1 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:31,510 That's more like it! 2 00:00:48,310 --> 00:00:52,610 Ultimate Mechamaru, Mode: Absolute “Armored Puppet Ultimate Mechamaru Prototype 0” 3 00:00:53,530 --> 00:00:57,620 That's right. My victory condition is Satoru Gojo. 4 00:00:57,990 --> 00:01:01,830 I have to use any means necessary to get in contact with Satoru Gojo, 5 00:01:01,830 --> 00:01:03,500 and tell him about the Shibuya plot. 6 00:01:04,120 --> 00:01:05,960 Then I'll have him protect me. 7 00:01:06,290 --> 00:01:09,590 But even if I want to focus on Geto, the one who lowered this veil, 8 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:12,210 Mahito, is too dangerous to ignore. 9 00:01:12,550 --> 00:01:14,670 I'll have to exorcise him first. 10 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:18,450 {\an8}17 years 1 month 29 days 11 00:01:18,450 --> 00:01:19,430 {\an8}16 Years 12 00:01:19,430 --> 00:01:21,560 Charge, one year! 13 00:01:21,560 --> 00:01:24,180 Burn him, Mechamaru! 14 00:01:27,390 --> 00:01:29,690 Ultra Cannon! 15 00:01:51,170 --> 00:01:54,590 Are you planning to keep burning me until you run out of cursed energy? 16 00:01:55,300 --> 00:01:59,800 I'll start by drawing you out of there! 17 00:02:01,970 --> 00:02:04,970 Episode 31 Evening Festival 18 00:02:15,530 --> 00:02:20,030 JUJUTSU KAISEN Shibuya Incident 19 00:03:40,570 --> 00:03:42,360 Mechamaru's attacks 20 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:44,870 won't be able to damage Mahito's soul. 21 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:47,950 Now he should be certain of that, as well. 22 00:04:29,490 --> 00:04:31,120 Charge, two years! 23 00:04:32,100 --> 00:04:35,540 Miracle Cannon! 24 00:04:45,460 --> 00:04:47,930 You won't break off your attack. 25 00:04:48,260 --> 00:04:51,100 You're not paying my attacks any heed now. 26 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:55,100 That's when I shoot you with this! 27 00:05:00,190 --> 00:05:02,440 What power! 28 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:06,320 If I take too long, he'll break all my armor. 29 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:10,830 Technique loaded. 30 00:05:10,830 --> 00:05:14,080 I have four chances! 31 00:05:14,710 --> 00:05:19,340 I'll end this quickly! 32 00:05:24,760 --> 00:05:27,550 Fire, Mechamaru! 33 00:05:32,470 --> 00:05:34,180 There's no point. 34 00:05:34,180 --> 00:05:36,560 What have you been watching all this time? 35 00:05:39,400 --> 00:05:40,060 Huh? 36 00:06:01,540 --> 00:06:03,210 What's going on here? 37 00:06:03,590 --> 00:06:05,840 My soul was destroyed, too? 38 00:06:18,980 --> 00:06:22,230 Tsk! Another bird? No imagination! 39 00:06:24,230 --> 00:06:27,320 The left arm I blew away has regenerated? 40 00:06:28,050 --> 00:06:33,620 No, he's just tweaking the shape of his soul to make it look like it regenerated. 41 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:36,790 The fact that he's showing it off is proof of that. 42 00:06:40,870 --> 00:06:42,210 It's all right. 43 00:06:42,920 --> 00:06:44,800 I will... 44 00:06:47,800 --> 00:06:49,300 It's affecting him. 45 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:51,430 He's not doing badly. 