1 00:00:10,583 --> 00:00:12,583 ["Man of La Mancha" playing] 2 00:00:19,458 --> 00:00:24,166 ♪ Hear me now, oh thou bleak And unbearable world ♪ 3 00:00:24,250 --> 00:00:27,875 ♪ Thou art base and debauched as can be ♪ 4 00:00:28,916 --> 00:00:34,041 ♪ And a knight with his banner All bravely unfurled ♪ 5 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:38,375 ♪ Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee! ♪ 6 00:00:38,458 --> 00:00:43,916 ♪ I am I, Don Quixote The Lord of La Mancha ♪ 7 00:00:44,000 --> 00:00:48,041 ♪ Destroyer of Evil am I ♪ 8 00:00:48,125 --> 00:00:53,375 ♪ I will march to the sound Of the trumpets of glory ♪ 9 00:00:53,458 --> 00:00:57,500 ♪ Forever to conquer or die ♪ 10 00:01:38,458 --> 00:01:41,250 ♪ I am I, Don Quixote... ♪ 11 00:01:41,333 --> 00:01:42,666 [ship horn blowing] 12 00:01:43,291 --> 00:01:44,375 [Zozo] Oll! 13 00:01:44,458 --> 00:01:45,833 Get it in gear! 14 00:01:47,041 --> 00:01:48,541 Let's go! Let's go! 15 00:01:48,625 --> 00:01:52,250 If we don't make this trip, it'll be days before we get another chance. 16 00:01:52,333 --> 00:01:53,208 A chance for what? 17 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:55,375 Chasing down this bunny's imagination? 18 00:01:55,458 --> 00:01:57,041 It ain't my imagination. 19 00:01:57,833 --> 00:01:59,166 I am warning you. [grunts] 20 00:02:00,041 --> 00:02:02,125 [Rosy] Imagine you actually made it on this boat. 21 00:02:02,208 --> 00:02:04,083 - Hey! - Bye-bye, bunny. 22 00:02:05,166 --> 00:02:06,541 [man] Here we go. 23 00:02:08,750 --> 00:02:09,750 Whoa! 24 00:02:20,750 --> 00:02:24,250 - [bell rings] - [ship horn blows] 25 00:02:27,291 --> 00:02:28,333 Where's Ollie? 26 00:02:28,416 --> 00:02:30,416 Uh, I don't know. 27 00:02:32,666 --> 00:02:33,666 Hey. 28 00:02:34,333 --> 00:02:35,625 She just ditched me. 29 00:02:35,708 --> 00:02:37,541 I didn't do anything to you, rabbit. 30 00:02:37,625 --> 00:02:40,083 I don't know who you are or why you're here. 31 00:02:40,166 --> 00:02:41,625 Hell, I don't know why I'm here. 32 00:02:41,708 --> 00:02:44,916 Zozo, let's drop this Jasper off somewhere and move on. 33 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:45,833 Now, Rosy... 34 00:02:45,916 --> 00:02:48,833 Just you and me together again, like the old days. 35 00:02:48,916 --> 00:02:50,375 We're looking for Billy. 36 00:02:50,458 --> 00:02:52,208 - I have a map. - Oh. 37 00:02:52,750 --> 00:02:54,291 Is that what that is? 38 00:02:57,041 --> 00:02:58,041 This sucks. 39 00:02:58,125 --> 00:02:59,208 The White Tower? 40 00:02:59,291 --> 00:03:00,666 - Rosy... - It's real! 41 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:01,875 Real stupid. 42 00:03:01,958 --> 00:03:06,208 Oh. And what's this messed-up rectangle with circles? 43 00:03:06,291 --> 00:03:08,458 - Rosy! - That is Mark Twain. 44 00:03:08,541 --> 00:03:09,625 Right. 45 00:03:09,708 --> 00:03:11,791 And pardon, is this troll to scale? 46 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:14,291 - Are you a licensed cartographer? - Rosy. 47 00:03:14,375 --> 00:03:16,041 Man, this is a load of crap. 48 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:17,375 It's all real. 49 00:03:17,458 --> 00:03:18,541 Then prove it. 50 00:03:25,833 --> 00:03:27,041 [Zozo] Rosy! 51 00:03:27,125 --> 00:03:32,041 I think you of all people should know what it feels like to get left behind. 52 00:03:39,458 --> 00:03:40,625 [bell rings] 53 00:03:47,166 --> 00:03:48,250 Maybe she's right. 54 00:03:48,958 --> 00:03:50,208 Maybe this is stupid. 55 00:03:50,291 --> 00:03:52,750 Hey, don't worry about old Rosy. 56 00:03:53,250 --> 00:03:54,625 I believe in you. 57 00:03:54,708 --> 00:03:57,125 And I believe in these memories of yours. 58 00:03:57,208 --> 00:03:59,166 Now, let's get up on the roof of this vessel 59 00:03:59,250 --> 00:04:01,708 and find the next spot on your map. 60 00:04:02,750 --> 00:04:03,791 [groans] 61 00:04:11,875 --> 00:04:12,791 Arr. 62 00:04:12,875 --> 00:04:15,666 Matey, don't give up so quickly, 63 00:04:15,750 --> 00:04:18,250 for you're sailing with Captain Candyhook! 64 00:04:18,333 --> 00:04:19,625 Now we playing baby games? 65 00:04:19,708 --> 00:04:21,583 Ruler of the Seven Seas! 66 00:04:21,666 --> 00:04:23,625 Tamer of serpents! 67 00:04:23,708 --> 00:04:25,500 Lover of peppermint! 68 00:04:25,583 --> 00:04:26,458 [chuckles] 69 00:04:26,541 --> 00:04:29,125 There be treasure on the upper deck. 70 00:04:29,208 --> 00:04:32,833 And whoever gets there first is the new captain of this ship. 71 00:04:32,916 --> 00:04:35,958 Let me see your prowess, bucko, 72 00:04:36,041 --> 00:04:39,041 and show that swabbie what's what. 73 00:04:39,125 --> 00:04:41,791 And just who's the swabbie in this scenario? 74 00:04:41,875 --> 00:04:43,916 Wait. Oh, hell, no. 75 00:04:45,291 --> 00:04:47,875 - [Zozo] Yar! - Absolutely not cool. 76 00:04:47,958 --> 00:04:49,791 [Zozo] Now go! 77 00:04:49,875 --> 00:04:50,875 Get! 78 00:04:50,916 --> 00:04:52,583 [laughs] Woo-hoo! 79 00:04:52,666 --> 00:04:54,166 Swords ain't for bunnies. 80 00:04:54,666 --> 00:04:56,291 [dramatic music playing] 81 00:04:59,083 --> 00:05:00,458 What's wrong, Rosy? 82 00:05:00,541 --> 00:05:03,541 Can't handle a true buccaneer wielding your sword? 83 00:05:03,625 --> 00:05:07,166 The only buccaneers I see are flapping off your bucking head. 84 00:05:09,541 --> 00:05:11,333 Now, get out of my way, fool! 85 00:05:21,625 --> 00:05:23,208 [ship horn blowing] 86 00:05:36,958 --> 00:05:38,625 Whoa! [grunts] 87 00:05:39,333 --> 00:05:40,333 [gasps] 88 00:05:46,708 --> 00:05:47,708 [Rosy] Ha, ha! 89 00:05:47,750 --> 00:05:48,916 I win! 90 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:50,625 I'm the new captain. 