1 00:00:15,083 --> 00:00:16,916 According to Alpha and the girls' story, 2 00:00:16,916 --> 00:00:20,458 the Cult of Diablos is an enormous organization 3 00:00:16,917 --> 00:00:20,458 that runs on a global scale. 4 00:00:20,916 --> 00:00:22,750 Wow, that's pretty impressive. 5 00:00:24,083 --> 00:00:28,916 They said something about having to fight against it, 6 00:00:24,084 --> 00:00:28,916 then they scattered to the four winds. 7 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:31,416 But I get it. 8 00:00:31,791 --> 00:00:33,791 They're all grown up now. 9 00:00:34,625 --> 00:00:36,833 "This cult doesn't exist." 10 00:00:36,833 --> 00:00:41,083 "We can't play along with this travesty forever, 11 00:00:36,834 --> 00:00:41,083 so we're setting ourselves free." 12 00:00:42,125 --> 00:00:43,916 That's what they really meant. 13 00:00:49,166 --> 00:00:50,875 I guess I can't blame them. 14 00:00:51,166 --> 00:00:52,708 It was the same way in my old life. 15 00:00:53,208 --> 00:00:54,208 Wait for me! 16 00:00:54,333 --> 00:00:58,125 As everyone gets older, 17 00:00:54,334 --> 00:00:58,125 they forget about their superheroes. 18 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:02,541 Even back then, I was fighting my solitary battle alone. 19 00:01:04,208 --> 00:01:05,416 Magic! 20 00:01:07,458 --> 00:01:08,875 Magic... 21 00:01:09,333 --> 00:01:10,541 Magic! 22 00:01:14,041 --> 00:01:15,041 Magic... 23 00:01:15,333 --> 00:01:16,833 Magic! 24 00:01:17,125 --> 00:01:19,000 Magic, magic, magic! 25 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:20,375 Magic! Magic! Magic! Magic! Magic! 26 00:01:20,375 --> 00:01:23,208 Magic! Magic! Magic! Magic! Magic! MAGIC! 27 00:01:29,166 --> 00:01:30,625 It's always the same. 28 00:01:32,166 --> 00:01:34,833 Even if I end up the last person left in the world... 29 00:01:36,208 --> 00:01:39,083 I will keep striving to be the Eminence in Shadow. 30 00:03:14,083 --> 00:03:17,958 #3: Fencer Ordinaire 31 00:03:22,875 --> 00:03:24,458 The royal capital of the Midgar Kingdom 32 00:03:24,458 --> 00:03:26,916 is a giant metropolis with a population 33 00:03:24,459 --> 00:03:26,916 of more than one million citizens. 34 00:03:35,041 --> 00:03:38,875 At the age of fifteen, 35 00:03:35,042 --> 00:03:38,875 I enrolled in the same school as my sister, 36 00:03:38,875 --> 00:03:40,500 the Midgar Academy for Dark Knights. 37 00:03:41,583 --> 00:03:44,916 It's a super prestigious institution, where promising 38 00:03:41,584 --> 00:03:44,916 students from inisde and outside the kingdom 39 00:03:44,916 --> 00:03:46,833 gather for instruction... 40 00:03:46,833 --> 00:03:48,458 But... 41 00:03:50,916 --> 00:03:52,958 It's a medieval-style hierarchical society, 42 00:03:52,958 --> 00:03:55,541 so I still managed to get in, 43 00:03:52,959 --> 00:03:55,541 even though I'm just Background Character A. 44 00:03:58,166 --> 00:04:01,791 Of course, they still literally treat me 45 00:03:58,167 --> 00:04:01,791 like a background character. 46 00:04:03,375 --> 00:04:06,708 They're all, "Go stay in a cheap 47 00:04:03,376 --> 00:04:06,708 downtown apartment, hick!" 48 00:04:06,708 --> 00:04:08,541 Ahh, class society. 49 00:04:09,750 --> 00:04:10,958 Thanks for waiting! 50 00:04:11,208 --> 00:04:12,416 Hey. 51 00:04:12,416 --> 00:04:14,083 Whoa, what happened to your hair? 52 00:04:14,083 --> 00:04:16,000 We're going to be late, Cid. 53 00:04:16,000 --> 00:04:17,208 Sorry! 54 00:04:17,541 --> 00:04:20,125 For my friends, I selected trueborn, 55 00:04:17,542 --> 00:04:20,125 dyed-in-the-wool background characters: 56 00:04:20,125 --> 00:04:21,416 Skel and Po. 57 00:04:24,250 --> 00:04:25,250 Come on, hurry! 58 00:04:25,250 --> 00:04:27,041 Hey! Wait for me! 59 00:04:37,083 --> 00:04:38,291 Dammit! 