1 00:00:13,600 --> 00:00:16,567 Women are not as obsessed with control and power 2 00:00:16,567 --> 00:00:18,834 and domination as men are. 3 00:00:50,266 --> 00:00:53,333 [theme music playing] 4 00:01:00,567 --> 00:01:02,634 MAN: The thing inside of me, it's like... 5 00:01:04,100 --> 00:01:05,934 the appetite -- it's like a wolf that's... 6 00:01:07,066 --> 00:01:10,734 feeling the hunger. 7 00:01:20,800 --> 00:01:24,000 SAHNI: When women kill, it's shocking, because as a society, 8 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,567 we are all socialized to expect certain stereotypic 9 00:01:27,634 --> 00:01:28,767 behaviors in women. 10 00:01:28,834 --> 00:01:30,967 They're congenial. They play nicely. 11 00:01:31,033 --> 00:01:32,467 They know how to be cooperative, 12 00:01:32,467 --> 00:01:34,767 and they certainly aren't violent. 13 00:01:34,834 --> 00:01:37,867 MORGAN: People are used to thinking of men as the part of 14 00:01:37,934 --> 00:01:40,367 the species that is aggressive and kills people 15 00:01:40,367 --> 00:01:42,100 or does something violent. 16 00:01:42,100 --> 00:01:44,967 When people think of women who have killed someone, 17 00:01:45,033 --> 00:01:46,567 it's alarming to them. 18 00:01:46,567 --> 00:01:48,266 It sort of violates the norm of 19 00:01:48,266 --> 00:01:49,967 sugar and spice and all things nice. 20 00:01:49,967 --> 00:01:52,166 That's what girls are made of, right? 21 00:01:52,166 --> 00:01:55,066 We would prefer to believe that women are not violent... 22 00:01:55,133 --> 00:01:58,467 [music playing] 23 00:01:58,467 --> 00:02:00,467 ...but it's not true. 24 00:02:00,467 --> 00:02:02,166 From a scientific perspective, 25 00:02:02,233 --> 00:02:03,667 most studies on psychopathy have 26 00:02:03,734 --> 00:02:06,567 been conducted in male prisoners. 27 00:02:06,634 --> 00:02:08,967 So the data are skewed -- right now, 28 00:02:08,967 --> 00:02:11,667 we tend to think of women being a small percentage of 29 00:02:11,734 --> 00:02:13,066 psychopathic killers. 30 00:02:13,066 --> 00:02:15,000 But I do think there's a greater number 31 00:02:15,000 --> 00:02:16,467 than we imagine. 32 00:02:16,467 --> 00:02:19,166 I think that as a group, female psychopaths, 33 00:02:19,166 --> 00:02:22,133 they're both overlooked, and they're underestimated. 34 00:02:24,266 --> 00:02:27,967 Over the years, popular culture has assigned 35 00:02:28,033 --> 00:02:31,066 labels to particularly heinous crimes 36 00:02:31,066 --> 00:02:33,767 that have been committed by females that have been thought 37 00:02:33,767 --> 00:02:35,266 to be psychopaths. 38 00:02:35,266 --> 00:02:38,567 We're going to examine some of the unique characteristics of 39 00:02:38,634 --> 00:02:42,266 female psychopathy and explore the horrific crimes 40 00:02:42,266 --> 00:02:43,567 that they've committed. 41 00:02:48,767 --> 00:02:50,967 So normally, if you use the term vigilante, 42 00:02:51,033 --> 00:02:53,166 people will think of a man, 43 00:02:53,166 --> 00:02:55,567 maybe even a cowboy film from the West. 44 00:02:55,567 --> 00:02:57,367 People will generally think of it as 45 00:02:57,367 --> 00:03:00,767 a man who's a vigilante trying to seek justice -- 46 00:03:00,767 --> 00:03:04,467 Zorro -- they don't think right away a woman. 47 00:03:04,467 --> 00:03:06,166 And that's why the female psychopath who 48 00:03:06,233 --> 00:03:08,667 is a vigilante flies under our radar. 49 00:03:09,767 --> 00:03:12,467 SAHNI: A vigilante is both judge and jury, 50 00:03:12,467 --> 00:03:14,867 and they decide who lives and who dies. 51 00:03:14,867 --> 00:03:17,266 And while we see male psychopaths that have 52 00:03:17,266 --> 00:03:20,367 that vigilante justice streak in their crimes, 53 00:03:20,433 --> 00:03:23,934 we do see that more often with female psychopathic offenders. 54 00:03:25,667 --> 00:03:28,000 One of the more notorious or well known 55 00:03:28,000 --> 00:03:31,166 vigilante psychopaths is Aileen Wuornos. 56 00:03:38,100 --> 00:03:39,767 REPORTER: By her own admission, 57 00:03:39,767 --> 00:03:42,000 Wuornos was a hitchhiking highway prostitute 58 00:03:42,000 --> 00:03:44,634 who killed seven motorists in one year. 59 00:03:51,567 --> 00:03:53,867 RAGHAVAN: It's shocking, because women who use 60 00:03:53,934 --> 00:03:55,767 extreme violence are rare. 61 00:03:55,767 --> 00:03:59,266 And so, as human beings, we are always 62 00:03:59,266 --> 00:04:02,367 attracted to or respond to things which are rarer. 63 00:04:02,433 --> 00:04:05,567 We idealize womanhood in very stereotypical 64 00:04:05,634 --> 00:04:07,467 and unrealistic ways, 65 00:04:07,467 --> 00:04:10,867 which then leads to the flip, where we then sensationalize 66 00:04:10,867 --> 00:04:14,066 their violence, so men's violence is normalized, 67 00:04:14,133 --> 00:04:17,567 and women's violence is sensationalized. 68 00:04:17,567 --> 00:04:19,567 SAHNI: When Wuornos is initially caught, 69 00:04:19,634 --> 00:04:22,266 she claims that she killed these men 70 00:04:22,266 --> 00:04:24,066 because she was sexually assaulted by them. 71 00:04:24,066 --> 00:04:25,967 She was physically beaten by them. 72 00:04:25,967 --> 00:04:27,967 But the evidence just doesn't support that. 73 00:04:28,033 --> 00:04:29,567 What we know is some of the victims were 74 00:04:29,567 --> 00:04:32,467 actually shot in the back -- to make matters worse, 75 00:04:32,533 --> 00:04:35,367 Wuornos stole their cars, she stole their wallets, 76 00:04:35,367 --> 00:04:37,867 and robbery was a secondary game. 77 00:04:39,567 --> 00:04:41,967 Aileen is a woman who has 78 00:04:41,967 --> 00:04:44,266 an upbringing that is not trauma-free. 79 00:04:44,266 --> 00:04:47,367 She has a history of abuse and decides that it would be 80 00:04:47,367 --> 00:04:52,066 fine to rid the world of men who then solicit sex workers. 