1 00:00:07,503 --> 00:00:10,503 'Portland Tower's been declared a critical incident. 2 00:00:10,503 --> 00:00:11,703 'Two confirmed fatalities. 3 00:00:11,703 --> 00:00:14,503 'One teenage girl, one police officer.' 4 00:00:14,503 --> 00:00:15,503 I'm Sarah Collins, 5 00:00:15,503 --> 00:00:18,343 from the Directorate of Special Investigations. 6 00:00:19,503 --> 00:00:21,863 Your daughter Farah... 7 00:00:21,863 --> 00:00:25,503 I'm afraid she died. It's a death in contact with police, Lizzie. 8 00:00:25,503 --> 00:00:26,863 The girl's dead. Hadley's dead. 9 00:00:26,863 --> 00:00:29,503 DSI run the investigation, no choice. 10 00:00:29,503 --> 00:00:31,543 We need statements, especially that female PC. 11 00:00:31,543 --> 00:00:33,503 She was up there. She saw. 12 00:00:34,863 --> 00:00:37,503 What were you thinking?! Please don't hurt my dad. 13 00:00:37,503 --> 00:00:39,023 She's gone. 14 00:00:39,023 --> 00:00:41,503 Do you know why she's ran or where she might've gone? 15 00:00:41,503 --> 00:00:44,183 She's a significant witness in a sex trafficking case. 16 00:00:44,183 --> 00:00:46,503 Who's the suspect? Laszlo Kovacs. 17 00:00:46,503 --> 00:00:49,503 Phone number in the girl's pocket. It was Lizzie Adama's mobile. 18 00:00:49,503 --> 00:00:53,343 You wanna put Detective Inspector Shaw under directed surveillance? 19 00:00:53,343 --> 00:00:56,503 We have evidence he's interfering in our investigation. 20 00:00:56,503 --> 00:00:59,023 I've got a lot of confidence in you, Lizzie, you know that? 21 00:01:01,503 --> 00:01:04,503 I think we're done protecting Lizzie Adama, don't you? 22 00:01:15,503 --> 00:01:17,503 'We've had this discussion, Sarah. 23 00:01:17,503 --> 00:01:20,503 'I don't wanna put PC Adama at risk by putting her all over the news.' 24 00:01:20,503 --> 00:01:22,503 I gave her a chance to come in, Sir, and she refused. 25 00:01:22,503 --> 00:01:24,503 She's a police officer, she's absent without leave. 26 00:01:24,503 --> 00:01:26,703 I was face-to-face with her. 27 00:01:26,703 --> 00:01:29,503 I don't think she ran off because of Laszlo Kovacs. 28 00:01:29,503 --> 00:01:31,503 I think she's hiding something. 29 00:01:32,503 --> 00:01:34,503 Is Steve with you? Does he have a view? 30 00:01:35,503 --> 00:01:38,503 I agree with Sarah, Sir. The sooner we find her, the better. 31 00:01:38,503 --> 00:01:41,503 What if you went on TV and appealed to her personally? 32 00:01:41,503 --> 00:01:44,503 'The sight of a senior officer, in uniform, reassuring her...' 33 00:01:44,503 --> 00:01:46,503 You think the uniform's important? 34 00:01:46,503 --> 00:01:49,503 'To Lizzie, just six months in, I'd say it means a lot.' 35 00:01:49,503 --> 00:01:52,503 Yeah, good idea, Steve. I'll run it upstairs. 36 00:01:52,503 --> 00:01:56,503 Talk to the press office. In the meantime, wrap this up, yeah? 37 00:01:56,503 --> 00:01:57,503 'You're close aren't you?' 38 00:01:57,503 --> 00:01:59,503 Mehenni's still refusing to talk to us. 39 00:01:59,503 --> 00:02:02,503 Carrie Stoddard's the same, so... 'There are no new facts. 40 00:02:02,503 --> 00:02:04,503 'A crazy girl got herself and an officer killed 41 00:02:04,503 --> 00:02:05,503 'and could've done a lot worse.' 42 00:02:05,503 --> 00:02:07,503 I know Farah's a convenient scapegoat. 43 00:02:07,503 --> 00:02:08,503 'I didn't say scapegoat.' 44 00:02:08,503 --> 00:02:10,503 But we still don't know why Farah did it, 45 00:02:10,503 --> 00:02:13,503 and I believe that PC Adama and DI Shaw do know. 46 00:02:16,343 --> 00:02:18,503 You leave Shaw alone, Sarah... 47 00:02:18,503 --> 00:02:21,503 and I'll help you bring PC Adama in. 48 00:02:21,503 --> 00:02:22,503 Got it? 49 00:02:47,503 --> 00:02:49,863 Can we just get over to the other side of the pavement? 50 00:02:51,863 --> 00:02:54,543 'As the Portland Tower investigation continues, 51 00:02:54,543 --> 00:02:58,503 'disturbing CCTV images have come to light 52 00:02:58,503 --> 00:03:02,503 'showing schoolgirl Farah Mehenni and the unnamed five-year-old boy 53 00:03:02,503 --> 00:03:04,503 'walking towards the Tower 54 00:03:04,503 --> 00:03:07,503 'on the afternoon of her and PC Matthews' deaths. 55 00:03:07,503 --> 00:03:11,503 'Though the reason why Farah took the boy remains unknown.' 56 00:03:16,503 --> 00:03:18,503 Kieran? Sir. 57 00:03:18,503 --> 00:03:20,503 DSI caught up with Lizzie Adama last night. 58 00:03:20,503 --> 00:03:23,503 She refused to come in, she ran. 59 00:03:24,503 --> 00:03:26,503 I'm doing a press conference in a few minutes. 60 00:03:26,503 --> 00:03:29,503 I'll be releasing her photo, asking the public for information. 61 00:03:29,503 --> 00:03:31,503 Sir, I told you, you identify Lizzie, 62 00:03:31,503 --> 00:03:32,503 you put her in serious danger. 63 00:03:32,503 --> 00:03:35,503 She had a chance to hand herself in, she didn't take it. She's scared! 64 00:03:35,503 --> 00:03:36,503 Then she should come in. 65 00:03:38,503 --> 00:03:40,503 Or is there something else going on? 66 00:03:40,503 --> 00:03:42,503 No, Sir. 67 00:03:42,503 --> 00:03:44,503 There's nothing else going on. 68 00:03:44,503 --> 00:03:46,503 Except that I've already lost one good officer 69 00:03:46,503 --> 00:03:48,703 and I don't wanna lose another. That's it. 70 00:03:50,503 --> 00:03:53,503 Then let's hope she comes in. Sir. 71 00:04:22,183 --> 00:04:24,183 Sergeant Collins? 72 00:04:24,183 --> 00:04:25,503 Julie Woodson. 73 00:04:29,863 --> 00:04:33,503 Your officers turned this place upside down, wouldn't even say why. 74 00:04:33,503 --> 00:04:35,503 Farah's phone is missing. 75 00:04:38,503 --> 00:04:41,503 When you called, you said you wanted to talk about Farah. 76 00:04:41,503 --> 00:04:43,503 Have you even bothered to speak to her father? 77 00:04:43,503 --> 00:04:46,503 He refuses to speak to the police. 78 00:04:46,503 --> 00:04:47,503 I don't know if you're responsible, 79 00:04:47,503 --> 00:04:49,543 but the way the media is talking about Farah, 80 00:04:49,543 --> 00:04:52,023 disturbed teen, etcetera... 81 00:04:52,023 --> 00:04:53,503 well, it's just wrong. 82 00:04:53,503 --> 00:04:56,503 She kidnapped a five-year old, we're lucky she didn't kill him. 83 00:05:02,503 --> 00:05:04,503 So what can you tell me about Farah? 84 00:05:04,503 --> 00:05:08,503 She was bright... hardworking. 85 00:05:09,503 --> 00:05:11,503 She was kind. 86 00:05:11,503 --> 00:05:14,503 She looked out for the weaker kids. Hated bullying. 87 00:05:14,503 --> 00:05:17,863 That she's dead after everything that she'd been through... 88 00:05:19,503 --> 00:05:20,503 It's so unfair. 89 00:05:20,503 --> 00:05:22,023 Everything she'd been through? 