1 00:00:15,375 --> 00:00:19,291 "IT IS NOT THE STRONGEST OF THE SPECIES THAT SURVIVES, NOR THE MOST INTELLIGENT, 2 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:22,166 IT IS THE ONE THAT IS MOST ADAPTABLE TO CHANGE." 3 00:00:22,250 --> 00:00:23,875 BASED ON THE WORK OF CHARLES DARWIN 4 00:01:09,500 --> 00:01:12,000 {\an8}NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN 5 00:01:12,083 --> 00:01:14,500 {\an8}MISSION OCEAN ORIGINS PROJECT "EVOLUTION" 6 00:01:14,583 --> 00:01:17,000 {\an8}I'm here on what's known as the "seventh continent," 7 00:01:17,083 --> 00:01:20,375 {\an8}a mass of refuse and garbage over 3 million kilometers in size, 8 00:01:20,458 --> 00:01:22,375 {\an8}four to six times bigger than France. 9 00:01:22,458 --> 00:01:25,000 {\an8}Almost a million birds and other marine mammals 10 00:01:25,083 --> 00:01:26,791 {\an8}perish each year after swallowing plastic. 11 00:01:26,875 --> 00:01:28,515 - Ugh, it's awful. - Come on, it was good. 12 00:01:28,541 --> 00:01:30,351 - It's boring. It's numbers. - It's not boring. 13 00:01:30,375 --> 00:01:32,416 {\an8}You know that. Go on. You got this. 14 00:01:33,541 --> 00:01:35,083 Hey. You're amazing. 15 00:01:35,166 --> 00:01:37,708 {\an8}- I love you. I love you. - Okay, okay. 16 00:01:37,791 --> 00:01:40,041 {\an8}- All right. And let's go. - Okay. Roll it. 17 00:01:40,875 --> 00:01:41,958 {\an8}Action. 18 00:01:42,041 --> 00:01:44,041 {\an8}For the last three years, with the help of my team, 19 00:01:44,125 --> 00:01:45,925 {\an8}we've been tagging different species of shark. 20 00:01:45,958 --> 00:01:48,583 {\an8}- After which, we use the biological... - Sophia! 21 00:01:49,166 --> 00:01:50,916 We got a signal, guys. Are you ready? 22 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:52,083 Let's go! 23 00:01:54,291 --> 00:01:57,291 Southeast. You stay at six meters and wait for her! 24 00:01:57,375 --> 00:02:00,791 All right. Let's go, let's go! Right, boys. We're diving in five minutes! 25 00:02:00,875 --> 00:02:03,291 The sample units are loaded, we just need the cameras. 26 00:02:03,375 --> 00:02:06,375 They're already on the cameras. Just don't break them this time. 27 00:02:07,083 --> 00:02:09,791 Can't wait to dive into all this trash. Yummy. 28 00:02:17,041 --> 00:02:19,125 - Distance? - Five hundred meters. 29 00:02:19,208 --> 00:02:20,458 She's coming closer. 30 00:02:27,708 --> 00:02:31,125 All right, boys, same as usual. You follow me, you keep close. 31 00:02:31,208 --> 00:02:32,750 Tom, Sam, you group up. 32 00:02:32,833 --> 00:02:33,833 - Juan. - Yeah? 33 00:02:33,916 --> 00:02:35,291 - You'll be with me. - Yeah. 34 00:02:35,375 --> 00:02:38,291 We stabilize at six meters, we wait for orders from Sophia. Got it? 35 00:02:38,375 --> 00:02:39,775 - Roger that, captain. - Okay, boss. 36 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:49,791 Juanito? 37 00:02:50,875 --> 00:02:51,875 Juan? 38 00:02:53,208 --> 00:02:54,708 I hear ya, Soph. It's all good. 39 00:02:55,750 --> 00:02:57,125 We're starting our descent. 40 00:02:59,833 --> 00:03:01,500 Right. Stay on track, boys. 41 00:03:02,958 --> 00:03:04,625 We can't let her get away again. 42 00:03:09,291 --> 00:03:11,083 Finally back in your element, Sam? 43 00:03:11,833 --> 00:03:13,416 What element? This one? 44 00:03:15,250 --> 00:03:17,083 All right, wise guys, where are you? 45 00:03:18,541 --> 00:03:20,500 Descending to six meters. 46 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:21,416 All clear. 47 00:03:21,500 --> 00:03:23,166 {\an8}I just hope she sticks around. 48 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:25,291 {\an8}Don't worry, I won't let her go. 49 00:03:26,666 --> 00:03:28,375 Radar echo at 70 meters. 50 00:03:28,458 --> 00:03:29,458 Which way? 51 00:03:29,541 --> 00:03:30,541 South-southeast. 52 00:03:31,041 --> 00:03:33,125 - Okay, we'll keep an eye out. - Yeah. 53 00:03:45,416 --> 00:03:46,708 {\an8}Wait. Stop. 54 00:03:54,166 --> 00:03:55,291 Seeing this, Sophia? 55 00:03:55,375 --> 00:03:58,166 {\an8}Another baby sperm whale caught in the nets. 56 00:03:59,125 --> 00:04:00,875 {\an8}That's the second in three weeks. 57 00:04:02,833 --> 00:04:05,083 It must've suffered for days. 58 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:09,916 I'm gonna go check it out. Wait here, boys. 59 00:04:33,333 --> 00:04:35,666 {\an8}Its stomach is full of plastic. 60 00:04:39,208 --> 00:04:41,083 {\an8}Chris, we need to focus on Beacon Seven. 61 00:04:41,166 --> 00:04:42,166 {\an8}Hang on. 62 00:04:44,750 --> 00:04:45,875 Are you getting this? 63 00:04:49,500 --> 00:04:50,916 It's a bite mark. 64 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:53,291 {\an8}Sure, but can you see? It's massive. 65 00:04:55,916 --> 00:04:57,875 Chris, she's approaching, 30 meters. 66 00:05:02,708 --> 00:05:05,291 Ah! What the hell? What the hell? 67 00:05:05,375 --> 00:05:06,875 {\an8}- Chris? - Chris, you good? 68 00:05:06,958 --> 00:05:08,083 You okay? 69 00:05:08,166 --> 00:05:10,125 {\an8}Yeah, yeah. It's fine. She's not ours. 70 00:05:11,541 --> 00:05:12,833 I see other ones. 71 00:05:15,125 --> 00:05:18,708 Hang on a sec. Since when do makos hunt in packs? 72 00:05:18,791 --> 00:05:21,916 - What the hell's going on? Sophia? - I don't understand. 73 00:05:22,000 --> 00:05:22,833 They're all females. 74 00:05:22,916 --> 00:05:24,875 And a lot of them. Do you see their fins? 75 00:05:24,958 --> 00:05:26,500 - Yeah. - That's not normal. 76 00:05:26,583 --> 00:05:28,625 Yeah. It's a similar hypertrophy to Lilith. 77 00:05:29,875 --> 00:05:31,208 There's about ten of them here. 78 00:05:33,666 --> 00:05:35,291 - Weird. - Can you hear me? 79 00:05:35,375 --> 00:05:37,791 They seem nervous. Security protocol. 80 00:05:37,875 --> 00:05:39,166 - Sophia... - Oh no. 81 00:05:40,083 --> 00:05:42,916 - Sophia, what do we do? - Stay calm. Just keep a safe distance. 82 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:44,583 You're fine. 83 00:05:44,666 --> 00:05:45,833 Signal ping south. 84 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:49,708 Chris, she's coming. 85 00:06:17,833 --> 00:06:20,500 What the fuck? Are you seeing this? 86 00:06:21,708 --> 00:06:23,708 Holy shit. You sure that's ours? 87 00:06:24,375 --> 00:06:27,625 {\an8}- She's at least five meters. - She's at least seven, man. 88 00:06:27,708 --> 00:06:30,250 {\an8}I don't get it. That should be Lilith in front of you. 89 00:06:30,333 --> 00:06:31,625 It's her, all right. 90 00:06:31,708 --> 00:06:34,791 No, that's impossible. Three months ago, she was only 2.5 meters. 91 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:38,458 I'm sure it's her, Sophia. Look, Beacon Seven. 92 00:06:44,125 --> 00:06:45,458 Okay, what do we do? 93 00:06:47,333 --> 00:06:48,875 {\an8}I don't understand. 94 00:06:49,666 --> 00:06:51,000 How is this possible? 95 00:06:52,125 --> 00:06:53,875 We gotta head back up. It's too dangerous. 96 00:06:53,958 --> 00:06:55,916 Hang on, wait. We still need the sample. 97 00:06:56,000 --> 00:06:57,833 Yeah, well, easy for you to say. 98 00:06:57,916 --> 00:06:58,916 Fine, then, I'll do it. 99 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:00,666 Unbelievable! This is such bullshit. 100 00:07:00,750 --> 00:07:03,666 We have no choice, Chris. We have to understand what happened. 101 00:07:05,458 --> 00:07:06,541 It'll be okay. 102 00:07:07,125 --> 00:07:09,791 {\an8}Make sure to face her head-on so she's not surprised. 103 00:07:19,250 --> 00:07:21,750 That's a good distance. Easy does it. 104 00:07:22,458 --> 00:07:24,000 {\an8}Yeah, two seconds. 105 00:07:27,583 --> 00:07:28,791 Oh shit! 106 00:07:28,875 --> 00:07:30,375 {\an8}You okay? 107 00:07:31,208 --> 00:07:33,583 {\an8}- Yeah. I'm okay. - We got it. Come on back up. 108 00:07:33,666 --> 00:07:36,208 {\an8}You hear that, boys? Mission accomplished! 109 00:07:36,291 --> 00:07:38,166 Hey, Chris, relax. You scared or what? 110 00:07:39,166 --> 00:07:41,541 Hang on a second, I think she's coming back. 111 00:07:41,625 --> 00:07:44,958 - Anyone have eyes on Beacon Seven? - Where'd she go? She was there! 112 00:07:45,041 --> 00:07:46,208 Chris? 113 00:07:46,291 --> 00:07:48,458 {\an8}Where the hell did she go? Do you see her? 114 00:07:49,083 --> 00:07:51,333 I saw her two seconds ago! Where are you? 115 00:07:51,416 --> 00:07:52,458 Chris, what's the matter? 116 00:07:54,041 --> 00:07:55,750 {\an8}I saw her behind us. Where is she? 117 00:07:55,833 --> 00:07:57,541 {\an8}Do you see her? 118 00:07:57,625 --> 00:07:59,000 {\an8}- Chris? - No! No! 119 00:07:59,083 --> 00:08:00,125 Chris, there's no image! 120 00:08:00,208 --> 00:08:01,291 Chris! 121 00:08:05,125 --> 00:08:06,208 {\an8}Chris! 122 00:08:06,291 --> 00:08:07,583 - Chris! - Sam! 123 00:08:07,666 --> 00:08:08,750 {\an8}Get out of there! 124 00:08:08,833 --> 00:08:09,833 Chris, are you okay? 125 00:08:11,833 --> 00:08:13,708 {\an8}Juan! Answer me! 126 00:08:14,791 --> 00:08:16,000 Ugh! 127 00:08:16,083 --> 00:08:17,083 Sophia! 128 00:08:18,583 --> 00:08:19,875 Sophia! Stop! 129 00:08:29,875 --> 00:08:31,416 Sophia, no! 130 00:08:54,958 --> 00:08:56,291 Sophia! 131 00:08:56,375 --> 00:08:57,958 Chris! Chris! 132 00:08:58,541 --> 00:08:59,833 Sophia! 133 00:08:59,916 --> 00:09:01,083 Get back on the boat! 134 00:11:15,291 --> 00:11:22,291 UNDER PARIS 135 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:27,791 3 YEARS LATER 136 00:11:34,750 --> 00:11:36,625 Check it, I got something! 