60 00:04:38,291 --> 00:04:42,208 I wish they'd let us live in the dorms on campus 61 00:04:38,292 --> 00:04:42,208 like all the upper class kids. 62 00:04:42,208 --> 00:04:48,125 There's no place for bottom-of-the-pile nobles like us 63 00:04:42,209 --> 00:04:48,125 in the exalted abode of Her Highness and her kind. 64 00:04:48,916 --> 00:04:54,083 If we could get to be honor students like my sister, 65 00:04:48,917 --> 00:04:54,083 then they'd let us in the dorms up there. 66 00:04:54,083 --> 00:04:56,666 What, like become champions at the Bushin Festival? 67 00:04:57,291 --> 00:04:58,583 Not a chance. 68 00:04:59,416 --> 00:05:01,208 Seven months into my academy career, 69 00:05:01,208 --> 00:05:04,333 and I'm blending in quite nicely 70 00:05:01,209 --> 00:05:04,333 as a background student. 71 00:05:05,125 --> 00:05:08,166 In the midst of it, a day of reckoning has arrived. 72 00:05:08,375 --> 00:05:12,416 Anyway, you guys remember the penalty for the guy 73 00:05:08,376 --> 00:05:12,416 who scored worst in yesterday's test, right? 74 00:05:12,416 --> 00:05:14,708 We expect you to honor your word. 75 00:05:14,708 --> 00:05:16,541 I know, but... 76 00:05:17,166 --> 00:05:18,916 The penalty in question: 77 00:05:19,083 --> 00:05:22,625 Is to confess love to the most sought-after girl in 78 00:05:19,084 --> 00:05:22,625 school and suffer her brutal rejection. 79 00:05:22,916 --> 00:05:26,000 This is exactly the kind of background character event 80 00:05:22,917 --> 00:05:26,000 I've always wanted to experience! 81 00:05:32,541 --> 00:05:34,708 And the girl in question is... 82 00:05:35,666 --> 00:05:38,458 O, most beautiful Princess Alexia! 83 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:40,791 Goddess of our campus! 84 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:44,750 I humbly ask you to join me in 85 00:05:41,126 --> 00:05:44,750 pure and upright courtship! 86 00:05:48,708 --> 00:05:49,916 Not interested. 87 00:05:52,166 --> 00:05:53,833 That's a princess for you. 88 00:05:54,083 --> 00:05:57,125 I know she's destined for political marriage 89 00:05:54,084 --> 00:05:57,125 after she graduates, but... 90 00:05:57,125 --> 00:05:59,708 He wasn't a bad choice for 91 00:05:57,126 --> 00:05:59,708 someone to mess around with. 92 00:06:01,041 --> 00:06:04,500 N-now don't go getting cold feet on us now, okay? 93 00:06:04,833 --> 00:06:06,250 Don't worry. 94 00:06:06,250 --> 00:06:09,000 I spent all night figuring out how I was going to do it. 95 00:06:09,666 --> 00:06:12,416 Watch closely, and see how it's done. 96 00:06:12,750 --> 00:06:16,125 Behold the entirety of the world's most 97 00:06:12,751 --> 00:06:16,125 background-character-like love confession! 98 00:06:29,541 --> 00:06:34,000 Pr-Prim... Primness Alexia! 99 00:06:35,291 --> 00:06:37,166 I-l-l-l-l- 100 00:06:37,166 --> 00:06:38,625 I like you! 101 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:44,666 W-will you pl-pl-please be my 102 00:06:39,001 --> 00:06:44,666 g-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend?! 103 00:06:47,625 --> 00:06:48,958 That was perfect! 104 00:06:49,166 --> 00:06:52,000 This is exactly the Background Character A 105 00:06:49,167 --> 00:06:52,000 I've always wanted to be! 106 00:06:52,333 --> 00:06:55,791 Now I just need to wait for her to turn me down, 107 00:06:52,334 --> 00:06:55,791 and fall on my face while I run away in shame! 108 00:06:55,791 --> 00:06:57,000 All right, I will. 109 00:06:58,208 --> 00:06:59,208 What? 110 00:07:00,125 --> 00:07:02,416 I've been waiting for someone like you. 111 00:07:03,416 --> 00:07:04,833 Here's to our new relationship. 112 00:07:05,875 --> 00:07:07,750 Uh, sure... 113 00:07:09,291 --> 00:07:10,291 Why? 114 00:07:11,375 --> 00:07:12,791 Why? 115 00:07:13,291 --> 00:07:18,125 How did I get on the rom-com protagonist route?! 