1 00:00:32,125 --> 00:00:35,833 -Okay, well… -Uh, thanks for having us, Debbie. 2 00:00:37,208 --> 00:00:38,458 -Bye. -Mmm. 3 00:00:41,583 --> 00:00:43,708 -You're so bad at poker. -Yeah. 4 00:00:44,958 --> 00:00:47,708 I'm actually good at other things. 5 00:00:47,791 --> 00:00:49,916 Oh? 6 00:00:50,000 --> 00:00:51,708 Wait, now I get it. 7 00:00:52,750 --> 00:00:53,583 Mmm. 8 00:00:56,458 --> 00:00:57,583 Mmm! 9 00:00:58,208 --> 00:01:01,500 I can't believe-- That's so cool. You own your own house. 10 00:01:01,583 --> 00:01:02,416 Oh, yeah. 11 00:01:02,500 --> 00:01:05,916 Well, I saved up for the down payment over, you know, some time. 12 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:08,375 I put money away through careful calculations. 13 00:01:08,458 --> 00:01:10,166 Nice. Amazing. 14 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:13,125 When I destroy my life, can I move in with you? 15 00:01:13,208 --> 00:01:15,291 -Deal! -Amazing! 16 00:01:15,375 --> 00:01:18,333 -Whoa! Look at all those books! -Yeah, I'm a big reader. 17 00:01:18,416 --> 00:01:21,416 Are you? That's great. I-- Yeah, I'm gonna be a big writer one day. 18 00:01:21,500 --> 00:01:22,583 -What? -I want to be. 19 00:01:22,666 --> 00:01:24,416 Okay, I bet you will be. 20 00:01:24,916 --> 00:01:26,833 How did you get to be so awesome? 21 00:01:26,916 --> 00:01:28,958 You know you don't have to say any of this? 22 00:01:29,041 --> 00:01:31,333 -I'm gonna sleep with you anyway. -Unbelievable! 23 00:01:34,416 --> 00:01:37,375 I'm gonna send you my short stories in the morning. 24 00:01:38,000 --> 00:01:38,833 Great. 25 00:01:39,458 --> 00:01:41,333 Mmm. I think you'll like them. 26 00:01:41,416 --> 00:01:42,875 -Mm-mmm. Okay. -Okay, I'll stop talk-- 27 00:01:42,958 --> 00:01:44,458 -Just be quiet now. Yeah. -I'm sorry. 28 00:01:49,708 --> 00:01:53,333 -I've actually written 23 short stories. -Oh, God, just stop. 29 00:02:01,958 --> 00:02:03,750 Good morning. 30 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:05,958 Good morning. 31 00:02:06,041 --> 00:02:08,375 Happy birthday, much younger person. 32 00:02:08,458 --> 00:02:10,208 What? We're the same age. 33 00:02:10,291 --> 00:02:11,500 Not in lady years. 34 00:02:11,583 --> 00:02:13,750 In lady years, I'm a crone, 35 00:02:13,833 --> 00:02:16,791 and somehow you'll still be considered sexy at, like, 70, 36 00:02:16,875 --> 00:02:18,833 no matter how wrinkled and bald you get. 37 00:02:18,916 --> 00:02:20,458 -Yeah. -So congratulations. 38 00:02:20,541 --> 00:02:22,208 I'll admit it. It's a good deal. 39 00:02:22,291 --> 00:02:24,666 Oh, I got you the greatest birthday present. 40 00:02:24,750 --> 00:02:27,541 You got me a Porsche? A 356? 41 00:02:27,625 --> 00:02:30,083 No, the 911 in purple, right? 42 00:02:30,166 --> 00:02:31,333 Do you want coffee? 43 00:02:31,916 --> 00:02:34,083 Uh, yeah, thank you. 44 00:02:39,375 --> 00:02:41,041 You know what? Let me call you back. 45 00:02:50,750 --> 00:02:53,208 You said you didn't need me to bring you anything in New York, 46 00:02:53,291 --> 00:02:55,208 but do you have any herb plants? 47 00:02:55,750 --> 00:02:56,791 What? 48 00:02:56,875 --> 00:02:59,708 You know, herb plants? Never mind, I'll just pick some up. 49 00:02:59,791 --> 00:03:02,875 You pop them in the windowsill and then you have fresh basil or mint 50 00:03:02,958 --> 00:03:05,625 anytime you need to cook with it, or eat it, or just smell it. 51 00:03:05,708 --> 00:03:11,250 Okay, Debbie, please do not bring soil into my apartment. I'm begging you. 52 00:03:11,333 --> 00:03:13,375 Big shocker, you listen to The Cars in the morning. 53 00:03:13,458 --> 00:03:16,041 -Morning, noon, and night. -Oh, I wanted to mention, 54 00:03:16,125 --> 00:03:18,291 when I'm at your place, if you wanna have somebody over, 55 00:03:18,375 --> 00:03:20,916 and you want me to get out of the way, I can do that, so you can… 56 00:03:21,000 --> 00:03:22,708 Okay, now I'm feeling uncomfortable. 57 00:03:22,791 --> 00:03:24,625 Oh, please, I've seen you naked. 58 00:03:24,708 --> 00:03:27,041 -Never stops being weird. -Which is so weird. 59 00:03:27,625 --> 00:03:31,375 Thank you. I think I can control myself for one week. 60 00:03:31,458 --> 00:03:34,375 You-- You never know, maybe you'll meet someone while you're here 61 00:03:34,458 --> 00:03:37,000 and we'll have a big ol' sex party up in here. 62 00:03:37,083 --> 00:03:40,250 -Uh, barf? -Yeah, I'm sorry, that was gross. 63 00:03:40,333 --> 00:03:43,041 Anyway, no chance of me meeting anybody. 64 00:03:43,125 --> 00:03:46,791 As you know, my heart is a cold, hard little stone. 65 00:03:46,875 --> 00:03:50,083 I'm so glad you're not being dramatic about it. 66 00:03:50,166 --> 00:03:52,041 By the way, I am so proud of you 67 00:03:52,125 --> 00:03:54,416 for being cool about leaving Jack for a whole week. 68 00:03:54,500 --> 00:03:57,083 I'm not being cool about it, I'm having a panic attack. 69 00:03:57,166 --> 00:03:59,000 He's my baby. I've never left him for that long. 70 00:03:59,083 --> 00:04:02,000 -Hey. -Ah, the creature awakens! 71 00:04:02,083 --> 00:04:03,208 -Morning. -Morning. 72 00:04:03,291 --> 00:04:05,125 - Can I eat this? -Yes, it's gluten-free. 73 00:04:05,208 --> 00:04:07,125 -Also, say hi to Peter. -'Sup, Peter? 74 00:04:07,208 --> 00:04:09,041 Hey! 'Sup, Jack-O'-Lantern? 75 00:04:09,125 --> 00:04:11,916 -What? -Oh, I'm working on nicknames. No? 76 00:04:12,625 --> 00:04:13,958 No, he didn't like it. 77 00:04:15,166 --> 00:04:18,458 -Go back to the drawing board on that one. -Look at him. He's not a baby. 78 00:04:18,541 --> 00:04:20,083 All right? He's gonna be fine. 79 00:04:20,166 --> 00:04:22,750 It's not like you're leaving him with a dog bowl and a chew toy. 80 00:04:22,833 --> 00:04:25,375 Right? Scarlet's gonna be there. You-- You want my opinion? 81 00:04:25,458 --> 00:04:28,416 Just you saying that, I know exactly what your opinion is. 82 00:04:28,500 --> 00:04:33,666 Look, he's not my kid, but I think Jack could use the space. 83 00:04:33,750 --> 00:04:35,125 All right, notes on parenting 84 00:04:35,208 --> 00:04:38,500 from a guy whose only pet was a goldfish that died in a bong fire. 85 00:04:38,583 --> 00:04:41,250 Okay, look, I'm just saying. There's, like, helicopter parenting, 86 00:04:41,333 --> 00:04:42,708 there's snowplow parenting. 87 00:04:42,791 --> 00:04:43,708 What you're doing? 88 00:04:43,791 --> 00:04:45,500 This is Saran Wrap parenting. 89 00:04:45,583 --> 00:04:49,625 You're so tightly wrapped around this kid, you're suffocating him! 90 00:04:49,708 --> 00:04:51,541 -Yes, I can track a metaphor, thanks. 91 00:04:51,625 --> 00:04:52,875 Okay, how excited are you 92 00:04:52,958 --> 00:04:55,208 that you and I are gonna be in the same city for a whole week? 93 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:57,041 When's the last time we hung out that long? 94 00:04:57,125 --> 00:05:01,541 I don't know, 2008? When you left LA because you were scared of earthquakes. 95 00:05:01,625 --> 00:05:02,458 Okay, hey! 96 00:05:02,541 --> 00:05:05,791 -The Chino Hills Temblor was no joke! 97 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:09,666 Anyway, I know you have to go to work and I want to give you your present 98 00:05:09,750 --> 00:05:12,583 before you go. So I was cleaning out this drawer-- 99 00:05:12,666 --> 00:05:13,750 You clean things out? 100 00:05:13,833 --> 00:05:15,791 Occasionally, I clean things out. 101 00:05:16,291 --> 00:05:18,250 And look what I found! 102 00:05:20,291 --> 00:05:21,500 I know you hate mementos. 103 00:05:21,583 --> 00:05:25,166 Yeah, no, I hate mementos above all mentos. 104 00:05:25,250 --> 00:05:27,791 Okay, hold on. Here's your present. Look. 105 00:05:30,083 --> 00:05:32,375 I put this in the end table the night you stayed over, 106 00:05:32,458 --> 00:05:34,791 because, I don't know, I thought it would be a keepsake 107 00:05:34,875 --> 00:05:38,250 at our wedding or something. That's how dumb I was in my 20s. 108 00:05:38,333 --> 00:05:39,916 -You weren't dumb. -I was a little bit dumb. 109 00:05:40,000 --> 00:05:44,083 Anyway, the best part of the whole night was when I took all your money! 110 00:05:44,166 --> 00:05:45,541 That was the best part? 111 00:05:45,625 --> 00:05:49,541 I mean, it overshadowed the sex part, because you fled the next day. 112 00:05:49,625 --> 00:05:52,750 -Wait, hold on. I did call you later. -Yeah, you did call me later. 113 00:05:52,833 --> 00:05:55,541 When you said that you couldn't date me or anybody else 114 00:05:55,625 --> 00:05:59,041 because you were, "an unknowable piece of shit"? 115 00:05:59,125 --> 00:06:01,250 Uh, mmm, there's the writer in me right there. 116 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:02,833 Now that's a beautiful turn of phrase. 117 00:06:02,916 --> 00:06:05,541 -And I'm the dramatic one? 118 00:06:05,625 --> 00:06:09,500 Anyway, 20 years of friendship. 20 years! Can you believe it? 119 00:06:09,583 --> 00:06:12,208 You've had the best best friend in the entire world. 120 00:06:12,291 --> 00:06:13,291 Back at you. 121 00:06:13,375 --> 00:06:15,083 Have a great birthday, Peter. 122 00:06:15,166 --> 00:06:17,583 -I will. You're awesome. 123 00:06:17,666 --> 00:06:20,125 -Okay, I'll see you in a couple days. 124 00:06:23,833 --> 00:06:24,666 Hey. 125 00:06:25,166 --> 00:06:28,166 Geez, I thought you and Debbie were gonna blab, like, forever. 126 00:06:28,250 --> 00:06:31,583 -Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that. -So, what were you talking about? 127 00:06:31,666 --> 00:06:33,666 -Like, just stuff. -"Stuff"? 128 00:06:33,750 --> 00:06:38,291 Okay, so your best friend, who's a woman who I've never met, 129 00:06:38,375 --> 00:06:40,916 just calls you on your birthday and you, like, talk forever? 130 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:43,041 Okay, it's not "a girl," it's Debbie. 131 00:06:44,291 --> 00:06:48,166 Okay, obviously, I'm not jealous. I mean, look at me, but it's just weird. 132 00:06:48,250 --> 00:06:49,500 Becca? 133 00:06:49,583 --> 00:06:52,458 I mean, if you like each other so much, why aren't you guys together? 134 00:06:52,541 --> 00:06:55,708 Me and Debbie? Yeah, 'cause. 135 00:06:57,166 --> 00:06:58,625 -Because… -She's… 136 00:07:00,208 --> 00:07:01,375 her. 137 00:07:01,458 --> 00:07:02,666 And I'm me. 138 00:07:03,625 --> 00:07:04,916 -Uh-huh. 139 00:07:05,000 --> 00:07:07,125 Oh, look at that. Should we get to work? Uber's here. 140 00:07:08,875 --> 00:07:10,416 -You look great today. -Uh-huh. 141 00:07:18,833 --> 00:07:21,083 -Okay, tonight… -Mm-hmm. 142 00:07:21,166 --> 00:07:24,041 …at the Brownstone Club, do not tell them it's my birthday. 143 00:07:24,125 --> 00:07:27,500 They'll make a big fuss out of it, and I just want it to be you and me. 144 00:07:27,583 --> 00:07:28,500 Peter… 145 00:07:29,583 --> 00:07:30,541 Yes? 146 00:07:31,333 --> 00:07:32,791 What happens next? 147 00:07:34,500 --> 00:07:37,791 Like, wha-- After dinner? I-- I mean, I enjoy their flan. 148 00:07:38,708 --> 00:07:41,583 Yeah, no, I-- I mean with us. 149 00:07:42,083 --> 00:07:45,083 I mean, we've been together for six months, and… 150 00:07:46,208 --> 00:07:49,833 I just feel like we're not really getting any closer. 151 00:07:49,916 --> 00:07:52,500 -I mean, I don't know that much about you. -Yes, you do. 152 00:07:52,583 --> 00:07:54,625 -Uh… -I-- Look, I'll tell you anything. 153 00:07:54,708 --> 00:07:55,666 I'm an open book. 154 00:07:55,750 --> 00:08:00,250 Look, if this is a waste of my time, I just want to know. Okay? 155 00:08:00,333 --> 00:08:01,416 Define "waste." 156 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:05,000 You just did. 157 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:07,500 Wow. 158 00:08:07,583 --> 00:08:09,000 Happy birthday. 159 00:08:10,791 --> 00:08:12,541 No! Come-- Come on. 160 00:08:13,041 --> 00:08:14,833 -It's over, Peter. -It-- It's… 161 00:08:20,625 --> 00:08:22,416 And she took the car. 162 00:08:25,875 --> 00:08:28,666 -Okay, did you take your antihistamine? -Check. 163 00:08:28,750 --> 00:08:30,541 -Nasal spray? -Check. 164 00:08:30,625 --> 00:08:32,250 Good! Good to go! 165 00:08:34,291 --> 00:08:35,833 -Morning, team! Hey! -Oh! 166 00:08:36,458 --> 00:08:40,291 Ladybugs are kicking some ass in the garden out here. 167 00:08:40,375 --> 00:08:42,208 You guys do the same. Have a great one. 168 00:08:42,291 --> 00:08:45,083 -Right back at you, Zen. -I'll be right here! 169 00:08:45,583 --> 00:08:47,916 Or maybe, uh, over there. 170 00:09:46,875 --> 00:09:51,625 Hey, um, I talked to Alexander's mom about providing an alternative dessert 171 00:09:51,708 --> 00:09:54,083 at the birthday party because of all your allergies. 172 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:55,083 Okay, don't forget-- 173 00:09:55,166 --> 00:09:57,958 You gotta be kidding me, Mom. That's so embarrassing. 174 00:09:58,041 --> 00:10:00,500 Do you still hang out with Wade? Hi, Wade! 175 00:10:00,583 --> 00:10:02,041 -Mom! No. -What? 176 00:10:02,125 --> 00:10:04,958 -What? He's one of my students! -Gosh, you're not a teacher. 177 00:10:05,041 --> 00:10:07,375 Technically, I work here. Let me get your lunch. 178 00:10:07,458 --> 00:10:09,666 Um, you guys used to hang out all the time. 179 00:10:09,750 --> 00:10:11,708 He used to come for sleepovers. 180 00:10:11,791 --> 00:10:15,458 Here, let me put this in your bag. Didn't he pee on our sofa once? 181 00:10:15,541 --> 00:10:16,541 Mom! 182 00:10:17,083 --> 00:10:18,166 What? He did! 183 00:10:19,583 --> 00:10:21,458 -Hey, girl. Hey. -Oh, my God, hey. 184 00:10:22,666 --> 00:10:25,000 Do you want to have some of my terrible office coffee? 185 00:10:25,083 --> 00:10:26,333 -I have this. -Oh, okay. 186 00:10:26,416 --> 00:10:28,541 -But, yes, of course. -Well, let's do it. 187 00:10:28,625 --> 00:10:31,208 -Uh, so, are you packed? -Yes, I am packed. 188 00:10:31,291 --> 00:10:35,875 I have to say, I am so glad you're finally taking a vacay. 189 00:10:35,958 --> 00:10:39,750 What? A-- No, I am not going on vacay. I have explained this to you! 190 00:10:39,833 --> 00:10:42,291 I have to finish this program before the end of the year 191 00:10:42,375 --> 00:10:44,958 so that I can apply for that open Senior Accounting position 192 00:10:45,041 --> 00:10:46,416 at the Regional School District. 193 00:10:46,500 --> 00:10:50,333 Oh, I love it when you say a bunch of sexy words like that. 194 00:10:51,333 --> 00:10:52,875 Yeah, I just-- I need the money. 195 00:10:52,958 --> 00:10:56,083 Jack's eczema medicine is only gonna be covered by my insurance 196 00:10:56,166 --> 00:10:58,375 for the next six months, and then it's, like… 197 00:10:58,458 --> 00:11:00,166 -One thousand dollars. -Yes! 198 00:11:00,250 --> 00:11:04,958 One thousand GD dollars a month! So, no, not a vacay. 199 00:11:05,041 --> 00:11:08,541 All right, all right. Well, I just hope that when you're in New York, 200 00:11:08,625 --> 00:11:11,666 you will take time to do something nice for yourself. 201 00:11:11,750 --> 00:11:14,083 Maybe take a bath. Relax. 202 00:11:14,166 --> 00:11:16,666 That's what I love to do when I travel, I like to take a bath, 203 00:11:16,750 --> 00:11:20,375 and not hear either of my kids yell, "I'm hungry!" 204 00:11:20,458 --> 00:11:22,166 Are they just always hungry? 205 00:11:22,250 --> 00:11:24,916 -Well, never feed 'em, so… -Ever? 206 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:27,291 Wait, why can't Jimmy come here to watch Jack? 207 00:11:27,375 --> 00:11:29,625 It's peak climbing season. He has to be out there. 208 00:11:29,708 --> 00:11:31,666 Oh, my God, you are so nice about him. 209 00:11:31,750 --> 00:11:35,583 If my ex was a mountain climber and spent ten months out of every year 210 00:11:35,666 --> 00:11:38,833 traveling the world with some hot 33-year-old 211 00:11:38,916 --> 00:11:40,541 covered in tattoos… 212 00:11:41,041 --> 00:11:43,375 Have you been looking at her Instagram? 213 00:11:43,458 --> 00:11:47,250 You think I'm not gonna be looking at Jimmy's girlfriend's Instagram account? 214 00:11:47,333 --> 00:11:50,541 I mean, what are we even doing? Who would I even be? 215 00:11:50,625 --> 00:11:53,250 Look, it's fine. It works for him, it works for me. 216 00:11:53,333 --> 00:11:55,166 Besides, Jack loves hanging out with Scarlet. 