81 00:04:52,133 --> 00:04:54,567 So she's able to seduce men with the promise 82 00:04:54,567 --> 00:04:57,467 of having sex with them and then killing them. 83 00:04:57,467 --> 00:04:59,100 It's her way of cleaning up 84 00:04:59,100 --> 00:05:01,367 the world -- from a psychoanalytic perspective, 85 00:05:01,367 --> 00:05:02,467 she's just paying the world 86 00:05:02,467 --> 00:05:04,567 back for whatever abuse she suffered. 87 00:05:04,567 --> 00:05:06,367 And there's also a sense of gratification. 88 00:05:06,367 --> 00:05:09,667 They're fulfilling a fantasy of something that they want. 89 00:05:09,734 --> 00:05:13,667 We see a similar justification in another female psychopath, 90 00:05:13,734 --> 00:05:14,967 Angela Simpson. 91 00:06:09,166 --> 00:06:12,867 The use of sex or promises of sexual favors 92 00:06:12,867 --> 00:06:14,767 and sexual interactions or flirting 93 00:06:14,767 --> 00:06:18,667 is a strategy that female offenders do use more so than 94 00:06:18,667 --> 00:06:20,767 male psychopathic offenders. 95 00:06:20,834 --> 00:06:22,767 In the case of both Wuornos and Simpson, 96 00:06:22,767 --> 00:06:26,166 we see that they were able to use this tool of promises of 97 00:06:26,166 --> 00:06:29,667 sex and sexual favors to lure their victims in. 98 00:06:29,667 --> 00:06:31,367 Ultimately, in the process, 99 00:06:31,367 --> 00:06:35,567 these women found a way to access them when their guards 100 00:06:35,634 --> 00:06:36,867 were down, and they were in, 101 00:06:36,867 --> 00:06:38,834 essentially, their most vulnerable state. 102 00:07:16,500 --> 00:07:18,667 SAHNI: There's no evidence that the victim 103 00:07:18,734 --> 00:07:20,066 was ever an informant. 104 00:07:20,133 --> 00:07:23,266 Simpson's outlook is that she is superior to most 105 00:07:23,266 --> 00:07:26,266 people in that she gets to decide who's a snitch. 106 00:07:26,333 --> 00:07:29,266 She gets to decide if they live or die. 107 00:07:29,266 --> 00:07:33,266 MORGAN: Simpson is describing her act of killing men. 108 00:07:33,333 --> 00:07:35,667 It's so matter of fact, while she's eating, 109 00:07:35,667 --> 00:07:39,166 just mentioning that she has stabbed and tortured him, 110 00:07:39,166 --> 00:07:41,166 as if it's the same thing as asking 111 00:07:41,166 --> 00:07:43,367 for potato chips or a Diet Coke. 112 00:07:43,367 --> 00:07:45,367 There's nothing shocking about it. 113 00:07:45,433 --> 00:07:47,967 And this is one of the traits that we do talk about in 114 00:07:48,033 --> 00:07:49,367 psychopathy, that people have 115 00:07:49,433 --> 00:07:51,367 low empathy and that they seem callous 116 00:07:51,367 --> 00:07:53,467 and in different to other human life. 117 00:07:53,467 --> 00:07:54,467 And this is a feature that 118 00:07:54,467 --> 00:07:56,834 we don't automatically associate with women. 119 00:08:03,367 --> 00:08:06,066 MORGAN: Men are usually thought of as being stronger, 120 00:08:06,066 --> 00:08:09,000 bigger, and more dominating of women. 121 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:13,567 And in this situation, she's flipped the power dynamic. 122 00:08:13,634 --> 00:08:18,567 It's the male who is helpless and who is bound, and she is 123 00:08:18,634 --> 00:08:21,567 fully in control of everything that will happen to him, 124 00:08:21,567 --> 00:08:22,934 including his death. 125 00:08:26,100 --> 00:08:28,000 We've all heard the phrase that hell 126 00:08:28,000 --> 00:08:30,367 hath no fury like a woman that's scorned. 127 00:08:30,367 --> 00:08:33,567 Generally, female psychopaths tend to be less physically 128 00:08:33,634 --> 00:08:35,767 violent and more interpersonally 129 00:08:35,767 --> 00:08:39,000 aggressive and manipulative than male psychopaths. 130 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:42,567 However, when women psychopaths are betrayed 131 00:08:42,567 --> 00:08:46,467 or rejected, sometimes they do become violent, 132 00:08:46,533 --> 00:08:48,667 as we'll see in the case with Jodi Arias. 133 00:09:08,166 --> 00:09:09,266 REPORTER: I have to ask you this. 134 00:09:09,333 --> 00:09:11,967 -Did you kill Travis Alexander? -Absolutely not. 135 00:09:11,967 --> 00:09:13,367 No, I had no part in it. 136 00:09:13,367 --> 00:09:14,667 REPORTER: But a police report shows 137 00:09:14,667 --> 00:09:17,100 forensic evidence tying Arias to the murder. 138 00:09:17,100 --> 00:09:20,667 Alexander was stabbed 27 times, shot once, 139 00:09:20,667 --> 00:09:22,667 and his throat was cut open. 140 00:09:22,734 --> 00:09:25,967 TUSSEY: Jodi Arias, upon hearing that her ex-boyfriend 141 00:09:26,033 --> 00:09:28,166 was going to be going away with another woman, 142 00:09:28,233 --> 00:09:29,667 became triggered, because it was 143 00:09:29,734 --> 00:09:31,867 the ultimate rejection for her. 144 00:09:31,934 --> 00:09:34,367 Basically, it said, he's moved on, 145 00:09:34,433 --> 00:09:38,266 and now she no longer has control over him. 146 00:09:38,266 --> 00:09:40,867 While rejection is difficult for people to accept, 147 00:09:40,867 --> 00:09:45,967 the majority of us are able to process it, move on from it. 148 00:09:46,033 --> 00:09:48,967 But in the case of a female psychopath who is violent, 149 00:09:48,967 --> 00:09:52,667 their ability to handle rejection and their ability to 150 00:09:52,667 --> 00:09:56,667 regulate their emotions of anger and loss 151 00:09:56,734 --> 00:09:59,767 and grief really are significantly lacking. 