1 00:00:12,041 --> 00:00:14,750 [Blobby] No, no, no! No! 2 00:00:14,833 --> 00:00:17,958 KRS, we're getting close. Engage cloaking proto-- 3 00:00:18,041 --> 00:00:19,250 Wh-What are you doing? 4 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:21,625 Mom, please, you've gotta help me. 5 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:24,416 This is unreasonable. I didn't even do anything. 6 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:25,958 She's not your mom. 7 00:00:26,041 --> 00:00:27,791 He told me I had a big head. 8 00:00:27,875 --> 00:00:30,000 I was kiddi-- Ah! 9 00:00:30,750 --> 00:00:34,333 -You do not roast my brother! -[Blobby] Wah-ah-ah-ah! 10 00:00:34,416 --> 00:00:35,375 [clatter] 11 00:00:35,458 --> 00:00:37,458 [gasps, pants] 12 00:00:37,541 --> 00:00:39,708 Kids, please don't torture the slime. 13 00:00:39,791 --> 00:00:43,541 Oh, God. Oh, God. The room is spinning. Mom, I can't see you. 14 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:44,625 [sighs] 15 00:00:44,708 --> 00:00:47,000 -[Blobby grunts] -Mm! Ho-ho! 16 00:00:47,083 --> 00:00:49,166 What is this human beverage? 17 00:00:49,250 --> 00:00:53,000 A Throat Blaster. That one's Blueberry Smash. Solid choice. 18 00:00:53,083 --> 00:00:56,583 -[squelch] -It's like the nectar of the gods! 19 00:00:56,666 --> 00:00:57,625 [munches] 20 00:00:57,708 --> 00:01:00,000 I must have more, Sabo's child! 21 00:01:00,583 --> 00:01:04,666 -Does he not know our names? -[KRS] They're for the kids, squid man. 22 00:01:04,750 --> 00:01:07,208 -Maybe save some for them. -[Glorlox] "Squid man"? 23 00:01:07,291 --> 00:01:09,875 [KRS] Yeah, it explains the face noodles. 24 00:01:09,958 --> 00:01:13,416 These are Loxian warrior tendrils, you little piece of scrap. 25 00:01:13,500 --> 00:01:14,708 [KRS] Calamari face. 26 00:01:14,791 --> 00:01:16,125 [both] Ooh! 27 00:01:16,208 --> 00:01:17,958 -Rust bucket! -[KRS] Want some of this? 28 00:01:18,041 --> 00:01:19,875 -[kids] Fight! Fight! Fight! -[Tess] Hey! 29 00:01:19,958 --> 00:01:22,125 Can you all please be done with this 30 00:01:22,208 --> 00:01:24,625 and get back to focusing on our destination? 31 00:01:24,708 --> 00:01:25,958 [Glorlox] Ahem-ahem. 32 00:01:26,041 --> 00:01:27,791 There. We're close. 33 00:01:27,875 --> 00:01:29,833 The BEF is in the Miranda Sector. 34 00:01:29,916 --> 00:01:32,958 [KRS] "EHC Work Correctional Unit M-9." 35 00:01:33,041 --> 00:01:35,833 -Mm. Sounds like a prison. -Eh, more or less. 36 00:01:35,916 --> 00:01:38,291 Bounties are held there until they can be transported 37 00:01:38,375 --> 00:01:40,041 to a proper containment facility. 38 00:01:40,125 --> 00:01:43,291 If the EHC took Sabo, he'll be there. 39 00:01:43,375 --> 00:01:45,916 For how long though, eh, who can say? 40 00:01:46,000 --> 00:01:48,083 Okay, so this is easy then. 41 00:01:48,166 --> 00:01:50,958 We get the ship close, have KRS hack into their system, 42 00:01:51,041 --> 00:01:53,500 find where Terry is, and go get him. 43 00:01:53,583 --> 00:01:55,833 They've gotta have a prisoner database, right? 44 00:01:55,916 --> 00:01:56,750 Right. 45 00:01:56,833 --> 00:02:00,000 I can't wait to see his face when we all bust him out. 46 00:02:00,083 --> 00:02:03,958 The way no one here has even heard of a firewall astounds me. 47 00:02:04,041 --> 00:02:05,416 [Sean] Blobby's right. 48 00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:07,750 If we try to force our way into the system, 49 00:02:07,833 --> 00:02:10,333 it'll probably just raise the alarm and lock us out. 50 00:02:10,416 --> 00:02:12,583 Uh… Duh-doy. [belches] 51 00:02:12,666 --> 00:02:14,666 Really? [sighs] 52 00:02:14,750 --> 00:02:16,041 So, we gotta go in. 53 00:02:16,125 --> 00:02:18,625 Here. Hope you don't mind, Mr. G. 54 00:02:18,708 --> 00:02:21,166 I wired your old crew's leftover surface radios 55 00:02:21,250 --> 00:02:23,333 into our helmets so we can all communicate. 56 00:02:23,416 --> 00:02:25,583 Boy genius here can plug in a radio, 57 00:02:25,666 --> 00:02:30,375 so I guess that means he's able to hack a three-tier EHC security system. 