1 00:00:05,458 --> 00:00:08,750 PRISCILLA: Do I dare ask what calamity must have transpired 2 00:00:08,750 --> 00:00:10,916 to bring you home to me? 3 00:00:13,208 --> 00:00:14,833 (CROWD SCREAMING) 4 00:00:14,958 --> 00:00:18,000 How do you explain Mr. Fury's presence in Moscow? 5 00:00:18,166 --> 00:00:20,750 They sent you to fire me? 6 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:22,333 I volunteered. 7 00:00:22,333 --> 00:00:25,041 That mess that you created in Moscow that resulted in getting 8 00:00:25,041 --> 00:00:27,416 - one of our best people murdered? - (GUN FIRES) 9 00:00:27,416 --> 00:00:29,458 You earned all this smoke, brother. 10 00:00:30,125 --> 00:00:31,333 GRAVIK: At the Council meeting, 11 00:00:31,333 --> 00:00:34,500 I told you I had a plan for taking Earth as our own. 12 00:00:35,916 --> 00:00:37,958 The heroes of Earth will react. 13 00:00:38,583 --> 00:00:43,333 The only way we can counter that is to become super ourselves. 14 00:00:44,041 --> 00:00:45,041 All of us. 15 00:00:45,666 --> 00:00:46,875 Super Skrulls. 16 00:00:47,041 --> 00:00:48,041 TALOS: G'iah. 17 00:00:48,208 --> 00:00:49,250 Run. 18 00:00:51,958 --> 00:00:53,083 (GROANS) 19 00:00:54,291 --> 00:00:56,166 - Go on, turn around. - G'IAH: No. 20 00:00:56,625 --> 00:00:58,333 Are you a leader of Skrulls 21 00:00:59,250 --> 00:01:00,375 or our worst enemy? 22 00:01:00,541 --> 00:01:01,666 - (GUN FIRES) - (GROANS) 23 00:01:08,583 --> 00:01:10,208 MAN ON THE PHONE: St. James Church, one hour. 24 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:06,500 (GASPS) 25 00:04:34,750 --> 00:04:36,750 (PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 26 00:05:01,916 --> 00:05:05,833 As I was watching all the news coverage of those guys' 27 00:05:05,833 --> 00:05:09,041 heroics over in the States, strangest thing, 28 00:05:09,291 --> 00:05:11,250 I kept having this feeling 29 00:05:11,250 --> 00:05:15,125 that someone I know had something to do with getting them all together. 30 00:05:17,916 --> 00:05:21,125 And what if it was someone you know? 31 00:05:22,125 --> 00:05:23,333 Wouldn't surprise me. 32 00:05:24,125 --> 00:05:25,166 Why is that? 33 00:05:25,875 --> 00:05:30,750 Because if he's the man I think he is, he has a powerful sense of righteousness. 34 00:05:32,541 --> 00:05:37,208 He understands that the universe is a dangerous place. 35 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:41,375 That home is worth fighting for. 36 00:05:42,250 --> 00:05:44,291 And that the weak are worth protecting. 37 00:05:49,625 --> 00:05:50,625 Good book? 38 00:05:51,916 --> 00:05:53,333 It's a collection of poems. 39 00:05:54,833 --> 00:05:56,083 Raymond Carver. 40 00:05:57,375 --> 00:06:00,500 - You familiar? - Nah. More of a history guy myself. 41 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:02,791 He's known for his brevity. 42 00:06:03,083 --> 00:06:06,500 I mean, some of his poems are just three or four lines, 43 00:06:07,041 --> 00:06:09,500 but they pack a punch. 44 00:06:09,916 --> 00:06:11,041 Do you have a favorite? 45 00:06:12,291 --> 00:06:13,750 It's called Late Fragment. 46 00:06:13,916 --> 00:06:15,125 Hmm. How's it go? 47 00:06:17,583 --> 00:06:18,666 Uh... 48 00:06:19,250 --> 00:06:23,875 Actually, it's a conversation between two people. 