1 00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:09,610 {\an3}Episode 15: Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event - Group Battle 1 - 2 00:00:02,600 --> 00:00:09,610 {\an3}Episode 15: Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event - Group Battle 1 - 3 00:00:06,520 --> 00:00:09,610 {\an8}We're starting in one minute. 4 00:00:09,840 --> 00:00:16,910 Now, let's hear a few words of well-appreciated encouragement from Iori Utahime-sensei. 5 00:00:16,910 --> 00:00:17,740 Huh?! 6 00:00:17,740 --> 00:00:20,620 U-Uh... 7 00:00:20,620 --> 00:00:25,460 Um, some degree of injury will be unavoidable, 8 00:00:25,460 --> 00:00:31,130 but, um... now and then, help each other out... or something... 9 00:00:31,320 --> 00:00:32,630 Time's up. 10 00:00:32,630 --> 00:00:35,630 Hey! Gojou, you little... 11 00:00:35,630 --> 00:00:39,300 Now, let the sister school exchange event... 12 00:00:39,300 --> 00:00:42,600 begin! 13 00:00:42,600 --> 00:00:44,560 Respect your seniors! 14 00:00:45,270 --> 00:00:46,230 Ichiro?! 15 00:00:46,230 --> 00:00:47,900 So stupid. 16 00:00:48,310 --> 00:00:49,980 Where's Toudou? 17 00:00:49,980 --> 00:00:52,940 What makes you think I would know? 18 00:00:52,940 --> 00:00:54,530 Can't we all get along? 19 00:01:03,830 --> 00:01:06,500 Where do you think the cursed spirit boss is? 20 00:01:06,500 --> 00:01:09,590 It was probably unleashed halfway between both schools, 21 00:01:09,590 --> 00:01:11,960 but it's not just going to sit still. 22 00:01:12,340 --> 00:01:13,880 At the time we agreed upon, 23 00:01:13,880 --> 00:01:17,590 we'll split up into the Megumi squad and the Panda squad for scouting. 24 00:01:17,590 --> 00:01:19,970 We'll be counting on you after that, Yuuji. 25 00:01:19,970 --> 00:01:20,800 Yeah! 26 00:01:25,390 --> 00:01:28,900 Where are you going? 27 00:01:30,190 --> 00:01:31,520 That's small fry. 28 00:01:36,030 --> 00:01:37,700 Senpai, stop! 29 00:01:45,540 --> 00:01:48,120 Great! You're all here! 30 00:01:48,710 --> 00:01:51,380 Come at me all together! 31 00:01:56,090 --> 00:01:57,260 Scatter! 32 00:02:00,760 --> 00:02:02,600 Toudou was alone. 33 00:02:03,060 --> 00:02:05,890 We were right to swap Yuuji into that role. 34 00:02:09,850 --> 00:02:12,520 I already knew it, but he's a monster. 35 00:02:12,520 --> 00:02:13,400 Yup. 36 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:15,150 So just ignore him. 37 00:02:15,150 --> 00:02:16,400 Tuna. 38 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:50,830 {\an8}JUJUTSU KAISEN 39 00:03:57,540 --> 00:04:04,050 {\an8}Before the Exchange Event Started 40 00:03:59,920 --> 00:04:04,050 {\an8}Toudou will absolutely be out to crush us straight away. 41 00:04:04,390 --> 00:04:08,310 Mai might follow behind him to come after me, too. 42 00:04:09,220 --> 00:04:11,230 Toudou's a monster. 43 00:04:11,770 --> 00:04:16,150 The worst possible outcome would be that we all face him and get wiped out. 44 00:04:18,440 --> 00:04:21,570 So our plan was to leave just one person, 45 00:04:21,570 --> 00:04:24,530 either Panda or Megumi, behind to occupy him, but... 46 00:04:25,910 --> 00:04:28,450 Itadori, we'll leave that role to you. 47 00:04:30,200 --> 00:04:33,290 We'd rather not lose anyone who can scout out our enemies. 