1 00:00:30,577 --> 00:00:32,479 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 2 00:01:03,709 --> 00:01:06,380 (BREATHING SHAKILY) 3 00:01:15,265 --> 00:01:17,169 (INHALES DEEPLY) 4 00:01:28,224 --> 00:01:30,362 (HAMMERING ON METAL) 5 00:01:43,388 --> 00:01:45,158 PIP: "In my stars, I am above thee. 6 00:01:46,729 --> 00:01:48,599 "But be not afraid of greatness. 7 00:01:50,703 --> 00:01:51,838 "Some are born great, 8 00:01:53,241 --> 00:01:54,511 "some achieve greatness, 9 00:01:55,880 --> 00:01:57,917 "and others have greatness thrust upon them." 10 00:01:59,521 --> 00:02:00,823 (JOE LAUGHS) 11 00:02:01,024 --> 00:02:04,363 Every day, always mumbling to yourself, Pip. 12 00:02:04,565 --> 00:02:06,267 - It's Shakespeare. - Oh. 13 00:02:06,836 --> 00:02:09,406 I learn passages by heart and recite them. 14 00:02:10,342 --> 00:02:11,645 Why would you do that? 15 00:02:11,645 --> 00:02:13,549 Oh, you know, because I can. 16 00:02:16,588 --> 00:02:18,424 And because it helps to pass the time. 17 00:02:21,364 --> 00:02:25,472 And soon, it'll be you hitting the iron and making the tools. 18 00:02:25,774 --> 00:02:28,746 And then time will pass all by itself, 19 00:02:29,013 --> 00:02:30,616 without the need of mumbling. 20 00:02:34,791 --> 00:02:36,762 SARA: Joe! Pip! Come. 21 00:02:37,564 --> 00:02:38,699 JOE: Dinner time, Pip. 22 00:02:41,370 --> 00:02:42,607 I'll collect up the nails. 23 00:02:43,642 --> 00:02:44,945 SARA: Joe, Pip! 24 00:02:44,945 --> 00:02:46,180 Are you deaf? 25 00:02:47,517 --> 00:02:48,519 Coming, love. 26 00:02:49,286 --> 00:02:50,355 Be quick, Pip. 27 00:02:52,326 --> 00:02:53,663 One farthing saved... 28 00:02:53,663 --> 00:02:54,698 SARA: Pip, I say three times! 29 00:02:54,698 --> 00:02:56,502 PIP: Two farthings saved. SARA: Dinner is ready, 30 00:02:56,502 --> 00:02:58,438 - and I'll mince your legs... - Three farthings saved. 31 00:02:58,438 --> 00:03:00,341 ...for sausages if you don't get in this second. 32 00:03:05,285 --> 00:03:06,320 I'll lock the door. 33 00:03:33,642 --> 00:03:36,447 (RATS SQUEAKING) 34 00:03:36,447 --> 00:03:37,817 (KEYS JANGLING) 35 00:03:38,385 --> 00:03:41,457 (MAN 1 MOANING IN PAIN) 36 00:03:44,430 --> 00:03:46,635 (MAN 2 COUGHING) 37 00:03:53,716 --> 00:03:56,988 (MAN 3 MUMBLING) 38 00:04:00,730 --> 00:04:02,466 (SCRATCHING NOISE) 39 00:04:09,748 --> 00:04:11,350 GUARD: What is that scratching? 40 00:04:12,921 --> 00:04:14,791 COMPEYSON: What do you think? It's a rat. 41 00:04:14,791 --> 00:04:17,329 MAGWITCH: The only rat in your 10 square yards 42 00:04:17,329 --> 00:04:19,000 is you, Compeyson. 43 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:20,202 You're Lord of the Rats! 44 00:04:20,202 --> 00:04:22,472 Why don't you keep your mad bloody ravings to yourself? 45 00:04:22,907 --> 00:04:24,978 (MAN COUGHING) 46 00:04:27,449 --> 00:04:30,455 It may amuse your superiors to put me 47 00:04:30,455 --> 00:04:32,761 and my only mortal enemy on this earth 48 00:04:32,761 --> 00:04:33,929 next to each other. 49 00:04:34,363 --> 00:04:36,602 To have to listen to him breathing in 50 00:04:36,602 --> 00:04:38,906 and breathing out all night long 51 00:04:39,273 --> 00:04:44,016 when every muscle and sinew in my body strains to get on him 52 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:47,323 and squeeze the last breath out of him 53 00:04:47,323 --> 00:04:49,962 so he will never fucking breathe a breath ever again! 54 00:04:49,962 --> 00:04:50,997 COMPEYSON: Tell the mad bastard 55 00:04:50,997 --> 00:04:53,536 the inconvenience of our proximity is mutual. 56 00:04:53,536 --> 00:04:55,640 I'd rather be neighbor with a burning volcano. 57 00:04:55,640 --> 00:04:56,775 MAGWITCH: Which I am! 58 00:04:57,409 --> 00:04:59,747 (PUNCHING DOOR) I am a volcano! 59 00:05:00,114 --> 00:05:01,719 Burning with injustice. 60 00:05:01,719 --> 00:05:05,593 Because you are the reason I am here in fucking chains! 61 00:05:05,593 --> 00:05:07,429 GUARD: Well, you two better get used to it. 62 00:05:08,064 --> 00:05:11,471 You're gonna be side by side, like sweethearts, 63 00:05:11,471 --> 00:05:12,940 all the way to Australia. 64 00:05:17,082 --> 00:05:18,886 MAGWITCH: You garbage rat! 65 00:05:20,990 --> 00:05:22,661 (MAGWITCH PUNCHING DOOR) 66 00:05:22,661 --> 00:05:24,363 (SCREAMING) 67 00:05:24,931 --> 00:05:26,735 (CRYING) 68 00:05:28,037 --> 00:05:29,941 (GRUNTING, GROANING) 69 00:05:33,047 --> 00:05:35,051 (FLOORBOARD CREAKING) 70 00:05:35,553 --> 00:05:37,723 (SCRATCHING NOISE) 71 00:06:02,807 --> 00:06:04,677 (HITTING FLINT WITH BLADE) 72 00:06:30,596 --> 00:06:31,598 Fire! 73 00:06:31,832 --> 00:06:33,134 Fire on deck! 74 00:06:33,902 --> 00:06:35,673 Come quick! Fire! 75 00:06:35,907 --> 00:06:37,510 Compeyson, you rat! 76 00:06:39,647 --> 00:06:41,050 - (PRISONERS SCREAMING) 77 00:06:41,484 --> 00:06:43,656 - Fire! - MAGWITCH: Guard, this cell! 78 00:06:43,656 --> 00:06:45,458 You'll pay for this, Compeyson! 79 00:06:46,928 --> 00:06:48,197 (BOTH GRUNTING) 80 00:06:53,007 --> 00:06:54,711 I'll kill you, Compeyson. 81 00:06:54,912 --> 00:06:56,214 I'll kill you. 82 00:06:56,214 --> 00:06:57,817 (GRUNTING) 83 00:06:58,051 --> 00:07:00,188 (PRISONERS SCREAMING) 84 00:07:01,257 --> 00:07:02,493 MAGWITCH: Open the door! 85 00:07:04,798 --> 00:07:05,833 Let me out. 86 00:07:06,902 --> 00:07:07,937 Hey. 87 00:07:08,471 --> 00:07:10,441 Open the fucking door. 88 00:07:15,653 --> 00:07:17,590 COMPEYSON: I didn't really like the sound of Australia. 89 00:07:17,924 --> 00:07:20,194 I think I'll go to London and pay a visit to your wife. 90 00:07:20,496 --> 00:07:21,898 (SCREAMING) 91 00:07:22,934 --> 00:07:24,236 Burn in hell, Magwitch. 