1 00:00:23,090 --> 00:00:27,230 Don't look inside me without permission. I hate it... 2 00:00:27,230 --> 00:00:28,230 Brat. 3 00:00:30,150 --> 00:00:31,900 Then come down from there, 4 00:00:31,900 --> 00:00:33,610 and I'll look down on you! 5 00:00:44,060 --> 00:00:51,020 {\an8}Jujutsu Kaisen 6 00:02:06,730 --> 00:02:12,730 {\an3}Episode 6: After Rain 7 00:02:06,730 --> 00:02:12,730 {\an3}Episode 6: After Rain 8 00:02:15,240 --> 00:02:17,920 You're being awfully hostile, aren't you? 9 00:02:17,920 --> 00:02:19,600 Damn straight I am. 10 00:02:19,600 --> 00:02:21,890 You just killed me. 11 00:02:21,890 --> 00:02:25,300 This is the thanks I get for fixing your arm? 12 00:02:25,300 --> 00:02:27,930 Yeah, and you ripped out my heart right after that! 13 00:02:30,320 --> 00:02:32,150 Is this Hell? 14 00:02:32,150 --> 00:02:36,090 I'm not sure I can accept being stuck with you even after death. 15 00:02:37,020 --> 00:02:38,980 This works out, though. 16 00:02:38,980 --> 00:02:40,270 I'll make you cry! 17 00:02:47,120 --> 00:02:49,130 Hope you're ready for this! 18 00:02:58,410 --> 00:03:00,250 He was aiming for where I stood? 19 00:03:00,250 --> 00:03:01,590 You fell for it! 20 00:03:02,030 --> 00:03:02,870 I got you! 21 00:03:04,130 --> 00:03:04,810 Huh? 22 00:03:05,690 --> 00:03:07,590 Man, you're boring. 23 00:03:11,810 --> 00:03:14,130 I thought I landed that one perfectly! 24 00:03:15,250 --> 00:03:16,330 Damn it! 25 00:03:16,330 --> 00:03:18,000 This isn't the afterlife. 26 00:03:18,880 --> 00:03:20,740 It's my Innate Domain. 27 00:03:20,740 --> 00:03:22,630 Innate Domain? 28 00:03:22,630 --> 00:03:24,770 That thing Fushiguro was talking about? 29 00:03:24,990 --> 00:03:27,330 You could also say we're in my mind. 30 00:03:27,330 --> 00:03:30,190 In other words, we're not dead yet. 31 00:03:31,060 --> 00:03:33,130 If you'll accept my conditions, 32 00:03:33,130 --> 00:03:35,730 I'll fix your heart and bring us back to life. 33 00:03:35,960 --> 00:03:37,470 Cocky bastard. 34 00:03:37,470 --> 00:03:41,070 You act all big, but I know you don't want to die, either. 35 00:03:41,460 --> 00:03:43,600 The situation's changed. 36 00:03:43,600 --> 00:03:44,800 In the near future, 37 00:03:45,220 --> 00:03:47,570 I'll be able to see something interesting. 38 00:03:49,440 --> 00:03:51,420 I have two conditions. 39 00:03:51,420 --> 00:03:56,660 One: when I chant "Extension," you'll hand over your body for one minute. 40 00:03:56,660 --> 00:03:59,860 Two: you'll forget this promise. 41 00:03:59,860 --> 00:04:00,960 No way. 42 00:04:00,960 --> 00:04:04,050 I don't know what your goal is, but it's shady as hell. 43 00:04:04,050 --> 00:04:06,330 After what you did this time, I finally get it. 44 00:04:06,330 --> 00:04:07,850 You're evil. 45 00:04:08,030 --> 00:04:10,170 I'm not lending you my body again. 46 00:04:10,640 --> 00:04:15,810 Then I'll promise that I won't kill or injure anyone during that minute. 47 00:04:17,010 --> 00:04:17,850 So annoying. 48 00:04:17,850 --> 00:04:19,630 Like I can believe you! 49 00:04:19,630 --> 00:04:22,830 It's not about whether you believe me or not. 50 00:04:22,830 --> 00:04:24,400 This is a pact. 51 00:04:24,760 --> 00:04:26,220 A geas. 52 00:04:26,220 --> 00:04:28,790 I'll be the one punished if I break it. 53 00:04:31,140 --> 00:04:34,930 If you pursue selfish gain beyond your means, you'll earn retribution. 