48 00:04:34,040 --> 00:04:35,540 You don't have to beat him. 49 00:04:35,540 --> 00:04:38,380 Just hold out as long as possible and buy us time. 50 00:04:38,380 --> 00:04:40,420 But you can be daring against him! 51 00:04:40,420 --> 00:04:43,300 To be blunt, we weren't counting on your abilities anyway, 52 00:04:43,300 --> 00:04:45,470 so it won't affect us too much if you have to quit. 53 00:04:45,470 --> 00:04:46,720 That's mean! 54 00:04:47,300 --> 00:04:49,180 Sorry, Megumi. 55 00:04:49,180 --> 00:04:51,600 You wanted to face Toudou, didn't you? 56 00:04:52,350 --> 00:04:54,390 No, I'm good either way. 57 00:04:54,390 --> 00:04:55,980 You're super dry. 58 00:04:57,770 --> 00:05:00,440 But Senpai, if I'm gonna do this, 59 00:05:02,480 --> 00:05:04,490 then I'm gonna win. 60 00:05:08,280 --> 00:05:10,200 Nice speed. 61 00:05:10,740 --> 00:05:12,080 Seriously? 62 00:05:12,080 --> 00:05:14,160 I thought I landed a good one. 63 00:05:20,340 --> 00:05:22,170 I'll return the favor, first-year. 64 00:05:22,170 --> 00:05:23,960 Guard like your life depends on it! 65 00:05:26,090 --> 00:05:28,760 Where? 66 00:05:41,520 --> 00:05:43,570 My arm's... still here? 67 00:05:44,530 --> 00:05:46,740 I thought it got blown off. 68 00:05:46,740 --> 00:05:48,820 If that cursed spirit hadn't gotten in the way, 69 00:05:48,820 --> 00:05:50,490 that would have been real bad. 70 00:06:23,440 --> 00:06:24,610 Done already? 71 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:34,910 Now, which should I pursue? 72 00:06:40,830 --> 00:06:42,670 Are you for real? 73 00:06:50,260 --> 00:06:53,890 You think you can just pound away at my head like that?! 74 00:06:53,890 --> 00:06:56,720 What if you made me even dumber than I already am?! 75 00:06:57,680 --> 00:06:59,520 Don't worry. 76 00:06:59,520 --> 00:07:04,440 Takada-chan said, "Men are perfect when they're a little dumb." 77 00:07:04,610 --> 00:07:06,150 Who's that? 78 00:07:06,150 --> 00:07:08,400 I'm not interested in any idols. 79 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:11,160 Then how did you know she's an idol? 80 00:07:11,160 --> 00:07:13,070 You know who she is, don't you? 81 00:07:13,700 --> 00:07:16,200 What's your name, first-year? 82 00:07:16,200 --> 00:07:17,700 Itadori Yuuji. 83 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:20,290 I see. Itadori Yuuji. 84 00:07:20,290 --> 00:07:22,710 I have one question for you. 85 00:07:24,460 --> 00:07:26,710 What kind of woman is your type? 86 00:07:27,670 --> 00:07:28,460 Huh? 87 00:07:29,470 --> 00:07:31,380 What's my type? 88 00:07:31,380 --> 00:07:33,390 Why are you asking me that right now? 89 00:07:33,720 --> 00:07:37,220 Don't worry about that. I'm just appraising you. 90 00:07:39,560 --> 00:07:43,730 I don't really get it, but if I had to say... 91 00:07:47,360 --> 00:07:51,820 A tall woman with a big ass, I guess? 92 00:07:52,150 --> 00:07:54,070 Like Jennifer Lawrence. 93 00:08:09,300 --> 00:08:12,170 The new series is pretty good. 94 00:08:12,170 --> 00:08:12,900 Oh? 95 00:08:29,570 --> 00:08:31,610 I'm going to confess to Takada-chan. 96 00:08:32,030 --> 00:08:33,900 Huh?! Don't do that! 97 00:08:33,900 --> 00:08:35,990 I don't wanna have to comfort you later! 98 00:08:35,990 --> 00:08:37,490 That's such a pain! 99 00:08:37,490 --> 00:08:40,040 Why are you assuming she'll reject me? 100 00:08:42,500 --> 00:08:46,040 I could ask you why you think she'll say yes. 101 00:08:46,040 --> 00:08:50,090 Anne Sullivan once said to Helen Keller, 102 00:08:50,090 --> 00:08:54,260 "What fool thinks of defeat before even trying?" 103 00:08:54,260 --> 00:08:56,050 Inoki was the one who said that. 104 00:08:57,430 --> 00:08:59,300 I'm sorry. 