152 00:09:59,767 --> 00:10:01,567 PROSECUTOR: Was he alive when he was stabbed in the heart? 153 00:10:01,634 --> 00:10:03,000 -WITNESS: Yes. -PROSECUTOR: Was he alive, 154 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:04,967 in your opinion, when his throat was slit? 155 00:10:05,033 --> 00:10:06,333 WITNESS: Yes. 156 00:10:14,600 --> 00:10:17,867 Normally when we hear that term about scorn, uh, 157 00:10:17,867 --> 00:10:21,967 we always think of a romantic relationship where people have 158 00:10:21,967 --> 00:10:23,100 been attached, and then 159 00:10:23,100 --> 00:10:25,166 the relationship's falling apart, 160 00:10:25,233 --> 00:10:27,266 but it can be more broad than that. 161 00:10:27,266 --> 00:10:30,066 A person doesn't have to be in a romantic relationship 162 00:10:30,133 --> 00:10:34,467 to feel vengeance is necessary or needed. 163 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:38,734 And a nice example of that is actually in the Cdebaca case. 164 00:11:41,667 --> 00:11:44,367 MORGAN: Cdebaca is in her early sixties, 165 00:11:44,367 --> 00:11:46,767 and she's had a history of a stroke. 166 00:11:46,767 --> 00:11:50,266 She's living with her daughter and her son-in-law. 167 00:11:50,333 --> 00:11:53,967 And when he speaks in a disparaging way about 168 00:11:54,033 --> 00:11:56,467 an outfit that she's wearing, her clothing, 169 00:11:56,467 --> 00:11:59,667 and she interprets it as a put-down 170 00:11:59,734 --> 00:12:01,266 of who she is as a person. 171 00:12:01,266 --> 00:12:03,066 It's sort of an insult that cuts 172 00:12:03,066 --> 00:12:05,467 right to the core that is disrespectful. 173 00:12:05,467 --> 00:12:07,266 We might say in psychiatry that this is 174 00:12:07,266 --> 00:12:10,367 a narcissistic injury, and with a psychopath, 175 00:12:10,367 --> 00:12:11,834 that's particularly dangerous. 176 00:12:31,467 --> 00:12:34,266 SAHNI: The complete lack of remorse that she's showing is 177 00:12:34,266 --> 00:12:37,867 somewhat stunning, particularly given her age as a female. 178 00:12:37,867 --> 00:12:41,266 When you look at Cynthia Cdebaca, you think of somebody's 179 00:12:41,266 --> 00:12:43,000 grandmother, you think of a kind, 180 00:12:43,000 --> 00:12:46,367 gentle person who wants to nurture her family, who has 181 00:12:46,367 --> 00:12:48,266 a softness about her, and there's 182 00:12:48,266 --> 00:12:50,567 nothing soft or gentle about Cynthia Cdebaca. 183 00:12:50,567 --> 00:12:53,066 She is a female psychopathic offender 184 00:12:53,066 --> 00:12:54,667 who just killed her son-in-law. 185 00:13:20,667 --> 00:13:22,266 SAHNI: In our culture and society, 186 00:13:22,333 --> 00:13:25,066 oftentimes, elderly women are invisible. 187 00:13:25,133 --> 00:13:27,266 They're not seen as authority figures. 188 00:13:27,266 --> 00:13:29,467 They're also not seen as sexual creatures 189 00:13:29,467 --> 00:13:31,867 or as attractive individuals any longer. 190 00:13:31,867 --> 00:13:34,066 Female psychopathic offenders oftentimes are 191 00:13:34,066 --> 00:13:38,166 aware about how society perceives them, as well as 192 00:13:38,166 --> 00:13:41,767 the stereotypical expectations of how a female will behave. 193 00:13:41,767 --> 00:13:44,767 And that isn't any more true than Dorothea Puente. 194 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:10,100 REPORTER: Police have finally caught up with Dorothea Puente. 195 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:12,767 She is the woman who is suspected of killing 196 00:14:12,834 --> 00:14:14,467 seven people and burying them 197 00:14:14,467 --> 00:14:16,967 in the yard of her boarding house in Sacramento 198 00:14:16,967 --> 00:14:19,266 for their social security checks. 199 00:14:19,333 --> 00:14:22,066 I have not killed anyone. 200 00:14:22,066 --> 00:14:24,066 I told you that. 201 00:14:24,066 --> 00:14:25,767 I have not killed anyone. 202 00:14:27,266 --> 00:14:29,367 The checks I cashed. Yes. 203 00:14:30,667 --> 00:14:32,667 TUSSEY: Puente flew under the radar 204 00:14:32,667 --> 00:14:34,767 and wasn't detected for quite some time 205 00:14:34,767 --> 00:14:38,166 because, first of all, she disguised herself. 206 00:14:38,166 --> 00:14:41,767 Puente was only in her fifties, but she let herself 207 00:14:41,834 --> 00:14:44,367 look different and older than she really was. 208 00:14:44,367 --> 00:14:48,266 And she was also somebody who ran this boarding home. 209 00:14:48,333 --> 00:14:50,367 People looked at her as a caregiver. 210 00:14:50,433 --> 00:14:52,367 So nobody was suspecting that what she was 211 00:14:52,367 --> 00:14:55,467 doing, that she was, in fact, a serial killer. 212 00:14:55,533 --> 00:14:59,667 Another individual who used her identity and her occupation 213 00:14:59,667 --> 00:15:02,166 as a caregiver to avoid detection 214 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:04,066 was Elizabeth Wettlaufer. 215 00:16:06,867 --> 00:16:08,967 MORGAN: We go to the hospital, we think the people who are 216 00:16:09,033 --> 00:16:12,166 there, or to a nursing home, they're there to help us. 217 00:16:12,233 --> 00:16:14,867 They don't abuse people. They certainly don't kill them. 218 00:16:14,934 --> 00:16:18,000 And then her type of psychopathy is centered around 219 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,066 this notion, we can think of 220 00:16:20,133 --> 00:16:23,000 the angel of mercy type of serial killer. 