1 00:00:03,371 --> 00:00:04,838 Oh, here it comes. Here it comes. 2 00:00:04,938 --> 00:00:07,141 The comet, it's coming right for us! 3 00:00:07,241 --> 00:00:08,576 No! 4 00:00:11,612 --> 00:00:13,981 That was the comet, not me. 5 00:00:14,082 --> 00:00:15,749 I'm gonna go find Pluto. 6 00:00:15,849 --> 00:00:17,551 Now that it's no longer a planet, 7 00:00:17,651 --> 00:00:20,288 I bet it's all sad that it's not relevant, like Kanye. 8 00:00:20,388 --> 00:00:23,991 Come on, Freddie, you got to try it. 9 00:00:24,092 --> 00:00:26,327 You can actually go to space without having to talk 10 00:00:26,427 --> 00:00:28,429 to Elon Musk. 11 00:00:28,529 --> 00:00:30,398 I'm too sad for space. 12 00:00:30,498 --> 00:00:32,300 Space is all I'm gonna have this next week. 13 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:33,867 He always gets like this 14 00:00:33,967 --> 00:00:35,736 when I stay with my mom for a little while. 15 00:00:35,836 --> 00:00:39,307 Which I get. I'm the brightest star in his universe. 16 00:00:39,407 --> 00:00:41,175 -Why's Gwen in town? -[groans] 17 00:00:41,275 --> 00:00:43,344 I thought she was in Zanzibar for the next two months 18 00:00:43,444 --> 00:00:44,978 marine biology-ing. 19 00:00:45,079 --> 00:00:48,849 Underwater with her fellow sea monsters. 20 00:00:48,949 --> 00:00:50,951 Thanks for having my back, Carly, 21 00:00:51,051 --> 00:00:52,086 but it's been a year. 22 00:00:52,186 --> 00:00:53,421 Gwen and I are in a good place. 23 00:00:53,521 --> 00:00:54,788 I'm over the divorce. 24 00:00:54,888 --> 00:00:57,591 Really? It would take me a lot longer to get over 25 00:00:57,691 --> 00:01:00,528 a gorgeous marine biologist that travels the world 26 00:01:00,628 --> 00:01:04,365 and has eyes that just... see you. 27 00:01:04,465 --> 00:01:06,867 And I'm less over it. 28 00:01:06,967 --> 00:01:10,304 Gwen's in town because Millicent's drama club is 29 00:01:10,404 --> 00:01:12,773 doing Shakespeare scenes; she's Juliet. 30 00:01:12,873 --> 00:01:15,042 -Oh, from what play? -[knock on door] 31 00:01:15,143 --> 00:01:18,078 Hark! Is there a little thespian in here 32 00:01:18,179 --> 00:01:19,447 who misses her mommy? 33 00:01:19,547 --> 00:01:21,182 [MILLICENT]: Me! 34 00:01:21,282 --> 00:01:23,484 Oh, you said "thespian." 35 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:25,486 Oh, I love you so much, 36 00:01:25,586 --> 00:01:28,055 but you smell absolutely disgusting. 37 00:01:28,156 --> 00:01:30,291 It's probably just the stench of regret 38 00:01:30,391 --> 00:01:32,059 over dumping Freddie. 39 00:01:32,160 --> 00:01:33,594 Hello, Gwendolyn. 40 00:01:33,694 --> 00:01:36,096 I see you're still trying to make cargo pants happen. 41 00:01:36,197 --> 00:01:39,500 Look who's talking, crop-top. 42 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:41,402 What you're smelling is 43 00:01:41,502 --> 00:01:44,538 a mélange of sea turtle afterbirth, 44 00:01:44,638 --> 00:01:46,640 24 hours of middle-seat flights, 45 00:01:46,740 --> 00:01:49,510 and three layovers just to get to you. 46 00:01:49,610 --> 00:01:52,780 Aka the stink of love. [chuckles] 47 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:54,782 Which I would have washed off, but a pipe burst 48 00:01:54,882 --> 00:01:57,518 in my apartment, so we need to find a place to... 49 00:01:57,618 --> 00:02:00,454 -Stay with me. -Oh... 50 00:02:00,554 --> 00:02:01,755 Freddie, are you sure? 51 00:02:01,855 --> 00:02:05,526 Hmm? Oh, yeah, you'd be there, too. 52 00:02:05,626 --> 00:02:07,628 Of course. Millicent already has her own room, 53 00:02:07,728 --> 00:02:09,797 and we have an air mattress. 54 00:02:09,897 --> 00:02:11,532 That I will apparently be sleeping on. 55 00:02:11,632 --> 00:02:13,967 Yeah, and you can go take a shower. 56 00:02:14,067 --> 00:02:16,437 -I love this for us. -[chuckles] 57 00:02:16,537 --> 00:02:19,106 But really, go shower now. 58 00:02:19,207 --> 00:02:20,574 I'll walk you out. 59 00:02:20,674 --> 00:02:23,811 You've been here long enough anyway. 60 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:31,985 [both squealing] 61 00:02:32,085 --> 00:02:33,554 It's so good to see you. 62 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:35,523 When can we stop pretending to hate each other? 63 00:02:35,623 --> 00:02:37,525 Never. I've been doing it since the divorce. 64 00:02:37,625 --> 00:02:39,860 Honestly, I kind of love it, though. 65 00:02:39,960 --> 00:02:43,231 It's like we're secret agents that get blow-outs together. 