1 00:00:01,958 --> 00:00:04,875 Back in Jersey, I told you the Oracle said this quest would fail. 2 00:00:05,083 --> 00:00:08,666 Fail to save what matters most. That could mean a lot of things. 3 00:00:09,125 --> 00:00:13,375 I started out as a gift to my father. That's how it works with Athena. 4 00:00:13,958 --> 00:00:16,000 And for a while, I was treated like a gift. 5 00:00:16,083 --> 00:00:20,041 My father, he's had his chances. Honestly, you've done more for me 6 00:00:20,125 --> 00:00:22,666 in the past few days than my father's done in my entire life. 7 00:00:22,750 --> 00:00:25,250 Careful. I think you were about to call me a friend. 8 00:00:26,166 --> 00:00:28,958 I have a chance to rescue my mom. I can't let anything stop me. 9 00:00:36,583 --> 00:00:40,000 Your father is here. He's always been here. 10 00:00:40,250 --> 00:00:44,750 Trust him. Just breathe. 11 00:01:13,333 --> 00:01:14,500 They're looking at us. 12 00:01:17,458 --> 00:01:18,458 Yeah. 13 00:01:19,208 --> 00:01:21,500 {\an8}So we should probably get outta here, don't you think? 14 00:01:23,333 --> 00:01:25,208 {\an8}Dude, they're looking right at us. 15 00:01:26,791 --> 00:01:29,000 What? 16 00:01:31,625 --> 00:01:33,875 Come on. Let's go find Percy. 17 00:01:34,916 --> 00:01:36,333 -Annabeth… -He's alive. 18 00:01:37,458 --> 00:01:38,458 I know it. 19 00:01:41,583 --> 00:01:44,416 -Percy! -Percy! 20 00:01:49,166 --> 00:01:50,166 Percy! 21 00:01:51,625 --> 00:01:52,750 Percy! 22 00:02:03,875 --> 00:02:04,875 Hi. 23 00:02:08,500 --> 00:02:11,083 Look, I'm sorry about shoving you in the stairwell. 24 00:02:11,500 --> 00:02:14,041 Even hearing myself say that sounds really bad, 25 00:02:14,166 --> 00:02:18,166 but I just-- I knew you'd never agree, and there wasn't enough time-- 26 00:02:29,875 --> 00:02:31,000 So… 27 00:02:32,750 --> 00:02:34,291 you're not as dead as we thought you'd be. 28 00:02:35,125 --> 00:02:36,125 Surprise. 29 00:02:37,458 --> 00:02:38,666 What happened? 30 00:02:39,291 --> 00:02:41,791 Short version, we need to go to Santa Monica. 31 00:02:43,958 --> 00:02:44,958 What, like now? 32 00:02:46,125 --> 00:02:49,583 My father's gonna meet me there. He's gonna help us. 33 00:02:51,291 --> 00:02:54,708 Okay. Uh, just one problem with this plan. 34 00:02:55,250 --> 00:02:57,791 The police think that we crashed an Amtrak train 35 00:02:57,958 --> 00:03:00,083 and then did that. 36 00:03:02,500 --> 00:03:04,875 -Th-- The cops are after us? -Yeah. 37 00:03:05,791 --> 00:03:08,291 Isn't that gonna make it hard for us to get on a train? 38 00:03:09,166 --> 00:03:12,875 Or a bus? Or really anything you need tickets for? 39 00:03:20,875 --> 00:03:21,875 Hey, guys. 40 00:03:22,833 --> 00:03:24,875 I think this quest might be harder than we thought. 41 00:03:26,833 --> 00:03:28,125 I've been thinking. 42 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:30,916 I didn't steal the master bolt. You guys didn't steal the master bolt. 43 00:03:31,250 --> 00:03:32,958 We're pretty sure Hades has the master bolt, 44 00:03:33,083 --> 00:03:34,958 but he couldn't have stolen it himself. 45 00:03:35,291 --> 00:03:38,208 I mean, we don't even know who actually stole the thing, 46 00:03:38,583 --> 00:03:41,583 or why, or how deep this goes. 47 00:03:45,083 --> 00:03:47,000 I'm the last person to realize this, aren't I? 48 00:03:48,625 --> 00:03:50,916 -Yeah. -Okay, so… 49 00:03:51,791 --> 00:03:54,208 maybe when we started, my head wasn't fully in this, 50 00:03:54,291 --> 00:03:55,708 but since the river… 51 00:03:57,875 --> 00:03:59,541 it all feels different somehow. 52 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:03,000 He saved me. 53 00:04:04,500 --> 00:04:05,791 My dad. 54 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:10,708 I guess I just really never thought that's something he'd do for me. 55 00:04:11,375 --> 00:04:13,583 So maybe I gotta take things more seriously now. 56 00:04:13,750 --> 00:04:15,541 Car. 57 00:04:16,750 --> 00:04:20,041 That's not a car, it's a bike. Just let it pass. Come on. 58 00:04:25,208 --> 00:04:27,875 I'm saying, we're not just trying to retrieve a thing. 