1 00:00:06,416 --> 00:00:09,791 [Percy] Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. 2 00:00:10,166 --> 00:00:12,083 -[thunder rumbling] -[♪ rousing instrumental music playing] 3 00:00:12,208 --> 00:00:15,833 [Percy] Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. 4 00:00:17,166 --> 00:00:22,708 Most of the time it gets you killed, in painful, nasty ways. 5 00:00:22,916 --> 00:00:24,125 [thunder rumbling] 6 00:00:25,333 --> 00:00:29,041 If you think you might be one of us, my advice is 7 00:00:29,291 --> 00:00:30,958 turn away while you still can, 8 00:00:32,000 --> 00:00:33,458 because once you know what you are… 9 00:00:35,166 --> 00:00:38,500 they'll sense it too and they'll come for you. 10 00:00:40,625 --> 00:00:42,750 Don't say I didn't warn you. 11 00:00:54,125 --> 00:00:57,250 [Percy] My name is Percy Jackson. I'm twelve years old. 12 00:00:58,541 --> 00:01:00,125 Am I a troubled kid? 13 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:04,041 Yeah, you could say that. 14 00:01:05,166 --> 00:01:08,291 Bad grades, bullies, all the normal stuff. 15 00:01:10,541 --> 00:01:12,375 And then there's some other stuff. 16 00:01:13,958 --> 00:01:16,791 [Percy] Some stuff that's… maybe not so normal. 17 00:01:17,541 --> 00:01:19,125 [♪ epic instrumental music playing] 18 00:01:27,916 --> 00:01:32,458 That's me, back in second grade. Why was I up there? 19 00:01:33,833 --> 00:01:35,041 I saw something. 20 00:01:36,500 --> 00:01:40,458 At least… I could have sworn I saw something. 21 00:01:42,125 --> 00:01:43,458 [Pegasus neighs] 22 00:01:44,791 --> 00:01:46,375 [Percy] When you say you something like that, 23 00:01:46,458 --> 00:01:48,333 you wind up in this guy's office. 24 00:01:48,958 --> 00:01:52,375 Good news, he's saying there's nothing to worry about. 25 00:01:53,166 --> 00:01:55,125 It's all in my imagination, 26 00:01:55,791 --> 00:01:58,291 but if it happens again, make sure to tell someone. 27 00:01:59,208 --> 00:02:00,625 [indistinct chatter] 28 00:02:00,708 --> 00:02:01,916 [mechanical stomping] 29 00:02:02,125 --> 00:02:03,250 [Percy] It happened again. 30 00:02:04,875 --> 00:02:07,625 These impossible things that felt like they walked 31 00:02:07,750 --> 00:02:09,791 right out of the stories my mom always told me. 32 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:14,458 So real one minute, and then the next… 33 00:02:16,125 --> 00:02:17,416 What a loser. 34 00:02:18,458 --> 00:02:21,500 [Percy] Hey, fellas, wanna come hear about the imaginary stuff I see? 35 00:02:22,166 --> 00:02:25,250 It's not a thing you wanna be saying, to anyone, 36 00:02:25,875 --> 00:02:26,916 so I didn't. 37 00:02:28,291 --> 00:02:31,000 Then… something changed. 38 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:35,208 I met Grover. 39 00:02:36,125 --> 00:02:37,791 We had a lot in common. 40 00:02:37,916 --> 00:02:39,500 -Only he-- -[students laugh] 41 00:02:39,625 --> 00:02:40,833 [Grover] Mm-mm. 42 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:46,041 [Percy] And not just because we were both at the bottom of the food chain. 43 00:02:47,041 --> 00:02:48,125 And you know what? 44 00:02:48,208 --> 00:02:50,666 It felt good to talk about these things with Grover. 45 00:02:50,958 --> 00:02:53,166 I could almost believe they were imaginary. 46 00:02:53,791 --> 00:02:56,208 Weird, but harmless. 47 00:02:56,375 --> 00:02:57,750 [indistinct chatter] 48 00:02:58,708 --> 00:03:00,458 [Percy] Until the day that changed, too. 49 00:03:03,666 --> 00:03:06,125 Until the day one of them decided to come for me. 50 00:03:07,666 --> 00:03:08,750 [♪ music concludes] 51 00:03:10,291 --> 00:03:12,500 -[indistinct chatter] -[distant siren wailing] 52 00:03:13,125 --> 00:03:14,541 [♪ rousing instrumental music playing] 53 00:03:15,791 --> 00:03:19,666 [Mr. Brunner] What you see here, they are not fictions. 54 00:03:20,750 --> 00:03:22,916 They are not fantasies. 55 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:30,833 What you see here are the truest and deepest parts of yourselves. 56 00:03:32,208 --> 00:03:33,208 Friends… 57 00:03:34,416 --> 00:03:35,666 the gods… 58 00:03:36,625 --> 00:03:39,541 the monsters, the heroes 59 00:03:39,958 --> 00:03:41,833 you see here in this room 60 00:03:42,833 --> 00:03:46,541 are reminders of what we are capable of. 61 00:03:47,875 --> 00:03:49,708 Now, on your worksheets, 62 00:03:49,833 --> 00:03:53,750 I want you to choose one of the subjects you see here 63 00:03:54,291 --> 00:03:56,000 and describe it. 64 00:03:56,708 --> 00:03:58,833 Not just how it looks… 65 00:04:01,041 --> 00:04:02,666 but how it makes you feel. 66 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:05,500 Hmm? Okay, come on. 67 00:04:10,875 --> 00:04:14,041 [indistinct chatter] 68 00:04:15,708 --> 00:04:16,750 [Sally] What do you see? 69 00:04:17,625 --> 00:04:19,250 [♪ emotional instrumental music playing] 70 00:04:21,125 --> 00:04:22,333 [Young Percy] Perseus… 71 00:04:24,041 --> 00:04:25,125 that's me. 72 00:04:25,500 --> 00:04:27,875 [Sally] Mm-hmm, that's who you're named after. 