1 00:00:04,472 --> 00:00:07,408 Harper, I need you to take this seriously. 2 00:00:08,576 --> 00:00:10,911 Do you have any fours? 3 00:00:11,011 --> 00:00:12,713 Freddie, just go fish. 4 00:00:12,813 --> 00:00:14,215 She's waiting to hear about the job 5 00:00:14,315 --> 00:00:15,749 [whispers]: with Double Dutch. 6 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,885 Don't say her name! You'll jinx me. 7 00:00:17,985 --> 00:00:20,321 -Who's Double Dutch? -What did I just say? 8 00:00:20,421 --> 00:00:23,191 The aforementioned is an emerging pop star 9 00:00:23,291 --> 00:00:25,393 with a million Instagram followers. 10 00:00:25,493 --> 00:00:28,296 She's got the blue check. 11 00:00:28,396 --> 00:00:29,997 Oh, so she's not real world famous, 12 00:00:30,098 --> 00:00:31,232 she's just online famous. 13 00:00:31,332 --> 00:00:32,400 -Hey! -Hey! 14 00:00:32,500 --> 00:00:33,801 Before you're a household name, 15 00:00:33,901 --> 00:00:35,903 -you're a handheld name. -Yeah. 16 00:00:36,003 --> 00:00:38,739 And handheld names can have long and fulfilling careers... 17 00:00:38,839 --> 00:00:41,142 dressing up as tacos on their wildly popular Web shows. 18 00:00:41,242 --> 00:00:42,676 [chuckles] 19 00:00:42,776 --> 00:00:44,645 Oh, that reminds me, we're doing that sketch later. 20 00:00:44,745 --> 00:00:47,181 I got to go pick up my Taco Tina costume from the cleaners. 21 00:00:47,281 --> 00:00:48,549 Uh, do you need to borrow my car? 22 00:00:48,649 --> 00:00:51,219 No. I have my own car, thank you. 23 00:00:51,319 --> 00:00:53,587 -Or you could take mine. -[HARPER]: I don't have a car, 24 00:00:53,687 --> 00:00:56,056 but I can call you an ethical rideshare company, 25 00:00:56,157 --> 00:00:58,192 as soon as there is one. 26 00:00:58,292 --> 00:00:59,893 Look, my car is fine. 27 00:00:59,993 --> 00:01:02,596 So what if it goes [imitates car straining] 28 00:01:02,696 --> 00:01:04,298 when I'm going uphill? 29 00:01:05,032 --> 00:01:07,735 If I have to walk uphill, I make that noise, too. 30 00:01:07,835 --> 00:01:11,872 It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong. 31 00:01:11,972 --> 00:01:15,008 [beeping] 32 00:01:17,511 --> 00:01:19,747 * * 33 00:01:35,229 --> 00:01:36,264 [needle scratches record] 34 00:01:36,364 --> 00:01:37,798 Hi, I'm Wes. 35 00:01:37,898 --> 00:01:40,033 Uh, I hope you didn't wait too long. 36 00:01:40,134 --> 00:01:42,403 I, I would hate for you to get soggy. 37 00:01:42,503 --> 00:01:44,272 [chuckles]: Oh, this? 38 00:01:44,372 --> 00:01:46,006 It's just for a silly Internet thing. 39 00:01:46,106 --> 00:01:47,941 I'm Taco Tina. 40 00:01:48,041 --> 00:01:51,111 I'm a taco, but I have all the same problems as any other girl. 41 00:01:51,212 --> 00:01:52,613 Including car troubles? 42 00:01:52,713 --> 00:01:54,315 Uh, 'cause according to Quadruple A, 43 00:01:54,415 --> 00:01:56,284 you've called a tow truck nine times in the last six months. 44 00:01:56,384 --> 00:01:59,253 What? No, I'm sure it's not that many. 45 00:01:59,353 --> 00:02:01,155 Uh, really? 'Cause you get the tenth tow for free. 46 00:02:01,255 --> 00:02:03,991 Oh, yeah, you know, i-it has been nine. 47 00:02:05,726 --> 00:02:07,761 This guy here is Vin Diesel, 48 00:02:07,861 --> 00:02:10,063 'cause he has a VIN number and he takes diesel. 49 00:02:10,164 --> 00:02:11,665 He takes unleaded. 50 00:02:11,765 --> 00:02:13,201 You haven't been putting diesel in this car, have you? 51 00:02:13,301 --> 00:02:14,235 No. 52 00:02:14,335 --> 00:02:16,069 Definitely not. 53 00:02:17,605 --> 00:02:19,473 He probably just needs a new battery. 54 00:02:19,573 --> 00:02:21,309 No, your battery's fine. 55 00:02:21,409 --> 00:02:23,544 But your drum brakes are shot, you have a failed generator, 56 00:02:23,644 --> 00:02:25,213 and there's a crack in the engine block. 57 00:02:25,313 --> 00:02:26,947 Oh, is that all? 58 00:02:27,047 --> 00:02:28,216 [chuckles]: Oh, you wish. 59 00:02:28,316 --> 00:02:29,617 You have a fried distributor, 60 00:02:29,717 --> 00:02:31,084 and that air filter is an environmental hazard. 61 00:02:31,185 --> 00:02:33,187 No, that's fine. I wiped it off last year. 62 00:02:33,287 --> 00:02:35,256 Trust me. I've been doing this since I was six, 63 00:02:35,356 --> 00:02:37,157 and I've been fixing Hot Wheels since I was two. 64 00:02:37,258 --> 00:02:40,194 Okay, but you don't know how tough Vin Diesel is. 65 00:02:40,294 --> 00:02:42,996 I've had him forever, and he's always pulled through. 66 00:02:43,096 --> 00:02:46,267 Be honest, you're just trying to upsell me. 67 00:02:46,367 --> 00:02:47,935 If you want me to be honest, 68 00:02:48,035 --> 00:02:49,870 you might want to think about getting rid of this old clunker. 