59 00:04:28,375 --> 00:04:30,416 I think we might need to be detectives here, too. 60 00:04:31,708 --> 00:04:32,708 Yeah. 61 00:04:34,333 --> 00:04:37,541 Why are you being weird with me again? I thought we weren't doing that anymore. 62 00:04:37,750 --> 00:04:39,208 -I'm not being weird. -Yes, you are. 63 00:04:39,500 --> 00:04:41,041 You've been weird since we left the Arch. 64 00:04:44,208 --> 00:04:47,458 Oh… I get it. 65 00:04:49,375 --> 00:04:52,041 It doesn't have to be a thing, you know. That you hugged me. 66 00:04:53,708 --> 00:04:57,208 -Oh, boy. -I mean, we're like friends now. 67 00:04:57,583 --> 00:04:59,208 That seems like a thing friends do. 68 00:04:59,916 --> 00:05:02,166 -At least I think they do. -I saw the Fates. 69 00:05:04,416 --> 00:05:09,041 Back at the Arch, I saw the Three Fates, and I saw Atropos cut a piece of thread. 70 00:05:10,041 --> 00:05:11,958 And that's bad or…? 71 00:05:12,625 --> 00:05:15,416 The Fates weave the life strand of every living thing. 72 00:05:16,166 --> 00:05:19,000 -When you see a string cut-- -It means one of us is going to die. 73 00:05:20,541 --> 00:05:23,416 -We're all gonna die eventually. -Soon. 74 00:05:24,291 --> 00:05:25,291 It's a warning. 75 00:05:26,625 --> 00:05:28,291 An omen. 76 00:05:28,416 --> 00:05:32,291 Okay. Guys, we need to talk about this whole fate thing. 77 00:05:32,916 --> 00:05:35,916 Three old ladies with a ball of yarn can't know what's gonna happen. 78 00:05:36,416 --> 00:05:39,125 What I choose to do changes what's gonna happen, and I can choose 79 00:05:39,208 --> 00:05:41,250 to do anything I… want. 80 00:05:42,750 --> 00:05:43,791 Need some help? 81 00:05:50,583 --> 00:05:51,625 Beg pardon? 82 00:05:52,583 --> 00:05:54,291 I asked if you could use some help. 83 00:05:55,541 --> 00:06:01,083 Nope. No. We're-- We're good. Appreciate you asking, though. So long. 84 00:06:04,750 --> 00:06:05,875 You don't seem too good. 85 00:06:08,166 --> 00:06:09,666 We don't want anything from you. 86 00:06:10,125 --> 00:06:13,666 You sure? Because you guys are so behind schedule. 87 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:22,500 I mean, summer solstice is just a few days away. 88 00:06:22,958 --> 00:06:26,000 And as much as I'd love to see a good war pop off, 89 00:06:26,541 --> 00:06:31,000 as your big cousin, I feel like, maybe, I wanna give you a hand. 90 00:06:32,333 --> 00:06:33,333 Cousin? 91 00:06:34,458 --> 00:06:37,500 -Ares. -You must be Athena's kid. 92 00:06:38,250 --> 00:06:40,375 Always gotta be the wisest one in the bunch. 93 00:06:40,458 --> 00:06:41,708 Why would you help us? 94 00:06:42,458 --> 00:06:44,625 How do you even know about what we're doing out here? 95 00:06:44,708 --> 00:06:47,750 Because I'm doing exactly the same thing as you. 96 00:06:48,250 --> 00:06:50,666 Zeus sent all of his kids out looking for the master bolt, too. 97 00:06:51,750 --> 00:06:53,375 Listen, dummies. I'm hungry. 98 00:06:53,750 --> 00:06:55,583 There's a halfway decent diner up the road. 99 00:06:55,666 --> 00:06:57,875 If you want my help, you'll meet me there. But don't dawdle. 100 00:06:58,541 --> 00:06:59,625 Won't wait forever. 101 00:07:07,916 --> 00:07:09,000 That's my cousin? 102 00:07:10,125 --> 00:07:11,416 What kind of family is this? 103 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:14,208 Come on. 104 00:07:34,916 --> 00:07:39,458 Guess this is the right place. 105 00:07:47,250 --> 00:07:49,625 Gimme a second, I'm just starting a fight on Twitter here. 106 00:07:50,375 --> 00:07:54,833 Nothing makes me happier than a good old-fashioned, burn-it-down fight. 107 00:07:55,166 --> 00:07:57,083 Ah. Okay, done. 108 00:07:58,375 --> 00:08:01,500 So your quest… …is going to fail. Ask me how I know. 109 00:08:01,875 --> 00:08:04,500 -It isn't gonna fail. -Sure it is. 110 00:08:05,083 --> 00:08:06,166 For starters… 111 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:08,541 Percy was always troubled, 112 00:08:08,666 --> 00:08:11,333 but I never thought he was capable of something like this. 113 00:08:11,458 --> 00:08:12,541 Wh-- Who's that? 114 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:14,041 -My stepdad. What's he doing? -And in addition 115 00:08:14,125 --> 00:08:15,583 -to the destruction at the Gateway Arch… -What's he doing? 