73 00:04:30,083 --> 00:04:31,708 Is that why you named me after him? 74 00:04:33,125 --> 00:04:34,541 Because he was a hero? 75 00:04:35,166 --> 00:04:37,083 What makes you think he was a hero? 76 00:04:38,625 --> 00:04:40,250 Because he kills monsters. 77 00:04:41,416 --> 00:04:43,958 [Sally] And what makes you think that she was a monster? 78 00:04:44,583 --> 00:04:45,583 Mom… 79 00:04:47,250 --> 00:04:49,958 Not everyone who looks like a hero is a hero, 80 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:53,666 and not everyone who looks like a monster is a monster. 81 00:04:54,416 --> 00:04:59,166 [inhales deeply] I named you after him because when he was a very little boy, 82 00:04:59,625 --> 00:05:02,166 he and his mother were placed in a wooden chest 83 00:05:02,291 --> 00:05:06,125 and cast out into the sea by a very angry king. 84 00:05:06,583 --> 00:05:12,500 Alone, afraid. And at night, his mother would whisper in his ear, 85 00:05:13,250 --> 00:05:15,583 [whispers] "Hold fast, Perseus." 86 00:05:16,041 --> 00:05:21,291 "Brave the storm that was made to break us for we are unbreakable 87 00:05:21,416 --> 00:05:23,166 "as long as we have each other." 88 00:05:24,708 --> 00:05:27,583 And against all odds, 89 00:05:27,666 --> 00:05:31,500 he managed to find his way to a happy ending. 90 00:05:36,916 --> 00:05:38,291 -[Mr. Brunner] Percy? -[♪ music concludes] 91 00:05:38,416 --> 00:05:39,708 -Mom? -[indistinct chatter] 92 00:05:40,083 --> 00:05:44,708 -I'm right here, sweetie! Mommy's here! -[all laugh] 93 00:05:45,125 --> 00:05:46,333 [Mrs. Dodds] Mr. Jackson, 94 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:49,458 you will learn to control yourself, do you understand me? 95 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,750 -Me? -Do you understand me? 96 00:05:51,875 --> 00:05:55,583 He can't help it, Mrs. Dodds. Percy's special. 97 00:05:55,708 --> 00:05:58,083 -[indistinct chatter] -That's enough. 98 00:06:01,250 --> 00:06:02,750 [Mr. Brunner] Pay them no mind. 99 00:06:05,083 --> 00:06:06,291 When you're ready to hear 100 00:06:06,541 --> 00:06:09,833 what the gods have in store for you, they'll tell you. 101 00:06:11,041 --> 00:06:12,041 I believe in you. 102 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:16,208 And I believe you'll be needing this. 103 00:06:16,458 --> 00:06:18,333 -[♪ gentle instrumental music playing] -[Mr. Brunner] Hmm? 104 00:06:19,083 --> 00:06:20,166 Hang on to that. 105 00:06:20,958 --> 00:06:22,458 'Tis a mighty instrument. 106 00:06:33,916 --> 00:06:36,750 There are all sorts of schools of thought about what drives that kind of bullying. 107 00:06:36,875 --> 00:06:39,041 Childhood trauma, feelings of inadequacy… 108 00:06:39,208 --> 00:06:41,083 Look, I get that Nancy has issues, 109 00:06:41,166 --> 00:06:43,291 I'm just getting tired of her taking them out on me. 110 00:06:44,083 --> 00:06:47,625 I feel like… maybe it's time to do something about it. 111 00:06:48,041 --> 00:06:49,958 You could make an appointment to see Mr. Kane. 112 00:06:50,041 --> 00:06:52,416 -He's really good at talking-- -I was thinking more like shoving Nancy 113 00:06:52,541 --> 00:06:53,666 in the nearest dumpster. 114 00:06:54,791 --> 00:06:55,791 -Oh. -[indistinct chatter] 115 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:59,083 -[traffic rumbling in distance ] -Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 116 00:06:59,208 --> 00:07:01,208 No, if there's one thing I know about bullies, 117 00:07:01,375 --> 00:07:03,625 it is that you should never, ever stand up to them. 118 00:07:04,708 --> 00:07:06,041 That doesn't sound right. 119 00:07:07,541 --> 00:07:08,541 Look… 120 00:07:09,250 --> 00:07:11,208 I know this place is hard for people like us. 121 00:07:11,833 --> 00:07:13,375 But we're not gonna be here forever. 122 00:07:13,833 --> 00:07:15,208 There are better places out there. 123 00:07:16,791 --> 00:07:18,625 -[groans] -[Nancy] Oops. 124 00:07:18,958 --> 00:07:20,208 [students laughing] 125 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:21,750 [Grover] Percy… 126 00:07:22,916 --> 00:07:23,916 -[screams] -[Grover] No, don't! 127 00:07:25,416 --> 00:07:27,791 [students clamour indistinctly] 128 00:07:28,916 --> 00:07:30,583 Percy pushed me! 129 00:07:30,708 --> 00:07:32,916 -[student] Nancy, are you okay? -[student 2] He just pushed Nancy! 130 00:07:33,000 --> 00:07:34,583 [metallic droning] 131 00:07:37,875 --> 00:07:39,125 [metallic ringing] 132 00:07:40,416 --> 00:07:43,291 [Mrs. Dodds] There you are. 133 00:07:44,250 --> 00:07:47,833 We're not fools, Percy Jackson. 