1 00:00:07,183 --> 00:00:09,503 POLICE RADIO: 'Attention all units. 2 00:00:09,503 --> 00:00:12,503 'Portland Tower has been declared a critical incident. 3 00:00:12,503 --> 00:00:14,023 'Two confirmed fatalities. 4 00:00:14,023 --> 00:00:17,503 'One teenage girl. One police officer.' 5 00:00:19,503 --> 00:00:21,023 What happened, did you hear? 6 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:22,503 Just what Control was reporting - 7 00:00:22,503 --> 00:00:25,023 there were people on the roof, then there weren't. 8 00:00:25,023 --> 00:00:28,023 'Control receiving DI Shaw at Portland Tower. 9 00:00:28,023 --> 00:00:30,503 'We have a death in contact with police. Where the hell is DSI?' 10 00:00:30,503 --> 00:00:34,503 DSI 14 to Control, we are arriving on scene. 11 00:00:34,503 --> 00:00:35,503 'Copy.' 12 00:00:44,503 --> 00:00:47,503 There are still people up there. 13 00:00:53,503 --> 00:00:54,503 I'll go to the roof. 14 00:01:05,863 --> 00:01:08,503 Police, step out of the way, please. 15 00:01:14,503 --> 00:01:16,503 Excuse me. Excuse me. 16 00:01:16,503 --> 00:01:18,503 This is a crime scene, you can't come through here. 17 00:01:18,503 --> 00:01:20,503 Detective Sergeant Sarah Collins, 18 00:01:20,503 --> 00:01:22,503 Directorate of Special Investigations, 19 00:01:22,503 --> 00:01:23,863 we're taking over the scene. 20 00:01:23,863 --> 00:01:27,503 My colleague DC Steve Bradshaw... I've got it, Sarah. Go. 21 00:01:43,503 --> 00:01:45,503 'Hey.' Steve, get someone on the lobby door. 22 00:01:45,503 --> 00:01:48,503 Until I know what's happening on the roof, no-one's to move, up or down. 23 00:01:48,503 --> 00:01:51,503 'OK, we're a bit short-handed...' Recall to duty the whole team. 24 00:01:51,503 --> 00:01:52,503 'Got it.' 25 00:02:25,503 --> 00:02:27,503 Who the hell are you? 26 00:02:27,503 --> 00:02:32,503 Sarah Collins, sir, DSI. You radioed for us. 27 00:02:32,503 --> 00:02:34,503 Yeah. 28 00:02:36,503 --> 00:02:37,543 I have to ask what you're doing up here. 29 00:02:37,543 --> 00:02:39,503 One of my officers is dead, 30 00:02:39,503 --> 00:02:42,343 the other one just saved this child's life. 31 00:02:42,343 --> 00:02:45,503 I'm here to make sure no-one else falls off the fucking roof. 32 00:02:47,503 --> 00:02:49,703 It's going to be OK, Lizzie. 33 00:02:49,703 --> 00:02:52,503 We're gonna get you both down now OK? 34 00:02:53,543 --> 00:02:56,503 Have you traced the boy's family? Yeah, his mum's on the way. 35 00:02:58,503 --> 00:03:01,183 Control receiving DS Collins, DSI. 36 00:03:01,183 --> 00:03:03,503 I am assuming operational control at Portland Tower. 37 00:03:03,503 --> 00:03:06,703 Request LAS for adult female, believed going into shock. 38 00:03:06,703 --> 00:03:10,503 'Copy that, LAS units en route.' Lizzie. 39 00:03:15,503 --> 00:03:17,503 I'm Sarah Collins. 40 00:03:18,503 --> 00:03:20,503 Paramedics are on their way. 41 00:03:44,503 --> 00:03:47,503 No, no, no. Just wait there. Sorry. 42 00:03:53,503 --> 00:03:55,503 Ben, Ben, Ben. 43 00:03:58,503 --> 00:04:00,543 Did she do anything to him? We don't know exactly what happened. 44 00:04:00,543 --> 00:04:03,503 We have a doctor here who can examine... No, I'm taking him home. 45 00:04:03,503 --> 00:04:05,503 Let me send a Family Liaison Officer with... 46 00:04:05,503 --> 00:04:08,503 I'm taking him home, I don't want police or anyone. 47 00:04:10,503 --> 00:04:12,503 I'm afraid we will need to speak to you. 48 00:04:12,503 --> 00:04:14,183 Please, I just want to go home. 49 00:04:28,503 --> 00:04:30,503 What happened here, Steve? 50 00:04:30,503 --> 00:04:33,503 All I've got so far is the girl grabbed the boy from his home. 51 00:04:33,503 --> 00:04:36,703 Took him to the top of the tower. Two cops got the call, 52 00:04:36,703 --> 00:04:39,503 tried to stop her doing whatever she was going to do. 53 00:04:39,503 --> 00:04:43,183 The result - the girl fell to her death, so did one of the cops. 54 00:04:43,183 --> 00:04:46,343 OK... Put Jez on CCTV. 55 00:04:46,343 --> 00:04:48,503 You take the door-to-door, grab any phone footage you can 56 00:04:48,503 --> 00:04:51,023 before it's all over the internet, plus any BWV footage. 57 00:04:51,023 --> 00:04:53,183 And get the phones of the officers. 58 00:04:53,183 --> 00:04:55,343 Who's our Family Liaison? Alice Parker? 59 00:04:55,343 --> 00:04:57,503 Ask her to meet me here. I'll talk to the CSM, 60 00:04:57,503 --> 00:04:59,503 then head to the local nick. Farlow, isn't it? 61 00:04:59,503 --> 00:05:02,343 Seal lockers, grab a spare office. 62 00:05:02,343 --> 00:05:04,703 We need statements, especially that female PC. 63 00:05:04,703 --> 00:05:07,503 If she was up there. She saw. 64 00:05:15,183 --> 00:05:16,503 Lizzie? 65 00:05:17,503 --> 00:05:19,503 It is Lizzie, isn't it? 66 00:05:20,703 --> 00:05:23,503 Steve Bradshaw, DSI. 67 00:05:26,543 --> 00:05:28,503 How are you feeling? 68 00:05:29,863 --> 00:05:33,343 Fine. We've just got some checks to do before you go. 69 00:05:34,503 --> 00:05:36,703 OK. I'll pop back in a few minutes. 70 00:05:53,503 --> 00:05:56,503 All right? Guv. 71 00:05:56,503 --> 00:05:59,503 Crime scene guys are gonna need to take your uniform. 72 00:05:59,503 --> 00:06:01,503 They'll give you something to wear. 73 00:06:06,503 --> 00:06:08,503 I want to go home. 74 00:06:10,503 --> 00:06:12,503 Let's wait and see what the medics say, OK? 75 00:06:12,503 --> 00:06:14,503 But when they're done. It's not my call. 76 00:06:14,503 --> 00:06:16,863 DSI are running this case now. 77 00:06:16,863 --> 00:06:18,503 Why? 78 00:06:18,503 --> 00:06:21,503 It's a death in contact with police, Lizzie. 79 00:06:21,503 --> 00:06:23,503 The girl's dead, Hadley's dead. 80 00:06:24,503 --> 00:06:27,503 DSI run the investigation, no choice. 81 00:06:29,503 --> 00:06:31,503 I want to go home. 82 00:06:35,343 --> 00:06:36,503 OK. 83 00:06:45,503 --> 00:06:48,503 Sarah. Sir. 84 00:06:48,503 --> 00:06:50,503 This is a mess. 85 00:06:51,503 --> 00:06:54,503 I'd better feed that lot. Anything specific you want out there? 