1 00:00:09,503 --> 00:00:11,503 DSI caught up with Lizzie Adama last night. 2 00:00:11,503 --> 00:00:14,503 She refused to come in, she ran. She's scared. 3 00:00:14,503 --> 00:00:17,503 PC Adama. I had my phone on in my pocket. 4 00:00:17,503 --> 00:00:20,503 I recorded everything your friend said. 5 00:00:20,503 --> 00:00:23,703 "Little Miss Jihadi", "Mohammad Bin Laden". 6 00:00:23,703 --> 00:00:25,503 You think I'm a racist? 7 00:00:25,503 --> 00:00:29,503 She wrote two statements about the visit to Mehenni's house. 8 00:00:29,503 --> 00:00:30,503 I did it. 9 00:00:31,503 --> 00:00:33,023 It's done. 10 00:00:33,023 --> 00:00:34,543 Lizzie Adama's second statement. 11 00:00:34,543 --> 00:00:36,543 What made her write it? 12 00:00:37,863 --> 00:00:40,343 Stay away from her. 13 00:00:40,343 --> 00:00:43,503 They said that the Mehenni complaint hurt the case. 14 00:00:43,503 --> 00:00:45,183 That Kovacs might get away with it. 15 00:00:45,183 --> 00:00:46,503 He's going down for life. 16 00:00:46,503 --> 00:00:49,503 The big policeman took her phone. 17 00:00:52,183 --> 00:00:55,503 I'm turning myself in. No, wait, do not do that. 18 00:00:55,503 --> 00:00:57,703 We need a warrant for Shaw - his homes, his vehicles, everything. 19 00:00:57,703 --> 00:01:01,503 You've got your warrant. But you better find that phone. 20 00:01:20,503 --> 00:01:22,503 Go on. Go. DOG BARKS 21 00:01:30,503 --> 00:01:32,703 You said you wanted to talk to me before I hand myself in. 22 00:01:36,503 --> 00:01:38,703 That's Farah's. 23 00:01:38,703 --> 00:01:41,503 Hadley called me on the way to the tower. 24 00:01:41,503 --> 00:01:42,543 Said it was in his locker. 25 00:01:42,543 --> 00:01:45,503 So she was telling the truth about that, too. 26 00:01:47,023 --> 00:01:48,503 He took it from her. 27 00:01:48,503 --> 00:01:51,503 He did it to protect you. To protect me? 28 00:01:51,503 --> 00:01:53,503 Here. Are you kidding? 29 00:01:58,503 --> 00:02:00,503 RECORDING: 'What are you doing in my house?' 30 00:02:00,503 --> 00:02:02,503 'All right, calm down, little Miss Jihadi. 31 00:02:02,503 --> 00:02:04,503 'Just looking for your dad, that's all.' 32 00:02:04,503 --> 00:02:07,503 'Why? He hasn't done anything.' 'Yeah.' 33 00:02:07,503 --> 00:02:09,503 'Well, you tell him... What's his name, Mohammed? 34 00:02:09,503 --> 00:02:12,503 'Mohammed, is it? Mohammed Bin Laden. 35 00:02:12,503 --> 00:02:14,543 'You tell him we're looking for him. All right?' 36 00:02:28,503 --> 00:02:30,503 He says "Bin Laden" on the tape. 37 00:02:31,503 --> 00:02:34,503 He told me he didn't. He lied to my face. 38 00:02:34,503 --> 00:02:36,503 It's hardly a racist tirade, though, is it? 39 00:02:36,503 --> 00:02:38,503 It's still racist. 40 00:02:38,503 --> 00:02:39,503 Enough to get him kicked out of the police. 41 00:02:39,503 --> 00:02:41,183 Why, you think that's right? 42 00:02:41,183 --> 00:02:44,503 27 years of service and Hadley's dismissed for what? 43 00:02:44,503 --> 00:02:47,503 For what, calling Farah's dad Bin Laden? Really? 44 00:02:48,503 --> 00:02:50,503 Come on, you know he wasn't racist. 45 00:02:50,503 --> 00:02:52,503 He was from the street, he talked like the street. 46 00:02:52,503 --> 00:02:54,503 He didn't mean anything. It was a joke. It wasn't to Farah. 47 00:02:56,503 --> 00:02:58,503 Do you know what happened next? 48 00:02:58,503 --> 00:03:00,503 Her dad came home and she was freaked out, 49 00:03:00,503 --> 00:03:03,503 because the big policeman had just called her dad Bin Laden, 50 00:03:03,503 --> 00:03:06,503 so she shouted at him to run, you know why? 51 00:03:07,503 --> 00:03:09,503 She'd been in this country less than a year 52 00:03:09,503 --> 00:03:11,503 and she had no idea what we were gonna do, 53 00:03:11,503 --> 00:03:13,503 were we going to shoot him like Bin Laden? 54 00:03:14,503 --> 00:03:17,503 Hadley did that to her. 55 00:03:17,503 --> 00:03:18,503 My friend, Hadley. 56 00:03:21,503 --> 00:03:23,503 And worse is what I did. 57 00:03:24,503 --> 00:03:26,503 I covered for him. 58 00:03:26,503 --> 00:03:29,503 And I got that poor girl to trust me, 59 00:03:29,503 --> 00:03:31,503 I knew what I was doing, I was saying, 60 00:03:31,503 --> 00:03:34,503 "Look at me, trust me, I'm like you." 61 00:03:34,503 --> 00:03:37,503 And then I took her trust and I... I'm sorry... 62 00:03:37,503 --> 00:03:38,503 but the girl was mad. 63 00:03:38,503 --> 00:03:41,503 She wasn't. All she knew was that the police threatened her, 64 00:03:41,503 --> 00:03:44,543 then lied about it and then took her phone by force. 65 00:03:44,543 --> 00:03:46,863 And don't say Hadley did it to protect me, 66 00:03:46,863 --> 00:03:48,503 he did it to protect himself. 67 00:03:48,503 --> 00:03:51,503 Well, I've had enough. 68 00:03:51,503 --> 00:03:56,343 I saw on TV how this is playing, the crazy girl, t-the hero cop. 69 00:03:56,343 --> 00:04:00,503 I'm gonna tell the truth and... I don't care what happens to me. 70 00:04:02,503 --> 00:04:04,503 Well, that's your call, Lizzie. 71 00:04:04,503 --> 00:04:06,503 But just so you're clear what will happen to you, 72 00:04:06,503 --> 00:04:08,863 you're the one who committed a crime here, 73 00:04:08,863 --> 00:04:10,703 you're the one who lied in a statement, 74 00:04:10,703 --> 00:04:12,503 and you are the one who will go to prison. 75 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:14,503 You know what they do to cops in prison? 76 00:04:14,503 --> 00:04:17,503 They put shit in your food. Hadley knew that. 77 00:04:17,503 --> 00:04:20,543 He took that phone to protect you. I'm sorry, but that girl was mad. 78 00:04:20,543 --> 00:04:25,503 She took a kid up a tower, for God's sake. She killed Hadley. 