116 00:07:26,291 --> 00:07:27,500 Look, that's him. 117 00:07:27,500 --> 00:07:29,416 No way! He's way too average. 118 00:07:29,416 --> 00:07:30,958 This must be a mistake! 119 00:07:30,958 --> 00:07:32,375 I'm so gonna kill him! 120 00:07:32,375 --> 00:07:33,625 But who is he? 121 00:07:36,916 --> 00:07:38,416 You don't think it's weird? 122 00:07:38,708 --> 00:07:39,541 Oh, it's weird. 123 00:07:39,541 --> 00:07:39,958 Definitely bizarre. 124 00:07:39,542 --> 00:07:39,958 Oh, it's weird. 125 00:07:39,958 --> 00:07:41,208 Definitely bizarre. 126 00:07:41,208 --> 00:07:42,416 If I may be brutal, 127 00:07:42,416 --> 00:07:46,000 you have nowhere near the specs that would 128 00:07:42,417 --> 00:07:46,000 make you worthy to date Princess Alexia. 129 00:07:46,458 --> 00:07:48,500 I don't even think I would make the cut. 130 00:07:48,500 --> 00:07:52,375 If she'll take you, Cid, I think even I had a chance. 131 00:07:52,375 --> 00:07:54,583 I should have asked her out myself. 132 00:07:54,875 --> 00:07:57,333 I'm scared; I feel like there's a catch. 133 00:07:57,333 --> 00:07:59,708 I mean, we don't even live in the same world. 134 00:07:59,708 --> 00:08:00,916 Who cares? 135 00:08:00,916 --> 00:08:03,125 If you're lucky, you could get some 136 00:08:00,917 --> 00:08:03,125 sweet memories out of this. 137 00:08:03,125 --> 00:08:06,250 He's right! 138 00:08:03,126 --> 00:08:06,250 But if you want, I could trade place with- 139 00:08:09,250 --> 00:08:11,041 Mind if I join you? 140 00:08:11,250 --> 00:08:12,625 G-g-go aheav... 141 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:16,041 If th-th-this seat will d-d-do, by all meems... 142 00:08:17,583 --> 00:08:18,833 This sense of insignificance... 143 00:08:18,833 --> 00:08:21,041 Did I pick the perfect background characters 144 00:08:18,834 --> 00:08:21,041 for friends or what? 145 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:22,708 She's sitting the lower nobility seats! 146 00:08:22,708 --> 00:08:24,416 And she's so close to them! 147 00:08:27,041 --> 00:08:29,958 Wow, that's royalty for you. 148 00:08:27,042 --> 00:08:29,958 Look at all that food. 149 00:08:30,333 --> 00:08:32,125 I never manage to finish it. 150 00:08:32,541 --> 00:08:35,458 Honestly, I wouldn't mind having some of 151 00:08:32,542 --> 00:08:35,458 the lower-class options, but... 152 00:08:35,875 --> 00:08:37,458 Then can I have some? 153 00:08:41,500 --> 00:08:42,791 Mmm, delish! 154 00:08:42,791 --> 00:08:44,291 I'll have some of that, too! 155 00:08:45,000 --> 00:08:46,958 Hey, this isn't bad, either! 156 00:08:47,166 --> 00:08:49,666 I call it: Operation "Dump Me Already, Dammit!" 157 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:51,541 How's that? 158 00:08:49,667 --> 00:08:51,541 Disenchanted yet? 159 00:08:52,750 --> 00:08:56,791 I understand you're studying Royal Bushin fencing 160 00:08:52,751 --> 00:08:56,791 for your afternoon physical education? 161 00:08:56,791 --> 00:08:58,458 Uh, yes, ma'am. 162 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:00,958 I thought we could take the class together. 163 00:09:01,458 --> 00:09:03,291 No, I don't think so... 164 00:09:03,583 --> 00:09:05,916 I'm in Section Nine, the lowest of all the sections. 165 00:09:05,916 --> 00:09:07,333 That's all right. 166 00:09:07,500 --> 00:09:11,416 I put in a good word for you, 167 00:09:07,501 --> 00:09:11,416 and they opened up a spot in Section One. 168 00:09:12,458 --> 00:09:13,666 Yes, ma'am. 169 00:09:14,541 --> 00:09:17,666 And thus my lunch and 170 00:09:14,542 --> 00:09:17,666 Operation "Dump Me Already, Dammit!" 171 00:09:17,666 --> 00:09:19,250 came to an end. 172 00:09:20,208 --> 00:09:23,208 Skel and Po remained useless lumps to the bitter end. 173 00:09:25,041 --> 00:09:27,625 We have a new member joining our team today. 