1 00:00:04,416 --> 00:00:05,458 I'm Nick Fury. 2 00:00:05,458 --> 00:00:07,333 Been riding a desk for the past six years 3 00:00:07,333 --> 00:00:09,833 trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. 4 00:00:09,833 --> 00:00:11,500 Official S.H.I.E.L.D. activity. 5 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:14,291 Never occurred to me they would be coming from above. 6 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:18,291 You say this thing looked like Coulson? 7 00:00:18,291 --> 00:00:19,916 Mmm. Talked like him, too. 8 00:00:20,416 --> 00:00:21,416 Shapeshifters. 9 00:00:21,416 --> 00:00:23,166 We can't trust anyone. 10 00:00:23,166 --> 00:00:24,458 Not even our own men. 11 00:00:25,125 --> 00:00:27,833 Now I stand before you as my true self. 12 00:00:28,708 --> 00:00:29,833 Without deception. 13 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:31,458 I just wanna talk. 14 00:00:32,375 --> 00:00:35,791 My people lived as refugees, homeless. 15 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:37,500 Talos! - Soren. 16 00:00:38,416 --> 00:00:42,875 And the handful of us that are left will be slaughtered next. 17 00:00:42,875 --> 00:00:45,916 There are thousands of us separated from each other. 18 00:00:45,916 --> 00:00:47,833 This is just the beginning. 19 00:00:54,291 --> 00:00:55,500 They won't be safe here. 20 00:00:56,583 --> 00:00:57,875 They need their own home. 21 00:01:37,250 --> 00:01:39,416 Varra. Welcome. 22 00:01:39,416 --> 00:01:40,583 Thank you, Fury. 23 00:01:41,250 --> 00:01:42,833 I'd like you to meet someone. 24 00:01:44,416 --> 00:01:45,625 This is Gravik. 25 00:01:46,625 --> 00:01:47,625 Gravik. 26 00:01:54,875 --> 00:01:58,208 His parents were killed in the last stand against the Kree. 27 00:01:58,208 --> 00:02:04,041 He escaped from behind enemy lines, piloted a ship all on his own. 28 00:02:04,041 --> 00:02:07,208 He is smart, Fury. Knows how to survive. 29 00:02:08,666 --> 00:02:10,291 We could use someone like him. 30 00:02:10,291 --> 00:02:11,541 He's a child. 31 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:13,833 Only to human eyes. 32 00:02:15,500 --> 00:02:16,791 Just talk to him. 33 00:02:26,166 --> 00:02:29,791 Gravik. Sorry to hear about your parents. 34 00:02:31,208 --> 00:02:32,708 They died a brilliant death. 35 00:02:33,500 --> 00:02:34,625 I'm sure they did. 36 00:02:36,458 --> 00:02:37,750 This work here... 37 00:02:39,666 --> 00:02:41,916 you know it's very dangerous. 38 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:45,250 I'm not afraid. 39 00:02:50,250 --> 00:02:51,583 I can see you're not. 40 00:03:00,666 --> 00:03:05,166 I wanna thank you all for... For joining me. 41 00:03:06,666 --> 00:03:09,416 I know it's been a... It's been a rough journey. 42 00:03:11,500 --> 00:03:16,458 We went looking for a home, found nothing but violence. 43 00:03:17,541 --> 00:03:18,541 And hate. 44 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:22,333 All of us have lost someone. 45 00:03:23,875 --> 00:03:24,875 Or everyone. 46 00:03:26,333 --> 00:03:32,500 And our entire species is scattered across the galaxy, 47 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:37,041 but for those of you who braved the journey here to Earth, 48 00:03:37,041 --> 00:03:41,083 you did so for one reason. 49 00:03:43,541 --> 00:03:44,708 This man. 50 00:03:47,041 --> 00:03:50,375 This man that I trust. 51 00:03:51,208 --> 00:03:53,291 You know I don't use that word lightly. 52 00:03:56,041 --> 00:03:57,083 Thank you, Talos. 53 00:03:59,500 --> 00:04:02,916 My friends, ever since... 54 00:04:03,916 --> 00:04:05,000 Let me rephrase that. 55 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:08,458 Almost ever since I met Talos, 56 00:04:09,250 --> 00:04:13,416 I believed that humans and Skrulls can help each other. 57 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:20,166 The world is facing a serious threat. 58 00:04:20,166 --> 00:04:21,750 And I could use your help. 59 00:04:22,916 --> 00:04:26,791 It would mean putting on a new face 60 00:04:28,083 --> 00:04:29,458 and keeping it. 61 00:04:30,583 --> 00:04:33,541 This is the promise. 62 00:04:34,666 --> 00:04:37,750 While you work to keep my home safe, 63 00:04:38,500 --> 00:04:42,750 Carol Danvers and I will find you a new one. 64 00:04:45,208 --> 00:04:46,958 Who'll be first to take the pledge? 65 00:04:54,125 --> 00:04:55,125 Thank you, Soren. 66 00:04:59,041 --> 00:05:01,333 You have a courageous mother, G'iah. 67 00:05:31,875 --> 00:05:33,416 You keep your word... 68 00:05:35,583 --> 00:05:36,791 I'll keep mine. 69 00:06:23,666 --> 00:06:24,791 What are you doing? 70 00:06:26,291 --> 00:06:27,541 Let go of me. 71 00:06:27,541 --> 00:06:31,875 I'm an American! I'm an American! I'm an American! 72 00:06:46,791 --> 00:06:47,875 I'm an American! 73 00:09:45,250 --> 00:09:46,333 They've gone. 74 00:10:03,416 --> 00:10:05,208 You hear anything from G'iah yet? 75 00:10:06,333 --> 00:10:07,750 No, nothing. Not yet. 76 00:10:23,166 --> 00:10:28,291 When me and my mama used to take these long train rides to Detroit... 