1 00:00:05,810 --> 00:00:09,320 Melheis stopped time one second after his death. 2 00:00:09,320 --> 00:00:12,070 He can be revived so long as that state continues, 3 00:00:12,360 --> 00:00:15,160 but are you prepared to use that magical power as your chip? 4 00:00:15,360 --> 00:00:18,240 You sure about that? Not staking my life? 5 00:00:18,490 --> 00:00:24,120 If you're assuming that's a cheap chip, then you're already under my spell. 6 00:00:24,460 --> 00:00:27,540 Interesting. I'm going to strip you bare. 7 00:01:58,630 --> 00:02:01,220 Now then, let me explain the rules. 8 00:01:58,800 --> 00:02:01,760 02 - The Demon King’s Duel of Intellect 9 00:02:01,220 --> 00:02:04,850 You will tell me who you believe to be the Child of God. 10 00:02:05,140 --> 00:02:08,350 I will confirm whether it's true or not. 11 00:02:08,640 --> 00:02:12,610 However, I can be untruthful with you just once. 12 00:02:12,730 --> 00:02:13,860 Hmm. 13 00:02:13,860 --> 00:02:16,860 You can make up to eighteen guesses. 14 00:02:17,150 --> 00:02:19,660 If you guess right, you win. 15 00:02:19,660 --> 00:02:22,950 My magical power will then be sealed for five seconds. 16 00:02:22,950 --> 00:02:24,490 On the other hand, if I win... 17 00:02:25,160 --> 00:02:28,750 You won't be able to use your magical power for five seconds. 18 00:02:28,960 --> 00:02:30,500 And it goes without saying, but... 19 00:02:30,500 --> 00:02:33,540 One: you cannot ask the same question twice. 20 00:02:33,540 --> 00:02:37,130 Two: We cannot attack each other during this match. 21 00:02:37,130 --> 00:02:40,010 Three: If you forfeit, you lose. 22 00:02:40,010 --> 00:02:42,260 What do you say, Demon King Anos? 23 00:02:42,390 --> 00:02:45,060 Let me change one of those rules. 24 00:02:45,060 --> 00:02:46,020 Change it how? 25 00:02:46,390 --> 00:02:47,930 Just nine guesses is enough for me. 26 00:02:49,310 --> 00:02:52,020 But that would only put you at a disadvantage. 27 00:02:52,020 --> 00:02:53,440 What are you scheming? 28 00:02:53,690 --> 00:02:57,230 I thought I'd make this as fair a fight as possible. 29 00:02:57,780 --> 00:03:00,360 No amount of artificial advantages can ever be enough for you. 30 00:03:00,530 --> 00:03:02,990 After all, I am the one you're taking on. 31 00:03:04,740 --> 00:03:06,330 Fine, then. 32 00:03:06,580 --> 00:03:07,950 Zecht, please. 33 00:03:07,950 --> 00:03:09,040 Zecht. 34 00:03:11,210 --> 00:03:13,830 All right, let the game begin! 35 00:03:16,840 --> 00:03:21,260 My lord has commanded me to seize your source. 36 00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:23,390 Why? 37 00:03:25,550 --> 00:03:27,850 Is this your doing? 38 00:03:29,890 --> 00:03:32,600 Tell me, why do you need Misa's source? 39 00:03:32,600 --> 00:03:36,730 Because she is the child borne by the Great Spirit Leno. 40 00:03:37,900 --> 00:03:42,570 Your Source contains the power to control all Spirits. 41 00:03:42,860 --> 00:03:45,450 The Great Spirit Leno? 42 00:03:45,450 --> 00:03:50,200 Then tell us how you came to have half of that Magic Sword. 43 00:03:54,290 --> 00:03:55,630 What do you think? 44 00:03:55,750 --> 00:04:00,760 The spells I studied resemble Asc and Jerga, eh? 45 00:04:01,010 --> 00:04:02,340 Just for the record... 46 00:04:10,060 --> 00:04:12,310 I happen to really hate that magic. 47 00:04:12,480 --> 00:04:17,520 Are you aware that the gods had a hand in your birth? 