1 00:00:05,347 --> 00:00:08,453 - I do wanna just make sure 2 00:00:05,347 --> 00:00:08,453 that we are all systems go 3 00:00:08,684 --> 00:00:10,152 with my button! 4 00:00:08,684 --> 00:00:10,152 Oh! 5 00:00:10,253 --> 00:00:13,755 [cheers and applause] 6 00:00:13,856 --> 00:00:16,591 - There's no competition. 7 00:00:13,856 --> 00:00:16,591 - Oh, wow. Okay. 8 00:00:17,994 --> 00:00:22,631 - Which family could be 9 00:00:17,994 --> 00:00:22,631 leaving here with $100,000? 10 00:00:22,732 --> 00:00:24,613 - That's bull-- 11 00:00:32,692 --> 00:00:33,775 - Oh, my God. 12 00:00:33,875 --> 00:00:36,012 - Hon, you really took 13 00:00:33,875 --> 00:00:36,012 the lion's share. 14 00:00:39,615 --> 00:00:42,793 [cheers and applause] 15 00:00:42,217 --> 00:00:47,990 - Give it up for your hosts, 16 00:00:42,217 --> 00:00:47,990 Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard! 17 00:00:48,522 --> 00:00:51,213 [upbeat music] 18 00:00:51,159 --> 00:00:53,595 - Okay! 19 00:00:51,159 --> 00:00:53,595 - Whoo-hoo! 20 00:00:53,695 --> 00:00:55,263 - Okay! 21 00:00:55,363 --> 00:00:56,966 - Hello and welcome 22 00:00:55,363 --> 00:00:56,966 to "Family Game Fight." 23 00:00:57,272 --> 00:00:58,952 This is Dax Shepard. 24 00:00:58,234 --> 00:00:59,601 - I'd like you to meet 25 00:00:58,234 --> 00:00:59,601 Kristen Bell. 26 00:00:59,701 --> 00:01:01,652 - And tonight, two families 27 00:00:59,701 --> 00:01:01,652 will battle it out 28 00:01:01,982 --> 00:01:02,604 in a series 29 00:01:01,982 --> 00:01:02,604 of fun-loving games, 30 00:01:02,704 --> 00:01:05,012 but they won't be 31 00:01:02,704 --> 00:01:05,012 doing it alone. 32 00:01:04,240 --> 00:01:05,741 - That's right 33 00:01:04,240 --> 00:01:05,741 because like it or not, 34 00:01:05,842 --> 00:01:07,743 Kristen and I will be 35 00:01:05,842 --> 00:01:07,743 joining each family 36 00:01:07,844 --> 00:01:09,746 to show 'em how it's done. 37 00:01:09,845 --> 00:01:11,547 And perhaps more realistically, 38 00:01:09,845 --> 00:01:11,547 how it's not done. 39 00:01:11,646 --> 00:01:13,148 - It's really a gamble with us. 40 00:01:11,646 --> 00:01:13,148 You never know. 41 00:01:13,249 --> 00:01:14,484 - Hit or miss. 42 00:01:13,249 --> 00:01:14,484 - It's hit or--yeah. 43 00:01:14,583 --> 00:01:16,803 - Real hit or miss. Yeah. 44 00:01:16,184 --> 00:01:17,520 - At the end of the night, 45 00:01:16,184 --> 00:01:17,520 the family with the most points 46 00:01:17,619 --> 00:01:22,862 will play Spin Cycle 47 00:01:17,619 --> 00:01:22,862 for a shot at $100,000. 48 00:01:22,225 --> 00:01:25,594 [cheers and applause] 49 00:01:25,695 --> 00:01:27,195 All right. 50 00:01:25,695 --> 00:01:27,195 It's time to meet my family. 51 00:01:27,296 --> 00:01:30,499 Make some noise 52 00:01:27,296 --> 00:01:30,499 for the Chow Family. 53 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:33,735 Vicky, Yvonne, Devin, 54 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:33,735 and Maylee. 55 00:01:33,836 --> 00:01:36,238 Yeah. 56 00:01:33,836 --> 00:01:36,238 [indistinct speech] 57 00:01:36,338 --> 00:01:38,241 * 58 00:01:38,341 --> 00:01:39,875 Yes! 59 00:01:42,511 --> 00:01:44,247 All right. Will you guys 60 00:01:42,511 --> 00:01:44,247 introduce yourselves? 61 00:01:44,347 --> 00:01:47,616 - I'm Vicky from La Palma. 62 00:01:44,347 --> 00:01:47,616 This is my sister Yvonne, 63 00:01:47,717 --> 00:01:50,186 my son Devin, 64 00:01:47,717 --> 00:01:50,186 and my cousin Maylee. 65 00:01:50,285 --> 00:01:52,288 - Wow. 66 00:01:52,387 --> 00:01:54,390 - I heard that your favorite 67 00:01:52,387 --> 00:01:54,390 place is Las Vegas? 68 00:01:54,490 --> 00:01:55,524 - Whoo. 69 00:01:54,490 --> 00:01:55,524 - Yes. 70 00:01:55,624 --> 00:01:56,892 - Definitely. 71 00:01:55,624 --> 00:01:56,892 - That's right. 72 00:01:56,993 --> 00:01:58,493 - What do you guys play? 73 00:01:56,993 --> 00:01:58,493 Maylee, what do you play? 74 00:01:58,594 --> 00:02:00,630 - Slot machine. 75 00:01:58,594 --> 00:02:00,630 Only slot machines. 76 00:02:00,729 --> 00:02:01,863 - One-armed bandit. 77 00:02:01,964 --> 00:02:03,765 Let her rip! 78 00:02:01,964 --> 00:02:03,765 - Yes. 79 00:02:03,865 --> 00:02:05,333 - And I also heard 80 00:02:03,865 --> 00:02:05,333 one other thing, 81 00:02:05,434 --> 00:02:06,868 that you might have in common 82 00:02:05,434 --> 00:02:06,868 with my husband. 83 00:02:06,969 --> 00:02:10,640 Are you trying to enter 84 00:02:06,969 --> 00:02:10,640 a bodybuilding competition? 85 00:02:10,740 --> 00:02:12,693 - That's something 86 00:02:10,740 --> 00:02:12,693 I would like to do. Yes. 87 00:02:12,207 --> 00:02:13,642 - Oh, my goodness. 88 00:02:12,207 --> 00:02:13,642 - I'm thinking about it. 89 00:02:13,742 --> 00:02:15,211 - Oh, Vicky, Vicky, Vicky. 90 00:02:13,742 --> 00:02:15,211 Vicky, Vicky, Vicky. 91 00:02:15,311 --> 00:02:16,678 - Dax does as well. 92 00:02:16,778 --> 00:02:18,814 He-he talks almost exclusively 93 00:02:16,778 --> 00:02:18,814 about bodybuilding 94 00:02:18,915 --> 00:02:20,772 and the male frame. 95 00:02:20,148 --> 00:02:21,718 - I love the male form. 96 00:02:21,818 --> 00:02:23,552 It started with Schwarzenegger 97 00:02:21,818 --> 00:02:23,552 and it just hasn't stopped. 98 00:02:23,653 --> 00:02:25,153 - Yeah. It's only got uphill. 99 00:02:23,653 --> 00:02:25,153 - Yeah. 100 00:02:25,254 --> 00:02:28,424 Okay. Let's meet my family 101 00:02:25,254 --> 00:02:28,424 if we could. 102 00:02:28,523 --> 00:02:32,528 Please put your hands together 103 00:02:28,523 --> 00:02:32,528 for the Sanchez Family. 104 00:02:32,628 --> 00:02:36,032 [cheers and applause] 105 00:02:36,932 --> 00:02:40,035 Erika, Andrea, Yvonne, 106 00:02:36,932 --> 00:02:40,035 and Scarlett. 107 00:02:40,973 --> 00:02:47,142 * 108 00:02:49,545 --> 00:02:53,148 Okay. The Sanchez Family, 109 00:02:49,545 --> 00:02:53,148 please introduce yourselves. 110 00:02:53,216 --> 00:02:54,350 - Hi, I'm Erika. 111 00:02:54,449 --> 00:02:56,351 This is my sister-in-law, 112 00:02:54,449 --> 00:02:56,351 Andrea. 113 00:02:56,451 --> 00:02:59,855 This is my sister-in-law 114 00:02:56,451 --> 00:02:59,855 Yvonne, and they're twins. 115 00:02:59,956 --> 00:03:03,291 We also have my daughter 116 00:02:59,956 --> 00:03:03,291 Scarlett at the end. 117 00:03:03,392 --> 00:03:05,694 - Hi. 118 00:03:03,392 --> 00:03:05,694 - Whoo! 119 00:03:05,795 --> 00:03:08,264 - Andrea and Yvonne. 120 00:03:05,795 --> 00:03:08,264 Twin sisters. 121 00:03:08,363 --> 00:03:10,499 Is one of you nice 122 00:03:08,363 --> 00:03:10,499 and one of you mean? 123 00:03:10,599 --> 00:03:12,623 - I am the nicer one. 124 00:03:12,168 --> 00:03:13,535 - Yvonne, do you agree 125 00:03:12,168 --> 00:03:13,535 with that? 126 00:03:13,635 --> 00:03:14,771 - No. I mean, it depends on 127 00:03:13,635 --> 00:03:14,771 who you talk to. 128 00:03:14,871 --> 00:03:15,938 - She is the mean one. 129 00:03:16,663 --> 00:03:17,439 - Oh, yeah, but I can tell. 130 00:03:16,663 --> 00:03:17,439 - Yeah. 131 00:03:17,540 --> 00:03:18,674 - She is the mean one. 132 00:03:17,540 --> 00:03:18,674 - I can tell. Yeah. Yeah. 133 00:03:18,774 --> 00:03:21,713 - No. No. I'm really sweet. 134 00:03:21,210 --> 00:03:22,645 I am a sweetheart. 135 00:03:21,210 --> 00:03:22,645 Ask my husband. 136 00:03:22,744 --> 00:03:25,753 - Did you guys do any, like, 137 00:03:22,744 --> 00:03:25,753 twin pranks growing up? 138 00:03:25,213 --> 00:03:26,616 - One time in college, 139 00:03:26,716 --> 00:03:28,783 my sister didn't do 140 00:03:26,716 --> 00:03:28,783 her homework. 141 00:03:28,217 --> 00:03:29,618 - Twin. Twin thing. 142 00:03:28,217 --> 00:03:29,618 - Okay. 143 00:03:29,718 --> 00:03:32,555 - She had to do a speech 144 00:03:29,718 --> 00:03:32,555 and so I went in her place. 145 00:03:32,654 --> 00:03:36,862 - And did the speech? 146 00:03:32,654 --> 00:03:36,862 - Yes. And I got an A for her. 147 00:03:36,158 --> 00:03:37,360 [cheers and applause] 148 00:03:36,158 --> 00:03:37,360 Yeah. 149 00:03:37,460 --> 00:03:39,028 - Oh, wow. 150 00:03:37,460 --> 00:03:39,028 - It's called family. 151 00:03:39,892 --> 00:03:40,629 - Wow, wow, wow. 152 00:03:39,892 --> 00:03:40,629 - Yeah. 153 00:03:40,730 --> 00:03:42,922 - Well, Sanchez Family, 154 00:03:42,198 --> 00:03:43,533 how do you feel about 155 00:03:42,198 --> 00:03:43,533 the competition, 156 00:03:43,633 --> 00:03:44,634 the Chows? 157 00:03:43,633 --> 00:03:44,634 - What competition? 158 00:03:44,734 --> 00:03:45,934 - Okay. You're not 159 00:03:44,734 --> 00:03:45,934 [indistinct]? 160 00:03:46,034 --> 00:03:48,982 - There is no competition. 161 00:03:46,034 --> 00:03:48,982 both: Oh, wow. 162 00:03:48,237 --> 00:03:49,571 She is--she is the mean one. 163 00:03:49,671 --> 00:03:51,040 We saw another side 164 00:03:49,671 --> 00:03:51,040 of the mean one. 165 00:03:52,012 --> 00:03:52,475 - I know. 166 00:03:52,574 --> 00:03:56,244 - Well, please show some love 167 00:03:52,574 --> 00:03:56,244 for the Sanchez Family. 168 00:03:56,344 --> 00:03:58,747 - All right. Let's get 169 00:03:56,344 --> 00:03:58,747 into the first game. 170 00:03:58,848 --> 00:04:02,462 - It's time to play 171 00:03:58,848 --> 00:04:02,462 Pie Rollers! 172 00:04:02,793 --> 00:04:05,487 [cheers and applause] 173 00:04:05,587 --> 00:04:08,825 In this game, Kristen and Dax 174 00:04:05,587 --> 00:04:08,825 will each see a secret word 175 00:04:08,925 --> 00:04:10,259 then wager how many words 176 00:04:10,359 --> 00:04:12,861 it will take to get 177 00:04:10,359 --> 00:04:12,861 their partner to guess it. 178 00:04:16,699 --> 00:04:19,201 Three pies to the face, 179 00:04:16,699 --> 00:04:19,201 and the family loses. 180 00:04:25,341 --> 00:04:28,478 - Welcome to Pie Rollers 181 00:04:25,341 --> 00:04:28,478 where the winning family 182 00:04:28,578 --> 00:04:31,381 will leave the casino 183 00:04:28,578 --> 00:04:31,381 with 500 points. 184 00:04:31,480 --> 00:04:34,850 [cheers and applause] 185 00:04:34,951 --> 00:04:36,552 - All right. Should we do this? 186 00:04:36,651 --> 00:04:38,153 - I am ready. 