174 00:09:28,166 --> 00:09:29,625 I'm Cid Kagenou. 175 00:09:29,625 --> 00:09:31,000 Thank you for having me. 176 00:09:31,750 --> 00:09:33,250 I'd expect nothing less of Section One. 177 00:09:33,250 --> 00:09:36,541 Their adviser, Mr. Zenon, 178 00:09:33,251 --> 00:09:36,541 is the official royal fencing instructor. 179 00:09:36,916 --> 00:09:40,000 Unlike the lower sections, there's an 180 00:09:36,917 --> 00:09:40,000 all-encompassing air of constant vigilance. 181 00:09:40,375 --> 00:09:43,833 As you know, the Royal Bushin style that 182 00:09:40,376 --> 00:09:43,833 we study here is an original style, 183 00:09:43,833 --> 00:09:47,000 derived from the traditional Bushin school. 184 00:09:47,500 --> 00:09:49,875 You might say it's a new friend, like you. 185 00:09:50,333 --> 00:09:52,583 We faced a lot of pushback at first. 186 00:09:52,791 --> 00:09:58,291 But thanks to the much-lauded genius 187 00:09:52,792 --> 00:09:58,291 Dark Knight Princess Iris, the sister of our own Alexia, 188 00:09:58,291 --> 00:10:00,541 we've gained enough momentum 189 00:09:58,292 --> 00:10:00,541 to rival traditional Bushin. 190 00:10:01,083 --> 00:10:06,041 In other words, if you have the strength, you can 191 00:10:01,084 --> 00:10:06,041 successfully parry the skeptical eyes of the masses. 192 00:10:06,708 --> 00:10:08,041 Now... 193 00:10:08,041 --> 00:10:10,416 How much strength do you have? 194 00:10:26,791 --> 00:10:30,000 Alexia's attacks never land, 195 00:10:26,792 --> 00:10:30,000 and her movements are slow. 196 00:10:30,375 --> 00:10:32,208 She doesn't use much magic, either. 197 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:35,791 At first, I thought she was just 198 00:10:33,001 --> 00:10:35,791 matching her level to mine, 199 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:37,208 but she wasn't. 200 00:10:37,666 --> 00:10:41,291 The goal of this practice is to review 201 00:10:37,667 --> 00:10:41,291 our strokes and counterstrokes, 202 00:10:41,291 --> 00:10:42,833 and she is strictly adhering to that. 203 00:10:43,583 --> 00:10:47,541 Thinking back, before the lesson, 204 00:10:43,584 --> 00:10:47,541 she was copying my stretches. 205 00:10:48,291 --> 00:10:50,958 In a word, she's hyper-aware. 206 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:55,208 Perfectly honed technique that stays true 207 00:10:51,251 --> 00:10:55,208 to the basics and eschews any excess. 208 00:10:55,500 --> 00:10:57,125 But it's bland. 209 00:10:57,458 --> 00:10:59,041 Yup, very plain. 210 00:10:59,375 --> 00:11:01,958 The world sees her as far inferior to her sister, 211 00:11:01,958 --> 00:11:05,541 who is currently lauded as the most powerful 212 00:11:01,959 --> 00:11:05,541 Dark Knight in the kingdom. 213 00:11:06,041 --> 00:11:08,875 But her blandness is the result of a lot of effort. 214 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:11,958 It's proof that she has built up her skill in the basics, 215 00:11:09,167 --> 00:11:11,958 one step at a time. 216 00:11:18,041 --> 00:11:20,500 All right, that's all for today's lesson. 217 00:11:23,041 --> 00:11:24,458 Thank you for a good match. 218 00:11:24,458 --> 00:11:25,708 Thanks for a good match. 219 00:11:26,083 --> 00:11:27,291 You have a good fencing style. 220 00:11:27,291 --> 00:11:28,291 Thanks. 221 00:11:28,291 --> 00:11:29,916 But I hate it. 222 00:11:31,166 --> 00:11:33,000 It's like I'm looking at myself. 223 00:11:35,708 --> 00:11:39,916 Can I assume that that is your answer then, Alexia? 224 00:11:40,750 --> 00:11:42,375 Yes, that's right. 225 00:11:42,375 --> 00:11:44,583 I have decided to be his girlfriend... 226 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:46,458 Mr. Zenon. 