86 00:06:54,503 --> 00:06:57,503 Witnesses. Otherwise, as little as possible. 87 00:06:57,503 --> 00:06:59,543 We're still informing the families of the deceased. 88 00:06:59,543 --> 00:07:02,503 Police Constable Hadley Matthews, 52. 89 00:07:02,503 --> 00:07:03,503 Farah Mehenni, 15. 90 00:07:05,183 --> 00:07:08,023 Did you know Farah's father, Younes, is in custody at the local nick? 91 00:07:08,023 --> 00:07:11,503 Some minor charge. I didn't know. Sorry. 92 00:07:11,503 --> 00:07:13,503 Like I said, a mess. 93 00:07:13,503 --> 00:07:16,023 We'll get a Family Liaison over there, get him released ASAP. 94 00:07:16,023 --> 00:07:18,183 I'm going to the nick. I'll do it. Good. 95 00:07:19,503 --> 00:07:20,703 In the meantime, I'll do as you say 96 00:07:20,703 --> 00:07:22,503 and tell the press absolutely nothing. 97 00:07:26,183 --> 00:07:28,503 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. 98 00:07:39,503 --> 00:07:43,503 Do you want me to come in? Make you a cup of tea? 99 00:07:43,503 --> 00:07:45,503 I don't think you should be alone. 100 00:07:45,503 --> 00:07:47,503 I'm fine, Arif, honestly. 101 00:08:18,503 --> 00:08:21,503 Excuse me, where's your custody sergeant, please? 102 00:08:21,503 --> 00:08:22,863 He's just over there. Thank you. 103 00:08:28,503 --> 00:08:31,503 Sarah Collins, DSI. Alice Parker. 104 00:08:31,503 --> 00:08:34,343 You have a Younes Mehenni in custody. 105 00:08:34,343 --> 00:08:36,503 I'd like to bail him on compassionate grounds. 106 00:08:36,503 --> 00:08:39,183 We'll be basing our investigation here at first, 107 00:08:39,183 --> 00:08:42,503 so if someone could show Alice a spare office, I'd be grateful. 108 00:08:42,503 --> 00:08:45,023 Also, Alice will need to seal PC Adama and PC Matthews' lockers. 109 00:08:45,023 --> 00:08:46,863 They're part of the investigation. 110 00:08:46,863 --> 00:08:48,503 You've got a fucking nerve... 111 00:08:53,703 --> 00:08:58,023 I know you've lost a colleague... a friend. 112 00:08:59,503 --> 00:09:01,503 I'm truly sorry about that. 113 00:09:02,503 --> 00:09:05,503 But it's my job to find out why he died. 114 00:09:05,503 --> 00:09:07,503 We're not the ghost squad, we're not here to dig up dirt, 115 00:09:07,503 --> 00:09:09,503 we just want to find out what happened. 116 00:09:09,503 --> 00:09:12,863 So, please... bear with us. 117 00:09:12,863 --> 00:09:14,503 Help us. 118 00:09:15,503 --> 00:09:17,503 That's very reassuring, thank you, Sarah. 119 00:09:17,503 --> 00:09:20,183 Jenny, could you help Alice? 120 00:09:40,503 --> 00:09:43,503 Mr Mehenni, I'm Sarah Collins, 121 00:09:43,503 --> 00:09:46,503 from the Directorate of Special Investigations. 122 00:09:46,503 --> 00:09:50,503 I'm afraid I have terrible news. Your daughter Farah. 123 00:09:50,503 --> 00:09:53,503 We haven't got all the details yet, but... 124 00:09:54,543 --> 00:09:56,503 Yes? 125 00:09:56,503 --> 00:09:58,503 I'm afraid she died. 126 00:09:58,503 --> 00:10:00,543 I'm so sorry. 127 00:10:00,543 --> 00:10:03,503 We're releasing you so you can be with your family, there's a car... 128 00:10:03,503 --> 00:10:06,503 Died? No... No, she's at school. 129 00:10:06,503 --> 00:10:09,543 Mr Mehenni, there are procedures we have to follow. I don't believe you. 130 00:10:13,343 --> 00:10:14,503 I want to speak to my daughter. 131 00:10:32,503 --> 00:10:33,503 I'm so sorry. 132 00:10:47,503 --> 00:10:49,503 Hadley Matthews is dead, too, you know. 133 00:10:49,503 --> 00:10:53,503 Have you told his wife and kids yet? You had a good cry with them? 134 00:10:56,503 --> 00:10:58,503 Can I see the custody sheet? 135 00:11:06,503 --> 00:11:07,503 Thanks. 136 00:11:38,503 --> 00:11:41,503 'Hey, Lizzie. It's Steve Bradshaw, from the ambulance, remember? 137 00:11:41,503 --> 00:11:44,503 'We need to do a quick debrief, get your statement. 138 00:11:44,503 --> 00:11:46,503 'I just want to know you're OK. 139 00:11:46,503 --> 00:11:48,503 'My number's on your mobile.' 140 00:11:55,503 --> 00:11:58,183 Steve? You with Lizzie Adama? 141 00:11:58,183 --> 00:12:01,503 No. I just found out she went home, soon as the medics released her. 142 00:12:01,503 --> 00:12:05,503 Before you could talk to her? 'Afraid so. Police car took her.' 143 00:12:05,503 --> 00:12:08,503 Who the hell authorised that? Her guvnor, DI Shaw. 144 00:12:08,503 --> 00:12:11,503 'Why'd you ask?' Because we might have a shit storm here. 145 00:12:11,503 --> 00:12:12,503 Hang on a sec. 146 00:12:12,503 --> 00:12:15,503 Excuse me. Sarah Collins, DSI. An office has been set up for us? 147 00:12:15,503 --> 00:12:18,503 Oh, yeah, that way, second door on the right. Thanks. 148 00:12:18,503 --> 00:12:19,503 'Lizzie!' 149 00:12:19,503 --> 00:12:21,503 It's Steve. 150 00:12:21,503 --> 00:12:25,503 So, what's the shit storm, then? 151 00:12:25,503 --> 00:12:27,503 Younes Mehenni, the dead girl's father, 152 00:12:27,503 --> 00:12:30,023 was in custody at Farlow nick, and Lizzie Adama... 153 00:12:31,503 --> 00:12:32,503 Oh, for Pete's sake. 154 00:12:32,503 --> 00:12:34,703 What? 'Nothing.' 155 00:12:34,703 --> 00:12:37,503 Lizzie Adama was Mehenni's arresting officer. 156 00:12:37,503 --> 00:12:40,503 Look, I'm at her place now. 157 00:12:40,503 --> 00:12:42,503 OK. Well, don't let her out of your sight. 158 00:12:50,503 --> 00:12:54,503 'Lizzie? It's Steve. Lizzie, can you open the door, please?' 159 00:12:57,503 --> 00:12:59,183 She's not answering the door. 160 00:12:59,183 --> 00:13:00,503 Kick it down. 161 00:13:00,503 --> 00:13:03,183 What? Just do it, Steve. Get in there. 162 00:13:23,183 --> 00:13:25,183 Lizzie? 163 00:13:25,183 --> 00:13:28,503 Are you OK? It's Steve. 164 00:13:41,503 --> 00:13:43,503 She's gone. 165 00:13:53,503 --> 00:13:55,023 Today was a bad day. 166 00:13:56,503 --> 00:14:00,343 We've all lost someone we loved. He was the heart of this place. 167 00:14:01,503 --> 00:14:04,343 He looked out for me when I was a young copper. 