49 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:27,458 You read the first line. 50 00:06:31,750 --> 00:06:35,916 "And did you get what you wanted from this life, 51 00:06:36,541 --> 00:06:37,750 "even so?" 52 00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:41,500 "I did." 53 00:06:43,125 --> 00:06:44,583 "And what did you want?" 54 00:06:46,875 --> 00:06:49,375 "To call myself beloved, 55 00:06:50,541 --> 00:06:54,333 "to feel myself beloved on the earth." 56 00:07:07,708 --> 00:07:09,708 (CHOIR SINGING HYMN) 57 00:07:42,375 --> 00:07:43,375 (RHODEY SIGHS) 58 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:55,208 - Fury was fired a couple of days ago. - Fired? 59 00:07:56,500 --> 00:07:57,500 How'd that happen? 60 00:07:57,833 --> 00:08:00,333 President Ritson must have found out he was in Moscow. 61 00:08:00,333 --> 00:08:03,666 (CHUCKLES) President Ritson doesn't find out that the sun's come up 62 00:08:03,833 --> 00:08:04,833 unless I brief him. 63 00:08:04,833 --> 00:08:07,208 I fired Fury, okay? 64 00:08:07,208 --> 00:08:10,416 No, I'm sorry, correction, I DDT'd that dude from the top rope. 65 00:08:11,083 --> 00:08:14,250 Yeah, it was like Undertaker level. It was really impressive. 66 00:08:14,916 --> 00:08:17,458 I don't understand. If it was you... 67 00:08:19,125 --> 00:08:21,750 If it was Gravik, then why does he need me? 68 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:24,416 What Gravik needs, what Gravik doesn't need, 69 00:08:24,416 --> 00:08:26,000 that's none of your concern. 70 00:08:26,666 --> 00:08:28,625 I'm the one telling you to kill Fury. 71 00:08:32,708 --> 00:08:33,916 I'll make it easy for you. 72 00:08:33,916 --> 00:08:37,583 (OVER EARPIECE) One of the two occupants of that lovely country manor of yours 73 00:08:38,041 --> 00:08:39,583 is catching a bullet today. 74 00:08:40,875 --> 00:08:42,791 You can flip a coin for all I care. 75 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:49,166 He's broken. 76 00:08:49,166 --> 00:08:51,958 He's been broken ever since he came back from the Blip. 77 00:08:51,958 --> 00:08:54,791 The old Fury, the one with power, 78 00:08:54,791 --> 00:08:58,791 the one with ability, the one who was indispensable to us, 79 00:08:59,333 --> 00:09:00,916 that Fury's gone. 80 00:09:00,916 --> 00:09:02,291 Now this new one, 81 00:09:02,666 --> 00:09:05,833 he'll be dead from exhaustion and defeat soon enough. 82 00:09:05,833 --> 00:09:07,625 We don't need to kill him. 83 00:09:09,000 --> 00:09:10,083 Priscilla. 84 00:09:17,708 --> 00:09:20,166 You keep telling me what you're not gonna do, 85 00:09:20,833 --> 00:09:23,208 I'm gonna show you what I am going to. 86 00:09:28,333 --> 00:09:30,333 Now you enjoy this concert. 87 00:09:42,041 --> 00:09:43,041 PAGON: We have a problem. 88 00:09:43,958 --> 00:09:44,958 Oh, yeah? 89 00:09:44,958 --> 00:09:46,125 What's that? 90 00:09:46,125 --> 00:09:49,166 Take a look around, G. There's a reason G'iah isn't here with us. 91 00:09:50,500 --> 00:09:51,750 She's the mole. 92 00:09:52,500 --> 00:09:54,125 I've already taken care of her. 93 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:55,583 PAGON: Yes, sir. 94 00:09:55,791 --> 00:09:58,791 Hey! Remember, we want them to think it's the Russians. 95 00:09:59,250 --> 00:10:02,166 Make it big, loud, like the Russians would. 