221 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:25,066 What she'll say to other people is they shouldn't live 222 00:16:25,066 --> 00:16:27,467 that long, or I'm helping them along. 223 00:16:27,533 --> 00:16:29,166 Although when we look at her statements more closely, 224 00:16:29,166 --> 00:16:32,066 we end up finding that there's more than meets the eye. 225 00:16:32,133 --> 00:16:35,667 TUSSEY: What's different about the way female psychopaths 226 00:16:35,667 --> 00:16:39,166 engage in violent behavior versus male psychopaths 227 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:41,100 is that when they are violent, 228 00:16:41,100 --> 00:16:43,066 sometimes it's a little more discrete. 229 00:16:43,133 --> 00:16:47,567 Whereas we might expect a male to stab someone or shoot 230 00:16:47,567 --> 00:16:49,667 someone, in this case, 231 00:16:49,667 --> 00:16:52,100 it's much more subtle, and it also makes it 232 00:16:52,100 --> 00:16:53,967 more difficult to detect. 233 00:17:13,567 --> 00:17:15,467 TUSSEY: When you work in a nursing facility, 234 00:17:15,467 --> 00:17:19,066 you're expecting patients to have some behavioral 235 00:17:19,066 --> 00:17:21,367 and/or emotional difficulty. 236 00:17:21,367 --> 00:17:22,967 She's accepted a role as a nurse 237 00:17:22,967 --> 00:17:25,867 as a caregiver to people who need help, 238 00:17:25,867 --> 00:17:29,767 and she's ultimately using that to kill people. 239 00:17:29,767 --> 00:17:33,166 She's a great example of a female psychopath. 240 00:17:33,233 --> 00:17:36,967 She's using her knowledge and her role as a caregiver 241 00:17:36,967 --> 00:17:40,266 to kill someone in a way that's very discreet 242 00:17:40,266 --> 00:17:43,000 and could have flown under the radar for 243 00:17:43,000 --> 00:17:46,166 who knows how many more victims had she not come forward. 244 00:18:06,266 --> 00:18:09,166 While Wettlaufer was the caregiver to all of 245 00:18:09,166 --> 00:18:10,467 her victims, 246 00:18:10,467 --> 00:18:13,767 it's important to note that she didn't kill them on day one. 247 00:18:13,767 --> 00:18:16,000 She facilitated a relationship with them, 248 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:19,166 she bonded with them, and ultimately poisoned them. 249 00:18:22,200 --> 00:18:24,166 TUSSEY: Another distinction between male 250 00:18:24,233 --> 00:18:26,867 and female psychopaths is their motive. 251 00:18:26,934 --> 00:18:29,266 Male psychopaths may have a motive 252 00:18:29,266 --> 00:18:31,567 such as sexual gratification or pleasure, 253 00:18:31,567 --> 00:18:35,567 for example, like John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy, 254 00:18:35,567 --> 00:18:37,166 but female psychopaths 255 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:40,667 tend to have a motive toward greed 256 00:18:40,667 --> 00:18:43,367 and financial security and stability. 257 00:18:43,433 --> 00:18:47,000 The label "black widow" has been assigned to females 258 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:49,367 who kill significant others 259 00:18:49,367 --> 00:18:52,166 or spouses to gain some sort of financial means 260 00:18:52,233 --> 00:18:56,233 or security, and a great example of that is Jill Coit. 261 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:03,266 REPORTER: This Southern Belle, once a former model 262 00:19:03,333 --> 00:19:06,066 and beauty queen, has been married 10 times, 263 00:19:06,066 --> 00:19:08,567 and no less than two of her husbands have died in 264 00:19:08,567 --> 00:19:10,367 mysterious circumstances. 265 00:19:10,367 --> 00:19:13,166 There was always a different person, a different man. 266 00:19:13,233 --> 00:19:14,867 REPORTER: Her youngest son, William, doesn't 267 00:19:14,934 --> 00:19:17,166 remember much about his father, Clark. 268 00:19:17,233 --> 00:19:20,767 He was just three years old in 1972 when his dad was 269 00:19:20,767 --> 00:19:23,266 found murdered -- Jill Coit was the cops' 270 00:19:23,333 --> 00:19:24,767 number-one suspect. 271 00:19:24,767 --> 00:19:26,867 I have never murdered anyone, and I definitely did not 272 00:19:26,867 --> 00:19:29,000 murder Mr. Coit. -REPORTER: To this day, 273 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:30,667 the case remains unsolved. 274 00:19:30,734 --> 00:19:33,667 Jill received almost $200,000 in stocks 275 00:19:33,667 --> 00:19:36,066 and bonds from her husband's estate. 276 00:19:36,066 --> 00:19:40,367 Jill Coit is an individual who married multiple times. 277 00:19:40,367 --> 00:19:44,266 She married men and lured them out of money, 278 00:19:44,266 --> 00:19:47,767 out of their life savings, out of their homes. 279 00:19:47,767 --> 00:19:50,066 She got them to take care of her children 280 00:19:50,133 --> 00:19:52,367 while she moved on to her next victim. 281 00:19:52,367 --> 00:19:56,867 She made up fantastic stories to gain their sympathy. 282 00:19:56,934 --> 00:19:58,100 I don't smoke or drink. 283 00:19:58,100 --> 00:20:00,233 I guess my greatest sin is that I get married. 284 00:20:02,467 --> 00:20:04,266 SAHNI: Ultimately, Jill Coit ends up 285 00:20:04,266 --> 00:20:06,767 marrying a gentleman named Gerry Boggs. 286 00:20:06,767 --> 00:20:10,767 When Gerry figured out that Jill was a liar, 287 00:20:10,767 --> 00:20:13,567 his mission is to make sure that everybody knew 288 00:20:13,567 --> 00:20:15,066 that Jill Coit was a fraud. 289 00:20:15,133 --> 00:20:16,867 Ultimately, he sued her for fraud. 