79 00:04:25,503 --> 00:04:27,503 She didn't kill him. 80 00:04:33,503 --> 00:04:34,703 What happened up there? 81 00:04:36,503 --> 00:04:39,503 On the roof, what happened? She didn't kill him. 82 00:04:42,183 --> 00:04:44,503 INDISTINCT CHATTER 83 00:04:56,503 --> 00:05:00,503 You saved a child. You did good. 84 00:05:02,503 --> 00:05:03,503 Real good. 85 00:05:05,503 --> 00:05:08,863 But you have to allow yourself to survive. You have to. 86 00:05:10,503 --> 00:05:12,503 SHE SIGHS Please. 87 00:05:17,503 --> 00:05:21,503 You're doing it again. What? 88 00:05:22,503 --> 00:05:25,183 Handling me. Oh, come on. 89 00:05:27,503 --> 00:05:29,503 That first night we slept together... 90 00:05:31,503 --> 00:05:33,503 ..that was the night Mehenni made his complaint. 91 00:05:36,183 --> 00:05:38,503 Was that why you did it? To keep me on side? 92 00:05:38,503 --> 00:05:40,503 Is that what you think? 93 00:05:40,503 --> 00:05:43,503 I don't know what to think. The Mehenni complaint was nothing. 94 00:05:43,503 --> 00:05:46,503 Every cop gets complaints. It comes with the territory. 95 00:05:46,503 --> 00:05:47,503 And why did I sleep with you? 96 00:05:47,503 --> 00:05:49,503 Because I couldn't get you out of my head, Lizzie. 97 00:05:51,503 --> 00:05:54,503 Because I'd just walk around Farlow just hoping I'd see you. That's why. 98 00:05:56,503 --> 00:05:57,503 That's why I'm here right now, 99 00:05:57,503 --> 00:05:59,503 because I don't want you to get in to trouble. 100 00:05:59,503 --> 00:06:01,503 I'm already in trouble. No, you're not. No, you're not. 101 00:06:01,503 --> 00:06:04,503 Without the phone, DSI have nothing. Nothing. 102 00:06:04,503 --> 00:06:08,503 So, please, don't land yourself in it. Please. 103 00:06:11,503 --> 00:06:13,343 Or land you in it. 104 00:06:16,503 --> 00:06:17,503 I'm sorry, what? 105 00:06:20,543 --> 00:06:22,503 You're my inspector. 106 00:06:24,503 --> 00:06:27,503 Your actions don't look so great, do they? 107 00:06:37,503 --> 00:06:39,503 I searched for this for you. 108 00:06:41,503 --> 00:06:44,503 I could go to jail for you. 109 00:06:51,503 --> 00:06:53,503 Mrs Shaw? 110 00:06:53,503 --> 00:06:56,503 I'm DS Sarah Collins. Is your husband in? 111 00:06:56,503 --> 00:06:58,503 He's taken the dog for a walk. What's going on? 112 00:06:58,503 --> 00:07:01,503 We have a search warrant for the house. 113 00:07:01,503 --> 00:07:04,503 Well, you can't come in, not till Kieran gets back. 114 00:07:04,503 --> 00:07:05,503 Have you called him? 115 00:07:05,503 --> 00:07:07,503 I've tried. His phone's switched off. 116 00:07:07,503 --> 00:07:10,503 He said he'd buy me a milkshake. Yeah, he'll be back soon. 117 00:07:10,503 --> 00:07:12,863 Like I said, wait till he gets back. 118 00:07:16,503 --> 00:07:18,503 You have to decide, Lizzie, are you gonna let this ruin you, 119 00:07:18,503 --> 00:07:20,503 or are you going to put it behind you 120 00:07:20,503 --> 00:07:21,503 and just learn to be a good cop? 121 00:07:21,503 --> 00:07:25,503 A good cop? What is that? 122 00:07:25,503 --> 00:07:27,503 Really? For all his faults, Hadley was a good cop. 123 00:07:27,503 --> 00:07:29,503 I'm a good cop. 124 00:07:29,503 --> 00:07:32,503 And those bleeding hearts with their politically-correct words, 125 00:07:32,503 --> 00:07:34,503 when the shit hits the fan and their loved ones are in trouble, 126 00:07:34,503 --> 00:07:35,703 who do they want? Not you, 127 00:07:35,703 --> 00:07:37,503 not someone who's gonna doubt and hesitate, 128 00:07:37,503 --> 00:07:40,023 and they certainly don't want DS Collins either. 129 00:07:40,023 --> 00:07:42,023 They want someone with balls. They want a Hadley. 130 00:07:42,023 --> 00:07:45,543 They want me. What? A liar. 131 00:07:45,543 --> 00:07:50,503 A bully. Why should I aspire to that? 132 00:07:50,503 --> 00:07:53,503 Like I said, Lizzie, you do what you have to do. 133 00:07:53,503 --> 00:07:55,503 I'm gonna dispose of this on the way home. 134 00:07:55,503 --> 00:07:57,703 When you're interviewed by DSI, we never met. 135 00:07:57,703 --> 00:08:00,503 I cared for you, Lizzie. I loved you. 136 00:08:03,503 --> 00:08:05,503 I still love you. 137 00:08:05,503 --> 00:08:07,503 But if you're gonna sacrifice yourself, 138 00:08:07,503 --> 00:08:10,503 do not think for one moment that you can drag me down with you, 139 00:08:10,503 --> 00:08:13,503 because you can't. You just can't. 140 00:08:15,863 --> 00:08:18,503 HE WHISTLES, DOG BARKS 141 00:08:31,183 --> 00:08:32,503 Shit. 142 00:08:54,863 --> 00:08:56,183 What are you doing here? 143 00:08:56,183 --> 00:08:58,183 We have a warrant to search your house, 144 00:08:58,183 --> 00:09:00,503 your vehicles, and you, Sir. My colleague, DC Bradshaw, 145 00:09:00,503 --> 00:09:02,703 is searching your London flat and your office at Farlow. 146 00:09:02,703 --> 00:09:04,503 We waited for you before starting here. 147 00:09:04,503 --> 00:09:06,503 That's very kind of you. 148 00:09:06,503 --> 00:09:07,503 POLICE RADIO CHATTERS 149 00:09:07,503 --> 00:09:11,023 You should've called, though. I could have ordered for everyone. 150 00:09:11,023 --> 00:09:12,503 Your phone was switched off. 151 00:09:14,503 --> 00:09:18,503 What are you looking for, anyway? I interviewed Younes Mehenni. 152 00:09:18,503 --> 00:09:21,503 He told me some disturbing things. Really?! 153 00:09:21,503 --> 00:09:24,503 Did he tell you why he started it all? 154 00:09:24,503 --> 00:09:27,343 Why he made his neighbour's life hell, why he keyed her car, 155 00:09:27,343 --> 00:09:28,503 why he ran from the police, 156 00:09:28,503 --> 00:09:31,503 he ignored every attempt to defuse the situation. Did he tell you that? 157 00:09:31,503 --> 00:09:35,863 And now you bring his unique brand of bullshit to my home, really?! 