134 00:07:48,416 --> 00:07:50,916 Mrs. Dodds, you okay? 135 00:07:51,875 --> 00:07:55,375 [Mrs. Dodds] It was only a matter of time before we found you. 136 00:08:03,125 --> 00:08:06,708 [screeches] Where is it, half-blood? 137 00:08:07,458 --> 00:08:09,583 Where is it? 138 00:08:09,666 --> 00:08:11,250 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 139 00:08:11,541 --> 00:08:13,500 [screeches] 140 00:08:14,458 --> 00:08:16,166 [metal ringing] 141 00:08:23,208 --> 00:08:25,208 [shrieks] 142 00:08:29,833 --> 00:08:30,958 [♪ music concludes] 143 00:08:31,125 --> 00:08:32,833 -Is he okay? -Is he dead? 144 00:08:32,916 --> 00:08:34,791 [indistinct chatter] 145 00:08:35,166 --> 00:08:37,708 -[Mr. Brunner] Give him some room, please. -[indistinct chatter] 146 00:08:41,041 --> 00:08:42,208 What happened? 147 00:08:43,708 --> 00:08:44,958 Where's Mrs. Dodds? 148 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:47,041 [Nancy] I didn't do anything to him! 149 00:08:47,416 --> 00:08:49,500 -He pushed me. -Everyone, go back to your lunches. 150 00:08:49,833 --> 00:08:52,083 It's all right. Percy just needs a moment, that's all. 151 00:08:53,416 --> 00:08:55,958 I don't understand. Didn't anyone just see that? 152 00:08:56,041 --> 00:08:58,375 -[♪ tense instrumental music playing] -Where's Mrs. Dodds? 153 00:09:01,166 --> 00:09:04,916 Percy, there's no one here by that name. 154 00:09:07,458 --> 00:09:11,291 All right, class, let's move along. Let's go. Finish your lunch. 155 00:09:11,416 --> 00:09:12,416 [♪ music concludes] 156 00:09:16,375 --> 00:09:20,541 [headmaster] The truth… can be so very hard to determine… 157 00:09:21,958 --> 00:09:25,500 but in this case, the truth seems very hard to deny. 158 00:09:27,375 --> 00:09:28,666 Mr. Jackson, 159 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:32,208 a number of your classmates saw you and Mr. Underwood 160 00:09:32,416 --> 00:09:34,250 arguing with Ms. Bobofit, 161 00:09:34,625 --> 00:09:38,625 yet you have offered no explanation for how she ended up in that fountain, 162 00:09:39,208 --> 00:09:40,541 other than, uh… 163 00:09:42,916 --> 00:09:44,750 "I didn't touch Nancy." 164 00:09:46,666 --> 00:09:51,250 Now, isn't there anything else you'd like to say for yourself? 165 00:09:53,833 --> 00:09:55,416 I didn't touch Nancy. 166 00:09:57,583 --> 00:09:58,916 [headmaster] Okay. [sighs] 167 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:03,500 Mr. Underwood? Do you have anything to add? 168 00:10:08,916 --> 00:10:10,000 Yes. 169 00:10:11,708 --> 00:10:12,708 I do. 170 00:10:13,083 --> 00:10:15,333 -[♪ somber instrumental music playing] -[headmaster] Go on. 171 00:10:17,958 --> 00:10:21,541 Percy had told me earlier in the day that he wanted to get back at Nancy 172 00:10:21,625 --> 00:10:23,541 -for all she'd done to us. -Grover? 173 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:26,375 And he isn't being truthful about what happened at the fountain. 174 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:27,875 -Grover! -[headmaster] Excuse me. 175 00:10:28,125 --> 00:10:32,416 Are you saying you saw Mr. Jackson assault Ms. Bobofit? 176 00:10:40,291 --> 00:10:41,291 Yes, 177 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:43,000 I did. 178 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:50,958 -[indistinct chatter] -[♪ music concludes] 179 00:10:52,375 --> 00:10:53,791 [Mr. Brunner] None of this is easy. 180 00:10:55,708 --> 00:10:56,708 Not for you, 181 00:10:57,500 --> 00:10:58,583 not for any of us. 182 00:10:59,541 --> 00:11:01,416 I'm very concerned about you, Percy. 183 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:03,750 I saw what happened at the museum. 184 00:11:03,875 --> 00:11:05,916 I didn't touch Nancy. 185 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:07,958 I know you didn't. 186 00:11:09,833 --> 00:11:13,666 At least, I know you think you didn't. 187 00:11:16,250 --> 00:11:19,166 Do you want to tell me what you think did happen? 188 00:11:19,958 --> 00:11:23,333 -[birds chirping] -You can tell me. I might just understand. 189 00:11:23,666 --> 00:11:24,791 You wanna bet? 190 00:11:25,416 --> 00:11:27,208 [chuckles] Percy… 191 00:11:28,625 --> 00:11:32,791 I've seen a lot of young people go through this sort of thing in my time, 192 00:11:33,875 --> 00:11:36,250 but of all of them, I suspect that… 193 00:11:37,458 --> 00:11:39,791 you might have the most difficult journey. 194 00:11:40,625 --> 00:11:43,875 I suspect you are special. 195 00:11:44,500 --> 00:11:48,541 -So much more so than you know. -Just… stop. 196 00:11:49,125 --> 00:11:51,833 Okay? I don't need any more stories 197 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:54,541 -about how special I don't realize I am. -[♪ emotional instrumental music playing] 198 00:11:54,875 --> 00:11:55,916 They aren't helping. 