187 00:04:36,651 --> 00:04:38,153 - Let's see... 188 00:04:38,254 --> 00:04:41,857 - I'm scared for everyone here. 189 00:04:38,254 --> 00:04:41,857 - Our first word. Bring it. 190 00:04:41,958 --> 00:04:43,658 - This is us. 191 00:04:43,759 --> 00:04:46,362 - Let's hope 192 00:04:43,759 --> 00:04:46,362 it's the same word. 193 00:04:46,461 --> 00:04:47,696 - Okay. 194 00:04:47,797 --> 00:04:50,566 Let me just think how many 195 00:04:47,797 --> 00:04:50,566 words I can get this in. 196 00:04:51,768 --> 00:04:53,802 It's going to take me 197 00:04:51,768 --> 00:04:53,802 probably four or five. 198 00:04:53,903 --> 00:04:59,175 - Dax, I can explain this 199 00:04:53,903 --> 00:04:59,175 to Yvonne in two. 200 00:04:59,274 --> 00:05:00,410 I'm gonna go bold. 201 00:05:00,509 --> 00:05:02,578 - I love you and I believe 202 00:05:00,509 --> 00:05:02,578 in you so much. 203 00:05:02,677 --> 00:05:04,312 You're so competent 204 00:05:02,677 --> 00:05:04,312 and attractive. 205 00:05:04,413 --> 00:05:06,314 I do not think 206 00:05:04,413 --> 00:05:06,314 you can get it in two. 207 00:05:06,415 --> 00:05:08,184 - Okay. 208 00:05:06,415 --> 00:05:08,184 - So I accept that challenge. 209 00:05:08,283 --> 00:05:09,918 - Whoo! Okay. 210 00:05:08,283 --> 00:05:09,918 - Ow! 211 00:05:10,473 --> 00:05:12,492 Yeah! 212 00:05:14,423 --> 00:05:16,625 - I believe in you. 213 00:05:16,725 --> 00:05:20,572 - Yvonne, this word-- 214 00:05:16,725 --> 00:05:20,572 - That's enough. 215 00:05:20,903 --> 00:05:21,831 No hands. 216 00:05:21,930 --> 00:05:23,398 - I was just gonna do, 217 00:05:21,930 --> 00:05:23,398 like, numbers. 218 00:05:23,499 --> 00:05:25,000 - Yeah. Well, that's enough. 219 00:05:23,499 --> 00:05:25,000 That's enough funny business. 220 00:05:25,622 --> 00:05:28,653 Let's hear one 221 00:05:25,622 --> 00:05:28,653 of your two words, please. 222 00:05:28,170 --> 00:05:31,682 - Sparkly, confetti. 223 00:05:32,542 --> 00:05:34,177 - Glitter. 224 00:05:34,276 --> 00:05:37,547 [cheers and applause] 225 00:05:37,646 --> 00:05:39,415 - I knew it. 226 00:05:37,646 --> 00:05:39,415 I knew you could get it. 227 00:05:39,514 --> 00:05:42,485 [mechanical spring clangs, 228 00:05:39,514 --> 00:05:42,485 timer clicking] 229 00:05:44,220 --> 00:05:45,220 [timer dings] 230 00:05:45,321 --> 00:05:47,843 [cheers and applause] 231 00:05:47,155 --> 00:05:48,790 - Oh, my God! 232 00:05:50,293 --> 00:05:51,927 - Oh, I don't like-- 233 00:05:52,028 --> 00:05:53,595 - It's a blueberry. 234 00:05:52,028 --> 00:05:53,595 - Okay. 235 00:05:53,696 --> 00:05:56,232 That is my favorite kind 236 00:05:53,696 --> 00:05:56,232 of pie. 237 00:06:03,672 --> 00:06:05,475 - All right. 238 00:06:03,672 --> 00:06:05,475 Let's see our next word. 239 00:06:05,574 --> 00:06:07,744 [suspenseful music] 240 00:06:07,843 --> 00:06:09,812 * 241 00:06:09,912 --> 00:06:11,814 - How many are you thinking 242 00:06:09,912 --> 00:06:11,814 you can get it in? 243 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:17,220 - I think I can get Yvonne 244 00:06:11,913 --> 00:06:17,220 to guess this in four. 245 00:06:17,319 --> 00:06:21,624 - I can definitely do three. 246 00:06:17,319 --> 00:06:21,624 - I'll take it. 247 00:06:21,723 --> 00:06:23,358 I can't do it in three. 248 00:06:21,723 --> 00:06:23,358 - Three? 249 00:06:23,458 --> 00:06:26,929 - Yeah. 250 00:06:23,458 --> 00:06:26,929 - Okay. Okay. 251 00:06:27,572 --> 00:06:31,901 White, stone, statue. 252 00:06:33,633 --> 00:06:34,403 - [chuckles] 253 00:06:34,504 --> 00:06:36,338 - You guys feeling it? 254 00:06:34,504 --> 00:06:36,338 - I'm feeling it. 255 00:06:36,439 --> 00:06:37,973 - You--okay. Good. 256 00:06:38,682 --> 00:06:39,574 - Quartz. 257 00:06:39,675 --> 00:06:41,410 - Quartz? 258 00:06:39,675 --> 00:06:41,410 [buzzer blares] 259 00:06:41,511 --> 00:06:43,245 [audience exclaims] 260 00:06:43,345 --> 00:06:45,381 [mechanical spring clangs, 261 00:06:43,345 --> 00:06:45,381 timer clicking] 262 00:06:45,480 --> 00:06:47,817 [audience "Ooh"] 263 00:06:47,917 --> 00:06:49,317 [timer dings] 264 00:06:49,418 --> 00:06:51,720 Oh! 265 00:06:49,418 --> 00:06:51,720 [cheers and applause] 266 00:06:51,821 --> 00:06:54,891 So sorry. 267 00:06:51,821 --> 00:06:54,891 - Oh, was it horrible? 268 00:06:54,990 --> 00:06:56,958 - This is a terrible, 269 00:06:54,990 --> 00:06:56,958 terrible game. 270 00:06:59,829 --> 00:07:02,764 - [slow motion] Oh! 271 00:07:04,232 --> 00:07:05,634 - Can I ask you a question? 272 00:07:05,735 --> 00:07:09,338 Would you have gotten it 273 00:07:05,735 --> 00:07:09,338 if I said "Lost your--" 274 00:07:09,439 --> 00:07:11,273 - Oh, "lost your." Yes. 275 00:07:09,439 --> 00:07:11,273 - Oh, yeah. 276 00:07:11,374 --> 00:07:13,703 - "Lost your." 277 00:07:11,374 --> 00:07:13,703 I was gonna go for it, 278 00:07:13,208 --> 00:07:15,244 but I didn't have the moxie! 279 00:07:13,208 --> 00:07:15,244 - Marble. 280 00:07:15,343 --> 00:07:17,814 - Well, it turns out I didn't 281 00:07:15,343 --> 00:07:17,814 get it in three either. 282 00:07:17,913 --> 00:07:19,648 - I was close. 283 00:07:17,913 --> 00:07:19,648 So I said quartz. 284 00:07:19,749 --> 00:07:21,783 - Quartz, yeah. Absolutely. 285 00:07:21,216 --> 00:07:22,785 She was in the right world. 286 00:07:21,216 --> 00:07:22,785 - Quartz is pretty similar. 287 00:07:22,884 --> 00:07:24,821 Are you sure that that's like 288 00:07:22,884 --> 00:07:24,821 not in the same family? 289 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:26,456 - I think marble's 290 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:26,456 pretty different. I think... 291 00:07:26,555 --> 00:07:27,956 - Marble. Quartz. 292 00:07:26,555 --> 00:07:27,956 It's on the counter. 293 00:07:28,523 --> 00:07:29,858 - Hey, that's okay. 294 00:07:28,523 --> 00:07:29,858 We're fine. 295 00:07:29,958 --> 00:07:32,461 We've come back 296 00:07:29,958 --> 00:07:32,461 from way worse than this. 297 00:07:32,562 --> 00:07:33,995 - We got this. We got this. 298 00:07:32,562 --> 00:07:33,995 - Yvonne, one more. 299 00:07:34,583 --> 00:07:35,230 - We got it. 300 00:07:34,583 --> 00:07:35,230 - All right. 301 00:07:35,331 --> 00:07:37,942 Let's see our next word. 302 00:07:40,436 --> 00:07:44,240 - I can get it in four. 303 00:07:40,436 --> 00:07:44,240 - I can get it in three. 304 00:07:44,340 --> 00:07:47,710 - Mm! Can I get it in two? 305 00:07:50,179 --> 00:07:52,148 - You're cute, 306 00:07:50,179 --> 00:07:52,148 but are you confident? 307 00:07:52,247 --> 00:07:54,216 [laughter] 308 00:07:55,550 --> 00:07:57,153 - I don't think I can 309 00:07:55,550 --> 00:07:57,153 get it in two. 310 00:07:57,252 --> 00:07:58,720 - Okay. 311 00:07:58,821 --> 00:08:01,857 [cheers and applause] 312 00:07:58,821 --> 00:08:01,857 Yvonne. 313 00:08:01,958 --> 00:08:06,232 First, pie, flavor. 314 00:08:06,162 --> 00:08:08,196 - Blueberry. 315 00:08:08,297 --> 00:08:11,266 [cheers and applause] 316 00:08:13,468 --> 00:08:15,237 [timer dings] 317 00:08:13,468 --> 00:08:15,237 - That's bull-- 318 00:08:26,682 --> 00:08:31,482 - The Chow Family wins 319 00:08:26,682 --> 00:08:31,482 the game and 500 points. 320 00:08:33,755 --> 00:08:36,533 - That was rough, but this is 321 00:08:33,755 --> 00:08:36,533 just round one, 500 points. 322 00:08:36,158 --> 00:08:37,560 That's nothing. 323 00:08:37,659 --> 00:08:39,895 We're gonna look back on this 324 00:08:37,659 --> 00:08:39,895 and laugh, laugh, laugh. 325 00:08:39,995 --> 00:08:42,764 We'll be laughing with you, 326 00:08:39,995 --> 00:08:42,764 not at you. 327 00:08:42,865 --> 00:08:45,467 [cheers and laughter] 328 00:08:45,567 --> 00:08:47,602 - Thank you. 329 00:08:47,702 --> 00:08:50,706 - What a beautiful gesture 330 00:08:47,702 --> 00:08:50,706 we just saw. 331 00:08:50,807 --> 00:08:52,908 - Okay. 332 00:08:50,807 --> 00:08:52,908 Do not worry Sanchez Family 333 00:08:53,009 --> 00:08:55,544 because we are only 334 00:08:53,009 --> 00:08:55,544 just getting started, 335 00:08:55,644 --> 00:08:58,313 so join us after the break 336 00:08:55,644 --> 00:08:58,313 for more "Family Game Fight." 337 00:08:58,413 --> 00:09:01,317 [upbeat music] 338 00:09:10,158 --> 00:09:10,259 . 339 00:09:11,293 --> 00:09:13,903 [cheers and applause] 340 00:09:15,697 --> 00:09:17,600 - Welcome back to 341 00:09:15,697 --> 00:09:17,600 "Family Game Fight." 342 00:09:17,700 --> 00:09:19,633 In case you missed it 343 00:09:17,700 --> 00:09:19,633 before the break, 344 00:09:19,201 --> 00:09:20,937 things got a little messy 345 00:09:19,201 --> 00:09:20,937 in here 346 00:09:21,312 --> 00:09:23,172 with a game of Pie Rollers. 347 00:09:23,272 --> 00:09:26,442 [cheers and applause] 348 00:09:26,542 --> 00:09:28,344 - And it's still anyone's game. 349 00:09:28,443 --> 00:09:30,712 And because we like to keep 350 00:09:28,443 --> 00:09:30,712 things interesting around here. 351 00:09:30,812 --> 00:09:33,383 We're doubling the points 352 00:09:30,812 --> 00:09:33,383 for this next game. 353 00:09:33,483 --> 00:09:36,719 It's gonna be worth 354 00:09:33,483 --> 00:09:36,719 1,000 points. 355 00:09:36,818 --> 00:09:39,355 - It's time to play 356 00:09:36,818 --> 00:09:39,355 Sound Bites. 357 00:09:41,190 --> 00:09:43,826 In this game, players 358 00:09:41,190 --> 00:09:43,826 describe words to each other 359 00:09:43,926 --> 00:09:46,294 using only sounds. 360 00:09:43,926 --> 00:09:46,294 - [gobbles] 361 00:09:48,630 --> 00:09:50,499 - Both families play 362 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:54,003 and the family who identifies 363 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:54,003 the most words wins. 364 00:09:57,840 --> 00:09:59,609 - Welcome to Sound Bites. 365 00:09:59,708 --> 00:10:01,677 I'm here with Devin. 366 00:09:59,708 --> 00:10:01,677 Devin, you ready? 367 00:10:01,778 --> 00:10:02,912 - Ready. 368 00:10:03,012 --> 00:10:04,346 - Let's make some 369 00:10:03,012 --> 00:10:04,346 ridiculous noises. 370 00:10:04,446 --> 00:10:07,015 The game will start 371 00:10:04,446 --> 00:10:07,015 when we hear the horn. 372 00:10:07,773 --> 00:10:08,884 - And do you warm up 373 00:10:07,773 --> 00:10:08,884 your groin? 374 00:10:08,985 --> 00:10:10,586 - Always. 375 00:10:08,985 --> 00:10:10,586 First thing I do 376 00:10:10,686 --> 00:10:12,163 in the morning, 377 00:10:10,686 --> 00:10:12,163 last thing I do at night. 