1 00:00:10,875 --> 00:00:13,125 [Momma] ♪ When I want you ♪ 2 00:00:14,458 --> 00:00:15,666 ♪ In my arms ♪ 3 00:00:15,750 --> 00:00:18,333 ♪ When I want you ♪ 4 00:00:18,416 --> 00:00:21,541 [Daddy] What do you say just us real folks play, and leave Ollie behind? 5 00:00:21,625 --> 00:00:25,125 I need you to be tough for me. You can't keep acting like some baby. 6 00:00:27,208 --> 00:00:29,083 [Momma] ♪ And all your charms ♪ 7 00:00:29,166 --> 00:00:32,000 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 8 00:00:39,708 --> 00:00:42,041 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 9 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:54,250 [panting] 10 00:01:07,625 --> 00:01:09,833 [Rosy] Back in the woods you seen that sign. 11 00:01:10,333 --> 00:01:13,250 You said we were close, but it wasn't on your map. 12 00:01:13,916 --> 00:01:14,916 [gasps] 13 00:01:46,500 --> 00:01:47,500 Billy? 14 00:01:56,583 --> 00:01:57,958 [boy] What a baby. 15 00:01:58,041 --> 00:02:00,333 [Jolene] Once you scare the bees away with the smoke, 16 00:02:00,416 --> 00:02:04,166 you pull out the frame and abracadabra. 17 00:02:04,250 --> 00:02:05,250 Honey. 18 00:02:06,041 --> 00:02:07,250 Ain't it beautiful? 19 00:02:07,833 --> 00:02:09,041 [Mike] Stupid. 20 00:02:09,541 --> 00:02:11,666 Like I ain't never seen a jar of honey before. 21 00:02:11,750 --> 00:02:13,458 [Jolene] In conclusion... 22 00:02:13,541 --> 00:02:14,833 She's trying to talk. 23 00:02:14,916 --> 00:02:17,541 I will kick your ass, you look at me like that again. 24 00:02:17,625 --> 00:02:18,708 [Jolene] I hope one day... 25 00:02:18,791 --> 00:02:20,541 [Ollie] Don't worry about him, Billy. 26 00:02:21,416 --> 00:02:22,916 Momma was right. 27 00:02:23,000 --> 00:02:26,375 He ain't nothing but a pissant in a pit bull's body. 28 00:02:27,041 --> 00:02:28,750 [Mrs. Cunningham] Thank you, Jolene. 29 00:02:28,833 --> 00:02:31,416 Now, who's next? 30 00:02:31,916 --> 00:02:34,000 Billy Wiles. 31 00:02:36,333 --> 00:02:39,250 You okay to share something with us today? 32 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:41,291 Or do you wanna sit this one out? 33 00:02:42,791 --> 00:02:44,333 I'm right here, Billy. 34 00:02:45,291 --> 00:02:46,500 And so is Momma. 35 00:02:50,833 --> 00:02:51,666 I'm okay. 36 00:02:51,750 --> 00:02:53,125 I can do it, ma'am. 37 00:02:55,166 --> 00:02:56,166 Good luck. 38 00:03:01,708 --> 00:03:03,388 [boy whispering] Why is he wearing a suit? 39 00:03:03,791 --> 00:03:05,375 [girl] His Momma just died. 40 00:03:08,166 --> 00:03:09,708 What you got there, Billy? 41 00:03:17,916 --> 00:03:18,916 This is Ollie. 42 00:03:19,000 --> 00:03:20,708 Speak up, now. 43 00:03:22,291 --> 00:03:23,375 This is Ollie. 44 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:25,791 He's a very good friend of mine. 45 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:28,416 My best friend. 46 00:03:29,000 --> 00:03:30,833 We do lots of things together. 47 00:03:30,916 --> 00:03:33,375 - Hi, Ollie! [laughs] - [Mrs. Cunningham] Michael Wayne Apple. 48 00:03:33,458 --> 00:03:35,000 Don't you test me. 49 00:03:39,833 --> 00:03:41,833 You and Ollie do things together? 50 00:03:45,916 --> 00:03:47,000 Go on. 51 00:03:47,083 --> 00:03:49,625 Tell them about our adventures. 52 00:03:49,708 --> 00:03:52,791 About all the nasty creatures lurking in the hills! 53 00:03:54,125 --> 00:03:56,708 We go camping near Castleman's Nob. 54 00:03:57,875 --> 00:04:00,083 And solve supernatural mysteries. 55 00:04:00,166 --> 00:04:03,291 My daddy says all kind of things roam around up there. 56 00:04:03,375 --> 00:04:04,791 There is! Bigfoots. 57 00:04:04,875 --> 00:04:06,250 I mean Bigfeet. 58 00:04:06,333 --> 00:04:08,392 - [students chuckle] - Me and Ollie seen their tracks. 59 00:04:08,416 --> 00:04:11,541 We tried hunting them down once but they're awful hard to sneak up on. 60 00:04:11,625 --> 00:04:14,541 And you know when they're close 'cause they smell like doodoo. 