1 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:30,000 Translation and subtitles by PEPPER & LALASPAIN *** SONG LIVES FOR EVER *** 2 00:00:36,358 --> 00:00:37,815 You better move your asses. 3 00:01:05,608 --> 00:01:08,108 Suppress your fire! 4 00:01:14,858 --> 00:01:15,817 Man down! 5 00:01:17,067 --> 00:01:18,898 Move 'em down! 6 00:01:56,692 --> 00:01:58,023 Let's move, let's move! 7 00:02:25,192 --> 00:02:26,815 Dumb luck. 8 00:02:26,817 --> 00:02:27,817 That's four. 9 00:03:06,192 --> 00:03:08,067 On your six. 10 00:03:09,567 --> 00:03:10,981 We have two minutes before this place 11 00:03:10,983 --> 00:03:12,065 is crawling with Botero's men. 12 00:03:43,025 --> 00:03:44,023 We're out of time. 13 00:03:44,025 --> 00:03:45,648 Leave him! 14 00:03:51,275 --> 00:03:53,025 What you got there? 15 00:03:55,150 --> 00:03:56,148 What you got there? 16 00:03:56,150 --> 00:03:57,065 Hey, no, no, look at me. 17 00:03:57,067 --> 00:04:00,315 No, don't look over there. Eyes front, son. 18 00:04:00,317 --> 00:04:02,606 What the fuck is he doing? 19 00:04:09,608 --> 00:04:11,356 Look, I want you to remember this. 20 00:04:11,358 --> 00:04:13,315 All right, all of it. 21 00:04:13,317 --> 00:04:14,815 All right, don't try to run from the pain. 22 00:04:18,025 --> 00:04:18,858 You hear me? 23 00:04:20,067 --> 00:04:23,067 No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much you want to. 24 00:04:28,192 --> 00:04:30,858 Let's leave the scene, Gabriel. 25 00:04:33,192 --> 00:04:34,815 What the fuck you doin'? 26 00:04:37,233 --> 00:04:38,067 Go! 27 00:04:57,108 --> 00:05:00,898 What the fuck did you just say to me? 28 00:05:01,900 --> 00:05:03,106 Hey! 29 00:05:03,108 --> 00:05:03,983 Gabriel! 30 00:05:05,733 --> 00:05:07,275 Fucker was reaching for his gun. 31 00:05:59,150 --> 00:06:00,981 God fuck. 32 00:06:00,983 --> 00:06:04,233 God damn god fucking damn. 33 00:06:05,400 --> 00:06:06,275 Bullshit. 34 00:06:07,400 --> 00:06:08,900 Amateur hour bullshit. 35 00:06:15,233 --> 00:06:16,108 Nice. 36 00:06:17,275 --> 00:06:18,400 Fucking freak. 37 00:06:21,150 --> 00:06:22,815 Lewis is dead. 38 00:06:22,817 --> 00:06:23,981 Hey. 39 00:06:23,983 --> 00:06:26,148 Hey, I'm talking to you, motherfucker. 40 00:06:26,150 --> 00:06:27,690 Hey. 41 00:06:29,150 --> 00:06:30,773 Okay. 42 00:06:30,775 --> 00:06:32,481 Are you fucking stupid? 43 00:06:32,483 --> 00:06:36,898 Don't you see? Look, the Caymans, Switzerland. 44 00:06:36,900 --> 00:06:38,025 It's all there. 45 00:06:51,150 --> 00:06:52,481 Here. 46 00:06:52,483 --> 00:06:53,358 Lewis's take. 47 00:07:01,525 --> 00:07:03,442 All right, listen up. 48 00:07:05,442 --> 00:07:07,523 We got the SWIFT codes and the BICs 49 00:07:07,525 --> 00:07:08,983 for all the major dealers. 50 00:07:10,275 --> 00:07:13,856 Russian Mafia, Spanish Cartel, Mexican drug lords. 51 00:07:13,858 --> 00:07:14,775 All of 'em. 52 00:07:17,317 --> 00:07:19,900 Every major crime syndicate in the past 10 years. 53 00:07:20,942 --> 00:07:22,775 The ones the government wanted erased. 54 00:07:24,233 --> 00:07:25,940 Now, watch for tails. 55 00:07:25,942 --> 00:07:27,898 Everyone do circle backs. 56 00:07:27,900 --> 00:07:29,442 We reconvene here in seven days. 57 00:07:30,858 --> 00:07:32,900 If anyone doesn't wanna accept the risks, 58 00:07:34,942 --> 00:07:37,148 take your shares up to the collector, 59 00:07:37,150 --> 00:07:39,231 get your cut, this will be the end of our arrangement 60 00:07:39,233 --> 00:07:41,148 no questions asked. 61 00:07:51,317 --> 00:07:52,192 All right. 62 00:07:53,067 --> 00:07:54,067 It's settled, then. 63 00:08:03,358 --> 00:08:04,358 Military training. 64 00:08:05,275 --> 00:08:07,900 Discharged for hyper aggression. 65 00:08:19,983 --> 00:08:21,067 You're bad. 66 00:08:24,942 --> 00:08:27,440 Do you like what you see? 67 00:08:39,108 --> 00:08:40,442 No, you don't go after him. 68 00:08:42,483 --> 00:08:43,317 It's his sister. 69 00:08:49,900 --> 00:08:51,398 They call her the Reaper. 70 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:53,148 The Reaper. 71 00:08:53,150 --> 00:08:55,565 Solomon was commissioned to do a black ops mission 72 00:08:55,567 --> 00:08:57,148 on the Nasirez Family. 73 00:08:57,150 --> 00:08:59,983 Got double crossed, they each held them for ransom. 74 00:09:01,192 --> 00:09:03,106 CIA officially tried to bury the whole story 75 00:09:03,108 --> 00:09:05,565 but the rumor is the person who did the rescue 76 00:09:05,567 --> 00:09:07,275 was fluent in over 20 languages. 77 00:09:40,983 --> 00:09:44,981 Hand-to-hand combat, weapons specialist. 78 00:09:44,983 --> 00:09:47,483 12 dead, decapitated no trace. 79 00:09:48,608 --> 00:09:50,192 You want something done? She's the one. 80 00:09:54,358 --> 00:09:55,192 Kira. 81 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:59,481 Rumor is she lost her brother in a human trafficking ring. 82 00:09:59,483 --> 00:10:00,690 East Asia. 83 00:10:00,692 --> 00:10:02,190 She was the personal security detail for 84 00:10:02,192 --> 00:10:04,315 - Al Pacten Renault. - Bang bang. 85 00:10:04,317 --> 00:10:06,731 The richest Saudi Shiite in Abu Dhabi. 86 00:10:06,733 --> 00:10:08,273 The only woman to ever make it through 87 00:10:08,275 --> 00:10:10,108 the ministry's defense system. 88 00:10:12,067 --> 00:10:13,192 And literally only sued 11. 89 00:10:16,317 --> 00:10:17,275 She's the driver? 90 00:10:18,650 --> 00:10:20,650 Putting her behind the wheels for our security. 91 00:10:27,358 --> 00:10:28,275 This one's Ghost. 92 00:10:29,650 --> 00:10:32,398 - Don't know much about him. - Hey, what's going on? 93 00:10:34,942 --> 00:10:37,067 What the fuck do you want? 94 00:10:51,983 --> 00:10:53,150 Fucking rats. 95 00:11:06,692 --> 00:11:07,608 It's all there. 