58 00:02:30,458 --> 00:02:31,625 [chuckles] Okay. 59 00:02:31,708 --> 00:02:33,750 -[slurps] -You hear that kids? 60 00:02:33,833 --> 00:02:36,041 Sounds like Blobby is volunteering. 61 00:02:36,125 --> 00:02:39,291 Puh-puh! What? No. I am not going in there. 62 00:02:40,291 --> 00:02:41,375 I'm serious. 63 00:02:41,458 --> 00:02:43,625 There is absolutely no quackin' way 64 00:02:43,708 --> 00:02:46,416 that any of you are getting me to go inside that-- 65 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,208 [dramatic rock music playing] 66 00:02:49,208 --> 00:02:50,625 [sloshing] 67 00:02:58,333 --> 00:03:01,083 You know what? No. No, no, no. This isn't gonna work. 68 00:03:01,166 --> 00:03:03,708 You guys are gonna get me captured for real, 69 00:03:03,791 --> 00:03:05,708 and then I'm gonna be stuck here. 70 00:03:05,791 --> 00:03:08,833 And Loxians do not do well in captivity. 71 00:03:08,916 --> 00:03:10,041 It'll be fine. 72 00:03:10,125 --> 00:03:12,583 We just gotta make 'em think Mom is turning you in 73 00:03:12,666 --> 00:03:16,125 long enough for us to split off and search the database for Dad. 74 00:03:16,208 --> 00:03:17,166 Then, we're out. 75 00:03:17,250 --> 00:03:20,000 [Sean] Yeah, we promise we won't leave you in there. 76 00:03:20,083 --> 00:03:21,333 I like your jokes too much. 77 00:03:22,166 --> 00:03:23,166 Hmm… 78 00:03:23,250 --> 00:03:24,416 [sighs deeply] 79 00:03:24,500 --> 00:03:25,583 Fine. 80 00:03:25,666 --> 00:03:28,166 But you better not screw this up, Hendrixes. 81 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:33,916 -[Sean] You should really learn our names. -Guys, it'll be fine. Mom, just be cool. 82 00:03:34,000 --> 00:03:36,500 [Tess] I'm your mother. I'm always cool. 83 00:03:37,791 --> 00:03:38,833 [Lisa sighs] 84 00:03:40,000 --> 00:03:41,333 [music continues] 85 00:03:44,666 --> 00:03:46,791 [Tess] Okay. Do your thing, big guy. 86 00:03:47,416 --> 00:03:48,250 [chime] 87 00:03:48,333 --> 00:03:50,666 [automated voice] Please remain still for scanning. 88 00:03:50,750 --> 00:03:54,500 -Loxian fugitive 19144. -[monitor trills, beeps] 89 00:03:54,583 --> 00:03:58,416 [automated voice] The EHC thanks you for keeping our universe free of scum. 90 00:03:58,500 --> 00:04:00,208 Uh, rude. [scoffs] 91 00:04:00,291 --> 00:04:02,958 [automated voice] Please wait for EHC officer escort. 92 00:04:03,041 --> 00:04:04,791 [officer] If you'll just follow me. 93 00:04:04,875 --> 00:04:06,625 [prisoner growling] 94 00:04:06,708 --> 00:04:08,708 [snorting] 95 00:04:09,666 --> 00:04:12,166 -[knuckles crack] -[growling] 96 00:04:12,833 --> 00:04:13,708 Huh? 97 00:04:13,791 --> 00:04:15,166 Uh, hi. 98 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:20,416 [Torga] Well, well, well. 99 00:04:20,500 --> 00:04:23,375 -Look what the Vunaari dragged in. -[Bogdog] Hmm? 100 00:04:23,458 --> 00:04:25,458 -[Lootbat] Hey, Glorlox! Glorlox! -Hey, Boss! 101 00:04:25,541 --> 00:04:26,875 -Hey! Wait! No, wait! -Boss! 102 00:04:26,958 --> 00:04:28,750 [Lootbat] Too good for us or something? 103 00:04:28,833 --> 00:04:31,916 You better hope they don't put you in here with Bogdog. 104 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:34,041 -You hear Bogdog? -Buh-caw? 105 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:37,708 [suspenseful music playing] 106 00:04:37,791 --> 00:04:40,500 [whispers] Okay, you're up, honey. Please, be careful. 107 00:04:40,583 --> 00:04:41,416 [Lisa] Got it. 108 00:04:49,666 --> 00:04:52,500 Okay. Love a good stretch. 109 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:53,875 Let's do this thing. 110 00:04:53,958 --> 00:04:55,958 [suspenseful music continues] 111 00:04:57,583 --> 00:05:01,166 -[Tess] Lisa, keep us updated. -[Sean] Yeah, Lisa, keep us updated. 112 00:05:01,250 --> 00:05:04,416 Lisa, which I now know is your name, hurry! 113 00:05:04,500 --> 00:05:05,375 [comm trills] 114 00:05:08,208 --> 00:05:10,291 Ugh. This is a maze. 115 00:05:10,375 --> 00:05:12,208 -[radio chatter nearby] -[gasps] Blobby. 116 00:05:12,291 --> 00:05:13,666 Shh. I'm thinking. 117 00:05:15,791 --> 00:05:16,833 [Blobby panting] 118 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:18,083 [grunts] 119 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:19,750 [Lisa] What are you do… 120 00:05:20,666 --> 00:05:21,666 [squelch] 121 00:05:21,750 --> 00:05:24,375 Who needs a map when you've got Blobby? 