116 00:08:15,666 --> 00:08:17,083 -Wait for it. -…you believe he may also have 117 00:08:17,250 --> 00:08:19,333 had something to do with your wife's disappearance? 118 00:08:19,458 --> 00:08:20,625 A kid that messed up? 119 00:08:20,791 --> 00:08:22,166 -What wouldn't he do? -What? 120 00:08:22,291 --> 00:08:24,291 Wild, right? 121 00:08:24,375 --> 00:08:26,333 The FBI is already spreading your picture around. 122 00:08:27,541 --> 00:08:30,875 It's a Camaro. I really-- We really loved that car. 123 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:33,541 So much. 124 00:08:34,916 --> 00:08:37,833 -Cut. -I'm gonna kill him. 125 00:08:38,541 --> 00:08:39,958 I knew I was gonna like you. 126 00:08:40,583 --> 00:08:42,791 But safe to say, the chances of you three idiots 127 00:08:42,916 --> 00:08:46,875 hitchhiking the rest of the way to L.A. without getting arrested are slim to none. 128 00:08:46,958 --> 00:08:48,333 Why are you sitting here then? 129 00:08:49,125 --> 00:08:51,416 If you're supposed to be looking for the master bolt too, 130 00:08:51,500 --> 00:08:53,125 shouldn't you be out there looking for it? 131 00:08:53,666 --> 00:08:56,041 Hm. There's no fear in you, is there? 132 00:08:57,416 --> 00:09:00,375 Doesn't matter. Whether the bolt's retrieved or not, 133 00:09:00,500 --> 00:09:03,666 Zeus is going to war with Poseidon. 134 00:09:07,708 --> 00:09:11,583 No. The Oracle said if we return the bolt, there wouldn't be a war. 135 00:09:12,041 --> 00:09:15,583 Is that what she said? Or is that what Chiron said she meant? 136 00:09:17,291 --> 00:09:18,291 Yeah. 137 00:09:18,708 --> 00:09:22,166 You're new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work. 138 00:09:22,541 --> 00:09:25,583 See, years before I was born, my grandpa Kronos 139 00:09:25,708 --> 00:09:27,583 ate my aunts and uncles. 140 00:09:28,125 --> 00:09:30,458 Yeah. Then my dad made him puke them back up, 141 00:09:30,625 --> 00:09:34,083 then chopped him into a million pieces and chucked 'em into a bottomless pit, 142 00:09:34,166 --> 00:09:35,791 so that kinda set the tone right outta the gate. 143 00:09:36,791 --> 00:09:39,833 Olympians fight. We betray. We backstab. 144 00:09:40,250 --> 00:09:42,958 We will push anyone down a flight of stairs to get ahead. 145 00:09:43,041 --> 00:09:46,208 And that's why I love my family so much. 146 00:09:46,750 --> 00:09:50,166 My dad knows he's not getting this bolt back with quests or goose chases. 147 00:09:50,291 --> 00:09:52,083 He knows there's a war coming. 148 00:09:52,166 --> 00:09:54,291 And in reality, I think he's okay with that. 149 00:09:54,375 --> 00:09:58,875 I think he feels it's just time for a war, so we're gonna have a war. 150 00:10:02,833 --> 00:10:03,833 Isn't that great? 151 00:10:06,250 --> 00:10:10,208 We're completing this quest. We're stopping this war. 152 00:10:11,333 --> 00:10:13,458 You said you can help. Can you? 153 00:10:15,041 --> 00:10:18,708 Okay, so here it is. There's an amusement park up the road. 154 00:10:18,791 --> 00:10:22,125 I left my shield there. You get me my shield back, 155 00:10:22,208 --> 00:10:25,375 and I'll get you to the Underworld by lunch tomorrow 156 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:27,833 with a plan to invade Hades's palace. 157 00:10:28,291 --> 00:10:32,166 You left your shield? Like, forgot it on the merry-go-round? 158 00:10:35,083 --> 00:10:37,833 Okay. The chirping was funny to me for a minute, 159 00:10:38,916 --> 00:10:40,333 but it is getting old. 160 00:10:42,291 --> 00:10:44,791 So do we have a deal, or am I killing all three of you 161 00:10:44,875 --> 00:10:47,000 so I can eat in peace? 162 00:10:51,208 --> 00:10:52,208 Okay. 163 00:10:53,666 --> 00:10:55,500 Great. One catch. 164 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:58,125 I really do need that shield back, 165 00:10:58,375 --> 00:11:01,333 so I'm gonna keep the satyr here as collateral so you don't run off. 166 00:11:01,458 --> 00:11:02,458 -What? No. -Okay. 167 00:11:04,375 --> 00:11:05,375 No way. 168 00:11:07,000 --> 00:11:08,666 -We don't split up again. -It's okay. 169 00:11:10,750 --> 00:11:12,458 If he wanted to kill us, we'd be dead by now. 170 00:11:15,916 --> 00:11:17,375 Can I just walk them to the door? 171 00:11:26,125 --> 00:11:27,916 Okay, look. Don't engage with him. 172 00:11:28,166 --> 00:11:30,875 He'll wanna get you riled up, get in your head and you can't let him. 173 00:11:30,958 --> 00:11:32,625 It's okay. Really. 