61 00:04:14,625 --> 00:04:15,791 [students laughing] 62 00:04:15,875 --> 00:04:18,458 I mean, they don't smell good at all. 63 00:04:20,750 --> 00:04:22,125 And that ain't all. 64 00:04:22,208 --> 00:04:26,791 We built us a pirate ship out of an old refrigerator box that Daddy gave me. 65 00:04:26,875 --> 00:04:31,916 Let's show these guppies what real pirating looks like! 66 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:36,291 Arr, I'll make you walk the plank 67 00:04:36,375 --> 00:04:38,333 if you don't show me where you hid your booty. 68 00:04:38,416 --> 00:04:40,500 I told you, I don't have the booty. 69 00:04:40,583 --> 00:04:41,916 I never had the booty! 70 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:44,458 I don't know where the booty could possibly be! 71 00:04:44,541 --> 00:04:45,625 Blimey! 72 00:04:45,708 --> 00:04:48,791 Don't try to hornswoggle me. 73 00:04:48,875 --> 00:04:50,458 We'll ask me fine crew. 74 00:04:50,541 --> 00:04:53,458 Do you believe this filthy bilge rat? 75 00:04:53,541 --> 00:04:55,625 [all] No! 76 00:04:55,708 --> 00:05:00,000 Then it's decided! To Davy Jones' locker, you go! 77 00:05:03,375 --> 00:05:04,583 [students laughing] 78 00:05:05,416 --> 00:05:07,458 [students applauding] 79 00:05:11,291 --> 00:05:13,250 Ha, ha, ha! 80 00:05:13,833 --> 00:05:16,250 [Mrs. Cunningham] Now, what did I say? 81 00:05:16,333 --> 00:05:18,083 I told you not to test me. 82 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:20,416 Just enjoying the show, Mrs. Cunningham. 83 00:05:20,500 --> 00:05:22,291 Shut up, you stupid redneck. 84 00:05:22,375 --> 00:05:25,416 [Mrs. Cunningham] Hey, now, Jolene. We don't use that word. 85 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:28,166 [Jolene] Which one? "Stupid" or "redneck"? 86 00:05:28,250 --> 00:05:31,000 Would you two like to take a walk to Mr. Carnes' office? 87 00:05:32,458 --> 00:05:33,458 No, ma'am. 88 00:05:34,250 --> 00:05:35,666 [Mrs. Cunningham] Go on, Billy. 89 00:05:35,750 --> 00:05:38,125 Finish telling us about your pal, Ollie. 90 00:05:40,916 --> 00:05:41,916 That's all. 91 00:05:43,166 --> 00:05:45,875 [Mrs. Cunningham] Well, thank you for sharing, Billy. 92 00:05:46,625 --> 00:05:48,375 That was very brave. 93 00:05:58,875 --> 00:05:59,916 [groans] 94 00:06:00,416 --> 00:06:01,416 No. 95 00:06:02,208 --> 00:06:03,375 [Mike laughing] 96 00:06:09,791 --> 00:06:11,250 Excuse you! 97 00:06:24,416 --> 00:06:25,416 [Ollie] Hey. 98 00:06:26,333 --> 00:06:27,375 Are you okay? 99 00:06:28,291 --> 00:06:29,291 You know... 100 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:31,416 if we were real pirates, 101 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:34,416 we'd pull out our swords and make them walk the plank, 102 00:06:34,500 --> 00:06:39,083 and then we'd feed his stupid dumb guts to the sharks! 103 00:06:39,166 --> 00:06:41,750 We are real pirates. 104 00:06:43,791 --> 00:06:44,791 Billy? 105 00:06:45,125 --> 00:06:46,125 Momma... 106 00:06:46,791 --> 00:06:49,375 Momma wanted me to tell you something. Hey! 107 00:06:49,458 --> 00:06:52,083 - Hey, give him back! - I got him! I got his doll! 108 00:06:52,166 --> 00:06:53,708 You want him back? 109 00:06:53,791 --> 00:06:55,125 Maybe I'll just keep him. 110 00:06:56,083 --> 00:06:57,083 Dissect him. 111 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:01,125 - Stop it, Michael. Stop it. - You want him? 112 00:07:01,208 --> 00:07:02,083 Come and get him. 113 00:07:02,166 --> 00:07:03,708 [Jolene] Leave him alone. 114 00:07:07,541 --> 00:07:09,750 Get away! Get away from him! 115 00:07:10,833 --> 00:07:12,433 [Mike] You need a girl to fight for you? 116 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:15,208 I thought you was a pirate, Captain Dumbass. 117 00:07:15,291 --> 00:07:16,541 [door opens] 118 00:07:17,791 --> 00:07:18,958 [indistinct chatter] 119 00:07:20,083 --> 00:07:23,041 Little baby needs his dolly! 