54 00:04:34,930 --> 00:04:37,870 I'm pretty sure you've experienced that for yourself. 55 00:04:39,050 --> 00:04:41,040 It wasn't a problem before! 56 00:04:41,040 --> 00:04:43,290 Huh? Oh... 57 00:04:43,620 --> 00:04:46,060 That time I wanted to switch, too. 58 00:04:46,310 --> 00:04:49,430 And you were just doing as that sorcerer told you to. 59 00:04:52,590 --> 00:04:54,620 A pact founded in mutual interest. 60 00:04:54,620 --> 00:04:57,670 That's one of the key factors behind all jujutsu. 61 00:04:59,880 --> 00:05:02,300 Fine, then. So move. 62 00:05:02,300 --> 00:05:03,750 I'll accept your conditions. 63 00:05:09,360 --> 00:05:12,460 I don't know what you're trying to do, 64 00:05:12,900 --> 00:05:15,410 but it means I'll come back to life! 65 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:22,270 Like hell I'd say that. Bring me back to life without any conditions. 66 00:05:22,620 --> 00:05:25,260 It's your fault I died in the first place. 67 00:05:26,350 --> 00:05:28,050 Then how about this? 68 00:05:28,050 --> 00:05:31,790 We'll fight to the death, and if you win, I'll do it without conditions. 69 00:05:31,790 --> 00:05:35,000 If I win, you come back to life under my conditions. 70 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:37,040 Sure! I'll beat you to— 71 00:05:44,170 --> 00:05:45,480 You know, 72 00:05:45,840 --> 00:05:47,700 I have a bad personality. 73 00:05:47,700 --> 00:05:48,510 I know. 74 00:05:48,510 --> 00:05:50,460 Ijichi, expect a hard forehead flick later. 75 00:05:50,460 --> 00:05:52,320 F-Forehead flick? 76 00:05:53,190 --> 00:05:55,220 Being a teacher isn't my style. 77 00:05:55,220 --> 00:05:58,490 Do you know why I decided to teach at this school? 78 00:05:59,040 --> 00:05:59,850 Ask me. 79 00:06:00,890 --> 00:06:02,230 Why did you? 80 00:06:03,010 --> 00:06:04,690 Because I have a dream. 81 00:06:04,690 --> 00:06:06,630 A dream? 82 00:06:06,630 --> 00:06:07,570 Yup. 83 00:06:07,970 --> 00:06:12,880 As you can see in this case with Yuuji, the top of the jujutsu world is a den of vice. 84 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:16,480 Conservative fools. Traditional fools. Arrogant fools. 85 00:06:16,480 --> 00:06:17,590 Just plain fools. 86 00:06:18,010 --> 00:06:20,240 It's a bargain sale on rotten mikan. 87 00:06:20,800 --> 00:06:24,240 I want to reset that garbage jujutsu world. 88 00:06:26,630 --> 00:06:29,800 Murdering everyone at the top would be an easy task. 89 00:06:29,800 --> 00:06:34,240 But they would just get replaced. It wouldn't bring a revolution. 90 00:06:34,240 --> 00:06:37,690 And if I did that, no one would follow me. 91 00:06:38,450 --> 00:06:41,540 That's why I chose education. 92 00:06:41,930 --> 00:06:45,480 To raise up strong, clever comrades. 93 00:06:46,900 --> 00:06:50,990 That's also why I occasionally tossed my missions to my students. 94 00:06:50,990 --> 00:06:51,950 It's tough love. 95 00:06:51,950 --> 00:06:53,750 Are you sure you don't just want to slack off? 96 00:06:54,150 --> 00:06:55,640 They're all talented. 97 00:06:56,080 --> 00:06:59,500 Especially the third-year, Hakari, and the second-year, Okkotsu. 98 00:06:59,500 --> 00:07:01,800 They'll become jujutsu sorcerers on a par with me. 99 00:07:03,070 --> 00:07:05,180 Yuuji was one of those, as well. 100 00:07:08,550 --> 00:07:09,940 Hey, you two. 101 00:07:11,390 --> 00:07:12,960 I'm about to get started. 102 00:07:12,960 --> 00:07:14,620 Are you just gonna watch from there? 