1 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:46,000 Directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi.(2021,74th Cannes) Based on Short Story in "Men Without Women: Stories"2014 by Haruki Murakami. 2 00:00:51,800 --> 00:00:53,932 From time to time, 3 00:00:56,467 --> 00:00:59,532 she starts sneaking into Yamaga's house. 4 00:01:01,100 --> 00:01:02,432 Yamaga? 5 00:01:03,267 --> 00:01:08,766 The name of her first love. He's a high school classmate. 6 00:01:09,767 --> 00:01:12,766 He's not aware of her love for him. 7 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:17,399 She doesn't want him to know, so that's OK with her. 8 00:01:18,233 --> 00:01:21,166 But she wants to know more about him. 9 00:01:22,100 --> 00:01:24,816 She wants to know everything about him, 10 00:01:25,383 --> 00:01:27,882 without letting him know about her. 11 00:01:30,550 --> 00:01:32,816 So she sneaks in. 12 00:01:33,250 --> 00:01:34,449 Right. 13 00:01:35,717 --> 00:01:41,382 When he's attending classes, she feigns illness and leaves early. 14 00:01:42,217 --> 00:01:45,982 Yamaga's an only child, and his dad's an office worker. 15 00:01:46,383 --> 00:01:48,816 His mom's a school teacher. 16 00:01:50,950 --> 00:01:55,382 So the girl knows there's nobody at home during the day. 17 00:01:57,650 --> 00:02:02,049 How does she sneak in? She's just an ordinary teenager. 18 00:02:02,683 --> 00:02:08,782 She takes a guess and searches under a potted plant by the front door. 19 00:02:09,283 --> 00:02:11,116 There's a key. 20 00:02:13,317 --> 00:02:15,282 What a careless family. 21 00:02:17,517 --> 00:02:20,482 She uses it to let herself into the house. 22 00:02:22,317 --> 00:02:25,216 She goes upstairs and opens a door. 23 00:02:26,117 --> 00:02:32,266 The number on the soccer uniform on a hanger tells her it's his room. 24 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:36,999 The room is tidy for a 17-year-old boy, 25 00:02:37,167 --> 00:02:42,866 and she senses that he has controlling parents, his mom in particular. 26 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:48,166 She breathes in. 27 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:51,866 She listens carefully. 28 00:02:53,600 --> 00:02:55,566 She hears silence. 29 00:02:57,700 --> 00:03:03,466 An amplified silence, like the sound through a hearing aid, fills the room. 30 00:03:07,300 --> 00:03:10,432 She lies down on Yamaga's bed. 31 00:03:13,467 --> 00:03:16,866 She holds back the urge to masturbate. 32 00:03:24,633 --> 00:03:29,232 Why? The limits of a television drama? 33 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:31,500 No. 34 00:03:33,233 --> 00:03:36,199 She has her own set of rules. 35 00:03:37,200 --> 00:03:40,599 Things she'll allow or won't allow herself to do. 36 00:03:44,683 --> 00:03:49,749 She can sneak into his house, but not masturbate there. 37 00:03:50,183 --> 00:03:51,182 Right. 38 00:04:15,183 --> 00:04:19,516 Then she leaves an unused tampon in his room. 39 00:04:19,617 --> 00:04:21,049 A tampon? 40 00:04:21,517 --> 00:04:24,016 - That's what you said. - That's so weird. 41 00:04:24,417 --> 00:04:27,916 More so than usual. Can this be adapted for TV? 42 00:04:28,383 --> 00:04:33,182 Don't worry. The producer said, it's for an innovative late-night slot. 43 00:04:34,217 --> 00:04:35,482 If you say so. 44 00:04:36,050 --> 00:04:40,016 So she takes out an unused tampon from her school bag 45 00:04:40,250 --> 00:04:42,716 and puts it in a drawer in his desk. 46 00:04:44,017 --> 00:04:46,582 What if his overprotective mom finds it? 47 00:04:46,850 --> 00:04:50,049 She feels a rush of excitement at the thought. 48 00:04:50,917 --> 00:04:52,399 She's kinky. 49 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:56,499 The tampon is a token, indicating she was really there. 50 00:04:56,667 --> 00:04:57,732 A token. 51 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:01,832 She continues sneaking in from time to time after that. 52 00:05:02,667 --> 00:05:04,666 She's aware of the risks. 53 00:05:05,167 --> 00:05:09,299 She's the type, who is trusted by her parents and teachers, 54 00:05:09,467 --> 00:05:11,332 so a lot is at stake. 55 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:14,566 Nevertheless, she can't stop. 56 00:05:15,067 --> 00:05:16,699 She can't stop. 57 00:05:17,300 --> 00:05:21,432 She sniffs around in his room, longing for his slightest scent. 58 00:05:22,567 --> 00:05:26,099 She always takes a token from his room when she leaves. 59 00:05:27,200 --> 00:05:30,566 A pencil or something that he won't notice is gone. 60 00:05:31,400 --> 00:05:34,532 And in exchange, she leaves a token of herself. 61 00:05:36,067 --> 00:05:37,799 At her most daring moment, 62 00:05:38,133 --> 00:05:43,466 she took off her underwear and put it deep in his chest of drawers. 63 00:05:45,533 --> 00:05:51,032 She feels that they are gradually mingling by exchanging such tokens. 64 00:05:51,433 --> 00:05:56,500 And that she is giving him the strength to escape his mother's control. 65 00:05:58,233 --> 00:06:00,199 That's it for today. 66 00:06:00,750 --> 00:06:02,116 I see. 67 00:06:02,950 --> 00:06:04,849 Want to know the rest? 68 00:06:05,183 --> 00:06:07,082 Yeah, I do. 69 00:06:08,683 --> 00:06:12,416 Shall I wait, or shall I write it? Which? 70 00:06:14,117 --> 00:06:15,782 You can still wait. 71 00:06:16,250 --> 00:06:19,916 Yeah. I want to know the rest, too. 72 00:06:20,350 --> 00:06:21,382 You really don't know? 73 00:06:21,550 --> 00:06:23,282 I never do, do I? 74 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:27,916 Well, I thought maybe this time it was about your first love. 75 00:06:28,083 --> 00:06:29,682 Of course it's not! 76 00:06:45,250 --> 00:06:46,282 Thanks. 77 00:06:52,783 --> 00:06:54,749 - Hello. - Hello. 78 00:07:00,517 --> 00:07:02,316 When does the curtain go up? 79 00:07:02,483 --> 00:07:05,016 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:00. 80 00:07:05,183 --> 00:07:07,149 I'll be cutting it close. 81 00:07:07,317 --> 00:07:10,732 Don't bother coming. You shouldn't slip out of a meeting. 82 00:07:11,400 --> 00:07:13,832 I'll bother. I want to see your play. 83 00:07:14,500 --> 00:07:16,799 - Break a leg. - Thanks. 84 00:07:42,400 --> 00:07:44,032 Not worth a curse.どうにもならん! 85 00:07:44,300 --> 00:07:46,566 (You say we have to come back tomorrow?) 明日戻って来なきゃいけないと言ったよな? 86 00:07:47,100 --> 00:07:48,299 Yes.ああ。 87 00:07:49,567 --> 00:07:52,466 (Then we can bring a good bit of rope.) じゃあロープの切れ端でも持ってくるのがいい。 88 00:07:53,933 --> 00:07:55,199 Yes.ああ、 89 00:07:58,600 --> 00:07:59,866 (Didi?)ディディ? 90 00:08:00,100 --> 00:08:01,032 Yes.うん、 91 00:08:01,933 --> 00:08:04,199 (I can't go on like this.) もう動けないよ、 92 00:08:06,200 --> 00:08:08,266 That's what you think. どうせ、やる事になるよ。 93 00:08:09,433 --> 00:08:14,032 (If we parted? That might be better for us.) もし別れたら?・・じゃあ、その方が いいかもな。 94 00:08:16,900 --> 00:08:18,799 We'll hang ourselves tomorrow. 明日来る奴らは、 95 00:08:21,217 --> 00:08:23,382 Unless Godot comes. もし、ゴドーが来なかったら、 96 00:08:23,783 --> 00:08:25,916 (And if he comes?) (じゃあ、来たら?) 97 00:08:27,850 --> 00:08:29,616 We'll be saved. 俺たちは救われる。 98 00:08:41,917 --> 00:08:43,749 (Well? Shall we go?) (おや?・・行くのかい?) 99 00:08:44,450 --> 00:08:45,349 Pull on your trousers. ズボンを上げろ。 100 00:08:45,517 --> 00:08:46,382 (What?) 何? 101 00:08:47,550 --> 00:08:48,716 Pull on your trousers. ズボンを上げろ! 102 00:08:58,000 --> 00:08:59,216 Yes? 103 00:08:59,217 --> 00:09:00,382 May I come in? 104 00:09:00,583 --> 00:09:01,916 Come in. 105 00:09:10,417 --> 00:09:11,349 What? 106 00:09:12,050 --> 00:09:13,382 It was great. 107 00:09:14,350 --> 00:09:16,216 Yeah? I'm glad. 108 00:09:16,917 --> 00:09:18,749 May I introduce someone now? 109 00:09:18,917 --> 00:09:20,082 Yeah, after I change... 110 00:09:20,250 --> 00:09:21,549 Takatsuki. 111 00:09:23,883 --> 00:09:25,849 Hello, I'm Takatsuki. 112 00:09:26,883 --> 00:09:28,482 Your wife kindly invited me. 113 00:09:28,650 --> 00:09:29,832 Don't say "wife." 114 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:31,832 I see you a lot on TV. 115 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:33,166 Thank you. 116 00:09:33,333 --> 00:09:35,866 He's in my new one, too. A good role. 117 00:09:36,033 --> 00:09:37,166 He always has a good role. 118 00:09:37,333 --> 00:09:41,032 Better than ever. He's the heroine's love interest. 119 00:09:41,300 --> 00:09:42,866 Yes. 120 00:09:43,067 --> 00:09:46,766 When I mentioned your play during the production meeting, 121 00:09:47,300 --> 00:09:48,832 and he said he wanted to come. 122 00:09:50,300 --> 00:09:53,632 I'd heard about your methods and was interested. 123 00:09:53,933 --> 00:09:56,832 They're so different. Multilingual. 124 00:09:58,100 --> 00:10:03,532 I'm not sure if this is the right sentiment, but it was moving. 125 00:10:03,800 --> 00:10:07,532 Really? You're a strange young man. 126 00:10:07,767 --> 00:10:08,999 Oto, please. 127 00:10:09,300 --> 00:10:10,266 It's true. 128 00:10:10,500 --> 00:10:12,432 Yes, thank you. 129 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:13,366 Don't thank me. 130 00:10:13,533 --> 00:10:15,666 I need to change, so maybe later. 131 00:10:16,933 --> 00:10:18,199 Excuse me. 132 00:10:19,433 --> 00:10:20,532 Good work. 133 00:11:23,917 --> 00:11:25,882 Sorry, did I wake you? 134 00:11:27,350 --> 00:11:28,716 You must be tired. 135 00:11:36,817 --> 00:11:39,982 My flight's Narita at 9:00, gotta run. 136 00:11:40,150 --> 00:11:41,549 See you. 137 00:11:42,183 --> 00:11:43,516 See you. 138 00:11:59,067 --> 00:12:00,332 You didn't have to come. 139 00:12:00,533 --> 00:12:02,166 Here. Uncle Vanya. 140 00:12:02,733 --> 00:12:05,399 I recorded it. About time you need it, right? 141 00:12:05,500 --> 00:12:07,000 Thanks. 142 00:12:11,367 --> 00:12:12,932 You'll miss your flight. 143 00:12:14,967 --> 00:12:17,332 See you. Take care. 144 00:12:17,767 --> 00:12:19,166 See you. 145 00:12:41,167 --> 00:12:43,399 Here, have some tea. 146 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:46,632 I don't feel like drinking tea. 147 00:12:47,667 --> 00:12:49,966 How about vodka, then? 148 00:12:52,267 --> 00:12:54,599 Nobody knows how I feel. 149 00:12:55,067 --> 00:12:58,549 I can't sleep at night from frustration and anger. 150 00:12:59,450 --> 00:13:01,482 I've wasted my time. 151 00:13:01,950 --> 00:13:05,082 I could have attained so much from life, 152 00:13:05,583 --> 00:13:08,149 but it's too late now at this age. 153 00:13:08,650 --> 00:13:12,449 Uncle Vanya, that's so boring. 154 00:13:13,050 --> 00:13:18,249 You speak as if your former convictions were somehow to blame. 155 00:13:18,850 --> 00:13:22,016 But your convictions were not at fault. 156 00:13:22,650 --> 00:13:24,949 You were the one at fault. 157 00:14:16,350 --> 00:14:18,999 - 158 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:22,351 - 159 00:14:22,352 --> 00:14:24,351 - 160 00:14:24,352 --> 00:14:26,351 - 161 00:14:26,352 --> 00:14:28,351 - 162 00:14:28,352 --> 00:14:30,351 - 163 00:14:30,352 --> 00:14:32,351 - 164 00:17:26,333 --> 00:17:29,799 - Hi there. - Hi. Did you get there all right? 165 00:17:29,967 --> 00:17:30,999 Yeah. 166 00:17:31,567 --> 00:17:33,332 Jury duty starts tomorrow? 167 00:17:33,833 --> 00:17:34,599 Yeah. 168 00:17:34,800 --> 00:17:37,116 How's your hotel? Comfy? 169 00:17:37,450 --> 00:17:39,249 They're all the same. 170 00:17:40,150 --> 00:17:42,549 Try any Vladivostok specialties. 171 00:17:43,050 --> 00:17:44,882 What's the specialty? 