120 00:07:23,125 --> 00:07:24,458 [cackling] 121 00:07:29,083 --> 00:07:29,958 [bell jingles] 122 00:07:30,041 --> 00:07:32,458 There's your stupid toy, baby! 123 00:07:37,666 --> 00:07:39,833 Captain Billy. [laughing] 124 00:07:41,791 --> 00:07:42,958 What a baby. 125 00:07:48,791 --> 00:07:50,311 [Daddy] I need you to be tough for me. 126 00:07:50,375 --> 00:07:52,041 [Zozo] Ollie, what's this black spot? 127 00:07:52,125 --> 00:07:54,101 - [Daddy] You need to grow up. - [Mike] What a baby! 128 00:07:54,125 --> 00:07:56,375 You can't keep acting like some baby. 129 00:07:56,458 --> 00:07:57,458 No. 130 00:07:58,250 --> 00:07:59,916 - No. - [Mike] Baby. 131 00:08:04,125 --> 00:08:05,125 Billy? 132 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:20,333 I ain't no baby. 133 00:08:24,958 --> 00:08:25,958 [Ollie] Billy. 134 00:08:27,083 --> 00:08:28,291 [crying] 135 00:08:35,625 --> 00:08:36,750 He left me. 136 00:08:48,291 --> 00:08:49,375 [shouts] 137 00:09:06,791 --> 00:09:07,791 Oh... 138 00:09:14,875 --> 00:09:18,000 Hey! Your daddy teach you to run too? 139 00:09:18,083 --> 00:09:20,583 I've been chasing you for a couple blocks. 140 00:09:22,208 --> 00:09:23,625 Mr. Rhoades? 141 00:09:23,708 --> 00:09:25,416 You shouldn't be out here! 142 00:09:25,500 --> 00:09:27,708 Come on, now! Let's get you out of this rain! 143 00:09:36,625 --> 00:09:38,833 Come on. Let's get you somewhere dry. 144 00:10:42,750 --> 00:10:43,750 [Mr. Rhoades] Come on. 145 00:10:43,791 --> 00:10:45,875 You can wait inside for your daddy. 146 00:10:45,958 --> 00:10:46,958 [Billy] Yes, sir. 147 00:10:51,500 --> 00:10:53,958 ["Over My Broken Heart" playing over speakers] 148 00:10:58,500 --> 00:10:59,833 I'll grab you a towel. 149 00:11:00,333 --> 00:11:01,333 Wait over here. 150 00:11:01,375 --> 00:11:03,875 ♪ I can hold you close And I feel 10 feet tall ♪ 151 00:11:03,958 --> 00:11:08,583 ♪ I can lose sight of you And then I fall... ♪ 152 00:11:08,666 --> 00:11:10,250 Mm, mm, mm. 153 00:11:12,208 --> 00:11:13,250 Good God. 154 00:11:13,333 --> 00:11:17,291 Your daddy would kill me if he thought I'd let you run out into the cold. 155 00:11:20,750 --> 00:11:22,500 Let's get you warmed up. 156 00:11:23,791 --> 00:11:25,166 I'll give him a call. 157 00:11:25,250 --> 00:11:26,625 Thank you, misters. 158 00:11:27,916 --> 00:11:29,000 [door closes] 159 00:11:29,875 --> 00:11:31,750 [Mike] Did you find your dolly? 160 00:11:33,791 --> 00:11:38,125 ♪ Someone else may be the one That pleases you ♪ 161 00:11:39,541 --> 00:11:41,916 ♪ But over my broken heart ♪ 162 00:11:42,000 --> 00:11:46,875 ♪ Over my broken heart I'll let you prove untrue ♪ 163 00:11:46,958 --> 00:11:50,541 Anyone ever tell you you look like Cecil Burden's mutt? 164 00:11:51,625 --> 00:11:54,125 The dumb one who can't keep his tongue in his mouth 165 00:11:54,208 --> 00:11:56,208 because he lost all his teeth. 166 00:11:56,291 --> 00:11:57,166 [men laughing] 167 00:11:57,250 --> 00:11:58,291 Hey, little man. 168 00:11:58,375 --> 00:12:00,166 Don't be breaking my stick now. 169 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:02,541 What are you gonna do, poke me with that thing? 170 00:12:02,625 --> 00:12:04,833 I'm gonna make you walk the plank. 171 00:12:04,916 --> 00:12:06,666 Oh. I get it. 172 00:12:06,750 --> 00:12:08,708 Baby's gonna put on another show. 173 00:12:10,125 --> 00:12:12,333 It's gonna be fun whupping your ass. 174 00:12:12,416 --> 00:12:15,166 Not if I turn you into shark bait first. 175 00:12:15,250 --> 00:12:17,208 Kids, come on, now. Stop messing around. 176 00:12:17,291 --> 00:12:18,583 I ain't no kid! 177 00:12:18,666 --> 00:12:20,458 ["On and On" playing over speakers] 178 00:12:20,541 --> 00:12:22,666 ♪ You got an hour-glass body ♪ 179 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:26,458 ♪ Mysterious eyes, babe ♪ 180 00:12:26,541 --> 00:12:30,291 ♪ Lips so wet they pull me inside ♪ 181 00:12:30,833 --> 00:12:33,041 ♪ Going in and out ♪ 182 00:12:33,875 --> 00:12:35,708 ♪ Making me sweat ♪ 183 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:41,291 ♪ Creating thoughts I can't forget... ♪ 184 00:12:41,375 --> 00:12:42,500 It's just us. 185 00:12:42,583 --> 00:12:45,833 Your little girlfriend and your bunny ain't here to save you now. 186 00:12:46,458 --> 00:12:48,708 So show me how tough you are, pirate. 