103 00:07:18,210 --> 00:07:19,910 Whoa, I'm completely naked! 104 00:07:20,110 --> 00:07:21,950 G-G-G-Gojou-san! 105 00:07:21,950 --> 00:07:24,940 H-H-H-H-H-H-He's alive! 106 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:24,560 Ijichi, be quiet. 107 00:07:24,940 --> 00:07:26,460 I'm kind of disappointed. 108 00:07:26,460 --> 00:07:29,440 Um, I'm embarrassed to ask, but who are you? 109 00:07:29,440 --> 00:07:30,350 Yuuji! 110 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:31,930 In the meantime, put this on! 111 00:07:32,530 --> 00:07:33,520 Welcome back. 112 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:36,980 Yeah. Good to be back! 113 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:46,100 Ugh, I'll have to revise the reports. 114 00:07:46,100 --> 00:07:47,750 No, leave them as-is. 115 00:07:48,840 --> 00:07:53,920 I want to give Yuuji time to gain the minimum power necessary before he's targeted again. 116 00:07:53,920 --> 00:07:58,170 Sorry, Shouko, but could you leave Yuuji listed as dead on the records? 117 00:07:59,290 --> 00:08:02,100 So you plan to keep Itadori completely hidden away? 118 00:08:02,100 --> 00:08:05,420 No, I'll have him make his comeback in time for the Exchange Event. 119 00:08:05,420 --> 00:08:06,160 Why? 120 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:07,600 The reason is simple. 121 00:08:08,370 --> 00:08:12,770 No one's allowed to take the events of youth away from young people. 122 00:08:13,070 --> 00:08:15,100 I bet everyone will be surprised. 123 00:08:16,240 --> 00:08:18,010 Not anyone. 124 00:08:24,570 --> 00:08:27,060 Starting right now, I'm ditching work. 125 00:08:27,510 --> 00:08:30,160 I've always had a strong sense of responsibility. 126 00:08:29,900 --> 00:08:31,030 {\an8}Onii-chan. 127 00:08:30,160 --> 00:08:34,160 I've been saving up my earnings so I can send my four younger sisters to college, too. 128 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:32,440 {\an8}Aniki. 129 00:08:32,950 --> 00:08:34,160 {\an8}Niini. 130 00:08:34,160 --> 00:08:35,510 {\an8}Onii-sama. 131 00:08:34,160 --> 00:08:36,950 But even I can't fight my survival instinct. 132 00:08:36,950 --> 00:08:39,220 If I go near that table, I'll die! 133 00:08:39,220 --> 00:08:41,200 Gojou Satoru. 134 00:08:41,200 --> 00:08:44,680 I wonder if we could kill him if we joined forces. 135 00:08:45,040 --> 00:08:46,970 Either he'd flutter out of your grasp, 136 00:08:46,970 --> 00:08:49,560 or worst case, you'd all get exorcised. 137 00:08:50,110 --> 00:08:54,670 I would recommend you pour energy into sealing him rather than killing him. 138 00:08:55,040 --> 00:08:56,160 Seal him? 139 00:08:56,160 --> 00:08:57,390 Do you have a lead? 140 00:08:58,230 --> 00:09:01,490 We'll use the special-grade cursed object, Prison Realm. 141 00:09:02,530 --> 00:09:04,160 Prison Realm? 142 00:09:04,470 --> 00:09:06,920 Table 5 hasn't ordered anything at all. 143 00:09:06,920 --> 00:09:08,580 Someone go hurry him up. 144 00:09:08,580 --> 00:09:10,320 He's taking up a whole table by himself. 145 00:09:10,670 --> 00:09:13,300 Sorry, boss, but I quit! 146 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:14,490 Huh? What?! 147 00:09:14,970 --> 00:09:16,650 Hey! Hold on a minute! 148 00:09:16,970 --> 00:09:19,760 You have that detestable thing?! 