48 00:04:17,520 --> 00:04:19,280 You're talking about how the gods helped Jerga? 49 00:04:19,400 --> 00:04:22,440 That's right. To create a vessel. 50 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:27,370 They've been waiting all this time for a vessel strong enough to carry the power of the gods. 51 00:04:27,660 --> 00:04:30,290 And guess who was born? 52 00:04:31,700 --> 00:04:37,960 How interesting. I can't wait to dissect you and get a good look! 53 00:04:38,460 --> 00:04:43,090 I get it now. You're someone I can never forgive. 54 00:04:44,380 --> 00:04:45,800 What do you want with us? 55 00:04:45,970 --> 00:04:49,810 You two were brought forth by a god's intentions. 56 00:04:51,020 --> 00:04:52,680 What does that mean, exactly? 57 00:04:52,680 --> 00:04:56,270 When your source was split into two... 58 00:04:56,600 --> 00:05:00,440 ...a personality was born; one that never should've come into existence. 59 00:05:01,110 --> 00:05:02,740 That's me. 60 00:05:04,110 --> 00:05:06,030 There was no divine intent there. 61 00:05:11,240 --> 00:05:13,580 You think that was just a coincidence? 62 00:05:13,580 --> 00:05:16,500 It was the gods who rewrote the magic circle. 63 00:05:16,500 --> 00:05:19,840 But there's no need for divine intervention in the Infernal Realm. 64 00:05:19,840 --> 00:05:22,050 I'll dispose of you when you awaken. 65 00:05:22,210 --> 00:05:24,970 I see. Thanks for letting us know. 66 00:05:24,970 --> 00:05:26,840 But you're wrong. 67 00:05:27,470 --> 00:05:29,970 The one who brought us to life... 68 00:05:29,970 --> 00:05:33,850 ...wasn't actually any god! 69 00:05:36,850 --> 00:05:40,980 Among my subordinates, these are the four who could be the Child of God. 70 00:05:41,570 --> 00:05:43,610 I'm going to base my guesses on them. 71 00:05:44,240 --> 00:05:45,820 Here's my first guess. 72 00:05:46,950 --> 00:05:48,910 The Child of God is one of my subordinates. 73 00:05:49,160 --> 00:05:50,120 Correct. 74 00:05:51,700 --> 00:05:55,200 That's the answer I expected, but it could be a lie. 75 00:05:55,910 --> 00:05:57,670 To clarify... 76 00:05:58,000 --> 00:05:59,710 The Child of God is Misha. 77 00:05:59,710 --> 00:06:01,130 Wrong. 78 00:06:01,420 --> 00:06:03,170 The child of God is Sasha. 79 00:06:03,170 --> 00:06:04,590 Wrong. 80 00:06:04,880 --> 00:06:06,670 The Child of God is Zeshia. 81 00:06:06,670 --> 00:06:08,050 Wrong. 82 00:06:08,380 --> 00:06:10,180 The Child of God is Misa. 83 00:06:10,180 --> 00:06:11,430 Correct. 84 00:06:11,970 --> 00:06:13,310 How strange. 85 00:06:13,640 --> 00:06:17,230 You seem to have given me the answer on my fifth guess. 86 00:06:17,230 --> 00:06:21,730 It wouldn't be a battle of wits if it were predictable, would it, Demon King Anos? 87 00:06:25,230 --> 00:06:25,940 I'm behind you. 88 00:06:28,280 --> 00:06:29,110 Lay! 89 00:06:29,410 --> 00:06:33,120 Magic Shield Gennias. That which curses those who wound its owner, 90 00:06:33,120 --> 00:06:35,490 and inflicts twice the pain. 91 00:06:35,490 --> 00:06:39,580 Unless you destroy this shield, the curse can never be lifted, nor can you ever recover. 92 00:06:39,710 --> 00:06:41,920 Really? I just have to destroy it, then? 93 00:06:45,380 --> 00:06:46,590 I lied! 94 00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:54,050 I see that you tend to be too honest. 