174 00:11:33,958 --> 00:11:36,791 I know what I'm doing. Go. Get the shield. 175 00:11:38,083 --> 00:11:39,541 I'll be here when you get back. 176 00:12:09,083 --> 00:12:10,583 I haven't seen a lot of horror movies, 177 00:12:10,666 --> 00:12:13,083 but this seems like exactly the kind of place 178 00:12:13,166 --> 00:12:14,416 they'd suggest to avoid. 179 00:12:17,208 --> 00:12:18,708 I've never seen any kind of movie. 180 00:12:20,333 --> 00:12:23,125 -I'll have to take your word for it. -Never? 181 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:25,791 What do you mean "never" like, "never-never"? 182 00:12:26,625 --> 00:12:27,625 Is there another kind? 183 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:32,875 Well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, 184 00:12:32,958 --> 00:12:34,125 we really ought to fix that. 185 00:12:34,916 --> 00:12:35,916 You're missing out. 186 00:12:37,541 --> 00:12:40,583 In the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though. 187 00:12:48,083 --> 00:12:49,833 Wait, Percy, stop. 188 00:12:51,875 --> 00:12:55,333 -Wait, what just happened? -Just hold still. 189 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:57,166 Gimme a second. 190 00:12:58,125 --> 00:13:01,583 In the mechanism there, that's Celestial bronze. 191 00:13:01,666 --> 00:13:04,250 Oh, fascinating. Annabeth, what is happening right now? 192 00:13:04,375 --> 00:13:06,333 Celestial bronze is what your sword is made of. 193 00:13:06,666 --> 00:13:08,916 If you're a human, it'll pass right through you. 194 00:13:09,250 --> 00:13:12,750 If you're a monster or a demigod… 195 00:13:14,625 --> 00:13:17,166 -Well, what's it doing there? -That's a great question. 196 00:13:17,791 --> 00:13:20,250 Safe to say, this is not just some amusement park. 197 00:13:22,125 --> 00:13:25,750 -A god built this. -What kind of god builds amusement parks? 198 00:13:26,541 --> 00:13:27,541 Hephaestus. 199 00:13:27,833 --> 00:13:29,583 Why would Hephaestus build an amusement park? 200 00:13:30,375 --> 00:13:32,541 Maybe he finds them amusing? 201 00:13:32,708 --> 00:13:34,208 That's really not funny, Annabeth. 202 00:13:34,416 --> 00:13:36,875 It's a little funny. 203 00:13:38,250 --> 00:13:41,291 Oh… Oh, look at that. 204 00:13:44,583 --> 00:13:45,708 -That's cool. -Annabeth! 205 00:13:46,375 --> 00:13:48,125 Just relax. I'm on it. 206 00:13:48,958 --> 00:13:51,083 Okay. 207 00:13:52,291 --> 00:13:54,083 I get this. Just… 208 00:13:56,041 --> 00:13:57,041 push through it. 209 00:13:58,333 --> 00:14:00,250 -Push? -Yep. 210 00:14:03,958 --> 00:14:05,750 'Cause weren't you the one this morning who was all, 211 00:14:05,875 --> 00:14:08,208 "The Fates say one of us is gonna die and we should take it really seriously?" 212 00:14:08,291 --> 00:14:09,458 -Percy? -Yeah? 213 00:14:10,083 --> 00:14:11,958 Just push. 214 00:14:26,291 --> 00:14:28,750 What was that? 215 00:14:29,375 --> 00:14:34,916 The machine isn't designed to hurt us. It's meant to scare us. It's a test. 216 00:14:47,500 --> 00:14:48,500 Hephaestus wanted to know 217 00:14:48,583 --> 00:14:50,833 any time one of us came poking around his playground. 218 00:14:52,041 --> 00:14:53,666 I guess now he knows. 219 00:15:08,000 --> 00:15:09,000 We've met before. 220 00:15:10,041 --> 00:15:12,875 Been around a long time, little boy. I've met a lot of people. 221 00:15:14,291 --> 00:15:16,916 -I'm 24. -Good for you. 222 00:15:20,541 --> 00:15:23,708 We met at the solstice. On Olympus. 223 00:15:24,208 --> 00:15:25,416 Protestor. 224 00:15:25,708 --> 00:15:29,000 Oh, I wasn't one of the protestors. I'm a fan. 225 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:33,791 I think you got me mixed up with someone else, kid. 226 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:35,833 No, I don't. 227 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:41,375 Satyrs eat tofu. Satyrs worship flowers. 