77 00:10:29,500 --> 00:10:32,875 You know, train travel back then wasn't nowhere near this elegant. 78 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:37,333 Comin' out of Alabama, we always had to ride in the colored car. 79 00:10:38,500 --> 00:10:43,208 It was hot, sweaty. Bathroom didn't work half the time. 80 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:47,583 And we couldn't go in the dining car. 81 00:10:48,625 --> 00:10:54,875 So, we brought fried chicken, white bread, deviled eggs, and pound cake in a shoebox. 82 00:10:57,416 --> 00:11:01,791 Mmm. Half hour after the train pulled out, that chicken be gone! 83 00:11:01,791 --> 00:11:04,000 Smelt way too good to wait. 84 00:11:05,208 --> 00:11:06,625 On these long rides, 85 00:11:06,625 --> 00:11:12,541 me and my mother would make up games, pass the time. 86 00:11:12,541 --> 00:11:14,541 "Tell Me Somethin' I Don't Know." 87 00:11:14,541 --> 00:11:17,458 That was one of her favorites. 88 00:11:17,458 --> 00:11:23,958 One time she said, "Tell me somethin' I don't know about you and Suzie." 89 00:11:24,625 --> 00:11:29,250 Me and Suzie had a standing game of doctor we'd been playin' 90 00:11:29,250 --> 00:11:31,375 behind Old Man Jackson's barn. 91 00:11:31,375 --> 00:11:35,125 Suffice it to say, I wasn't about to tell her about that. 92 00:11:35,958 --> 00:11:38,708 So, I made up something crazy like, 93 00:11:38,708 --> 00:11:42,041 "Me and Suzie saw a bullfrog with polka dots." 94 00:11:43,125 --> 00:11:44,666 My mama just smiled. 95 00:11:44,666 --> 00:11:47,541 Even though I'd lied through my teeth, 96 00:11:49,041 --> 00:11:51,083 the mere fact that I did that, 97 00:11:51,083 --> 00:11:56,000 told her everything she needed to know about me and Suzie. 98 00:11:56,958 --> 00:11:58,000 Mmm. 99 00:12:01,750 --> 00:12:03,833 Well, you wanna go a few rounds? 100 00:12:05,083 --> 00:12:06,125 Sure. 101 00:12:10,166 --> 00:12:14,583 Tell me something I don't know about the destruction of Skrullos. 102 00:12:15,916 --> 00:12:20,916 You know everything there is to know about it, Fury. 103 00:12:21,500 --> 00:12:26,750 Name of the game is Tell Me Something I Don't Know. 104 00:12:29,833 --> 00:12:33,250 We were overpowered by the Kree. We held 'em off for as long as we could. 105 00:12:33,250 --> 00:12:36,208 When we couldn't hold 'em off any longer, 106 00:12:36,208 --> 00:12:40,291 the million of us that were left, we fled. 107 00:12:41,250 --> 00:12:42,333 Interesting. 108 00:12:43,291 --> 00:12:48,916 Tell me something I don't know about the Skrulls that fled. 109 00:12:51,708 --> 00:12:52,750 Um... 110 00:12:54,541 --> 00:12:55,541 They're here. 111 00:12:56,833 --> 00:12:57,875 Who's here? 112 00:13:00,250 --> 00:13:01,583 All of us. 113 00:13:01,583 --> 00:13:02,791 Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa! 114 00:13:02,791 --> 00:13:08,541 You're tellin' me there's a million Skrulls walking amongst us right now? 115 00:13:08,541 --> 00:13:11,916 Have you lost your reptilian-ass mind? 116 00:13:11,916 --> 00:13:13,291 I sent out the call 117 00:13:14,041 --> 00:13:19,208 and every Skrull that isn't in Emperor Drogge's colony, they answered. 118 00:13:20,500 --> 00:13:21,541 You lied to me! 119 00:13:22,333 --> 00:13:25,583 Hey, we were being hunted across the universe. 120 00:13:25,583 --> 00:13:27,041 I had two choices, 121 00:13:27,041 --> 00:13:30,916 I could let my people be annihilated or summon 'em here to Earth. 122 00:13:30,916 --> 00:13:32,875 - What would you have done? - This ain't about me! 123 00:13:32,875 --> 00:13:36,083 Oh, right. But you're fine using us as your spies and your errand boys, 124 00:13:36,083 --> 00:13:37,333 long as it's on your terms. 125 00:13:37,333 --> 00:13:40,625 The host gets to set the terms of the visitation. 126 00:13:40,625 --> 00:13:43,375 What happens when the host disappears, huh? 127 00:13:43,375 --> 00:13:44,625 'Cause you were gone! 128 00:13:44,625 --> 00:13:47,416 And I didn't think you were coming back, I really didn't. 129 00:13:47,416 --> 00:13:49,333 And even when you did come back, 130 00:13:49,333 --> 00:13:51,833 there was no talking to you about anything real. 131 00:13:51,833 --> 00:13:54,250 Your boots barely hit Earth. 132 00:13:55,000 --> 00:13:59,125 And, "Oh, it's too heavy here, man. I gotta go up to my space station." 133 00:13:59,125 --> 00:14:00,791 You've been up there for years! 134 00:14:00,791 --> 00:14:02,750 You knew how to get in touch with me, Talos, 135 00:14:02,750 --> 00:14:06,791 and you didn't because you didn't want me to know. 136 00:14:08,500 --> 00:14:12,000 My hope... My hope is that with your help... 137 00:14:13,541 --> 00:14:16,125 Skrulls and humans can coexist, here on Earth. 138 00:14:16,125 --> 00:14:20,166 Human can't coexist with each other! You've been here long enough to know that! 139 00:14:20,166 --> 00:14:23,750 We've been at war with each other since we could walk upright! 