66 00:02:43,331 --> 00:02:47,000 -Choo! Choo! Ha. -[both squealing] 67 00:02:47,100 --> 00:02:48,336 * I know * 68 00:02:48,436 --> 00:02:49,803 * You see * 69 00:02:49,903 --> 00:02:52,340 * Somehow the world will change for me * 70 00:02:52,440 --> 00:02:55,209 * And be so wonderful * 71 00:02:55,309 --> 00:02:59,179 * So wake up the members of my nation * 72 00:02:59,280 --> 00:03:01,181 * It's your time to be * 73 00:03:01,282 --> 00:03:04,218 * There's no chance unless you take one * 74 00:03:04,318 --> 00:03:07,120 * And the time to see the brighter side * 75 00:03:07,221 --> 00:03:10,391 * Of every situation * 76 00:03:10,491 --> 00:03:12,125 * Some things are meant to be * 77 00:03:12,226 --> 00:03:15,763 * So give your best and leave the rest to me. * 78 00:03:18,232 --> 00:03:19,767 Harper, I didn't know you liked pool. 79 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:22,236 I don't. Disgusting little game. 80 00:03:22,336 --> 00:03:24,605 I only learned so I could ruin Spencer's life. 81 00:03:24,705 --> 00:03:26,474 [phone chimes] 82 00:03:26,574 --> 00:03:28,809 Oh, no! 83 00:03:28,909 --> 00:03:32,145 What are you doing? I'm trying to take a shot here! 84 00:03:32,246 --> 00:03:35,082 I mean, what's the matter, young child? 85 00:03:35,182 --> 00:03:38,519 The person who was supposed to design the costumes 86 00:03:38,619 --> 00:03:41,355 for my Shakespeare performance dropped out. 87 00:03:41,455 --> 00:03:42,823 That's terrible. 88 00:03:42,923 --> 00:03:45,025 Costumes are the most important part of any show. 89 00:03:45,125 --> 00:03:47,261 Of course you know that. 90 00:03:47,361 --> 00:03:48,862 Clothes are your thing. 91 00:03:48,962 --> 00:03:52,065 I mean, look at you right now. Girl has taste. 92 00:03:52,165 --> 00:03:53,767 If only you could design the costumes. 93 00:03:53,867 --> 00:03:55,469 Ooh. 94 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:57,004 Oh, come on, Harper. 95 00:03:57,104 --> 00:03:58,972 Volunteer is the right thing to do. 96 00:03:59,072 --> 00:04:01,141 I believe the children are our future. 97 00:04:01,241 --> 00:04:03,110 Calm down, Whitney. 98 00:04:03,210 --> 00:04:04,545 I'll do it. 99 00:04:04,645 --> 00:04:07,848 Mm-hmm. Pull those strings, my little puppet master. 100 00:04:08,816 --> 00:04:10,651 You know what's really horrible? 101 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:13,020 Our set designer also dropped out. 102 00:04:13,120 --> 00:04:15,756 What?! The set is the most important part of any show. 103 00:04:15,856 --> 00:04:17,625 Of course you know that. 104 00:04:17,725 --> 00:04:19,493 Set design requires a true artist. 105 00:04:19,593 --> 00:04:22,630 Like you. And look at this place. 106 00:04:22,730 --> 00:04:24,465 Boy has taste. 107 00:04:24,565 --> 00:04:26,867 I hear the trap, 108 00:04:26,967 --> 00:04:29,036 but I'm too flattered not to fall in it. 109 00:04:29,136 --> 00:04:30,504 I'll do it. Ugh! 110 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:32,272 Great. I'm gonna go upstairs and call Mrs. Decker, 111 00:04:32,373 --> 00:04:33,541 my drama teacher. 112 00:04:33,641 --> 00:04:35,709 Oh, and by the way, 113 00:04:35,809 --> 00:04:38,211 the volunteer who does the most impressive work 114 00:04:38,312 --> 00:04:40,113 always gets a prize. 115 00:04:40,213 --> 00:04:41,582 [BOTH]: Prize? 116 00:04:41,682 --> 00:04:45,285 Wow, this place brings back so many memories. 117 00:04:45,386 --> 00:04:48,656 And so many rules. 118 00:04:48,756 --> 00:04:50,190 Yep. No laughter after 9:00 p.m. 119 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:52,426 Ah. Is it weird to say that I miss 120 00:04:52,526 --> 00:04:54,328 her anti-tick shampoo? 121 00:04:56,630 --> 00:04:58,332 Aw... 122 00:04:58,432 --> 00:05:00,568 It's the locket with Millicent's baby pics 123 00:05:00,668 --> 00:05:02,870 before she grew into her giant head. 124 00:05:04,672 --> 00:05:07,708 "Gwen and Freddie"? 125 00:05:07,808 --> 00:05:09,543 Why is she wearing this? 126 00:05:09,643 --> 00:05:12,913 And why am I talking to myself? 127 00:05:13,013 --> 00:05:13,814 Hmm. 128 00:05:13,914 --> 00:05:16,684 Lots of questions. 129 00:05:17,985 --> 00:05:20,588 This is a disgusting little game. 130 00:05:21,789 --> 00:05:23,323 Mm-hmm, thank you. 131 00:05:23,424 --> 00:05:26,326 Huge news! My costumes are about to be even more incredible, 132 00:05:26,427 --> 00:05:27,728 because the museum of velvet 133 00:05:27,828 --> 00:05:29,730 is understandably going out of business 134 00:05:29,830 --> 00:05:32,165 and donating everything to me. [laughs] 135 00:05:32,265 --> 00:05:36,970 Huger news: uh, my brain is donating an amazing idea to me. 136 00:05:37,070 --> 00:05:40,374 The set should be full marble and sandstone. Booyah! 