92 00:07:25,071 --> 00:07:26,608 (SCREAMING) 93 00:07:27,877 --> 00:07:28,879 No! 94 00:07:29,948 --> 00:07:30,983 No! No! 95 00:07:32,620 --> 00:07:33,622 No! 96 00:07:34,624 --> 00:07:35,693 No! 97 00:07:36,561 --> 00:07:38,932 No! No! No! 98 00:07:43,074 --> 00:07:44,844 (SCREAMING) 99 00:07:55,966 --> 00:07:57,268 (PRISONERS SCREAMING) 100 00:08:00,676 --> 00:08:01,678 (YELLING) 101 00:08:03,782 --> 00:08:04,784 No, please don't! 102 00:08:25,058 --> 00:08:27,062 (PRISONERS SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 103 00:08:27,797 --> 00:08:30,068 MAN 1: Stop him! MAN 2: Prisoners aboard! 104 00:08:52,245 --> 00:08:53,815 (GASPING, PANTING) 105 00:08:56,053 --> 00:08:57,055 (GRUNTING) 106 00:08:57,256 --> 00:08:58,759 (CHAINS CLANKING) 107 00:09:00,061 --> 00:09:02,767 (PANTING) 108 00:09:19,266 --> 00:09:21,971 (INDISTINCT MUTTERING) 109 00:09:39,439 --> 00:09:41,644 - (CHAINS CLANKING) - (PANTING) 110 00:10:10,435 --> 00:10:11,671 SARA: Boots! 111 00:10:13,307 --> 00:10:14,810 Treading mud all through the house. 112 00:10:15,278 --> 00:10:17,650 The ground is frozen. How can there be mud? 113 00:10:18,251 --> 00:10:20,856 The water and the mud freezes and makes it hard. 114 00:10:26,935 --> 00:10:27,937 SARA: What's this? 115 00:10:29,006 --> 00:10:31,377 Decorations. For Christmas. I... 116 00:10:31,377 --> 00:10:32,713 I thought they looked nice. 117 00:10:33,649 --> 00:10:36,788 Joe, the boy here is implying that there is something lacking 118 00:10:36,788 --> 00:10:38,926 in the way I decorate our house for the season. 119 00:10:38,926 --> 00:10:41,030 And look, he's been bold enough 120 00:10:41,030 --> 00:10:42,165 to provide a remedy. 121 00:10:46,373 --> 00:10:47,877 Berries are not even Christian. 122 00:10:49,413 --> 00:10:50,414 Hands. 123 00:10:53,722 --> 00:10:55,693 There are some in the village who say 124 00:10:55,693 --> 00:10:57,964 that bringing berries into the house 125 00:10:57,964 --> 00:10:59,700 is summoning the Devil himself. 126 00:11:00,903 --> 00:11:03,976 So, it's the Devil himself you're inviting into our home, 127 00:11:03,976 --> 00:11:05,846 is it, Pip? Just in time for Christmas. 128 00:11:06,047 --> 00:11:08,952 No, that was not my express intention. 129 00:11:09,754 --> 00:11:13,294 Oh, Joe. The boy uses words longer than himself these days. 130 00:11:15,431 --> 00:11:16,433 JOE: Yes, Pip? 131 00:11:18,137 --> 00:11:19,439 You should cut your words in half. 132 00:11:19,807 --> 00:11:22,178 It's all them books they keep giving him at that school. 133 00:11:22,713 --> 00:11:23,982 Or cut them into quarters. 134 00:11:24,483 --> 00:11:26,320 SARA: Words coming out of his ears. 135 00:11:26,320 --> 00:11:27,388 Just say yes or no. 136 00:11:27,723 --> 00:11:29,694 Why would I ever dare say "no"? 137 00:11:29,995 --> 00:11:31,097 (CHUCKLES) 138 00:11:31,097 --> 00:11:32,332 (BANGS DISH ON TABLE) 139 00:11:32,867 --> 00:11:34,770 Youse two are always whispering. 140 00:11:37,108 --> 00:11:38,410 How many nails did you save? 141 00:11:43,220 --> 00:11:44,322 SARA: Hmm. 142 00:11:47,329 --> 00:11:50,736 You get room, and board, and lodgings, 143 00:11:51,237 --> 00:11:53,040 all for saving seven nails? 144 00:11:53,274 --> 00:11:56,814 Well, I would say that is a very good exchange for you. 145 00:11:57,015 --> 00:11:58,150 And a very poor one for us. 146 00:12:05,264 --> 00:12:06,868 JOE: Oh, well, now. 147 00:12:07,903 --> 00:12:09,205 (GASPS) Oh! 148 00:12:10,308 --> 00:12:11,811 (SARA SCOFFS) 149 00:12:13,114 --> 00:12:14,383 Yes, Joe. I made a drop of sauce 150 00:12:14,383 --> 00:12:15,519 on account of it nearly being Christmas. 151 00:12:15,519 --> 00:12:18,959 No, Sara. You made it on account of all your harsh words. 152 00:12:18,959 --> 00:12:22,366 You see, you speak your goodness through your savory sauces. 153 00:12:22,366 --> 00:12:23,868 Pip, 154 00:12:24,135 --> 00:12:27,408 untangle the ingredients, and you'll find love in there, 155 00:12:27,610 --> 00:12:29,146 amongst the sage and parsley. 156 00:12:29,146 --> 00:12:31,316 (SCOFFS) No parsley in there. 157 00:12:33,054 --> 00:12:34,089 It's nettle. 158 00:12:34,858 --> 00:12:37,195 I mean, I do what I can with what I've got, 159 00:12:38,030 --> 00:12:39,065 which isn't much. 160 00:12:39,500 --> 00:12:42,105 And if it wasn't for my harsh words, 161 00:12:42,105 --> 00:12:44,577 you two would be sitting around this cottage all day long idle 162 00:12:44,577 --> 00:12:46,480 like them potatoes there in that steaming pot. 163 00:12:48,150 --> 00:12:49,152 Yes, Joe. 164 00:12:50,154 --> 00:12:52,392 You are one large potato. 165 00:12:55,431 --> 00:12:57,936 She's right, Joe. You look just like a large potato. 166 00:12:59,106 --> 00:13:01,443 - (PIP CHUCKLES) - (JOE LAUGHS) 167 00:13:06,988 --> 00:13:10,027 (LAUGHTER CONTINUES) 168 00:13:14,369 --> 00:13:16,106 Got me as daft as the two of you. 169 00:13:17,242 --> 00:13:19,245 (LOUD CANNON BOOM) 170 00:13:26,628 --> 00:13:28,932 Sounds like one of the devils has escaped. 171 00:13:33,642 --> 00:13:35,946 - (DOGS BARKING) - (MEN TALKING INDISTINCTLY) 172 00:13:39,587 --> 00:13:42,058 (PANTING) 173 00:13:48,538 --> 00:13:49,540 GUARD: He's alive. 174 00:13:57,957 --> 00:13:59,593 (MAN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 175 00:14:02,298 --> 00:14:04,503 (GASPING) 176 00:14:05,438 --> 00:14:07,576 - Damn you, Compeyson. - (LOUD CANNON BOOM) 177 00:14:14,590 --> 00:14:16,495 Well, if any convicted cutter of throats 178 00:14:16,495 --> 00:14:17,563 bound for Australia 179 00:14:17,563 --> 00:14:19,066 diverts and comes to our door... 180 00:14:19,066 --> 00:14:20,468 He would soon regret it if it was you 181 00:14:20,468 --> 00:14:21,971 who opened the door, my love. 182 00:14:22,773 --> 00:14:24,978 Spiders as big as cats in Australia. 