158 00:09:35,863 --> 00:09:38,503 I apologise for disturbing your family, Sir. 159 00:09:38,503 --> 00:09:40,703 It was unavoidable. Unavoidable. 160 00:09:44,503 --> 00:09:48,503 Hey, sweetie. There you go. Sorry about the circus. 161 00:09:48,503 --> 00:09:50,503 Are they allowed to do this? They are. 162 00:09:50,503 --> 00:09:52,503 Detective Sergeant Collins, my wife, Mary. My daughter, Anya. 163 00:09:52,503 --> 00:09:54,863 Will you need to search them, too? No. 164 00:09:54,863 --> 00:09:57,343 We'll try to minimise the disturbance, Mrs Shaw. 165 00:09:57,343 --> 00:10:00,503 Ah, sorry, I forgot to tell them to leave room for milk. 166 00:10:00,503 --> 00:10:03,863 Buddy! Come on, boy! BUDDY BARKS 167 00:10:12,503 --> 00:10:15,183 This is my colleague, DC Vine. He'll be searching you. 168 00:10:15,183 --> 00:10:16,503 Is there somewhere private? 169 00:10:28,503 --> 00:10:31,543 Would you like me to undress? That won't be necessary, Sir. 170 00:11:10,503 --> 00:11:13,503 Here she is. HE GRUNTS 171 00:11:15,503 --> 00:11:17,503 Hungry? Yeah. 172 00:11:17,503 --> 00:11:18,503 OK. 173 00:11:56,863 --> 00:11:58,503 DRAWER OPENS 174 00:12:04,503 --> 00:12:06,503 HE SIGHS 175 00:12:06,503 --> 00:12:08,503 Didn't I tell you that Lizzie Adama 176 00:12:08,503 --> 00:12:11,503 was a target in an organised crime case? 177 00:12:11,503 --> 00:12:14,503 Laszlo Kovacs, a wanted murderer? Didn't I tell you that? 178 00:12:14,503 --> 00:12:16,023 If anything happens to her, it's on you, 179 00:12:16,023 --> 00:12:17,863 you understand that, right? 180 00:12:17,863 --> 00:12:19,503 It's on her. 181 00:12:19,503 --> 00:12:22,503 She had every chance to turn herself in, she refused. 182 00:12:24,503 --> 00:12:25,863 You are cold. 183 00:12:27,183 --> 00:12:28,543 You have special feelings for Lizzie? 184 00:12:28,543 --> 00:12:31,503 Special feelings? What is that, like, code? 185 00:12:31,503 --> 00:12:32,503 Do you? 186 00:12:34,503 --> 00:12:35,863 Well done. 187 00:12:37,503 --> 00:12:39,503 No, seriously, well done. 188 00:12:40,503 --> 00:12:43,503 I bet you that makes you feel like a real detective, sniffing around, 189 00:12:43,503 --> 00:12:45,503 digging up gossip. So it's true? 190 00:12:48,343 --> 00:12:50,503 You're having an affair? It's none of your business. 191 00:12:52,503 --> 00:12:55,343 If it influenced her decisions, it will be my business. 192 00:12:55,343 --> 00:12:59,503 You wanna know my feelings for Lizzie? OK. 193 00:13:01,503 --> 00:13:03,503 I think she's amazing. 194 00:13:03,503 --> 00:13:05,503 I think she's an amazing police officer. 195 00:13:05,503 --> 00:13:07,503 Will she still want to be a police officer 196 00:13:07,503 --> 00:13:10,503 after you've finished with her. I doubt it. 197 00:13:33,503 --> 00:13:35,503 What's your name? Farah. 198 00:13:37,503 --> 00:13:38,503 Farah. 199 00:13:39,503 --> 00:13:42,503 'All right, calm down, little Miss Jihadi.' 200 00:13:44,863 --> 00:13:47,503 Well, you tell him. What's his name, Mohammed? 201 00:13:47,503 --> 00:13:49,503 Mohammed, is it? Mohammed Bin Laden? 202 00:13:57,863 --> 00:13:59,503 We're done, sir. 203 00:14:01,503 --> 00:14:03,503 Did you find anything? No. 204 00:14:05,503 --> 00:14:06,543 So you invaded my home, 205 00:14:06,543 --> 00:14:11,503 embarrassed me in front of my wife and child for... nothing. 206 00:14:14,503 --> 00:14:15,503 Are you surprised? 207 00:14:15,503 --> 00:14:19,503 What surprises me is how untouchable some people think they are. 208 00:14:50,503 --> 00:14:52,863 I didn't find the phone. Me neither. 209 00:14:54,863 --> 00:14:57,503 He probably dumped it as soon as he got it 210 00:14:57,503 --> 00:14:59,503 from Hadley Matthews' locker. Yeah. 211 00:15:01,503 --> 00:15:05,503 So what next? Hadley Matthews' postmortem. 212 00:15:05,503 --> 00:15:07,503 I asked them to hold off till I got back. 213 00:15:07,503 --> 00:15:09,503 PHONE RINGS 214 00:15:12,023 --> 00:15:13,503 Steve Bradshaw. 215 00:15:13,503 --> 00:15:15,183 I... 216 00:15:16,703 --> 00:15:17,863 'Erm...' 217 00:15:19,503 --> 00:15:20,503 Lizzie? 218 00:15:23,503 --> 00:15:24,503 Is that you? 219 00:15:24,503 --> 00:15:26,503 SHE STUTTERS 220 00:15:26,503 --> 00:15:28,503 'Hello?' 221 00:15:32,503 --> 00:15:34,183 'Lizzie?' 222 00:15:36,703 --> 00:15:40,503 She say anything? Just hung up. 223 00:15:40,503 --> 00:15:43,503 I'll get a trace going. Find her. 224 00:15:43,503 --> 00:15:45,023 Before she does something really daft. 225 00:15:50,503 --> 00:15:52,503 SHE PANTS 226 00:15:56,503 --> 00:15:57,503 SIM CARD SNAPS 227 00:16:28,503 --> 00:16:30,503 I need to re-examine the girl's body. 228 00:16:59,183 --> 00:17:01,503 See the scratches, the bruising? 229 00:17:03,503 --> 00:17:05,503 I thought they were probably caused in the fall, 230 00:17:05,503 --> 00:17:08,503 or when her body was lifted at the scene. 231 00:17:10,543 --> 00:17:15,503 But under his nails, there are skin and flesh fragments. 232 00:17:15,503 --> 00:17:17,503 Obviously, we'll have to do DNA, but... 233 00:18:01,503 --> 00:18:03,503 Lizzie. 234 00:18:08,503 --> 00:18:09,503 Don't do this. 235 00:18:18,543 --> 00:18:20,543 SHE PANTS 236 00:18:20,543 --> 00:18:22,503 Lizzie. 237 00:18:24,503 --> 00:18:26,503 Why should you be the one who pays? 238 00:18:34,183 --> 00:18:37,503 PHONE RINGS 239 00:18:37,503 --> 00:18:40,503 I got Lizzie. ON PHONE: 'Oh, thank God. Where?' 240 00:18:40,503 --> 00:18:42,503 Portland Tower. 'That figures.' 