1 00:00:18,456 --> 00:00:19,791 [Tom Hiddleston] The night. 2 00:00:24,462 --> 00:00:30,426 A shadowy world that hides more than half the animals on our planet. 3 00:00:33,555 --> 00:00:38,768 Until now, cameras only offered a glimpse into their lives. 4 00:00:41,771 --> 00:00:44,858 But with next-generation technology, 5 00:00:44,941 --> 00:00:49,863 we can see the night as clear as day. 6 00:00:56,536 --> 00:01:00,790 With cameras a hundred times more sensitive than the human eye... 7 00:01:04,084 --> 00:01:06,880 we can now capture the beauty of night... 8 00:01:09,382 --> 00:01:10,508 in color. 9 00:01:15,346 --> 00:01:17,223 Alien landscapes. 10 00:01:20,268 --> 00:01:24,856 Strange creatures brought to life by the darkness. 11 00:01:27,734 --> 00:01:30,195 Unseen behaviors. 12 00:01:37,243 --> 00:01:40,788 Now we can follow the lives of animals 13 00:01:41,623 --> 00:01:44,125 in Earth's last true wilderness. 14 00:01:46,586 --> 00:01:47,587 The night. 15 00:02:10,109 --> 00:02:14,113 Sunset over the plains of Kenya's Maasai Mara. 16 00:02:19,202 --> 00:02:22,497 One of Africa's most protected wild spaces. 17 00:02:26,543 --> 00:02:30,880 And home to the fastest land animal on Earth... 18 00:02:34,092 --> 00:02:35,260 the cheetah. 19 00:02:46,271 --> 00:02:52,110 These agile cats have always been thought of as daylight hunters. 20 00:03:00,869 --> 00:03:04,330 They target prey from more than a kilometer away. 21 00:03:09,168 --> 00:03:14,173 And chase it down at over 100 kilometers an hour. 22 00:03:32,775 --> 00:03:36,446 Fewer than half of all hunts end in a kill. 23 00:03:39,490 --> 00:03:44,120 And this evening, this young male has blown it. 24 00:03:44,704 --> 00:03:46,331 [purrs] 25 00:03:47,123 --> 00:03:50,043 Fortunately, he's not alone. 26 00:03:50,585 --> 00:03:52,086 [purrs] 27 00:03:58,468 --> 00:04:01,095 Cheetahs are usually solitary. 28 00:04:05,058 --> 00:04:08,186 But he has a brother. 29 00:04:14,609 --> 00:04:19,864 Since the day they were born, these 4-year-olds have been inseparable. 30 00:04:24,661 --> 00:04:30,041 Working together, they defend a prime 60-square-kilometer hunting ground. 31 00:04:30,917 --> 00:04:34,837 [braying] 32 00:04:36,589 --> 00:04:42,178 But tonight, a failed hunt means the brothers have wasted precious energy 33 00:04:42,804 --> 00:04:44,806 and must feed soon. 34 00:04:54,190 --> 00:04:56,067 [brays] 35 00:04:57,527 --> 00:04:59,529 [wind whistling] 36 00:05:00,989 --> 00:05:02,740 As dusk draws in... 37 00:05:03,992 --> 00:05:08,288 it seems their chances of making a kill are fading. 38 00:05:13,960 --> 00:05:16,796 But following these brothers through the night... 39 00:05:18,047 --> 00:05:20,758 tells a different story. 40 00:05:26,931 --> 00:05:28,766 With low-light cameras... 41 00:05:32,687 --> 00:05:35,815 we can now see the cheetah's nighttime world... 42 00:05:37,066 --> 00:05:39,277 in a whole new way. 43 00:05:46,618 --> 00:05:47,994 Under moonlight... 44 00:05:48,995 --> 00:05:54,584 cheetahs lead a secret nocturnal life. 45 00:05:54,667 --> 00:05:58,004 [purring] 46 00:06:06,638 --> 00:06:11,893 The brothers are playful and surprisingly vocal after dark. 47 00:06:11,976 --> 00:06:12,977 [screeches] 48 00:06:13,686 --> 00:06:15,355 [purrs] 49 00:06:16,231 --> 00:06:19,359 Cheetahs can't roar like most big cats. 50 00:06:20,777 --> 00:06:23,154 But they can purr. 51 00:06:23,238 --> 00:06:25,240 [purring] 52 00:06:26,574 --> 00:06:30,453 In house cats, it's a sign of contentment. 53 00:06:33,289 --> 00:06:38,461 But it's thought cheetahs also purr to strengthen their bonds. 