199 00:11:56,500 --> 00:11:58,208 -This is my ride. I'm going home. -[car approaching] 200 00:11:59,041 --> 00:12:00,416 [♪ somber instrumental music playing] 201 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:21,083 [super] There's nothing wrong with the plumbing in this building. 202 00:12:21,458 --> 00:12:22,750 Maybe you should see a doctor. 203 00:12:22,916 --> 00:12:24,458 [Gabe] How do you know I'm not a doctor, huh? 204 00:12:24,541 --> 00:12:26,333 [super] Have you considered eating more fruit? 205 00:12:26,458 --> 00:12:30,541 [Gabe] Hey! I eat plenty of fruit. Have you considered eating more fruit? 206 00:12:30,625 --> 00:12:33,000 -[indistinct chatter over TV] -[sighs] 207 00:12:33,833 --> 00:12:35,750 Oh! Hello, Percy. 208 00:12:36,583 --> 00:12:38,333 Hey, Eddie, sorry about that. 209 00:12:38,916 --> 00:12:43,083 I'm walking out, you're walking in. I should be apologizing to you. 210 00:12:53,958 --> 00:12:56,791 -[indistinct chatter over TV] -[Gabe] W-- Hell, hello. 211 00:12:58,000 --> 00:13:00,333 Welcome home, genius. 212 00:13:01,583 --> 00:13:02,791 Is my mom home from work? 213 00:13:02,875 --> 00:13:04,958 Oh, is that all you got to say to me? Huh? 214 00:13:05,583 --> 00:13:08,708 -After failing out of school? -I didn't fail out of school. 215 00:13:08,833 --> 00:13:10,958 [Gabe] Your principal called, and that's what he said. 216 00:13:11,125 --> 00:13:12,375 He said you got kicked out. 217 00:13:13,333 --> 00:13:14,666 They called Mom's cell. 218 00:13:15,458 --> 00:13:18,333 -You answer Mom's cell? -I answer whatever's ringing. 219 00:13:19,791 --> 00:13:21,791 So, what'd you get kicked out for, hmm? 220 00:13:22,583 --> 00:13:24,750 He said I attacked a kid on a field trip. 221 00:13:27,125 --> 00:13:28,125 Okay. 222 00:13:28,750 --> 00:13:32,000 All right, if… But still, if you're gonna live under my roof, 223 00:13:32,833 --> 00:13:34,833 -you gotta live by my rules. -[Percy] Your roof? 224 00:13:34,958 --> 00:13:37,791 -My mom is the only one employed here. -Excuse me? 225 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:41,500 I have a job. What does it look like I'm doing right now? 226 00:13:42,041 --> 00:13:43,958 Losing at imaginary poker. 227 00:13:44,333 --> 00:13:46,375 You would think that because you're a child, 228 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:48,916 -and you don't understand things like-- -[sighs] Where's my mom? 229 00:13:49,125 --> 00:13:50,125 [Gabe] I don't know. 230 00:13:50,250 --> 00:13:52,875 I don't know where your mom is. I'm not Nostradamus. 231 00:13:53,250 --> 00:13:56,041 What are we doing, Percy? Every time! 232 00:13:57,083 --> 00:13:59,333 Wow! Wow! 233 00:14:01,125 --> 00:14:03,708 -[horn blaring] -[siren wailing] 234 00:14:04,125 --> 00:14:06,166 [♪ moody pop music playing, Olivia Rodrigo "logical"] 235 00:14:07,500 --> 00:14:09,875 ♪ But now the current's stronger ♪ 236 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:15,666 ♪ No, I couldn't get out if I tried but you convinced me, baby ♪ 237 00:14:15,791 --> 00:14:18,041 ♪ It was all in my mind ♪ 238 00:14:18,333 --> 00:14:19,666 -[inhales deeply] -[Percy] Mom… 239 00:14:22,791 --> 00:14:25,708 I'm really sorry. I tried this time. You know how hard I've been trying, 240 00:14:25,791 --> 00:14:29,250 but this time, it really wasn't my fault. It really wasn't my fault. 241 00:14:29,750 --> 00:14:30,833 ♪ 'Cause if rain don't pour… ♪ 242 00:14:30,916 --> 00:14:32,041 [Percy whispers] I'm all wet now. 243 00:14:32,583 --> 00:14:35,041 [Sally] I'm sorry. I'm just very glad to see you. 244 00:14:35,791 --> 00:14:38,083 I found Gabe on the phone with the headmaster, 245 00:14:38,250 --> 00:14:40,625 he told me what he thinks happened with Nancy Bobofit. 246 00:14:41,250 --> 00:14:44,041 I told him I believe my kid. It was a real short call. 247 00:14:45,791 --> 00:14:48,750 Hey, all that matters is that you're here, okay? 248 00:14:49,666 --> 00:14:52,291 And that I had enough time… 249 00:14:53,458 --> 00:14:55,250 to pick up your welcome home gift. 250 00:14:59,625 --> 00:15:02,208 [♪ somber instrumental music playing] 251 00:15:04,666 --> 00:15:08,125 Mr. Brunner called me, too. He told me about Grover. 252 00:15:09,791 --> 00:15:10,958 Do you wanna talk about it? 253 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:17,833 Is there something else you wanna talk about? 254 00:15:21,500 --> 00:15:28,125 Something happened to me. Something has been happening to me. 255 00:15:29,041 --> 00:15:33,291 More than just my mind wandering and it got worse and… 256 00:15:36,166 --> 00:15:37,250 I'm scared. 