91 00:05:53,500 --> 00:05:55,833 I almost lost my star 'cause of you. 92 00:05:56,416 --> 00:05:57,958 Pirates don't play fair. 93 00:05:58,041 --> 00:05:59,458 Everybody knows that. 94 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:05,750 Rosy, stop it. 95 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:07,208 I've had enough. 96 00:06:07,291 --> 00:06:09,291 Zozo, why are you taking his side? 97 00:06:09,375 --> 00:06:10,875 Why is he so special? 98 00:06:15,375 --> 00:06:17,208 Why is she so mad all the time? 99 00:06:17,291 --> 00:06:20,041 Let old Rosy pout if she wants to, 100 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:22,833 but we're gonna find the next spot on your map. 101 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:24,166 We found the Dark River, 102 00:06:24,250 --> 00:06:27,708 and if you focus, we'll find the next clue and the next, 103 00:06:27,791 --> 00:06:32,708 and before you know it, you'll be back home with Billy, I promise. 104 00:06:33,208 --> 00:06:34,708 Now, look at this map. 105 00:06:34,791 --> 00:06:38,125 Squeeze that star and see what you can see. 106 00:06:39,958 --> 00:06:41,333 [exhales] 107 00:06:41,416 --> 00:06:44,541 [Billy] The Rabid Rabbit launches into the mud pit, 108 00:06:44,625 --> 00:06:46,208 through the hoops of fire. 109 00:06:46,291 --> 00:06:48,666 Can he set this record? 110 00:06:48,750 --> 00:06:51,333 Oh! And the crowd goes wild! 111 00:06:51,416 --> 00:06:55,458 Ah! For the most amazing jump of the night. What's that? This just in. 112 00:06:55,541 --> 00:06:57,791 The prize for the winner is... 113 00:06:58,750 --> 00:07:00,666 Daddy, can I have some drums? 114 00:07:00,750 --> 00:07:02,208 And... 115 00:07:03,000 --> 00:07:04,250 doing the dishes! 116 00:07:04,333 --> 00:07:06,041 - Momma, boo! - Come on! 117 00:07:06,125 --> 00:07:07,625 That prize is so awful 118 00:07:07,708 --> 00:07:10,750 that the announcer herself has to go in the mud pit. 119 00:07:10,833 --> 00:07:12,291 - What an upset! - Oh! 120 00:07:13,000 --> 00:07:15,458 You thought throwing a biscuit at me was punishment? 121 00:07:15,541 --> 00:07:18,416 I think eating your biscuit's punishment enough. 122 00:07:18,500 --> 00:07:19,875 [all laughing and shouting] 123 00:07:21,875 --> 00:07:24,000 [Momma] Yes! You're in trouble now! 124 00:07:24,083 --> 00:07:26,125 [Daddy] Who's gonna clean it! Billy, help! 125 00:07:26,208 --> 00:07:27,083 - Hey. - [phone ringing] 126 00:07:27,166 --> 00:07:29,041 Who calls during supper? What's this? 127 00:07:29,125 --> 00:07:30,791 [Momma] Who knows? 128 00:07:30,875 --> 00:07:32,583 There you go. Billy the receptionist. 129 00:07:32,666 --> 00:07:34,083 Thank you, Billy. 130 00:07:34,166 --> 00:07:35,625 [Daddy] Well, now, look at this. 131 00:07:35,708 --> 00:07:38,583 - I thought you loved my biscuits. - Yeah, your biscuits are okay. 132 00:07:38,666 --> 00:07:40,166 [Billy] Wiles' residence. 133 00:07:40,250 --> 00:07:41,750 It's for Momma. 134 00:07:41,833 --> 00:07:43,958 No one ever calls for old Billy. 135 00:07:44,041 --> 00:07:45,291 I'll call you, baby. 136 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:47,083 Hello. 137 00:07:47,583 --> 00:07:48,583 This is she. 138 00:07:48,666 --> 00:07:49,708 Hello? 139 00:07:51,083 --> 00:07:52,916 - Yes, this is Billy. - Yes. 140 00:07:53,750 --> 00:07:55,583 Uh, give me a second. 141 00:07:55,666 --> 00:07:58,666 Can you bring Billy outside so I can take this call? 142 00:08:00,083 --> 00:08:02,583 But, Momma, it's chilly out there and I'm still eating. 143 00:08:02,666 --> 00:08:06,333 Then zip up your sweater and grab a biscuit. Go outside. Get. 144 00:08:07,708 --> 00:08:11,291 Hey, let's go listen to some Caywood and play some horse. What do you say? 145 00:08:11,375 --> 00:08:13,666 That sound fun? Let's go play. 146 00:08:13,750 --> 00:08:17,291 Ollie drives down the middle, spins, fakes and... 147 00:08:17,375 --> 00:08:18,375 Y'all, please! 148 00:08:20,291 --> 00:08:22,125 What do you say just us real folks play? 149 00:08:22,208 --> 00:08:23,958 Leave Ollie behind? 150 00:08:33,166 --> 00:08:34,541 Sorry, can you repeat that? 151 00:08:34,625 --> 00:08:35,625 [door opens] 152 00:08:38,166 --> 00:08:40,000 Um, let me get a pen. 153 00:08:41,333 --> 00:08:42,583 [grunting] 154 00:08:43,125 --> 00:08:44,125 [Momma] Uh-huh. 155 00:08:45,708 --> 00:08:46,791 In the zone! 156 00:08:46,875 --> 00:08:50,083 Over there. I'm gonna feed you my pass, you take it and pop. 157 00:08:52,791 --> 00:08:56,250 Okay, okay. Over here. I'll pass it on the run. 158 00:08:56,333 --> 00:08:57,791 [Momma] More tests? Why? 159 00:08:59,666 --> 00:09:02,000 [Daddy] Now we're talking! Over here! Let's go! 160 00:09:04,416 --> 00:09:05,416 Okay. 161 00:09:06,291 --> 00:09:07,291 Um... 162 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:09,750 Uh... 163 00:09:11,166 --> 00:09:12,833 How much is that gonna cost? 164 00:09:18,416 --> 00:09:19,833 No, no insurance. 165 00:09:26,500 --> 00:09:27,916 Can this wait until...? 166 00:09:31,291 --> 00:09:32,125 This week? 167 00:09:32,208 --> 00:09:34,458 I don't have a sitter and... 168 00:09:37,708 --> 00:09:38,708 Okay. 169 00:09:40,416 --> 00:09:41,416 This week. 170 00:09:43,041 --> 00:09:44,041 Okay. 171 00:09:44,750 --> 00:09:45,750 Bye. 172 00:09:46,666 --> 00:09:47,666 [phone beeps] 173 00:09:51,916 --> 00:09:53,250 [panting] 174 00:09:53,333 --> 00:09:54,833 [Zozo] Whoa! What's that face? 175 00:09:54,916 --> 00:09:56,583 Did you see the next stop? 176 00:09:56,666 --> 00:09:58,625 Something's wrong with Momma. 