228 00:15:41,458 --> 00:15:45,083 Satyrs sing songs about their feelings. Satyrs are not fans of mine. 229 00:15:46,458 --> 00:15:48,041 Satyrs are children of nature. 230 00:15:49,333 --> 00:15:52,708 Nature is brutal. Red in tooth and claw, right? 231 00:15:53,791 --> 00:15:56,125 Maybe unpleasant. But that doesn't make it untrue. 232 00:15:56,833 --> 00:15:58,958 You are the champion of all of that. 233 00:16:00,291 --> 00:16:01,291 I respect it. 234 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:05,208 So what are you like, a casual World War II buff? 235 00:16:05,500 --> 00:16:07,416 You've seen Saving Private Ryan, have you? 236 00:16:08,666 --> 00:16:09,958 I prefer the Turbot War. 237 00:16:10,666 --> 00:16:11,791 The Lobster War. 238 00:16:12,375 --> 00:16:14,250 The Three Hundred and Thirty-Five Years' War. 239 00:16:15,250 --> 00:16:17,500 -Your deep cuts. -Huh. 240 00:16:18,458 --> 00:16:20,125 Those are wars where hardly anyone died. 241 00:16:21,500 --> 00:16:22,875 I like your mellower stuff. 242 00:16:23,625 --> 00:16:27,958 There's something cool about overwhelming force and a quick surrender. 243 00:16:30,625 --> 00:16:32,166 No one talks about those anymore. 244 00:16:34,375 --> 00:16:35,416 They should. 245 00:16:39,875 --> 00:16:43,208 So tell me where we met again? 246 00:16:53,916 --> 00:16:55,583 Oh, wow. 247 00:16:57,416 --> 00:16:58,541 Look at that. 248 00:17:00,666 --> 00:17:03,333 Tell me the god of craftsmen didn't build this. 249 00:17:05,500 --> 00:17:06,875 Have you ever seen anything like this? 250 00:17:07,583 --> 00:17:09,375 If it belongs to the god of craftsmen, 251 00:17:09,458 --> 00:17:12,250 what was the god of war doing here? Aren't they enemies? 252 00:17:13,166 --> 00:17:14,833 Then why'd he split without his shield? 253 00:17:16,750 --> 00:17:17,875 If I'm guessing… 254 00:17:18,375 --> 00:17:20,583 -Ares has always had a thing with-- -Aphrodite. 255 00:17:21,416 --> 00:17:22,791 She's Hephaestus's wife. 256 00:17:23,791 --> 00:17:27,541 Oh, you're kidding. He met her here? In her husband's park? 257 00:17:28,333 --> 00:17:29,541 That's so wrong. 258 00:17:30,416 --> 00:17:32,958 They got caught and he had to leave in a hurry. 259 00:17:33,750 --> 00:17:36,791 One thing Ares was telling the truth about… 260 00:17:38,083 --> 00:17:39,541 this family is a mess. 261 00:17:47,833 --> 00:17:50,125 Don't you even try to tell me not to be weird about this. 262 00:17:50,750 --> 00:17:53,791 -I didn't say anything. -I can feel you thinking it. 263 00:17:55,250 --> 00:17:57,125 This must be where Ares and Aphrodite got caught. 264 00:17:57,875 --> 00:17:59,000 The shield must be in there. 265 00:18:00,833 --> 00:18:02,083 We just gotta go get it. 266 00:18:05,916 --> 00:18:10,333 Sure. Let's go check out the scary ghost ride. Why not? 267 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:40,375 What is love? Baby, don't hurt me… 268 00:18:41,125 --> 00:18:43,208 What is happening right now? 269 00:18:45,208 --> 00:18:46,625 Feel like I've heard this before. 270 00:18:47,916 --> 00:18:50,750 I think, from an orthodontist's office maybe? 271 00:18:52,125 --> 00:18:53,541 What is love? 272 00:19:00,041 --> 00:19:01,500 Yeah 273 00:19:06,375 --> 00:19:10,166 -Ooh, ooh -I don't know… 274 00:19:10,291 --> 00:19:12,291 Wait, I know this. 275 00:19:13,000 --> 00:19:15,833 I give you my love, but you don't care 276 00:19:15,916 --> 00:19:17,083 It's Hephaestus's story. 277 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:22,541 What is right and what is wrong? Give me a sign 278 00:19:23,041 --> 00:19:24,125 What is love? 279 00:19:24,208 --> 00:19:25,208 Rejected by Hera. 280 00:19:25,333 --> 00:19:26,833 Baby, don't hurt me… 281 00:19:26,958 --> 00:19:28,250 Rejected by Aphrodite. 282 00:19:29,416 --> 00:19:32,708 My mom told me these stories all the time. I remember this. 283 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:35,083 She said… 284 00:19:35,208 --> 00:19:37,291 Don't hurt me, no more… 285 00:19:37,500 --> 00:19:38,500 What? 286 00:19:39,833 --> 00:19:42,083 She said this is what the gods are like to each other. 