290 00:20:16,867 --> 00:20:19,567 Six days before that trial was set to begin, 291 00:20:19,567 --> 00:20:22,467 Jill convinced her new boyfriend to dress in 292 00:20:22,533 --> 00:20:24,367 a disguise, women's clothing, 293 00:20:24,367 --> 00:20:28,834 a wig, and to enter the home and shoot and kill Gerry Boggs. 294 00:20:43,367 --> 00:20:46,767 TUSSEY: So we know that male psychopaths tend to target 295 00:20:46,767 --> 00:20:49,867 random victims, people they don't necessarily know. 296 00:20:49,934 --> 00:20:52,667 But in contrast, female psychopaths tend to 297 00:20:52,667 --> 00:20:54,667 target individuals they know. 298 00:20:54,667 --> 00:20:57,100 They develop close relationships sometimes with 299 00:20:57,100 --> 00:21:00,266 the very people that they're going to take advantage of. 300 00:21:00,333 --> 00:21:02,767 And some female psychopaths will use behavior 301 00:21:02,767 --> 00:21:04,767 like flirtation and sex 302 00:21:04,834 --> 00:21:07,867 in order to manipulate and entrap their victims, 303 00:21:07,867 --> 00:21:11,233 and a great example of that is Dalia Dippolito. 304 00:21:49,166 --> 00:21:50,233 [Dippolito sighs] 305 00:22:16,800 --> 00:22:19,867 What's interesting about Dippolito's case is that 306 00:22:19,934 --> 00:22:22,266 she actually was working as an escort 307 00:22:22,266 --> 00:22:25,767 when she met her husband, and it's a transactional 308 00:22:25,767 --> 00:22:28,467 relationship that's mutually agreed upon. 309 00:22:28,533 --> 00:22:30,667 Dippolito worked in commercial sex, 310 00:22:30,734 --> 00:22:34,367 which means she's repeatedly been in some ways dehumanized, 311 00:22:34,433 --> 00:22:38,066 probably exposed to violence, and probably does not think 312 00:22:38,066 --> 00:22:40,066 highly of men nor see them as 313 00:22:40,066 --> 00:22:44,467 anything else but objects that purchase her and ill treat her. 314 00:22:44,467 --> 00:22:48,066 Dalia Dippolito learned about her husband's property 315 00:22:48,133 --> 00:22:50,567 and life insurance before she married him. 316 00:22:50,567 --> 00:22:53,567 And so this is sort of a long-term plan 317 00:22:53,567 --> 00:22:56,266 where she marries -- she seduces him, 318 00:22:56,333 --> 00:22:59,266 she marries him, and then she puts a hit on him 319 00:22:59,333 --> 00:23:02,367 to inherit property and life insurance. 320 00:23:02,367 --> 00:23:04,367 So it wasn't impulsive. 321 00:23:04,433 --> 00:23:06,467 She planned it coldly. 322 00:23:35,667 --> 00:23:40,367 Dippolito tells the undercover officer, who she thinks is 323 00:23:40,367 --> 00:23:42,767 a hitman, that she's tougher 324 00:23:42,767 --> 00:23:46,066 than she looks and she knows that he sees her 325 00:23:46,133 --> 00:23:47,233 as a cute little girl. 326 00:23:47,233 --> 00:23:49,767 What she's actually giving us is a little bit of insight 327 00:23:49,767 --> 00:23:52,867 and awareness into what she knows about how to 328 00:23:52,867 --> 00:23:54,667 manipulate others. 329 00:23:54,734 --> 00:23:56,367 While Dippolito believes she's gonna walk 330 00:23:56,367 --> 00:23:58,266 out of this as a single rich lady, 331 00:23:58,333 --> 00:23:59,567 she's about to find out that 332 00:23:59,567 --> 00:24:01,934 her reality is absolutely not coming true. 333 00:24:23,367 --> 00:24:26,000 TUSSEY: So despite being obviously caught, 334 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:29,000 you don't see the remorse that you would expect to see. 335 00:24:29,000 --> 00:24:32,266 She's actually trying to regain control of the situation 336 00:24:32,266 --> 00:24:34,567 and manipulate her husband again, 337 00:24:34,567 --> 00:24:36,767 and she's almost playing the victim. 338 00:24:47,800 --> 00:24:51,467 Oftentimes, society doesn't find it hard to see women as 339 00:24:51,467 --> 00:24:53,266 fragile and frail, 340 00:24:53,266 --> 00:24:57,066 the damsel in distress, that victim that needs rescuing. 341 00:24:57,066 --> 00:25:00,667 But when you have a female psychopath who knows that 342 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:03,467 about society and uses that to their advantage, 343 00:25:03,467 --> 00:25:06,166 what you might actually have is not a damsel in distress, 344 00:25:06,233 --> 00:25:07,767 but a stone-cold killer, 345 00:25:07,834 --> 00:25:09,734 like the case of Pamela Smart. 346 00:25:23,100 --> 00:25:24,967 We had sex. 347 00:25:24,967 --> 00:25:27,467 -By that you mean intercourse? -Yeah, we made love. 348 00:25:27,467 --> 00:25:29,166 REPORTER: In court today, Smart admitted 349 00:25:29,166 --> 00:25:30,567 to having a steamy affair with 350 00:25:30,634 --> 00:25:32,567 a teenage student but eventually tried 351 00:25:32,567 --> 00:25:33,567 to break it off. 352 00:25:33,567 --> 00:25:35,100 The defendant says the student, 353 00:25:35,100 --> 00:25:37,867 William Flynn, was so distraught at the prospect of 354 00:25:37,934 --> 00:25:39,967 not seeing her that he threatened 355 00:25:40,033 --> 00:25:42,767 to kill himself but ended up killing her husband. 356 00:25:42,834 --> 00:25:44,867 PROSECUTOR: Do you want this jury to understand 357 00:25:44,867 --> 00:25:46,667 in that Bill Flynn decided to kill your husband 358 00:25:46,734 --> 00:25:47,867 because you broke up with him? 359 00:25:47,867 --> 00:25:49,166 I don't know why Bill Flynn killed Gregg. 360 00:25:49,233 --> 00:25:51,166 I can just come in here and give my testimony. 