96 00:11:14,317 --> 00:11:16,942 What do you want in exchange for these dossiers? 97 00:11:18,608 --> 00:11:20,192 Hey, easy, easy, easy. 98 00:11:21,567 --> 00:11:22,483 Back off. 99 00:11:23,358 --> 00:11:24,233 Back off. 100 00:11:28,317 --> 00:11:32,983 Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right where you stand. 101 00:11:35,442 --> 00:11:36,275 Freedom. 102 00:11:37,442 --> 00:11:38,275 I want out. 103 00:11:39,817 --> 00:11:43,148 I'm tired of doing all the work and only getting fifth. 104 00:11:43,150 --> 00:11:43,983 Fuck that. 105 00:11:45,483 --> 00:11:47,108 If I'm to believe your story, 106 00:11:49,692 --> 00:11:53,983 I am to fortify all my safe houses across Texas. 107 00:11:56,067 --> 00:11:58,067 This is impossible within a week's time. 108 00:12:02,733 --> 00:12:07,608 No, I'm gonna keep the key code on me. 109 00:12:10,775 --> 00:12:15,775 If you roll, Alban will deliver your intestines 110 00:12:16,733 --> 00:12:21,065 to 1748 Offenfelder Drive. 111 00:12:23,692 --> 00:12:28,692 Maybe I cut off your fucking tongue 112 00:12:30,692 --> 00:12:35,567 and hand it to your sister Jor in Croatia. 113 00:12:43,525 --> 00:12:45,150 All right, listen up. 114 00:12:47,358 --> 00:12:48,190 Thanks. 115 00:12:48,192 --> 00:12:49,565 No problem. 116 00:12:49,567 --> 00:12:51,025 We are officially burned. 117 00:12:52,608 --> 00:12:54,398 Every governmental database from here to 118 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:56,690 the Middle East will have our photo. 119 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:59,398 With a direct shoot-to-kill order attached to it. 120 00:12:59,400 --> 00:13:02,148 Our intel has confirmed the Boteros moved over 80 million 121 00:13:02,150 --> 00:13:04,442 in cash assets from the safehouses. 122 00:13:05,692 --> 00:13:07,317 What's that? 40%? 123 00:13:09,483 --> 00:13:12,315 It's enough to know that he's spooked. 124 00:13:12,317 --> 00:13:14,565 That our little snatch and grab job last week 125 00:13:14,567 --> 00:13:15,567 got his attention. 126 00:13:17,358 --> 00:13:19,400 I wonder if he has a badass shark tank. 127 00:13:20,525 --> 00:13:22,731 I bet you'd look good in my shark tank. 128 00:13:24,400 --> 00:13:26,398 Botero will move all his assets into this compound. 129 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:28,398 All right? It's state of the art. 130 00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:31,898 I'm talking motion sensors positioned in and around. 131 00:13:31,900 --> 00:13:34,190 Fiber optic source embedding and stores data 132 00:13:34,192 --> 00:13:37,190 offsite remotely and it shifts and changed IPs 133 00:13:37,192 --> 00:13:39,190 every 15 seconds. 134 00:13:39,192 --> 00:13:41,273 The key codes will be stored in an anechoic chamber. 135 00:13:41,275 --> 00:13:42,567 The fuck is that? 136 00:13:44,608 --> 00:13:45,733 Sound dampening room. 137 00:13:48,608 --> 00:13:53,108 No sound in, no sound out. 138 00:13:54,400 --> 00:13:56,315 80 million dollars? 139 00:13:56,317 --> 00:13:57,731 I say the hell with the key codes, 140 00:13:57,733 --> 00:14:00,440 let's take the sure thing and get out. 141 00:14:00,442 --> 00:14:01,648 Good luck spending any of that. 142 00:14:01,650 --> 00:14:04,775 The marked bills will have you tagged and flagged like that. 143 00:14:06,317 --> 00:14:08,315 The Ascenian bank code we took from Botero's safehouse 144 00:14:08,317 --> 00:14:09,317 was calculated. 145 00:14:10,483 --> 00:14:12,773 It was the least guarded, the least likely to be thought 146 00:14:12,775 --> 00:14:15,481 of by anyone trying to make a move on Botero. 147 00:14:15,483 --> 00:14:16,981 Which is why he felt safe enough to store 148 00:14:16,983 --> 00:14:18,523 all the information that's gonna lead us 149 00:14:18,525 --> 00:14:20,817 to the money that the feds wanted off the books. 150 00:14:22,442 --> 00:14:25,150 We're talking one billion, clean. 151 00:14:28,775 --> 00:14:30,356 One billion. 152 00:14:30,358 --> 00:14:32,440 Split five ways? 153 00:14:32,442 --> 00:14:33,317 No. 154 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:38,815 One billion per account routing number. 155 00:14:43,567 --> 00:14:46,815 We get the key code which links all the accounts 156 00:14:46,817 --> 00:14:48,317 to one central withdrawal. 157 00:14:49,400 --> 00:14:52,398 Bitcoin exchange, stocks, bonds. 158 00:14:52,400 --> 00:14:54,773 Everything the Mexican Cartel and the Russian Mob 159 00:14:54,775 --> 00:14:59,775 have laundered with the help of the CIA and FBI. 160 00:15:02,525 --> 00:15:03,608 I'm gonna buy a boat. 161 00:15:04,692 --> 00:15:05,817 Big fucking boat. 162 00:15:08,275 --> 00:15:09,192 What's the catch? 163 00:15:11,442 --> 00:15:15,356 We take the key codes, get out clean. 164 00:15:15,358 --> 00:15:17,692 If we make it out alive, what's the catch? 165 00:15:20,483 --> 00:15:22,275 We have to do this tomorrow night. 166 00:15:23,733 --> 00:15:24,731 No fucking way. 167 00:15:24,733 --> 00:15:26,690 That's fucking suicide. 168 00:15:26,692 --> 00:15:28,483 Hey, everybody shut the fuck up. 169 00:15:29,817 --> 00:15:32,315 We didn't just steal from the cartel, all right? 170 00:15:32,317 --> 00:15:33,606 Every governmental agency. 171 00:15:33,608 --> 00:15:35,690 Ones you know, ones you never knew existed. 172 00:15:35,692 --> 00:15:39,315 The entire fucking Langley gang is headed this way. 173 00:15:39,317 --> 00:15:41,440 All right, the only thing we have at our disposal 174 00:15:41,442 --> 00:15:42,858 is the element of surprise. 175 00:15:44,942 --> 00:15:47,898 Money ain't no good if you aint allowed to spend it. 176 00:15:47,900 --> 00:15:50,983 It's not gonna matter, we're all ghosts anyway. 