69 00:02:49,970 --> 00:02:53,073 The repairs are gonna cost more than Mr. Diesel's even worth. 70 00:02:53,173 --> 00:02:56,009 Worth? Worth?! 71 00:02:56,109 --> 00:02:59,613 Can you put a price on the perfect drive-through Coke, 72 00:02:59,713 --> 00:03:02,350 drunk beneath the stars on a crisp autumn evening? 73 00:03:02,450 --> 00:03:03,951 Yes. 74 00:03:04,051 --> 00:03:06,086 And so can most fast food restaurants. 75 00:03:06,186 --> 00:03:08,722 Uh, should we just go back to your place? 76 00:03:08,822 --> 00:03:10,991 [chuckles]: My place? 77 00:03:11,091 --> 00:03:12,426 That's presumptuous. 78 00:03:12,526 --> 00:03:15,162 Your place, as in the place I'm towing your car. 79 00:03:16,129 --> 00:03:17,164 I presume. 80 00:03:18,632 --> 00:03:20,067 * I know * 81 00:03:20,167 --> 00:03:21,469 * You see * 82 00:03:21,569 --> 00:03:23,871 * Somehow the world will change for me * 83 00:03:23,971 --> 00:03:26,940 * And be so wonderful * 84 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:30,711 * So wake up the members of my nation * 85 00:03:30,811 --> 00:03:32,913 * It's your time to be * 86 00:03:33,013 --> 00:03:35,949 * There's no chance unless you take one * 87 00:03:36,049 --> 00:03:38,652 * And the time to see the brighter side * 88 00:03:38,752 --> 00:03:41,922 * Of every situation * 89 00:03:42,022 --> 00:03:43,857 * Some things are meant to be * 90 00:03:43,957 --> 00:03:47,495 * So give your best and leave the rest to me. * 91 00:03:48,662 --> 00:03:50,964 $15,000 to fix a car? 92 00:03:51,064 --> 00:03:53,267 You could get one-third of a Birkin bag for that. 93 00:03:53,367 --> 00:03:54,935 Purses cost that much? 94 00:03:55,035 --> 00:03:57,805 Great, now you got me thinking about purses, 95 00:03:57,905 --> 00:03:59,773 which is reminding me of the styling job with Dutch, 96 00:03:59,873 --> 00:04:01,575 which I'm trying not to think about. 97 00:04:01,675 --> 00:04:03,010 You brought up the purse! 98 00:04:03,110 --> 00:04:05,679 Oh! So now we're blaming the victim? 99 00:04:05,779 --> 00:04:07,681 Thank you, Fredward. 100 00:04:09,216 --> 00:04:11,151 I wish there was a way to know if my car really needed 101 00:04:11,251 --> 00:04:13,287 all that work or if that mechanic was just 102 00:04:13,387 --> 00:04:14,555 trying to take advantage of me. 103 00:04:14,655 --> 00:04:16,256 You could take a auto repair class. 104 00:04:16,357 --> 00:04:18,726 I saw a flyer for one at the community college. 105 00:04:18,826 --> 00:04:20,694 I was there for my investing class. 106 00:04:20,794 --> 00:04:22,696 [chuckles]: Investing! Great! 107 00:04:22,796 --> 00:04:25,933 Now I'm thinking about this. Wow, Millicent. 108 00:04:26,900 --> 00:04:29,637 You know, I love this idea. 109 00:04:29,737 --> 00:04:31,972 I can take a car repair class, fix Vin Diesel, 110 00:04:32,072 --> 00:04:33,941 and then talk about it on iCarly. 111 00:04:34,041 --> 00:04:37,411 I can't be the only woman who's sick of condescending mechanics. 112 00:04:37,511 --> 00:04:38,912 Hey, it's not just women. 113 00:04:39,012 --> 00:04:41,782 When I got my oil changed, it cost an extra $400 114 00:04:41,882 --> 00:04:43,784 to fix my "shock exacerbater." 115 00:04:43,884 --> 00:04:45,185 What's a shock exacerbater? 116 00:04:45,285 --> 00:04:48,422 It is a made-up thing that cost $400. 117 00:04:48,522 --> 00:04:50,391 Well, they're gonna be naming made-up auto parts after me 118 00:04:50,491 --> 00:04:52,993 once I ace this class like Hermione freaking Granger. 119 00:04:53,093 --> 00:04:54,895 Hermione Freaking Granger was the title 120 00:04:54,995 --> 00:04:56,664 of Dutch's first album! 121 00:04:56,764 --> 00:04:58,932 Come on, Carly! 122 00:05:01,669 --> 00:05:04,372 -[chuckles] -[sniffs] Ah, vino. 123 00:05:04,472 --> 00:05:05,839 The serum of truth. 124 00:05:05,939 --> 00:05:07,908 But we already know every single thing 125 00:05:08,008 --> 00:05:09,610 there is to know about each other. [chuckles] 126 00:05:09,710 --> 00:05:12,045 I faked it! 127 00:05:12,846 --> 00:05:14,715 What? Last night? 128 00:05:14,815 --> 00:05:16,384 All of it. The whole time. 129 00:05:16,484 --> 00:05:17,618 Since I've known you? 130 00:05:17,718 --> 00:05:19,620 Since before that. 131 00:05:19,720 --> 00:05:22,423 Guess that makes me feel a little bit better. 132 00:05:22,523 --> 00:05:25,493 I just couldn't keep lying to you a moment longer. 133 00:05:25,593 --> 00:05:28,529 Oh, please don't be upset. 134 00:05:28,629 --> 00:05:30,731 I'm more disappointed in myself. 