227 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:49,875 Oh, please, you're acting like a child. 228 00:11:49,875 --> 00:11:52,625 You know you can't keep running away forever. 229 00:11:52,625 --> 00:11:55,708 I'm just a child. 230 00:11:52,626 --> 00:11:55,708 I can't understand those grownup problems. 231 00:11:55,708 --> 00:11:58,916 It hasn't been made public yet, 232 00:11:55,709 --> 00:11:58,916 but we are still betrothed. 233 00:11:58,916 --> 00:12:01,083 Oh, I get it; I see what's going on now. 234 00:11:58,917 --> 00:12:01,083 You're still only a candidate for my betrothal. 235 00:12:01,083 --> 00:12:02,083 Oh, I get it; I see what's going on now. 236 00:12:01,084 --> 00:12:02,083 If you'll give your consent, we can proceed with the arrangements. 237 00:12:02,083 --> 00:12:03,666 If you'll give your consent, we can proceed with the arrangements. 238 00:12:04,416 --> 00:12:08,833 For now, I'll blend into the background 239 00:12:04,417 --> 00:12:08,833 and just ride out this main-character-tier event. 240 00:12:14,416 --> 00:12:16,583 Want to stop by Mitsugoshi? 241 00:12:16,583 --> 00:12:17,583 Oh, yes! 242 00:12:18,083 --> 00:12:21,833 So basically, you don't want to 243 00:12:18,084 --> 00:12:21,833 get engaged to Mr. Zenon, 244 00:12:21,833 --> 00:12:23,750 and you needed a patsy to help you get out of it, right? 245 00:12:24,125 --> 00:12:27,958 That's why you chose a low-class aristocrat like me, 246 00:12:24,126 --> 00:12:27,958 whom you could control easily. 247 00:12:28,291 --> 00:12:29,625 Yes, that's right. 248 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:32,416 Sorry, but I don't want to attract any more attention, 249 00:12:32,416 --> 00:12:35,250 and I'm not interested in getting 250 00:12:32,417 --> 00:12:35,250 mixed up in your problems. 251 00:12:35,250 --> 00:12:37,875 That's cold, coming from my boyfriend. 252 00:12:37,875 --> 00:12:40,250 In name only, you mean. 253 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:42,666 As if you were any better, 254 00:12:42,916 --> 00:12:46,375 Mr. Cid "I Confessed Fake Love 255 00:12:42,917 --> 00:12:46,375 Because I Lost a Bet" Kagenou. 256 00:12:47,833 --> 00:12:49,750 I had a little chat with your friends. 257 00:12:49,750 --> 00:12:52,625 They turned beet red and sang like canaries. 258 00:12:53,125 --> 00:12:54,416 That's not very nice, 259 00:12:54,416 --> 00:12:56,958 toying with the pure heart of an innocent young girl. 260 00:12:57,291 --> 00:12:58,666 If the student body finds out, 261 00:12:58,666 --> 00:13:03,333 you may never see another 262 00:12:58,667 --> 00:13:03,333 peaceful day at this academy. 263 00:13:04,375 --> 00:13:05,958 Oh, dear, are you all right? 264 00:13:05,958 --> 00:13:08,250 Your face is awfully twitchy. 265 00:13:08,250 --> 00:13:09,666 I'm fine. 266 00:13:09,666 --> 00:13:12,625 My mouth twists like that because 267 00:13:09,667 --> 00:13:12,625 I'm twisted deep in my soul. 268 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:14,875 But I'm not as bad as you. 269 00:13:15,250 --> 00:13:16,666 Did you say something? 270 00:13:16,666 --> 00:13:18,000 Nope, not a thing. 271 00:13:18,458 --> 00:13:22,000 Anyway, I think I will have you 272 00:13:18,459 --> 00:13:22,000 carry on with this boyfriend act. 273 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:24,708 You can stop after that man gives up on me. 274 00:13:24,708 --> 00:13:26,083 Will he though? 275 00:13:26,541 --> 00:13:28,875 Anyone can see that I am out of my league. 276 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:30,916 I know that. 277 00:13:30,916 --> 00:13:32,875 I just need you to buy me some time. 278 00:13:33,250 --> 00:13:35,333 I'll take care of the rest on my own. 279 00:13:35,541 --> 00:13:37,458 I do not see this ending well. 280 00:13:37,750 --> 00:13:39,375 Blah, blah, blah. 281 00:13:37,751 --> 00:13:39,375 You are so whiny. 