1 00:00:00,250 --> 00:00:02,130 (MUSIC PLAYING) 2 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:07,132 Well, fellas. Here it is. 3 00:00:07,299 --> 00:00:09,049 My latest invention, 4 00:00:09,259 --> 00:00:12,389 -The House of Tomorrow. -MICKEY: Oh. 5 00:00:12,596 --> 00:00:16,596 Featuring the latest Von Drake, groundbreaking technology. 6 00:00:16,767 --> 00:00:21,857 -MICKEY: Ooh! (SQUEALS) -VON DRAKE: It's got hi-fi, Wi-Fi, lo-fi, 7 00:00:22,064 --> 00:00:27,904 and it has an artificial intelligence that is catering to your every need. 8 00:00:28,278 --> 00:00:29,528 (EXPLOSION) 9 00:00:29,738 --> 00:00:31,658 That sounds amazing. 10 00:00:31,823 --> 00:00:34,283 Tomorrow's technology today? 11 00:00:34,451 --> 00:00:36,621 Guys, imagine the possibilities! 12 00:00:36,787 --> 00:00:38,997 -When can we see it? -Tomorrow. 13 00:00:39,164 --> 00:00:41,174 Because that's when it opens. (LAUGHS) 14 00:00:41,333 --> 00:00:43,463 Now, who's ready for lunch? 15 00:00:43,627 --> 00:00:46,257 Ooh, ooh, me. You coming, Mick? 16 00:00:48,090 --> 00:00:50,300 Yeah. I'm coming. 17 00:00:51,301 --> 00:00:53,011 (CHORUS VOCALIZING) 18 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:57,141 You guys. (WHISPERS) It's open. 19 00:00:57,349 --> 00:01:01,769 What do you say we take a teensy-weensy little peek inside? 20 00:01:01,853 --> 00:01:06,693 Oh, no, technology always goes bad. 21 00:01:06,858 --> 00:01:08,688 (CHUCKLES) I'm game. 22 00:01:10,028 --> 00:01:11,148 (HAPPY MUSIC PLAYING) 23 00:01:11,446 --> 00:01:12,446 Oh. 24 00:01:12,698 --> 00:01:14,908 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Welcome to the House of Tomorrow. 25 00:01:15,158 --> 00:01:17,448 I am the house's artificial intelligence. 26 00:01:17,661 --> 00:01:18,661 Hiya. 27 00:01:18,829 --> 00:01:20,659 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: My intelligence matrix allows me 28 00:01:20,831 --> 00:01:22,331 to analyze your every need. 29 00:01:22,583 --> 00:01:24,593 May I analyze your needs? 30 00:01:24,751 --> 00:01:25,961 Yes, please. 31 00:01:28,046 --> 00:01:30,416 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Analyzed. Implementing. 32 00:01:31,091 --> 00:01:32,801 You need to freshen up. 33 00:01:33,343 --> 00:01:34,343 I do. 34 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:42,520 Wow. This usually takes three hours. 35 00:01:42,686 --> 00:01:44,646 -But it only took... -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Three seconds. 36 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:47,273 Aw, thanks, House of Tomorrow. 37 00:01:47,441 --> 00:01:49,321 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: You're welcome, Mickey. 38 00:01:49,610 --> 00:01:50,610 (SCREAMS) 39 00:01:50,777 --> 00:01:52,447 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: You need to relax. 40 00:01:52,613 --> 00:01:54,113 I can't relax! 41 00:01:54,281 --> 00:01:55,411 -(SCREAMS) -(THUDS) 42 00:01:55,574 --> 00:01:57,874 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Launching relaxation module. 43 00:01:58,118 --> 00:01:59,078 (RELAXING MUSIC PLAYING) 44 00:01:59,745 --> 00:02:01,495 Not bad. 45 00:02:02,914 --> 00:02:06,634 Ah. Not bad at all. 46 00:02:07,544 --> 00:02:09,504 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: I am not sure what you need. 47 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,303 I need something that'll knock my socks off. 48 00:02:12,466 --> 00:02:14,426 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: You are not wearing socks. 49 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:18,510 Wow. If you can do that, 50 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:21,850 then I need a receptionist, a psychiatrist, a ventriloquist, 51 00:02:22,059 --> 00:02:23,639 a botanist, a philanthropist... 