177 00:09:58,708 --> 00:09:59,541 She's worried. 178 00:09:59,625 --> 00:10:04,750 She's gotta go somewhere and take a test. 179 00:10:04,833 --> 00:10:05,666 I'm Ollie. 180 00:10:05,750 --> 00:10:07,375 I need hugs and constant attention. 181 00:10:07,458 --> 00:10:11,458 I'm jealous of what a great pirate Rosy is 'cause my ears are stupid. 182 00:10:12,208 --> 00:10:13,666 [gasps] 183 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:15,625 Well, I'll be damned. 184 00:10:22,666 --> 00:10:24,291 Come on, that's it? 185 00:10:24,375 --> 00:10:25,875 What's she worried about? 186 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:26,958 I don't know. 187 00:10:27,708 --> 00:10:29,666 My memories, they're like... 188 00:10:31,041 --> 00:10:33,083 water that I can't control, 189 00:10:33,166 --> 00:10:35,333 coming and going as they please. 190 00:10:35,416 --> 00:10:37,291 - [Zozo shouts] - No! No! 191 00:10:37,375 --> 00:10:38,916 That was close. 192 00:10:40,708 --> 00:10:43,458 You gotta protect this with your life, Ollie. 193 00:10:47,375 --> 00:10:48,750 [Ollie whooping] 194 00:10:48,833 --> 00:10:50,916 The White Tower! 195 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:52,708 It is real! 196 00:10:52,791 --> 00:10:54,625 I told you we'd find it. 197 00:10:55,375 --> 00:10:56,833 [laughs] 198 00:10:57,250 --> 00:10:58,625 Like you can miss it. 199 00:10:59,583 --> 00:11:00,583 Wait. 200 00:11:02,166 --> 00:11:04,166 You saw it and didn't tell me. 201 00:11:04,250 --> 00:11:05,291 Rosy. 202 00:11:05,875 --> 00:11:06,875 You didn't. 203 00:11:06,916 --> 00:11:08,458 It's a lot of white towers 204 00:11:08,541 --> 00:11:11,583 and it's not like I signed up to be on this map-following squad. 205 00:11:11,666 --> 00:11:13,708 I'm trying to find my best friend. 206 00:11:14,208 --> 00:11:16,416 Not like you'd know what that's like. 207 00:11:21,208 --> 00:11:23,416 Rosy, he's just upset. 208 00:11:25,791 --> 00:11:27,000 He didn't mean it. 209 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:29,875 I'll get him to apologize. 210 00:11:30,583 --> 00:11:32,083 Ollie. You need to ap... 211 00:11:32,166 --> 00:11:33,166 What? 212 00:11:33,625 --> 00:11:34,625 [Rosy] Whoa. 213 00:11:35,125 --> 00:11:36,333 Ollie! 214 00:11:39,333 --> 00:11:40,708 Y'all coming? 215 00:11:43,916 --> 00:11:45,791 You can't say he's boring. 216 00:11:46,666 --> 00:11:48,250 - Here goes nothing. - What? 217 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,625 - No, no, no! Zozo! - Yahoo! 218 00:11:50,750 --> 00:11:51,750 [groans] 219 00:11:52,166 --> 00:11:54,125 This bunny's gonna get us killed. 220 00:11:59,541 --> 00:12:02,750 [Ollie] Onward to the White Tower! 221 00:12:07,458 --> 00:12:10,000 Wow. What is this place? 222 00:12:10,083 --> 00:12:11,875 A witch's cave? 223 00:12:11,958 --> 00:12:14,250 A sea serpent graveyard? 224 00:12:14,333 --> 00:12:17,125 A place where forgotten things go. 225 00:12:17,208 --> 00:12:18,750 Let's stay focused. 226 00:12:18,833 --> 00:12:20,166 Stay close. 227 00:12:20,250 --> 00:12:21,916 We'll get you to that tower, okay? 228 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:23,666 [Rosy] That tower's a long way off. 229 00:12:23,750 --> 00:12:25,208 Got to be five miles at least. 230 00:12:25,291 --> 00:12:26,750 It'll take us days to get there. 231 00:12:26,833 --> 00:12:28,166 Hey, Ms. Sunshine, 232 00:12:28,250 --> 00:12:31,041 you mind being positive for just one second? 233 00:12:31,125 --> 00:12:32,458 I would be positive 234 00:12:32,541 --> 00:12:36,250 if I didn't have to deal with a stanky clown and a patchwork bunny. 235 00:12:36,333 --> 00:12:41,250 You got a problem with a patchwork rabbit, Ms. Cactus Arm? 236 00:12:41,333 --> 00:12:42,166 Hey, now! 237 00:12:42,250 --> 00:12:43,833 Ain't no need for name-calling. 238 00:12:43,916 --> 00:12:45,000 Take it back! 239 00:12:45,083 --> 00:12:46,916 I said cut it out, both of you. 240 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:48,041 Don't mind me. 241 00:12:48,125 --> 00:12:49,250 All I'm saying is 242 00:12:49,333 --> 00:12:50,541 unless Fluffy the Magic Rabbit 243 00:12:50,625 --> 00:12:53,184 - has a Corvette in his little backpack... - [motorcycle approaching] 244 00:12:53,208 --> 00:12:54,416 [horn honks] 245 00:13:08,041 --> 00:13:09,291 You were saying? 246 00:13:14,291 --> 00:13:16,125 [dramatic music playing] 247 00:13:21,916 --> 00:13:23,375 Woo-hoo! 248 00:13:28,791 --> 00:13:29,791 [laughs] 249 00:13:33,333 --> 00:13:35,625 [whooping] Yes! 250 00:13:36,625 --> 00:13:38,208 [Zozo] What do you see, buddy? 251 00:13:38,291 --> 00:13:41,833 [Rosy] Would you please get your feet off my face? 252 00:13:45,250 --> 00:13:46,666 Woo-hoo! 253 00:13:57,500 --> 00:13:59,541 [all singing along] ♪ Now the race is on ♪ 254 00:13:59,625 --> 00:14:02,333 ♪ And here comes pride Up the backstretch ♪ 255 00:14:02,416 --> 00:14:04,708 ♪ Heartaches are going to the inside ♪ 256 00:14:04,791 --> 00:14:07,125 ♪ My tears are holding back ♪ 257 00:14:07,208 --> 00:14:09,958 ♪ They're trying not to fall ♪ 258 00:14:10,041 --> 00:14:12,166 ♪ My heart's out of the running ♪ 259 00:14:12,250 --> 00:14:13,333 ♪ True love... ♪ 260 00:14:22,041 --> 00:14:23,458 Momma, sing! 261 00:14:24,375 --> 00:14:27,208 ♪ And the winner loses all ♪ 262 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:43,541 [dramatic music playing] 263 00:14:50,958 --> 00:14:52,583 We're here, come on! Now! 264 00:15:14,625 --> 00:15:15,708 [gasps] 265 00:15:17,291 --> 00:15:18,500 [PA beeps] 266 00:15:18,583 --> 00:15:21,750 [indistinct announcement over PA] 267 00:15:21,833 --> 00:15:23,833 Where in the heck are we going? 