122 00:05:25,083 --> 00:05:26,458 [Lisa] Hold still. 123 00:05:26,541 --> 00:05:28,500 Hmm… 124 00:05:28,583 --> 00:05:31,000 -[Lisa] There! This way! -[Blobby giggles] 125 00:05:31,750 --> 00:05:34,750 [officer] Processing is just down this hallway. 126 00:05:34,833 --> 00:05:38,625 -Oh, yeah. Great. Can't wait. -[woman] Oh, my gosh. Great question. 127 00:05:38,708 --> 00:05:40,500 If you look down this hallway, 128 00:05:40,583 --> 00:05:43,125 you'll see about 20 of our newest additions. 129 00:05:43,208 --> 00:05:46,375 From here, they rotate in shifts and head toward the workroom. 130 00:05:46,458 --> 00:05:47,625 That's up next. 131 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:51,833 Oh! Looks like we'll be adding a new face soon. 132 00:05:51,916 --> 00:05:55,708 [pulsating electronic music playing] 133 00:05:55,791 --> 00:05:58,000 Ooh! [gasps] That necklace. 134 00:05:58,083 --> 00:06:01,500 Gosh, it looks so, mm… exotic. 135 00:06:01,583 --> 00:06:04,166 -Where'd you get it? -[Tess] Oh, this? Uh… 136 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:07,250 Pfft. I'm not sure. 137 00:06:07,333 --> 00:06:09,791 I probably swiped it off a mark a while back. Yeah. 138 00:06:10,708 --> 00:06:12,541 Huh. That's fun. 139 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:15,375 [robot] Creator, your presentation. 140 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:16,916 Oh, thank you, Beta. 141 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:19,291 Mm. Keep up the great work. 142 00:06:19,375 --> 00:06:20,916 Right this way, gentlemen. 143 00:06:23,250 --> 00:06:25,041 [officer] All right. This way. 144 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:29,333 -[Sean] Mom, why'd you lie about-- -[whispers] Not right now. 145 00:06:29,833 --> 00:06:32,583 [mysterious ambient music playing] 146 00:06:32,666 --> 00:06:33,916 [Sean] Cool bot. 147 00:06:35,875 --> 00:06:37,250 Mom or the bot? 148 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:39,375 Mom or the bot? 149 00:06:39,958 --> 00:06:41,291 Ah, cool bot! 150 00:06:41,375 --> 00:06:46,000 [officer] Wait in line here, and we'll have number 19144 take a seat. 151 00:06:46,083 --> 00:06:48,750 -[snorting] -[indistinct chatter over PA] 152 00:06:49,333 --> 00:06:50,458 [sighs] 153 00:06:54,375 --> 00:06:55,750 -[guard 1] He says… -[gasps] 154 00:06:55,833 --> 00:06:59,166 "Any food in the fridge that's not labeled is fair game." 155 00:06:59,250 --> 00:07:00,583 And I'm like, "Oh, yeah?" 156 00:07:00,666 --> 00:07:04,458 "Anybody else bring fresh produce from their honeymoon in Tarregnum?" 157 00:07:04,541 --> 00:07:08,041 [guard 2] A honeymoon on Tarregnum? Dude, you are living. 158 00:07:08,125 --> 00:07:10,208 -[comm trills] -Security G breaking for lunch. 159 00:07:14,916 --> 00:07:16,583 [keypad beeps, buzzes] 160 00:07:16,666 --> 00:07:18,208 Unh! Locked. 161 00:07:19,875 --> 00:07:21,875 All right, gimme a boost. 162 00:07:21,958 --> 00:07:24,166 Uh, kid, I don't know if… [groans] 163 00:07:24,250 --> 00:07:25,541 Sure. [grunts] 164 00:07:25,625 --> 00:07:28,250 Fine. No, this makes sense. 165 00:07:28,791 --> 00:07:30,875 -[grunting] -[Lisa] I see a bunch of screens. 166 00:07:30,958 --> 00:07:32,250 That's a good sign. 167 00:07:32,333 --> 00:07:34,500 Maybe we… Wuh. Blobby? 168 00:07:34,583 --> 00:07:35,875 [groaning] 169 00:07:35,958 --> 00:07:38,375 -Ew, Blobby! -Uh! I tried to tell you. 170 00:07:38,458 --> 00:07:40,416 I literally don't have vertebrae. 171 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:41,708 Ugh. Gross. 172 00:07:41,791 --> 00:07:45,291 Can't you just ooze under the door and unlock it from inside? 173 00:07:45,375 --> 00:07:49,000 "Oh, can't you just meow meow under the--" It's not that easy, okay? 174 00:07:49,083 --> 00:07:51,416 Blob physiology is very complex. 175 00:07:51,500 --> 00:07:52,583 [thrum, crackles] 176 00:07:52,666 --> 00:07:56,208 Or I could just stun your legs to help them squeeze through. 