 --> 01:17:59,122 I heard you, but you're not making any sense. Si, mais ce que vous dites n'a aucun sens. 1237 01:17:59,142 --> 01:18:01,032 Take me to this address. Amenez-moi à cette adresse. 1238 01:18:01,052 --> 01:18:03,452 I wanna to see it myself. Je veux en avoir le cœur net. 1239 01:18:05,072 --> 01:18:08,542 There are no homes around here. It's just swamp. Il n'y a rien aux alentours, c'est juste un marécage. 1240 01:18:08,562 --> 01:18:09,752 I'm ready when you are. And my daughter's gonna stay here in the station. Je vous attends. 1241 01:18:09,772 --> 01:18:11,978 Et ma fille reste ici, au poste. 1242 01:18:11,998 --> 01:18:13,815 Mom... Maman. 1243 01:18:13,835 --> 01:18:16,852 It's safer if I leave you here. C'est plus sûr si je te laisse ici. 1244 01:18:17,905 --> 01:18:19,887 Like you left dad? Comme t'as laissé papa ? 1245 01:18:19,907 --> 01:18:22,112 Is he safe? Il est en sécurité ? 1246 01:18:26,948 --> 01:18:32,242 I promise, I will be back in a couple hours. On revient d'ici quelques heures, promis. 1247 01:19:38,819 --> 01:19:42,322 I swear, there was a house. Je le jure, il y avait une maison. 1248 01:19:42,689 --> 01:19:44,352 It was... it was a big house. C'était 1249 01:19:44,372 --> 01:19:46,992 Une baraque immense. 1250 01:19:50,542 --> 01:19:54,922 Uh. And there was a fire in... in the driveway. Et il y avait le feu, devant. 1251 01:19:56,003 --> 01:19:57,450 Where? Où ça ? 1252 01:19:57,470 --> 01:19:59,322 It was there. Là. 1253 01:20:00,082 --> 01:20:04,942 It was... it was... It was right here. C'était juste ici. 1254 01:20:05,362 --> 01:20:08,032 Like I said, it's easy to get confused. Je vous l'ai dit, on peut perdre la boule, ici. 1255 01:20:08,052 --> 01:20:10,292 I... I'm not confused. I'm not. C'est pas ça. Pas du tout. 1256 01:20:10,312 --> 01:20:13,199 Then you tell me, are we at the wrong place? Alors dites-moi, on s'est trompées d'endroit ? 1257 01:20:13,219 --> 01:20:15,062 No. I don't know. Non. 1258 01:20:16,152 --> 01:20:18,522 J'en sais rien. 1259 01:20:19,426 --> 01:20:24,142 Look, I'm happy to take you somewhere else, within reason. Je peux vous conduire ailleurs, dans la limite du raisonnable. 1260 01:20:31,671 --> 01:20:34,142 It happened here. Ça s'est passé ici. 1261 01:21:27,795 --> 01:21:29,795 You're right. Vous avez raison. 1262 01:21:35,870 --> 01:21:38,202 There's nothing here. Il n'y a rien, ici. 1263 01:21:41,075 --> 01:21:43,242 There's no house. Aucune maison. 1264 01:21:46,981 --> 01:21:49,092 I'm sorry, ma'am. Désolée, madame. 1265 01:21:52,987 --> 01:21:55,521 Take me back to the station. Ramenez-moi au poste. 1266 01:22:09,202 --> 01:22:11,018 You know, to be honest, you're not the first person Vous savez, vous n'êtes pas la première 1267 01:22:11,038 --> 01:22:15,422 to come to me with a crazy story about a house. à venir me parler de cette maison. 1268 01:22:17,144 --> 01:22:19,093 Can you drive faster, please? Vous pouvez conduire plus vite ? 1269 01:22:19,113 --> 01:22:20,952 First, I need you to do me a favor. - What? - Open the glove compartment. D'abord, rendez-moi un service. 1270 01:22:20,972 --> 01:22:24,982 - Quoi ? - Ouvrez la boîte à gants. 1271 01:22:31,092 --> 01:22:33,192 Oh, my god. Oh, mon Dieu. 1272 01:22:33,794 --> 01:22:37,162 But this was in the house. How did you get it? C'était dans la maison. Comment l'avez-vous eue ? 1273 01:22:37,182 --> 01:22:39,472 That means we have Isaac on tape. Ça veut dire qu'on a une vidéo d'Isaac. 