105 00:08:59,300 --> 00:09:01,560 I'm already in love with someone. 106 00:09:19,370 --> 00:09:22,080 Any chance that someone is me? 107 00:09:22,620 --> 00:09:24,500 No way, man. 108 00:09:27,540 --> 00:09:29,040 Come on, let's go. 109 00:09:31,840 --> 00:09:33,960 I'll treat you to some ramen. 110 00:09:49,980 --> 00:09:53,230 You never lost to anyone in your hometown, huh? 111 00:09:55,610 --> 00:09:59,870 Seems like we're best friends! 112 00:09:59,870 --> 00:10:01,910 When you just learned my name?! 113 00:10:03,490 --> 00:10:05,750 Yeah, continue straight that way. 114 00:10:05,750 --> 00:10:07,330 Toudou-kun's there, though. 115 00:10:07,600 --> 00:10:08,960 Not a problem. 116 00:10:08,960 --> 00:10:11,290 He's the one who told us to do as we pleased. 117 00:10:19,260 --> 00:10:22,010 New Shadow Style, Simple Domain: 118 00:10:24,390 --> 00:10:25,560 Quick Draw! 119 00:10:30,850 --> 00:10:32,770 What reflexes! 120 00:10:32,770 --> 00:10:36,570 I know I hesitated, but still, my counter didn't even scratch him! 121 00:10:42,240 --> 00:10:43,870 I'm surrounded? 122 00:10:44,540 --> 00:10:45,340 Wait... 123 00:10:46,700 --> 00:10:49,370 Are these guys... 124 00:10:52,960 --> 00:10:54,840 trying to kill me? 125 00:11:00,430 --> 00:11:01,390 This is... 126 00:11:02,800 --> 00:11:05,260 Itadori and I switched places?! 127 00:11:06,890 --> 00:11:07,930 Hey. 128 00:11:09,440 --> 00:11:13,520 I told you I'd kill you if you interfered, didn't I? 129 00:11:14,150 --> 00:11:15,570 No, you didn't. 130 00:11:15,570 --> 00:11:18,530 You said you'd kill us if we ordered you around. 131 00:11:18,900 --> 00:11:20,570 Was that Itadori's... 132 00:11:20,570 --> 00:11:23,280 No, it was Toudou's technique? 133 00:11:23,530 --> 00:11:26,330 Same thing. Piss off! 134 00:11:33,750 --> 00:11:35,170 Looks like he's retreating. 135 00:11:35,170 --> 00:11:36,590 Lame. 136 00:11:36,590 --> 00:11:38,080 Thank goodness! 137 00:11:38,880 --> 00:11:40,590 Make sure you kill him. 138 00:11:41,300 --> 00:11:43,590 That depends on Itadori. 139 00:11:43,590 --> 00:11:45,470 Don't order me around. 140 00:11:45,780 --> 00:11:47,260 What's with these people, 141 00:11:47,260 --> 00:11:49,980 trying to kill me and then arguing with each other? 142 00:11:51,350 --> 00:11:57,110 After all, I'm not an inconsiderate man who'd hold back against his best friend! 143 00:12:04,950 --> 00:12:08,080 This is why I said to leave him be. 144 00:12:08,080 --> 00:12:10,290 We're off to a rocky start. 145 00:12:10,700 --> 00:12:15,210 We can't start hunting down cursed spirits without me scouting from the air, either. 146 00:12:17,380 --> 00:12:19,760 They're all such a hassle. 147 00:12:20,210 --> 00:12:21,720 Hang in there, me. 148 00:12:21,720 --> 00:12:23,130 You're as cute as ever today. 149 00:12:23,340 --> 00:12:24,430 Take her down. 150 00:12:26,560 --> 00:12:27,260 Oh, no. 151 00:12:29,260 --> 00:12:32,560 Mai, Mechamaru, cover Nishimiya. 152 00:12:32,560 --> 00:12:33,390 At once. 153 00:12:33,390 --> 00:12:36,280 Well, we are in trouble without her. 154 00:12:47,950 --> 00:12:50,950 Kamo-san, are you guys 155 00:12:51,540 --> 00:12:53,580 planning to kill Itadori? 156 00:13:00,170 --> 00:13:02,970 {\an8}JUJUTSU KAISEN 157 00:13:05,630 --> 00:13:07,970 {\an8}JUJUTSU KAISEN 158 00:13:11,790 --> 00:13:12,620 That's strange. 159 00:13:12,620 --> 00:13:13,600 It is strange. 160 00:13:14,390 --> 00:13:16,900 All the Kyoto students are moving together. 