149 00:09:21,120 --> 00:09:22,990 Our AC is running, isn't it? 150 00:09:23,950 --> 00:09:26,800 Jougo, don't get too excited. You'll make it hot in here. 151 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:31,500 Sir, have you decided on your order? 152 00:09:38,050 --> 00:09:40,810 I wish you wouldn't cause too much commotion. 153 00:09:40,810 --> 00:09:42,760 This is hardly anything. 154 00:09:45,490 --> 00:09:46,530 What the... 155 00:09:55,680 --> 00:09:57,880 I'm glad we didn't choose an expensive restaurant. 156 00:10:06,280 --> 00:10:11,110 Getou, how strong am I in terms of Sukuna's fingers? 157 00:10:11,110 --> 00:10:14,550 At a low estimate, I'd say eight or nine fingers? 158 00:10:15,480 --> 00:10:18,560 That's plenty. Give me the Prison Realm! 159 00:10:18,560 --> 00:10:19,970 I'll add it to my collection. 160 00:10:20,560 --> 00:10:23,590 In return, I will... 161 00:10:23,590 --> 00:10:25,460 kill Gojou Satoru. 162 00:10:26,640 --> 00:10:27,220 Help— 163 00:10:36,690 --> 00:10:39,030 {\an8}Jujutsu Kaisen 164 00:10:41,240 --> 00:10:44,040 {\an8}Jujutsu Kaisen 165 00:10:45,820 --> 00:10:48,030 By the time we arrived on the scene, 166 00:10:48,360 --> 00:10:50,580 your son was already dead. 167 00:10:51,540 --> 00:10:56,550 To be honest, I was skeptical about saving any of the people in there. 168 00:10:57,140 --> 00:10:59,540 But my friend was different. 169 00:11:00,860 --> 00:11:02,600 He wasn't successful, 170 00:11:02,980 --> 00:11:07,100 but he tried to bring your son's body back for you after we confirmed his death. 171 00:11:09,220 --> 00:11:10,310 Please. 172 00:11:14,610 --> 00:11:15,520 Okazaki Tadashi 173 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:22,090 Take this, at least. 174 00:11:24,370 --> 00:11:27,870 Okazaki Tadashi 175 00:11:25,970 --> 00:11:30,320 I'm sorry we weren't able to save Tadashi-san. 176 00:11:33,080 --> 00:11:35,340 It's all right. Don't apologize. 177 00:11:35,590 --> 00:11:40,920 I'm the only one who will mourn his passing, anyway... 178 00:11:49,820 --> 00:11:51,730 You're late, Megumi. 179 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:52,930 Kelp. 180 00:11:52,930 --> 00:11:54,170 What were you doing? 181 00:11:54,170 --> 00:11:55,530 What does it matter? 182 00:11:56,860 --> 00:11:58,480 Zenin-senpai... 183 00:11:59,740 --> 00:12:02,960 What kinds of people do you want to save as a jujutsu sorcerer? 184 00:12:02,960 --> 00:12:03,630 Huh? 185 00:12:04,030 --> 00:12:07,630 It's not like I care if my actions save anyone. 186 00:12:07,630 --> 00:12:09,090 I shouldn't have asked. 187 00:12:09,090 --> 00:12:09,820 What?! 188 00:12:09,820 --> 00:12:11,420 Fushiguro! 189 00:12:11,790 --> 00:12:14,920 Quit asking interview prep questions! 190 00:12:14,920 --> 00:12:15,900 Switch with me! 191 00:12:15,900 --> 00:12:17,440 I'm sick of these school uniforms! 192 00:12:17,440 --> 00:12:20,000 Let me go buy some cute tracksuits! 193 00:12:20,290 --> 00:12:22,770 Here we go! 194 00:12:24,120 --> 00:12:26,030 What are those two doing? 195 00:12:26,030 --> 00:12:27,360 Falling practice. 196 00:12:27,360 --> 00:12:28,240 Mustard leaf. 197 00:12:28,240 --> 00:12:30,320 You're both weak in close quarters, after all. 198 00:12:30,650 --> 00:12:31,670 So first... 199 00:12:33,970 --> 00:12:36,020 Land a blow on us. 200 00:12:36,020 --> 00:12:37,600 We'll talk after that. 201 00:12:38,740 --> 00:12:43,420 You're a head above the rest when it comes to close combat, Yuuji. 