187 00:12:52,833 --> 00:12:54,041 Stupid. 188 00:12:54,666 --> 00:12:56,500 You going to a wedding 189 00:12:56,583 --> 00:12:57,875 or a funeral? 190 00:13:08,500 --> 00:13:11,333 You are the true pirate king. 191 00:13:13,625 --> 00:13:14,916 [Herb] All right, now. 192 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:16,125 Leave him be. 193 00:13:17,458 --> 00:13:20,166 Is there something wrong with your feet? 194 00:13:20,250 --> 00:13:22,541 I ain't falling for no, baby... 195 00:13:22,625 --> 00:13:24,041 [groaning] 196 00:13:26,166 --> 00:13:27,416 Damn. 197 00:13:30,833 --> 00:13:34,500 - I'm the pirate king, you son of a bit... - Billy! Hey! 198 00:13:34,583 --> 00:13:35,583 Billy! 199 00:13:43,166 --> 00:13:44,166 [sniffling] 200 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,708 [Momma] You kept my stars? 201 00:14:41,083 --> 00:14:45,583 The Mountain Queen stole the stars from the night sky, 202 00:14:45,666 --> 00:14:49,541 turned them to gold and christened them... 203 00:14:49,625 --> 00:14:52,291 The Twin Stars of Enchantment. 204 00:14:56,208 --> 00:14:59,125 As long as these stars are near each other, 205 00:14:59,208 --> 00:15:01,291 we shall never be apart. 206 00:15:19,416 --> 00:15:21,333 ["She's Got You" playing over radio] 207 00:15:22,083 --> 00:15:25,416 - ♪ The only thing different ♪ - [Momma breathing heavily] 208 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:28,875 ♪ The only thing new ♪ 209 00:15:30,166 --> 00:15:33,041 ♪ I've got the records ♪ 210 00:15:34,291 --> 00:15:37,000 ♪ She's got you ♪ 211 00:15:37,666 --> 00:15:40,125 [Momma singing along] ♪ I've got your memory ♪ 212 00:15:41,500 --> 00:15:44,083 ♪ Or has it gotten me? ♪ 213 00:15:45,291 --> 00:15:48,291 ♪ I really don't know ♪ 214 00:15:48,375 --> 00:15:54,458 ♪ But I know, it won't let me be ♪ 215 00:15:55,750 --> 00:15:58,875 ♪ I've got your class ring... ♪ 216 00:16:01,416 --> 00:16:02,416 Ollie. 217 00:16:05,833 --> 00:16:07,166 I know you're there. 218 00:16:07,250 --> 00:16:10,625 ♪ As when you gave it, dear ♪ 219 00:16:11,166 --> 00:16:13,666 ♪ The only thing different ♪ 220 00:16:15,125 --> 00:16:16,041 ♪ The only... ♪ 221 00:16:16,125 --> 00:16:17,583 - Hiya. - Uh... 222 00:16:18,750 --> 00:16:19,750 Hello. 223 00:16:22,375 --> 00:16:25,458 This gown really brings out my eyes, don't you think? 224 00:16:27,375 --> 00:16:30,541 Gives me that natural smoky eye thing. 225 00:16:32,333 --> 00:16:34,291 Very hospital chic. 226 00:16:37,958 --> 00:16:38,958 [coughs] 227 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:43,291 Oh, can you get me some water, baby? 228 00:16:44,083 --> 00:16:45,291 Just a sip of water? 229 00:16:46,666 --> 00:16:47,666 Mm. 230 00:17:00,625 --> 00:17:01,875 Thanks, darling. 231 00:17:01,958 --> 00:17:04,208 God, I wish it was something stronger. 232 00:17:07,666 --> 00:17:09,000 You should rest. 233 00:17:16,375 --> 00:17:18,750 Do you know how much you mean to my boy? 234 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:20,666 To this family? 235 00:17:24,541 --> 00:17:25,666 I'm worried, Ollie. 236 00:17:27,375 --> 00:17:30,583 I don't know how it's gonna be for them when I'm gone. 237 00:17:33,416 --> 00:17:35,375 I don't want them to fall apart. 238 00:17:39,458 --> 00:17:41,625 I think they're having a tough time. 239 00:17:43,500 --> 00:17:46,916 And neither of them really know how to handle all this. 240 00:17:48,416 --> 00:17:49,916 Especially Billy's daddy. 241 00:17:54,708 --> 00:17:56,083 Jimmy's a good man. 242 00:17:59,583 --> 00:18:01,250 I just worry that there's... 243 00:18:01,750 --> 00:18:03,083 There's a gap there. 244 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:05,750 It's all callused up. 245 00:18:07,458 --> 00:18:10,750 Young'uns need to be told that they're loved, and sometimes... 246 00:18:11,250 --> 00:18:14,250 daddies ain't so good at that. Know what I'm talking about, Ollie? 