161 00:13:17,600 --> 00:13:20,110 Toward the area we left Yuuji in. 162 00:13:20,110 --> 00:13:22,690 I think that puts everyone from Kyoto there? 163 00:13:23,490 --> 00:13:26,320 You mean that's where the target is? 164 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:29,910 No, unless the second-grade is especially cunning, 165 00:13:29,910 --> 00:13:31,450 my Demon Dog would have noticed it. 166 00:13:33,290 --> 00:13:37,000 They're trying to kill Itadori, aren't they? 167 00:13:37,570 --> 00:13:39,880 What the hell?! I don't see why! 168 00:13:44,210 --> 00:13:45,590 It's possible. 169 00:13:46,260 --> 00:13:47,380 Kelp. 170 00:13:47,840 --> 00:13:51,390 I didn't sense that much hostility from them, 171 00:13:51,760 --> 00:13:54,810 but that was prior to Yuuji's surprise survival. 172 00:13:57,350 --> 00:14:01,420 It's entirely possible that Principal Gakuganji would order that. 173 00:14:01,420 --> 00:14:07,400 Are the Kyoto students a bunch of cowards who'd kill a person on someone else's orders? 174 00:14:07,600 --> 00:14:09,780 They don't see him the same way. 175 00:14:09,780 --> 00:14:13,410 You two have spent day after day with Yuuji. 176 00:14:13,410 --> 00:14:17,210 We only recently learned that he's a good person ourselves. 177 00:14:17,210 --> 00:14:20,040 He's a naturally happy sort you don't often see among sorcerers. 178 00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:21,420 But the thing is... 179 00:14:22,040 --> 00:14:24,920 To those who don't know anything about Yuuji, 180 00:14:24,920 --> 00:14:29,430 the vessel of Sukuna is just an object of fear. 181 00:14:30,010 --> 00:14:33,430 It wouldn't feel any different from exorcising a curse to them. 182 00:14:34,390 --> 00:14:39,440 Even normal jujutsu sorcerers can easily blur that line. 183 00:14:42,770 --> 00:14:44,690 We're turning back, Megumi. 184 00:14:45,400 --> 00:14:46,780 Sorry. 185 00:14:46,780 --> 00:14:48,860 What are you apologizing for, dummy? 186 00:14:49,700 --> 00:14:53,700 There's no point in winning or losing the exchange event if your friend dies. 187 00:14:55,290 --> 00:14:59,620 Nobara and I will go back to confirm that Yuuji's safe. 188 00:15:00,040 --> 00:15:01,830 He's not answering his phone, either. 189 00:15:02,170 --> 00:15:05,340 Toge, you keep hunting down the cursed spirit, please. 190 00:15:05,880 --> 00:15:07,170 Bonito flakes. 191 00:15:07,170 --> 00:15:09,970 I know you're worried about Yuuji, too. 192 00:15:10,380 --> 00:15:13,100 But if my prediction is correct, 193 00:15:13,100 --> 00:15:15,600 the Kyoto students are trying 194 00:15:15,600 --> 00:15:19,480 to use the chaos of the group battle to assassinate Yuuji. 195 00:15:19,880 --> 00:15:23,130 Once the group battle's over, there won't be any assassination. 196 00:15:23,130 --> 00:15:24,320 Makes sense. 197 00:15:24,320 --> 00:15:25,480 Salmon. 198 00:15:25,770 --> 00:15:27,570 I'm worried about Maki, too. 199 00:15:27,570 --> 00:15:29,320 We won't let them kill Yuuji, 200 00:15:29,320 --> 00:15:31,110 and we'll win this group battle. 201 00:15:31,570 --> 00:15:32,910 Of course. 202 00:15:37,400 --> 00:15:40,120 Answer on the first ring, Fushiguro! 203 00:15:40,850 --> 00:15:45,840 Also, why didn't they provide us with wireless radios or Bluetooth earbuds?! 204 00:15:46,760 --> 00:15:48,130 I wouldn't want them. 205 00:15:48,130 --> 00:15:51,010 They're distracting, and they startle you when you get a call. 206 00:15:51,010 --> 00:15:53,470 You can take them off during combat! 