1274 01:22:39,492 --> 01:22:41,362 Turn it on. Allumez-la. 1275 01:22:43,902 --> 01:22:46,452 We're right behind you, ma'am. On est juste derrière vous, madame. 1276 01:22:50,276 --> 01:22:52,252 Oh, my god. Oh, mon Dieu. 1277 01:22:54,002 --> 01:22:55,222 Turn this off. It's on all the stations. Éteignez ça. 1278 01:22:55,242 --> 01:22:56,662 C'est sur toutes les stations. 1279 01:22:56,682 --> 01:23:00,467 That's not... This can't be happening. C'est impossible. 1280 01:23:00,487 --> 01:23:06,391 ♪ Tell me the truth ♪ 1281 01:23:06,526 --> 01:23:13,032 ♪ please stop me from guessing ♪ 1282 01:23:14,634 --> 01:23:21,606 ♪ darling, it will be a blessing ♪ 1283 01:23:22,642 --> 01:23:28,080 ♪ if you will only tell me the truth ♪ 1284 01:23:29,049 --> 01:23:32,372 It was... them. C'était eux. 1285 01:23:34,687 --> 01:23:36,662 Take a breath. Respirez à fond. 1286 01:23:37,992 --> 01:23:39,992 It's not real. C'est pas réel. 1287 01:23:40,360 --> 01:23:42,382 No, it can't be. Non, c'est impossible. 1288 01:23:47,101 --> 01:23:51,182 Isaac and grandpappy help us keep order. Isaac et son grand-père nous aident à maintenir l'ordre. 1289 01:23:51,205 --> 01:23:54,354 I don't know what they are. They're not human. J'ignore ce qu'ils sont. Ils ne sont pas humains. 1290 01:23:54,374 --> 01:23:56,542 You're crazy. Vous êtes tarée. 1291 01:23:57,011 --> 01:23:58,762 We protect Isaac, Nous protégeons Isaac, 1292 01:23:58,782 --> 01:24:01,962 and he takes care of the evildoers. et il s'occupe des criminels. 1293 01:24:01,982 --> 01:24:04,464 Like a spider catching flies. Comme une araignée attrapant sa proie. 1294 01:24:04,484 --> 01:24:06,952 He sends them straight to hell. Il les expédie droit en enfer. 1295 01:24:10,057 --> 01:24:11,238 It's an illusion. C'est une illusion. 1296 01:24:11,258 --> 01:24:12,739 Tell yourself that. Si vous le dites. 1297 01:24:12,759 --> 01:24:15,902 The bayou plays a lot of tricks. Le bayou nous joue bien des tours. 1298 01:24:18,364 --> 01:24:20,862 I'm gonna tell everyone what happened. J'irai tout raconter. 1299 01:24:20,882 --> 01:24:23,335 Who would believe you? Qui vous croirait ? 1300 01:24:23,722 --> 01:24:28,312 Isaac doesn't hurt the righteous, only the wicked. Isaac ne s'en prend pas aux justes, uniquement au gens malfaisants. 1301 01:24:29,442 --> 01:24:31,742 But I'm not wicked. Je ne suis pas malfaisante. 1302 01:24:32,412 --> 01:24:34,832 It's a matter of degrees. Question de point de vue. 1303 01:24:37,912 --> 01:24:40,802 Heaven and hell are a choice away. Paradis ou enfer, ça ne tient qu'à un fil. 1304 01:24:40,822 --> 01:24:45,105 Isaac gave you a second chance. Embrace it. Isaac vous a offert une seconde chance. Saisissez-la. 1305 01:24:45,125 --> 01:24:47,322 Be kind. Soyez bienveillante. 1306 01:24:48,192 --> 01:24:52,763 And never come back to the house on the bayou. Et ne revenez jamais dans la maison sur le bayou. 1307 01:25:15,923 --> 01:25:17,252 - Anna? - Mom. - Anna ? - Maman. 1308 01:25:17,272 --> 01:25:19,106 Anna. Anna. 1309 01:25:19,126 --> 01:25:21,382 Oh, thank god. Dieu merci. 1310 01:25:21,402 --> 01:25:23,762 It's okay. Tout va bien. 1311 01:25:26,699 --> 01:25:28,448 I love you. Je t'aime. 1312 01:25:28,468 --> 01:25:30,636 Oh, honey. Ma puce. 1313 01:25:30,637 --> 01:25:33,322 I'm never leaving you again. Je ne te quitterai plus jamais. 1314 01:28:04,782 --> 01:28:07,782 Sous-titres : Bruno Mazzocchi 1315 01:28:11,220 --> 01:28:18,303 Sous-titres ENG + FRE fusionnés par Zorg2412