177 00:07:56,291 --> 00:07:59,000 All right, all right. Take it easy. I'll do it. 178 00:07:59,583 --> 00:08:00,458 Jeez. 179 00:08:00,541 --> 00:08:02,166 [grunting] 180 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:03,833 Yah! [groans] 181 00:08:03,916 --> 00:08:04,833 [mutters] 182 00:08:04,916 --> 00:08:07,541 [grunting] 183 00:08:08,916 --> 00:08:11,041 [straining] 184 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:14,041 Come on. 185 00:08:14,125 --> 00:08:16,125 [grunting] 186 00:08:16,208 --> 00:08:17,041 [thrum] 187 00:08:17,125 --> 00:08:18,208 -[zaps] -Ah! 188 00:08:18,791 --> 00:08:20,125 [pants] 189 00:08:21,875 --> 00:08:23,000 [tapping] 190 00:08:24,083 --> 00:08:25,208 [beeping] 191 00:08:26,916 --> 00:08:29,166 -[database whirs, buzzes] -Move. Watch the door. 192 00:08:29,250 --> 00:08:31,500 Make sure those EHC dweebs don't come back. 193 00:08:31,583 --> 00:08:34,416 [whirring, buzzes] 194 00:08:34,500 --> 00:08:37,166 Ah, well, we're at our final stop. 195 00:08:39,083 --> 00:08:42,041 Hope you saved some room. I told you it'd be exciting. 196 00:08:42,125 --> 00:08:44,375 -Lights, display setting number six. -[blip] 197 00:08:44,458 --> 00:08:46,375 -[clank] -[lights pinging] 198 00:08:46,458 --> 00:08:48,708 [spotlights whirring, clank] 199 00:08:49,458 --> 00:08:52,375 -[Sean gasps] -[epic music plays] 200 00:08:52,458 --> 00:08:55,750 Now, we're all familiar with the previous EHC regime 201 00:08:55,833 --> 00:08:57,833 and its endeavors. 202 00:08:57,916 --> 00:09:00,541 Obviously, there's no need to bring up the past, 203 00:09:00,625 --> 00:09:04,833 but it's safe to say, some mistakes were made. 204 00:09:05,583 --> 00:09:08,958 However, gentlemen, we are now entering into a new phase 205 00:09:09,041 --> 00:09:11,083 of the Endless Horizons Conglomerate, 206 00:09:11,166 --> 00:09:13,833 and you're all here today because you're interested 207 00:09:13,916 --> 00:09:16,708 in being part of that change. 208 00:09:16,791 --> 00:09:21,666 Yes, from the new, fresh, responsibly sourced products 209 00:09:21,750 --> 00:09:24,125 in our Bucky Quanto's kitchen, 210 00:09:24,208 --> 00:09:29,333 to the restructuring of this very facility to rehabilitate former criminals 211 00:09:29,416 --> 00:09:33,541 into contributing members of our EHC family, 212 00:09:33,625 --> 00:09:37,000 every hand of our new vision for the EHC 213 00:09:37,083 --> 00:09:39,916 is helping to connect the universe. 214 00:09:40,000 --> 00:09:40,916 [trilling] 215 00:09:41,000 --> 00:09:42,500 [powering up, zaps] 216 00:09:42,583 --> 00:09:44,333 [visitor] Huh! Ho-ho. 217 00:09:44,416 --> 00:09:46,625 [Sean] Whoa. 218 00:09:46,708 --> 00:09:49,083 And what you're about to see is the next step, 219 00:09:49,166 --> 00:09:52,583 not just for EHC, but for the entire universe. 220 00:09:52,666 --> 00:09:53,500 Beta. 221 00:09:56,041 --> 00:09:57,875 -[crack] -[visitors gasp] 222 00:09:59,083 --> 00:10:00,041 [zap] 223 00:10:00,625 --> 00:10:01,708 [heavy clang] 224 00:10:01,791 --> 00:10:03,708 -[all clapping] -[visitor 2] Wow. 225 00:10:03,791 --> 00:10:04,625 Wow. 226 00:10:04,708 --> 00:10:08,041 -I'm happy to present to you… -[inspiring music plays] 227 00:10:08,125 --> 00:10:09,875 …the Warp Gate. 228 00:10:09,958 --> 00:10:14,125 Imagine, one in every corner of the galaxy, 229 00:10:14,208 --> 00:10:16,458 the furthest reaches of space. 230 00:10:16,541 --> 00:10:20,166 No need for warp pods, no need for cold fusion drives. 231 00:10:20,250 --> 00:10:23,375 Those Interstellar truckers zipping across star systems, 232 00:10:23,458 --> 00:10:25,000 this is for them. 233 00:10:25,083 --> 00:10:26,375 Because, gentlemen, 234 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:30,833 the new EHC doesn't just connect the universe. 235 00:10:30,916 --> 00:10:33,916 -We connect people. -[music fades out] 236 00:10:35,708 --> 00:10:37,458 Okay, this is impressive, Pam. 237 00:10:37,541 --> 00:10:40,125 The-the implications of this are astronomical, 238 00:10:40,208 --> 00:10:43,958 but the resources needed to produce this kind of power, I-- 239 00:10:44,041 --> 00:10:45,208 [Pam] Oh, ho-ho-ho. 240 00:10:45,291 --> 00:10:48,750 Come on, Kyle, you beautiful little man-child. 