268 00:15:23,916 --> 00:15:25,291 Just follow the bunny. 269 00:15:25,375 --> 00:15:26,875 We've been following him. 270 00:15:26,958 --> 00:15:29,625 It ain't got us nothing but tired and almost dead. 271 00:15:37,083 --> 00:15:38,500 [elevator bell dings] 272 00:15:44,791 --> 00:15:48,208 Oh, look, more people with blue pants and rubber shoes. 273 00:15:48,291 --> 00:15:49,416 [Ollie] This way! 274 00:15:57,500 --> 00:16:00,875 Ollie, let's go. They're attacking. We've gotta go quick! 275 00:16:09,458 --> 00:16:12,416 - [laughing] - We gonna get to the point or what? 276 00:16:12,500 --> 00:16:14,250 Hey! We're looking for Billy! 277 00:16:14,333 --> 00:16:15,916 We're looking for a bathroom. 278 00:16:16,000 --> 00:16:17,166 Also important. 279 00:16:17,916 --> 00:16:18,916 Bye! 280 00:16:31,625 --> 00:16:32,916 [Ollie] Whoa. 281 00:16:44,291 --> 00:16:45,625 Sleeping Beauty. 282 00:16:46,458 --> 00:16:48,083 Me and Billy was here. 283 00:16:51,750 --> 00:16:52,916 Sleeping Beauty? 284 00:16:54,000 --> 00:16:55,416 You don't know Sleeping Beauty? 285 00:16:55,500 --> 00:16:56,875 All right. Come on, Ollie. 286 00:16:56,958 --> 00:16:58,041 What's next? 287 00:17:03,666 --> 00:17:04,666 All right. 288 00:17:08,583 --> 00:17:11,875 [man on PA] Dr. Rosenwinkle, extension 142. 289 00:17:37,250 --> 00:17:38,458 [gasps] 290 00:17:42,958 --> 00:17:44,291 [tense music playing] 291 00:17:52,083 --> 00:17:53,458 [MRI tech] Put these on, honey. 292 00:17:53,541 --> 00:17:55,708 That machine's gonna get real loud. 293 00:17:55,791 --> 00:17:58,041 I need you to remove all the metal from your body. 294 00:17:58,125 --> 00:18:00,708 - [Momma] Oh, okay. - The thing's just a big magnet. 295 00:18:04,458 --> 00:18:05,875 Uh, ma'am. 296 00:18:08,416 --> 00:18:10,958 Only family members are allowed in here. 297 00:18:11,041 --> 00:18:12,458 He's my son. 298 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:14,750 Oh. 299 00:18:14,833 --> 00:18:16,041 Sorry, ma'am. 300 00:18:16,125 --> 00:18:17,583 Okay. 301 00:18:17,666 --> 00:18:19,333 He's precious. 302 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:22,250 Don't you worry. 303 00:18:23,458 --> 00:18:26,000 This thing's just a big old spaceship. 304 00:18:26,625 --> 00:18:29,125 Get your momma in and out of here in a heartbeat. 305 00:18:29,208 --> 00:18:30,250 Maybe two. 306 00:18:30,916 --> 00:18:31,916 Promise. 307 00:18:34,666 --> 00:18:35,666 Thank you. 308 00:18:37,083 --> 00:18:38,291 Okay. [clears throat] 309 00:18:40,833 --> 00:18:43,208 Can you take care of these for me? Okay? 310 00:18:43,833 --> 00:18:45,041 Yeah? 311 00:18:47,833 --> 00:18:49,583 What do we do when we're scared? 312 00:18:49,666 --> 00:18:51,416 - Mark Twain? - That's right. 313 00:18:51,500 --> 00:18:52,958 That's right. 314 00:18:53,041 --> 00:18:54,583 We think of the stars 315 00:18:54,666 --> 00:18:56,125 and we sing our song... 316 00:18:56,625 --> 00:18:58,125 and we take a ride on Mark Twain. 317 00:18:58,208 --> 00:19:02,208 All the way to a place where there's no fear nor pain. 318 00:19:02,291 --> 00:19:03,291 Hey. 319 00:19:03,375 --> 00:19:04,375 Just love. 320 00:19:04,875 --> 00:19:06,083 Dreamland. 321 00:19:14,000 --> 00:19:18,625 ♪ When I want you in my arms ♪ 322 00:19:18,708 --> 00:19:21,458 [both] ♪ When I want you ♪ 323 00:19:21,541 --> 00:19:23,583 ♪ And all your charms ♪ 324 00:19:23,666 --> 00:19:26,416 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 325 00:19:26,500 --> 00:19:30,583 ♪ All I have to do is dream ♪ 326 00:19:31,250 --> 00:19:35,708 ♪ Dream, dream, dream, dream ♪ 327 00:19:35,791 --> 00:19:38,541 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 328 00:19:40,875 --> 00:19:42,500 ♪ In the night ♪ 329 00:19:42,583 --> 00:19:44,916 ♪ And I need you ♪ 330 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,625 ♪ To hold me tight ♪ 331 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:51,375 ♪ Whenever I want to ♪ 332 00:19:51,458 --> 00:19:53,708 ♪ All I have to do ♪ 333 00:19:53,791 --> 00:19:56,000 ♪ Is dream ♪ 334 00:19:56,083 --> 00:19:57,791 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 335 00:19:59,083 --> 00:20:01,000 Where'd you hear that song? 336 00:20:01,083 --> 00:20:02,500 Momma used to sing it... 337 00:20:03,291 --> 00:20:05,416 whenever Billy was scared. 338 00:20:05,500 --> 00:20:06,708 And he is scared. 339 00:20:07,416 --> 00:20:09,708 And something's wrong with Momma. 340 00:20:09,791 --> 00:20:10,958 We gotta get back. 341 00:20:11,041 --> 00:20:13,083 Come on, now, don't panic. 342 00:20:13,166 --> 00:20:14,541 Think about it. 343 00:20:14,625 --> 00:20:16,333 Was there anything else? 344 00:20:18,583 --> 00:20:20,041 Okay. Uh... 345 00:20:20,125 --> 00:20:21,125 Um... 346 00:20:22,916 --> 00:20:27,500 Ride the Mark Twain? 347 00:20:28,166 --> 00:20:29,375 Wait a minute. 348 00:20:30,541 --> 00:20:32,583 Ride the Mark Twain? 349 00:20:33,916 --> 00:20:36,416 Rosy, can you get us to the roof? 350 00:20:36,500 --> 00:20:37,958 This boy needs some air. 351 00:20:45,041 --> 00:20:46,750 [upbeat music playing] 352 00:20:56,875 --> 00:20:57,916 Come on. 353 00:20:58,000 --> 00:20:59,083 Now, look. 354 00:21:00,250 --> 00:21:03,416 I gotta get back. Momma's sick. 355 00:21:03,500 --> 00:21:06,750 I hear you, partner. And I'm trying to get you back. 356 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:08,375 Just take a peek. 357 00:21:09,708 --> 00:21:10,708 [Ollie] No. 358 00:21:12,291 --> 00:21:14,125 I don't see anything. 