46 00:06:51,430 --> 00:06:55,220 It might be temporary, but his cursed energy output is special-grade class, 47 00:06:55,220 --> 00:06:57,520 and he came fully prepared to deal with Mahito, too. 48 00:06:57,980 --> 00:07:00,850 Depending on how this goes, this could be the moment I get... 49 00:07:07,400 --> 00:07:08,990 Charge, five years! 50 00:07:15,240 --> 00:07:18,080 Pigeon Viola! 51 00:07:49,900 --> 00:07:50,780 Tsk! 52 00:08:03,680 --> 00:08:07,040 I can't tell which of his attacks will actually affect my soul. 53 00:08:07,040 --> 00:08:10,010 I need to make that clear first. 54 00:08:29,520 --> 00:08:30,820 I can do this! 55 00:08:35,740 --> 00:08:37,320 Technique loaded. 56 00:08:38,620 --> 00:08:40,120 I can win! 57 00:08:40,980 --> 00:08:44,370 I'll be able to see everyone! 58 00:08:58,970 --> 00:09:00,850 Domain Expansion: 59 00:09:00,850 --> 00:09:03,060 Self-Embodiment of Perfection. 60 00:09:24,710 --> 00:09:26,330 And you're finished. 61 00:09:36,050 --> 00:09:37,720 Idle Transfiguration. 62 00:09:45,310 --> 00:09:50,150 It doesn't matter if I touch you directly once you're inside my domain. 63 00:09:50,150 --> 00:09:52,900 You already understood that, too, right? 64 00:09:50,150 --> 00:09:56,950 9 Years 5 Months 6 Days 65 00:09:58,400 --> 00:10:02,200 That cursed technique is sealed in these. 66 00:10:02,780 --> 00:10:07,750 Though that was the only way I was able to manage this technique. 67 00:10:08,510 --> 00:10:11,380 There's only ten days until Halloween. 68 00:10:11,380 --> 00:10:15,090 Did you think that meant I'd hold back my cursed energy and avoid using my domain? 69 00:10:15,090 --> 00:10:17,720 Give me ten days to rest and I'll make a full recovery. 70 00:10:19,580 --> 00:10:21,680 I have two left in stock. 71 00:10:24,050 --> 00:10:26,100 This was devised in the Heian Era, 72 00:10:26,100 --> 00:10:32,400 an era full of fierce cursed spirits and curse users when jujutsu was at its height, 73 00:10:32,400 --> 00:10:35,730 by Sadatsuna Ashiya to protect his disciples. 74 00:10:37,750 --> 00:10:40,950 Don't incorporate hopes and dreams into your strategy. 75 00:10:40,950 --> 00:10:44,200 I feel so bad for you that I don't know what expression to take. 76 00:10:45,490 --> 00:10:47,200 It was passed down in his school, 77 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:49,540 and a pact forbade his students 78 00:10:49,540 --> 00:10:53,000 from intentionally conveying that technique to others. 79 00:10:53,490 --> 00:10:57,050 It's a means for them to protect themselves from others' domains, 80 00:11:02,180 --> 00:11:04,930 a domain for the weak... 81 00:11:12,690 --> 00:11:13,880 Huh? 82 00:11:14,870 --> 00:11:18,530 New Shadow Style: Simple Domain! 83 00:11:24,710 --> 00:11:27,740 I've seen it all. 84 00:11:49,220 --> 00:11:51,230 Simple Domain! 85 00:11:51,820 --> 00:11:54,730 A domain neutralizes all other techniques. 86 00:11:54,730 --> 00:11:58,980 Attacks will land, even on Satoru Gojo, when they're made within a domain. 87 00:11:59,630 --> 00:12:00,990 Even if it's a simple one, 88 00:12:01,310 --> 00:12:04,260 activating it inside a domain 89 00:12:04,260 --> 00:12:08,870 would damage Mahito, regardless of any techniques. 90 00:12:14,330 --> 00:12:17,170 No more spectating from the sidelines, 91 00:12:18,880 --> 00:12:20,010 Geto! 92 00:12:24,340 --> 00:12:26,260 What a happy miscalculation! 