183 00:14:24,978 --> 00:14:27,081 Snakes the length of rivers. 184 00:14:27,516 --> 00:14:31,089 But nothing so fierce as Sara with a soup spoon. (CHUCKLES) 185 00:14:33,995 --> 00:14:35,566 Would any convict come all the way up here 186 00:14:35,566 --> 00:14:36,601 from the river? 187 00:14:36,935 --> 00:14:39,006 JOE: Won't get far on a night like this. 188 00:14:39,006 --> 00:14:40,676 Probably frozen stiff already. 189 00:14:40,676 --> 00:14:42,946 Good. Because I have to go and see Mum and Dad. 190 00:14:46,721 --> 00:14:50,127 Now, Pip, that might not be wise with the cannons barking, huh? 191 00:14:50,529 --> 00:14:52,231 I'm not afraid of a frozen man. 192 00:14:52,833 --> 00:14:55,171 I will go and be back before seven o'clock. 193 00:14:55,171 --> 00:14:57,208 I believe Joe just said it's not wise. 194 00:14:57,977 --> 00:15:00,114 When Joe is finished, dinner is finished, 195 00:15:00,114 --> 00:15:01,651 so dinner's finished, so bring your plate. 196 00:15:01,651 --> 00:15:03,020 PIP: But it's Christmas Eve. 197 00:15:04,557 --> 00:15:06,159 SARA: Joe just said It's not wise. 198 00:15:06,861 --> 00:15:08,063 Now, I said that dinner is finished. 199 00:15:08,063 --> 00:15:11,036 So, you will stay indoors, Pip, and you will bring your plate. 200 00:15:11,036 --> 00:15:14,109 It is a short walk. I'm happy myself with the wisdom of going. 201 00:15:14,109 --> 00:15:15,646 He is happy himself, himself decides. 202 00:15:15,646 --> 00:15:17,215 PIP: Yes, I have decided. 203 00:15:17,784 --> 00:15:19,052 I'll go and see my parents. 204 00:15:30,776 --> 00:15:32,279 JOE: Now, no need for that old thing, Sara. 205 00:15:32,279 --> 00:15:33,682 - (CANE SLAMS AGAINST DOOR) - Need for it, 206 00:15:33,682 --> 00:15:36,320 because even though I'm 20 years his senior, 207 00:15:36,320 --> 00:15:39,561 my little brother has long words and I have short words. 208 00:15:39,561 --> 00:15:41,631 But the tickler will have the last word. 209 00:15:41,631 --> 00:15:43,769 I would have gone earlier, but I was busy 210 00:15:43,769 --> 00:15:46,440 saving you four farthings, picking up in there. 211 00:15:46,440 --> 00:15:48,277 - (CANE SLAMS DOWN) - (CANON BOOMS) 212 00:15:48,277 --> 00:15:49,580 JOE: Pip, don't you hear that? 213 00:15:50,816 --> 00:15:51,685 SARA: Well, Joe. 214 00:15:51,918 --> 00:15:54,490 Tell the boy the next one is for his bare back. 215 00:15:55,091 --> 00:15:56,359 JOE: Pip, it's out of love. 216 00:15:56,594 --> 00:15:58,463 Is that what this is, Joe? Love? 217 00:15:59,165 --> 00:16:01,170 Written on my back ever since she took me in. 218 00:16:01,170 --> 00:16:02,740 There is a madman on the marshes. 219 00:16:02,740 --> 00:16:05,311 There is a boy gone wild in my kitchen! 220 00:16:05,311 --> 00:16:08,383 JOE: Brother and sister should not stare at each other so. 221 00:16:08,751 --> 00:16:10,689 - Indeed, they should not. - JOE: Please, Pip. 222 00:16:11,090 --> 00:16:12,626 In this season of goodwill... 223 00:16:31,263 --> 00:16:32,265 (DOOR SHUTS) 224 00:16:33,501 --> 00:16:36,206 You beat that boy again, he will be gone. 225 00:16:36,708 --> 00:16:39,312 When my knees fail and my back breaks, 226 00:16:39,547 --> 00:16:42,018 who will work the forge and put food on the table? 227 00:16:50,401 --> 00:16:52,204 He brought red berries into the house. 228 00:16:53,541 --> 00:16:54,743 The devil will come. 229 00:16:56,781 --> 00:16:57,816 (GRUNTING) 230 00:17:06,534 --> 00:17:08,136 (GRUNTS) 231 00:17:09,239 --> 00:17:11,276 (PANTING) 232 00:17:33,153 --> 00:17:34,657 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 233 00:17:38,464 --> 00:17:39,465 JOE: Goodnight, Pip. 234 00:17:43,307 --> 00:17:44,342 Goodnight, Joe. 235 00:17:47,883 --> 00:17:51,323 - (FOOTSTEPS RECEDING) - (DOOR SHUTS) 236 00:18:11,798 --> 00:18:13,601 (WIND HOWLING) 237 00:18:20,247 --> 00:18:21,751 (LOUD CANNON BOOM) 238 00:18:56,319 --> 00:18:57,789 Goddamnit. 239 00:19:29,319 --> 00:19:30,689 Mum. 240 00:19:30,689 --> 00:19:31,791 Dad. 241 00:19:32,693 --> 00:19:33,795 Little ones. 242 00:19:33,795 --> 00:19:35,230 It's Christmas tomorrow. 243 00:19:35,732 --> 00:19:36,934 Another year gone. 244 00:19:38,638 --> 00:19:39,874 Since last year, it feels 245 00:19:39,874 --> 00:19:41,409 like I've grown ten years, not one. 246 00:19:42,980 --> 00:19:45,785 This place more and more is Hell. 247 00:19:46,888 --> 00:19:47,923 My heart wants freedom. 248 00:19:49,292 --> 00:19:50,294 It's a big world. 249 00:19:52,365 --> 00:19:53,768 (GRUNTING) 250 00:19:54,704 --> 00:19:57,242 In Hell is where you'll find yourself, boy. 251 00:19:57,242 --> 00:19:58,410 In Hell itself. 252 00:19:59,312 --> 00:20:00,414 Who were you talking to? 253 00:20:01,149 --> 00:20:04,656 My mother and father. My brothers and sisters. 254 00:20:06,928 --> 00:20:07,996 (GRUNTING) 255 00:20:08,798 --> 00:20:10,401 They're the lucky ones 256 00:20:10,401 --> 00:20:12,672 who parted this life before it could twist their guts 257 00:20:13,006 --> 00:20:15,377 and burn their brains and corrode their bellies. 258 00:20:15,645 --> 00:20:17,649 - (LOUD CANNON BOOM) - (GRUNTS) 259 00:20:20,522 --> 00:20:22,458 I am guessing you are the cause of the cannons. 260 00:20:22,993 --> 00:20:23,995 MAGWITCH: One of the causes. 261 00:20:24,463 --> 00:20:26,834 There are two causes out on these marshes tonight. 262 00:20:27,201 --> 00:20:30,307 One's a lost cause, the other a just cause. 263 00:20:30,876 --> 00:20:31,911 Which are you? 264 00:20:32,345 --> 00:20:34,817 (GRUNTS) You're a bold little boy, aren't you? 265 00:20:35,919 --> 00:20:37,823 Now, you hear me, little boy. 266 00:20:37,823 --> 00:20:39,627 I'm a Christian soul. I'm in need of help, 267 00:20:39,627 --> 00:20:40,728 and you're going to give it to me! 268 00:20:41,062 --> 00:20:43,501 I'm an animal and my belly's empty. 