96 00:10:03,666 --> 00:10:05,750 CREW MEMBER: Yeah, that's cargo only. 97 00:10:06,000 --> 00:10:07,000 Steady now. 98 00:10:20,125 --> 00:10:25,958 I should never ever have forced you into this, 99 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:27,875 and I am so sorry. 100 00:10:27,875 --> 00:10:31,500 I don't need your sorrow or pity for anything I did of my own free will. 101 00:10:40,958 --> 00:10:42,416 The reason I'm with you now 102 00:10:42,416 --> 00:10:46,333 is because with you, Dad... 103 00:10:49,875 --> 00:10:52,666 It's the only answer to the question of where I belong. 104 00:10:53,333 --> 00:10:55,833 The only thing that I need from you 105 00:10:56,916 --> 00:10:58,083 is a plan. 106 00:11:01,708 --> 00:11:02,833 Once and for all, Dad, 107 00:11:04,916 --> 00:11:07,916 what is your plan for finding our people a home? 108 00:11:07,916 --> 00:11:10,208 Because Gravik has already implemented his, 109 00:11:10,208 --> 00:11:11,541 and it works. 110 00:11:12,833 --> 00:11:13,916 Okay. 111 00:11:17,083 --> 00:11:19,750 First, we take down the insurgency. 112 00:11:19,875 --> 00:11:21,291 You, me, Fury. 113 00:11:21,291 --> 00:11:24,708 Once that's done, we go to the President. 114 00:11:25,708 --> 00:11:28,958 And we have a big bargaining chip. 115 00:11:29,125 --> 00:11:30,208 And we tell him, 116 00:11:30,208 --> 00:11:35,500 "Guess what? Just saved your planet. Now give me a little something in return." 117 00:11:35,958 --> 00:11:38,875 And we wait and see what can happen next. All right? 118 00:11:38,875 --> 00:11:43,500 And I believe that I can secure an amnesty 119 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:45,875 for the one million of us to remain. 120 00:11:47,250 --> 00:11:49,333 Don't you want to live in your own skin? 121 00:11:50,500 --> 00:11:52,125 Of course I do. 122 00:11:54,166 --> 00:11:57,416 But we have to deal with reality. 123 00:11:57,833 --> 00:12:00,416 G'iah, we're a people without a planet. 124 00:12:00,833 --> 00:12:03,458 We depend on the goodwill of our hosts. 125 00:12:04,541 --> 00:12:08,541 We just have to keep showing them who we are. 126 00:12:09,041 --> 00:12:13,083 We just keep contributing, show them our hearts. 127 00:12:13,625 --> 00:12:15,708 They will see us. 128 00:12:22,000 --> 00:12:23,083 You are delusional. 129 00:12:25,208 --> 00:12:26,750 That's not who we are. 130 00:12:29,875 --> 00:12:31,625 And that is not who I've become. 131 00:12:37,750 --> 00:12:38,750 G'iah. 132 00:12:41,166 --> 00:12:42,416 G'iah! 133 00:13:12,541 --> 00:13:13,875 (CROCKERY CLATTERING) 134 00:13:20,416 --> 00:13:24,333 - Didn't think you'd be home until later. - Surprise. 135 00:13:24,500 --> 00:13:25,500 (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) 136 00:13:25,500 --> 00:13:27,208 - Tea? - Sure, I'll take a cup. 137 00:13:30,333 --> 00:13:32,583 What's the matter? Your fingers swell up? 138 00:13:34,375 --> 00:13:36,083 You're not wearing your wedding ring. 139 00:13:36,791 --> 00:13:37,875 Oh! 140 00:13:37,875 --> 00:13:40,125 Came in the back way, slipped my mind. 141 00:13:41,750 --> 00:13:43,666 Does that mean you're coming or going? 142 00:13:43,666 --> 00:13:45,750 (SIGHS) Going. 143 00:13:45,750 --> 00:13:48,083 One of those "Fury, we need you at work" things. 