1 00:00:18,456 --> 00:00:19,791 [Tom Hiddleston] The night. 2 00:00:24,462 --> 00:00:30,843 A shadowy world that hides more than half the animals on our planet. 3 00:00:33,555 --> 00:00:38,768 Until now, cameras only offered a glimpse into their lives. 4 00:00:41,771 --> 00:00:44,816 But with next-generation technology, 5 00:00:44,899 --> 00:00:49,821 we can see the night as clear as day. 6 00:00:56,661 --> 00:01:00,707 With cameras a hundred times more sensitive than the human eye... 7 00:01:04,251 --> 00:01:06,963 we can now capture the beauty of night... 8 00:01:09,382 --> 00:01:10,550 in color. 9 00:01:15,430 --> 00:01:17,223 Alien landscapes. 10 00:01:20,310 --> 00:01:24,772 Strange creatures brought to life by the darkness. 11 00:01:27,734 --> 00:01:30,236 Unseen behaviors. 12 00:01:37,243 --> 00:01:40,788 Now we can follow the lives of animals 13 00:01:41,664 --> 00:01:44,125 in Earth's last true wilderness. 14 00:01:46,669 --> 00:01:47,712 The night. 15 00:02:05,605 --> 00:02:07,607 [wind whistling] 16 00:02:12,403 --> 00:02:17,534 On the edge of the Arctic Circle, lies an enchanted wilderness. 17 00:02:19,953 --> 00:02:22,163 Europe's boreal forest. 18 00:02:25,959 --> 00:02:32,423 It's so far north that in winter, nights can last 20 hours. 19 00:02:38,304 --> 00:02:42,767 This woodland is home to a population of secretive bears 20 00:02:42,850 --> 00:02:47,438 that lives most of their lives in the dark. 21 00:02:53,695 --> 00:02:56,823 But now, using low-light cameras... 22 00:02:59,659 --> 00:03:01,953 we can see their nighttime world... 23 00:03:02,537 --> 00:03:04,873 as if it were day. 24 00:03:10,795 --> 00:03:12,463 It's late winter, 25 00:03:12,547 --> 00:03:16,801 and a lone brown bear is emerging from hibernation. 26 00:03:19,429 --> 00:03:22,807 A young male called Alvar. 27 00:03:28,313 --> 00:03:31,274 He hasn't eaten for the last six months... 28 00:03:33,651 --> 00:03:36,738 and has lost a third of his body weight. 29 00:03:40,992 --> 00:03:45,038 Now his sole focus is finding food. 30 00:03:45,705 --> 00:03:48,208 [panting] 31 00:03:54,547 --> 00:03:56,633 After waking from hibernation, 32 00:03:57,217 --> 00:04:01,387 brown bears need to eat 8,000 calories a night. 33 00:04:03,306 --> 00:04:04,307 [sniffs] 34 00:04:05,642 --> 00:04:06,643 [sniffs] 35 00:04:09,896 --> 00:04:13,900 But at this time of year, there's little food around. 36 00:04:20,365 --> 00:04:22,033 Scraping through the snow... 37 00:04:24,077 --> 00:04:26,871 Alvar searches for shoots and roots. 38 00:04:29,290 --> 00:04:31,417 [sniffs] 39 00:04:35,964 --> 00:04:40,218 To get his strength back, what he needs is meat. 40 00:04:41,886 --> 00:04:45,848 But finding it will mean taking risks. 41 00:04:45,932 --> 00:04:48,935 [howling] 42 00:04:52,814 --> 00:04:55,191 While Alvar's been hibernating, 43 00:04:55,275 --> 00:05:00,446 one nocturnal predator has had these woods to themselves. 44 00:05:00,530 --> 00:05:02,532 [wind howling] 45 00:05:08,746 --> 00:05:10,248 Gray wolves. 46 00:05:16,546 --> 00:05:18,715 Hunting together at night, 47 00:05:18,798 --> 00:05:22,510 they can take down prey five times their size. 48 00:05:28,516 --> 00:05:32,145 Two wolves are devouring a moose carcass. 