257 00:15:40,958 --> 00:15:42,791 -Gabe? -Mom? 258 00:15:42,875 --> 00:15:44,375 -[♪ music concludes] -[empty can clattering] 259 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:47,458 I don't know how anyone expects me 260 00:15:47,583 --> 00:15:50,625 -to get any work done-- -Percy and I are leaving for Montauk. 261 00:15:50,750 --> 00:15:52,416 I'll… I'll have the car back by Sunday morning. 262 00:15:52,500 --> 00:15:54,708 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when are you going to Montauk? 263 00:15:54,791 --> 00:15:58,166 I called to reserve the place as soon as I got off the phone with Yancy. 264 00:15:58,583 --> 00:15:59,583 Who's Yancy? 265 00:16:00,500 --> 00:16:01,500 The school. 266 00:16:02,833 --> 00:16:03,833 Okay. 267 00:16:05,041 --> 00:16:10,625 -And why exactly am I okay with this? -Because on my way home on Sunday, 268 00:16:10,708 --> 00:16:13,416 I'm gonna stop at D'Angelo's and pick up sandwiches in time for tipoff, 269 00:16:13,583 --> 00:16:16,333 but if you make this miserable, I'm gonna go anyway 270 00:16:16,416 --> 00:16:19,750 and then I'm gonna eat my sandwich and yours while I listen to the game 271 00:16:19,833 --> 00:16:21,416 -on the radio. -You know I hate watching 272 00:16:21,500 --> 00:16:22,958 -the Knicks alone. -So do I! 273 00:16:23,041 --> 00:16:25,666 W-- Make sure they put the hot peppers on my sandwich, please? 274 00:16:25,875 --> 00:16:28,375 -Not if you're gonna ask like that. -I said, "Please." 275 00:16:33,375 --> 00:16:36,000 Please, could you have them 276 00:16:36,250 --> 00:16:38,750 -put the peppers on my sandwich? -You got it. 277 00:16:42,166 --> 00:16:44,458 Take your shoes off before you get in my car. 278 00:16:44,625 --> 00:16:45,666 You understand me? 279 00:16:47,791 --> 00:16:50,500 [Sally] We have a lot to talk about, but uh, that storm out there, 280 00:16:50,583 --> 00:16:52,708 it's getting angrier, so let's get ahead of it. 281 00:16:52,791 --> 00:16:56,458 We'll talk at the beach, okay? Pack your bag. Let's go. 282 00:17:00,750 --> 00:17:01,750 [♪ music concludes] 283 00:17:06,541 --> 00:17:07,833 [thunder rumbling] 284 00:17:16,166 --> 00:17:18,416 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 285 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:26,250 [The Voice] Who are you? 286 00:17:28,958 --> 00:17:33,583 So weak. So scared. 287 00:17:33,958 --> 00:17:36,250 So sad. 288 00:17:37,166 --> 00:17:42,958 Run away, little hero, before you get hurt. 289 00:17:44,333 --> 00:17:46,166 [♪ music intensifies, fades] 290 00:17:46,666 --> 00:17:48,375 [thunder rumbling] 291 00:17:51,833 --> 00:17:52,833 We're here. 292 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:56,041 On three? 293 00:17:57,791 --> 00:17:58,791 Ready? 294 00:17:59,416 --> 00:18:03,125 One, two… [laughs] …three! 295 00:18:05,625 --> 00:18:08,458 -[♪ gentle instrumental music playing] -[thunder rumbling] 296 00:18:31,583 --> 00:18:32,750 [Sally chuckles] 297 00:18:33,041 --> 00:18:35,791 I found the good marshmallows. Ones that don't burn so easy. 298 00:18:37,583 --> 00:18:39,541 I don't think it was ever the marshmallows' fault 299 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:41,000 I wasn't paying attention. 300 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:54,958 Mom… 301 00:18:56,416 --> 00:18:58,083 I need to talk to you about something. 302 00:19:01,708 --> 00:19:02,958 [♪ music concludes] 303 00:19:03,125 --> 00:19:05,250 [♪ somber instrumental music playing] 304 00:19:06,083 --> 00:19:10,291 I'm used to feeling weird. I'm used to the world feeling weird to me. 305 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:13,958 Like a puzzle with half the wrong pieces. 306 00:19:16,166 --> 00:19:19,750 I try to pay attention. I really try, but… 307 00:19:21,125 --> 00:19:24,166 then I'm daydreaming. I can't help it. 308 00:19:27,250 --> 00:19:28,250 But lately… 309 00:19:29,291 --> 00:19:33,500 it hasn't felt like daydreaming. It's felt… 310 00:19:34,750 --> 00:19:38,708 I don't know. More real, maybe? 311 00:19:41,875 --> 00:19:43,458 And then we were at the museum and… 312 00:19:45,041 --> 00:19:46,166 You saw something. 313 00:19:50,625 --> 00:19:55,500 Something that felt real to you, but no one else could see? 314 00:20:08,458 --> 00:20:09,916 What did she say to you? 315 00:20:11,666 --> 00:20:13,041 [♪ music darkens] 316 00:20:13,875 --> 00:20:17,583 She? How did you know it was a she? 317 00:20:22,083 --> 00:20:24,500 Do you know why we come to this cabin every year? 318 00:20:24,708 --> 00:20:27,000 Because it's near the septic tanks, so it's cheap. 319 00:20:27,083 --> 00:20:29,458 Mom, how did you know about that thing I saw? 320 00:20:29,541 --> 00:20:31,541 We come to this place every year because this is the place 321 00:20:31,625 --> 00:20:32,958 I met your father. 