54 00:06:38,545 --> 00:06:41,422 -[growls] -[purrs] 55 00:06:46,886 --> 00:06:50,974 And tonight, the brothers will need each other more than ever. 56 00:06:53,935 --> 00:06:55,311 [purrs] 57 00:06:57,397 --> 00:06:59,399 They must hunt. 58 00:07:12,203 --> 00:07:14,205 Most cats are nocturnal. 59 00:07:17,083 --> 00:07:20,670 But cheetahs have eyes adapted for daylight. 60 00:07:24,299 --> 00:07:28,177 So the brothers struggle to see in the darkness. 61 00:07:35,768 --> 00:07:40,773 But our cameras now allow us to see more than them. 62 00:07:40,857 --> 00:07:43,902 [grunting] 63 00:07:46,988 --> 00:07:49,365 [grunting] 64 00:07:49,449 --> 00:07:54,204 Prey animals usually keep as far from predators as possible. 65 00:07:59,626 --> 00:08:05,590 But at night, wildebeest reveal a surprising way to stay safe. 66 00:08:05,673 --> 00:08:08,384 [grunting] 67 00:08:10,386 --> 00:08:11,721 Wherever the brothers go... 68 00:08:11,804 --> 00:08:13,806 [hoofbeats] 69 00:08:16,226 --> 00:08:18,311 ...the herd follows. 70 00:08:23,942 --> 00:08:26,611 [grunting] 71 00:08:28,321 --> 00:08:33,159 The trick is to keep the cheetahs in sight at all times... 72 00:08:34,035 --> 00:08:35,870 [grunting] 73 00:08:35,954 --> 00:08:38,373 ...while staying just far enough away... 74 00:08:39,165 --> 00:08:40,291 [snorts] 75 00:08:41,376 --> 00:08:42,709 ...to make their escape. 76 00:08:54,472 --> 00:08:56,474 [grunting] 77 00:09:04,524 --> 00:09:07,735 But the brothers have played this game before. 78 00:09:19,163 --> 00:09:20,164 -[grunts] -[snorts] 79 00:09:23,001 --> 00:09:27,505 It seems impossible that a cheetah with poor night vision... 80 00:09:28,715 --> 00:09:31,926 would attempt a high-speed chase in the dark. 81 00:09:36,764 --> 00:09:38,850 But it's recently been discovered... 82 00:09:42,604 --> 00:09:47,901 that one-third of cheetah kills take place at night. 83 00:10:27,482 --> 00:10:30,944 [bird squawking] 84 00:10:56,302 --> 00:11:01,307 A skillful hunter, he swiftly overpowers his prey. 85 00:11:05,436 --> 00:11:11,609 But what happens next shows how tough life can be for the brothers after dark. 86 00:11:15,905 --> 00:11:17,824 The herd closes rank. 87 00:11:18,867 --> 00:11:22,704 Together, they can drive a cheetah off a kill. 88 00:11:27,292 --> 00:11:29,752 His brother is there to protect him. 89 00:11:38,052 --> 00:11:42,223 But that's just the start of their problems. 90 00:11:45,852 --> 00:11:46,853 [squeals] 91 00:11:48,771 --> 00:11:53,943 Within seconds, the kill attracts a hyena, a nocturnal scavenger. 92 00:11:54,027 --> 00:11:55,028 [hisses] 93 00:11:55,778 --> 00:11:58,156 [growls] 94 00:12:01,743 --> 00:12:03,661 Far stronger than a cheetah... 95 00:12:04,996 --> 00:12:08,333 one hyena can match both brothers. 96 00:12:15,757 --> 00:12:18,051 They must now fight to keep their kill. 97 00:12:28,895 --> 00:12:31,564 But this thief is not alone. 98 00:12:34,150 --> 00:12:35,902 [laughing sound] 99 00:12:39,364 --> 00:12:40,657 [hisses] 100 00:12:41,366 --> 00:12:42,909 [growls] 101 00:12:43,952 --> 00:12:45,495 [hisses] 102 00:12:47,205 --> 00:12:52,043 In the Maasai Mara, hyenas live in gangs 60 strong. 103 00:12:55,713 --> 00:12:59,384 And 1 in 10 cheetah kills are stolen. 104 00:13:00,426 --> 00:13:01,427 [squeals] 105 00:13:04,305 --> 00:13:06,224 Hunting at night... 106 00:13:06,933 --> 00:13:09,102 is a whole new world. 107 00:13:10,478 --> 00:13:12,313 [squeals] 108 00:13:14,190 --> 00:13:17,944 -[growls] -[laughing sound] 109 00:13:18,027 --> 00:13:20,029 They will have to try again. 