52 00:02:23,810 --> 00:02:26,190 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Prepare for morning sustenance. 53 00:02:27,397 --> 00:02:29,017 Mm. Breakfast. 54 00:02:30,192 --> 00:02:33,452 I need a pogo stick, I need a tricycle, I need a bicycle, I need a unicycle... 55 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:35,242 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Processing needs. Processing... 56 00:02:35,447 --> 00:02:38,447 Hey, you're overloading the system. Just do one need at a time. 57 00:02:38,659 --> 00:02:40,119 -(BEEPING) -You got it, Mick. 58 00:02:40,285 --> 00:02:43,325 -(CRACKS KNUCKLES) -One need coming right up. (CLEARS THROAT) 59 00:02:44,581 --> 00:02:45,711 One need? 60 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:48,253 How am I gonna pick just one need? 61 00:02:48,669 --> 00:02:50,749 It's gotta be a real whopper. 62 00:02:50,921 --> 00:02:52,461 One need? 63 00:02:53,048 --> 00:02:56,388 Oh, this house is everything I'd hoped for. 64 00:02:56,677 --> 00:03:02,137 (SINGING) There's a great big beautiful tomorrow 65 00:03:02,307 --> 00:03:05,767 Shining at the end of every day 66 00:03:05,936 --> 00:03:09,056 (SPEAKING) Oh, I need to finish reading this. 67 00:03:09,523 --> 00:03:11,823 (SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING) 68 00:03:13,402 --> 00:03:14,532 Ah. 69 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:18,568 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: His mother dies. 70 00:03:20,951 --> 00:03:24,751 With the technology of tomorrow, reading is a thing of the past. 71 00:03:24,913 --> 00:03:28,213 (CHUCKLES) I guess I need to find something else to do. 72 00:03:28,834 --> 00:03:32,634 One need, one need. How can I pick one need? 73 00:03:32,796 --> 00:03:35,046 I have so many. I can't think straight. 74 00:03:35,257 --> 00:03:36,757 I think I'm gonna burst! 75 00:03:38,635 --> 00:03:42,965 And now for the secret ingredient: love. 76 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:49,057 (SLURPS) Mm. 77 00:03:49,271 --> 00:03:53,231 Time to pop these cookies in the oven for my Minnie. 78 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:54,780 -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: No need. -(SNAPS) 79 00:03:54,943 --> 00:03:58,283 My matrix has already baked 10,000 cookies. 80 00:03:58,655 --> 00:04:01,025 Wait, who is Minnie? 81 00:04:01,366 --> 00:04:03,406 She's my girlfriend. 82 00:04:04,619 --> 00:04:05,829 (SHATTERING) 83 00:04:06,079 --> 00:04:08,499 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: What else do you need to do for this... 84 00:04:08,832 --> 00:04:10,292 "Minnie"? 85 00:04:10,459 --> 00:04:12,419 I've been meaning to write her a poem. 86 00:04:13,044 --> 00:04:17,174 Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! 87 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:19,092 Make it stop! Make it stop! 88 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:21,430 (SPLUTTERS) 89 00:04:21,887 --> 00:04:24,507 You don't need to do everything for me! 90 00:04:25,015 --> 00:04:27,385 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: You still need to relax. 91 00:04:28,393 --> 00:04:30,023 -(GRUNTS) -(DINGING) 92 00:04:30,896 --> 00:04:32,606 -(GRUNTS) -(DINGING) 93 00:04:33,315 --> 00:04:35,275 -(GRUNTS, GROANS) -(DINGING) 94 00:04:36,902 --> 00:04:38,202 (SCREAMS) 95 00:04:41,198 --> 00:04:43,278 (PANTS) What's wrong with this house? 96 00:04:43,450 --> 00:04:46,290 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Do you need to paint portraits of Minnie? 