207 00:15:58,680 --> 00:16:00,140 Ow... 208 00:16:01,940 --> 00:16:04,520 So that's Fushiguro-kun's Nue, huh? 209 00:16:05,020 --> 00:16:06,900 Electrified wings. 210 00:16:06,900 --> 00:16:09,570 Looks like they'll affect my movement for a while. 211 00:16:12,110 --> 00:16:17,080 Nishimiya-chan! 212 00:16:17,580 --> 00:16:20,580 Come and play! 213 00:16:20,790 --> 00:16:22,460 So crass! 214 00:16:22,460 --> 00:16:23,830 Not cute at all. 215 00:16:24,420 --> 00:16:28,300 Kamo-san, are you guys planning to kill Itadori? 216 00:16:28,710 --> 00:16:32,300 And if I said we were? 217 00:16:32,500 --> 00:16:34,280 You failed, then. 218 00:16:34,640 --> 00:16:37,810 Itadori wouldn't go down in such a short time. 219 00:16:42,140 --> 00:16:43,730 We have no reason to kill him. 220 00:16:44,310 --> 00:16:45,900 Yes, you do. 221 00:16:45,900 --> 00:16:48,520 The higher-ups and the three major clans have plenty. 222 00:17:20,970 --> 00:17:22,520 What splendid toughness! 223 00:17:22,520 --> 00:17:25,560 He's actively using the landscape to his advantage, too! 224 00:17:27,290 --> 00:17:28,110 He's gone? 225 00:17:31,730 --> 00:17:33,650 He's also quick to set up his next move! 226 00:17:41,440 --> 00:17:43,670 And to top it off... 227 00:17:46,050 --> 00:17:48,130 He has such tremendous power! 228 00:17:48,460 --> 00:17:51,590 His raw strength is greater than mine, despite his small body! 229 00:17:51,590 --> 00:17:54,630 Which is why his blows are effective with so little cursed energy! 230 00:17:55,300 --> 00:17:59,640 And that makes it hard to read his movements from the flow of cursed energy! 231 00:17:59,890 --> 00:18:03,220 But the way this cursed energy hits after a time lag... 232 00:18:03,220 --> 00:18:06,060 That's just... That's just... 233 00:18:07,390 --> 00:18:10,860 ...wrong! 234 00:18:10,860 --> 00:18:14,070 ...wrong! 235 00:18:12,520 --> 00:18:15,650 ...wrong! 236 00:18:14,150 --> 00:18:17,320 ...wrong! 237 00:18:15,860 --> 00:18:18,990 ...wrong! 238 00:18:17,570 --> 00:18:20,700 ...wrong! 239 00:18:23,370 --> 00:18:25,160 Was that Toudou? 240 00:18:25,660 --> 00:18:27,160 It was. 241 00:18:27,160 --> 00:18:32,340 I think I understand why you failed to finish off Yuuji. 242 00:18:33,210 --> 00:18:36,720 So why did you distance yourself from Noritoshi? 243 00:18:36,720 --> 00:18:39,760 Are you keeping your technique a secret from your allies, too? 244 00:18:44,390 --> 00:18:47,390 I'm sorry about Itadori-kun. 245 00:18:47,390 --> 00:18:51,270 I know this is an excuse, but I'm not like the others. 246 00:18:51,610 --> 00:18:56,400 Still, that doesn't mean I plan to hand over victory in this exchange event. 247 00:18:56,780 --> 00:19:01,780 {\an8}Recommendation 248 00:18:56,780 --> 00:19:01,780 {\an8}Recommendation 249 00:18:56,780 --> 00:19:01,780 {\an8}Recommendation 250 00:18:56,780 --> 00:19:01,780 {\an8}Recommendation 251 00:18:57,780 --> 00:19:01,780 You know that sorcerers advance in rank through a recommendation system, right? 252 00:19:02,240 --> 00:19:07,120 The exchange event is often discussed among sorcerers without connections up the chain. 253 00:19:07,910 --> 00:19:09,920 Students who perform well here 254 00:19:09,920 --> 00:19:13,790 are granted many chances to advance while they're studying. 255 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:19,050 Coincidentally, the person in charge of a student can't recommend them. 256 00:19:15,170 --> 00:19:24,300 {\an8}Recommendation 257 00:19:19,470 --> 00:19:24,300 For example, Gojou-san couldn't recommend Itadori-kun to be a first-grade. 