93 00:12:26,260 --> 00:12:29,930 I still have one simple domain and nine years of cursed energy left. 94 00:12:29,930 --> 00:12:31,560 I can fight Geto! 95 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:36,270 I can win! 96 00:12:37,050 --> 00:12:41,780 I'll be able to see everyone! 97 00:12:51,950 --> 00:12:54,330 I failed to finish him off?! 98 00:12:54,690 --> 00:12:59,250 Come out! Mechamaru! 99 00:13:07,220 --> 00:13:09,470 I still have one domain left. 100 00:13:09,470 --> 00:13:11,470 I'll ram it directly into him! 101 00:13:13,230 --> 00:13:15,100 Here we go, Mechamaru! 102 00:14:14,910 --> 00:14:16,200 Hey, Mechamaru? 103 00:14:16,930 --> 00:14:19,370 Is it okay if I pay you a visit sometime soon? 104 00:14:22,630 --> 00:14:24,130 Since the exchange event... 105 00:14:24,130 --> 00:14:28,550 Since the baseball game, I feel like we've all become closer to each other. 106 00:14:28,840 --> 00:14:31,760 Maybe it's because we all work as jujutsu sorcerers, 107 00:14:31,760 --> 00:14:35,930 but I feel like there was always distance between us, even if we all got along. 108 00:14:37,930 --> 00:14:42,270 I suppose that's because being too close would make it even more painful when we died. 109 00:14:44,090 --> 00:14:48,320 But I love the relationship we all have now. 110 00:14:48,610 --> 00:14:52,370 And you couldn't quite participate in the baseball game, remember? 111 00:14:52,370 --> 00:14:55,290 So you had a pitching machine fill in for you. 112 00:14:59,370 --> 00:15:03,520 But I want to be even closer to you, Mechamaru. 113 00:15:05,380 --> 00:15:10,970 So, one day, I will come see you. 114 00:15:14,340 --> 00:15:16,810 That was a bit dangerous for you, wasn't it? 115 00:15:17,160 --> 00:15:21,310 I made myself burst apart at the same instant his technique activated. 116 00:15:21,770 --> 00:15:24,610 Undoing my domain after that would make him think I was dead, right? 117 00:15:24,610 --> 00:15:26,070 It was all calculated. 118 00:15:26,070 --> 00:15:28,070 It wasn't dangerous at all. 119 00:15:28,070 --> 00:15:30,590 So that was another use of a simple domain... 120 00:15:31,030 --> 00:15:33,570 Good thing we got to see it in action before the main event, huh? 121 00:15:33,570 --> 00:15:34,870 Yeah. 122 00:15:34,870 --> 00:15:37,870 I was able to finish adjusting the entrusted veil, too. 123 00:15:38,500 --> 00:15:42,880 There won't be any problems with entrusting the cursed energy and chant to others. 124 00:15:46,380 --> 00:15:49,260 Today's Weather 125 00:15:46,380 --> 00:15:49,260 November 1, Heisei 30 [Hokkaido] Sunny, Partly Cloudy [Aomori] Rain [Miyagi] 126 00:16:05,310 --> 00:16:10,360 Just after 7 PM on October 31st, 2018, 127 00:16:10,360 --> 00:16:13,660 a roughly 400-meter radius veil was lowered, 128 00:16:13,660 --> 00:16:17,830 centered around Tokyu Department Store's Toyoko Outlet. 129 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:23,960 JUJUTSU KAISEN 130 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:23,960 JUJUTSU KAISEN 131 00:16:34,880 --> 00:16:37,700 Drink, drink, drink, drink! 132 00:16:37,700 --> 00:16:40,050 Yay, yay, yay, yay! 133 00:16:38,110 --> 00:16:39,510 Hurry it up! 134 00:16:39,510 --> 00:16:41,360 Idiot, stop that! 135 00:16:41,740 --> 00:16:46,430 I heard a lot of people come in from Ibaraki and Tochigi for Halloween. 