168 00:14:04,343 --> 00:14:07,503 Kid from Kintyre, still very wet behind the ears. 169 00:14:07,503 --> 00:14:09,543 And I know he looked out for many of you, too. 170 00:14:09,543 --> 00:14:13,023 Cos that's who he was, that's who we lost. 171 00:14:13,023 --> 00:14:16,503 Now I'm going to have to take his wife, Mandy, to ID his body. 172 00:14:18,343 --> 00:14:19,503 We may all be grieving in this room, 173 00:14:19,503 --> 00:14:22,503 but her whole world is broken, her and her kids. 174 00:14:22,503 --> 00:14:26,503 We owe it to her to keep on going, to keep doing our job. 175 00:14:26,503 --> 00:14:29,503 That's what Hadley would have wanted, it's what he would've done. 176 00:14:29,503 --> 00:14:32,503 What about DSI, sir? 177 00:14:32,503 --> 00:14:35,503 DSI have a job to Do, too. 178 00:14:36,503 --> 00:14:37,503 You got nothing to hide. 179 00:14:37,503 --> 00:14:40,503 You just answer their questions and they'll be gone. 180 00:14:40,503 --> 00:14:42,503 On Friday night, we go to the pub. 181 00:14:44,503 --> 00:14:46,503 We remember our friend. 182 00:14:46,503 --> 00:14:49,503 We celebrate him. OK? 183 00:14:56,863 --> 00:15:00,503 I'm sorry, Sarah. This is on me. It's OK. 184 00:15:00,503 --> 00:15:03,023 Any idea where she's gone? Not yet. 185 00:15:03,023 --> 00:15:05,503 Her car's still parked down the street. 186 00:15:05,503 --> 00:15:08,503 Her phone's switched off. We put a watch on her cards. 187 00:15:08,503 --> 00:15:11,503 What do we know about her? Six months in, well-liked. 188 00:15:11,503 --> 00:15:13,503 From what I hear, she and Hadley Matthews, 189 00:15:13,503 --> 00:15:15,503 the copper who died, they were mates. 190 00:15:15,503 --> 00:15:18,503 God. You talk to her family, friends? 191 00:15:18,503 --> 00:15:20,543 We called round, no-one's heard from her. 192 00:15:24,503 --> 00:15:28,503 Graduation day. Takes you back, doesn't it? 193 00:15:28,503 --> 00:15:30,503 My parents didn't come to mine. 194 00:15:30,503 --> 00:15:32,503 What, disappointed you became a cop? 195 00:15:32,503 --> 00:15:35,543 The disappointment went a little further back than that. 196 00:15:43,503 --> 00:15:45,503 Hey, Jez. Could someone have grabbed her? 197 00:15:45,503 --> 00:15:47,503 I don't think so. 198 00:15:47,503 --> 00:15:49,503 Looks like she took toothbrush and make-up and stuff. 199 00:15:49,503 --> 00:15:53,503 We have to find her - CCTV, door-to-door, whatever. 200 00:15:53,503 --> 00:15:55,503 Quicker to go public. Yeah. 201 00:15:55,503 --> 00:15:59,503 I better talk to her guvnor first, he's the idiot who let her go. 202 00:16:20,183 --> 00:16:23,503 OK, busy Lizzie. I'll tell you how we're going to do this. 203 00:16:23,503 --> 00:16:25,503 I'm going to set my watch. 204 00:16:25,503 --> 00:16:27,503 Deal with it in ten minutes, breakfast is on me. 205 00:16:27,503 --> 00:16:29,503 More than ten, and it's on you. 206 00:16:29,503 --> 00:16:32,863 Nah, no, no. That's hardly fair, is it? 207 00:16:32,863 --> 00:16:36,503 My breakfast is tea and toast, and yours is a full English, 208 00:16:36,503 --> 00:16:39,503 usually with extra sausages. 209 00:16:39,503 --> 00:16:41,503 Well, yeah, I have to preserve my lovely figure. 210 00:16:44,503 --> 00:16:47,503 Hey, hey, hey, hey, no, no, no, not before breakfast. 211 00:16:47,503 --> 00:16:49,343 All right, Mum 212 00:16:51,503 --> 00:16:55,543 Besides... my body type's ideal for certain things. 213 00:16:55,543 --> 00:16:58,503 Oh, yeah. Like what? 214 00:16:58,503 --> 00:17:00,503 Like, erm... 215 00:17:00,503 --> 00:17:02,503 swimming the Channel? 216 00:17:05,503 --> 00:17:07,503 Disguising beached whales. 217 00:17:09,503 --> 00:17:11,503 Recreating a lunar eclipse. 218 00:17:36,503 --> 00:17:39,503 Meet me at the car in a minute. OK? 219 00:17:41,503 --> 00:17:43,503 If you're here to talk to Mandy Matthews, 220 00:17:43,503 --> 00:17:45,503 you're out of fucking line. I'm here to talk to you, sir. 221 00:17:45,503 --> 00:17:47,343 You weren't answering your phone. 222 00:17:47,343 --> 00:17:49,183 Talk to me in the morning, I'm taking Mandy home. 223 00:17:49,183 --> 00:17:50,703 Lizzie Adama has done a runner. 224 00:17:50,703 --> 00:17:52,503 She's missing. 225 00:17:52,503 --> 00:17:55,503 She didn't talk to my officer at the scene, she just went home. 226 00:17:55,503 --> 00:17:57,503 I hear you authorised that. 227 00:17:58,503 --> 00:18:01,503 She was upset, for obvious reasons. She needed a break. 228 00:18:01,503 --> 00:18:04,503 She's police, she knows the drill, so do you. 229 00:18:04,503 --> 00:18:07,503 Do you know why she ran or where she might've gone? 230 00:18:07,503 --> 00:18:09,023 No. 231 00:18:09,023 --> 00:18:12,503 We need to find her. I'm gonna go public, put her face out there. 232 00:18:12,503 --> 00:18:13,503 Do not do that. 233 00:18:13,503 --> 00:18:15,703 Excuse me? I said don't do that. 234 00:18:15,703 --> 00:18:19,503 Going public would wreck her career, and that would destroy her. 235 00:18:19,503 --> 00:18:20,543 I'm worried about her, not her career. 236 00:18:20,543 --> 00:18:23,183 You worried about risking her life? What do you mean? 237 00:18:23,183 --> 00:18:25,503 She's a significant witness in a sex trafficking case. 238 00:18:25,503 --> 00:18:28,503 The suspect is missing and dangerous. 239 00:18:28,503 --> 00:18:30,503 Who's the suspect? Laszlo Kovacs. 240 00:18:30,503 --> 00:18:33,503 Beat up one of his girls, Cosmina, fractured her skull. 241 00:18:33,503 --> 00:18:34,503 Lizzie saw Kovacs at the scene. 242 00:18:34,503 --> 00:18:36,503 She makes the case against him simple. 243 00:18:36,503 --> 00:18:38,503 How does it connect to Portland Tower? 244 00:18:38,503 --> 00:18:40,503 Kovacs' mobile was activated near the tower today. 245 00:18:40,503 --> 00:18:42,503 Now that could just be coincidence, 246 00:18:42,503 --> 00:18:45,503 but if I were you, I'd go check it out. So go check it out. 247 00:19:09,503 --> 00:19:11,503 Is this because of my call? 248 00:19:11,503 --> 00:19:13,503 It is indeed. May we come in? 249 00:19:19,503 --> 00:19:21,503 That's Ben. He thinks he's a bear. 250 00:19:23,503 --> 00:19:26,503 Mrs Stoddard, will you tell us what...? 251 00:19:26,503 --> 00:19:29,503 Carrie, please. A cup of tea, coffee? 