140 00:14:23,750 --> 00:14:28,416 There is not enough room or tolerance on this planet for another species! 141 00:14:32,875 --> 00:14:35,333 Matter of fact, neither is this train compartment. 142 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:36,791 I think this is your stop. 143 00:14:56,291 --> 00:14:57,666 Oh, my God. 144 00:16:00,583 --> 00:16:01,958 Elizabeth. 145 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:04,083 Were you there? 146 00:16:06,083 --> 00:16:07,083 Yeah. 147 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:12,916 How did it happen? 148 00:16:15,375 --> 00:16:16,458 It happened quickly. 149 00:16:17,208 --> 00:16:20,416 Don't you be one of those bastards who gives me a platitude 150 00:16:20,416 --> 00:16:22,125 when I'm looking for the truth! 151 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:26,500 That one, over there. You know what he told me? 152 00:16:26,500 --> 00:16:29,958 He told me that my nation owes me a debt of gratitude. 153 00:16:29,958 --> 00:16:34,125 But he won't even tell me where on Planet Earth my daughter was killed. 154 00:16:34,916 --> 00:16:38,708 So apparently, facts are not included in the debt I'm owed. 155 00:16:42,291 --> 00:16:43,708 She died in Moscow. 156 00:16:44,708 --> 00:16:46,750 We were there trying to stop the attack. 157 00:16:47,916 --> 00:16:49,333 Someone set a trap. 158 00:16:50,625 --> 00:16:52,291 - For her? - No, for me. 159 00:16:52,875 --> 00:16:56,208 Someone wanted to hurt me... 160 00:16:58,000 --> 00:16:59,291 so they hurt her. 161 00:17:01,083 --> 00:17:02,083 Oh. 162 00:17:03,708 --> 00:17:08,666 So, you're the reason I'm taking my daughter back home in a box. 163 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:14,416 I'm sorry I couldn't protect her, Elizabeth. 164 00:17:16,125 --> 00:17:17,541 You're Nick Fury. 165 00:17:18,958 --> 00:17:20,625 Maria believed in you. 166 00:17:21,333 --> 00:17:23,916 She would've followed you to the gates of hell and back. 167 00:17:27,791 --> 00:17:34,000 Look, I don't know what Maria died for out there. 168 00:17:34,666 --> 00:17:38,708 But whatever it was, don't let it be for nothing. 169 00:17:48,291 --> 00:17:49,958 Developing Story at this hour. 170 00:17:49,958 --> 00:17:53,625 {\an8}Several bombs exploded today at an annual celebration in Moscow, 171 00:17:53,625 --> 00:17:55,875 {\an8}killing at least 2,000 civilians. 172 00:17:55,875 --> 00:17:58,000 {\an8}One suspect is currently in custody, 173 00:17:58,000 --> 00:18:01,041 {\an8}identified as a leading member of the online fringe group, 174 00:18:01,041 --> 00:18:02,875 {\an8}Americans Against Russia. 175 00:18:02,875 --> 00:18:06,208 {\an8}The UK Prime Minister was quick to denounce the attack, 176 00:18:06,208 --> 00:18:08,333 {\an8}while the NATO Secretary-General says... 177 00:18:11,750 --> 00:18:15,833 {\an8}Despite the outpouring of condemnation, all signs point towards 178 00:18:15,833 --> 00:18:17,750 {\an8}imminent retaliation from Russia 179 00:18:17,750 --> 00:18:19,208 {\an8}for what the Kremlin regards 180 00:18:19,208 --> 00:18:23,250 {\an8}as an all-out declaration of war by the Americans. 181 00:18:23,250 --> 00:18:26,541 {\an8}They're all saying we had something to do with Moscow. 182 00:18:26,541 --> 00:18:27,958 {\an8}Well, I call bull on that. 183 00:18:27,958 --> 00:18:32,333 {\an8}There's no way that Moscow attack was committed by Americans. 184 00:18:32,333 --> 00:18:35,125 This has got false flag written all over it. 185 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:50,916 How did you know Fury would be there? 186 00:18:52,166 --> 00:18:53,166 I didn't. 187 00:18:54,000 --> 00:18:57,500 Well, not to a certainty. But I hoped. 188 00:19:01,208 --> 00:19:03,375 I wanted to see how much of him was left. 189 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:06,333 And? 190 00:19:09,666 --> 00:19:13,333 He's just vapors. Old. 191 00:19:14,958 --> 00:19:17,291 You know, I could've killed him if I wanted to. 192 00:19:19,208 --> 00:19:21,916 You don't punish a man by givin' him what he wants. 193 00:19:23,791 --> 00:19:25,750 You just get me to the Council meeting. 194 00:19:25,750 --> 00:19:28,833 I wanna see their faces while Moscow is still burnin'. 195 00:19:58,000 --> 00:19:59,333 You, wait. 196 00:19:59,333 --> 00:20:00,958 Uh, yeah, that's not happening. 197 00:20:00,958 --> 00:20:02,041 Gravik. 198 00:20:08,750 --> 00:20:10,416 If I'm not out in an hour, 199 00:20:11,625 --> 00:20:12,833 shoot him in the head. 200 00:20:24,833 --> 00:20:26,458 Members of the Council. 201 00:20:28,083 --> 00:20:30,958 Seems someone didn't get the suggested attire memo. 202 00:20:31,666 --> 00:20:35,375 Well, I also didn't get a formal invitation, Mr. Secretary-General. 203 00:20:35,375 --> 00:20:37,583 But I'm sure that was just a curious oversight. 204 00:20:40,583 --> 00:20:41,750 Madam Prime Minister. 205 00:20:44,666 --> 00:20:45,666 Hello, Shirley. 