247 00:18:17,416 --> 00:18:18,875 So now, listen. 248 00:18:18,958 --> 00:18:21,458 There's something I need you to do for me. 249 00:18:21,958 --> 00:18:23,875 Something I need you to pass on. 250 00:18:25,791 --> 00:18:27,500 To help them when I'm gone. 251 00:18:33,125 --> 00:18:34,833 It's what you were made for. 252 00:18:35,708 --> 00:18:37,250 Can you do that for me? 253 00:18:50,416 --> 00:18:52,208 [inaudible dialogue] 254 00:19:06,125 --> 00:19:07,875 All the things we done. 255 00:19:08,750 --> 00:19:10,708 And all the things we hope to do. 256 00:19:14,791 --> 00:19:17,208 ♪ I need you so ♪ 257 00:19:18,458 --> 00:19:20,208 ♪ That I could die ♪ 258 00:19:21,166 --> 00:19:25,041 [both] ♪ I love you so ♪ 259 00:19:25,666 --> 00:19:28,333 ♪ And that is why ♪ 260 00:19:28,416 --> 00:19:32,333 ♪ Whenever I want to ♪ 261 00:19:32,416 --> 00:19:35,291 ♪ All I have to do ♪ 262 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:39,166 ♪ Is dream ♪ 263 00:19:39,833 --> 00:19:43,041 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 264 00:19:44,583 --> 00:19:47,541 ♪ Dream ♪ 265 00:19:48,291 --> 00:19:50,250 ♪ Dream, dream ♪ 266 00:19:54,166 --> 00:19:56,666 [Momma] There's something I need you to do for me. 267 00:19:56,750 --> 00:19:58,791 ["Once Upon Another Time" playing] 268 00:20:01,166 --> 00:20:03,041 It's what you were made for. 269 00:20:09,625 --> 00:20:10,833 Don't worry, Billy. 270 00:20:11,625 --> 00:20:13,000 I'm coming home. 271 00:20:13,083 --> 00:20:17,333 ♪ Once upon another time ♪ 272 00:20:18,166 --> 00:20:23,833 ♪ Before I knew which life was mine ♪ 273 00:20:25,041 --> 00:20:31,291 ♪ Before I left the child behind ♪ 274 00:20:31,750 --> 00:20:38,375 ♪ Me ♪ 275 00:20:38,458 --> 00:20:45,250 ♪ Once upon another time ♪ 276 00:20:45,333 --> 00:20:51,583 ♪ Deciding nothing good in dying ♪ 277 00:20:51,666 --> 00:20:58,500 ♪ So I would just keep on driving ♪ 278 00:20:58,583 --> 00:21:05,583 ♪ Because I was ♪ 279 00:21:09,958 --> 00:21:16,958 ♪ Free ♪ 280 00:21:28,833 --> 00:21:30,166 [sniffling] 281 00:21:34,833 --> 00:21:36,750 I was looking for you all night. 282 00:21:40,500 --> 00:21:42,916 You sneak off without telling me, Billy. 283 00:21:45,500 --> 00:21:47,041 Running all over town. 284 00:21:51,166 --> 00:21:53,833 Wrecking your suit, putting posters up, like... 285 00:21:56,208 --> 00:21:57,625 Like a lunatic. 286 00:22:00,958 --> 00:22:03,208 Looking for that damn rabbit of yours. 287 00:22:07,041 --> 00:22:09,416 And then, Billy, I find you in a bar. 288 00:22:10,833 --> 00:22:13,583 Getting ready to beat the crap out of some other kid. 289 00:22:22,791 --> 00:22:24,500 That's one hell of a day. 290 00:22:36,666 --> 00:22:38,083 [Daddy laughs] 291 00:22:48,208 --> 00:22:51,500 So, what are we gonna do now? 292 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:59,000 We gotta go into that big empty house, Billy, but, uh... 293 00:23:04,416 --> 00:23:06,333 I don't think I can do it alone. 294 00:23:08,541 --> 00:23:11,291 - I'm sorry I ain't more grown up, Daddy. - Oh, come on. 295 00:23:11,375 --> 00:23:14,125 I wish I was tougher just like you. 296 00:23:14,208 --> 00:23:15,708 Shh. Billy. 297 00:23:21,791 --> 00:23:23,125 Oh, man. 298 00:23:26,041 --> 00:23:28,708 You're way tougher than I ever was, Billy. 299 00:23:33,708 --> 00:23:35,958 Tough don't mean you can't cry. 300 00:23:50,958 --> 00:23:53,333 Why don't we leave a light on for old Ollie? 301 00:23:55,750 --> 00:23:56,750 Okay? 302 00:24:01,875 --> 00:24:02,916 All right. 303 00:24:09,291 --> 00:24:10,291 Let's go in. 304 00:24:58,583 --> 00:24:59,583 Billy! 305 00:25:00,541 --> 00:25:02,166 Billy, I'm home! 306 00:25:03,875 --> 00:25:05,083 [gasps] 307 00:25:10,083 --> 00:25:11,250 No. 308 00:25:12,458 --> 00:25:13,458 No. 309 00:25:17,416 --> 00:25:18,500 They're gone. 310 00:25:18,583 --> 00:25:19,958 [thunder rumbling] 311 00:25:23,583 --> 00:25:24,833 I'm too late. 312 00:25:27,083 --> 00:25:28,208 I'm too late. 313 00:25:30,833 --> 00:25:32,708 [thudding] 314 00:25:45,250 --> 00:25:46,416 [grunting] 315 00:25:59,500 --> 00:26:01,375 [Momma] Bow to your king, good knight. 