322 00:20:36,166 --> 00:20:39,458 My dad? What does my dad have to do with this? 323 00:20:47,791 --> 00:20:50,833 A long time ago, I… 324 00:20:52,250 --> 00:20:55,291 met a man, here on the beach. 325 00:20:55,375 --> 00:21:01,375 He was wise and brave and kind and… noble. 326 00:21:02,333 --> 00:21:05,750 From the moment I first saw him, I knew that… 327 00:21:07,958 --> 00:21:11,958 that I had never met a man like him before. 328 00:21:13,125 --> 00:21:19,958 And then I realized he was unlike any man I had ever met before… 329 00:21:22,833 --> 00:21:28,583 because h… he wasn't a man at all. He was a god. 330 00:21:35,375 --> 00:21:38,375 You fell in love with God? Like… 331 00:21:39,666 --> 00:21:41,041 Like-- like Jesus? 332 00:21:42,250 --> 00:21:47,250 Not God. A god. Percy… [clears throat] 333 00:21:49,125 --> 00:21:50,208 …the stories… 334 00:21:51,208 --> 00:21:56,333 that I have told you about Greek gods and heroes and monsters, they are real. 335 00:21:56,458 --> 00:21:58,791 -Mom-- -In those stories, I have told you 336 00:21:58,916 --> 00:22:00,625 about how gods and mortals 337 00:22:00,750 --> 00:22:02,750 -would sometimes have children together… -Mom, please, stop. 338 00:22:02,833 --> 00:22:03,958 -…children called demigods… -Mom! 339 00:22:04,041 --> 00:22:07,000 …and sometimes they are known as half-bloods. 340 00:22:07,541 --> 00:22:09,125 [♪ music intensifies] 341 00:22:09,791 --> 00:22:13,166 That's what the monster called me. Mom, what's happening? 342 00:22:13,250 --> 00:22:14,625 You are a half-blood. 343 00:22:16,708 --> 00:22:19,916 And half-bloods are not safe in the world. 344 00:22:21,416 --> 00:22:24,708 Once they reach a certain age and they begin… 345 00:22:26,125 --> 00:22:31,375 to understand what they are, terrible forces are drawn to them, 346 00:22:31,500 --> 00:22:35,291 driven to harm them before they can become strong enough to fight back. 347 00:22:35,708 --> 00:22:39,541 That is what you have been feeling. 348 00:22:39,875 --> 00:22:43,625 It has always been a part of who you are, it was always coming, I just-- 349 00:22:43,750 --> 00:22:44,916 Why are you telling me this? 350 00:22:45,000 --> 00:22:47,708 Percy, I know that this is hard to understand, 351 00:22:47,791 --> 00:22:49,666 but you have to believe me that this is real. 352 00:22:49,750 --> 00:22:55,875 No, this is crazy. Okay? I am not a god. There is something wrong with my brain. 353 00:22:56,000 --> 00:22:59,291 I understand that I'm weird, believe me, I get it, 354 00:22:59,708 --> 00:23:02,083 but I'm afraid something may be really broken now. 355 00:23:02,166 --> 00:23:04,875 -Oh, baby, no-- -And-- and now you're telling me stories, 356 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:06,750 like it's gonna make it okay? 357 00:23:06,958 --> 00:23:10,166 Well, I'm not a baby! I know there's no such thing as monsters, 358 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:13,583 I know there's no such thing as gods, and I know for certain 359 00:23:13,833 --> 00:23:16,500 that there is no such things as demigods. 360 00:23:16,625 --> 00:23:18,500 -[knock on door] -Who's there? 361 00:23:19,333 --> 00:23:21,416 -Mrs. Jackson? It's Grover. -Grover? 362 00:23:21,500 --> 00:23:24,291 This is a little time sensitive. Could someone maybe open the door? 363 00:23:24,375 --> 00:23:27,708 What is he doing here? I don't wanna see him. Wait, Mom-- 364 00:23:28,458 --> 00:23:30,791 I asked to have the night, you said we could all leave in the morning. 365 00:23:30,916 --> 00:23:32,875 [Grover] Sorry, I'm early, but I didn't have any choice. 366 00:23:33,333 --> 00:23:35,416 Things have changed, this is all developing a lot faster 367 00:23:35,541 --> 00:23:37,291 -than we anticipated. -Early? 368 00:23:38,291 --> 00:23:40,916 You should have asked me before you-- Whatever it is you're gonna say, 369 00:23:41,000 --> 00:23:43,041 I don't wanna… hear it. Grover? 370 00:23:43,291 --> 00:23:44,291 Percy. 371 00:23:44,541 --> 00:23:46,500 -Okay, so something's coming… -[Percy] Grover. 372 00:23:46,583 --> 00:23:48,166 -…and I know that sounds really bad… -Grover? 373 00:23:48,250 --> 00:23:49,625 …but the important thing is not to panic. 374 00:23:49,791 --> 00:23:50,833 I'm not panicking. 375 00:23:50,958 --> 00:23:53,583 -Grover! -Great! I'm also definitely not panicking. 376 00:23:53,666 --> 00:23:55,333 I feel very good about how we're doing so far-- 377 00:23:55,416 --> 00:23:56,666 -Grover! -What? 378 00:23:56,958 --> 00:23:59,250 Grover, why is there half a goat in your pants? 379 00:23:59,375 --> 00:24:00,375 Oh, it's… 380 00:24:00,500 --> 00:24:01,875 [♪ whimsical instrumental music playing] 381 00:24:02,166 --> 00:24:05,166 Oh! Oh, boy, she didn't tell you about… 382 00:24:06,458 --> 00:24:09,000 -You didn't tell him about me? -You're early. 