137 00:05:40,974 --> 00:05:42,410 Should someone check on Carly and Gwen 138 00:05:42,510 --> 00:05:44,277 to make sure they haven't killed each other? 139 00:05:44,378 --> 00:05:46,780 What am I saying? Gwen would destroy her. 140 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:49,149 You letting her stay at your place? 141 00:05:49,249 --> 00:05:50,851 Very evolved. 142 00:05:50,951 --> 00:05:52,820 I didn't expect that from you. 143 00:05:52,920 --> 00:05:54,287 We're co-parenting, 144 00:05:54,388 --> 00:05:56,657 so we've learned to be good around each other. 145 00:05:56,757 --> 00:05:59,493 But seeing her again does make me miss... 146 00:05:59,593 --> 00:06:01,529 Aw, it's too embarrassing. 147 00:06:01,629 --> 00:06:03,797 Ooh. Dish. 148 00:06:03,897 --> 00:06:05,799 Actually, it is a dish. 149 00:06:05,899 --> 00:06:09,036 She used to make these unbelievable enchiladas. 150 00:06:09,136 --> 00:06:10,771 -Mmm. -It was her specialty. 151 00:06:10,871 --> 00:06:12,606 -Gwenchiladas. -Oh... 152 00:06:12,706 --> 00:06:14,475 -They're that good? -Yes. 153 00:06:14,575 --> 00:06:16,376 That is why I miss Gwen. 154 00:06:16,477 --> 00:06:18,278 [sighs]: It's hard to admit, 155 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:20,213 but sometimes I lie awake at night 156 00:06:20,313 --> 00:06:22,683 imagining what it would be like to have that again. 157 00:06:22,783 --> 00:06:26,754 Honestly, just talking about it makes me crave it even more. 158 00:06:26,854 --> 00:06:29,056 I know it's bad for my heart, but... 159 00:06:29,156 --> 00:06:30,691 I still want it. 160 00:06:30,791 --> 00:06:32,426 [chuckles] Sounds pretty cheesy. 161 00:06:32,526 --> 00:06:34,194 [SPENCER]: Why don't you just say how you feel 162 00:06:34,294 --> 00:06:35,963 and ask her to recreate the magic? 163 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:38,031 [FREDDIE]: I've hinted at it, but she says 164 00:06:38,131 --> 00:06:40,834 it's really complicated, and I don't want to pressure her. 165 00:06:44,938 --> 00:06:46,239 [door opens] 166 00:06:47,475 --> 00:06:48,609 Hey. Where's my mom? 167 00:06:48,709 --> 00:06:50,778 Wasting Freddie's water, taking a shower. 168 00:06:50,878 --> 00:06:54,815 I mean, the landlord pays for the water, but still, 169 00:06:54,915 --> 00:06:56,116 the Earth suffers. 170 00:06:56,216 --> 00:06:58,351 Drop the act. I know you're friends. 171 00:06:58,452 --> 00:06:59,753 Hey. 172 00:06:59,853 --> 00:07:01,455 When you guys chat, does she ever mention 173 00:07:01,555 --> 00:07:05,626 any divorced person she's romantically interested in? 174 00:07:05,726 --> 00:07:08,095 You mean Freddie? Why do you ask? 175 00:07:08,195 --> 00:07:09,730 Because I just overheard him talking 176 00:07:09,830 --> 00:07:11,499 about how much he misses my mom. 177 00:07:11,599 --> 00:07:13,233 So weird, right? 178 00:07:13,333 --> 00:07:15,335 Yeah. Very weird. 179 00:07:16,570 --> 00:07:18,606 You know something. 180 00:07:18,706 --> 00:07:19,973 Nuh-uh. 181 00:07:20,741 --> 00:07:21,842 My baby locket. 182 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:24,044 Don't open it. 183 00:07:24,144 --> 00:07:25,412 Whoa. 184 00:07:25,513 --> 00:07:27,147 Do you think they want to get back together? 185 00:07:27,247 --> 00:07:29,149 Aw, who cares? I'm getting them back together 186 00:07:29,249 --> 00:07:30,784 whether they want to or not. 187 00:07:30,884 --> 00:07:33,153 We shouldn't interfere. 188 00:07:33,954 --> 00:07:36,890 Unless we should. 189 00:07:36,990 --> 00:07:39,392 No, we don't want to manipulate them. 190 00:07:39,493 --> 00:07:42,062 Unless we do. 191 00:07:42,896 --> 00:07:45,365 -You make good points. -Yep. 192 00:07:50,938 --> 00:07:52,606 So, you're hooking up two people 193 00:07:52,706 --> 00:07:54,742 who already gave it a shot and got divorced? 194 00:07:54,842 --> 00:07:57,244 You're like the worst dating app ever. 195 00:07:57,344 --> 00:07:58,546 Worse than the one you tried 196 00:07:58,646 --> 00:08:00,848 for people who look like celebrities? 197 00:08:00,948 --> 00:08:02,015 Doppelbanger? 198 00:08:02,115 --> 00:08:03,183 Michael B. Jordan. 199 00:08:03,283 --> 00:08:04,752 More like Michael B. Ugly. 200 00:08:04,852 --> 00:08:08,756 But making Ethiopian food to recreate their first date? 201 00:08:08,856 --> 00:08:11,458 Why are you working so hard on this parent trap? 202 00:08:11,559 --> 00:08:14,562 It's not a parent trap. It's a parent suggestion. 