172 00:17:45,250 --> 00:17:47,382 I don't know, so I'm asking you. 173 00:17:47,783 --> 00:17:49,316 How lazy. 174 00:18:12,717 --> 00:18:15,682 A week later 175 00:18:26,350 --> 00:18:31,649 For 25 years he's been pretending to be someone he's not. 176 00:18:32,050 --> 00:18:36,649 Look at that swagger, acting like he's some kind of lord! 177 00:18:38,583 --> 00:18:42,482 You envy him, don't you? 178 00:18:44,350 --> 00:18:48,132 Yes, I do. I envy him a lot. 179 00:18:49,400 --> 00:18:51,699 Such good luck with women! 180 00:18:52,900 --> 00:18:57,466 Don Juan himself couldn't have had more experience! 181 00:18:58,967 --> 00:19:02,732 His first wife, who was my sister... 182 00:19:22,100 --> 00:19:23,299 Hey. 183 00:19:25,267 --> 00:19:26,266 What a relief. 184 00:19:27,500 --> 00:19:29,132 I'm OK. 185 00:19:30,367 --> 00:19:31,766 You're really all right? 186 00:19:32,000 --> 00:19:33,366 I don't know yet. 187 00:19:34,500 --> 00:19:37,632 They examined me. Still waiting for the results. 188 00:19:39,467 --> 00:19:41,299 Glaucoma in your left eye. 189 00:19:42,667 --> 00:19:44,266 Glaucoma? 190 00:19:44,733 --> 00:19:48,500 Damage to the optic nerve causing partial vision loss. 191 00:19:49,433 --> 00:19:54,499 Loss of vision in one eye is hard to detect because the other eye adapts. 192 00:19:54,967 --> 00:19:58,549 Which means that it doesn't impact daily activities, 193 00:19:58,783 --> 00:20:02,316 and by the time one notices it, it's often too late. 194 00:20:02,983 --> 00:20:06,116 You were lucky it was diagnosed early. 195 00:20:09,383 --> 00:20:10,982 Can I drive? 196 00:20:11,317 --> 00:20:12,982 It's not impossible. 197 00:20:13,650 --> 00:20:15,049 That means I can? 198 00:20:15,250 --> 00:20:17,949 Yes, if your symptoms don't worsen. 199 00:20:18,183 --> 00:20:19,716 How is it treated? 200 00:20:21,683 --> 00:20:25,816 The root cause of glaucoma is still unknown, so it can't be cured. 201 00:20:26,183 --> 00:20:28,716 The goal is to slow its progression. 202 00:20:30,217 --> 00:20:32,649 These eye drops lower eye pressure. 203 00:20:34,017 --> 00:20:39,316 You might doubt the effect, but you'll lose your vision if you stop using it. 204 00:20:46,650 --> 00:20:49,682 Make sure you use them twice daily. 205 00:20:56,183 --> 00:20:59,500 "Died February 25, 2001" 206 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:37,332 You wanted to drive today, didn't you? 207 00:21:38,733 --> 00:21:39,732 Why? 208 00:21:40,067 --> 00:21:42,666 Well, you just got your car back. 209 00:21:45,067 --> 00:21:47,799 I love you dearly, but... 210 00:21:48,700 --> 00:21:50,199 What, all of a sudden? 211 00:21:50,733 --> 00:21:53,166 There's one thing I can't stand. 212 00:21:54,633 --> 00:21:55,832 What? 213 00:21:57,000 --> 00:21:59,832 Your driving. Face forward. 214 00:22:03,067 --> 00:22:06,132 Why didn't you change lanes just now? 215 00:22:07,200 --> 00:22:10,366 Hey, that could be considered verbal harassment. 216 00:22:19,283 --> 00:22:21,282 Honestly speaking... 217 00:22:24,683 --> 00:22:26,882 did you want kids again? 218 00:22:33,483 --> 00:22:35,016 I don't know. 219 00:22:36,650 --> 00:22:39,382 Nobody can take her place, after all. 220 00:22:39,783 --> 00:22:41,782 But we could have loved them as much. 221 00:22:42,517 --> 00:22:46,216 There's no use in me wanting something that you don't want. 222 00:22:47,850 --> 00:22:49,116 I'm sorry. 223 00:22:50,717 --> 00:22:55,382 It's not your fault. I made that choice with you. 224 00:22:56,150 --> 00:22:57,682 So it's all right. 225 00:23:02,000 --> 00:23:06,982 I really do love you so much. 226 00:23:10,717 --> 00:23:12,016 Thanks. 227 00:23:14,650 --> 00:23:18,282 I'm so glad you're with me. 228 00:25:29,717 --> 00:25:35,249 One day, she remembers her previous existence. 229 00:25:39,383 --> 00:25:42,049 You mean that girl who sneaks in? 230 00:25:43,600 --> 00:25:47,599 She used to be a lamprey in her previous life. 231 00:25:50,433 --> 00:25:52,566 A lamprey? 232 00:25:53,933 --> 00:25:57,132 She was a noble lamprey. 233 00:25:58,233 --> 00:26:00,799 She didn't leech off the fish 234 00:26:01,200 --> 00:26:04,966 that passed overhead like other lampreys did. 235 00:26:06,867 --> 00:26:12,066 She fastened her suction cup-like mouth to a rock on the riverbed 236 00:26:12,533 --> 00:26:14,966 and did nothing but sway there. 237 00:26:26,700 --> 00:26:28,432 Until she wasted away 238 00:26:29,533 --> 00:26:33,032 and really became like riverweed, 239 00:26:33,800 --> 00:26:37,032 she clung to the rock. 240 00:26:39,533 --> 00:26:42,632 She doesn't remember how she died. 241 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:45,866 Did she starve to death? 242 00:26:46,700 --> 00:26:49,232 Was she eaten by other fish? 243 00:26:50,300 --> 00:26:55,016 All she remembers is swaying at the bottom of the river. 244 00:27:06,350 --> 00:27:10,882 In Yamaga's room, she suddenly understands. 245 00:27:14,883 --> 00:27:16,949 What she's doing here is the same. 246 00:27:20,150 --> 00:27:26,449 She can't tear herself away from his room, just like how she clung to a rock. 247 00:27:38,383 --> 00:27:43,116 Come to think of it, the silence in this room 248 00:27:44,350 --> 00:27:47,016 is very similar to under water. 249 00:27:52,117 --> 00:27:54,149 Time stands still. 250 00:27:57,983 --> 00:28:02,382 Past and present fade away. 251 00:28:04,633 --> 00:28:06,632 And she... 252 00:28:07,967 --> 00:28:10,799 becomes a lamprey again. 253 00:28:13,933 --> 00:28:15,766 She... 254 00:28:16,700 --> 00:28:20,899 begins to masturbate on Yamaga's bed. 255 00:28:22,400 --> 00:28:26,666 She strips off all her clothes one layer at a time. 256 00:28:33,367 --> 00:28:35,699 She'd forbidden herself from doing it, 257 00:28:37,467 --> 00:28:39,499 but now she can't stop. 258 00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:43,299 Tears fall, 259 00:28:44,167 --> 00:28:45,866 wetting the pillow. 260 00:28:48,367 --> 00:28:53,466 She thinks that those tears are her token for today. 261 00:28:55,800 --> 00:28:59,899 Just then, someone comes home. 262 00:29:09,500 --> 00:29:13,516 A door opens downstairs. 263 00:29:16,017 --> 00:29:21,216 She notices then that it's starting to get dark outside the window. 264 00:29:22,183 --> 00:29:23,482 Is it Yamaga? 265 00:29:24,217 --> 00:29:25,816 Or his father? 266 00:29:26,717 --> 00:29:28,349 His mother? 267 00:29:29,117 --> 00:29:33,116 She hears that person coming up the stairs. 268 00:29:35,217 --> 00:29:36,516 It's over. 269 00:29:37,283 --> 00:29:41,116 But now, she can stop at last. 270 00:29:43,183 --> 00:29:45,949 At last, it'll all end. 271 00:29:46,983 --> 00:29:51,682 She can finally escape the karmic fate from her prior life. 272 00:29:53,150 --> 00:29:57,282 She'll become a new person. 273 00:30:00,483 --> 00:30:03,482 The door opens. 274 00:30:38,800 --> 00:30:41,832 "Neither eel nor fish!? Lamprey." 275 00:31:16,700 --> 00:31:20,099 Do you remember yesterday's story? 276 00:31:21,767 --> 00:31:26,032 Sorry, I don't remember clearly. I was pretty much asleep. 277 00:31:26,200 --> 00:31:27,199 I see. 278 00:31:27,367 --> 00:31:28,732 Sorry. 279 00:31:29,633 --> 00:31:32,716 That just means it wasn't worth remembering. 280 00:31:34,583 --> 00:31:35,749 I have to go. 281 00:31:36,517 --> 00:31:38,082 You have plans today? 282 00:31:38,250 --> 00:31:41,616 I'm teaching a workshop. Didn't I tell you? 283 00:31:41,850 --> 00:31:43,082 No. 284 00:31:43,283 --> 00:31:44,582 Sorry. 285 00:31:45,217 --> 00:31:46,349 Are you driving? 286 00:31:46,517 --> 00:31:48,349 Yeah. 287 00:31:55,450 --> 00:31:58,116 Sorry, I still had it. 288 00:31:58,883 --> 00:31:59,949 Thanks. 289 00:32:00,117 --> 00:32:01,282 Can you handle it? 290 00:32:01,583 --> 00:32:03,916 - I'll be fine. See you... - Yusuke. 291 00:32:04,617 --> 00:32:07,049 When you return tonight, can we talik? 292 00:32:07,783 --> 00:32:10,882 Of course. Why do you ask? 293 00:32:12,283 --> 00:32:14,682 - Have a nice day. - You too. 294 00:32:21,883 --> 00:32:25,116 Is she faithful to him? 295 00:32:25,450 --> 00:32:27,882 Yes, unfortunately. 296 00:32:29,250 --> 00:32:32,016 Why unfortunately? 297 00:32:32,883 --> 00:32:37,582 Because that woman's fidelity is a lie through and through. 298 00:32:38,183 --> 00:32:42,632 There's an abundance of rhetoric, but no logic in it. 299 00:32:47,733 --> 00:32:49,466 My life is lost, 300 00:32:50,067 --> 00:32:51,732 there's no turning back. 301 00:32:52,167 --> 00:32:57,366 That thought haunts me like an evil spirit day and night. 302 00:32:58,667 --> 00:33:02,032 My past went by without event. It's unimportant. 303 00:33:02,967 --> 00:33:04,332 But the present 304 00:33:05,533 --> 00:33:06,999 is worse. 305 00:33:09,933 --> 00:33:13,366 What should I do about my life and my love? 306 00:33:14,133 --> 00:33:15,432 What happened... 307 00:33:18,500 --> 00:33:21,799 When you speak to me of love and romance, 308 00:33:22,500 --> 00:33:24,932 I feel like I'm in a daze 309 00:33:25,433 --> 00:33:28,199 and don't know what to say. 310 00:33:38,267 --> 00:33:41,732 Oh... Lord, have mercy. 311 00:33:42,733 --> 00:33:43,999 Sonya. 312 00:33:45,233 --> 00:33:46,799 I'm miserable. 313 00:33:47,733 --> 00:33:50,582 If you only knew how miserable I am. 314 00:33:50,883 --> 00:33:55,082 What can we do? We must live our lives. 315 00:33:56,817 --> 00:34:00,316 Yes, we shall live, Uncle Vanya. 316 00:34:01,617 --> 00:34:03,949 We'll live through the long, long days, 317 00:34:04,650 --> 00:34:07,049 and through the long nights. 318 00:34:08,317 --> 00:34:12,116 We'll patiently endure the trials that fate sends our way. 319 00:34:12,783 --> 00:34:17,416 Even if we can't rest, we'll work for others 320 00:34:18,350 --> 00:34:22,916 both now and when we have grown old. 321 00:34:24,283 --> 00:34:27,416 And when our last hour comes 322 00:34:27,750 --> 00:34:29,716 we'll go quietly. 323 00:34:31,016 --> 00:34:33,549 And in the great beyond, we'll say to Him 324 00:34:34,783 --> 00:34:37,249 that we suffered, 325 00:34:39,083 --> 00:34:40,916 that we cried 326 00:34:42,917 --> 00:34:44,682 that life was hard... 327 00:35:22,800 --> 00:35:23,632 Oto. 328 00:35:25,033 --> 00:35:25,999 Oto. 329 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:29,466 Oto. 330 00:35:51,467 --> 00:35:52,832 Hello? 331 00:35:53,833 --> 00:35:55,532 Please send an ambulance. 332 00:36:44,050 --> 00:36:47,016 "Oto Kafuku Funeral Service" "家福 音、葬儀式場" 333 00:36:50,883 --> 00:36:53,282 So sudden... a cerebral hemorrhage. 334 00:37:09,250 --> 00:37:13,582 For 25 years he's been pretending to be someone he's not. 335 00:37:13,817 --> 00:37:17,816 Look at that swagger, acting like he's some kind of lord! 336 00:37:18,350 --> 00:37:21,666 (You envy him, don't you 337 00:37:22,133 --> 00:37:26,066 Yes, I do. I envy him a lot! 338 00:37:31,667 --> 00:37:35,032 His first wife, who was my sister, 339 00:37:35,200 --> 00:37:38,166 was a wonderful, kind woman. 340 00:37:42,300 --> 00:37:45,032 And she loved him from the bottom of her heart, 341 00:37:45,867 --> 00:37:50,266 the way an untainted, noble human loves an angel. 342 00:37:53,700 --> 00:37:59,432 And his second wife, as you can see, is a lovely, smart woman. 343 00:38:04,800 --> 00:38:06,266 Why? 344 00:38:09,033 --> 00:38:10,766 (Is she faithful to him?) 345 00:38:11,700 --> 00:38:14,999 Yes, unfortunately. 346 00:38:16,400 --> 00:38:17,999 (Why unfortunately?) 347 00:38:21,133 --> 00:38:22,732 Because 348 00:38:26,100 --> 00:38:28,099 that woman's fidelity 349 00:38:31,617 --> 00:38:33,616 is a lie through and through. 350 00:38:48,317 --> 00:38:49,616 (Vanya...) 351 00:39:01,283 --> 00:39:03,082 (Don't talk like that.) 352 00:39:05,883 --> 00:39:07,749 (Come on...) 353 00:39:08,750 --> 00:39:10,716 (Shut up, Waffles.) 