217 00:11:55,250 --> 00:11:58,208 All right, well, I hope that you get what you want out of this trip. 218 00:11:58,291 --> 00:12:00,166 -Yes. -And what you need. 219 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:03,541 You know, get your degree, find a man, come home, 220 00:12:03,625 --> 00:12:06,291 and then remodel that ancient kitchen of yours. 221 00:12:06,375 --> 00:12:08,875 I also think it's time to get layers in your hair. 222 00:12:08,958 --> 00:12:10,625 Layers, but not bangs. 223 00:12:10,708 --> 00:12:12,458 Bangs are for an emergency. 224 00:12:12,541 --> 00:12:14,958 Wow, you really have all the answers to my life figured out. 225 00:12:15,041 --> 00:12:16,083 Yeah, well, we're friends. 226 00:12:16,166 --> 00:12:18,791 Obviously, I have well-thought-out critiques 227 00:12:18,875 --> 00:12:21,416 of every choice you've ever made. 228 00:12:21,500 --> 00:12:23,083 And all the fixes. 229 00:12:23,166 --> 00:12:26,166 So, if you end up going on this Manhattan adventure 230 00:12:26,250 --> 00:12:30,625 and find yourself a hottie, might I suggest a manicure. 231 00:12:30,708 --> 00:12:33,458 Maybe get waxed. You know, spruce it up a bit. 232 00:12:33,541 --> 00:12:35,250 Waxed? Oh, my-- 233 00:12:35,333 --> 00:12:37,791 -Oh, "waxed." -Waxed. 234 00:12:37,875 --> 00:12:40,291 Oh, well, that's just not gonna happen. 235 00:12:45,916 --> 00:12:49,833 I beg of you, sir! Please, don't hurt me! 236 00:12:49,916 --> 00:12:52,125 No, no. Okay, don't-- Don't judge that. Don't judge that. 237 00:12:52,208 --> 00:12:53,833 I'm gonna do it again. Okay. 238 00:12:54,583 --> 00:12:58,500 I beg of you, sir, do not hurt me! 239 00:12:59,458 --> 00:13:00,458 Was that good? 240 00:13:01,125 --> 00:13:03,291 -Incredible. -Hey, Scarlet. 241 00:13:03,375 --> 00:13:05,291 -Hey, Deb! Um-- -What's going on? 242 00:13:05,375 --> 00:13:08,041 -Well, I got an audition! -What? 243 00:13:08,125 --> 00:13:11,916 Ah, yeah! It's for a TV series set in the '20s about this serial killer, 244 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:16,708 and I would play a maid who gets strangled by the lead. 245 00:13:17,291 --> 00:13:19,750 Okay, can I try this out? Okay. 246 00:13:20,666 --> 00:13:24,250 I beg of you, sir! Please don't hurt me! 247 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:26,833 I was being strangled. Did you get that? How was that? 248 00:13:28,666 --> 00:13:29,500 Honestly? 249 00:13:30,500 --> 00:13:31,416 Nailed it. 250 00:13:31,500 --> 00:13:33,958 I'm probably not gonna get this anyway 'cause I don't get anything. 251 00:13:34,041 --> 00:13:37,250 Hey, you never know. Um, listen, did you get the emails that I sent 252 00:13:37,333 --> 00:13:39,208 about what to do with Jack while I'm out of town? 253 00:13:39,291 --> 00:13:41,916 -Yep, yep, yep! We're on it! Right, Jack? -Yeah! 254 00:13:42,583 --> 00:13:45,291 -Deb, I gotta say, I'm so happy for you. -Oh! 255 00:13:45,375 --> 00:13:47,500 It's, like, really cool and inspirational, 256 00:13:47,583 --> 00:13:50,541 this whole accounting thing or-- or whatever. 257 00:13:50,625 --> 00:13:52,375 It's so funny that you're a numbers person, 258 00:13:52,458 --> 00:13:54,166 'cause I thought you liked books. 259 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:57,750 So, I-- Why aren't you doing something with, like, booky-books? 260 00:13:58,416 --> 00:14:00,041 Well, this degree is practical, 261 00:14:00,125 --> 00:14:02,416 which is what you have to be when you're a single mom. 262 00:14:03,083 --> 00:14:04,541 Oh, right. 263 00:14:05,083 --> 00:14:07,208 Right, right. Tragic. 264 00:14:08,541 --> 00:14:10,250 It's just such a waste. 265 00:14:11,416 --> 00:14:12,416 "A waste." 266 00:14:13,250 --> 00:14:17,458 Look, we know that our consulting period with you is up, but-- 267 00:14:17,541 --> 00:14:18,750 Yeah, we were just hoping 268 00:14:18,833 --> 00:14:21,291 for a little more time to get to know you better. 269 00:14:21,375 --> 00:14:24,041 Guys, you know me so well. 270 00:14:24,125 --> 00:14:26,458 We spent so much time together over the last six months. 271 00:14:26,541 --> 00:14:28,041 Yeah, we did, and it's been… 272 00:14:29,250 --> 00:14:31,083 -It's been amazing. -Amazing. 273 00:14:31,166 --> 00:14:34,500 Um, you know, we're just wondering, what happens next? 274 00:14:35,958 --> 00:14:38,416 Next, I move on. 275 00:14:39,333 --> 00:14:41,125 I'm really sorry. 276 00:14:41,666 --> 00:14:42,500 Come with us. 277 00:14:43,083 --> 00:14:46,041 We just-- We need a new CMO and it should be you, it's so obvious. 278 00:14:46,125 --> 00:14:47,541 -Yes! -Guys, I'm sorry. 279 00:14:47,625 --> 00:14:49,416 It's just not on the table for me. 280 00:14:51,875 --> 00:14:53,333 I-- Look, look, don't be sad. 281 00:14:53,416 --> 00:14:55,708 -Nope. It's fine. Yeah. No, I-- 282 00:14:55,791 --> 00:14:57,666 This is just how it has to be. 283 00:14:59,166 --> 00:15:00,666 I don't know if I like you anymore. 284 00:15:00,750 --> 00:15:03,291 Oh, it's getting ugly. 285 00:15:03,375 --> 00:15:05,000 I knew it was gonna get ugly. 286 00:15:05,083 --> 00:15:08,708 You can, um, take my contact and erase it from your phone. 287 00:15:09,291 --> 00:15:11,083 I don't have it in my phone. 288 00:15:11,708 --> 00:15:14,458 Well, then put it in your phone and then erase it. 289 00:15:14,541 --> 00:15:17,041 -He's sorry. We're sorry. He didn't-- -No, it's okay. 290 00:15:17,125 --> 00:15:20,041 Listen, Peter, if this is happening, 291 00:15:20,125 --> 00:15:21,250 and it clearly is, 292 00:15:21,333 --> 00:15:25,250 I want to say to you, I hope you find what you're looking for. 293 00:16:06,333 --> 00:16:07,541 Happy birthday, buddy. 294 00:16:17,125 --> 00:16:19,166 -You're staring. -I know. 295 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:21,833 I-- I'm just… I'm gonna miss you a whole lot. 296 00:16:21,916 --> 00:16:24,916 Mom, you've been wanting to go do this thing for forever. 297 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:26,833 -I promise I'll be fine. 298 00:16:26,916 --> 00:16:29,375 I beg of you, sir, do not hurt me! 299 00:16:30,500 --> 00:16:32,916 Um, I got the part! 300 00:16:33,625 --> 00:16:35,458 -What? -Yeah! Can you believe it? 301 00:16:35,541 --> 00:16:37,000 That's amazing! 302 00:16:37,083 --> 00:16:39,125 I know, I know! I fly to Vancouver tonight! 303 00:16:40,208 --> 00:16:41,041 -Oh! -Yeah. 304 00:16:41,125 --> 00:16:43,916 And I'm there for two weeks, because even though I only have one line, 305 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:46,750 my character is in the background of all these really important scenes. 306 00:16:46,833 --> 00:16:47,750 Oh, my God. 307 00:16:49,958 --> 00:16:52,750 Oh, my God. What is wrong with me? 308 00:16:52,833 --> 00:16:55,250 I-- I rushed over here to tell you the news, 309 00:16:55,333 --> 00:16:56,791 because I love you guys so much, 310 00:16:56,875 --> 00:16:59,416 and I totally forgot that, of course, I'm supposed to be with Jack, 311 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:00,750 because I'm a selfish butthole! 312 00:17:00,833 --> 00:17:02,375 -No! -Mm-mmm. 313 00:17:02,458 --> 00:17:03,958 What am I gonna do? 314 00:17:05,666 --> 00:17:07,208 What are we gonna do? 315 00:17:23,166 --> 00:17:25,916 -It's fine. Totally fine. 316 00:17:26,000 --> 00:17:28,500 Doesn't seem fine. Seems loud. 317 00:17:28,583 --> 00:17:30,041 I'll finish the program next year. 318 00:17:30,125 --> 00:17:32,291 They don't offer it again until then anyway. 319 00:17:33,666 --> 00:17:35,708 Well, you seem kind of bummed out. 320 00:17:36,416 --> 00:17:38,250 It's okay. I'm an adult. 321 00:17:38,333 --> 00:17:41,375 A big part of being an adult is being bummed out. 322 00:17:41,958 --> 00:17:43,333 A lot of the time, really. 323 00:17:43,416 --> 00:17:44,250 Oh. 324 00:17:45,125 --> 00:17:46,958 That's something to look forward to. 325 00:17:48,875 --> 00:17:51,208 Yeah, and that's just why you have to be careful 326 00:17:51,291 --> 00:17:53,625 and you have to be cautious all of the time. 327 00:17:59,708 --> 00:18:03,541 -You're not answering? -No, he's gonna try and lend me money. 328 00:18:03,625 --> 00:18:05,750 -You don't know that. -Yes, I do. 329 00:18:09,500 --> 00:18:10,333 Hey, Peter. 330 00:18:10,416 --> 00:18:12,625 Tell her I'm not trying to lend her money. 331 00:18:12,708 --> 00:18:13,541 I said that. 332 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:16,625 I'm calling because I booked a flight, Jackity-Jack. 333 00:18:16,708 --> 00:18:19,416 -Are you ready to hang? -Please, the nicknames. 334 00:18:19,500 --> 00:18:21,000 -Wait, what? -You're right. 335 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:23,791 I'm shooting blanks with the nicknames. We'll work on that when I get there. 336 00:18:23,875 --> 00:18:25,166 -Hey, Debbie! -Wait, what? 337 00:18:25,250 --> 00:18:27,041 Oh, and I'm renting my own car, 338 00:18:27,125 --> 00:18:30,333 'cause God knows whatever hell show you're driving, I want no part of. 339 00:18:30,416 --> 00:18:32,875 -Wait, what? -You're saying "Wait, what?" a lot. 340 00:18:32,958 --> 00:18:34,333 And it makes you sound kinda dumb. 341 00:18:34,416 --> 00:18:37,458 -I just don't-- I don't understand. -Well, I'm coming to LA for a week. 342 00:18:37,541 --> 00:18:39,875 I'm gonna look after Jack, and you can stay here solo. 343 00:18:39,958 --> 00:18:41,583 Peter, come on. 344 00:18:41,666 --> 00:18:44,625 You can't just drop everything to come and babysit. 345 00:18:44,708 --> 00:18:46,458 You have a job and a life. 346 00:18:46,541 --> 00:18:48,875 I mean, I don't know about a life, but you have a job. 347 00:18:48,958 --> 00:18:52,666 Actually, I have, uh, some time off between clients, 348 00:18:52,750 --> 00:18:53,958 so we're all good there. 349 00:18:54,458 --> 00:18:56,583 It's not as much fun as us hanging out together, 350 00:18:56,666 --> 00:18:59,208 but gets you what you need. 351 00:18:59,291 --> 00:19:02,541 Peter, taking care of Jack is actually a lot of work. 352 00:19:02,625 --> 00:19:06,333 It-- He's allergic to a billion things, like, he takes a bunch of medicine, 353 00:19:06,416 --> 00:19:09,750 and, honestly, he doesn't have a lot of friends right now. 354 00:19:09,833 --> 00:19:11,125 Let me help. I owe you. 355 00:19:11,208 --> 00:19:14,541 -Owe me? -Yes! Where was I when Jack was born? 356 00:19:15,125 --> 00:19:18,291 I was in London helping a Spanish bank 357 00:19:18,375 --> 00:19:21,125 launch a sister branch in Eastern Europe. 358 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:25,041 But when my mom died, you drove from Los Angeles 359 00:19:25,125 --> 00:19:28,791 to freaking Ohio for the services. 360 00:19:28,875 --> 00:19:31,875 And you picked me up from rehab not once, but twice. 361 00:19:31,958 --> 00:19:34,541 Yeah, yeah, I-- I-- I know, I'm a really good friend, 362 00:19:34,625 --> 00:19:38,041 but I-- I didn't do any of those things expecting something in return. 363 00:19:38,125 --> 00:19:39,291 Of course you didn't, 364 00:19:40,250 --> 00:19:41,708 'cause you're not a monster. 365 00:19:43,958 --> 00:19:45,041 You need help. 366 00:19:46,625 --> 00:19:47,625 And I'm coming, 367 00:19:48,166 --> 00:19:49,000 and that's that. 368 00:19:52,500 --> 00:19:54,416 Okay. 369 00:19:58,458 --> 00:20:00,833 He's gonna be fine, right? 370 00:20:00,916 --> 00:20:03,083 Yes, it's only a week. 371 00:20:03,166 --> 00:20:04,291 It's only a week! 372 00:20:09,916 --> 00:20:11,375 I'm hugging a pair of pants. 373 00:20:18,291 --> 00:20:20,750 Mom, come on! We're gonna be late! 374 00:20:24,750 --> 00:20:26,291 -Need help? -No, no. 375 00:20:26,375 --> 00:20:27,375 I have a method. 376 00:20:28,166 --> 00:20:29,125 That's how I do it. 377 00:20:29,791 --> 00:20:30,625 Okay. 378 00:20:31,250 --> 00:20:34,250 You know, they make these, uh, zippy, little four-wheelers now. 379 00:20:34,333 --> 00:20:36,625 You barely have to push 'em. They call 'em "spinners." 380 00:20:36,708 --> 00:20:38,583 -Oh, yeah? -Yeah! All right. Hey. 381 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:40,333 -Ooh! -What? 382 00:20:40,416 --> 00:20:42,208 Begonias while you're begone? 383 00:20:42,291 --> 00:20:44,416 -Knock yourself out, Zen. 384 00:20:44,500 --> 00:20:46,375 All right, good. Safe travels. 385 00:20:46,458 --> 00:20:47,500 Thanks! 386 00:21:00,125 --> 00:21:01,958 Yeah! 387 00:21:02,500 --> 00:21:04,875 I'm gonna miss you. I'll call you every day. 388 00:21:04,958 --> 00:21:06,208 -Okay? -All right. 389 00:21:09,041 --> 00:21:11,166 -I love you! -Bye, Mama! 390 00:21:49,250 --> 00:21:50,083 Leesh! 391 00:21:54,166 --> 00:21:57,583 -Oh, here's this guy. -Look at you! 392 00:21:57,666 --> 00:21:58,916 You look great! 393 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:00,833 You look, like, the same! 394 00:22:00,916 --> 00:22:03,375 Yeah, I know! It's spooky, isn't it? 395 00:22:03,458 --> 00:22:05,000 -Yeah! -Yeah. Uh… 396 00:22:05,083 --> 00:22:07,291 -Oh, uh, do you want this? -Oh. 397 00:22:07,375 --> 00:22:08,958 I thought you might need it. 398 00:22:09,041 --> 00:22:10,583 -You look good. -Thank you. 399 00:22:10,666 --> 00:22:15,208 You still got that tall, squared-jaw, long-eyelash vibe going on. 400 00:22:15,291 --> 00:22:16,583 Some people like that. 401 00:22:16,666 --> 00:22:18,875 -It was never my thing, but… -Yup. 402 00:22:18,958 --> 00:22:23,166 Anyway, it was really nice of you to come out here to take care of Jack. 403 00:22:23,250 --> 00:22:26,833 Come on, it's no sweat. Honestly, I was between clients and, well… 404 00:22:26,916 --> 00:22:29,250 -It's a short-term project, right? 405 00:22:29,333 --> 00:22:32,458 That's what I do. I get in, manage things, no muss, no fuss. 406 00:22:32,541 --> 00:22:35,708 I have bad news. Kids are all muss and all fuss. 407 00:22:36,291 --> 00:22:37,708 -Are they though? -Uh, yeah. 408 00:22:37,791 --> 00:22:38,916 -Very much so. -Oh. 409 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:40,750 -Give it back! -We'll see. 410 00:22:40,833 --> 00:22:43,208 Those two, those are my girls. 411 00:22:43,291 --> 00:22:46,041 -Okay. Oh, fun. They look fun. 412 00:22:46,125 --> 00:22:47,333 Oh, there's Jack. 413 00:22:47,416 --> 00:22:49,541 All right, I think I got this. 414 00:22:51,708 --> 00:22:53,916 What's up, Jackie Gleason? 415 00:22:54,916 --> 00:22:56,458 Who or what is that? 416 00:22:56,541 --> 00:22:58,416 No? All right, all right. 417 00:22:58,500 --> 00:23:00,416 Let's blow this popsicle stand, huh? 418 00:23:00,500 --> 00:23:01,875 What's a popsicle stand? 419 00:23:03,166 --> 00:23:05,625 I am not entirely sure, to be honest. 420 00:23:11,125 --> 00:23:12,125 Hey, you want to drive? 421 00:23:12,208 --> 00:23:13,583 -No. -You can drive the Porsche. 422 00:23:13,666 --> 00:23:15,708 -I don't want to drive-- -It was this or a Lamborgh-- 423 00:23:15,791 --> 00:23:18,375 I know, you don't like the Porsche. You'd rather drive the Lotus? 424 00:23:18,458 --> 00:23:19,708 -What? -All right, well… 425 00:23:19,791 --> 00:23:22,166 Next time, I'll bring the Lotus, and you can drive it. 426 00:23:22,250 --> 00:23:23,416 What's a Lotus? 427 00:23:38,666 --> 00:23:42,166 My mom hates convertibles, you know? She says they roll over too easily. 428 00:23:42,250 --> 00:23:45,583 Yeah, well, they're also awesome, so that negates the rolling part. 429 00:23:46,875 --> 00:23:50,041 Hey, let me ask you a question. Those kids back there, 430 00:23:50,541 --> 00:23:52,541 they were blowing you off. What was that about? 431 00:23:57,416 --> 00:23:58,250 Look, man. 432 00:23:58,875 --> 00:24:01,250 I was a 13-year-old boy once, all right? 433 00:24:01,333 --> 00:24:04,083 And I know I'm pretty cool now, 434 00:24:04,666 --> 00:24:08,875 but when I was 13 I was basically a walking Adam's apple with a bowl cut 435 00:24:08,958 --> 00:24:11,916 and a tattered copy of Catcher in the Rye under my arm, so… 436 00:24:12,791 --> 00:24:14,125 Plus, I didn't have a dad. 437 00:24:15,666 --> 00:24:17,500 He bailed on me when I was 13, 438 00:24:18,125 --> 00:24:21,083 then he died three years later, drunk in a ditch. 439 00:24:21,583 --> 00:24:25,291 He was walking along the side of the road and he just went "bloop." 