241 00:18:42,503 --> 00:18:45,503 I think I know why she ran. Book her in. 242 00:18:45,503 --> 00:18:47,503 She's to be held incommunicado. No contact. 243 00:18:47,503 --> 00:18:49,503 Not family, not colleagues, no-one. 244 00:18:49,503 --> 00:18:50,863 OK. 'Great work, Steve.' 245 00:19:11,703 --> 00:19:13,503 I want to know what you're gonna do. 246 00:19:15,863 --> 00:19:18,503 Well, I had two options. 247 00:19:20,503 --> 00:19:24,503 The first, you took away. The second is... 248 00:19:27,503 --> 00:19:31,503 ..say what happened. Just tell the truth. 249 00:19:34,503 --> 00:19:37,503 Which is the right thing to do. I don't care if I go to jail. 250 00:19:42,503 --> 00:19:45,503 I've been police for 15 years. 251 00:19:46,503 --> 00:19:48,503 I've got friends, good friends, 252 00:19:48,503 --> 00:19:51,503 who haven't said a word to me since the day I joined. 253 00:19:53,703 --> 00:19:57,503 I had crossed a line they couldn't understand, 254 00:19:57,503 --> 00:19:58,503 or couldn't forgive. 255 00:20:00,503 --> 00:20:02,503 Bet you've had the same... 256 00:20:03,703 --> 00:20:05,503 ..or similar. 257 00:20:08,503 --> 00:20:10,503 Don't you want that to end? 258 00:20:15,023 --> 00:20:16,503 You have a third option, Lizzie. 259 00:20:18,703 --> 00:20:20,503 It's the hardest one. 260 00:20:23,503 --> 00:20:25,023 You're gonna have to lie. 261 00:20:44,503 --> 00:20:45,503 Where've you been? 262 00:20:47,503 --> 00:20:49,503 SHE SIGHS 263 00:20:49,503 --> 00:20:51,703 Don't worry about the phone, I did what you should've done. 264 00:20:51,703 --> 00:20:54,503 I've smashed it with a hammer, I've thrown the pieces in the river. 265 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:55,543 Darling. Mm. 266 00:20:58,543 --> 00:21:01,703 Is that the end of it? Nearly. 267 00:21:01,703 --> 00:21:03,863 Not quite. 268 00:21:03,863 --> 00:21:05,343 Because of her? 269 00:21:06,503 --> 00:21:07,863 Lizzie Adama? 270 00:21:12,503 --> 00:21:14,863 FOOTSTEPS RETREAT 271 00:21:26,023 --> 00:21:27,503 SHE SIGHS 272 00:21:29,503 --> 00:21:31,503 The top of the tower. Mm. 273 00:21:32,503 --> 00:21:35,503 On the edge. I thought she might jump. Christ. 274 00:21:35,503 --> 00:21:39,503 Did she say anything, where she's been, who she's seen? 275 00:21:39,503 --> 00:21:43,503 No. Just said she wanted space. 276 00:21:43,503 --> 00:21:46,343 I hear you're the man who caught our fugitive, Steve. 277 00:21:46,343 --> 00:21:47,503 Bloody well done. 278 00:21:47,503 --> 00:21:49,503 Thank you, Sir. I got lucky. 279 00:21:53,503 --> 00:21:54,503 Let's walk. 280 00:21:57,503 --> 00:22:00,503 You didn't find the girl's phone. No, Sir. 281 00:22:00,503 --> 00:22:03,503 So threatening me with a public scandal achieved what? 282 00:22:03,503 --> 00:22:05,503 It achieved nothing. 283 00:22:05,503 --> 00:22:07,503 Instead of searching for phantom phones, 284 00:22:07,503 --> 00:22:09,503 why haven't you interviewed Carrie Stoddard? 285 00:22:09,503 --> 00:22:11,503 Her son was on the roof. He's a witness. 286 00:22:11,503 --> 00:22:14,503 Mrs Stoddard has consistently refused to let us speak to Ben, Sir. 287 00:22:14,503 --> 00:22:16,703 She doesn't want him reliving the trauma. 288 00:22:16,703 --> 00:22:20,503 So tell me, Sarah, what do you have, after three days of investigation? 289 00:22:20,503 --> 00:22:24,343 And I don't mean speculation about racist language and searched lockers 290 00:22:24,343 --> 00:22:26,503 and missing phones. I mean actual, chargeable offences. 291 00:22:26,503 --> 00:22:29,503 I was at PC Matthews' postmortem last night. 292 00:22:29,503 --> 00:22:33,503 Under his fingernails, skin and flesh scrapings. 293 00:22:33,503 --> 00:22:37,503 On Farah's wrist, deep bruises, gouges. 294 00:22:37,503 --> 00:22:39,503 You're saying he attacked her? 295 00:22:39,503 --> 00:22:42,503 I'm not saying it, the evidence is. 296 00:22:42,503 --> 00:22:44,503 She was gonna cost him his job, 297 00:22:44,503 --> 00:22:47,863 his pension after 27 years, his reputation. 298 00:22:47,863 --> 00:22:49,503 Can you prove it? 299 00:22:49,503 --> 00:22:53,503 If the boy won't talk, what've you got? Lizzie Adama. 300 00:22:53,503 --> 00:22:57,343 She saw it happen. Will she turn on her dead partner? 301 00:22:57,343 --> 00:22:58,503 Do you have any leverage? 302 00:22:59,503 --> 00:23:02,503 It's why she ran and kept on running. 303 00:23:02,503 --> 00:23:04,503 She saw him do it. 304 00:23:04,503 --> 00:23:05,503 That's leverage. 305 00:23:20,703 --> 00:23:22,503 Set up the interview room. 306 00:23:25,503 --> 00:23:27,703 You ready, Lizzie? 307 00:23:35,503 --> 00:23:39,543 Do you want a pee, cup of tea, shot of vodka? No, thanks. 308 00:23:45,503 --> 00:23:46,503 This interview is taking place 309 00:23:46,503 --> 00:23:49,543 at Victoria House on 24th April at 3:35 PM. 310 00:23:49,543 --> 00:23:54,503 Present are DC Steve Bradshaw. DS Sarah Collins. 311 00:23:54,503 --> 00:23:55,503 PC Lizzie Adama. 312 00:23:57,023 --> 00:24:00,703 Lizzie, can I remind you that you're still under caution? Yes. 313 00:24:00,703 --> 00:24:05,503 Thanks, can you confirm that you have declined legal representation. 314 00:24:05,503 --> 00:24:08,503 I have. I confirm. 315 00:24:19,343 --> 00:24:21,023 Let's talk about the beginning. 316 00:24:21,023 --> 00:24:23,503 You went to Farah's home to make arrest inquiries. 317 00:24:23,503 --> 00:24:26,503 A complaint resulted against PC Matthews. 318 00:24:26,503 --> 00:24:28,503 Farah claimed Hadley said racist things to her. 319 00:24:28,503 --> 00:24:30,503 Did he? No. 320 00:24:32,503 --> 00:24:36,503 He had a way of saying things that could be misunderstood. 