144 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:50,375 - Know what I mean? - I know how it is. 145 00:14:19,208 --> 00:14:23,666 Of all the dumbass, wrongheaded, 146 00:14:24,041 --> 00:14:28,666 reckless things I've done in my life, 147 00:14:30,791 --> 00:14:35,375 you are by far and away 148 00:14:36,208 --> 00:14:39,416 the greatest mistake. 149 00:14:44,250 --> 00:14:47,208 I lost all my reason to be your husband. 150 00:14:50,500 --> 00:14:54,708 Ignored every signal in my head, heart and body 151 00:14:54,708 --> 00:14:57,916 that screamed, "Stop!" 152 00:15:03,250 --> 00:15:05,625 Even now, as I sit here, 153 00:15:05,625 --> 00:15:09,916 knowing you plan to kill me with that pistol of yours, 154 00:15:13,458 --> 00:15:16,875 I don't know that if I had a chance to do it over again, 155 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:18,750 that I'd do anything different. 156 00:15:37,583 --> 00:15:40,583 Would you tell me the story? About how you 157 00:15:42,666 --> 00:15:43,875 chose her? 158 00:15:49,291 --> 00:15:52,791 Dr. Priscilla Davis had a congenital heart defect. 159 00:15:52,791 --> 00:15:54,791 She was keeping it a secret. 160 00:15:55,958 --> 00:16:00,000 Didn't want the people she loved gathered around for months, 161 00:16:00,958 --> 00:16:02,708 watching her die in a hospital. 162 00:16:03,583 --> 00:16:07,208 And I would visit her in her room almost every day towards the end, 163 00:16:07,833 --> 00:16:09,541 and we became quite close. 164 00:16:10,750 --> 00:16:12,125 But at some point, 165 00:16:12,958 --> 00:16:14,791 I had to acknowledge the truth of 166 00:16:15,708 --> 00:16:17,791 what I was actually doing there 167 00:16:17,791 --> 00:16:20,041 - in the first place. - Which was? 168 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:24,041 Looking for someone who would slip your defenses. 169 00:16:24,791 --> 00:16:25,791 Ah. 170 00:16:26,458 --> 00:16:29,291 So you were playing the long game on me, even then. 171 00:16:30,333 --> 00:16:31,708 Don't do that, Nick. 172 00:16:33,125 --> 00:16:37,791 One day the doctor came in and told me that it would be just a matter of hours. 173 00:16:38,875 --> 00:16:41,541 I decided to just come out and ask. 174 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:47,416 You asked if you could assume her life? 175 00:16:48,333 --> 00:16:50,250 I asked if she wanted to fall in love. 176 00:16:51,208 --> 00:16:53,208 She wanted to know how, of course. 177 00:16:53,708 --> 00:16:55,416 And I told her about you. 178 00:16:57,166 --> 00:17:00,166 She made me make her three promises. 179 00:17:01,041 --> 00:17:02,083 One, 180 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:06,416 that I would bury her at sea, which I did. 181 00:17:09,083 --> 00:17:10,125 Two, 182 00:17:11,583 --> 00:17:14,125 that I would continue to be a daughter to her parents. 183 00:17:14,833 --> 00:17:16,583 - Which you've also done. - Mmm-hmm. 184 00:17:22,000 --> 00:17:23,083 Three? 185 00:17:27,375 --> 00:17:29,166 That I would never hurt you. 186 00:17:33,500 --> 00:17:34,791 Sorry, darling. 187 00:17:35,291 --> 00:17:36,416 (SIGHS) 188 00:17:42,583 --> 00:17:44,333 "And did you get 189 00:17:46,125 --> 00:17:49,875 "what you wanted from this life, even so?" 190 00:17:54,166 --> 00:17:55,291 "I did." 191 00:17:57,500 --> 00:17:59,125 "And what did you want?" 192 00:18:04,125 --> 00:18:06,125 "To call myself beloved." 193 00:18:10,375 --> 00:18:13,291 -"To feel myself... -"Myself... 