49 00:05:34,606 --> 00:05:37,233 They'll fiercely defend their food, 50 00:05:37,317 --> 00:05:42,113 and as a pack, could kill a young bear. 51 00:05:47,535 --> 00:05:52,457 But tonight, this is Alvar's only hope of a decent meal. 52 00:05:52,957 --> 00:05:54,959 -[birds squawking] -[growling] 53 00:06:06,095 --> 00:06:08,848 His best chance is to sneak in... 54 00:06:10,975 --> 00:06:12,977 and try and steal from them. 55 00:06:18,024 --> 00:06:20,026 [squawking] 56 00:06:23,279 --> 00:06:28,201 To the human eye, it's almost impossible to make him out. 57 00:06:34,415 --> 00:06:40,922 But low-light cameras allow us to see how this nocturnal drama unfolds 58 00:06:41,005 --> 00:06:42,549 for the first time. 59 00:06:48,096 --> 00:06:50,557 [birds squawking] 60 00:06:50,640 --> 00:06:53,851 Alvar waits for the wolves to head back to their den. 61 00:06:53,935 --> 00:06:54,936 [squawks] 62 00:07:13,580 --> 00:07:15,623 They could return at any moment. 63 00:07:20,670 --> 00:07:23,089 [squawks] 64 00:07:30,138 --> 00:07:36,603 After six months of fasting, he gets his first proper meal. 65 00:07:44,027 --> 00:07:48,656 Brown bears can eat 40 kilos of meat in a single sitting. 66 00:07:52,619 --> 00:07:55,914 But Alvar doesn't get long to feed. 67 00:08:02,837 --> 00:08:04,255 Driven by hunger... 68 00:08:05,548 --> 00:08:09,844 he takes one of the biggest gambles of his young life. 69 00:08:09,928 --> 00:08:12,639 -[squawks] -[growls] 70 00:08:14,140 --> 00:08:18,436 He steals a chunk of meat and breaks for the safety of the woods. 71 00:08:19,771 --> 00:08:21,147 [growls] 72 00:08:25,109 --> 00:08:28,321 [growls] 73 00:08:29,155 --> 00:08:30,156 [growls] 74 00:08:38,705 --> 00:08:41,918 -[barks] -[growls] 75 00:08:48,383 --> 00:08:51,094 [growls] 76 00:08:54,264 --> 00:08:57,267 Alvar escapes into the darkness. 77 00:09:00,186 --> 00:09:05,316 His best chance of bulking up will be to keep scavenging in the weeks ahead. 78 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:27,964 In the long, dark nights of winter, the sky above the boreal forest 79 00:09:28,047 --> 00:09:32,093 hosts one of Earth's most magical wonders. 80 00:09:42,729 --> 00:09:44,314 The northern lights. 81 00:09:47,108 --> 00:09:53,072 Local legend has it they're created by a mythical creature called the firefox... 82 00:09:54,199 --> 00:09:57,410 that runs so fast across the snow, 83 00:09:57,493 --> 00:10:01,164 that it kicks up sparks into the night sky. 84 00:10:37,575 --> 00:10:44,332 These shimmering lights illuminate this forest 200 nights of the year. 85 00:10:53,633 --> 00:10:55,885 [wind whistling] 86 00:10:55,969 --> 00:11:00,807 As late winter gives way to spring, the nights are getting shorter. 87 00:11:06,479 --> 00:11:11,109 It may look like twilight, but without low-light cameras... 88 00:11:12,277 --> 00:11:14,571 it's almost pitch-black. 89 00:11:18,658 --> 00:11:24,831 Alvar and the other bears that live here have found refuge in the darkness. 90 00:11:38,595 --> 00:11:43,558 It's believed these bears of Northern Europe are largely nocturnal... 