321 00:24:36,503 --> 00:24:39,503 In your statement, you say, 322 00:24:39,503 --> 00:24:41,503 "I heard the whole conversation 323 00:24:41,503 --> 00:24:43,503 "between Farah Mehenni and PC Matthews. 324 00:24:43,503 --> 00:24:46,503 "He never said anything of a racist nature." 325 00:24:46,503 --> 00:24:48,503 If he never said anything of a racist nature, 326 00:24:48,503 --> 00:24:50,503 how can he have been misunderstood? 327 00:24:51,503 --> 00:24:53,503 I don't know. So what did he say? 328 00:24:53,503 --> 00:24:57,343 He said that we needed to speak to her dad, 329 00:24:57,343 --> 00:24:58,503 that we'd keep coming back. 330 00:24:58,503 --> 00:25:00,343 So Farah lied? No. 331 00:25:00,343 --> 00:25:01,503 Someone's lying here 332 00:25:01,503 --> 00:25:03,503 and if it wasn't you, it has to be Farah. 333 00:25:05,183 --> 00:25:06,503 Is that a question? 334 00:25:08,503 --> 00:25:10,503 PC Matthews' statement responding to the complaint. 335 00:25:10,503 --> 00:25:14,183 He denies it. He says you will corroborate his account. 336 00:25:14,183 --> 00:25:15,503 Why did it take you so long? 337 00:25:16,503 --> 00:25:18,503 I'd already made a statement. 338 00:25:18,503 --> 00:25:21,503 About the arrest inquiries, yeah. I have it here. 339 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:25,503 It's precise, detailed. Exemplary, in fact. 340 00:25:25,503 --> 00:25:29,503 But the second statement, only ten lines and six days later. 341 00:25:29,503 --> 00:25:31,503 What took you so long? 342 00:25:32,503 --> 00:25:34,543 I just didn't get around to it. 343 00:25:36,503 --> 00:25:38,503 Top of your class in training school, 344 00:25:38,503 --> 00:25:40,503 one commendation already, 345 00:25:40,503 --> 00:25:43,503 you're not the sort of officer who "doesn't get round" to things. 346 00:25:43,503 --> 00:25:46,503 I was busy. We're always busy. 347 00:25:46,503 --> 00:25:49,503 "A mentor", "Took you under his wing", 348 00:25:49,503 --> 00:25:52,503 that's what everyone said about Hadley Matthews and you, 349 00:25:52,503 --> 00:25:54,503 but you took six days to write a statement supporting him, 350 00:25:54,503 --> 00:25:56,503 why, because you were lazy? Selfish? 351 00:25:56,503 --> 00:25:58,023 No. Then why? 352 00:25:59,703 --> 00:26:01,503 If the complaint had been upheld, 353 00:26:01,503 --> 00:26:03,703 PC Matthews would've been dismissed from the service, 354 00:26:03,703 --> 00:26:06,503 he would've lost his pension. So he pressured you, didn't he? No. 355 00:26:06,503 --> 00:26:09,503 Did DI Shaw pressure you? What? No. 356 00:26:09,503 --> 00:26:12,503 Even though you were in a relationship with him? 357 00:26:15,543 --> 00:26:17,543 You were in a relationship with him, weren't you? 358 00:26:22,543 --> 00:26:24,503 Yes. 359 00:26:24,503 --> 00:26:27,543 I was in a relationship with him. 360 00:26:27,543 --> 00:26:30,503 No, he didn't pressure me. 361 00:26:30,503 --> 00:26:32,503 You find it hard to lie, don't you? 362 00:26:33,503 --> 00:26:36,503 I don't know what that means. The reason you took so long to write 363 00:26:36,503 --> 00:26:38,503 the statement is that you couldn't bring yourself to lie, 364 00:26:38,503 --> 00:26:40,543 but you also couldn't bring yourself to tell the truth. 365 00:26:40,543 --> 00:26:43,503 You hadn't heard what Hadley said, because you weren't there. I was. 366 00:26:43,503 --> 00:26:45,503 So when PC Matthews came to you for support, 367 00:26:45,503 --> 00:26:47,503 you quite rightly refused. No. 368 00:26:47,503 --> 00:26:49,863 But after six days of pressure, you cracked. 369 00:26:49,863 --> 00:26:52,703 You wrote a ten-line statement backing Hadley. You lied. No. 370 00:26:57,183 --> 00:26:59,503 I believe that, more than anyone, 371 00:26:59,503 --> 00:27:01,503 a police officer has to obey the law. 372 00:27:01,503 --> 00:27:04,503 Not just some of the time, or most of the time, 373 00:27:04,503 --> 00:27:07,503 or even 99% of the time, all the time. 374 00:27:08,503 --> 00:27:09,703 Do you believe that? 375 00:27:11,503 --> 00:27:12,503 Yes. 376 00:27:15,183 --> 00:27:17,503 I interviewed Farah's father yesterday. 377 00:27:17,503 --> 00:27:19,183 This is what he said. 378 00:27:19,183 --> 00:27:21,503 RECORDING: 'PC Adama said she heard everything that 379 00:27:21,503 --> 00:27:23,503 'the big policeman said, but how could she? 380 00:27:23,503 --> 00:27:28,503 'She was in the back yard, that's what my daughter said. 381 00:27:28,503 --> 00:27:31,503 'But it doesn't matter, does it? Because my daughter had her phone 382 00:27:31,503 --> 00:27:35,503 'and she recorded everything, she proved that they were lying. 383 00:27:35,503 --> 00:27:38,503 'PC Adama, she knew this. Why?' Stop. 384 00:27:38,503 --> 00:27:40,503 'Because my daughter had called her 385 00:27:40,503 --> 00:27:43,503 'and told her that she had everything on the phone.' Stop! 386 00:27:43,503 --> 00:27:47,863 'But she lied. To a girl who trusted her, looked up to her. 387 00:27:47,863 --> 00:27:50,503 She said, "PC Adama is good."' Please, stop. 388 00:27:50,503 --> 00:27:53,503 '"She will tell the truth." But she didn't.' Sarah. 389 00:27:53,503 --> 00:27:56,503 'Just lies.' Please, stop! 390 00:28:00,543 --> 00:28:02,503 She's close. 391 00:28:02,503 --> 00:28:04,503 One more push, yeah? 392 00:28:06,023 --> 00:28:07,503 Steve? 393 00:28:08,503 --> 00:28:09,503 Yeah, she's close. 394 00:28:11,503 --> 00:28:12,503 You're doing great, Sarah. SARAH SIGHS 395 00:28:15,503 --> 00:28:16,503 I'm just going for a pee. 396 00:28:35,543 --> 00:28:37,863 Let's talk about the roof. 397 00:28:37,863 --> 00:28:40,343 You got there very quickly, didn't you? 398 00:28:40,343 --> 00:28:45,503 I heard a call come in that a five-year-old boy was missing. 