359 00:21:14,208 --> 00:21:15,708 No, look. 360 00:21:16,750 --> 00:21:17,958 Right there. 361 00:21:18,041 --> 00:21:19,208 Over yonder. 362 00:21:21,250 --> 00:21:24,250 Is that a Mark Twain? 363 00:21:24,333 --> 00:21:25,666 [train horn blowing] 364 00:21:26,375 --> 00:21:27,375 Yes. 365 00:21:28,208 --> 00:21:29,208 Oh! 366 00:21:29,750 --> 00:21:31,041 That's it! 367 00:21:31,125 --> 00:21:32,416 Hot diggety! 368 00:21:32,500 --> 00:21:33,500 That's it! 369 00:21:33,583 --> 00:21:35,625 Woo-hoo! Yes, that's it! 370 00:21:35,708 --> 00:21:36,750 I remember now. 371 00:21:36,833 --> 00:21:39,916 Billy called it "choo-choo twain" when he was little. 372 00:21:40,416 --> 00:21:42,500 Daddy called this one Mark! 373 00:21:44,875 --> 00:21:46,125 [Zozo] See, Rosy? 374 00:21:46,208 --> 00:21:48,666 I was right to believe in Ollie. 375 00:21:48,750 --> 00:21:51,916 I was right to believe in his quest. 376 00:21:52,000 --> 00:21:54,708 We're gonna find your Billy. 377 00:21:56,375 --> 00:21:58,791 And we're gonna find your Nina too. 378 00:22:00,666 --> 00:22:02,250 We're going home. 379 00:22:03,916 --> 00:22:06,291 We are going home, Ollie! 380 00:22:06,375 --> 00:22:07,500 [Ollie laughs] 381 00:22:08,166 --> 00:22:09,500 [Ollie] Woo-hoo! 382 00:22:09,583 --> 00:22:11,708 - [bell ringing] - [train horn blowing] 383 00:22:17,125 --> 00:22:18,333 [Zozo] Let's go. 384 00:22:18,833 --> 00:22:20,291 No time to waste. 385 00:22:20,375 --> 00:22:21,458 Giddy up! 386 00:22:24,958 --> 00:22:27,458 That looks like a Mark Twain to me! 387 00:22:27,541 --> 00:22:28,791 What do you think, Ollie? 388 00:22:28,875 --> 00:22:29,875 Are you sure? 389 00:22:29,958 --> 00:22:32,208 My gut tells me it's that one, 390 00:22:32,291 --> 00:22:34,791 and my gut rarely lies! 391 00:22:37,833 --> 00:22:39,250 [dramatic music playing] 392 00:22:48,500 --> 00:22:49,875 Rosy, come on! 393 00:22:53,708 --> 00:22:54,791 [Zozo] Rosy! 394 00:23:05,208 --> 00:23:06,625 Grab my ear! 395 00:23:08,833 --> 00:23:09,833 Heave! 396 00:23:12,916 --> 00:23:13,916 [chuckling] 397 00:23:14,916 --> 00:23:18,083 Now, that's what I call using your head. 398 00:23:28,500 --> 00:23:30,416 Maybe them ears ain't so stupid. 399 00:23:50,250 --> 00:23:53,666 You think it's a long ways before we get to Billy? 400 00:23:55,083 --> 00:23:58,875 I figure we'll take this to the end of the line, see what we see. 401 00:24:00,833 --> 00:24:03,958 Whoa, now. Elvis has left the building. 402 00:24:05,750 --> 00:24:07,708 Well, this is a pickle. 403 00:24:07,791 --> 00:24:09,958 We ain't got no needle and thread. 404 00:24:29,041 --> 00:24:30,041 That should work. 405 00:24:31,708 --> 00:24:32,708 Thank you. 406 00:24:35,583 --> 00:24:36,583 Ow! 407 00:24:37,125 --> 00:24:38,416 Hey, check this out. 408 00:24:38,500 --> 00:24:39,875 Zozo fixed my leg. 409 00:24:40,375 --> 00:24:42,041 He knows what he's doing. 410 00:24:42,125 --> 00:24:43,916 I was a mess when he found me. 411 00:24:44,000 --> 00:24:45,375 You did that? 412 00:24:45,458 --> 00:24:46,583 - Mm-hm. - Ow! 413 00:24:46,666 --> 00:24:47,833 You keep poking me. 414 00:24:47,916 --> 00:24:51,041 And you keep squirming around like a worm on a hook. 415 00:24:51,125 --> 00:24:52,125 Settle down. 416 00:24:53,416 --> 00:24:54,416 Ow. 417 00:24:54,500 --> 00:24:56,041 Focus on me, bunny. 418 00:24:56,125 --> 00:24:57,125 [Ollie whimpers] 419 00:24:57,208 --> 00:25:00,416 Why don't you tell me about your Billy? Why is he so special? 420 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:02,625 Well... 421 00:25:03,708 --> 00:25:06,333 he's real good at art and running around, 422 00:25:06,416 --> 00:25:10,166 and... and treasure hunts, and fort building, 423 00:25:10,250 --> 00:25:13,375 and karate battles with a witch, and getting hit by lightning. 424 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:14,958 [buzzing] 425 00:25:15,041 --> 00:25:16,666 [laughs] 426 00:25:19,875 --> 00:25:21,958 He's the best buddy in the world. 427 00:25:24,500 --> 00:25:26,541 How long did you look for Zozo? 428 00:25:30,416 --> 00:25:31,583 [Zozo] Good as new. 429 00:25:36,333 --> 00:25:37,541 Ah. 430 00:25:37,625 --> 00:25:39,708 [Rosy] He was gone for a long while. 431 00:25:43,666 --> 00:25:45,791 I did what I had to do to get back to him. 432 00:25:48,041 --> 00:25:49,625 [Ollie] Like me and Billy. 433 00:25:51,333 --> 00:25:52,916 Y'all belong together. 434 00:25:59,583 --> 00:26:02,541 Hey, how about a song? 435 00:26:03,041 --> 00:26:04,958 Just like the kind we used to sing? 436 00:26:06,583 --> 00:26:08,375 [Zozo] I don't know, Rosy. 437 00:26:08,458 --> 00:26:11,125 I don't much feel like a song right now. 438 00:26:12,708 --> 00:26:13,833 [clucking] 439 00:26:20,541 --> 00:26:21,625 [Ollie] Chicken. 440 00:26:21,708 --> 00:26:22,916 [both clucking] 441 00:26:25,041 --> 00:26:26,125 [clucking stops] 442 00:26:32,916 --> 00:26:37,916 ♪ Your beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair ♪ 443 00:26:38,000 --> 00:26:40,958 ♪ With ivory skin and eyes Of emerald green ♪ 444 00:26:41,958 --> 00:26:43,416 Y'all know this one? 445 00:26:45,875 --> 00:26:49,250 ♪ Your smile is like a breath of spring ♪ 446 00:26:49,333 --> 00:26:52,416 ♪ Your voice is soft like summer rain ♪ 447 00:26:53,416 --> 00:26:57,708 ♪ And I cannot compete with you, Jolene ♪ 448 00:27:01,458 --> 00:27:03,916 [both] ♪ Jolene, Jolene ♪ 449 00:27:04,000 --> 00:27:07,625 ♪ Jolene, Jolene ♪ 450 00:27:07,708 --> 00:27:12,291 ♪ I'm begging of you Please don't take my man ♪ 451 00:27:12,375 --> 00:27:13,791 Come on, Ollie. 