440 00:24:25,875 --> 00:24:26,708 Oh, my God. 441 00:24:26,791 --> 00:24:28,666 So, seriously, whatever you're going through, 442 00:24:28,750 --> 00:24:31,000 I've probably seen worse, so you can hit me with it. 443 00:24:32,625 --> 00:24:35,458 -Well, give it to me, Jack Be Nimble. -I don't even understand that one. 444 00:24:35,541 --> 00:24:37,583 Look, I'm still workshopping, okay? 445 00:24:39,708 --> 00:24:41,083 It's because of hockey. 446 00:24:43,333 --> 00:24:44,166 Okay. 447 00:24:44,875 --> 00:24:47,958 Wade and I were friends, and we used to skate at the rink together, 448 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:50,291 but now he plays on the team and I can't. 449 00:24:50,375 --> 00:24:52,208 So he hangs out with Evan, who does. 450 00:24:52,875 --> 00:24:54,708 So we just stopped hanging at all. 451 00:24:54,791 --> 00:24:58,375 Whoa, wait, you play hockey? Well, Debbie never told me that. 452 00:24:59,000 --> 00:24:59,916 Yeah. 453 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:02,291 I can't play basketball 'cause I'm allergic to the gym, 454 00:25:02,375 --> 00:25:05,250 and I can't play baseball 'cause I'm allergic to grass. 455 00:25:05,333 --> 00:25:07,333 Wait- I don't understand why you can't play on the team 456 00:25:07,416 --> 00:25:10,000 with Wade and his weaselly friend. Oh, I'm sorry. He-- 457 00:25:10,083 --> 00:25:13,000 He's probably not weaselly, but, like, he's got a weasel face. 458 00:25:13,583 --> 00:25:16,458 You know? So, but-- Why can't you play on the team? 459 00:25:17,458 --> 00:25:18,666 I'm too small. 460 00:25:18,750 --> 00:25:20,500 Mom says it's too dangerous. 461 00:25:23,125 --> 00:25:25,791 I cannot believe your mom didn't tell me about this. 462 00:25:26,750 --> 00:25:28,250 Like, she tells me everything. 463 00:25:29,291 --> 00:25:32,000 But do you? Tell her everything? 464 00:25:34,250 --> 00:25:35,083 Of course. 465 00:25:48,458 --> 00:25:50,833 I never understood why Debbie 466 00:25:51,375 --> 00:25:54,333 decided to buy a house on the side of a whole entire hill. 467 00:25:54,416 --> 00:25:55,250 Yeah. 468 00:25:56,666 --> 00:25:58,791 I suppose you get used to it after a while, huh? 469 00:25:58,875 --> 00:26:00,583 No. It continues to suck. 470 00:26:01,500 --> 00:26:03,750 Who lived here before you, like, an alpaca? 471 00:26:07,166 --> 00:26:09,250 -Hey! -Hey! Oh! 472 00:26:09,333 --> 00:26:11,791 Yeah! Yo, Jack. 473 00:26:11,875 --> 00:26:13,500 You're the guy-- You're the dude 474 00:26:13,583 --> 00:26:15,750 that's, uh, gonna be hanging with, uh, Jack. 475 00:26:16,333 --> 00:26:17,916 -Nice to meet you. -I'm Zen. 476 00:26:18,000 --> 00:26:19,208 Yeah, like the Buddhism. 477 00:26:19,291 --> 00:26:22,291 I live through the gate there, and, uh, I'm independently wealthy 478 00:26:22,375 --> 00:26:23,500 due to a tech buyout. 479 00:26:23,583 --> 00:26:25,208 -Of course. -I surf in the AM. 480 00:26:25,291 --> 00:26:27,916 Spend the rest of the day here in Debbie's garden. 481 00:26:28,000 --> 00:26:29,666 -What about your yard? -My yard? 482 00:26:29,750 --> 00:26:32,208 Oh, I don't do my yard, I got a guy for that. 483 00:26:32,875 --> 00:26:34,291 There he is. Hey! 484 00:26:34,375 --> 00:26:36,291 -Yeah? -Yeah! 485 00:26:36,375 --> 00:26:38,666 Dude, he's so funny. 486 00:26:40,416 --> 00:26:41,750 He's from Spokane. 487 00:26:42,416 --> 00:26:45,333 Okay. Well, it was nice to meet you. 488 00:26:45,416 --> 00:26:46,416 Nice to meet you. 489 00:26:46,500 --> 00:26:48,458 -Okay. -Bye, Zen. 490 00:26:50,291 --> 00:26:53,125 All right, back at it. 491 00:26:53,208 --> 00:26:55,708 -You didn't know about Zen? -Nope. 492 00:26:55,791 --> 00:26:59,125 So the whole thing where you and Mom tell each other everything-- 493 00:26:59,208 --> 00:27:01,791 Yeah, no, we're not gonna-- That's grown-up talk. 494 00:27:05,375 --> 00:27:06,375 Okay. 495 00:27:07,208 --> 00:27:12,041 Did she stay up all night doing this? 496 00:27:12,666 --> 00:27:13,833 Your mom's crazy. 497 00:27:13,916 --> 00:27:15,500 I am well aware. 498 00:27:17,458 --> 00:27:19,375 All right, let's, um… 499 00:27:21,166 --> 00:27:23,750 Oh, hey! I made it. I'm in Brooklyn. 500 00:27:24,583 --> 00:27:27,166 Are-- Are you home yet? Did you see my Post-Its? 501 00:27:27,250 --> 00:27:29,958 -Yeah, they're kinda hard to miss, Deb. -Okay. 502 00:27:30,041 --> 00:27:32,458 The most important thing is that you feed him breakfast, 503 00:27:32,541 --> 00:27:34,958 then you pack his lunch, and then you pick up his prescriptions 504 00:27:35,041 --> 00:27:35,875 on the way to school. 505 00:27:35,958 --> 00:27:36,791 Uh-huh. 506 00:27:36,875 --> 00:27:39,375 Oh, and the other most important thing is that you get the list 507 00:27:39,458 --> 00:27:42,000 of things that he's allergic to. It's right by the coffee maker. 508 00:27:42,083 --> 00:27:44,875 -Oh! Excuse me. -Oh, wow. Laminated. Nice. 509 00:27:44,958 --> 00:27:47,166 -Oh, this one says "urgent." -Yeah. 510 00:27:47,250 --> 00:27:49,333 And I forgot to label the nut-free nut butter. 511 00:27:49,416 --> 00:27:51,208 But it's in there. It's in the… Do you-- 512 00:27:51,291 --> 00:27:53,250 -Yeah. -I don't know what that is. 513 00:27:53,333 --> 00:27:55,833 Oh, and Jack, Jack, have you started your history paper? 514 00:27:55,916 --> 00:27:56,833 Already started it. 515 00:27:56,916 --> 00:27:59,666 Okay, that means he's done nothing, Peter. You have to remind him. 516 00:27:59,750 --> 00:28:01,125 Okay, he has to pick a thesis. 517 00:28:01,208 --> 00:28:04,416 He's doing the Spanish-American War, which is, I think, against Spain. 518 00:28:04,500 --> 00:28:05,833 -Yeah, Deb? -I'm not sure. 519 00:28:05,916 --> 00:28:08,541 -Jack is okay. -Oh, hi! 520 00:28:09,041 --> 00:28:12,166 Oh, my gosh. There are so many people here. It's crazy. 521 00:28:12,250 --> 00:28:14,083 We're gonna figure out dinner. 522 00:28:14,875 --> 00:28:18,250 Oh, no, you don't have to worry about it, because I left dinner. 523 00:28:18,333 --> 00:28:19,500 O-- Open the freezer. 524 00:28:21,541 --> 00:28:24,708 -Wait, this also says "urgent." -Jack loves those casseroles. 525 00:28:24,791 --> 00:28:27,041 -You know, I could-- I could buy dinner. 526 00:28:27,125 --> 00:28:29,083 Peter, I know that you have a lot of money, 527 00:28:29,166 --> 00:28:31,083 but I really don't want you getting him take-out, 528 00:28:31,166 --> 00:28:33,125 and-- and other things that are fancy. 529 00:28:33,208 --> 00:28:36,750 Yeah, okay! Homework, and then frozen… …for dinner. 530 00:28:36,833 --> 00:28:39,000 I know there's something else I forgot to tell you. 531 00:28:39,083 --> 00:28:40,750 Shoot, I forgot what I forgot to tell you. 532 00:28:40,833 --> 00:28:41,833 Debbie, stop. 533 00:28:43,291 --> 00:28:44,375 T-- Take a breath. 534 00:28:46,583 --> 00:28:47,500 Look around. 535 00:28:51,291 --> 00:28:53,833 Yeah, enjoy it. 536 00:28:55,333 --> 00:28:56,541 -Call us later. -Okay. 537 00:29:02,916 --> 00:29:05,083 -You allergic to Mexican food? -No. 538 00:29:16,416 --> 00:29:17,708 Excuse me, pardon me. 539 00:29:23,416 --> 00:29:26,625 Uh, um, excuse me, I'm gonna go to Peter Coleman's. 540 00:29:27,166 --> 00:29:29,958 You know, they make those with four wheels now. 541 00:29:30,041 --> 00:29:31,583 They're called "spinners." 542 00:29:32,125 --> 00:29:33,958 -Right, so… 543 00:29:35,291 --> 00:29:36,125 Got it. 544 00:29:43,375 --> 00:29:44,666 Oh, my God. 545 00:29:47,791 --> 00:29:49,375 This is gorgeous. 546 00:29:51,916 --> 00:29:53,958 Oh, my God. 547 00:29:58,500 --> 00:29:59,666 Whoa. 548 00:30:01,625 --> 00:30:02,458 What!? 549 00:30:03,708 --> 00:30:05,458 By color? Really? 550 00:30:05,541 --> 00:30:07,416 Oh, my God, Peter. 551 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:17,250 Wait, where are the handles? How do you even open this? 552 00:30:18,500 --> 00:30:19,750 What is this? 553 00:30:21,541 --> 00:30:23,125 Oh! 554 00:30:24,500 --> 00:30:25,625 That's just sad. 555 00:30:31,291 --> 00:30:32,583 Peter. 556 00:30:38,833 --> 00:30:40,416 They still have stickers on them. 557 00:30:42,500 --> 00:30:45,500 Twenty-five dollars for a glass? Oh, my God. 558 00:30:46,625 --> 00:30:47,750 Peter. 559 00:30:47,833 --> 00:30:50,083 Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 560 00:30:51,000 --> 00:30:53,208 Okay… what should we do? 561 00:30:53,791 --> 00:30:56,208 Well, I have homework that I should probably do. 562 00:30:56,291 --> 00:30:57,916 God, I just got here! 563 00:30:58,416 --> 00:31:00,333 What-- It's-- This is our night! 564 00:31:00,416 --> 00:31:02,791 It's our occasion! We're having a special-- We're occasioning! 565 00:31:02,875 --> 00:31:05,416 -It's-- That's not a word. -It is now! 566 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:07,750 Let's-- We can-- We can watch a movie. 567 00:31:08,625 --> 00:31:09,666 Yeah, no. 568 00:31:09,750 --> 00:31:12,291 We have three remotes. Uh, can I see that? 569 00:31:12,375 --> 00:31:16,791 This one controls the TV and it makes sure the DVD player isn't on. 570 00:31:16,875 --> 00:31:19,208 -This one controls the sound. -Oh, yeah, I was gonna do that. 571 00:31:19,291 --> 00:31:20,666 It's all volume. 572 00:31:20,750 --> 00:31:24,958 This one controls the cable to make sure the Wi-Fi is working. 573 00:31:25,041 --> 00:31:27,958 And, oh, yeah. This one also is the receiver. 574 00:31:28,041 --> 00:31:29,625 Got that sequence. 575 00:31:29,708 --> 00:31:32,916 But I'm not supposed to watch TV while I eat. 576 00:31:34,291 --> 00:31:36,791 And never before homework. 577 00:31:40,500 --> 00:31:42,125 You poor child. 578 00:31:43,125 --> 00:31:46,500 Had I known what was going on in this house, 579 00:31:47,208 --> 00:31:49,000 I would have come a lot sooner. 580 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:50,875 Thanks. 581 00:31:52,166 --> 00:31:54,750 You know, my mom always says you're kinda irresponsible. 582 00:31:55,750 --> 00:31:57,791 She calls you, "a rolling stone that gathers no moss." 583 00:31:57,875 --> 00:31:59,625 -Whatever that is. 584 00:32:00,416 --> 00:32:02,083 She does, huh? 585 00:32:02,166 --> 00:32:04,583 Yeah, she also says you're terrible with women. 586 00:32:04,666 --> 00:32:06,083 Ah! 587 00:32:06,625 --> 00:32:08,291 Ah. Your mom! 588 00:32:09,083 --> 00:32:12,000 But I'm psyched you're here, 'cause you're chill. 589 00:32:12,916 --> 00:32:13,791 Chill. 590 00:32:15,541 --> 00:32:20,125 Oh, stop. Stop everything. That's the movie we're gonna watch. 591 00:32:20,708 --> 00:32:22,500 -Alien? -Yeah, have you seen it? 592 00:32:22,583 --> 00:32:25,500 -No, is it scary? -It's terrifying. 593 00:32:26,708 --> 00:32:27,541 Cool! 594 00:32:39,125 --> 00:32:40,625 Oh, no, that's not… 595 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:44,166 Why is it so cold in here? 596 00:32:46,458 --> 00:32:47,541 Heat… 597 00:32:48,083 --> 00:32:48,916 Hmm… 598 00:32:50,375 --> 00:32:51,333 Heat! 599 00:32:52,625 --> 00:32:54,916 -Oh! 600 00:33:03,666 --> 00:33:04,833 Ah… 601 00:33:06,166 --> 00:33:07,375 Oh! Hi. 602 00:33:07,458 --> 00:33:10,125 Uh, I'm sorry, I-- I can't hear you. 603 00:33:12,833 --> 00:33:15,500 You just have to point at the sensor. 604 00:33:15,583 --> 00:33:17,583 -Oh, my God. Thank you. 605 00:33:17,666 --> 00:33:19,250 -Uh… 606 00:33:19,333 --> 00:33:20,625 Hi, I'm Debbie. 607 00:33:21,708 --> 00:33:26,500 Wait a second. Are you the Debbie? Peter talks about you all the time! 608 00:33:26,583 --> 00:33:28,375 -Oh, yeah, I guess that's me. 609 00:33:28,458 --> 00:33:29,833 Um, who are you? 610 00:33:29,916 --> 00:33:33,833 I'm Minka, and I am a skosh embarrassed. 611 00:33:33,916 --> 00:33:38,208 I thought Peter was here and I am not wearing anything under this. 612 00:33:38,291 --> 00:33:41,166 -I figured that. -Yeah, I feel like an idiot. 613 00:33:41,250 --> 00:33:42,500 Oh, don't worry about it. 614 00:33:42,583 --> 00:33:45,583 We've all done the thing where we knock on the door half-naked for some g… 615 00:33:45,666 --> 00:33:47,291 So you and Peter are… 616 00:33:47,375 --> 00:33:48,833 We were. We used to. 617 00:33:48,916 --> 00:33:50,375 We broke up after six months 618 00:33:50,458 --> 00:33:52,958 and then he started dating this woman Becca, 619 00:33:53,041 --> 00:33:54,791 but through the careful study of her socials, 620 00:33:54,875 --> 00:33:56,500 I figured out they broke up. 621 00:33:56,583 --> 00:33:58,750 So I thought I would come over and… 622 00:33:58,833 --> 00:34:02,791 -So that is how you sit there. -By the way, where is Peter? 623 00:34:02,875 --> 00:34:04,791 Oh, he's staying at my place in LA. 624 00:34:04,875 --> 00:34:07,041 -And I'm just here for a few days. -Cute! 625 00:34:07,875 --> 00:34:09,041 Can I buy you a drink? 626 00:34:09,541 --> 00:34:11,083 No ulterior motive. 627 00:34:11,166 --> 00:34:15,791 I will not ask you why Peter is so emotionally, like, broken. 628 00:34:15,875 --> 00:34:18,583 Oh, I would love that, but, um, I'm starting classes tomorrow. 629 00:34:18,666 --> 00:34:21,000 I have to get up early. I'm doing this program, and… 630 00:34:21,083 --> 00:34:23,333 -Anyway, maybe some other time. -Yeah, sure! 631 00:34:23,416 --> 00:34:26,583 I will take you to the Brownstone Club. That's where Peter and I met. 632 00:34:26,666 --> 00:34:28,458 You know, you are great. 633 00:34:29,291 --> 00:34:30,500 I like you. 634 00:34:30,583 --> 00:34:34,791 I dig this whole sexy, Gen-X, Earth Mama thing you've got going on. 635 00:34:34,875 --> 00:34:36,000 Thank you. 636 00:34:36,083 --> 00:34:37,916 You're gonna party with Minka? 637 00:34:38,000 --> 00:34:41,125 She asked if maybe I wanted to go for a drink sometime. 638 00:34:41,208 --> 00:34:43,625 -Oh, fancy! -Right. 639 00:34:43,708 --> 00:34:46,166 -Hey, what are you guys doing tonight? -Um… 640 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:49,833 -What did we do? Um, nothing special. -Oh, is he there? 641 00:34:49,916 --> 00:34:51,333 -Does he want to talk to me? 642 00:34:51,416 --> 00:34:54,458 Uh, he's-- he's actually doing his homework right now, so… 643 00:34:54,541 --> 00:34:56,083 Oh! Oh, that's good. 644 00:34:56,666 --> 00:34:59,250 Hey, uh, by the way, are you aware 645 00:34:59,333 --> 00:35:02,125 that there is a gentleman and his butt crack 646 00:35:02,208 --> 00:35:04,208 in your yard all ding-dong day? 647 00:35:04,291 --> 00:35:08,291 Oh, yeah, that's Zen. He just-- He's around a lot. 648 00:35:08,375 --> 00:35:11,083 It's, uh-- You know, he does a really great job with the garden 649 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:14,791 and-- and so I just let him do his thing. Um, did I not mention Zen? 650 00:35:14,875 --> 00:35:19,750 Yeah. No, no, you failed to mention that there is a man living in your yard. 651 00:35:19,833 --> 00:35:23,083 Um, Peter, I just want to say thank you. This place is amazing. 652 00:35:23,166 --> 00:35:26,833 -It's just comfortable and… -Really? 653 00:35:27,583 --> 00:35:29,875 -No, not really. It's very, very empty. 654 00:35:29,958 --> 00:35:31,708 It looks like somebody stole all your stuff. 655 00:35:31,791 --> 00:35:35,041 Yeah, well, if they did, they brought it all here, 'cause you have all the stuff. 656 00:35:35,125 --> 00:35:39,416 Like, literally, all the things that are, were, and ever shall be, are here. 657 00:35:39,500 --> 00:35:42,666 Oh, really? Well, you don't have a photo or a knickknack. 658 00:35:42,750 --> 00:35:45,458 I don't do knickknacks. I don't buy them, like, ever. 659 00:35:45,541 --> 00:35:46,958 I have nixed the knickknacks. 660 00:35:47,041 --> 00:35:50,625 Oh, by the way, your books are all color-coded, which is… 661 00:35:50,708 --> 00:35:53,500 I mean, I knew New York had changed you, but that one hit me hard. 662 00:35:53,583 --> 00:35:55,041 Yeah, my decorator did that. 663 00:35:55,125 --> 00:35:57,750 That's just gross, and I can't believe you said it out loud. 664 00:35:57,833 --> 00:36:00,333 Also, you don't have any mementos from LA? 665 00:36:00,416 --> 00:36:03,208 No! You know my policy on mentos. 666 00:36:04,291 --> 00:36:06,125 So, let me ask you a question. 667 00:36:06,208 --> 00:36:09,416 I mean, I'm not trying to pry, but what happened with Minka? 668 00:36:09,500 --> 00:36:12,583 She seems like she's your type. She's so silky and sleek. 669 00:36:12,666 --> 00:36:14,208 Okay, what? She's not an otter. 