203 00:08:14,662 --> 00:08:16,496 -Mm. -Gwen's back at her apartment 204 00:08:16,597 --> 00:08:18,866 dealing with the whole burst pipe situation. 205 00:08:18,966 --> 00:08:21,168 She thinks after that she's gonna have a relaxing evening 206 00:08:21,268 --> 00:08:22,435 with her daughter. 207 00:08:22,536 --> 00:08:24,104 But I guess the joke's on her, huh? 208 00:08:24,204 --> 00:08:26,907 Exactly. 'Cause Millicent's gonna come to our place 209 00:08:27,007 --> 00:08:28,208 for a sleepover. 210 00:08:28,976 --> 00:08:30,911 I just know how devastated Freddie was When Gwen left. 211 00:08:31,011 --> 00:08:32,913 If there's a chance she wants him back, 212 00:08:33,013 --> 00:08:35,583 the least I could do is put them alone in a room together. 213 00:08:35,683 --> 00:08:38,886 Alone? Aren't you forgetting about someone? 214 00:08:39,687 --> 00:08:42,422 [shudders]: No. I remembered. 215 00:08:43,390 --> 00:08:45,893 Who's ready for a slumber party? 216 00:08:45,993 --> 00:08:49,096 And look, I had a puzzle made of Freddie doing a puzzle. 217 00:08:49,196 --> 00:08:50,731 [chuckles] Nifty, huh? 218 00:08:50,831 --> 00:08:52,733 I told myself I have to finish tonight, 219 00:08:52,833 --> 00:08:56,169 or something horrible would happen to him. 220 00:08:56,269 --> 00:08:59,840 Okay, I'm sleeping at Michael B. Ugly's house tonight. 221 00:09:03,611 --> 00:09:07,380 Wow, Mrs. B., that was a really fun game 222 00:09:07,480 --> 00:09:09,482 of Befriend, Marry, Scold. 223 00:09:09,583 --> 00:09:11,018 [laughs]: Thank you. 224 00:09:11,118 --> 00:09:14,387 You know, girls, this may surprise you, but... 225 00:09:14,487 --> 00:09:18,058 I have never been asked to a sleepover. 226 00:09:19,927 --> 00:09:21,328 What?! 227 00:09:21,428 --> 00:09:24,231 Millicent, can you believe that? 228 00:09:24,331 --> 00:09:25,498 I cannot. 229 00:09:25,599 --> 00:09:29,637 It seems impossible that that is possible. 230 00:09:29,737 --> 00:09:31,772 Puzzle time! I separated the pieces 231 00:09:31,872 --> 00:09:37,244 into several piles: freckles, dimples and skin tags. 232 00:09:38,045 --> 00:09:40,914 I don't see any pieces with facial stubble. 233 00:09:41,014 --> 00:09:43,984 I know. I had them photoshopped smooth. 234 00:09:46,019 --> 00:09:47,554 Ah! Puzzle piece cut! 235 00:09:47,655 --> 00:09:49,923 Not to worry-- I have miles of gauze. 236 00:09:50,023 --> 00:09:52,025 BRB. 237 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:56,964 Good thing I brought my mini first aid kit. 238 00:10:02,169 --> 00:10:04,104 Ugh! This better be worth it. 239 00:10:04,204 --> 00:10:05,806 I was gonna read a book tonight. 240 00:10:05,906 --> 00:10:07,140 Magazine. 241 00:10:07,240 --> 00:10:08,475 On your phone. 242 00:10:08,575 --> 00:10:10,844 Probably the audio version. 243 00:10:10,944 --> 00:10:13,113 It's still words. 244 00:10:13,213 --> 00:10:15,548 Trust me, we got this. 245 00:10:18,585 --> 00:10:20,453 Oh, my God. Do you have a date? 246 00:10:20,553 --> 00:10:22,455 Is she here right now? 247 00:10:22,555 --> 00:10:24,792 Yup. Apparently, she's you. 248 00:10:24,892 --> 00:10:26,426 What? 249 00:10:27,194 --> 00:10:28,228 Oh. 250 00:10:28,328 --> 00:10:29,596 "Dear parental units, 251 00:10:29,697 --> 00:10:31,598 "wanted to give you some alone time 252 00:10:31,699 --> 00:10:33,600 "to reminisce about the good old days. 253 00:10:33,701 --> 00:10:35,602 "Enjoy dinner in each other's company. 254 00:10:35,703 --> 00:10:38,205 -Love, your little miracle." -Mm. 255 00:10:38,305 --> 00:10:39,673 "Alone time"? 256 00:10:39,773 --> 00:10:41,274 Why would she even... 257 00:10:41,374 --> 00:10:42,776 Ethiopian food. 258 00:10:42,876 --> 00:10:44,712 She's recreating our first date. 259 00:10:44,812 --> 00:10:48,248 Not exactly. You don't have that stupid soul patch. 260 00:10:48,348 --> 00:10:50,383 And you got rid of that terrible eyebrow ring. 261 00:10:50,483 --> 00:10:53,386 Not by choice. I was on a dive, and a barracuda bit it off. 262 00:10:53,486 --> 00:10:55,823 -Nah, yeah, it was super cute. -Mm-hmm. 263 00:10:55,923 --> 00:10:56,824 [chuckles] 264 00:10:56,924 --> 00:10:59,159 So, she's trying to set us up. 265 00:10:59,259 --> 00:11:00,393 This is awkward. 266 00:11:00,493 --> 00:11:02,395 [sighs] Actually, it's perfect. 267 00:11:03,196 --> 00:11:06,734 There's something I've been meaning to tell you. 268 00:11:11,171 --> 00:11:12,239 [exhales] 269 00:11:12,339 --> 00:11:14,307 [voice squeaks]: Okay, shoot. 