110 00:13:27,287 --> 00:13:33,042 But cheetahs aren't the only animals out here searching for food after dark. 111 00:13:41,885 --> 00:13:44,262 On the banks of Africa's rivers... 112 00:13:45,555 --> 00:13:51,394 over 100,000 hippos leave the safety of their watery homes... 113 00:13:53,021 --> 00:13:57,442 to set out on an extraordinary nocturnal mission. 114 00:14:05,742 --> 00:14:07,035 [snorts] 115 00:14:07,118 --> 00:14:12,749 By day, hippos are notoriously lazy river dwellers. 116 00:14:14,083 --> 00:14:18,838 Preferring to wallow in the water and hide from the hot sun. 117 00:14:21,382 --> 00:14:24,510 But at night, they are remarkably active. 118 00:14:30,767 --> 00:14:36,981 Well-trodden trails lead them ten kilometers out across the open savanna. 119 00:14:44,572 --> 00:14:49,953 They come here in the cool of night to graze. 120 00:14:52,664 --> 00:14:57,502 Chomping through up to 50 kilos of grass and plants per night. 121 00:15:15,144 --> 00:15:17,355 By eating on such a scale, 122 00:15:17,939 --> 00:15:21,776 these secret night gardeners are playing a vital role... 123 00:15:23,027 --> 00:15:24,779 shaping the grasslands 124 00:15:25,572 --> 00:15:30,285 and fertilizing this rich and diverse ecosystem. 125 00:15:31,077 --> 00:15:33,121 [snorting] 126 00:15:36,374 --> 00:15:37,917 [growls] 127 00:15:38,001 --> 00:15:40,461 So far from the safety of the river... 128 00:15:41,921 --> 00:15:44,090 it can be a little risky. 129 00:15:51,264 --> 00:15:52,265 [snorts] 130 00:15:54,642 --> 00:15:57,520 But when you're a three-ton lawn mower... 131 00:16:03,109 --> 00:16:06,154 even Africa's most imposing predator... 132 00:16:12,869 --> 00:16:15,038 has to get out of your way. 133 00:16:29,594 --> 00:16:33,890 With their surprising free rein over the grasslands at night, 134 00:16:34,766 --> 00:16:38,895 we are beginning to see hippos in a whole new light. 135 00:16:48,279 --> 00:16:50,949 Under clear skies and a full moon... 136 00:16:55,370 --> 00:17:00,792 the cheetah brothers continue to hunt, having lost their hard-won kill. 137 00:17:07,382 --> 00:17:10,885 But they're not the only cheetahs out here tonight. 138 00:17:18,268 --> 00:17:20,270 On the fringes of their territory... 139 00:17:20,353 --> 00:17:22,062 [purrs] 140 00:17:22,146 --> 00:17:24,858 ...their sister is getting some rest. 141 00:17:30,697 --> 00:17:32,240 And she needs it. 142 00:17:35,660 --> 00:17:38,371 She has four one-year-old cubs. 143 00:17:42,542 --> 00:17:44,085 They're already fed. 144 00:17:45,336 --> 00:17:48,882 All she wants to do now is keep them safe. 145 00:17:53,928 --> 00:17:55,930 [purring] 146 00:17:58,057 --> 00:18:00,059 [growling in distance] 147 00:18:02,186 --> 00:18:05,148 But she can sense trouble in the darkness. 148 00:18:08,359 --> 00:18:10,028 [growling] 149 00:18:13,156 --> 00:18:14,240 Hyenas. 150 00:18:20,079 --> 00:18:22,165 They can kill young cheetahs. 151 00:18:25,960 --> 00:18:28,463 Her one-year-olds might look fully grown. 152 00:18:30,215 --> 00:18:33,426 But they are lighter and weaker than adults. 153 00:18:37,847 --> 00:18:40,266 It's safer to move them on. 154 00:18:45,605 --> 00:18:46,856 [laughing sound] 155 00:18:49,651 --> 00:18:53,279 A whole gang has got wind of the young family. 156 00:18:58,493 --> 00:18:59,494 [laughing sound] 157 00:19:05,124 --> 00:19:10,880 Hyenas are territorial and will bully weaker rivals off their patch. 158 00:19:16,010 --> 00:19:18,096 [laughing sound] 159 00:19:18,179 --> 00:19:19,931 The hyenas close in... 160 00:19:23,685 --> 00:19:25,311 surrounding the family. 