399 00:28:45,503 --> 00:28:47,503 It had to be Ben. 400 00:28:47,503 --> 00:28:50,543 Because of the bear suit. Yeah. 401 00:28:50,543 --> 00:28:55,503 Then, I heard there were people on top of Portland Tower, I just knew. 402 00:28:55,503 --> 00:28:57,503 How did you know? 403 00:28:57,503 --> 00:29:01,503 Farah had called me the day before. She was upset. 404 00:29:02,503 --> 00:29:05,503 She thought I'd promised her father a caution. 405 00:29:05,503 --> 00:29:07,503 She said this to you on the phone? 406 00:29:07,503 --> 00:29:13,503 She said there was a place she liked to go, Portland Tower. 407 00:29:13,503 --> 00:29:14,503 She wanted to meet there. 408 00:29:17,343 --> 00:29:19,503 She was scared they were gonna lose their home. 409 00:29:19,503 --> 00:29:21,023 What else did she say? 410 00:29:22,503 --> 00:29:23,503 Nothing else. 411 00:29:24,543 --> 00:29:27,503 Aren't you missing something? 412 00:29:27,503 --> 00:29:30,503 Younes Mehenni said Farah recorded what PC Matthews said... 413 00:29:30,503 --> 00:29:32,503 Younes saying it doesn't mean she did. 414 00:29:32,503 --> 00:29:34,863 And if she did, where's the phone? 415 00:29:38,503 --> 00:29:39,503 We'll get to the phone. 416 00:29:41,503 --> 00:29:43,503 Did you tell PC Matthews about Farah's call? 417 00:29:43,503 --> 00:29:46,343 About the place where she wanted to meet? No. 418 00:29:46,343 --> 00:29:48,503 Then why did he go to the tower? 419 00:29:48,503 --> 00:29:50,343 How did he even know about the tower? 420 00:29:50,343 --> 00:29:53,023 He heard the same radio calls I did, 421 00:29:53,023 --> 00:29:55,503 he must've come to the same conclusion. 422 00:29:55,503 --> 00:29:58,503 He was driving to the tower before it was mentioned on any call. 423 00:29:58,503 --> 00:30:00,503 How did he know? I don't know. 424 00:30:03,503 --> 00:30:05,503 So you get to the tower, you go to the roof 425 00:30:05,503 --> 00:30:06,503 and PC Matthews is already there. 426 00:30:09,503 --> 00:30:12,023 Farah?! 427 00:30:12,023 --> 00:30:14,503 Yes. And Farah and Ben. 428 00:30:14,503 --> 00:30:18,183 How would you describe Farah? She's upset. 429 00:30:19,703 --> 00:30:22,503 She thinks the police have let her down, 430 00:30:22,503 --> 00:30:24,503 I've let her down. 431 00:30:24,503 --> 00:30:27,183 I'm so sorry. I didn't know... 432 00:30:27,183 --> 00:30:30,503 You did! You told him about the phone. 433 00:30:30,503 --> 00:30:32,503 You took it! You stole it! 434 00:30:32,503 --> 00:30:34,503 That's not the only reason she's upset though, is it? 435 00:30:34,503 --> 00:30:37,503 She's angry because PC Matthews has taken her phone. 436 00:30:37,503 --> 00:30:39,023 I don't know anything about that. 437 00:30:39,023 --> 00:30:41,503 PC Matthews took the phone from Farah at Portland Tower, 438 00:30:41,503 --> 00:30:43,503 that special place she told you about, 439 00:30:43,503 --> 00:30:45,503 the tower she walked past on the way to school every day. 440 00:30:45,503 --> 00:30:47,503 I don't know anything about that. 441 00:30:55,503 --> 00:30:57,503 I learned things about Farah, 442 00:30:57,503 --> 00:31:01,343 how she had a clear sense of justice, of fair play. 443 00:31:01,343 --> 00:31:03,503 Why do you think she took the boy? Cos she was mad? 444 00:31:03,503 --> 00:31:04,503 No. No. 445 00:31:04,503 --> 00:31:06,863 She took Ben because something was taken from her, 446 00:31:06,863 --> 00:31:08,503 which proved she wasn't a liar. 447 00:31:08,503 --> 00:31:11,503 You didn't want to call her a liar before, why are you doing it now? 448 00:31:12,503 --> 00:31:16,503 Lizzie, tell me why Farah was upset. I told you, she was angry. 449 00:31:16,503 --> 00:31:18,503 I thought you weren't like him. 450 00:31:18,503 --> 00:31:20,503 He mocked me! 451 00:31:20,503 --> 00:31:22,703 She kidnapped a child, because PC Matthews took her phone (!) 452 00:31:22,703 --> 00:31:25,503 She didn't mention a phone. Lizzie, how did Hadley Matthews 453 00:31:25,503 --> 00:31:27,503 know to go to the tower? That's where he took the phone. 454 00:31:27,503 --> 00:31:30,023 Why did DI Shaw, in the middle of a major incident, 455 00:31:30,023 --> 00:31:32,503 go and search Hadley's locker? To find the phone. 456 00:31:32,503 --> 00:31:34,503 How else do you explain Farah and Hadley's behaviour? 457 00:31:34,503 --> 00:31:37,183 I don't know, I can't speak for them. 458 00:31:37,183 --> 00:31:39,503 Because they're dead! I know they're dead. 459 00:31:39,503 --> 00:31:42,503 I was trying to save their lives! 460 00:31:42,503 --> 00:31:46,503 He shouldn't have done that. I'm so ashamed. 461 00:31:46,503 --> 00:31:48,503 Please, Farah, come back from the edge, 462 00:31:48,503 --> 00:31:52,503 we'll tell the truth. You won't! 463 00:31:52,503 --> 00:31:54,183 I'll never trust you again! 464 00:31:54,183 --> 00:31:56,503 What happened up there, Lizzie? How did they fall? 465 00:31:58,503 --> 00:32:00,503 I had to get Ben back from the edge. 466 00:32:00,503 --> 00:32:02,503 This is my fault. 467 00:32:03,703 --> 00:32:08,343 You want me, not Ben. Please, Farah... 468 00:32:08,343 --> 00:32:10,503 he's innocent. 469 00:32:10,503 --> 00:32:14,503 I am innocent, too! Yes. 470 00:32:16,503 --> 00:32:17,503 You are innocent, too. 471 00:32:27,503 --> 00:32:30,503 Tell them. Tell them I let you go. 472 00:32:30,503 --> 00:32:32,503 Come on, Ben. Come on. 473 00:32:36,023 --> 00:32:37,503 So you didn't see them fall. 474 00:32:38,503 --> 00:32:42,543 They were there... Then, they weren't. 475 00:32:45,503 --> 00:32:47,503 Farah's father gave me this. 476 00:32:47,503 --> 00:32:51,183 Like a gesture of trust, that I would find the truth. 