287 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:45,083 This is the kind of family they are. 288 00:19:47,666 --> 00:19:49,208 Why didn't you wanna say that just now? 289 00:19:51,666 --> 00:19:53,666 She was trying to keep me away from you guys. 290 00:19:56,416 --> 00:19:57,958 Don't hurt me… 291 00:20:00,125 --> 00:20:01,875 Maybe you were right. 292 00:20:03,416 --> 00:20:05,458 Maybe she should have been preparing me better. 293 00:20:06,791 --> 00:20:08,333 Maybe she was preparing you. 294 00:20:09,291 --> 00:20:11,666 So when you got to us, you'd be different than this. 295 00:20:12,250 --> 00:20:13,708 Baby, don't hurt me 296 00:20:13,791 --> 00:20:19,208 Don't hurt me, no more What is love? 297 00:20:53,958 --> 00:20:55,958 There it is. Ares's shield. 298 00:21:04,250 --> 00:21:06,416 Jump! 299 00:21:15,458 --> 00:21:16,750 Percy! 300 00:21:41,541 --> 00:21:43,666 Did you just pull me out of there with that waterpower stuff? 301 00:21:45,750 --> 00:21:46,750 No. 302 00:21:47,500 --> 00:21:49,541 -Did you just-- -I don't know. Maybe? 303 00:21:50,125 --> 00:21:51,458 I'm figuring this out as I go. 304 00:22:03,625 --> 00:22:05,125 How are we supposed to get that thing down? 305 00:22:15,416 --> 00:22:17,166 These things are connected somehow. 306 00:22:18,458 --> 00:22:21,625 It's a machine, but how do you start the machine? 307 00:22:26,375 --> 00:22:30,458 I hate kids. All of 'em. I hate my own kids. 308 00:22:31,041 --> 00:22:34,250 Um, maybe less than other kids, but still not fond of them. 309 00:22:34,666 --> 00:22:35,791 "Look what I made!" 310 00:22:35,875 --> 00:22:38,625 "What are butterflies for?" "My knee hurts." 311 00:22:39,291 --> 00:22:41,208 I love my job, but that night 312 00:22:41,291 --> 00:22:43,458 when everyone's kids show up for the winter solstice 313 00:22:43,583 --> 00:22:45,375 and I have to sit through their "presentation." 314 00:22:45,791 --> 00:22:49,083 That night is the worst night of the year, every year, by far. 315 00:22:49,166 --> 00:22:50,958 This one in particular, it seems. 316 00:22:51,416 --> 00:22:54,375 Since one of those kids somehow walked off with the master bolt. 317 00:22:54,583 --> 00:22:56,583 Says you. Who knows who actually took it. 318 00:22:56,750 --> 00:22:58,541 Plenty of people hate my dad enough to try. 319 00:22:58,916 --> 00:23:02,375 Maybe. But not many people could pull it off. 320 00:23:04,541 --> 00:23:06,458 Someone Hades could've recruited for the job. 321 00:23:07,583 --> 00:23:08,583 Says you. 322 00:23:08,875 --> 00:23:11,416 And someone who could slip away long enough 323 00:23:11,500 --> 00:23:12,791 to do it without being missed, 324 00:23:13,333 --> 00:23:15,333 bold enough to cross Zeus, stealthy enough 325 00:23:15,416 --> 00:23:17,125 -to get their hands on the thing-- -En-- Enough. 326 00:23:17,291 --> 00:23:20,041 Not everything is a puzzle that needs to be solved. 327 00:23:20,125 --> 00:23:24,000 You're as bad as my sister. 328 00:23:27,125 --> 00:23:29,958 -Was she always like that? -Who? 329 00:23:30,708 --> 00:23:34,958 -Your sister. Athena. -What do you mean? 330 00:23:36,333 --> 00:23:38,875 Always making things more complicated than they need to be 331 00:23:38,958 --> 00:23:40,916 so people will think she's smarter than you. 332 00:23:47,250 --> 00:23:49,791 Thank you! I can't be the only one who sees it, right? 333 00:23:49,875 --> 00:23:53,541 -No. Not at all. -It certainly feels that way sometimes. 334 00:23:53,708 --> 00:23:56,000 And seriously, she's the smart one? Really? 335 00:23:56,166 --> 00:24:00,416 If she's so smart, explain the owl. She talks to it, like, all the time. 336 00:24:00,500 --> 00:24:04,500 This fat, nasty little feathered rodent. And it's like her best friend. 337 00:24:04,666 --> 00:24:08,458 And we're so sure that she's a genius and I, no owl, am not? 338 00:24:08,708 --> 00:24:10,125 -Totally! -It's like people only see 339 00:24:10,208 --> 00:24:11,833 what they wanna see and ignore anything at all 340 00:24:11,916 --> 00:24:12,916 that doesn't fit the story 341 00:24:13,000 --> 00:24:14,333 -they like to tell themselves. -Exactly! 342 00:24:14,458 --> 00:24:16,583 Like you being the one to find the lightning thief and not her. 343 00:24:26,000 --> 00:24:27,041 What did you mean by that? 344 00:24:27,916 --> 00:24:29,708 -By what? -Found the thief. 