269 00:20:43,802 --> 00:20:47,008 You... You want food? I have some bread in my pocket. 270 00:20:47,008 --> 00:20:48,377 Give me the bread. 271 00:20:48,377 --> 00:20:49,446 Give me the food. 272 00:20:49,446 --> 00:20:51,282 (GRUNTING) 273 00:20:52,385 --> 00:20:53,821 (MOANING) 274 00:20:55,391 --> 00:20:56,594 (BITES INTO A NAIL, SPITS) 275 00:20:57,829 --> 00:20:59,032 A fucking nail. 276 00:20:59,032 --> 00:21:01,036 Are you trying to choke me, boy? 277 00:21:01,036 --> 00:21:02,906 I'm sorry. I saved some nails. 278 00:21:03,273 --> 00:21:04,777 I work in a blacksmith's shop. 279 00:21:04,777 --> 00:21:06,479 My sister is married to a blacksmith. 280 00:21:06,948 --> 00:21:07,983 MAGWITCH: Come here. 281 00:21:07,983 --> 00:21:09,520 You live in a blacksmith shop, 282 00:21:09,520 --> 00:21:11,322 so I know exactly where to find you. 283 00:21:11,690 --> 00:21:12,893 Do you understand me? 284 00:21:14,930 --> 00:21:17,503 Well, here's what you're going to do, blacksmith boy. 285 00:21:17,503 --> 00:21:19,674 You're going to meet me at the twisted trees on the marsh. 286 00:21:19,674 --> 00:21:20,708 You know them? 287 00:21:21,409 --> 00:21:22,913 Well, you're going to meet me there at first light. 288 00:21:22,913 --> 00:21:24,584 You're going to bring me food and drink. 289 00:21:24,584 --> 00:21:26,452 And strong drink, for the cold. 290 00:21:26,921 --> 00:21:28,691 Oh, and you go to the blacksmith shop, 291 00:21:29,159 --> 00:21:30,962 and you're going to take a metal file and pinchers. 292 00:21:31,263 --> 00:21:32,732 And you're going to bring all of this to me. 293 00:21:33,066 --> 00:21:35,972 Well, now you do as you're told, and I'll spare your life. 294 00:21:37,709 --> 00:21:41,082 If you decide to turn me over, if you decide to turn me over, 295 00:21:41,584 --> 00:21:45,424 I'll find you, and your sister, and your blacksmith, 296 00:21:45,726 --> 00:21:46,928 and there'll be three more gravestones 297 00:21:46,928 --> 00:21:48,330 set beside these ones. 298 00:21:48,665 --> 00:21:49,733 You understand? 299 00:21:51,671 --> 00:21:53,373 Go on. Go. 300 00:22:00,655 --> 00:22:02,058 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 301 00:22:02,058 --> 00:22:03,728 (LOUD CANNON BOOM) 302 00:22:24,837 --> 00:22:26,874 (PANTING) 303 00:22:48,483 --> 00:22:50,922 (DOGS BARKING DISTANTLY) 304 00:22:54,663 --> 00:22:56,466 (BREATHING SHAKILY) 305 00:22:58,236 --> 00:22:59,640 Don't let me down, boy. 306 00:24:04,603 --> 00:24:06,472 (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) 307 00:24:40,240 --> 00:24:41,242 SARA: Out of love. 308 00:25:43,033 --> 00:25:44,034 Hello? 309 00:25:47,408 --> 00:25:48,611 Hello? 310 00:25:52,351 --> 00:25:54,756 Food. (GRUNTING) Food. 311 00:26:12,024 --> 00:26:13,894 (MOANING IN PLEASURE) 312 00:26:17,669 --> 00:26:18,671 I brought you what I could. 313 00:26:21,677 --> 00:26:22,745 No nails this time. 314 00:26:29,125 --> 00:26:30,360 So, you're not going to turn me over? 315 00:26:36,005 --> 00:26:37,341 You're the blacksmith, boy. 316 00:26:37,341 --> 00:26:38,611 While I'm eating, cut my shackles. 317 00:26:47,896 --> 00:26:50,635 Did you see another wearing similar jewelry on his legs? 318 00:26:51,804 --> 00:26:53,106 No, I saw no one. 319 00:26:53,708 --> 00:26:54,743 Good. 320 00:26:59,151 --> 00:27:00,253 The other is your friend? 321 00:27:03,126 --> 00:27:04,128 This is my breakfast. 322 00:27:04,530 --> 00:27:06,032 I catch the other, it will be his heart, 323 00:27:06,032 --> 00:27:07,902 raw and bloody I'll eat for my dinner. 324 00:27:14,950 --> 00:27:16,052 Why do you want to kill him? 325 00:27:18,089 --> 00:27:20,227 You'll learn when you grow. 326 00:27:22,899 --> 00:27:26,038 Some men are as dark and dirty and cold as this marsh. 327 00:27:28,109 --> 00:27:29,144 You get lost in their lives 328 00:27:29,144 --> 00:27:31,717 like you get lost in these ditches and streams. 329 00:27:35,357 --> 00:27:36,660 What's your name, boy? 330 00:27:39,065 --> 00:27:40,267 What's your name? 331 00:27:43,306 --> 00:27:44,308 Pip. 332 00:27:45,243 --> 00:27:47,247 (DOGS BARKING) 333 00:27:48,149 --> 00:27:49,285 Give me the file, Pip. 334 00:27:52,525 --> 00:27:54,729 Boy, you better run. Save your skin. 335 00:27:54,963 --> 00:27:56,734 Go on, go home! Go on! 336 00:27:56,734 --> 00:27:57,769 Go! 337 00:27:59,873 --> 00:28:00,875 Thank you, Pip. 338 00:28:33,541 --> 00:28:35,010 COMPEYSON: I heard voices in the fog. 339 00:28:36,814 --> 00:28:38,182 One of them was his. 340 00:28:40,020 --> 00:28:41,289 I left him for dead on the boat. 341 00:28:46,533 --> 00:28:47,869 Is he still shackled? 342 00:28:48,403 --> 00:28:49,438 Who? 343 00:28:52,946 --> 00:28:54,248 You lie badly. 344 00:28:57,321 --> 00:28:58,857 I heard sawing among the voices. 345 00:29:05,170 --> 00:29:06,773 (PANTING) 346 00:29:08,544 --> 00:29:10,013 Come then, my old friend. 347 00:29:11,315 --> 00:29:12,785 Come for me, Magwitch. 348 00:29:14,589 --> 00:29:16,459 And let us end our merry dance. 349 00:29:30,153 --> 00:29:32,090 - (CHURCH BELL TOLLS) - (CHOIR SINGING) 350 00:29:32,525 --> 00:29:33,527 Shit. 351 00:29:45,083 --> 00:29:46,554 CHORUS: 352 00:29:46,554 --> 00:29:48,023 ♪ Comfort and joy 353 00:29:48,023 --> 00:29:53,132 ♪ Oh, tidings of comfort And joy ♪ 354 00:29:53,734 --> 00:29:54,970 Where the hell have you been? 355 00:29:54,970 --> 00:29:56,238 Watch your language, Joe. 356 00:29:56,573 --> 00:29:57,909 We're in God's house. 357 00:29:58,945 --> 00:30:01,249 We thought you'd been murdered or run away to America. 