194 00:18:13,791 --> 00:18:19,500 -"...beloved on the earth" -"...beloved on the earth." 195 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:21,041 (GUNS FIRE) 196 00:18:33,333 --> 00:18:37,541 I'm not sure if this means we should get divorced, 197 00:18:37,541 --> 00:18:39,333 or we should renew our vows. 198 00:18:39,500 --> 00:18:40,958 (CHUCKLES) 199 00:18:43,541 --> 00:18:45,041 They'll be coming for you. 200 00:18:47,583 --> 00:18:50,041 I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. 201 00:18:56,291 --> 00:18:59,000 Would you have loved me if I'd never changed? 202 00:18:59,750 --> 00:19:01,541 If I'd been my true self? 203 00:19:04,000 --> 00:19:05,250 (FURY SIGHS) 204 00:19:20,958 --> 00:19:22,375 Guess we'll never know. 205 00:19:56,333 --> 00:19:57,541 (SIGHS) 206 00:20:07,583 --> 00:20:08,750 Fury, what the hell? 207 00:20:09,708 --> 00:20:12,166 You mind telling me what the hell you're doing in here? 208 00:20:12,166 --> 00:20:15,500 Memory serves, I shit-canned you into oblivion a few days ago. 209 00:20:17,958 --> 00:20:21,416 I didn't like the way we left things between us the other day, you know? 210 00:20:21,916 --> 00:20:24,958 I mean, for real, though, you know, us brothers gotta stick together. 211 00:20:24,958 --> 00:20:26,250 You know what I mean? 212 00:20:26,250 --> 00:20:29,291 Uh-huh. And you thought you'd demonstrate that by breaking and entering? 213 00:20:30,083 --> 00:20:33,500 I wanted to share my favorite liquid lunch with you. 214 00:20:33,791 --> 00:20:35,833 {\an8}Pappy Van Winkle. 215 00:20:36,458 --> 00:20:39,708 {\an8}Twenty-three years of distilled perfection. 216 00:20:39,958 --> 00:20:42,916 I figured we could settle our beef like, you know, proper gentlemen. 217 00:20:44,875 --> 00:20:47,416 Mmm! Mmm, mmm, mmm! 218 00:20:47,916 --> 00:20:50,666 Pappy! You done outdid yourself on this one. 219 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:53,041 This the real thing? 220 00:20:53,541 --> 00:20:57,791 $5,000 worth of 24 carat liquid gold. 221 00:20:58,750 --> 00:21:03,541 - Should I be worried about poison? - Poison? No! Nanotechs. 222 00:21:03,750 --> 00:21:04,791 (CHUCKLES) 223 00:21:04,791 --> 00:21:06,083 Nanotech. 224 00:21:06,666 --> 00:21:09,083 Maybe I should pour this out, make myself a fresh one. 225 00:21:09,083 --> 00:21:11,458 You do whatever makes you feel comfortable. 226 00:21:12,041 --> 00:21:13,958 But let me tell you, 227 00:21:13,958 --> 00:21:18,250 if you waste one drop of this Family Reserve, 228 00:21:18,958 --> 00:21:22,958 I guarantee you, your ancestors will reach out from the beyond 229 00:21:22,958 --> 00:21:25,291 and strangle your Black ass. 230 00:21:29,958 --> 00:21:30,958 Mmm. 231 00:21:31,291 --> 00:21:32,416 Okay. 232 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:34,916 You wanna tell me the real reason you're here? 233 00:21:35,458 --> 00:21:37,083 Can't get nothing by you. Huh? 234 00:21:39,458 --> 00:21:42,666 Aside from really wanting to squash this beef between us... 235 00:21:42,958 --> 00:21:44,875 - I stopped by... - You broke in. 236 00:21:46,541 --> 00:21:49,083 Broke in, to tell you... 237 00:21:54,041 --> 00:21:58,416 (SOFTLY) There are Skrulls inside the U.S. government. 238 00:21:59,416 --> 00:22:00,666 This again? 239 00:22:01,291 --> 00:22:03,791 Skrulls in my security detail, in the U.S. government, 240 00:22:03,791 --> 00:22:05,333 there are Skrulls everywhere? 