177 00:15:53,400 --> 00:15:54,648 The hell does that mean? 178 00:15:54,650 --> 00:15:55,983 Hey, let it go. 179 00:15:58,567 --> 00:15:59,442 No, seriously. 180 00:16:00,733 --> 00:16:03,731 We've all got pretty goddamn close, but you... 181 00:16:03,733 --> 00:16:05,692 I don't know a fucking thing about you. 182 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:11,483 I'm just a humble servant. 183 00:16:15,692 --> 00:16:16,856 Fuck does that mean? 184 00:16:16,858 --> 00:16:17,981 Hey. 185 00:16:17,983 --> 00:16:19,775 - Fuck that. - All right. 186 00:16:21,650 --> 00:16:23,358 Look, if y'all are done... 187 00:16:26,900 --> 00:16:28,773 The way I see it is there's only two ways 188 00:16:28,775 --> 00:16:30,606 you're gonna leave this 189 00:16:30,608 --> 00:16:32,356 and that's looking over your shoulder for the rest 190 00:16:32,358 --> 00:16:34,775 of your life until you are hunted and killed. 191 00:16:36,942 --> 00:16:38,690 Or looking over your shoulder with enough money 192 00:16:38,692 --> 00:16:41,275 to buy your way out of hell once your time is up. 193 00:16:43,400 --> 00:16:44,275 It's your choice. 194 00:16:49,025 --> 00:16:50,025 2100. 195 00:16:51,858 --> 00:16:53,775 If you're late don't bother showing up. 196 00:17:08,775 --> 00:17:10,523 Fuck these motherfuckers. 197 00:17:13,525 --> 00:17:15,148 Keep pressure on this. 198 00:17:15,150 --> 00:17:15,981 They're fucking shooting. 199 00:17:15,983 --> 00:17:16,983 Drive, drive! 200 00:17:20,067 --> 00:17:22,523 He's going to fucking bleed out. 201 00:17:22,525 --> 00:17:24,856 Gabriel, stay with us. 202 00:17:32,817 --> 00:17:35,023 We have to make it to the pier. 203 00:17:37,442 --> 00:17:39,523 That's too far, he won't make it. 204 00:17:41,483 --> 00:17:42,483 Him or us? 205 00:17:43,858 --> 00:17:45,106 Fuck you. 206 00:17:47,858 --> 00:17:49,440 Wish he didn't fuck up. 207 00:17:49,442 --> 00:17:52,690 Sage, what do you wanna do? 208 00:17:58,858 --> 00:18:01,025 We won't make it with dead weight. 209 00:18:03,025 --> 00:18:05,023 I'm pulling in. 210 00:18:41,900 --> 00:18:43,900 On the fucking ground! 211 00:18:45,900 --> 00:18:46,858 Up there. 212 00:18:47,733 --> 00:18:49,190 Upstairs. 213 00:19:07,067 --> 00:19:08,065 Clear. 214 00:19:08,067 --> 00:19:08,942 Moving. 215 00:19:47,233 --> 00:19:48,108 Solomon. 216 00:19:57,775 --> 00:19:58,692 What is this? 217 00:19:59,692 --> 00:20:00,733 They haven't moved. 218 00:20:02,983 --> 00:20:05,150 I said everyone get on the fucking ground. 219 00:20:08,650 --> 00:20:09,483 Right now. 220 00:20:27,108 --> 00:20:28,983 Hey, check this out. 221 00:20:37,942 --> 00:20:40,023 Stopped the bleeding, but... 222 00:20:40,025 --> 00:20:41,023 But? 223 00:20:41,025 --> 00:20:42,733 But there's what? What is it? 224 00:20:43,650 --> 00:20:44,608 Look for yourself. 225 00:20:50,608 --> 00:20:51,900 Watch them. 226 00:20:53,067 --> 00:20:54,858 I'm gonna check for tracers in the car. 227 00:20:55,942 --> 00:20:57,606 Need to find a getaway. 228 00:20:57,608 --> 00:20:59,067 I'm sure they made our plates. 229 00:21:36,192 --> 00:21:38,148 What the fuck? 230 00:21:44,108 --> 00:21:45,567 He's lost too much blood. 231 00:21:47,192 --> 00:21:48,025 Right now. 232 00:21:49,192 --> 00:21:51,233 He's going to go into kidney failure and... 233 00:21:53,983 --> 00:21:56,150 And his body will continue to shut down. 234 00:24:57,192 --> 00:25:00,440 There's no more running now. 235 00:25:27,983 --> 00:25:28,858 What? 236 00:25:34,233 --> 00:25:36,275 How are we supposed to get answers now? 237 00:25:39,442 --> 00:25:41,315 Don't you fucking talk to me about answers. 238 00:25:41,317 --> 00:25:42,981 I told you not to bring in that goddamn freakshow. 239 00:25:42,983 --> 00:25:44,481 I told you, I fucking told you. 240 00:25:44,483 --> 00:25:47,190 Now you got every one of us fucking killed. 241 00:25:47,192 --> 00:25:48,275 This is on you. 242 00:25:50,192 --> 00:25:51,067 All of it. 243 00:26:07,567 --> 00:26:08,442 Fuck. 244 00:26:10,608 --> 00:26:13,608 Gabriel needs blood and he needs it within the hour. 245 00:26:15,192 --> 00:26:16,067 Ammo? 246 00:26:17,150 --> 00:26:19,483 Charlie, two glocks, three magazines, that's it. 247 00:26:25,275 --> 00:26:28,148 Sage found a grade two tracker on the car 248 00:26:28,150 --> 00:26:31,148 which means they had us pinned from the very beginning. 249 00:26:31,150 --> 00:26:32,275 How is that possible? 250 00:26:35,192 --> 00:26:36,606 I don't know. 251 00:26:36,608 --> 00:26:38,942 Well, maybe they got to it while we were inside. 252 00:26:40,942 --> 00:26:42,440 No, this level of access requires 253 00:26:42,442 --> 00:26:44,525 the full sophistication. 254 00:26:47,400 --> 00:26:50,231 And the only ones with that are the ones in this room. 255 00:26:51,400 --> 00:26:52,565 Still doesn't explain how we made out 256 00:26:52,567 --> 00:26:54,065 with eight million bills. 257 00:26:54,067 --> 00:26:54,900 Five. 258 00:26:58,317 --> 00:26:59,233 Five. 259 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:02,981 We're lucky we made it out with any take at all. 260 00:27:02,983 --> 00:27:04,108 Five million. 261 00:27:06,567 --> 00:27:09,690 This ain't get away money, it's fucking burial expenses. 262 00:27:09,692 --> 00:27:13,231 Hey, they made our plates, we need to find a getaway car. 263 00:27:13,233 --> 00:27:14,067 Clean. 264 00:27:16,942 --> 00:27:18,648 How much time do we have before 265 00:27:18,650 --> 00:27:20,400 they come knocking on every door? 266 00:27:22,108 --> 00:27:23,981 A couple of hours max. 267 00:27:23,983 --> 00:27:26,106 Five fucking million. 268 00:27:26,108 --> 00:27:28,065 How do we even know that there were ever any key codes? 