477 00:32:53,503 --> 00:32:55,703 Are you telling the truth? 478 00:32:55,703 --> 00:32:59,503 I'm telling the truth. So Farah's a liar, is that true? 479 00:32:59,503 --> 00:33:01,503 And Hadley Matthews was the type of cop 480 00:33:01,503 --> 00:33:03,503 who gives the rest of us a bad name. 481 00:33:03,503 --> 00:33:05,503 It's why you say you didn't see the end. 482 00:33:05,503 --> 00:33:07,503 Because, for Hadley, there was only one end, 483 00:33:07,503 --> 00:33:10,503 only one way he gets his life back, the girl goes off the tower. 484 00:33:10,503 --> 00:33:13,503 This is the forensic evidence which proves he went for her 485 00:33:13,503 --> 00:33:16,503 once the boy was safe. He went for her, he gouged her arm. 486 00:33:16,503 --> 00:33:19,503 But the ledge was too narrow and he was too big and he fell. 487 00:33:19,503 --> 00:33:21,503 That's what happened at the end and you did see it. 488 00:33:30,503 --> 00:33:34,503 You're right. I did see it. 489 00:33:34,503 --> 00:33:37,503 He killed her. No. No. 490 00:33:39,503 --> 00:33:40,503 No. 491 00:33:42,503 --> 00:33:43,503 I did. 492 00:33:48,503 --> 00:33:50,503 She was so close. 493 00:33:54,343 --> 00:33:56,503 I tried... I tried to grab her and... 494 00:34:06,503 --> 00:34:10,503 No. No! 495 00:34:10,503 --> 00:34:11,503 SHE MOANS 496 00:34:19,503 --> 00:34:22,503 But she moved. 497 00:34:26,343 --> 00:34:29,503 And, erm... SHE INHALES 498 00:34:29,503 --> 00:34:30,503 ..and Hadley... 499 00:34:32,503 --> 00:34:36,503 Hadley who was safe, he was safe... 500 00:34:36,503 --> 00:34:38,503 SHE SOBS 501 00:34:47,023 --> 00:34:48,503 You don't know Hadley at all. 502 00:34:50,503 --> 00:34:52,503 He died trying to save her life. 503 00:34:54,343 --> 00:34:56,343 If you want to charge me with anything, 504 00:34:56,343 --> 00:34:57,503 charge me with that. 505 00:34:59,503 --> 00:35:01,183 I killed her. 506 00:35:07,023 --> 00:35:10,343 Trying to save a life isn't a chargeable offence. 507 00:35:10,343 --> 00:35:13,023 Interview suspended at 16:25. 508 00:35:21,503 --> 00:35:23,183 DOOR IS UNLOCKED 509 00:35:28,503 --> 00:35:29,503 You're free to go. 510 00:35:30,503 --> 00:35:32,503 Our report will go to the CPS, 511 00:35:32,503 --> 00:35:34,503 they'll decide if there's a case to prosecute. 512 00:35:35,503 --> 00:35:38,503 In the meantime, I'll walk you out. 513 00:35:40,503 --> 00:35:42,503 SHE SIGHS 514 00:35:55,503 --> 00:35:57,543 That's the end of it. Do you understand me? 515 00:36:00,503 --> 00:36:03,503 Farah's dead. Hadley's dead. I know. 516 00:36:04,503 --> 00:36:07,343 But they found each other and neither would back down. 517 00:36:09,503 --> 00:36:12,503 The service is better with you in it. 518 00:36:12,503 --> 00:36:15,023 That's why I stuck my neck out for you, why I betrayed my friend. 519 00:36:18,503 --> 00:36:22,503 You've made your mistake. Learn from it and move on. 520 00:36:25,503 --> 00:36:26,503 Be a good cop. 521 00:36:36,503 --> 00:36:38,503 SIRENS BLARE 522 00:36:45,503 --> 00:36:49,543 Good night. Good night, Steve. 523 00:36:49,543 --> 00:36:52,503 I'm off, wondered if you'd like a... 524 00:36:52,503 --> 00:36:54,503 She called you at 8:35pm last night? 525 00:36:54,503 --> 00:36:56,503 About then, yeah. 526 00:36:56,503 --> 00:36:59,503 But you didn't book her into custody until 10:20. 527 00:37:01,503 --> 00:37:03,503 Even allowing for getting to the tower, getting her down... 528 00:37:05,503 --> 00:37:07,503 ..that's a long time. 529 00:37:09,503 --> 00:37:12,183 What did you say to her? 530 00:37:12,183 --> 00:37:14,503 Where are you going with this, Sarah? 531 00:37:14,503 --> 00:37:16,503 When we paused the interview... No. 532 00:37:17,503 --> 00:37:20,503 When YOU paused the interview, she was about to break. 533 00:37:20,503 --> 00:37:22,503 Then, someone took her a cup of tea. 534 00:37:23,703 --> 00:37:25,503 When she came back, she was different, 535 00:37:25,503 --> 00:37:27,503 her story was solid, I couldn't shift it... 536 00:37:31,183 --> 00:37:32,503 I checked the cell log. 537 00:37:36,503 --> 00:37:38,503 Why did you take her a cup of tea, Steve? 538 00:37:40,503 --> 00:37:42,503 So you could help her through the difficult part? 539 00:37:42,503 --> 00:37:44,503 Don't be ridiculous. Ridiculous? 540 00:37:44,503 --> 00:37:46,503 You were with her just now. I saw you. 541 00:37:47,863 --> 00:37:52,503 The interview was everything we had. And you showed her how to beat it. 542 00:37:59,023 --> 00:38:02,183 Even if I did what you say, so what? 543 00:38:02,183 --> 00:38:05,503 Really? So what? 544 00:38:05,503 --> 00:38:06,543 She's a girl in her 20s. 545 00:38:06,543 --> 00:38:09,503 She's a police officer! She perverted the course of justice! 546 00:38:09,503 --> 00:38:11,503 She made a stupid mistake, she backed a colleague! 547 00:38:11,503 --> 00:38:13,503 If you want to punish someone, punish Shaw. 548 00:38:13,503 --> 00:38:15,543 He's the one that should be in that interview room, not Lizzie. 549 00:38:15,543 --> 00:38:18,503 I tried to get Shaw, you know I did, he was too fucking slippery. 550 00:38:18,503 --> 00:38:21,503 So you take it out on her? She would have given us Shaw! 551 00:38:21,503 --> 00:38:22,543 She'd have gone to jail. 552 00:38:24,503 --> 00:38:26,343 Is that what you joined to do, 553 00:38:26,343 --> 00:38:28,503 send an inexperienced cop to prison for a mistake? 