90 00:05:22,023 --> 00:05:24,503 Well, the little I know. 91 00:05:24,503 --> 00:05:28,503 Her dad was a driver for a British NGO in Libya. 92 00:05:28,503 --> 00:05:31,183 They supported his asylum application, 93 00:05:31,183 --> 00:05:33,503 but Farah had to wait two years in a refugee camp. 94 00:05:34,503 --> 00:05:36,703 That's when her mum died. 95 00:05:36,703 --> 00:05:38,503 That's why she worked so hard. 96 00:05:38,503 --> 00:05:40,863 She knew what it cost just to get here. 97 00:05:42,503 --> 00:05:44,503 Why do you think she took the boy? 98 00:05:45,503 --> 00:05:46,543 For Farah to do that, 99 00:05:46,543 --> 00:05:49,503 someone must have done something really bad to her. 100 00:05:49,503 --> 00:05:51,503 Why do you say that? 101 00:05:51,503 --> 00:05:54,183 Well, she had this... 102 00:05:54,183 --> 00:05:57,503 I don't know, this... sense of what was right. 103 00:05:57,503 --> 00:06:00,503 Keep your side of the bargain and everyone else will too. 104 00:06:00,503 --> 00:06:04,703 So, if you wanna know why she took the boy... 105 00:06:04,703 --> 00:06:06,503 find out who hurt her. 106 00:06:11,503 --> 00:06:13,503 'Hey.' Steve. 107 00:06:13,503 --> 00:06:16,503 Dig out the police interview with Mehenni. 108 00:06:16,503 --> 00:06:18,863 Something set Farah off, see if you can find what it was. 109 00:06:18,863 --> 00:06:20,183 'Got it.' 110 00:06:22,183 --> 00:06:24,503 'Present are Police Constable Lizzie Adama. 111 00:06:24,503 --> 00:06:26,503 'Marcus Hicks, representing Mr Mehenni. 112 00:06:26,503 --> 00:06:28,503 'Younes Ibrahim Mehenni. 113 00:06:28,503 --> 00:06:32,503 'Mr Mehenni, a complaint of criminal damage has been made against you.' 114 00:06:32,503 --> 00:06:34,503 'By my neighbour, Carrie Stoddard. 115 00:06:34,503 --> 00:06:37,503 'She wants to get us thrown out of our house.' 116 00:06:37,503 --> 00:06:40,503 A whole heap of that, "evil Carrie Stoddard". 117 00:06:40,503 --> 00:06:41,703 This is where it gets tasty. 118 00:06:41,703 --> 00:06:45,503 'And then, you police, you force your way into my house. 119 00:06:45,503 --> 00:06:47,503 'Even though you have no warrant. 120 00:06:47,503 --> 00:06:49,863 'And when my daughter comes home from school,' 121 00:06:49,863 --> 00:06:52,503 the big policeman says racist things to my daughter. 122 00:06:54,183 --> 00:06:56,503 "All right, Little Miss Jihadi?" 123 00:06:56,503 --> 00:06:59,503 'Mr Mehenni, I ask the questions... 124 00:06:59,503 --> 00:07:01,503 'And then he says to her, 125 00:07:01,503 --> 00:07:04,503 ' "Tell your father. What's his name, Mohammed, is it?' 126 00:07:04,503 --> 00:07:08,503 "Mohammed Bin Laden? Tell him we want to talk to him." 127 00:07:10,503 --> 00:07:14,503 Well, my name is not Mohammed. It is not Bin Laden... 128 00:07:14,503 --> 00:07:17,503 and what he said to my daughter... Mr Mehenni! 129 00:07:17,503 --> 00:07:20,183 I'm interviewing you. 130 00:07:20,183 --> 00:07:22,503 You've made a complaint, you have your solicitor here, 131 00:07:22,503 --> 00:07:26,503 your complaint will be dealt with, but not now, not by me. 132 00:07:30,503 --> 00:07:31,503 Is this it? 133 00:07:31,503 --> 00:07:34,503 Bin Laden? 134 00:07:34,503 --> 00:07:36,503 Little Miss Jihadi? 135 00:07:36,503 --> 00:07:37,503 I read Hadley and Lizzie's statements. 136 00:07:37,503 --> 00:07:39,503 They both deny he said anything racist. 137 00:07:39,503 --> 00:07:42,183 Well, they would, wouldn't they? Do the body cams show anything? 138 00:07:42,183 --> 00:07:45,503 Only Lizzie's was recording. Didn't pick up any racist language, 139 00:07:45,503 --> 00:07:47,503 just her and Hadley chasing after Mehenni. 140 00:07:48,503 --> 00:07:50,503 OK. We're done here. 141 00:07:51,503 --> 00:07:54,503 Let's pack up, get all the evidence back to Victoria House. 142 00:08:02,503 --> 00:08:04,503 'Don't Start Now' by Dua Lipa 143 00:08:04,503 --> 00:08:06,503 Hey, you all right? Hey. 144 00:08:11,503 --> 00:08:14,343 Hiya. Hey. Usual? Yeah. 145 00:08:14,343 --> 00:08:16,503 A gin and tonic, please. 146 00:08:16,503 --> 00:08:19,503 Er, so, I interviewed Mehenni. 147 00:08:19,503 --> 00:08:22,183 Yeah, I heard, yeah. Yeah, he denies everything. 148 00:08:22,183 --> 00:08:24,503 I bailed him, pending CPS. 149 00:08:24,503 --> 00:08:26,503 He made a complaint. 150 00:08:28,503 --> 00:08:32,703 His... daughter says you used racist language towards her. 151 00:08:32,703 --> 00:08:34,503 Yeah, heard that too. 152 00:08:34,503 --> 00:08:37,183 Well, what the fuck, Hadley, a teenage girl? Did you? 153 00:08:37,183 --> 00:08:41,503 No. It's a load of rubbish. You were with me, you know I didn't. 154 00:08:41,503 --> 00:08:43,503 I wasn't with you. I was in the garden. 155 00:08:43,503 --> 00:08:45,503 You were close enough, you'd have heard. 156 00:08:46,503 --> 00:08:48,503 Lizzie. 157 00:08:48,503 --> 00:08:50,503 I didn't do this. 158 00:08:51,503 --> 00:08:52,503 Scout's honour. 159 00:08:52,503 --> 00:08:55,503 Look, I've got this board coming up for the training school. 160 00:08:55,503 --> 00:08:58,503 You're gonna be a shiny-arse? 161 00:08:58,503 --> 00:09:01,183 Yeah, I am. 162 00:09:01,183 --> 00:09:04,863 I've had 27 years of freezing nights and shitty crime scenes. 163 00:09:04,863 --> 00:09:06,503 I'm just too old and too fat. 164 00:09:09,023 --> 00:09:11,503 This complaint means I'll miss the board. 165 00:09:12,503 --> 00:09:15,503 I'm sorry. I've written the statement. 166 00:09:15,503 --> 00:09:17,503 I can't go back and change it. 167 00:09:17,503 --> 00:09:19,503 I'm not asking you to change it, I'm asking you to add to it, 168 00:09:19,503 --> 00:09:21,503 which is completely kosher, by the way. 169 00:09:21,503 --> 00:09:23,503 Hadders? Where's me bloody drink? 170 00:09:23,503 --> 00:09:24,503 Yeah, all right. 171 00:09:24,503 --> 00:09:27,503 Just say you were with me, cos you were. 172 00:09:27,503 --> 00:09:30,023 You didn't hear me say anything, cos I didn't. 173 00:09:33,503 --> 00:09:36,503 Finally! Thank you very much. 174 00:09:36,503 --> 00:09:40,503 There we go. Ask and you shall receive... 175 00:09:41,503 --> 00:09:42,503 I was just saying, Lizzie, 176 00:09:42,503 --> 00:09:44,503 that soon, I'm gonna be off to pastures new, 177 00:09:44,503 --> 00:09:46,503 where the women are better-looking 178 00:09:46,503 --> 00:09:48,543 and, more importantly, they don't know me. 179 00:10:02,503 --> 00:10:04,503 Follow my lead. 180 00:10:06,343 --> 00:10:08,023 Oh! 181 00:10:08,023 --> 00:10:09,503 Sod it. 182 00:10:10,503 --> 00:10:13,023 You go, Steve, I'll see you back at base. 183 00:10:13,023 --> 00:10:15,503 Thanks. It's Arif, isn't it? 184 00:10:15,503 --> 00:10:18,503 Yeah. You guys finished here, then? 185 00:10:18,503 --> 00:10:21,503 Here, yes. The inquiry, no. 186 00:10:21,503 --> 00:10:24,703 Not with Lizzie Adama still missing. I'm worried about her. 187 00:10:24,703 --> 00:10:28,503 Well, maybe she just wants to be alone for a bit. 188 00:10:28,503 --> 00:10:30,703 Her and Hadley were real close. 