161 00:19:28,731 --> 00:19:30,191 [hisses] 162 00:19:38,658 --> 00:19:40,410 -[hisses] -[laughing sound] 163 00:19:40,493 --> 00:19:42,620 -[squeals] -[hisses] 164 00:19:45,498 --> 00:19:51,421 Young cheetahs have the lowest survival rate of any of the large African cats. 165 00:19:53,172 --> 00:19:55,758 [laughing sound] 166 00:20:00,722 --> 00:20:02,765 [laughing sound] 167 00:20:03,850 --> 00:20:08,521 Their only defense is to make themselves look bigger than they are. 168 00:20:10,481 --> 00:20:11,649 [hisses] 169 00:20:13,985 --> 00:20:15,904 [hisses] 170 00:20:19,032 --> 00:20:20,783 [hisses] 171 00:20:21,659 --> 00:20:23,328 [hisses] 172 00:20:24,954 --> 00:20:26,748 [hisses] 173 00:20:27,582 --> 00:20:28,666 [hisses] 174 00:20:34,505 --> 00:20:38,509 The mother's last resort is a bluff charge. 175 00:20:44,057 --> 00:20:45,892 -[growls] -[squeals] 176 00:20:48,186 --> 00:20:49,938 She's running out of options. 177 00:20:55,902 --> 00:20:57,111 [hisses] 178 00:20:57,195 --> 00:21:00,990 But the most unexpected things can happen at night. 179 00:21:01,074 --> 00:21:03,076 [trumpeting] 180 00:21:11,376 --> 00:21:14,254 A young bull elephant in must. 181 00:21:14,337 --> 00:21:15,922 [growls] 182 00:21:16,005 --> 00:21:22,262 He's a four-ton giant, raging with 50 times more testosterone than usual. 183 00:21:25,098 --> 00:21:28,768 And he's had enough of all the commotion. 184 00:21:30,103 --> 00:21:31,813 [growls] 185 00:21:36,651 --> 00:21:41,197 The fastest land mammal saved by the biggest. 186 00:21:45,118 --> 00:21:48,621 [growls] 187 00:21:51,249 --> 00:21:54,127 We're only beginning to understand 188 00:21:54,210 --> 00:21:59,048 the strange things that take place on the African plains at night. 189 00:22:10,685 --> 00:22:12,353 Back in the brothers' territory... 190 00:22:14,355 --> 00:22:16,774 their persistence has paid off. 191 00:22:22,113 --> 00:22:24,324 They've made another kill. 192 00:22:25,700 --> 00:22:28,328 [thunder rumbling] 193 00:22:30,038 --> 00:22:34,792 Once again, a familiar character is quick on the scene. 194 00:22:46,346 --> 00:22:47,639 [hisses] 195 00:22:48,556 --> 00:22:52,310 But this time, something unusual happens. 196 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:59,108 The hyena doesn't call in the rest of its gang. 197 00:23:06,741 --> 00:23:09,035 And rather than fight for their kill... 198 00:23:10,537 --> 00:23:12,288 -[growls] -[hisses] 199 00:23:12,372 --> 00:23:15,124 ...the brothers decide to share. 200 00:23:16,084 --> 00:23:18,086 [growls] 201 00:23:18,169 --> 00:23:19,212 [hisses] 202 00:23:20,046 --> 00:23:23,967 The two rivals accept an uneasy truce. 203 00:23:29,430 --> 00:23:33,268 Finally, the brothers get their fill. 204 00:23:49,075 --> 00:23:53,162 Cheetahs have long been considered daytime cats. 205 00:23:54,831 --> 00:23:57,041 But only now are we discovering... 206 00:23:57,917 --> 00:24:01,254 they live complex nocturnal lives. 207 00:24:13,266 --> 00:24:15,226 [thunder rumbling] 208 00:24:20,190 --> 00:24:23,902 Following these two brothers night after night... 209 00:24:25,486 --> 00:24:29,532 shows a powerful but surprisingly fragile side... 210 00:24:30,658 --> 00:24:33,703 to the world's fastest land animal. 211 00:24:52,847 --> 00:24:55,016 Filming cheetahs hunting in the dark... 212 00:24:55,975 --> 00:24:59,604 was one of the Earth at Night team's hardest challenges. 