202 00:12:43,420 --> 00:12:45,050 So what you need to learn right now 203 00:12:45,050 --> 00:12:47,030 is how to control cursed energy, 204 00:12:47,030 --> 00:12:50,290 as well as the bare minimum of jujutsu knowledge. 205 00:12:50,290 --> 00:12:52,790 Smile 206 00:12:50,290 --> 00:12:52,790 Smile 207 00:12:51,360 --> 00:12:52,470 What's the matter? 208 00:12:52,790 --> 00:12:58,250 {\an5}ee-hee 209 00:12:52,790 --> 00:12:58,250 {\an5}ee-hee 210 00:12:53,190 --> 00:12:58,260 Oh, I figured you'd be the best person to train me, so I'm just happy. 211 00:12:59,200 --> 00:13:02,300 I'm weak, and I couldn't save anybody. 212 00:13:02,690 --> 00:13:05,110 Worse, I nearly killed Fushiguro. 213 00:13:05,750 --> 00:13:09,600 As I am now, I won't be able to face them. 214 00:13:10,910 --> 00:13:12,360 I want to become strong. 215 00:13:14,790 --> 00:13:16,720 Teach me to be the strongest. 216 00:13:20,820 --> 00:13:22,190 You've got a keen eye. 217 00:13:22,700 --> 00:13:25,880 Sensei, you're the one who called yourself the strongest. 218 00:13:26,840 --> 00:13:30,120 All right, first, take a look at those drink cans over there. 219 00:13:35,660 --> 00:13:37,120 This is with cursed energy, 220 00:13:37,650 --> 00:13:39,130 and this is with a cursed technique. 221 00:13:39,420 --> 00:13:41,270 I see. I don't get it. 222 00:13:41,270 --> 00:13:43,120 Right, well... 223 00:13:43,530 --> 00:13:45,390 Think of cursed energy as electricity, 224 00:13:45,390 --> 00:13:47,580 and cursed techniques as appliances. 225 00:13:47,990 --> 00:13:51,110 Electricity by itself is hard to use, right? 226 00:13:51,640 --> 00:13:56,000 That's why we run electricity through appliances to achieve various results. 227 00:13:57,280 --> 00:13:59,710 Here, I just fired off pure cursed energy. 228 00:14:00,590 --> 00:14:03,140 Here, I channeled cursed energy into a cursed technique 229 00:14:03,140 --> 00:14:05,500 to activate it and twist the can with jujutsu. 230 00:14:06,540 --> 00:14:10,080 In other words, I'm about to learn a very, very good cursed technique?! 231 00:14:10,080 --> 00:14:12,500 No, you can't use cursed techniques. 232 00:14:12,980 --> 00:14:13,730 Huh?! 233 00:14:14,490 --> 00:14:17,860 Setting aside simple shikigami and barriers, 234 00:14:17,860 --> 00:14:22,260 cursed techniques are fundamentally etched into your body from the day you're born. 235 00:14:22,780 --> 00:14:28,180 So the power of a jujutsu sorcerer is roughly 80% innate talent. 236 00:14:30,340 --> 00:14:31,400 You okay? 237 00:14:31,400 --> 00:14:36,630 I just thought I'd be able to pull off thunder or fire or a power bomb or something. 238 00:14:36,630 --> 00:14:38,980 You can pull off a power bomb. Ohnita's, right? 239 00:14:40,630 --> 00:14:42,450 This sucks. 240 00:14:42,680 --> 00:14:48,990 I wanted to pull off a Spirit Gun or Bankai, or Rasengan, or a Dodon Ray. 241 00:14:46,480 --> 00:14:48,540 {\an8}You just can't use them yet. 242 00:14:48,990 --> 00:14:52,950 Eventually Sukuna's cursed techniques will be engraved into your body. 243 00:14:51,290 --> 00:14:54,770 {\an8}I wanted to fire off a Kamehameha. 244 00:14:53,580 --> 00:14:55,590 Let's just ignore what you can't do! 245 00:14:55,600 --> 00:14:57,330 We're going to enhance your strengths. 246 00:14:56,140 --> 00:14:58,650 {\an8}This totally sucks. 247 00:14:57,330 --> 00:14:59,910 We'll get you to imbue your fighting style with cursed energy. 