361 00:25:51,166 --> 00:25:52,767 PROSECUTOR: So even as you sit here today, 362 00:25:52,834 --> 00:25:55,066 you still have no idea why he may have done this. 363 00:25:55,133 --> 00:25:56,367 -Is that it? -I have not -- 364 00:25:56,367 --> 00:25:57,667 I didn't say I had no idea, 365 00:25:57,734 --> 00:25:59,667 but I don't know specifically. -Well, I'm asking you. 366 00:25:59,734 --> 00:26:01,734 What do you think? Why do you think he did this? 367 00:26:03,166 --> 00:26:05,166 Probably because he thought we could be together. 368 00:26:06,467 --> 00:26:08,867 There are several characteristics 369 00:26:08,867 --> 00:26:10,667 of psychopathy that we can see 370 00:26:10,667 --> 00:26:12,667 in this scenario with Pamela Smart. 371 00:26:12,667 --> 00:26:14,767 First of all, she is failing 372 00:26:14,767 --> 00:26:17,266 to accept any responsibility for this. 373 00:26:17,266 --> 00:26:20,467 Second of all, there is no remorse. 374 00:26:20,467 --> 00:26:23,166 There's no indication that she feels bad 375 00:26:23,166 --> 00:26:25,166 that her husband was killed in the first place. 376 00:26:25,166 --> 00:26:28,667 It's rather cold and callous in the way she talks about it. 377 00:26:28,667 --> 00:26:31,266 There is no emotion behind it. 378 00:26:31,266 --> 00:26:35,567 It's really if anything, she feels indignant and seemingly 379 00:26:35,567 --> 00:26:38,834 upset with the student for sending her to prison. 380 00:26:40,967 --> 00:26:42,567 [screaming] 381 00:26:42,567 --> 00:26:45,166 The damsel in distress ruse that female 382 00:26:45,166 --> 00:26:48,667 psychopaths can use can be very effective. 383 00:26:48,667 --> 00:26:52,467 An example in the case of Jennifer Pan, who used the ruse 384 00:26:52,533 --> 00:26:56,033 quite effectively initially, but it didn't work in the end. 385 00:28:33,066 --> 00:28:35,266 MORGAN: She keeps holding her hand over her heart. 386 00:28:35,266 --> 00:28:39,767 She speaks in a soft -- a soft voice, 387 00:28:39,767 --> 00:28:43,066 is trying to cry at times. 388 00:28:43,066 --> 00:28:45,000 She looks vulnerable. 389 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:47,567 We do have that instinct as humans 390 00:28:47,634 --> 00:28:50,867 to try and help another human in distress. 391 00:28:50,867 --> 00:28:53,667 And it's effective as a ruse, because it lets 392 00:28:53,734 --> 00:28:56,000 the psychopath go undetected if 393 00:28:56,000 --> 00:28:58,266 we think we're helping the victim, and we don't realize 394 00:28:58,266 --> 00:29:00,266 we're actually helping the murderer. 395 00:29:01,567 --> 00:29:03,767 But it doesn't take long for the detectives to figure out 396 00:29:03,834 --> 00:29:06,433 that something doesn't quite add up. 397 00:29:34,567 --> 00:29:38,567 RAGHAVAN: We find out that, for the last four or five years, 398 00:29:38,567 --> 00:29:41,967 she has been leading a double life, one which she has 399 00:29:42,033 --> 00:29:44,266 constructed intricately. 400 00:29:44,333 --> 00:29:46,967 Her parents believe that she's going to pharmacy school. 401 00:29:47,033 --> 00:29:50,166 She is gaining a degree, that things are going beautifully. 402 00:29:50,233 --> 00:29:53,166 And then in the real life, she's really not doing anything. 403 00:29:53,233 --> 00:29:56,367 And we discover that her parents strongly disapproved 404 00:29:56,433 --> 00:29:58,967 of her boyfriend, who has a criminal record 405 00:29:58,967 --> 00:30:00,433 and is a drug dealer. 406 00:30:14,266 --> 00:30:15,567 I think the parents are probably going to 407 00:30:15,567 --> 00:30:18,166 cut her off and not give her any money. 408 00:30:18,166 --> 00:30:22,066 And then we see the reactive rage to that. 409 00:30:22,066 --> 00:30:25,767 So an additional element of psychopathy is the parasitic 410 00:30:25,767 --> 00:30:27,000 lifestyle, we call it, 411 00:30:27,000 --> 00:30:30,667 meaning that they will live off of other people. 412 00:30:30,667 --> 00:30:33,767 And in Pan's case, she wants her parents' money. 413 00:30:33,834 --> 00:30:36,266 She's been enjoying living off their money. 414 00:30:36,333 --> 00:30:37,767 She has been a parasite. 415 00:30:37,767 --> 00:30:41,367 She's lying to them to get all the benefits of living with 416 00:30:41,433 --> 00:30:44,467 them as long as she can get everything else that she wants. 417 00:30:51,166 --> 00:30:54,567 REPORTER: Hann Pan says he saw his daughter, Jennifer, untied, 418 00:30:54,634 --> 00:30:56,000 whispering back and forth with 419 00:30:56,000 --> 00:30:59,100 one of the intruders, and he described that conversation as 420 00:30:59,100 --> 00:31:01,066 soft and friendly. 421 00:31:01,133 --> 00:31:03,567 He says he could hear his wife begging 422 00:31:03,634 --> 00:31:05,667 for their daughter's safety -- "Don't hurt her," 423 00:31:05,734 --> 00:31:08,834 she cried, and then the trigger was pulled. 424 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:16,166 She worked with her boyfriend to set up a murder, and he 425 00:31:16,166 --> 00:31:20,367 had hired men to come into the house and kill her parents. 426 00:31:20,433 --> 00:31:22,367 She could no longer keep up the lies, 427 00:31:22,367 --> 00:31:25,767 so that her entire world was going to collapse. 428 00:31:25,767 --> 00:31:28,567 MORGAN: To want to hear your parents get killed 429 00:31:28,634 --> 00:31:31,467 or to see it rather than asking someone 430 00:31:31,467 --> 00:31:33,567 to come in and kill her parents while she's away, 431 00:31:33,634 --> 00:31:36,867 it means she's much more callous and cold-hearted, 432 00:31:36,934 --> 00:31:40,767 we say that lacking empathy in psychopathy. 