670 00:36:14,291 --> 00:36:16,000 -What happened? -I don't know. I don't-- 671 00:36:16,083 --> 00:36:18,333 You know me. I probably did something to screw it up. 672 00:36:18,416 --> 00:36:20,041 Oh, stop it. 673 00:36:20,666 --> 00:36:24,500 Yeah, well, let the fossil record show that I am terrible with women. 674 00:36:24,583 --> 00:36:28,708 In-- In fact, some would say that I am "a rolling stone that gathers no moss." 675 00:36:28,791 --> 00:36:29,625 Uh, what? 676 00:36:29,708 --> 00:36:32,958 Oh, yeah, just so you know, your kid's a sieve, all right? 677 00:36:33,041 --> 00:36:35,333 So everything you've ever said about me, I'm about to hear. 678 00:36:35,416 --> 00:36:37,833 Okay, I didn't-- I didn't say it like that. 679 00:36:37,916 --> 00:36:39,750 -Okay, yeah, I-- I did. I said that. -Yeah. 680 00:36:39,833 --> 00:36:42,375 -But I think he misunderstood me. -Yeah, I'm sure. Right, look. 681 00:36:42,458 --> 00:36:44,666 It's getting late out there. You should go to sleep. 682 00:36:44,750 --> 00:36:47,500 And 'cause I have a list of things that's a mile long 683 00:36:47,583 --> 00:36:49,750 that was left here for me to do by a crazy person. 684 00:36:49,833 --> 00:36:51,916 "Goodnight," said the crazy person. 685 00:36:52,000 --> 00:36:54,875 Say bye to Jack. And I'll see you later on the interwebs. 686 00:36:55,375 --> 00:36:56,916 I'll find you later! 687 00:36:57,000 --> 00:36:58,291 -Goodnight. -Bye. 688 00:37:02,375 --> 00:37:04,333 So? Did I scar you for life? 689 00:37:04,416 --> 00:37:08,666 Who cares? That was dope! My mom would've never let me watch that. 690 00:37:09,375 --> 00:37:10,708 Do I look like your mom? 691 00:37:16,500 --> 00:37:19,041 For the love of God. You can't… 692 00:37:20,083 --> 00:37:20,958 "Peter." 693 00:37:23,000 --> 00:37:24,208 "Thank." 694 00:37:24,291 --> 00:37:25,166 "You." 695 00:37:26,333 --> 00:37:27,208 "So." 696 00:37:28,500 --> 00:37:29,750 "Much." 697 00:37:31,416 --> 00:37:32,666 "Don't screw up my kid." 698 00:37:36,166 --> 00:37:37,000 Yeah. 699 00:37:44,333 --> 00:37:46,625 Oh, that's so sweet! 700 00:39:00,291 --> 00:39:04,250 "He's allergic to all nuts, most legumes, 701 00:39:04,333 --> 00:39:07,291 almonds, pistachios, cashews, pecans, macadamias, 702 00:39:07,375 --> 00:39:09,708 hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazilian, coconuts." 703 00:39:10,291 --> 00:39:11,125 Oh. 704 00:39:11,875 --> 00:39:13,750 "Sunflower butter." 705 00:39:14,791 --> 00:39:16,750 Not a nut. Okay. 706 00:39:17,708 --> 00:39:21,166 All right. Oranges, not on the list. 707 00:39:21,250 --> 00:39:22,916 All right, need a knife… 708 00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:24,833 -Hey, now! 709 00:39:26,583 --> 00:39:27,625 Oh, hey, man. 710 00:39:28,541 --> 00:39:29,375 Hey! 711 00:39:30,416 --> 00:39:32,250 -Yeah. -What are we doing here? 712 00:39:33,333 --> 00:39:35,708 I'm just… I gotta… 713 00:39:35,791 --> 00:39:36,791 Holy shit. 714 00:39:41,375 --> 00:39:42,375 Jack? 715 00:39:42,458 --> 00:39:44,166 Okay, let's do this. 716 00:39:44,250 --> 00:39:47,958 Hey, what's this thing do besides release a genie? 717 00:39:48,041 --> 00:39:49,583 It flushes out my sinuses. 718 00:39:50,250 --> 00:39:51,083 Gross. 719 00:39:51,666 --> 00:39:52,916 Did you make lunch? 720 00:39:54,250 --> 00:39:56,750 -I'm working on it. -What about breakfast? 721 00:39:58,666 --> 00:40:02,916 You didn't make breakfast, did you? Okay. 722 00:40:06,458 --> 00:40:08,833 -Gluten-free pancakes for you. -Thanks. 723 00:40:08,916 --> 00:40:10,416 -Thank you. -For you. 724 00:40:10,500 --> 00:40:11,833 Oh, thank you. 725 00:40:13,750 --> 00:40:15,291 -Can I get one of those? -No. 726 00:40:15,375 --> 00:40:17,333 -Check the laminated card. -No. 727 00:40:17,416 --> 00:40:21,500 -I'm not allergic to coffee. Come on. -You're not drinking coffee. Let's focus. 728 00:40:22,875 --> 00:40:25,583 These neti pots, and packed lunches, 729 00:40:25,666 --> 00:40:28,125 breakfasts, age-appropriate movies? 730 00:40:28,208 --> 00:40:30,666 Not my thing, not my strength, right? 731 00:40:31,500 --> 00:40:34,000 But that's okay, 'cause I'm here to focus on you. 732 00:40:34,625 --> 00:40:37,958 Okay, and my-- my work here is very simple. 733 00:40:38,041 --> 00:40:42,083 It's to teach you to tell a story to other people about you 734 00:40:42,166 --> 00:40:44,666 that is better than the story that you tell yourself. 735 00:40:45,166 --> 00:40:47,625 'Cause the stories we tell ourselves are very limiting. 736 00:40:48,375 --> 00:40:51,083 -I'm not following. What do you mean? -Okay, example. 737 00:40:51,166 --> 00:40:53,666 Look, let's take someone we both know, your mom. 738 00:40:53,750 --> 00:40:56,625 -Okay. -Your mom is the smartest person I know. 739 00:40:56,708 --> 00:40:59,625 Okay? When we first met, she was extremely ambitious. 740 00:40:59,708 --> 00:41:02,916 She wanted to be an editor, or whatever, but then over time, 741 00:41:03,000 --> 00:41:07,333 she started to believe that she had to be practical, 742 00:41:07,416 --> 00:41:09,000 and she had to be sensible, 743 00:41:09,083 --> 00:41:12,666 and that is the story that she told herself. 744 00:41:12,750 --> 00:41:14,041 "Be responsible." 745 00:41:15,041 --> 00:41:17,833 -So that's not your story? -No, co-- 746 00:41:17,916 --> 00:41:19,333 Are we talking about me? 747 00:41:19,416 --> 00:41:21,375 Do you always answer a question with a question? 748 00:41:21,458 --> 00:41:24,000 Do you always answer a question to a question with a question? 749 00:41:24,083 --> 00:41:26,666 Did you really move to New York because of the earthquakes? 750 00:41:26,750 --> 00:41:30,041 -'Cause my mom doesn't believe that. -All right, can we stay on message here? 751 00:41:30,125 --> 00:41:32,166 Okay, look, in the beginning of a rebrand, 752 00:41:32,250 --> 00:41:35,416 I like to do a thing called a "global realignment," all right? 753 00:41:35,500 --> 00:41:41,333 And that is a gesture to the world, in your case, Wade and Weasel Face… 754 00:41:43,291 --> 00:41:45,958 Evan, of what you have to offer. 755 00:41:46,833 --> 00:41:50,708 Today, you have to offer these. 756 00:41:50,791 --> 00:41:53,916 -Seats to the Kings game? -What are-- These aren't seats. 757 00:41:54,416 --> 00:41:56,458 These are tickets to a luxury box. 758 00:41:56,541 --> 00:41:58,375 Isn't that bribing them to be friends with me? 759 00:41:59,041 --> 00:42:00,916 Ah, and this is where the rebrand comes in. 760 00:42:01,000 --> 00:42:05,291 So we're gonna rebrand the word "bribing" with "incentivization." 761 00:42:06,208 --> 00:42:07,291 That's not a word. 762 00:42:07,875 --> 00:42:10,791 In my line of work, we make up the words that we need. 763 00:42:10,875 --> 00:42:13,041 That's kind of sketch. 764 00:42:13,125 --> 00:42:16,166 Now you're getting it. There you go, "sketch." 765 00:42:17,000 --> 00:42:20,208 -Look at-- Look at my sketch coffee. -I really want one of those. 766 00:42:21,208 --> 00:42:24,250 Hey, uh, remember, I'm gonna pick you up after school. 767 00:42:24,333 --> 00:42:26,625 -We're gonna go to that Kings game. Okay? -Yeah, okay. 768 00:42:26,708 --> 00:42:30,041 Got it. And we got the big private box so you can invite whoever you want. 769 00:42:30,125 --> 00:42:32,875 -'Cause it's the luxury box. -Yeah. See you after school, Peter. 770 00:42:32,958 --> 00:42:35,458 We'll see you after school when we go to the Kings game! 771 00:42:35,541 --> 00:42:37,583 Yep, big game! Let's go! 772 00:42:37,666 --> 00:42:40,125 Yeah, with all that candy and ice cream! 773 00:42:40,791 --> 00:42:43,291 -Hey! Coffee? -You buying? 774 00:42:44,291 --> 00:42:48,041 Yeah. Oh! Oh, yeah, can we get one of those, uh… the butter coffees? 775 00:42:48,583 --> 00:42:50,625 -With the butter… -He's miming. 776 00:42:51,625 --> 00:42:52,666 He's miming. 777 00:42:54,375 --> 00:42:55,625 Yes, he is. 778 00:42:55,708 --> 00:42:58,375 -That's actually really good. -I've been working on it. 779 00:43:21,250 --> 00:43:22,666 Hi! Good morning! 780 00:43:35,625 --> 00:43:36,458 Hi. 781 00:43:43,208 --> 00:43:45,583 Ah, I just love new school supplies. 782 00:43:46,541 --> 00:43:48,875 The smell… …of new pencils! 783 00:43:49,458 --> 00:43:50,291 Isn't it great? 784 00:43:51,916 --> 00:43:54,666 You know you don't have to take notes. It's all online. 785 00:43:55,250 --> 00:43:56,916 Oh, I know, but I find if I write it… 786 00:43:57,000 --> 00:43:58,833 -Hello, everyone. -…it goes in my brain… 787 00:43:58,916 --> 00:44:02,083 -Welcome to Statistics in Risk Modeling. -We'll talk later. 788 00:44:02,166 --> 00:44:04,500 Now, we got a lot to cover. So let's get started here. 789 00:44:05,125 --> 00:44:06,541 First, we're going to start 790 00:44:06,625 --> 00:44:09,541 by reviewing types of modeling problems and methods, 791 00:44:09,625 --> 00:44:13,041 including supervised versus unsupervised learning. 792 00:44:13,125 --> 00:44:14,875 You know, that was a lot of information. 793 00:44:14,958 --> 00:44:16,958 Do you feel like sometime, we could share notes, or…? 794 00:44:17,041 --> 00:44:18,041 -Hey! -Hey. 795 00:44:19,416 --> 00:44:21,708 Oh, my God, that class was so boring. 796 00:44:26,041 --> 00:44:26,875 Oh, hi! 797 00:44:26,958 --> 00:44:30,083 -How was your first class? -It was fine. 798 00:44:30,166 --> 00:44:32,708 Now, that drink we talked about, you in the mood? 799 00:44:32,791 --> 00:44:34,791 -Yeah, sure! -Great! I'm right near you. 800 00:44:34,875 --> 00:44:37,541 So, I'll come pick you up. See you soon! Bye! 801 00:44:39,125 --> 00:44:44,750 In this literature class, prepare yourself to do a lot of reading. 802 00:44:45,625 --> 00:44:49,458 We're gonna be tackling some big novels, I'm talking about the chunky ones. 803 00:44:49,541 --> 00:44:51,666 I'm talking some real door-stoppers. 804 00:44:51,750 --> 00:44:54,250 In this class, Anna Karenina is a pamphlet. 805 00:44:55,875 --> 00:44:59,458 I grew up reading Uris, and Clavell, and Michener. 806 00:44:59,541 --> 00:45:02,000 Haley! Do not forget Alex Haley. 807 00:45:02,958 --> 00:45:06,916 Never got over the thrill of reading a massive book with tiny, tiny print. 808 00:45:07,000 --> 00:45:08,000 Yes! 809 00:45:09,833 --> 00:45:11,166 Oh, uh… 810 00:45:11,750 --> 00:45:12,708 No, no, no. Sorry. 811 00:45:13,875 --> 00:45:18,000 How many of you have read Alex Haley's Autobiography of Malcolm X? 812 00:45:18,083 --> 00:45:19,625 Hands? Okay… 813 00:45:19,708 --> 00:45:22,291 Oh, hey, Miss Backpack! You ready? 814 00:45:23,000 --> 00:45:25,041 -That was fast. -Cute college. 815 00:45:25,541 --> 00:45:26,375 Right? 816 00:45:26,458 --> 00:45:28,666 I mean, I'm personally allergic to school. 817 00:45:28,750 --> 00:45:31,125 After I got the master's in differential calculus, 818 00:45:31,208 --> 00:45:34,000 I was like, "Enough!" You know? Okay, follow me. 819 00:45:34,500 --> 00:45:36,750 Did you say differential calculus? 820 00:45:40,833 --> 00:45:43,625 So funny. You ran, like, right into the practice station. 821 00:45:43,708 --> 00:45:46,541 Dude, it's not my fault the lace on my right skate snapped! 822 00:45:46,625 --> 00:45:47,625 Whoa! Look at these! 823 00:45:47,708 --> 00:45:51,666 -Dude! Jelly beans. -I love those! Those are my favorite! 824 00:45:51,750 --> 00:45:54,000 Dude, I think this is the cinnamon one that's super spicy. 825 00:45:54,083 --> 00:45:56,041 -Really? -You ever had the cinnamon Jolly Rancher? 826 00:45:56,125 --> 00:45:57,208 -The spicy one? -Yeah. 827 00:45:57,291 --> 00:46:00,583 Oh! I love those cinnamon… spicy ones! 828 00:46:00,666 --> 00:46:03,916 That's so spicy. I'm good. I don't really like those ones. 829 00:46:04,000 --> 00:46:07,041 Hey, hey, none of this stuff is on the allergy list, 830 00:46:07,125 --> 00:46:08,291 so you're good to go. 831 00:46:08,375 --> 00:46:10,416 So just go nuts, have at it. 832 00:46:10,500 --> 00:46:13,416 -Without eating any nuts. -I think that's actually licorice. 833 00:46:13,500 --> 00:46:14,958 Why aren't they talking to me? 834 00:46:15,041 --> 00:46:16,500 -Dots! -They will! 835 00:46:16,583 --> 00:46:18,791 They will. Don't worry about it. Let's go. 836 00:46:18,875 --> 00:46:22,750 We'll, hey, get a jersey or something. Let's get our kit on. Let's go. Go, Kings! 837 00:46:22,833 --> 00:46:24,291 Okay, I need a drink. 838 00:46:24,375 --> 00:46:26,583 Oh, yes. Let's have a drink! 839 00:46:26,666 --> 00:46:29,083 -For one, I'm so thirsty. -I know! 840 00:46:29,166 --> 00:46:30,041 Ooh! 841 00:46:30,541 --> 00:46:31,375 Okay. 842 00:46:33,083 --> 00:46:35,625 Wait a second. The-- These people look really fancy. 843 00:46:35,708 --> 00:46:38,625 Yeah, you have to be someone or know someone, and I'm both. 844 00:46:38,708 --> 00:46:41,333 And also kind of neither. That's what's great about me. 845 00:46:42,333 --> 00:46:43,333 Oh, wow. 846 00:46:43,416 --> 00:46:45,625 Uh, I don't think I fit in here. 847 00:46:46,291 --> 00:46:49,000 I mean, obviously. But you're with me. Come on. 848 00:46:50,208 --> 00:46:51,750 Thank you, Petra! 849 00:46:54,583 --> 00:46:57,291 By the way, we do not have to talk about Peter. 850 00:46:57,375 --> 00:46:59,375 Oh, okay. Got it. 851 00:47:03,375 --> 00:47:04,666 Honestly, bro. 852 00:47:04,750 --> 00:47:05,833 -Yeah! -I mean, he had it-- 853 00:47:05,916 --> 00:47:07,416 -He had it at the start, right? -Dude! 854 00:47:07,500 --> 00:47:09,291 -He literally had it-- -Guys, guys! 855 00:47:09,375 --> 00:47:11,125 Did you see that last rally? 856 00:47:11,625 --> 00:47:13,208 That was crazy, huh? 857 00:47:13,291 --> 00:47:15,333 That was, like-- That was sketch! 858 00:47:15,416 --> 00:47:17,625 Or as the Canadians would say, that was sketch, eh? 859 00:47:17,708 --> 00:47:19,000 What is he talking about? 860 00:47:20,916 --> 00:47:23,916 -Just be conscious of-- -All right. 861 00:47:24,000 --> 00:47:25,666 Manhattan Maiden for you. 862 00:47:25,750 --> 00:47:26,708 Ooh! 863 00:47:26,791 --> 00:47:29,166 And the Garden Glory for you. 864 00:47:29,666 --> 00:47:30,541 Oh. 865 00:47:31,625 --> 00:47:33,333 -Enjoy! -Thank you. 866 00:47:33,416 --> 00:47:35,458 Am I supposed to drink it or water it? 867 00:47:35,541 --> 00:47:37,375 So how did you and Peter meet again? 868 00:47:37,458 --> 00:47:39,333 Is this the part where we don't talk about Peter? 869 00:47:39,416 --> 00:47:40,708 -Mm-hmm. -Okay. 870 00:47:40,791 --> 00:47:41,875 This is that part. 871 00:47:41,958 --> 00:47:44,833 Well, short story, we hooked up once, 872 00:47:44,916 --> 00:47:47,083 and then he bailed, and we became friends. 873 00:47:47,625 --> 00:47:49,583 And you married someone else. 874 00:47:49,666 --> 00:47:53,000 -Mm, Jimmy the mountain climber. -Mm. 875 00:47:53,083 --> 00:47:57,041 Which is funny, 'cause at the time, he felt like a safe choice for me. 876 00:47:57,125 --> 00:47:59,041 -Mm. -He was just very sure about me. 877 00:47:59,125 --> 00:48:00,125 Mmm. 878 00:48:00,208 --> 00:48:03,041 But, ultimately, he wanted to go on big adventures, 879 00:48:03,125 --> 00:48:06,375 and my adventures are reading books and being a mom. 880 00:48:07,000 --> 00:48:10,375 So, we realized he needed somebody who always wanted to be by his side 881 00:48:10,458 --> 00:48:12,000 and that just wasn't gonna be me. 882 00:48:12,833 --> 00:48:14,291 And your love life now? 883 00:48:15,458 --> 00:48:16,666 Sort of like… 884 00:48:17,666 --> 00:48:20,583 wind on an open prairie, or… 885 00:48:21,583 --> 00:48:23,833 footsteps in an empty attic, 886 00:48:24,333 --> 00:48:25,666 or what are those… 887 00:48:26,583 --> 00:48:30,375 Tumbleweeds going through an old ghost town. Sort of like that. 888 00:48:31,000 --> 00:48:32,750 Okay, we need to get on that. 889 00:48:33,375 --> 00:48:35,250 Well, good luck. It's been a minute. 890 00:48:37,708 --> 00:48:38,791 Oh, I know that guy. 891 00:48:38,875 --> 00:48:41,208 He's a professor at my school, the guy with the bow tie. 892 00:48:41,708 --> 00:48:44,500 -Wow, the guy he is sitting with is… -Oh, my God. 893 00:48:44,583 --> 00:48:46,791 I know. He is fuego. 894 00:48:46,875 --> 00:48:49,708 Oh, no, yes, that-- And that's, uh, Theo Martin. 895 00:48:49,791 --> 00:48:52,041 He's the editor of Duncan Press. 896 00:48:52,125 --> 00:48:53,041 Mmm. 897 00:48:53,125 --> 00:48:55,625 They publish the best contemporary fiction on earth. 898 00:48:55,708 --> 00:48:58,375 Mmm, yeah. I only listen to celebrity bios. 899 00:48:58,458 --> 00:49:00,958 The Rob Lowe one is my favorite. The first one, of course. 