206 00:20:47,208 --> 00:20:51,583 I trust I speak for the group when I say, we are all happy to have you with us. 207 00:20:51,583 --> 00:20:53,666 Please sit. 208 00:21:02,583 --> 00:21:03,916 I see you, 209 00:21:03,916 --> 00:21:08,500 all dressed up in the man's finery, drinking the man's wine. 210 00:21:09,083 --> 00:21:12,250 Playing the man's game, using the man's fork and knife. 211 00:21:12,916 --> 00:21:15,041 Better to behave as a human than as a dog. 212 00:21:17,166 --> 00:21:18,375 Well, I quite like dogs. 213 00:21:19,916 --> 00:21:21,583 In fact, I prefer 'em. 214 00:21:22,541 --> 00:21:25,791 Dogs aren't hypocrites. And they don't lie. 215 00:21:27,166 --> 00:21:29,458 They don't lock each other up in cages. 216 00:21:29,458 --> 00:21:31,708 They don't pimp, poison, 217 00:21:32,625 --> 00:21:36,500 and they don't go out of their way to degrade and destroy their own habitat. 218 00:21:37,958 --> 00:21:40,041 A naive reading of human history. 219 00:21:41,208 --> 00:21:43,250 It's the only reading of human history. 220 00:21:44,708 --> 00:21:45,875 Are you done? 221 00:21:46,875 --> 00:21:49,416 Perhaps we should get on with what we came here for. 222 00:21:49,416 --> 00:21:51,541 A prudent suggestion, sister. 223 00:21:52,500 --> 00:21:56,458 Recent acts of terror in cities across the globe, 224 00:21:56,458 --> 00:21:59,125 most notably in Moscow, 225 00:21:59,125 --> 00:22:03,583 severely undermine the stability that this Council seeks to preserve. 226 00:22:04,625 --> 00:22:08,833 The purpose of tonight is to determine what punishment, if any, 227 00:22:08,833 --> 00:22:12,916 should be meted out on the individual who has imperiled us all. 228 00:22:13,416 --> 00:22:16,375 You murdered over 2,000 innocent humans. 229 00:22:16,958 --> 00:22:17,958 Children. 230 00:22:17,958 --> 00:22:20,625 And yet, you don't seem remotely remorseful. 231 00:22:20,625 --> 00:22:23,625 What the hell gives you the right to disobey this council? 232 00:22:25,916 --> 00:22:27,333 What gives me the right? 233 00:23:14,250 --> 00:23:15,875 I think it's a war. 234 00:23:16,750 --> 00:23:18,291 I think it's a war! 235 00:23:18,916 --> 00:23:19,916 Hmm? 236 00:23:19,916 --> 00:23:23,541 And unlike the last war each one of us around this table fought in, 237 00:23:23,541 --> 00:23:25,041 I'm not gonna lose this one. 238 00:23:25,500 --> 00:23:27,791 Humans are doomed to self-destruction. 239 00:23:27,791 --> 00:23:31,625 Long before we arrived on this planet, they were destined to consume themselves. 240 00:23:31,625 --> 00:23:34,791 So, for anyone flinching at the thought of innocent deaths, 241 00:23:34,791 --> 00:23:40,083 let me assure you, we're only hastening the inevitable. 242 00:23:41,583 --> 00:23:43,750 And what happens if the Avengers return? 243 00:23:44,958 --> 00:23:46,625 You don't think I thought about that? 244 00:23:47,750 --> 00:23:49,125 Put your faith in me. 245 00:23:49,916 --> 00:23:53,583 And I promise, your loyalty will be repaid. 246 00:23:57,541 --> 00:23:59,916 Well, Madam Prime Minister... 247 00:24:07,000 --> 00:24:09,916 We need to streamline our chain of command. 248 00:24:09,916 --> 00:24:12,708 Democracy is fine for peacetime, but whilst at war, 249 00:24:12,708 --> 00:24:16,458 we need a single commander whose war power is total and unchecked. 250 00:24:16,458 --> 00:24:17,708 My God! 251 00:24:17,708 --> 00:24:22,583 Therefore, I nominate Gravik to the post of Skrull General. 252 00:24:22,583 --> 00:24:23,666 Traitor! 253 00:24:23,666 --> 00:24:25,791 You were in on this with him the entire time! 254 00:24:25,791 --> 00:24:27,750 Seat yourself down, Sergio. I'm not done yet. 255 00:24:27,750 --> 00:24:30,583 Who do you think you're talking to? I'm the commander of NATO. 256 00:24:30,583 --> 00:24:33,958 I can mobilize a million troops at the snap of a... 257 00:24:35,458 --> 00:24:36,875 Shall I remove him, Madame? 258 00:24:37,500 --> 00:24:39,666 Oh, I don't think he'll be any more trouble. 259 00:24:44,833 --> 00:24:48,416 All those in favor of Gravik as our new general... 260 00:24:50,541 --> 00:24:51,541 will submit. 261 00:25:17,291 --> 00:25:21,250 I fear each one of you has forgotten our history. 262 00:25:22,041 --> 00:25:26,666 We did not end up homeless refugees because we were unwilling to wage war. 263 00:25:27,375 --> 00:25:31,291 We ended up homeless refugees because we were too willing. 264 00:25:33,250 --> 00:25:35,250 I do not support your coup. 265 00:25:36,291 --> 00:25:38,875 I will not support your war. 266 00:25:40,208 --> 00:25:42,000 And I do not submit. 267 00:25:44,083 --> 00:25:46,791 If I had another 100 like you, I could take on the universe. 268 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:54,666 You go in peace, sister. You'll not be harmed. 269 00:26:35,666 --> 00:26:37,708 - Shirley. - It's Gravik. 270 00:26:37,708 --> 00:26:40,208 The Council just voted him General. 271 00:26:40,208 --> 00:26:43,291 He has control of our people and our future. 272 00:26:43,291 --> 00:26:44,833 If there's anything I can do... 273 00:26:44,833 --> 00:26:48,916 Yeah, set up a meet between me and Gravik. Public place. 