135 00:05:30,831 --> 00:05:32,566 Is there anything I could've done better? 136 00:05:32,666 --> 00:05:34,768 More wiggling? I-I'm here to listen. 137 00:05:34,868 --> 00:05:38,839 Spencer, I faked my own kidnapping. 138 00:05:38,939 --> 00:05:40,941 [chuckling]: Oh, thank God. 139 00:05:41,041 --> 00:05:42,710 It's not me, it's you! 140 00:05:42,810 --> 00:05:44,645 Okay. Why'd you do that? 141 00:05:44,745 --> 00:05:46,580 When our family lost all of our money, 142 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:48,649 I was being hounded by the paparazzi, 143 00:05:48,749 --> 00:05:51,251 bill collectors, the media-- 144 00:05:51,351 --> 00:05:53,286 mostly bill collectors. 145 00:05:53,387 --> 00:05:55,856 So I hopped on a cruise and sailed away. 146 00:05:55,956 --> 00:05:58,926 Suddenly it's all like, "kidnapping this" 147 00:05:59,026 --> 00:06:01,629 and "debt forgiveness" that, so... 148 00:06:01,729 --> 00:06:02,996 Wow. 149 00:06:03,797 --> 00:06:07,435 Now we're even closer than before! Yay! 150 00:06:07,535 --> 00:06:09,336 You're not mad? 151 00:06:09,437 --> 00:06:11,672 As long as you were never a rodeo clown, we're fine. 152 00:06:11,772 --> 00:06:13,273 [laughs] 153 00:06:13,373 --> 00:06:14,708 Well, that's great. 154 00:06:14,808 --> 00:06:17,244 Do you think Harper will understand? 155 00:06:17,344 --> 00:06:19,346 No. [laughs] No. 156 00:06:19,447 --> 00:06:21,615 She's gonna kill you and bury you at sea. 157 00:06:22,416 --> 00:06:24,885 I'll lay fresh kelp at your grave. 158 00:06:30,758 --> 00:06:32,726 Wow, look at all these women. 159 00:06:32,826 --> 00:06:35,395 And you. And that guy. 160 00:06:35,496 --> 00:06:37,898 A camaraderie of sisterhood, joining hands to say, 161 00:06:37,998 --> 00:06:39,567 "We can fix it ourselves." 162 00:06:39,667 --> 00:06:41,234 I'm gonna start taking notes now. 163 00:06:41,334 --> 00:06:43,571 You know where class starts, Millicent? 164 00:06:43,671 --> 00:06:44,705 In here. 165 00:06:44,805 --> 00:06:46,807 That's your clavicle. 166 00:06:47,541 --> 00:06:48,876 I just can't wait to learn 167 00:06:48,976 --> 00:06:50,978 everything there is to know about cars. 168 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:53,747 I truly am a renaissance person. 169 00:06:53,847 --> 00:06:55,082 But most importantly, 170 00:06:55,182 --> 00:06:56,917 I'm gonna get Vin Diesel in tip-top shape. 171 00:06:57,017 --> 00:07:00,488 MTV Movie Award winner for Best Tank Top Vin Diesel? 172 00:07:00,588 --> 00:07:02,790 He's in perfect shape. 173 00:07:03,757 --> 00:07:05,593 Oh, my car's name is Vin Diesel. 174 00:07:05,693 --> 00:07:10,430 Yesterday, this guy tried to charge me $15,000 for repairs. 175 00:07:10,531 --> 00:07:11,999 Ugh, the worst. 176 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:14,367 But you're gonna love the instructor of this class. 177 00:07:14,468 --> 00:07:16,203 He is so patient and smart, 178 00:07:16,303 --> 00:07:18,305 and when he shows you how to do a tune-up, 179 00:07:18,405 --> 00:07:21,842 it's almost... tender. 180 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:23,310 As long as he's honest. 181 00:07:23,410 --> 00:07:25,546 I just can't take another skeezy scammer, 182 00:07:25,646 --> 00:07:27,047 like that guy I met yesterday. 183 00:07:27,147 --> 00:07:29,817 Skeezy scammer? Sounds like a jerk. 184 00:07:29,917 --> 00:07:33,521 Yeah, he sure w-- Aah! You. 185 00:07:33,621 --> 00:07:35,723 Hi. Welcome to class, everyone. 186 00:07:35,823 --> 00:07:38,358 Ooh, twinsies. 187 00:07:44,331 --> 00:07:45,566 This is your shop? 188 00:07:45,666 --> 00:07:47,467 Yes. Uh, it was my grandfather's 189 00:07:47,568 --> 00:07:49,236 and then my father's and now mine. 190 00:07:49,336 --> 00:07:50,604 Cars run in the family. 191 00:07:50,704 --> 00:07:52,940 So you earned none of this. 192 00:07:53,040 --> 00:07:54,775 Oh, Regina. 193 00:07:54,875 --> 00:07:56,409 Hey, it-it's great to see you again. 194 00:07:56,510 --> 00:07:57,711 If you take this class any more times, 195 00:07:57,811 --> 00:07:58,946 you're gonna be the one teaching it. 196 00:07:59,046 --> 00:08:00,313 Can I take a picture of you? 197 00:08:00,413 --> 00:08:02,583 Okay, class, let's go ahead and get started. 198 00:08:02,683 --> 00:08:04,284 You know, this class is a sham. 199 00:08:04,384 --> 00:08:05,986 You're giving people false hope. 200 00:08:06,086 --> 00:08:08,321 'Cause then, when they realize they can't fix their own cars, 201 00:08:08,421 --> 00:08:10,824 they're gonna crawl back to you and then you can swindle them. 202 00:08:10,924 --> 00:08:12,660 It's just like one of those restaurants 203 00:08:12,760 --> 00:08:15,195 that gives you free chips and then charges a ton for guac. 204 00:08:15,295 --> 00:08:17,264 Is that one of Taco Tina's troubles? 