900 00:49:01,041 --> 00:49:02,916 Theo Martin is so famous. 901 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:06,291 Also, he's yummy, and he's sitting with someone you know. 902 00:49:06,375 --> 00:49:08,416 -He's very attractive, that's true. -So, come on. 903 00:49:08,500 --> 00:49:12,041 Wait, where you going? Oh, oh… okay. Maybe I should bring my plant. 904 00:49:13,958 --> 00:49:17,208 -It's true. You know, ambitious. -Hi! Sorry to barge over. 905 00:49:17,291 --> 00:49:18,958 But we saw you from over there-- 906 00:49:19,041 --> 00:49:21,375 Hold on, you! You were in my class. 907 00:49:21,458 --> 00:49:24,166 -You came over and I saw… Yeah, hi. -Yeah! That was me. 908 00:49:24,250 --> 00:49:26,416 I never forget a denim skirt. 909 00:49:27,583 --> 00:49:31,416 Cute! That's a really cool story! I'm Minka. This is Debbie. You are? 910 00:49:31,500 --> 00:49:34,125 -Theo Martin from Duncan Press. -Yes. 911 00:49:34,208 --> 00:49:36,916 I recognized you. I've read every Duncan Press book. 912 00:49:37,000 --> 00:49:39,333 Wow. Well, not every book. I mean, no way. 913 00:49:39,416 --> 00:49:40,541 Yes, way! 914 00:49:41,125 --> 00:49:44,916 Okay, 870-page tome set on a pirate ship in the South Pacific? 915 00:49:45,000 --> 00:49:47,708 Hobart's Horizon. I read it in two days. Ahoy! 916 00:49:49,166 --> 00:49:51,625 All right, spy novel set in Crete. 917 00:49:51,708 --> 00:49:53,875 Oh, Ocean of Lies! I mean, one of the best! 918 00:49:53,958 --> 00:49:57,000 I kept saying for a week, "Eímai katáskopos!" 919 00:49:57,083 --> 00:49:59,250 -Sorry? 920 00:49:59,333 --> 00:50:01,458 -That's, um, Greek for "I am a spy." -"I am a spy." 921 00:50:01,541 --> 00:50:03,458 -Sure. -All right, I got it, I got it. 922 00:50:03,541 --> 00:50:06,500 You did not read the Dust Bowl book, because no one read the Dust Bowl book. 923 00:50:06,583 --> 00:50:09,625 Where The Rattlesnake Sings. I-- I bought it the day it came out. 924 00:50:09,708 --> 00:50:13,083 That was you? I'm pretty sure we only sold the one copy. 925 00:50:13,166 --> 00:50:14,458 That was me! I bought it! 926 00:50:17,708 --> 00:50:18,916 -Wow. -Anyway, yeah. 927 00:50:19,000 --> 00:50:20,500 S-- So many vegetables. 928 00:50:20,583 --> 00:50:22,083 Oh, I know, isn't this crazy? 929 00:50:22,166 --> 00:50:25,750 I even said, "Oh, what? Should I get some dip with my crudité platter?" 930 00:50:27,916 --> 00:50:30,958 -It was so nice to meet you both! -Yeah, you too. 931 00:50:32,500 --> 00:50:34,250 Can I get your number, actually? 932 00:50:34,333 --> 00:50:37,333 I occasionally have galleys to give away, signed ones even. 933 00:50:37,416 --> 00:50:39,416 I would love that! 934 00:50:41,166 --> 00:50:42,208 Oh, my God. 935 00:50:44,708 --> 00:50:46,458 Here, put in your number. 936 00:50:46,541 --> 00:50:47,458 Ah. 937 00:50:52,333 --> 00:50:53,333 Okay. 938 00:50:54,041 --> 00:50:55,666 -Okay! Ciao, boys! -Ciao. 939 00:50:55,750 --> 00:50:58,541 -We're gonna go this way. -OMG, he is into you! 940 00:50:58,625 --> 00:51:01,666 -No, he's not. -Uh, okay. 941 00:51:01,750 --> 00:51:03,625 -He's being nice. -No, he's not. 942 00:51:03,708 --> 00:51:06,041 That is what "into you" looks like. 943 00:51:06,125 --> 00:51:07,791 Oh, please! 944 00:51:08,875 --> 00:51:13,500 It's cute how you like the book people, and how you and Peter actually read books. 945 00:51:13,583 --> 00:51:14,916 -It's very cute. 946 00:51:15,416 --> 00:51:17,708 Yeah, we always had that in common. 947 00:51:17,791 --> 00:51:20,083 We were just two old-fashioned book lovers. 948 00:51:20,166 --> 00:51:21,541 Yeah, sure. 949 00:51:21,625 --> 00:51:23,750 And, well, there's the book he wrote. 950 00:51:24,500 --> 00:51:27,125 -What book? -Novel, big thing, massive. 951 00:51:27,208 --> 00:51:28,500 What? No. 952 00:51:28,583 --> 00:51:31,291 "What?" Yeah. 953 00:51:32,375 --> 00:51:33,583 I don't believe you. 954 00:51:33,666 --> 00:51:35,666 I'm telling you, he wrote a whole big fat book. 955 00:51:35,750 --> 00:51:37,583 Keeps it in an envelope in his oven. 956 00:51:37,666 --> 00:51:39,958 I found it once when I was trying to bake keto brownies, 957 00:51:40,041 --> 00:51:41,875 which, by the way, do not recommend. 958 00:51:41,958 --> 00:51:44,125 Two out of ten. There's zucchini in the recipe. 959 00:51:44,208 --> 00:51:47,250 Peter used to want to be a writer, but he quit when he moved here. 960 00:51:47,333 --> 00:51:48,791 He-- He doesn't write anymore. 961 00:51:48,875 --> 00:51:51,666 Uh-huh. Except for the part where… 962 00:51:55,083 --> 00:51:56,125 he does. 963 00:52:02,041 --> 00:52:02,958 Open it. 964 00:52:09,041 --> 00:52:12,166 The Boy by P. Coleman. Peter! 965 00:52:12,250 --> 00:52:14,833 Wow. You're good at detective-y things. 966 00:52:14,916 --> 00:52:15,916 Hold on. 967 00:52:17,291 --> 00:52:20,708 Peter wrote a whole novel and never mentioned it to me? 968 00:52:20,791 --> 00:52:21,875 You should read it. 969 00:52:21,958 --> 00:52:24,083 I didn't read it because it's a book. 970 00:52:24,166 --> 00:52:25,375 Oh, no, I-- I can't read it. 971 00:52:25,458 --> 00:52:27,416 If-- If he wanted me to read it, he would have told me, 972 00:52:27,500 --> 00:52:29,250 because we tell each other everything. 973 00:52:29,333 --> 00:52:31,708 I mean, obviously, you don't. 974 00:52:32,833 --> 00:52:33,666 But we do. 975 00:52:34,541 --> 00:52:35,375 Okay. 976 00:52:36,375 --> 00:52:39,541 See, that's the thing. We tell each other… everything. 977 00:52:39,625 --> 00:52:40,583 Mmm. 978 00:52:41,583 --> 00:52:42,583 "Everything." 979 00:52:44,583 --> 00:52:47,083 All right, this is a minor setback, right? 980 00:52:47,166 --> 00:52:49,416 This happens all the time at the beginning of a project. 981 00:52:49,500 --> 00:52:53,291 What we need to do is pivot, okay? We're gonna stay with the same approach-- 982 00:52:53,375 --> 00:52:54,458 I don't want to talk. 983 00:53:05,375 --> 00:53:06,375 Hey. 984 00:53:09,166 --> 00:53:10,083 I'm sorry. 985 00:53:11,875 --> 00:53:12,791 That sucked. 986 00:53:14,666 --> 00:53:16,500 My problem-solving skills are… 987 00:53:17,541 --> 00:53:20,500 I guess, more pertain to the business world. 988 00:53:21,416 --> 00:53:24,416 Thanks for the tickets. I enjoyed watching the game. 989 00:53:25,666 --> 00:53:27,000 Okay, you're being polite. 990 00:53:28,375 --> 00:53:29,500 This is bad. 991 00:53:31,083 --> 00:53:31,916 'Night. 992 00:54:09,583 --> 00:54:10,666 Hey, hi. 993 00:54:10,750 --> 00:54:12,416 Hey! How are you doing? 994 00:54:13,291 --> 00:54:16,000 -I'm good. -Good, good. 995 00:54:16,083 --> 00:54:18,416 Wait, what's wrong? It's-- You're-- It's late where you are. 996 00:54:18,500 --> 00:54:20,750 Uh, no. You know what? It sounds echo-y there. 997 00:54:20,833 --> 00:54:24,166 -Are you in the bathtub? -No! I don't take baths. 998 00:54:25,208 --> 00:54:26,583 I don't even get baths. 999 00:54:26,666 --> 00:54:27,500 Right, right. 1000 00:54:28,541 --> 00:54:30,708 You and I tell each other everything, right? 1001 00:54:32,166 --> 00:54:33,166 -No. -What? 1002 00:54:35,250 --> 00:54:36,583 I took Jack to the hockey game 1003 00:54:36,666 --> 00:54:39,333 without asking you first, and he brought his friends Wade and Evan. 1004 00:54:39,416 --> 00:54:41,208 You got Wade and Evan to hang out with Jack? 1005 00:54:41,291 --> 00:54:45,458 Yes. I-- Yeah, yes. And-- And he ate pizza. 1006 00:54:45,541 --> 00:54:48,375 It was gluten-free pizza, but pizza all the same. 1007 00:54:48,458 --> 00:54:50,333 -Okay, Peter, I-- -I-- I'm not done. 1008 00:54:53,041 --> 00:54:55,291 We're not gonna eat your casseroles, Debbie. 1009 00:54:55,375 --> 00:54:57,541 Uh, ever. They're gross. 1010 00:54:57,625 --> 00:55:00,375 Okay, thank you. That's a refreshing amount of honesty. 1011 00:55:02,041 --> 00:55:04,083 I got it all out. That's it. 1012 00:55:04,166 --> 00:55:07,750 Look, you don't have to report everything to me. I trust you. 1013 00:55:07,833 --> 00:55:09,250 -You do? -Mostly. 1014 00:55:09,333 --> 00:55:11,666 -And you trust me, right? -Of course. 1015 00:55:11,750 --> 00:55:15,791 So, if you ever wanted to tell me about anything, you could, right? 1016 00:55:15,875 --> 00:55:17,583 Tell you? About what? 1017 00:55:17,666 --> 00:55:19,666 I mean, I don't know. 1018 00:55:19,750 --> 00:55:23,583 -Like, if you have a special project. -You want to hear about my projects? 1019 00:55:23,666 --> 00:55:25,666 My point is, you can tell me anything. 1020 00:55:25,750 --> 00:55:27,500 Which is what I do, like, always. 1021 00:55:27,583 --> 00:55:30,791 Same. I mean, total honesty. 1022 00:55:32,083 --> 00:55:32,916 Always. 1023 00:55:33,000 --> 00:55:33,875 Always. 1024 00:56:15,750 --> 00:56:19,000 There are six critical elements that we have to consider 1025 00:56:19,083 --> 00:56:21,416 when deciding which risk model to use. 1026 00:56:22,166 --> 00:56:24,333 Distribution of the wave functions… 1027 00:56:39,125 --> 00:56:40,083 Wow. 1028 00:56:42,625 --> 00:56:43,500 Wow. 1029 00:56:45,125 --> 00:56:47,750 Now, are you sure Peter would want you to do this? 1030 00:56:47,833 --> 00:56:49,583 I'm doing this for Peter! 1031 00:56:49,666 --> 00:56:51,375 -Mmm. -Oh, here he comes. Here he comes. 1032 00:56:53,750 --> 00:56:57,250 Oh, God, he is so happy to see you. It's so cute, it's gross! 1033 00:56:57,333 --> 00:56:59,083 -Hi, Minka. -Hi! Hey. 1034 00:56:59,166 --> 00:57:00,958 Thank you so much for coming. 1035 00:57:01,041 --> 00:57:03,250 Sure, don't worry about it. I was-- It was on my way, so… 1036 00:57:03,333 --> 00:57:06,625 Oh, okay. Well, I wanted to give you this manuscript. 1037 00:57:06,708 --> 00:57:09,250 -Ah. -And I wanted to get it to you ASAP. 1038 00:57:09,333 --> 00:57:11,958 -Because I'm leaving town soon. -Wait, is this your book? 1039 00:57:12,041 --> 00:57:14,416 -Did you write this? -Oh, no, no. I didn't-- I didn't write it. 1040 00:57:14,500 --> 00:57:16,833 Ah, right. See, the thing is that 1041 00:57:16,916 --> 00:57:19,208 whenever someone just hands me a manuscript, 1042 00:57:19,833 --> 00:57:23,166 it's about-- I don't know, I'd say 100% of the time basically insane. 1043 00:57:23,250 --> 00:57:25,166 Um, also not allowed to take submissions 1044 00:57:25,250 --> 00:57:27,083 unless it's from an agent or an editor, so… 1045 00:57:27,166 --> 00:57:30,375 Oh, well, this is perfect because she is the editor. 1046 00:57:31,291 --> 00:57:32,625 She edited-ed it. 1047 00:57:32,708 --> 00:57:33,708 Is that right? 1048 00:57:34,291 --> 00:57:35,416 Yes. 1049 00:57:35,500 --> 00:57:37,000 -Oh. -I'm a, um-- 1050 00:57:37,083 --> 00:57:39,791 I'm an edit-ed-or, but freelance. 1051 00:57:39,875 --> 00:57:43,833 And I read so many manuscripts and this one is really special. 1052 00:57:43,916 --> 00:57:45,083 It's called The Boy. 1053 00:57:45,166 --> 00:57:48,458 And it's about a 13-year-old boy whose father dies of a stroke, 1054 00:57:48,541 --> 00:57:50,666 and… …through a twist of fate, 1055 00:57:50,750 --> 00:57:52,875 he becomes allergic to himself by… 1056 00:57:52,958 --> 00:57:56,666 If he touches his skin, it blisters. I know, it sounds tragic. 1057 00:57:56,750 --> 00:57:59,125 But it's magical and, uh… But… 1058 00:58:00,291 --> 00:58:03,000 I get emotional about it, because, um… 1059 00:58:03,083 --> 00:58:05,291 I have a 13-year-old son and he-- 1060 00:58:05,375 --> 00:58:07,083 -Oh, you do, really? -Yeah. 1061 00:58:07,666 --> 00:58:08,666 So do I. 1062 00:58:10,125 --> 00:58:11,125 Max. 1063 00:58:11,625 --> 00:58:12,583 My son's Jack. 1064 00:58:13,250 --> 00:58:14,458 Wow. That's… 1065 00:58:15,625 --> 00:58:17,958 Yeah. I mean, I'm-- I'm divorced now, but… 1066 00:58:18,041 --> 00:58:19,458 So am I. Um… 1067 00:58:20,375 --> 00:58:21,208 Mm-hmm. 1068 00:58:22,208 --> 00:58:25,416 Well, I appreciate your passion, Debbie. 1069 00:58:25,500 --> 00:58:28,625 Um, so I will do my best to read it as soon as possible. 1070 00:58:28,708 --> 00:58:32,125 Also, if there's any way that you could read it sooner, 1071 00:58:32,208 --> 00:58:33,708 I'm-- I'm leaving this weekend. 1072 00:58:33,791 --> 00:58:34,958 Oh, there's a clock? 1073 00:58:35,041 --> 00:58:37,208 -No, I don't mean that-- -No, it's fine. 1074 00:58:37,291 --> 00:58:40,041 -It's fine. No, no, it's fine. -You're very special and important. 1075 00:58:40,125 --> 00:58:42,958 I didn't mean it that way. But I promise it's worth your time. 1076 00:58:43,041 --> 00:58:44,958 Okay, all right. I'm excited to check it out. 1077 00:58:45,041 --> 00:58:46,041 Thank you. 1078 00:58:46,125 --> 00:58:48,041 -You're very welcome. -You are… 1079 00:58:51,250 --> 00:58:52,375 You know what you are. 1080 00:58:54,666 --> 00:58:57,458 I… would like to think so, yeah. 1081 00:58:57,541 --> 00:58:58,458 -All right. -Okay. 1082 00:58:58,541 --> 00:58:59,416 All right. 1083 00:59:02,500 --> 00:59:05,291 -Did I just give Theo that book? -You did! 1084 00:59:05,375 --> 00:59:07,791 Now, when are you going to tell Peter? 1085 00:59:08,916 --> 00:59:10,250 Peter, right. 1086 00:59:18,375 --> 00:59:19,833 You know much about The Cars? 1087 00:59:20,833 --> 00:59:22,625 You know, the band The Cars? 1088 00:59:22,708 --> 00:59:24,791 -It's what you always play. -Yeah. 1089 00:59:26,333 --> 00:59:27,458 You want to know why? 1090 00:59:28,791 --> 00:59:33,125 For starters, they were my dad's favorite. So then my dad left. 1091 00:59:33,208 --> 00:59:36,583 As I mentioned, and you already know, he kicked the bucket, right. 1092 00:59:36,666 --> 00:59:39,625 So then, for a while, I didn't listen to The Cars at all. 1093 00:59:39,708 --> 00:59:43,250 I couldn't. It was, like, too painful and just reminded me of shit-- s-- 1094 00:59:43,333 --> 00:59:46,625 stuff that I had lost. 1095 00:59:47,791 --> 00:59:50,416 And one day, I heard 'em on the radio. 1096 00:59:50,500 --> 00:59:55,083 And their songs were still with me, even if he wasn't. 1097 00:59:56,291 --> 00:59:57,541 And they always will be! 1098 00:59:58,958 --> 01:00:00,625 Look, you got great parents, 1099 01:00:00,708 --> 01:00:02,458 and you live in a nice little house 1100 01:00:02,541 --> 01:00:04,916 stuck in the middle of a mountain like a ski chalet. 1101 01:00:05,000 --> 01:00:08,416 But I get it, you got your shit. Everybody does. Life is hard, right? 1102 01:00:08,500 --> 01:00:10,916 You go-- Sometimes, it kicks you in the teeth. 1103 01:00:11,000 --> 01:00:13,500 Like, I do not have my shit together. 1104 01:00:13,583 --> 01:00:17,791 I was gonna be a great American novelist and find somebody to spend my life with. 1105 01:00:19,333 --> 01:00:22,625 And now I'm just a lonely guy with outstanding hair 1106 01:00:22,708 --> 01:00:26,291 that tells other people who to be, even though I'm not sure I know who I am. 1107 01:00:26,375 --> 01:00:27,333 You know? 1108 01:00:28,458 --> 01:00:29,458 I got an idea. 1109 01:00:29,541 --> 01:00:32,625 -Please no more branding. I'm begging you. -Nope. Screw that. 1110 01:00:32,708 --> 01:00:35,250 We-- Now, we are moving on to action. 1111 01:00:35,750 --> 01:00:36,583 You… 1112 01:00:38,625 --> 01:00:41,208 need to play hockey with the team. 1113 01:00:42,125 --> 01:00:44,833 -The one that Evan and Wade are on. Yes. -What? 1114 01:00:44,916 --> 01:00:47,500 Yes. If-- If you want to, I support it. 1115 01:00:47,583 --> 01:00:50,083 But not because you need to be friends with those asshole kids. 1116 01:00:50,166 --> 01:00:51,875 And again, I'm sure they're great. 1117 01:00:52,500 --> 01:00:55,333 You're gonna let me go out for the team and practice? 1118 01:00:56,916 --> 01:00:57,750 Yes. 1119 01:00:59,250 --> 01:01:00,625 Are you gonna tell Mom? 1120 01:01:03,291 --> 01:01:06,000 So I'm thinking maybe we tell her when she gets back. 1121 01:01:13,500 --> 01:01:14,333 Thanks. 1122 01:01:15,125 --> 01:01:16,958 Yeah. Go learn something. 1123 01:01:17,041 --> 01:01:18,333 -I will. -Mm-hmm. 1124 01:01:27,791 --> 01:01:30,375 All right, see you later, Jumpin' Jack Flash. 1125 01:01:30,458 --> 01:01:32,375 -No. -Nope? All right. 1126 01:01:34,083 --> 01:01:36,916 How's it going? You look exhausted. 1127 01:01:38,500 --> 01:01:43,375 Yeah, I screwed something up yesterday, and, uh, didn't sleep last night, 1128 01:01:43,458 --> 01:01:46,250 but then I did-- I did a good thing today. I think. 