433 00:31:49,967 --> 00:31:52,266 SAHNI: When we think about parent and child relationships, 434 00:31:52,266 --> 00:31:54,266 in the case of Jennifer Pan, parents 435 00:31:54,333 --> 00:31:56,367 don't think that their children would ever harm them. 436 00:31:56,367 --> 00:31:57,567 As they get older, 437 00:31:57,567 --> 00:31:59,967 they put trust in their children to take care of them, 438 00:32:00,100 --> 00:32:02,266 to care for them, and to remain watchful. 439 00:32:02,266 --> 00:32:05,166 We also think of parent-child relationships in the reverse, 440 00:32:05,166 --> 00:32:07,967 that parents are charged with keeping their children safe, 441 00:32:08,033 --> 00:32:11,867 except in the cases of female psychopathic killers and what 442 00:32:11,934 --> 00:32:15,166 we think of in popular culture as mommy dearest. 443 00:32:15,233 --> 00:32:17,066 And that couldn't be more obvious 444 00:32:17,133 --> 00:32:19,133 than in the case of Susan Smith. 445 00:32:39,467 --> 00:32:44,266 I would like to -- to say to whoever has my children... 446 00:32:46,266 --> 00:32:51,166 that they please, I mean, please, bring them home. 447 00:32:51,166 --> 00:32:54,767 In 1994, Susan Smith got on national television 448 00:32:54,767 --> 00:32:56,567 and pleaded with the person 449 00:32:56,567 --> 00:33:00,100 who supposedly had carjacked her with her two young children 450 00:33:00,100 --> 00:33:01,266 sleeping in the back. 451 00:33:01,333 --> 00:33:03,667 But what we now know, tragically, is that 452 00:33:03,667 --> 00:33:05,367 while she was on national television, 453 00:33:05,433 --> 00:33:07,467 pleading for the return of her children, 454 00:33:07,467 --> 00:33:10,166 Susan Smith the whole time knew that her children were 455 00:33:10,233 --> 00:33:11,967 dead at the bottom of a lake. 456 00:33:12,033 --> 00:33:15,667 She wanted to be in a new romantic relationship 457 00:33:15,734 --> 00:33:17,767 and the man she was interested in 458 00:33:17,767 --> 00:33:20,467 was not interested in dating a woman 459 00:33:20,533 --> 00:33:21,600 with young children. 460 00:33:21,667 --> 00:33:24,867 Susan Smith strapped her children into their car seats 461 00:33:24,867 --> 00:33:27,066 and let the car essentially 462 00:33:27,133 --> 00:33:30,233 roll into a body of water, where they slowly drowned. 463 00:33:31,467 --> 00:33:34,767 For a woman to turn around and kill her kids is -- 464 00:33:34,767 --> 00:33:36,367 is not right. 465 00:33:36,367 --> 00:33:37,667 There's no way to explain it. 466 00:33:37,667 --> 00:33:40,066 You can't even understand it. 467 00:33:40,133 --> 00:33:42,066 RAGHAVAN: It's shocking, because, in fact, 468 00:33:42,066 --> 00:33:44,667 women who use extreme violence are quite rare. 469 00:33:44,734 --> 00:33:47,266 We are primed as a culture to be more in 470 00:33:47,266 --> 00:33:49,767 shock when women are violent, where we normalize 471 00:33:49,767 --> 00:33:51,066 men's violence. 472 00:33:51,967 --> 00:33:54,567 If someone has psychopathic traits and they become 473 00:33:54,567 --> 00:33:57,367 a mother, it might change things for a little while. 474 00:33:57,367 --> 00:33:59,767 And the part that's narcissistic, 475 00:33:59,767 --> 00:34:03,667 she might be excited at the idea of creation or birth. 476 00:34:03,667 --> 00:34:07,667 But once the reality comes in, the deep, personal sacrifices, 477 00:34:07,667 --> 00:34:10,367 the loss of time, where you put your money, 478 00:34:10,367 --> 00:34:12,967 the perhaps absence of attention from 479 00:34:13,033 --> 00:34:14,667 potential partners, 480 00:34:14,734 --> 00:34:18,133 um, it immediately and quickly becomes less exciting. 481 00:34:19,300 --> 00:34:21,767 SAHNI: To be a successful, effective parent, 482 00:34:21,834 --> 00:34:23,867 your children's needs oftentimes come before 483 00:34:23,867 --> 00:34:27,367 your own, and in the case of Elaine Campione, 484 00:34:27,367 --> 00:34:29,767 that was something that smacked her in the face 485 00:34:29,834 --> 00:34:31,467 when she and her husband separated, 486 00:34:31,533 --> 00:34:34,133 and he filed for full custody of both of their daughters. 487 00:35:47,100 --> 00:35:50,867 Elaine Campione's sense of self-worth, her identity, 488 00:35:50,934 --> 00:35:53,867 and her entire sense of self 489 00:35:53,867 --> 00:35:56,867 was based on the idea that she was this perfect mother. 490 00:35:56,934 --> 00:35:58,166 She was doting over the children. 491 00:35:58,166 --> 00:36:02,166 She was a loving mother, and ultimately, her ex-husband's 492 00:36:02,166 --> 00:36:03,867 decision to leave the family 493 00:36:03,867 --> 00:36:06,367 was not just a rejection of her, 494 00:36:06,367 --> 00:36:08,367 but it was him rejecting her daughters. 495 00:36:08,367 --> 00:36:09,867 This is Campione's narrative. 496 00:36:09,867 --> 00:36:13,066 So her ex-husband now files for full custody in court. 497 00:36:13,066 --> 00:36:16,634 So in her mind, Elaine Campione only has one choice. 498 00:36:26,266 --> 00:36:27,433 DETECTIVE: Mm-hmm. 499 00:36:51,166 --> 00:36:53,367 What she's essentially describing are the post mortem 500 00:36:53,367 --> 00:36:55,834 effects of her having drowned them to death. 501 00:36:57,100 --> 00:37:00,266 And after Elaine Campione drowns each of her daughters 502 00:37:00,333 --> 00:37:02,867 and then dresses them up in cute little princess dresses, 503 00:37:02,934 --> 00:37:05,867 curls their hair, and puts them to bed, dead, 504 00:37:05,934 --> 00:37:09,166 and while it may seem like Elaine Campione is having 505 00:37:09,233 --> 00:37:12,100 a psychotic episode and she's out of touch with reality, 506 00:37:12,100 --> 00:37:14,667 what we know from the rest of the case file is 507 00:37:14,667 --> 00:37:18,367 this was just another example of Campione's attempts to 508 00:37:18,433 --> 00:37:20,133 manipulate investigators. 