248 00:14:59,910 --> 00:15:01,070 I'm way more scared of someone 249 00:15:01,070 --> 00:15:04,240 who can force their way through with the basics than I am of inferior jujutsu. 250 00:15:04,240 --> 00:15:07,760 Like I just said, your talent for close combat is top-notch. 251 00:15:09,220 --> 00:15:11,920 But wait! I can already do that! 252 00:15:11,920 --> 00:15:12,520 Get up. 253 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:15,710 Back then, I somehow managed to get the hang of it. 254 00:15:19,800 --> 00:15:21,210 Then give it a try. 255 00:15:21,570 --> 00:15:22,830 Hit me here. 256 00:15:22,830 --> 00:15:24,320 Not that you actually can. 257 00:15:24,590 --> 00:15:26,560 Don't blame me if you get hurt. 258 00:15:26,560 --> 00:15:28,080 Just hurry up and do it. 259 00:15:32,400 --> 00:15:34,750 That didn't have any cursed energy behind it. 260 00:15:34,940 --> 00:15:35,990 How?! 261 00:15:36,260 --> 00:15:38,670 Negative emotions are the source of cursed energy. 262 00:15:38,670 --> 00:15:43,040 In the incident you're referring to, you were probably brimming with anger and fear. 263 00:15:44,240 --> 00:15:48,020 So you have to constantly be flipping out to use cursed energy? 264 00:15:48,690 --> 00:15:51,770 Now that you mention it, Fushiguro's always a bit snappy. 265 00:15:51,770 --> 00:15:53,100 Demon Dogs! 266 00:15:54,720 --> 00:15:55,520 Not like that. 267 00:15:57,030 --> 00:15:58,240 What's the matter? 268 00:15:58,240 --> 00:16:00,000 I just got really irritated. 269 00:16:00,000 --> 00:16:00,600 Huh? 270 00:16:00,600 --> 00:16:02,020 No, not at you. 271 00:16:01,390 --> 00:16:02,650 {\an8}Salmon roe. 272 00:16:02,650 --> 00:16:05,610 There's only a month and a half until the Exchange Event, so no dawdling. 273 00:16:05,610 --> 00:16:08,100 Here, you can try the long one next. 274 00:16:10,530 --> 00:16:12,550 This actually feels pretty good. 275 00:16:13,880 --> 00:16:18,540 Everyone's trained to produce cursed energy using the faintest sparks of emotion. 276 00:16:18,780 --> 00:16:24,670 They've also trained on how to not waste cursed energy when emotions are flaring, too. 277 00:16:26,580 --> 00:16:28,750 There are several methods to train this. 278 00:16:28,750 --> 00:16:31,310 I'll be having you use a pretty exhausting one. 279 00:16:32,060 --> 00:16:33,300 L-Like what? 280 00:16:33,720 --> 00:16:35,610 Watching movies. 281 00:16:35,610 --> 00:16:37,100 Watching movies? 282 00:16:37,660 --> 00:16:38,620 Yup. 283 00:16:38,620 --> 00:16:42,350 Everything from masterpieces to C-grade horror films and terrible French movies. 284 00:16:42,350 --> 00:16:44,570 You'll be watching them nonstop as long as you're awake. 285 00:16:44,570 --> 00:16:46,810 Of course, you won't just be watching them. 286 00:16:49,270 --> 00:16:51,280 You'll be watching them with this guy. 287 00:16:51,280 --> 00:16:53,650 What's with the cute but creepy doll? 288 00:16:54,310 --> 00:16:55,400 It's cute? 289 00:16:55,920 --> 00:16:57,650 It's a cursed corpse the principal made. 290 00:16:57,650 --> 00:17:00,170 Ah, I knew it! It has his sense! 291 00:17:05,810 --> 00:17:08,320 And? I don't understand what you're getting at here. 292 00:17:08,320 --> 00:17:10,820 Don't be hasty, now. You'll see soon. 293 00:17:13,190 --> 00:17:16,280 That cursed corpse will wake up and attack you, just like that, 294 00:17:16,280 --> 00:17:18,850 if you don't keep pouring a set amount of cursed energy into it. 295 00:17:18,850 --> 00:17:21,310 Ow! 296 00:17:21,310 --> 00:17:25,450 Like I just said, we have all kinds of movies available here. 297 00:17:25,450 --> 00:17:28,080 Heart-throbbers, thrillers, exciting ones, 298 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:30,570 ones that'll make you cry, laugh, or feel disgusted. 