95 00:06:54,470 --> 00:06:56,560 His source has been destroyed. 96 00:06:56,970 --> 00:06:59,350 He won't be getting up ever again. 97 00:07:10,610 --> 00:07:12,200 The people from the castle. 98 00:07:13,490 --> 00:07:14,910 They're Gools! 99 00:07:15,030 --> 00:07:20,460 With the help of the Scarlet Monument King, I modified the Igrams that Anos created. 100 00:07:20,660 --> 00:07:24,840 They're so powerful that your sources will rot to the core. 101 00:07:25,630 --> 00:07:27,670 This magic is deplorable. 102 00:07:31,130 --> 00:07:32,180 Better not! 103 00:07:36,100 --> 00:07:38,430 Sorry, you guys. I'm going to save you, no matter what! 104 00:07:44,650 --> 00:07:46,070 It's got to be here somewhere! 105 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:52,530 Found it! If we destroy that, no more Gools will ever be born! 106 00:08:00,250 --> 00:08:03,080 Laos... Heine... 107 00:08:03,370 --> 00:08:04,790 Ledriano... 108 00:08:05,630 --> 00:08:07,590 Don't give them another thought. 109 00:08:07,750 --> 00:08:12,130 I'll see to it that you never feel any grief again. 110 00:08:12,340 --> 00:08:15,140 Jino Gleanus. 111 00:08:22,980 --> 00:08:25,900 My magical power's being sucked away! 112 00:08:27,770 --> 00:08:32,440 Once I've drained your magical power, that'll be the end for you! 113 00:08:35,320 --> 00:08:36,780 What is that? 114 00:08:37,780 --> 00:08:40,870 She's using Najira to hide its magical power. 115 00:08:42,830 --> 00:08:43,500 Jump! 116 00:08:46,920 --> 00:08:48,750 All the way from over there? But how? 117 00:08:48,960 --> 00:08:51,050 The Boundless Sword, Garmest. 118 00:08:51,050 --> 00:08:53,050 It will do whatever I want. 119 00:08:55,340 --> 00:08:56,640 Ice Castle. 120 00:09:03,980 --> 00:09:07,060 Take that! Jio Graze! 121 00:09:17,660 --> 00:09:18,410 To your right! 122 00:09:20,620 --> 00:09:21,740 Too bad for you! 123 00:09:21,910 --> 00:09:22,620 Stop! 124 00:09:22,830 --> 00:09:23,700 What? 125 00:09:26,710 --> 00:09:29,670 Garmest can take any form in any number I wish. 126 00:09:29,670 --> 00:09:31,960 I set that up in advance, you see. 127 00:09:46,560 --> 00:09:49,650 Now I've sealed those annoying Demonic Eyes of Destruction. 128 00:10:04,910 --> 00:10:07,500 Sasha... 129 00:10:07,790 --> 00:10:10,500 Concerned about your sister at a time like this? 130 00:10:10,500 --> 00:10:12,000 What a brave soul. 131 00:10:13,050 --> 00:10:16,050 He's confirmed that "the Child of God is Misa" is correct. 132 00:10:16,470 --> 00:10:18,930 If Ziek used his right to lie for that, 133 00:10:18,930 --> 00:10:20,800 then none of the four can be the Child of God... 134 00:10:22,810 --> 00:10:26,180 But that would contradict what he said about the Child of God being my subordinate. 135 00:10:26,520 --> 00:10:29,900 If Ziek just lied about Zeshia being the Child of God, 136 00:10:30,980 --> 00:10:33,070 then that would mean there are two Children of God. 137 00:10:33,070 --> 00:10:35,400 And that would violate the order of the Gods. 138 00:10:35,900 --> 00:10:39,610 There would only be no conflict if Misa were the Child of God. 139 00:10:39,910 --> 00:10:41,490 But to negate that premise, 140 00:10:42,280 --> 00:10:45,490 there'd have to be the possibility that the Child of God was someone other than these four... 141 00:10:45,870 --> 00:10:48,870 For example, if it were Lay, then there'd be no conflict. 