241 00:10:48,833 --> 00:10:51,458 You didn't trust me to think of that? Tut-tut-tut. 242 00:10:51,541 --> 00:10:53,250 [Sean] So cool. 243 00:10:53,833 --> 00:10:56,500 -[Blobby] Tap that here. Bypass this. -[keyboard clacking] 244 00:10:56,583 --> 00:10:58,583 Go around you, and… 245 00:10:59,375 --> 00:11:02,041 -[error tone] -How are we doing, Blobby? 246 00:11:02,125 --> 00:11:05,666 Eyes outside. I can't perform under such pressure. 247 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:09,000 Hmm. Let me keep clicking to see if that solves the problem. 248 00:11:09,083 --> 00:11:12,375 -[error tone] -Oh, no. The dreaded orbiting moon ball. 249 00:11:12,458 --> 00:11:13,583 So annoying! 250 00:11:13,666 --> 00:11:15,625 -[indistinct chatter] -[grumbles] 251 00:11:19,291 --> 00:11:20,583 [PA chiming] 252 00:11:20,666 --> 00:11:23,125 [crying] 253 00:11:23,208 --> 00:11:26,458 [nearby bounty clears throat, sniffs] Glorlox. No, no. 254 00:11:26,541 --> 00:11:29,541 Man, these are some glorious lox on my bagel. 255 00:11:29,625 --> 00:11:31,166 Glorlox. [coughing] 256 00:11:31,750 --> 00:11:33,166 Um, can I help you? 257 00:11:33,250 --> 00:11:36,875 Ho-ho-ho! It is you! Ah, I knew it. 258 00:11:37,500 --> 00:11:38,916 -Do I know you? -[bounty] Yeah. 259 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:41,500 Well… no, not really. 260 00:11:41,583 --> 00:11:43,166 You locked up one of my boys, 261 00:11:43,250 --> 00:11:45,791 but at the time, he was house-sitting at my place, 262 00:11:45,875 --> 00:11:48,000 so I feel a connection. 263 00:11:48,083 --> 00:11:49,541 [chuckles] 264 00:11:49,625 --> 00:11:51,000 Zeitler. 265 00:11:55,916 --> 00:11:57,791 [Tess] Lisa, we're close. How about you? 266 00:11:57,875 --> 00:12:00,416 -[trilling, error tone] -[Blobby] Again? Really? 267 00:12:00,500 --> 00:12:03,041 Can you guys just keep it up for a little longer? 268 00:12:03,125 --> 00:12:06,875 [Tess sighs] All right, but just… just get a move on. 269 00:12:06,958 --> 00:12:08,625 [sighs] Thank you for being patient. 270 00:12:08,708 --> 00:12:10,958 I got a fresh form. Let's start with your name. 271 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:13,000 [Tess] My name is… 272 00:12:13,541 --> 00:12:16,291 the Legendary Ga-Hoo. 273 00:12:16,375 --> 00:12:18,250 Uh-huh… 274 00:12:18,333 --> 00:12:21,291 -Do you have a contractor receipt-- -[Tess] Let me stop you there. 275 00:12:21,375 --> 00:12:26,000 Is there a supervisor I can speak with about reimbursements for unexpected costs? 276 00:12:26,083 --> 00:12:27,791 Oh, okay. Um… 277 00:12:28,500 --> 00:12:29,750 -[whispers] Hide. -Hmm? 278 00:12:29,833 --> 00:12:30,916 [beeping] 279 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:34,333 -[comm trills] -Corridor G is clear. Moving to H. 280 00:12:34,416 --> 00:12:36,291 [tense music plays] 281 00:12:37,625 --> 00:12:39,250 -[computer chimes] -[gasps] I'm in. 282 00:12:39,791 --> 00:12:42,666 S-A-B… 283 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:44,208 [beeping] 284 00:12:44,291 --> 00:12:45,375 [Blobby] Mm… 285 00:12:47,125 --> 00:12:48,166 "O." 286 00:12:48,250 --> 00:12:49,166 Oh. 287 00:12:49,250 --> 00:12:50,916 [trilling] 288 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:52,416 [chimes] 289 00:12:52,500 --> 00:12:53,458 [alert droning] 290 00:12:53,541 --> 00:12:58,291 Ah, can't believe the mighty Glorlox is finally on this side of things. 291 00:12:58,375 --> 00:13:02,041 [chuckles] Oh, yeah, you really are just like your partner. 292 00:13:02,125 --> 00:13:03,000 [Glorlox] Hmm? 293 00:13:03,500 --> 00:13:05,833 [tense music continues] 294 00:13:05,916 --> 00:13:06,833 Dad. 295 00:13:06,916 --> 00:13:09,250 "Six-two"? Pfft. Not even that tall. 296 00:13:10,083 --> 00:13:12,375 -Hmm. Weird. -What is it? 297 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:14,541 What do you know about Brok? 298 00:13:14,625 --> 00:13:17,500 I know I never expected an all-star like him 299 00:13:17,583 --> 00:13:20,708 to be such an easy mark, that's for sure. 300 00:13:20,791 --> 00:13:23,958 And on a private contract too? Pbbt. 301 00:13:24,041 --> 00:13:25,750 -Private? -Oh, yeah. 302 00:13:25,833 --> 00:13:30,750 Random freelancer picked him up. A-A guy by the name of "Widowmaker." 