252 00:19:29,503 --> 00:19:31,503 Cup of tea, very nice, thank you. 253 00:19:35,503 --> 00:19:38,343 You called about some criminal damage? 254 00:19:38,343 --> 00:19:42,503 It's my neighbour, the Mehennis, Younes Mehenni. 255 00:19:42,503 --> 00:19:44,543 I have no quarrel with his daughter, none at all. 256 00:19:44,543 --> 00:19:48,503 The council moved them next door about two months ago. 257 00:19:48,503 --> 00:19:50,503 I've tried to be friendly, 258 00:19:50,503 --> 00:19:53,503 they're from Libya and they've been through a lot. 259 00:19:53,503 --> 00:19:56,543 So, what actually happened? Milk? Sugar? 260 00:19:56,543 --> 00:20:00,543 Milk, please. And sugar. 261 00:20:00,543 --> 00:20:03,503 It started with the rubbish. 262 00:20:03,503 --> 00:20:08,503 First, it was all over the place, I mean, every day. 263 00:20:08,503 --> 00:20:10,703 I spoke to the housing officer about it, 264 00:20:10,703 --> 00:20:13,023 but then our bins started getting knocked over. 265 00:20:13,023 --> 00:20:15,503 Not once - two or three times. 266 00:20:15,503 --> 00:20:19,503 After the rubbish, there was rudeness in the street, 267 00:20:19,503 --> 00:20:21,503 I mean real anger. 268 00:20:21,503 --> 00:20:26,503 And then the car. The mirrors, the wipers, dents... 269 00:20:26,503 --> 00:20:30,503 It might seem like nothing to you, but it's just me and Ben here. 270 00:20:33,503 --> 00:20:36,183 And I'm... 271 00:20:36,183 --> 00:20:39,503 Well, I'm... scared. 272 00:20:39,503 --> 00:20:42,503 I'm afraid if we can't connect Mr Mehenni to any specific... 273 00:20:42,503 --> 00:20:46,503 But I can. I have it on my phone 274 00:20:46,503 --> 00:20:52,503 It was pure chance, I was upstairs and I saw... 275 00:20:52,503 --> 00:20:54,503 Well, I'll show you. 276 00:21:02,503 --> 00:21:07,503 Like I said, I'm scared. I mean, what will he do next? 277 00:21:09,503 --> 00:21:11,503 We'll talk to Mr Mehenni. 278 00:21:11,503 --> 00:21:14,863 You shouldn't be scared. Not in your own home. 279 00:21:27,503 --> 00:21:30,503 'I told you, I don't want police.' 280 00:21:30,503 --> 00:21:31,503 I don't want to talk to you, 281 00:21:31,503 --> 00:21:34,503 and I absolutely don't want you talking to my boy. 282 00:21:34,503 --> 00:21:36,543 I do understand. 283 00:21:36,543 --> 00:21:39,543 But I have a legal duty to try to find out what happened. 284 00:21:39,543 --> 00:21:41,503 Let me tell you what happened. 285 00:21:41,503 --> 00:21:42,863 I asked the police for help 286 00:21:42,863 --> 00:21:45,343 because our life here was becoming unliveable, 287 00:21:45,343 --> 00:21:46,543 and the next thing I know is that... 288 00:21:48,503 --> 00:21:50,503 That girl kidnaps my little boy 289 00:21:50,503 --> 00:21:53,503 and drags him to the top of a tower block. 290 00:21:53,503 --> 00:21:57,503 I agree. It was an appalling thing to do. 291 00:21:57,503 --> 00:22:00,503 But why did she? Do you have any idea? 292 00:22:00,503 --> 00:22:04,503 Because she was mad. Her whole family is mad. 293 00:22:04,503 --> 00:22:08,503 I don't care what they've been through, she nearly killed my son. 294 00:22:09,863 --> 00:22:12,503 You've both had a terrible experience. I know. 295 00:22:12,503 --> 00:22:15,503 But it would really help us if we could talk to Ben, 296 00:22:15,503 --> 00:22:18,503 it might even help Ben process what... 297 00:22:20,503 --> 00:22:22,503 Do you have children? 298 00:22:23,503 --> 00:22:25,343 No. 299 00:22:25,343 --> 00:22:27,183 No. 300 00:22:27,183 --> 00:22:28,503 I didn't think so. 301 00:22:31,503 --> 00:22:33,503 You're not talking to him. 302 00:22:56,503 --> 00:22:59,023 Hello. Is your son in, Younes? 303 00:23:00,503 --> 00:23:03,023 Can we come in, talk to Younes? 304 00:23:03,023 --> 00:23:04,343 Younes? Yes? 305 00:23:05,503 --> 00:23:08,023 Oh. Thank you, that's very kind. 306 00:23:11,023 --> 00:23:13,503 I'll check upstairs. 307 00:23:48,503 --> 00:23:50,343 Speak man through English. 308 00:23:50,343 --> 00:23:52,543 I'm sorry, I can't do that. 309 00:24:14,343 --> 00:24:17,503 'Hello? Can you hear me? Talk to me at once!' 310 00:24:17,503 --> 00:24:18,503 Give it. 311 00:24:19,503 --> 00:24:20,503 Hello, can I help you? 312 00:24:20,503 --> 00:24:23,023 'What are you doing there? Do you have a warrant? 313 00:24:23,023 --> 00:24:24,703 'You must have a warrant, otherwise...' 314 00:24:24,703 --> 00:24:27,503 No, we don't, we don't need a warrant, all right? 315 00:24:27,503 --> 00:24:29,503 Mrs Mehenni, she invited us in. 'She says you pushed in...' 316 00:24:32,023 --> 00:24:33,503 Starting Body Worn Video! 317 00:24:36,503 --> 00:24:37,503 Keys. 318 00:24:47,503 --> 00:24:49,503 Shit. Fuck. 319 00:24:49,503 --> 00:24:51,503 Please leave him alone. Please. 320 00:24:51,503 --> 00:24:53,503 Get out the way. Hold her! 321 00:25:05,503 --> 00:25:07,503 What were you thinking?! 322 00:25:07,503 --> 00:25:09,503 Please don't hurt my dad. 323 00:25:09,503 --> 00:25:14,703 What? We're not gonna hurt him... What's your name? 324 00:25:14,703 --> 00:25:17,503 Farah. 325 00:25:17,503 --> 00:25:18,503 Farah. 326 00:25:24,863 --> 00:25:28,503 I take it you have more questions? Yes, sir. 327 00:25:28,503 --> 00:25:31,503 Can you tell me why Younes Mehenni was arrested? 328 00:25:31,503 --> 00:25:33,503 Criminal damage, threatening phone calls, 329 00:25:33,503 --> 00:25:36,023 all started with a complaint from his neighbour. 330 00:25:36,023 --> 00:25:37,703 Carrie Stoddard, I heard you spoke to her. 331 00:25:37,703 --> 00:25:40,503 Didn't she tell you? She was too upset to tell me much. 332 00:25:40,503 --> 00:25:42,023 Well, that's hardly surprising. 333 00:25:42,023 --> 00:25:44,503 Is that why Farah took the boy, because her dad had been arrested? 334 00:25:44,503 --> 00:25:46,503 No. Farah took the boy cos she had a screw loose. 