136 00:16:46,430 --> 00:16:47,710 From way out there? 137 00:16:47,710 --> 00:16:49,230 Excuse me! 138 00:16:49,230 --> 00:16:50,770 Can I take your picture? 139 00:16:50,770 --> 00:16:52,650 You're really cute! 140 00:16:52,650 --> 00:16:53,820 Thanks! 141 00:16:53,820 --> 00:16:54,820 Gladly! 142 00:16:58,240 --> 00:16:59,280 Way to go. 143 00:16:59,280 --> 00:17:01,780 Let's not do Shibuya again next year. 144 00:17:03,620 --> 00:17:04,990 What is that? 145 00:17:04,990 --> 00:17:06,450 Hm? What's what? 146 00:17:06,450 --> 00:17:08,290 That. That right there. 147 00:17:10,000 --> 00:17:12,960 Huh? What do you mean? 148 00:17:13,630 --> 00:17:15,550 I'm telling you, that right there! 149 00:17:15,550 --> 00:17:17,760 Are your eyes okay? 150 00:17:27,100 --> 00:17:28,680 Yay! 151 00:17:29,770 --> 00:17:30,640 Ow! 152 00:17:30,640 --> 00:17:32,060 What are you doing? 153 00:17:32,060 --> 00:17:33,100 Idiot! 154 00:17:33,100 --> 00:17:34,770 Are you already drunk? 155 00:17:34,770 --> 00:17:36,070 It's too early for that! 156 00:17:36,070 --> 00:17:38,940 Look, I'm telling you there's a wall there! A wall! 157 00:17:51,430 --> 00:17:52,290 Hey... 158 00:18:01,340 --> 00:18:06,350 {\an3}20:14, Tokyo, Shibuya 159 00:18:06,350 --> 00:18:14,100 Same Time, Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station Exit #13 (Outside the Veil) 160 00:18:06,350 --> 00:18:14,100 {\an4}For Health Insurance, Choose 161 00:18:07,060 --> 00:18:10,140 {\an8}It's a veil that traps only regular people inside. 162 00:18:10,140 --> 00:18:12,190 {\an8}Regular people are only able to enter it. 163 00:18:12,190 --> 00:18:14,100 {\an8}It varies for windows. 164 00:18:14,100 --> 00:18:18,860 Sorcerers and assistant supervisors are able to come and go. 165 00:18:18,860 --> 00:18:19,900 And signal? 166 00:18:19,900 --> 00:18:21,280 It's blocked. 167 00:18:21,280 --> 00:18:23,820 Please use assistant supervisors like us, 168 00:18:23,820 --> 00:18:26,870 or first exit the veil in order to communicate. 169 00:18:26,870 --> 00:18:29,740 {\an8}This is becoming awfully troublesome. 170 00:18:26,870 --> 00:18:29,750 {\an1}Team Nanami Kento Nanami (Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer) Takuma Ino (Grade 2 Jujutsu Sorcerer) (Under Evaluation for Promotion) Megumi Fushiguro (Grade 2 Jujutsu Sorcerer) (Under Evaluation for Promotion) 171 00:18:29,740 --> 00:18:31,750 Fushiguro! Fushiguro! 172 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:36,210 Did you know that when adding effects to the barrier of a veil, 173 00:18:36,210 --> 00:18:39,710 you can basically only apply them to "things with cursed energy"? 174 00:18:39,710 --> 00:18:43,420 That's roughly people, cursed spirits, and cursed objects. 175 00:18:43,420 --> 00:18:47,930 So blocking cell phone signals is just a side effect of a veil being lowered, 176 00:18:47,930 --> 00:18:52,890 and you can't actually integrate the surrounding signal into a veil's barrier. 177 00:18:53,480 --> 00:18:56,100 Oh, yes, I knew that. 178 00:18:56,100 --> 00:18:58,560 Ino-kun, he's a talented man. 179 00:18:58,560 --> 00:19:00,070 Keep the senior act in check. 