378 00:10:12,154 --> 00:10:14,856 - Kristen is really prone 379 00:10:12,154 --> 00:10:14,856 to groin injuries, everybody. 380 00:10:15,924 --> 00:10:19,829 - Three, two, one! Go! 381 00:10:15,924 --> 00:10:19,829 [bell rings, air horn blares] 382 00:10:20,830 --> 00:10:22,164 - Achoo! 383 00:10:22,264 --> 00:10:23,566 - Sneeze. 384 00:10:22,264 --> 00:10:23,566 - Yes. 385 00:10:23,666 --> 00:10:25,735 - Whoo! All right! 386 00:10:23,666 --> 00:10:25,735 [overlapping chatter] 387 00:10:25,835 --> 00:10:26,969 [laughter] 388 00:10:27,312 --> 00:10:31,506 * 389 00:10:32,874 --> 00:10:34,811 - Tasting. Licking. 390 00:10:32,874 --> 00:10:34,811 - [clears throat] 391 00:10:34,911 --> 00:10:36,312 - Eating? 392 00:10:34,911 --> 00:10:36,312 - Uh. 393 00:10:36,412 --> 00:10:39,514 [humming] 394 00:10:39,615 --> 00:10:41,951 - Delicious--enjoying. 395 00:10:42,842 --> 00:10:45,620 - [mumbling] Wow. 396 00:10:42,842 --> 00:10:45,620 - French waiter. 397 00:10:45,721 --> 00:10:47,842 [laughter] 398 00:10:47,222 --> 00:10:48,490 - Let's just pass. 399 00:10:48,591 --> 00:10:49,892 - Okay. Pass. 400 00:10:48,591 --> 00:10:49,892 - Yeah. 401 00:10:49,991 --> 00:10:51,461 - What the heck was that? 402 00:10:54,831 --> 00:10:57,033 [breathing heavily] 403 00:10:57,942 --> 00:10:59,534 - Running. Sprinting. 404 00:10:57,942 --> 00:10:59,534 - Yes. 405 00:11:06,509 --> 00:11:09,479 - Yeehaw! 406 00:11:06,509 --> 00:11:09,479 - Cowboy. 407 00:11:09,578 --> 00:11:11,753 - Yay! 408 00:11:14,649 --> 00:11:18,220 - Ooh! Ooh! [grunting] 409 00:11:18,321 --> 00:11:19,956 Wah, wah! 410 00:11:20,842 --> 00:11:22,859 - Oh, yeah. Labor. Yeah. 411 00:11:30,942 --> 00:11:32,869 - [imitates warbling notes] 412 00:11:32,969 --> 00:11:35,993 - A horn. A trumpet. 413 00:11:35,171 --> 00:11:37,639 A parade. A bee. 414 00:11:37,740 --> 00:11:39,307 - Last-- 415 00:11:37,740 --> 00:11:39,307 - Time's up! 416 00:11:39,408 --> 00:11:41,643 - Yeah! 417 00:11:39,408 --> 00:11:41,643 - Okay, okay. 418 00:11:41,744 --> 00:11:43,712 The bar is achievable. 419 00:11:43,812 --> 00:11:45,847 - Freakin' harmonica. 420 00:11:43,812 --> 00:11:45,847 - A harmonica. 421 00:11:45,947 --> 00:11:47,917 How do you do a harmonica? 422 00:11:45,947 --> 00:11:47,917 - I don't know. 423 00:11:48,017 --> 00:11:51,153 - Guys, that was a real cute 424 00:11:48,017 --> 00:11:51,153 start to this game, 425 00:11:51,153 --> 00:11:54,724 but it's time for the 426 00:11:51,153 --> 00:11:54,724 Sanchez Family to take over! 427 00:11:54,823 --> 00:11:56,525 - Kristen and Devin 428 00:11:54,823 --> 00:11:56,525 sounded off 429 00:11:56,625 --> 00:11:58,894 with four points 430 00:11:56,625 --> 00:11:58,894 for the Chow Family. 431 00:11:58,994 --> 00:12:02,597 So Dax and the Sanchezes 432 00:11:58,994 --> 00:12:02,597 will need five correct to win. 433 00:12:04,233 --> 00:12:08,571 - Okay. Erika, we know 434 00:12:04,233 --> 00:12:08,571 what we need to do. 435 00:12:08,671 --> 00:12:11,407 First, let's just warm up 436 00:12:08,671 --> 00:12:11,407 our vocal cord. 437 00:12:11,507 --> 00:12:15,411 [both trilling tongue] 438 00:12:15,510 --> 00:12:18,847 [vocalizing] 439 00:12:15,510 --> 00:12:18,847 [laughter] 440 00:12:18,947 --> 00:12:21,783 - * Me, me, me, me, me, 441 00:12:18,947 --> 00:12:21,783 me, me * 442 00:12:21,216 --> 00:12:23,351 - Perfect. 443 00:12:21,216 --> 00:12:23,351 - All right. I think we're hot. 444 00:12:23,452 --> 00:12:27,156 Okay. The game starts 445 00:12:23,452 --> 00:12:27,156 when you hear the horn. 446 00:12:29,325 --> 00:12:32,893 - Three, two, one. 447 00:12:32,195 --> 00:12:34,464 Go! 448 00:12:32,195 --> 00:12:34,464 [bell rings, air horn blares] 449 00:12:35,731 --> 00:12:38,567 - [grunting, exhales] 450 00:12:38,668 --> 00:12:41,236 Ooh, ooh! 451 00:12:38,668 --> 00:12:41,236 - Basketball player. 452 00:12:41,336 --> 00:12:43,572 - Pass! 453 00:12:43,672 --> 00:12:45,475 - Run. 454 00:12:45,575 --> 00:12:46,708 Run, girl. 455 00:12:50,379 --> 00:12:54,149 - Ching, ching, ching, 456 00:12:50,379 --> 00:12:54,149 ding-ding-ding-ding... 457 00:12:54,249 --> 00:12:56,753 - Ching, ching, ching, 458 00:12:54,249 --> 00:12:56,753 ding-ding-ding. 459 00:12:56,852 --> 00:12:59,522 Bell on a bicycle. Bell. 460 00:13:01,513 --> 00:13:02,524 - Pass. 461 00:13:02,624 --> 00:13:04,360 - Okay. 462 00:13:07,562 --> 00:13:09,197 Ho-ho-ho! 463 00:13:09,297 --> 00:13:11,167 - Santa Claus. 464 00:13:11,267 --> 00:13:14,236 [cheers and applause] 465 00:13:15,772 --> 00:13:17,407 - [imitates whinnying] 466 00:13:17,506 --> 00:13:21,712 - Horse. Horse. 467 00:13:17,506 --> 00:13:21,712 [laughter] 468 00:13:21,177 --> 00:13:22,744 - [imitates yowling] 469 00:13:21,177 --> 00:13:22,744 - Cat. 470 00:13:22,845 --> 00:13:25,581 - [gradual neighing] 471 00:13:28,317 --> 00:13:30,919 - [purring, snorts] 472 00:13:28,317 --> 00:13:30,919 - Purring! 473 00:13:31,019 --> 00:13:32,355 - [snorts] 474 00:13:32,455 --> 00:13:33,922 - Uh, neighing. 475 00:13:35,023 --> 00:13:37,025 - Oh, my--[neighs] 476 00:13:37,873 --> 00:13:40,028 - Cold. Shivering. 477 00:13:37,873 --> 00:13:40,028 Freezing. 478 00:13:41,364 --> 00:13:43,198 - [gradual grunt] 479 00:13:45,952 --> 00:13:47,803 [air horn blares] 480 00:13:47,903 --> 00:13:52,841 - Chow Family wins the whole 481 00:13:47,903 --> 00:13:52,841 game and 1,000 points. 482 00:13:52,942 --> 00:13:55,644 The Chow Family 483 00:13:52,942 --> 00:13:55,644 has 1,500 points. 484 00:13:55,744 --> 00:13:57,580 The Sanchez Family, zero. 485 00:13:57,679 --> 00:14:00,216 [cheers and applause] 486 00:14:00,316 --> 00:14:01,850 - I'm so sorry 487 00:14:00,316 --> 00:14:01,850 that happened to us. 488 00:14:01,951 --> 00:14:03,152 - Oh, my God. 489 00:14:03,251 --> 00:14:04,854 - We've both been-- 490 00:14:03,251 --> 00:14:04,854 we've been through a lot. 491 00:14:04,953 --> 00:14:06,355 - We have been. 492 00:14:04,953 --> 00:14:06,355 - We have. 493 00:14:06,456 --> 00:14:07,889 That was, uh... 494 00:14:06,456 --> 00:14:07,889 - I'll show you what it was. 495 00:14:07,990 --> 00:14:10,993 - Okay, show me. 496 00:14:07,990 --> 00:14:10,993 - [sighs] 497 00:14:11,552 --> 00:14:12,861 - Okay. 498 00:14:11,552 --> 00:14:12,861 - What am I? 499 00:14:12,961 --> 00:14:14,931 - Well, you are an elephant. 500 00:14:15,592 --> 00:14:18,935 Yeah. I might have gone-- 501 00:14:15,592 --> 00:14:18,935 [trumpets] 502 00:14:20,643 --> 00:14:23,505 But you were like "ee-ee." 503 00:14:20,643 --> 00:14:23,505 [laughter] 504 00:14:23,605 --> 00:14:24,807 It's okay. It's okay. 505 00:14:24,907 --> 00:14:27,409 This is nothing. 506 00:14:24,907 --> 00:14:27,409 We can just shake this off. 507 00:14:27,509 --> 00:14:28,811 - That's okay. 508 00:14:28,911 --> 00:14:30,312 - Join us on the other side 509 00:14:28,911 --> 00:14:30,312 for Dax 510 00:14:30,413 --> 00:14:31,847 and Kristen's 511 00:14:30,413 --> 00:14:31,847 Halftime Showdown. 512 00:14:31,947 --> 00:14:33,648 Don't go anywhere. 513 00:14:31,947 --> 00:14:33,648 We'll be right back. 514 00:14:42,225 --> 00:14:42,325 . 515 00:14:43,393 --> 00:14:46,528 [cheers and applause] 516 00:14:47,830 --> 00:14:49,432 - Welcome back to 517 00:14:47,830 --> 00:14:49,432 "Family Game Fight" 518 00:14:49,532 --> 00:14:52,335 where the Chow Family 519 00:14:49,532 --> 00:14:52,335 is in the lead. 520 00:14:52,435 --> 00:14:54,236 [cheers and applause] 521 00:14:54,336 --> 00:14:58,573 That's okay because right now, 522 00:14:54,336 --> 00:14:58,573 it's time for this. 523 00:14:58,673 --> 00:15:02,677 - Dax and Kristen's 524 00:14:58,673 --> 00:15:02,677 Halftime Showdown! 525 00:15:02,778 --> 00:15:05,447 [upbeat music] 526 00:15:05,547 --> 00:15:07,682 - Okay. This is my personal 527 00:15:05,547 --> 00:15:07,682 favorite part of the show 528 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:09,351 because I get to snuggle up 529 00:15:07,783 --> 00:15:09,351 with my husband 530 00:15:09,451 --> 00:15:11,754 and play a game 531 00:15:09,451 --> 00:15:11,754 that gives me all the feels. 532 00:15:11,854 --> 00:15:13,922 It's called Between the Sheets. 533 00:15:14,513 --> 00:15:19,928 * 534 00:15:20,572 --> 00:15:22,465 - In this game, families 535 00:15:20,572 --> 00:15:22,465 predict how many items 536 00:15:22,565 --> 00:15:25,467 Dax and Kristen 537 00:15:22,565 --> 00:15:25,467 can identify in two minutes. 538 00:15:25,567 --> 00:15:28,904 The family closest to 539 00:15:25,567 --> 00:15:28,904 their score wins 1,000 points. 540 00:15:32,374 --> 00:15:34,009 - Okay. 541 00:15:32,374 --> 00:15:34,009 Please make your guesses. 542 00:15:34,712 --> 00:15:35,344 [bell rings] 543 00:15:35,445 --> 00:15:36,913 [low chatter] 544 00:15:37,013 --> 00:15:39,763 - Who has confidence in us? 545 00:15:39,182 --> 00:15:40,615 - It's two minutes? 546 00:15:39,182 --> 00:15:40,615 - Yeah, it's two minutes. 547 00:15:40,716 --> 00:15:42,652 - Who's gonna say 15, 548 00:15:40,716 --> 00:15:42,652 and who's going to say-- 549 00:15:42,752 --> 00:15:44,586 - Zero. 550 00:15:42,752 --> 00:15:44,586 - Yeah. 551 00:15:44,687 --> 00:15:47,456 - Ideally one of you will 552 00:15:44,687 --> 00:15:47,456 say 0, one of you will say 15 553 00:15:47,557 --> 00:15:49,863 and someone 554 00:15:47,557 --> 00:15:49,863 will be drastically wrong. 555 00:15:49,225 --> 00:15:51,193 - Ready? 556 00:15:49,225 --> 00:15:51,193 [bell chimes] 557 00:15:51,293 --> 00:15:52,695 [bell chimes] 558 00:15:52,794 --> 00:15:54,964 - Everyone locked in? 559 00:15:52,794 --> 00:15:54,964 - All right. 560 00:15:55,922 --> 00:15:56,865 Let's put on our sleep masks 561 00:15:56,966 --> 00:16:00,570 and get ready to fumble. 562 00:16:00,669 --> 00:16:02,304 - Okay. 563 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:06,676 - Three, two, one! 564 00:16:06,775 --> 00:16:08,711 [air horn blares] 565 00:16:08,811 --> 00:16:11,413 - Okay. You smash this with 566 00:16:08,811 --> 00:16:11,413 a stick and candy comes out. 567 00:16:11,179 --> 00:16:13,749 - A piƱata. 568 00:16:11,179 --> 00:16:13,749 [cheers and applause] 569 00:16:13,850 --> 00:16:17,253 Oh, this goes in the bathtub 570 00:16:17,352 --> 00:16:19,254 and it's not a chicken, 571 00:16:17,352 --> 00:16:19,254 but it's close... 