142 00:10:49,420 --> 00:10:53,590 At this point, it's certain that the Child of God is one of my subordinates. 143 00:10:53,590 --> 00:10:57,340 It's either Misa, or someone other than these four... but... 144 00:10:57,720 --> 00:11:01,260 This is too easy. Why did you make Misa your "correct answer"? 145 00:11:01,840 --> 00:11:06,600 That would be meaningful if the Child of God was among the three besides Misa. 146 00:11:06,970 --> 00:11:09,100 To let this contradiction stand... 147 00:11:09,890 --> 00:11:12,770 The Child of God has the Demon Eyes of Destruction. 148 00:11:12,770 --> 00:11:14,060 Correct. 149 00:11:14,440 --> 00:11:15,690 That fused body... 150 00:11:18,820 --> 00:11:22,910 It might have a true name that I'm unaware of. 151 00:11:23,320 --> 00:11:28,000 Of my subordinates, Sasha's the only one who has the Demon Eyes of Destruction. 152 00:11:28,450 --> 00:11:33,000 Meaning that "the Child of God is Misa" cannot be correct. 153 00:11:33,290 --> 00:11:36,710 In other words, you used your right to lie for one or the other. 154 00:11:36,710 --> 00:11:38,130 You can no longer lie. 155 00:11:39,300 --> 00:11:43,010 The Child of God is not a pure Demon, but a half-spirit, half-demon. 156 00:11:43,340 --> 00:11:44,550 Wrong. 157 00:11:45,550 --> 00:11:47,600 Meaning that it's not Misa. 158 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:50,770 Which leaves that fused entity... in other words... 159 00:11:51,230 --> 00:11:53,440 I don't know the name of the Child of God. 160 00:11:53,440 --> 00:11:54,980 Wrong. 161 00:11:55,230 --> 00:11:57,230 And now you're down to your final guess. 162 00:11:57,530 --> 00:12:02,610 Hmm. So the Child of God is my subordinate, and though I do know the child's name, 163 00:12:02,610 --> 00:12:06,780 it's neither Misha, Sasha, Misa, nor Zeshia. 164 00:12:06,990 --> 00:12:09,290 This is quite an entertaining battle of wits. 165 00:12:09,290 --> 00:12:13,290 Since the key to removing the contradictions doesn't exist within the game. 166 00:12:13,790 --> 00:12:17,550 You've implanted a fake memory into your own brain. 167 00:12:17,550 --> 00:12:20,670 I've been searching for an answer that doesn't exist. 168 00:12:20,670 --> 00:12:22,130 So you're onto me! 169 00:12:22,130 --> 00:12:23,720 But it's too late! 170 00:12:26,640 --> 00:12:30,810 The moment you agreed to this battle of wits, you'd already lost. 171 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:34,850 Our Zecht bars you from attacking my anti-magic barriers! 172 00:12:34,850 --> 00:12:36,610 But if you forfeit this match, 173 00:12:36,900 --> 00:12:39,190 your magical power will be sealed for five seconds. 174 00:12:39,530 --> 00:12:41,360 Now, then, what will you do? 175 00:12:41,360 --> 00:12:43,320 I forfeit this match. 176 00:12:44,660 --> 00:12:46,240 You misjudged me, Demon King! 177 00:12:46,490 --> 00:12:51,540 Five! Four! Three! Two! One! 178 00:12:51,540 --> 00:12:52,830 It's all over now— 179 00:12:55,620 --> 00:13:00,000 Did you really think you could defeat me just because you'd sealed my magical power? 180 00:13:03,420 --> 00:13:09,050 False or not, those memories were implanted in you, with your genuine memories. 181 00:13:09,050 --> 00:13:11,560 There's always intent behind your actions. 