137 00:11:39,583 --> 00:11:40,583 Pretty nice. 138 00:11:42,125 --> 00:11:44,541 It's cool, let's see if we have anything else here. 139 00:11:48,125 --> 00:11:49,458 I got something. 140 00:11:51,416 --> 00:11:52,791 - Wait! Wait! - We can get it. 141 00:11:52,875 --> 00:11:54,250 I think it's stuck. 142 00:11:57,583 --> 00:11:58,916 - You okay? - Yeah, yeah. 143 00:12:00,583 --> 00:12:02,250 What is that? 144 00:12:18,833 --> 00:12:20,583 - Little help over here? - Got it. 145 00:12:20,666 --> 00:12:22,625 - Everything okay here? - Thanks. 146 00:12:22,708 --> 00:12:24,708 - How was it? - It's clean. 147 00:12:25,583 --> 00:12:29,000 {\an8}Adama for Caro. Once Adil's done with the journalists, we'll clear out. 148 00:12:29,083 --> 00:12:30,916 {\an8}Okay, understood. We'll see you soon. 149 00:12:32,375 --> 00:12:33,958 - We're done here, guys. - Okay. 150 00:12:34,041 --> 00:12:35,791 Was this an unusual case? 151 00:12:35,875 --> 00:12:38,333 We find these kinds of shells all the time in the Seine. 152 00:12:38,416 --> 00:12:41,016 With our colleagues from the Central Lab of the Police Prefecture, 153 00:12:41,083 --> 00:12:44,333 we've already fished out about 100. The two who found it did the right thing. 154 00:12:44,416 --> 00:12:46,250 - Angèle for Adil. - Excuse me. 155 00:12:46,333 --> 00:12:48,333 It's okay, I'll handle the press. 156 00:12:48,416 --> 00:12:50,750 Time for the triathlon security briefing. 157 00:12:50,833 --> 00:12:52,083 You go ahead, I'll catch up. 158 00:12:52,666 --> 00:12:54,583 - Have to go, sorry. She'll take over. - Thanks. 159 00:12:56,125 --> 00:12:57,875 - Hello. - Any comments, commander? 160 00:12:57,958 --> 00:13:00,798 I'd like to reassure you, these shells didn't have any ignition systems. 161 00:13:00,875 --> 00:13:01,750 There was no danger. 162 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:03,333 - Nice work, bro. - Thanks. 163 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:05,375 River Police, Control Bravo... 164 00:13:05,458 --> 00:13:08,791 We're done! Gotta get to Hotel de Ville for the triathlon briefing. 165 00:13:08,875 --> 00:13:10,125 Over. 166 00:13:10,708 --> 00:13:12,625 Let's go. 167 00:13:18,375 --> 00:13:20,708 Hey, you with the kayak! That's not allowed! 168 00:13:20,791 --> 00:13:22,333 Okay, okay! Damn it! 169 00:13:22,416 --> 00:13:24,416 What in the world is going on today? 170 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:04,333 Which of you would devote your whole life to protecting the whales? 171 00:14:04,416 --> 00:14:06,541 Me! Me! Me! 172 00:14:08,541 --> 00:14:10,750 That's the question they asked me 173 00:14:10,833 --> 00:14:13,041 when I signed on to protect the oceans. 174 00:14:13,125 --> 00:14:17,083 If the oceans can't survive, then neither can us humans. 175 00:14:17,666 --> 00:14:19,166 What makes a living ocean? 176 00:14:21,166 --> 00:14:23,291 Diversity in the ecosystem. 177 00:14:23,375 --> 00:14:26,458 That means it has lots of fish living and thriving, 178 00:14:26,541 --> 00:14:28,583 but also algae, coral, plants... 179 00:14:29,708 --> 00:14:31,833 If we can't save life in the ocean, 180 00:14:31,916 --> 00:14:33,916 we won't be able to save ourselves. 181 00:14:34,000 --> 00:14:35,500 - Ma'am? - Yes? 182 00:14:35,583 --> 00:14:37,750 Isn't it too late to save the oceans? 183 00:14:38,708 --> 00:14:41,000 Well, there was a man named Paul Watson who said that... 184 00:14:41,083 --> 00:14:43,763 The Internet says your whole team was eaten by sharks. Is that true? 185 00:14:44,333 --> 00:14:46,541 - Victor. Get rid of your phone. Now! - But... 186 00:14:48,500 --> 00:14:51,000 - That's enough. - I was just asking a question. 187 00:14:52,583 --> 00:14:54,333 Look, her face has gone red. 188 00:14:56,250 --> 00:14:59,333 Marine creatures require specific conditions to survive. 189 00:14:59,416 --> 00:15:03,250 Our center prides itself on replicating habitats they'd experience in the wild, 190 00:15:03,333 --> 00:15:05,541 from careful temperature regulation to food diversity. 191 00:15:08,416 --> 00:15:09,500 Sophia! 192 00:15:10,375 --> 00:15:11,916 Sophia! Ms. Assalas! 193 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:14,166 I'm really sorry to bother you, Ms. Assalas, I just... 194 00:15:14,250 --> 00:15:16,250 I just have to talk to you for a sec. 195 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:18,458 I've been following your work forever. All of it. 196 00:15:18,541 --> 00:15:20,941 - Migration based on climate... - I'm sorry, it's a bad time. 197 00:15:23,083 --> 00:15:24,083 Beacon Seven! 198 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:28,625 I know where it is. 199 00:15:34,125 --> 00:15:35,625 Well, this is it. SOS. 200 00:15:36,375 --> 00:15:40,000 SOS... Save our Seas. You've never heard about us? 201 00:15:40,083 --> 00:15:42,291 It's our ocean defense organization. 202 00:15:42,375 --> 00:15:44,500 When we first started, we figured it'd never take off, 203 00:15:44,583 --> 00:15:46,541 but now it's starting to get really serious. 204 00:15:46,625 --> 00:15:47,791 We do what you do. 205 00:15:47,875 --> 00:15:49,750 Well, I mean, as best as we can. 206 00:15:49,833 --> 00:15:53,375 You've always been our inspiration. We've been building on your work. 207 00:15:53,458 --> 00:15:55,875 You describe how sometimes nature can trigger 208 00:15:55,958 --> 00:15:57,833 all sorts of changes in behavior. 209 00:15:57,916 --> 00:16:01,666 Right, also, to protect the sharks, we've been connecting to their beacons. 210 00:16:01,750 --> 00:16:03,550 And as soon as they're in danger because of... 211 00:16:03,583 --> 00:16:07,208 Well, if they're being tracked by poachers for their fins, we can disconnect them. 212 00:16:18,916 --> 00:16:21,291 As I dive deeper into the ocean... 213 00:16:29,291 --> 00:16:30,416 Sophia, over here. 214 00:16:36,458 --> 00:16:37,625 Ben. Ben, Ben, Ben... 215 00:16:37,708 --> 00:16:39,375 Wait, wait, wait. Two seconds. 216 00:16:39,458 --> 00:16:40,458 What's going on? 217 00:16:40,541 --> 00:16:42,875 We spotted a trawler near Ulysses. I'm gonna get him out. 218 00:16:42,958 --> 00:16:44,041 Where is he? 219 00:16:44,125 --> 00:16:45,125 Spain. 220 00:16:45,708 --> 00:16:47,500 No fishing for you today, guys. 221 00:16:51,125 --> 00:16:52,666 - Ta-da! - What is it? Show me. 222 00:16:53,458 --> 00:16:54,291 Get Beacon Seven. 223 00:16:54,375 --> 00:16:55,958 - Ben, Beacon Seven. - Yeah... 224 00:16:56,041 --> 00:16:58,291 - Ben, please. Show her Beacon Seven. - Right. Uh... 225 00:16:58,375 --> 00:16:59,375 Right. 226 00:17:02,166 --> 00:17:04,208 Beacon Seven, Beacon Seven, Beacon Seven... 227 00:17:04,291 --> 00:17:05,666 And there. 228 00:17:05,750 --> 00:17:06,750 Look. 229 00:17:13,958 --> 00:17:15,583 That's impossible. 230 00:17:16,166 --> 00:17:18,958 Our servers, they're well-protected. That can't be my beacon. 231 00:17:19,041 --> 00:17:22,041 I mean, well-protected or not, these days you can access anything. See that? 232 00:17:22,583 --> 00:17:24,916 We caught her tracker three weeks ago in Le Havre. 233 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:26,666 After that, she swam back up the Seine. 234 00:17:32,916 --> 00:17:35,916 Lilith's been here for three days. In the heart of Paris. 235 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,125 No, it's impossible. It's fresh water. 236 00:17:38,208 --> 00:17:41,625 Bull sharks breed in fresh water, so we thought that could explain... 237 00:17:41,708 --> 00:17:42,833 She's a mako. 238 00:17:42,916 --> 00:17:44,333 You were right. 239 00:17:44,416 --> 00:17:46,336 With the effects of climate change and pollution, 240 00:17:46,375 --> 00:17:48,041 the sharks have changed their behavior. 241 00:17:48,125 --> 00:17:50,583 She got here by mistake and now she's just trying to survive. 242 00:17:51,833 --> 00:17:54,958 Even if by some miracle it is my beacon, it must have just come loose. 243 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:57,281 And drifted against the current, that makes sense to you? 244 00:17:57,333 --> 00:17:58,375 Wouldn't it have sunk? 245 00:17:58,458 --> 00:18:00,375 It's really important we help her get back. 246 00:18:00,458 --> 00:18:01,458 Otherwise, she'll die. 247 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:05,666 Me and Ben can communicate with her. 248 00:18:05,750 --> 00:18:09,000 Are you insane? She's a shark, not a poodle. 249 00:18:09,083 --> 00:18:11,583 Just dive with us. I'm going to prove you wrong. 250 00:18:12,333 --> 00:18:13,916 - In the Seine? - Yeah. 251 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:15,250 We're going in tonight. 252 00:18:16,958 --> 00:18:18,125 I don't know why I came here. 253 00:18:18,208 --> 00:18:20,128 There was an accident last night. The Pont Marie. 254 00:18:20,166 --> 00:18:22,726 A car went right off the bridge, but they never found the driver. 255 00:18:26,916 --> 00:18:28,291 Sophia! 256 00:18:28,375 --> 00:18:31,458 ...and more sustainable planet for all. 257 00:19:36,083 --> 00:19:37,708 We got here less than an hour ago, 258 00:19:37,791 --> 00:19:40,000 and we've already spotted two whale sharks. 259 00:19:40,083 --> 00:19:41,283 Right there. See them, Sophia? 