205 00:08:18,532 --> 00:08:19,533 That's not what's happening here, okay? 206 00:08:19,633 --> 00:08:21,068 I-I just like to empower people 207 00:08:21,168 --> 00:08:23,136 so that they don't need someone like me to come in 208 00:08:23,236 --> 00:08:24,905 and "vansplain." 209 00:08:25,005 --> 00:08:26,206 [laughs] 210 00:08:26,306 --> 00:08:27,908 Vansplain! 211 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:31,011 No matter how many times I hear that, it just gets funnier. 212 00:08:31,111 --> 00:08:33,681 Lady, be cool. 213 00:08:33,781 --> 00:08:35,549 First thing I want to teach you all is 214 00:08:35,649 --> 00:08:37,785 how to monitor your vehicle's fluids. 215 00:08:37,885 --> 00:08:40,554 So who wants to come up and help me check the oil? 216 00:08:41,421 --> 00:08:43,957 Please, God, I never ask for anything. 217 00:08:44,057 --> 00:08:45,993 How about you, Carly? 218 00:08:46,093 --> 00:08:47,828 [others groan] 219 00:08:47,928 --> 00:08:49,196 Fine. 220 00:08:49,296 --> 00:08:51,231 I was just trying to give someone else a chance, 221 00:08:51,331 --> 00:08:53,033 since I already know how to do all this, 222 00:08:53,133 --> 00:08:55,936 but I suppose I can demonstrate for the good of my peers. 223 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:57,370 Great. 224 00:08:57,470 --> 00:09:00,507 Then reach on down in and grab the dipstick. 225 00:09:00,608 --> 00:09:02,943 -Seriously? -I didn't name it. 226 00:09:03,911 --> 00:09:04,978 Not it. 227 00:09:05,078 --> 00:09:07,080 I know. I was just testing you. 228 00:09:07,180 --> 00:09:08,982 Good job. You passed. 229 00:09:11,018 --> 00:09:12,953 Here, let me just help. 230 00:09:13,053 --> 00:09:15,188 Look, I can do it myself. 231 00:09:15,288 --> 00:09:16,223 [screams] 232 00:09:16,323 --> 00:09:18,859 [chuckles] 233 00:09:18,959 --> 00:09:20,694 Okay, class. 234 00:09:20,794 --> 00:09:23,563 Who can tell me what Carly did wrong? 235 00:09:29,036 --> 00:09:30,904 If this doesn't put Harper in the right mood 236 00:09:31,004 --> 00:09:33,140 to hear bad news, I don't know what will. 237 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:36,543 I snagged the limited edition Normani Off Balance sneakers 238 00:09:36,644 --> 00:09:37,577 she's been coveting. 239 00:09:37,678 --> 00:09:40,413 You wear them on your hands. 240 00:09:40,513 --> 00:09:43,617 And I got this $2,000 bottle of champagne. 241 00:09:43,717 --> 00:09:45,886 I bought it at an estate sale of someone who went bankrupt 242 00:09:45,986 --> 00:09:48,756 buying $2,000 bottles of champagne. 243 00:09:48,856 --> 00:09:53,260 And I framed this photo of our least favorite cousin Roxy. 244 00:09:53,360 --> 00:09:57,665 No matter what I do, I'll always look better in comparison. 245 00:09:57,765 --> 00:10:00,300 -Go to hell, Roxy. -[door lock clicks] 246 00:10:00,400 --> 00:10:02,602 [gasps] She's here. 247 00:10:06,006 --> 00:10:09,076 Hold up. Flowers? Bubbly? 248 00:10:09,176 --> 00:10:13,213 [gasps] Limited edition Normani Off Balance sneakers! 249 00:10:13,313 --> 00:10:15,582 You wear them on your hands. 250 00:10:16,650 --> 00:10:18,819 You two did all this for me? 251 00:10:18,919 --> 00:10:23,356 We did, because we love you, and we need to tell you... 252 00:10:23,456 --> 00:10:25,826 How happy you are that I got the styling job with Double Dutch? 253 00:10:25,926 --> 00:10:28,561 [giggles] Wait. How did you two already hear? 254 00:10:28,662 --> 00:10:30,530 [BOTH]: You got the job? 255 00:10:31,031 --> 00:10:32,232 You got the job! 256 00:10:32,332 --> 00:10:33,867 -[squealing] -[cheering] 257 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:37,404 Oh! There's even a picture of Roxy, 258 00:10:37,504 --> 00:10:40,473 to remind me that I'm doing better than her. 259 00:10:41,308 --> 00:10:43,143 My L-F-C-U-M-E-B-M. 260 00:10:43,243 --> 00:10:44,712 L-F-C-U-M-E-B-M? 261 00:10:44,812 --> 00:10:47,781 Least favorite cousin unless Maeve ever betrays me. 262 00:10:50,851 --> 00:10:52,720 Back from the dumb auto mechanic class 263 00:10:52,820 --> 00:10:55,222 that I'm never going back to. 264 00:10:55,322 --> 00:10:58,058 Flowers? Bubbly? 265 00:10:58,158 --> 00:11:01,762 Normani Off Balance sneakers that you wear on your hands? 