354 00:39:17,750 --> 00:39:21,516 (No, I'll have my say. My wife took off with her lover) 355 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:37,000 2 years later 356 00:39:41,733 --> 00:39:43,299 Of course.. 357 00:39:44,133 --> 00:39:46,032 I'm sure that 358 00:39:47,133 --> 00:39:49,066 the truth 359 00:39:49,700 --> 00:39:53,799 no matter what it is, isn't that frightening. 360 00:39:56,833 --> 00:39:59,532 What is most frightening 361 00:40:02,400 --> 00:40:04,366 is not knowing it. 362 00:40:21,167 --> 00:40:24,699 "Hiroshima Arts and Culture Theater" 363 00:41:24,000 --> 00:41:26,500 - 364 00:42:47,000 --> 00:42:50,166 - Are you tired after the long trip? - Not at all. 365 00:42:50,333 --> 00:42:52,466 Long time no see, Ms. Yuzuhara. 366 00:42:52,800 --> 00:42:57,666 Let me introduce you. Yoon-su will participate as the dramaturge. 367 00:42:58,633 --> 00:43:00,066 We've exchanged e-mails. 368 00:43:01,900 --> 00:43:03,932 As we explained over e-mail, 369 00:43:04,100 --> 00:43:09,616 your residency will be for 2 months until December, starting today. 370 00:43:09,883 --> 00:43:13,249 6 weeks of rehearsals and 2 weeks of performances. 371 00:43:13,417 --> 00:43:15,916 Auditions will already begin tomorrow. 372 00:43:16,417 --> 00:43:18,649 Here are the audition sheets. 373 00:43:19,050 --> 00:43:20,549 Thank you. 374 00:43:25,583 --> 00:43:27,949 We informed theaters around Asia 375 00:43:28,117 --> 00:43:31,382 and received applications from Korea, China, Hong Kong, 376 00:43:31,717 --> 00:43:34,249 Taiwan and the Philippines. 377 00:43:34,617 --> 00:43:35,382 Yes. 378 00:43:35,583 --> 00:43:37,849 I'll interpret Korean. 379 00:43:38,183 --> 00:43:42,249 People who can speak English will communicate with you directly. 380 00:43:42,517 --> 00:43:43,216 Yes. 381 00:43:43,383 --> 00:43:49,549 Actors from overseas were recommended by the local theaters' program directors. 382 00:43:49,717 --> 00:43:53,182 And we also received many applications from within Japan. 383 00:43:53,517 --> 00:43:56,082 Even I recognize some faces. 384 00:43:57,750 --> 00:44:00,082 I'll have a look. Can't wait. 385 00:44:01,283 --> 00:44:03,349 Now let's go to your residence. 386 00:44:03,583 --> 00:44:09,382 We found a place about an hour away by car, just like you requested. 387 00:44:09,583 --> 00:44:10,716 Thank you. 388 00:44:10,883 --> 00:44:13,382 On a scenic island, since you're here. 389 00:44:13,650 --> 00:44:14,582 An island, huh? 390 00:44:14,750 --> 00:44:19,499 Also, we've hired a driver for you according to our rules. 391 00:44:19,733 --> 00:44:23,966 So our driver will be handling your car, is that all right? 392 00:44:24,133 --> 00:44:27,299 About that... I'll drive my own car. 393 00:44:27,733 --> 00:44:30,699 I've got insurance. Please don't mind me. 394 00:44:31,000 --> 00:44:36,066 This isn't about hospitality, actually. We can't let you drive. 395 00:44:36,567 --> 00:44:37,532 What do you mean? 396 00:44:37,700 --> 00:44:41,966 An artist ran over a person by accident in the past. 397 00:44:42,133 --> 00:44:42,799 Yes. 398 00:44:43,800 --> 00:44:47,666 It was terrible. Since then, it's become the rule 399 00:44:47,833 --> 00:44:52,032 to provide a driver for our resident artists, no exceptions. 400 00:44:58,033 --> 00:45:01,866 I go over my lines while I'm driving. 401 00:45:02,700 --> 00:45:04,932 It's an important routine for me. 402 00:45:05,167 --> 00:45:09,599 That's why I asked you to book a hotel some distance away. 403 00:45:09,933 --> 00:45:11,299 We're sorry. 404 00:45:12,133 --> 00:45:15,532 We should have explained to you more clearly. 405 00:45:16,667 --> 00:45:22,099 There's a budget set aside for it, so the theater festival has to use it. 406 00:45:27,050 --> 00:45:31,416 If it concerns you, you're welcome to test our driver. 407 00:45:32,050 --> 00:45:35,882 But don't worry, the driver is very skilled. 408 00:45:39,617 --> 00:45:40,882 Let's go. 409 00:45:45,383 --> 00:45:47,449 Thank you for your understanding. 410 00:45:58,517 --> 00:46:01,249 I'll follow you in the official car. 411 00:46:04,517 --> 00:46:07,082 She's your driver. 412 00:46:09,750 --> 00:46:11,249 I'm Misaki Watari. 413 00:46:11,717 --> 00:46:14,916 This is Mr. Kafuku, our stage director. 414 00:46:15,583 --> 00:46:20,049 The festival hires her every year. She knows the roads well. 415 00:46:20,383 --> 00:46:22,082 She's an excellent driver. 416 00:46:23,683 --> 00:46:25,516 Nice to meet you. 417 00:46:27,917 --> 00:46:33,082 Sorry, but I still haven't agreed to having you as my driver. 418 00:46:35,367 --> 00:46:37,466 Is a test drive OK with yen? 419 00:46:37,733 --> 00:46:39,132 Yes, of course. 420 00:46:39,633 --> 00:46:41,666 No, I'll drive after all. 421 00:46:43,733 --> 00:46:45,132 I'm sorry. 422 00:46:46,167 --> 00:46:49,532 Is it because I'm a young woman? 423 00:46:51,233 --> 00:46:53,332 That's not why. 424 00:46:54,200 --> 00:46:58,699 This car is pretty old and has quirks. It's not easy the first time. 425 00:46:59,833 --> 00:47:00,932 Very well. 426 00:47:01,667 --> 00:47:06,466 Then if you sense any danger in my driving, you take the wheel. 427 00:47:06,800 --> 00:47:08,199 How does that sound? 428 00:47:35,300 --> 00:47:37,132 Do you prefer the passenger seat? 429 00:47:58,650 --> 00:47:59,582 Any problems with 430 00:48:01,150 --> 00:48:02,749 the electrical components? 431 00:48:02,917 --> 00:48:04,416 No, none. 432 00:48:04,717 --> 00:48:09,116 Sorry, but you said it was an old car, so I had to make sure. 433 00:48:09,917 --> 00:48:12,349 I've driven it 15 years and no problems. 434 00:48:12,950 --> 00:48:14,382 I see. 435 00:49:51,933 --> 00:49:54,099 Could you play the cassette tape? 436 00:49:55,833 --> 00:49:57,632 The cassette tape? 437 00:50:00,667 --> 00:50:01,832 Yes. 438 00:50:06,883 --> 00:50:08,782 I'm leaving. 439 00:50:10,483 --> 00:50:15,582 Vanya, please just drop it. Do you hear me ? 440 00:50:16,450 --> 00:50:17,382 I refuse. 441 00:50:19,250 --> 00:50:22,049 Wait, I'm not done yet. 442 00:50:23,050 --> 00:50:25,649 You destroyed my life. 443 00:50:26,283 --> 00:50:28,549 I've never lived. 444 00:50:29,750 --> 00:50:30,882 Because of you, 445 00:50:31,050 --> 00:50:35,849 I wasted the best years of my life and spoiled them. 446 00:50:36,783 --> 00:50:40,449 You're my foe. My bitter enemy. 447 00:50:43,083 --> 00:50:44,749 You fool. 448 00:50:45,917 --> 00:50:49,782 If this estate is yours, then take it. 449 00:50:51,083 --> 00:50:52,582 I don't want it. 450 00:50:55,183 --> 00:51:01,016 I'm leaving right now. This is like hell. 451 00:51:02,117 --> 00:51:03,782 I can't stand it. 452 00:51:05,883 --> 00:51:10,482 I'm gifted and intelligent. Courageous, too. 453 00:51:11,050 --> 00:51:16,466 If I'd lived normally, I might have been another Schopenhauer or Dostoevsky. 454 00:51:16,733 --> 00:51:18,299 I'm sick of this nonsense. 455 00:51:18,500 --> 00:51:20,166 I'm losing my mind. 456 00:51:20,400 --> 00:51:23,366 Mother, I can't take it anymore. 457 00:51:24,633 --> 00:51:26,832 Listen to the professor. 458 00:51:28,533 --> 00:51:30,899 Mother, what should I do? 459 00:51:31,200 --> 00:51:36,232 No, never mind. Don't say anything. I know what to do. 460 00:51:36,533 --> 00:51:39,132 I'll make you pay for this. 461 00:52:16,633 --> 00:52:18,432 Oh, I'll do it. 462 00:52:53,783 --> 00:52:54,782 What do you think? 463 00:52:57,350 --> 00:53:00,116 The Setouchi sea is tranquil and lovely. 464 00:53:02,850 --> 00:53:04,516 Her driving, I mean. 465 00:53:14,617 --> 00:53:18,782 I'll come pick you up at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. 466 00:53:20,117 --> 00:53:23,416 OK. Sorry it's so early. 467 00:53:23,683 --> 00:53:25,149 No problem. 468 00:54:42,783 --> 00:54:44,449 Shall I play the tape? 469 00:54:44,950 --> 00:54:46,749 Yes, please. 470 00:54:52,983 --> 00:54:55,916 Uncle, are you crying 471 00:54:58,417 --> 00:55:02,616 I'm not crying. It's nothing. Don't be ridiculous. 472 00:55:03,483 --> 00:55:08,949 Your eyes when you looked at me now looked exactly like your dead mother. 473 00:55:09,850 --> 00:55:12,849 Oh, Sonya. Your mother, 474 00:55:13,750 --> 00:55:16,116 my sister, where is she now? 475 00:55:21,383 --> 00:55:24,082 昔から、お悪かったでしすものね。 476 00:55:25,217 --> 00:55:28,682 ベーラ様もソーニャお嬢さんのお母様も。 477 00:55:29,250 --> 00:55:32,016 夜、お眠りになれませんでした。 478 00:55:32,350 --> 00:55:34,916 思い煩ってらっしゃったんですね。 479 00:55:35,450 --> 00:55:37,049 (行こう、マリーナ.) 480 00:55:37,850 --> 00:55:40,916 あなた、私のセリフまだ終わってないのに、 481 00:55:41,083 --> 00:55:42,416 まあいいわ。 482 00:55:43,183 --> 00:55:49,082 私も、この脚がね、痛むんです、ズキンズキンと。 483 00:55:55,000 --> 00:56:00,000 - OK、ありがとうございます。 - Thank you. 484 00:56:07,233 --> 00:56:09,132 さあ、次の方、Next,Please Come In. 485 00:56:14,233 --> 00:56:15,632 失礼します。 486 00:56:28,000 --> 00:56:33,000 Hi,My Name is Jamie Chung. I'm from Taiwan and my mother tongue is Mandarin. こんにちは、私の名前はジャニス・チャンです。 私は台湾出身で、母国語はマンダリン(北京語)です。 487 00:56:33,001 --> 00:56:37,000 I will play the part of Yelena. エレーナ役を希望します。 488 00:56:38,467 --> 00:56:41,432 高槻耕史です。 アーストロ医役を希望します。 489 00:56:42,024 --> 00:56:46,227 お二人が同じシーンに登場する。 そのため、夫婦で行動することになります。 490 00:56:49,267 --> 00:56:53,432 -君と彼女は希望した箇所が同じだった。 コンビでやってもらう。 -はい。 491 00:56:56,067 --> 00:56:58,799 彼女がエレーナで、どこからですか? 492 00:57:00,983 --> 00:57:02,982 ”あなたはずるい人だから、” 493 00:57:03,250 --> 00:57:04,282 はい。 494 00:57:04,283 --> 00:57:07,500 "From You're cunning Woman" はい。 495 00:57:08,117 --> 00:57:12,249 相手の言葉がわからないんですが、 これはフィーリングでも大丈夫ですか? 496 00:57:12,783 --> 00:57:17,249 -ああ、どうぞ、いつでも始めて。 -Whenever,Yoy are Ready. 497 00:57:38,550 --> 00:57:41,882 ははーん、あなたはずるい人だ。 498 00:57:42,417 --> 00:57:43,349 (どういう意味なの?) 499 00:57:43,517 --> 00:57:44,882 ずるい人だ! 500 00:57:45,050 --> 00:57:49,916 百歩譲ってソーニャ様が苦しまれている として、まぁその過程は良しとしましょう、 501 00:57:50,083 --> 00:57:50,949 でも.. 502 00:57:51,583 --> 00:57:52,916 (何を言っているの?) 503 00:57:53,283 --> 00:57:55,049 あなたは、よくご存じだ。 504 00:57:55,917 --> 00:57:58,849 どうして私が毎日こちらに伺うのか、 505 00:57:59,083 --> 00:58:03,016 どうして、誰に会いたくてここにやって来るのか! 506 00:58:04,250 --> 00:58:07,482 - あなたは魔物だ、かわいい顔を... - (魔物って..?) 507 00:58:08,050 --> 00:58:09,349 (どんな意味なの?) 508 00:58:10,017 --> 00:58:14,232 きれいな毛並みの 妖艶(ようえん)な魔物だ... 509 00:58:16,067 --> 00:58:17,532 あなたのような魔物には 生贄(いけにえ)が必要だ! 510 00:58:17,733 --> 00:58:19,666 (気でも狂っているの?) 511 00:58:22,000 --> 00:58:23,866 ずいぶん遠慮深いんだな、 512 00:58:25,533 --> 00:58:28,299 (私はあなたが思っているような 女じゃない!) 513 00:58:28,633 --> 00:58:30,199 (誓って私は下品でもないわ!) 514 00:58:30,400 --> 00:58:33,832 おっしゃる事などありません、 余計な言葉は要らない。 515 00:58:34,867 --> 00:58:36,566 美しい人だ。 516 00:58:38,200 --> 00:58:39,666 このきれいな手、 517 00:58:40,100 --> 00:58:41,766 (いい加減にして!) 518 00:58:44,500 --> 00:58:45,999 いいですか、 519 00:58:47,200 --> 00:58:49,632 これは避けがたい運命です。 520 00:58:54,600 --> 00:58:57,532 (やめて下さい。) 521 00:58:57,700 --> 00:58:58,999 (放っておいて、) 522 00:58:59,633 --> 00:59:02,932 明日、森までいらっしゃい、 523 00:59:04,000 --> 00:59:05,332 二時頃に、 524 00:59:05,700 --> 00:59:08,166 いいですね?いいですね! 525 00:59:08,433 --> 00:59:09,666 いらっしゃいますね? 526 00:59:09,833 --> 00:59:11,266 (放っておいて..) 527 00:59:19,300 --> 00:59:22,149 そこまで..失礼。 528 00:59:22,150 --> 00:59:23,900 ありがとう。Thanks. 529 00:59:47,383 --> 00:59:51,282 次が最後です、少し変わっています。 530 00:59:54,117 --> 00:59:55,449 (どうぞ[韓国語]) 531 01:00:17,550 --> 01:00:19,382 リー・ユナさんです。 532 01:00:24,583 --> 01:00:28,382 「韓国手話を使います」と、 自己紹介されています。 533 01:00:29,017 --> 01:00:30,299 ユンさん、わかるんですか? 534 01:00:30,967 --> 01:00:32,132 はい。 535 01:00:33,333 --> 01:00:37,166 (このシーンを選んだ人はいないので、 一人でオーディションを受けることに なります。) 536 01:00:38,867 --> 01:00:40,799 彼女は耳が聞こえるそうです。 537 01:00:41,133 --> 01:00:44,566 必要な事があれば、韓国語で 私が通訳します。 538 01:00:44,967 --> 01:00:46,299 いいですか? 539 01:00:46,300 --> 01:00:47,800 はい。 540 01:00:49,733 --> 01:00:50,899 始めて下さい。[韓国語] 541 01:01:07,633 --> 01:01:11,866 おじさん、盗ったのモルヒネ? 