91 00:11:45,310 --> 00:11:46,644 because of us. 92 00:11:51,983 --> 00:11:55,486 They've been hunted by man for hundreds of years 93 00:11:55,570 --> 00:11:59,282 and have learned that night is the safest time. 94 00:12:06,748 --> 00:12:10,084 By shifting their body clocks to come out after dark... 95 00:12:12,212 --> 00:12:14,547 they've been able to survive here. 96 00:12:14,631 --> 00:12:16,174 [growls] 97 00:12:25,683 --> 00:12:27,644 For the last four weeks, 98 00:12:27,727 --> 00:12:32,065 Alvar has spent every night tirelessly looking for food 99 00:12:32,857 --> 00:12:35,777 and is starting to pile on the pounds. 100 00:12:38,488 --> 00:12:42,617 Now he's turning his attention to finding a partner. 101 00:12:47,914 --> 00:12:53,503 Females are slightly smaller and often lighter in color than the males here. 102 00:12:55,880 --> 00:12:58,925 For Alvar, at around seven years of age, 103 00:12:59,801 --> 00:13:03,054 this could be one of the first seasons he finds a mate. 104 00:13:06,224 --> 00:13:09,435 But he's not the only eligible bachelor. 105 00:13:11,104 --> 00:13:12,897 [growls] 106 00:13:15,775 --> 00:13:22,240 Weighing in at a quarter of a ton, this male is the undisputed heavyweight. 107 00:13:28,913 --> 00:13:30,665 He's so huge... 108 00:13:34,294 --> 00:13:37,422 smaller rivals don't dare come near him. 109 00:13:41,134 --> 00:13:45,805 In a single season, he could have up to eight different mates. 110 00:13:50,518 --> 00:13:53,104 Females can be just half his size. 111 00:13:54,063 --> 00:13:56,691 But it seems when it comes to mating... 112 00:13:58,234 --> 00:14:00,028 they call the shots. 113 00:14:00,111 --> 00:14:01,321 [growls] 114 00:14:03,448 --> 00:14:04,949 [growls] 115 00:14:10,997 --> 00:14:15,752 Even the largest bears sometimes face rejection. 116 00:14:22,759 --> 00:14:25,803 Alvar lacks the strength of bigger bears. 117 00:14:27,305 --> 00:14:30,266 But he has a different way of wooing a mate. 118 00:14:33,978 --> 00:14:37,065 He's after a longer-term relationship. 119 00:14:44,656 --> 00:14:48,826 Night after night, he roams the forest in the darkness. 120 00:14:51,287 --> 00:14:53,790 [pants] 121 00:14:57,585 --> 00:14:58,711 Until... 122 00:15:00,338 --> 00:15:01,923 from out of the shadows... 123 00:15:08,888 --> 00:15:11,766 he spots a potential partner. 124 00:15:22,652 --> 00:15:27,448 If Alvar is going to have any luck, he'll have to tread carefully. 125 00:15:39,836 --> 00:15:42,922 At first, she doesn't seem interested. 126 00:15:50,305 --> 00:15:51,306 [growls] 127 00:15:53,099 --> 00:15:57,812 Smaller males can spend more than two weeks following a potential mate. 128 00:16:04,444 --> 00:16:08,740 And females are most receptive for just four nights. 129 00:16:13,244 --> 00:16:16,247 So Alvar must stick by her side... 130 00:16:19,083 --> 00:16:20,627 wherever she goes. 131 00:16:32,680 --> 00:16:35,350 Play-fighting is part of bear courtship... 132 00:16:36,392 --> 00:16:40,563 and a sign he's starting to win her affections. 133 00:16:45,777 --> 00:16:49,697 For six nights, he doesn't leave her side. 134 00:17:01,292 --> 00:17:05,171 And she finally falls for his charms. 135 00:17:12,553 --> 00:17:16,057 [growls] 136 00:17:16,890 --> 00:17:18,643 [growls] 137 00:17:27,360 --> 00:17:32,949 As spring turns to summer, the boreal forest transforms. 