303 00:13:30,833 --> 00:13:32,541 [chuckles] Oh, man. 304 00:13:33,125 --> 00:13:37,208 Dude's probably blowing all the cash he got at the Ocanom Coast as we speak. 305 00:13:37,291 --> 00:13:40,000 Gah. I would love to live in the OC. 306 00:13:40,083 --> 00:13:43,083 So, the EHC doesn't have him. 307 00:13:43,625 --> 00:13:46,250 -[bleep] -The EHC doesn't have him. 308 00:13:46,333 --> 00:13:47,583 What? No. 309 00:13:47,666 --> 00:13:49,666 Search again. He's gotta be here. 310 00:13:50,166 --> 00:13:53,083 Hey. What's taking so long? I'm on the meter. 311 00:13:53,166 --> 00:13:56,916 I'm just saying, if y'all were really about connecting the universe, 312 00:13:57,000 --> 00:13:58,958 you'd reimburse people for warp pods. 313 00:13:59,041 --> 00:14:01,416 I-I-I'm sorry. I'm new here. 314 00:14:01,500 --> 00:14:03,750 -[Glorlox] T-T-Tess. Tess. -[Tess] Hold on a sec. 315 00:14:03,833 --> 00:14:06,250 -[comm trills] -Oh, lady, come on! 316 00:14:06,333 --> 00:14:08,875 -Tess. -Mom. Mom, come in. 317 00:14:08,958 --> 00:14:11,208 -[Tess] I'm here. What's going on? -Sabo isn't-- 318 00:14:11,291 --> 00:14:12,958 -He's not here. -[Tess] Wait. What? 319 00:14:13,041 --> 00:14:15,500 -Dad isn't here. -[dramatic music plays] 320 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:17,583 Mom. Mom, are you there? 321 00:14:17,666 --> 00:14:19,083 -[door beeping] -[Blobby gasps] 322 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:22,625 [guard 1] Hey! What are you doing? Backup, corridor G. I need-- 323 00:14:22,708 --> 00:14:24,500 -Ah! [groans] -[zapping] 324 00:14:25,333 --> 00:14:27,166 -[Lisa] Run! -[alarm blaring] 325 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:28,375 [grunting] 326 00:14:28,458 --> 00:14:29,541 Get back here. 327 00:14:29,625 --> 00:14:32,583 -[woman over PA] All personnel… -[guard 2] Everybody, stay put! 328 00:14:32,666 --> 00:14:34,791 [woman over PA] …and report to your supervisor. 329 00:14:34,875 --> 00:14:36,041 -[creak, snap] -[grunts] 330 00:14:36,125 --> 00:14:37,416 -[weapon whirs] -[grunts] 331 00:14:37,500 --> 00:14:38,625 [guard 3] Hold it! Huh? 332 00:14:38,708 --> 00:14:40,083 [grunting] 333 00:14:40,166 --> 00:14:42,250 -[weapon whirs] -[guard 3 gasps] 334 00:14:43,125 --> 00:14:44,208 [guard 4] Hold it! 335 00:14:45,083 --> 00:14:47,458 [both panting] 336 00:14:47,541 --> 00:14:49,166 [guard 1] Halt! Halt! 337 00:14:49,250 --> 00:14:51,166 [Blobby] I can't go back to prison. Uh! 338 00:14:51,250 --> 00:14:53,666 -[panting] -[guard 1] I want to see your guest badge! 339 00:14:53,750 --> 00:14:55,375 [grunts, groans] 340 00:14:55,458 --> 00:14:57,375 [Lisa] Ugh. That's nasty. 341 00:14:57,458 --> 00:15:00,041 Ugh! That's nasty! 342 00:15:00,125 --> 00:15:03,583 -I'd like to see you do any better. -[guard 1] Stay where you are. 343 00:15:03,666 --> 00:15:04,958 -I'm winded. -[Lisa] Come on! 344 00:15:05,041 --> 00:15:06,541 [squelching] 345 00:15:06,625 --> 00:15:07,458 [Lisa] Blobby! 346 00:15:09,125 --> 00:15:12,375 Oh, wise sister, this is how I go. 347 00:15:12,458 --> 00:15:13,708 -I-- -[Lisa] Cut it out. 348 00:15:13,791 --> 00:15:15,125 -Grab my arm. [gasps] -[gasps] 349 00:15:15,208 --> 00:15:16,458 [groans] Hey. 350 00:15:16,541 --> 00:15:17,875 Hey-Hey! Hey, get back here! 351 00:15:17,958 --> 00:15:20,083 -[Lisa groans] -Get back here, you-- Whoa! 352 00:15:20,166 --> 00:15:22,083 [both grunting] 353 00:15:23,666 --> 00:15:25,541 -[Lisa] Ah! -[guards grunt] 354 00:15:28,541 --> 00:15:29,708 [both panting] 355 00:15:29,791 --> 00:15:32,750 -[guard 5] Anybody got eyes on 'em? -[guard 6] Nothing on thermal. 356 00:15:32,833 --> 00:15:33,875 Mm-mm. [inhales] 357 00:15:33,958 --> 00:15:35,750 Everyone remain calm. 358 00:15:35,833 --> 00:15:38,833 Just a standard test of our emergency protocols. 359 00:15:38,916 --> 00:15:42,166 -[Beta] Creator, would you like me to-- -Assuming manual control. 