260 00:19:41,333 --> 00:19:43,041 Wait, look! A third one! 261 00:19:43,125 --> 00:19:45,250 - Oh wow, that one's huge! - You seeing this? 262 00:19:45,333 --> 00:19:47,666 - So beautiful! - It's because of deep drop-offs. 263 00:19:47,750 --> 00:19:50,125 Oh bravo. Great job. 264 00:19:50,208 --> 00:19:53,375 Wow. Three hours to repair a motor, that's gotta be a new record. 265 00:19:53,458 --> 00:19:55,708 - Come on! Let's play! - Nice job! 266 00:19:55,791 --> 00:19:58,375 - Come on. Race ya there! - Come on, big guy! 267 00:19:59,291 --> 00:20:02,583 Four, three, two, one... 268 00:20:02,666 --> 00:20:04,416 Happy New Year! 269 00:20:04,500 --> 00:20:05,500 Whoo! 270 00:20:07,083 --> 00:20:09,833 - Whoo-hoo! - Hey! Make a wish, babe. I love you! 271 00:20:09,916 --> 00:20:12,083 - Whoo-hoo! - Hey, watch it. 272 00:20:13,250 --> 00:20:14,416 Whoo! 273 00:20:15,458 --> 00:20:16,625 Go for it, Chris. 274 00:20:16,708 --> 00:20:19,000 - Just keep a safe distance. - Hang on a sec. 275 00:20:21,291 --> 00:20:24,708 Chris, there's no image! 276 00:21:01,708 --> 00:21:02,708 That's impossible. 277 00:21:39,583 --> 00:21:41,291 It's Mika, leave a message. 278 00:21:41,375 --> 00:21:42,375 Mika. 279 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:44,458 Mika, it's Sophia. 280 00:21:44,541 --> 00:21:45,625 Call me back, please. 281 00:21:51,916 --> 00:21:52,916 Yeah. 282 00:21:55,875 --> 00:21:58,666 Okay, if you're in trouble, you pull the line and get out. Got it? 283 00:21:59,291 --> 00:22:01,833 - And what about you? - I'll be fine. 284 00:22:10,250 --> 00:22:11,970 You figure kisses will get you off the hook? 285 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:14,708 - If anything happens, you get out. Okay? - Okay. 286 00:23:29,833 --> 00:23:31,125 Mika, hurry. Get out. 287 00:24:35,000 --> 00:24:36,250 Police! 288 00:24:36,333 --> 00:24:37,833 Can you get out of the water, please? 289 00:24:37,916 --> 00:24:39,833 Get out of the water, now! 290 00:25:19,916 --> 00:25:22,375 Why were you diving in the middle of the night? 291 00:25:22,458 --> 00:25:24,583 So I'm not allowed to clean the Seine? 292 00:25:24,666 --> 00:25:25,833 You were cleaning the Seine? 293 00:25:26,625 --> 00:25:27,625 Yeah. 294 00:25:29,916 --> 00:25:31,250 And who owns that boat? 295 00:25:31,333 --> 00:25:32,916 It's mine. What do you mean? 296 00:25:35,458 --> 00:25:37,125 - We're going to the station. - No. 297 00:25:37,208 --> 00:25:39,833 If everything checks out, you can go home. Okay? 298 00:25:41,875 --> 00:25:44,750 Nils! Let's pass by Ile St-Louis and check on the others. 299 00:25:44,833 --> 00:25:45,833 Okay. 300 00:25:47,875 --> 00:25:49,583 Kiki, stay close to me. 301 00:25:49,666 --> 00:25:51,250 Have you heard from Roger? 302 00:25:51,333 --> 00:25:52,958 We haven't seen him in a long time. 303 00:25:53,041 --> 00:25:54,708 Hey, guys! How are ya? 304 00:25:54,791 --> 00:25:55,791 Oh, hey! 305 00:25:55,875 --> 00:25:56,875 You doing okay? 306 00:25:56,958 --> 00:25:59,708 - Here, we brought you some stuff. - Oh. That's slick, man. 307 00:25:59,791 --> 00:26:02,125 - Here. This one should fit. - Quality gear. 308 00:26:02,208 --> 00:26:04,083 - Perfect. - Is it your size? 309 00:26:04,166 --> 00:26:05,541 What else have we got here? 310 00:26:08,916 --> 00:26:10,791 - Team's here. - Ah! 311 00:26:10,875 --> 00:26:12,958 - Hey, Markus, catch! - Yeah. 312 00:26:17,083 --> 00:26:18,208 Give me some slack. 313 00:26:19,083 --> 00:26:20,083 Hey, Adewale. 314 00:26:20,166 --> 00:26:22,416 - You good, chief? - All good, thanks. 315 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:24,666 How's the lady? Looking beautiful. 316 00:26:24,750 --> 00:26:27,125 - Ooh! - Sorry, are we distracting you, Adewale? 317 00:26:27,875 --> 00:26:29,791 Are we all set? They have all their stuff? 318 00:26:29,875 --> 00:26:31,595 They're ready to go and we gave them a hand. 319 00:26:31,625 --> 00:26:34,208 It's under control, chief. You guys were a big help. 320 00:26:34,291 --> 00:26:35,625 We're gone tomorrow, no problem. 321 00:26:35,708 --> 00:26:37,541 Sorry, but it'll be three weeks, max. 322 00:26:37,625 --> 00:26:39,833 The mayor wants the docks cleaned for the triathlon. 323 00:26:39,916 --> 00:26:43,208 Don't worry. And besides, Kiki and I are going to have a front-row seat. 324 00:26:43,291 --> 00:26:44,333 That's perfect. 325 00:26:44,416 --> 00:26:46,000 - Well, happy reading. - Thanks. 326 00:26:46,083 --> 00:26:47,958 - See you at the station? - Yup. 327 00:26:48,041 --> 00:26:50,000 - Okay, easing out. - Here we go. 328 00:26:50,083 --> 00:26:51,791 - Give it some gas. - You got it. 329 00:26:52,541 --> 00:26:53,541 Let's go! 330 00:27:17,583 --> 00:27:18,791 What took you so long? 331 00:27:18,875 --> 00:27:21,333 We picked her up at the accident site near Pont Marie. 332 00:27:21,416 --> 00:27:23,541 She was in the water in diving gear. 333 00:27:23,625 --> 00:27:25,541 Fine. Adama, can you handle this? 334 00:27:25,625 --> 00:27:27,708 Chief, I have to unload all this gear first. 335 00:27:28,333 --> 00:27:30,666 - It's okay, I got it. - Me too. If you need help. 336 00:27:30,750 --> 00:27:32,541 Caro's got it under control. I'm off. 337 00:27:32,625 --> 00:27:35,083 Call my cell if you need me. See you tomorrow. 338 00:27:35,791 --> 00:27:36,916 Good night, chief. 339 00:27:37,541 --> 00:27:39,000 Wait, wait. I'm going first. 340 00:27:39,083 --> 00:27:40,166 - Follow me. - Nils. 341 00:27:40,250 --> 00:27:42,416 - Yeah? - You're still on duty, right? 342 00:27:42,500 --> 00:27:44,375 - Yeah, why? - Put on your vest. 343 00:27:44,458 --> 00:27:47,125 You're not a firefighter anymore, sunshine! 344 00:27:47,208 --> 00:27:49,208 Last I checked, this wasn't the army, either. 345 00:27:49,291 --> 00:27:51,208 You wouldn't last an hour in the army, man. 346 00:29:06,083 --> 00:29:09,333 154 WORLD WAR II SHELLS FOUND UNDER THE IENA BRIDGE 347 00:29:16,541 --> 00:29:17,541 Coffee? 348 00:29:21,125 --> 00:29:22,833 So am I allowed to go home now? 349 00:29:24,833 --> 00:29:26,166 Why were you diving? 350 00:29:26,250 --> 00:29:28,375 Does it have to do with the accident? 351 00:29:28,458 --> 00:29:30,375 We have something for you. 352 00:29:32,708 --> 00:29:34,416 20-10 reporting in. 353 00:29:37,125 --> 00:29:38,125 Sugar? 354 00:29:52,333 --> 00:29:55,583 15-5, this is dispatch. Domestic dispute call just came in. 355 00:29:55,666 --> 00:29:59,000 I sent you the address. I think you'll recognize it. Confirm. 356 00:30:01,416 --> 00:30:02,416 So... 357 00:30:03,875 --> 00:30:04,791 Explain to me, 358 00:30:04,875 --> 00:30:06,458 why were you searching the car? 359 00:30:07,083 --> 00:30:09,750 - Damn it. - I asked you a question! 360 00:30:09,833 --> 00:30:12,833 - Why were you diving? - There's a shark in the Seine. Happy now? 361 00:30:14,916 --> 00:30:16,583 You wanna waste time? That's fine. 362 00:30:18,125 --> 00:30:20,041 All right. You think I'm an idiot. 363 00:30:22,083 --> 00:30:23,875 We're going to start all over again. 364 00:30:23,958 --> 00:30:25,166 What's your name? 365 00:30:25,250 --> 00:30:27,250 Adil! We have an emergency. 366 00:30:39,375 --> 00:30:41,208 Come on, sweetheart. Time to go. 367 00:30:41,291 --> 00:30:42,291 Aww... 368 00:30:45,625 --> 00:30:48,333 Look, Daddy. Look! There's little fishies. 369 00:30:48,833 --> 00:30:51,000 Fuck. No... 370 00:30:51,083 --> 00:30:52,833 - Where, honey? - Did you see? 371 00:30:52,916 --> 00:30:53,916 Yeah. 372 00:30:54,333 --> 00:30:55,833 Hey, you! Get away from there! 373 00:30:55,916 --> 00:30:56,833 Get back up here now! 374 00:30:56,916 --> 00:30:58,716 Hey, you can't speak to my daughter like that. 375 00:31:01,291 --> 00:31:02,791 - Sorry. - What's wrong with you? 376 00:31:02,875 --> 00:31:03,916 I'm really sorry. 377 00:31:04,750 --> 00:31:06,041 - Hello? - Come on. 378 00:31:06,791 --> 00:31:08,625 Yeah, it's me. 379 00:31:13,500 --> 00:31:14,750 Glad you could make it. 380 00:31:16,125 --> 00:31:17,125 This way. 381 00:31:20,375 --> 00:31:21,625 Morning. 382 00:31:21,708 --> 00:31:24,291 - Adil Faez, sergeant. - Sophia Assalas. 383 00:31:24,375 --> 00:31:25,875 I believe you know each other? 384 00:31:25,958 --> 00:31:28,875 - I told them to call you, I'm sorry. - Come with me, please. 385 00:31:31,125 --> 00:31:32,125 Adama? 386 00:31:49,416 --> 00:31:50,875 We found him this morning. 387 00:31:53,416 --> 00:31:55,583 Your friend is apparently convinced it was a shark. 388 00:32:12,500 --> 00:32:14,625 I can guarantee you a shark did this. 389 00:32:17,166 --> 00:32:19,375 If by some miracle it did get through the locks, 390 00:32:19,458 --> 00:32:21,708 why would it come to Paris? 391 00:32:21,791 --> 00:32:22,791 I have no idea. 392 00:32:23,708 --> 00:32:26,333 But when it was a beluga, you didn't ask questions, did you? 393 00:32:27,958 --> 00:32:29,458 Adama, call Angèle. 394 00:32:29,541 --> 00:32:30,708 Mm-hmm. 395 00:32:30,791 --> 00:32:33,833 - Follow me, please. - Adama for Angèle. They're coming back. 396 00:32:35,541 --> 00:32:36,833 Understood. Over. 397 00:32:39,666 --> 00:32:42,166 It could've been a propeller. It's happened before. 398 00:32:42,250 --> 00:32:44,333 Trust me. Those are bite marks. 399 00:32:44,416 --> 00:32:47,958 She's supposed to only measure 2.5 meters, but she's far bigger. 400 00:32:48,041 --> 00:32:50,500 And that same shark is apparently in the Seine. 401 00:32:50,583 --> 00:32:52,666 You can't possibly believe this. It's ridiculous. 402 00:32:52,750 --> 00:32:54,250 We've been following her. 403 00:32:54,333 --> 00:32:56,375 We've gotta get her out before she suffocates. 