383 00:24:13,083 --> 00:24:14,750 So the important thing is not to panic. 384 00:24:15,208 --> 00:24:17,333 [Sally] We'll continue this in the car. Let's go. 385 00:24:19,333 --> 00:24:20,750 [thunder rumbling] 386 00:24:24,375 --> 00:24:27,000 [Grover] My job has been to guide you to this moment. 387 00:24:27,333 --> 00:24:29,875 It's always an emotional rollercoaster for a young demigod, 388 00:24:30,000 --> 00:24:32,500 -so providing a support system is really-- -Who are you? 389 00:24:33,791 --> 00:24:37,416 -I'm Grover. I'm your best friend and-- -What are you? 390 00:24:40,875 --> 00:24:45,875 -I'm a satyr. And I'm your Protector. -You're my Protector? 391 00:24:46,333 --> 00:24:47,958 If I hadn't gotten you kicked out of school, 392 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:49,541 you'd have never survived the night. 393 00:24:49,750 --> 00:24:52,125 And what's chasing us now would have found you there easily. 394 00:24:56,125 --> 00:24:57,125 I'm sorry. 395 00:24:58,958 --> 00:25:02,000 Usually, I can sense danger coming a mile away, but this time… 396 00:25:02,666 --> 00:25:04,291 Well, none of us saw Dodds coming. 397 00:25:06,125 --> 00:25:07,125 So you knew. 398 00:25:07,958 --> 00:25:10,791 That thing that Dodds turned into, you saw it happen? 399 00:25:11,416 --> 00:25:13,583 -Why didn't you say anything? -I saw some of it. 400 00:25:14,458 --> 00:25:17,500 The Mist kept her hidden even from us until it was too late. 401 00:25:17,666 --> 00:25:19,416 Mist? What's a mist? 402 00:25:20,250 --> 00:25:24,541 The Mist. It's the veil that hides the magical world from the human world. 403 00:25:24,750 --> 00:25:28,875 My legs. Dodds' wings. Even Dodds' absence, 404 00:25:29,166 --> 00:25:32,500 but it isn't supposed to hide things from me. That never happens. 405 00:25:32,791 --> 00:25:34,291 Something powerful is at work here. 406 00:25:34,500 --> 00:25:36,666 The sooner we get you to camp, the better off you're… 407 00:25:38,041 --> 00:25:41,416 -You told him about camp, right? -Not yet, no. 408 00:25:42,041 --> 00:25:44,875 [Grover] Camp is a sanctuary for half-bloods. 409 00:25:44,958 --> 00:25:46,375 A safe space where you can learn 410 00:25:46,458 --> 00:25:49,208 who you are and what the world is like on the other side of the Mist. 411 00:25:49,500 --> 00:25:52,000 Uh, it's not far, actually, just a little ways past the bend up there. 412 00:25:53,125 --> 00:25:55,041 Mom, what else haven't we talked about? 413 00:25:57,333 --> 00:25:58,708 What else haven't you told me? 414 00:26:01,250 --> 00:26:03,375 -[♪ tense instrumental music playing] -[streetlight explodes] 415 00:26:03,708 --> 00:26:04,750 Is that the Minotaur? 416 00:26:05,125 --> 00:26:08,875 Once the attacks start, they never let up. Okay? Dodds was just the beginning. 417 00:26:09,166 --> 00:26:11,833 He is next. He-- he is brutal. He is relentless. 418 00:26:11,916 --> 00:26:13,583 He is still wearing underpants. 419 00:26:14,375 --> 00:26:16,291 -[hooves thudding] -[Minotaur growling] 420 00:26:18,250 --> 00:26:20,250 The Mythomagic cards were training. 421 00:26:20,375 --> 00:26:22,541 Everything has been training for what's still ahead of you. 422 00:26:22,625 --> 00:26:23,875 What's ahead of me? 423 00:26:23,958 --> 00:26:25,166 -[Sally] Boys. -Yeah? 424 00:26:25,291 --> 00:26:27,458 -[Grover] I'm actually 24. -Hold on, please. 425 00:26:32,125 --> 00:26:34,083 -[Minotaur growling] -[Grover yells] 426 00:26:35,833 --> 00:26:38,875 [Minotaur growling] 427 00:26:40,583 --> 00:26:41,583 [Sally grunts] 428 00:26:41,875 --> 00:26:42,875 [Minotaur growling] 429 00:26:43,625 --> 00:26:45,000 [Grover yelling] 430 00:26:45,750 --> 00:26:48,000 -[panting] -[truck horn blaring] 431 00:26:48,166 --> 00:26:49,291 [Sally screams] 432 00:26:49,875 --> 00:26:50,958 [groans] 433 00:26:51,291 --> 00:26:52,458 [truck horn blaring] 434 00:26:53,125 --> 00:26:54,125 [grunts] 435 00:26:58,916 --> 00:27:00,291 [metallic scraping] 436 00:27:03,000 --> 00:27:05,208 -[tires skidding] -[♪ music concludes] 437 00:27:07,000 --> 00:27:10,250 -[rain pattering] -[thunder rumbling] 438 00:27:14,250 --> 00:27:16,750 -[♪ tense instrumental music playing] -[banging on window] 439 00:27:19,541 --> 00:27:20,708 [Grover grunts] 440 00:27:29,208 --> 00:27:30,208 [exhales] 441 00:27:34,458 --> 00:27:36,875 [pants] 442 00:27:46,208 --> 00:27:47,500 [Sally] Is everyone okay? 443 00:27:47,708 --> 00:27:50,958 -[Percy] Yeah, I'm okay. -[Sally] Okay. [groans] 444 00:27:56,041 --> 00:27:57,041 This way! 445 00:28:09,041 --> 00:28:14,041 We're here. That's the boundary. No monsters can cross it. 446 00:28:15,625 --> 00:28:17,458 Percy will be safe on the other side. 447 00:28:18,541 --> 00:28:21,375 "Percy will be…" But won't all of us be safe? 448 00:28:26,208 --> 00:28:32,041 Grover, I am entrusting you to protect my son, my only child. 