269 00:27:28,067 --> 00:27:31,273 If you got something that needs clarifying, ask. 270 00:27:31,275 --> 00:27:32,690 No one could of predicted the Botero 271 00:27:32,692 --> 00:27:34,400 would lead us into a trap, okay? 272 00:27:36,233 --> 00:27:38,398 There's something you ain't telling us. 273 00:27:38,400 --> 00:27:39,608 This whole thing smells. 274 00:27:47,442 --> 00:27:49,317 What do we do with the family in the other room? 275 00:27:50,150 --> 00:27:51,525 They've seen our faces. 276 00:27:53,608 --> 00:27:56,565 We do nothing until we know where we are 277 00:27:56,567 --> 00:27:58,606 and we find a different escape route. 278 00:27:58,608 --> 00:28:00,148 All right, they're probably gonna be waiting 279 00:28:00,150 --> 00:28:01,442 for us on the other side. 280 00:28:02,108 --> 00:28:03,106 So that's it? 281 00:28:03,108 --> 00:28:05,731 We just sit and wait. 282 00:28:05,733 --> 00:28:07,025 What about Gabriel? 283 00:28:10,358 --> 00:28:12,233 How do we get out of the country? 284 00:28:15,192 --> 00:28:16,192 With their help. 285 00:28:23,608 --> 00:28:25,025 Stashed 'em in the trunk. 286 00:28:37,233 --> 00:28:38,108 Hey. 287 00:28:39,150 --> 00:28:40,025 Hey, look at me. 288 00:28:41,317 --> 00:28:42,983 How did you know we were coming? 289 00:28:47,608 --> 00:28:49,315 Answer him, you fuck. 290 00:28:49,317 --> 00:28:50,690 - That's enough. - No, I wanna hear 291 00:28:50,692 --> 00:28:52,773 what the fuck he has to say. 292 00:28:52,775 --> 00:28:54,356 Ah, fuck! 293 00:28:54,358 --> 00:28:57,065 Shit. 294 00:28:57,067 --> 00:28:58,233 Son of a bitch! 295 00:28:59,733 --> 00:29:01,108 Son of a bitch! 296 00:29:02,233 --> 00:29:03,856 - He bit me! - Are you okay? 297 00:29:03,858 --> 00:29:05,231 Fine, fuck you, too. 298 00:29:05,233 --> 00:29:06,523 Settle down, everyone. 299 00:29:08,275 --> 00:29:10,523 All right, we're gonna do this my way. 300 00:29:10,525 --> 00:29:12,815 Does anyone have a problem with that? 301 00:29:12,817 --> 00:29:16,356 No more of this cavalier shit, you got me? 302 00:29:16,358 --> 00:29:17,648 - Solomon. - What? 303 00:29:19,775 --> 00:29:21,108 What the fuck? 304 00:29:22,192 --> 00:29:23,650 Must be in shock. 305 00:29:26,567 --> 00:29:28,231 Someone's here. 306 00:29:30,733 --> 00:29:32,856 Don't make me use this. 307 00:29:32,858 --> 00:29:37,565 You are going to keep her quiet for the next 15 minutes 308 00:29:37,567 --> 00:29:41,148 or I will dissect your fucking head from your body. 309 00:29:41,150 --> 00:29:42,275 You speak that clearly? 310 00:29:44,650 --> 00:29:45,692 Move. Come on. 311 00:29:48,567 --> 00:29:49,483 How's your hand? 312 00:29:50,442 --> 00:29:52,067 Yeah, I'll live. 313 00:29:53,900 --> 00:29:55,815 What are we doing about him? 314 00:29:55,817 --> 00:29:59,400 Take him to the back, keep him quiet. 315 00:30:05,525 --> 00:30:07,692 Not empty handed, though. 316 00:30:09,275 --> 00:30:11,940 Foreplay's for after we get acquainted. 317 00:30:11,942 --> 00:30:12,775 There we go. 318 00:30:14,608 --> 00:30:15,275 One hour. 319 00:30:16,442 --> 00:30:18,192 After that every man for himself. 320 00:30:19,483 --> 00:30:20,606 Come on. 321 00:30:20,608 --> 00:30:21,442 Let's go. 322 00:31:17,817 --> 00:31:19,898 Don't open this door 323 00:31:19,900 --> 00:31:22,315 and don't move until we come get you. 324 00:31:56,233 --> 00:31:58,565 - Come inside. - On me. 325 00:31:58,567 --> 00:31:59,817 Moving. 326 00:32:06,275 --> 00:32:06,942 Clear. 327 00:32:13,400 --> 00:32:15,525 What are you doing here? 328 00:32:17,567 --> 00:32:18,565 Do you know us? 329 00:32:18,567 --> 00:32:19,773 My name is Luther 330 00:32:19,775 --> 00:32:22,606 and you're trespassing in my home. 331 00:32:22,608 --> 00:32:23,898 Did Botero send you? 332 00:32:23,900 --> 00:32:25,733 I don't know anyone by that name. 333 00:32:26,650 --> 00:32:27,525 He's lying. 334 00:32:28,900 --> 00:32:31,567 Take whatever you need and please leave. 335 00:32:34,525 --> 00:32:36,442 Why do you have people chained? 336 00:32:37,775 --> 00:32:39,775 Choose your next words very carefully. 337 00:32:41,317 --> 00:32:41,983 Shit. 338 00:32:43,067 --> 00:32:45,773 This is my squatter's home. 339 00:32:45,775 --> 00:32:48,733 People looking to escape their situations come here. 340 00:32:51,400 --> 00:32:54,567 Sometimes families. 341 00:32:58,775 --> 00:33:00,523 Check this out. 342 00:33:11,108 --> 00:33:11,942 Seems legit. 343 00:33:14,358 --> 00:33:16,483 Goddamn sanctuary for abused families. 344 00:33:17,942 --> 00:33:21,442 We require a vehicle, and any ammunition you have. 345 00:33:22,567 --> 00:33:24,565 Maybe you'll make it to see dawn. 346 00:33:24,567 --> 00:33:27,356 I have a car in the garage. 347 00:33:27,358 --> 00:33:29,440 Aw, you'd do that for me? 348 00:33:29,442 --> 00:33:31,858 It's fully gassed and big enough for all of you. 349 00:33:33,358 --> 00:33:34,483 Just take it and go. 350 00:33:35,358 --> 00:33:36,775 I don't want anymore trouble. 351 00:33:40,733 --> 00:33:41,608 Kira. 352 00:33:48,650 --> 00:33:51,025 Take Mr. Luther to the garage. 353 00:33:52,525 --> 00:33:55,525 If he's lying you put a bullet in his head. 354 00:33:59,733 --> 00:34:01,067 Come on, let's move. 355 00:34:03,067 --> 00:34:05,525 Okay, we get the car and we load up. 356 00:34:06,858 --> 00:34:09,942 Anyone not in the car in half an hour, you're on your own. 357 00:34:42,733 --> 00:34:45,440 Keep your hands on your head. 358 00:34:45,442 --> 00:34:46,108 Move! 359 00:34:58,858 --> 00:35:00,856 I don't know what you've done, 360 00:35:00,858 --> 00:35:03,858 but it's not too late to turn around and walk away. 361 00:35:06,900 --> 00:35:11,483 Oh, I plan on walking away rich in the boat. 362 00:35:17,733 --> 00:35:19,190 I have a confession to make. 363 00:35:19,192 --> 00:35:20,067 Stop. 364 00:35:52,983 --> 00:35:54,108 What the fuck? 365 00:36:00,525 --> 00:36:01,150 Luther? 366 00:36:07,608 --> 00:36:09,525 I'm not fucking around! 