266 00:11:01,862 --> 00:11:05,733 -You got the job! Oh, my God! -[squealing] Yes! Come here! 267 00:11:05,833 --> 00:11:07,100 Oh, yay! 268 00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:08,936 [all cheering] 269 00:11:09,036 --> 00:11:11,271 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 270 00:11:11,371 --> 00:11:13,506 Okay, okay. Okay. 271 00:11:13,606 --> 00:11:15,008 Now that we're all in such a good mood, 272 00:11:15,108 --> 00:11:17,745 Maeve has something she'd like to say. 273 00:11:17,845 --> 00:11:20,848 Harper, I just want you to know... 274 00:11:21,448 --> 00:11:22,750 ...I am so happy for you! 275 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:24,617 -[cheering] -[laughing] 276 00:11:24,718 --> 00:11:26,619 Oh, you know what we need? 277 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:28,055 A champagne shower. 278 00:11:28,155 --> 00:11:30,490 No, no, no! That bottle cost more than my... 279 00:11:30,590 --> 00:11:32,192 Oh, I actually have a strategy meeting 280 00:11:32,292 --> 00:11:33,761 with Double Dutch in the studio, so I can't celebrate right now. 281 00:11:33,861 --> 00:11:35,162 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's smart. 282 00:11:35,262 --> 00:11:36,930 Who do we think we are, the Chicago Bulls? 283 00:11:37,030 --> 00:11:38,799 -[chuckling] -So, no champy shou shou? 284 00:11:38,899 --> 00:11:41,101 Oh, no, go ahead, just don't get any on me. 285 00:11:41,201 --> 00:11:43,070 Oh, yeah, do Spencer. 286 00:11:43,170 --> 00:11:45,138 -[mouths] -Yas! 287 00:11:45,238 --> 00:11:49,142 [whooping, laughing] 288 00:11:55,082 --> 00:11:56,449 New plan. 289 00:11:56,549 --> 00:11:58,518 We never tell Harper I faked my kidnapping. 290 00:11:58,618 --> 00:11:59,920 I don't want to be the new Roxy. 291 00:12:00,020 --> 00:12:03,356 Fantastic. We go on happily living our lives. 292 00:12:03,456 --> 00:12:05,092 You and I in romantic bliss, 293 00:12:05,192 --> 00:12:08,228 and Harper working her dream job with Double Dutch. 294 00:12:08,328 --> 00:12:13,666 * Did somebody say my name? * 295 00:12:14,601 --> 00:12:18,839 * I'm gonna hop, skip, jump right over * 296 00:12:18,939 --> 00:12:23,777 * You guys have a lot of yogurt. * 297 00:12:23,877 --> 00:12:25,545 -Are you...? -Double Dutch? 298 00:12:25,645 --> 00:12:28,548 The singer/producer/cult icon, 299 00:12:28,648 --> 00:12:30,884 once described by Pitchfork as 300 00:12:30,984 --> 00:12:33,186 "the most innovative star to be born 301 00:12:33,286 --> 00:12:35,122 in the year 1994." 302 00:12:35,222 --> 00:12:38,125 No shade to Bieber, but where is the lie? 303 00:12:38,225 --> 00:12:41,128 Yes. C'est moi. 304 00:12:41,228 --> 00:12:42,762 In the flesh. 305 00:12:42,863 --> 00:12:45,799 I'm here for my strategy meeting with Harper. 306 00:12:45,899 --> 00:12:49,302 I guess, uh, on-the-rise pop stars don't knock. 307 00:12:49,402 --> 00:12:50,737 We don't. 308 00:12:50,838 --> 00:12:52,439 But tell me about this fake kidnapping. 309 00:12:52,539 --> 00:12:54,007 And use a three-act structure, 310 00:12:54,107 --> 00:12:56,476 a proper hero's journey, if you will. 311 00:12:56,576 --> 00:12:58,278 Uh, or, or... 312 00:12:58,378 --> 00:13:01,214 how about none of us speak a word about the kidnapping? 313 00:13:01,314 --> 00:13:02,850 Oh, I won't speak a word. 314 00:13:02,950 --> 00:13:04,117 Okay. 315 00:13:04,985 --> 00:13:06,253 But I do love to sing. 316 00:13:07,354 --> 00:13:09,156 [giggles] 317 00:13:10,057 --> 00:13:13,026 * Harper's cousin faked her own kidnapping * 318 00:13:13,126 --> 00:13:17,130 * Harper's cousin faked her own kidnapping. * 319 00:13:17,230 --> 00:13:18,631 Okay, plan A, 320 00:13:18,731 --> 00:13:20,667 I somehow keep Double Dutch from spilling the beans. 321 00:13:20,767 --> 00:13:22,435 Oh, well, then what's plan B? 322 00:13:22,535 --> 00:13:24,271 We go to Honduras 323 00:13:24,371 --> 00:13:26,907 under the names Terrence and Felicity Tacoma. 324 00:13:27,007 --> 00:13:29,910 We settle in the small town of La Esperanza. 325 00:13:30,677 --> 00:13:31,811 We grow peaches 326 00:13:31,912 --> 00:13:33,947 and teach basket-weaving to the children. 327 00:13:34,714 --> 00:13:38,886 I like peaches, but let's start with plan A. 328 00:13:42,189 --> 00:13:45,058 I don't trust that Wes, and I don't need that class. 329 00:13:45,158 --> 00:13:47,260 I already have the greatest teacher in the world: 330 00:13:47,360 --> 00:13:48,495 the Internet. 331 00:13:48,595 --> 00:13:50,130 If I can install my own ceiling fan, 332 00:13:50,230 --> 00:13:52,099 I can tune up my car. 333 00:13:52,199 --> 00:13:53,533 Great idea, Carly. 334 00:13:53,633 --> 00:13:56,904 I'm sure a 30-second TikTok can fix this death trap. 335 00:13:57,637 --> 00:13:59,106 Millicent might have a point. 336 00:13:59,206 --> 00:14:01,975 Freddie, just hand me that, uh, twisty thingy. 