180 00:19:00,070 --> 00:19:02,860 What do you mean, Nanami-san?! 181 00:19:02,860 --> 00:19:03,860 So? 182 00:19:03,860 --> 00:19:05,860 What about Gojo-san? 183 00:19:05,860 --> 00:19:10,870 Same Time, Shibuya Mark City Restaurant Avenue Entrance (Outside the Veil) 184 00:19:06,530 --> 00:19:08,160 {\an8}No one's here? 185 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:10,410 {\an8}Here at the scramble crossing in front of the station? 186 00:19:10,870 --> 00:19:12,870 This is Shibuya on Halloween! 187 00:19:12,870 --> 00:19:15,580 It would seem something has happened there. 188 00:19:15,580 --> 00:19:20,380 Everyone who came running up to the edge of the veil to escape cried the same thing: 189 00:19:20,960 --> 00:19:24,510 "Bring Satoru Gojo!" 190 00:19:24,510 --> 00:19:25,430 {\an8}Hmph. 191 00:19:24,510 --> 00:19:30,520 {\an1}Team Zen'in Naobito Zen'in (Special Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer) Maki Zen'in (Grade 4 Jujutsu Sorcerer) (Under Evaluation for Promotion) Nobara Kugisaki (Grade 3 Jujutsu Sorcerer) (Under Evaluation for Promotion) 192 00:19:25,430 --> 00:19:28,800 {\an8}There's no way any non-sorcerers know his name. 193 00:19:28,800 --> 00:19:30,510 {\an8}They're being forced to say that. 194 00:19:30,890 --> 00:19:32,680 We can't break the veil? 195 00:19:33,430 --> 00:19:35,140 We're having a hard time with that. 196 00:19:35,140 --> 00:19:39,190 The veil isn't preventing sorcerers from entering or leaving. 197 00:19:39,560 --> 00:19:42,600 we can't just break it by force. 198 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:46,920 It'll be much faster to find the curse user who lowered it and beat them up. 199 00:19:47,280 --> 00:19:49,910 Then our job is to help with that, right? 200 00:19:50,280 --> 00:19:51,160 No! 201 00:19:51,160 --> 00:19:53,790 You all are to wait here on standby! 202 00:19:56,040 --> 00:19:59,820 They lowered an advanced barrier and called out Satoru Gojo by name. 203 00:19:59,820 --> 00:20:06,800 Same Time, JR Shibuya Station South Entrance (Outside the Veil) 204 00:20:00,210 --> 00:20:03,880 {\an8}This is likely the same culprits behind the attack on the exchange event. 205 00:20:03,880 --> 00:20:06,800 {\an8}The upper brass want to minimize casualties, 206 00:20:06,800 --> 00:20:11,550 {\an8}so they've decided to send Satoru Gojo in alone to restore order to Shibuya. 207 00:20:06,800 --> 00:20:12,690 Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer (Tokyo Jujutsu High Second-year Teacher) Atsuya Kusakabe 208 00:20:12,680 --> 00:20:17,850 Us, Nanami, Zen'in's old man, and Mei Mei, too. 209 00:20:17,850 --> 00:20:23,610 {\an8}We're all here on standby outside the veil to catch any of Gojo's rebounds. 210 00:20:20,650 --> 00:20:26,650 Team Kusakabe Atsuya Kusakabe (Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerer) Panda (Grade 2 Jujutsu Sorcerer) (Promotion Evaluation Postponed) 211 00:20:23,610 --> 00:20:26,650 {\an8}We won't be able to stay in contact once we're inside the veil anyway. 212 00:20:27,030 --> 00:20:31,200 Minimize casualties? They're talking about sorcerer casualties, aren't they? 213 00:20:31,200 --> 00:20:34,440 They don't care about any casualties among regular people, do they? 214 00:20:34,440 --> 00:20:36,450 Don't get bristly with me. 215 00:20:36,450 --> 00:20:39,670 Unlike last year's Night Parade of a Hundred Demons on Christmas, 216 00:20:39,670 --> 00:20:41,170 events are already in motion. 