258 00:19:24,850 --> 00:19:29,310 I want to become independent as quickly as possible so I can earn money. 259 00:19:33,810 --> 00:19:34,770 Why? 260 00:19:37,900 --> 00:19:39,190 I'm poor! 261 00:19:39,190 --> 00:19:40,820 And I have two little brothers! 262 00:19:40,900 --> 00:19:42,700 Are you okay? 263 00:19:43,120 --> 00:19:44,910 Are you getting along well enough with Mai? 264 00:19:44,910 --> 00:19:46,540 Aren't you too nice a person? 265 00:19:46,540 --> 00:19:49,290 Huh? Probably... 266 00:19:50,640 --> 00:19:52,670 I won't hold back, you know. 267 00:19:53,960 --> 00:19:55,460 Not a problem! 268 00:19:55,460 --> 00:19:58,170 That's not what I said all that for, anyway! 269 00:20:00,630 --> 00:20:02,010 My friend! 270 00:20:02,010 --> 00:20:04,510 That cursed energy you blast with a time lag... 271 00:20:04,510 --> 00:20:06,890 That's a bad habit of yours! 272 00:20:06,890 --> 00:20:08,680 You mean Divergent Fist? 273 00:20:09,680 --> 00:20:11,850 What's he on about all of a sudden? 274 00:20:13,400 --> 00:20:17,440 So long as you're satisfied with that, you'll never beat me! 275 00:20:18,320 --> 00:20:20,900 If you're satisfied with staying on that level, 276 00:20:20,900 --> 00:20:24,070 you and I won't stay best friends. 277 00:20:24,780 --> 00:20:26,330 Are you okay with that?! 278 00:20:26,330 --> 00:20:29,450 I don't know. I don't care about that. 279 00:20:29,450 --> 00:20:31,790 Are you okay with staying weak? 280 00:20:35,880 --> 00:20:37,500 No, I'm not! 281 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:40,880 That's right! 282 00:20:41,590 --> 00:20:44,550 My best friend! 283 00:22:14,980 --> 00:22:17,480 {\an8}Juju Stroll 284 00:22:17,480 --> 00:22:21,730 Q: What kind of person is your type? 285 00:22:22,440 --> 00:22:25,990 Someone who's stronger than me, at the very least. 286 00:22:26,400 --> 00:22:30,240 Huh? What makes you think I'll answer? 287 00:22:30,690 --> 00:22:33,750 I totally can't stand a UBSSD. 288 00:22:32,890 --> 00:22:34,900 {\an9}Useless 289 00:22:33,260 --> 00:22:34,900 {\an9}Broke 290 00:22:33,640 --> 00:22:34,900 {\an9}Smelly 291 00:22:34,020 --> 00:22:34,900 {\an9}Stingy 292 00:22:34,390 --> 00:22:34,900 {\an9}Dead 293 00:22:35,240 --> 00:22:37,780 Do you know who Sebastian Stan is? 294 00:22:39,290 --> 00:22:41,170 He has a great body. 295 00:22:41,530 --> 00:22:47,570 Well, you know, I like hot guys, like most girls, 296 00:22:47,570 --> 00:22:50,840 but I want someone fun to be around, too, 297 00:22:50,840 --> 00:22:57,560 and it's important whether or not he can make you feel like he's the only one for you. 298 00:23:00,050 --> 00:23:02,720 Oh, gosh, how embarrassing! 299 00:23:03,380 --> 00:23:07,020 Uh, you know, uh, um... 300 00:23:07,020 --> 00:23:08,860 Wh-What was it? 301 00:23:09,510 --> 00:23:10,690 Um... 302 00:23:10,690 --> 00:23:11,860 Um, um, um... 303 00:23:11,860 --> 00:23:13,380 You know, that girl who seemed nice. 304 00:23:13,380 --> 00:23:14,540 The one who seemed nice. 305 00:23:14,540 --> 00:23:16,340 With the notable bangs. 306 00:23:16,340 --> 00:23:18,580 Come on, come on, you know! That one girl! 307 00:23:20,050 --> 00:23:23,470 Nice girl, nice girl, nice girl... 308 00:23:40,330 --> 00:23:42,240 Oh, Miwa? 309 00:23:42,240 --> 00:23:43,700 Yeah! Her, her, her, her, her! 310 00:23:51,550 --> 00:23:56,340 Episode 16: Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event - Group Battle 2 -