138 00:17:36,035 --> 00:17:38,621 While there was once 20 hours of night... 139 00:17:39,873 --> 00:17:43,167 there's now 20 hours of daylight. 140 00:17:50,174 --> 00:17:53,845 Even in summer, the brief periods of darkness 141 00:17:53,928 --> 00:17:59,100 are precious to the community of bears that Alvar shares his home with. 142 00:18:06,524 --> 00:18:09,194 Especially young cubs. 143 00:18:16,701 --> 00:18:23,082 For these 6-month-olds, night is the best time to explore their new world... 144 00:18:25,293 --> 00:18:28,129 under the watchful eye of their mother. 145 00:18:40,600 --> 00:18:44,354 The youngsters here play more in the hours of darkness 146 00:18:44,437 --> 00:18:47,774 because this is when they feel most at ease. 147 00:18:56,366 --> 00:18:59,244 And they do it in an unusual way. 148 00:19:02,789 --> 00:19:05,458 They're almost completely silent. 149 00:19:13,007 --> 00:19:16,594 It's believed to be a way for these secretive bears 150 00:19:16,678 --> 00:19:18,763 to avoid predators at night. 151 00:19:22,475 --> 00:19:25,270 But playtime doesn't last long. 152 00:19:30,066 --> 00:19:32,402 With dawn soon on its way, 153 00:19:32,485 --> 00:19:38,032 it's time for this family to disappear deeper into the safety of the forest. 154 00:19:45,456 --> 00:19:47,959 Summer soon gives way to autumn, 155 00:19:48,585 --> 00:19:51,129 and the nights start getting longer again. 156 00:19:59,053 --> 00:20:02,140 For the last six months, the bears in this forest 157 00:20:02,223 --> 00:20:05,935 have been busy feeding up, ready for hibernation. 158 00:20:09,355 --> 00:20:13,985 And now little Alvar is almost unrecognizable. 159 00:20:14,569 --> 00:20:18,031 [pants] 160 00:20:20,366 --> 00:20:22,118 [squawks] 161 00:20:22,202 --> 00:20:24,412 He has doubled in size... 162 00:20:25,788 --> 00:20:28,875 piling on 150 kilos... 163 00:20:39,677 --> 00:20:42,388 and he's still ravenous. 164 00:20:45,350 --> 00:20:51,189 In the final weeks before hibernation, bears are driven by an insatiable appetite 165 00:20:52,690 --> 00:20:56,528 and can eat 20,000 calories a day. 166 00:20:58,363 --> 00:21:01,783 And Alvar knows exactly where to find them. 167 00:21:02,367 --> 00:21:04,536 -[whimpers] -[growls] 168 00:21:06,746 --> 00:21:09,749 The wolf pack is now seven strong. 169 00:21:09,832 --> 00:21:12,877 -[growls] -[whimpers] 170 00:21:30,019 --> 00:21:34,774 Six months ago, just one wolf was enough to intimidate him. 171 00:21:38,945 --> 00:21:41,447 Now, he's afraid of nothing. 172 00:21:44,284 --> 00:21:45,702 [bird squawking] 173 00:21:49,414 --> 00:21:53,835 He has the strength and confidence to send the whole pack scattering. 174 00:21:53,918 --> 00:21:54,919 [whimpers] 175 00:21:58,089 --> 00:21:59,382 [bird squawks] 176 00:22:01,092 --> 00:22:03,219 He will feed on this carcass... 177 00:22:04,429 --> 00:22:06,306 until he's full to bursting. 178 00:22:17,859 --> 00:22:19,444 One last meal... 179 00:22:22,238 --> 00:22:24,324 before the temperature plummets. 180 00:22:31,539 --> 00:22:35,543 And Alvar heads off to search for a place to sleep... 181 00:22:36,711 --> 00:22:40,048 through some of the longest nights on Earth. 