572 00:16:19,355 --> 00:16:20,556 - It's not a chicken. 573 00:16:19,355 --> 00:16:20,556 It goes in the bath-- 574 00:16:20,656 --> 00:16:21,858 - And it's made of-- 575 00:16:20,656 --> 00:16:21,858 - A rubber duck. 576 00:16:21,957 --> 00:16:24,192 - Yep. 577 00:16:21,957 --> 00:16:24,192 [cheers and applause] 578 00:16:24,293 --> 00:16:26,696 - This is an instrument 579 00:16:24,293 --> 00:16:26,696 that you slide the slide on. 580 00:16:26,796 --> 00:16:27,964 It goes 581 00:16:26,796 --> 00:16:27,964 [imitates warbling note] 582 00:16:28,582 --> 00:16:29,565 - A whammy bar. 583 00:16:28,582 --> 00:16:29,565 - No, no, hon. 584 00:16:29,664 --> 00:16:31,234 A horn 585 00:16:29,664 --> 00:16:31,234 with a big long sliding bar. 586 00:16:31,334 --> 00:16:32,869 - A trumpet. 587 00:16:31,334 --> 00:16:32,869 - No, a sliding bar-- 588 00:16:32,969 --> 00:16:34,604 - A trombone. 589 00:16:32,969 --> 00:16:34,604 - Yes. 590 00:16:37,240 --> 00:16:39,692 - Oh, you put it 591 00:16:37,240 --> 00:16:39,692 inside packages 592 00:16:40,033 --> 00:16:40,543 to make sure 593 00:16:40,033 --> 00:16:40,543 things don't break. 594 00:16:40,643 --> 00:16:42,211 - Styrofoam. 595 00:16:40,643 --> 00:16:42,211 - No. 596 00:16:42,311 --> 00:16:43,479 - Peanuts. 597 00:16:42,311 --> 00:16:43,479 - No. 598 00:16:43,579 --> 00:16:46,763 When--you can 599 00:16:43,579 --> 00:16:46,763 blow a...with gum. 600 00:16:46,182 --> 00:16:47,249 - Bubble. 601 00:16:46,182 --> 00:16:47,249 - Yes. 602 00:16:47,350 --> 00:16:49,485 - Bubble wrap. 603 00:16:47,350 --> 00:16:49,485 - Yes. 604 00:16:49,585 --> 00:16:51,720 Ooh! We're doing good! 605 00:16:51,821 --> 00:16:53,523 - Okay. Oh, my goodness. 606 00:16:53,623 --> 00:16:56,863 What the heck is this? 607 00:16:53,623 --> 00:16:56,863 Oh, okay. 608 00:16:56,192 --> 00:17:00,529 You can--it's an old-fashioned 609 00:16:56,192 --> 00:17:00,529 way to do--time a minute. 610 00:17:00,629 --> 00:17:02,263 - Counting. 611 00:17:00,629 --> 00:17:02,263 - No, no. 612 00:17:02,164 --> 00:17:03,733 With a device. 613 00:17:02,164 --> 00:17:03,733 You flip it over. 614 00:17:03,832 --> 00:17:05,400 - It's an hourglass. 615 00:17:05,501 --> 00:17:09,332 [cheers and applause] 616 00:17:09,993 --> 00:17:10,540 - Oh. Oh! 617 00:17:10,639 --> 00:17:12,809 We do this with the girls 618 00:17:10,639 --> 00:17:12,809 in the driveway all the time. 619 00:17:12,908 --> 00:17:14,476 - Oh, my God. 620 00:17:12,908 --> 00:17:14,476 That could be anything. Soccer. 621 00:17:14,577 --> 00:17:15,777 - No. 622 00:17:14,577 --> 00:17:15,777 - Basketball. 623 00:17:15,878 --> 00:17:17,146 - There's wheels. 624 00:17:15,878 --> 00:17:17,146 - Roller skating. 625 00:17:17,245 --> 00:17:19,381 - Yes. 626 00:17:19,482 --> 00:17:21,453 - Okay. 627 00:17:21,184 --> 00:17:22,985 You would fry an egg in this. 628 00:17:23,473 --> 00:17:25,221 - Illegal clue. 629 00:17:23,473 --> 00:17:25,221 [audience exclaims] 630 00:17:25,321 --> 00:17:28,224 - Oh, I said "fry." 631 00:17:25,321 --> 00:17:28,224 - Oh, man. 632 00:17:28,323 --> 00:17:30,225 Okay. Oh, you-you-- 633 00:17:30,325 --> 00:17:32,562 it is--it's--oh, 634 00:17:30,325 --> 00:17:32,562 what we do. 635 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:34,464 We tell you can't look cool 636 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:34,464 when you're trying to play the? 637 00:17:34,563 --> 00:17:35,630 - Harmonica. 638 00:17:34,563 --> 00:17:35,630 - No. 639 00:17:35,732 --> 00:17:36,765 - The accordion. 640 00:17:36,866 --> 00:17:37,867 - We've been doing it 641 00:17:36,866 --> 00:17:37,867 a lot lately. 642 00:17:37,966 --> 00:17:39,632 - The accordion. 643 00:17:37,966 --> 00:17:39,632 More info. 644 00:17:39,168 --> 00:17:40,535 - No. You can't look cool. 645 00:17:40,636 --> 00:17:42,237 How could you look cool 646 00:17:40,636 --> 00:17:42,237 when your hand is up in the air 647 00:17:42,338 --> 00:17:44,474 and you're using strings 648 00:17:42,338 --> 00:17:44,474 like a bow? 649 00:17:44,573 --> 00:17:46,175 - Oh, a violin. 650 00:17:44,573 --> 00:17:46,175 - Yeah. 651 00:17:48,144 --> 00:17:50,446 - Okay. It's raining 652 00:17:48,144 --> 00:17:50,446 outside so use this. 653 00:17:50,545 --> 00:17:52,348 - A rainboot, a hat, 654 00:17:50,545 --> 00:17:52,348 an umbrella. 655 00:17:54,149 --> 00:17:56,802 Oh, you put these on 656 00:17:54,149 --> 00:17:56,802 with a snorkel mask 657 00:17:56,218 --> 00:17:57,786 and it makes your feet look 658 00:17:56,218 --> 00:17:57,786 like a mermaid tail. 659 00:17:57,887 --> 00:18:00,790 - Goggles. 660 00:17:57,887 --> 00:18:00,790 - Time's up. 661 00:18:00,889 --> 00:18:02,824 - Flippers. 662 00:18:02,925 --> 00:18:04,526 - We did really good. 663 00:18:04,627 --> 00:18:06,529 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 664 00:18:08,630 --> 00:18:10,500 [quirky music] 665 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:11,967 "You can't look cool 666 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:11,967 doing this." 667 00:18:12,293 --> 00:18:13,369 Do you know how many things 668 00:18:13,468 --> 00:18:15,937 I could name 669 00:18:13,468 --> 00:18:15,937 that you can't look cool doing? 670 00:18:16,332 --> 00:18:18,707 Riding a moped. 671 00:18:18,808 --> 00:18:21,177 Juggling ketchup. 672 00:18:21,276 --> 00:18:23,312 - Picking your nose. 673 00:18:21,276 --> 00:18:23,312 - Picking your nose. 674 00:18:23,412 --> 00:18:24,546 - It's just one 675 00:18:23,412 --> 00:18:24,546 of those things. 676 00:18:24,647 --> 00:18:26,433 - Yeah. Okay. 677 00:18:26,763 --> 00:18:29,284 Sanchezes, 678 00:18:26,763 --> 00:18:29,284 please reveal your guess. 679 00:18:29,385 --> 00:18:30,919 Nine! 680 00:18:31,483 --> 00:18:33,822 - Chow Family, would you 681 00:18:31,483 --> 00:18:33,822 please reveal your guess? 682 00:18:36,292 --> 00:18:37,927 All right. We got a nine, 683 00:18:36,292 --> 00:18:37,927 we got an eight. 684 00:18:38,552 --> 00:18:41,363 Joel, how many did 685 00:18:38,552 --> 00:18:41,363 we actually get? 686 00:18:41,464 --> 00:18:43,366 - Joel, you got to stop this. 687 00:18:41,464 --> 00:18:43,366 - Honest to God. 688 00:18:43,466 --> 00:18:45,622 - It's too intimate in here. 689 00:18:43,466 --> 00:18:45,622 - There's so many other places 690 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:46,535 you could sit while 691 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:46,535 this game is happening. 692 00:18:46,636 --> 00:18:47,536 [drumroll] 693 00:18:47,637 --> 00:18:48,937 - Eight. 694 00:18:49,662 --> 00:18:51,373 [cheers and applause] 695 00:18:51,474 --> 00:18:53,275 - All right. 696 00:18:51,474 --> 00:18:53,275 And that means the Chow Family 697 00:18:53,376 --> 00:18:55,378 gets 1,000 points. 698 00:18:58,514 --> 00:19:01,216 - The Chow Family 699 00:18:58,514 --> 00:19:01,216 has 2,500 points 700 00:19:01,316 --> 00:19:03,953 while the Sanchez Family 701 00:19:01,316 --> 00:19:03,953 has 0. 702 00:19:06,956 --> 00:19:09,859 - Listen. You guys deserve 703 00:19:06,956 --> 00:19:09,859 a better partner. 704 00:19:09,958 --> 00:19:11,360 You really do. 705 00:19:11,460 --> 00:19:14,597 I believe you need 706 00:19:11,460 --> 00:19:14,597 the good luck of Kristen Bell. 707 00:19:14,696 --> 00:19:16,832 - We're gonna pull 708 00:19:14,696 --> 00:19:16,832 a switcheroo, you guys. 709 00:19:16,933 --> 00:19:18,501 - Thanks for everything, 710 00:19:16,933 --> 00:19:18,501 Sanchez Family. 711 00:19:18,600 --> 00:19:20,436 I'm so sorry 712 00:19:18,600 --> 00:19:20,436 I didn't do better for you. 713 00:19:20,535 --> 00:19:22,322 Please take care of them. 714 00:19:20,535 --> 00:19:22,322 - I will. 715 00:19:22,170 --> 00:19:23,872 - They deserve your horseshoe 716 00:19:23,973 --> 00:19:26,775 that's lodged you know where. 717 00:19:23,973 --> 00:19:26,775 [laughter] 718 00:19:26,876 --> 00:19:28,578 We'll be right back. 719 00:19:30,312 --> 00:19:32,514 - That was a hot round! 720 00:19:30,312 --> 00:19:32,514 - Yeah. 721 00:19:32,615 --> 00:19:34,883 - I'm with Sanchez Family. 722 00:19:34,984 --> 00:19:36,753 - And I'm 723 00:19:34,984 --> 00:19:36,753 with the Chow Family. 724 00:19:36,852 --> 00:19:38,220 - Let's see what 725 00:19:36,852 --> 00:19:38,220 this button does. 726 00:19:38,321 --> 00:19:39,321 - Oh! 727 00:19:39,421 --> 00:19:40,423 I do have to do this 728 00:19:40,523 --> 00:19:42,324 or we will both be fired. 729 00:19:42,425 --> 00:19:44,659 - * The anticipation is 730 00:19:42,425 --> 00:19:44,659 torture * 731 00:19:44,761 --> 00:19:45,994 - * Let's go 732 00:19:46,562 --> 00:19:47,696 both: Oh! 733 00:19:46,562 --> 00:19:47,696 - Oh, oh, oh, my God. 734 00:19:53,202 --> 00:19:53,302 . 735 00:19:54,302 --> 00:19:57,305 [upbeat music] 736 00:19:58,440 --> 00:20:00,510 - Welcome back to 737 00:19:58,440 --> 00:20:00,510 "Family Game Fight." 738 00:20:00,610 --> 00:20:05,014 I am with the Sanchez Family 739 00:20:00,610 --> 00:20:05,014 and I'm happy to be here. 740 00:20:05,753 --> 00:20:07,015 - And I am with 741 00:20:05,753 --> 00:20:07,015 the Chow Family. 742 00:20:07,773 --> 00:20:09,351 And there's no mean twins 743 00:20:07,773 --> 00:20:09,351 over here. 744 00:20:09,452 --> 00:20:12,287 [laughter] 745 00:20:12,388 --> 00:20:15,524 - Voice in the sky, 746 00:20:12,388 --> 00:20:15,524 what are we playing? 747 00:20:15,625 --> 00:20:18,226 - It's time to play Air Heads. 748 00:20:19,428 --> 00:20:22,532 In this game, four family 749 00:20:19,428 --> 00:20:22,532 members see a secret word. 750 00:20:22,631 --> 00:20:24,867 Then chose one word 751 00:20:22,631 --> 00:20:24,867 to describe it 752 00:20:24,966 --> 00:20:26,269 to their team's guesser. 753 00:20:26,369 --> 00:20:28,870 But beware: if anyone 754 00:20:26,369 --> 00:20:28,870 enters the same word, 755 00:20:28,971 --> 00:20:31,040 they're airheads. 756 00:20:32,013 --> 00:20:33,642 Both families will play, 757 00:20:32,013 --> 00:20:33,642 and the family who identifies 758 00:20:33,743 --> 00:20:36,745 the most secret words 759 00:20:33,743 --> 00:20:36,745 wins 2,000 points. 