282 00:13:56,958 --> 00:13:58,166 Wow... 283 00:13:58,750 --> 00:14:01,500 Do I strike you as the type of man 284 00:13:58,751 --> 00:14:01,500 who can be bought with money? 285 00:14:01,833 --> 00:14:02,833 Yes. 286 00:14:05,708 --> 00:14:07,125 Well, you're right. 287 00:14:12,375 --> 00:14:13,375 Woof! 288 00:14:14,625 --> 00:14:18,708 My allowance from my parents isn't nearly enough 289 00:14:14,626 --> 00:14:18,708 to fund my Eminence in Shadow operations! 290 00:14:19,375 --> 00:14:21,250 Can I afford to let this chance slip by? 291 00:14:21,958 --> 00:14:22,958 No! 292 00:14:23,750 --> 00:14:25,375 Good boy. 293 00:14:28,416 --> 00:14:30,666 Such a good doggie, Fido. 294 00:14:31,791 --> 00:14:33,375 Now, fetch! 295 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:35,500 Woof! 296 00:14:38,291 --> 00:14:43,083 And thus I decided to continue 297 00:14:38,292 --> 00:14:43,083 my romantic relationship with Alexia. 298 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:49,708 Man! I had my eye on her, too! 299 00:14:49,708 --> 00:14:51,291 He's a gold digger. 300 00:14:51,291 --> 00:14:53,250 But seriously, who is that guy? 301 00:14:53,250 --> 00:14:57,333 Fortunately, everyone focused only on the fact 302 00:14:53,251 --> 00:14:57,333 that Alexia had a boyfriend. 303 00:14:57,333 --> 00:14:59,958 And I was able to sit back and play the role 304 00:14:57,334 --> 00:14:59,958 of the background boyfriend character. 305 00:15:13,458 --> 00:15:15,875 Mr. Zenon opted for the wait-and-see approach. 306 00:15:25,708 --> 00:15:26,916 Of all the... 307 00:15:27,375 --> 00:15:29,250 That man is so infuriating. 308 00:15:29,250 --> 00:15:31,916 He thinks he's so great, 309 00:15:29,251 --> 00:15:31,916 just because he has a little bit of skill with a sword. 310 00:15:32,500 --> 00:15:33,708 Sure, sure. 311 00:15:33,708 --> 00:15:37,125 You saw that phony smile on his face, 312 00:15:33,709 --> 00:15:37,125 didn't you, Fido? 313 00:15:37,125 --> 00:15:38,458 Sure, sure. 314 00:15:38,458 --> 00:15:39,791 You will say "sure" only once. 315 00:15:39,791 --> 00:15:40,791 Sure. 316 00:15:41,583 --> 00:15:45,208 As expected, Alexia was very prudent in public, 317 00:15:41,584 --> 00:15:45,208 but behind closed doors, 318 00:15:45,208 --> 00:15:47,416 she was a whirlwind of insults and spite. 319 00:15:48,208 --> 00:15:50,208 Debating her would be a waste of time. 320 00:15:50,708 --> 00:15:53,500 I must devote myself to the role of a robot 321 00:15:50,709 --> 00:15:53,500 who is programmed only to agree. 322 00:15:58,416 --> 00:16:01,250 You're a princess. 323 00:15:58,417 --> 00:16:01,250 Isn't your face enough to get you to the front of the line? 324 00:16:01,250 --> 00:16:02,583 Of course it is. 325 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:05,875 But the point is not to eat ice cream. 326 00:16:05,875 --> 00:16:09,125 It's to inform the entire world of my relationship. 327 00:16:09,125 --> 00:16:10,625 Oh, that makes sense. 328 00:16:13,416 --> 00:16:16,541 But what exactly is the problem 329 00:16:13,417 --> 00:16:16,541 with marrying Mr. Zenon? 330 00:16:16,541 --> 00:16:19,958 As a prospective husband, 331 00:16:16,542 --> 00:16:19,958 I think he's a pretty prime selection. 332 00:16:19,958 --> 00:16:21,625 Everything is the problem! 333 00:16:21,625 --> 00:16:23,791 I hate everything about his entire existence. 334 00:16:23,791 --> 00:16:27,500 But he's good-looking, 335 00:16:23,792 --> 00:16:27,500 and has status, fame, and money. 336 00:16:27,500 --> 00:16:29,791 And in fact, he is popular with all the other girls. 337 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:31,375 That's all just on the surface. 