367 00:36:11,108 --> 00:36:12,981 Where are you? 368 00:37:18,317 --> 00:37:21,192 We need to figure this shit out. 369 00:37:29,817 --> 00:37:31,690 It's Gabriel. 370 00:37:31,692 --> 00:37:32,817 I'll go check it out. 371 00:37:39,317 --> 00:37:41,025 Kira shoulda been back by now. 372 00:37:43,567 --> 00:37:44,690 Maybe she's up there telling Luther 373 00:37:44,692 --> 00:37:45,858 all our little secrets. 374 00:37:49,025 --> 00:37:52,858 Maybe she did what we all should've done and 375 00:37:54,108 --> 00:37:57,233 took the car and looked out for ourselves. 376 00:38:04,108 --> 00:38:05,690 Gonna go see what our Spanish fly 377 00:38:05,692 --> 00:38:06,942 has to offer this pot luck. 378 00:38:18,900 --> 00:38:21,273 Solomon. 379 00:38:21,275 --> 00:38:22,856 I'm here. 380 00:38:30,650 --> 00:38:31,317 Solomon. 381 00:38:35,817 --> 00:38:38,942 You need to leave this place, brother. 382 00:38:40,192 --> 00:38:41,775 You need to leave. 383 00:38:45,775 --> 00:38:47,858 You need to leave this place 384 00:38:49,108 --> 00:38:50,275 before it's... 385 00:38:52,942 --> 00:38:54,981 Before it's too late. 386 00:38:54,983 --> 00:38:56,690 We got a car. 387 00:38:56,692 --> 00:38:58,817 We're gonna get you to a hospital. 388 00:39:06,775 --> 00:39:09,648 Yeah, thanks, Solomon, man. 389 00:39:12,317 --> 00:39:13,942 I ain't one of 'em. 390 00:39:20,858 --> 00:39:22,108 Oh, look at you. 391 00:39:23,442 --> 00:39:25,690 You must've been one of his top whores. 392 00:39:27,317 --> 00:39:29,148 Where are the key codes? 393 00:39:29,150 --> 00:39:30,150 Where's the drive? 394 00:39:35,900 --> 00:39:38,650 I told you foreplay's for later. 395 00:39:48,317 --> 00:39:49,192 The codes. 396 00:39:49,216 --> 00:39:54,216 Translation and subtitles by PEPPER & LALASPAIN *** SONG LIVES FOR EVER *** 397 00:40:07,233 --> 00:40:08,983 Solomon, I really. 398 00:40:11,483 --> 00:40:13,067 I made a huge mistake. 399 00:40:17,442 --> 00:40:19,773 What are you talking about? 400 00:40:22,525 --> 00:40:25,233 Couldn't save you because... 401 00:40:32,233 --> 00:40:34,440 I couldn't save you. 402 00:40:37,233 --> 00:40:38,067 Because... 403 00:40:42,358 --> 00:40:44,150 Because he wanted her. 404 00:40:47,233 --> 00:40:48,231 Her? 405 00:40:48,233 --> 00:40:49,483 What are you talking about? 406 00:40:55,358 --> 00:40:57,317 You were in the shadow 407 00:41:01,442 --> 00:41:02,275 of it all. 408 00:41:04,775 --> 00:41:05,942 Do you hear me? 409 00:41:07,025 --> 00:41:08,233 Do you hear me! 410 00:41:10,358 --> 00:41:11,942 There's nothing... 411 00:41:13,567 --> 00:41:16,358 Nothing that you could do not to. 412 00:41:25,400 --> 00:41:26,275 Gabriel. 413 00:41:27,275 --> 00:41:29,981 Gabriel. 414 00:41:37,108 --> 00:41:38,233 Go in peace, brother. 415 00:41:44,525 --> 00:41:45,983 It's on a jump drive. 416 00:41:56,983 --> 00:42:00,525 You're gonna tell me everything you know. 417 00:42:39,483 --> 00:42:43,023 Don't do it! 418 00:43:49,608 --> 00:43:51,400 Would you look at that? 419 00:43:57,150 --> 00:44:00,565 I've seen some crazy shit, but I never thought- 420 00:44:03,942 --> 00:44:05,067 That's Daya. 421 00:44:08,400 --> 00:44:13,400 My grandmother would tell us tales to drown out the screams 422 00:44:15,108 --> 00:44:18,067 from people being murdered in the streets of Serbia. 423 00:44:20,692 --> 00:44:22,442 Began with tales of the Babaroga. 424 00:44:24,692 --> 00:44:28,398 Creatures who feasted off the livestock 425 00:44:28,400 --> 00:44:30,025 and they came about as daya. 426 00:44:34,608 --> 00:44:37,233 The devil of three faces. 427 00:44:40,483 --> 00:44:41,692 She used to say. 428 00:44:46,650 --> 00:44:49,317 As daya reveal what you want to see, 429 00:44:52,317 --> 00:44:57,150 the evil you want to hide, and what evil you truly are. 430 00:45:01,192 --> 00:45:05,483 So you're telling me that our compadre here 431 00:45:07,483 --> 00:45:08,650 is some sort of monster. 432 00:45:13,483 --> 00:45:17,317 In her stories the monsters were always man. 433 00:45:22,733 --> 00:45:26,065 As the dayas are penanced, 434 00:45:26,067 --> 00:45:27,983 their punishment for being wicked. 435 00:45:37,733 --> 00:45:39,025 Someone's here. 436 00:45:43,108 --> 00:45:44,608 - Luther? - Not sure. 437 00:45:48,358 --> 00:45:49,358 Officer Majors. 438 00:45:50,692 --> 00:45:52,692 I'm here on a complaint. 439 00:45:54,525 --> 00:45:57,231 - Be smart. - Officer Majors. 440 00:45:57,233 --> 00:45:59,565 Anybody home? 441 00:46:11,400 --> 00:46:12,731 Sorry to bother you. 442 00:46:12,733 --> 00:46:15,398 The neighbors reported hearing large commotions 443 00:46:15,400 --> 00:46:16,815 coming from this area. 444 00:46:16,817 --> 00:46:18,440 Have you heard anything? 445 00:46:18,442 --> 00:46:21,317 Anything suspicious or out of the ordinary? 446 00:46:26,150 --> 00:46:26,817 Ma'am? 447 00:46:28,775 --> 00:46:29,650 Yeah. 448 00:46:30,692 --> 00:46:31,567 Sorry. 449 00:46:32,567 --> 00:46:33,483 Everything's fine. 450 00:46:35,817 --> 00:46:38,400 I was moving a very large table. 451 00:46:41,317 --> 00:46:43,150 Must've been louder than I thought. 452 00:46:50,817 --> 00:46:53,192 Moving furniture did that to you? 453 00:47:00,525 --> 00:47:04,400 This is a shelter for those who need help. 454 00:47:06,608 --> 00:47:08,442 For those who can't help themselves. 455 00:47:10,275 --> 00:47:11,442 I'm so sorry. 456 00:47:13,442 --> 00:47:14,773 - It's fine. - Just go ahead and keep 457 00:47:14,775 --> 00:47:16,440 it down, we don't want dispatch sending 458 00:47:16,442 --> 00:47:17,733 more people to disturb you. 459 00:47:19,150 --> 00:47:19,858 No, we wouldn't. 460 00:47:21,275 --> 00:47:22,442 Keep the radio off. 461 00:47:29,192 --> 00:47:30,275 Just one more thing. 462 00:47:32,317 --> 00:47:34,606 I used to be one of those women. 