760 00:20:41,283 --> 00:20:42,718 - Welcome to Air Heads, 761 00:20:42,819 --> 00:20:45,353 the game that will make 762 00:20:42,819 --> 00:20:45,353 your hair stand on end. 763 00:20:45,455 --> 00:20:47,023 - Let me just see 764 00:20:45,455 --> 00:20:47,023 what this button does. 765 00:20:47,842 --> 00:20:48,558 [buzzer blares] 766 00:20:48,658 --> 00:20:50,543 [audience exclaims] 767 00:20:50,193 --> 00:20:51,694 - That's-- 768 00:20:50,193 --> 00:20:51,694 - Well, now we know. 769 00:20:51,793 --> 00:20:54,563 - That's how that happens. 770 00:20:51,793 --> 00:20:54,563 - I wasn't prepared. 771 00:20:54,664 --> 00:20:56,799 - All right. I'm gonna 772 00:20:54,664 --> 00:20:56,799 ask the Sanchez Family 773 00:20:56,898 --> 00:21:00,203 to choose the Chow's 774 00:20:56,898 --> 00:21:00,203 first secret word. 775 00:21:00,302 --> 00:21:02,662 Make it a good one, girls. 776 00:21:02,170 --> 00:21:04,273 - Make it an easy one. 777 00:21:05,241 --> 00:21:06,609 - All right. They got it. 778 00:21:06,708 --> 00:21:11,514 Chow Family, go ahead and enter 779 00:21:06,708 --> 00:21:11,514 your one-word clues. 780 00:21:11,613 --> 00:21:14,250 Try not to have any overlap. 781 00:21:16,552 --> 00:21:19,832 - You are doing 782 00:21:16,552 --> 00:21:19,832 an incredible job. 783 00:21:19,222 --> 00:21:21,256 - Thank you, honey. 784 00:21:19,222 --> 00:21:21,256 - Of hosting this game show. 785 00:21:21,357 --> 00:21:23,693 - Thank you. 786 00:21:21,357 --> 00:21:23,693 - I've seen upwards of 787 00:21:23,793 --> 00:21:26,462 three game shows in my life. 788 00:21:26,562 --> 00:21:27,662 - And you think this one's-- 789 00:21:27,764 --> 00:21:29,031 - And you are in 790 00:21:27,764 --> 00:21:29,031 the top three for sure 791 00:21:29,933 --> 00:21:30,299 of hosts I've ever seen. 792 00:21:30,399 --> 00:21:32,001 - This might be 793 00:21:30,399 --> 00:21:32,001 your third favorite? 794 00:21:32,963 --> 00:21:34,603 - No. I think it's my first. 795 00:21:32,963 --> 00:21:34,603 Yeah. 796 00:21:34,704 --> 00:21:35,937 Let's see what they got. 797 00:21:36,037 --> 00:21:37,540 - All right. 798 00:21:36,037 --> 00:21:37,540 Everyone locked and loaded? 799 00:21:37,639 --> 00:21:41,144 Let's see if your family 800 00:21:37,639 --> 00:21:41,144 had any airheads. 801 00:21:41,209 --> 00:21:43,579 [light chiming] 802 00:21:41,209 --> 00:21:43,579 - Oh, yay! 803 00:21:43,678 --> 00:21:45,148 - Yay, nice, Chows. Great. 804 00:21:45,247 --> 00:21:46,983 So we have four unique clues 805 00:21:47,149 --> 00:21:49,519 so we can reveal them 806 00:21:47,149 --> 00:21:49,519 all starting with Maylee. 807 00:21:49,619 --> 00:21:51,754 What is your clue? 808 00:21:49,619 --> 00:21:51,754 - Ride. 809 00:21:51,853 --> 00:21:53,289 - Devin? 810 00:21:51,853 --> 00:21:53,289 - Wooden. 811 00:21:53,389 --> 00:21:55,591 - Yvonne? 812 00:21:53,389 --> 00:21:55,591 - Mountain. 813 00:21:55,690 --> 00:21:57,526 - Vicky? 814 00:21:55,690 --> 00:21:57,526 - Snow. 815 00:21:57,627 --> 00:22:00,897 - I'm gonna have 816 00:21:57,627 --> 00:22:00,897 to go with skis. 817 00:22:02,592 --> 00:22:04,900 - Let's see if 818 00:22:02,592 --> 00:22:04,900 the mystery word was skis. 819 00:22:06,369 --> 00:22:07,869 - Oh! 820 00:22:07,969 --> 00:22:11,474 - Whoa. Honey, that blasted you 821 00:22:07,969 --> 00:22:11,474 straight up your crop top. 822 00:22:11,573 --> 00:22:13,876 - Yeah. Well, it gave me a 823 00:22:11,573 --> 00:22:13,876 crop top for a second. 824 00:22:13,975 --> 00:22:15,578 - Yeah. 825 00:22:15,677 --> 00:22:18,648 What was the secret word? 826 00:22:18,747 --> 00:22:21,016 Sled. 827 00:22:21,783 --> 00:22:23,151 - Guys, I failed you. 828 00:22:21,783 --> 00:22:23,151 I'm sorry. Let's try it again. 829 00:22:23,252 --> 00:22:24,821 - We got a couple 830 00:22:23,252 --> 00:22:24,821 more rounds to go. 831 00:22:24,920 --> 00:22:27,956 Sanchez Family, will you please 832 00:22:24,920 --> 00:22:27,956 choose the second secret word? 833 00:22:29,191 --> 00:22:30,392 That was a toughie. 834 00:22:30,493 --> 00:22:32,027 Well, Sanchezes 835 00:22:30,493 --> 00:22:32,027 are not playing around. 836 00:22:32,892 --> 00:22:34,162 - Sled? 837 00:22:32,892 --> 00:22:34,162 - Come on. 838 00:22:34,263 --> 00:22:35,865 - All right. Chow Family, 839 00:22:34,263 --> 00:22:35,865 go ahead and enter 840 00:22:35,965 --> 00:22:38,333 your one-word clues. 841 00:22:38,434 --> 00:22:40,436 - So is, uh... 842 00:22:40,535 --> 00:22:41,970 I've seen you here 843 00:22:40,535 --> 00:22:41,970 all the time. 844 00:22:42,993 --> 00:22:43,406 - Yeah. I work here. 845 00:22:42,993 --> 00:22:43,406 - Oh, wow. 846 00:22:43,505 --> 00:22:45,908 How long have you worked here? 847 00:22:43,505 --> 00:22:45,908 - Um, just recently. 848 00:22:46,007 --> 00:22:47,043 I just got hired, yeah. 849 00:22:46,007 --> 00:22:47,043 - Oh, really? 850 00:22:47,142 --> 00:22:48,811 You smell great. 851 00:22:47,142 --> 00:22:48,811 - Thank you. 852 00:22:48,910 --> 00:22:50,479 - Yeah. Yeah. 853 00:22:50,580 --> 00:22:52,581 - All right. 854 00:22:50,580 --> 00:22:52,581 Our clues are locked in. 855 00:22:52,681 --> 00:22:55,251 Let's see if your family 856 00:22:52,681 --> 00:22:55,251 had any airheads. 857 00:22:56,753 --> 00:22:59,254 [buzzer blares] 858 00:22:56,753 --> 00:22:59,254 - Uh-oh! 859 00:22:59,354 --> 00:23:01,513 [laughter] 860 00:23:01,852 --> 00:23:03,525 - Dax, you're only gonna have 861 00:23:01,852 --> 00:23:03,525 two clues to be able 862 00:23:03,626 --> 00:23:05,194 to guess the secret word. 863 00:23:03,626 --> 00:23:05,194 Can you do it? 864 00:23:05,293 --> 00:23:06,661 - I only need one. 865 00:23:05,293 --> 00:23:06,661 - All right. 866 00:23:06,763 --> 00:23:08,430 Maylee, let's hear your clue. 867 00:23:08,531 --> 00:23:10,565 - Pin. 868 00:23:08,531 --> 00:23:10,565 - Pin. 869 00:23:10,666 --> 00:23:12,568 Vicky, what do you got? 870 00:23:12,668 --> 00:23:14,570 - Animal. 871 00:23:14,669 --> 00:23:15,571 - Ah. 872 00:23:15,670 --> 00:23:17,673 Porcupine. 873 00:23:17,206 --> 00:23:19,908 [cheers and applause] 874 00:23:20,008 --> 00:23:22,779 - How did you get porcupine? 875 00:23:20,008 --> 00:23:22,779 - That's my guy. 876 00:23:22,879 --> 00:23:24,280 But we're not done yet. 877 00:23:24,379 --> 00:23:27,382 Sanchez Family, we need 878 00:23:24,379 --> 00:23:27,382 another secret word, please. 879 00:23:28,751 --> 00:23:30,386 - That was stressful. 880 00:23:28,751 --> 00:23:30,386 - You did great. 881 00:23:30,485 --> 00:23:32,822 - Thank you so much. 882 00:23:30,485 --> 00:23:32,822 - All right. 883 00:23:32,187 --> 00:23:34,157 You should see the secret word 884 00:23:32,187 --> 00:23:34,157 on the screen in front of you. 885 00:23:34,256 --> 00:23:37,325 Figure out a clue. Lock it in. 886 00:23:34,256 --> 00:23:37,325 All right. 887 00:23:37,427 --> 00:23:40,963 Let's see if your family 888 00:23:37,427 --> 00:23:40,963 has any airheads. 889 00:23:41,912 --> 00:23:43,866 [light chiming] 890 00:23:41,912 --> 00:23:43,866 - Oh, we love that sound. 891 00:23:43,966 --> 00:23:45,600 - We have four unique clues. 892 00:23:45,700 --> 00:23:48,236 Let's hear them 893 00:23:45,700 --> 00:23:48,236 starting with Maylee. 894 00:23:48,337 --> 00:23:51,373 - Swim. 895 00:23:48,337 --> 00:23:51,373 - Arrowhead. 896 00:23:51,474 --> 00:23:54,610 - Mountain. 897 00:23:51,474 --> 00:23:54,610 - Water. 898 00:23:57,179 --> 00:23:59,648 - What is lake? 899 00:23:57,179 --> 00:23:59,648 [laughter] 900 00:23:59,748 --> 00:24:02,385 [cheers and applause] 901 00:24:02,485 --> 00:24:04,754 - All right. 902 00:24:02,485 --> 00:24:04,754 - Okay. 903 00:24:04,853 --> 00:24:06,656 - Sanchez Family, 904 00:24:04,853 --> 00:24:06,656 can you choose, like, 905 00:24:06,755 --> 00:24:08,224 a really hard one now? 906 00:24:08,323 --> 00:24:10,293 - Okay. We got this. 907 00:24:08,323 --> 00:24:10,293 - All right. 908 00:24:11,427 --> 00:24:12,562 - All right, Chow Family, 909 00:24:12,661 --> 00:24:14,162 you've got the word 910 00:24:12,661 --> 00:24:14,162 in front of you. 911 00:24:14,263 --> 00:24:16,666 Lock in your secret clue now. 912 00:24:18,735 --> 00:24:20,369 All right. Clues are locked in. 913 00:24:20,469 --> 00:24:23,272 Let's see if your family 914 00:24:20,469 --> 00:24:23,272 has any airheads. 915 00:24:23,371 --> 00:24:25,693 [light chiming] 916 00:24:23,371 --> 00:24:25,693 - Oh! Oh. 917 00:24:25,207 --> 00:24:26,943 - Very nice. 918 00:24:25,207 --> 00:24:26,943 - Whoo. 919 00:24:27,713 --> 00:24:29,478 Great. 920 00:24:27,713 --> 00:24:29,478 We have four unique clues. 921 00:24:29,579 --> 00:24:31,013 Maylee, let's start with you. 922 00:24:32,014 --> 00:24:33,850 - Wear. 923 00:24:32,014 --> 00:24:33,850 - Devin? 924 00:24:33,949 --> 00:24:35,851 - Pretty. 925 00:24:35,952 --> 00:24:37,320 - Chest. 926 00:24:37,419 --> 00:24:38,888 - Clothing. 927 00:24:40,490 --> 00:24:42,457 - Is it lingerie? 928 00:24:43,760 --> 00:24:46,361 - Oh! [laughing] 929 00:24:43,760 --> 00:24:46,361 - Oh. 930 00:24:46,462 --> 00:24:47,964 Wow. Okay. 931 00:24:48,923 --> 00:24:51,967 That was not the secret word. 932 00:24:48,923 --> 00:24:51,967 The secret word was... 933 00:24:52,963 --> 00:24:53,802 blouse. 934 00:24:53,902 --> 00:24:55,437 - That works too. 935 00:24:53,902 --> 00:24:55,437 - Yeah. 936 00:24:55,537 --> 00:24:58,573 - So does lingerie. 937 00:24:55,537 --> 00:24:58,573 Stand by it. 938 00:25:00,743 --> 00:25:03,733 - The Chow Family 939 00:25:00,743 --> 00:25:03,733 got two correct 940 00:25:03,212 --> 00:25:06,916 which means the Sanchez Family 941 00:25:03,212 --> 00:25:06,916 needs three to win the round. 942 00:25:10,152 --> 00:25:12,522 - As you can see, I'm here 943 00:25:10,152 --> 00:25:12,522 with the Sanchez Family 944 00:25:12,621 --> 00:25:15,523 and it is our turn 945 00:25:12,621 --> 00:25:15,523 to play Air Heads. 946 00:25:15,852 --> 00:25:17,159 - Before we do that though, 947 00:25:15,852 --> 00:25:17,159 I do wanna just make sure 948 00:25:17,260 --> 00:25:20,228 that we are all systems 949 00:25:17,260 --> 00:25:20,228 go with my button! 950 00:25:20,329 --> 00:25:21,430 Oh-ho. Okay. 951 00:25:21,531 --> 00:25:24,000 Seems to be working. 