213 00:25:03,858 --> 00:25:06,110 I've filmed cheetah hunts during the daytime before 214 00:25:06,194 --> 00:25:09,280 but this is the first time I've ever tried to get one at nighttime. 215 00:25:09,364 --> 00:25:10,365 [chattering] 216 00:25:10,448 --> 00:25:14,827 [Tom Hiddleston] Cheetahs are more likely to make a kill around full moon. 217 00:25:19,541 --> 00:25:22,877 But the brothers seemed to have other things on their minds. 218 00:25:24,671 --> 00:25:25,672 [Pilcher] Yeah, they're coming. 219 00:25:27,340 --> 00:25:30,885 [Tom Hiddleston] They spent most nights scent marking their territory... 220 00:25:34,264 --> 00:25:36,266 just like house cats. 221 00:25:36,891 --> 00:25:42,063 [Pilcher] A cheetah's biggest habit is going from one tree to the next tree... 222 00:25:43,398 --> 00:25:44,649 to the next tree. 223 00:25:45,108 --> 00:25:47,277 And I've got a lot of them doing that. 224 00:25:47,777 --> 00:25:50,154 [laughs] 225 00:25:50,238 --> 00:25:52,323 [whirring] 226 00:25:56,244 --> 00:25:58,413 [Tom Hiddleston] Following the brothers in the darkness... 227 00:25:59,247 --> 00:26:04,335 the team saw just how much space these cats need to survive. 228 00:26:05,837 --> 00:26:10,550 But all too often, they were confronted by a glaring issue. 229 00:26:12,886 --> 00:26:15,555 So what we're seeing with our cameras we're picking up towns, 230 00:26:15,638 --> 00:26:17,307 maybe 10 kilometers away. 231 00:26:17,390 --> 00:26:18,391 It just reminds you 232 00:26:18,474 --> 00:26:21,686 how close these extraordinary predators are to living with people. 233 00:26:21,769 --> 00:26:23,396 [man] These areas are really good 234 00:26:23,479 --> 00:26:26,441 for the conservation and protection of these predators. 235 00:26:26,524 --> 00:26:28,359 But at the same time, 236 00:26:28,443 --> 00:26:32,780 with the increasing human population growth and, uh, demand for land, 237 00:26:32,864 --> 00:26:34,449 you know, they are still vulnerable. 238 00:26:36,743 --> 00:26:40,705 [Tom Hiddleston] There are around 7,000 cheetahs left in the wild. 239 00:26:41,706 --> 00:26:45,501 And their range is decreasing year-on-year. 240 00:26:49,088 --> 00:26:52,884 Even in one of the most protected wild places on Earth, 241 00:26:52,967 --> 00:26:57,805 our night cameras show humans are never far away. 242 00:27:03,353 --> 00:27:05,522 Following the brothers in the darkness... 243 00:27:06,105 --> 00:27:08,900 the team finally got their chance. 244 00:27:10,026 --> 00:27:12,862 Just another meter or so. Okay, just go slowly. 245 00:27:12,946 --> 00:27:13,947 Okay, no problem. 246 00:27:15,615 --> 00:27:17,116 [engine stops] 247 00:27:18,952 --> 00:27:22,121 [Pilcher] Okay, looks like one of them is starting to run in. Hold still, everyone. 248 00:27:36,177 --> 00:27:39,222 It was actually quite amazing to finally get it. 249 00:27:39,305 --> 00:27:42,016 I was starting to think we-- we wouldn't. 250 00:27:42,475 --> 00:27:44,227 You gotta be so quick and hope 251 00:27:44,310 --> 00:27:46,604 that you're kind of in the right place at the right time. 252 00:27:50,066 --> 00:27:51,609 The hyena are coming in already. 253 00:27:54,946 --> 00:27:56,781 Incredibly fast. 254 00:27:56,865 --> 00:27:59,784 An amazing hunter, but yet so fragile. 255 00:28:05,206 --> 00:28:07,292 [Tom Hiddleston] After months following the cheetahs... 256 00:28:08,293 --> 00:28:11,963 the team captured behaviors new to science. 257 00:28:12,046 --> 00:28:13,298 And in doing so... 258 00:28:14,591 --> 00:28:17,719 revealed a secret nocturnal side... 259 00:28:19,429 --> 00:28:23,141 to these iconic African cats.