404 00:32:56,458 --> 00:32:59,338 I don't understand. There are sharks in the Thames too, and they don't... 405 00:32:59,375 --> 00:33:00,815 The Thames is their natural habitat. 406 00:33:00,875 --> 00:33:03,958 This shark, there's nothing for her here. Her behavior isn't normal. 407 00:33:04,041 --> 00:33:07,458 We have to get her out of the Seine. And to do that, we need a team of experts. 408 00:33:07,541 --> 00:33:08,861 It'll be a complicated operation. 409 00:33:08,916 --> 00:33:10,125 Wait! Hang on a sec! 410 00:33:10,208 --> 00:33:13,250 Why don't we make sure that this shark exists? All right? 411 00:33:15,958 --> 00:33:16,958 Will do. 412 00:33:17,708 --> 00:33:18,708 Let's go. 413 00:33:22,166 --> 00:33:23,916 Leo, Markus. We're leaving! 414 00:33:27,416 --> 00:33:28,726 - Do you have a ping? - Yeah. I do. 415 00:33:28,750 --> 00:33:32,000 She's just behind l'Ile de la Cité. 200 meters from Notre-Dame. 416 00:33:32,583 --> 00:33:33,666 We can take it from here. 417 00:33:33,750 --> 00:33:35,250 No way, I'm coming with you. 418 00:33:35,333 --> 00:33:36,413 That's out of the question. 419 00:33:36,458 --> 00:33:37,458 Caro! 420 00:33:38,250 --> 00:33:39,625 Here. This is what we'll do. 421 00:33:39,708 --> 00:33:40,708 Lieutenant... 422 00:33:40,750 --> 00:33:42,270 Not lieutenant, sergeant. Two seconds. 423 00:33:42,333 --> 00:33:45,208 Sergeant or not, what you're doing is completely useless. 424 00:33:45,291 --> 00:33:47,572 By using my tracker, we could very easily find her beacon. 425 00:33:47,625 --> 00:33:49,375 And we could do that from up here! 426 00:33:49,458 --> 00:33:51,291 Markus. Grab the harpoons. 427 00:33:51,375 --> 00:33:53,583 There's no point in diving and taking this risk. 428 00:33:53,666 --> 00:33:54,666 Hey. 429 00:33:55,208 --> 00:33:56,833 I just wanna know where it's hiding. 430 00:33:57,833 --> 00:33:59,166 If it exists. 431 00:33:59,250 --> 00:34:01,666 All right, guys. Let's go. Are you coming? 432 00:34:01,750 --> 00:34:04,166 This shark is potentially dangerous! 433 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:06,375 And even more so if she feels threatened by your team. 434 00:34:06,458 --> 00:34:09,833 Ms. Assalas. We're the River Brigade, not Greenpeace. 435 00:34:09,916 --> 00:34:12,583 So either you show us how your tracker works so we can use it, 436 00:34:12,666 --> 00:34:14,958 or you come with us, but we're leaving. 437 00:34:15,041 --> 00:34:16,041 Okay? 438 00:34:38,333 --> 00:34:40,291 All right, let's go. 439 00:34:40,375 --> 00:34:42,750 See you later. 440 00:35:35,750 --> 00:35:37,000 Eight hundred meters! 441 00:35:37,916 --> 00:35:38,916 Eight hundred meters. 442 00:35:45,916 --> 00:35:47,041 She should be here. 443 00:36:03,500 --> 00:36:05,500 River Police, this is Patrol Delta. 444 00:36:05,583 --> 00:36:08,333 We're ready to head out. Just give us the word. Over. 445 00:36:19,000 --> 00:36:20,125 How deep is it here? 446 00:36:21,125 --> 00:36:22,125 Five meters. 447 00:36:22,833 --> 00:36:24,000 5.7 in the middle. 448 00:36:25,375 --> 00:36:27,666 It's impossible. She's huge. Where's she hiding? 449 00:36:28,166 --> 00:36:30,291 Maybe we can't see her because she doesn't exist. 450 00:36:32,416 --> 00:36:33,625 Caro? Guys? 451 00:36:37,208 --> 00:36:38,583 Synchronize trackers. 452 00:36:43,916 --> 00:36:45,125 - I'm good. - Yup. 453 00:36:45,208 --> 00:36:47,500 - You see us? - I've got you, yup. 454 00:36:48,750 --> 00:36:52,125 River Police, this is Patrol Delta. We read you loud and clear. 455 00:36:52,208 --> 00:36:54,166 - Your lights? - They're good. 456 00:36:54,250 --> 00:36:55,625 All right, let's go. 457 00:37:51,791 --> 00:37:52,791 Anything yet? 458 00:38:46,291 --> 00:38:49,250 Pick up, pick up. 459 00:38:49,333 --> 00:38:51,125 Where were you? I've been calling. 460 00:38:51,208 --> 00:38:52,248 Disconnect her beacon now! 461 00:38:52,291 --> 00:38:54,726 - They're gonna kill her. - We'll lose her if I drop the beacon. 462 00:38:54,750 --> 00:38:57,083 Do you not get it? We don't have a choice! We have to. 463 00:38:57,166 --> 00:38:59,583 We won't have a signal from her anymore, it's too dangerous. 464 00:38:59,666 --> 00:39:00,500 Just turn it off. 465 00:39:00,583 --> 00:39:01,791 - We can't. - Turn it off! 466 00:39:29,416 --> 00:39:31,166 I don't know if I can reactivate it. 467 00:39:31,250 --> 00:39:32,458 Ben, just do it, please! 468 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:35,000 Fine, I'll do it. 469 00:39:37,666 --> 00:39:39,333 Hurry, we're running out of time. 470 00:39:41,625 --> 00:39:43,708 She's coming. 471 00:40:05,416 --> 00:40:07,291 Okay, the beacon's disconnected. 472 00:40:08,041 --> 00:40:10,666 Great. Good. We did it. 473 00:40:19,166 --> 00:40:20,875 Something's moving down there. 474 00:40:21,875 --> 00:40:23,000 What's going on? 475 00:40:23,083 --> 00:40:24,583 Oh shit. The signal... 476 00:40:24,666 --> 00:40:26,791 - What do you mean "the signal"? - I've lost it! 477 00:40:26,875 --> 00:40:29,291 I don't understand what happened. Where did it go? 478 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:32,875 Come on! Okay, okay. Move. 479 00:40:56,750 --> 00:40:58,000 Hey! Sarge! 480 00:40:58,083 --> 00:41:00,000 - Caro! - Sarge! Sarge! 481 00:41:00,083 --> 00:41:01,416 Hurry! Give me your hand! 482 00:41:05,333 --> 00:41:08,000 Adil, I swear we felt something down there. 483 00:41:08,083 --> 00:41:09,166 It was enormous. 484 00:41:09,250 --> 00:41:10,708 - You sure? - Uh-huh. 485 00:41:12,208 --> 00:41:13,708 We should check the sonar. 486 00:41:16,500 --> 00:41:19,333 All units, please respond. Armed robbery in progress. 487 00:41:19,416 --> 00:41:22,333 Corner of Meslay and Du Temple. Please respond. 488 00:41:38,291 --> 00:41:39,416 Caro. 489 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:41,916 Get a broadcast ready. 490 00:41:45,000 --> 00:41:46,000 Was it you? 491 00:41:46,666 --> 00:41:48,583 - What? - The beacon. Was that you? 492 00:41:48,666 --> 00:41:50,506 The signal dropped. I don't know what happened. 493 00:41:50,541 --> 00:41:52,166 You endangered my whole team. 494 00:41:52,250 --> 00:41:54,458 You think I would do that? I told you not to dive! 495 00:41:54,541 --> 00:41:55,750 - All right, get out. - Huh? 496 00:41:55,833 --> 00:41:57,250 Don't you touch me! 497 00:41:59,583 --> 00:42:01,541 Stalled boat under Pont Marie. 498 00:42:01,625 --> 00:42:03,833 I repeat, stalled boat under the Pont Marie. 499 00:42:05,666 --> 00:42:07,333 Come on. We're heading back to base. 500 00:42:20,291 --> 00:42:22,708 - That was a close call. - I can't believe I listened to you. 501 00:42:22,791 --> 00:42:25,431 - Wait, you're on their side now? - I'm not, but what are we to do? 502 00:42:25,500 --> 00:42:27,958 We've gotta get her back to the ocean! She'll die if we don't. 503 00:42:28,041 --> 00:42:30,375 - I may not be able to activate the beacon. - Mika! 504 00:42:31,458 --> 00:42:33,498 - What are you doing here? - What were you thinking? 505 00:42:33,541 --> 00:42:34,833 Sophia, they were armed! 506 00:42:34,916 --> 00:42:36,458 Mika, what if she had attacked? 507 00:42:36,541 --> 00:42:38,684 You know sharks would never attack without good reason. 508 00:42:38,708 --> 00:42:41,375 Lilith did that three years ago, and I won't let it happen again. 509 00:42:41,458 --> 00:42:44,458 But you weren't supposed to be there! It was your fault! 510 00:42:51,750 --> 00:42:53,416 You need to stay out of it, okay? 511 00:42:53,916 --> 00:42:54,916 I didn't mean... 512 00:42:55,875 --> 00:42:57,041 Sophia, I'm sorry! 513 00:43:01,875 --> 00:43:02,708 Angèle, 514 00:43:02,791 --> 00:43:05,711 if we're going to catch this shark, we need to shut the locks immediately. 515 00:43:05,750 --> 00:43:07,083 We need to stop boat traffic. 516 00:43:07,166 --> 00:43:09,083 - We have no choice. - You can't be serious. 517 00:43:09,166 --> 00:43:10,750 One week till the triathlon. 518 00:43:11,791 --> 00:43:13,831 Journalists from around the world have been invited. 519 00:43:13,875 --> 00:43:16,708 They're announcing that Olympic events will take place in the Seine. 520 00:43:17,625 --> 00:43:18,625 Yeah, I know. 521 00:43:19,333 --> 00:43:22,208 Here you are asking me to call the mayor and cancel everything? 522 00:43:22,291 --> 00:43:24,211 How am I supposed to explain something like that? 523 00:43:29,750 --> 00:43:32,083 We're doubling our staff. I'll call up the prefect. 524 00:43:32,166 --> 00:43:34,166 We'll establish a surveillance team. 525 00:43:50,083 --> 00:43:52,791 {\an8}Restoring the health of our oceans is imperative. 526 00:43:52,875 --> 00:43:55,458 {\an8}Our marine ecosystem provides factually supported, 527 00:43:55,541 --> 00:43:58,583 {\an8}wide-reaching benefits that can help us fight climate change. 528 00:43:58,666 --> 00:44:00,041 Half of the oxygen... 529 00:44:01,000 --> 00:44:04,791 SLAUGHTER AT SEA: A GROUP OF SCIENTISTS ATTACKED BY A SHARK 530 00:44:16,291 --> 00:44:19,041 Hello, we are currently coming to you from the El Soldado, 531 00:44:19,125 --> 00:44:21,208 a boat belonging to the Ocean's Origins Association. 532 00:44:21,791 --> 00:44:25,833 A few days ago, the crew was massacred during an expedition north of Hawaii 533 00:44:25,916 --> 00:44:27,791 near the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 534 00:44:27,875 --> 00:44:31,500 Oceans Origins' president, Sophia Assalas, has refused to comment. 535 00:44:31,583 --> 00:44:33,458 An investigation is underway. 