335 00:25:46,503 --> 00:25:48,503 How so? 336 00:25:48,503 --> 00:25:50,503 You have to ask? 337 00:25:50,503 --> 00:25:52,023 She kidnapped a child. 338 00:25:52,023 --> 00:25:54,703 She would've killed him, too, if Hadley and Lizzie hadn't intervened. 339 00:25:54,703 --> 00:25:56,503 They were bloody heroes. 340 00:25:56,503 --> 00:25:59,503 Lizzie was Mehenni's arresting officer. Is that significant? 341 00:26:00,543 --> 00:26:03,503 I don't think so. Someone had to arrest him. 342 00:26:05,503 --> 00:26:07,503 If that's all, I've got to ring Lizzie Adama's parents 343 00:26:07,503 --> 00:26:10,343 and tell them their daughter is missing. 344 00:26:11,503 --> 00:26:13,503 I meant what I said. 345 00:26:13,503 --> 00:26:15,503 She's at risk. 346 00:26:15,503 --> 00:26:16,543 I'm worried. 347 00:26:41,503 --> 00:26:43,503 'Control, this is 2023, 348 00:26:43,503 --> 00:26:46,503 'I'm at Portland Tower.' CONTROL: 'Go ahead, 2023.' 349 00:26:46,503 --> 00:26:50,343 'I can see the children on the roof. 350 00:26:50,343 --> 00:26:54,183 'They're right on the edge, there's a police officer, too. 351 00:26:54,183 --> 00:26:58,503 'A police officer's joined them.' 'Can you identify the officer?' 352 00:26:58,503 --> 00:27:03,503 'Um... I think it's 1272.' 353 00:27:03,503 --> 00:27:05,503 '1272 receiving Control...' 354 00:27:09,503 --> 00:27:11,503 '1272 receiving Control...' 355 00:27:11,503 --> 00:27:13,503 'There's another police officer up there.' 356 00:27:13,503 --> 00:27:16,503 'Why isn't he answering?' 'It's 1835.' 357 00:27:16,503 --> 00:27:19,863 'Have the officers got the children back from the edge?' 358 00:27:21,503 --> 00:27:24,503 'No. They're talking. 359 00:27:25,503 --> 00:27:27,503 'They're... 360 00:27:27,503 --> 00:27:30,503 'Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh...' 361 00:27:30,503 --> 00:27:34,183 '2023, update your situation, please.' 'They've fallen. 362 00:27:34,183 --> 00:27:36,503 'Oh, my God.' '2023, confirm, please.' 363 00:27:36,503 --> 00:27:38,863 'Oh, my God.' 'Who has fallen? 364 00:27:38,863 --> 00:27:42,503 '2023, who has fallen?' 365 00:27:43,503 --> 00:27:47,503 No, call it a night, Steve. Get in here as early as you can. 366 00:27:52,703 --> 00:27:55,503 We lost one of our best-loved officers, sir. 367 00:27:55,503 --> 00:28:00,023 People are grieving, and DS Collins arrives like Little Red Riding Hood, 368 00:28:00,023 --> 00:28:01,503 'stomping around, upsetting everyone. 369 00:28:01,503 --> 00:28:04,503 'I know it's her job, but does she have to do it at our nick?' 370 00:28:04,503 --> 00:28:06,343 It's like a slap in the face to every officer. 371 00:28:06,343 --> 00:28:07,703 Once Sarah gets the evidence she needs, 372 00:28:07,703 --> 00:28:09,503 she'll go back to Victoria House. 373 00:28:09,503 --> 00:28:13,503 What evidence, sir? This is about as open and shut as it gets. 374 00:28:13,503 --> 00:28:15,503 Farah Mehenni was bat-shit crazy, she killed Hadley 375 00:28:15,503 --> 00:28:18,503 and it's only by the grace of God she didn't kill that boy, too. 376 00:28:20,503 --> 00:28:24,503 Kieran, I don't mind you calling in the middle of the night, 377 00:28:24,503 --> 00:28:27,503 but if you wanna make a complaint about Sarah, 378 00:28:27,503 --> 00:28:29,503 you talk to your own guv'nor, not me. 379 00:28:29,503 --> 00:28:32,503 'I don't wanna make a complaint, sir, I'm just... 380 00:28:32,503 --> 00:28:34,503 'I'm just hoping you'll have a word with her, is all. 381 00:28:34,503 --> 00:28:36,503 'Because there's another issue...' 382 00:28:37,503 --> 00:28:39,503 ..Lizzie Adama. 383 00:28:39,503 --> 00:28:41,503 I hear she's gone missing. 384 00:28:41,503 --> 00:28:44,503 DS Collins is threatening to go public about her, 385 00:28:44,503 --> 00:28:45,503 and that is a very bad idea. 386 00:28:47,503 --> 00:28:49,503 Do you know who Laszlo Kovacs is, sir? 387 00:28:49,503 --> 00:28:52,503 'He's an organised crime target.' 388 00:28:52,503 --> 00:28:55,503 'He's a nasty bastard. 389 00:28:55,503 --> 00:28:58,503 'And he's got every reason to go after Lizzie.' 390 00:28:58,503 --> 00:29:02,503 We cannot risk exposing her. 391 00:29:19,503 --> 00:29:20,503 Hey, you. 392 00:29:20,503 --> 00:29:23,503 'Middle of the night and Sarah Collins is still awake.' 393 00:29:23,503 --> 00:29:26,503 Everything all right? 'The baby won't sleep. 394 00:29:26,503 --> 00:29:29,343 'I feel like I haven't slept for weeks.' 395 00:29:29,343 --> 00:29:30,703 Make Peter do some nights. 396 00:29:30,703 --> 00:29:35,503 'He does, he helps out... but still... 397 00:29:36,503 --> 00:29:40,503 'Are you working?' Yeah, but I can talk. 398 00:29:40,503 --> 00:29:44,503 'You seeing anyone?' No. 399 00:29:44,503 --> 00:29:46,863 'Plenty of fish in the sea.' 400 00:29:51,503 --> 00:29:53,503 I liked the one I had. 401 00:29:57,503 --> 00:30:00,863 'Shit. Sarah, sorry, I've got to go. I'll call you.' 402 00:30:02,183 --> 00:30:03,503 OK. 403 00:30:20,543 --> 00:30:23,503 Carrie Stoddard. Remember her? 404 00:30:23,503 --> 00:30:26,503 Carrie Stoddard's been making calls. Lots of calls. 405 00:30:26,503 --> 00:30:29,503 She even got through to the Chief Superintendent in person. 406 00:30:29,503 --> 00:30:32,503 Turns out Younes Mehenni rang her last night, 407 00:30:32,503 --> 00:30:36,503 told her to back off, or else. Or else what, guv? 408 00:30:38,183 --> 00:30:39,503 Carrie Stoddard was upset. 409 00:30:39,503 --> 00:30:41,503 Now, the Chief Superintendent is upset. 410 00:30:41,503 --> 00:30:44,023 Starter for ten, anyone, the qualities of shit are...? 411 00:30:44,023 --> 00:30:47,503 Oh, guv, ask me, I know that one. Yes, Hadley. Shit flows downhill. 412 00:30:47,503 --> 00:30:50,183 Correct... So, bearing that law of physics in mind, 413 00:30:50,183 --> 00:30:53,503 I guess my question is, why are you still standing here? 414 00:30:53,503 --> 00:30:54,503 Go nick Mehenni. 415 00:31:20,023 --> 00:31:22,343 Oops, sorry. 416 00:31:24,503 --> 00:31:25,703 You been here all night? 