360 00:15:42,250 --> 00:15:44,041 [chimes, drones menacingly] 361 00:15:46,125 --> 00:15:48,041 [both panting] 362 00:15:48,125 --> 00:15:50,125 -[Glorlox] This way! -[Tess grunts, pants] 363 00:15:50,208 --> 00:15:52,375 -[rapid firing] -Whoa! Not that way. 364 00:15:52,458 --> 00:15:54,333 -No, no, no. Not that way. -[guards grunt] 365 00:15:54,416 --> 00:15:58,333 [Tess] Gah! These hallways! No wonder no one can escape from here! 366 00:15:58,416 --> 00:16:02,291 "Oh, it'll be fine, Glorlox. Trust us, Glorlox." 367 00:16:02,375 --> 00:16:06,416 I swear, this is the last time I listen to you or those stinking kids. 368 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:08,750 [Tess] The kids. Glorlox, where's Sean? 369 00:16:08,833 --> 00:16:10,208 He's your kid. 370 00:16:10,291 --> 00:16:12,833 [Tess] He was supposed to be sitting with you. 371 00:16:12,916 --> 00:16:15,333 No, I never signed off on that. 372 00:16:15,416 --> 00:16:17,708 [Tess] Sean Everett Hendrix… 373 00:16:17,791 --> 00:16:19,958 -[Sean gasps] -…get your butt back to the ship. 374 00:16:20,041 --> 00:16:21,958 -[guard 5] See anything? -Get 'em! 375 00:16:22,041 --> 00:16:25,750 [Tess] It should be implied that the adults should watch the kids. 376 00:16:25,833 --> 00:16:27,125 -[weapon cocks] -[Tess] Ah! 377 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:29,500 -Uh! -[guard 7] Argh! 378 00:16:29,583 --> 00:16:30,541 [Glorlox grunts] 379 00:16:30,625 --> 00:16:34,333 Oh, okay, Miss "Lisa go off with the creepy goo guy." 380 00:16:34,416 --> 00:16:35,666 [both grunt] 381 00:16:35,750 --> 00:16:36,583 [Sean] Mom! 382 00:16:37,250 --> 00:16:38,208 [guard 8 grunts] 383 00:16:38,291 --> 00:16:39,583 Sean! 384 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:43,500 Sean! Oh, yes, of course. That's that-that one's name. 385 00:16:45,458 --> 00:16:47,000 -[Sean] Good shot, Mr. G. -Ha-ha. 386 00:16:47,083 --> 00:16:50,708 [Tess] Don't encourage him. He almost killed you. Where were you?! 387 00:16:50,791 --> 00:16:52,250 Gathering intel, obviously. 388 00:16:52,333 --> 00:16:54,750 But then I heard the alarm and assumed we messed up. 389 00:16:54,833 --> 00:16:55,666 [Tess] Gah! 390 00:16:56,916 --> 00:16:58,958 [Sean] Oh, I gotta tell you about this bot. 391 00:17:00,041 --> 00:17:01,083 [Tess] Run! 392 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:06,541 -Uh! Come on. [pants] -[Glorlox grunts] 393 00:17:08,333 --> 00:17:09,750 [Beta screeches] 394 00:17:10,375 --> 00:17:12,166 -[Lisa panting] -[Blobby grunts] 395 00:17:12,250 --> 00:17:15,250 -[Tess and Glorlox panting] -[rapid footsteps approaching] 396 00:17:16,125 --> 00:17:19,041 [menacing ambient music plays] 397 00:17:19,125 --> 00:17:20,416 -[Blobby gasps] -[Lisa] Huh? 398 00:17:20,500 --> 00:17:24,458 -[woman over PA] All personnel… -[guard 1] Okay. Everybody just sit down. 399 00:17:24,541 --> 00:17:26,208 We got this all under con-- [grunts] 400 00:17:29,583 --> 00:17:31,083 [all growling] 401 00:17:31,166 --> 00:17:34,125 -[bounty 1] Let's get outta of here. -[guard 2] Gah! No! 402 00:17:34,208 --> 00:17:35,791 [scanner beeping] 403 00:17:35,875 --> 00:17:38,333 -[alarm ringing] -[guard 3] Somebody help me! 404 00:17:38,416 --> 00:17:39,958 [grunting] 405 00:17:42,500 --> 00:17:43,666 [bounty 2 groans] 406 00:17:43,750 --> 00:17:45,958 -[clamoring] -[bounty 3] Freedom! 407 00:17:46,625 --> 00:17:47,791 [bounty 4] Argh! 408 00:17:50,458 --> 00:17:51,583 -Huh! -[guard 4] Listen! 409 00:17:51,666 --> 00:17:53,833 [all panting] 410 00:17:55,291 --> 00:17:57,916 Let's not forget about Blobby! Ha-ha! 411 00:17:58,000 --> 00:17:59,583 [both panting] 412 00:17:59,666 --> 00:18:01,625 -[Tess] Lisa! -[Blobby] Come on. 413 00:18:01,708 --> 00:18:04,250 -[Tess] KRS! -[KRS] I'm awake! I'm awake! 414 00:18:04,333 --> 00:18:05,458 [Tess] Start it up. 415 00:18:06,541 --> 00:18:07,875 [Sean] Come on, Mr. G! 416 00:18:07,958 --> 00:18:10,750 -[Tess] Glorlox, we gotta go! -[ship powering up] 417 00:18:10,833 --> 00:18:12,541 Go to the Ocanom Coast Casino, 418 00:18:12,625 --> 00:18:15,833 about a half day's trip from here, on the planet Ocanom Prime. 419 00:18:15,916 --> 00:18:18,833 Find the Widowmaker. He's the one that took Sabo. 420 00:18:18,916 --> 00:18:20,041 Aren't you coming? 