316 00:26:01,458 --> 00:26:04,378 - [Daddy] You gotta be kidding me. - [Momma] Come on. Bow, I say. Come on. 317 00:26:04,416 --> 00:26:05,500 Dance with me. 318 00:26:08,500 --> 00:26:11,458 Oh, God. How long? 319 00:26:13,125 --> 00:26:16,041 [Billy] Rabid Rabbit launches into the mud pit. 320 00:26:16,125 --> 00:26:17,416 There's the hoop spiral! 321 00:26:17,500 --> 00:26:20,000 And he sets his record! 322 00:26:20,083 --> 00:26:22,750 Oh, and the crowd goes wild! 323 00:26:30,000 --> 00:26:33,666 [Billy] Are you prepared for a dangerous quest, matey? 324 00:26:34,375 --> 00:26:35,375 Arr! 325 00:26:57,708 --> 00:26:59,308 [Momma] What do we do when we're scared? 326 00:26:59,375 --> 00:27:01,135 - [Billy] Mark Twain? - [Momma] That's right. 327 00:27:01,166 --> 00:27:04,333 We think of the stars and we sing our song. 328 00:27:04,416 --> 00:27:05,958 And we take a ride on Mark Twain. 329 00:27:18,125 --> 00:27:20,875 [Ollie] Don't ever forget me, okay? 330 00:27:21,458 --> 00:27:22,458 [Billy] Never. 331 00:27:46,208 --> 00:27:47,500 He did look for me. 332 00:27:58,750 --> 00:27:59,750 I'm sorry. 333 00:28:01,666 --> 00:28:02,666 I missed it. 334 00:28:07,458 --> 00:28:08,625 I missed all of it. 335 00:28:21,791 --> 00:28:23,333 You have a question? 336 00:28:23,416 --> 00:28:26,083 Well, we don't look like each other, do we? 337 00:28:26,625 --> 00:28:27,833 Hmm. 338 00:28:30,083 --> 00:28:31,791 Do you look like Ollie? 339 00:28:32,500 --> 00:28:33,625 He's a bunny, Momma. 340 00:28:33,708 --> 00:28:35,750 But you still love him, don't you? 341 00:28:35,833 --> 00:28:37,916 - With all my heart. - [gasps] 342 00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:39,375 Mm-hm. 343 00:28:40,541 --> 00:28:42,125 Do you know where Ollie came from? 344 00:28:42,583 --> 00:28:43,583 No? 345 00:28:44,625 --> 00:28:46,000 Well, when you were little... 346 00:28:47,666 --> 00:28:48,916 you were alone. 347 00:28:49,708 --> 00:28:51,833 And you needed us, Mommy and Daddy, 348 00:28:51,916 --> 00:28:55,791 but I thought that maybe you needed somebody else, 349 00:28:55,875 --> 00:28:57,416 somebody special. 350 00:28:58,833 --> 00:29:02,708 So, I took one of Daddy's shirts... You know that real stinky one? 351 00:29:03,208 --> 00:29:04,541 ...and I made his right ear, 352 00:29:04,625 --> 00:29:07,916 and then I took one of Mommy's dresses and I made his other ear, 353 00:29:08,458 --> 00:29:11,708 and then more and more, 354 00:29:12,666 --> 00:29:15,333 magically, arms and legs appeared, 355 00:29:16,708 --> 00:29:17,892 - then a face. - [bell jingles] 356 00:29:17,916 --> 00:29:18,958 But he needed a heart. 357 00:29:21,375 --> 00:29:23,958 And that jingle comes from my very best friend 358 00:29:24,041 --> 00:29:25,208 in the whole wide world. 359 00:29:26,083 --> 00:29:29,208 - You had your own buddy? - Yes! I sure did. 360 00:29:29,750 --> 00:29:33,958 She was a dancing princess from the far-off land of Bali Hai. 361 00:29:34,708 --> 00:29:36,875 And we sure as heck didn't look anything alike. 362 00:29:37,541 --> 00:29:40,000 Her name was Nina, and I loved her with all my heart. 363 00:29:42,750 --> 00:29:44,791 She fell apart a long time ago 364 00:29:45,583 --> 00:29:48,250 but a piece of her lives inside Ollie. 365 00:29:48,333 --> 00:29:51,125 Forever. A memory that'll never fade. 366 00:29:51,208 --> 00:29:52,208 Like Ollie. 367 00:29:52,625 --> 00:29:54,291 Ollie is us. 368 00:29:55,375 --> 00:29:57,416 Our memories all stitched together. 369 00:29:58,291 --> 00:29:59,208 Really? 370 00:29:59,291 --> 00:30:00,750 Yeah, really. 