463 00:47:34,608 --> 00:47:36,483 I will often forget my story, as well. 464 00:47:39,692 --> 00:47:40,773 Hands up now. 465 00:47:41,650 --> 00:47:43,398 We've got a gun to her head, 466 00:47:43,400 --> 00:47:44,650 and a gun to your side. 467 00:47:45,942 --> 00:47:48,192 Would you care to repeat, Officer Majors? 468 00:47:50,942 --> 00:47:53,483 Ma'am, I need you to walk towards me. 469 00:47:54,858 --> 00:47:55,775 I can't do that. 470 00:47:56,692 --> 00:47:58,483 If she moves I will shoot her. 471 00:47:59,817 --> 00:48:00,981 You gotta listen to me. 472 00:48:00,983 --> 00:48:03,356 Trust me, I'm wearing a body cam. 473 00:48:03,358 --> 00:48:05,731 - I'm gonna count to three. - They will not shoot you, 474 00:48:05,733 --> 00:48:09,317 because if they do every cop in a 20 mile radius 475 00:48:10,400 --> 00:48:12,483 - will converge on this place. - One. 476 00:48:13,567 --> 00:48:15,815 - Ma'am, you have to trust me. - Two. 477 00:48:15,817 --> 00:48:17,400 Walk towards me now. 478 00:48:19,275 --> 00:48:20,523 That's it, that's it. 479 00:48:20,525 --> 00:48:23,315 Keep coming, get behind me. 480 00:48:23,317 --> 00:48:25,648 Now we're gonna get into this car. 481 00:48:25,650 --> 00:48:27,231 Get behind me. 482 00:48:27,233 --> 00:48:30,358 I don't know your names, I haven't seen your faces. 483 00:48:32,483 --> 00:48:34,606 We're gonna get out of here, both of us. 484 00:48:34,608 --> 00:48:35,858 How about now? 485 00:48:38,358 --> 00:48:39,942 My face clear enough for you? 486 00:48:42,650 --> 00:48:43,900 We can't let you take her. 487 00:48:46,358 --> 00:48:49,523 She has something very valuable to us. 488 00:48:49,525 --> 00:48:52,898 I don't know who you are. 489 00:48:52,900 --> 00:48:56,731 I'm gonna take her, we're gonna get into this- 490 00:49:08,650 --> 00:49:09,525 Oh my god! 491 00:49:10,733 --> 00:49:12,273 Oh god! 492 00:49:12,275 --> 00:49:13,648 No! 493 00:49:17,650 --> 00:49:18,856 What the fuck was that? 494 00:49:18,858 --> 00:49:21,273 We need to get the fuck out of here right now. 495 00:49:21,275 --> 00:49:23,398 God damn giant fucking things. 496 00:49:26,567 --> 00:49:27,773 What the fuck is that? 497 00:49:27,775 --> 00:49:29,398 Sage, are you okay? 498 00:49:29,400 --> 00:49:31,565 What are our exit points? 499 00:49:32,858 --> 00:49:34,440 It flew down from the fucking sky. 500 00:49:34,442 --> 00:49:36,233 James, walk it off. 501 00:49:37,733 --> 00:49:41,356 - James, walk it off now. - The fucking sky. 502 00:49:46,608 --> 00:49:49,648 We need to be ready for whenever that thing comes back. 503 00:49:53,608 --> 00:49:54,483 Hey. 504 00:49:55,983 --> 00:49:57,317 Finish your story. 505 00:50:01,442 --> 00:50:02,775 Finish your goddamn story. 506 00:50:03,942 --> 00:50:07,648 The beast as daya is afraid of sunlight. 507 00:50:07,650 --> 00:50:09,023 What else? 508 00:50:09,025 --> 00:50:09,900 Garlic. 509 00:50:13,067 --> 00:50:14,023 Wind stakes. 510 00:50:14,025 --> 00:50:16,315 I don't know. 511 00:50:16,317 --> 00:50:18,023 - What else? - I can't remember. 512 00:50:18,025 --> 00:50:19,608 - What else? - I don't know! 513 00:50:20,650 --> 00:50:21,900 Whatever that thing was. 514 00:50:23,400 --> 00:50:25,690 I believe Gabriel was trying to warn us. 515 00:50:25,692 --> 00:50:27,815 It could of been one and the same. 516 00:50:27,817 --> 00:50:28,858 What does that mean? 517 00:50:30,108 --> 00:50:31,983 If that thing is what I think it is 518 00:50:33,150 --> 00:50:34,817 then bullets won't do us any good. 519 00:50:36,025 --> 00:50:37,025 Like with Gabriel. 520 00:50:40,608 --> 00:50:42,981 And unlike Gabriel we won't have a giant fucking table 521 00:50:42,983 --> 00:50:44,317 to throw that thing onto. 522 00:50:47,150 --> 00:50:49,817 So I suggest we figure out how to survive till dawn. 523 00:50:52,942 --> 00:50:53,817 Great. 524 00:51:25,650 --> 00:51:26,606 No. 525 00:51:26,608 --> 00:51:27,523 No, you're gonna do it. 526 00:51:27,525 --> 00:51:28,981 You're gonna get out, you're gonna get out, 527 00:51:28,983 --> 00:51:30,190 you're gonna get out. 528 00:51:30,192 --> 00:51:32,023 I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it. 529 00:51:33,400 --> 00:51:36,483 I think this false false is fucking us. 530 00:51:39,192 --> 00:51:40,692 Fucking bullshit. 531 00:51:43,025 --> 00:51:43,981 Buy that um... 532 00:51:43,983 --> 00:51:45,608 Buy that fucking boat, James. 533 00:51:48,525 --> 00:51:49,731 Yeah, you're gonna get it. 534 00:51:49,733 --> 00:51:50,731 Yeah, you're gonna fucking do it. 535 00:51:50,733 --> 00:51:51,565 You're gonna buy it. 536 00:52:28,650 --> 00:52:29,525 Sage. 537 00:52:32,192 --> 00:52:33,650 Looks like bite marks. 538 00:52:36,650 --> 00:52:37,608 What did she say? 539 00:52:39,858 --> 00:52:40,942 She was just luck. 540 00:52:43,775 --> 00:52:45,523 Thought so. 541 00:52:48,775 --> 00:52:49,608 Get up. 542 00:52:50,733 --> 00:52:51,567 Get up. 543 00:52:56,733 --> 00:52:58,940 Go find us as much wood as you caN find, you hear me? 544 00:52:58,942 --> 00:53:00,065 Go. 545 00:53:01,733 --> 00:53:04,898 And hey, you pull that shit again, 546 00:53:04,900 --> 00:53:06,148 I will put a bullet in your head. 547 00:53:06,150 --> 00:53:07,692 Do we understand each other? 548 00:53:10,983 --> 00:53:12,523 You two. 549 00:53:12,525 --> 00:53:14,692 I want you against the wall with your backs to us. 550 00:53:32,067 --> 00:53:34,148 You said we needed her back there. 551 00:53:35,983 --> 00:53:37,692 I think she knows what this is. 552 00:53:43,858 --> 00:53:45,942 She may be the last link to the money. 553 00:53:47,983 --> 00:53:49,025 I hope you're right. 554 00:53:51,150 --> 00:53:53,231 Oh, she's definitely right. 555 00:53:53,233 --> 00:53:56,900 Now, now, let's not do anything we'll regret. 