1129 01:01:47,333 --> 01:01:50,583 Yeah, this whole "being a life-changing male adult role model…" 1130 01:01:51,625 --> 01:01:53,791 little trickier than I anticipated. 1131 01:01:54,916 --> 01:01:57,916 Hmm. I think you were just supposed to keep him alive. 1132 01:02:00,750 --> 01:02:02,791 In order to pass this exam, 1133 01:02:02,875 --> 01:02:06,791 one needs to be able to describe specific time series models. 1134 01:02:06,875 --> 01:02:09,750 -Including exponential smoothing… 1135 01:02:09,833 --> 01:02:11,125 …autoregressive, 1136 01:02:11,208 --> 01:02:14,750 and autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic models. 1137 01:02:16,666 --> 01:02:18,875 -Would you mind taking that outside? -Yeah, pardon me. 1138 01:02:18,958 --> 01:02:19,791 Thank you. 1139 01:02:19,875 --> 01:02:22,875 Wait, I don't understand. What did the assistant say? 1140 01:02:22,958 --> 01:02:25,791 Okay, she said to just come up and see Theo. 1141 01:02:25,875 --> 01:02:28,750 And thank you for coming with me, I have no idea what to say to this guy. 1142 01:02:28,833 --> 01:02:32,208 I mean, who can say things when he's smiling at you with that smile? 1143 01:02:32,291 --> 01:02:33,750 Right? That smile. 1144 01:02:33,833 --> 01:02:36,625 -Okay, that's Duncan Press. 1145 01:02:36,708 --> 01:02:39,541 -You got this! You got this! -Okay, very exciting. 1146 01:02:44,458 --> 01:02:46,666 Oh, boy. 1147 01:02:48,916 --> 01:02:49,833 Good morning. 1148 01:02:49,916 --> 01:02:53,083 Oh, hi. Uh, I'm looking for Theo Martin. 1149 01:02:53,166 --> 01:02:54,166 Mmm. 1150 01:02:54,250 --> 01:02:55,208 Oh, sorry. 1151 01:02:55,833 --> 01:02:59,541 -Cute. -Oh, my God. Look at those book covers. 1152 01:02:59,625 --> 01:03:02,208 Oh, there you are. Welcome. Hello, Minka. 1153 01:03:02,958 --> 01:03:03,875 Theo. 1154 01:03:03,958 --> 01:03:05,250 -Debbie. -Hi! 1155 01:03:05,333 --> 01:03:08,000 Sorry to have you run uptown without much notice, 1156 01:03:08,083 --> 01:03:11,541 but this book, I mean, it is… It has a lot of promise. 1157 01:03:11,625 --> 01:03:13,958 Oh, my God. Did you read the whole thing already? 1158 01:03:14,041 --> 01:03:15,625 That's, like, a shit ton of pages! 1159 01:03:15,708 --> 01:03:17,041 Well, my assistant did. 1160 01:03:17,125 --> 01:03:19,125 She thought it had potential, and passed it on to me, 1161 01:03:19,208 --> 01:03:20,833 and I gotta say, I-- I agree. 1162 01:03:21,791 --> 01:03:22,666 Wow. 1163 01:03:22,750 --> 01:03:25,083 I also see why you cried. I may have shed a tear myself. 1164 01:03:25,166 --> 01:03:26,208 The dad, right? 1165 01:03:26,291 --> 01:03:30,125 Especially, yeah. I mean, look, I'm very interested. 1166 01:03:32,791 --> 01:03:33,750 And I would-- 1167 01:03:33,833 --> 01:03:36,875 I would really like to speak to the author as soon as possible. 1168 01:03:36,958 --> 01:03:39,458 The author. You know, can I, um… 1169 01:03:39,541 --> 01:03:42,416 I had a really big coffee on the way here. I just need to tinkle. 1170 01:03:43,375 --> 01:03:46,083 Sure, yeah. Most of the tinkling happens right down the hall. 1171 01:03:46,166 --> 01:03:47,333 Okay. 1172 01:03:48,625 --> 01:03:51,875 -This is insane! -I know, this place is so old school. 1173 01:03:52,458 --> 01:03:54,041 I smell dead people. 1174 01:03:54,125 --> 01:03:55,666 No, no, no! What am I doing? 1175 01:03:55,750 --> 01:03:59,000 I'm acting crazy! I know I like to help friends out, 1176 01:03:59,083 --> 01:04:02,291 but that normally means picking up Alicia's twins at carpool. 1177 01:04:02,375 --> 01:04:04,291 I have to just call Peter, and put a hold on this. 1178 01:04:04,375 --> 01:04:05,250 Ew, no. 1179 01:04:05,333 --> 01:04:06,291 No? 1180 01:04:06,375 --> 01:04:10,375 You believe in Peter's book, so why not see this through? 1181 01:04:10,458 --> 01:04:11,666 So, just… 1182 01:04:13,833 --> 01:04:15,666 Yeah! You got this, girl! 1183 01:04:15,750 --> 01:04:17,291 Okay. Okay, okay. 1184 01:04:17,375 --> 01:04:19,291 Also, no, I actually do have to pee. 1185 01:04:21,791 --> 01:04:24,666 Theo, I would like to discuss the next steps. 1186 01:04:25,875 --> 01:04:28,291 Sure. You free for dinner? 1187 01:04:29,625 --> 01:04:30,458 Uh… 1188 01:04:31,708 --> 01:04:32,833 Uh, yes. 1189 01:04:32,916 --> 01:04:34,208 Yes! Sure. 1190 01:04:35,000 --> 01:04:35,833 Perfect. 1191 01:04:36,666 --> 01:04:38,250 Perfect. 1192 01:04:38,333 --> 01:04:39,333 Perfect! 1193 01:04:46,333 --> 01:04:48,250 -Uh, is that the coach? -Yeah, that's him. 1194 01:04:48,333 --> 01:04:50,666 All right, you stay here. Let me do my thing. 1195 01:05:10,166 --> 01:05:12,000 -Say hey to your coach. -Hey. 1196 01:05:22,875 --> 01:05:25,291 -You got-- One of these yours? Yeah? -Uh, yeah. 1197 01:05:25,375 --> 01:05:27,916 -That's him. -Oh, Weasel F-- Ev-- Evan! 1198 01:05:28,000 --> 01:05:30,666 -That's him, yeah. -Yeah, he's… Yup. 1199 01:05:33,916 --> 01:05:35,125 That's it, J-- You're good! 1200 01:05:35,208 --> 01:05:36,583 Are you ready? 1201 01:05:37,333 --> 01:05:41,000 Oh! That's it! Yep! Yep, that's my guy! That's him. 1202 01:05:41,083 --> 01:05:42,958 -That's great. -That's my guy. 1203 01:05:45,375 --> 01:05:47,916 I thought black was best, 1204 01:05:48,000 --> 01:05:51,291 since you are a bright winter. 1205 01:05:51,375 --> 01:05:52,791 Oh, I-- I don't need a new outfit. 1206 01:05:52,875 --> 01:05:54,250 Aww! 1207 01:05:54,333 --> 01:05:56,458 I feel terrible. I'm about to tell a guy, 1208 01:05:56,541 --> 01:05:59,041 who's the most famous literary editor in all of America, 1209 01:05:59,125 --> 01:06:02,041 that I gave him a manuscript that he might want to publish, 1210 01:06:02,125 --> 01:06:05,125 but he possibly cannot. And why isn't Peter calling me back? 1211 01:06:05,208 --> 01:06:07,083 If you can't reach Peter before your date with Theo-- 1212 01:06:07,166 --> 01:06:08,708 No, no, no, it's not a date. 1213 01:06:09,583 --> 01:06:11,000 -Let me have this! -Okay. 1214 01:06:11,083 --> 01:06:13,833 I mean, I can't even stay out that late. I have an exam tomorrow. 1215 01:06:13,916 --> 01:06:15,625 Shh. Try a dress on. 1216 01:06:15,708 --> 01:06:17,625 I'm sorry, I'm just worried about Peter and Jack. 1217 01:06:17,708 --> 01:06:19,208 -Where are they? -Try one on! 1218 01:06:21,500 --> 01:06:22,333 Please. 1219 01:06:24,041 --> 01:06:26,708 You are by far the fastest guy out there. 1220 01:06:26,791 --> 01:06:29,375 New nickname, Jack Frost, 'cause you own the ice! 1221 01:06:29,458 --> 01:06:30,958 -'Sup, fellas! -What's up, man? 1222 01:06:31,041 --> 01:06:32,708 -Great day? -Great day, brah. 1223 01:06:33,333 --> 01:06:34,833 -Yes, I love that! -Great day. 1224 01:06:36,333 --> 01:06:38,875 So, you ever gonna have kids? 1225 01:06:39,833 --> 01:06:41,666 What? I don't know. 1226 01:06:43,291 --> 01:06:44,250 Should I? 1227 01:06:46,000 --> 01:06:48,833 I mean… you're not terrible at it. 1228 01:06:49,916 --> 01:06:51,750 A little weird, but you don't suck. 1229 01:06:53,958 --> 01:06:54,791 I don't? 1230 01:06:55,458 --> 01:06:56,291 No. 1231 01:06:57,166 --> 01:07:00,000 Well, I should probably start my homework. 1232 01:07:02,041 --> 01:07:02,875 See ya. 1233 01:07:13,541 --> 01:07:14,708 Oh! 1234 01:07:15,833 --> 01:07:16,666 Hey-o. 1235 01:07:18,083 --> 01:07:18,916 Oh, for me? 1236 01:07:19,666 --> 01:07:21,416 Yeah. Come on, take a break. 1237 01:07:22,208 --> 01:07:24,291 Well, I don't-- I don't need a break. 1238 01:07:24,375 --> 01:07:25,750 I don't work here, so… 1239 01:07:25,833 --> 01:07:26,916 Yeah, I know. 1240 01:07:29,750 --> 01:07:31,416 Oh. All right. 1241 01:07:31,500 --> 01:07:33,041 -Oh, yeah. -All right. 1242 01:07:33,125 --> 01:07:33,958 Yeah. 1243 01:07:36,666 --> 01:07:37,500 Mmm. 1244 01:07:37,583 --> 01:07:40,291 You know, I thought you didn't like me. 1245 01:07:40,375 --> 01:07:42,958 Why? Because I've been such a jerk to you? 1246 01:07:43,541 --> 01:07:44,833 Yeah, that. 1247 01:07:44,916 --> 01:07:46,708 Ah, look, I'm sorry. 1248 01:07:47,208 --> 01:07:50,458 I-- I think I've just been stressed out being responsible for a human. 1249 01:07:50,541 --> 01:07:53,541 You know, I've never even taken care of, like, a… 1250 01:07:53,625 --> 01:07:55,000 herb plant before. 1251 01:07:55,083 --> 01:07:58,125 Well, dude, herb plants can be as hard as children. 1252 01:07:58,208 --> 01:08:02,333 Yeah, I got-- I got a sage over by the patio, 1253 01:08:02,416 --> 01:08:04,333 kept me up till 3:00 a.m. last week. 1254 01:08:04,416 --> 01:08:06,375 I call it "plant colic." 1255 01:08:06,458 --> 01:08:08,916 So, you know, I get it. 1256 01:08:09,000 --> 01:08:11,083 Yeah, no, you get it. 1257 01:08:12,000 --> 01:08:13,416 -Same damn thing. -Yup. 1258 01:08:14,333 --> 01:08:19,375 Yeah, actually, I feel like I'm, uh, doing an okay job now. 1259 01:08:19,458 --> 01:08:20,958 Ah, that's dope, brah. 1260 01:08:21,625 --> 01:08:22,458 Hmm. 1261 01:08:23,083 --> 01:08:26,833 And so I'm sorry if I wasn't as friendly as I could have been. 1262 01:08:26,916 --> 01:08:28,625 Right? 'Cause I'm-- Hey, I, actually-- 1263 01:08:28,708 --> 01:08:31,625 I think Debbie's really lucky to have you 'round here helping out. 1264 01:08:31,708 --> 01:08:34,208 Oh, no, no, no. I'm the lucky one, okay? 1265 01:08:34,291 --> 01:08:35,625 I mean, she is… 1266 01:08:38,000 --> 01:08:39,750 …amazing, you know? 1267 01:08:39,833 --> 01:08:41,833 Yeah. Yeah, she really is. 1268 01:08:41,916 --> 01:08:45,375 I mean, we've been friends for a long time. 1269 01:08:46,166 --> 01:08:48,458 I mean, not as long as she and I have been friends, so… 1270 01:08:48,541 --> 01:08:51,041 -Oh, no. Well, of course, I'm not-- -In years. 1271 01:08:51,125 --> 01:08:52,083 Right. Look. 1272 01:08:52,791 --> 01:08:56,833 You and Debbie, you have your thing, which is different from our thing. 1273 01:08:56,916 --> 01:09:00,041 -Your thing. Yeah. -Right! Like, you're her friend. 1274 01:09:01,000 --> 01:09:05,208 I'm her neighbor and, like, part-time lover, you know? 1275 01:09:06,125 --> 01:09:07,916 -What was that? -Oh, you know what? 1276 01:09:08,000 --> 01:09:11,458 You probably haven't noticed this because you guys are just friends, but… 1277 01:09:11,958 --> 01:09:16,708 brodiddly, she is pretty hot. 1278 01:09:16,791 --> 01:09:18,083 -Yeah. 1279 01:09:18,166 --> 01:09:20,833 I mean, I know, I know, she's out of my league. I got it. 1280 01:09:20,916 --> 01:09:22,958 But I have a plan. 1281 01:09:24,125 --> 01:09:25,708 Okay? My thing is… 1282 01:09:27,458 --> 01:09:30,208 I just keep showing up in her life, you know? 1283 01:09:30,291 --> 01:09:34,583 And then maybe, maybe, she'll change her mind about me. 1284 01:09:34,666 --> 01:09:35,916 You know what I mean? 1285 01:09:36,750 --> 01:09:40,125 In the meantime, I'll take friends with benefits. 1286 01:10:07,000 --> 01:10:08,916 I really love how the book starts. 1287 01:10:09,000 --> 01:10:10,708 -Oh, isn't it amazing? 1288 01:10:10,791 --> 01:10:12,916 It reminded me of As I Lay Dying. 1289 01:10:13,750 --> 01:10:15,625 -Faulkner? Really? -Mmm. 1290 01:10:15,708 --> 01:10:17,916 Yeah, I was thinking more Franzen. 1291 01:10:18,666 --> 01:10:20,750 Oh, I see that. The-- The family dynamics? 1292 01:10:20,833 --> 01:10:22,416 -Yeah, yeah. -Mm-hmm. 1293 01:10:22,500 --> 01:10:24,958 I mean, you really-- You really found a gem. 1294 01:10:26,166 --> 01:10:27,208 I think I did. 1295 01:10:28,416 --> 01:10:30,916 The book that I have read the most is House of Mirth. 1296 01:10:31,000 --> 01:10:34,708 Oh, Edith Wharton. Very underrated social critic, I must say. 1297 01:10:34,791 --> 01:10:36,250 -Scathing. -Do you like her work? 1298 01:10:36,333 --> 01:10:37,166 Of course! 1299 01:10:37,250 --> 01:10:40,375 Look, anybody who doesn't love Edie Dubs just hasn't really read Edie Dubs. 1300 01:10:40,458 --> 01:10:44,291 And I cry my eyes out every time Lily Bart dies. 1301 01:10:44,375 --> 01:10:46,000 Oh, I know! And then poor Lawrence shows up 1302 01:10:46,083 --> 01:10:48,041 the next morning to propose. Like, buddy, come on! 1303 01:10:48,125 --> 01:10:49,250 It's just a little bit late. 1304 01:10:49,333 --> 01:10:52,625 I took all that sleeping potion stuff last night and I am super dead! 1305 01:10:52,708 --> 01:10:54,916 Yeah, sorry, but I have perished, mon ami. 1306 01:10:55,000 --> 01:10:57,208 But looked gorgeous doing it. 1307 01:11:01,000 --> 01:11:05,250 Do you know what Walt Whitman said about the Brooklyn Bridge? 1308 01:11:05,333 --> 01:11:06,208 No, tell me. 1309 01:11:06,791 --> 01:11:10,625 He said, "It was the best and most effective medicine 1310 01:11:10,708 --> 01:11:12,708 my soul has yet partaken." 1311 01:11:13,375 --> 01:11:14,791 That's a really great quote. 1312 01:11:16,791 --> 01:11:18,833 Sadly, that's the Manhattan Bridge. 1313 01:11:22,000 --> 01:11:22,958 Good quote, though. 1314 01:11:24,083 --> 01:11:26,916 -And I-- I knew that. -I figured. I thought you did. 1315 01:11:27,000 --> 01:11:29,375 -I just wanted to see if you knew that. -Right, right. 1316 01:11:29,458 --> 01:11:32,541 -So, clearly you're very smart. -Yeah. This is, I must say, going well. 1317 01:11:32,625 --> 01:11:34,958 -It was a test! -Did I pass? 1318 01:11:35,041 --> 01:11:35,916 Yes! 1319 01:11:36,000 --> 01:11:39,333 Well, I'm-- I'm gonna talk to the writer about that manuscript. 1320 01:11:39,416 --> 01:11:41,375 Oh, perfect. Great! 1321 01:11:41,458 --> 01:11:42,541 -Yeah. -I was gonna… 1322 01:11:43,250 --> 01:11:44,416 So, um… 1323 01:11:45,541 --> 01:11:47,500 And, um, I can't-- I forgot whether or not you… 1324 01:11:47,583 --> 01:11:49,958 Did you have a cappuccino at the restaurant? 1325 01:11:50,041 --> 01:11:52,916 Oh, yeah. Yes, you ordered it for me. 1326 01:11:53,500 --> 01:11:54,791 -Oh, okay! 1327 01:11:54,875 --> 01:11:55,958 Yeah. 1328 01:11:56,041 --> 01:11:59,416 Um, this is the part where… This is the part, right? 1329 01:11:59,500 --> 01:12:00,750 -I think so. -Okay. 1330 01:12:00,833 --> 01:12:02,541 -Let's… Yeah. 1331 01:12:04,666 --> 01:12:05,500 Okay, great. 1332 01:12:07,083 --> 01:12:09,458 Wow, nice place! Airbnb? 1333 01:12:10,291 --> 01:12:11,458 Uh… Uh, yeah. 1334 01:12:12,208 --> 01:12:14,833 It's funny how they're always so devoid of personality, right? 1335 01:12:14,916 --> 01:12:15,750 Yes! 1336 01:12:15,833 --> 01:12:18,375 Oh, come on, who-- who sorts books by color? 1337 01:12:18,458 --> 01:12:20,041 -Honestly? -That is what I said! 1338 01:12:20,625 --> 01:12:24,875 Um, so I don't have a lot of food, 1339 01:12:24,958 --> 01:12:26,666 um, but I do have Champagne. 1340 01:12:26,750 --> 01:12:31,250 And as a wise person said once, too much of anything is bad, 1341 01:12:31,333 --> 01:12:34,708 but too much Champagne is just right. 1342 01:12:34,791 --> 01:12:37,041 Ah. Mark Twain, right? 1343 01:12:37,125 --> 01:12:40,375 Yes! Must have been a big boozer, that guy. 1344 01:12:40,458 --> 01:12:42,250 Mm-hmm. That's what I heard. 1345 01:12:43,333 --> 01:12:44,583 Should I do the honors? 1346 01:12:45,666 --> 01:12:46,500 Please. 1347 01:12:47,000 --> 01:12:48,083 -Oh. 1348 01:12:48,166 --> 01:12:49,375 Don't mind if I do. 1349 01:12:54,500 --> 01:12:56,625 Who was in the Spanish-American War? 1350 01:12:57,208 --> 01:12:59,500 The Spanish and the Americans. 1351 01:13:07,958 --> 01:13:09,000 You okay? 1352 01:13:10,708 --> 01:13:11,541 Yup. 1353 01:13:13,666 --> 01:13:16,625 -This view, it just… -I know. It's just awful, isn't it? 1354 01:13:16,708 --> 01:13:18,708 It won't do, it's terrible! 1355 01:13:20,583 --> 01:13:22,250 -Can I, um… -Yes. 1356 01:13:27,708 --> 01:13:28,541 Oh. 1357 01:13:28,625 --> 01:13:30,125 Oh, oh. Um… 1358 01:13:30,208 --> 01:13:32,083 -The windows. -Windows? 1359 01:13:32,166 --> 01:13:34,291 -Yeah. -Yeah, curtains. Right. Um… 1360 01:13:35,208 --> 01:13:38,250 -They're probably some digital… -Yeah, I don't… 1361 01:13:38,791 --> 01:13:39,833 -Oh. -Yeah. 1362 01:13:39,916 --> 01:13:42,791 -This thing is very tricky. -I got it, it's probably pretty simple. 1363 01:13:42,875 --> 01:13:44,500 -Oh! Oh, that is… 1364 01:13:44,583 --> 01:13:46,250 No, that happened before. 1365 01:13:46,333 --> 01:13:49,000 -Okay. The… -You have to aim it at the sensor. 1366 01:13:49,083 --> 01:13:51,500 -I have no idea. -Is there-- Is that an actual thing? 1367 01:13:51,583 --> 01:13:52,416 Yeah. 1368 01:13:52,500 --> 01:13:55,041 All right. Maybe… that way? 1369 01:13:55,125 --> 01:13:57,000 -Oh. -All right, um… All right. 