299 00:17:30,940 --> 00:17:32,320 Yawn 300 00:17:31,650 --> 00:17:33,660 Your first goal is to watch an entire movie, 301 00:17:33,660 --> 00:17:36,080 from start to finish, without waking the cursed corpse. 302 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:36,070 Num Num 303 00:17:36,790 --> 00:17:38,520 This trains you to maintain a steady 304 00:17:38,520 --> 00:17:41,330 output of cursed energy, no matter what emotions you feel. 305 00:17:41,330 --> 00:17:43,560 You can't use too much or too little. 306 00:17:48,840 --> 00:17:52,960 I have it set to the faint level of cursed energy you can produce right now, 307 00:17:52,960 --> 00:17:55,500 but it'll steadily start demanding greater output, 308 00:17:55,500 --> 00:17:57,440 so don't let your guard down. 309 00:17:57,820 --> 00:18:00,410 I couldn't let it down even if I wanted to. 310 00:18:00,410 --> 00:18:01,690 What do you want to start with? 311 00:18:01,690 --> 00:18:03,210 I recommend this one. 312 00:18:03,210 --> 00:18:06,180 The heroine's annoying, but she dies spectacularly in the end. 313 00:18:06,180 --> 00:18:07,850 Major spoilers. 314 00:18:08,090 --> 00:18:10,840 I say we start off with an action— 315 00:18:11,840 --> 00:18:13,420 Oh, come on! 316 00:18:13,840 --> 00:18:16,790 Hey, even if you're irritated, keep the cursed energy steady. 317 00:18:17,730 --> 00:18:20,070 Carrying cursed tools, huh? 318 00:18:20,690 --> 00:18:23,880 I agree with supplementing my close combat with weapons, 319 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:27,610 but with my cursed technique, I want to be able to free up both hands at any time. 320 00:18:27,610 --> 00:18:30,340 With swords, you lose time sheathing them. 321 00:18:31,100 --> 00:18:35,020 Zenin-senpai, you often carry more than two around with you, right? 322 00:18:35,020 --> 00:18:36,240 How do you do that? 323 00:18:36,630 --> 00:18:38,000 I make Panda carry them. 324 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:40,300 I shouldn't have asked, part two. 325 00:18:40,650 --> 00:18:44,620 Some sorcerers keep cursed spirits that can store and retrieve objects. 326 00:18:44,980 --> 00:18:47,720 He can't do that. It's a rare thing. 327 00:18:47,720 --> 00:18:49,950 And it takes time to tame them, as well. 328 00:18:49,950 --> 00:18:51,990 But if you find any, let me know. 329 00:18:51,990 --> 00:18:53,690 A year's supply of Calpas. 330 00:18:53,690 --> 00:18:54,760 I don't get it, though. 331 00:18:54,760 --> 00:18:56,400 Why... 332 00:18:59,360 --> 00:19:00,920 did you run back then? 333 00:19:01,920 --> 00:19:04,000 What a waste of talent. 334 00:19:04,260 --> 00:19:07,790 I have the potential to beat special-grades? 335 00:19:08,680 --> 00:19:10,780 Is that what he meant by that? 336 00:19:16,320 --> 00:19:17,530 Tuna, tuna. 337 00:19:17,530 --> 00:19:19,130 Huh? What? 338 00:19:20,160 --> 00:19:21,270 Senpai. 339 00:19:22,720 --> 00:19:24,480 I think I can do it. 340 00:19:29,480 --> 00:19:31,900 Ura-Hara! Where's Ura-Hara?! 341 00:19:31,900 --> 00:19:32,610 Underground?! 