542 01:01:12,867 --> 01:01:14,499 出しなさい。 543 01:01:18,367 --> 01:01:20,466 どうして心配させるの? 544 01:01:21,667 --> 01:01:23,299 返して!おじさん。 545 01:01:30,833 --> 01:01:34,032 私の方がおじさんよりずっと不幸かもしれない、 546 01:01:34,933 --> 01:01:37,266 それでも私は自棄(ヤケ)なんか起こさない。 547 01:01:39,050 --> 01:01:45,949 命が自然に最期を迎えるまで、 耐え抜くつもり。 548 01:01:46,883 --> 01:01:48,316 だから、 549 01:01:50,417 --> 01:01:53,149 おじさんも自分の人生を耐え抜いて。 550 01:02:04,317 --> 01:02:07,216 大切なたった一人の私のおじさん、 551 01:02:12,000 --> 01:02:14,000 お願い。 552 01:02:15,517 --> 01:02:16,849 返して、 553 01:02:22,550 --> 01:02:24,682 私たちの事を思って、 554 01:02:26,283 --> 01:02:31,582 この悲しみを、、耐え抜いて。 555 01:02:41,683 --> 01:02:42,949 ありがとうございます、カムサムニダ。 556 01:04:29,000 --> 01:04:34,000 おはようございます。ここにいる皆さんが テスト合格者です。 557 01:04:34,100 --> 01:04:41,000 しかし、皆さんの役は既に 決まっています。 558 01:04:43,000 --> 01:04:50,000 今からそのリストを発表します。 同意なら契約書にサインして下さい。 559 01:04:58,450 --> 01:05:01,016 セレブリアコフ、Roy Lucelo. 560 01:05:01,350 --> 01:05:03,582 エレーナ、Janice Chang. 561 01:05:04,183 --> 01:05:06,349 ソーニャ、Lee Yoon-A. 562 01:05:06,817 --> 01:05:09,299 ヴォイニツカヤ、Kaoru Komagata. 563 01:05:10,133 --> 01:05:13,399 ワーニャ、Koji Takatsuki. 564 01:05:15,000 --> 01:05:17,399 アーストロフ、Ryu Jeong-Eui. 565 01:05:18,133 --> 01:05:20,366 テレーギン、Takashi Kimura. 566 01:05:21,067 --> 01:05:23,332 マリーナ、Yumi Eto. 567 01:05:25,000 --> 01:05:27,000 以上、That's All. 568 01:05:27,400 --> 01:05:30,799 すみません、僕がワーニャと いう事ですか? 569 01:05:31,367 --> 01:05:32,499 ああ、 570 01:05:32,867 --> 01:05:34,732 歳が違い過ぎませんか? 571 01:05:36,533 --> 01:05:41,466 メイクすればいい。 君以外も皆、実年齢のまま演じる わけじゃない。 572 01:05:44,667 --> 01:05:46,932 意に添わなければサイン しなければいい。 573 01:05:47,667 --> 01:05:49,466 別の役者に役がいく。 574 01:05:50,967 --> 01:05:55,099 誓約書にサインし終わったら 早速、本読みから始めます。 575 01:06:14,600 --> 01:06:18,949 (おめでとう、素敵だ) 576 01:06:19,583 --> 01:06:22,049 素晴らしい眺めですね。 577 01:06:24,650 --> 01:06:29,249 讃嘆すべき風景でございますね、閣下。 578 01:06:29,717 --> 01:06:33,482 木村さん、もっとゆっくり お願いします。 579 01:06:33,817 --> 01:06:35,649 - もっと? - はい。 580 01:06:36,150 --> 01:06:40,082 それでもっと皆に聞こえるように、 はっきりお願いします。 581 01:06:41,417 --> 01:06:42,282 はあ。 582 01:06:42,717 --> 01:06:43,982 続きから。 583 01:06:46,250 --> 01:06:52,882 讃嘆すべき風景でございますね、閣下。 584 01:07:00,000 --> 01:07:02,000 明日は、 585 01:07:04,000 --> 01:07:08,000 私たちは森に行かなくては、パパ。 586 01:07:10,350 --> 01:07:14,216 皆さん、どうぞお茶を。 587 01:07:16,383 --> 01:07:18,616 (よろしければ...) 588 01:07:19,117 --> 01:07:21,549 (早く、誰かに聞かれるから、) 589 01:07:22,383 --> 01:07:26,716 いや、言わせて下さい、あなたの事が 好きだ。邪険にしないで下さい。 590 01:07:26,883 --> 01:07:28,999 それだけで僕は幸せなんだから。 591 01:07:29,833 --> 01:07:32,899 私はここにはいられないわ。 592 01:07:40,133 --> 01:07:43,732 Thank you. Let's stop here for today. ありがとうございます。今日はここまでです。 お疲れ様でした。  -お疲れ様 593 01:16:18,550 --> 01:16:21,882 (どうした?そんな浮かない顔をして) 594 01:16:22,850 --> 01:16:26,282 Is it because you feel sorry for that professor? あの先生の事がかわいそうなのか? 595 01:16:27,617 --> 01:16:29,682 Leave me alone. 僕にかまうな、 596 01:16:31,083 --> 01:16:35,416 (Or because you're in love with his wife?) もしかして、君は彼の細君を愛しているのか? 597 01:16:36,217 --> 01:16:39,349 She's a good friend of mine. あの人は僕の親友だ。 598 01:16:41,083 --> 01:16:42,249 (Already?) もう、そうなのか? 599 01:16:43,533 --> 01:16:46,366 What do you mean by "already"? ”もう”ってどういう事だ? 600 01:16:46,367 --> 01:16:48,332 Stop. ストップ、 601 01:16:48,333 --> 01:16:50,199 Still too much emotion? まだ感情が入ってしまっていますか? 602 01:16:50,800 --> 01:16:54,532 Ryu i's doing it right. Emulate him. Continue. リュウはできてる。彼を真似てみろ。続きから、Please Continue. 603 01:16:58,900 --> 01:17:03,366 (There's a proper order for a woman to become a man's friend.) (男が女と友人になるのには順序があるんだ。) 604 01:17:03,833 --> 01:17:06,466 (First, she's an acquaintance,) (まず、彼女は知人であり、) 605 01:17:06,667 --> 01:17:11,899 (then she's lover, and finally, she becomes a good friend.) (その後、恋人になり、最後に 親友になるんだ。) 606 01:17:12,800 --> 01:17:14,866 What a banal philosophy. 凡庸な哲学だ。 607 01:17:15,067 --> 01:17:16,366 Takatsuki. 高槻、 608 01:17:18,233 --> 01:17:22,699 Try focusing on your text. All you have to do is read it. 一度、自分のテキストに集中してみろ。ただ読むだけでいいんだ。 609 01:17:28,000 --> 01:17:30,100 私たちはロボットじゃない。 610 01:17:30,500 --> 01:17:32,000 どんな意味だ? 611 01:17:33,000 --> 01:17:36,800 もちろんあなたの指示には従いますが、 612 01:17:36,801 --> 01:17:40,066 私たちはロボットじゃない。 613 01:17:41,000 --> 01:17:43,000 うまく読む必要はないんだ。Just Simple is The Best. 614 01:17:45,000 --> 01:17:47,500 君の意図がわかればいいだけなんだ。 615 01:17:50,070 --> 01:17:52,830 From where we left off, then. じゃあ、続きからもう一度、 616 01:17:56,000 --> 01:18:04,000 私はそれを見逃してしまったのか? また見落としてしまったのか? 617 01:18:11,483 --> 01:18:14,982 外したか?またしくじったのか? 618 01:18:15,217 --> 01:18:16,449 Damn it. ちくしょう! 619 01:18:16,817 --> 01:18:19,316 God damn it. えーい、ちくしょうめ! 620 01:18:20,917 --> 01:18:25,049 (Get me out of here.Kill me if you must.) (私をここから出して!必要なら殺して!) 621 01:18:25,283 --> 01:18:27,349 (I can't stay here anymore.) (もうここにはいられない!) 622 01:18:28,783 --> 01:18:33,449 What's wrong with me? What am I doing? 一体どうしたんだ、俺は?何をしているんだ? 623 01:18:35,000 --> 01:18:38,000 看護士さん、ちょっと! 624 01:18:45,717 --> 01:18:48,416 That's is All for Today. 今日はここまでです。お疲れ様でした。 625 01:18:53,950 --> 01:18:55,282 Mr. Kafuku. 家福さん、 626 01:18:55,283 --> 01:18:56,082 Yes? はい? 627 01:18:56,083 --> 01:19:00,382 Could we do a little interview for the festival website? 演劇祭のサイトに載せるインタビューに 少し時間をいただけますか? 628 01:18:59,390 --> 01:19:02,880 それを見逃したのか? また見落としたのか? 629 01:19:00,383 --> 01:19:01,882 Yes. はい。 630 01:19:01,883 --> 01:19:04,632 We need a video, so somewhere outside. 動画も撮りたいので外でもいいですか? ええ。 631 01:19:22,967 --> 01:19:26,199 All we do is read the text. ずっと本読みばかりねぇ。 632 01:19:27,300 --> 01:19:29,499 When will we start moving? いつになれば動くのかしら? 633 01:19:29,867 --> 01:19:33,366 Honestly, the foreign language-parts lull me to sleep. 正直、外国語のセリフばかりだと、寝ちゃいそうになるのよ。 634 01:19:33,567 --> 01:19:36,132 - Me too!- Me too. 私も。私も。 635 01:19:36,567 --> 01:19:41,166 - Though not in a bad way. そんな悪い意味じゃないんだけどね。 - Yeah, it's like hearing a sutra. ええ、お経聞いてるみたいな感じでね。 636 01:19:41,467 --> 01:19:45,199 Sounds like a blessing when you put it that way. なんだか、ありがたく思いたい。 637 01:19:51,833 --> 01:19:54,932 Yoon-su, where did you learn Japanese? 638 01:19:55,600 --> 01:20:00,266 I studied Noh in graduate school at Waseda University for 2 years. 639 01:20:02,367 --> 01:20:07,799 Korean, English, Japanese, and sign language. That's awesome. 640 01:20:08,700 --> 01:20:14,482 Japanese and Korean have similar grammar, so learning the vocabulary is enough. 641 01:20:14,783 --> 01:20:17,316 I've liked English from a young age. 642 01:20:18,050 --> 01:20:19,816 When did you learn sign language? 643 01:20:23,217 --> 01:20:27,949 Mr. Kafuku, you kindly offered to take me home. 644 01:20:28,950 --> 01:20:32,049 May I invite you over for dinner today? 645 01:20:32,883 --> 01:20:35,116 No, I don't want to intrude. 646 01:20:36,817 --> 01:20:40,416 There's something I have to apologize to you about. 647 01:20:41,150 --> 01:20:43,949 - What is it? - You'll know when we get there. 648 01:21:09,517 --> 01:21:12,016 Both of you, please come inside. 649 01:21:22,333 --> 01:21:27,699 Let's go. He probably doesn't feel comfortable making you wait hungry. 650 01:21:28,900 --> 01:21:31,666 There's no need to worry about that. 651 01:21:31,900 --> 01:21:35,332 I wouldn't worry. But I'm sure he will. 652 01:21:36,000 --> 01:21:37,366 Come on. 653 01:21:57,533 --> 01:21:58,966 My wife. 654 01:22:48,983 --> 01:22:50,882 She says it looks like me. 655 01:22:52,083 --> 01:22:53,382 That's mean. 656 01:22:56,317 --> 01:23:00,716 These potatoes are from the back yard. She grew them. 657 01:23:04,650 --> 01:23:09,182 This Is what I wanted to apologize to you about. 658 01:23:10,750 --> 01:23:12,549 Why didn't you tell me? 659 01:23:12,917 --> 01:23:18,082 She worried you might find it hard to reject her, if you knew she was my wife. 660 01:23:18,750 --> 01:23:19,582 No, I... 661 01:23:19,750 --> 01:23:21,849 You wouldn't mind, I can tell. 662 01:23:22,083 --> 01:23:25,516 But silence is golden. 663 01:23:28,417 --> 01:23:33,349 To answer your question, I learned sign language after meeting her. 664 01:23:34,117 --> 01:23:37,182 I wanted to know her language so I learned it. 665 01:23:38,583 --> 01:23:40,249 That's really something. 666 01:23:40,950 --> 01:23:42,999 She's originally a dancer, 667 01:23:43,200 --> 01:23:49,366 and I was the coordinator when her dance company performed in Busan. 668 01:23:50,800 --> 01:23:52,366 Love at first sight. 669 01:23:54,533 --> 01:23:56,032 Don't tell her. 670 01:23:59,333 --> 01:24:01,032 Why Hiroshima? 671 01:24:03,133 --> 01:24:06,232 I was invited to the theater festival 3 years ago. 672 01:24:08,200 --> 01:24:10,299 And Yoon-A came with you? 673 01:24:10,500 --> 01:24:16,399 Yes. When I got the offer, I debated whether or not she should come along. 674 01:24:16,800 --> 01:24:20,599 In Korea, she has family and friends who know sign language. 675 01:24:22,767 --> 01:24:25,466 I thought she would be lonely here. 676 01:24:25,767 --> 01:24:30,666 But I figured I could listen to her like a hundred people. 677 01:24:31,167 --> 01:24:35,332 I felt that I'm the only one, who could support her. 678 01:24:51,117 --> 01:24:53,949 Why did you decide to audition? 679 01:25:19,117 --> 01:25:22,182 "I got pregnant and took time off from dancing," 680 01:25:22,683 --> 01:25:25,816 "but had a miscarriage." 681 01:25:46,617 --> 01:25:50,749 "Although I wanted to work again, my body refused to dance." 682 01:25:51,083 --> 01:25:56,249 "That was when my husband told me about you and suggested I try it." 683 01:25:57,683 --> 01:25:59,482 Thank you. 684 01:26:00,300 --> 01:26:02,632 Is there anything hard about rehearsals? 685 01:26:19,233 --> 01:26:23,166 "Why do you ask me something, that you don't ask others?" 686 01:26:23,567 --> 01:26:27,532 "You don't have to be nicer to me than you are to other people." 687 01:26:34,867 --> 01:26:39,366 "People not understanding my words is normal for me." 688 01:27:00,433 --> 01:27:03,899 "But I can see and hear." 689 01:27:04,233 --> 01:27:07,699 "Sometimes I can understand a lot more than words." 690 01:27:08,067 --> 01:27:11,749 "That's what's important in our rehearsals, right?" 691 01:27:13,550 --> 01:27:14,982 Yes. 692 01:27:38,350 --> 01:27:42,949 "So right now, every day is so much fun." 693 01:27:43,417 --> 01:27:46,849 Chekhov's text comes inside me and" 694 01:27:47,150 --> 01:27:49,816 moves my body that was stuck before." 695 01:27:56,017 --> 01:27:59,282 "I'm glad I got my courage up." 696 01:28:01,317 --> 01:28:02,849 Glad to hear that. 697 01:28:09,083 --> 01:28:10,782 Do you like spicy food? 698 01:28:11,317 --> 01:28:13,449 Yes. It's good. 699 01:28:25,933 --> 01:28:28,232 How's her driving? 700 01:28:33,233 --> 01:28:35,332 It's fabulous. 701 01:28:38,167 --> 01:28:42,266 She speeds up and slows down so smoothly, I hardly feel gravity. 702 01:28:43,500 --> 01:28:45,766 Sometimes I forget I'm in a car. 703 01:28:48,400 --> 01:28:53,599 I've experienced many people's driving, but it's never been so pleasant. 704 01:28:57,700 --> 01:29:02,066 I'm glad she was assigned as my driver is how I feel now. 705 01:29:44,017 --> 01:29:48,616 "Compliment us actors as much for once," she says. 706 01:29:54,650 --> 01:29:57,316 This means, "to compliment"? 707 01:29:57,483 --> 01:29:58,682 Yes. 708 01:30:40,733 --> 01:30:44,299 Thank you for inviting me. 709 01:30:45,900 --> 01:30:48,166 It was Yoon-su who invited us. 710 01:30:49,567 --> 01:30:51,466 They were a lovely couple. 711 01:30:54,400 --> 01:30:56,566 Now I'm curious about your rehearsals. 712 01:30:56,867 --> 01:30:58,432 Yoon-A's Sonya. 713 01:31:02,367 --> 01:31:06,832 I've been hearing your tape, so I kept thinking, "She's Sonya." 714 01:31:09,167 --> 01:31:10,732 You're welcome to watch. 