182 00:13:11,890 --> 00:13:17,310 You didn't hesitate to destroy Melheis' source. Instead of me. 183 00:13:17,860 --> 00:13:22,820 You might as well have told me that killing Melheis was your top priority. 184 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:28,120 Surely Melheis isn't worth much to the Blaze Death King or the Heavenly Father God. 185 00:13:28,410 --> 00:13:31,490 Just annihilate me. It may have been a mere battle of wits, 186 00:13:31,490 --> 00:13:34,290 but I can die having defeated the Demon King of Tyranny. 187 00:13:34,290 --> 00:13:35,330 I have no regrets. 188 00:13:35,460 --> 00:13:39,170 Hmm... so says the Blaze Death King's army officer. 189 00:13:39,500 --> 00:13:45,880 Game or not, simply deluding yourself that you'd defeated my lord is nothing short of disrespectful. 190 00:13:46,180 --> 00:13:47,300 What? 191 00:13:53,430 --> 00:13:55,850 I'll make sure that you don't suffer, at least. 192 00:13:56,980 --> 00:13:57,650 What? 193 00:14:01,480 --> 00:14:02,610 Move. 194 00:14:03,530 --> 00:14:06,650 You changed the Boundless Sword the moment you touched it? 195 00:14:08,320 --> 00:14:11,740 Do you even know what it is that you're creating? 196 00:14:12,080 --> 00:14:14,450 Curse you! 197 00:14:14,580 --> 00:14:17,330 This isn't possible... that castle... 198 00:14:17,330 --> 00:14:20,080 Delsgade is a god itself! 199 00:14:20,830 --> 00:14:23,000 How could a mere Demon... 200 00:14:23,920 --> 00:14:25,380 Have you awakened? 201 00:14:26,340 --> 00:14:29,130 I am... me. 202 00:14:32,300 --> 00:14:34,270 It's no use waiting, you know. 203 00:14:35,100 --> 00:14:40,770 If you smash one of Gennias' magic jewels, the curse will destroy your source. 204 00:14:40,770 --> 00:14:43,230 So all I have to do is smash them all, right? 205 00:14:45,570 --> 00:14:49,490 You should watch your back around people with more than two sources. 206 00:14:49,660 --> 00:14:52,030 Impossible... 207 00:14:53,080 --> 00:14:55,700 Seven sources? 208 00:14:56,200 --> 00:15:01,040 The Spirit God Sword Evansmana? 209 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:10,050 Hmm? Can't hear you! 210 00:15:10,050 --> 00:15:12,260 Have you lost the strength to speak? 211 00:15:12,720 --> 00:15:17,850 I told you that I'd never forgive you! Asc! 212 00:15:17,850 --> 00:15:18,930 It's useless. 213 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:25,110 Since the emotions that you'd convert into magical power can't be brought in here. 214 00:15:25,480 --> 00:15:30,110 You're wrong about that. Emotions reside in the source. 215 00:15:30,910 --> 00:15:32,280 Huh? 216 00:15:33,620 --> 00:15:34,530 Eleonore! 217 00:15:35,990 --> 00:15:38,450 Wh-What did you say? How did you— 218 00:15:39,910 --> 00:15:41,290 I created it. 219 00:15:41,830 --> 00:15:44,250 Just the desire inside my source. 220 00:15:45,630 --> 00:15:46,710 Impossible... 221 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:48,420 Time for your punishment! 222 00:15:56,350 --> 00:15:59,560 Hero Kanon... you're alive? 223 00:16:06,230 --> 00:16:09,070 So you were born from a god after all. 224 00:16:09,690 --> 00:16:11,070 Ice Crystals. 225 00:16:11,320 --> 00:16:12,400 What...? 226 00:16:24,670 --> 00:16:26,420 I'm going to ask you one more time. 227 00:16:26,420 --> 00:16:28,710 Where did you get that half of the Magic Sword? 