337 00:14:03,010 --> 00:14:05,678 -Okay. This is no big deal. -All right. 338 00:14:05,778 --> 00:14:07,680 -[torquing, thump] -[Carly shouts] 339 00:14:07,780 --> 00:14:09,716 -No! Ah. No. -Whoa. Hey! I got you! 340 00:14:09,816 --> 00:14:11,885 -[whimpers] -Come on. 341 00:14:11,985 --> 00:14:13,887 -Son of a...! -[horn honks] 342 00:14:14,955 --> 00:14:16,823 You know what? That's okay. 343 00:14:16,924 --> 00:14:18,025 I've almost got it. 344 00:14:18,125 --> 00:14:19,492 Freddie, go check the spark plugs. 345 00:14:19,592 --> 00:14:21,694 -All right. -Millicent, start him up! 346 00:14:21,794 --> 00:14:23,530 [engine struggles] 347 00:14:23,630 --> 00:14:25,032 -[electrical crackling] -Oh! [yells] 348 00:14:25,132 --> 00:14:26,399 [horn honks] 349 00:14:26,499 --> 00:14:27,901 Millicent, stop that! 350 00:14:28,001 --> 00:14:31,138 Then you two stop cussing. 351 00:14:32,305 --> 00:14:33,373 Ooh! 352 00:14:33,473 --> 00:14:36,309 Okay. I've got it. 353 00:14:37,810 --> 00:14:40,647 Wow. Should I start my own auto shop? 354 00:14:40,747 --> 00:14:42,415 [clattering] 355 00:14:42,515 --> 00:14:45,318 No, no, no, no! 356 00:14:45,418 --> 00:14:46,987 Vin Diesel, are you okay? 357 00:14:47,087 --> 00:14:48,956 Carly, you need to call a real mechanic. 358 00:14:49,056 --> 00:14:51,124 -Never in a million... -[rumbling] 359 00:14:53,961 --> 00:14:57,797 -Hand me my phone. -Okay. Hold this. 360 00:15:05,038 --> 00:15:06,873 Vin Diesel is dying, and I need you to save him. 361 00:15:06,974 --> 00:15:08,475 I don't care how much it costs. 362 00:15:08,575 --> 00:15:10,443 I'll buy every shock exacerbater in this town if I have to. 363 00:15:10,543 --> 00:15:12,245 Carly, I told you when we first met, 364 00:15:12,345 --> 00:15:13,913 you shouldn't be driving this car, okay? 365 00:15:14,014 --> 00:15:15,148 It-it isn't safe. 366 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:16,249 Why don't you just get a new one? 367 00:15:16,349 --> 00:15:17,917 Because I... 368 00:15:18,018 --> 00:15:19,752 I just can't, okay? 369 00:15:19,852 --> 00:15:21,421 I can't give up on this car. 370 00:15:21,521 --> 00:15:22,689 I'm sorry I ever doubted you. 371 00:15:22,789 --> 00:15:24,457 -And called me names. -Yes. Right. 372 00:15:24,557 --> 00:15:25,758 And should've listened to me from the start. 373 00:15:25,858 --> 00:15:27,660 Oh. True, I know, that's why I called you. 374 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:30,097 I am sorry for all those things. 375 00:15:30,197 --> 00:15:33,166 But I am begging you, Wes, please, 376 00:15:33,266 --> 00:15:35,868 will you save Vin Diesel? 377 00:15:36,869 --> 00:15:38,771 Okay. I will try. 378 00:15:38,871 --> 00:15:41,541 I'm gonna need you to do more than try. 379 00:15:42,542 --> 00:15:45,645 [chuckles]: Actually, trying's fine. You do you. 380 00:15:45,745 --> 00:15:48,248 Thank you, Wes. [chuckles] 381 00:15:48,348 --> 00:15:49,949 But do it. 382 00:15:50,717 --> 00:15:53,686 The birds represent capitalism. 383 00:15:53,786 --> 00:15:56,056 And the white woman represents... 384 00:15:56,156 --> 00:15:57,490 well, nothing. 385 00:15:57,590 --> 00:15:59,426 -She's just having a bad day. -Mm-mm. 386 00:15:59,526 --> 00:16:01,261 No birds. 387 00:16:01,361 --> 00:16:04,231 If I can't fly, no one should be allowed to. 388 00:16:04,331 --> 00:16:06,233 [elevator bell dings] 389 00:16:08,135 --> 00:16:11,404 Who's ready for teatime? 390 00:16:12,372 --> 00:16:13,873 Spencer, what are you doing? 391 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:15,408 Oh, I just thought you and Dutch might enjoy 392 00:16:15,508 --> 00:16:17,044 a formal tea service. 393 00:16:17,144 --> 00:16:19,412 And you were right. Give me one of them hot hand towels. 394 00:16:19,512 --> 00:16:21,314 -Ooh. -Oh, anything for you, Harper, 395 00:16:21,414 --> 00:16:23,183 and your boss, whose voice is 396 00:16:23,283 --> 00:16:25,018 like a classically-trained instrument 397 00:16:25,118 --> 00:16:26,586 that she should rest, 398 00:16:26,686 --> 00:16:28,088 which is why I brought the tea. 399 00:16:28,188 --> 00:16:29,689 Ooh. No, thank you. 400 00:16:29,789 --> 00:16:32,025 I don't like beverages that start with the letter "T." 401 00:16:32,125 --> 00:16:34,494 I'm looking at you, tonic water. 402 00:16:35,295 --> 00:16:37,364 Okay. Thank you, Spencer. Bye. 403 00:16:37,464 --> 00:16:38,831 [grunts]: No! 404 00:16:40,567 --> 00:16:42,969 This look represents the struggle between... 405 00:16:43,070 --> 00:16:45,505 [loud banging] 406 00:16:46,506 --> 00:16:49,909 ...me and Spencer, apparently. 