715 01:31:11,433 --> 01:31:14,832 No, thank you. I'm sorry. 716 01:31:15,033 --> 01:31:17,532 - Come watch us... - Shall I play the tape? 717 01:31:18,433 --> 01:31:19,699 Yeah. 718 01:31:24,767 --> 01:31:29,499 Vanya, you're educated and intelligent, 719 01:31:30,000 --> 01:31:32,666 so you must surely understand 720 01:31:33,700 --> 01:31:37,399 that the world isn't destroyed by villains... 721 01:31:37,667 --> 01:31:40,099 Don't you get sick of hearing this? 722 01:31:41,200 --> 01:31:42,566 No. 723 01:31:43,367 --> 01:31:45,499 I like this voice is why. 724 01:31:47,367 --> 01:31:48,682 see. 725 01:31:50,217 --> 01:31:51,716 Whose voice is it? 726 01:31:56,183 --> 01:31:57,582 My wife. 727 01:31:58,417 --> 01:31:59,649 Oh. 728 01:32:02,150 --> 01:32:07,616 The flow of the entire play has to be memorized with my method. 729 01:32:08,017 --> 01:32:09,816 So I listen to it over and over. 730 01:32:10,683 --> 01:32:15,782 I acted in Uncle Vanya before, so Vanya's parts are left out. 731 01:32:16,583 --> 01:32:20,082 When I say my line at my pace, the next line starts precisely. 732 01:32:20,950 --> 01:32:22,249 Wow. 733 01:32:24,017 --> 01:32:25,916 What I said before is true. 734 01:32:27,650 --> 01:32:32,182 I forget that I'm in the car and forget that you're here. 735 01:32:33,117 --> 01:32:34,516 Annoying, isn't it? 736 01:32:34,983 --> 01:32:37,682 No, it's your job. 737 01:32:41,417 --> 01:32:43,649 Where did you learn to drive? 738 01:32:46,750 --> 01:32:48,182 My hometown. 739 01:32:49,350 --> 01:32:52,149 Kami-junitaki Village in Hokkaido, 740 01:32:52,350 --> 01:32:54,816 where you need a car to do anything. 741 01:32:55,450 --> 01:32:56,749 Oh. 742 01:32:57,800 --> 01:32:59,966 My mother taught me to drive, 743 01:33:00,500 --> 01:33:02,632 and I've done it since junior high. 744 01:33:04,133 --> 01:33:05,499 Junior high? 745 01:33:05,767 --> 01:33:06,832 Yes. 746 01:33:07,267 --> 01:33:10,732 My mother worked at a nightclub in Sapporo. 747 01:33:12,233 --> 01:33:15,332 She took a train there, so ever since junior high 748 01:33:15,833 --> 01:33:18,732 I drove her to and from our local station. 749 01:33:22,833 --> 01:33:25,299 The station was an hour away. 750 01:33:26,433 --> 01:33:30,799 We left the house at 5 p.m. and I picked her up at 7 a.m. 751 01:33:32,900 --> 01:33:34,666 During those two hours, 752 01:33:35,633 --> 01:33:38,066 my mother wanted to sleep. 753 01:33:39,900 --> 01:33:43,432 If I woke her with my driving, she'd kick me in the back 754 01:33:44,167 --> 01:33:46,099 and hit me when we arrived. 755 01:33:46,967 --> 01:33:47,999 That's how 756 01:33:49,600 --> 01:33:53,266 I learned to drive over bad roads without waking her. 757 01:33:57,233 --> 01:33:58,632 I see. 758 01:34:02,767 --> 01:34:06,632 What you said made me very happy. 759 01:34:06,633 --> 01:34:09,000 No. 760 01:34:10,317 --> 01:34:14,816 I'm grateful to my mother for teaching me how to drive. 761 01:34:16,483 --> 01:34:21,582 It was for her own sake, but the way she taught me was thorough. 762 01:34:23,750 --> 01:34:24,982 I see. 763 01:34:25,583 --> 01:34:26,816 Yes. 764 01:34:28,583 --> 01:34:31,116 No doubt it must have been so. 765 01:35:47,567 --> 01:35:51,466 Will you tell me the whole truth afterwards? 766 01:35:55,833 --> 01:35:58,166 Yes, of course. 767 01:35:59,233 --> 01:36:03,999 I'm sure that the truth, 768 01:36:04,333 --> 01:36:08,232 no matter what it is, isn't that frightening. 769 01:36:09,800 --> 01:36:12,132 What is most frightening 770 01:36:12,833 --> 01:36:15,299 is not knowing it. 771 01:36:23,400 --> 01:36:28,882 Oh, to flirt with a man like him and to lose oneself in his arms. 772 01:36:31,117 --> 01:36:35,482 I guess, I'm a bit in love with him too. 773 01:36:37,450 --> 01:36:42,249 Yes, I miss him when he doesn't come... 774 01:36:43,883 --> 01:36:45,949 (My conscience tortures me) 775 01:36:46,717 --> 01:36:50,082 (as if I'd killed that man). 776 01:36:51,450 --> 01:36:53,116 (I sit down, and...) 777 01:36:55,983 --> 01:37:00,582 (close my eyes like this, and think...) 778 01:37:03,717 --> 01:37:07,516 (Will the people living 200 or 300 years from now,) 779 01:37:08,850 --> 01:37:12,582 (the ones we're currently clearing the way for,) 780 01:37:13,250 --> 01:37:16,549 (will they remember us and be grateful?) 781 01:37:20,283 --> 01:37:22,516 (They'll all completely forget.) 782 01:37:23,683 --> 01:37:32,016 People might forget, but God will surely commend you. 783 01:37:35,600 --> 01:37:38,000 (Thanks. That's good to know.) 784 01:37:41,833 --> 01:37:43,399 Sorry we're late. 785 01:37:44,300 --> 01:37:47,532 Either Vanya or Yelena is in most scenes. 786 01:37:48,367 --> 01:37:52,399 We kept repeating the same ones and started the walk-through. 787 01:37:53,500 --> 01:37:54,566 I'm very sorry. 788 01:37:55,400 --> 01:37:58,332 It was for the best, actually. 789 01:37:58,900 --> 01:38:01,366 Why don't you two move a bit as well? 790 01:38:11,367 --> 01:38:16,332 My life is lost, there's no turning back. 791 01:38:17,833 --> 01:38:22,966 That thought haunts me like an evil spirit day and night. 792 01:38:24,133 --> 01:38:28,099 My past went by wfthouf event. It's unimportant. 793 01:38:28,367 --> 01:38:31,699 But the present is worse. 794 01:38:32,467 --> 01:38:36,832 What should I do about my life and my love? 795 01:38:37,867 --> 01:38:40,032 What happened? 796 01:38:44,983 --> 01:38:48,449 (You say such things, but I don't know...) 797 01:38:49,317 --> 01:38:50,782 (what to do.) 798 01:38:52,650 --> 01:38:54,716 (I'm sorry is all I can say.) 799 01:38:55,217 --> 01:38:58,216 (Forgive me. Good night.) 800 01:38:58,950 --> 01:39:00,116 Please understand... 801 01:39:00,117 --> 01:39:01,500 - 802 01:39:05,000 --> 01:39:07,000 - 803 01:39:11,000 --> 01:39:15,000 - 804 01:39:16,000 --> 01:39:18,000 - 805 01:39:22,000 --> 01:39:26,500 - 806 01:39:28,000 --> 01:39:30,500 - 807 01:39:31,000 --> 01:39:36,000 - 808 01:39:36,001 --> 01:39:40,000 - 809 01:39:40,001 --> 01:39:41,500 - 810 01:39:41,501 --> 01:39:46,000 - 811 01:39:46,001 --> 01:39:52,000 - 812 01:39:52,001 --> 01:39:54,000 - 813 01:39:56,000 --> 01:39:59,500 - 814 01:40:17,000 --> 01:40:20,500 - 815 01:40:23,000 --> 01:40:25,500 - 816 01:40:26,000 --> 01:40:27,500 - 817 01:40:30,000 --> 01:40:34,000 - 818 01:40:35,267 --> 01:40:36,866 (Who's there?) 819 01:40:37,600 --> 01:40:39,199 (Is it you, Sonya?) 820 01:40:40,367 --> 01:40:41,699 (It's me.) 821 01:40:58,000 --> 01:40:59,532 Mr. Kafuku. 822 01:41:04,000 --> 01:41:07,282 I'm very sorry about today. 823 01:41:08,150 --> 01:41:09,316 Never mind. 824 01:41:10,317 --> 01:41:14,382 I was just lending her an ear. 825 01:41:14,983 --> 01:41:19,049 You say that, but you can't speak English or Mandarin. 826 01:41:19,417 --> 01:41:21,616 She doesn't speak Japanese. 827 01:41:22,217 --> 01:41:23,482 Right. 828 01:41:24,750 --> 01:41:27,449 So we ended up.. 829 01:41:29,617 --> 01:41:31,800 Use good judgment. 830 01:41:33,383 --> 01:41:34,982 I'm sorry. 831 01:41:38,617 --> 01:41:40,249 That's all I have to say. 832 01:42:07,850 --> 01:42:10,382 Could you keep driving somewhere? 833 01:42:12,117 --> 01:42:13,616 Somewhere? 834 01:42:15,400 --> 01:42:17,399 I still haven't seen much of Hiroshima. 835 01:42:18,167 --> 01:42:20,232 Some place you like is fine. 836 01:42:24,700 --> 01:42:26,032 All right. 837 01:43:14,633 --> 01:43:17,866 Isn't it kind of like snow? 838 01:43:51,283 --> 01:43:54,716 Straight down that way is the Peace Memorial Park. 839 01:43:56,583 --> 01:44:01,816 The line between the A-Bomb Dome and the Cenotaph is called the "axis of peace." 840 01:44:04,217 --> 01:44:08,416 The architect who designed this facility created this atrium 841 01:44:09,350 --> 01:44:14,282 so that the line would continue on to the sea without being severed. 842 01:44:19,583 --> 01:44:21,516 Why did you come to Hiroshima? 843 01:44:24,350 --> 01:44:26,882 Wait, never mind. 844 01:44:31,583 --> 01:44:33,732 Behind our house was a hill. 845 01:44:36,067 --> 01:44:37,332 5 years ago, 846 01:44:38,267 --> 01:44:42,832 a landslide occurred and our house was destroyed by the debris. 847 01:44:44,400 --> 01:44:46,899 My mother died in that accident. 848 01:44:51,400 --> 01:44:54,632 I'd turned 18 years old right before then, 849 01:44:55,067 --> 01:44:58,232 and had just officially obtained my driver's license. 850 01:45:01,633 --> 01:45:06,166 The car was intact, so I left home in it after her funeral. 851 01:45:08,033 --> 01:45:10,999 So you're 23 years old now. 852 01:45:11,667 --> 01:45:12,899 Yes. 853 01:45:20,200 --> 01:45:24,866 I had nowhere to go, so I just kept heading out west. 854 01:45:26,667 --> 01:45:31,332 But my car broke down in Hiroshima, and I had no money to fix it. 855 01:45:33,600 --> 01:45:37,632 So I began driving those garbage trucks. 856 01:45:39,200 --> 01:45:41,532 Driving is the only thing I can do. 857 01:45:49,050 --> 01:45:50,982 Do you plan on staying here? 858 01:45:52,083 --> 01:45:53,649 I don't know. 859 01:45:55,983 --> 01:45:58,749 My last name, Watari, is from my father, 860 01:46:00,717 --> 01:46:03,149 and it's common Shimane and Hiroshima. 861 01:46:04,750 --> 01:46:09,282 Though I've never met him and don't even know if he's alive. 862 01:46:10,783 --> 01:46:12,382 I see. 863 01:46:53,667 --> 01:46:55,666 Your last name, Kafuku, 864 01:46:56,667 --> 01:47:00,299 is uncommon, isn't it? Written, "house" and "good luck." 865 01:47:01,333 --> 01:47:02,499 It's auspicious. 866 01:47:06,833 --> 01:47:09,299 My wife said the same thing before we married. 867 01:47:12,033 --> 01:47:14,232 My wife's name is Oto. 868 01:47:14,700 --> 01:47:15,699 Oto. 869 01:47:15,900 --> 01:47:17,566 Oto, as in "sound." 870 01:47:18,533 --> 01:47:22,032 Oto Kafuku. What a name. 871 01:47:24,200 --> 01:47:27,032 The primary reason why she hesitated marrying me. 872 01:47:27,967 --> 01:47:30,132 Her name would be "House of the Gospel." 873 01:47:35,867 --> 01:47:37,666 She died 2 years ago. 874 01:47:41,933 --> 01:47:43,799 Cerebral hemorrhage. 875 01:47:46,700 --> 01:47:49,299 She was on the floor when I got home, 876 01:47:50,200 --> 01:47:52,266 and never regained consciousness. 877 01:47:59,267 --> 01:48:01,432 Does that tape creep you out now? 878 01:48:03,483 --> 01:48:05,749 No, not at all. 879 01:48:06,917 --> 01:48:08,649 In fact, it's... 880 01:48:15,417 --> 01:48:17,282 Sorry! 881 01:48:22,217 --> 01:48:23,916 Thank you! 882 01:48:29,483 --> 01:48:31,782 I like that car. 883 01:48:33,083 --> 01:48:35,616 can tell it's been treated with care, 884 01:48:37,250 --> 01:48:39,782 so I also want to drive it with care. 885 01:48:45,917 --> 01:48:47,216 Let's go. 886 01:49:09,183 --> 01:49:12,066 There must be something. I can't take this. 887 01:49:12,433 --> 01:49:14,266 I'm 47 years old. 888 01:49:14,600 --> 01:49:18,399 If I live to be 60, that's 13 years I have before me. 889 01:49:19,633 --> 01:49:20,799 That's so long. 890 01:49:21,200 --> 01:49:24,999 How am I supposed to live out those 13 years? 891 01:49:38,700 --> 01:49:40,199 Such nice weather. 892 01:49:42,400 --> 01:49:43,699 Yes. 893 01:50:00,133 --> 01:50:01,366 Let's do it over there. 894 01:50:46,983 --> 01:50:48,916 -どうして泣いてるの? 895 01:50:49,650 --> 01:50:53,382 (わからない。何でもないんです。 ただ、涙が出てきただけなの。) 896 01:50:55,450 --> 01:50:59,316 (Never mind. Silly, now I'm crying too.) (気にしないで。ばかばかしい、今 私も泣いているのよ。) 897 01:51:01,083 --> 01:51:03,049 (You're angry with me because) (あなたが私に怒っているのは、) 898 01:51:03,583 --> 01:51:06,849 (you think I parried your father for selfish reasons.) (あなたは私が利己的な理由であなたの父親を反故にしたと思 っている) 899 01:51:08,083 --> 01:51:09,916 (I don't know if you'll believe me,) (あなたが私を信じてくれるかどうかはわからないけど、) 900 01:51:10,217 --> 01:51:11,782 (but I swear to you,) (でも、あなたに誓うわ) 901 01:51:12,083 --> 01:51:14,382 (I married him for love.) (愛していたから結婚したのよ。) 