417 00:31:25,703 --> 00:31:27,863 I wanted to get the timelines clear. 418 00:31:27,863 --> 00:31:29,703 Anything on Lizzie Adama? 419 00:31:29,703 --> 00:31:32,503 Took 300 quid from a cash point in Peckham last night. 420 00:31:32,503 --> 00:31:36,503 No sign of her on public transport, Jez is checking car hire places. 421 00:31:36,503 --> 00:31:38,503 What about DI Shaw? 422 00:31:38,503 --> 00:31:41,023 He says that Lizzie's a key witness in an organised crime case. 423 00:31:41,023 --> 00:31:43,503 The suspect's still at large. 424 00:31:48,503 --> 00:31:51,503 That's him, Laszlo Kovacs. 425 00:31:51,503 --> 00:31:56,023 And that's his victim, one of his girls, Cosmina Baicu. 426 00:31:57,503 --> 00:32:00,863 Shaw thinks he's connected to this? Apparently Kovacs' phone 427 00:32:00,863 --> 00:32:03,503 puts him at Portland Tower yesterday afternoon. 428 00:32:03,503 --> 00:32:06,503 So... he was coming after Lizzie? 429 00:32:06,503 --> 00:32:08,543 Shaw says she makes a case against Kovacs. 430 00:32:08,543 --> 00:32:12,503 Maybe he was coming after her, maybe that's why she disappeared. 431 00:32:12,503 --> 00:32:14,503 Have a look at the case, see if he's a factor. 432 00:32:14,503 --> 00:32:17,503 Can you make it a priority? OK. 433 00:32:19,503 --> 00:32:21,503 So, what've you got there, then? 434 00:32:21,503 --> 00:32:24,503 999 calls, radio calls from yesterday. 435 00:32:24,503 --> 00:32:26,863 Guess who we never hear from. 436 00:32:26,863 --> 00:32:30,503 The two cops who were actually on the roof. 437 00:32:30,503 --> 00:32:33,503 They're first on the scene, but they don't turn on their bodycams, 438 00:32:33,503 --> 00:32:37,503 Lizzie isn't even wearing hers. They don't put up for the 999 call, 439 00:32:37,503 --> 00:32:39,503 they don't radio in when they arrive, 440 00:32:39,503 --> 00:32:41,863 and they don't answer when Control try to reach them. 441 00:32:41,863 --> 00:32:45,503 Nothing. Why? 442 00:32:45,503 --> 00:32:48,503 And there's something even weirder. Go on. 443 00:32:49,503 --> 00:32:55,503 17:36, Carrie Stoddard calls 999, her son has gone missing. 444 00:32:55,503 --> 00:32:57,703 17:40, the incident goes out over the radio. 445 00:32:57,703 --> 00:33:00,503 High risk, missing child, in a bear suit. 446 00:33:00,503 --> 00:33:02,343 What does Hadley Matthews do? 447 00:33:02,343 --> 00:33:06,503 He's out of station on an assignment, but at 17:41, 448 00:33:06,503 --> 00:33:10,023 when the only reported incident is a possible child kidnap, 449 00:33:10,023 --> 00:33:12,503 when no-one's even mentioned Portland Tower, 450 00:33:12,503 --> 00:33:14,503 he drops his assignment and drives like the clappers 451 00:33:14,503 --> 00:33:15,703 straight to the tower, 452 00:33:15,703 --> 00:33:19,503 like he knows exactly where the kidnapper's going. How? 453 00:33:20,543 --> 00:33:23,183 And why the silence? 454 00:33:23,183 --> 00:33:25,503 From both of them. 455 00:33:25,503 --> 00:33:27,503 What were they hiding? 456 00:33:28,503 --> 00:33:31,503 Hey. Thought I'd catch you. 457 00:33:31,503 --> 00:33:34,503 Good to see you, Steve, are you well? Yes, sir. 458 00:33:34,503 --> 00:33:36,503 Just wanted to let you know, this morning, 459 00:33:36,503 --> 00:33:39,503 we'll be releasing the names of the deceased to the press, OK? 460 00:33:40,503 --> 00:33:43,183 Any luck tracking down the female PC? 461 00:33:43,183 --> 00:33:45,503 Not yet, sir, and we're worried about her. 462 00:33:45,503 --> 00:33:48,503 Well, if you're asking to go public, sorry, the answer's no. 463 00:33:50,183 --> 00:33:52,503 Hope you're not over-complicating this. 464 00:33:54,503 --> 00:33:56,503 Quite a few things don't add up, sir. 465 00:33:56,503 --> 00:33:58,503 D'you want my take? 466 00:33:58,503 --> 00:34:02,503 A disturbed teenager stole a child, and only the heroic action 467 00:34:02,503 --> 00:34:06,503 of a 27-year veteran of the force prevented an even worse tragedy. 468 00:34:06,503 --> 00:34:08,503 Try to wrap things up here soon as possible. 469 00:34:08,503 --> 00:34:10,503 Get your team back to Victoria House. 470 00:34:10,503 --> 00:34:12,503 So, what's your next move? 471 00:34:13,543 --> 00:34:17,503 The disturbed teenager's postmortem. 472 00:34:22,503 --> 00:34:27,023 The deceased is a 15-year-old female, North African appearance... 473 00:34:28,503 --> 00:34:30,503 On initial examination at the scene, 474 00:34:30,503 --> 00:34:34,503 the injuries appeared consistent with a fall from a height... 475 00:34:42,503 --> 00:34:45,503 Farah. Hi. 476 00:34:46,503 --> 00:34:48,503 I've got to go. 477 00:34:50,863 --> 00:34:53,503 He's not in. 478 00:34:53,503 --> 00:34:55,503 You can come and look. 479 00:34:55,503 --> 00:34:57,503 Farah, we're not going to go away. 480 00:34:57,503 --> 00:34:59,503 A serious complaint has been made. By her. 481 00:35:00,863 --> 00:35:03,503 Yes, by her. 482 00:35:03,503 --> 00:35:06,503 And your dad phoning her last night didn't help, what was he thinking? 483 00:35:06,503 --> 00:35:08,503 She's trying to get us chucked out. 484 00:35:08,503 --> 00:35:11,503 Listen, it'd be so much better for him 485 00:35:11,503 --> 00:35:14,023 if he comes in and talks to us of his own free will. 486 00:35:14,023 --> 00:35:15,703 What will you do to him? 487 00:35:15,703 --> 00:35:19,503 If he comes in, if he tells the truth about what happened, 488 00:35:19,503 --> 00:35:22,503 I can try and sort it. Maybe just give him a caution. 489 00:35:22,503 --> 00:35:25,503 What's that? It's like a warning. 490 00:35:25,503 --> 00:35:29,503 If he comes in. If he tells the truth. 491 00:35:31,183 --> 00:35:33,503 Farah? 492 00:35:33,503 --> 00:35:36,023 If he comes, will you be there? 493 00:35:46,703 --> 00:35:48,503 That's my mobile number. 494 00:35:48,503 --> 00:35:52,503 If he comes in, call me, I'll make sure I'm there. 495 00:36:00,503 --> 00:36:03,343 The phone number in the girl's pocket. 496 00:36:04,503 --> 00:36:06,503 It was Lizzie Adama's mobile. 