536 00:45:07,583 --> 00:45:09,500 What has more value than life? 537 00:45:10,500 --> 00:45:12,458 I believe these images speak for themselves. 538 00:45:21,750 --> 00:45:23,333 I'm not trying to sell you anything. 539 00:45:24,208 --> 00:45:27,208 I have no investors to convince or elections to win, 540 00:45:28,583 --> 00:45:30,958 but I and those after me are about to lose everything. 541 00:45:31,041 --> 00:45:34,208 Our parents... and their parents have doomed us all. 542 00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:36,416 My name is Mika. 543 00:45:36,500 --> 00:45:40,083 I'm 20 years old. We, at the Save Our Seas collective, 544 00:45:40,166 --> 00:45:43,125 believe that an animal's life is worth as much as a human's. 545 00:45:43,708 --> 00:45:47,666 But a hundred million sharks are murdered every year. Why? 546 00:45:47,750 --> 00:45:50,875 To make them into soup or an anti-aging cream? 547 00:45:50,958 --> 00:45:52,625 We need to stop the slaughter. 548 00:45:52,708 --> 00:45:55,958 We need to protect the sharks. The ocean needs balance. 549 00:45:56,041 --> 00:45:57,750 And decades of overfishing 550 00:45:57,833 --> 00:46:00,208 have deprived sharks of their food sources, 551 00:46:00,291 --> 00:46:02,916 forcing them to hunt in new territories. 552 00:46:03,000 --> 00:46:05,041 That's what happened to Lilith. 553 00:46:05,125 --> 00:46:08,458 She got lost in the Seine, and I need your help to save her. 554 00:46:08,541 --> 00:46:11,625 We are the only ones left who can make a difference. 555 00:46:12,166 --> 00:46:14,125 And it starts with saving this shark. 556 00:46:15,041 --> 00:46:16,375 Send a message. 557 00:46:17,666 --> 00:46:20,208 Stand up to those who massacre our planet. 558 00:46:21,125 --> 00:46:22,166 If we save her, 559 00:46:23,166 --> 00:46:26,916 we scream at the top of our lungs that this world belongs to us. 560 00:46:27,000 --> 00:46:28,208 If we save her, 561 00:46:29,041 --> 00:46:30,708 we save our future. 562 00:46:31,916 --> 00:46:33,083 So join us. 563 00:46:33,916 --> 00:46:35,250 Make yourselves heard. 564 00:46:35,333 --> 00:46:37,666 {\an8}Together, we'll find this shark, 565 00:46:37,750 --> 00:46:38,916 {\an8}and we're going to free her. 566 00:46:58,750 --> 00:46:59,833 Ms. Assalas. 567 00:47:01,458 --> 00:47:02,875 What are you doing here? 568 00:47:02,958 --> 00:47:06,250 Uh... Look, I think the two of us got off on the wrong foot. 569 00:47:07,041 --> 00:47:08,375 I wanted to apologize. 570 00:47:09,291 --> 00:47:12,541 Your nosebleed on the boat, was that from the diving accident? 571 00:47:15,458 --> 00:47:18,666 I didn't know about your husband. Well, I mean... your team. 572 00:47:19,791 --> 00:47:21,500 I just wanted to say I'm sorry. 573 00:47:22,666 --> 00:47:24,000 Okay. 574 00:47:25,583 --> 00:47:28,791 We've got a meeting with the mayor of Paris this afternoon and I figured... 575 00:47:28,875 --> 00:47:31,333 - Ms. Assalas... - You can just call me Sophia. 576 00:47:31,416 --> 00:47:33,791 Okay. Sophia, I was hoping you'd come with us. 577 00:47:33,875 --> 00:47:35,750 Because if I'm doing the talking, 578 00:47:36,708 --> 00:47:37,958 it won't be good. 579 00:47:44,875 --> 00:47:45,875 A shark? 580 00:47:51,416 --> 00:47:52,791 There's a shark in the Seine? 581 00:47:52,875 --> 00:47:56,375 If I insisted on meeting with you, ma'am, it's because I believe this is urgent. 582 00:47:56,458 --> 00:47:57,458 Of course, Angèle. 583 00:47:58,375 --> 00:47:59,708 We have to take action. 584 00:48:01,333 --> 00:48:02,750 You did the right thing. 585 00:48:08,083 --> 00:48:09,166 Hmm. 586 00:48:09,666 --> 00:48:10,750 You recognize it? 587 00:48:11,875 --> 00:48:12,875 It's Paris. 588 00:48:14,041 --> 00:48:15,041 My Paris. 589 00:48:18,375 --> 00:48:21,708 Over there is everything we've built for the upcoming triathlon. 590 00:48:22,458 --> 00:48:24,833 Our showcase for the Olympics, as it were. 591 00:48:24,916 --> 00:48:27,666 Journalists from around the world will be here to cover the event. 592 00:48:27,750 --> 00:48:30,166 We're expecting almost a thousand participants? 593 00:48:30,250 --> 00:48:31,958 Many more than that. 594 00:48:34,583 --> 00:48:35,666 You see what I mean? 595 00:48:35,750 --> 00:48:38,083 With all due respect, civilians have already died. 596 00:48:38,166 --> 00:48:41,208 Wait, hang on. Believe it or not, I can sympathize. 597 00:48:41,291 --> 00:48:43,771 - But Madam Mayor, if we do nothing, then... - But no. No. Hey! 598 00:48:43,833 --> 00:48:46,250 I don't like what you're insinuating here. 599 00:48:46,333 --> 00:48:47,791 Then let me be very clear with you. 600 00:48:47,875 --> 00:48:51,916 This species of shark is currently experiencing huge behavioral shifts. 601 00:48:52,000 --> 00:48:54,160 I first noticed these changes three years ago. And I... 602 00:48:54,208 --> 00:48:56,125 Yes, yes. We know all about your team. 603 00:48:57,875 --> 00:48:59,291 There have been several deaths. 604 00:48:59,375 --> 00:49:01,833 And if we do nothing, it'll just get worse. 605 00:49:02,458 --> 00:49:04,916 Your little PR stunt will turn into a massacre. 606 00:49:06,083 --> 00:49:07,500 - They didn't hear me. - No. 607 00:49:07,583 --> 00:49:09,166 Huh? You weren't listening? 608 00:49:09,750 --> 00:49:12,000 1.7 billion! 609 00:49:12,083 --> 00:49:15,291 That is how much has already been spent by the State 610 00:49:15,375 --> 00:49:16,958 to assure this event's success. 611 00:49:17,708 --> 00:49:21,000 We even managed to install basins under the Seine to recuperate wastewater. 612 00:49:21,083 --> 00:49:22,750 That's 46,000 cubic meters. 613 00:49:23,916 --> 00:49:26,083 I don't know what you want me to say. Figure it out! 614 00:49:26,833 --> 00:49:28,375 Make this little fish disappear! 615 00:49:28,958 --> 00:49:29,958 Hm. 616 00:49:30,708 --> 00:49:31,958 We understand, ma'am. 617 00:49:32,041 --> 00:49:36,500 For our part, our teams will handle containing the news on social media. 618 00:49:38,208 --> 00:49:40,833 I need you to know failure is not an option. 619 00:49:40,916 --> 00:49:43,291 This event will be perfect. Yes? And fun. 620 00:49:45,083 --> 00:49:47,000 All right, Angèle, go! 621 00:49:47,708 --> 00:49:49,333 I'll walk you back. This way. 622 00:49:50,708 --> 00:49:53,875 Sophia, get me a list of the equipment you'll need for this. 623 00:49:53,958 --> 00:49:56,250 I've already started getting everything together. 624 00:49:56,333 --> 00:49:58,973 But since we can't track Lilith anymore, we need a way to lure her. 625 00:49:59,000 --> 00:50:00,375 How do we do that? 626 00:50:03,708 --> 00:50:07,000 We can bait her. Between the Pont de Sully and the Pont d'Austerlitz. 627 00:50:07,083 --> 00:50:09,923 Once tranquilized, we'll take her to the locks at the Port de l'Arsenal. 628 00:50:09,958 --> 00:50:12,833 And the Oceanography Institute will handle the rest. 629 00:50:12,916 --> 00:50:13,916 Understood? 630 00:50:14,000 --> 00:50:15,000 Right, let's move. 631 00:50:16,291 --> 00:50:18,811 Make sure your lights are charged up, we'll need 'em down there. 632 00:50:20,208 --> 00:50:21,708 I can hold her for 30 minutes. 633 00:50:22,541 --> 00:50:24,791 I understand, but we can't afford to wait. 634 00:50:26,875 --> 00:50:28,791 - Shit! - Hey, be careful with that. 635 00:50:28,875 --> 00:50:29,750 Come on, man. 636 00:50:29,833 --> 00:50:31,541 - Sorry. - Lift. One, two. 637 00:50:31,625 --> 00:50:33,375 Do your best and get over here ASAP. 638 00:50:33,458 --> 00:50:36,666 Got it, I'm good. Is the lid not sealed? 639 00:50:36,750 --> 00:50:37,583 Congrats. 640 00:50:37,666 --> 00:50:40,375 I got the Institute on the phone. They're ready. 641 00:50:40,458 --> 00:50:42,250 Wait. I need to show you a video. 642 00:50:42,333 --> 00:50:43,458 Back to work, boss. 643 00:50:46,875 --> 00:50:48,291 Look at this. 644 00:50:48,375 --> 00:50:50,750 Once she's been tranquilized, we have to move quickly. 645 00:50:50,833 --> 00:50:54,000 The Institute will only have 30 minutes to move her. 646 00:50:54,083 --> 00:50:55,625 After that, she'll suffocate. 647 00:50:55,708 --> 00:50:57,500 We'll use the same equipment as those guys? 648 00:50:57,583 --> 00:51:00,125 - Mm-hm. - Sophia! I have to talk to you, now. 649 00:51:02,041 --> 00:51:03,583 Ben, where are they? 650 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:07,500 In the catacombs. 651 00:51:08,333 --> 00:51:09,958 By the wastewater reservoirs. 652 00:51:14,250 --> 00:51:15,916 Please don't tell her I came to see you. 653 00:51:16,000 --> 00:51:18,375 I care about her, but she's out of control. 654 00:51:19,291 --> 00:51:22,142 She's hoping to prove we can guide Lilith back to the ocean using sonar... 655 00:51:22,166 --> 00:51:23,708 How'd you find the shark? 656 00:51:25,125 --> 00:51:28,583 I figured out a way to reactivate her beacon. Easier than I thought. 657 00:51:29,083 --> 00:51:30,750 How did you pull that off? 658 00:51:32,000 --> 00:51:33,333 Could you show us, please? 659 00:51:45,208 --> 00:51:46,708 What's she doing down there? 660 00:51:47,875 --> 00:51:50,208 - Those are the old catacombs. - Exactly. 661 00:51:50,291 --> 00:51:53,208 They're the city's water reservoirs. It's like an underground lake. 662 00:51:53,291 --> 00:51:56,125 You can't access the reservoirs from the Seine. It's impossible. 663 00:51:56,208 --> 00:51:57,458 You actually can. 664 00:51:58,208 --> 00:52:00,791 We found a condemned entrance under the Canal St-Martin. 