1370 01:13:57,083 --> 01:13:58,125 -Oh, here it is. -Oh. 1371 01:13:59,625 --> 01:14:00,541 You're amazing. 1372 01:14:01,500 --> 01:14:02,333 Thank you. 1373 01:15:05,458 --> 01:15:06,375 Seriously… 1374 01:15:07,583 --> 01:15:09,125 you need to use your words! 1375 01:15:10,416 --> 01:15:12,083 Oh! I just remembered. 1376 01:15:12,875 --> 01:15:17,250 I have something that I need to do, like, right now. 1377 01:15:17,333 --> 01:15:20,166 Not gonna be fun, like, at all, but… 1378 01:15:20,250 --> 01:15:22,333 So I'm just gonna, uh, solo mission. 1379 01:15:22,416 --> 01:15:25,541 I-- I was thinking I was gonna call Alicia and see if she can watch you. 1380 01:15:26,166 --> 01:15:28,000 Sure. Whatevs. 1381 01:15:30,666 --> 01:15:33,083 Okay, you are the greatest human being that exists. I owe you. 1382 01:15:33,791 --> 01:15:35,166 Ah, don't worry about it. 1383 01:15:35,250 --> 01:15:36,416 Mimi's cooking tonight, 1384 01:15:36,500 --> 01:15:40,083 and lately all she ever makes is, uh, weird TikTok recipes. 1385 01:15:40,166 --> 01:15:41,000 Huh. 1386 01:15:41,083 --> 01:15:43,333 Some things don't need to be air-fried, you know? 1387 01:15:43,416 --> 01:15:44,291 Yeah. 1388 01:15:44,833 --> 01:15:46,833 Is that cologne? 1389 01:15:47,750 --> 01:15:48,625 No. 1390 01:15:49,166 --> 01:15:50,166 I ate a candle. 1391 01:15:50,250 --> 01:15:51,250 No, you didn't. 1392 01:15:51,875 --> 01:15:53,291 No, I didn't. 1393 01:15:54,875 --> 01:15:56,041 Seriously, thank you. 1394 01:16:13,416 --> 01:16:14,458 What can I get you? 1395 01:16:18,083 --> 01:16:20,875 I would love… a Macallan. 1396 01:16:22,000 --> 01:16:23,000 A double. 1397 01:16:25,666 --> 01:16:27,791 But since I don't drink anymore, 1398 01:16:28,958 --> 01:16:29,916 Pellegrino me. 1399 01:16:31,750 --> 01:16:34,000 On the rocks in a tumbler, please. 1400 01:16:46,291 --> 01:16:47,125 Hi. 1401 01:16:47,750 --> 01:16:49,291 Oh. Hi. 1402 01:16:52,166 --> 01:16:54,000 Vanessa Morton. 1403 01:16:54,083 --> 01:16:57,625 Peter Coleman. I couldn't believe it when my phone rang. 1404 01:16:58,208 --> 01:17:00,666 I-- Who would've thunk you'd have the same number? 1405 01:17:00,750 --> 01:17:03,708 -I didn't change it for this exact reason. -Oh, really? 1406 01:17:03,791 --> 01:17:04,708 -Mm-hmm. -Oh. 1407 01:17:04,791 --> 01:17:06,041 How long has it been? 1408 01:17:08,083 --> 01:17:09,208 Twenty years. 1409 01:17:09,291 --> 01:17:11,791 And yet I'm 30. Weird. 1410 01:17:11,875 --> 01:17:12,708 Amazing. 1411 01:17:13,333 --> 01:17:14,875 So what are you doing in town? 1412 01:17:17,666 --> 01:17:20,166 -You remember Debbie? -Of course. 1413 01:17:20,250 --> 01:17:24,625 I am here watching her kid for a while. 1414 01:17:25,458 --> 01:17:28,125 Wow! You? The rolling stone? 1415 01:17:28,208 --> 01:17:29,041 A-ha? 1416 01:17:51,458 --> 01:17:52,916 -So… -Mm? 1417 01:17:53,750 --> 01:17:55,750 -Do you have kids? -Nope. 1418 01:17:55,833 --> 01:17:58,375 -No? -No kids or husband. 1419 01:18:03,666 --> 01:18:05,500 -You know, it's, um… 1420 01:18:06,791 --> 01:18:08,166 It's kind of loud in here. 1421 01:18:10,291 --> 01:18:11,708 It's actually really quiet. 1422 01:18:12,625 --> 01:18:16,375 I was just thinking… You know, if you want, I live right near here. 1423 01:18:20,833 --> 01:18:22,916 I mean, I-- I wanted to. 1424 01:18:23,000 --> 01:18:26,833 Then… I mean, look at me. I put on the suit, I went to the bar. 1425 01:18:26,916 --> 01:18:30,083 I-- I had a moment with a woman. 1426 01:18:30,166 --> 01:18:31,041 Mm. 1427 01:18:31,125 --> 01:18:34,625 And-- And I was-- I'm-- I'm trying to be the guy, right? 1428 01:18:34,708 --> 01:18:35,958 But that guy is… 1429 01:18:37,416 --> 01:18:38,416 Where's that guy? 1430 01:18:39,833 --> 01:18:42,583 I-- I don't know, but he smells terrific. 1431 01:18:42,666 --> 01:18:43,541 Thank you. 1432 01:18:43,625 --> 01:18:45,833 -Sage-y. -With a touch of oak. 1433 01:18:45,916 --> 01:18:48,166 -I didn't, uh, pick up on that. -Oh, it-- it's there. 1434 01:18:48,250 --> 01:18:49,750 Can I tell you something? 1435 01:18:49,833 --> 01:18:52,166 It's a thing that I don't think I've ever said out loud. 1436 01:18:52,875 --> 01:18:54,958 -Immediately. Please. -Okay. 1437 01:18:55,041 --> 01:18:57,333 So, the night that Debbie and I… 1438 01:18:58,750 --> 01:18:59,666 spent together, 1439 01:19:00,250 --> 01:19:03,000 after, I told her to stay away from me, 1440 01:19:03,083 --> 01:19:03,916 because… 1441 01:19:04,625 --> 01:19:07,000 I-- It's-- And-- And-- And then I just-- 1442 01:19:07,083 --> 01:19:10,166 I found myself thinking about her. 1443 01:19:11,166 --> 01:19:12,041 A lot. 1444 01:19:12,833 --> 01:19:15,250 So I was gonna call her and see if she… 1445 01:19:17,291 --> 01:19:18,333 Whoa. 1446 01:19:18,416 --> 01:19:22,583 But a couple days later, I saw her and Jimmy at the BevCon movie theater. 1447 01:19:22,666 --> 01:19:25,791 Oh, my God, the BevCon! I saw every movie there. 1448 01:19:25,875 --> 01:19:28,208 I saw Hunt for Red October there like eight times. 1449 01:19:28,291 --> 01:19:30,875 Yeah, anyway, the-- So, when I saw them, 1450 01:19:32,083 --> 01:19:33,958 it-- I-- I could tell. 1451 01:19:34,500 --> 01:19:36,166 You-- So I just-- I let it go. 1452 01:19:38,083 --> 01:19:41,541 And then she comes to pick me up from rehab, the second time. 1453 01:19:42,041 --> 01:19:45,416 And I'd done, like, uh, therapy in there, right? 1454 01:19:45,500 --> 01:19:48,041 And so when she comes to get me, I'm on this truth kick, 1455 01:19:48,125 --> 01:19:49,291 and I'm gonna tell her 1456 01:19:50,666 --> 01:19:51,708 how I feel 1457 01:19:52,500 --> 01:19:53,333 about her. 1458 01:19:54,500 --> 01:19:57,125 So-- But she was still married. And-- But they didn't have a kid yet. 1459 01:19:57,208 --> 01:20:00,333 And he was away a lot. He was doing his climbing thing. 1460 01:20:00,833 --> 01:20:03,000 -What was that? -It was cl-- climbing. 1461 01:20:03,083 --> 01:20:05,958 Like, his-- Look, he would climb the mountains. 1462 01:20:06,041 --> 01:20:07,958 Okay, well, it looks like fishing. 1463 01:20:08,041 --> 01:20:10,041 Anyway, so I get in the car… 1464 01:20:11,458 --> 01:20:12,333 and… 1465 01:20:15,250 --> 01:20:16,666 she tells me she's pregnant. 1466 01:20:16,750 --> 01:20:18,541 Wait, is that why you left LA? 1467 01:20:19,750 --> 01:20:22,041 No! No, it was the quakes. 1468 01:20:22,125 --> 01:20:24,250 That-- I'm sc-- I'm scared of them. 1469 01:20:24,333 --> 01:20:26,125 Oh, right, the "scary quakes." 1470 01:20:27,000 --> 01:20:28,333 You have to tell her. 1471 01:20:28,416 --> 01:20:30,750 What? No, I c-- No! What are you-- I-- It's too late! 1472 01:20:30,833 --> 01:20:33,583 Dude, remember, I was at the first poker game. 1473 01:20:33,666 --> 01:20:35,666 -Yeah. -You played like shit. 1474 01:20:35,750 --> 01:20:38,041 But you took risks. What happened to that guy? 1475 01:20:39,791 --> 01:20:41,416 That guy is… 1476 01:20:42,458 --> 01:20:45,083 Drank too much, and he quit writing, 1477 01:20:45,166 --> 01:20:48,625 and he's got a friend, and she lives across the country, 1478 01:20:48,708 --> 01:20:53,208 and, most importantly, he's dated like a million women, 1479 01:20:53,291 --> 01:20:55,833 and it never lasts more than six months. 1480 01:20:55,916 --> 01:20:59,958 Why? Because he is an unknowable piece of shit. 1481 01:21:00,041 --> 01:21:03,416 No, no, it's because he has been with the wrong people. 1482 01:21:03,500 --> 01:21:05,875 -Stop telling yourself that story. -Mmm. 1483 01:21:05,958 --> 01:21:09,458 Peter! Your whole life has been leading up to this point. 1484 01:21:10,291 --> 01:21:12,500 Don't waste a second. Oh, my God. 1485 01:21:12,583 --> 01:21:14,791 I've had ten of these. I'm out of my mind. 1486 01:21:14,875 --> 01:21:16,916 I need to hop on a Peloton or something. 1487 01:21:17,458 --> 01:21:19,541 -I… -But what are you gonna do? 1488 01:21:53,875 --> 01:21:55,583 Shit! What time is it? 1489 01:21:56,166 --> 01:21:57,041 Uh-uh. 1490 01:21:58,041 --> 01:21:59,708 Oh, my God, I'm late for my final. 1491 01:22:00,208 --> 01:22:01,208 Your what now? 1492 01:22:01,708 --> 01:22:05,833 Um, the, uh, final draft of a book that I'm editing. 1493 01:22:05,916 --> 01:22:08,166 You can show yourself out, right? Great! 1494 01:22:37,916 --> 01:22:38,833 Breakfast. 1495 01:22:39,833 --> 01:22:40,750 Raisins! 1496 01:22:41,291 --> 01:22:42,125 Oi! 1497 01:22:44,250 --> 01:22:45,125 Bam! 1498 01:22:51,208 --> 01:22:52,416 Ooh! Terrible. 1499 01:22:53,500 --> 01:22:54,333 Not bad. 1500 01:23:16,666 --> 01:23:17,500 Hey! 1501 01:23:17,583 --> 01:23:20,875 Um, sorry we didn't get to talk yesterday, but… 1502 01:23:21,708 --> 01:23:23,041 Look, I just… 1503 01:23:23,125 --> 01:23:25,583 I just wanted to say thank you again. 1504 01:23:25,666 --> 01:23:27,791 I-- I know-- I know you don't like gratitude, 1505 01:23:27,875 --> 01:23:31,000 and "thank you's" bother you and all that, but I just… 1506 01:23:31,083 --> 01:23:34,750 Thanks to you, I got to have this amazing week. 1507 01:23:34,833 --> 01:23:36,166 And I… 1508 01:23:36,250 --> 01:23:38,875 I don't even know how I would ever repay you. 1509 01:23:38,958 --> 01:23:41,166 I'm gonna try until my dying breath. 1510 01:23:41,250 --> 01:23:45,708 But, um, anyway, I'll-- Just call me anytime or I'll see you soon. 1511 01:23:45,791 --> 01:23:47,500 Oh, my God. I'll see you soon. Okay. 1512 01:23:47,583 --> 01:23:48,416 Okay. 1513 01:23:51,333 --> 01:23:52,333 Oh. 1514 01:23:56,791 --> 01:23:58,166 No. 1515 01:23:58,250 --> 01:24:01,125 Uh, okay. How much for three? 1516 01:24:40,666 --> 01:24:41,541 Oh, hey. Hi. 1517 01:24:41,625 --> 01:24:43,875 -Hey, I got you! -Yeah, you got me. 1518 01:24:43,958 --> 01:24:47,083 Well, listen, I know it's your last night, I don't want to monopolize you 1519 01:24:47,166 --> 01:24:48,500 before you go home, 1520 01:24:48,583 --> 01:24:51,500 but I've got something important I'd like to talk to you about. 1521 01:24:51,583 --> 01:24:53,083 A proposal, kind of. 1522 01:24:53,166 --> 01:24:57,000 -Uh, if you are free for a drink? -Oh, um, yeah, sure. 1523 01:24:57,083 --> 01:24:58,208 Brownstone Club? 1524 01:24:59,833 --> 01:25:00,666 Great! 1525 01:25:01,875 --> 01:25:04,333 "Proposal"? Wow. 1526 01:25:04,416 --> 01:25:05,500 Wow! 1527 01:25:05,583 --> 01:25:07,166 Yeah. Well… 1528 01:25:07,250 --> 01:25:08,916 What is it? What's wrong? 1529 01:25:09,000 --> 01:25:11,875 Nothing, it's just… I haven't heard from Peter. 1530 01:25:11,958 --> 01:25:14,208 Jack and I texted, but I haven't heard from Peter. 1531 01:25:14,291 --> 01:25:17,541 Okay, I can't with this mood. Look at what you've done. 1532 01:25:17,625 --> 01:25:18,708 In a measly few days, 1533 01:25:18,791 --> 01:25:22,750 you got a boring as hell but useful, I guess, degree, 1534 01:25:22,833 --> 01:25:24,500 got Peter's book published, 1535 01:25:24,583 --> 01:25:28,041 and befriended an adorable millennial, me. 1536 01:25:28,125 --> 01:25:31,750 And then Theo, the sexy cherry on top! I mean-- 1537 01:25:31,833 --> 01:25:34,083 No, no, you're right. You're right. It's just-- 1538 01:25:34,166 --> 01:25:36,625 It's just a little bit weird when I don't hear from him. 1539 01:25:36,708 --> 01:25:37,916 Forget Peter! 1540 01:25:38,000 --> 01:25:41,083 Theo, Theo, Theo! That's who you're seeing right now. 1541 01:25:41,166 --> 01:25:43,000 Guess we don't have time to buy you a new dress. 1542 01:25:43,083 --> 01:25:45,250 Oh, no, I'm just gonna go as Debbie tonight. 1543 01:25:45,333 --> 01:25:46,375 Just regular Debbie. 1544 01:25:46,458 --> 01:25:48,041 Aww. 1545 01:25:48,125 --> 01:25:50,291 Speaking of which, I've been looking for my jean jacket. 1546 01:25:50,375 --> 01:25:52,750 -Have you seen it? -I mean, hard to say. 1547 01:25:52,833 --> 01:25:55,875 Can't really pick it out from all the other mass-market denim 1548 01:25:55,958 --> 01:25:58,041 and chambray items strewn about. 1549 01:25:58,125 --> 01:26:01,208 Also, you do know they make these things called spinners now? 1550 01:26:01,291 --> 01:26:03,625 -There's something under here. -What is it? 1551 01:26:03,708 --> 01:26:05,583 Drugs? Porn? What? 1552 01:26:06,166 --> 01:26:07,208 Oh, my God. 1553 01:26:09,375 --> 01:26:11,083 He wrote another book? 1554 01:26:11,708 --> 01:26:13,458 Real scribbler, this guy. 1555 01:26:15,166 --> 01:26:16,166 It's not a book. 1556 01:26:18,375 --> 01:26:21,208 We should definitely not open that. 1557 01:26:21,291 --> 01:26:23,791 No, yeah, here's the thing about me. I respect people's privacy. 1558 01:26:24,375 --> 01:26:27,125 Same. As my drunk mother used to always say, 1559 01:26:27,208 --> 01:26:28,750 "Mind your own business." 1560 01:26:38,291 --> 01:26:41,000 -Five-star parking. All right. 1561 01:26:45,875 --> 01:26:47,208 Don't you want to… 1562 01:26:47,291 --> 01:26:49,375 I mean, tryouts start in 15 minutes, so… 1563 01:26:50,000 --> 01:26:50,833 Yeah. 1564 01:26:51,750 --> 01:26:53,291 So, what happens next? 1565 01:26:54,750 --> 01:26:57,500 Mm, like after practice? I don't know. We can get a slushie. 1566 01:26:57,583 --> 01:26:58,875 I enjoy their slushies. 1567 01:26:58,958 --> 01:26:59,875 Yeah, me too. 1568 01:27:01,041 --> 01:27:03,833 Um, no, I mean, like, with you, and me, and Mom. 1569 01:27:07,291 --> 01:27:09,125 Well, I go back to New York, and-- 1570 01:27:09,208 --> 01:27:12,500 Yeah. Uh, yeah, let-- Let's say that didn't happen. 1571 01:27:12,583 --> 01:27:16,166 I mean like, it just seems that we make a good team, the three of us. 1572 01:27:18,458 --> 01:27:21,833 -Wow, yeah. -Here, in LA, in our house. 1573 01:27:21,916 --> 01:27:24,000 I don't know how you guys decide this kind of stuff, 1574 01:27:24,083 --> 01:27:25,958 but that was just a thought I had. 1575 01:27:28,333 --> 01:27:30,958 I don't know how we decide this stuff either. 1576 01:27:31,041 --> 01:27:32,208 What's that look for? 1577 01:27:32,875 --> 01:27:35,666 You look like you just felt an earthquake or something. 1578 01:27:35,750 --> 01:27:38,083 Well, I better get in there. Hockey tryouts. 1579 01:27:40,250 --> 01:27:41,916 -See you in there. -Yeah. 1580 01:27:51,291 --> 01:27:52,125 Hmm. 1581 01:27:52,833 --> 01:27:54,708 Peter hates mementos. 1582 01:27:55,375 --> 01:27:58,375 So many pictures of… you. 1583 01:27:58,458 --> 01:28:00,583 And postcards I sent him? 1584 01:28:03,416 --> 01:28:05,583 Oh, the Dodger game! 1585 01:28:06,750 --> 01:28:08,791 Oh, I-- I found that in Texas. 1586 01:28:08,875 --> 01:28:09,708 Yeah. 1587 01:28:10,958 --> 01:28:12,041 Wait. 1588 01:28:13,708 --> 01:28:15,916 Oh, my God. He saved it too? 1589 01:28:16,416 --> 01:28:17,250 Oh, my God. 1590 01:28:17,333 --> 01:28:21,666 This makes so much sense. Why he couldn't fall in love with me. 1591 01:28:22,333 --> 01:28:25,041 There had to be a reason. It couldn't be because of me. 1592 01:28:25,125 --> 01:28:26,125 I'm the best. 1593 01:28:28,416 --> 01:28:30,000 Do you love him too? 1594 01:28:30,083 --> 01:28:31,083 I'm… 1595 01:28:33,166 --> 01:28:34,375 I think I… 1596 01:28:34,958 --> 01:28:36,041 I feel like… 1597 01:28:36,125 --> 01:28:38,166 -Okay. 1598 01:28:38,250 --> 01:28:39,958 -I'll tell you what I think. -Okay. 1599 01:28:40,041 --> 01:28:44,583 I think you fell in love with Peter that first night you hooked up. 1600 01:28:45,875 --> 01:28:47,125 What? No. 1601 01:28:47,625 --> 01:28:48,500 No, no, no. 1602 01:28:49,000 --> 01:28:52,750 That would be reckless and impractical, and I am not-- 1603 01:28:52,833 --> 01:28:55,458 Human? We know. That's why you freaked out about his book 1604 01:28:55,541 --> 01:28:57,333 and ran around like a little lunatic with it? 1605 01:28:57,416 --> 01:28:58,416 No, I didn't! 1606 01:28:59,291 --> 01:29:02,166 Oh, my God, I did. Oh, my God. Yes, I did. 1607 01:29:02,250 --> 01:29:03,875 Because you're in love. You are. 1608 01:29:03,958 --> 01:29:07,083 Don't make me sing "I Am A Woman In Love" by Barbra Streisand, 'cause I will. 1609 01:29:07,166 --> 01:29:10,291 -I sang it at my nana's retirement home. -No, no, no, no, no. 1610 01:29:10,375 --> 01:29:13,125 Even if I felt like Peter and I were… 1611 01:29:13,791 --> 01:29:16,625 No, no, no. He-- Peter's not interested in me like that. 1612 01:29:16,708 --> 01:29:18,083 -Um-- -He let me know that night. 