452 00:27:14,750 --> 00:27:17,208 [all] ♪ Jolene, Jolene ♪ 453 00:27:17,291 --> 00:27:21,166 ♪ Jolene, Jolene ♪ 454 00:27:21,250 --> 00:27:25,666 ♪ Please don't take him Just because you can ♪ 455 00:27:26,625 --> 00:27:27,833 [Zozo & Rosy laughing] 456 00:28:00,583 --> 00:28:02,833 [country music playing over speakers] 457 00:28:17,291 --> 00:28:19,625 Look. Lookie here, Orville. 458 00:28:19,708 --> 00:28:21,458 I found you a dance partner. 459 00:28:21,541 --> 00:28:23,291 Shut up, Jim Tom. 460 00:28:26,416 --> 00:28:27,541 [Billy] Excuse me, sir? 461 00:28:27,625 --> 00:28:30,583 But can I put up one of my signs in your window? 462 00:28:31,375 --> 00:28:33,041 I'm looking for a friend, is all. 463 00:28:33,958 --> 00:28:35,875 It's real important. 464 00:28:35,958 --> 00:28:38,375 Kid, come on now. You can't be in here. 465 00:28:38,458 --> 00:28:39,458 Go on now. 466 00:28:40,250 --> 00:28:42,750 Well, sir, I don't mean to make no trouble, 467 00:28:42,833 --> 00:28:47,416 but I just can't leave here till my sign is up in your window. 468 00:28:47,958 --> 00:28:48,791 [sighs] 469 00:28:48,875 --> 00:28:49,875 Please? 470 00:28:50,416 --> 00:28:51,541 I said no. 471 00:28:51,625 --> 00:28:53,875 Herb, help me out here. 472 00:28:54,500 --> 00:28:56,708 It's his place. He'll tell you. 473 00:28:59,333 --> 00:29:02,500 Hey. You're Jimmy Wiles' kid, right? 474 00:29:03,166 --> 00:29:05,916 I tell you what, Jimmy Wiles' kid... 475 00:29:07,000 --> 00:29:11,291 if you can knock that eight ball into that corner pocket... 476 00:29:14,458 --> 00:29:15,833 you can put your poster up. 477 00:29:16,708 --> 00:29:17,708 What do you say? 478 00:29:21,208 --> 00:29:22,208 I'll try. 479 00:29:23,458 --> 00:29:24,958 [Herb] He's gonna try. 480 00:29:25,625 --> 00:29:28,041 I got 5 on he makes it. 481 00:29:28,125 --> 00:29:29,708 [Orville] Like you got 5, Jim Tom. 482 00:29:29,791 --> 00:29:31,791 - Hey, I got 5. - All right. 483 00:29:33,083 --> 00:29:34,541 Keep it down, keep it down. 484 00:29:35,500 --> 00:29:36,791 He's thinking. 485 00:29:48,583 --> 00:29:49,583 [ball drops] 486 00:29:49,666 --> 00:29:50,916 [laughing] 487 00:29:53,208 --> 00:29:54,541 Shark in the pool. 488 00:29:57,250 --> 00:30:00,041 Damn, where'd you learn to play? 489 00:30:00,125 --> 00:30:01,375 Jimmy Wiles. 490 00:30:12,666 --> 00:30:15,000 We on a real adventure now, bunny. 491 00:30:15,083 --> 00:30:17,958 We invaded the White Tower, found Mark Twain. 492 00:30:18,041 --> 00:30:20,500 Who knows? Maybe we'll see them trolls. 493 00:30:27,041 --> 00:30:28,583 The woods. 494 00:30:28,666 --> 00:30:30,541 Something in those woods. 495 00:30:31,125 --> 00:30:32,208 We gotta get off. 496 00:30:32,291 --> 00:30:34,291 We're going a little too fast for that. 497 00:30:34,375 --> 00:30:35,875 Just a ways more. 498 00:30:35,958 --> 00:30:37,500 End of the line, remember? 499 00:30:40,791 --> 00:30:42,166 We gotta get off now. 500 00:30:43,166 --> 00:30:44,583 - [Zozo shouts] - Again?! 501 00:30:45,375 --> 00:30:46,708 [grunting] 502 00:30:51,750 --> 00:30:54,000 [all grunting] 503 00:30:56,958 --> 00:30:59,416 What in the heck was that? 504 00:30:59,500 --> 00:31:01,375 You nearly killed us all. 505 00:31:01,458 --> 00:31:05,208 I told you, we was gonna take the train to the end of the line. 506 00:31:05,291 --> 00:31:07,625 I'm trying to help you, keep you safe. 507 00:31:07,708 --> 00:31:08,708 But you just... 508 00:31:08,791 --> 00:31:10,708 I can't figure you out, bunny. 509 00:31:12,250 --> 00:31:13,708 Oh, fine. 510 00:31:13,791 --> 00:31:15,750 Go ahead. Run away. 511 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:18,291 Maybe Rosy was right. We should cut bait. 512 00:31:19,208 --> 00:31:21,041 Oh, you too, huh? 513 00:31:22,000 --> 00:31:24,458 I guess you think I'm a-coming. 514 00:31:25,583 --> 00:31:26,583 [groans] 515 00:31:30,375 --> 00:31:32,125 Okay, blew my stack. 516 00:31:32,208 --> 00:31:33,666 This one's on me. 517 00:31:34,291 --> 00:31:37,333 If we head back that-a-way right around the bend, 518 00:31:37,416 --> 00:31:39,458 we can get right back on track. 519 00:31:40,666 --> 00:31:42,625 I think we are on track, Zozo. 520 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:46,250 I saw them. 521 00:31:48,208 --> 00:31:49,208 In there. 522 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:51,291 But what is it? 523 00:32:01,916 --> 00:32:03,208 [grunts] Dang it. 524 00:32:21,833 --> 00:32:22,875 No! 525 00:32:25,041 --> 00:32:26,041 No! 526 00:32:28,250 --> 00:32:29,250 No! 527 00:32:54,291 --> 00:32:56,541 What are we looking for, Ollie? What did you see? 528 00:32:59,083 --> 00:33:00,250 Is it them? 529 00:33:03,291 --> 00:33:05,000 The troll? 530 00:33:07,791 --> 00:33:09,458 Well, I'll be a... 531 00:33:09,541 --> 00:33:11,416 I tried to tell you. 532 00:33:11,500 --> 00:33:13,833 What are we gonna do about it, smart guy? 533 00:33:14,500 --> 00:33:15,708 [Ollie] I don't know. 534 00:33:16,541 --> 00:33:18,625 Billy and me never got this close. 535 00:33:20,708 --> 00:33:24,000 Okay, looks like we need a plan of attack. 536 00:33:24,083 --> 00:33:27,208 - Let's put our heads together now. - Die, troll! 537 00:33:27,958 --> 00:33:30,458 - Rosy! - Rosy, no! 538 00:33:30,541 --> 00:33:31,541 [shouting] 539 00:33:35,125 --> 00:33:36,833 - [Ollie shouting] - What the hell? 540 00:33:38,333 --> 00:33:39,333 Ollie, stop. 541 00:33:39,416 --> 00:33:41,041 Die, beast! 542 00:33:41,583 --> 00:33:43,416 Ollie, it's made of wood. 543 00:33:45,916 --> 00:33:47,625 Oh. Okay. 544 00:33:51,458 --> 00:33:53,041 It's made of wood. 545 00:33:56,750 --> 00:33:58,625 Well, since it can't eat us, 546 00:33:58,708 --> 00:34:02,250 maybe let's climb up for a peek, get our bearings. 