665 00:52:02,291 --> 00:52:04,666 - When were you planning to go? - They're already there. 666 00:52:05,666 --> 00:52:07,146 And there's gonna be a lot of people. 667 00:52:08,791 --> 00:52:11,208 Damn it. I shouldn't have come to you. 668 00:52:11,291 --> 00:52:13,251 No, Ben, wait, it's okay. Listen. No one can dive. 669 00:52:13,291 --> 00:52:14,458 Make sure Mika doesn't. 670 00:52:14,541 --> 00:52:17,250 Just head back there, pretend nothing happened. We're coming. 671 00:52:17,333 --> 00:52:18,333 Okay? 672 00:53:36,041 --> 00:53:38,541 Thanks for coming. I'm glad you're all here. 673 00:53:38,625 --> 00:53:39,833 Thanks for your support. 674 00:53:40,750 --> 00:53:42,000 Thank you all. 675 00:53:42,916 --> 00:53:45,458 Regis? Get logged on. You good? 676 00:53:48,750 --> 00:53:50,541 Is it ready? 677 00:53:50,625 --> 00:53:51,666 Almost. 678 00:53:56,125 --> 00:53:58,000 - You sure about this? - Yeah. 679 00:53:58,083 --> 00:53:59,833 I'm sure this will work. 680 00:53:59,916 --> 00:54:02,833 - It'll bring her straight to us. - That's not what I'm worried about. 681 00:54:05,041 --> 00:54:07,083 Don't tell me you're doubting the plan now. 682 00:54:07,958 --> 00:54:09,625 Aren't we doing what we promised? 683 00:54:11,083 --> 00:54:12,416 What if this doesn't work? 684 00:54:13,625 --> 00:54:14,875 What if we do nothing? 685 00:54:20,750 --> 00:54:21,750 Okay. 686 00:54:53,958 --> 00:54:56,000 This is River One for Chronos. 687 00:54:56,083 --> 00:54:58,500 I'm in the catacombs, near St-Martin, Jemapes side. 688 00:54:58,583 --> 00:55:00,458 We may have as many as 50 people down here. 689 00:55:01,041 --> 00:55:04,291 Requesting backup. I repeat, urgent request for backup. 690 00:55:06,041 --> 00:55:06,875 All right, guys. 691 00:55:06,958 --> 00:55:10,041 We don't know when backup is coming, so our safety is paramount, okay? 692 00:55:10,125 --> 00:55:13,083 Check your lights. Do not get between them and the water. 693 00:55:13,166 --> 00:55:14,208 Stay close to the walls. 694 00:55:14,291 --> 00:55:17,708 There's only one way out, so we've gotta keep everybody calm and avoid a panic. 695 00:55:17,791 --> 00:55:19,750 Otherwise they'll bottleneck, get trampled. 696 00:55:19,833 --> 00:55:23,208 We good? Adama, Leo, on the right. Sophia, stay with them. 697 00:55:24,000 --> 00:55:25,250 Nils and Markus with me. 698 00:55:51,708 --> 00:55:54,541 Everybody, keep calm! Police. Out of the water, now! 699 00:55:54,625 --> 00:55:55,625 No, no, wait. 700 00:55:55,666 --> 00:55:57,666 - Let's go! - Hang on! 701 00:55:57,750 --> 00:56:00,833 Come on! Party's over! This area is strictly off-limits to the public. 702 00:56:00,916 --> 00:56:02,833 We're going to evacuate calmly. 703 00:56:02,916 --> 00:56:05,291 My colleagues will bring you to the exit. Adama! 704 00:56:05,375 --> 00:56:07,625 You'll follow Adama and Markus. 705 00:56:07,708 --> 00:56:09,625 - Let's go! - No, wait! 706 00:56:09,708 --> 00:56:12,208 - Come on! - No, wait! We're almost there! 707 00:56:12,291 --> 00:56:15,541 We ask you to step back, please. The ground is very slippery here. 708 00:56:15,625 --> 00:56:17,500 Just wait! We know what we're doing! 709 00:56:17,583 --> 00:56:18,750 Mika! 710 00:56:18,833 --> 00:56:21,041 Sophia, we can help her back to the ocean, trust me. 711 00:56:21,125 --> 00:56:22,208 Against the wall! 712 00:56:22,291 --> 00:56:24,171 You need to let go of that and get out of there. 713 00:56:24,250 --> 00:56:26,541 Right, come on! Let's go! Pick it up! Go! 714 00:56:26,625 --> 00:56:28,333 We're moving! Let's go, let's go! 715 00:56:28,416 --> 00:56:29,875 Everybody out! Let's go! 716 00:56:29,958 --> 00:56:31,833 - I'm talking to you! Go! - She's coming! 717 00:56:59,458 --> 00:57:00,791 Look. There's another one. 718 00:57:00,875 --> 00:57:02,875 There's two! Holy shit! 719 00:57:04,250 --> 00:57:06,000 - Is it a baby? - She had a baby. 720 00:57:22,041 --> 00:57:23,625 Mika, don't touch her. 721 00:57:24,541 --> 00:57:26,208 Lilith is gonna feel threatened. 722 00:57:27,708 --> 00:57:31,041 Did you hear me? Get out of the water! Lilith is dangerous. 723 00:57:31,916 --> 00:57:33,500 - Sophia, look at this. - Nils... 724 00:57:33,583 --> 00:57:34,791 I was right. Trust me! 725 00:57:34,875 --> 00:57:36,958 - Cover me. - You're not listening, Mika! 726 00:57:37,041 --> 00:57:38,500 Lilith had a baby! 727 00:57:39,708 --> 00:57:40,958 We've invaded her nest! 728 00:57:41,583 --> 00:57:43,791 Wake the hell up. They won't hurt anyone. 729 00:57:51,500 --> 00:57:54,625 Mika, get out of there! She's gonna attack! Get out of the water! 730 00:57:54,708 --> 00:57:56,333 Mika! Get out of there right now! 731 00:57:56,416 --> 00:57:58,375 That's an order! Backs against the wall! 732 00:57:58,458 --> 00:58:00,166 - Away from the edge! - Calm down. 733 00:58:00,250 --> 00:58:02,541 - We're gonna evacuate. - Against the wall. 734 00:58:02,625 --> 00:58:04,791 - Against the wall! - Mika, get out of there! 735 00:58:04,875 --> 00:58:06,708 Stay against the wall! 736 00:58:06,791 --> 00:58:08,375 Do something, Adil, now! 737 00:58:08,458 --> 00:58:10,583 - Stay back! - Over here! Adil! 738 00:58:11,250 --> 00:58:12,625 Adil! 739 00:58:12,708 --> 00:58:15,333 Adil, what the hell? Get outta there! Hurry! 740 00:58:16,125 --> 00:58:18,625 - Mika! - Mika, get out! Mika! 741 00:58:21,000 --> 00:58:22,750 Get out of there! 742 00:58:27,666 --> 00:58:29,125 Mika! No! 743 00:58:44,791 --> 00:58:45,791 Adil! 744 00:58:49,208 --> 00:58:50,333 Hurry up, Adil! 745 00:58:51,375 --> 00:58:53,875 Stay away from the edge! Against the wall! 746 00:58:55,958 --> 00:58:57,916 Everyone, follow me! This way! Move! 747 00:58:59,250 --> 00:59:01,083 - This way! - We're all gonna die! 748 00:59:04,291 --> 00:59:06,625 Give me your hand, now! I'm here! 749 00:59:06,708 --> 00:59:08,958 - Give me your hand! - Give me your hand! 750 00:59:11,916 --> 00:59:14,500 Ah! 751 00:59:16,000 --> 00:59:18,208 Over here, Ben! Ben! 752 00:59:19,041 --> 00:59:20,041 Gimme your hand! 753 00:59:22,166 --> 00:59:23,458 Ben! 754 00:59:34,166 --> 00:59:36,083 Get me out of here! Help! 755 00:59:39,666 --> 00:59:41,958 Ben! Ben! Ben! 756 00:59:45,791 --> 00:59:48,791 Let's move it! Come on! Let's move! Don't stop, run! 757 00:59:48,875 --> 00:59:51,083 - Keep going! - Watch out! Move over! Give me your hand! 758 00:59:51,166 --> 00:59:52,208 Ah! 759 00:59:54,250 --> 00:59:56,166 - Leopold! - Leo! 760 00:59:56,250 --> 00:59:57,958 Get out of the water! Over here! 761 01:00:00,708 --> 01:00:03,208 Everyone, out! Swim to the side! 762 01:00:03,291 --> 01:00:04,500 They're everywhere! 763 01:00:08,458 --> 01:00:09,708 Hurry! Come on! 764 01:00:18,416 --> 01:00:19,666 It's right behind us! 765 01:00:22,875 --> 01:00:25,708 Hey! Give me your hand! Over here! 766 01:00:27,958 --> 01:00:29,875 - This way! Hurry! - I've got you! 767 01:00:32,416 --> 01:00:34,333 Just get to the exits! 768 01:00:35,833 --> 01:00:37,708 Leo! Leo! No! 769 01:00:38,291 --> 01:00:39,583 Leo! 770 01:00:42,666 --> 01:00:44,333 Come on! Move it! 771 01:00:45,333 --> 01:00:46,916 - Hey! This way! - Move it! 772 01:00:49,333 --> 01:00:50,333 Come on! 773 01:01:01,375 --> 01:01:02,791 Leo! 774 01:01:02,875 --> 01:01:04,666 - Leo! - Leo! 775 01:01:05,250 --> 01:01:06,541 Leo! 776 01:01:07,958 --> 01:01:09,000 Over here! 777 01:01:10,708 --> 01:01:11,708 Hurry, come on! 778 01:01:13,708 --> 01:01:14,708 Give me your hand! 779 01:01:15,500 --> 01:01:16,916 Give me your hand! 780 01:01:46,750 --> 01:01:48,791 Hey, look at me! Look at me! 781 01:01:55,291 --> 01:01:56,791 You okay? She's stable now? 782 01:01:57,458 --> 01:01:59,166 It's the prefect! 783 01:02:00,166 --> 01:02:01,708 - Oh! - Angèle... 784 01:02:01,791 --> 01:02:03,916 - Adil. Here, come on! - Two seconds, two seconds! 785 01:03:01,916 --> 01:03:03,583 I'm feeling okay, actually. 786 01:03:04,875 --> 01:03:06,333 Yeah, I... 787 01:03:38,000 --> 01:03:39,291 It was my fault, Adil. 788 01:03:41,125 --> 01:03:43,166 I was supposed to protect them. 789 01:03:44,500 --> 01:03:45,625 Sophia. 790 01:03:47,625 --> 01:03:49,041 It's not your fault. 791 01:03:50,750 --> 01:03:51,750 Okay? 792 01:03:53,916 --> 01:03:54,916 Adil? 793 01:03:56,666 --> 01:03:57,666 We need you. 794 01:03:58,250 --> 01:03:59,250 Now. 795 01:04:09,041 --> 01:04:10,833 - What's going on? - Take a look. 796 01:05:02,916 --> 01:05:03,916 You see that? 797 01:05:04,666 --> 01:05:08,208 These organs allow the shark to adapt to the salinity of the water. 798 01:05:08,291 --> 01:05:10,583 And you see this protrusion on the side here? 799 01:05:11,250 --> 01:05:13,458 That shows she adapted to fresh water. 800 01:05:15,000 --> 01:05:16,250 But why are they in Paris? 801 01:05:16,333 --> 01:05:18,000 As they were swimming up the Seine, 802 01:05:18,083 --> 01:05:20,208 they must've found the perfect place to breed. 803 01:05:20,291 --> 01:05:22,541 They figured they'd be safe in the catacombs. 804 01:05:23,541 --> 01:05:26,250 A little bit like... larvae in a hive, you know? 805 01:05:27,625 --> 01:05:31,458 They'll feed in the Seine, mature, and then return to the ocean. 806 01:05:31,541 --> 01:05:34,833 Paris is one of the rare cities that can support this kind of ecosystem. 807 01:05:38,416 --> 01:05:39,416 She's a female. 808 01:06:02,125 --> 01:06:03,208 That's not possible. 809 01:06:04,125 --> 01:06:06,791 She hasn't reached sexual maturity, but she's already pregnant? 