274 00:26:48,916 --> 00:26:50,500 Talos, he will kill you. 275 00:26:50,500 --> 00:26:52,291 Yeah, thanks for the faith. 276 00:26:52,291 --> 00:26:55,083 You don't understand. Gravik has changed. 277 00:26:55,083 --> 00:26:57,458 So have I. Soren's dead. 278 00:26:58,291 --> 00:26:59,291 I know. 279 00:26:59,291 --> 00:27:02,208 But if you can't keep it together, you will not walk out alive. 280 00:27:02,208 --> 00:27:04,458 Shirley, set up the meet. 281 00:27:05,083 --> 00:27:07,958 Just tell him I wanna talk about my daughter. 282 00:27:47,958 --> 00:27:49,333 Thank you, sir. 283 00:27:50,833 --> 00:27:52,833 Without you, this wouldn't be possible. 284 00:29:10,541 --> 00:29:11,708 You don't have it. 285 00:29:14,000 --> 00:29:15,125 Harvest wasn't there. 286 00:29:16,375 --> 00:29:17,875 Then it's back to scavenging. 287 00:29:18,666 --> 00:29:21,250 Our DNA selection remains extremely limited. 288 00:29:21,250 --> 00:29:22,958 I'll send out teams. 289 00:29:22,958 --> 00:29:25,458 I was told this phase would be over. 290 00:29:26,458 --> 00:29:27,583 So was I. 291 00:29:28,958 --> 00:29:32,958 Gravik has given me multiple locations for the Harvest, all of them empty. 292 00:29:33,625 --> 00:29:35,458 Our fearless leader isn't always right. 293 00:29:36,833 --> 00:29:38,375 Perhaps I misheard you. 294 00:29:38,375 --> 00:29:41,208 Do you need anything else, Dr. Dalton? 295 00:29:41,208 --> 00:29:43,625 Yes. Your absence. 296 00:30:06,875 --> 00:30:10,625 In this stunning sign of just how seriously it regards rumors 297 00:30:10,625 --> 00:30:13,041 of American involvement in the Moscow attacks, 298 00:30:13,041 --> 00:30:16,541 the 27 EU heads of state, plus the British Prime Minster 299 00:30:16,541 --> 00:30:19,416 have all but commanded Washington to account for itself 300 00:30:19,416 --> 00:30:22,791 at this emergency security summit here in London. 301 00:30:24,333 --> 00:30:25,333 Colonel? 302 00:30:27,958 --> 00:30:29,041 Colonel Rhodes? 303 00:30:31,041 --> 00:30:34,291 Colonel, are you denying that two of your citizens, 304 00:30:34,291 --> 00:30:37,708 Mr. Nicholas Fury and Miss Maria Hill, 305 00:30:37,708 --> 00:30:41,375 were present in Moscow at the scene of the attacks? 306 00:30:42,416 --> 00:30:46,708 We are aware of allegations that Mr. Fury and Miss Hill 307 00:30:46,708 --> 00:30:48,083 may have traveled to Moscow. 308 00:30:48,083 --> 00:30:51,666 Which, if true, it would've been in their capacity as private citizens, so... 309 00:30:52,291 --> 00:30:56,958 Do these photos suffice as confirmation of that fact, Colonel Rhodes? 310 00:30:58,333 --> 00:30:59,875 Respectfully, Prime Minister, 311 00:30:59,875 --> 00:31:03,541 I can't take the authenticity of Russian-supplied photos at face value. 312 00:31:03,541 --> 00:31:05,583 However, I will be more than happy 313 00:31:05,583 --> 00:31:08,041 to have them analyzed at our facilities at Langley. 314 00:31:11,791 --> 00:31:15,333 How do you explain Mr. Fury's presence in Moscow? 315 00:31:15,333 --> 00:31:18,791 Uh, alleged. Alleged presence, madam. 316 00:31:21,208 --> 00:31:23,250 If Slovakia rolls its eyes at me one more time, 317 00:31:23,250 --> 00:31:25,541 I'm gonna put on the suit and carpet bomb it. 318 00:31:25,541 --> 00:31:27,333 Why are you here, Colonel? 319 00:31:27,333 --> 00:31:29,083 You are not a Head of State. 320 00:31:30,208 --> 00:31:33,958 Surely, President Ritson is aware of the seriousness 321 00:31:33,958 --> 00:31:37,250 with which his international partners regard this allegation. 322 00:31:40,291 --> 00:31:43,666 Well, I'm here as a courtesy, Madam Prime Minister. 323 00:31:43,666 --> 00:31:45,791 President Ritson has a pretty busy day job 324 00:31:45,791 --> 00:31:49,166 running the most powerful country and military on the face of the planet. 325 00:31:49,166 --> 00:31:50,875 He doesn't just hop to when summoned. 326 00:31:50,875 --> 00:31:54,250 Not by France, not by Italy, not by the UK. 327 00:31:54,875 --> 00:31:57,958 Now, while we are sensitive to your concerns, 328 00:31:57,958 --> 00:32:01,291 until such time as you can present an actual shred of evidence 329 00:32:01,291 --> 00:32:03,250 to back those concerns up, 330 00:32:03,250 --> 00:32:06,208 I'm afraid sensitivity is all you're gonna be getting from us. 331 00:32:08,083 --> 00:32:09,083 All right? 332 00:32:18,583 --> 00:32:21,208 - Rhodes. Nice suit. Armani? 333 00:32:22,333 --> 00:32:23,875 Brioni. 334 00:32:23,875 --> 00:32:24,958 Fury. 335 00:32:24,958 --> 00:32:27,250 Pretty expensive for a government salary. 336 00:32:27,250 --> 00:32:29,708 Yeah, well, my other suit's made of titanium 337 00:32:29,708 --> 00:32:32,250 so this actually constitutes considerable savings. 338 00:32:32,250 --> 00:32:34,208 We need to meet. ASAP. 339 00:32:34,208 --> 00:32:36,791 Great. Tell you what, let me just finish mopping up 340 00:32:36,791 --> 00:32:40,250 this globe-sized bucket of steaming hot kaka you tipped over yesterday 341 00:32:40,250 --> 00:32:42,250 and then, we can get a drink. Sound good? 342 00:32:42,250 --> 00:32:46,291 You sound frustrated. What's the matter? Croatia talking crap? 343 00:32:46,291 --> 00:32:47,458 Slovakia. 