952 00:25:24,612 --> 00:25:27,003 You look amazing. 953 00:25:24,612 --> 00:25:27,003 - [laughing] 954 00:25:27,642 --> 00:25:28,937 I feel like we added 955 00:25:27,642 --> 00:25:28,937 some torque to this. 956 00:25:29,662 --> 00:25:32,241 - Yeah. That was 957 00:25:29,662 --> 00:25:32,241 a surgery-free facelift. 958 00:25:32,341 --> 00:25:33,443 [laughter] 959 00:25:33,543 --> 00:25:35,210 Okay. 960 00:25:35,311 --> 00:25:39,314 Chow Family, you need to choose 961 00:25:35,311 --> 00:25:39,314 the Sanchez's secret word. 962 00:25:41,583 --> 00:25:43,418 - Are we good? Do you got it? 963 00:25:41,583 --> 00:25:43,418 Okay. 964 00:25:43,519 --> 00:25:44,887 - And there's a nice huddle. 965 00:25:44,986 --> 00:25:46,923 It's being talked about. 966 00:25:44,986 --> 00:25:46,923 Have you decided? 967 00:25:47,023 --> 00:25:48,725 - Yes. 968 00:25:47,023 --> 00:25:48,725 - Wonderful. 969 00:25:48,824 --> 00:25:51,727 So here is your secret word. 970 00:25:51,828 --> 00:25:56,032 Just a one-word clue. 971 00:25:51,828 --> 00:25:56,032 We're hoping for no overlaps. 972 00:25:56,933 --> 00:25:58,935 Well, some of us 973 00:25:56,933 --> 00:25:58,935 are hoping for overlaps. 974 00:25:59,034 --> 00:26:01,204 Okay. Everyone got 975 00:25:59,034 --> 00:26:01,204 their word locked in? 976 00:26:01,303 --> 00:26:02,772 - Not looking. 977 00:26:01,303 --> 00:26:02,772 - All right. 978 00:26:02,871 --> 00:26:06,175 It is time to find out 979 00:26:02,871 --> 00:26:06,175 if there are any airheads 980 00:26:06,274 --> 00:26:08,177 in the Sanchez Family. 981 00:26:08,276 --> 00:26:09,712 [light chiming] 982 00:26:08,276 --> 00:26:09,712 Oh. 983 00:26:09,812 --> 00:26:12,348 - Yeah! 984 00:26:09,812 --> 00:26:12,348 - Yes! 985 00:26:12,447 --> 00:26:14,716 - Okay. We have our four 986 00:26:12,447 --> 00:26:14,716 unique clues, 987 00:26:14,816 --> 00:26:18,987 so we can reveal them 988 00:26:14,816 --> 00:26:18,987 starting with Scarlett. 989 00:26:21,357 --> 00:26:23,725 - Red. 990 00:26:21,357 --> 00:26:23,725 - House. 991 00:26:23,825 --> 00:26:25,552 - House. 992 00:26:23,825 --> 00:26:25,552 - House. 993 00:26:25,160 --> 00:26:27,764 - Brown. 994 00:26:25,160 --> 00:26:27,764 - Wall. 995 00:26:27,863 --> 00:26:29,665 - Brown wall? 996 00:26:27,863 --> 00:26:29,665 - Uh-huh. 997 00:26:29,765 --> 00:26:31,612 Why don't you hop 998 00:26:29,765 --> 00:26:31,612 behind the podium 999 00:26:31,167 --> 00:26:33,302 and take a swing at it, 1000 00:26:31,167 --> 00:26:33,302 slugger? 1001 00:26:34,937 --> 00:26:36,805 This is easy. 1002 00:26:38,474 --> 00:26:40,176 - Um... 1003 00:26:41,777 --> 00:26:44,746 A brick! 1004 00:26:44,847 --> 00:26:45,982 - A brick. 1005 00:26:46,763 --> 00:26:49,351 [cheers and applause] 1006 00:26:51,420 --> 00:26:54,623 That was impressive. 1007 00:26:51,420 --> 00:26:54,623 So I implore you, 1008 00:26:54,724 --> 00:26:57,959 Chow Family, to give us 1009 00:26:54,724 --> 00:26:57,959 a second secret word. 1010 00:27:01,930 --> 00:27:03,433 Okay. 1011 00:27:03,533 --> 00:27:07,312 Sanchez Family, please write 1012 00:27:03,533 --> 00:27:07,312 down your single-word clue. 1013 00:27:10,305 --> 00:27:11,940 All right. 1014 00:27:10,305 --> 00:27:11,940 The clues are locked in. 1015 00:27:12,362 --> 00:27:15,392 Let's find out 1016 00:27:12,362 --> 00:27:15,392 if you have any airheads. 1017 00:27:15,177 --> 00:27:17,412 [buzzer blares] 1018 00:27:15,177 --> 00:27:17,412 Uh-oh. 1019 00:27:17,179 --> 00:27:20,248 - No. Oh, no. 1020 00:27:17,179 --> 00:27:20,248 - Okay. 1021 00:27:20,349 --> 00:27:23,652 Well, we know what that means. 1022 00:27:20,349 --> 00:27:23,652 You're down to two clues, hon. 1023 00:27:23,753 --> 00:27:26,503 Andrea, please 1024 00:27:23,753 --> 00:27:26,503 give the first clue. 1025 00:27:27,689 --> 00:27:29,391 - Leather. 1026 00:27:27,689 --> 00:27:29,391 - Ah. 1027 00:27:29,492 --> 00:27:30,793 - Gucci. 1028 00:27:33,428 --> 00:27:35,298 - Is it belt? 1029 00:27:33,428 --> 00:27:35,298 [cheers and applause] 1030 00:27:35,398 --> 00:27:37,943 - Oh, wow. 1031 00:27:38,600 --> 00:27:41,737 You're so good! 1032 00:27:38,600 --> 00:27:41,737 - [laughs] Oh, my God. 1033 00:27:41,838 --> 00:27:43,272 You're so good. 1034 00:27:44,340 --> 00:27:46,175 - Ya good. Ya good. 1035 00:27:46,274 --> 00:27:47,476 - Ya good. 1036 00:27:46,274 --> 00:27:47,476 - You're real good. 1037 00:27:47,577 --> 00:27:49,244 - Thanks, buddy. 1038 00:27:47,577 --> 00:27:49,244 - Okay. Chow Family, 1039 00:27:49,344 --> 00:27:51,680 can we have a third word 1040 00:27:51,781 --> 00:27:53,716 for the Sanchez Family? 1041 00:27:55,016 --> 00:27:56,319 You got one? 1042 00:27:56,418 --> 00:27:57,786 - Yeah. 1043 00:27:56,418 --> 00:27:57,786 - Okay. Great. 1044 00:27:57,887 --> 00:28:00,842 Sanchez Family. 1045 00:28:00,223 --> 00:28:03,559 Scarlett's type, type, typing. 1046 00:28:00,223 --> 00:28:03,559 Yvonne is fast at work. 1047 00:28:03,658 --> 00:28:05,794 Okay. 1048 00:28:03,658 --> 00:28:05,794 All the clues are locked in 1049 00:28:05,895 --> 00:28:09,263 so let's see 1050 00:28:05,895 --> 00:28:09,263 if you have any overlap. 1051 00:28:09,933 --> 00:28:12,963 Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh. 1052 00:28:12,235 --> 00:28:14,971 By the way, totally expected. 1053 00:28:15,322 --> 00:28:18,013 Twins getting the same word? 1054 00:28:17,239 --> 00:28:19,362 I mean, 1055 00:28:17,239 --> 00:28:19,362 should anybody here be shocked? 1056 00:28:19,693 --> 00:28:23,146 I'm not. 1057 00:28:19,693 --> 00:28:23,146 Scarlett, tell us your word. 1058 00:28:23,245 --> 00:28:25,380 - Desert. 1059 00:28:25,481 --> 00:28:27,382 - Erika? 1060 00:28:25,481 --> 00:28:27,382 - King. 1061 00:28:27,483 --> 00:28:29,619 - King. 1062 00:28:29,718 --> 00:28:32,287 Yeah. I think I got it. 1063 00:28:32,388 --> 00:28:33,790 - You think you got? 1064 00:28:32,388 --> 00:28:33,790 - This would be for the win. 1065 00:28:33,889 --> 00:28:36,292 Yeah. 1066 00:28:33,889 --> 00:28:36,292 - From desert king? 1067 00:28:36,391 --> 00:28:37,860 [laughter] 1068 00:28:37,959 --> 00:28:41,196 - Okay. 1069 00:28:37,959 --> 00:28:41,196 Hop behind your podium here. 1070 00:28:41,296 --> 00:28:44,966 - Is it Egypt? 1071 00:28:45,622 --> 00:28:47,642 Doesn't seem like it is. 1072 00:28:49,338 --> 00:28:51,373 [buzzer blares] 1073 00:28:52,908 --> 00:28:55,723 - A scorpion. 1074 00:28:55,144 --> 00:28:56,579 Sure. Okay. 1075 00:28:56,678 --> 00:29:00,683 Well, Chow Family, 1076 00:28:56,678 --> 00:29:00,683 let's give them a fourth word. 1077 00:29:04,483 --> 00:29:05,854 Okay. We are all clear. 1078 00:29:05,955 --> 00:29:09,193 Let's find out if you have 1079 00:29:05,955 --> 00:29:09,193 any airheads in the family. 1080 00:29:10,892 --> 00:29:13,629 [light chiming] 1081 00:29:10,892 --> 00:29:13,629 Oh, okay. 1082 00:29:13,729 --> 00:29:15,965 Scarlett, let's hear your clue. 1083 00:29:16,263 --> 00:29:19,901 - Bass. 1084 00:29:16,263 --> 00:29:19,901 - Music. 1085 00:29:20,302 --> 00:29:23,673 - Dance. 1086 00:29:20,302 --> 00:29:23,673 - Saxophone. 1087 00:29:23,206 --> 00:29:26,242 - Oh. 1088 00:29:23,206 --> 00:29:26,242 - Oh. 1089 00:29:26,341 --> 00:29:28,811 - It's all up to you to decide 1090 00:29:26,341 --> 00:29:28,811 if they're gonna win or not. 1091 00:29:28,910 --> 00:29:31,753 - [groans] 1092 00:29:31,214 --> 00:29:34,783 Um... 1093 00:29:34,216 --> 00:29:36,386 - Is it song? 1094 00:29:38,888 --> 00:29:40,255 Just do it. 1095 00:29:42,658 --> 00:29:44,860 - Oh. Oh. 1096 00:29:46,728 --> 00:29:48,598 - So it wasn't song? 1097 00:29:48,697 --> 00:29:50,933 [laughter] 1098 00:29:51,612 --> 00:29:52,968 What was it? 1099 00:29:51,612 --> 00:29:52,968 - Jazz. 1100 00:29:53,632 --> 00:29:54,983 - Jazz. 1101 00:29:53,632 --> 00:29:54,983 - Jazz. 1102 00:29:54,236 --> 00:29:57,005 - Jazz. Yeah. 1103 00:29:54,236 --> 00:29:57,005 - Oh, jazz. 1104 00:29:57,673 --> 00:30:00,676 - Okay. 1105 00:29:57,673 --> 00:30:00,676 So it appears we have a tie. 1106 00:30:00,776 --> 00:30:02,411 What happens now? 1107 00:30:02,512 --> 00:30:06,314 - The team with the fewest 1108 00:30:02,512 --> 00:30:06,314 airheads wins the round. 1109 00:30:06,416 --> 00:30:08,985 The winner of this round is... 1110 00:30:09,463 --> 00:30:10,953 the Chow Family. 1111 00:30:11,152 --> 00:30:12,821 [cheers and applause] 1112 00:30:12,921 --> 00:30:15,792 The Chow Family 1113 00:30:12,921 --> 00:30:15,792 has 4,500 points. 1114 00:30:15,891 --> 00:30:18,761 The Sanchez Family, zero. 1115 00:30:18,860 --> 00:30:21,597 - Do not worry, Sanchezes, 1116 00:30:18,860 --> 00:30:21,597 there's one more game to play. 1117 00:30:21,696 --> 00:30:24,766 We actually can still catch up. 1118 00:30:24,867 --> 00:30:26,632 We'll be right back. 1119 00:30:27,169 --> 00:30:29,972 - Wow. That was heated. 1120 00:30:37,245 --> 00:30:37,345 . 1121 00:30:38,347 --> 00:30:41,417 [upbeat music] 1122 00:30:42,718 --> 00:30:44,387 - Welcome back to 1123 00:30:42,718 --> 00:30:44,387 "Family Game Fight." 1124 00:30:44,486 --> 00:30:47,889 We are just one game away from 1125 00:30:44,486 --> 00:30:47,889 our epic finale Spin Cycle. 1126 00:30:47,990 --> 00:30:50,258 [cheers and applause] 1127 00:30:50,359 --> 00:30:52,223 - Voice in the sky, 1128 00:30:50,359 --> 00:30:52,223 what are we playing? 1129 00:30:52,160 --> 00:30:55,465 - It's time to play 1130 00:30:52,160 --> 00:30:55,465 Brain Freeze. 1131 00:30:57,433 --> 00:31:01,652 In this game, one player 1132 00:30:57,433 --> 00:31:01,652 enters the isolation freezer. 1133 00:31:01,169 --> 00:31:04,573 Then their teammates would see 1134 00:31:01,169 --> 00:31:04,573 a category and make a list. 1135 00:31:04,674 --> 00:31:07,577 The player returns to guess 1136 00:31:04,674 --> 00:31:07,577 items from the list. 1137 00:31:07,677 --> 00:31:10,245 But every time they fail, 1138 00:31:07,677 --> 00:31:10,245 it's a brain freeze. 1139 00:31:10,346 --> 00:31:11,747 After three of those, 1140 00:31:11,848 --> 00:31:14,484 the other family plays 1141 00:31:11,848 --> 00:31:14,484 to try and beat their score. 1142 00:31:18,187 --> 00:31:19,856 - Welcome to Brain Freeze. 