810 01:06:06,875 --> 01:06:08,041 I don't understand. 811 01:06:10,500 --> 01:06:12,750 You see that? The size of her teeth? 812 01:06:15,875 --> 01:06:17,791 That proves she's only two months old. 813 01:06:18,333 --> 01:06:19,583 It's incredible. 814 01:06:20,125 --> 01:06:21,583 Is there an explanation? 815 01:06:23,708 --> 01:06:25,916 Lilith is reproducing by parthenogenesis. 816 01:06:26,000 --> 01:06:27,208 What does that mean? 817 01:06:28,125 --> 01:06:30,000 She doesn't need a male to get pregnant. 818 01:06:35,625 --> 01:06:37,458 Adil, I made a mistake. These aren't makos. 819 01:06:38,583 --> 01:06:39,750 They've adapted. 820 01:06:41,541 --> 01:06:44,041 Lilith is the first of a brand-new species. 821 01:06:45,333 --> 01:06:48,708 And if we do nothing, they'll continue to reproduce. 822 01:06:48,791 --> 01:06:51,416 And they won't stop. Ever. 823 01:06:54,375 --> 01:06:55,375 Twelve dead. 824 01:06:56,250 --> 01:06:57,930 This puts a real damper on my celebrations. 825 01:06:58,000 --> 01:07:00,333 Ma'am, by the time we arrived on site, it was too late. 826 01:07:00,416 --> 01:07:02,892 We tried to get everyone out. We did our best, unfortunately... 827 01:07:02,916 --> 01:07:04,750 Your superiors should have been notified. 828 01:07:04,833 --> 01:07:07,791 Carrying out this operation on your own was beyond your capabilities. 829 01:07:07,875 --> 01:07:10,708 With all due respect, we did our best to inform the mayor. 830 01:07:10,791 --> 01:07:12,333 You did not. That's completely untrue. 831 01:07:12,416 --> 01:07:15,208 You "informed me" about a lost shark in the Seine. 832 01:07:15,291 --> 01:07:18,875 I trusted that your team and you were capable of handling the situation. 833 01:07:21,791 --> 01:07:24,541 I'm under so much stress. The triathlon starts tomorrow. 834 01:07:24,625 --> 01:07:27,416 Can you imagine how much shit I'll have to face? 835 01:07:29,083 --> 01:07:31,043 I'll go on the news, but I don't know what to say. 836 01:07:32,000 --> 01:07:34,750 You don't know what to say? Are you serious? 837 01:07:35,500 --> 01:07:37,208 You understand people died? 838 01:07:37,291 --> 01:07:39,434 Tell them there's a shark in the Seine, it's the truth. 839 01:07:39,458 --> 01:07:41,083 Right. Listen, why don't we calm down... 840 01:07:41,166 --> 01:07:44,291 Do you not understand what's happening? A dozen dead, and it could be hundreds! 841 01:07:44,375 --> 01:07:46,250 You just have to cancel, it's not complicated! 842 01:07:46,333 --> 01:07:47,333 Hey! 843 01:07:48,083 --> 01:07:49,666 Get out of my office right now. 844 01:07:53,250 --> 01:07:55,666 And you, get back to managing barge traffic. 845 01:07:55,750 --> 01:07:58,666 As of this moment, the army's in charge of security, got it? 846 01:08:01,000 --> 01:08:03,750 Mr. Prefect, hush this up immediately. Nothing can get out. 847 01:08:10,541 --> 01:08:13,791 {\an8}Massive purification basins have been installed 848 01:08:13,875 --> 01:08:15,625 {\an8}uh, just beside the nautical sites. 849 01:08:15,708 --> 01:08:18,583 {\an8}As you know, the swimming competition will be held there. 850 01:08:18,666 --> 01:08:22,208 {\an8}And this means every Parisian will be able to go for a swim themselves 851 01:08:22,291 --> 01:08:23,375 {\an8}after a long day at work. 852 01:08:23,458 --> 01:08:25,791 {\an8}And what is your response to those who claim 853 01:08:25,875 --> 01:08:27,666 {\an8}there are sharks on the loose in the Seine? 854 01:08:27,750 --> 01:08:30,541 {\an8}Oh, well, if this were true, okay, 855 01:08:30,625 --> 01:08:31,833 {\an8}I would be thrilled. 856 01:08:31,916 --> 01:08:34,756 {\an8}That would indicate that our efforts to depollute were met with success. 857 01:08:34,833 --> 01:08:37,041 - You're thrilled to have sharks? - Absolutely! 858 01:08:37,125 --> 01:08:41,375 In any case, it's common knowledge that sharks are perfectly harmless to humans. 859 01:08:41,458 --> 01:08:43,333 As far as I'm concerned, sharks of all kinds... 860 01:08:43,416 --> 01:08:45,750 - We really messed up. - Enough of this shark talk. 861 01:08:45,833 --> 01:08:47,500 Now they're making us the scapegoats. 862 01:08:47,583 --> 01:08:49,666 That's politicians for you. 863 01:08:49,750 --> 01:08:51,958 They never want to admit when they're wrong. 864 01:09:15,166 --> 01:09:17,291 It's frustrating to be ignored. 865 01:09:17,375 --> 01:09:18,750 To not be able to help. 866 01:09:20,750 --> 01:09:22,208 The army's taking care of it. 867 01:09:27,958 --> 01:09:30,798 If Lilith and her pack use the Seine to head back to the ocean tomorrow, 868 01:09:30,833 --> 01:09:32,000 it'll be carnage. 869 01:09:33,250 --> 01:09:35,458 - We have to do something, Adil. - Stop it. 870 01:09:35,541 --> 01:09:37,458 This whole thing is out of our hands. 871 01:09:38,041 --> 01:09:39,083 So just stop. 872 01:09:51,208 --> 01:09:52,288 Why did you leave the army? 873 01:10:01,041 --> 01:10:02,708 - Adil... - Because I was scared. 874 01:10:11,750 --> 01:10:14,958 We were supposed to free some journalists taken hostage in Burkina Faso. 875 01:10:16,416 --> 01:10:17,750 And I was afraid of dying. 876 01:10:23,000 --> 01:10:24,875 So I abandoned my brothers-in-arms. 877 01:10:29,166 --> 01:10:31,208 They managed to free the hostages, but... 878 01:10:32,291 --> 01:10:34,208 they took some serious casualties. 879 01:10:36,833 --> 01:10:38,041 That's why I left the army. 880 01:10:51,333 --> 01:10:53,041 - Something to drink? - No. I'm good. 881 01:10:59,875 --> 01:11:00,875 So... 882 01:11:01,500 --> 01:11:02,583 What should we do? 883 01:11:03,458 --> 01:11:04,541 Got a plan? 884 01:11:09,708 --> 01:11:11,541 I need two or three people to make this work. 885 01:11:12,583 --> 01:11:14,208 No one's under any obligation. 886 01:11:14,291 --> 01:11:16,083 We only have a few hours till the triathlon, 887 01:11:16,166 --> 01:11:17,791 so anyone who doesn't want to, you... 888 01:11:21,333 --> 01:11:22,333 For Leo. 889 01:11:23,958 --> 01:11:25,625 We're a team, aren't we? 890 01:11:27,375 --> 01:11:28,375 For Leo. 891 01:11:32,500 --> 01:11:34,958 I'm really sorry. I've got a family. 892 01:11:37,166 --> 01:11:39,083 But you know what? I can still cover you all. 893 01:11:44,208 --> 01:11:48,291 The nest must be here, in this crypt. Just underneath the catacomb chamber. 894 01:11:48,375 --> 01:11:52,083 This is Poiccard and Berruti. These men specialize in explosives. 895 01:11:52,166 --> 01:11:53,833 Berruti will lead the first team, 896 01:11:53,916 --> 01:11:56,250 which consists of Sophia, Adama and myself. 897 01:11:58,958 --> 01:12:00,678 Caro and Markus, you'll wait on the surface. 898 01:12:01,625 --> 01:12:04,083 You'll be positioned at the exit of the tunnel. 899 01:12:04,166 --> 01:12:07,750 Our extraction point is here, behind Notre-Dame. 900 01:12:07,833 --> 01:12:10,416 While you're heading there, we'll dive from the catacomb chamber. 901 01:12:10,500 --> 01:12:13,791 The trench is 30 meters deep. We'll have to make a decompression stop. 902 01:12:13,875 --> 01:12:16,625 At the bottom, there's a tunnel approximately 20 meters long. 903 01:12:16,708 --> 01:12:18,625 Once we're in the crypt, we'll place explosives 904 01:12:18,708 --> 01:12:20,083 so everything collapses at once. 905 01:12:20,166 --> 01:12:22,125 How long will we have before they blow? 906 01:12:24,041 --> 01:12:26,500 - Less than three minutes. - It's suicide. 907 01:12:26,583 --> 01:12:28,875 There won't be time to decompress before we surface. 908 01:12:28,958 --> 01:12:31,458 We'll use Seabobs to get through the tunnel. 909 01:12:31,541 --> 01:12:33,333 Once we're inside, we're in the clear. 910 01:12:33,916 --> 01:12:36,541 Then we travel 80 meters to get back to the Seine. 911 01:12:37,708 --> 01:12:41,791 Markus, you cut the drainage tunnel grate, then you rejoin Caro at the surface. 912 01:12:43,708 --> 01:12:46,000 And as for me, I'll be accompanying the mayor. 913 01:12:46,083 --> 01:12:48,000 I'll cover as best I can from there. 914 01:12:48,083 --> 01:12:49,763 And what if the sharks are out for a swim? 915 01:12:49,833 --> 01:12:52,291 I'll be using an infrasound emitter. 916 01:12:52,375 --> 01:12:55,916 It will attract the sharks and keep them in the crypt while you lay the explosives. 917 01:12:56,750 --> 01:12:59,458 We'll also have powerful lights to hold them off, 918 01:12:59,541 --> 01:13:02,708 and we'll be fully equipped to dive and communicate easily. 919 01:13:04,833 --> 01:13:06,833 It's the same gear that I used with my team. 920 01:13:07,916 --> 01:13:09,916 - Who triggers the detonator? - I do. 921 01:13:10,000 --> 01:13:12,083 I'll make sure we're at a safe distance, 922 01:13:12,166 --> 01:13:13,166 then boom. 923 01:13:14,458 --> 01:13:15,708 Any questions? 924 01:13:18,375 --> 01:13:19,833 What if you don't come back up? 925 01:13:59,958 --> 01:14:01,166 We're almost there. 926 01:14:01,666 --> 01:14:02,791 Thirty meters down. 927 01:14:14,291 --> 01:14:16,208 All right, let's go. Coast is clear. 928 01:14:58,000 --> 01:15:00,125 This way, everyone. Over here, please. 929 01:15:00,208 --> 01:15:01,791 Get the other side. Go. 930 01:15:01,875 --> 01:15:03,375 All right, everybody, come this way! 931 01:15:03,958 --> 01:15:05,000 Let's go! 932 01:15:05,083 --> 01:15:08,625 This is 75, bridge secured. 933 01:15:08,708 --> 01:15:11,125 We're secure down here too. 934 01:15:11,875 --> 01:15:15,833 We've got Bravo group setting up. Should be just another five. 935 01:15:29,333 --> 01:15:32,500 Turn around! No one gets through! Turn around! 