344 00:32:48,041 --> 00:32:49,583 Well, carpet-bomb their ass. 345 00:32:50,375 --> 00:32:52,541 Burner's Tavern, one o'clock. 346 00:32:52,541 --> 00:32:56,500 Do me a favor and try not to pop off a nuclear holocaust before you get there. 347 00:33:27,291 --> 00:33:29,208 Should I be worried about poison? 348 00:33:29,875 --> 00:33:32,416 You should be worried about spending the rest of your days 349 00:33:32,416 --> 00:33:34,375 in the Siberian retirement community. 350 00:33:34,375 --> 00:33:36,958 Yeah, don't let the relaxed ambiance fool you. 351 00:33:37,541 --> 00:33:39,833 I'm this close to handing your ass over to the Russians. 352 00:33:39,833 --> 00:33:41,958 Forgetting your rank here, Colonel Rhodes? 353 00:33:41,958 --> 00:33:44,458 You do not wanna be playing "mine is bigger than yours" 354 00:33:44,458 --> 00:33:46,291 with job titles right now, Fury. 355 00:33:46,291 --> 00:33:49,125 Trust me, I'm the last friend you've got. 356 00:33:49,125 --> 00:33:51,166 Are the Russians really tryin' to pin this on me? 357 00:33:51,166 --> 00:33:53,416 Your face is all over CCTV footage. 358 00:33:53,416 --> 00:33:56,000 I was there trying to stop the attack. 359 00:33:56,000 --> 00:34:00,041 Oh, well, excellent job at that, by the way. 2,000 dead so far. 360 00:34:00,041 --> 00:34:02,750 Number will probably triple once they clear all the rubble. 361 00:34:02,750 --> 00:34:05,458 Meaning you not only set the stage for World War III, 362 00:34:05,458 --> 00:34:08,791 but you simultaneously flipped all of our allies to Team Russia. 363 00:34:19,125 --> 00:34:21,500 How well do you know your security detail? 364 00:34:22,500 --> 00:34:25,208 I know they're catching bullets first if I get shot at. 365 00:34:25,208 --> 00:34:28,291 What do you mean how much do I know about 'em? 366 00:34:28,291 --> 00:34:31,416 What if I told you they were all spies? 367 00:34:32,583 --> 00:34:34,125 Spies for who, the Russians? 368 00:34:34,916 --> 00:34:37,666 Well... non-state actors. 369 00:34:37,666 --> 00:34:41,041 You know, global reach, borderless operations. 370 00:34:42,250 --> 00:34:44,083 - HYDRA? - Yeah. 371 00:34:44,083 --> 00:34:48,916 If HYDRA was a bunch of green guys who could shape-shift into your daddy. 372 00:34:58,166 --> 00:35:00,416 So, how long have you known about them? 373 00:35:02,541 --> 00:35:03,708 About 15 years ago, 374 00:35:03,708 --> 00:35:07,708 I was part of an eyes-only, top-secret presentation. 375 00:35:07,708 --> 00:35:10,375 It was about a shape-shifting alien species 376 00:35:10,375 --> 00:35:13,250 that had sent a few of its light ships crashing down to Earth. 377 00:35:14,250 --> 00:35:15,500 The Pentagon was concerned 378 00:35:15,500 --> 00:35:19,583 that they might get into their heads to invade us one day from the inside. 379 00:35:20,250 --> 00:35:23,541 That invasion is real. It's happened. 380 00:35:24,291 --> 00:35:26,541 That's... That's not possible. 381 00:35:26,541 --> 00:35:28,833 Yeah, that's what I thought, too, but it's true. 382 00:35:28,833 --> 00:35:30,625 And here's the crazy part, 383 00:35:30,625 --> 00:35:34,541 we're being invaded and we can't even tell who the invaders are. 384 00:35:34,541 --> 00:35:36,625 Moscow was just the beginning. 385 00:35:38,416 --> 00:35:39,875 Maybe we should call our friends. 386 00:35:39,875 --> 00:35:42,458 No, no, no, we can't jump the gun on that. 387 00:35:42,458 --> 00:35:45,083 You know, we get them in a fight with the Skrulls 388 00:35:45,083 --> 00:35:46,416 and next thing you know, 389 00:35:46,416 --> 00:35:49,666 they find themselves duplicated and turned into terrorists. 390 00:35:49,666 --> 00:35:50,875 Fury, this isn't... 391 00:35:50,875 --> 00:35:53,291 This is my war, Rhodey. 392 00:35:53,291 --> 00:35:55,166 I need you to back me on this. 393 00:35:55,583 --> 00:35:57,333 I... I can't do it. 394 00:35:57,333 --> 00:35:58,833 Ain't no "can't" in our business. 395 00:35:58,833 --> 00:36:01,666 There's only what you can do and what you will not do. 396 00:36:01,666 --> 00:36:04,500 You're right. I should've said, I'm not doing it. 397 00:36:04,500 --> 00:36:06,583 I just spent all the political capital I had 398 00:36:06,583 --> 00:36:08,916 in getting Maria Hill's body back from the Russians. 399 00:36:08,916 --> 00:36:10,916 Are you really talking to me about politics right now? 400 00:36:10,916 --> 00:36:14,166 I'm here as an envoy of the United States government, Fury. 401 00:36:14,166 --> 00:36:15,375 The job is political. 402 00:36:15,375 --> 00:36:17,958 I remember when your job was protecting the planet. 403 00:36:17,958 --> 00:36:21,208 We protect the planet by protecting our seat at the table. 404 00:36:21,208 --> 00:36:23,833 Are you forgetting who helped you get your seat at the table? 405 00:36:23,833 --> 00:36:25,791 Oh, so I owe you now? Is that it? 406 00:36:25,791 --> 00:36:28,000 We owe each other. 