547 00:34:10,000 --> 00:34:11,000 Whoa. 548 00:34:11,083 --> 00:34:12,333 [tense music playing] 549 00:34:37,583 --> 00:34:40,375 [Zozo] Well, Ollie? Any memories? 550 00:34:42,000 --> 00:34:43,041 Mm... 551 00:34:45,458 --> 00:34:46,458 Nothing. 552 00:34:47,625 --> 00:34:50,333 All right. Well, then, let's see. 553 00:34:51,541 --> 00:34:53,250 Dark River, check. 554 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:55,291 White Tower, check. 555 00:34:55,375 --> 00:34:57,250 Mark Twain, check. 556 00:34:57,916 --> 00:35:01,458 Ollie, what's this black spot here? 557 00:35:05,125 --> 00:35:06,333 [laughter] 558 00:35:08,375 --> 00:35:10,666 I... don't know. 559 00:35:13,916 --> 00:35:17,041 I think I know how to get us back on track. 560 00:35:17,583 --> 00:35:19,916 Ollie, look. 561 00:35:22,458 --> 00:35:23,750 Oh, wow. 562 00:35:24,666 --> 00:35:27,416 - Does that ring a bell? - [bell rings] 563 00:35:28,750 --> 00:35:29,875 Uh... 564 00:35:30,791 --> 00:35:32,125 I don't think so. 565 00:35:32,208 --> 00:35:33,625 Maybe if we got closer. 566 00:35:35,333 --> 00:35:37,833 So you know where you're going, huh, Zozo? 567 00:35:39,875 --> 00:35:41,375 I got a fair idea. 568 00:35:41,458 --> 00:35:43,458 I don't see that on the map. 569 00:35:44,833 --> 00:35:47,250 - I mean, it's dumb, anyways, but... - Hey! 570 00:35:47,333 --> 00:35:48,833 What do you say that for? 571 00:35:48,916 --> 00:35:50,583 I knew there were trolls, didn't I? 572 00:35:50,666 --> 00:35:53,625 Ain't no troll, just a stupid statue. 573 00:35:55,916 --> 00:35:58,833 - I thought we was friends now, Rosy. - [chuckles] 574 00:35:58,916 --> 00:35:59,958 You did? 575 00:36:00,041 --> 00:36:03,416 Come on now, Rosy. Don't go sour. It's tiresome. 576 00:36:03,500 --> 00:36:07,000 And when you're a true friend, you take the good with the bad. 577 00:36:07,083 --> 00:36:08,375 Ain't that right, Zozo? 578 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:12,000 I guess that's what a true friend would do, ain't it? 579 00:36:12,083 --> 00:36:13,583 Y'all are talking in riddles. 580 00:36:13,666 --> 00:36:15,791 Right we are, and wasting time. 581 00:36:15,875 --> 00:36:17,125 Let's get going. 582 00:36:17,666 --> 00:36:18,666 Rosy? 583 00:36:19,291 --> 00:36:20,291 You in? 584 00:36:36,333 --> 00:36:37,333 Zozo? 585 00:36:39,000 --> 00:36:40,333 I don't like it here. 586 00:36:40,916 --> 00:36:41,833 You'll be fine. 587 00:36:41,916 --> 00:36:45,416 You got me and your faithful warrior queen to protect you. 588 00:36:45,500 --> 00:36:47,208 [animals hooting and screeching] 589 00:36:49,958 --> 00:36:51,250 [animal screeching] 590 00:37:09,791 --> 00:37:11,958 - What was that? - What did you see? 591 00:37:12,041 --> 00:37:14,958 Me and Billy, walking to school. 592 00:37:15,458 --> 00:37:16,791 I think we're close. 593 00:37:17,875 --> 00:37:19,000 Are you sure? 594 00:37:20,541 --> 00:37:22,083 I don't know. 595 00:37:22,708 --> 00:37:25,208 Now, Ollie, we can stay out here all night, 596 00:37:25,291 --> 00:37:27,250 chasing something you ain't sure of, 597 00:37:27,333 --> 00:37:29,541 waiting for whatever's out there in them trees 598 00:37:29,625 --> 00:37:32,291 to get hungry for a midnight snack, 599 00:37:32,375 --> 00:37:36,250 or we can keep moving in the direction we agreed on. 600 00:37:41,500 --> 00:37:43,500 - [branches snapping, animals chittering] - [gasps] 601 00:37:49,625 --> 00:37:50,833 Let's keep moving. 602 00:37:52,000 --> 00:37:53,833 [water flowing] 603 00:37:55,625 --> 00:37:57,833 This way. I hear water. 604 00:37:59,166 --> 00:38:03,666 Ah! A sailing vessel to whisk us away from the creatures of the night 605 00:38:03,750 --> 00:38:06,500 and carry us closer to the answers we seek. 606 00:38:06,583 --> 00:38:07,875 - Here. - It looks janky to me. 607 00:38:07,958 --> 00:38:09,541 Are you gonna keep questioning me, 608 00:38:09,625 --> 00:38:12,208 or are you gonna help us get to where we need to be? 609 00:38:16,625 --> 00:38:18,000 Watch your step. 610 00:38:19,875 --> 00:38:21,375 [Rosy groaning] 611 00:38:51,625 --> 00:38:53,000 [thunder crashing] 612 00:39:00,666 --> 00:39:02,291 [dramatic music playing] 613 00:39:29,833 --> 00:39:30,875 Careful now. 614 00:39:37,333 --> 00:39:38,458 Where are we? 615 00:39:40,916 --> 00:39:42,333 [Zozo] Xanadu. 616 00:39:43,208 --> 00:39:44,666 Shangri-la. 617 00:39:45,833 --> 00:39:47,333 Bali Hai. 618 00:39:48,708 --> 00:39:52,375 A place where memories live forever. 619 00:40:00,583 --> 00:40:02,416 Dragon bones. 620 00:40:02,500 --> 00:40:05,333 And these dragons guard treasure, Ollie. 621 00:40:05,416 --> 00:40:09,083 If we dig deep, brave this dragon, 622 00:40:09,166 --> 00:40:11,333 the treasure shall be ours. 623 00:40:20,333 --> 00:40:22,250 [loud creaking] 624 00:40:26,958 --> 00:40:29,625 I know this ain't exactly where you wanted to go, 625 00:40:29,708 --> 00:40:33,416 but just bear with me until I can... 626 00:40:34,291 --> 00:40:36,500 illuminate the situation here. 627 00:41:13,708 --> 00:41:15,791 Anything here look familiar, Ollie? 628 00:41:18,250 --> 00:41:20,291 I don't think so. 629 00:41:20,375 --> 00:41:21,375 You sure? 630 00:41:21,916 --> 00:41:24,208 Maybe give your star a rub. 631 00:41:32,833 --> 00:41:34,041 How about now? 632 00:41:42,166 --> 00:41:46,333 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 633 00:41:47,333 --> 00:41:50,541 ♪ All I have to do ♪ 634 00:41:51,458 --> 00:41:55,000 [both] ♪ Is dream ♪ 635 00:41:55,666 --> 00:41:58,416 ♪ Dream, dream, dream... ♪ 636 00:41:58,500 --> 00:42:01,083 [Daddy] Sometimes, the chemotherapy is worse than surgery. 