228 00:16:28,920 --> 00:16:31,340 I cannot answer that. 229 00:16:36,260 --> 00:16:38,720 Was his source destroyed? 230 00:16:38,720 --> 00:16:41,180 No, looks like he's been reincarnated. 231 00:16:41,890 --> 00:16:44,100 The barriers... are gone. 232 00:16:44,100 --> 00:16:45,100 All right! 233 00:16:46,190 --> 00:16:47,650 Theo Ingal. 234 00:16:55,990 --> 00:16:58,660 No way, no way, no way. 235 00:16:58,660 --> 00:17:00,080 The Blaze Death King's powers... 236 00:17:00,450 --> 00:17:02,580 Defeated by Human Magic? 237 00:17:02,910 --> 00:17:05,460 The Blaze Death King may be incredible... 238 00:17:08,420 --> 00:17:10,880 But I'm the Demon King's magic! 239 00:17:22,560 --> 00:17:26,100 Misha? 240 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:28,650 I was in time. 241 00:17:30,520 --> 00:17:32,030 Misha! 242 00:17:37,200 --> 00:17:38,990 How can you still be alive? 243 00:17:38,990 --> 00:17:42,500 You annihilated the fake that I'd switched out. 244 00:17:42,790 --> 00:17:45,960 Impossible! That source was genuine! 245 00:17:45,960 --> 00:17:47,420 I saw it with my own eyes... 246 00:17:47,670 --> 00:17:49,500 It's a spell that I just learned recently. 247 00:17:49,500 --> 00:17:52,960 The Womb of Origination Magic, Eleonore, created by the gods. 248 00:17:53,130 --> 00:17:56,760 Don't tell me you created a pseudo-source? 249 00:17:56,760 --> 00:17:59,680 Without even studying magic that much? 250 00:17:59,680 --> 00:18:03,520 If you did your research on me, then you should've at least seen that. 251 00:18:03,720 --> 00:18:06,230 But when did you...? 252 00:18:10,610 --> 00:18:14,610 The moment you agreed to this battle of wits, you'd already lost. 253 00:18:14,820 --> 00:18:20,200 No, I won't say that. The moment you thought about battling me, you'd already lost. 254 00:18:24,660 --> 00:18:26,120 Suicide? 255 00:18:26,120 --> 00:18:27,790 Do you think I'd let him escape? 256 00:18:33,500 --> 00:18:37,630 You can't lie anymore. Ziek, tell me your purpose for coming here. 257 00:18:37,800 --> 00:18:42,260 My purpose was to reduce even a little of the Demon King of Tyranny's combat power. 258 00:18:42,760 --> 00:18:45,180 That's why I went after Melheis. 259 00:18:47,060 --> 00:18:53,690 So the people of Azeshion still believe in and fear Avos Dilhevia? 260 00:18:53,860 --> 00:18:58,450 Yes. They seem to believe that Jerga's acts of brutality in the recent war... 261 00:18:58,450 --> 00:19:02,450 ...were the Demon King of Tyranny's doing. 262 00:19:02,450 --> 00:19:07,040 Though they're set to punish Diego, who led the armed forces... 263 00:19:07,040 --> 00:19:10,420 Unless we act, it could trigger another conflict, eh? 264 00:19:10,580 --> 00:19:13,250 I believe it would be wise to announce that Avos is a fake... 265 00:19:13,250 --> 00:19:16,630 ...during the ceremony of the Second Coming of the Demon King. 266 00:19:16,880 --> 00:19:21,090 So our story will be that Kanon and I joined forces to annihilate Avos? 267 00:19:21,390 --> 00:19:27,430 Yes. Although the Hero Kanon is thought to have gone missing after the war. 268 00:19:27,430 --> 00:19:30,730 You should consider having him attend the ceremony. 269 00:19:34,230 --> 00:19:35,770 Sorry to keep you waiting. 