270 00:11:14,407 --> 00:11:15,776 I'll say this, 271 00:11:15,876 --> 00:11:18,611 your dad has lovely pores. 272 00:11:18,712 --> 00:11:21,148 Why are we doing this puzzle when we could be spying 273 00:11:21,248 --> 00:11:22,582 on my parents? 274 00:11:22,682 --> 00:11:24,284 I know. It's killing me. 275 00:11:24,384 --> 00:11:26,319 Dare we take a sneak peek? 276 00:11:26,419 --> 00:11:28,455 Oh, we dare. 277 00:11:29,456 --> 00:11:31,091 Oh, good, you're already here. 278 00:11:31,191 --> 00:11:33,260 I need to measure the circumference of your head. 279 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:35,095 It's a very normal size. 280 00:11:35,195 --> 00:11:37,564 -Hmm, that's not what this tape measurer says. -Hey. 281 00:11:37,664 --> 00:11:40,100 I'm making hats for everyone in the play. 282 00:11:40,200 --> 00:11:41,802 Or you can go ahead and tell them to give me 283 00:11:41,902 --> 00:11:43,971 the prize now, that's cool. 284 00:11:44,071 --> 00:11:45,472 Thanks, okay. 285 00:11:45,572 --> 00:11:47,074 -Come on. -Aah! 286 00:11:47,174 --> 00:11:49,009 -What...? -Life-changing announcement! 287 00:11:49,109 --> 00:11:50,577 That prize is mine. 288 00:11:50,677 --> 00:11:52,880 The sandstone I was gonna use is too heavy, 289 00:11:52,980 --> 00:11:55,816 so I'm switching to a lighter medium. 290 00:11:55,916 --> 00:11:57,785 Toast. 291 00:11:57,885 --> 00:12:00,153 It looks like stones, but it's light and easy to move. 292 00:12:00,253 --> 00:12:01,822 Ring, ring, ring! Uh, hello? 293 00:12:01,922 --> 00:12:04,457 Creativity Monthly? Why, yes, I will be on your cover! 294 00:12:04,557 --> 00:12:06,760 Click! 295 00:12:06,860 --> 00:12:09,729 "Toast"? You can't build a set out of toast. 296 00:12:09,830 --> 00:12:12,432 Not the time to ask for details from the weirdos. 297 00:12:12,532 --> 00:12:15,035 Is what I would say on opposite day. 298 00:12:15,135 --> 00:12:16,469 Toast is great. 299 00:12:16,569 --> 00:12:18,205 Go toast! Bye. 300 00:12:18,305 --> 00:12:19,472 Hey, where are you two going? 301 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:20,707 It's time to "puzz" it up, 302 00:12:20,808 --> 00:12:22,409 and I'm down a finger! 303 00:12:22,509 --> 00:12:24,711 Spencer will help you. 304 00:12:24,812 --> 00:12:26,646 -(mouths) -He's the best at puzzles. 305 00:12:26,746 --> 00:12:28,148 Isn't that right, Harper? 306 00:12:28,248 --> 00:12:30,818 He's the best at nothing. 307 00:12:33,186 --> 00:12:35,622 Yeah, I already got one of Freddie's weird eyes. 308 00:12:35,722 --> 00:12:37,724 I found his cowlick! I found his cowlick! 309 00:12:37,825 --> 00:12:39,827 After Millicent's father passed away, 310 00:12:39,927 --> 00:12:43,163 I never thought I'd meet someone who loved her as much as me. 311 00:12:43,263 --> 00:12:45,866 Mmm, "as much as I do." 312 00:12:47,234 --> 00:12:48,535 I see why you divorced me. 313 00:12:48,635 --> 00:12:50,670 Well... now it's time 314 00:12:50,770 --> 00:12:52,639 for me to divorce somebody else. 315 00:12:52,739 --> 00:12:54,674 Wait, that came out weird. 316 00:12:54,774 --> 00:12:57,044 Uh... I'm seeing someone. 317 00:12:57,144 --> 00:12:59,512 No! 318 00:13:00,280 --> 00:13:01,348 I'm just kidding. 319 00:13:01,448 --> 00:13:03,483 [both laugh] 320 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:06,486 Honestly, I'm-I'm happy for you. 321 00:13:06,586 --> 00:13:07,821 Thanks. 322 00:13:10,723 --> 00:13:12,792 [whispers] It's working. 323 00:13:12,893 --> 00:13:14,895 We both knew this was bound to happen. 324 00:13:14,995 --> 00:13:17,064 We knew, too, we knew, too. 325 00:13:17,164 --> 00:13:19,232 -The only part I'm worried about is Millicent. -Mm. 326 00:13:19,332 --> 00:13:21,201 Maybe this is just too much for her. 327 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:24,104 I wish I had a way to know how she's gonna react. 328 00:13:24,204 --> 00:13:26,006 Well, should we go talk to her right now? 329 00:13:26,974 --> 00:13:30,310 No, I need to gauge her moods over the next week. 330 00:13:30,410 --> 00:13:32,846 Maybe even over the next year. 331 00:13:34,481 --> 00:13:36,083 Aw, you're such a planner. 332 00:13:36,183 --> 00:13:38,551 This is why I fell in love with you. 333 00:13:38,651 --> 00:13:41,354 Methinks I can speed this process along. 334 00:13:41,454 --> 00:13:44,024 I must away. 335 00:13:50,663 --> 00:13:52,699 * * 336 00:13:54,634 --> 00:13:55,869 Hey, guys. 337 00:13:55,969 --> 00:13:58,605 Harper, I thought you'd be wearing a costume. 