241 00:22:05,333 --> 00:22:07,708 - I have it on excellent authority... - Mmm-hmm. 242 00:22:07,708 --> 00:22:12,625 ...that there is a Skrull mole very close to the President. 243 00:22:13,291 --> 00:22:15,958 Wow. Really? How close? 244 00:22:16,375 --> 00:22:18,916 As close as you and I are right now, uh, closer. 245 00:22:25,333 --> 00:22:27,291 - That's a wild story. - Ain't it now? 246 00:22:27,625 --> 00:22:29,125 But here's the kicker. 247 00:22:30,583 --> 00:22:34,750 All you got to do to keep my mouth shut about all this, 248 00:22:36,125 --> 00:22:37,500 give me my job back. 249 00:22:37,750 --> 00:22:39,041 You mind if I make a counter? 250 00:22:42,875 --> 00:22:43,916 Mmm! 251 00:22:43,916 --> 00:22:45,833 (CHUCKLES) 252 00:22:57,125 --> 00:22:58,375 You see this all right? 253 00:22:58,791 --> 00:22:59,875 (GUN FIRES) 254 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:02,791 Oof! That's bad. 255 00:23:03,333 --> 00:23:04,416 And that's you. 256 00:23:04,958 --> 00:23:06,875 You and I both know 257 00:23:07,291 --> 00:23:08,541 that's Gravik. 258 00:23:09,125 --> 00:23:10,291 (CHUCKLES) 259 00:23:10,291 --> 00:23:11,583 Come on. 260 00:23:11,708 --> 00:23:14,416 Is that really what you're gonna go with at your trial? 261 00:23:14,416 --> 00:23:15,583 The alien defense? 262 00:23:15,583 --> 00:23:17,083 "No, Your Honor. That's not me. 263 00:23:17,083 --> 00:23:21,750 "That's a six-foot tall, bald, Black, one-eyed extraterrestrial." 264 00:23:22,416 --> 00:23:24,208 (CHUCKLES) Good luck with that. 265 00:23:24,875 --> 00:23:26,666 Look, I don't want you to worry, okay? 266 00:23:26,666 --> 00:23:29,083 I'm gonna do everything in my power to protect you, 267 00:23:29,208 --> 00:23:32,583 to keep this video, and you know all the copies that I made under wraps. 268 00:23:33,041 --> 00:23:35,333 But I can't have you running around 269 00:23:35,333 --> 00:23:36,750 spouting wild conspiracies, 270 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:39,083 and I certainly can't have you 271 00:23:39,083 --> 00:23:42,291 breaking into my hotel suite, threatening me. 272 00:23:42,541 --> 00:23:44,791 But what I can have is the rest of this Pappy, 273 00:23:44,791 --> 00:23:47,208 'cause, baby, this is fire. 274 00:23:47,833 --> 00:23:50,291 Now, why don't you hobble your ancient ass on out of here 275 00:23:50,291 --> 00:23:52,125 before I have you defenestrated? 276 00:24:08,750 --> 00:24:12,000 Liquid location tracker. 277 00:24:12,541 --> 00:24:13,875 It's not a bad idea. 278 00:24:14,375 --> 00:24:16,375 (PROTESTORS CHANTING INDISTINCTLY) 279 00:24:43,375 --> 00:24:45,583 - Welcome to England, Mr. President. - Colonel Rhodes. 280 00:24:45,583 --> 00:24:47,000 Hope you had a restful flight. 281 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:50,208 Most important negotiation since the Cuban Missile Crisis, 282 00:24:50,208 --> 00:24:51,750 yeah, I slept like a baby. 283 00:24:51,750 --> 00:24:52,875 Point taken, sir. 284 00:24:52,875 --> 00:24:55,500 There's a full briefing book for you inside Stagecoach. 285 00:24:55,500 --> 00:24:56,958 One word if I may. 286 00:24:58,291 --> 00:25:01,916 The key thing about the Russians is you have to project strength. 