497 00:36:07,503 --> 00:36:09,503 Lizzie gave Farah her personal number? 498 00:36:09,503 --> 00:36:13,503 Till she changed it two days ago. What about the other thing? Kovacs. 499 00:36:13,503 --> 00:36:15,503 That phone trace at Portland Tower? 500 00:36:15,503 --> 00:36:17,503 Wasn't Kovacs, it was an associate of his, low grade. 501 00:36:17,503 --> 00:36:21,503 Kovacs could've been using his cell. So could his granny. 502 00:36:21,503 --> 00:36:23,503 Yeah, he's a nasty shit, 503 00:36:23,503 --> 00:36:26,343 but the organised crime guys doubt he's even in the country. 504 00:36:26,343 --> 00:36:28,503 I think Shaw sent you down a rabbit hole. 505 00:36:28,503 --> 00:36:31,503 Well, why would he wanna do that? Is he trying to...? 506 00:36:33,503 --> 00:36:37,503 Farah's phone. Wasn't in her bag or her pockets. 507 00:36:37,503 --> 00:36:39,543 Where is it? It wasn't on the inventory 508 00:36:39,543 --> 00:36:41,503 of her stuff from home or school. 509 00:36:41,503 --> 00:36:43,023 Well, then we should search them again. 510 00:36:43,023 --> 00:36:44,503 What about Lizzie and Hadley's lockers? 511 00:36:44,503 --> 00:36:49,503 We haven't searched them yet. What? That's an obvious priority. 512 00:36:49,503 --> 00:36:51,503 I was, but you sent me after Kovacs. 513 00:36:51,503 --> 00:36:55,503 No, Shaw sent us after Kovacs, like he wanted us to waste time. 514 00:36:55,503 --> 00:36:57,503 We have to search those bloody lockers. 515 00:37:08,613 --> 00:37:10,253 Hey, busy Lizzie. 516 00:37:12,253 --> 00:37:13,253 It's them all right. 517 00:37:14,253 --> 00:37:15,253 'We're en route. Do you want to join us?' 518 00:37:15,853 --> 00:37:17,853 You bet your arse I do. Where's your RVP? 519 00:37:17,853 --> 00:37:19,853 'Hold on a sec.' 520 00:37:21,853 --> 00:37:24,213 'Passing your nick in two minutes. We can pick you up.' 521 00:37:24,213 --> 00:37:26,853 Fantastic. I'll be in the yard. 522 00:37:28,853 --> 00:37:32,853 Sorry about that. It's about Younes Mehenni. 523 00:37:32,853 --> 00:37:35,853 Yeah, Guv, er, we went round, but we haven't been able to nick him yet. 524 00:37:35,853 --> 00:37:37,853 It's not about that. 525 00:37:37,853 --> 00:37:40,853 Apparently, Younes Mehenni's solicitor is making a complaint. 526 00:37:40,853 --> 00:37:41,853 What about? 527 00:37:41,853 --> 00:37:44,853 Don't have all the details yet, but he claims an illegal entry 528 00:37:44,853 --> 00:37:46,853 and that Hadley said something to the girl. 529 00:37:46,853 --> 00:37:49,853 You were with Hadley all the time, right? Not all the time. 530 00:37:49,853 --> 00:37:51,893 Was your body cam recording? 531 00:37:51,893 --> 00:37:55,853 Not till Mehenni showed up. Is there a problem here, Guv? 532 00:37:55,853 --> 00:37:58,853 No. No. No problem. It's fine. 533 00:37:58,853 --> 00:38:00,853 We'll sort it... 534 00:38:00,853 --> 00:38:03,853 I've got a lot of confidence in you, Lizzie, you know that? 535 00:38:05,853 --> 00:38:07,853 Hey. Want to come on this call? 536 00:38:07,853 --> 00:38:09,853 Go after a couple of real bad guys? 537 00:38:09,853 --> 00:38:11,853 I'd love to, but I... 538 00:38:11,853 --> 00:38:12,893 OK. 539 00:38:12,893 --> 00:38:15,693 I'll see you at Sergeant Tomo's leaving do. 540 00:38:15,693 --> 00:38:17,853 You're coming? Oh, yeah. 541 00:38:17,853 --> 00:38:18,893 Be there! 542 00:38:18,893 --> 00:38:20,853 I'm counting on it. 543 00:38:20,853 --> 00:38:22,053 See ya. 544 00:38:27,213 --> 00:38:29,853 Hello? 'Hello. PC Adama? 545 00:38:29,853 --> 00:38:31,853 'This is Farah Mehenni.' 546 00:38:31,853 --> 00:38:34,853 I have spoken to my dad. He's agreed to come in. 547 00:38:34,853 --> 00:38:36,853 So, are you there? 548 00:38:36,853 --> 00:38:38,853 Erm, when? 549 00:38:38,853 --> 00:38:41,853 Now. We're... We're down the street. 550 00:38:41,853 --> 00:38:44,533 OK, yes. I'm here. 551 00:38:44,533 --> 00:38:46,533 Just you, not the big policeman. 552 00:38:46,533 --> 00:38:48,853 'Remember, you promised you'd sort it.' 553 00:38:48,853 --> 00:38:51,853 Farah, I didn't promise... 'We're coming now.' 554 00:39:15,853 --> 00:39:17,853 Nothing. No phone. 555 00:39:17,853 --> 00:39:20,853 Nothing in Hadley's locker either. We better give the key back. 556 00:39:21,853 --> 00:39:23,853 Let me have it. 557 00:39:23,853 --> 00:39:25,853 Got an idea. 558 00:39:28,853 --> 00:39:30,853 Stay here, look busy. 559 00:39:31,893 --> 00:39:33,853 Hey, Debs, isn't it? 560 00:39:33,853 --> 00:39:36,853 Hey, master key for the lockers. 561 00:39:36,853 --> 00:39:41,213 Gotta sign it back in or DS Collins will kill me. She's a stickler. 562 00:39:41,213 --> 00:39:42,853 What's going on there, then? 563 00:39:43,853 --> 00:39:46,693 Sergeant Tomo's leaving do. 564 00:39:46,693 --> 00:39:47,853 Leaving? 565 00:39:47,853 --> 00:39:50,853 Why's he still here, then? 566 00:39:50,853 --> 00:39:53,053 Still got another week, poor bugger. 567 00:39:53,053 --> 00:39:55,853 Thanks, Debs. 568 00:39:55,853 --> 00:39:56,853 OK. 569 00:39:58,533 --> 00:39:59,853 DI Shaw notified Control 570 00:39:59,853 --> 00:40:02,213 he was putting up for the 999 call at the tower, didn't he? 571 00:40:02,213 --> 00:40:03,853 What time? 17:52. 572 00:40:03,853 --> 00:40:07,853 Seven minutes before that, he signed out the master key to the lockers. 573 00:40:07,853 --> 00:40:09,853 You're joking? 574 00:40:09,853 --> 00:40:11,853 A child's been kidnapped, 575 00:40:11,853 --> 00:40:13,893 people have been spotted on top of Portland Tower, 576 00:40:13,893 --> 00:40:16,893 a major incident right on his doorstep, 577 00:40:16,893 --> 00:40:20,213 and DI Shaw rushes off to search Lizzie and Hadley's lockers? 578 00:40:21,853 --> 00:40:22,853 Come with me. 579 00:40:27,853 --> 00:40:30,853 You want to put Detective Inspector Shaw under directed surveillance? 580 00:40:30,853 --> 00:40:33,853 We have evidence he's interfering in our investigation. 581 00:40:33,853 --> 00:40:35,853 What evidence? 582 00:40:35,853 --> 00:40:38,053 He sent PC Adama home from Portland Tower 583 00:40:38,053 --> 00:40:39,853 before we could take a statement. 