189 00:10:32,503 --> 00:10:35,503 You know, some stories have come out about Hadley. Allegations. 190 00:10:35,503 --> 00:10:39,503 Yeah, I'm not surprised. He was outrageous. 191 00:10:39,503 --> 00:10:43,023 My very first day, he said to me, "Sonny, you're in the wrong job. 192 00:10:43,023 --> 00:10:45,503 "You're a copper, so half the punters are gonna hate you, 193 00:10:45,503 --> 00:10:47,503 "and you're Asian, so the other half are gonna hate you too." 194 00:10:47,503 --> 00:10:50,503 He actually said that to you? Yeah. And then he said, 195 00:10:50,503 --> 00:10:52,503 "All credit to you for trying, though, 196 00:10:52,503 --> 00:10:56,183 "and if anyone in this nick gives you shit, you let me know." 197 00:10:56,183 --> 00:10:59,503 He looked out for me, like he did for Lizzie. 198 00:11:00,503 --> 00:11:02,503 He made a point of it. 199 00:11:02,503 --> 00:11:05,503 I know it sounds corny, but I really loved them. 200 00:11:05,503 --> 00:11:07,503 All three of them. 201 00:11:08,503 --> 00:11:12,503 'Seventeen Going Under' by Sam Fender 202 00:11:18,503 --> 00:11:19,503 Gin and tonic? 203 00:11:19,503 --> 00:11:21,543 Yeah. Thanks. 204 00:11:24,503 --> 00:11:26,703 So, you get your bad guy? 205 00:11:26,703 --> 00:11:28,503 No. Missed him again. 206 00:11:30,343 --> 00:11:32,503 You must've thought I was a right idiot, 207 00:11:32,503 --> 00:11:35,503 running off excited, guns and fast cars. 208 00:11:35,503 --> 00:11:36,863 Nah. No? 209 00:11:36,863 --> 00:11:38,503 I would've been excited too. 210 00:11:38,503 --> 00:11:40,503 Yeah? Yeah. 211 00:11:43,503 --> 00:11:45,503 Yeah, I think you would. 212 00:11:47,503 --> 00:11:49,503 I think you could handle it. 213 00:11:49,503 --> 00:11:51,503 Yeah? Yeah. 214 00:11:56,503 --> 00:11:59,503 Ah, I've got an early start tomorrow, 215 00:11:59,503 --> 00:12:00,503 so... 216 00:12:01,503 --> 00:12:05,343 I'm actually gonna have to head off soon. 217 00:12:05,343 --> 00:12:07,503 If you must, let me drive you. 218 00:12:07,503 --> 00:12:09,503 I'm staying at our London flat tonight. 219 00:12:09,503 --> 00:12:12,503 You're not that far from me, are you? 220 00:12:12,503 --> 00:12:13,503 No. 221 00:12:14,503 --> 00:12:15,503 Let me drive you. 222 00:12:22,503 --> 00:12:25,023 I heard about the Mehenni complaint, by the way. 223 00:12:25,023 --> 00:12:27,503 Unauthorised entry, racist language. 224 00:12:28,543 --> 00:12:31,503 Hadley said it was bollocks. 225 00:12:31,503 --> 00:12:34,503 He said you were with him all the time. 226 00:12:34,503 --> 00:12:35,503 I wasn't. 227 00:12:36,503 --> 00:12:38,863 I wasn't. He shouldn't have said that. OK. 228 00:12:42,503 --> 00:12:46,503 Hadley will have to handle it. It's no big deal. I promise. 229 00:12:51,503 --> 00:12:53,863 Erm, I can get out here. 230 00:12:53,863 --> 00:12:56,503 I'm just three streets over. No, I'll drop you. 231 00:12:59,503 --> 00:13:01,503 Unless you want a drink first. 232 00:13:04,503 --> 00:13:08,343 I'm, er... one street that way. 233 00:13:16,503 --> 00:13:18,503 Thanks for your help, Arif. 234 00:13:21,503 --> 00:13:23,503 Just one thing. 235 00:13:23,503 --> 00:13:26,503 What did you mean, "all three of them"? 236 00:13:26,503 --> 00:13:27,543 Hadley, Lizzie, and the guv'nor. 237 00:13:29,503 --> 00:13:31,183 I don't want her or the guv to get in trouble. 238 00:13:32,183 --> 00:13:34,503 Well, why would they... get in trouble? 239 00:14:04,503 --> 00:14:06,503 Lizzie's sleeping with her married boss. 240 00:14:06,503 --> 00:14:08,183 That's not an issue for you? 241 00:14:08,183 --> 00:14:11,343 It's not a crime. It's not even against regulations. 242 00:14:11,343 --> 00:14:14,343 Well, then why didn't he mention it in his post-incident interview? 243 00:14:14,343 --> 00:14:15,503 But what's the affair got to do with 244 00:14:15,503 --> 00:14:17,503 two people falling off a tower block? 245 00:14:17,503 --> 00:14:20,503 Well, for a start, if PC Matthews' racist language 246 00:14:20,503 --> 00:14:22,503 is the instigating incident... 247 00:14:22,503 --> 00:14:24,863 PC Adama said she didn't hear him use racist language 248 00:14:24,863 --> 00:14:27,503 and the Asian PC who worked with him says he's not racist. 249 00:14:27,503 --> 00:14:29,703 Farah's dad is charged with criminal damage 250 00:14:29,703 --> 00:14:32,503 and Farah stepped in front of a speeding police car. 251 00:14:32,503 --> 00:14:34,503 You know, this is not a happy family. 252 00:14:34,503 --> 00:14:36,503 We all feel really badly for the girl, 253 00:14:36,503 --> 00:14:38,503 but she's the one who took a five-year-old 254 00:14:38,503 --> 00:14:39,503 to the top of the tower block. 255 00:14:48,503 --> 00:14:50,503 Did you actually read Lizzie's statement, Alice? 256 00:14:51,503 --> 00:14:53,023 Yeah, why? 257 00:14:53,023 --> 00:14:55,503 You didn't read it very carefully. 258 00:14:55,503 --> 00:14:58,503 She wrote two statements about the visit to Mehenni's house. 259 00:14:58,503 --> 00:15:01,503 The first doesn't even mention racist language. 260 00:15:01,503 --> 00:15:04,503 Six days later, she writes a second statement. 261 00:15:04,503 --> 00:15:06,503 "I have been requested by my inspector 262 00:15:06,503 --> 00:15:08,183 "to submit a further statement 263 00:15:08,183 --> 00:15:11,503 "to clarify one aspect of these inquiries." 264 00:15:11,503 --> 00:15:13,183 Guess which aspect. 265 00:15:13,183 --> 00:15:15,503 She was with PC Matthews the whole visit. 266 00:15:15,503 --> 00:15:17,503 He didn't say anything racist. 267 00:15:17,503 --> 00:15:19,503 "As requested by my guv'nor, 268 00:15:19,503 --> 00:15:21,503 "with whom I happen to be having an affair." 269 00:15:21,503 --> 00:15:23,503 And look at what happens next. 270 00:15:23,503 --> 00:15:26,343 19th of April, Lizzie's second statement. 271 00:15:26,343 --> 00:15:29,503 21st of April, Mehenni's complaint against the police is dismissed, 272 00:15:29,503 --> 00:15:32,503 Mehenni's remanded in custody, Farah kidnaps the boy. 273 00:15:33,503 --> 00:15:34,543 Talk about cause and effect. 274 00:15:35,703 --> 00:15:37,503 OK. 275 00:15:37,503 --> 00:15:41,503 We've been at it almost 48 hours. We're tired, mistakes happen. 