182 00:22:44,552 --> 00:22:45,678 [growls] 183 00:23:00,610 --> 00:23:04,614 One of the toughest challenges faced by the Earth at Night team 184 00:23:04,697 --> 00:23:06,866 was chasing the northern lights. 185 00:23:09,536 --> 00:23:13,998 To film them, time-lapse cameraman Riku Karjalainen 186 00:23:14,082 --> 00:23:19,254 would first have to go in search of night skies that are truly dark. 187 00:23:19,671 --> 00:23:23,925 [Karjalainen] There's quite a lot of light pollution out near the cities and towns, 188 00:23:24,008 --> 00:23:30,098 so driving as far as I can to find, like, the perfect dark spot. 189 00:23:32,642 --> 00:23:37,105 [Tom Hiddleston] Even the headlights of passing cars could ruin a perfect shot. 190 00:23:37,522 --> 00:23:40,149 [beeps] 191 00:23:40,233 --> 00:23:45,238 So the last part of Riku's journey would have to be made on skis. 192 00:23:51,119 --> 00:23:56,291 With 30 kilos of filming gear on his back, that's no easy task. 193 00:23:59,419 --> 00:24:00,628 [Karjalainen] So, wish me luck. 194 00:24:07,510 --> 00:24:09,971 [Tom Hiddleston] It's an eight-kilometer journey ahead... 195 00:24:11,723 --> 00:24:13,474 further into the darkness. 196 00:24:17,145 --> 00:24:23,484 Today, more than 80% of the world's population live in light-polluted areas. 197 00:24:25,486 --> 00:24:29,115 Finding dark skies can take a huge amount of effort. 198 00:24:31,743 --> 00:24:34,037 [Karjalainen] So, so tough in the deep snow. 199 00:24:35,121 --> 00:24:36,122 [sighs] 200 00:24:37,123 --> 00:24:38,208 It's hard. 201 00:24:44,297 --> 00:24:46,591 [Tom Hiddleston] After four hours of trekking, 202 00:24:46,674 --> 00:24:52,138 Riku finally makes it to the ideal filming spot and sets to work. 203 00:24:56,392 --> 00:25:00,563 But with temperatures dropping to minus 20 degrees Celsius at night, 204 00:25:01,189 --> 00:25:06,110 this would test the filming gear and Riku to their limits. 205 00:25:06,903 --> 00:25:11,199 I'm get-- I'm getting way too cold to speak. Brrr. 206 00:25:18,039 --> 00:25:24,003 [Tom Hiddleston] With his camera finally set, all he can do now is wait and hope. 207 00:25:26,339 --> 00:25:29,551 He needs the perfect combination of cloudless skies, 208 00:25:29,634 --> 00:25:32,637 as well as good activity from the northern lights. 209 00:25:35,306 --> 00:25:39,769 All too often, his immense efforts go unrewarded. 210 00:25:40,353 --> 00:25:44,566 I just-- Better to put the timers on and hope for the best. 211 00:25:47,569 --> 00:25:50,154 [shutter clicks] 212 00:25:51,364 --> 00:25:53,783 [Tom Hiddleston] After 20 nights of trial and error... 213 00:25:55,285 --> 00:26:00,456 Riku captures one of the most stunning displays he's ever recorded. 214 00:26:07,046 --> 00:26:10,425 [Karjalainen] For me, maybe the most beautiful thing in the northern lights 215 00:26:10,508 --> 00:26:12,969 are seeing the colors dancing. 216 00:26:17,473 --> 00:26:21,811 It's quite amazing that I'm able to witness all this on my own backyard. 217 00:26:25,648 --> 00:26:29,360 [Tom Hiddleston] So far from the lights of our towns and cities, 218 00:26:29,444 --> 00:26:35,450 the dark skies of Europe's boreal forest are one of the best places on Earth... 219 00:26:36,701 --> 00:26:39,787 to see the night's greatest spectacle.