338 00:13:58,705 --> 00:14:01,541 I know you love a Ren fair wench moment. 339 00:14:01,641 --> 00:14:04,945 Hmm. Mrs. Decker said it would "steal focus from the children." 340 00:14:05,045 --> 00:14:07,214 Because my costumes are too good. 341 00:14:07,314 --> 00:14:08,982 Really? She didn't say anything about my sets. 342 00:14:09,082 --> 00:14:11,484 -Aw. -'Cause she was speechless! 343 00:14:11,584 --> 00:14:14,054 Okay, I'm gonna go find our little star. 344 00:14:14,154 --> 00:14:15,555 -Who? -Who? 345 00:14:15,655 --> 00:14:17,090 Millicent. 346 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:18,959 The entire reason we're all here. 347 00:14:19,059 --> 00:14:22,429 -Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Yeah, that's why I'm here. 348 00:14:25,098 --> 00:14:26,233 [laughs] 349 00:14:26,333 --> 00:14:28,201 Oh, program, Mrs. Benson? 350 00:14:28,301 --> 00:14:30,470 Inside is a QR code you can scan with your phone 351 00:14:30,570 --> 00:14:33,073 to vote for which aspect of the show you like the best-- 352 00:14:33,173 --> 00:14:35,342 the sets or the costumes! 353 00:14:35,442 --> 00:14:37,077 But why wait till after the show to fill it out? 354 00:14:37,177 --> 00:14:38,311 Just turn down your phone's brightness 355 00:14:38,411 --> 00:14:39,846 and do it during the boring parts. 356 00:14:39,947 --> 00:14:42,682 My flip phone doesn't have brightness or a camera. 357 00:14:42,782 --> 00:14:46,153 Now hand me my program, I like to plan my pee breaks. 358 00:14:48,621 --> 00:14:51,758 Mr. Spencer, we have a problem with the set. 359 00:14:51,858 --> 00:14:54,327 Apparently it's... [whispers]: falling apart. 360 00:14:54,427 --> 00:14:56,930 -[exclaims] -I'm not surprised your sets are crummy. 361 00:14:57,030 --> 00:14:59,432 'Cause they're toast. [laughs] 362 00:14:59,532 --> 00:15:02,002 Oh, are you playing a court jester? 363 00:15:02,102 --> 00:15:03,370 'Cause this is serious! 364 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:06,073 Don't worry. I'll fix it. 365 00:15:06,173 --> 00:15:07,840 I'm gonna need some peanut butter, stat! 366 00:15:07,941 --> 00:15:09,409 To stick the toast together? 367 00:15:09,509 --> 00:15:11,678 I was just hungry, but that's a great idea! 368 00:15:11,778 --> 00:15:13,580 Move it! 369 00:15:15,115 --> 00:15:16,984 Ah, there you are. 370 00:15:17,084 --> 00:15:19,619 I can't believe you're gonna do a grand romantic gesture 371 00:15:19,719 --> 00:15:21,054 after your scene. 372 00:15:21,154 --> 00:15:22,355 Do you want to run through what you're gonna say? 373 00:15:22,455 --> 00:15:24,324 Oh, sure, I'll say something like, 374 00:15:24,424 --> 00:15:26,559 "Thank you for that thunderous applause. 375 00:15:26,659 --> 00:15:29,096 A standing O? That's unexpected." 376 00:15:29,196 --> 00:15:30,797 Okay, rein it in, Meryl. 377 00:15:30,897 --> 00:15:32,632 Get to the part about your parents. 378 00:15:32,732 --> 00:15:34,101 Oh, right. 379 00:15:34,201 --> 00:15:37,437 "This scene was dedicated to two star-crossed lovers. 380 00:15:37,537 --> 00:15:39,506 "My loving parents Freddie and Gwen. 381 00:15:39,606 --> 00:15:43,176 "You've managed to do what Romeo and Juliet never could. 382 00:15:43,276 --> 00:15:46,646 I'm so happy you two are getting back together." 383 00:15:48,481 --> 00:15:49,849 Wow. 384 00:15:49,949 --> 00:15:51,784 That is really effective. 385 00:15:51,884 --> 00:15:54,654 You know what, bring it in, little sis. 386 00:15:54,754 --> 00:15:56,689 Don't push it. 387 00:16:01,528 --> 00:16:03,430 -So I was thinking. -Hmm? 388 00:16:03,530 --> 00:16:06,033 Sea turtles never worry about telling their kids anything. 389 00:16:06,133 --> 00:16:08,668 They just bury their eggs in the sand and run away forever. 390 00:16:08,768 --> 00:16:11,338 You think that could work in this situation? 391 00:16:11,438 --> 00:16:13,940 -Probably. -Okay. 392 00:16:14,041 --> 00:16:16,076 Hey, Freddie. Gwen. 393 00:16:16,176 --> 00:16:17,844 What are you guys talking about? 394 00:16:17,944 --> 00:16:20,780 We're trying to figure out how to have a talk with Millicent. 395 00:16:20,880 --> 00:16:22,382 Oh, really? 396 00:16:22,482 --> 00:16:24,584 What's the topic of conversation? 397 00:16:24,684 --> 00:16:26,619 Well, it's kind of personal, but... 398 00:16:26,719 --> 00:16:28,988 I already know what it is. Are you proud of me? 399 00:16:29,089 --> 00:16:30,557 I'm proud of me. 400 00:16:30,657 --> 00:16:32,659 Wait, you know about Ernie? 401 00:16:32,759 --> 00:16:34,594 Wait, what? 402 00:16:34,694 --> 00:16:35,995 Who's Ernie? 