276 00:15:41,503 --> 00:15:45,343 Go home and get some kip. Back here in six. 277 00:15:45,343 --> 00:15:46,543 Meanwhile, I will make a formal request 278 00:15:46,543 --> 00:15:49,023 for directed surveillance on DI Shaw. 279 00:15:49,023 --> 00:15:51,503 You going back to Bailie? No, I'm going round him. 280 00:15:53,503 --> 00:15:54,543 OK, everyone. 281 00:15:54,543 --> 00:15:56,183 Home. 282 00:16:10,503 --> 00:16:14,503 'And then the big policeman says racist things to my daughter. 283 00:16:16,543 --> 00:16:18,503 'But my name is not Mohammed. 284 00:16:20,023 --> 00:16:21,183 'It isn't Bin Laden.' 285 00:16:36,503 --> 00:16:38,503 There you go. 286 00:16:38,503 --> 00:16:39,703 Thanks. 287 00:16:53,503 --> 00:16:57,503 '..which led to the deaths of a teenage girl and a police officer. 288 00:16:57,503 --> 00:16:59,503 'With us is Chief Inspector Tim Bailie 289 00:16:59,503 --> 00:17:01,503 'to talk about the incident. 290 00:17:01,503 --> 00:17:03,503 'Tragedy is the right word. 291 00:17:03,503 --> 00:17:08,503 'But for the heroic intervention of Police Constable Hadley Matthews, 292 00:17:08,503 --> 00:17:11,503 'I fear we may be discussing an even more terrible outcome. 293 00:17:11,503 --> 00:17:13,503 'And I'd like to use the opportunity 294 00:17:13,503 --> 00:17:16,503 'to appeal someone who witnessed the events at the tower 295 00:17:16,503 --> 00:17:20,183 'and was no doubt traumatised by them. 296 00:17:20,183 --> 00:17:21,503 'Lizzie Adama. 297 00:17:21,503 --> 00:17:23,503 'And I wanna stress that Lizzie is in no way a suspect, 298 00:17:23,503 --> 00:17:27,503 'far from it, but we just have concerns for her safety. 299 00:17:27,503 --> 00:17:31,503 'So Lizzie, if you see this, then please call your family, 300 00:17:31,503 --> 00:17:33,503 'or come into any police station.' 301 00:17:35,343 --> 00:17:36,503 Where the hell are you, Sarah? 302 00:17:36,503 --> 00:17:38,503 I'm at home, getting a change of clothes. 303 00:17:38,503 --> 00:17:39,503 'A change of clothes?' 304 00:17:39,503 --> 00:17:41,503 What? 305 00:17:41,503 --> 00:17:44,503 How can I help you, Sir? 'You went behind my back.' 306 00:17:44,503 --> 00:17:46,503 You asked DCS Russell for surveillance on Shaw 307 00:17:46,503 --> 00:17:48,503 after I'd already refused that surveillance. 308 00:17:48,503 --> 00:17:51,503 Sir, I have evidence that DI Shaw is... 309 00:17:51,503 --> 00:17:53,503 Told me your evidence, it wasn't strong enough. 310 00:17:53,503 --> 00:17:55,503 Did I tell you he was fucking PC Adama? 311 00:17:55,503 --> 00:17:59,503 'Look... she's still AWOL.' 312 00:17:59,503 --> 00:18:01,503 Younes Mehenni won't talk to me. 313 00:18:01,503 --> 00:18:04,503 Carrie Stoddard won't talk to me. 314 00:18:04,503 --> 00:18:07,503 All I have is DI Shaw, who is up to his bloody neck in it. 315 00:18:07,503 --> 00:18:10,503 'An affair's not a crime.' Yeah. 316 00:18:10,503 --> 00:18:12,503 So everyone keeps telling me. 317 00:18:14,503 --> 00:18:15,503 It still stinks. 318 00:18:15,503 --> 00:18:18,503 'It's not enough. DCS Russell agrees with me.' 319 00:18:18,503 --> 00:18:20,863 Your request for surveillance on DI Shaw is denied. 320 00:18:20,863 --> 00:18:23,023 'Are we clear?' 321 00:18:23,023 --> 00:18:24,503 Sarah, are we clear? 322 00:18:25,503 --> 00:18:27,503 Yes, Sir. 323 00:18:39,503 --> 00:18:41,343 Nice shirt. 324 00:18:41,343 --> 00:18:43,183 Blouse. 325 00:18:44,503 --> 00:18:45,703 Suits you. Doubt it. 326 00:18:45,703 --> 00:18:47,503 It was Angie's. 327 00:18:47,503 --> 00:18:50,503 The woman has gone, the clothes remain. 328 00:18:52,503 --> 00:18:54,503 Bailie call you? Did he ever. 329 00:18:54,503 --> 00:18:56,503 No surveillance on Shaw. 330 00:18:56,503 --> 00:19:00,543 New angle. Lizzie Adama's second statement. 331 00:19:00,543 --> 00:19:02,503 What made her write it? 332 00:19:02,503 --> 00:19:05,503 Well, there's always pressure to back your partner. 333 00:19:05,503 --> 00:19:08,543 Would've been even harder on her, young Black officer, 334 00:19:08,543 --> 00:19:10,503 her partner accused of racism. 335 00:19:10,503 --> 00:19:12,023 But she held out for six days, 336 00:19:12,023 --> 00:19:14,503 then she wrote her statement at 5:30 in the morning. 337 00:19:14,503 --> 00:19:16,503 So, what made her crack? 338 00:19:18,023 --> 00:19:19,863 What happened that night? 339 00:19:21,023 --> 00:19:22,503 OK. 340 00:19:22,503 --> 00:19:24,503 Stay back, Joe. 341 00:19:28,503 --> 00:19:31,503 Cosmina? We're police. 342 00:19:31,503 --> 00:19:32,703 Where are you? 343 00:19:37,503 --> 00:19:38,503 Found her! 344 00:19:38,503 --> 00:19:40,503 I'll check the back. OK. 345 00:19:44,503 --> 00:19:46,183 Oh, my God... 346 00:19:46,183 --> 00:19:48,023 Control receiving 1835, 347 00:19:48,023 --> 00:19:51,543 request LAS for adult woman at 14 Chandler, SE12. 348 00:19:51,543 --> 00:19:56,503 Woman is severely beaten, unconscious... 349 00:19:56,503 --> 00:19:57,503 'Roger that...' 350 00:19:57,503 --> 00:19:59,023 Scrub that, Control, woman is conscious, 351 00:19:59,023 --> 00:20:00,503 but with serious head injuries. 352 00:20:00,503 --> 00:20:01,503 'Copy that, 1835...' 353 00:20:01,503 --> 00:20:03,503 You all right, love? Can you hear us? 354 00:20:03,503 --> 00:20:04,503 Has he gone? 355 00:20:04,503 --> 00:20:06,503 Yeah, he's gone. We're the police. 356 00:20:06,503 --> 00:20:09,503 Police... Shit. 357 00:20:09,503 --> 00:20:12,503 We've called an ambulance. We're gonna get you to hospital. 358 00:20:12,503 --> 00:20:15,503 No hospital. I gotta call Laszlo. 359 00:20:15,503 --> 00:20:18,503 Did, erm... Did Laszlo do this to you? 360 00:20:19,503 --> 00:20:22,503 Cosmina... did he do this? 361 00:20:22,503 --> 00:20:27,183 It was a fight. But I'm OK. No hospital. 362 00:20:28,503 --> 00:20:29,503 Give me your hand. 363 00:20:34,503 --> 00:20:38,703 If it was me sitting where you are, what would you tell me to do? 364 00:20:40,503 --> 00:20:42,503 I would say, "Go to hospital." 365 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:59,503 You door-stepping me? I thought you people were done here. 366 00:20:59,503 --> 00:21:03,183 Not quite. I'd like to know what case PC Adama was working 367 00:21:03,183 --> 00:21:04,503 the night of 18th of April. 368 00:21:06,183 --> 00:21:08,503 What the hell's that gotta do with Portland Tower? 369 00:21:08,503 --> 00:21:10,503 We'd just like to know, Sir. 370 00:21:10,503 --> 00:21:16,023 Hmm. 18th of April was the day that Lizzie ran into Laszlo Kovacs. 371 00:21:17,343 --> 00:21:19,503 The case I told you about. 372 00:21:19,503 --> 00:21:20,503 The case you don't give a damn about, 373 00:21:20,503 --> 00:21:23,503 which is why Lizzie Adama's face is all over the news. 374 00:21:23,503 --> 00:21:24,863 What happened? 