407 00:16:50,009 --> 00:16:52,579 What is happening and why? 408 00:16:52,679 --> 00:16:55,848 Oh. I just need to do a few repairs in here. 409 00:16:55,948 --> 00:16:57,317 Is that disruptive? 410 00:16:57,417 --> 00:17:00,120 Yeah, why don't you just stop the presentation 411 00:17:00,220 --> 00:17:02,089 and then email the slides to Dutch. 412 00:17:02,189 --> 00:17:03,690 Who else loves this idea? 413 00:17:03,790 --> 00:17:05,158 I don't. 414 00:17:05,258 --> 00:17:06,859 I would like the hammering to stop 415 00:17:06,959 --> 00:17:10,963 and for the presentation to continue but better. 416 00:17:12,899 --> 00:17:15,702 Get out. Now. 417 00:17:15,802 --> 00:17:17,970 [chuckles]: All right. Okay. 418 00:17:18,071 --> 00:17:20,873 Oh, no! Oh! [groans] 419 00:17:20,973 --> 00:17:22,675 I guess I should stay and clean this up. 420 00:17:22,775 --> 00:17:26,079 -Oh. -How's it going in here? 421 00:17:26,179 --> 00:17:28,248 I spilled the tea. 422 00:17:28,348 --> 00:17:30,450 Oh, Spencer. [stammers] 423 00:17:30,550 --> 00:17:33,553 Harper, I am so sorry that I faked my kidnapping, 424 00:17:33,653 --> 00:17:35,855 but at least now you know. 425 00:17:35,955 --> 00:17:37,790 You what? 426 00:17:37,890 --> 00:17:40,360 Oh. You meant... 427 00:17:40,460 --> 00:17:41,728 If you'd let me sing it, 428 00:17:41,828 --> 00:17:43,930 at least you would've gotten a hit out of it. 429 00:17:48,201 --> 00:17:49,802 It's only been three hours 430 00:17:49,902 --> 00:17:51,571 of waiting on Wes to fix Vin Diesel. 431 00:17:51,671 --> 00:17:54,541 How did you handle waiting four years for Maeve? 432 00:17:54,641 --> 00:17:57,410 By doing everything I could to find that betrayer. 433 00:17:57,510 --> 00:17:59,246 You know what, yeah, that's a good idea. 434 00:17:59,346 --> 00:18:00,747 Keep busy. Give me some more ideas. 435 00:18:00,847 --> 00:18:03,583 Okay. I took out ads in the newspaper, 436 00:18:03,683 --> 00:18:06,686 I made the hashtag "Save Maeve" go viral, 437 00:18:06,786 --> 00:18:09,789 I even recorded a charity single that went to number 27 438 00:18:09,889 --> 00:18:13,293 on the iTunes chart for songs about missing cousins. 439 00:18:13,393 --> 00:18:15,228 I don't want to do any of that. 440 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:16,763 [knocking] 441 00:18:17,730 --> 00:18:19,199 Okay. 442 00:18:19,299 --> 00:18:20,933 Give it to me straight. 443 00:18:21,033 --> 00:18:22,302 Did he make it? 444 00:18:22,402 --> 00:18:25,205 I did everything I could, but I'm sorry. 445 00:18:25,305 --> 00:18:27,106 Vin Diesel's gone. 446 00:18:27,207 --> 00:18:28,875 -[gasps] Oh, no. -Oh. 447 00:18:28,975 --> 00:18:31,511 -Oh, my God. -Carly, stay with me. 448 00:18:31,611 --> 00:18:33,780 Just because he's gone doesn't mean you are, too. 449 00:18:33,880 --> 00:18:35,215 [gasping] 450 00:18:35,315 --> 00:18:36,649 I just can't believe it. 451 00:18:36,749 --> 00:18:38,385 I mean, he was only 50. 452 00:18:38,485 --> 00:18:39,686 We never even got to take 453 00:18:39,786 --> 00:18:41,154 that cross-country road trip together 454 00:18:41,254 --> 00:18:42,789 that we always talked about. 455 00:18:43,590 --> 00:18:46,326 Uh, hey, I might be overstepping here, 456 00:18:46,426 --> 00:18:49,196 but could this be about more than just a car? 457 00:18:49,996 --> 00:18:53,433 It's okay, you can tell me. Mechanic-client privilege. 458 00:18:55,034 --> 00:18:56,969 My best friend Sam and I saved up 459 00:18:57,069 --> 00:18:59,439 and bought Vin Diesel together when I was in college. 460 00:18:59,539 --> 00:19:01,541 She's actually the one who named him. 461 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:04,411 We went everywhere in that car. 462 00:19:04,511 --> 00:19:06,546 Road trips to Snoqualmie Falls, 463 00:19:06,646 --> 00:19:09,716 the exotic jerky emporium over the border in Idaho, 464 00:19:09,816 --> 00:19:12,819 out to the forest to search for bigfoot. 465 00:19:12,919 --> 00:19:15,054 -Did you ever find him? -Uh, it's a long story. 466 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:17,724 [whispers]: But yes. 467 00:19:19,526 --> 00:19:21,261 A couple years ago, Sam moved away, 468 00:19:21,361 --> 00:19:22,895 and I just really miss her. 469 00:19:22,995 --> 00:19:25,832 But whenever I'm inside Vin Diesel, I... 470 00:19:25,932 --> 00:19:28,768 Okay, I'm just gonna say "my car" from now on. 471 00:19:28,868 --> 00:19:33,940 Driving my car, it just helps me feel connected to Sam. 472 00:19:34,040 --> 00:19:35,342 I know it sounds silly. 