403 00:16:36,096 --> 00:16:37,730 He's Gwen's new boyfriend. 404 00:16:37,830 --> 00:16:39,666 And don't worry about it, Carly, I'm fine. 405 00:16:39,766 --> 00:16:41,301 She told me about him over dinner. 406 00:16:41,401 --> 00:16:43,270 You have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me? 407 00:16:43,370 --> 00:16:44,471 But we're friends. 408 00:16:44,571 --> 00:16:46,406 Whoa! Wait, hold up. 409 00:16:46,506 --> 00:16:48,175 You guys are friends? 410 00:16:48,275 --> 00:16:49,342 Since when? 411 00:16:49,442 --> 00:16:51,478 Since always. 412 00:16:52,512 --> 00:16:54,147 I just didn't want to hurt your feelings. 413 00:16:54,247 --> 00:16:56,015 Why would I be hurt? 414 00:16:56,116 --> 00:16:57,517 Remember a few months ago 415 00:16:57,617 --> 00:16:59,352 when I told you I was visiting my dad in Italy? 416 00:16:59,452 --> 00:17:00,987 -Yeah. -Zanzibar. 417 00:17:01,088 --> 00:17:02,522 (gasps) 418 00:17:02,622 --> 00:17:04,391 Did she let you swim with the turtles? 419 00:17:04,491 --> 00:17:06,626 Ate right out of my hand. 420 00:17:06,726 --> 00:17:08,261 Oh! 421 00:17:08,361 --> 00:17:10,797 Yeah, okay... this hurts. 422 00:17:10,897 --> 00:17:13,400 Wait, if you're dating some guy named Ernie, 423 00:17:13,500 --> 00:17:15,568 then why was Freddie's picture in your locket? 424 00:17:15,668 --> 00:17:18,171 It's a present for Millicent to help break the news. 425 00:17:18,271 --> 00:17:20,006 I put pictures of Freddie and me in it, 426 00:17:20,107 --> 00:17:22,742 so she'd always have both of us close to her heart. 427 00:17:22,842 --> 00:17:25,745 Oh, my God, Millicent! I-I got to go. 428 00:17:25,845 --> 00:17:27,514 Excuse me. Sorry! 429 00:17:27,614 --> 00:17:30,383 -Excuse me. -[music playing] 430 00:17:32,152 --> 00:17:35,188 Hear ye, hear ye and welcome. 431 00:17:35,288 --> 00:17:37,490 Our first scene is in fair Verona. 432 00:17:48,701 --> 00:17:51,171 If your child has a peanut allergy, 433 00:17:51,271 --> 00:17:52,739 please avoid this area 434 00:17:52,839 --> 00:17:56,576 or there will be much ado about anaphylactic shock. 435 00:17:56,676 --> 00:17:59,879 And now Romeo and Juliet. 436 00:17:59,979 --> 00:18:02,014 [applause] 437 00:18:04,151 --> 00:18:05,752 O Romeo! 438 00:18:05,852 --> 00:18:08,721 Romeo! Wherefore art thou, Romeo? 439 00:18:08,821 --> 00:18:12,859 Deny thy father and refuse thy name. 440 00:18:17,497 --> 00:18:19,799 What's in a name? 441 00:18:19,899 --> 00:18:22,635 That which we call a rose by any other name 442 00:18:22,735 --> 00:18:24,771 would smell as sweet... 443 00:18:24,871 --> 00:18:26,038 Psst! 444 00:18:26,139 --> 00:18:28,341 Don't do it! 445 00:18:28,441 --> 00:18:30,810 At the end! 446 00:18:32,379 --> 00:18:34,447 Romeo, doff thy name, 447 00:18:34,547 --> 00:18:36,849 and for that name which is no part of thee, 448 00:18:36,949 --> 00:18:39,286 take all myself. 449 00:18:46,092 --> 00:18:48,094 Oh, no. This can't be good. 450 00:18:48,195 --> 00:18:49,596 Shh! 451 00:18:49,696 --> 00:18:51,864 My granddaughter is acting. 452 00:18:53,099 --> 00:18:55,402 Hear ye, hear ye! 453 00:18:55,502 --> 00:18:58,271 I cometh from the future. 454 00:18:58,371 --> 00:18:59,939 That is 455 00:19:00,039 --> 00:19:04,110 why forth I hath this strange outfit. 456 00:19:04,211 --> 00:19:06,279 Uh-huh. Thou art not 457 00:19:06,379 --> 00:19:08,515 the man I was expecting. 458 00:19:08,615 --> 00:19:11,918 I bring news, my fairest Juliet. 459 00:19:12,018 --> 00:19:14,387 You know that plan-eth 460 00:19:14,487 --> 00:19:17,957 thou haveth when thy scene is doneth? 461 00:19:18,057 --> 00:19:19,959 Don't do it... eth. 462 00:19:20,059 --> 00:19:23,162 [MILLICENT]: Just tell me what news thou hast for me, 463 00:19:23,263 --> 00:19:25,565 annoying traveler! 464 00:19:25,665 --> 00:19:29,035 Your mom and Freddie aren't getting back together. 465 00:19:29,135 --> 00:19:31,438 -Wha...? -What? 466 00:19:32,972 --> 00:19:34,374 Ooh! 467 00:19:35,542 --> 00:19:37,810 Uh, five-second rule. 468 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,314 Oh, okay, we're going 469 00:19:41,414 --> 00:19:43,950 to take a short intermission. 470 00:19:44,050 --> 00:19:46,253 [whispers]: Close the curtains, close the curtains. 471 00:19:46,353 --> 00:19:48,455 [scattered applause] 472 00:19:56,062 --> 00:19:58,765 I can't believe nobody voted in our QR poll. 473 00:19:58,865 --> 00:20:00,099 Yeah. 474 00:20:00,199 --> 00:20:01,568 'Cause the QR code you made is just a link 475 00:20:01,668 --> 00:20:03,169 to the IHOP menu! 476 00:20:03,270 --> 00:20:04,971 I want that prize! 