902 01:51:15,717 --> 01:51:18,349 (I was infatuated with the famous professor.) (有名な教授に夢中になっていけど、 903 01:51:19,783 --> 01:51:23,882 (I know now that the love was fake and not real,) (その恋は偽物で本物ではなかったことを今は知っている) 904 01:51:24,383 --> 01:51:26,082 (but it seemed real at the time.) (でも、当時は本物に思えた) 905 01:51:27,350 --> 01:51:29,832 (I couldn't help it.) (どうしようもなかった) 906 01:51:30,867 --> 01:51:34,032 (But you've glared at me disapprovingly) (でも貴方は私を不服そうに睨んだ) 907 01:51:34,033 --> 01:51:38,199 (with those clever, suspicious eyes ever since our marriage.) (結婚してからもずっとその巧妙な疑惑の目で 908 01:51:38,700 --> 01:51:41,832 Stop, stop, we made up. やめて、やめて、仲直りしたのよ。 909 01:51:42,233 --> 01:51:43,832 Let's forget the past. 過去のことは忘れましょう。 910 01:51:44,000 --> 01:51:45,666 (Don't look at others like that.) (人をそんな目で見ないで、お願い。) 911 01:51:46,200 --> 01:51:47,532 (It doesn't suit you.) (あなたには似合わない) 912 01:51:47,867 --> 01:51:52,199 (You should trust people, or else life becomes impossible.) (人を信じるべきだわ。 そうしないと人生が成り立たなくなる。) 913 01:51:55,300 --> 01:51:56,232 Hey. ねえ。 914 01:51:57,667 --> 01:51:59,199 Tell me hefiestly. 強さを教えて、 915 01:51:59,633 --> 01:52:02,166 Are you happy? あなたは幸せですか? 916 01:52:10,800 --> 01:52:12,032 (No.) (いいえ) 917 01:52:37,533 --> 01:52:39,516 (I wish you happiness) (幸せになってほしい) 918 01:52:40,850 --> 01:52:43,082 (from the bottom of my heart.) (心の底から) 919 01:52:43,683 --> 01:52:48,749 (As for me, I'm unimportant, like an accessory.) (私はというと、飾りのようなどうでもいい存在だけど...) 920 01:52:50,217 --> 01:52:54,616 (In music, in my husband's house, in romance...) (音楽にも、夫の家にも、恋愛にも...) 921 01:52:54,817 --> 01:52:59,782 (No matter where I am, I'm just an accessory.) (どこにいても、私はただのアクセサリーなの。 922 01:53:01,283 --> 01:53:04,449 (To be honest, Sonya...) (正直言って、ソーニャは...) 923 01:53:05,883 --> 01:53:10,949 (Come to think of it, I'm very unhappy.) (考えてみれば、私はとても不幸ね) 924 01:53:12,217 --> 01:53:16,049 (Happiness for me doesn't exist in this world.) (私にとっての幸せは、この世界には存在しない) 925 01:53:19,217 --> 01:53:20,982 (Why are you laughing?) (どうして笑うの?) 926 01:53:22,050 --> 01:53:23,782 I'm happy. 私は幸せです。 927 01:53:24,350 --> 01:53:26,716 I'm just so happy. 本当に幸せなんです。 928 01:53:29,250 --> 01:53:32,382 (I want to play the piano now.) (ピアノでも弾きに行こうかな。) 929 01:53:42,183 --> 01:53:43,516 Do play. 演奏してください。 930 01:53:43,683 --> 01:53:45,282 I'd love to hear you. あなたの音が聞きたいです。 931 01:54:04,167 --> 01:54:06,132 Something happened just now. 932 01:54:06,500 --> 01:54:09,166 But it's still just between actors. 933 01:54:09,367 --> 01:54:10,966 There's the next step. 934 01:54:11,400 --> 01:54:13,366 We open it up to the audience. 935 01:54:14,167 --> 01:54:17,299 We recreate that moment onstage in its entirety. 936 01:54:22,400 --> 01:54:23,866 Let's do Act 3, too. 937 01:54:24,333 --> 01:54:25,532 Takatsuki. 938 01:54:26,700 --> 01:54:27,899 Yes. 939 01:54:59,450 --> 01:55:00,649 It's freezing. 940 01:55:00,817 --> 01:55:01,949 Yes. 941 01:55:07,350 --> 01:55:10,149 Thank you for today. 942 01:55:11,150 --> 01:55:12,249 About what? 943 01:55:13,283 --> 01:55:14,316 Nothing. 944 01:55:20,583 --> 01:55:22,382 Could we talk? 945 01:55:24,450 --> 01:55:27,982 If you don't mind, somewhere nearby. Just for a bit. 946 01:55:29,583 --> 01:55:31,082 Where's your car? 947 01:55:31,750 --> 01:55:33,282 It's being repaired. 948 01:56:07,683 --> 01:56:09,032 About today... 949 01:56:10,267 --> 01:56:13,000 what happened? 950 01:56:13,167 --> 01:56:16,699 Between Janice and Yoon-A. 951 01:56:18,800 --> 01:56:20,799 Only they know the answer to that. 952 01:56:22,000 --> 01:56:27,232 One thing I can say is that this text has the power to make that happen. 953 01:56:28,300 --> 01:56:33,066 Mr. Kafuku, why aren't you playing Vanya yourself? 954 01:56:37,300 --> 01:56:39,199 Chekhov is terrifying. 955 01:56:42,300 --> 01:56:46,799 When you say his lines, it drags out the real you. 956 01:56:47,967 --> 01:56:49,366 Don't you feel it? 957 01:56:51,433 --> 01:56:54,466 I can't bear that anymore. 958 01:56:55,833 --> 01:57:00,866 Which means I can no longer yield myself up to this role. 959 01:57:02,267 --> 01:57:05,499 But then, why me? 960 01:57:06,800 --> 01:57:10,366 I feel out of place in this production. 961 01:57:11,600 --> 01:57:13,532 I'm not suited for this role. 962 01:57:14,467 --> 01:57:18,616 I'm sure the audience will feel the same way. 963 01:57:21,150 --> 01:57:25,482 When I auditioned, I was desperate and in shambles. 964 01:57:26,183 --> 01:57:28,716 I didn't know what I was doing. 965 01:57:29,483 --> 01:57:33,782 So why did you choose me? 966 01:57:38,783 --> 01:57:40,616 Oto brought us together. 967 01:57:41,083 --> 01:57:44,949 Please, don't be glib. I'm serious. 968 01:57:45,150 --> 01:57:48,416 I came here to change myself. 969 01:57:57,983 --> 01:58:00,916 You can't control yourself very well. 970 01:58:05,000 --> 01:58:06,449 Right. 971 01:58:08,450 --> 01:58:10,516 From a social standpoint, that's not good. 972 01:58:11,050 --> 01:58:14,182 But it's not necessarily a drawback for an actor. 973 01:58:15,450 --> 01:58:19,249 During your audition and our sessions, you weren't bad. 974 01:58:20,583 --> 01:58:23,349 You can yield yourself to your cast mate. 975 01:58:25,383 --> 01:58:27,732 Do the same to the text. 976 01:58:28,933 --> 01:58:32,999 Yield yourself and respond to the text. 977 01:58:33,867 --> 01:58:35,366 Respond to it? 978 01:58:37,367 --> 01:58:39,499 The text is questioning you. 979 01:58:39,967 --> 01:58:43,499 If you listen to it and respond, the same will happen to you. 980 01:58:52,533 --> 01:58:55,566 Go on ahead. I'll take you to your hotel. 981 01:58:56,067 --> 01:58:57,232 Check, please. 982 01:58:58,400 --> 01:58:59,866 Thank you. 983 01:59:12,767 --> 01:59:15,299 Mr. Kafuku offered to take me to my hotel. 984 01:59:15,800 --> 01:59:18,032 OK, the same as before? 985 01:59:22,200 --> 01:59:23,999 I'll go pay for parking. 986 01:59:45,817 --> 01:59:47,116 Where's Takatsuki? 987 01:59:55,250 --> 01:59:58,049 Sorry, let's go. 988 02:00:29,450 --> 02:00:30,782 Mr. Kafuku. 989 02:00:33,517 --> 02:00:37,249 I'm empty. 990 02:00:39,117 --> 02:00:41,049 There's nothing inside me. 991 02:00:45,050 --> 02:00:47,066 About the text questioning me... 992 02:00:48,067 --> 02:00:53,266 I think I felt that with Oto's screenplays. 993 02:00:55,533 --> 02:00:59,999 I came here because I wanted to feel it again. 994 02:01:01,700 --> 02:01:02,999 So... 995 02:01:05,467 --> 02:01:08,532 that bit about Oto bringing us together 996 02:01:10,333 --> 02:01:11,999 is true after all. 997 02:01:15,333 --> 02:01:16,999 I finally understand. 998 02:01:21,667 --> 02:01:23,499 Oto and I.. 999 02:01:23,967 --> 02:01:25,166 Yes. 1000 02:01:26,533 --> 02:01:28,066 We had a daughter. 1001 02:01:29,833 --> 02:01:32,299 She died from pneumonia when she was four. 1002 02:01:33,333 --> 02:01:35,499 She'd be 23 if she were alive. 1003 02:01:42,700 --> 02:01:46,799 Our daughter's death marked the end of our happy times. 1004 02:01:48,433 --> 02:01:50,166 Oto quit acting. 1005 02:01:51,000 --> 02:01:54,032 I quit working in TV and returned to theater. 1006 02:01:55,800 --> 02:01:59,082 Oto was lethargic for years. 1007 02:01:59,850 --> 02:02:04,016 But then she suddenly began writing stories one day. 1008 02:02:05,750 --> 02:02:08,749 No, she began telling them. 1009 02:02:10,617 --> 02:02:12,816 Her first story... 1010 02:02:17,217 --> 02:02:19,316 was born after having sex with me. 1011 02:02:23,050 --> 02:02:26,916 She suddenly started narrating it after having sex. 1012 02:02:27,917 --> 02:02:31,282 But the next morning, her memory was foggy. 1013 02:02:32,883 --> 02:02:35,449 I remembered it all, so I told her. 1014 02:02:36,950 --> 02:02:39,949 She wrote a script based on it and sent it to a contest. 1015 02:02:41,550 --> 02:02:46,249 It won an award and launched her career as a screenwriter. 1016 02:02:48,850 --> 02:02:51,849 "That" would strike her at times after sex. 1017 02:02:53,383 --> 02:02:56,549 She'd tell it to me and make me remember it. 1018 02:02:57,217 --> 02:03:01,916 The next morning, I'd tell her. She'd take notes. 1019 02:03:03,283 --> 02:03:05,449 Eventually that became our custom. 1020 02:03:07,333 --> 02:03:10,832 Sex and her stories were strongly connected. 1021 02:03:11,500 --> 02:03:13,499 Even if it didn't seem like it. 1022 02:03:14,867 --> 02:03:19,166 She'd grasp a thread of a story from the edge of orgasm and spin it. 1023 02:03:19,833 --> 02:03:21,899 That's how she used to write. 1024 02:03:22,733 --> 02:03:24,299 Not all the time. 1025 02:03:24,467 --> 02:03:29,399 But whenever her career hit a wall, "that" would strike. 1026 02:03:31,700 --> 02:03:33,032 Those stories... 1027 02:03:34,533 --> 02:03:38,232 became a bond that helped us overcome our child's death. 1028 02:03:43,300 --> 02:03:45,966 I think we were a compatible couple. 1029 02:03:47,167 --> 02:03:49,899 We needed each other to get through life. 1030 02:03:51,167 --> 02:03:54,666 Everyday living and our sex life 1031 02:03:55,800 --> 02:03:57,666 were very fulfilling. 1032 02:03:58,633 --> 02:04:00,799 At least they were for me. 1033 02:04:02,800 --> 02:04:04,266 But... 1034 02:04:08,500 --> 02:04:10,532 Oto saw other men. 1035 02:04:15,817 --> 02:04:17,682 She's fine, don't worry. 1036 02:04:21,283 --> 02:04:23,416 Oto slept with other men. 1037 02:04:25,583 --> 02:04:27,249 Not just one. 1038 02:04:27,617 --> 02:04:31,582 Probably with the actors who were cast in the dramas she wrote. 1039 02:04:32,783 --> 02:04:35,616 Each relationship ended with the drama, 1040 02:04:35,950 --> 02:04:39,316 and another would begin when another drama started. 1041 02:04:41,917 --> 02:04:43,782 Do you have evidence? 1042 02:04:44,717 --> 02:04:46,249 I've witnessed them before. 1043 02:04:49,117 --> 02:04:52,149 She sometimes brought them into our home. 1044 02:04:58,217 --> 02:05:01,682 Even so, I've never doubted her love for me. 1045 02:05:02,917 --> 02:05:04,716 There was no doubt. 1046 02:05:06,550 --> 02:05:10,016 Oto betrayed me so naturally while she loved me. 1047 02:05:11,450 --> 02:05:14,616 We were definitely deeply bonded, more so than anyone. 1048 02:05:14,883 --> 02:05:17,016 Still, she contained within her 1049 02:05:17,583 --> 02:05:21,682 a spot that I couldn't look into, where something dark swirled. 1050 02:05:23,683 --> 02:05:28,499 Didn't you ever ask her about any of this? 1051 02:05:30,667 --> 02:05:34,499 What I feared most was losing her. 1052 02:05:35,533 --> 02:05:40,666 If she found out I knew, we wouldn't have been able to maintain our balance. 1053 02:05:43,500 --> 02:05:47,066 Isn't it possible that she wanted you to hear her out? 1054 02:05:52,000 --> 02:05:56,132 Did Oto tell you something? 1055 02:06:01,400 --> 02:06:04,732 May I tell you a story she told me? 1056 02:06:06,833 --> 02:06:08,132 Yes. 1057 02:06:08,800 --> 02:06:10,966 It's a very mysterious tale. 1058 02:06:11,633 --> 02:06:16,432 A high school girl sneaks into the home of a boy she likes. 1059 02:06:18,967 --> 02:06:22,932 I've heard that one, too. 1060 02:06:23,633 --> 02:06:26,266 The girl who was formerly a lamprey. 1061 02:06:26,467 --> 02:06:27,832 Right. 1062 02:06:28,533 --> 02:06:33,632 She sneaks in multiple times and leaves a token of herself each time. 1063 02:06:34,533 --> 02:06:38,649 One day, she starts masturbating on Yamaga's bed. 1064 02:06:39,250 --> 02:06:44,249 Someone comes home, but the story ends without telling who it was. 1065 02:06:44,617 --> 02:06:46,082 No. 1066 02:06:49,250 --> 02:06:51,049 It doesn't end there. 