342 00:19:34,560 --> 00:19:38,300 Do I cut the red wire or the blue wire? 343 00:19:40,230 --> 00:19:43,880 You know, in the area where I used to live, the designated trash bags... 344 00:19:44,100 --> 00:19:46,920 Hey, what are you going on about right now? 345 00:19:46,920 --> 00:19:49,860 ...were red for plastic trash and blue for combustible trash. 346 00:19:49,860 --> 00:19:52,370 I always thought, shouldn't it be the opposite? 347 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:55,380 It should be red! Anyone would go with red! 348 00:19:56,710 --> 00:19:58,390 I'll trust you. 349 00:20:14,760 --> 00:20:17,030 Don't do that while I'm drinking soda! 350 00:20:17,220 --> 00:20:18,280 Don't drink it, then. 351 00:20:18,280 --> 00:20:21,030 But you gotta have chips and soda when watching movies at home! 352 00:20:21,030 --> 00:20:22,400 That's true. 353 00:20:23,600 --> 00:20:26,090 Okay, I have some business to deal with. 354 00:20:26,090 --> 00:20:27,800 Just keep hanging in there. 355 00:20:27,800 --> 00:20:30,190 Will this really make me stronger? 356 00:20:33,230 --> 00:20:34,340 Oh, right. 357 00:20:34,830 --> 00:20:37,600 Did you talk to Sukuna while you were dead? 358 00:20:37,980 --> 00:20:39,040 Talk? 359 00:20:39,930 --> 00:20:44,920 When he fixed your heart, did he propose any conditions or contracts? 360 00:20:44,920 --> 00:20:48,520 Oh, I think we did talk about something... 361 00:20:49,360 --> 00:20:51,530 But I can't remember what it was. 362 00:20:52,520 --> 00:20:53,720 I see. 363 00:20:58,880 --> 00:21:01,850 We have a bit of time before your appointment with the principal. 364 00:21:01,850 --> 00:21:03,380 Did you want to stop anywhere? 365 00:21:03,380 --> 00:21:04,520 It's fine. 366 00:21:04,520 --> 00:21:06,700 I'll show up early for a change. 367 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:11,840 Stop the car. 368 00:21:11,840 --> 00:21:13,260 Huh? Right here? 369 00:21:14,030 --> 00:21:15,410 Go on ahead. 370 00:21:15,410 --> 00:21:18,400 Huh? A-Are you testing me? 371 00:21:18,400 --> 00:21:20,960 You're not going to hit me if I actually go on ahead, are you? 372 00:21:20,960 --> 00:21:22,940 Just what do you think I am? 373 00:21:23,600 --> 00:21:24,390 In that case... 374 00:21:32,560 --> 00:21:33,550 Now... 375 00:21:41,550 --> 00:21:44,000 Who are you? 376 00:23:15,070 --> 00:23:17,610 {\an8}Juju Stroll 377 00:23:19,160 --> 00:23:22,140 {\an8}Gojou Satoru's Go Go Gojou 378 00:23:19,320 --> 00:23:22,140 It's Gojou Satoru's Go Go Gojou! 379 00:23:22,320 --> 00:23:23,820 Today we're at my alma mater, 380 00:23:23,820 --> 00:23:26,740 {\an8}Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu Technical High School. 381 00:23:24,630 --> 00:23:26,710 Satoru-sensei 382 00:23:26,740 --> 00:23:29,300 {\an8}Oh? We already have a boy in trouble. 383 00:23:29,090 --> 00:23:31,760 Yuuji 384 00:23:29,300 --> 00:23:30,670 {\an8}Is he a new student? 385 00:23:30,670 --> 00:23:32,740 {\an8}It looks like he can't produce cursed energy very well. 386 00:23:32,740 --> 00:23:33,890 Let's give him some advice. 387 00:23:34,280 --> 00:23:37,070 Imagine you're walking down a narrow path. 388 00:23:37,620 --> 00:23:39,980 Before you is a row of college boys. 389 00:23:39,980 --> 00:23:41,760 They haven't noticed you at all. 390 00:23:41,760 --> 00:23:45,060 You want to kill them, don't you? So you... 391 00:23:43,600 --> 00:23:45,060 Shut up. 392 00:23:51,650 --> 00:23:55,070 Episode 7: Assault