358 00:30:01,249 --> 00:30:02,552 Where have you been? 359 00:30:04,221 --> 00:30:06,226 Since I couldn't go and see Mum and Dad in the dark, 360 00:30:06,226 --> 00:30:08,965 - I went at first light. - Joe, this child... 361 00:30:08,965 --> 00:30:09,967 I brought you these, sister, 362 00:30:09,967 --> 00:30:12,137 to say sorry for the harsh words last night. 363 00:30:13,273 --> 00:30:14,576 I know how much you like flowers. 364 00:30:19,418 --> 00:30:20,955 The most Christian flowers without berries 365 00:30:20,955 --> 00:30:22,224 that I could find. 366 00:30:22,224 --> 00:30:23,292 (CONGREGATION SITTING DOWN) 367 00:30:25,631 --> 00:30:26,933 (CLEARS THROAT) 368 00:30:36,152 --> 00:30:38,491 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Mrs. Gargery, the aromas coming from this room 369 00:30:38,491 --> 00:30:39,960 are most provoking. 370 00:30:39,960 --> 00:30:41,997 JOE: In a good way, Mr. Pumblechook? 371 00:30:42,198 --> 00:30:43,433 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: In an excellent way. 372 00:30:43,433 --> 00:30:45,170 MR. WOPSLE: One day, I will steal the recipe 373 00:30:45,170 --> 00:30:46,439 for her meat sauce. 374 00:30:46,439 --> 00:30:50,582 We were talking only yesterday about those very ingredients, 375 00:30:50,582 --> 00:30:53,320 and Pip and me decided 376 00:30:53,320 --> 00:30:56,058 the most important ingredient was love. 377 00:30:56,392 --> 00:30:57,394 Didn't we, Pip? 378 00:30:58,029 --> 00:30:59,031 We did, Joe. 379 00:30:59,332 --> 00:31:01,302 JOE: Pip, take the coats. 380 00:31:01,670 --> 00:31:03,073 SARA: As well as the sauce, 381 00:31:03,073 --> 00:31:05,945 I have an extra special treat for us today, 382 00:31:05,945 --> 00:31:08,617 which I made myself by hand. 383 00:31:09,485 --> 00:31:11,222 It's a savory pork pie. 384 00:31:11,791 --> 00:31:14,428 Made from pastry light as a linnet, 385 00:31:14,428 --> 00:31:16,332 I baked it especially for today. 386 00:31:16,600 --> 00:31:19,305 Took me three days to gather the ingredients, 387 00:31:19,305 --> 00:31:21,375 some sent all the way from London. 388 00:31:21,777 --> 00:31:25,652 We will eat it between dinner and pudding. 389 00:31:25,652 --> 00:31:26,620 Pip. 390 00:31:26,620 --> 00:31:28,957 Fetch a sprig of rosemary from the garden. 391 00:31:29,391 --> 00:31:30,661 Yes, sister. 392 00:31:31,497 --> 00:31:33,299 Shit. Shit. 393 00:31:34,301 --> 00:31:35,370 Shit. 394 00:31:41,115 --> 00:31:42,384 Merry Christmas, Pip. 395 00:31:42,986 --> 00:31:45,457 Biddy, what are you doing here? 396 00:31:46,259 --> 00:31:48,463 Walking home from church, the long way. 397 00:31:49,031 --> 00:31:50,033 Why? 398 00:31:50,668 --> 00:31:52,104 To reduce the amount of time I must spend 399 00:31:52,104 --> 00:31:53,941 with the guests we have for Christmas dinner. 400 00:31:54,275 --> 00:31:55,443 I hate Christmas. 401 00:31:58,283 --> 00:31:59,384 I hate this Christmas. 402 00:32:05,631 --> 00:32:06,633 Is everything all right? 403 00:32:08,269 --> 00:32:09,606 I'm a condemned man. 404 00:32:10,741 --> 00:32:12,278 Condemned? For what? 405 00:32:12,278 --> 00:32:14,114 Theft, aiding an escaped convict, 406 00:32:14,415 --> 00:32:15,585 drinking brandy. 407 00:32:15,585 --> 00:32:18,056 Pip, you read so many adventure books 408 00:32:18,056 --> 00:32:19,358 that bits of them come out your mouth 409 00:32:19,358 --> 00:32:20,561 without you knowing it. 410 00:32:22,498 --> 00:32:24,335 If I had two guineas in my pocket 411 00:32:24,335 --> 00:32:26,205 instead of two pennies, I would... 412 00:32:27,241 --> 00:32:28,276 What would you do? 413 00:32:31,215 --> 00:32:33,119 I would remove my shackles and be gone. 414 00:32:35,591 --> 00:32:36,660 SARA: Oh, Pip, my love. 415 00:32:38,697 --> 00:32:39,999 Move your arse, boy. 416 00:32:41,770 --> 00:32:43,541 Merry Christmas, Biddy. 417 00:32:43,541 --> 00:32:45,310 Merry Christmas, Mrs. Gargery. 418 00:32:46,045 --> 00:32:47,180 So... 419 00:32:48,283 --> 00:32:49,418 to the gallows. 420 00:32:51,355 --> 00:32:52,457 See you in school, Pip. 421 00:32:55,297 --> 00:32:57,569 MR. WOPSLE: Today's sermon was another typical example 422 00:32:57,569 --> 00:33:02,077 of how our reverend always chooses the easy, the obvious. 423 00:33:02,411 --> 00:33:04,081 "Thou shalt not this, 424 00:33:04,315 --> 00:33:07,722 "thou shalt not that, thou shalt not steal..." 425 00:33:08,089 --> 00:33:10,360 Now, I... I am a humble church clerk, 426 00:33:10,360 --> 00:33:12,097 but if the church would be opened out, 427 00:33:12,097 --> 00:33:14,035 my voice would ring like a bell. 428 00:33:14,035 --> 00:33:15,370 Pip, why are you not eating? 429 00:33:15,370 --> 00:33:16,707 MR. WOPSLE: And on Christmas Day, 430 00:33:16,707 --> 00:33:18,510 my subject would be pigs. 431 00:33:19,345 --> 00:33:20,447 Pigs, Mr. Wopsle? 432 00:33:20,447 --> 00:33:21,750 MR. WOPSLE: Yes, pigs. You see? 433 00:33:22,017 --> 00:33:23,587 With one word, I already have your attention. 434 00:33:23,854 --> 00:33:25,123 Eat your potatoes, Pip. 435 00:33:25,357 --> 00:33:27,161 MR. WOPSLE: The sermon I would have given 436 00:33:27,161 --> 00:33:30,233 would have been about the fate of those who are gluttonous. 437 00:33:30,233 --> 00:33:32,805 A fiery warning against gluttony. 438 00:33:35,611 --> 00:33:38,517 PIP: And inspired by this pronouncement against gluttony, 439 00:33:38,918 --> 00:33:41,422 I will abstain from finishing my meal. 440 00:33:47,568 --> 00:33:49,505 (LAUGHING) 441 00:33:52,210 --> 00:33:54,315 Oh, I swear, half the words he uses, 442 00:33:54,315 --> 00:33:55,718 he makes up on the spot. 443 00:33:56,586 --> 00:33:57,622 Are you not well, Pip? 444 00:33:59,526 --> 00:34:00,794 No, I'm not. 445 00:34:01,529 --> 00:34:03,199 Perhaps I should go and get some air. 446 00:34:03,199 --> 00:34:04,870 SARA: There's plenty of air in this room. 447 00:34:04,870 --> 00:34:05,805 We have people. 