554 00:38:28,503 --> 00:38:30,503 If her inexperience is mitigation, 555 00:38:30,503 --> 00:38:32,343 it's for the court to decide, not us. 556 00:38:32,343 --> 00:38:35,023 I said, is that what you joined to do? 557 00:38:37,503 --> 00:38:40,503 Yeah, it is. 558 00:38:40,503 --> 00:38:44,183 To do my job, to apply the law. Why, what did you join for? 559 00:38:44,183 --> 00:38:46,503 To put away bad guys, not... A teenage girl is dead. 560 00:38:46,503 --> 00:38:47,503 And I'm sorry for Farah. 561 00:38:47,503 --> 00:38:49,503 But destroying Lizzie won't bring her back. 562 00:38:51,543 --> 00:38:54,023 God. 563 00:38:54,023 --> 00:38:56,343 You're a good detective, Sarah... 564 00:38:57,503 --> 00:38:59,503 ..but, man, do you waste your talents. 565 00:39:01,503 --> 00:39:05,503 If you've got a complaint about me, put it on paper. 566 00:39:33,343 --> 00:39:34,503 Hey. 567 00:39:35,503 --> 00:39:37,183 I've tried phoning. 568 00:39:38,503 --> 00:39:39,863 Dozens of times. 569 00:39:41,503 --> 00:39:43,503 I didn't want to talk to you. 570 00:39:45,503 --> 00:39:46,863 I heard you didn't give DSI anything. 571 00:39:49,503 --> 00:39:51,503 I'm glad. 572 00:39:51,503 --> 00:39:53,503 I didn't do it for you, if that's what you think. 573 00:39:55,503 --> 00:39:56,703 Not for Hadley either. 574 00:39:56,703 --> 00:39:58,503 I'm glad for you. 575 00:40:01,503 --> 00:40:03,543 You're here for a reason. What is it? 576 00:40:03,543 --> 00:40:07,503 Artemis arrested Laszlo Kovacs last night. 577 00:40:09,343 --> 00:40:10,503 They need an ID. 578 00:40:10,503 --> 00:40:12,503 Without one, they can't hold him. So... 579 00:40:15,023 --> 00:40:17,503 Do you want to put away the bastard who killed Cosmina Baicu? 580 00:40:20,503 --> 00:40:23,543 You'll have to go to the Viper Suite at Farlow. 581 00:40:23,543 --> 00:40:25,543 You'll be shown images of eight men. 582 00:40:29,543 --> 00:40:31,503 You'll be asked if you recognise 583 00:40:31,503 --> 00:40:33,503 the man who threatened you with a handgun. 584 00:40:38,343 --> 00:40:40,503 You'll be asked if you're confident in your identification. 585 00:40:44,343 --> 00:40:46,503 Number six. 586 00:40:48,503 --> 00:40:50,503 He's number six. 587 00:41:03,503 --> 00:41:04,503 Liz. 588 00:41:06,503 --> 00:41:10,343 They got Kovacs, did you hear? Erm, yeah. 589 00:41:10,343 --> 00:41:13,023 I... I, erm... I just did the ID. 590 00:41:15,343 --> 00:41:16,503 Arif, erm... 591 00:41:18,503 --> 00:41:20,503 SHE CLEARS THROAT 592 00:41:22,503 --> 00:41:24,503 ..can you forgive me? 593 00:41:27,503 --> 00:41:30,023 Because you backed Hadley and not the girl? 594 00:41:36,343 --> 00:41:37,503 I asked myself what I would have done... 595 00:41:40,023 --> 00:41:41,503 ..and I couldn't answer. 596 00:41:42,863 --> 00:41:45,503 So, yeah... 597 00:41:45,503 --> 00:41:47,503 course I fucking forgive you. 598 00:41:52,503 --> 00:41:54,503 I just hope one day it stops, you know? 599 00:41:59,703 --> 00:42:02,503 Come back. We miss you. 600 00:42:05,503 --> 00:42:06,503 Come here. 601 00:42:11,503 --> 00:42:15,503 You've seen this of course. Yes, sir. 602 00:42:15,503 --> 00:42:17,503 "CPS declines to prosecute." 603 00:42:19,503 --> 00:42:20,503 You're not happy. 604 00:42:22,503 --> 00:42:23,503 Should I be? 605 00:42:23,503 --> 00:42:27,503 PC Matthews used racist language to a teenage girl, 606 00:42:27,503 --> 00:42:30,503 PC Adama lied to cover for him, 607 00:42:30,503 --> 00:42:33,343 PC Matthews took by force the phone which proved 608 00:42:33,343 --> 00:42:34,503 the racist language and the lie... 609 00:42:36,183 --> 00:42:38,503 ..and DI Shaw covered the whole thing up. 610 00:42:38,503 --> 00:42:40,703 Could you prove it? Any one bit of it? 611 00:42:43,503 --> 00:42:45,503 You got incredibly close, Sarah, but... 612 00:42:45,503 --> 00:42:47,503 In my opinion, the CPS is sending 613 00:42:47,503 --> 00:42:49,503 a bad message to the public and the police. 614 00:42:49,503 --> 00:42:53,023 In my opinion, Lizzie Adama should not remain in the police. 615 00:42:53,023 --> 00:42:55,183 Oh, come on, look what she just did. 616 00:42:55,183 --> 00:42:58,503 ID'd a killer, a known organised crime figure, 617 00:42:58,503 --> 00:43:00,503 despite the risk to herself. 618 00:43:01,503 --> 00:43:04,183 We need young officers like her. She's committed, she's brave. 619 00:43:04,183 --> 00:43:05,503 We have to move on. 620 00:43:07,503 --> 00:43:10,503 Northumbria Police have asked for your help. 621 00:43:10,503 --> 00:43:13,503 It's a tricky one, a high-speed chase. No. 622 00:43:13,503 --> 00:43:15,863 Homicide command had a vacancy for a DS. 623 00:43:15,863 --> 00:43:18,503 I applied. I was accepted. 624 00:43:18,503 --> 00:43:20,503 I start in two weeks. 625 00:43:22,023 --> 00:43:24,503 I'd like to thank you for everything, Sir. 626 00:43:25,503 --> 00:43:27,503 I've learned a lot from you. 627 00:43:33,503 --> 00:43:36,503 Let us have a few moments of silence. 628 00:43:46,503 --> 00:43:48,703 Thank you very much. 629 00:43:51,503 --> 00:43:53,503 See you back at the car. 630 00:44:07,703 --> 00:44:12,503 Hadley would have wanted me to say something funny. 631 00:44:12,503 --> 00:44:15,503 I'm sorry, I can't for the life of me think of anything. 632 00:44:15,503 --> 00:44:17,503 It's just too damn sad. 633 00:44:19,503 --> 00:44:20,543 I'm going to miss him. 634 00:44:30,503 --> 00:44:31,703 Bye, Hadley. 635 00:44:37,503 --> 00:44:38,503 Bye, Hadley. 636 00:45:17,503 --> 00:45:19,023 ENGINE ENGAGES 637 00:45:50,503 --> 00:45:52,503 You weren't at Hadley's funeral. No. 638 00:46:02,503 --> 00:46:04,023 You're wrong about me. 639 00:46:05,503 --> 00:46:08,503 I'm as good a cop as you are. I will prove it. 640 00:46:14,503 --> 00:46:15,503 OK, then. 641 00:46:21,503 --> 00:46:24,503 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com