1067 02:06:54,317 --> 02:06:56,616 You know what happens next? 1068 02:06:57,750 --> 02:06:59,216 Yes. 1069 02:07:00,083 --> 02:07:01,816 Who was it, then? 1070 02:07:03,483 --> 02:07:05,449 Who came up the stairs? 1071 02:07:06,950 --> 02:07:09,082 Another intruder. 1072 02:07:09,650 --> 02:07:11,216 Another one? 1073 02:07:11,650 --> 02:07:13,116 Yes. 1074 02:07:13,450 --> 02:07:17,216 It wasn't Yamaga, or his father, or his mother. 1075 02:07:17,817 --> 02:07:19,616 Just a burglar. 1076 02:07:20,617 --> 02:07:25,016 The burglar finds her half naked in the room 1077 02:07:25,417 --> 02:07:27,016 and attempts to rape her. 1078 02:07:28,617 --> 02:07:32,616 She takes a pen lying around and stabs the man in the left eye. 1079 02:07:33,750 --> 02:07:36,016 She struggles desperately, 1080 02:07:36,417 --> 02:07:41,349 and stabs the pen in his temple, in his neck, over and over. 1081 02:07:42,717 --> 02:07:45,332 She notices the man has gone limp. 1082 02:07:46,433 --> 02:07:48,932 She has killed the burglar. 1083 02:07:51,367 --> 02:07:56,532 She washes the blood off in the shower and goes home. 1084 02:07:58,900 --> 02:08:02,632 The token she left in Yamaga's room that day 1085 02:08:03,467 --> 02:08:05,632 was the burglar's corpse. 1086 02:08:07,567 --> 02:08:12,032 The next morning, she goes to school prepared to confess 1087 02:08:12,467 --> 02:08:16,066 everything to Yamaga and face his judgment. 1088 02:08:16,867 --> 02:08:21,899 But Yamaga looks the same as usual at school that day. 1089 02:08:24,033 --> 02:08:30,132 She sees him play soccer after school seemingly carefree as always. 1090 02:08:31,367 --> 02:08:33,866 Things are the same the next day. 1091 02:08:35,867 --> 02:08:40,999 Nothing has changed. What became of that body in Yamaga's house? 1092 02:08:41,967 --> 02:08:45,266 Did she just imagine what happened? 1093 02:08:48,333 --> 02:08:53,666 She goes to Yamaga's house but nothing seems out of the ordinary. 1094 02:08:54,583 --> 02:08:56,249 Except for one thing... 1095 02:08:57,517 --> 02:09:01,116 A surveillance camera has been set up by the front door. 1096 02:09:03,817 --> 02:09:09,416 To not appear guilty, she walks past his house without stopping. 1097 02:09:11,417 --> 02:09:13,282 Something terrible had happened, 1098 02:09:14,483 --> 02:09:17,149 and she was to blame, 1099 02:09:18,283 --> 02:09:21,549 but the world seemed serene as if nothing had changed. 1100 02:09:23,150 --> 02:09:29,216 However, the world had definitely changed to something sinister. 1101 02:09:30,883 --> 02:09:33,249 She turns back. 1102 02:09:36,217 --> 02:09:39,216 "I must take responsibility for what I've done." 1103 02:09:40,350 --> 02:09:43,016 "I can't pretend it didn't happen." 1104 02:09:44,883 --> 02:09:46,882 "Because it definitely happened." 1105 02:09:47,883 --> 02:09:52,049 "I definitely killed that man." 1106 02:09:55,183 --> 02:10:00,982 She searches under the planter but the key is no longer there. 1107 02:10:02,550 --> 02:10:05,099 She stares at the surveillance camera. 1108 02:10:06,000 --> 02:10:09,999 Because it's the only change she has elicited in this world. 1109 02:10:12,500 --> 02:10:14,599 She looks into the lens and 1110 02:10:16,133 --> 02:10:18,799 repeats her words over and over. 1111 02:10:21,000 --> 02:10:23,799 Clearly, so that she's understood, 1112 02:10:25,533 --> 02:10:27,632 "I killed him." 1113 02:10:29,333 --> 02:10:31,432 "I killed him." 1114 02:10:33,700 --> 02:10:35,799 "I killed him." 1115 02:10:41,800 --> 02:10:44,132 This is as far as I know. 1116 02:10:45,500 --> 02:10:50,999 Maybe the tale ends there, or maybe it continues. 1117 02:10:53,533 --> 02:10:55,966 The story leaves a bad taste, 1118 02:10:57,167 --> 02:11:00,132 but even so, when I heard it from her, 1119 02:11:01,200 --> 02:11:04,999 I felt that Oto had handed me something important. 1120 02:11:07,867 --> 02:11:09,332 Mr. Kafuku. 1121 02:11:14,350 --> 02:11:19,482 As far as I know, Oto was a really lovely woman. 1122 02:11:21,150 --> 02:11:27,149 Of course, what I know must be a tiny fraction of what you know about her. 1123 02:11:28,050 --> 02:11:30,916 But I still think so with certainty. 1124 02:11:32,250 --> 02:11:35,649 You lived with such a lovely person for over 20 years, 1125 02:11:37,317 --> 02:11:41,916 and you should be grateful about that. That's my opinion. 1126 02:11:44,950 --> 02:11:48,282 But even if you think you know someone well 1127 02:11:49,750 --> 02:11:52,082 even if you love that person deeply, 1128 02:11:54,717 --> 02:11:57,949 you can't completely look into that person's heart. 1129 02:11:58,317 --> 02:12:00,416 You'll just feel hurt. 1130 02:12:02,350 --> 02:12:05,216 But if you put in enough effort, 1131 02:12:06,050 --> 02:12:09,749 you should be able to look into your own heart pretty well. 1132 02:12:11,250 --> 02:12:14,282 So in the end, what we should be doing 1133 02:12:16,683 --> 02:12:19,049 is to be true to our hearts 1134 02:12:20,217 --> 02:12:23,399 and come to terms with it in a capable way. 1135 02:12:27,500 --> 02:12:29,999 If you really want to look at someone, 1136 02:12:32,267 --> 02:12:34,499 then your only option is 1137 02:12:37,167 --> 02:12:39,499 to look at yourself squarely and deeply. 1138 02:12:42,833 --> 02:12:44,566 That's what I think. 1139 02:13:48,950 --> 02:13:50,149 You can go now. 1140 02:14:24,850 --> 02:14:27,382 It didn't sound like he was lying. 1141 02:14:34,250 --> 02:14:37,049 I don't know if it's the truth, 1142 02:14:37,917 --> 02:14:41,216 but he was telling you what was true to him. 1143 02:14:43,767 --> 02:14:45,366 I can tell. 1144 02:14:45,933 --> 02:14:48,666 Because I grew up among liars. 1145 02:14:49,767 --> 02:14:52,566 I had to discern it or I couldn't survive. 1146 02:15:09,000 --> 02:15:10,366 Are you sure? 1147 02:15:10,667 --> 02:15:11,999 Yeah. 1148 02:16:23,450 --> 02:16:26,816 See, there they go again! Those vulgar geese! 1149 02:16:27,083 --> 02:16:28,716 Acting so boorishly! 1150 02:16:28,950 --> 02:16:30,816 Acting so boorishly! (ほら、おっ始まった、バチ当たりなガチョウだ!) 1151 02:16:30,817 --> 02:16:32,615 (Stop that man! He's gone mad!) (マッチナさんの真似なんかして!) (彼は狂ってしまったんだ!) 1152 02:16:32,617 --> 02:16:35,649 - (Give it to me-!) - Let me go, Yelena, let me go! - (それを俺によこせ...!) - (イェレナ、離して。) 1153 02:16:36,817 --> 02:16:38,449 Where is he? どこだ、奴は? 1154 02:16:39,950 --> 02:16:41,582 Ah, there he is! ほーら、いた! 1155 02:16:41,850 --> 02:16:42,116 (No!) いやぁ、(バンッ!) 1156 02:16:53,117 --> 02:16:54,716 I didn't get him? 外したか? 1157 02:16:55,282 --> 02:16:57,249 I missed again? また、しくじったのか? 1158 02:16:57,782 --> 02:16:59,249 Damn it... くっそぉ! 1159 02:17:00,117 --> 02:17:02,232 God damn it! ええい、ちくしょう! 1160 02:17:02,400 --> 02:17:05,066 (Get me out of here!) (ここから出して!) 1161 02:17:05,333 --> 02:17:07,366 What's wrong with me? 一体どうしたんだ、俺は? 1162 02:17:07,532 --> 02:17:10,732 (Kill me if you must. I can't stay here anymore!) (必要なら殺してください。 もうここにはいられない!) 1163 02:17:10,900 --> 02:17:13,066 What am I doing? 何をしているんだ? 1164 02:17:17,067 --> 02:17:18,199 OK! 1165 02:17:20,500 --> 02:17:22,199 -(このようにして)[ロシア語] 1166 02:17:22,200 --> 02:17:25,499 -(セレブリャコフは死んだ)[ロシア語] 1167 02:17:25,500 --> 02:17:28,199 -(そして物語は終わる)[ロシア語] 1168 02:17:29,200 --> 02:17:31,966 Takatsuki, that was good. 高槻、良かった。 1169 02:17:37,799 --> 02:17:39,332 - Takatsuki... - Excuse me. 1170 02:17:40,333 --> 02:17:41,532 What... 1171 02:17:43,633 --> 02:17:45,999 I'm Kato, Hiroshima North Police. 1172 02:17:46,500 --> 02:17:48,031 Excuse me. 1173 02:17:50,967 --> 02:17:52,932 Koji Takatsuki? 1174 02:17:58,032 --> 02:17:58,966 Yes. 1175 02:17:59,133 --> 02:18:01,466 Could we speak someplace else? 1176 02:18:04,200 --> 02:18:06,099 Here is fine. 1177 02:18:08,267 --> 02:18:10,316 On Sunday, November 24, 1178 02:18:11,317 --> 02:18:17,482 at around 7:30 p.m., you got into a fight and beat up a man in Shintenchi Park. 1179 02:18:18,017 --> 02:18:19,649 Is that correct? 1180 02:18:22,282 --> 02:18:24,415 You were caught on camera. 1181 02:18:25,650 --> 02:18:29,149 That man died in the hospital yesterday. 1182 02:18:31,049 --> 02:18:34,882 Yes, I saw the news. 1183 02:18:36,549 --> 02:18:40,316 I did it. That's correct. 1184 02:18:41,883 --> 02:18:44,449 Come with us to the police station. 1185 02:18:44,617 --> 02:18:46,716 - May I change? - Yes. 1186 02:19:47,700 --> 02:19:52,399 "Hiroshima North Police" 1187 02:20:09,500 --> 02:20:10,749 The lawyer... 1188 02:20:11,167 --> 02:20:15,866 says that Mr. Takatsuki admits to the charge of injury resulting in death. 1189 02:20:20,767 --> 02:20:22,299 Can I see him? 1190 02:20:22,667 --> 02:20:24,466 Not now. 1191 02:20:25,433 --> 02:20:29,149 More importantly, what shall we do about the play? 1192 02:20:31,483 --> 02:20:33,449 Must we think about that now? 1193 02:20:33,617 --> 02:20:38,116 Yes. It's something we must think about. 1194 02:20:39,083 --> 02:20:41,849 We have two choices. 1195 02:20:43,483 --> 02:20:45,049 We cancel it, 1196 02:20:45,550 --> 02:20:48,082 or you act in it. 1197 02:20:53,250 --> 02:20:54,882 I can't do that. 1198 02:20:56,383 --> 02:20:59,116 You know all the lines. 1199 02:20:59,783 --> 02:21:04,249 Vanya in Japanese like Takatsuki would be the least disruptive. 1200 02:21:04,750 --> 02:21:06,049 Yoon-su. 1201 02:21:07,450 --> 02:21:09,616 Why are we discussing this now? 1202 02:21:15,150 --> 02:21:16,916 I can't do it. 1203 02:21:18,817 --> 02:21:22,216 Then let's cancel. 1204 02:21:23,250 --> 02:21:25,049 Is that all right? 1205 02:21:37,517 --> 02:21:39,232 Give me some time. 1206 02:21:40,067 --> 02:21:44,099 We can wait 2 days. That's the limit. 1207 02:21:45,233 --> 02:21:46,699 I understand. 1208 02:21:47,567 --> 02:21:49,166 I'll get back to you. 1209 02:22:07,067 --> 02:22:09,732 Do you know of a place where... 1210 02:22:11,833 --> 02:22:13,299 can think in peace? 1211 02:22:25,667 --> 02:22:27,366 I'll drive you somewhere. 1212 02:22:42,667 --> 02:22:44,499 Kami-junitaki Village. 1213 02:22:49,517 --> 02:22:51,449 Are you willing to show me 1214 02:22:52,783 --> 02:22:54,482 the place where you grew up? 1215 02:22:57,517 --> 02:22:59,449 There's nothing there. 1216 02:23:02,917 --> 02:23:04,582 If that's OK with you. 1217 02:23:05,950 --> 02:23:07,282 I don't mind. 1218 02:24:05,933 --> 02:24:07,766 I'll take the wheel somewhere. 1219 02:24:09,400 --> 02:24:12,699 We should take turns to get there in a day. 1220 02:24:14,333 --> 02:24:15,966 No taking turns. 1221 02:24:18,733 --> 02:24:19,899 Why not? 1222 02:24:20,067 --> 02:24:22,832 Because driving is my job. 1223 02:24:26,333 --> 02:24:29,499 I can go without sleeping for a day. 1224 02:25:57,117 --> 02:25:58,416 Thank you. 1225 02:25:58,617 --> 02:26:00,549 You can rest a bit more. 1226 02:26:00,917 --> 02:26:02,516 I can sleep in the ferry. 1227 02:26:02,917 --> 02:26:04,116 I see. 1228 02:27:01,367 --> 02:27:02,899 The day Oto died... 1229 02:27:07,167 --> 02:27:10,666 She asked before I left if we could talk when I got home. 1230 02:27:12,600 --> 02:27:15,166 Her tone was gentle but determined. 1231 02:27:16,800 --> 02:27:20,599 I had no plans that day, but kept on driving. 1232 02:27:22,000 --> 02:27:23,466 I couldn't go home. 1233 02:27:24,333 --> 02:27:29,582 I thought that once I went home, we would never be the same again. 1234 02:27:31,617 --> 02:27:34,782 I found her collapsed when I returned late at night. 1235 02:27:37,317 --> 02:27:38,816 I called an ambulance, 1236 02:27:43,083 --> 02:27:45,249 but she never regained consciousness. 1237 02:27:48,117 --> 02:27:50,416 What if I'd gone home a bit earlier? 1238 02:27:52,083 --> 02:27:53,982 I think so every day. 1239 02:28:01,750 --> 02:28:03,482 I killed my mother. 