448 00:34:06,205 --> 00:34:08,611 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: And besides, Pip, you can't leave just yet. 449 00:34:08,611 --> 00:34:10,581 - I have some news. - SARA: What news? 450 00:34:10,782 --> 00:34:13,320 Excellent news, Mrs. Gargery. 451 00:34:13,320 --> 00:34:15,323 As a successful chandler and seed merchant, 452 00:34:15,725 --> 00:34:19,265 I have dealings with those fortunate enough to live uptown, 453 00:34:19,265 --> 00:34:23,206 as well as those who are unfortunate enough to live here. 454 00:34:23,206 --> 00:34:24,274 Downtown. 455 00:34:24,709 --> 00:34:27,816 I am, uh, seen as a bridge between the two worlds, 456 00:34:27,816 --> 00:34:29,519 a go-between. 457 00:34:29,519 --> 00:34:32,124 You go back and forth over the bridge. 458 00:34:32,124 --> 00:34:34,462 With messages, Mr. Gargery. 459 00:34:34,462 --> 00:34:37,467 From high to low. 460 00:34:37,735 --> 00:34:39,404 There is a lady who lives uptown. 461 00:34:39,606 --> 00:34:41,375 Very far uptown. 462 00:34:41,677 --> 00:34:43,246 None of you will have met her, 463 00:34:43,246 --> 00:34:44,882 yet all of you will have heard of her. 464 00:34:45,684 --> 00:34:46,686 Miss Havisham. 465 00:34:48,322 --> 00:34:50,193 The lady who lives in the haunted house? 466 00:34:50,193 --> 00:34:51,563 (LAUGHTER) 467 00:34:51,563 --> 00:34:54,535 Pip, what with red berries and hauntings? 468 00:34:54,736 --> 00:34:55,704 What's become of you? 469 00:34:55,704 --> 00:34:58,677 And what business does she have with our Pip? 470 00:34:59,078 --> 00:35:00,615 Thirteen years ago, 471 00:35:00,615 --> 00:35:03,553 Miss Havisham decided to adopt a baby girl. 472 00:35:03,920 --> 00:35:07,628 Now, Miss Havisham has decided that this girl needs company. 473 00:35:08,329 --> 00:35:11,836 Someone of a similar age, but of the opposite... sex. 474 00:35:12,672 --> 00:35:16,212 Mr. Pumblechook, she did not use that awful word, did she? 475 00:35:16,212 --> 00:35:18,282 - MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Sex, yes. - Oh, this lady. 476 00:35:18,517 --> 00:35:19,485 There is no one from a family 477 00:35:19,485 --> 00:35:21,824 of the girl's own social standing available. 478 00:35:21,824 --> 00:35:25,430 So, we have decided, myself and Miss Havisham, 479 00:35:25,430 --> 00:35:27,668 have decided to resort to meritocracy. 480 00:35:27,869 --> 00:35:29,205 - JOE: A new word, Pip. - Shh! 481 00:35:29,205 --> 00:35:30,273 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Since we can't find a, 482 00:35:30,273 --> 00:35:32,277 uh, boy of the appropriate class, 483 00:35:32,512 --> 00:35:35,618 we've decided to find the cleverest boy of that age 484 00:35:35,618 --> 00:35:36,720 in the parish. 485 00:35:38,423 --> 00:35:40,528 SARA: And will she pay for the boy? 486 00:35:40,528 --> 00:35:42,698 I mean, money. Will she pay money? 487 00:35:42,965 --> 00:35:44,669 She'll pay a sum to the boy's parents. 488 00:35:44,903 --> 00:35:46,906 And to the go-between, who is the agent of the agreement. 489 00:35:47,340 --> 00:35:50,447 But, Mr. Pumblechook, I need Pip in the shop. 490 00:35:50,447 --> 00:35:53,285 SARA: Do go on, Mr. Pumblechook. How much will she pay? 491 00:35:53,620 --> 00:35:55,456 Mr. Wopsle, you mentioned pigs earlier. 492 00:35:55,958 --> 00:35:57,060 Yes, pigs. 493 00:35:57,060 --> 00:36:00,299 I think this little piglet will fetch quite a price. 494 00:36:01,670 --> 00:36:03,373 Now, before we begin 495 00:36:03,373 --> 00:36:04,942 the confidential conversation of money, 496 00:36:05,243 --> 00:36:06,479 you mentioned something 497 00:36:06,479 --> 00:36:08,315 about an exceptional savory pork pie. 498 00:36:08,517 --> 00:36:10,588 SARA: Oh! I will fetch the pie. 499 00:36:10,588 --> 00:36:13,494 And the biggest slice goes to the little piglet. 500 00:36:13,494 --> 00:36:15,697 (BOTH LAUGHING) 501 00:36:16,064 --> 00:36:17,267 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Very good. 502 00:36:17,935 --> 00:36:19,539 SARA: The biggest slice 503 00:36:19,973 --> 00:36:22,878 for the smartest boy in town. 504 00:36:27,420 --> 00:36:28,890 (BANGING ON DOOR) 505 00:36:31,797 --> 00:36:33,534 All able-bodied men of the parish 506 00:36:33,534 --> 00:36:35,704 are called to do their duty to the King. 507 00:36:36,573 --> 00:36:39,244 Two prisoners have escaped from the retribution. 508 00:36:39,846 --> 00:36:42,518 We will form a human chain and sweep the marshes. 509 00:36:45,356 --> 00:36:46,826 - (SAWING) - (GRUNTING) 510 00:36:50,066 --> 00:36:51,435 (SAWING CONTINUES) 511 00:37:10,340 --> 00:37:11,810 between every four men. 512 00:37:12,812 --> 00:37:14,949 We will walk ten yards apart. 513 00:37:15,818 --> 00:37:18,557 Never mind ten yards. Pip, you stay close to me. 514 00:37:20,426 --> 00:37:23,333 Joe, there's something I should tell you. 515 00:37:23,333 --> 00:37:25,036 If it's about this Miss Havisham, 516 00:37:26,038 --> 00:37:27,440 I'll not let them take you, Pip. 517 00:37:27,909 --> 00:37:29,846 I shall need you in the shop soon enough. 518 00:37:30,180 --> 00:37:32,751 My knees are creaking even now as I walk. 519 00:37:33,452 --> 00:37:35,323 Got the marshes in my joints. 520 00:37:36,159 --> 00:37:38,329 Joe, it's only partly about Miss Havisham. 521 00:37:40,968 --> 00:37:42,404 Pip, what is it? 522 00:37:42,404 --> 00:37:44,307 SOLDIER: Hey, you two. 523 00:37:44,742 --> 00:37:45,911 Every man ten yards apart. 