270 00:19:35,770 --> 00:19:37,030 Are we all here? 271 00:19:37,360 --> 00:19:39,530 There's something I need you all to know. 272 00:19:39,530 --> 00:19:43,660 About the Child of God that we're searching for. He or she might very well be one of you. 273 00:19:44,700 --> 00:19:49,410 The Scarlet Monument King's subordinate said that she was created out of a god's intent. 274 00:19:49,410 --> 00:19:53,710 I don't know about any gods. I am your child, Mommy. 275 00:19:54,080 --> 00:19:56,300 Nothing's been settled yet. 276 00:19:56,300 --> 00:20:02,050 They may be plotting to secretly awaken the true Child of God while my eyes are on you. 277 00:20:02,470 --> 00:20:05,010 True. After all, that's what the enemy says. 278 00:20:05,180 --> 00:20:09,680 Regarding that matter, I've received word from the head of the Unitarians. 279 00:20:11,350 --> 00:20:14,770 I was told that no one knew his identity. Who is it? 280 00:20:14,980 --> 00:20:19,190 The Demon King of Tyranny's right-hand man... Shin Reglia. 281 00:20:20,110 --> 00:20:22,910 Shin, eh? Why won't he show himself? 282 00:20:23,070 --> 00:20:25,200 I'm sure he has a good reason. 283 00:20:25,200 --> 00:20:31,370 He's sent word that he awaits you in the Forest of Great Spirit Aharthern. 284 00:20:31,370 --> 00:20:34,960 Come to think of it, the King of Curses' subordinate had this on him. 285 00:20:38,800 --> 00:20:40,090 I see. 286 00:20:48,220 --> 00:20:50,600 The Looting Sword Gilionojes, eh? 287 00:20:50,930 --> 00:20:53,440 I haven't seen it since that day 2,000 years ago. 288 00:20:53,730 --> 00:20:55,100 It belongs to Shin Reglia, right? 289 00:20:56,270 --> 00:21:01,400 So the head of the Unitarians is Shin Reglia, the owner of this sword? 290 00:21:01,400 --> 00:21:03,990 This is hard to understand. 291 00:21:03,990 --> 00:21:06,660 It's all right. I don't get it, either! 292 00:21:06,950 --> 00:21:10,040 I wanted to inform you sooner, Lord Anos, 293 00:21:10,040 --> 00:21:13,000 but I was unable to detect you or your magical power. 294 00:21:13,210 --> 00:21:14,210 Right. 295 00:21:14,210 --> 00:21:17,130 These days I've been really into renovating the underground dungeon. 296 00:21:17,130 --> 00:21:19,710 Underground? You mean Delsgade? 297 00:21:19,710 --> 00:21:22,050 Why would you do something like that? 298 00:21:22,050 --> 00:21:24,840 I built a city where the 10,000 Zeshias can live. 299 00:21:25,010 --> 00:21:26,720 A city? 300 00:21:26,720 --> 00:21:29,470 And thanks to you, they all seem to be enjoying themselves! 301 00:21:29,890 --> 00:21:32,640 You shouldn't be building something so outrageous. 302 00:21:32,810 --> 00:21:36,020 Lord Anos, what are you going to do now? 303 00:21:36,190 --> 00:21:40,860 I'll be heading to Aharthern. The Great Spirit Leno should be there, as well. 304 00:21:41,650 --> 00:21:45,030 But we can't take our eyes off NousGalia, can we? 305 00:21:45,150 --> 00:21:49,950 Not only that, but it's possible that he might be targeting them. 306 00:21:49,950 --> 00:21:54,080 We're just going to have to all go together. Needless to say, that includes NousGalia. 307 00:21:54,080 --> 00:21:55,410 How are we going to do that? 308 00:21:55,790 --> 00:21:58,380 Gods always keep their promises to Humans. 309 00:21:58,380 --> 00:22:00,790 Surely, he can't disobey an order. 310 00:22:00,790 --> 00:22:04,590 Our next class will be a field trip to Aharthern. 311 00:23:35,810 --> 00:23:40,020 THE SPIRIT'S SCHOOL BUILDING 312 00:23:36,770 --> 00:23:38,560 The Spirit's School Building.