421 00:18:20,125 --> 00:18:22,916 I'll catch up. There's something I gotta take care of. 422 00:18:24,791 --> 00:18:26,041 [menacing music plays] 423 00:18:26,125 --> 00:18:28,166 -[scanner trilling] -[alarm sirens] 424 00:18:30,666 --> 00:18:32,708 [rapid firing] 425 00:18:32,791 --> 00:18:34,791 -[blast] -[Tess] Glorlox! 426 00:18:34,875 --> 00:18:38,083 -[alarm wailing] -[glass shattering] 427 00:18:38,916 --> 00:18:40,666 -[menacing music plays] -[Beta growls] 428 00:18:40,750 --> 00:18:41,583 [all] Ah! 429 00:18:42,916 --> 00:18:43,791 [screeches] 430 00:18:43,875 --> 00:18:46,541 [all panting] 431 00:18:46,625 --> 00:18:49,041 -[spaceship whirring] -[Blobby grunts] 432 00:18:49,833 --> 00:18:51,541 [Tess] KRS, go now. Go now! 433 00:18:52,250 --> 00:18:53,291 [scanner trills] 434 00:18:53,375 --> 00:18:54,250 [snarls] 435 00:18:56,500 --> 00:18:57,458 [whoosh] 436 00:19:00,458 --> 00:19:01,583 [thrusters blast] 437 00:19:05,375 --> 00:19:06,208 [beep] 438 00:19:06,291 --> 00:19:08,041 [scanner trilling] 439 00:19:08,125 --> 00:19:11,583 [menacing music playing] 440 00:19:11,666 --> 00:19:14,458 -Hey! Hey, you! Hey! What is goin' on? -[rapid firing] 441 00:19:14,541 --> 00:19:16,125 What is this? He just-- Argh! 442 00:19:16,208 --> 00:19:17,583 [all gasp anxiously] 443 00:19:19,166 --> 00:19:20,000 -Boss! -Boss! 444 00:19:20,083 --> 00:19:21,416 You comin' or what? 445 00:19:23,375 --> 00:19:25,291 -Woo-hoo! -We made it! 446 00:19:25,375 --> 00:19:27,583 [Blobby groaning] 447 00:19:30,458 --> 00:19:33,250 Oh, my God. That was way too close for comfort. 448 00:19:33,333 --> 00:19:37,625 Oh, we had way more close calls than that when we were with Dad. Right, KRS? 449 00:19:37,708 --> 00:19:38,916 [KRS] Uh… 450 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:41,541 [in robotic voice] Command not recognized. 451 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:43,916 [chuckles nervously] 452 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:46,958 KRS, the Ocanom Coast Casino, what can you tell us? 453 00:19:47,041 --> 00:19:49,750 [monitor beeping] 454 00:19:49,833 --> 00:19:52,833 -[trills] -[KRS] Ooh, boy! No results for that one. 455 00:19:52,916 --> 00:19:55,333 -How's that possible? Try it again. -[monitor trills] 456 00:19:55,416 --> 00:19:59,375 -Maybe Glorlox said it wrong? -[KRS] I don't know what to tell you guys. 457 00:19:59,458 --> 00:20:02,583 There's nothing like it on any known celestial database. 458 00:20:04,208 --> 00:20:06,166 [Blobby sighs] Ocanom Prime… 459 00:20:07,458 --> 00:20:09,916 won't be on any intergalactic charts. 460 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:13,083 [slurping] 461 00:20:13,166 --> 00:20:16,291 The place is an outlaw safe haven. It's off the grid. 462 00:20:16,375 --> 00:20:19,791 You'll need to manually navigate to the Mayhon Belt. 463 00:20:19,875 --> 00:20:21,666 -[slurping] -[Blobby gulps] 464 00:20:23,208 --> 00:20:24,208 What? 465 00:20:24,291 --> 00:20:27,250 -Did you just help us willingly? -[Sean gasps] 466 00:20:27,333 --> 00:20:28,833 Wha-- No. 467 00:20:28,916 --> 00:20:31,625 Stop it. You're helpful today. 468 00:20:31,708 --> 00:20:34,625 I just want to see what happens next, all right? [slurps] 469 00:20:34,708 --> 00:20:36,458 [KRS] Uh… Okay. 470 00:20:36,541 --> 00:20:39,083 Well, setting course, Ocanom Prime, Mayhon Belt. 471 00:20:39,166 --> 00:20:41,875 ETA 9.21 hours. Buckle up, babies. 472 00:20:41,958 --> 00:20:44,416 So, the Conglomerate didn't take Dad? 473 00:20:44,500 --> 00:20:48,375 Just 'cause they didn't do it doesn't mean they're still not stink-bags. 474 00:20:48,458 --> 00:20:49,791 True. 475 00:20:49,875 --> 00:20:51,750 That Pam lady seems nice though. 476 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:53,041 [doors beeping] 477 00:20:54,166 --> 00:20:55,833 Get a cleanup crew together. 478 00:20:55,916 --> 00:20:59,208 I want this place spotless in time for the next investor group. 479 00:21:03,291 --> 00:21:04,750 Sabo Brok? 480 00:21:04,833 --> 00:21:06,500 [suspenseful music playing] 481 00:21:06,583 --> 00:21:10,000 Why would they go through all that trouble to look at this? 482 00:21:10,083 --> 00:21:11,625 [music intensifies] 483 00:21:11,708 --> 00:21:13,083 [music fades out]