473 00:19:35,442 --> 00:19:37,477 No, it's not. 474 00:19:37,577 --> 00:19:39,178 What's silly is having a connection 475 00:19:39,279 --> 00:19:40,947 and not appreciating it. 476 00:19:41,047 --> 00:19:44,717 What's silly is lying to someone for years 477 00:19:44,817 --> 00:19:46,619 and then telling the truth to your brand-new boyfriend 478 00:19:46,719 --> 00:19:48,855 before your best friend/cousin! 479 00:19:48,955 --> 00:19:50,657 What's silly... 480 00:19:53,726 --> 00:19:56,463 ...is faking your own kidnapping. 481 00:19:56,563 --> 00:19:59,899 Like, who does that? Maeve, that's who. 482 00:19:59,999 --> 00:20:01,401 Maeve. 483 00:20:05,905 --> 00:20:09,108 So, there's, like, a whole other thing going on here. 484 00:20:09,208 --> 00:20:11,578 Mind your business. 485 00:20:13,112 --> 00:20:16,182 Anyway, thanks for trying to save my car. 486 00:20:16,283 --> 00:20:18,751 Uh, here. Let me see. 487 00:20:18,851 --> 00:20:20,787 -How much do I owe you? -No. Nothing. 488 00:20:20,887 --> 00:20:22,755 Put it toward your new car. 489 00:20:23,556 --> 00:20:24,991 I don't know. 490 00:20:25,091 --> 00:20:27,360 I wasn't really driving a whole lot lately anyway. 491 00:20:27,460 --> 00:20:30,530 That... [imitates car straining] 492 00:20:30,630 --> 00:20:32,131 ...gets a little tired. 493 00:20:32,899 --> 00:20:36,736 Uh, well, maybe you don't need a car. 494 00:20:36,836 --> 00:20:39,205 For example, if you had a date on Saturday night, 495 00:20:39,306 --> 00:20:42,008 I bet he would be totally happy to come pick you up. 496 00:20:42,108 --> 00:20:43,910 A hypothetical date? 497 00:20:44,010 --> 00:20:46,579 Well, where is he hypothetically taking me? 498 00:20:46,679 --> 00:20:50,650 Anywhere you hypothetically want to go. 499 00:20:54,854 --> 00:20:59,292 I believe it was Sir Edmond Dellingsworth who said, 500 00:20:59,392 --> 00:21:01,694 -"What is a circle?" -Boo! 501 00:21:01,794 --> 00:21:03,696 Lose the sheet already. 502 00:21:03,796 --> 00:21:05,231 All right, all right. 503 00:21:05,332 --> 00:21:07,367 I just wanted to say something with some gravitas. 504 00:21:07,467 --> 00:21:10,470 Behold my latest piece! 505 00:21:11,504 --> 00:21:12,405 Wow. 506 00:21:12,505 --> 00:21:13,640 [gasps] 507 00:21:13,740 --> 00:21:15,442 Is this Vin Diesel? 508 00:21:15,542 --> 00:21:16,843 Yep! 509 00:21:16,943 --> 00:21:18,778 I took Carly's old car, repainted him, 510 00:21:18,878 --> 00:21:21,481 and turned it into a new Seat of Sitting for the studio. 511 00:21:21,581 --> 00:21:23,015 Try saying that five times fast. 512 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:24,817 [OTHERS]: New Seat of Sitting for the studio. 513 00:21:24,917 --> 00:21:26,519 New Seat of Sitting for the studio. 514 00:21:26,619 --> 00:21:27,920 New Seat of Sitting for the studio. 515 00:21:28,020 --> 00:21:29,322 New Seat of Sitting for the studio. 516 00:21:29,422 --> 00:21:30,657 New Seat of Sitting for the studio. 517 00:21:30,757 --> 00:21:32,359 Yeah, not that hard, dude. 518 00:21:32,459 --> 00:21:34,827 Oh, my God. Spencer, this is amazing. 519 00:21:34,927 --> 00:21:36,028 Aw. 520 00:21:36,128 --> 00:21:38,531 My car and I had so many good memories, 521 00:21:38,631 --> 00:21:39,899 and now we get to make more. 522 00:21:42,569 --> 00:21:44,671 Our secret gum wad's still there. 523 00:21:44,771 --> 00:21:46,606 -Ew. -Ew. 524 00:21:46,706 --> 00:21:48,307 Sam used this once to keep our seat belts together. 525 00:21:48,408 --> 00:21:49,909 And another time I used it 526 00:21:50,009 --> 00:21:51,944 to keep my toes apart after a pedicure. 527 00:21:53,746 --> 00:21:56,416 You know, um, Carly getting a second chance 528 00:21:56,516 --> 00:21:59,519 with her car is making me a little jealous. 529 00:21:59,619 --> 00:22:01,621 Oh, 'cause all our cars got repossessed 530 00:22:01,721 --> 00:22:03,055 when we lost our money. 531 00:22:03,155 --> 00:22:05,324 Well, thanks for ruining this special moment. 532 00:22:05,425 --> 00:22:06,726 I'm sad now. 533 00:22:06,826 --> 00:22:09,562 No, because she gets to make more memories. 534 00:22:09,662 --> 00:22:11,731 And I want that for us. 535 00:22:11,831 --> 00:22:13,866 Harper, I am so sorry I didn't tell you. 536 00:22:13,966 --> 00:22:15,435 I just didn't know how. 537 00:22:15,535 --> 00:22:20,607 If it means anything, "Save Maeve" was my ringtone. 538 00:22:20,707 --> 00:22:24,143 It was a tastefully mournful bop. 539 00:22:27,079 --> 00:22:29,849 [BOTH]: * Be brave for Maeve * 540 00:22:29,949 --> 00:22:32,184 * She's lost, not gone forever * 541 00:22:32,284 --> 00:22:34,320 * I'll search across the waves * 542 00:22:34,421 --> 00:22:36,355 * Hope she's not in a grave * 543 00:22:36,456 --> 00:22:38,157 * Save Maeve. * 544 00:22:38,257 --> 00:22:39,792 [giggle]