375 00:21:24,863 --> 00:21:27,503 Lizzie and Hadley responded to a 999 call. 376 00:21:27,503 --> 00:21:29,503 One of Kovacs' girls, Cosmina Baicu. 377 00:21:30,503 --> 00:21:33,503 They came to the aid of a brutally beaten young woman. 378 00:21:33,503 --> 00:21:34,503 They showed what good cops they were. 379 00:21:34,503 --> 00:21:36,503 That's what happened. 380 00:21:39,503 --> 00:21:42,503 What was the fight about? Money. Money? 381 00:21:44,023 --> 00:21:46,503 Laszlo's your pimp? 382 00:21:46,503 --> 00:21:47,503 Manager. 383 00:21:49,503 --> 00:21:51,503 Who am I fucking kidding? 384 00:21:52,543 --> 00:21:55,863 He takes... more than his share. 385 00:21:55,863 --> 00:21:58,343 I complain, he beats me. 386 00:21:58,343 --> 00:22:00,503 I try to leave, he beats me. 387 00:22:00,503 --> 00:22:03,503 I'll never get out of this shithole. 388 00:22:03,503 --> 00:22:06,023 Yes, you will. We're gonna help you. 389 00:22:09,503 --> 00:22:10,503 You call the police? 390 00:22:12,183 --> 00:22:13,503 Are you Laszlo? 391 00:22:15,503 --> 00:22:16,503 Stay away from her. 392 00:22:30,503 --> 00:22:32,703 Put the gun down. You're under arrest. 393 00:22:38,023 --> 00:22:39,503 You're filming me. 394 00:22:52,703 --> 00:22:54,543 Ambulance is here. 395 00:22:54,543 --> 00:22:56,503 What's going on? You OK? 396 00:22:56,503 --> 00:23:00,503 Laszlo. Went out back. He had a firearm. He took my camera. 397 00:23:01,503 --> 00:23:04,503 1272 to Control. 'Control receiving.' 398 00:23:04,503 --> 00:23:08,503 Urgent Trojan request. Armed suspect leaving scene on foot. Suspect is... 399 00:23:08,503 --> 00:23:10,343 IC1 male. IC1 male. 400 00:23:10,343 --> 00:23:11,503 6ft. 6ft. 401 00:23:11,503 --> 00:23:14,863 30s, black leather jacket, beard. 30s, black leather jacket, beard. 402 00:23:14,863 --> 00:23:17,503 In you go, guys. Thank you. 403 00:23:18,863 --> 00:23:21,023 We're just here to have a quick look at you. 404 00:23:21,023 --> 00:23:22,863 I'm OK, thank you very much. 405 00:23:22,863 --> 00:23:25,503 You have a serious head injury, you have to go to hospital. 406 00:23:25,503 --> 00:23:26,503 No, I refuse. 407 00:23:26,503 --> 00:23:29,863 You can go, please. No hospital. 408 00:23:29,863 --> 00:23:34,703 Stopping body-worn video at 4:46pm. 409 00:23:36,023 --> 00:23:38,343 Sorry, love. 410 00:23:38,343 --> 00:23:40,543 No offence, but, er... 411 00:23:40,543 --> 00:23:42,503 I don't like it here very much. 412 00:23:42,503 --> 00:23:44,503 Your boyfriend's running round with a gun, 413 00:23:44,503 --> 00:23:46,503 and I'm due a cup of tea... 414 00:23:47,503 --> 00:23:48,503 Now, I can't arrest you, 415 00:23:48,503 --> 00:23:51,503 but I have other powers under the Mental Health Act. 416 00:23:51,503 --> 00:23:53,503 So I'm gonna section you 417 00:23:53,503 --> 00:23:56,503 cos I believe you're a danger to yourself, and to me. 418 00:23:56,503 --> 00:23:59,503 And if you don't go to hospital voluntarily, 419 00:23:59,503 --> 00:24:00,503 I'm gonna force you to go. 420 00:24:01,503 --> 00:24:03,503 Can he do that? 421 00:24:06,503 --> 00:24:09,503 Here come the cavalry. 422 00:24:11,503 --> 00:24:13,503 You go with Cosmina to the hospital. 423 00:24:13,503 --> 00:24:15,503 See if you can get her account of what happened. 424 00:24:15,503 --> 00:24:16,543 I'll join you there. 425 00:24:19,503 --> 00:24:21,503 You all right, kiddo? 426 00:24:26,503 --> 00:24:28,503 Guv said you wanted to talk to me 427 00:24:28,503 --> 00:24:30,183 about what happened at the Mehennis'. 428 00:24:31,183 --> 00:24:33,343 Not scared about getting in trouble, are you? 429 00:24:33,343 --> 00:24:36,543 I've told you... I've written my statement. 430 00:24:37,543 --> 00:24:40,863 I don't know what I can do. I told you, you can add to it. 431 00:24:40,863 --> 00:24:42,503 Just say you didn't hear me say anything. 432 00:24:42,503 --> 00:24:44,183 "Little Miss Jihadi." 433 00:24:44,183 --> 00:24:47,503 That sounds like you, Hadley, the sort of thing you think's funny, 434 00:24:47,503 --> 00:24:50,503 and it isn't, especially not to a 15-year-old Muslim kid. 435 00:24:50,503 --> 00:24:52,343 Which is why I didn't say it. 436 00:24:53,503 --> 00:24:57,503 Do you know how often Arab kids, Black kids, get that type of shit, 437 00:24:57,503 --> 00:24:59,863 and then to hear it from a policeman? 438 00:24:59,863 --> 00:25:02,183 Lizzie, I didn't say it, for God's sake. 439 00:25:03,503 --> 00:25:04,503 Do you think I'm a racist? 440 00:25:06,703 --> 00:25:08,503 No. 441 00:25:08,503 --> 00:25:10,503 I fucking despise racists. 442 00:25:11,503 --> 00:25:13,503 The young girl's just protecting her father, 443 00:25:13,503 --> 00:25:15,183 she makes up a load of stuff. 444 00:25:15,183 --> 00:25:18,503 I can understand why she did it, but she could ruin the rest of my life. 445 00:25:18,503 --> 00:25:20,023 I'm sorry. 446 00:25:20,023 --> 00:25:22,503 I've written the statement. 447 00:25:22,503 --> 00:25:24,503 I wasn't with you the whole time. 448 00:25:26,503 --> 00:25:28,503 OK. 449 00:25:30,503 --> 00:25:33,503 Four weeks ago... when you caught that shoplifter, 450 00:25:33,503 --> 00:25:35,503 you searched her before I got to you. 451 00:25:36,503 --> 00:25:40,503 Well, yeah, you move like an aircraft carrier. 452 00:25:40,503 --> 00:25:43,503 Well, that's a fattist comment, but I'll let it go. 453 00:25:43,503 --> 00:25:46,503 You searched her, but you forgot to turn on your BWV. 454 00:25:48,503 --> 00:25:49,503 Yeah, OK, that... that isn't the same... 455 00:25:49,503 --> 00:25:51,503 And I told you turn it on and do the search again, 456 00:25:51,503 --> 00:25:53,503 as per the regulations. Hadley, it's not... 457 00:25:53,503 --> 00:25:56,183 And that's exactly what I said happened in my statement. 458 00:25:56,183 --> 00:25:57,503 "It was a lawful search." Hadley... 459 00:25:57,503 --> 00:26:00,503 I backed you because you're my partner and because I trust you, 460 00:26:00,503 --> 00:26:02,343 and because that's what you bloody do. 461 00:26:02,343 --> 00:26:05,503 Hadley, I will not fucking lie for you! 462 00:26:11,503 --> 00:26:13,503 This is why I wanna know about the 18th of April. 