1143 00:31:19,956 --> 00:31:22,190 The Chow's are in the lead 1144 00:31:19,956 --> 00:31:22,190 so they're playing first 1145 00:31:22,291 --> 00:31:25,360 and every match 1146 00:31:22,291 --> 00:31:25,360 is worth 1,000 points. 1147 00:31:25,460 --> 00:31:26,829 - Whoa! 1148 00:31:25,460 --> 00:31:26,829 - Whoa. 1149 00:31:26,928 --> 00:31:29,831 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 1150 00:31:26,928 --> 00:31:29,831 - Vicky, my love, 1151 00:31:29,931 --> 00:31:33,569 you are headed into the 1152 00:31:29,931 --> 00:31:33,569 brain freezer so go on, get. 1153 00:31:33,668 --> 00:31:35,937 - Get to gettin'. 1154 00:31:36,037 --> 00:31:39,675 [cheers and applause] 1155 00:31:42,812 --> 00:31:45,947 - Okay, guys, you are going 1156 00:31:42,812 --> 00:31:45,947 to be listing things 1157 00:31:46,642 --> 00:31:47,550 in a movie theater. 1158 00:31:47,649 --> 00:31:51,320 You have 20 seconds 1159 00:31:47,649 --> 00:31:51,320 on the clock. 1160 00:31:51,420 --> 00:31:54,823 - Three, two, one! 1161 00:31:54,924 --> 00:31:56,158 [air horn blares] 1162 00:31:54,924 --> 00:31:56,158 - Screens. 1163 00:31:56,258 --> 00:31:57,659 - Usher. 1164 00:31:56,258 --> 00:31:57,659 - Movies. 1165 00:31:57,760 --> 00:31:59,262 - Popcorn. 1166 00:31:59,361 --> 00:32:00,396 - Drinks. 1167 00:32:00,495 --> 00:32:01,898 - Projector. 1168 00:32:00,495 --> 00:32:01,898 - Soda machine. 1169 00:32:01,997 --> 00:32:03,466 - Tickets. 1170 00:32:01,997 --> 00:32:03,466 - People. 1171 00:32:03,565 --> 00:32:06,202 - Seats. 1172 00:32:03,565 --> 00:32:06,202 - Popcorn machine. 1173 00:32:06,302 --> 00:32:09,205 - Bathroom. 1174 00:32:06,302 --> 00:32:09,205 - Slushies. 1175 00:32:09,304 --> 00:32:11,873 - Chewing gum. 1176 00:32:09,304 --> 00:32:11,873 - Candy. 1177 00:32:11,974 --> 00:32:14,944 - Hot dog. 1178 00:32:15,723 --> 00:32:17,479 - Hamburger. 1179 00:32:15,723 --> 00:32:17,479 - Time's up. 1180 00:32:17,580 --> 00:32:19,448 - What theater are you 1181 00:32:17,580 --> 00:32:19,448 getting hamburgers at? 1182 00:32:19,549 --> 00:32:21,883 I wanna join you. 1183 00:32:19,549 --> 00:32:21,883 [laughter] 1184 00:32:21,984 --> 00:32:25,588 - Okay. Let's get Vicky 1185 00:32:21,984 --> 00:32:25,588 out of the brain freezer. 1186 00:32:25,687 --> 00:32:27,023 Joel. 1187 00:32:28,623 --> 00:32:30,225 - Vicky, come on out. 1188 00:32:32,962 --> 00:32:37,300 - All right, Vicky, your family 1189 00:32:32,962 --> 00:32:37,300 just made a list of things 1190 00:32:37,399 --> 00:32:41,337 in a movie theater. 1191 00:32:37,399 --> 00:32:41,337 Time to start guessing. 1192 00:32:41,437 --> 00:32:44,372 - Popcorn. 1193 00:32:44,474 --> 00:32:46,809 Hot dog. 1194 00:32:46,908 --> 00:32:48,343 Nachos. 1195 00:32:49,579 --> 00:32:52,447 - I'm very sorry, Vicky. 1196 00:32:49,579 --> 00:32:52,447 That's a brain freeze. 1197 00:32:52,548 --> 00:32:55,485 [alarm blaring] 1198 00:32:55,584 --> 00:32:57,320 - It's like waiting to 1199 00:32:55,584 --> 00:32:57,320 get punched. 1200 00:32:57,419 --> 00:32:59,421 - Yeah. 1201 00:32:57,419 --> 00:32:59,421 [laughter] 1202 00:33:01,323 --> 00:33:03,693 [both scream] 1203 00:33:08,898 --> 00:33:11,000 - Oh! 1204 00:33:08,898 --> 00:33:11,000 - All right, Vicky. 1205 00:33:11,612 --> 00:33:12,935 You have two strikes left. 1206 00:33:13,632 --> 00:33:16,171 Try again. 1207 00:33:13,632 --> 00:33:16,171 - Icee. 1208 00:33:16,272 --> 00:33:19,007 - Come on, Mom. 1209 00:33:16,272 --> 00:33:19,007 - Seat. 1210 00:33:19,693 --> 00:33:21,610 Uh, soda. 1211 00:33:21,710 --> 00:33:24,013 Uh...ice cream. 1212 00:33:25,581 --> 00:33:27,773 - I'm so sorry. 1213 00:33:27,216 --> 00:33:28,717 - [mutters nervously] 1214 00:33:30,802 --> 00:33:32,522 - [screaming] 1215 00:33:32,621 --> 00:33:33,923 - [yelps] 1216 00:33:34,724 --> 00:33:35,690 Oh! 1217 00:33:35,792 --> 00:33:38,261 [cheers and applause] 1218 00:33:38,360 --> 00:33:41,196 - Testing, testing. 1219 00:33:38,360 --> 00:33:41,196 You're gonna hold on to this. 1220 00:33:41,296 --> 00:33:43,698 - Oh, okay. 1221 00:33:41,296 --> 00:33:43,698 - It only has 600 volts in it. 1222 00:33:43,800 --> 00:33:46,735 Don't worry. 1223 00:33:43,800 --> 00:33:46,735 [laughter] 1224 00:33:46,835 --> 00:33:48,870 It's only 1225 00:33:46,835 --> 00:33:48,870 the most powerful microphone 1226 00:33:48,970 --> 00:33:50,572 in the world. 1227 00:33:48,970 --> 00:33:50,572 Don't worry. 1228 00:33:50,673 --> 00:33:54,033 - Let's get this over with. 1229 00:33:50,673 --> 00:33:54,033 Vicky, keep going. 1230 00:33:53,208 --> 00:33:55,677 We got one more brain freeze. 1231 00:33:53,208 --> 00:33:55,677 Try again. 1232 00:33:55,777 --> 00:33:58,848 - Raisinets. 1233 00:33:58,947 --> 00:34:01,617 Concession stand. 1234 00:34:03,418 --> 00:34:05,620 - I'm so sorry again. 1235 00:34:05,722 --> 00:34:07,989 This is your third and final 1236 00:34:05,722 --> 00:34:07,989 brain freeze. 1237 00:34:09,559 --> 00:34:11,561 [both scream] 1238 00:34:14,196 --> 00:34:15,898 - Oh. 1239 00:34:17,300 --> 00:34:18,867 - You think it's bad 1240 00:34:17,300 --> 00:34:18,867 on your shoulders. 1241 00:34:18,968 --> 00:34:21,403 Mid-back's like, 1242 00:34:18,968 --> 00:34:21,403 "This is rough." 1243 00:34:21,503 --> 00:34:25,173 Butt crack hits different 1244 00:34:21,503 --> 00:34:25,173 and you wanna kill somebody. 1245 00:34:25,274 --> 00:34:28,443 [laughter] 1246 00:34:28,544 --> 00:34:31,347 - The Chow Family matched 1247 00:34:28,544 --> 00:34:31,347 six correctly, 1248 00:34:31,446 --> 00:34:32,881 which means 1249 00:34:31,446 --> 00:34:32,881 the Sanchez Family 1250 00:34:32,981 --> 00:34:36,686 will need 11 correct matches 1251 00:34:32,981 --> 00:34:36,686 to play Spin Cycle. 1252 00:34:39,622 --> 00:34:42,624 - Okay. It's Kristen 1253 00:34:39,622 --> 00:34:42,624 and the Sanchez Family's turn 1254 00:34:42,724 --> 00:34:44,394 to play Brain Freeze. 1255 00:34:44,494 --> 00:34:46,896 Sweet love, please find 1256 00:34:44,494 --> 00:34:46,896 your way to the freezer. 1257 00:34:46,995 --> 00:34:48,296 - Got it. 1258 00:34:49,432 --> 00:34:51,767 - Oh. 1259 00:34:49,432 --> 00:34:51,767 Also, enjoy your time in there 1260 00:34:51,867 --> 00:34:53,269 'cause it'll just get worse 1261 00:34:51,867 --> 00:34:53,269 when you come out. 1262 00:34:53,369 --> 00:34:55,271 - [mouthing words] 1263 00:34:55,370 --> 00:34:57,340 - So, enjoy the freezer. 1264 00:34:59,274 --> 00:35:04,412 Okay, guys, your category 1265 00:34:59,274 --> 00:35:04,412 is things on an airplane. 1266 00:35:04,180 --> 00:35:06,314 You have 20 seconds 1267 00:35:04,180 --> 00:35:06,314 on the clock 1268 00:35:06,416 --> 00:35:09,285 and the time starts 1269 00:35:06,416 --> 00:35:09,285 when we hear the horn. 1270 00:35:09,385 --> 00:35:11,988 - Three, two, one! 1271 00:35:09,385 --> 00:35:11,988 [air horn blares] 1272 00:35:12,492 --> 00:35:13,622 - Stewardess. 1273 00:35:12,492 --> 00:35:13,622 - Pilot. 1274 00:35:13,722 --> 00:35:14,923 - First-class. 1275 00:35:13,722 --> 00:35:14,923 - Peanuts. 1276 00:35:15,523 --> 00:35:16,863 - Ticket. 1277 00:35:15,523 --> 00:35:16,863 - Chair. 1278 00:35:16,224 --> 00:35:17,459 - Plane. 1279 00:35:16,224 --> 00:35:17,459 - Kids. 1280 00:35:17,559 --> 00:35:18,760 - Luggage. 1281 00:35:17,559 --> 00:35:18,760 - Tickets. 1282 00:35:18,861 --> 00:35:19,928 - Coach. 1283 00:35:18,861 --> 00:35:19,928 - Non-smoking. 1284 00:35:20,573 --> 00:35:21,497 - Carry on. 1285 00:35:20,573 --> 00:35:21,497 - Smoking. 1286 00:35:21,597 --> 00:35:22,965 - Beverage. 1287 00:35:21,597 --> 00:35:22,965 - Drinks. 1288 00:35:23,602 --> 00:35:24,633 - Mile-high. 1289 00:35:23,602 --> 00:35:24,633 - Carpet. 1290 00:35:24,733 --> 00:35:26,302 - Bag. 1291 00:35:24,733 --> 00:35:26,302 - Window seat. 1292 00:35:26,401 --> 00:35:27,570 - Trip. 1293 00:35:26,401 --> 00:35:27,570 - Cup. 1294 00:35:27,669 --> 00:35:28,805 - Aisle seat. 1295 00:35:28,905 --> 00:35:30,673 - First class. 1296 00:35:28,905 --> 00:35:30,673 - Snacks. 1297 00:35:30,773 --> 00:35:32,240 - Mom. 1298 00:35:30,773 --> 00:35:32,240 - Restroom. 1299 00:35:32,340 --> 00:35:35,722 - Pilot. 1300 00:35:32,340 --> 00:35:35,722 - Time's up. 1301 00:35:35,211 --> 00:35:37,446 - Really good. Okay. 1302 00:35:37,546 --> 00:35:39,615 Joe, please release my wife 1303 00:35:37,546 --> 00:35:39,615 from the freezer. 1304 00:35:39,715 --> 00:35:41,751 [laughter] 1305 00:35:41,850 --> 00:35:45,021 [cheers and applause] 1306 00:35:45,823 --> 00:35:46,622 - Whew! 1307 00:35:47,689 --> 00:35:49,459 - [laughing] 1308 00:35:49,559 --> 00:35:52,160 Kristen, your family 1309 00:35:49,559 --> 00:35:52,160 just made a list of things 1310 00:35:52,260 --> 00:35:53,695 on an airplane. 1311 00:35:53,796 --> 00:35:57,466 You need 11 matches to make it 1312 00:35:53,796 --> 00:35:57,466 through to play Spin Cycle 1313 00:35:57,566 --> 00:35:59,235 for a shot at $100,000. 1314 00:35:59,334 --> 00:36:04,207 Kristen, when I hit one, 1315 00:35:59,334 --> 00:36:04,207 start listing. 1316 00:36:04,307 --> 00:36:07,642 Three, dos, one. 1317 00:36:07,744 --> 00:36:10,146 - Stewardess. 1318 00:36:10,245 --> 00:36:12,648 Seats. 1319 00:36:12,749 --> 00:36:14,443 Drinks. 1320 00:36:15,318 --> 00:36:16,885 People. 1321 00:36:19,354 --> 00:36:21,157 Peanuts. 1322 00:36:21,256 --> 00:36:22,791 - I'm worried. 1323 00:36:22,892 --> 00:36:26,329 - Luggage. 1324 00:36:26,428 --> 00:36:28,264 Um, seatbelts. 1325 00:36:29,593 --> 00:36:32,168 [audience exclaims] 1326 00:36:32,267 --> 00:36:34,803 - And I have--and 1327 00:36:32,267 --> 00:36:34,803 I have to do this? 1328 00:36:34,903 --> 00:36:38,640 President of NBC, you're saying 1329 00:36:34,903 --> 00:36:38,640 yes, I do have to do this? 1330 00:36:38,740 --> 00:36:40,142 Hon, apparently, I do have 1331 00:36:38,740 --> 00:36:40,142 to do this, 1332 00:36:40,242 --> 00:36:42,577 or we will both be fired. 1333 00:36:40,242 --> 00:36:42,577 So... 1334 00:36:42,678 --> 00:36:44,379 [alarm blaring] 1335 00:36:46,582 --> 00:36:49,017 - [screaming] 1336 00:36:49,793 --> 00:36:50,952 - Oh, oh, oh, my God. 1337 00:36:49,793 --> 00:36:50,952 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 1338 00:36:51,812 --> 00:36:52,789 Oh, my God. 1339 00:36:52,889 --> 00:36:58,928 - Oh. It is much funnier 1340 00:36:52,889 --> 00:36:58,928 to watch than to experience. 