407 00:36:28,791 --> 00:36:32,458 Men who look like us don't get promoted because of who our daddies know. 408 00:36:32,458 --> 00:36:35,291 Every ounce of power we wrestle from the vice grip 409 00:36:35,291 --> 00:36:41,083 of the mediocre Alexander Pierces who run this world was earned in blood. 410 00:36:41,083 --> 00:36:44,541 So let's make the power mean something. Help a brother out. 411 00:36:45,208 --> 00:36:46,916 Car's outside, Colonel. 412 00:36:48,375 --> 00:36:50,583 Colonel Rhodes will let you know when he's ready to go. 413 00:36:50,583 --> 00:36:52,166 The car is for you, Fury. 414 00:36:52,166 --> 00:36:55,041 They'll escort you outside, then you're goin' to the airport. 415 00:36:55,041 --> 00:36:58,375 Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know I had travel plans. 416 00:36:59,041 --> 00:37:00,583 I made 'em on your behalf. 417 00:37:01,166 --> 00:37:02,916 Have you even listened to a word that I've said? 418 00:37:02,916 --> 00:37:06,333 Yeah, I have. The world is on the line. 419 00:37:06,333 --> 00:37:09,125 The enemy is a million times more dangerous than HYDRA, 420 00:37:09,125 --> 00:37:11,083 but they can only be vanquished by you. 421 00:37:11,083 --> 00:37:12,166 Alone. 422 00:37:12,166 --> 00:37:15,583 And you want me to make the power mean something by helpin' a brother out. 423 00:37:15,583 --> 00:37:17,166 But you should know better than most. 424 00:37:17,166 --> 00:37:21,916 The reason we wrestled this power from mediocre men who don't look like us 425 00:37:21,916 --> 00:37:25,208 was not simply to turn around and hand it to mediocre men who do. 426 00:37:25,208 --> 00:37:28,500 The point of this power is to be uncompromising, 427 00:37:28,500 --> 00:37:30,250 to be unsparing, 428 00:37:30,250 --> 00:37:33,541 to be able to sit across from a man we greatly admire, 429 00:37:34,125 --> 00:37:38,833 with whom we share an entire professional, personal, ancestral history with 430 00:37:38,833 --> 00:37:42,291 and to tell him without any reservation, that he's fired. 431 00:37:43,583 --> 00:37:47,125 That's what this moment right here, right now is about, Nick. 432 00:37:56,750 --> 00:37:59,833 They sent you to fire me? 433 00:37:59,833 --> 00:38:03,083 Nobody sent me. I volunteered. 434 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:07,166 And not to put too fine a point on this, but that mess that you created in Moscow 435 00:38:07,166 --> 00:38:09,958 that resulted in getting one of our best people murdered, 436 00:38:09,958 --> 00:38:12,250 you earned all this smoke, brother. 437 00:38:19,541 --> 00:38:20,583 Move. 438 00:38:20,583 --> 00:38:23,708 - Are you seriously under the impression 439 00:38:23,708 --> 00:38:28,041 that just because you strip me of my titles, I relinquish my DNA? 440 00:38:28,041 --> 00:38:29,125 Careful, Fury. 441 00:38:38,333 --> 00:38:39,916 And you wonder why you're out. 442 00:38:41,875 --> 00:38:43,083 I'm Nick Fury. 443 00:38:44,541 --> 00:38:47,708 Even when I'm out, I'm in. 444 00:39:21,958 --> 00:39:23,958 Yes, and now that the door is unlocked, 445 00:39:23,958 --> 00:39:25,833 what does that tell you about me and doors? 446 00:39:27,208 --> 00:39:28,375 Who are you? 447 00:39:28,375 --> 00:39:30,416 I'm above your pay grade. Where is he? 448 00:39:33,041 --> 00:39:34,125 Thank you. 449 00:39:54,583 --> 00:39:56,500 Where is your safe house? 450 00:39:56,500 --> 00:39:58,416 - Speak! Didn't your mother ever warn you 451 00:39:58,416 --> 00:40:01,208 you could lose an eye by beating your meat like that? 452 00:40:03,416 --> 00:40:05,000 What are you doing here? 453 00:40:05,000 --> 00:40:06,625 Oh, I'm taking over. 454 00:40:33,833 --> 00:40:37,750 I've thrown everything at him and he hasn't said a word. 455 00:40:37,750 --> 00:40:40,208 What makes you think you can get him to speak? 456 00:40:40,208 --> 00:40:41,875 Oh, I can be quite persuasive. 457 00:40:42,500 --> 00:40:45,291 Oh, before I forget, where is the escape hatch in this dump? 458 00:40:45,291 --> 00:40:46,666 Why do you need to know that? 459 00:40:46,666 --> 00:40:47,750 Oh, just a hunch. 460 00:40:50,833 --> 00:40:53,416 Oh, wonderful. Okay, make yourself scarce. 461 00:41:08,791 --> 00:41:10,250 What are you looking at? 462 00:41:13,000 --> 00:41:16,666 Alone at last. Now, shall we do this the easy way or the other way? 463 00:41:17,333 --> 00:41:18,958 I'm gonna break these chains. 464 00:41:18,958 --> 00:41:21,916 And then, I'm gonna break every bone in your body. 465 00:41:21,916 --> 00:41:24,041 The other way it is. 466 00:41:33,833 --> 00:41:34,833 Mmm. 467 00:41:34,833 --> 00:41:38,791 Well, now that's confirmed, let's party, shall we? 468 00:42:03,458 --> 00:42:04,958 What are you doing in here? 469 00:42:07,041 --> 00:42:09,250 Checking the progress of our newest recruit. 470 00:42:10,916 --> 00:42:12,833 He'll be ready for a face before long. 471 00:42:18,083 --> 00:42:19,250 He's loyal. 472 00:42:20,125 --> 00:42:21,125 Loyal. 473 00:42:23,125 --> 00:42:25,875 You know, I remember when you first came to me, G'iah. 474 00:42:27,375 --> 00:42:29,208 The daughter of a failed General. 