287 00:25:02,583 --> 00:25:04,083 There's an old Lenin quote, 288 00:25:04,500 --> 00:25:05,791 Vladimir, not John. 289 00:25:06,000 --> 00:25:08,541 "When you find flesh, you push. 290 00:25:09,791 --> 00:25:12,208 "When you find steel, you stop." 291 00:25:12,875 --> 00:25:14,333 You gotta be steel, sir. 292 00:25:16,625 --> 00:25:18,041 Colonel, can I ask you something? 293 00:25:18,291 --> 00:25:19,541 Absolutely anything, sir. 294 00:25:20,708 --> 00:25:24,625 Did you pre-game for our bilateral with the Russians 295 00:25:24,625 --> 00:25:26,333 with a half-bottle of bourbon? 296 00:25:28,166 --> 00:25:30,375 I'm not sure I understand the question, sir. 297 00:25:32,875 --> 00:25:34,666 Let's make sure the Colonel here 298 00:25:35,583 --> 00:25:37,416 has a large coffee for the road. 299 00:25:43,583 --> 00:25:44,916 (SNIFFS) Hmm. 300 00:25:45,833 --> 00:25:47,000 Get me a mint. 301 00:25:47,291 --> 00:25:48,291 AGENT: Yes, sir. 302 00:25:49,541 --> 00:25:50,666 Get the door. 303 00:25:53,250 --> 00:25:54,416 Giddy up. 304 00:26:22,833 --> 00:26:27,000 We're in transit to the summit. Citadel is in position number four. 305 00:26:32,166 --> 00:26:33,458 (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) 306 00:27:05,291 --> 00:27:07,000 AGENT 1: Two o'clock! AGENT 2: Incoming! 307 00:27:07,250 --> 00:27:08,250 AGENT 3: Fire! Fire! Fire! 308 00:27:10,083 --> 00:27:11,125 AGENT 4: Go ahead and fire! 309 00:27:11,125 --> 00:27:13,041 Confirm, Citadel is alive. 310 00:27:17,375 --> 00:27:19,750 AGENT 3: I repeat, Citadel is alive. AGENT 4: This way! 311 00:27:21,958 --> 00:27:24,041 AGENT 5: Enemy in sight! AGENT 6: Taking heavy fire. 312 00:27:29,166 --> 00:27:31,833 (YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 313 00:27:33,666 --> 00:27:35,708 (IN ENGLISH) No question, it's the Russians! 314 00:27:35,708 --> 00:27:37,833 AGENT 1: Watch your six. AGENT 2: Cover! 315 00:27:51,500 --> 00:27:52,750 (ALL SCREAMING) 316 00:27:53,375 --> 00:27:54,958 (YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 317 00:27:54,958 --> 00:27:56,666 (IN ENGLISH) The Russians are advancing! 318 00:27:56,666 --> 00:27:57,875 AGENT 3: Get down! 319 00:28:02,541 --> 00:28:03,750 (ALL SCREAMING) 320 00:28:07,666 --> 00:28:09,000 (YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 321 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:10,583 AGENT 1: Go! Ten o'clock. 322 00:28:11,041 --> 00:28:12,458 AGENT 2: Watch the chopper! 323 00:28:12,458 --> 00:28:14,833 AGENT 3: Two and twelve. Two and twelve. Advance. 324 00:28:14,833 --> 00:28:17,000 (GRUNTING) 325 00:28:17,416 --> 00:28:19,083 Bloody hell, Fury. It's a kill zone. 326 00:28:19,083 --> 00:28:22,041 Whole planet will be a kill zone if we don't save Ritson. 327 00:28:22,041 --> 00:28:24,125 (YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 328 00:28:25,625 --> 00:28:27,583 AGENT 5: (IN ENGLISH) Fire! Fire! Fire! 329 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:30,541 (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) 330 00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:40,125 (GRAVIK YELLING IN RUSSIAN) 331 00:28:53,958 --> 00:28:55,375 AGENT 1: Defend Citadel! 332 00:28:55,500 --> 00:28:56,708 Move! 333 00:28:56,708 --> 00:28:58,250 AGENT 2: Fury inbound. 334 00:28:58,250 --> 00:28:59,458 AGENT 4: Ten o'clock! 335 00:29:00,416 --> 00:29:01,416 (GROANS) 336 00:29:06,000 --> 00:29:07,416 Fury's here. 337 00:29:10,708 --> 00:29:11,916 Cover the Stagecoach! 