524 00:37:45,911 --> 00:37:48,783 - He's not a man, he's a boy. - SOLDIER: Ten yards, I say. 525 00:37:53,927 --> 00:37:55,030 March on. 526 00:37:55,030 --> 00:37:56,733 (DOG BARKING) 527 00:37:57,969 --> 00:37:59,639 (MEN TALKING INDISTINCTLY) 528 00:38:08,924 --> 00:38:10,661 (OMINOUS MUSIC PLAYING) 529 00:38:16,706 --> 00:38:19,344 (WIND HOWLING) 530 00:38:42,992 --> 00:38:45,396 (BOTH GRUNTING) 531 00:38:46,499 --> 00:38:47,768 - (GRUNTING) - (SCREAMING) 532 00:38:56,853 --> 00:38:58,723 - Joe. - JOE: Yes, Pip? 533 00:39:00,126 --> 00:39:02,665 I don't know about this arrangement with Miss Havisham, 534 00:39:03,466 --> 00:39:04,467 but... 535 00:39:06,806 --> 00:39:08,610 There's one thing I do know, Joe. 536 00:39:16,125 --> 00:39:18,395 I don't want to take over the blacksmith shop 537 00:39:18,830 --> 00:39:19,932 and be a blacksmith. 538 00:39:21,536 --> 00:39:22,538 I don't. 539 00:39:27,882 --> 00:39:28,850 I can't. 540 00:39:40,206 --> 00:39:41,441 I'm sorry, Joe. 541 00:39:46,986 --> 00:39:49,157 (MEN TALKING INDISTINCTLY) 542 00:39:58,075 --> 00:39:59,110 (SCREAMS) 543 00:39:59,377 --> 00:40:01,849 (BOTH SCREAMING) 544 00:40:07,928 --> 00:40:09,899 (BOTH GRUNTING) 545 00:40:16,613 --> 00:40:18,015 (PANTING) 546 00:40:18,683 --> 00:40:20,086 (YELLING) 547 00:40:20,086 --> 00:40:21,455 (SCREAMS) 548 00:40:22,692 --> 00:40:24,729 (GRUNTING) 549 00:40:41,161 --> 00:40:42,665 MAN: There they are! 550 00:40:45,236 --> 00:40:46,906 SOLDIER 1: Take them back to the hulks. 551 00:40:47,708 --> 00:40:48,677 And keep them apart. 552 00:40:49,912 --> 00:40:51,549 I want it put on record 553 00:40:52,050 --> 00:40:54,856 that that mad bastard Magwitch tried to murder me. 554 00:40:54,856 --> 00:40:57,929 The only record I care for is the one God keeps. 555 00:40:57,929 --> 00:40:59,899 This one's got free of his leg irons. 556 00:41:00,968 --> 00:41:02,771 Oi, how did you get free? 557 00:41:03,640 --> 00:41:04,809 Eh? 558 00:41:04,809 --> 00:41:06,713 - (GRUNTS IN PAIN) - How did you get free? 559 00:41:18,269 --> 00:41:19,672 (PANTING) 560 00:41:20,140 --> 00:41:21,709 Last night... (PANTING) 561 00:41:22,912 --> 00:41:24,715 I broke into a blacksmith's shop. 562 00:41:26,619 --> 00:41:27,855 I stole a file and some pinchers. 563 00:41:28,723 --> 00:41:29,759 And while I was at it, 564 00:41:29,759 --> 00:41:31,996 from the house I stole a pork pie, 565 00:41:34,301 --> 00:41:36,004 and some bread, and some brandy. 566 00:41:38,275 --> 00:41:39,277 SOLDIER: Let's go. 567 00:41:39,712 --> 00:41:41,816 (MAGWITCH GRUNTING) 568 00:41:44,956 --> 00:41:46,959 (DOGS BARKING) 569 00:41:56,779 --> 00:41:57,781 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Pip, 570 00:41:58,182 --> 00:41:59,819 there are some things that we must discuss 571 00:41:59,819 --> 00:42:01,021 about Miss Havisham. 572 00:42:03,894 --> 00:42:06,164 (WAVES CRASHING) 573 00:42:27,106 --> 00:42:28,643 (COUGHING) 574 00:42:59,371 --> 00:43:01,776 (CHILDREN PLAYING) 575 00:43:04,114 --> 00:43:05,650 (BIRD CAWING) 576 00:43:08,389 --> 00:43:09,959 (BELL TOLLING) 577 00:43:44,862 --> 00:43:45,964 PIP: Biddy. 578 00:43:58,088 --> 00:43:59,424 Do you remember when we used to compete 579 00:43:59,424 --> 00:44:01,361 to collect the most kindling to light the fire? 580 00:44:03,332 --> 00:44:04,367 BIDDY: I remember. 581 00:44:08,042 --> 00:44:09,410 But soon, you will forget everything. 582 00:44:09,945 --> 00:44:12,250 Biddy, it is one morning a week. 583 00:44:15,156 --> 00:44:16,358 It is a window. 584 00:44:16,760 --> 00:44:19,732 A small window, but you will crawl through it. 585 00:44:19,933 --> 00:44:21,268 And I'm happy for you. 586 00:44:21,268 --> 00:44:22,370 You don't look happy. 587 00:44:29,117 --> 00:44:31,321 Everyone says the lady is very strange. 588 00:44:32,858 --> 00:44:35,898 It will be the girl you will be with, Pip. 589 00:44:35,898 --> 00:44:38,068 Biddy, it's a simple financial arrangement. 590 00:44:38,335 --> 00:44:41,342 This very rich and strange old lady has offered to pay 591 00:44:41,342 --> 00:44:43,011 for every visit I make to her house. 592 00:44:43,613 --> 00:44:45,349 - How much? - I don't know yet. 593 00:44:45,617 --> 00:44:46,886 A lot, I think. 594 00:44:47,354 --> 00:44:48,856 But I'll give most of it to Joe. 595 00:44:50,092 --> 00:44:51,729 Hopefully, soon, he can retire, 596 00:44:52,197 --> 00:44:53,398 so he won't need me. 597 00:44:54,802 --> 00:44:55,770 And I will be free. 598 00:44:56,939 --> 00:44:58,008 Leave all of this behind. 599 00:44:59,210 --> 00:45:00,480 How wonderful for you. 600 00:45:00,480 --> 00:45:02,416 I'll find gainful employment in London. 601 00:45:02,885 --> 00:45:05,022 I'll support my sister and Joe from my own income. 602 00:45:05,423 --> 00:45:07,327 You were born a blacksmith. What gainful employment? 603 00:45:07,327 --> 00:45:09,030 I don't know specifically. 604 00:45:09,297 --> 00:45:10,767 But rather than be a blacksmith, 605 00:45:11,569 --> 00:45:13,506 I'll be someone more resembling... 606 00:45:15,142 --> 00:45:16,177 a gentleman. 607 00:45:19,117 --> 00:45:20,486 Biddy, I'm doing a good thing. 608 00:45:21,956 --> 00:45:23,927 So, why are you sad, or angry, 609 00:45:23,927 --> 00:45:25,363 or whatever it is you are? 610 00:45:25,363 --> 00:45:26,966 Pip Gargery. 611 00:45:27,300 --> 00:45:29,470 Clever, odd, 612 00:45:31,274 --> 00:45:33,045 and also completely blind. 613 00:45:56,926 --> 00:45:57,928 JOE: Pip! 614 00:45:58,462 --> 00:46:00,867 Come. They're ready for you. 615 00:46:11,221 --> 00:46:13,091 (SUSPENSEFUL MUSIC PLAYING) 616 00:46:26,919 --> 00:46:28,121 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Seven times four. 617 00:46:28,322 --> 00:46:29,491 PIP: 28. 