556 00:53:58,858 --> 00:53:59,775 Put the guns down. 557 00:54:01,275 --> 00:54:02,900 Come on, you can do it. 558 00:54:04,275 --> 00:54:06,650 Yeah, good boy. That's a good boy. 559 00:54:08,608 --> 00:54:09,567 You, too, gorgeous. 560 00:54:11,317 --> 00:54:12,273 I got a shot. 561 00:54:12,275 --> 00:54:13,650 Sage, do what he says. 562 00:54:15,650 --> 00:54:17,648 Do what he says, Sage. 563 00:54:17,650 --> 00:54:18,608 Drop the gun, Sage. 564 00:54:21,192 --> 00:54:22,525 Slide it. 565 00:54:28,733 --> 00:54:33,733 Now let's play a little game of finder's keepers. 566 00:54:39,900 --> 00:54:42,106 I found these in the closet upstairs. 567 00:54:46,067 --> 00:54:48,733 With the owners all shredded to pieces. 568 00:54:50,650 --> 00:54:53,650 Now, I'm gonna be around and find out who or what. 569 00:54:55,608 --> 00:54:58,356 No, no, I'm getting out of here. 570 00:54:58,358 --> 00:54:59,731 Tonight. 571 00:54:59,733 --> 00:55:01,231 James, we don't know what's out there. 572 00:55:01,233 --> 00:55:03,106 Our best idea is to stay until dawn, 573 00:55:03,108 --> 00:55:04,940 fortify this place and make sure 574 00:55:04,942 --> 00:55:07,192 - we get outta here alive. - Shut up, shut up! 575 00:55:09,983 --> 00:55:12,067 - You- - James, you're drunk. 576 00:55:14,067 --> 00:55:15,648 The only way out of this is together. 577 00:55:15,650 --> 00:55:17,231 You lied to me! 578 00:55:17,233 --> 00:55:18,231 You're wasting time. 579 00:55:18,233 --> 00:55:19,817 You lied to me. 580 00:55:20,942 --> 00:55:22,148 What did you take from Botero's office? 581 00:55:22,150 --> 00:55:23,690 I told you we didn't take anything. 582 00:55:23,692 --> 00:55:24,817 Give it to me! 583 00:55:26,692 --> 00:55:28,023 I told you we didn't take any- 584 00:55:31,233 --> 00:55:32,692 Is your memory refreshed? 585 00:55:36,650 --> 00:55:38,733 Or do you want me to put one in his skull? 586 00:55:56,025 --> 00:55:57,983 You know, I had a chat. 587 00:56:00,358 --> 00:56:02,400 A little chat with our angel here earlier. 588 00:56:03,942 --> 00:56:05,981 Turns out we have mutual friends. 589 00:56:05,983 --> 00:56:07,315 You named us out. 590 00:56:08,733 --> 00:56:10,067 Act surprised. 591 00:56:11,192 --> 00:56:12,650 Suicide mission, remember? 592 00:56:22,358 --> 00:56:24,817 This is what 14 billion dollars looks like. 593 00:56:42,025 --> 00:56:46,190 I hope you all make it through the night. 594 00:56:46,192 --> 00:56:47,440 Fuck you. 595 00:56:59,900 --> 00:57:01,106 Where did she go? 596 00:57:01,108 --> 00:57:02,025 Where did she go? 597 00:57:03,858 --> 00:57:05,150 She couldn't of gone far. 598 00:57:07,733 --> 00:57:09,190 He must have found another way. 599 00:57:09,192 --> 00:57:10,442 He's still inside. 600 00:57:11,733 --> 00:57:12,400 Solomon. 601 00:57:30,442 --> 00:57:31,900 My god. 602 00:57:34,483 --> 00:57:36,065 Botero. 603 00:57:43,067 --> 00:57:43,942 Bitch! 604 00:57:46,858 --> 00:57:48,398 You're fucking dead! 605 00:58:15,108 --> 00:58:17,067 I know you can understand me. 606 00:58:21,108 --> 00:58:22,275 Something's not right. 607 00:58:33,108 --> 00:58:34,233 Hey, Solomon. 608 00:58:40,233 --> 00:58:42,315 It's the same as Gabriel. 609 00:58:42,317 --> 00:58:43,192 Exactly. 610 00:59:05,900 --> 00:59:07,317 She asked you a question. 611 00:59:10,650 --> 00:59:11,900 Where am I? 612 00:59:14,150 --> 00:59:15,400 You speak English. 613 00:59:18,317 --> 00:59:22,150 Where I am cannot be understood. 614 00:59:27,525 --> 00:59:31,150 What are you and your daughter doing here? 615 00:59:36,942 --> 00:59:38,190 What are we fighting? 616 00:59:48,108 --> 00:59:50,442 You shouldn't of come here. 617 00:59:52,192 --> 00:59:54,940 He will never let you leave. 618 00:59:59,275 --> 01:00:00,150 Sage. 619 01:00:01,942 --> 01:00:03,942 We need to get to the car right now. 620 01:00:16,567 --> 01:00:18,317 Sage, get over here. 621 01:00:20,483 --> 01:00:23,440 Look. 622 01:00:35,358 --> 01:00:36,981 She couldn't of gone far. 623 01:00:39,608 --> 01:00:40,481 How's your leg? 624 01:00:40,483 --> 01:00:41,358 Just find her. 625 01:00:44,442 --> 01:00:48,275 And Sage, if this goes south you don't look back. 626 01:01:45,733 --> 01:01:47,525 People see what they want to see. 627 01:01:49,150 --> 01:01:52,483 Projections of a world as they want it to be. 628 01:02:14,733 --> 01:02:16,692 You were never going to turn me. 629 01:02:19,108 --> 01:02:24,108 Why turn a root into a flower only to watch it perish? 630 01:02:33,108 --> 01:02:38,108 And after all this time I can finally sense it, 631 01:02:43,775 --> 01:02:48,775 feel it, longing to be reunited with its master. 632 01:02:53,650 --> 01:02:56,150 She will never stay with you. 633 01:02:58,233 --> 01:03:00,608 Never see you for what you truly are. 634 01:03:07,483 --> 01:03:10,231 Child, 635 01:03:10,233 --> 01:03:12,192 this is why you linger. 636 01:03:13,692 --> 01:03:15,275 You have no faith. 637 01:03:36,775 --> 01:03:37,608 It's me. 638 01:03:40,233 --> 01:03:42,315 What the fuck is that thing? 639 01:03:42,317 --> 01:03:43,483 I don't know. 640 01:03:44,525 --> 01:03:45,525 What are those? 641 01:03:46,650 --> 01:03:47,858 Not nearly enough. 642 01:03:48,775 --> 01:03:49,733 We should leave. 643 01:04:03,650 --> 01:04:04,525 Solomon. 644 01:04:07,317 --> 01:04:08,440 Hey. 645 01:04:08,442 --> 01:04:10,442 What's happening to you? 646 01:04:13,525 --> 01:04:14,606 You need to move. 647 01:04:19,358 --> 01:04:21,648 Get your gun off my brother or I will put one 648 01:04:21,650 --> 01:04:22,815 in between your eyes. 649 01:04:22,817 --> 01:04:24,692 That is not your brother anymore. 650 01:04:27,650 --> 01:04:29,231 I won't ask again. 651 01:04:34,900 --> 01:04:35,775 All right. 