371 00:30:01,708 --> 00:30:04,458 Nina was mine, Ollie is yours, 372 00:30:04,541 --> 00:30:07,791 and you are mine. 373 00:30:08,500 --> 00:30:09,583 Look at me. 374 00:30:10,458 --> 00:30:13,833 You are my heart, always and forever. Got it? 375 00:30:13,916 --> 00:30:14,791 Got it. 376 00:30:14,875 --> 00:30:16,375 - Te amo. - Te amo. 377 00:30:16,458 --> 00:30:17,458 Big hug. 378 00:30:17,541 --> 00:30:19,958 - [gibbering] - [laughing] 379 00:30:35,125 --> 00:30:36,500 [Zozo] Nina. 380 00:30:36,583 --> 00:30:38,208 - [gasps] - [tense music playing] 381 00:30:43,208 --> 00:30:44,791 What did you do to her? 382 00:30:46,416 --> 00:30:48,458 What did you do to my Nina? 383 00:30:48,541 --> 00:30:50,458 I didn't do anything to her! 384 00:30:50,541 --> 00:30:51,666 Get back here! 385 00:31:04,166 --> 00:31:06,583 The whole time! Lying to my face! 386 00:31:06,666 --> 00:31:08,041 Were you jealous? 387 00:31:08,750 --> 00:31:12,208 - You and Billy pull her apart for fun? - No! 388 00:31:12,291 --> 00:31:14,083 You took her bell, didn't you! 389 00:31:14,166 --> 00:31:15,375 [bell jingling] 390 00:31:18,166 --> 00:31:19,166 No! 391 00:31:21,125 --> 00:31:26,250 - What did you do to Nina? - I didn't! 392 00:31:26,791 --> 00:31:28,541 She fell apart! 393 00:31:29,000 --> 00:31:33,375 She was loved so much, and she fell apart! 394 00:31:39,666 --> 00:31:41,416 [wailing] 395 00:31:48,708 --> 00:31:51,083 Billy's momma couldn't let her go. 396 00:31:51,166 --> 00:31:57,041 So she put a piece of her inside of me. 397 00:31:58,458 --> 00:32:00,625 Nina! Nina! 398 00:32:01,291 --> 00:32:02,875 [sobbing] 399 00:32:06,333 --> 00:32:07,750 I know how you feel. 400 00:32:09,166 --> 00:32:11,958 It hurts so, so bad. 401 00:32:13,750 --> 00:32:14,875 But that's okay. 402 00:32:16,625 --> 00:32:18,125 It's okay to hurt. 403 00:32:26,333 --> 00:32:27,833 - Here. - [bell jingles] 404 00:32:27,916 --> 00:32:31,000 If you need it, if it'll make you feel better, 405 00:32:33,125 --> 00:32:34,458 you can have it. 406 00:32:37,916 --> 00:32:39,416 [bell jingling] 407 00:32:47,375 --> 00:32:50,750 I thank the Lord I met you. 408 00:33:03,041 --> 00:33:04,291 - [bell jingling] - [gasps] 409 00:33:13,625 --> 00:33:14,791 [groaning] 410 00:33:25,500 --> 00:33:26,625 [Rosy] You made it. 411 00:33:29,333 --> 00:33:30,333 You're home. 412 00:34:02,166 --> 00:34:04,791 ["Once Upon Another Time" playing] 413 00:34:06,166 --> 00:34:07,541 [bell jingling] 414 00:34:19,083 --> 00:34:24,125 ♪ Once upon another time ♪ 415 00:34:25,375 --> 00:34:31,583 ♪ Before I knew which life was mine ♪ 416 00:34:32,458 --> 00:34:39,208 ♪ Before I left the child behind ♪ 417 00:34:39,291 --> 00:34:45,500 ♪ Me ♪ 418 00:34:46,125 --> 00:34:52,500 ♪ I saw myself in summer nights ♪ 419 00:34:52,583 --> 00:34:58,416 ♪ And stars lit up like candle lights... ♪ 420 00:34:58,500 --> 00:34:59,708 [older Billy] Oh, my God. 421 00:34:59,791 --> 00:35:06,333 ♪ I made my wish but mostly I ♪ 422 00:35:06,416 --> 00:35:13,250 ♪ Believed ♪ 423 00:35:13,333 --> 00:35:20,166 ♪ In yellow lines and tire marks ♪ 424 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:26,250 ♪ Sun-kissed skin and handle bars ♪ 425 00:35:26,875 --> 00:35:33,458 ♪ And where I stood was where I was ♪ 426 00:35:33,541 --> 00:35:40,541 ♪ To be ♪ 427 00:35:40,625 --> 00:35:47,250 ♪ Once upon another time ♪ 428 00:35:47,333 --> 00:35:53,708 ♪ Deciding nothing good in dying ♪ 429 00:35:53,791 --> 00:36:00,583 ♪ So I would just keep on driving ♪ 430 00:36:00,666 --> 00:36:07,666 ♪ Because I was ♪ 431 00:36:11,833 --> 00:36:18,833 ♪ Free ♪ 432 00:36:45,625 --> 00:36:47,125 I got something for you, baby. 433 00:36:48,375 --> 00:36:49,375 Daddy! 434 00:36:52,458 --> 00:36:53,541 Ollie? 435 00:36:57,250 --> 00:36:58,750 You know this little guy? 436 00:37:00,250 --> 00:37:01,750 I sure do. 437 00:37:02,541 --> 00:37:05,750 You were meant to come home with me all along, weren't you? 438 00:37:08,666 --> 00:37:11,166 You know, Ollie was my best friend. 439 00:37:11,250 --> 00:37:12,916 My momma made him for me. 440 00:37:14,125 --> 00:37:16,916 He was lost for a long time, but... 441 00:37:18,125 --> 00:37:20,416 Somehow, he found his way home. 442 00:37:21,125 --> 00:37:22,500 And now he's yours. 