509 00:37:40,300 --> 00:37:44,000 So her performance appears theatrical. 510 00:37:44,000 --> 00:37:47,967 It appears as if she's saying what she thinks will help her 511 00:37:48,033 --> 00:37:49,166 manipulate the situation. 512 00:37:49,166 --> 00:37:52,166 She's acting the way she thinks might be helpful for 513 00:37:52,233 --> 00:37:55,967 her, pretending as if she has no idea what's going on. 514 00:37:55,967 --> 00:37:58,767 She actually very clearly does just a few 515 00:37:58,834 --> 00:38:01,433 minutes later whenever she asks for a lawyer. 516 00:38:14,700 --> 00:38:17,166 TUSSEY: She created this video of her girls 517 00:38:17,166 --> 00:38:19,266 just before she murdered them. 518 00:38:19,266 --> 00:38:23,100 She's presenting herself as this very loving mother. 519 00:38:23,100 --> 00:38:25,567 It's almost like she wanted to create this 520 00:38:25,634 --> 00:38:28,867 to further hurt her ex-husband, to show him, 521 00:38:28,867 --> 00:38:30,266 "Look at your beautiful girls. 522 00:38:30,266 --> 00:38:32,166 Look how much we loved each other," 523 00:38:32,233 --> 00:38:33,467 and then she murdered them. 524 00:38:33,467 --> 00:38:38,467 So it's another way for her to exact callous 525 00:38:38,467 --> 00:38:41,533 vengeance against him for seeking custody. 526 00:39:30,767 --> 00:39:33,367 She ended up taking a handful of pills, and by 527 00:39:33,367 --> 00:39:36,166 all accounts, it appears she did not expect to wake up. 528 00:39:36,166 --> 00:39:39,467 And this was really her last memorialization of what kind of 529 00:39:39,467 --> 00:39:41,367 mom she was and what she wanted 530 00:39:41,367 --> 00:39:43,767 to be the narrative, and consistent with what we see 531 00:39:43,834 --> 00:39:45,567 with many psychopathic individuals, 532 00:39:45,567 --> 00:39:47,767 her need to remain in control of 533 00:39:47,767 --> 00:39:50,533 the narrative prevailed right up until the end. 534 00:39:52,266 --> 00:39:54,767 TUSSEY: Becoming a parent doesn't stop you 535 00:39:54,767 --> 00:39:56,000 from being a psychopath. 536 00:39:56,000 --> 00:39:58,266 You can still have psychopathic behaviors 537 00:39:58,333 --> 00:39:59,166 and tendencies 538 00:39:59,266 --> 00:40:02,100 no matter what role you have in a family. 539 00:40:02,100 --> 00:40:04,667 She manipulated her ex-husband 540 00:40:04,667 --> 00:40:08,266 and used their children as pawns. 541 00:40:08,266 --> 00:40:10,567 They were her tools, unfortunately, 542 00:40:10,567 --> 00:40:13,467 to exact harm against her ex-husband. 543 00:40:27,767 --> 00:40:29,367 RAGHAVAN: There are female killers, and yes, 544 00:40:29,433 --> 00:40:31,100 they're very violent, but they are rare. 545 00:40:31,100 --> 00:40:33,367 I think that's important to say. 546 00:40:33,367 --> 00:40:37,367 Eighty to 90 percent of homicides are committed by men, 547 00:40:37,367 --> 00:40:40,266 and the remaining homicides that are committed by women. 548 00:40:40,266 --> 00:40:43,166 most of it is in self-defense. 549 00:40:43,166 --> 00:40:44,834 That is not true of men. 550 00:40:46,767 --> 00:40:49,767 MORGAN: It's important to focus on cases of women 551 00:40:49,767 --> 00:40:52,967 who are psychopaths, because it's a cultural blind spot. 552 00:40:53,033 --> 00:40:56,000 It helps us remember that there are female psychopaths, 553 00:40:56,000 --> 00:40:58,567 and there's male psychopaths, and that to be equally 554 00:40:58,567 --> 00:41:00,367 protected against both, 555 00:41:00,433 --> 00:41:05,066 I think we need to be able to look for those signs 556 00:41:05,066 --> 00:41:08,266 and understand how sometimes cultural stereotypes will 557 00:41:08,266 --> 00:41:11,467 blind us right away to seeing those signs. 558 00:41:13,667 --> 00:41:15,767 SAHNI: The female psychopath, while it is 559 00:41:15,767 --> 00:41:17,467 a seemingly rare population, 560 00:41:17,467 --> 00:41:21,066 what we also do know, which is somewhat humbling, is that 561 00:41:21,066 --> 00:41:24,767 the female psychopath may go more undetected. 562 00:41:24,834 --> 00:41:27,867 What makes them more dangerous is that they blend in. 563 00:41:27,867 --> 00:41:31,367 They are upstanding members of society on the surface. 564 00:41:31,367 --> 00:41:33,367 They hold leadership positions. 565 00:41:33,367 --> 00:41:35,266 They are sometimes the backbone and fiber 566 00:41:35,266 --> 00:41:37,567 of social organizations, and they 567 00:41:37,567 --> 00:41:42,066 also go undetected, because of how they're able to navigate 568 00:41:42,133 --> 00:41:43,266 their crimes. 569 00:41:43,266 --> 00:41:46,266 They tend to use their interpersonal relationships 570 00:41:46,266 --> 00:41:48,467 and willingness to manipulate others in 571 00:41:48,467 --> 00:41:51,266 a manner that allows them to identify and prey on their 572 00:41:51,266 --> 00:41:53,367 victims more easily than men. 573 00:41:53,433 --> 00:41:54,767 And as a result, it may also 574 00:41:54,767 --> 00:41:57,266 be part of why they avoid detection. 575 00:41:57,333 --> 00:41:58,367 MAN: Are you remorseful? 576 00:41:58,367 --> 00:42:00,667 -Not at all? -MAN: Why? 577 00:42:00,734 --> 00:42:03,100 Why would I be? What's the difference? 578 00:42:03,100 --> 00:42:04,500 Everybody has a reason to kill.