463 00:26:13,503 --> 00:26:15,503 That was the night that PC Adama wrote her second statement 464 00:26:15,503 --> 00:26:17,503 about PC Matthews. You can't just barge in here... 465 00:26:17,503 --> 00:26:20,503 Because of that statement, Younes Mehenni was remanded in custody, 466 00:26:20,503 --> 00:26:22,503 Farah Mehenni took the boy to Portland Tower, 467 00:26:22,503 --> 00:26:24,503 where she and PC Matthews died. 468 00:26:24,503 --> 00:26:26,703 What happened that night that made PC Adama change her mind? 469 00:26:26,703 --> 00:26:29,183 How do I know what's in her mind? 470 00:26:29,183 --> 00:26:32,503 Really? Aren't you in a relationship with her? 471 00:26:33,503 --> 00:26:35,503 Did you pressure her? 472 00:26:35,503 --> 00:26:36,543 If you're questioning my integrity, 473 00:26:36,543 --> 00:26:39,503 I'll see you in an interview room with a lawyer and a Fed rep. 474 00:26:39,503 --> 00:26:41,023 In the meantime, get out. 475 00:26:41,023 --> 00:26:42,503 We're leaving, Sir. 476 00:26:42,503 --> 00:26:45,183 But you know we're gonna have to speak to someone about Kovacs, 477 00:26:45,183 --> 00:26:46,503 just to complete our report. 478 00:26:46,503 --> 00:26:47,503 Case is with the murder squad, 479 00:26:47,503 --> 00:26:49,503 but I doubt they'll give you the time of day. 480 00:26:50,503 --> 00:26:53,503 Who's the case officer? DS O'Neil. 481 00:26:53,503 --> 00:26:55,503 Jack O'Neil? 482 00:26:56,503 --> 00:26:57,503 Mm-hm. 483 00:26:58,503 --> 00:27:00,023 Oh, that's nice. 484 00:27:00,023 --> 00:27:03,863 Cos Jack and I go way back way back, so I'm sure I can get him to talk. 485 00:27:03,863 --> 00:27:05,503 You know how that works. 486 00:27:08,343 --> 00:27:09,503 Sarah, shall we, erm...? 487 00:27:25,503 --> 00:27:28,503 You and Hadley did well, getting that girl to hospital. 488 00:27:28,503 --> 00:27:32,503 And I heard you got her first account too, so well done. 489 00:27:35,703 --> 00:27:38,503 CCTV has Kovacs getting into a high-end Beamer 490 00:27:38,503 --> 00:27:40,503 a few streets from the flat. 491 00:27:40,503 --> 00:27:42,503 They should be able to nab him pretty soon. 492 00:27:42,503 --> 00:27:45,503 Good. He's a bastard. 493 00:27:45,503 --> 00:27:46,863 I heard he pulled a gun on you. 494 00:27:50,503 --> 00:27:53,503 Till he's nicked, you be careful. OK? 495 00:27:53,503 --> 00:27:55,023 OK. 496 00:27:59,503 --> 00:28:01,503 You and Hadley have a talk? 497 00:28:02,703 --> 00:28:05,503 OK. I won't ask again. 498 00:28:05,503 --> 00:28:08,503 He's big enough to look after himself, I'm sorry. 499 00:28:09,503 --> 00:28:12,543 You should head back to the station, finish up and go home. 500 00:28:12,543 --> 00:28:14,503 Tell Hadley too. 501 00:28:14,503 --> 00:28:18,183 I promised Cosmina I'd be here when she came out. 502 00:28:18,183 --> 00:28:20,343 OK, Mother Teresa. 503 00:28:21,343 --> 00:28:23,503 After that, you go home. 504 00:28:27,503 --> 00:28:28,503 Or you can come round... 505 00:28:47,503 --> 00:28:49,503 Jack. Alice. 506 00:28:49,503 --> 00:28:52,503 This is Sarah Collins. You wanna talk about Lizzie Adama? 507 00:28:52,503 --> 00:28:54,503 Yeah. What a clusterfuck. 508 00:28:58,503 --> 00:29:00,503 Hey, Hadley? 509 00:29:00,503 --> 00:29:04,503 I just saw the guv. He said soon as we're done, we should clock off. 510 00:29:08,503 --> 00:29:10,503 No... No... 511 00:29:10,503 --> 00:29:12,503 Lizzie. No... 512 00:29:33,503 --> 00:29:37,503 Apparently, it was a... cerebral haemorrhage. 513 00:29:38,503 --> 00:29:40,503 There was nothing they could do. 514 00:29:42,503 --> 00:29:44,343 He killed her. 515 00:29:45,503 --> 00:29:47,503 Yeah. 516 00:29:47,503 --> 00:29:52,503 The, erm... murder squad are taking over. 517 00:29:52,503 --> 00:29:55,503 We have to ID the body, then give our statements. 518 00:29:57,503 --> 00:29:59,503 You up for that or do you wanna delay? 519 00:30:01,503 --> 00:30:02,503 I'm up for it. 520 00:30:10,503 --> 00:30:12,503 You said it was a clusterfuck. Why? 521 00:30:12,503 --> 00:30:14,503 Well, where to begin? 522 00:30:14,503 --> 00:30:16,543 They got a member of the public to put the door in, 523 00:30:16,543 --> 00:30:18,503 then they let a witness into the crime scene, 524 00:30:18,503 --> 00:30:22,503 and how they got the girl into the ambulance, Jesus... 525 00:30:22,503 --> 00:30:23,543 How did they? 526 00:30:23,543 --> 00:30:26,503 Pick the story up, so PC Matthews comes back, 527 00:30:26,503 --> 00:30:27,503 Cosmina's refusing to leave. 528 00:30:27,503 --> 00:30:32,503 Then PC Matthews switches off his BWV, and Cosmina ends up here. 529 00:30:32,503 --> 00:30:33,503 In ICU. 530 00:30:35,503 --> 00:30:37,503 So how did you manage that? 531 00:30:38,503 --> 00:30:39,503 Lizzie? 532 00:30:40,503 --> 00:30:41,503 How did you manage that? 533 00:30:41,503 --> 00:30:43,503 Erm... 534 00:30:44,503 --> 00:30:47,703 Hadley said he'd section her under the Mental Health Act. 535 00:30:47,703 --> 00:30:49,503 What? 536 00:30:49,503 --> 00:30:52,503 Section her. A danger to herself. 537 00:30:54,503 --> 00:30:57,503 She was refusing to go to hospital. 538 00:30:57,503 --> 00:31:00,503 Kovacs could've come back any second and killed her. 539 00:31:02,503 --> 00:31:04,503 He did fucking kill her. 540 00:31:04,503 --> 00:31:06,503 I explained to her that a murder case 541 00:31:06,503 --> 00:31:08,503 is a whole other level of scrutiny. 542 00:31:08,503 --> 00:31:11,503 The defence are looking for anything to hurt the case, 543 00:31:11,503 --> 00:31:12,503 like her missing BWV, 544 00:31:12,503 --> 00:31:15,503 or a threatening to section the victim. 545 00:31:15,503 --> 00:31:16,863 How do you explain all that to a judge? 546 00:31:16,863 --> 00:31:18,503 Then there's all the other stuff. 547 00:31:18,503 --> 00:31:20,503 Sorry. 548 00:31:20,503 --> 00:31:22,503 Hello? 549 00:31:22,503 --> 00:31:23,503 What other stuff? 550 00:31:23,503 --> 00:31:26,503 Well, the complaint against PC Matthews and her. 551 00:31:26,503 --> 00:31:27,503 Racist language. 552 00:31:28,503 --> 00:31:31,503 Mehenni. That's why you're here, isn't it? 553 00:31:31,503 --> 00:31:32,543 If the defence had got hold of that... 554 00:31:32,543 --> 00:31:35,503 You told her it would damage the case? Well, it would have. 555 00:31:35,503 --> 00:31:36,703 Thank God it's gone away. 556 00:31:36,703 --> 00:31:38,503 Racist language? 557 00:31:38,503 --> 00:31:41,503 Boo-bloody-hoo. We're trying to convict a killer. 558 00:31:50,863 --> 00:31:52,503 Guess who that was. 559 00:31:52,503 --> 00:31:54,023 Younes Mehenni. 560 00:31:54,023 --> 00:31:56,503 He saw Bailie on TV. He's furious. 561 00:31:56,503 --> 00:31:59,503 Says we're turning Lizzie Adama into a saint. 562 00:31:59,503 --> 00:32:01,503 He says she is not a saint, not by a long shot. 563 00:32:01,503 --> 00:32:04,503 Does that mean he'll talk to us? Yeah. 564 00:32:16,503 --> 00:32:18,503 As I've often said... 565 00:32:18,503 --> 00:32:22,503 the 999 breakfast, one of the Met's finest... 566 00:32:22,503 --> 00:32:25,503 I told the murder squad that you threatened to section Cosmina. 