443 00:37:29,666 --> 00:37:31,000 This is my wall. 444 00:37:31,083 --> 00:37:32,500 My daddy helped me make it. 445 00:37:32,583 --> 00:37:35,708 He made one with his momma when he was a little boy. 446 00:37:35,791 --> 00:37:38,208 It's got all my favorite places: 447 00:37:38,291 --> 00:37:40,125 Granddaddy Jimmy's house, 448 00:37:40,208 --> 00:37:42,875 the Pancake Palace where I go every Sunday, 449 00:37:43,666 --> 00:37:44,750 and the radish patch. 450 00:37:44,833 --> 00:37:49,250 Oh, I love the radish patch. Now we can play just like I told you. 451 00:37:57,125 --> 00:37:59,458 ♪ When I feel blue ♪ 452 00:37:59,541 --> 00:38:03,833 ♪ In the night and I need you ♪ 453 00:38:03,916 --> 00:38:05,541 ♪ To hold me tight ♪ 454 00:38:05,625 --> 00:38:07,875 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 455 00:38:07,958 --> 00:38:12,041 ♪ All I have to do is dream ♪ 456 00:38:12,125 --> 00:38:14,291 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 457 00:38:14,375 --> 00:38:15,958 ♪ Dream ♪ 458 00:38:16,750 --> 00:38:19,375 Daddy! Ollie wants me to tell you something. 459 00:38:19,458 --> 00:38:21,041 He says it's from your momma. 460 00:38:24,041 --> 00:38:25,041 Uh-huh. 461 00:38:25,666 --> 00:38:26,833 Uh-huh. 462 00:38:26,916 --> 00:38:27,916 [Momma] Now listen... 463 00:38:28,291 --> 00:38:30,541 There's something I need you to do for me. 464 00:38:31,416 --> 00:38:33,333 Something I need you to pass on. 465 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:35,000 Yeah. 466 00:38:35,583 --> 00:38:36,625 I'll tell him. 467 00:38:37,375 --> 00:38:42,375 Daddy, your momma wanted you to know that you can be sad... 468 00:38:42,458 --> 00:38:44,041 But don't grow bitter. 469 00:38:45,666 --> 00:38:48,708 You can be mad, but not with each other. 470 00:38:50,958 --> 00:38:52,958 And just because you lose someone, 471 00:38:53,958 --> 00:38:55,208 doesn't mean they're gone. 472 00:39:33,625 --> 00:39:36,500 [Billy] As long as these stars are near each other, 473 00:39:36,583 --> 00:39:38,541 we shall never be apart. 474 00:39:52,375 --> 00:39:53,458 Wanna play? 475 00:40:01,208 --> 00:40:03,416 ["All I Have To Do Is Dream" playing] 476 00:40:04,583 --> 00:40:06,333 ♪ Dream... ♪ 477 00:40:08,541 --> 00:40:11,375 - [Ollie] Billy? - [Billy] Yeah? 478 00:40:11,458 --> 00:40:14,541 ♪ When I want you ♪ 479 00:40:15,500 --> 00:40:17,375 [Ollie] Don't ever forget me. 480 00:40:17,458 --> 00:40:20,000 ♪ In my arms When I want you ♪ 481 00:40:20,083 --> 00:40:21,083 Okay? 482 00:40:22,958 --> 00:40:24,333 ♪ And all your charms ♪ 483 00:40:24,416 --> 00:40:25,666 No matter what. 484 00:40:25,750 --> 00:40:30,833 ♪ Whenever I want you All I have to do ♪ 485 00:40:30,916 --> 00:40:31,916 [Billy] Never. 486 00:40:32,541 --> 00:40:35,208 ♪ Is dream ♪ 487 00:40:36,666 --> 00:40:39,166 ♪ Dream, dream ♪ 488 00:40:39,250 --> 00:40:45,833 ♪ When I feel blue in the night ♪ 489 00:40:45,916 --> 00:40:48,333 ♪ And I need you ♪ 490 00:40:50,208 --> 00:40:52,833 ♪ To hold me tight ♪ 491 00:40:52,916 --> 00:40:56,375 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 492 00:40:56,458 --> 00:41:01,958 ♪ All I have to do is dream... ♪ 493 00:41:29,916 --> 00:41:36,666 ♪ I need you so that I could die ♪ 494 00:41:36,750 --> 00:41:39,166 ♪ I love you so ♪ 495 00:41:40,916 --> 00:41:43,625 ♪ And that is why ♪ 496 00:41:43,708 --> 00:41:47,125 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 497 00:41:47,208 --> 00:41:51,791 ♪ All I have to do is dream ♪ 498 00:41:53,875 --> 00:41:57,166 ♪ I can make you mine ♪ 499 00:41:57,250 --> 00:42:00,500 ♪ Taste your lips of wine ♪ 500 00:42:00,583 --> 00:42:05,291 ♪ Anytime night or day ♪ 501 00:42:07,500 --> 00:42:10,000 ♪ Only trouble is ♪ 502 00:42:11,541 --> 00:42:13,750 ♪ Gee whiz ♪ 503 00:42:13,833 --> 00:42:18,875 ♪ I'm dreamin' my life away ♪ 504 00:42:21,375 --> 00:42:23,708 ♪ Dream ♪ 505 00:42:25,250 --> 00:42:30,375 ♪ Dream, dream, dream ♪ 506 00:42:32,333 --> 00:42:34,708 ♪ Dream, dream ♪ 507 00:42:34,791 --> 00:42:38,083 ♪ Whenever I want you ♪ 508 00:42:38,166 --> 00:42:42,250 ♪ All I have to do ♪ 509 00:42:42,333 --> 00:42:44,958 ♪ Is dream ♪