618 00:46:30,025 --> 00:46:31,361 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Seven times seven. 619 00:46:32,063 --> 00:46:33,131 PIP: 49. 620 00:46:35,504 --> 00:46:37,139 Fourteen... 621 00:46:37,473 --> 00:46:40,513 plus seven, plus six, 622 00:46:42,049 --> 00:46:43,185 plus six. 623 00:46:44,220 --> 00:46:45,255 34. 624 00:46:47,093 --> 00:46:48,161 I mean 33. 625 00:46:48,496 --> 00:46:49,898 (HORSE NEIGHS) 626 00:46:51,201 --> 00:46:52,938 I sold you to them 627 00:46:53,372 --> 00:46:56,044 as a prodigy, a genius... 628 00:46:56,044 --> 00:46:59,551 like an orchid growing wild in the filth of a stable. 629 00:47:00,620 --> 00:47:02,323 Don't let us all down, Pip. 630 00:47:04,595 --> 00:47:05,997 Come on. 631 00:47:11,542 --> 00:47:13,145 (RINGS BELL) 632 00:47:18,222 --> 00:47:19,491 So, what is she like? 633 00:47:21,228 --> 00:47:23,466 She's a girl about your age, 634 00:47:23,466 --> 00:47:24,434 well-spoken... 635 00:47:24,434 --> 00:47:27,173 - I mean Miss Havisham. - Oh. Well, in truth, 636 00:47:27,508 --> 00:47:30,981 like almost everybody else, I've never laid eyes upon her. 637 00:47:30,981 --> 00:47:33,218 She conducts her business through a Mr. Jaggers. 638 00:47:33,653 --> 00:47:35,223 He's King's counsel. 639 00:47:35,223 --> 00:47:36,325 And quite an abrupt one 640 00:47:36,325 --> 00:47:37,460 - at that. - (RINGS BELL) 641 00:47:41,168 --> 00:47:42,369 (DOOR OPENS) 642 00:47:48,282 --> 00:47:50,920 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Here she is, your future companion. 643 00:48:17,708 --> 00:48:20,212 This is him, Miss Estella. 644 00:48:20,547 --> 00:48:22,216 - Estella? - ESTELLA: Yes. 645 00:48:23,418 --> 00:48:24,487 What of it? 646 00:48:25,056 --> 00:48:26,625 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: This is the boy, Pip. 647 00:48:26,959 --> 00:48:28,361 The boy, Pip, is it? 648 00:48:28,729 --> 00:48:30,199 Very pleased to meet you, ma'am. 649 00:48:30,199 --> 00:48:32,136 - ESTELLA: "Ma'am"? - Miss. 650 00:48:32,938 --> 00:48:35,176 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: Like I was saying to the lady, 651 00:48:35,176 --> 00:48:37,647 Pip is a lump of marble just waiting to be shaped. 652 00:48:38,014 --> 00:48:39,417 With hammer and chisel? 653 00:48:40,219 --> 00:48:43,358 Perhaps I could come in and introduce him to the lady? 654 00:48:43,693 --> 00:48:46,499 (SCOFFS) Now you're just being silly. 655 00:48:48,435 --> 00:48:50,005 Only the boy will come. 656 00:48:51,509 --> 00:48:53,011 No one else is allowed. 657 00:48:56,586 --> 00:48:58,121 (WHISTLES) Come, boy, 658 00:49:13,218 --> 00:49:14,320 Hurry along. 659 00:49:20,399 --> 00:49:23,205 MR. PUMBLECHOOK: I say, what time should I collect the boy? 660 00:49:23,205 --> 00:49:25,275 ESTELLA: When we are tired of him. 661 00:49:33,660 --> 00:49:36,699 (UNLOCKING DOOR) 662 00:50:04,521 --> 00:50:06,457 ESTELLA: Are you scared? PIP: Of what? 663 00:50:08,261 --> 00:50:09,631 You mean the ghosts? 664 00:50:10,399 --> 00:50:11,401 ESTELLA: No. 665 00:50:11,603 --> 00:50:13,238 We don't need ghosts here. 666 00:50:13,707 --> 00:50:15,409 Ghosts would be afraid to come. 667 00:50:41,428 --> 00:50:44,835 - (KNOCKS ON DOOR) - ESTELLA: Mama, the boy is here. 668 00:50:51,448 --> 00:50:52,584 Are you not staying? 669 00:50:52,885 --> 00:50:54,521 (ESTELLA CHUCKLES) Goodness, no. 670 00:50:54,755 --> 00:50:56,692 (FOOTSTEPS RECEDING) 671 00:51:11,922 --> 00:51:14,795 (DOOR CREAKS OPEN) 672 00:51:17,734 --> 00:51:18,736 (DOOR CLOSES) 673 00:51:32,329 --> 00:51:33,331 Hello? 674 00:51:37,339 --> 00:51:38,341 MISS HAVISHAM: Who's there? 675 00:51:40,613 --> 00:51:41,749 PIP: It's Pip, ma'am. 676 00:51:43,218 --> 00:51:44,186 Miss. 677 00:51:44,922 --> 00:51:48,328 Ma'am, Mr. Pumblechook's boy. 678 00:51:58,549 --> 00:51:59,718 MISS HAVISHAM: Let me see you. 679 00:52:09,237 --> 00:52:10,238 Come here. 680 00:52:25,737 --> 00:52:26,872 Look upon me. 681 00:52:35,690 --> 00:52:37,527 Look on what remains of me. 682 00:52:44,675 --> 00:52:46,210 What do I touch, Pip? 683 00:52:47,413 --> 00:52:49,350 - PIP: You touch your heart. - Yes. 684 00:52:50,018 --> 00:52:51,220 Broken. 685 00:52:59,337 --> 00:53:01,274 What did you say about your purpose here? 686 00:53:01,776 --> 00:53:04,781 I was told I would be company for a girl. 687 00:53:06,317 --> 00:53:07,587 Who I have already met. 688 00:53:07,821 --> 00:53:09,256 "Whom" you met. 689 00:53:09,825 --> 00:53:11,427 "Whom", yes. 690 00:53:12,564 --> 00:53:13,899 Ah, yes. Company. 691 00:53:15,302 --> 00:53:17,574 (SIGHS) I remember my desire for company. 692 00:53:19,310 --> 00:53:21,247 You see, I'm tired, Pip. 693 00:53:22,784 --> 00:53:24,554 Of men and women. 694 00:53:27,059 --> 00:53:29,798 Sometimes, I have sick fantasies about what I want. 695 00:53:33,940 --> 00:53:35,275 Call Estella. 696 00:53:46,064 --> 00:53:47,332 PIP: Estella. 697 00:53:50,807 --> 00:53:51,809 (DOOR OPENS) 698 00:53:54,748 --> 00:53:55,750 (DOOR CLOSES) 699 00:53:58,388 --> 00:54:00,560 (WHISPERS) Welcome to eternal winter. 700 00:54:01,896 --> 00:54:05,837 Innocent moments before the great corruption. 701 00:54:06,906 --> 00:54:08,374 Estella, what do you think of him? 702 00:54:08,809 --> 00:54:10,479 I think he is a common laboring boy 703 00:54:10,479 --> 00:54:12,650 with big boots, who smells like a stable. 704 00:54:15,757 --> 00:54:16,959 Boy, what do you think of her? 705 00:54:19,765 --> 00:54:21,568 I think she's very... 706 00:54:23,573 --> 00:54:24,608 proud. 707 00:54:26,712 --> 00:54:27,714 And pretty? 708 00:54:30,052 --> 00:54:31,020 Yes. 709 00:54:32,657 --> 00:54:35,028 So, a common boy and a proud, pretty girl. 710 00:54:45,449 --> 00:54:46,752 I want to watch you play.