477 00:20:05,071 --> 00:20:07,640 I'm not supposed to say anything, but Millicent told me 478 00:20:07,740 --> 00:20:10,677 it's a companion falcon for my main man Jericho. 479 00:20:10,777 --> 00:20:12,245 What?! She told me it was 480 00:20:12,345 --> 00:20:14,514 the Alexander McQueen armadillo boots Lady Gaga wore 481 00:20:14,614 --> 00:20:17,149 in her groundbreaking music video "Bad Romance." 482 00:20:17,250 --> 00:20:19,252 Just spitballing here, but you don't think Millicent 483 00:20:19,352 --> 00:20:21,521 just made up the prize, knowing how competitive we get, 484 00:20:21,621 --> 00:20:22,922 so that we'd drop everything and do stuff 485 00:20:23,022 --> 00:20:24,891 for her children's drama club, do you? 486 00:20:24,991 --> 00:20:26,326 -No. -Nah. 487 00:20:27,126 --> 00:20:28,861 -Actually, that totally checks out. -Yeah. 488 00:20:28,961 --> 00:20:30,229 Mr. Spencer, 489 00:20:30,330 --> 00:20:32,198 Ms. Harper, the principal would like to see you. 490 00:20:32,299 --> 00:20:34,667 -Oh, no, we're in trouble. -You're in trouble. 491 00:20:34,767 --> 00:20:36,669 -I bet you I'm gonna get those boots! -No, no, no. 492 00:20:41,341 --> 00:20:42,875 I love it. Thank you. 493 00:20:44,043 --> 00:20:46,446 You sure you're not upset that we're not getting back together? 494 00:20:46,546 --> 00:20:48,615 A little. I mean... 495 00:20:48,715 --> 00:20:50,249 who wouldn't want their family back together? 496 00:20:50,350 --> 00:20:52,985 See, that's the thing-- we may not live together, 497 00:20:53,085 --> 00:20:55,622 but we're still a family and we're always gonna be. 498 00:20:57,056 --> 00:20:59,392 I do like having two Christmases and birthdays. 499 00:20:59,492 --> 00:21:00,660 Wait. 500 00:21:00,760 --> 00:21:02,462 If both of you marry other people, 501 00:21:02,562 --> 00:21:04,130 then get divorced again, would that mean 502 00:21:04,230 --> 00:21:06,666 that I get four Christmases and birthdays? 503 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:08,167 (Freddie and Gwen laugh) 504 00:21:08,267 --> 00:21:10,803 Is there a reality show that can speed this up? 505 00:21:11,738 --> 00:21:13,540 Looks like all of Millicent's scheming 506 00:21:13,640 --> 00:21:16,142 that I had very little to do with was worth it. 507 00:21:16,676 --> 00:21:19,245 Carly, there you are. 508 00:21:19,346 --> 00:21:20,847 I had so much fun at our sleepover 509 00:21:20,947 --> 00:21:22,715 that I don't think I can sleep tonight, 510 00:21:22,815 --> 00:21:25,217 not without another long hang. 511 00:21:25,318 --> 00:21:27,354 Just us chicas. 512 00:21:27,454 --> 00:21:29,288 I'll be by later with my first aid kit 513 00:21:29,389 --> 00:21:31,458 and some homemade dental floss. 514 00:21:31,558 --> 00:21:33,460 See you then. 515 00:21:39,031 --> 00:21:40,967 -* We're winners * -* Winners * 516 00:21:41,067 --> 00:21:43,269 -[SPENCER]: * Winners. * -What's with the blue ribbons? 517 00:21:43,370 --> 00:21:44,671 Oh, it's a participation ribbon. 518 00:21:44,771 --> 00:21:46,038 Everybody gets one. 519 00:21:46,138 --> 00:21:47,740 Including me. 520 00:21:47,840 --> 00:21:49,376 That's it? That's the prize? 521 00:21:49,476 --> 00:21:51,578 It's a public school. There's no budget for prizes. 522 00:21:51,678 --> 00:21:53,112 I'm shocked there was even a play. 523 00:21:53,212 --> 00:21:55,515 These ribbons weren't the only prize, Fredd-o. 524 00:21:55,615 --> 00:21:57,550 -Mm-hmm. -I'm not sure how it happened, 525 00:21:57,650 --> 00:21:59,085 but Harper and I have been appointed 526 00:21:59,185 --> 00:22:00,453 co-chairs of the PTA. 527 00:22:00,553 --> 00:22:02,355 Yeah! 528 00:22:02,455 --> 00:22:04,056 The Parent Teacher Association? 529 00:22:04,156 --> 00:22:05,224 -Yeah! -Yep! 530 00:22:05,324 --> 00:22:06,793 For parents and teachers. 531 00:22:06,893 --> 00:22:07,827 -[grunts] -Right? 532 00:22:07,927 --> 00:22:09,762 Of which you are neither. 533 00:22:09,862 --> 00:22:12,198 -You got it! [laughs] -[grunts] 534 00:22:12,298 --> 00:22:13,766 Amazing! 535 00:22:13,866 --> 00:22:16,002 The school was desperate. No one else volunteered. 536 00:22:16,969 --> 00:22:20,139 Ms. Carly? The principal would like to see you next. 537 00:22:20,239 --> 00:22:22,341 Oh, of course, Olive. 538 00:22:22,442 --> 00:22:24,411 Did I get a cool blue ribbon, too? 539 00:22:24,511 --> 00:22:26,413 No. You ruined the play. 540 00:22:26,513 --> 00:22:28,581 You're in big trouble, young lady. 541 00:22:28,681 --> 00:22:33,520 [all oohing]