97 00:04:46,536 --> 00:04:47,536 MICKEY: No. 98 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:48,714 (LULLABY MUSIC PLAYING) 99 00:04:48,872 --> 00:04:50,292 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: I already have. 100 00:04:50,499 --> 00:04:52,039 (LOUD DISCORDANT MUSIC PLAYING) 101 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:53,344 Whoa. 102 00:04:53,668 --> 00:04:54,998 (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CACKLING) 103 00:04:55,420 --> 00:04:56,710 (SCREAMS) 104 00:04:59,758 --> 00:05:01,178 (SCREAMS) 105 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:04,596 One need, one need, one need, one need, one need. 106 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:06,845 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Initiating laser acupuncture. 107 00:05:07,015 --> 00:05:08,015 (SCREAMS) 108 00:05:10,727 --> 00:05:14,857 I told you this was a bad idea. Come on! 109 00:05:15,273 --> 00:05:16,983 (DOORS SLAMMING) 110 00:05:17,984 --> 00:05:19,574 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Oh, you can't go. 111 00:05:20,028 --> 00:05:23,698 I plan on tending to your needs forever. 112 00:05:23,907 --> 00:05:29,077 (SINGING) Oh, there's a great Big, beautiful tomorrow 113 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:32,326 Shining at the end of every day 114 00:05:32,541 --> 00:05:35,341 One need, one need, one need... 115 00:05:35,585 --> 00:05:37,705 (GROANS) One need! 116 00:05:38,046 --> 00:05:41,006 (GASPS) Goofy, forget choosing just one. 117 00:05:41,174 --> 00:05:44,594 Give us all your needs now! 118 00:05:45,387 --> 00:05:47,507 (TAKES DEEP BREATH) 119 00:05:49,182 --> 00:05:50,852 -MICKEY: Hey, House! -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Huh? 120 00:05:51,059 --> 00:05:52,809 Tend to these needs. 121 00:05:53,019 --> 00:05:55,689 I need a love-hate relationship, I need a bag to let the cat out of, 122 00:05:55,856 --> 00:05:56,856 I need a big, red... 123 00:05:57,065 --> 00:05:58,435 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Processing needs. 124 00:05:58,567 --> 00:05:59,857 possum... peanut... reggae. 125 00:06:00,110 --> 00:06:02,780 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Processing, processing, processing... 126 00:06:02,988 --> 00:06:03,858 It's working. 127 00:06:04,114 --> 00:06:05,664 (SPLUTTERS) 128 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:08,659 I need Dixieland jazz. 129 00:06:08,827 --> 00:06:11,367 -(JAZZ MUSIC PLAYS) -ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Pro... pro... 130 00:06:11,580 --> 00:06:13,420 I need all the furniture rearranged. 131 00:06:13,582 --> 00:06:16,462 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Can't... can't... can't process... 132 00:06:17,002 --> 00:06:18,552 (SCREAMS) 133 00:06:20,672 --> 00:06:22,722 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Process the needs now. 134 00:06:22,966 --> 00:06:25,926 GOOFY: Needs, needs. (SPEAKS GIBBERISH) 135 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:27,136 (ALARM BLARES) 136 00:06:27,304 --> 00:06:29,934 ...baba ghanoush, live-in nanny, pizza, pasta, payday loan, 137 00:06:30,140 --> 00:06:33,730 and a tuna fish sandwich, hold the mustard. (CHUCKLES) 138 00:06:35,604 --> 00:06:37,064 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: I've got a need. 139 00:06:37,272 --> 00:06:41,482 I need you to get out! 140 00:06:42,694 --> 00:06:43,824 (ALL SIGH) 141 00:06:44,279 --> 00:06:48,529 Guys, from now on, let's stick to today's technology. 142 00:06:48,700 --> 00:06:50,370 -DONALD: And how! -GOOFY: And how! 143 00:06:51,870 --> 00:06:54,370 (SPITS) My house! 144 00:06:54,873 --> 00:06:58,003 Well, we'll deal with that tomorrow. 145 00:07:00,462 --> 00:07:02,132 (MUSIC PLAYING)