345 00:24:30,416 --> 00:24:32,083 We both know your friend didn't steal the bolt. 346 00:24:32,625 --> 00:24:35,291 Yeah, but Zeus thinks he did, 347 00:24:36,208 --> 00:24:38,125 -which is kinda all that matters, right? -Shut up. 348 00:24:42,875 --> 00:24:44,625 It was a gift 349 00:24:44,791 --> 00:24:48,041 with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, 350 00:24:48,791 --> 00:24:51,250 but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn't get up. 351 00:24:52,375 --> 00:24:55,083 All the gods tried, but the machine was too smart. 352 00:24:56,375 --> 00:25:01,791 It was too strong. It was too much. Even for them. 353 00:25:05,583 --> 00:25:08,000 Finally, they said if Hephaestus let Hera free, 354 00:25:08,250 --> 00:25:09,708 Aphrodite would be his wife. 355 00:25:12,375 --> 00:25:13,666 The chair is the bargain. 356 00:25:15,250 --> 00:25:17,750 One of us goes in, the other gets the shield. 357 00:25:18,041 --> 00:25:19,541 -I'll do it. -What? Wait a minute. 358 00:25:19,625 --> 00:25:21,416 Whoever goes in, isn't coming out. 359 00:25:21,791 --> 00:25:23,833 -That seems pretty clear. -I know, that's why I said wait. 360 00:25:23,916 --> 00:25:26,291 This isn't the Arch, Seaweed Brain. You're not pushing me 361 00:25:26,375 --> 00:25:27,791 -into the stairwell again. -Yes, I am. 362 00:25:27,875 --> 00:25:29,166 I'm not gonna let you this time. 363 00:25:29,416 --> 00:25:31,333 -It doesn't work that way. -It's why you're here. 364 00:25:34,291 --> 00:25:35,291 Excuse me? 365 00:25:35,541 --> 00:25:38,416 When I was choosing my team, 366 00:25:38,791 --> 00:25:41,625 I told Chiron I needed someone who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me 367 00:25:41,708 --> 00:25:42,958 if the quest required it. 368 00:25:44,666 --> 00:25:45,666 He agreed. 369 00:25:47,125 --> 00:25:48,125 That was you. 370 00:25:51,875 --> 00:25:52,875 You were right. 371 00:25:54,750 --> 00:25:56,708 I can't believe it, but the Fates were right. 372 00:25:59,375 --> 00:26:04,208 There's no getting around this. We dodged it at the Arch, barely, but… 373 00:26:06,208 --> 00:26:08,666 maybe this isn't something you can dodge forever. 374 00:26:08,791 --> 00:26:09,791 The Oracle chose you. 375 00:26:09,916 --> 00:26:12,625 -The gods chose you! -Stop! It isn't about that. 376 00:26:12,750 --> 00:26:14,583 What could it possibly be about if it isn't about that? 377 00:26:14,666 --> 00:26:16,041 You're better at this than me. 378 00:26:17,291 --> 00:26:18,458 You just are. 379 00:26:20,208 --> 00:26:21,416 And you know it. 380 00:26:24,208 --> 00:26:27,583 Believe me, I wish there was another way this quest succeeds. 381 00:26:28,291 --> 00:26:29,541 I just don't see it. 382 00:27:02,291 --> 00:27:03,750 I need you to promise me something. 383 00:27:05,625 --> 00:27:07,458 I'm not leaving the Underworld without your mom. 384 00:27:09,625 --> 00:27:10,625 Thank you. 385 00:27:13,208 --> 00:27:14,875 I was gonna say, when this quest is done, 386 00:27:14,958 --> 00:27:18,333 can you maybe swing back here and try to get me outta this thing? 387 00:27:21,750 --> 00:27:23,208 You think you had to ask? 388 00:27:25,750 --> 00:27:26,875 Just making sure. 389 00:27:49,791 --> 00:27:52,541 This is weird. 390 00:27:53,708 --> 00:27:56,916 It's… warm. 391 00:28:07,958 --> 00:28:09,500 This is a bad idea. Stand up. 392 00:28:11,083 --> 00:28:12,083 I can't. 393 00:28:12,583 --> 00:28:14,708 -Percy, stand up, I mean it. -It's okay. 394 00:28:17,083 --> 00:28:18,083 I'm okay. 395 00:28:20,458 --> 00:28:21,541 I'm okay. 396 00:28:23,833 --> 00:28:24,916 I'm okay. 397 00:28:28,000 --> 00:28:29,000 I'm-- 398 00:29:37,208 --> 00:29:38,416 Can I help you? 399 00:29:42,458 --> 00:29:44,208 Do you need some help finding your way out? 400 00:29:52,166 --> 00:29:53,500 So, off you go. 401 00:29:57,333 --> 00:29:58,750 I'm not leaving without my friend. 402 00:29:58,875 --> 00:30:00,750 Yeah, that isn't really how it works. 403 00:30:01,125 --> 00:30:04,208 It's kind of a one-way sort of thing. It can't be undone. 404 00:30:05,791 --> 00:30:08,583 -How do you know? -Because I built it. 405 00:30:19,541 --> 00:30:21,250 I'm not leaving here without my friend. 