338 00:29:11,916 --> 00:29:13,083 AGENT 5: Take this mag! 339 00:29:14,375 --> 00:29:15,375 AGENT 6: South side! 340 00:29:15,666 --> 00:29:16,666 Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 341 00:29:17,541 --> 00:29:18,666 (SCREAMS) 342 00:29:18,666 --> 00:29:20,041 (GROANS) 343 00:29:26,041 --> 00:29:27,166 (GROANS) 344 00:29:27,166 --> 00:29:28,416 SOLDIER 1: Fury. Fury's here. 345 00:29:33,250 --> 00:29:35,666 - Reinforcements here, sir. - Fury. 346 00:29:35,916 --> 00:29:37,416 - Cover up! - More men coming, sir! 347 00:29:37,416 --> 00:29:39,125 FURY: Move! Move! Move! 348 00:29:39,708 --> 00:29:42,000 AGENT 3: Get to the president's car. 349 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:43,875 AGENT 4: Go, go, go! AGENT 5: Hold the line. 350 00:29:45,333 --> 00:29:48,208 AGENT 6: Requesting backup. Repeat, requesting backup. 351 00:29:48,208 --> 00:29:49,333 SOLDIER 1: Let's go! 352 00:29:49,333 --> 00:29:50,500 SOLDIER 2: Sniper! 353 00:29:51,250 --> 00:29:52,750 FURY: Mr. President? Sir? 354 00:29:53,541 --> 00:29:55,500 - He's out. - I've got this. Stand back, man. 355 00:30:01,458 --> 00:30:04,375 - (BOTH GROANING) - AGENT 1: Reinforcements now! 356 00:30:04,375 --> 00:30:06,583 Take care of Talos. Now! 357 00:30:12,458 --> 00:30:13,458 (GROANS) 358 00:30:19,041 --> 00:30:20,041 (GROANS) 359 00:30:28,166 --> 00:30:29,833 SOLDIER 1: The Russians are still coming! 360 00:30:29,833 --> 00:30:31,541 SOLDIER 2: Russians, two o'clock! 361 00:30:33,166 --> 00:30:34,583 They're still advancing! 362 00:30:40,125 --> 00:30:41,208 (GRUNTS) 363 00:30:43,291 --> 00:30:45,583 He's a bloody alien. He's trying to get to Ritson! 364 00:30:45,583 --> 00:30:48,250 No, no, no! Hold your fire! He's with me. 365 00:30:48,750 --> 00:30:51,166 - He's with us. - SOLDIER 1: Where are those helos? 366 00:30:52,750 --> 00:30:53,750 (GRUNTS) 367 00:30:55,875 --> 00:30:58,083 (GRUNTING) 368 00:31:00,083 --> 00:31:01,083 (GROANS) 369 00:31:01,083 --> 00:31:04,416 AGENT 1: Alpha, Bravo, Tango, get those choppers in here, now! 370 00:31:08,208 --> 00:31:09,875 SOLDIER 1: Reclaim your positions. 371 00:31:14,125 --> 00:31:15,416 SOLDIER 2: Where are they? 372 00:31:17,666 --> 00:31:18,791 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 373 00:31:18,791 --> 00:31:20,000 (FURY GRUNTS) 374 00:31:20,333 --> 00:31:22,666 AGENT 2: President's out of the vehicle! 375 00:31:24,000 --> 00:31:25,333 Cover the President! 376 00:31:26,708 --> 00:31:29,083 Talos, hang in there. I'll be back for you. 377 00:31:31,250 --> 00:31:33,000 (MEN GRUNTING) 378 00:31:33,750 --> 00:31:35,916 - Put him in my car. - I got my own ride. 379 00:31:36,500 --> 00:31:37,708 (ENGINE STARTS) 380 00:31:39,166 --> 00:31:40,583 Come on, I've got you. 381 00:31:42,708 --> 00:31:43,750 I got you. 382 00:31:44,708 --> 00:31:47,041 Come on. I got you. 383 00:31:52,500 --> 00:31:53,666 SOLDIER 1: Fire! 384 00:31:53,666 --> 00:31:54,958 SOLDIER 2: I'm hit. 385 00:31:57,291 --> 00:31:58,375 Put him down. 386 00:32:01,333 --> 00:32:05,875 I said put him down, now! 387 00:32:10,375 --> 00:32:11,750 (GRUNTS) 388 00:32:12,458 --> 00:32:13,458 (GROANS) 389 00:32:18,208 --> 00:32:19,750 No! 390 00:32:27,041 --> 00:32:28,750 SOLDIER 1: Reinforcements are here! 391 00:32:28,750 --> 00:32:30,458 SOLDIER 2: Here they come, lads!