1240 02:28:06,150 --> 02:28:08,582 When the landslide crushed our home, 1241 02:28:09,750 --> 02:28:11,616 I was inside, too. 1242 02:28:12,383 --> 02:28:16,416 I was able to crawl out from the fallen house. 1243 02:28:18,517 --> 02:28:22,449 After escaping, I gazed at the half-collapsed house for a while. 1244 02:28:23,950 --> 02:28:28,749 Then some more debris came falling and completely destroyed it. 1245 02:28:31,350 --> 02:28:34,382 My mother was found dead under the debris. 1246 02:28:36,833 --> 02:28:40,032 I knew she was still in the house. 1247 02:28:41,667 --> 02:28:47,566 I don't know why I didn't call for help, or why I didn't save her. 1248 02:28:48,567 --> 02:28:52,699 I hated her, but that wasn't the only thing I felt about her. 1249 02:28:57,233 --> 02:29:01,099 This scar on my cheek is from that accident. 1250 02:29:02,433 --> 02:29:05,599 I was told surgery could make it less conspicuous, 1251 02:29:06,500 --> 02:29:09,499 but I don't feel like erasing it. 1252 02:29:17,600 --> 02:29:20,132 If I were your father, 1253 02:29:22,433 --> 02:29:24,599 I'd hold you round the shoulders and say, 1254 02:29:27,567 --> 02:29:29,132 "It's not your fault." 1255 02:29:31,100 --> 02:29:33,132 "You did nothing wrong." 1256 02:29:39,433 --> 02:29:40,832 But I can't say that. 1257 02:29:45,067 --> 02:29:46,982 You killed your mother, 1258 02:29:48,783 --> 02:29:50,549 and I killed my wife. 1259 02:29:54,483 --> 02:29:55,649 Yes. 1260 02:31:06,933 --> 02:31:10,032 ...altercation with Kazuya Yamauchi of Hiroshima 1261 02:31:10,233 --> 02:31:13,599 and assaulted him, repeatedly punching him in the face. 1262 02:31:14,200 --> 02:31:18,732 Yamauchi was taken to hospital but was pronounced dead. 1263 02:31:20,000 --> 02:31:25,699 Koji Takatsuki is an actor who has appeared in many dramas and movies, 1264 02:31:26,067 --> 02:31:30,699 but after reports of his relationship with a minor broke last year, 1265 02:31:31,200 --> 02:31:36,366 he worked independently, quitting his management company in january. 1266 02:32:05,783 --> 02:32:07,149 Good morning. 1267 02:32:55,083 --> 02:32:59,749 "Flowers & Vegetables For Sale" 1268 02:34:35,450 --> 02:34:37,849 Is this where you... 1269 02:34:38,417 --> 02:34:39,982 Probably. 1270 02:34:43,417 --> 02:34:45,282 It's changed a lot. 1271 02:34:48,417 --> 02:34:50,082 Could we go up there? 1272 02:35:44,467 --> 02:35:45,999 That's our house. 1273 02:36:20,967 --> 02:36:22,199 My mother 1274 02:36:23,733 --> 02:36:26,232 had a separate personality named Sachi. 1275 02:36:31,433 --> 02:36:32,699 Yes. 1276 02:36:33,667 --> 02:36:36,432 She first appeared when I was 14. 1277 02:36:37,800 --> 02:36:39,766 She said she was 8 years old, 1278 02:36:39,933 --> 02:36:43,282 but she never aged in 4 years. 1279 02:36:48,283 --> 02:36:49,749 Sachi would 1280 02:36:50,483 --> 02:36:54,516 often appear after my mother beat me up terribly. 1281 02:36:57,650 --> 02:37:02,249 It was like her awareness didn't match the body of an adult, 1282 02:37:03,117 --> 02:37:04,949 so she couldn't move well. 1283 02:37:06,750 --> 02:37:09,049 She'd try to walk but fall over, 1284 02:37:10,150 --> 02:37:13,216 and would end up just sitting still. 1285 02:37:18,917 --> 02:37:21,316 Sachi liked puzzle rings. 1286 02:37:23,617 --> 02:37:26,316 We did crosswords together. 1287 02:37:28,583 --> 02:37:31,549 Sachi cried a lot for no reason. 1288 02:37:33,417 --> 02:37:35,449 Whenever she did, I'd hold her 1289 02:37:36,183 --> 02:37:38,249 and rub her back over and over. 1290 02:37:40,417 --> 02:37:44,616 I liked those times. 1291 02:38:05,233 --> 02:38:08,066 The last beautiful thing in my mother 1292 02:38:09,200 --> 02:38:11,666 was condensed in Sachi. 1293 02:38:14,333 --> 02:38:16,032 Sachi was 1294 02:38:18,467 --> 02:38:20,666 my only friend. 1295 02:38:49,833 --> 02:38:52,966 I don't know if my mother was mentally ill, 1296 02:38:54,967 --> 02:38:59,966 or if she was acting to keep me close to her. 1297 02:39:03,450 --> 02:39:06,816 But even if she were acting, 1298 02:39:08,517 --> 02:39:11,249 it was from the bottom of her heart. 1299 02:39:14,850 --> 02:39:17,316 Becoming Sachi was my mother's way 1300 02:39:18,950 --> 02:39:22,416 of surviving in a hellish reality, I think. 1301 02:39:33,550 --> 02:39:35,549 When that landslide occurred, 1302 02:39:37,783 --> 02:39:39,916 I knew that my mother's death 1303 02:39:41,117 --> 02:39:44,216 meant that Sachi would die, too. 1304 02:39:46,883 --> 02:39:48,149 Even so... 1305 02:39:51,350 --> 02:39:53,349 I didn't move. 1306 02:40:12,500 --> 02:40:13,932 It's dirty. 1307 02:40:27,967 --> 02:40:29,266 Mr. Kafuku, 1308 02:40:30,167 --> 02:40:31,732 about Oto... 1309 02:40:34,400 --> 02:40:37,832 Would it be hard for you to accept her, 1310 02:40:38,600 --> 02:40:41,566 everything about her, as genuine? 1311 02:40:44,333 --> 02:40:46,999 Maybe there was nothing mysterious about her. 1312 02:40:48,500 --> 02:40:52,099 Would it be hard to think that she was simply like that? 1313 02:40:54,467 --> 02:40:56,932 That she loved you dearly and 1314 02:40:58,133 --> 02:41:00,899 that she sought other men constantly 1315 02:41:02,767 --> 02:41:07,132 don't seem to contradict each other or sound deceptive to me. 1316 02:41:09,967 --> 02:41:11,732 Is that strange? 1317 02:41:19,333 --> 02:41:20,632 I'm sorry. 1318 02:41:36,883 --> 02:41:38,949 I should have been hurt properly. 1319 02:41:41,783 --> 02:41:43,949 I let something genuine slip by. 1320 02:41:46,317 --> 02:41:48,482 I was so deeply hurt. 1321 02:41:49,883 --> 02:41:51,749 To the point of distraction. 1322 02:41:53,883 --> 02:41:55,316 But... 1323 02:41:56,550 --> 02:41:57,982 Because of that... 1324 02:41:59,550 --> 02:42:01,816 I pretended not to notice it. 1325 02:42:04,483 --> 02:42:06,816 I didn't listen to myself. 1326 02:42:14,550 --> 02:42:16,816 So I lost Oto. 1327 02:42:19,550 --> 02:42:21,016 Forever. 1328 02:42:24,050 --> 02:42:25,582 Now I see. 1329 02:42:34,367 --> 02:42:36,032 I want to see Oto. 1330 02:42:39,500 --> 02:42:41,266 If I do, I want to yell at her. 1331 02:42:43,100 --> 02:42:44,599 Berate her. 1332 02:42:45,733 --> 02:42:47,999 For lying to me all the time. 1333 02:42:49,800 --> 02:42:51,199 I want to apologize. 1334 02:42:54,067 --> 02:42:56,366 For not listening. 1335 02:42:58,833 --> 02:43:00,999 For not being strong. 1336 02:43:07,400 --> 02:43:08,866 I want her back. 1337 02:43:10,867 --> 02:43:12,299 I want her to live. 1338 02:43:14,400 --> 02:43:16,466 I want to talk to her just once more. 1339 02:43:22,833 --> 02:43:24,466 I want to see her. 1340 02:43:28,133 --> 02:43:29,699 But it's too late. 1341 02:43:33,133 --> 02:43:34,832 There's no turning back. 1342 02:43:36,667 --> 02:43:38,199 There's nothing I can do. 1343 02:44:04,717 --> 02:44:06,382 Those who survive 1344 02:44:07,383 --> 02:44:09,749 keep thinking about the dead. 1345 02:44:11,483 --> 02:44:13,082 In one way or another, 1346 02:44:15,383 --> 02:44:16,982 that will continue. 1347 02:44:23,083 --> 02:44:24,566 You and I 1348 02:44:25,883 --> 02:44:27,949 must keep living like that. 1349 02:44:39,650 --> 02:44:41,182 We must keep on living. 1350 02:44:55,433 --> 02:44:56,666 It'll be OK. 1351 02:45:01,333 --> 02:45:02,899 I'm sure 1352 02:45:06,033 --> 02:45:07,399 we'll be OK. 1353 02:45:49,733 --> 02:45:52,866 I refuse! Wait, I'm not done yet! 黙るもんか、まだ、まだ終わってない! 1354 02:45:53,833 --> 02:45:57,732 You destroyed my life. I've never lived. あなたは私の人生を破壊しました。生きた心地がしません。 1355 02:45:57,900 --> 02:46:02,682 Because of you, I wasted the best years of my life and spoiled them. おまえは僕の人生を踏みにじった。 僕には人生などなかった 1356 02:46:03,017 --> 02:46:05,316 You're my foe. My bitter enemy! おまえは僕の仇だ、憎き敵だ! 1357 02:46:05,483 --> 02:46:06,716 I can't stand it. 耐えられない、 1358 02:46:07,117 --> 02:46:08,616 (But what do you want?) (一体、何がしたい?) 1359 02:46:08,850 --> 02:46:10,182 I'm going. 私は失敬する。 1360 02:46:10,383 --> 02:46:14,216 (What earthly right have you to use such language to me?) (いったいどんな権利があるんだ そのような言葉を使うとは!) 1361 02:46:14,383 --> 02:46:15,716 (You fool!) (このバカがっ!) 1362 02:46:16,717 --> 02:46:20,716 (If this estate is yours, then take it, I don't care!) (この財産がおまえの物なら持って行け!俺は気にしない。) 1363 02:46:21,117 --> 02:46:25,149 (This is like hell. I can't stand it. I'm leaving now.) (地獄のようだわ。我慢できない、もう帰ります) 1364 02:46:25,350 --> 02:46:28,482 I'm gifted and intelligent. Courageous, too. 僕だって才能が有れば頭もある、度胸だって。 1365 02:46:28,817 --> 02:46:32,716 If I'd lived normally, I might have been another Schopenhauer or Dostoevsky. まともな人生を送っていればショーペンハウエルや ドストエフスキーのようになれたんだ。 1366 02:46:32,983 --> 02:46:34,716 I'm sick of this nonsense! たわごとなんか、たくさんだ! 1367 02:46:35,450 --> 02:46:36,716 I'm losing my mind! 気が狂いそうだ! 1368 02:46:36,883 --> 02:46:39,682 Mother, I can't take it anymore! 母さん、僕はもうだめです!だめだ! 1369 02:46:39,983 --> 02:46:42,516 Listen to the professor! 教授の言う通りになさい! 1370 02:46:42,683 --> 02:46:45,549 Mother, what should I do? 母さん、僕はどうすりゃいいんです? 1371 02:46:46,183 --> 02:46:51,049 No, never mind. Don't say anything. I know what to do. いや、いい、言わなくて。 どうすりゃいいか一番僕がわかっている。 1372 02:46:51,383 --> 02:46:53,616 I'll make you pay for this! いいか、今に思い知らせてやる! 1373 02:46:53,817 --> 02:46:55,216 Jean! ジャン! ー(以下、劇場運営音声) 1374 02:48:21,083 --> 02:48:22,916 I'm miserable. なんて辛いんだろう 1375 02:48:27,117 --> 02:48:29,882 If you only knew how miserable l am. この僕の辛さがおまえにわかれば 1376 02:48:34,417 --> 02:48:36,816 What can we do? 私に何ができるの? 1377 02:48:37,317 --> 02:48:40,382 We must live our lives. 私たちは自分たちの人生を生きなければなりません。 1378 02:49:08,583 --> 02:49:11,849 Yes, we shall live, Uncle Vanya. そう、私たちは生きないと!ワーニャ伯父さん。 1379 02:49:18,017 --> 02:49:20,782 We'll live through the long, long days, 長い長い日々を生きていきましょう。 1380 02:49:21,650 --> 02:49:26,116 and through the long nights. そして長い夜を生き抜く。 1381 02:49:28,267 --> 02:49:35,099 We'll patiently endure the trials that fate sends our way. 運命に翻弄されながらも、忍耐強く耐えましょう。 1382 02:49:35,767 --> 02:49:40,266 Even if we can't rest, たとえ休めなくても。 1383 02:49:41,233 --> 02:49:47,199 we'll continue to work for others 人々のために働き続けましょう 1384 02:49:50,367 --> 02:49:54,299 both now and when we have grown old. 今も、そして年老いてからも。 1385 02:49:57,700 --> 02:50:00,899 And when our last hour comes 私たちの最期の時が来たら 1386 02:50:01,200 --> 02:50:05,632 we'll go quietly. 静かに旅立ちましょう。 1387 02:50:11,300 --> 02:50:15,566 And in the great beyond, we'll say to Him 遥か彼方の世界で、神に言いましょう。 1388 02:50:22,567 --> 02:50:27,032 that we suffered 私たちが苦しんだことを 1389 02:50:30,533 --> 02:50:34,199 that we cried 私たちが泣いたこと 1390 02:50:35,700 --> 02:50:39,416 that life was hard. そう、人生は大変だった。 1391 02:50:42,117 --> 02:50:44,616 And God... でも神さまは... 1392 02:50:46,917 --> 02:50:50,182 will have pity on us. 私たちを憐れんで下さる。 1393 02:51:00,983 --> 02:51:04,282 Then you and I... それならあなたと私は... 1394 02:51:05,183 --> 02:51:08,516 we4l see that bright, wonderful, 明るく、素晴らしい夢を見られる 1395 02:51:11,383 --> 02:51:15,216 dreamlike life before our eyes. 私たちの目の前で夢のような生活を 1396 02:51:18,650 --> 02:51:21,782 We shall rejoice, and 私たちは喜ぶのよ、そして 1397 02:51:23,383 --> 02:51:27,482 with tender smiles on our faces, 優しい笑顔で、 1398 02:51:28,883 --> 02:51:32,482 we'll look back on our current sorrow. 今の悲しみを振り返って、 1399 02:51:38,183 --> 02:51:40,549 And then at last そして最期には 1400 02:51:40,983 --> 02:51:43,682 we shall rest. 静かな眠りに就きましょう。 1401 02:51:48,767 --> 02:51:51,532 I believe it. 私はそれを信じています。 1402 02:51:53,633 --> 02:51:57,032 I strongly believe it from the bottom of my heart. 強く強く強く信じています 心の底から。 1403 02:51:58,200 --> 02:52:01,432 When that time comes, その時が来たら 1404 02:52:05,600 --> 02:52:10,832 we shall rest. 眠りましょう。 1405 02:53:35,150 --> 02:53:36,849 (Need a plastic bag?) (ビニール袋が必要ですか?) 1406 02:53:37,050 --> 02:53:38,949 (No, i'm fine.) (いいえ、大丈夫です。) 1407 02:53:42,050 --> 02:53:43,282 (Saving your points?) (ポイントを節約しますか?) 1408 02:53:43,450 --> 02:53:44,616 (No.) (いいえ)