652 01:04:47,483 --> 01:04:48,606 Hey. 653 01:04:48,608 --> 01:04:49,483 Hey, Sol. 654 01:04:51,275 --> 01:04:53,231 Solomon. 655 01:04:53,233 --> 01:04:56,231 We're getting across that border. 656 01:04:56,233 --> 01:04:57,523 Hey. 657 01:04:57,525 --> 01:04:58,815 Hey, Solomon. 658 01:04:58,817 --> 01:05:01,690 No more fighting, remember? 659 01:05:03,608 --> 01:05:04,483 After all. 660 01:05:13,817 --> 01:05:15,023 You see? 661 01:05:15,025 --> 01:05:16,858 See, you could lose the paperweights. 662 01:05:22,900 --> 01:05:25,231 Silver hurts like hell. 663 01:05:29,692 --> 01:05:33,356 And I'm guessing daylight isn't too fun either. 664 01:05:33,358 --> 01:05:34,733 Isn't that right, my friend? 665 01:05:39,567 --> 01:05:40,981 That's right. 666 01:05:45,525 --> 01:05:47,608 I bet your grandmother told you more than stories. 667 01:05:51,983 --> 01:05:55,731 The streets will remember many names. 668 01:05:55,733 --> 01:05:59,233 Botero is but another face to be forgotten over time. 669 01:06:00,733 --> 01:06:01,567 And is the devil. 670 01:06:06,442 --> 01:06:07,900 You and I know when to be afraid. 671 01:06:10,067 --> 01:06:12,523 It won't be long now. 672 01:06:15,983 --> 01:06:17,900 You wanted us to capture you. 673 01:06:19,608 --> 01:06:22,483 I never intended on letting my money out of my sight. 674 01:06:23,608 --> 01:06:25,608 And after your hit on my cash house 675 01:06:26,733 --> 01:06:28,858 Botero was no longer a safe alias. 676 01:06:29,983 --> 01:06:31,442 What's happening to him? 677 01:06:32,942 --> 01:06:34,358 He belongs to him now. 678 01:06:35,108 --> 01:06:36,358 Who? 679 01:06:38,025 --> 01:06:38,900 Asidaya. 680 01:06:41,358 --> 01:06:43,858 The other vehicle, that's your way out. 681 01:06:44,942 --> 01:06:46,773 I don't have another vehicle. 682 01:06:46,775 --> 01:06:47,567 The garage 683 01:06:49,108 --> 01:06:50,942 but I won't leave without the codes. 684 01:06:57,775 --> 01:06:59,398 Where are they? 685 01:06:59,400 --> 01:07:01,358 Third level of the house with James. 686 01:07:07,358 --> 01:07:11,442 If you go near my brother I'll kill you myself. 687 01:08:13,650 --> 01:08:15,775 You were never going to get away with it. 688 01:08:17,400 --> 01:08:18,858 I know. 689 01:08:22,942 --> 01:08:25,525 We both know she won't have the heart to do it. 690 01:08:28,900 --> 01:08:31,400 There's still one place that remains vulnerable, 691 01:08:33,483 --> 01:08:38,483 and judging by the weight there's only one bullet left. 692 01:08:45,567 --> 01:08:47,025 You wish to kill me. 693 01:08:48,150 --> 01:08:50,565 Show me your face and let's find out. 694 01:08:50,567 --> 01:08:53,565 I've waited so long to return 695 01:08:53,567 --> 01:08:55,733 the necklace to its rightful owner. 696 01:08:59,650 --> 01:09:00,900 I do not wish to harm you, 697 01:09:03,567 --> 01:09:08,567 I want to offer you something far greater than death. 698 01:09:09,483 --> 01:09:10,775 Stay the fuck away from me. 699 01:09:12,567 --> 01:09:14,108 I want to save your brother. 700 01:09:19,192 --> 01:09:22,190 What are you talking about? 701 01:09:22,192 --> 01:09:24,942 He's becoming a familiar. 702 01:09:26,900 --> 01:09:27,775 A ghoul. 703 01:09:28,858 --> 01:09:31,067 Soon to be blind to this world. 704 01:09:32,233 --> 01:09:34,108 He won't even know your name. 705 01:09:37,733 --> 01:09:41,442 But if you come with me, 706 01:09:43,858 --> 01:09:48,817 to me, I shall spare his life. 707 01:10:01,608 --> 01:10:04,483 You have until dawn to make your choice. 708 01:10:18,775 --> 01:10:20,690 Get my sister away from here. 709 01:10:20,692 --> 01:10:21,981 Solomon, get up. 710 01:10:22,858 --> 01:10:23,815 Get up. 711 01:10:23,817 --> 01:10:25,148 - The necklace. - Come on. 712 01:10:25,150 --> 01:10:26,025 Solomon. 713 01:10:27,275 --> 01:10:28,275 - Hey. - Now. 714 01:10:29,192 --> 01:10:31,940 Come on. 715 01:10:31,942 --> 01:10:32,817 Sage. 716 01:10:39,900 --> 01:10:41,608 There's only an hour until dawn. 717 01:10:42,858 --> 01:10:44,815 No. 718 01:10:44,817 --> 01:10:45,981 Hey. 719 01:10:46,858 --> 01:10:47,733 Don't follow me. 720 01:10:52,567 --> 01:10:54,065 It's gonna be okay. 721 01:11:20,817 --> 01:11:21,692 Sage? 722 01:11:26,025 --> 01:11:27,273 I told you not to follow me. 723 01:13:23,858 --> 01:13:25,400 You had your choice. 724 01:13:28,192 --> 01:13:30,942 She's past the flesh, my savior. 725 01:13:34,358 --> 01:13:35,900 And my brother? 726 01:13:39,733 --> 01:13:41,025 It's your turn. 727 01:13:42,192 --> 01:13:43,317 Should remain. 728 01:13:48,358 --> 01:13:50,067 Sacrifices. 729 01:13:52,733 --> 01:13:53,858 Give me him. 730 01:13:57,817 --> 01:14:00,108 Let me show you appreciation. 731 01:14:02,067 --> 01:14:04,483 Now I want you to be a vessel. 732 01:14:09,400 --> 01:14:11,900 I watched what happened once 733 01:14:15,525 --> 01:14:16,858 taken from me. 734 01:14:19,942 --> 01:14:22,817 I will not watch you perish again. 735 01:14:25,317 --> 01:14:28,815 This much I'm sure. 736 01:18:21,192 --> 01:18:23,192 I can't let you sleep, 737 01:18:27,608 --> 01:18:29,525 most beautiful as ever. 738 01:18:44,567 --> 01:18:47,317 You'll always be a part of evil. 739 01:20:36,608 --> 01:20:38,400 Miguel, get inside. 740 01:20:40,442 --> 01:20:41,275 Children. 741 01:20:42,442 --> 01:20:44,192 I had a daughter just as stubborn. 742 01:20:46,275 --> 01:20:47,108 Yeah. 743 01:20:47,775 --> 01:20:48,775 It can be a handful. 744 01:20:53,525 --> 01:20:55,900 Who did you say you were looking for? 745 01:21:00,483 --> 01:21:01,400 El Diablo. 746 01:21:08,483 --> 01:21:10,858 Looking for such a man would be dangerous. 747 01:21:14,650 --> 01:21:15,525 For him. 748 01:21:37,525 --> 01:21:40,275 Welcome to Mexico, Mrs. Hillson. 749 01:21:42,000 --> 01:21:52,000 Translation and subtitles by PEPPER & LALASPAIN *** SONG LIVES FOR EVER ***