338 00:16:31,375 --> 00:16:33,791 It's easy to pretend to be perfect. 339 00:16:33,791 --> 00:16:35,208 That's what I do. 340 00:16:35,791 --> 00:16:38,666 I see, that's a very convincing argument. 341 00:16:38,666 --> 00:16:40,291 Did you say something? 342 00:16:40,583 --> 00:16:41,583 No, ma'am. 343 00:16:41,583 --> 00:16:44,916 Anyway, I don't judge only by what I see on the surface. 344 00:16:45,458 --> 00:16:47,208 Then what do you judge by? 345 00:16:47,625 --> 00:16:48,958 Flaws. 346 00:16:48,958 --> 00:16:51,333 Hmm, a very negative way to judge people. 347 00:16:51,333 --> 00:16:52,541 Sounds like you. 348 00:16:52,541 --> 00:16:56,958 That's why I have nothing against a guy like you 349 00:16:52,542 --> 00:16:56,958 who's totally average, full of flaws, 350 00:16:56,958 --> 00:16:58,291 and has no real redeeming qualities. 351 00:16:58,708 --> 00:17:01,250 Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment. 352 00:17:01,500 --> 00:17:04,083 If I may ask, what are Mr. Zenon's flaws? 353 00:17:05,250 --> 00:17:06,291 He has none. 354 00:17:06,291 --> 00:17:07,833 So he is a prime selection. 355 00:17:07,833 --> 00:17:09,041 No. 356 00:17:09,041 --> 00:17:11,166 There's no such thing as a human being with no flaws. 357 00:17:11,458 --> 00:17:16,166 If one did exist, they'd either be a massive liar 358 00:17:11,459 --> 00:17:16,166 or not right in the head. 359 00:17:16,166 --> 00:17:17,375 I see. 360 00:17:17,708 --> 00:17:20,333 Thank you for that totally arbitrary 361 00:17:17,709 --> 00:17:20,333 and biased response. 362 00:17:20,583 --> 00:17:23,333 You're very welcome, my ever-so-flawed Fido. 363 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:24,791 Here's your reward for today. 364 00:17:27,458 --> 00:17:28,458 Woof! 365 00:17:29,875 --> 00:17:31,708 So two more weeks passed, 366 00:17:31,708 --> 00:17:35,666 and I continued to play the boyfriend with 367 00:17:31,709 --> 00:17:35,666 no relationship progress worth mentioning. 368 00:17:42,666 --> 00:17:45,041 Your fencing is a mystery to me. 369 00:17:46,625 --> 00:17:49,125 You've got the basics down, 370 00:17:46,626 --> 00:17:49,125 but nothing more than that. 371 00:17:49,583 --> 00:17:53,125 There's absolutely nothing else to it, 372 00:17:49,584 --> 00:17:53,125 but I can't take my eyes away from it. 373 00:17:54,333 --> 00:17:55,333 Thanks. 374 00:17:56,000 --> 00:17:57,916 But I still hate it. 375 00:17:59,666 --> 00:18:01,000 What's wrong with you today? 376 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,250 Your fencing was unusually aggressive and sloppy. 377 00:18:04,500 --> 00:18:06,250 Just the ramblings of a white coat. 378 00:18:06,791 --> 00:18:08,750 You don't have to look at me like that. 379 00:18:12,583 --> 00:18:17,375 All my life, I've wanted to be as good as my sister Iris. 380 00:18:18,041 --> 00:18:21,791 But what I have has never been 381 00:18:18,042 --> 00:18:21,791 the same as what she has. 382 00:18:22,583 --> 00:18:25,583 So I figured it out on my own, 383 00:18:22,584 --> 00:18:25,583 tried to get stronger in my own way. 384 00:18:26,375 --> 00:18:27,708 And look where it got me. 385 00:18:27,708 --> 00:18:30,500 You know what they call me, don't you? 386 00:18:31,791 --> 00:18:33,041 The Fencer Ordinaire. 387 00:18:33,041 --> 00:18:34,250 Exactly. 388 00:18:34,833 --> 00:18:37,416 But your style is just as ordinary as mine, 389 00:18:37,916 --> 00:18:39,458 unfortunately for you. 390 00:18:40,291 --> 00:18:41,916 I don't think it's unfortunate. 391 00:18:43,208 --> 00:18:45,000 I like your fencing style. 392 00:18:49,833 --> 00:18:52,375 Someone told me the same thing once before. 393 00:18:53,416 --> 00:18:57,333 At the Bushin Festival, 394 00:18:53,417 --> 00:18:57,333 after I'd suffered a humiliating defeat. 