406 00:30:22,458 --> 00:30:24,500 And if you aren't going to help me, 407 00:30:24,625 --> 00:30:28,125 could you maybe leave me alone so I can focus? 408 00:30:28,375 --> 00:30:30,333 In spite of what my brother might've told you, 409 00:30:30,458 --> 00:30:32,500 I am not someone who'll be pushed around. 410 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:37,958 I know your mother was displeased with you recently. 411 00:30:39,833 --> 00:30:44,125 We both know how she gets. But this was a lot. 412 00:30:45,291 --> 00:30:46,291 Even for her. 413 00:30:47,708 --> 00:30:49,208 You walk outta here with that shield… 414 00:30:50,500 --> 00:30:53,458 and you're a hero. On your way to the greatest glory. 415 00:30:54,500 --> 00:30:57,416 She'll be proud and you will be forgiven, 416 00:30:58,166 --> 00:31:00,416 and all will go back to being as it always has been, 417 00:31:00,833 --> 00:31:01,875 always will be… 418 00:31:03,083 --> 00:31:06,791 -as it should be. -It isn't how it should be! It isn't! 419 00:31:07,958 --> 00:31:12,000 Eat or be eaten. Power and glory and nothing else matters. 420 00:31:14,083 --> 00:31:19,750 Ares is that way, Zeus is that way, my mother is that way. 421 00:31:28,583 --> 00:31:30,250 He isn't that way. 422 00:31:32,041 --> 00:31:33,250 He's better than that. 423 00:31:35,125 --> 00:31:37,041 Maybe I was that way once. 424 00:31:38,083 --> 00:31:40,458 But I don't wanna be that way anymore. 425 00:31:44,500 --> 00:31:45,875 I won't be like all of you. 426 00:31:47,541 --> 00:31:49,250 I just won't. 427 00:32:41,125 --> 00:32:43,000 Some of us don't like being that way either. 428 00:32:45,583 --> 00:32:47,041 You're a good kid, Annabeth. 429 00:32:50,083 --> 00:32:52,000 I'll put in a good word with your mom for you. 430 00:33:32,958 --> 00:33:33,958 Where's our ride? 431 00:33:40,625 --> 00:33:41,666 You're kidding. 432 00:33:47,875 --> 00:33:50,583 Get in, don't. I really don't care. 433 00:33:50,666 --> 00:33:54,250 But in a few hours, this thing is gonna be at the Lotus Casino in Vegas. 434 00:33:54,458 --> 00:33:56,833 Hermes hangs out there. You play your cards right 435 00:33:56,958 --> 00:33:59,583 and his personal driver can get you to L.A. in minutes. 436 00:34:00,083 --> 00:34:04,500 Here. Clothes. Cash. Drachmas to summon Hermes. 437 00:34:04,833 --> 00:34:07,333 I'd wish you luck, but what good would it do you? 438 00:34:07,625 --> 00:34:08,791 We're not gonna fail. 439 00:34:09,833 --> 00:34:12,750 Don't worry. Your dad had plenty of kids 440 00:34:12,833 --> 00:34:15,958 he stopped caring about once he lost interest. 441 00:34:16,291 --> 00:34:19,125 -You'll have lots of company. -We're not gonna fail, 442 00:34:19,541 --> 00:34:21,166 and I'm getting pretty tired of you saying it. 443 00:34:21,250 --> 00:34:22,250 Percy. 444 00:34:22,333 --> 00:34:25,333 You think you know who I am, but you don't. 445 00:34:26,208 --> 00:34:27,458 And if you aren't careful… 446 00:34:28,500 --> 00:34:29,625 you're gonna find out. 447 00:34:31,041 --> 00:34:33,916 Percy… 448 00:34:34,041 --> 00:34:37,750 So, thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers… 449 00:34:38,583 --> 00:34:41,083 and the ride. We're gonna take you up on that, too. 450 00:34:50,833 --> 00:34:53,458 Hey, do you think we could get some paper towels or something, 451 00:34:53,541 --> 00:34:54,875 it's not that nice in here. 452 00:35:03,958 --> 00:35:07,375 Well… this smells. 453 00:35:08,166 --> 00:35:10,416 If it gets us where we need to go, that's all that matters. 454 00:35:10,625 --> 00:35:12,625 Assuming Ares was telling the truth. 455 00:35:13,291 --> 00:35:16,791 He wasn't. Not entirely, at any rate. 456 00:35:18,291 --> 00:35:19,625 He was holding something back. 457 00:35:20,333 --> 00:35:23,791 -How do you know? -Because I think I got it out of him. 458 00:35:28,125 --> 00:35:29,708 I know who stole the master bolt. 459 00:37:17,916 --> 00:37:19,583 There's more to this than just the bolt. 460 00:37:20,166 --> 00:37:21,166 Something bigger. 461 00:37:22,041 --> 00:37:24,041 Hey, demigods. Welcome. 462 00:37:24,625 --> 00:37:25,666 We have a huge problem.