217 00:20:41,170 --> 00:20:43,420 I think this was the best call, too. 218 00:20:43,420 --> 00:20:46,630 Besides, I had a peek inside the veil earlier, 219 00:20:46,630 --> 00:20:48,480 and it was pretty peaceful. 220 00:20:48,480 --> 00:20:50,510 Regular people were panicking, sure, 221 00:20:50,510 --> 00:20:53,930 but there weren't any cursed spirits or curse users going around killing them. 222 00:20:53,930 --> 00:20:57,300 At present, those regular people are just trapped inside. 223 00:20:57,850 --> 00:21:01,270 Though, honestly, I don't want to go back inside there again. 224 00:21:01,270 --> 00:21:02,440 Why's that? 225 00:21:02,900 --> 00:21:05,820 It was in Hikarie, I think. 226 00:21:05,860 --> 00:21:11,740 Same Time, Bunkamura Street Dogenzaka 2-Chome East (Inside the Veil) 227 00:21:06,690 --> 00:21:10,740 {\an8}Most likely, there's lots of special-grade cursed spirits underground. 228 00:21:11,740 --> 00:21:13,070 What's going on?! 229 00:21:13,070 --> 00:21:14,490 Why can't we pass through here?! 230 00:21:14,490 --> 00:21:17,500 Hurry up and bring Satoru Gojo! 231 00:21:17,500 --> 00:21:19,290 Who is this Gojo?! 232 00:21:19,290 --> 00:21:20,790 I don't know! 233 00:21:20,790 --> 00:21:23,500 But we were told we can't get out unless he comes here! 234 00:21:23,500 --> 00:21:24,300 Who said that? 235 00:21:24,300 --> 00:21:26,090 I don't know! Everyone! 236 00:21:26,090 --> 00:21:29,420 What do you think of guys who can't keep a cool head at times like these? 237 00:21:29,420 --> 00:21:32,470 Well, being trapped is something out of a horror film, 238 00:21:32,470 --> 00:21:34,510 but we're not really in that much trouble, right? 239 00:21:34,510 --> 00:21:36,260 I'm sure help will come soon. 240 00:21:36,260 --> 00:21:38,390 Oh, but we have no signal! 241 00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:38,390 Wednesday, October 31 242 00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:38,390 Connection Error Unable to Connect to Network 243 00:21:38,390 --> 00:21:41,060 Did you all not see it earlier? 244 00:21:41,060 --> 00:21:42,850 They got sucked up. 245 00:21:42,850 --> 00:21:47,150 The people crowded around in the intersection got sucked into the station! 246 00:21:47,150 --> 00:21:49,940 Like they were water going down a bathtub drain! 247 00:21:49,940 --> 00:21:53,070 If it wasn't for that, I'd just be going home on the train, too! 248 00:21:53,070 --> 00:21:55,780 Use your brain a little, you dumb fucks! 249 00:21:55,780 --> 00:21:56,330 Huh?! 250 00:21:56,660 --> 00:21:59,340 Then why don't you go ahead and make it so smart people can pass through?! 251 00:22:00,710 --> 00:22:02,210 Ow. 252 00:22:05,500 --> 00:22:06,920 Oh, sorry. 253 00:22:06,960 --> 00:22:09,960 20:31 Satoru Gojo Arrives 254 00:23:40,840 --> 00:23:44,380 I told you to go buy melon bread, but this is chocolate chip melon bread! 255 00:23:44,380 --> 00:23:46,310 Obviously it's way better with chocolate chips! 256 00:23:46,310 --> 00:23:48,310 They're as different as fried taters and Gundam models! 257 00:23:48,310 --> 00:23:49,720 Huh? What are taters? 258 00:23:49,720 --> 00:23:50,120 Huh? 259 00:23:50,120 --> 00:23:51,420 Next time, "The Shibuya Incident." 260 00:23:50,190 --> 00:23:54,990 Next Episode The Shibuya Incident 261 00:23:51,460 --> 00:23:52,720 You know what they are, right, Fushiguro? 262 00:23:52,720 --> 00:23:54,450 I've built an Acguy model before.