584 00:40:39,853 --> 00:40:42,853 He wasted our time making us follow the Laszlo Kovacs angle. 585 00:40:42,853 --> 00:40:46,853 And we have just learned that right in the middle of the tower incident, 586 00:40:46,853 --> 00:40:49,853 he went and searched PC Matthews and PC Adama's lockers. 587 00:40:49,853 --> 00:40:51,853 I'd hardly call alerting you to a threat against PC Adama 588 00:40:51,853 --> 00:40:54,533 "wasting your time". I spoke to Organised Crime, sir, 589 00:40:54,533 --> 00:40:56,853 they don't believe the threat is imminent. Second. 590 00:40:56,853 --> 00:40:58,853 If I'm gonna request RIPA authority 591 00:40:58,853 --> 00:41:01,053 to put a highly-thought-of officer under surveillance, 592 00:41:01,053 --> 00:41:03,853 I'm gonna need better than him borrowing a locker key. 593 00:41:03,853 --> 00:41:07,533 Sir, DI Shaw is clearly obstructing this investigation. 594 00:41:07,533 --> 00:41:09,853 I must be able to... Could you give us a minute, Steve? 595 00:41:17,853 --> 00:41:18,893 You look tired, Sarah. 596 00:41:18,893 --> 00:41:20,853 I'm fine. 597 00:41:21,853 --> 00:41:23,853 Is everything all right on the home front? 598 00:41:25,373 --> 00:41:27,533 Everything's fine. 599 00:41:27,533 --> 00:41:28,853 Your ex. 600 00:41:28,853 --> 00:41:30,853 I hear she's had a baby. 601 00:41:30,853 --> 00:41:34,853 That's right. His name's Matthew. 602 00:41:36,853 --> 00:41:39,853 I-I can't imagine, but... 603 00:41:39,853 --> 00:41:41,853 I think that'd be difficult. 604 00:41:42,853 --> 00:41:44,373 You two were together a long time. 605 00:41:45,853 --> 00:41:46,853 I'm not sure I understand your point. 606 00:41:46,853 --> 00:41:49,853 You're under emotional stress and it's affecting your judgement. 607 00:41:49,853 --> 00:41:51,853 My judgement's fine, thanks. 608 00:41:51,853 --> 00:41:55,533 My concern is that this investigation 609 00:41:55,533 --> 00:41:58,853 is been manipulated to a conclusion already being pushed by the press, 610 00:41:58,853 --> 00:42:00,853 and, may I say, by you, sir. 611 00:42:00,853 --> 00:42:03,853 That this whole thing is the fault of a deranged teenager. 612 00:42:03,853 --> 00:42:05,893 That is not how any investigation should be run. So, on the record, 613 00:42:05,893 --> 00:42:10,053 I repeat my request for directed surveillance on DI Shaw. 614 00:42:10,053 --> 00:42:14,213 Do you ever wonder why you're still a DS, Sarah, at your age? 615 00:42:14,213 --> 00:42:17,693 Because I can't tell jokes to blokes in bars? 616 00:42:17,693 --> 00:42:18,853 Excuse me, sir... 617 00:42:18,853 --> 00:42:20,853 Jez just called. Lizzie Adama did rent a car. 618 00:42:20,853 --> 00:42:23,853 Jez found the place, he tracked the car on ANPR. 619 00:42:23,853 --> 00:42:25,853 It's sitting on a seafront in St Leonards. 620 00:42:25,853 --> 00:42:27,853 Well, aren't you lucky, Sarah? 621 00:42:28,853 --> 00:42:30,853 You better get down there and grab her. 622 00:42:32,853 --> 00:42:34,853 Sarah. 623 00:42:34,853 --> 00:42:35,853 I meant it. 624 00:42:35,853 --> 00:42:37,853 Lucky. 625 00:42:42,533 --> 00:42:44,853 It is still unclear 626 00:42:44,853 --> 00:42:47,533 why Farah Mehenni took the boy from his home. 627 00:42:47,533 --> 00:42:49,853 But neighbours say that the Mehenni family, 628 00:42:49,853 --> 00:42:51,853 recent arrivals in the UK, 629 00:42:51,853 --> 00:42:53,853 had difficulties settling into the community 630 00:42:53,853 --> 00:42:56,853 and that police have been called several times 631 00:42:56,853 --> 00:42:59,213 in response to complaints of anti-social... 632 00:43:05,853 --> 00:43:07,053 Yes, sir? 633 00:43:07,053 --> 00:43:10,853 Portland Tower. Is there anything you're not telling me? 634 00:43:10,853 --> 00:43:12,853 No, sir. 'So if DS Collins informs me 635 00:43:12,853 --> 00:43:13,853 'that during the tower incident, 636 00:43:13,853 --> 00:43:16,853 'you searched Hadley Matthews and Lizzie Adama's lockers,' 637 00:43:16,853 --> 00:43:18,853 is she lying? 638 00:43:20,853 --> 00:43:22,853 No, she's not lying. I searched them. 639 00:43:22,853 --> 00:43:24,053 'Why?' Why? 640 00:43:24,053 --> 00:43:26,853 Yes, why, for Christ's sake? 641 00:43:26,853 --> 00:43:29,853 I searched the lockers cos who knows what cops keep in them. That's why! 642 00:43:29,853 --> 00:43:32,853 'What if Hadley had betting slips or porn? 643 00:43:32,853 --> 00:43:35,053 'The story stops becoming about the cop who saved a boy's life' 644 00:43:35,053 --> 00:43:37,853 and starts becoming about a creepy sex addict. 645 00:43:37,853 --> 00:43:39,853 That's why I searched their lockers. Look, I'm sorry, 646 00:43:39,853 --> 00:43:41,853 but if DS Collins wants to come after me for that, 647 00:43:41,853 --> 00:43:43,893 then fine, she can have at it. 648 00:43:43,893 --> 00:43:45,853 'And did you find anything?' 649 00:43:47,853 --> 00:43:50,533 No, not a thing. 'Good.' 650 00:43:50,533 --> 00:43:54,853 DSI have tracked down Lizzie Adama, they should bring her in soon. 651 00:43:56,853 --> 00:43:58,853 Where is she? Is she OK? 652 00:43:58,853 --> 00:43:59,853 Let DSI handle it, Kieran. 653 00:44:02,853 --> 00:44:04,373 'Good night.' 654 00:44:04,373 --> 00:44:07,853 Lizzie Adama. She's that pretty young officer, isn't she? 655 00:44:09,853 --> 00:44:11,853 Yeah. 656 00:45:05,853 --> 00:45:06,853 Hello, Lizzie. 657 00:45:08,853 --> 00:45:10,853 Are you heading to your car? 658 00:45:10,853 --> 00:45:13,853 That's how we found you. Car rental. 659 00:45:13,853 --> 00:45:15,693 We just want to talk to you. 660 00:45:22,853 --> 00:45:24,693 Lizzie... 661 00:45:35,853 --> 00:45:36,853 Watch out, Steve! 662 00:45:46,053 --> 00:45:48,853 I think we're done protecting Lizzie Adama, don't you? 663 00:45:48,853 --> 00:45:50,373 You want to go public? 664 00:45:50,373 --> 00:45:52,893 I want her face on every TV in the country. 665 00:46:18,853 --> 00:46:20,853 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com