395 00:18:57,625 --> 00:18:59,541 My sister said it to me. 396 00:19:01,375 --> 00:19:04,500 She could never understand what 397 00:19:01,376 --> 00:19:04,500 was going through my head. 398 00:19:05,166 --> 00:19:06,875 How pathetic I felt. 399 00:19:07,666 --> 00:19:10,375 I've hated my sword style ever since. 400 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:14,208 I'm not a great person. 401 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:19,416 If somewhere on the other side of the world there was 402 00:19:15,001 --> 00:19:19,416 an unfortunate incident that killed a million people, 403 00:19:19,416 --> 00:19:20,875 it wouldn't bother me. 404 00:19:21,041 --> 00:19:22,541 You are the vilest of scum. 405 00:19:22,875 --> 00:19:25,375 But there are things that would bother me. 406 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:29,375 They might be things that other people 407 00:19:26,001 --> 00:19:29,375 would see as worthless, 408 00:19:29,375 --> 00:19:33,000 but to me, they are the most precious things in life. 409 00:19:34,166 --> 00:19:37,250 That's why I like your fencing style. 410 00:19:49,041 --> 00:19:51,500 What exactly do you mean by telling me that? 411 00:19:52,458 --> 00:19:53,500 Nothing. 412 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:55,666 But if I did mean anything, 413 00:19:55,666 --> 00:19:59,375 it's just that I get pissed off 414 00:19:55,667 --> 00:19:59,375 when people diss the things I like. 415 00:20:00,041 --> 00:20:01,333 That's how I feel. 416 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:12,000 Oh... 417 00:20:21,708 --> 00:20:22,916 Goodbye. 418 00:20:32,416 --> 00:20:35,000 I guess this is the end of my unwanted relationship. 419 00:20:42,291 --> 00:20:45,750 Come on, Cid, you have to cheer up. 420 00:20:45,750 --> 00:20:49,541 I know it was wrong of us to rat you out, 421 00:20:45,751 --> 00:20:49,541 but you don't have to hold it against us forever. 422 00:20:49,541 --> 00:20:50,750 Yeah, yeah. 423 00:20:50,750 --> 00:20:51,750 So? 424 00:20:52,375 --> 00:20:54,041 How far did you get? 425 00:20:54,041 --> 00:20:55,041 With what? 426 00:20:55,041 --> 00:20:56,291 You have to ask?! 427 00:20:56,291 --> 00:20:57,541 You know! With her! 428 00:20:57,541 --> 00:20:59,375 You dated her for two whole weeks! 429 00:20:59,375 --> 00:21:01,083 There had to be a little... 430 00:21:01,083 --> 00:21:02,333 You know! 431 00:21:04,375 --> 00:21:05,833 I didn't get anywhere. 432 00:21:05,833 --> 00:21:08,375 Gah, you are such a good-for-nothing loser! 433 00:21:08,375 --> 00:21:10,666 If it were me, I would have gone all the way! 434 00:21:10,666 --> 00:21:11,875 I know, right? 435 00:21:11,875 --> 00:21:13,916 I definitely would have at least kissed her! 436 00:21:13,916 --> 00:21:15,916 No, a little farther. 437 00:21:13,917 --> 00:21:15,916 Maybe a soft caress. 438 00:21:15,916 --> 00:21:17,875 Or maybe something a little more hardcore! 439 00:21:32,750 --> 00:21:34,041 May I have a moment? 440 00:21:35,250 --> 00:21:37,250 Pl-please, go ahead! 441 00:21:37,791 --> 00:21:41,833 You should know that Princess Alexia 442 00:21:37,792 --> 00:21:41,833 did not return to her dorm last night. 443 00:21:43,875 --> 00:21:46,750 The Knight Order has been investigating it 444 00:21:43,876 --> 00:21:46,750 as a potential kidnapping. 445 00:21:47,166 --> 00:21:50,625 And as the last person to have been in contact with her, 446 00:21:47,167 --> 00:21:50,625 you have been named as a suspect. 447 00:21:51,333 --> 00:21:53,333 I would like to ask you some questions. 448 00:21:53,875 --> 00:21:55,333 I assume you're willing to cooperate? 449 00:22:07,916 --> 00:22:09,375 I realized something... 450 00:22:11,541 --> 00:22:14,250 I was in big trouble.