1613 01:29:18,166 --> 01:29:20,791 And-- And over the years, just by dating women 1614 01:29:20,875 --> 01:29:24,000 who are utterly nothing like me. 1615 01:29:24,083 --> 01:29:25,083 I would just… 1616 01:29:25,791 --> 01:29:29,875 No. And I would never risk my friendship with him on the off-chance-- 1617 01:29:29,958 --> 01:29:33,000 Don't you get it? All you have to do is take a chance. 1618 01:29:33,083 --> 01:29:36,625 No, see, that's what you don't get about me, is I don't take chances. 1619 01:29:36,708 --> 01:29:39,833 What I have is great, and-- and-- and I appreciate it, you know? 1620 01:29:39,916 --> 01:29:41,708 You get what you get, and you don't get upset. 1621 01:29:42,375 --> 01:29:44,875 And-- And… that's how I live my life. 1622 01:29:44,958 --> 01:29:48,750 And-- And that is how I play poker. I never draw into a straight. 1623 01:29:48,833 --> 01:29:51,291 You know what I mean? You don't, 'cause you don't play poker, 1624 01:29:51,375 --> 01:29:53,750 but I'll explain it later, at a different time. 1625 01:29:53,833 --> 01:29:55,375 But this is just… 1626 01:29:55,458 --> 01:29:57,208 This is who I am. 1627 01:29:57,291 --> 01:30:00,416 And-- And-- And I evaluate odds and it has kept me safe, 1628 01:30:00,500 --> 01:30:04,416 and it has kept my kid safe, and I just-- I just need to be safe. 1629 01:30:05,333 --> 01:30:06,166 Yeah. 1630 01:30:07,875 --> 01:30:09,208 No, no! 1631 01:30:09,291 --> 01:30:10,291 No. No! 1632 01:30:10,791 --> 01:30:11,625 No. 1633 01:30:12,125 --> 01:30:14,333 No. Okay, I just don't understand 1634 01:30:14,416 --> 01:30:16,833 why you're not taking into consideration how I feel about this. 1635 01:30:16,916 --> 01:30:19,250 I have to-- I have to go! I don't want to talk about this anymore. 1636 01:30:19,333 --> 01:30:21,291 I have to take a shower, I'm gonna go see Theo. 1637 01:30:21,375 --> 01:30:23,000 -And Peter? -Just forget about it. 1638 01:30:23,083 --> 01:30:24,375 I don't want to roll the dice. 1639 01:30:24,458 --> 01:30:27,833 If you start with another poker analogy, I will perish. 1640 01:30:28,333 --> 01:30:30,041 You do take chances, by the way. 1641 01:30:30,125 --> 01:30:31,000 I've seen it. 1642 01:30:31,875 --> 01:30:33,208 You can do this. 1643 01:30:33,750 --> 01:30:36,458 You can tell Peter how you feel. 1644 01:30:36,541 --> 01:30:37,416 You can. 1645 01:31:27,041 --> 01:31:28,750 Let's go, guys! Come on! 1646 01:31:34,375 --> 01:31:35,500 Come on, kid. 1647 01:31:46,916 --> 01:31:48,208 Oh, gosh, okay! 1648 01:31:49,291 --> 01:31:50,458 Hi! 1649 01:31:50,541 --> 01:31:51,375 Hey! 1650 01:31:51,875 --> 01:31:53,416 I'm so sorry I'm late. 1651 01:31:54,458 --> 01:31:56,291 -Did you run here? -No, I'm just… 1652 01:31:57,250 --> 01:31:59,166 I'm just a little bit breathless. 1653 01:31:59,250 --> 01:32:00,958 -Well, me too. -Okay. 1654 01:32:01,541 --> 01:32:03,125 -Um… 1655 01:32:03,208 --> 01:32:04,291 -Hi. -God, I-- 1656 01:32:04,375 --> 01:32:07,250 I wanted to wait till appetizers, but do you mind if I just start? 1657 01:32:08,458 --> 01:32:09,458 Yeah, sure. 1658 01:32:16,458 --> 01:32:17,750 Get in there, get in there! 1659 01:32:17,833 --> 01:32:19,583 Go, Jack! 1660 01:32:22,750 --> 01:32:23,916 Um… 1661 01:32:24,000 --> 01:32:28,291 My proposal for you is that I got you an interview at Macmillan. 1662 01:32:28,875 --> 01:32:30,208 Full-time editor position. 1663 01:32:30,708 --> 01:32:32,500 They need one, you're amazing, 1664 01:32:32,583 --> 01:32:34,708 and they would be really lucky to have you. 1665 01:32:35,208 --> 01:32:36,041 Wow. 1666 01:32:36,125 --> 01:32:37,416 And the second part is-- 1667 01:32:37,500 --> 01:32:40,541 is that I didn't get you an interview at-- at Duncan Press. 1668 01:32:40,625 --> 01:32:45,041 And that is because I feel like we should see what you and I have… 1669 01:32:45,125 --> 01:32:46,833 are… uh, could be. 1670 01:32:48,666 --> 01:32:51,583 It's early, of course, just you shouldn't work with me 1671 01:32:51,666 --> 01:32:55,166 if we're even considering exploring that, you know? 1672 01:32:55,250 --> 01:32:57,666 And I know you had a whole life in LA. 1673 01:32:57,750 --> 01:32:59,833 You know, I don't want to get ahead of myself. 1674 01:33:00,708 --> 01:33:03,041 He says, terribly ahead of himself. 1675 01:33:03,125 --> 01:33:04,791 I… Wow. 1676 01:33:04,875 --> 01:33:06,708 I-- I-- I don't know what to say. 1677 01:33:06,791 --> 01:33:09,541 Yeah, it's-- it's not a little bit, it's a lot. 1678 01:33:10,583 --> 01:33:11,458 It's a lot. 1679 01:33:12,708 --> 01:33:14,000 There we go, there we go. 1680 01:33:14,083 --> 01:33:17,666 Let's go, guys! Keep at it! Let's go! Let's go. 1681 01:33:17,750 --> 01:33:18,583 That's it! 1682 01:33:19,500 --> 01:33:20,500 Yes. 1683 01:33:21,625 --> 01:33:23,208 -Go! Go! -Let's get it! 1684 01:33:24,125 --> 01:33:25,416 Go, go, go! 1685 01:33:29,333 --> 01:33:31,666 Theo, you are wonderful. 1686 01:33:32,291 --> 01:33:34,958 Um, just this past week has been… 1687 01:33:36,166 --> 01:33:37,291 unreal. 1688 01:33:37,375 --> 01:33:39,000 Uh, I really… 1689 01:33:39,083 --> 01:33:42,291 The fact that you believe in me means the world to me. 1690 01:33:42,916 --> 01:33:44,708 Um, but earlier today, I… 1691 01:33:45,583 --> 01:33:48,500 I was looking for my jean jacket, and-- and I was digging around, 1692 01:33:48,583 --> 01:33:50,833 and then I found this envelope, and, you know… 1693 01:33:50,916 --> 01:33:53,750 Oh, my God. This is the weirdest thing I've ever said. 1694 01:33:57,041 --> 01:34:00,416 I… I think I might be in love with somebody else. 1695 01:34:02,041 --> 01:34:02,875 -Right. -And I-- 1696 01:34:02,958 --> 01:34:05,916 I know that's a crazy, crazy thing to say. 1697 01:34:06,000 --> 01:34:08,625 I mean, love's crazy. Love's the worst. 1698 01:34:09,208 --> 01:34:10,791 -It's a nightmare. 1699 01:34:10,875 --> 01:34:14,708 Especially when it hits you, whoosh, just out of nowhere. 1700 01:34:23,708 --> 01:34:26,291 Back up, back up, back up. Are you all right? 1701 01:34:28,750 --> 01:34:29,666 Ow. 1702 01:34:36,291 --> 01:34:37,666 -Oh. 1703 01:34:40,750 --> 01:34:42,500 -You need to get that? -Uh… I-- I do. 1704 01:34:42,583 --> 01:34:44,958 -Don't worry about it. -I'm, uh-- I'll be right back. 1705 01:34:47,500 --> 01:34:48,500 Hey! 1706 01:34:48,583 --> 01:34:52,083 I know that, um, we're gonna see each other tomorrow, but I wanted to-- 1707 01:34:52,875 --> 01:34:53,750 Wait, what? 1708 01:34:57,666 --> 01:35:00,583 Oh, my God. What do you-- What do you mean, "hockey tryouts"? 1709 01:35:01,916 --> 01:35:03,041 Oh, my God. 1710 01:35:06,125 --> 01:35:07,041 Okay. 1711 01:35:09,083 --> 01:35:11,000 Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 1712 01:35:11,083 --> 01:35:15,666 Ambulance got there so quick and he's with the doctor now, so… 1713 01:35:17,416 --> 01:35:20,833 Oh, here comes the doctor. I'm gonna put you on speaker. 1714 01:35:20,916 --> 01:35:22,541 Oh, my God, is he okay? 1715 01:35:22,625 --> 01:35:24,583 Uh, well, good news, he's doing great. 1716 01:35:24,666 --> 01:35:26,333 -There-- There we go. -Ah! 1717 01:35:26,416 --> 01:35:29,375 He does have a touch of a headache and some nausea. 1718 01:35:30,208 --> 01:35:31,041 Okay. 1719 01:35:31,125 --> 01:35:33,291 -So we're keeping him here overnight. -Oh, my God. 1720 01:35:33,375 --> 01:35:36,916 Just to make sure he didn't sustain a concussion, improbably, 1721 01:35:37,000 --> 01:35:38,291 or another kind of hematoma. 1722 01:35:38,375 --> 01:35:39,750 -Oh, my God! 1723 01:35:39,833 --> 01:35:42,625 I want to talk to him. 1724 01:35:42,708 --> 01:35:44,750 Uh, he's gonna be okay. 1725 01:35:44,833 --> 01:35:47,791 I don't want to talk to you, Peter! I want to talk to Jack! 1726 01:35:48,333 --> 01:35:49,666 Well, he's in his room. 1727 01:35:49,750 --> 01:35:52,000 Put Jack on the phone, Peter, 1728 01:35:52,083 --> 01:35:55,958 before the serious brain injury sets in and he doesn't remember who his mother is! 1729 01:35:56,666 --> 01:35:59,166 -I'm gonna-- I'm gonna go. -Yeah, you should, probably. 1730 01:36:01,541 --> 01:36:04,625 Hematoma, that's, uh… That's what you want, right? 1731 01:36:04,708 --> 01:36:07,041 -No, no, no. You don't want that. -Yeah, you don't? 1732 01:36:07,125 --> 01:36:08,750 -That's-- That's a bad thing. -You don't. 1733 01:36:11,083 --> 01:36:14,333 Yeah, I got-- He-- Yeah, he's right here. It's your mom. 1734 01:36:15,333 --> 01:36:17,666 -Hey. -Hey, honey, are you okay? 1735 01:36:17,750 --> 01:36:18,583 I'm fantastic! 1736 01:36:18,666 --> 01:36:20,458 Oh, my God, I'm so sorry I'm not there. 1737 01:36:20,541 --> 01:36:22,291 I-- I-- I'm coming home right now. I-- 1738 01:36:22,375 --> 01:36:23,250 Mom, stop! 1739 01:36:23,833 --> 01:36:25,458 What? You're hurt, honey. 1740 01:36:25,541 --> 01:36:27,375 This was the best week of my life. 1741 01:36:27,458 --> 01:36:31,458 Me and Peter, like, we watched Alien, and drove in a convertible, 1742 01:36:31,541 --> 01:36:32,791 and I almost drank coffee. 1743 01:36:33,375 --> 01:36:36,208 W-- Wait, just slow down. Ba-- Back up, what? What? 1744 01:36:36,291 --> 01:36:39,541 This week I got to be a different kind of me. It was kinda great. 1745 01:36:40,500 --> 01:36:42,375 Don't be mad at Peter, okay? 1746 01:36:42,458 --> 01:36:45,375 I-- I-- Jack, I will deal with Peter separately. 1747 01:36:45,458 --> 01:36:47,916 And guess what? I made the hockey team! 1748 01:36:48,000 --> 01:36:51,166 Okay, well, we're gonna have to discuss that when I get home. 1749 01:36:51,250 --> 01:36:53,541 No! I want to talk about it now. 1750 01:36:53,625 --> 01:36:56,333 I want to do it. I want you to let me. 1751 01:36:56,416 --> 01:36:58,500 Look, I know you're afraid of stuff. 1752 01:36:58,583 --> 01:37:01,625 Sometimes, I am too, but I don't want that for us anymore. 1753 01:37:02,833 --> 01:37:05,000 -Oh, okay. Um-- -Anyway, love you, Mom. 1754 01:37:05,083 --> 01:37:08,000 -I gotta go, my friends are here. -Dude, you wiped out! 1755 01:37:08,083 --> 01:37:09,500 -We were there! -It was epic! 1756 01:37:09,583 --> 01:37:13,041 It was super sick. Like, I remember getting tied up and, like, hooked. 1757 01:37:13,125 --> 01:37:16,708 -Like, this guy crashed into me and then… -See? That's-- He's fine. 1758 01:37:16,791 --> 01:37:20,208 Well, and the-- And, look, I'm genuinely sorry that I didn't-- 1759 01:37:20,291 --> 01:37:21,541 Is Alicia there? 1760 01:37:23,000 --> 01:37:24,333 Yeah, yeah. She's right here, 1761 01:37:24,416 --> 01:37:26,458 and-- and I'm gonna be here when you get back. 1762 01:37:26,541 --> 01:37:28,708 Please don't be. I'm coming home right now. 1763 01:37:28,791 --> 01:37:29,958 Please just go. 1764 01:37:31,166 --> 01:37:33,000 -But-- Peter, just go! 1765 01:37:36,916 --> 01:37:39,375 -Jack's had an emergency. He's hurt. -Is he okay? 1766 01:37:39,458 --> 01:37:41,750 I don't know. I have to go. 1767 01:37:41,833 --> 01:37:42,958 Theo, you're… 1768 01:37:46,166 --> 01:37:47,291 You know what you are. 1769 01:37:49,375 --> 01:37:50,208 You too. 1770 01:38:36,125 --> 01:38:37,125 Oh! Sorry. 1771 01:38:40,291 --> 01:38:43,583 I just landed in LA and I'm going straight to the hospital. 1772 01:38:43,666 --> 01:38:45,000 -He's not there. -What? 1773 01:38:45,083 --> 01:38:47,333 He's at home with Alicia and he's fine. 1774 01:38:47,416 --> 01:38:52,291 But I tried to call you a million times. I'm sorry, okay? I screwed up. 1775 01:38:52,375 --> 01:38:55,166 I should have told you before he tried out. 1776 01:38:55,250 --> 01:38:56,166 You think? 1777 01:38:56,250 --> 01:38:59,041 Look, I thought I was giving him what he needed! 1778 01:38:59,125 --> 01:39:01,291 -What? A hematoma? -Hi, by the way. 1779 01:39:02,375 --> 01:39:03,625 -What? -I'm over here. 1780 01:39:04,291 --> 01:39:07,375 -What are you doing here? -I'm going. You told me to go. 1781 01:39:07,458 --> 01:39:08,333 Well, good. 1782 01:39:08,416 --> 01:39:09,583 I should have told you, 1783 01:39:09,666 --> 01:39:12,375 but there's some shit that you should have told me too. 1784 01:39:12,458 --> 01:39:14,791 Oh, no, no, you don't get to turn this around. 1785 01:39:14,875 --> 01:39:16,708 -I talked to Minka. -Yeah? 1786 01:39:16,791 --> 01:39:19,625 She told me about the book. What you did is insane! 1787 01:39:19,708 --> 01:39:22,375 -Look, I was gonna tell you about the-- -Oh, there's other stuff too. 1788 01:39:22,458 --> 01:39:25,791 How about Zen? And what about Theo? As in, "Oh, Theo!" 1789 01:39:25,875 --> 01:39:29,625 -Hold on. How do you know about that? -There's a camera in my apartment. 1790 01:39:30,125 --> 01:39:32,250 You watched me and Theo? 1791 01:39:32,333 --> 01:39:34,500 Only long enough to want to poke my eyes out! 1792 01:39:34,583 --> 01:39:36,500 What happened to, "I'm done with all of that?" 1793 01:39:36,583 --> 01:39:38,791 Well, I'm a person, Peter, I'm not a rock. 1794 01:39:38,875 --> 01:39:40,958 That's literally what you said! 1795 01:39:41,041 --> 01:39:42,791 "My heart is a cold, hard stone." 1796 01:39:42,875 --> 01:39:45,416 Okay, okay, well-- And you talking about somebody's personal life? 1797 01:39:45,500 --> 01:39:46,708 Oh, okay. Here we go. 1798 01:39:46,791 --> 01:39:48,916 I gave you my kid. 1799 01:39:49,541 --> 01:39:51,416 He is my whole life! 1800 01:39:52,000 --> 01:39:54,166 Which is maybe a problem. 1801 01:39:56,666 --> 01:39:57,500 Wow. 1802 01:39:58,291 --> 01:39:59,541 I cannot believe you. 1803 01:40:00,125 --> 01:40:01,416 You know what? 1804 01:40:02,791 --> 01:40:06,666 You always said you were a piece of shit. Well, maybe you were right! 1805 01:40:10,041 --> 01:40:13,125 -That was really fucking mean. -Okay, well, you-- 1806 01:40:13,208 --> 01:40:16,958 What? I dropped my life to come help you? Is that what I did wrong? 1807 01:40:17,041 --> 01:40:19,583 You're unbelievable! Unbelievable! 1808 01:40:20,541 --> 01:40:22,250 Oh, shit! 1809 01:40:43,083 --> 01:40:44,666 Wait! Wait, don't… 1810 01:40:45,416 --> 01:40:46,458 Hold on a second. 1811 01:40:50,375 --> 01:40:53,333 -I'm so mad at-- -What the hell is wrong with you? 1812 01:40:54,333 --> 01:40:56,708 -You went through my things? -Why didn't you tell me? 1813 01:40:57,458 --> 01:40:59,958 Why didn't you say anything? 1814 01:41:00,041 --> 01:41:01,583 Why did you let so much time go by? 1815 01:41:01,666 --> 01:41:04,208 -Be-- Because I was scared! -Scared of what? 1816 01:41:04,291 --> 01:41:07,000 -Scared that I'm not good enough for you! -Oh! 1817 01:41:07,083 --> 01:41:10,708 Scared that you're gonna reject me if I tell you how I feel. 1818 01:41:10,791 --> 01:41:12,083 Well, just tell me how you feel! 1819 01:41:12,166 --> 01:41:13,791 You know how I feel! 1820 01:41:14,875 --> 01:41:17,500 Wait, what? That, what, you're in love with me or something? 1821 01:41:17,583 --> 01:41:19,041 No! 1822 01:41:19,125 --> 01:41:25,208 Debbie, I am madly, deeply, overwhelmingly in love with you. 1823 01:41:26,583 --> 01:41:28,500 And I have been since the moment I met you. 1824 01:41:32,666 --> 01:41:34,750 Well, you could have said something. 1825 01:41:34,833 --> 01:41:36,375 We talk every day. 1826 01:41:38,958 --> 01:41:40,250 Well, now what are we gonna do? 1827 01:41:40,333 --> 01:41:42,541 I thought we were gonna be friends forever. 1828 01:41:42,625 --> 01:41:43,875 -We're not? -No. 1829 01:41:45,333 --> 01:41:47,500 We're not gonna be friends anymore, Debbie. 1830 01:42:17,250 --> 01:42:19,916 -So you're gonna be a published author! -That's-- Yeah. 1831 01:42:20,000 --> 01:42:22,291 And you're gonna be a fancy editor. 1832 01:42:22,375 --> 01:42:24,333 -So weird. -Big time. 1833 01:42:24,416 --> 01:42:26,833 -Can't wait to see Jack. -Oh, my God. He's gonna freak out. 1834 01:42:26,916 --> 01:42:28,500 -He's gonna be so excited. -Wait a second. 1835 01:42:28,583 --> 01:42:31,416 Are we gonna be hand-holders? 1836 01:42:31,500 --> 01:42:34,750 -I've never seen you hold a human's hand. -I don't hold hands! 1837 01:42:34,833 --> 01:42:35,666 Yeah! 1838 01:42:36,416 --> 01:42:40,250 -But it-- it feels kind of… good. -What about this one? 1839 01:42:41,083 --> 01:42:43,791 -Yeah. I think we're hand-holders. -Mmm! 1840 01:42:43,875 --> 01:42:46,208 -Oh! Look at us. -I think we are. 1841 01:42:47,666 --> 01:42:49,458 Okay, there he is. That's our Uber. 1842 01:42:50,208 --> 01:42:51,333 All right. 1843 01:42:54,708 --> 01:42:56,083 So, what happens next?