637 00:42:01,916 --> 00:42:03,333 [Momma] We can't afford it, Jim. 638 00:42:04,416 --> 00:42:07,375 [Daddy] Well, I ain't gonna just sit here and quit, right? 639 00:42:07,458 --> 00:42:09,178 [Momma] Oh, that's what you think I'm doing? 640 00:42:09,625 --> 00:42:12,333 You think I'm... You think I'm quitting, huh? 641 00:42:12,416 --> 00:42:15,583 - [Daddy] No, I didn't... - This isn't a battle to win, Jimmy. 642 00:42:15,666 --> 00:42:17,583 There are no sides. 643 00:42:18,583 --> 00:42:20,375 There is us and it. 644 00:42:21,250 --> 00:42:24,541 And there's a decision that needs to be made, and it's my decision. 645 00:42:25,166 --> 00:42:27,083 It's something that's gotta be my decision. 646 00:42:27,166 --> 00:42:28,166 I understand. 647 00:42:30,500 --> 00:42:31,750 If my time is... 648 00:42:33,291 --> 00:42:34,750 drawing to a close, 649 00:42:35,625 --> 00:42:37,375 then I'd rather it be on my own terms. 650 00:42:42,958 --> 00:42:45,583 Me and Billy ain't gonna just sit here and... 651 00:42:50,250 --> 00:42:51,333 Watch me die? 652 00:42:52,791 --> 00:42:54,833 I ain't afraid of saying the word. 653 00:42:55,791 --> 00:42:56,958 [sobbing] 654 00:42:59,458 --> 00:43:00,458 I just... 655 00:43:02,000 --> 00:43:05,458 I can't leave you and Billy with bills when I'm gone. 656 00:43:05,541 --> 00:43:07,333 - I can't do that. - You can. 657 00:43:07,416 --> 00:43:10,000 - I can't do that. No. - No. You can't leave. 658 00:43:14,541 --> 00:43:16,000 [exhales sharply] 659 00:43:16,958 --> 00:43:18,208 [Momma humming] 660 00:43:23,375 --> 00:43:26,375 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 661 00:43:27,708 --> 00:43:29,833 ♪ Dream ♪ 662 00:43:31,583 --> 00:43:32,625 [Daddy sighs] 663 00:43:34,208 --> 00:43:35,416 [Momma sniffles] 664 00:43:52,833 --> 00:43:54,958 - Oh, Billy. - Momma... 665 00:43:59,083 --> 00:44:03,083 Do you remember anything more about this place? 666 00:44:04,125 --> 00:44:06,166 - About your bell? - No. I... 667 00:44:06,666 --> 00:44:09,458 I remember Billy and Momma. 668 00:44:09,958 --> 00:44:11,333 She is sick. 669 00:44:13,125 --> 00:44:14,458 It's real bad. 670 00:44:15,500 --> 00:44:16,333 I gotta get back. 671 00:44:16,416 --> 00:44:17,416 Get back? 672 00:44:17,500 --> 00:44:21,083 No, no. No. You're exactly where you need to be. 673 00:44:21,666 --> 00:44:23,708 It's my turn for answers now. 674 00:44:26,958 --> 00:44:30,125 You brought me here on purpose? 675 00:44:30,708 --> 00:44:34,208 You... You said you was gonna take me back home. 676 00:44:34,750 --> 00:44:36,125 You lied to me! 677 00:44:36,208 --> 00:44:38,750 The moment I heard that bell ring inside of you, 678 00:44:39,250 --> 00:44:43,041 I suspected that you was connected to Nina. 679 00:44:43,125 --> 00:44:44,958 I wasn't positive, of course, 680 00:44:45,625 --> 00:44:47,250 but then you sang the song. 681 00:44:48,000 --> 00:44:52,541 And, if you know that song, if you have that bell, 682 00:44:52,625 --> 00:44:57,625 then you know something about my Nina. 683 00:44:57,708 --> 00:45:01,583 You have your little quest, but what about mine? 684 00:45:02,166 --> 00:45:04,541 What about my love conquering all? 685 00:45:04,625 --> 00:45:07,583 - I'd help you if I could, but... - You have been here, you idiot! 686 00:45:07,666 --> 00:45:11,500 You just don't remember, 'cause your brain don't work! 687 00:45:11,583 --> 00:45:13,916 I never seen this place before. 688 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:15,625 Not in my whole life. 689 00:45:15,708 --> 00:45:18,958 - I tried to do this the nice way, Ollie. - Rosy? 690 00:45:19,583 --> 00:45:21,875 - [Zozo] I really did. - Rosy? 691 00:45:23,250 --> 00:45:24,666 I'm sorry, bunny. 692 00:45:25,625 --> 00:45:27,041 I'd tell you to run... 693 00:45:28,041 --> 00:45:29,125 but it's too late. 694 00:45:29,208 --> 00:45:31,416 - [tense music playing] - [bell jingling] 695 00:45:36,125 --> 00:45:38,333 - [jingling continues] - [Ollie shouting] 696 00:46:08,958 --> 00:46:12,333 [Momma] A place where there is no fear nor pain. 697 00:46:12,416 --> 00:46:13,625 Just love. 698 00:46:15,625 --> 00:46:16,833 Dreamland. 699 00:46:19,416 --> 00:46:21,541 ["All I Have to Do Is Dream" playing] 700 00:46:22,250 --> 00:46:24,041 ♪ Dream ♪ 701 00:46:24,666 --> 00:46:26,833 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 702 00:46:26,916 --> 00:46:29,166 ♪ Dream ♪ 703 00:46:29,250 --> 00:46:31,833 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 704 00:46:31,916 --> 00:46:36,416 ♪ When I want you in my arms ♪ 705 00:46:36,500 --> 00:46:41,208 ♪ When I want you and all your charms ♪ 706 00:46:41,291 --> 00:46:45,958 ♪ Whenever I want you, all I have to do ♪ 707 00:46:46,041 --> 00:46:48,750 ♪ Is dream ♪ 708 00:46:48,833 --> 00:46:51,125 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 709 00:46:51,208 --> 00:46:55,875 ♪ When I feel blue in the night ♪ 710 00:46:55,958 --> 00:47:00,833 ♪ And I need you to hold me tight ♪ 711 00:47:00,916 --> 00:47:05,416 ♪ Whenever I want you All I have to do ♪ 712 00:47:05,500 --> 00:47:08,625 ♪ Is dream ♪ 713 00:47:10,791 --> 00:47:15,541 ♪ I can make you mine Taste your lips of wine ♪ 714 00:47:15,625 --> 00:47:19,375 ♪ Anytime night or day ♪ 715 00:47:20,625 --> 00:47:25,125 ♪ Only trouble is, gee whiz ♪ 716 00:47:25,208 --> 00:47:29,500 ♪ I'm dreamin' my life away ♪ 717 00:47:30,291 --> 00:47:35,458 ♪ I need you so that I could die ♪ 718 00:47:35,541 --> 00:47:37,583 ♪ I love you so... ♪