567 00:32:26,503 --> 00:32:27,503 What? 568 00:32:28,503 --> 00:32:29,863 Are you serious? 569 00:32:38,503 --> 00:32:40,503 Lizzie, I specially turned my camera off, so it wouldn't... 570 00:32:40,503 --> 00:32:42,503 Yeah, I know. 571 00:32:42,503 --> 00:32:43,503 I'm sorry. 572 00:32:46,503 --> 00:32:48,503 But that's not all. 573 00:32:48,503 --> 00:32:52,503 They said that the Mehenni complaint hurt the case. 574 00:32:52,503 --> 00:32:57,503 That... Kovacs might get away with it... 575 00:32:58,503 --> 00:33:01,343 ..that he might fucking walk... All right, just... 576 00:33:01,343 --> 00:33:04,503 pull yourself together, you're letting down the uniform. 577 00:33:05,503 --> 00:33:08,503 If you ever wondered why we hate those bastards in suits, 578 00:33:08,503 --> 00:33:09,503 well, there's your answer. 579 00:33:09,503 --> 00:33:10,503 Oh, yeah, they always know best, 580 00:33:10,503 --> 00:33:13,503 but they're never there when you've gotta put the door in. 581 00:33:14,503 --> 00:33:17,503 Here, didn't your mum and dad teach you anything? 582 00:33:20,183 --> 00:33:22,503 And they'll have their fun. 583 00:33:22,503 --> 00:33:26,703 The solicitors, the press, the know-nothings. 584 00:33:26,703 --> 00:33:29,023 They'll cast doubt... 585 00:33:30,503 --> 00:33:33,503 ..criticise. Won't make any difference. 586 00:33:33,503 --> 00:33:36,503 Kovacs killed Cosmina. 587 00:33:36,503 --> 00:33:37,503 We were the last people she spoke to. 588 00:33:37,503 --> 00:33:40,023 You've got it all in your pocket book. That's what counts. 589 00:33:41,503 --> 00:33:44,503 And when they catch this bastard, which they will, 590 00:33:44,503 --> 00:33:46,503 he's going down for life. 591 00:33:47,503 --> 00:33:48,503 And that's what matters. 592 00:33:50,503 --> 00:33:53,503 And that's what we did. Hmm? 593 00:33:57,023 --> 00:33:58,183 Come on. 594 00:34:01,343 --> 00:34:02,503 Hmm? 595 00:34:05,503 --> 00:34:07,503 I was wrong to pressure you. 596 00:34:08,503 --> 00:34:10,863 Forget about it, OK? I'll be fine. 597 00:34:10,863 --> 00:34:12,503 OK. 598 00:34:12,503 --> 00:34:15,503 You're a good cop, Lizzie Adama. 599 00:34:17,183 --> 00:34:20,503 But if I were you, I'd finish up here and I'd go straight home. 600 00:34:20,503 --> 00:34:24,503 Before I start confessing to any unsolved murders or anything! 601 00:34:26,503 --> 00:34:28,503 Go on. 602 00:35:12,543 --> 00:35:15,503 "This is a statement about arrest inquiries I made 603 00:35:15,503 --> 00:35:18,503 "with PC Hadley Matthews at 7, Kenley Villas. 604 00:35:18,503 --> 00:35:21,863 "I have covered this matter in an earlier statement, 605 00:35:21,863 --> 00:35:23,503 "but have been requested by my inspector 606 00:35:23,503 --> 00:35:25,503 "to clarify one aspect of these enquiries..." 607 00:35:32,503 --> 00:35:34,503 I did it. 608 00:35:35,503 --> 00:35:36,503 It's done. 609 00:35:40,503 --> 00:35:42,503 "I heard the whole conversation 610 00:35:42,503 --> 00:35:45,183 "between Farah Mehenni and PC Matthews..." 611 00:35:52,023 --> 00:35:53,503 Shower. 612 00:35:54,503 --> 00:35:57,503 "He never said anything out of place 613 00:35:57,503 --> 00:35:59,543 "and certainly nothing of a racist nature." 614 00:36:26,503 --> 00:36:29,503 PC Adama pretended to be our friend. 615 00:36:29,503 --> 00:36:33,503 She promised my daughter she would make my charges go away... 616 00:36:33,503 --> 00:36:36,503 the charges my neighbour Carrie Stoddard made. 617 00:36:36,503 --> 00:36:38,503 Why did she hate me so much? 618 00:36:40,023 --> 00:36:44,343 Really because of my rubbish bins or the motorbike in the back? 619 00:36:45,503 --> 00:36:48,503 Maybe it was because of the colour of my skin? 620 00:36:49,503 --> 00:36:51,503 We hadn't even been in the house for one month 621 00:36:51,503 --> 00:36:54,503 and she'd already made complaints to the housing officer. 622 00:36:54,503 --> 00:36:57,503 If that wasn't enough, she then calls the police. 623 00:36:57,503 --> 00:36:59,863 This is when PC Adama and the big policeman 624 00:36:59,863 --> 00:37:05,503 force their way into my house... insult my daughter. 625 00:37:06,503 --> 00:37:10,503 She trusted PC Adama, who lied about the law, 626 00:37:10,503 --> 00:37:12,503 and then lied about what her friend did. 627 00:37:14,503 --> 00:37:15,503 She betrayed Farah. 628 00:37:16,703 --> 00:37:18,503 She killed my... 629 00:37:19,503 --> 00:37:21,503 Why are you not writing? 630 00:37:23,503 --> 00:37:25,183 You're not telling me anything. 631 00:37:31,503 --> 00:37:33,023 I'm gonna get some air. 632 00:38:04,703 --> 00:38:06,503 Yep? 633 00:38:06,503 --> 00:38:08,503 It's me. 634 00:38:08,503 --> 00:38:10,503 Lizzie, thank God. 635 00:38:10,503 --> 00:38:12,503 I'm turning myself in. 636 00:38:12,503 --> 00:38:14,503 No, wait, do not do that. 637 00:38:14,503 --> 00:38:16,503 'My face is bloody everywhere.' 638 00:38:16,503 --> 00:38:19,503 I'm going to. Sorry. 639 00:38:19,503 --> 00:38:21,503 'Lizzie, talk to me first.' 640 00:38:21,503 --> 00:38:22,863 Please. 641 00:38:24,023 --> 00:38:25,503 Where are you? 642 00:38:27,503 --> 00:38:29,503 Lizzie? 643 00:38:43,503 --> 00:38:45,503 Farah was a child. 644 00:38:46,503 --> 00:38:48,183 She should not be dead. 645 00:38:50,503 --> 00:38:53,503 But if you want me to find out why she died, you will have to trust me. 646 00:38:55,503 --> 00:38:56,503 There is no point. 647 00:38:59,503 --> 00:39:01,503 I will never trust British police. 648 00:39:01,503 --> 00:39:03,503 You know, you're not innocent here. 649 00:39:03,503 --> 00:39:06,183 Whatever Carrie did to you, you did something to her. 650 00:39:06,183 --> 00:39:09,503 You keyed her car. You made a threatening phone call. 651 00:39:09,503 --> 00:39:11,503 Those are criminal offences. 652 00:39:11,503 --> 00:39:14,503 You could've had a caution, that's what PC Adama was offering you. 653 00:39:14,503 --> 00:39:17,343 All you had to do was admit what you'd done and say you were sorry 654 00:39:17,343 --> 00:39:18,503 and that would've been the end of it, 655 00:39:18,503 --> 00:39:20,343 but you couldn't do that, could you? 656 00:39:20,343 --> 00:39:23,503 And you brought Farah with you when you were charged. 657 00:39:23,503 --> 00:39:25,503 It's all on the station CCTV. 658 00:39:25,503 --> 00:39:29,503 You give her the paperwork after you've been remanded. Why did you? 659 00:39:29,503 --> 00:39:31,023 Bring her to the station, 660 00:39:31,023 --> 00:39:34,503 then hand her the papers, like it was her responsibility? 661 00:39:34,503 --> 00:39:35,863 The poor lonely girl. 662 00:39:37,503 --> 00:39:38,543 It's no wonder she broke. 