1341 00:36:59,028 --> 00:37:01,363 - You're gonna hold onto this. 1342 00:36:59,028 --> 00:37:01,363 [laughter] 1343 00:37:01,463 --> 00:37:03,602 - All right, my lovely lady. 1344 00:37:03,198 --> 00:37:05,434 Your next word. 1345 00:37:05,535 --> 00:37:07,269 - TVs. 1346 00:37:07,370 --> 00:37:11,352 [audience exclaims] 1347 00:37:11,173 --> 00:37:12,575 - [whispering] Thank you. 1348 00:37:11,173 --> 00:37:12,575 Thank you. 1349 00:37:12,675 --> 00:37:15,392 I need it, I need it, Kristen. 1350 00:37:12,675 --> 00:37:15,392 Thank you. 1351 00:37:16,733 --> 00:37:19,782 - [mouthing words] 1352 00:37:19,881 --> 00:37:23,186 [both mouthing words] 1353 00:37:34,896 --> 00:37:37,499 - Okay. Let's proceed. 1354 00:37:37,599 --> 00:37:39,434 [alarm blaring] 1355 00:37:42,637 --> 00:37:43,740 - [screams] 1356 00:37:43,840 --> 00:37:45,274 - Oh, my God. 1357 00:37:45,374 --> 00:37:47,242 - [screams] 1358 00:37:47,343 --> 00:37:49,445 - Hon, you really took 1359 00:37:47,343 --> 00:37:49,445 the lion's share. 1360 00:37:49,544 --> 00:37:50,946 - [clears throat] Thank you. 1361 00:37:51,753 --> 00:37:54,182 - All right, love bug, 1362 00:37:51,753 --> 00:37:54,182 your next word. 1363 00:37:54,282 --> 00:37:56,352 - Intercom. 1364 00:37:56,452 --> 00:37:57,919 [audience exclaims] 1365 00:37:58,019 --> 00:38:00,289 - I take no pleasure in this. 1366 00:38:00,390 --> 00:38:02,758 Here we go. 1367 00:38:00,390 --> 00:38:02,758 [alarm blaring] 1368 00:38:04,660 --> 00:38:07,912 Oh, boy. 1369 00:38:04,660 --> 00:38:07,912 - [screams] 1370 00:38:07,229 --> 00:38:09,262 Oh, boy. 1371 00:38:09,932 --> 00:38:12,802 - The Chow Family wins. 1372 00:38:09,932 --> 00:38:12,802 - Oh, boy. 1373 00:38:12,901 --> 00:38:14,836 Congrats, Chow Family. 1374 00:38:14,936 --> 00:38:16,939 [cheers and applause] 1375 00:38:17,343 --> 00:38:19,608 - The final score is 1376 00:38:17,343 --> 00:38:19,608 the Sanchez Family, 1377 00:38:19,709 --> 00:38:21,383 6,000 points, 1378 00:38:21,713 --> 00:38:24,247 the Chow Family, 10,500. 1379 00:38:26,682 --> 00:38:29,785 - Please give it up 1380 00:38:26,682 --> 00:38:29,785 for the Sanchez Family. 1381 00:38:29,885 --> 00:38:32,421 [cheers and applause] 1382 00:38:32,521 --> 00:38:34,791 - Join us after the break 1383 00:38:32,521 --> 00:38:34,791 to see if the Chow Family 1384 00:38:34,890 --> 00:38:37,827 can claim the jackpot 1385 00:38:34,890 --> 00:38:37,827 and leave here with $100,000. 1386 00:38:37,927 --> 00:38:39,995 We'll be right back. 1387 00:38:49,204 --> 00:38:49,305 . 1388 00:38:50,472 --> 00:38:54,744 [upbeat music] 1389 00:38:55,611 --> 00:38:56,245 - Welcome back to 1390 00:38:55,611 --> 00:38:56,245 "Family Game Fight." 1391 00:38:56,345 --> 00:38:57,713 Congratulations, Chows. 1392 00:38:57,814 --> 00:38:59,849 You made it through 1393 00:38:57,814 --> 00:38:59,849 to the finale. 1394 00:38:59,948 --> 00:39:03,318 [cheers and applause] 1395 00:39:03,419 --> 00:39:05,821 - All right. 1396 00:39:03,419 --> 00:39:05,821 Let's get you guys $100,000. 1397 00:39:05,921 --> 00:39:08,925 I'd like to introduce you 1398 00:39:05,921 --> 00:39:08,925 to Spin Cycle. 1399 00:39:09,193 --> 00:39:12,260 [cheers and applause] 1400 00:39:24,941 --> 00:39:27,372 All righty. 1401 00:39:27,142 --> 00:39:30,546 - In Spin Cycle, 1402 00:39:27,142 --> 00:39:30,546 it is up to Dax and I 1403 00:39:30,646 --> 00:39:33,432 to make you guess 1404 00:39:30,646 --> 00:39:33,432 ten secret words, 1405 00:39:33,182 --> 00:39:36,986 but not only will your platform 1406 00:39:33,182 --> 00:39:36,986 be spinning and getting faster. 1407 00:39:37,472 --> 00:39:39,655 Ours will be spinning as well. 1408 00:39:39,756 --> 00:39:42,157 We will be on this 1409 00:39:39,756 --> 00:39:42,157 spinning platform. 1410 00:39:42,258 --> 00:39:44,543 - Currently, we are 1411 00:39:42,258 --> 00:39:44,543 in the "say it" space. 1412 00:39:44,160 --> 00:39:45,861 We can use all the words 1413 00:39:44,160 --> 00:39:45,861 we want 1414 00:39:45,961 --> 00:39:48,965 to help clue you 1415 00:39:45,961 --> 00:39:48,965 to the right word. 1416 00:39:49,593 --> 00:39:52,001 This is called 1417 00:39:49,593 --> 00:39:52,001 the scribble space 1418 00:39:52,622 --> 00:39:55,872 where this incredible artist 1419 00:39:52,622 --> 00:39:55,872 will draw out. 1420 00:39:55,972 --> 00:39:57,439 - I'll draw a heart 1421 00:39:55,972 --> 00:39:57,439 and you'll say heart, 1422 00:39:57,539 --> 00:39:58,774 and you'll get 10 grand. 1423 00:39:58,874 --> 00:40:01,744 - That's yours. 1424 00:39:58,874 --> 00:40:01,744 - Okay. That's ours. 1425 00:40:01,843 --> 00:40:03,646 - This is the do-it space 1426 00:40:03,745 --> 00:40:06,883 where we will act out the clue 1427 00:40:03,745 --> 00:40:06,883 using only gestures. 1428 00:40:06,983 --> 00:40:09,952 No sounds, no words. 1429 00:40:06,983 --> 00:40:09,952 - Mm-hmm. 1430 00:40:10,142 --> 00:40:14,957 Each correct answer 1431 00:40:10,142 --> 00:40:14,957 is worth $10,000. 1432 00:40:15,193 --> 00:40:17,543 So you don't have to be 1433 00:40:15,193 --> 00:40:17,543 a genius to figure out 1434 00:40:17,193 --> 00:40:18,294 if you get all 10, 1435 00:40:18,394 --> 00:40:20,903 you're walking away 1436 00:40:18,394 --> 00:40:20,903 with 100 grand. 1437 00:40:20,229 --> 00:40:23,273 [cheers and applause] 1438 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:27,370 - I am--I'm so curious 1439 00:40:23,166 --> 00:40:27,370 how you will spend the money 1440 00:40:27,470 --> 00:40:29,238 if you were to win $100,000. 1441 00:40:29,338 --> 00:40:31,774 - We will take the whole family 1442 00:40:29,338 --> 00:40:31,774 to Hong Kong. 1443 00:40:31,874 --> 00:40:34,209 - And that's where I was born, 1444 00:40:31,874 --> 00:40:34,209 Hong Kong. 1445 00:40:34,309 --> 00:40:36,479 - Awesome! 1446 00:40:34,309 --> 00:40:36,479 - And I haven't been yet. 1447 00:40:36,579 --> 00:40:38,443 I'm 26. 1448 00:40:36,579 --> 00:40:38,443 So I'm ready to go. 1449 00:40:38,146 --> 00:40:39,582 - You've never been? 1450 00:40:38,146 --> 00:40:39,582 - I've never been. 1451 00:40:39,682 --> 00:40:41,452 - Amazing. I love this. 1452 00:40:41,184 --> 00:40:42,818 I'm ready to win some money 1453 00:40:41,184 --> 00:40:42,818 for the Chows. Are you? 1454 00:40:42,919 --> 00:40:45,387 - I would like nothing more 1455 00:40:42,919 --> 00:40:45,387 than to send them to Hong Kong. 1456 00:40:45,488 --> 00:40:47,657 - Me too. All right. 1457 00:40:47,756 --> 00:40:49,892 Grab onto one of those podiums. 1458 00:40:49,992 --> 00:40:53,495 Your turntable 1459 00:40:49,992 --> 00:40:53,495 will start spinning now. 1460 00:40:53,595 --> 00:40:56,698 And your time starts 1461 00:40:53,595 --> 00:40:56,698 when you hear the horn. 1462 00:40:56,798 --> 00:40:58,200 [audience cheering] 1463 00:40:58,300 --> 00:41:00,836 - Three, two, one! 1464 00:41:00,936 --> 00:41:02,992 [air horn blares] 1465 00:41:02,238 --> 00:41:03,872 - Okay. 1466 00:41:02,238 --> 00:41:03,872 Flat Mexican food. 1467 00:41:03,972 --> 00:41:05,640 Cheese in the middle. 1468 00:41:03,972 --> 00:41:05,640 - Tortilla. 1469 00:41:05,742 --> 00:41:07,209 - Cheese in the middle-- 1470 00:41:05,742 --> 00:41:07,209 - Quesadilla. 1471 00:41:07,309 --> 00:41:09,010 - Quesadilla. Quesadilla. 1472 00:41:07,309 --> 00:41:09,010 - Quesadilla! 1473 00:41:11,213 --> 00:41:12,948 - Pass. 1474 00:41:16,151 --> 00:41:17,954 - Star. 1475 00:41:16,151 --> 00:41:17,954 - Yes. 1476 00:41:20,689 --> 00:41:22,224 both: Eye. 1477 00:41:20,689 --> 00:41:22,224 - Boom! 1478 00:41:25,928 --> 00:41:27,764 - Dog. 1479 00:41:25,928 --> 00:41:27,764 - Donkey. 1480 00:41:27,863 --> 00:41:31,501 - Turtle. Turtle. 1481 00:41:27,863 --> 00:41:31,501 - Yes. 1482 00:41:31,600 --> 00:41:32,934 - Kissing. Oh, bad breath. 1483 00:41:31,600 --> 00:41:32,934 - Bad breath. 1484 00:41:33,035 --> 00:41:35,992 - Bad breath. 1485 00:41:35,204 --> 00:41:37,606 - Cats poop in it. 1486 00:41:35,204 --> 00:41:37,606 Cats poop in it. 1487 00:41:37,707 --> 00:41:39,374 - Litter box. 1488 00:41:37,707 --> 00:41:39,374 - Litter box. 1489 00:41:39,474 --> 00:41:41,811 - It's a Paris-- 1490 00:41:39,474 --> 00:41:41,811 - Eiffel Tower. 1491 00:41:41,910 --> 00:41:43,479 - Eiffel Tower. 1492 00:41:41,910 --> 00:41:43,479 - Yes. 1493 00:41:43,579 --> 00:41:44,814 - Lightning and-- 1494 00:41:43,579 --> 00:41:44,814 - Bottle. 1495 00:41:44,914 --> 00:41:46,015 - Lightening and? 1496 00:41:46,149 --> 00:41:47,383 - Thunder. 1497 00:41:46,149 --> 00:41:47,383 - Thunder. 1498 00:41:47,483 --> 00:41:48,651 - Thunder. 1499 00:41:48,751 --> 00:41:51,153 [cheers and applause] 1500 00:41:51,921 --> 00:41:53,523 - Circle. 1501 00:41:51,921 --> 00:41:53,523 - Circle. 1502 00:41:53,622 --> 00:41:55,358 - Moon! 1503 00:41:53,622 --> 00:41:55,358 - Moon. Moon. 1504 00:41:58,961 --> 00:42:00,195 - Eating. 1505 00:41:58,961 --> 00:42:00,195 - Eat. 1506 00:42:00,296 --> 00:42:01,497 - Eating. 1507 00:42:00,296 --> 00:42:01,497 - Ice cream. 1508 00:42:01,597 --> 00:42:02,932 - Ice cream. 1509 00:42:01,597 --> 00:42:02,932 - Spaghetti. Cereal. 1510 00:42:03,602 --> 00:42:04,666 [air horn blares] 1511 00:42:03,602 --> 00:42:04,666 - Time's up. 1512 00:42:04,767 --> 00:42:10,840 The Chow Family 1513 00:42:04,767 --> 00:42:10,840 wins $90,000! 1514 00:42:10,939 --> 00:42:13,943 [cheers and applause] 1515 00:42:14,713 --> 00:42:18,753 - Oh, congratulations, Chows. 1516 00:42:14,713 --> 00:42:18,753 - Congratulations, Chow Family! 1517 00:42:18,146 --> 00:42:20,682 Maylee, you're going 1518 00:42:18,146 --> 00:42:20,682 to Hong Kong! 1519 00:42:20,782 --> 00:42:23,019 [cheers and applause] 1520 00:42:23,803 --> 00:42:24,620 - Thank you! 1521 00:42:26,555 --> 00:42:28,524 - That's it for 1522 00:42:26,555 --> 00:42:28,524 "Family Game Fight." 1523 00:42:28,624 --> 00:42:31,883 Thank you for watching, 1524 00:42:28,624 --> 00:42:31,883 and we'll see you next time. 1525 00:42:32,861 --> 00:42:35,923 You're going to take your boy! 1526 00:43:06,262 --> 00:43:07,863 Anyway... 1527 00:43:06,262 --> 00:43:07,863 [camera shutter snaps]