936 01:15:32,583 --> 01:15:35,166 Hey! Take it easy, we're the River Brigade. 937 01:15:35,250 --> 01:15:36,125 We're the police. 938 01:15:36,208 --> 01:15:37,708 The military's in charge now! 939 01:15:37,791 --> 01:15:39,875 You should've received your orders. 940 01:15:39,958 --> 01:15:41,166 Turn around. Let's go! 941 01:15:42,708 --> 01:15:45,875 Caro for Angèle. They won't let us pass. 942 01:16:01,791 --> 01:16:03,166 Caro for Angèle. 943 01:16:03,250 --> 01:16:05,083 Good luck, everyone. 944 01:16:05,166 --> 01:16:06,500 Excuse me, mayor. Just a moment? 945 01:16:07,375 --> 01:16:09,000 How are you feeling about today? 946 01:16:09,083 --> 01:16:10,083 Fantastic. 947 01:16:10,166 --> 01:16:12,458 We've been working on this event for months, 948 01:16:12,541 --> 01:16:14,583 and it wouldn't have been possible without my team, 949 01:16:14,666 --> 01:16:16,125 and the support of the prefect. 950 01:16:16,208 --> 01:16:18,083 In terms of the security of today's event, 951 01:16:18,166 --> 01:16:20,375 there have been rumors of sharks in the Seine. 952 01:16:20,458 --> 01:16:22,625 Those are just rumors, and we hope... 953 01:16:22,708 --> 01:16:25,000 I want to assure you every precaution has been taken 954 01:16:25,083 --> 01:16:26,500 to guarantee this event's security. 955 01:16:26,583 --> 01:16:28,958 - Thanks. - I have another question for the mayor... 956 01:16:29,041 --> 01:16:30,458 There you have it. 957 01:16:32,791 --> 01:16:36,708 Stay with us for live updates as the mayor prepares to address the crowd 958 01:16:36,791 --> 01:16:38,458 and launch the triathlon. 959 01:16:38,541 --> 01:16:40,958 With the mayor having arrived with her team of advisors, 960 01:16:41,041 --> 01:16:43,958 we should be getting underway very shortly. 961 01:16:44,041 --> 01:16:46,541 ...banks of the Seine alongside triathletes 962 01:16:46,625 --> 01:16:47,625 ready to take the plunge. 963 01:16:47,708 --> 01:16:48,916 The mayor of Paris... 964 01:16:49,000 --> 01:16:50,875 Caro for Angèle. What do we do? 965 01:16:50,958 --> 01:16:53,250 My team needs to pass to handle an emergency. 966 01:16:53,333 --> 01:16:56,791 The prefect has ordered a police presence behind Notre-Dame. 967 01:16:56,875 --> 01:16:58,125 Over. 968 01:17:02,750 --> 01:17:05,083 Copy that. 969 01:17:15,000 --> 01:17:17,416 Caro for Adil. We were delayed. 970 01:17:17,500 --> 01:17:19,541 We'll be there in ten. Over. 971 01:17:19,625 --> 01:17:20,625 Copy that. 972 01:17:25,625 --> 01:17:27,041 There's still another 20 meters. 973 01:17:29,291 --> 01:17:31,458 Adama, pass me the emitter. 974 01:17:40,416 --> 01:17:43,416 Here we are! My fellow Parisians! 975 01:17:44,125 --> 01:17:46,125 For some, it was a dream. 976 01:17:46,208 --> 01:17:47,916 For others, just a talking point. 977 01:17:49,416 --> 01:17:51,500 I have done it! 978 01:18:02,166 --> 01:18:04,291 This is our Paris! 979 01:18:04,375 --> 01:18:07,083 Safe! Vibrant! A Paris for everyone! 980 01:18:07,666 --> 01:18:09,791 Adil for Caro. We're in the crypt. 981 01:18:10,416 --> 01:18:12,166 Are you in position? 982 01:18:12,958 --> 01:18:14,125 Adil for Caro. 983 01:18:14,708 --> 01:18:16,958 We're almost there. Two more minutes. 984 01:18:17,500 --> 01:18:18,500 Over. 985 01:18:30,250 --> 01:18:31,291 All right. 986 01:18:38,166 --> 01:18:39,333 Shit... 987 01:18:46,208 --> 01:18:49,458 No sudden movements. Just stay calm. 988 01:19:01,458 --> 01:19:02,625 Let us never forget. 989 01:19:03,375 --> 01:19:06,750 Paris is, and will forevermore be, 990 01:19:06,833 --> 01:19:09,375 a place for celebration! 991 01:19:21,333 --> 01:19:23,166 All right! 992 01:19:26,458 --> 01:19:27,500 Ooh! 993 01:19:31,791 --> 01:19:33,708 I'd like to declare 994 01:19:33,791 --> 01:19:36,250 the triathlon of the Seine, 995 01:19:36,333 --> 01:19:37,333 open! 996 01:19:46,416 --> 01:19:47,500 Ooh! 997 01:19:47,583 --> 01:19:51,041 Hello again! Welcome back to all those who've been following the opening. 998 01:19:51,125 --> 01:19:52,708 Welcome to the Paris triathlon... 999 01:19:52,791 --> 01:19:54,708 The race has officially kicked off. 1000 01:19:56,166 --> 01:19:57,250 All right! 1001 01:19:58,208 --> 01:19:59,208 Yes! 1002 01:20:01,000 --> 01:20:03,916 They're off! The first round of the Seine triathlon has begun. 1003 01:20:04,000 --> 01:20:05,000 Angèle for Caro. 1004 01:20:05,083 --> 01:20:08,125 The swimmers are in. The first round is underway. Hurry. 1005 01:20:14,166 --> 01:20:16,708 Markus just dove. Over. 1006 01:20:54,375 --> 01:20:55,750 You can go. 1007 01:20:55,833 --> 01:20:57,000 Can you see her? 1008 01:20:59,083 --> 01:21:00,208 Negative. 1009 01:21:10,500 --> 01:21:11,583 Caro, what's your status? 1010 01:21:13,541 --> 01:21:15,791 Working on it. It won't be long now. 1011 01:21:25,875 --> 01:21:27,208 I don't understand. 1012 01:21:27,291 --> 01:21:28,541 She's still not here. 1013 01:21:32,750 --> 01:21:34,791 The swimmers are in fine form 1014 01:21:34,875 --> 01:21:37,208 for this third round of the Seine triathlon. 1015 01:21:37,291 --> 01:21:39,750 But there are still seven rounds to go. 1016 01:21:43,375 --> 01:21:44,750 Something's wrong. 1017 01:21:46,250 --> 01:21:47,500 Where is she? 1018 01:22:01,458 --> 01:22:02,916 The coast is clear. 1019 01:22:03,416 --> 01:22:04,416 Copy that. 1020 01:22:05,333 --> 01:22:07,041 Come on. We have to hurry. 1021 01:22:08,791 --> 01:22:10,083 Are the explosives ready? 1022 01:22:10,750 --> 01:22:11,916 Mine are. 1023 01:22:12,791 --> 01:22:14,041 Ready to go here. 1024 01:22:15,791 --> 01:22:17,541 - Poiccard? - Two minutes. 1025 01:22:25,458 --> 01:22:28,833 - Let's go. They look nervous. - Just a second! 1026 01:22:29,500 --> 01:22:31,083 Wait, she's still not here. 1027 01:22:32,416 --> 01:22:34,958 Okay. Explosive placed. Almost there. 1028 01:22:41,291 --> 01:22:43,041 Okay, it's all good here. 1029 01:22:43,125 --> 01:22:45,708 Everyone head for the exit and I'll initiate the blast. 1030 01:22:49,416 --> 01:22:52,333 Help! 1031 01:22:54,833 --> 01:22:57,000 Hurry! 1032 01:22:57,083 --> 01:22:59,750 - Berruti! Berruti, come on! - Help! 1033 01:23:11,541 --> 01:23:13,083 Nobody move. 1034 01:23:14,083 --> 01:23:15,625 We have to stick together. 1035 01:23:31,458 --> 01:23:32,833 No! Adama! 1036 01:23:42,625 --> 01:23:45,000 - Come back, Adama! - Get outta here! 1037 01:23:45,083 --> 01:23:47,375 Hurry! Let's go! I'm setting it off! 1038 01:23:47,458 --> 01:23:48,500 Move! 1039 01:24:07,458 --> 01:24:11,208 No! 1040 01:25:18,916 --> 01:25:20,541 - Over there! Sophia! - Sophia! 1041 01:25:20,625 --> 01:25:21,666 - Sophia! Adil! - Swim! 1042 01:25:21,750 --> 01:25:23,333 Swim! Come on! Over here! 1043 01:25:23,416 --> 01:25:25,083 - Faster! Come on! - Swim! 1044 01:25:35,416 --> 01:25:36,416 Give me your arm! 1045 01:25:36,500 --> 01:25:37,583 Come on! 1046 01:25:43,875 --> 01:25:45,125 You're okay. 1047 01:25:45,208 --> 01:25:46,750 Sophia! The others? 1048 01:25:48,041 --> 01:25:49,250 Adil, wake up. 1049 01:25:50,333 --> 01:25:51,958 Adil. Can you hear me? 1050 01:25:53,083 --> 01:25:54,083 It's okay. 1051 01:25:57,458 --> 01:25:59,000 Sophia! What are you doing? 1052 01:25:59,083 --> 01:26:00,125 Sophia! 1053 01:27:09,666 --> 01:27:11,708 - She's right here! - Sophia! 1054 01:27:11,791 --> 01:27:14,750 - We gotta get out of here! - Hurry up! 1055 01:27:14,833 --> 01:27:17,208 - Swim! Hurry! Come on! - Come on! 1056 01:27:17,291 --> 01:27:18,750 - Swim, Sophia! - Hurry! 1057 01:27:34,000 --> 01:27:35,000 Adil! 1058 01:28:10,041 --> 01:28:11,375 Why's she circling? 1059 01:28:13,750 --> 01:28:16,958 She's not. She's headed for the swimmers. 1060 01:28:34,708 --> 01:28:35,875 Come on! 1061 01:28:40,000 --> 01:28:43,458 ...for this third round of the Seine triathlon. 1062 01:28:43,541 --> 01:28:45,375 There are still seven rounds to go. 1063 01:29:12,000 --> 01:29:13,375 Oh! Oh! Oh! 1064 01:29:21,375 --> 01:29:22,375 All right! 1065 01:29:25,833 --> 01:29:27,041 There's a shark! 1066 01:29:27,708 --> 01:29:29,500 - Under the water, look out! - Shark! 1067 01:29:29,583 --> 01:29:31,625 Shark! There's a shark! 1068 01:29:45,541 --> 01:29:47,541 What're you doing? What's going on? 1069 01:29:52,041 --> 01:29:55,083 {\an8}A fin. Did you see that? There's a shark. Film it, come on! 1070 01:30:20,375 --> 01:30:23,166 Give me your hand! Give me your hand! 1071 01:30:23,250 --> 01:30:25,000 Behind you, look out! 1072 01:30:39,916 --> 01:30:41,541 Stop! Cease fire immediately! 1073 01:30:41,625 --> 01:30:43,125 There are shells! 1074 01:30:45,916 --> 01:30:48,250 Hey! Cease fire! 1075 01:30:48,333 --> 01:30:49,708 - Stop! - There are shells! 1076 01:30:49,791 --> 01:30:52,750 There are live shells! Hey! 1077 01:30:56,625 --> 01:30:58,625 This way, come on! 1078 01:32:21,458 --> 01:32:22,833 Run, everybody! Run! 1079 01:32:23,958 --> 01:32:25,208 Out of my way! 1080 01:32:26,166 --> 01:32:27,583 Out of my way, you idiots! 1081 01:32:49,583 --> 01:32:51,041 Oh shit! Run! Run! 1082 01:32:52,041 --> 01:32:53,041 Come on! 1083 01:33:32,666 --> 01:33:33,666 Adil? 1084 01:33:34,250 --> 01:33:35,250 Adil! 1085 01:33:48,791 --> 01:33:50,333 Adil. 1086 01:34:03,916 --> 01:34:05,333 Adil. 1087 01:34:27,708 --> 01:34:29,041 Sophia. 1088 01:34:31,125 --> 01:34:32,125 Is it over? 1089 01:36:00,166 --> 01:36:03,750 UNDER PARIS 1090 01:38:06,500 --> 01:38:09,500 IN MEMORY OF JIMMY CAVÉ AND BRUNO VERSTRAETE