475 00:42:30,166 --> 00:42:34,583 I thought to myself, what kind of coward sends his daughter to do what he wouldn't? 476 00:42:34,583 --> 00:42:39,458 But you know, then I realized that kind of coward just doesn't have it in him. 477 00:42:47,875 --> 00:42:50,333 Our man on the inside located Brogan. 478 00:42:54,333 --> 00:42:55,333 Let's go then. 479 00:42:56,083 --> 00:42:59,083 You're wasting your time. I'll never talk to you. 480 00:42:59,083 --> 00:43:00,458 Well, that's very brave, 481 00:43:00,458 --> 00:43:04,250 but everyone talks when their blood starts to cook at 160°C. 482 00:43:04,250 --> 00:43:05,958 It's a biochemical imperative. 483 00:43:05,958 --> 00:43:08,666 The smart ones start talking earlier than that. 484 00:43:08,666 --> 00:43:10,083 You a smart one? 485 00:43:11,250 --> 00:43:12,750 Right, I didn't think so. 486 00:43:13,666 --> 00:43:16,375 Go ahead, put it in my arm. I don't care. 487 00:43:59,958 --> 00:44:02,291 Tell me the location of Gravik's compound. 488 00:44:02,291 --> 00:44:05,291 I swear I know nothing. Please! 489 00:44:05,291 --> 00:44:08,000 I'm afraid, sorry, dear heart, I can't work with nothing. 490 00:44:09,250 --> 00:44:12,500 I need to know where Gravik is, and where he'll be. 491 00:44:12,500 --> 00:44:15,916 I don't know, I swear. Gravik keeps everything a secret. 492 00:44:16,583 --> 00:44:18,166 And what secrets doesn't he keep? 493 00:44:21,250 --> 00:44:22,541 He's building a machine. 494 00:44:22,541 --> 00:44:23,833 What kind of machine? 495 00:44:25,833 --> 00:44:27,500 I think it's to make us stronger. 496 00:44:35,041 --> 00:44:36,125 You wait in the car. 497 00:44:36,125 --> 00:44:37,750 - Keep the engine running. - Mmm-hmm. 498 00:44:41,708 --> 00:44:42,791 Who's helping you? 499 00:44:45,083 --> 00:44:46,250 I don't know what you mean. 500 00:44:46,250 --> 00:44:48,125 Who's leading the science? 501 00:44:53,375 --> 00:44:54,708 Some married couple. 502 00:44:55,833 --> 00:44:56,833 What's their name? 503 00:44:59,500 --> 00:45:02,291 I can't, please. Gravik will kill me. 504 00:45:03,541 --> 00:45:05,583 I'm terribly sorry, but if I don't get a name, 505 00:45:05,583 --> 00:45:07,958 - Gravik won't get the chance to kill you. 506 00:45:11,750 --> 00:45:12,750 Please. 507 00:45:14,500 --> 00:45:15,500 Dalton. 508 00:45:17,416 --> 00:45:18,541 The name's Dalton. 509 00:45:20,583 --> 00:45:22,833 You see, that wasn't so terribly difficult, was it? 510 00:46:16,458 --> 00:46:17,750 Sounds like your lift is here. 511 00:46:22,125 --> 00:46:24,416 Listen, I'm just gonna go and check around back. 512 00:46:25,375 --> 00:46:26,375 Cool. I'll come with. 513 00:46:26,375 --> 00:46:29,041 No, no, no. You stay here. They might come out with Brogan. 514 00:46:30,083 --> 00:46:31,125 Yeah. 515 00:46:31,125 --> 00:46:32,416 You're a smart lady, G'iah. 516 00:46:59,875 --> 00:47:01,750 How very Dostoyevsky. 517 00:47:40,375 --> 00:47:41,375 Gotcha. 518 00:47:43,375 --> 00:47:44,583 You're all right. 519 00:47:44,583 --> 00:47:46,708 I've got him. Let's go. 520 00:47:53,833 --> 00:47:55,000 What'd you tell 'em? 521 00:47:56,291 --> 00:47:57,625 Nothin', just lies. 522 00:47:59,250 --> 00:48:00,250 Nothin'? 523 00:48:01,333 --> 00:48:02,750 Just lies? 524 00:48:02,750 --> 00:48:04,083 That's all, I swear. 525 00:48:15,208 --> 00:48:16,375 Take him to the car. 526 00:48:39,708 --> 00:48:41,000 - Keep driving. 527 00:48:44,166 --> 00:48:46,208 How did they find our safe house? 528 00:49:09,958 --> 00:49:10,958 Pull over. 529 00:49:36,416 --> 00:49:37,958 Did we make it home, Pagon? 530 00:49:39,916 --> 00:49:41,125 Almost there, bro. 531 00:52:10,166 --> 00:52:11,833 Aren't you forgetting something? 532 00:52:30,041 --> 00:52:31,041 Better? 533 00:52:34,291 --> 00:52:35,500 Almost. 534 00:52:44,208 --> 00:52:49,666 All you got to do is, man, hold her when you wanna 535 00:52:49,666 --> 00:52:54,333 Squeeze her, don't tease her, never leave her 536 00:52:55,166 --> 00:53:01,333 Get to her, got, got, got to try a little tenderness, yeah, yeah 537 00:53:01,541 --> 00:53:04,500 You got to know how to love her, man 538 00:53:04,500 --> 00:53:07,083 Don't be surprised, man 539 00:53:07,083 --> 00:53:11,500 You got to squeeze her, don't tease her, never leave 540 00:53:11,500 --> 00:53:15,750 You got to hold her, brother, something, man 541 00:53:15,750 --> 00:53:19,125 Try a little tenderness yeah, yeah, yeah 542 00:53:19,458 --> 00:53:22,291 You got to grab her gently, man 543 00:53:24,458 --> 00:53:26,083 Don't bruise her, no, no 544 00:53:26,083 --> 00:53:30,333 You got to love her, tease her, don't squeeze her 545 00:53:30,333 --> 00:53:32,791 You got to try, na na na na na 546 00:53:32,791 --> 00:53:36,666 Try, try a little tenderness, yeah 547 00:53:36,666 --> 00:53:37,750 Watch her groove 548 00:53:38,291 --> 00:53:41,291 You got to know what to do, man 549 00:53:41,291 --> 00:53:42,708 Take this advice 550 00:53:42,708 --> 00:53:46,750 You gotta love, squeeze, don't tease