663 00:39:38,543 --> 00:39:41,503 Why did you put it on her? Why did you...? 664 00:39:42,503 --> 00:39:45,503 Well, say something, Mr Mehenni. 665 00:39:52,503 --> 00:39:53,503 It's my fault. 666 00:39:55,503 --> 00:39:57,023 It's my fault. 667 00:40:04,503 --> 00:40:06,503 It's my fault. 668 00:40:06,503 --> 00:40:09,703 Yes, it's your fault. 669 00:40:11,183 --> 00:40:12,503 But it's not only yours. 670 00:40:12,503 --> 00:40:15,023 If you help me, I will do everything in my power 671 00:40:15,023 --> 00:40:17,503 to find out what sent Farah up that tower, 672 00:40:17,503 --> 00:40:19,503 but you have to talk to me. 673 00:40:19,503 --> 00:40:21,503 Please. 674 00:40:22,503 --> 00:40:23,863 What have you got to lose? 675 00:40:28,503 --> 00:40:30,503 The big policeman. 676 00:40:30,503 --> 00:40:32,503 He took her phone. 677 00:40:33,503 --> 00:40:35,343 He took her phone. 678 00:40:43,503 --> 00:40:44,863 I'm gonna go for a run, all right? Mm-hm. 679 00:40:49,703 --> 00:40:51,503 Hello? 680 00:40:51,503 --> 00:40:53,503 'PC Adama?' 681 00:40:53,503 --> 00:40:55,503 This is Farah Mehenni. 682 00:40:57,503 --> 00:40:59,503 Farah. 683 00:40:59,503 --> 00:41:02,503 You shouldn't be calling me. 'But you gave me your number.' 684 00:41:03,503 --> 00:41:06,503 Yeah, yeah, but... but that was to help. 685 00:41:06,503 --> 00:41:10,183 Please... please listen to me... 686 00:41:11,503 --> 00:41:16,503 My dad said his lawyer told him you made a statement. A new statement. 687 00:41:16,503 --> 00:41:19,503 'Now he's got to go back in, he's going to be charged.' 688 00:41:20,543 --> 00:41:23,503 It's a minor offence, all right? He'll be OK. 689 00:41:24,503 --> 00:41:26,183 We could lose our house. 690 00:41:26,183 --> 00:41:27,703 Farah, that's not gonna happen. 691 00:41:27,703 --> 00:41:31,503 My dad says you heard what the other policeman said. 692 00:41:31,503 --> 00:41:36,503 'But you couldn't have. You were in the back yard.' 693 00:41:36,503 --> 00:41:39,503 Well, that's not how I remember it. 694 00:41:39,503 --> 00:41:41,503 'I trusted you, PC Adama.' 695 00:41:41,503 --> 00:41:44,503 You said we could work this out, you promised. 696 00:41:44,503 --> 00:41:48,503 Farah... there isn't a deal to be made here, OK? 697 00:41:48,503 --> 00:41:51,503 It's happened. It's done. 698 00:41:51,503 --> 00:41:52,863 So your dad will just have to face the... 699 00:41:52,863 --> 00:41:54,503 No, he won't. 700 00:41:58,023 --> 00:42:00,503 I had my phone on in my pocket. 701 00:42:02,503 --> 00:42:05,183 'I recorded everything your friend said. 702 00:42:07,503 --> 00:42:09,503 'Little Miss Jihadi. 703 00:42:12,503 --> 00:42:14,023 'Mohammed Bin Laden. 704 00:42:16,503 --> 00:42:19,503 'So you have to help me now, don't you, PC Adama?' 705 00:42:23,023 --> 00:42:26,503 There's a place I walk past every day, Portland Tower. 706 00:42:29,703 --> 00:42:31,503 We could meet there. 707 00:42:37,503 --> 00:42:42,183 You know, we are taught that every soul will taste death. 708 00:42:44,503 --> 00:42:45,863 This is my daughter. 709 00:42:48,343 --> 00:42:49,503 This is Farah. 710 00:43:04,503 --> 00:43:07,503 Yes, Steve? 'Sarah, at bloody last.' 711 00:43:07,503 --> 00:43:09,703 Lizzie's phone pinged an hour ago, just outside Eastbourne. 712 00:43:09,703 --> 00:43:11,503 'Great. Did she call anyone?' 713 00:43:11,503 --> 00:43:14,503 Half an hour ago, DI Shaw called. Says she'd phoned him. 714 00:43:14,503 --> 00:43:16,023 He said he told her to hand herself in. 715 00:43:16,023 --> 00:43:19,503 Where was he? Driving home. His house near Lewes. 716 00:43:20,503 --> 00:43:21,503 He's going to meet her. 717 00:43:21,503 --> 00:43:23,503 Yeah, that's what we think, so... 718 00:43:23,503 --> 00:43:26,503 Listen. Farah recorded what Hadley Matthews said to her on her phone. 719 00:43:27,503 --> 00:43:29,503 'Farah told Lizzie Adama.' 720 00:43:29,503 --> 00:43:32,343 Lizzie must've told Hadley because he waited for Farah 721 00:43:32,343 --> 00:43:33,503 at Portland Tower the day before they died 722 00:43:33,503 --> 00:43:35,503 and he took the phone right out of her hands. 723 00:43:35,503 --> 00:43:37,183 That's why she took the kid. 724 00:43:37,183 --> 00:43:39,503 'Exactly. And it's why DI Shaw went to Hadley's locker 725 00:43:39,503 --> 00:43:41,503 'in the middle of the tower incident.' 726 00:43:41,503 --> 00:43:43,343 We've gotta find that phone. 727 00:43:43,343 --> 00:43:45,503 We need a warrant for Shaw, his homes, his vehicles. 728 00:43:45,503 --> 00:43:47,503 Be a fight to get it through Bailie. 729 00:43:47,503 --> 00:43:49,503 This time, I'll fucking win. 730 00:43:59,503 --> 00:44:01,703 A section eight warrant. Are you serious? 731 00:44:01,703 --> 00:44:03,183 Yes, Sir. 732 00:44:03,183 --> 00:44:05,503 DI Shaw has Farah Mehenni's mobile phone. 733 00:44:05,503 --> 00:44:08,503 And you believe this because of what Farah's father told you? 734 00:44:08,503 --> 00:44:10,503 I know this. It's the only explanation 735 00:44:10,503 --> 00:44:12,023 that makes sense of DI Shaw's actions. 736 00:44:12,023 --> 00:44:16,503 But you don't have evidence. It's hearsay, from a biased source. 737 00:44:17,503 --> 00:44:19,543 Why are you fixated on pursuing Shaw? 738 00:44:19,543 --> 00:44:21,503 Why are you fixated on defending him? 739 00:44:22,503 --> 00:44:24,503 Be very careful, Sarah. 740 00:44:25,503 --> 00:44:27,503 The answer's no. 741 00:44:27,503 --> 00:44:28,503 No warrant. 742 00:44:29,503 --> 00:44:32,703 You know, eventually, Lizzie Adama will come in. 743 00:44:32,703 --> 00:44:35,503 She will tell us what happened on top of the tower 744 00:44:35,503 --> 00:44:37,503 between PC Matthews and Farah Mehenni. 745 00:44:37,503 --> 00:44:38,503 What are you talking about? 746 00:44:40,503 --> 00:44:42,863 If PC Matthews was prepared to take, by force, 747 00:44:42,863 --> 00:44:45,503 a mobile phone from a teenage girl... 748 00:44:45,503 --> 00:44:46,863 what else might he have done? 749 00:44:46,863 --> 00:44:48,863 Up there on the roof, 750 00:44:48,863 --> 00:44:52,503 facing the end of his career, the loss of his good name. 751 00:44:53,503 --> 00:44:55,703 Like I said, it will come out. 752 00:44:56,543 --> 00:45:00,503 And if the Met and certain senior officers are found to have impeded 753 00:45:00,503 --> 00:45:02,543 my investigation with its racial component, well... 754 00:45:04,503 --> 00:45:06,503 ..can you imagine the shitstorm? 755 00:45:12,503 --> 00:45:13,503 You've got your warrant. 756 00:45:15,503 --> 00:45:16,863 You'd better find that phone. 757 00:45:33,543 --> 00:45:35,703 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com