449 00:28:32,125 --> 00:28:35,500 Don't worry, Mrs. Jackson, Percy will be totally safe at camp-- 450 00:28:35,583 --> 00:28:36,583 Swear it. 451 00:28:37,666 --> 00:28:40,250 -What's happening? -Swear it, Grover! 452 00:28:40,708 --> 00:28:43,208 Keep him safe from anyone or anything that comes for him, 453 00:28:43,291 --> 00:28:46,666 that wants to do harm, that looks at him the wrong way. 454 00:28:46,750 --> 00:28:49,208 -Do you understand me? -I swear! 455 00:28:50,666 --> 00:28:52,583 [Minotaur roaring] 456 00:28:54,958 --> 00:28:56,583 [Sally breathes heavily] 457 00:29:00,583 --> 00:29:04,000 -I gotta go now, sweetheart. -Go? What do you mean go? 458 00:29:04,083 --> 00:29:05,500 I can't go with you. 459 00:29:06,583 --> 00:29:09,208 -Why can't you? -[Grover] She's human. 460 00:29:15,916 --> 00:29:17,458 You're gonna need to be brave now. 461 00:29:18,625 --> 00:29:22,083 Remember what I taught you. Remember the stories I told you. 462 00:29:22,166 --> 00:29:23,833 -Especially the stories, they will tell… -No. 463 00:29:23,916 --> 00:29:25,875 -[Sally] …you everything… -No way! Mom, I'm not leaving you! 464 00:29:25,958 --> 00:29:27,958 Perseus! Listen to me. 465 00:29:28,083 --> 00:29:29,458 [♪ music becomes somber] 466 00:29:29,666 --> 00:29:30,666 You… 467 00:29:31,875 --> 00:29:33,875 are not broken. 468 00:29:36,083 --> 00:29:37,500 You are singular. 469 00:29:37,791 --> 00:29:39,000 [♪ music becomes uplifting] 470 00:29:39,333 --> 00:29:40,625 You're a miracle. 471 00:29:43,041 --> 00:29:44,500 And you are my son. 472 00:29:48,833 --> 00:29:50,333 Hold fast. 473 00:29:52,583 --> 00:29:54,000 Brave the storm. 474 00:29:56,958 --> 00:29:58,041 I love you. 475 00:30:00,083 --> 00:30:02,541 -[Minotaur roaring] -[Sally gasps] 476 00:30:03,000 --> 00:30:04,208 [♪ tense instrumental music playing] 477 00:30:04,291 --> 00:30:05,958 -We need to move. -[Minotaur roaring] 478 00:30:06,041 --> 00:30:08,750 -Give me your coat. -Why? What are you gonna do? 479 00:30:08,875 --> 00:30:10,958 He smells half-blood, that's what he's tracking, yeah? 480 00:30:11,375 --> 00:30:13,125 -That's right. -So if he smells you 481 00:30:13,250 --> 00:30:14,958 in two directions at once, maybe I can confuse him, 482 00:30:15,083 --> 00:30:16,625 buy us both a little time to get away. 483 00:30:16,750 --> 00:30:18,458 -Mom, please, don't-- -[Sally] Hey! 484 00:30:19,708 --> 00:30:20,875 It'll be okay. 485 00:30:26,958 --> 00:30:28,833 [Minotaur roaring] 486 00:30:28,916 --> 00:30:30,458 [branches cracking] 487 00:30:31,416 --> 00:30:32,583 [growling] 488 00:30:36,041 --> 00:30:39,208 [growls] 489 00:30:41,458 --> 00:30:43,583 [kisses] Go! Now! 490 00:30:53,708 --> 00:30:57,708 [growls] 491 00:31:01,000 --> 00:31:03,041 -Hey! Look! -[growls] 492 00:31:06,041 --> 00:31:08,041 Come on. Come on. 493 00:31:10,416 --> 00:31:13,333 -[pants] -[Minotaur roars] 494 00:31:15,666 --> 00:31:18,666 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no-- 495 00:31:19,666 --> 00:31:20,666 [Minotaur growls] 496 00:31:21,250 --> 00:31:22,458 -Mom! -[thunder rumbling] 497 00:31:24,166 --> 00:31:27,291 -[Minotaur growls] -Mom! 498 00:31:27,541 --> 00:31:29,000 [♪ music crescendos] 499 00:31:32,041 --> 00:31:33,500 [snarls] 500 00:31:35,208 --> 00:31:37,333 [♪ music fades] 501 00:31:41,750 --> 00:31:43,375 -[pants] -[Minotaur growls] 502 00:31:43,500 --> 00:31:45,125 [♪ somber, dramatic instrumental music playing] 503 00:31:45,333 --> 00:31:48,416 [metallic vibrating, ringing] 504 00:31:50,875 --> 00:31:52,000 [sword ringing] 505 00:31:52,375 --> 00:31:56,750 -[♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] -Per-- Percy! Percy, no! 506 00:31:57,375 --> 00:32:00,541 [Minotaur growls, bellows] 507 00:32:00,958 --> 00:32:02,458 [pants] 508 00:32:03,291 --> 00:32:04,958 [♪ music intensifies] 509 00:32:07,916 --> 00:32:10,333 [Minotaur groans, pants] 510 00:32:12,416 --> 00:32:16,291 -[Minotaur growling] -[Percy grunts] 511 00:32:18,500 --> 00:32:20,333 -[Percy grunts] -[Minotaur groans] 512 00:32:20,500 --> 00:32:22,916 -[metal ringing] -[pants] 513 00:32:23,583 --> 00:32:25,208 [growls] 514 00:32:31,250 --> 00:32:32,750 [growls] 515 00:32:36,708 --> 00:32:37,958 [metallic ringing] 516 00:32:39,916 --> 00:32:43,458 [roars] 517 00:32:49,041 --> 00:32:51,041 [Percy grunts] 518 00:32:54,375 --> 00:32:55,625 [Minotaur roars] 519 00:32:58,166 --> 00:33:01,000 [♪ intense instrumental music playing] 520 00:33:03,708 --> 00:33:05,208 [Minotaur snarls] 521 00:33:08,625 --> 00:33:09,875 [♪ music concludes] 522 00:33:10,791 --> 00:33:12,125 [♪ rousing instrumental music playing] 523 00:33:15,000 --> 00:33:17,041 -[camper] Is he okay? -[indistinct chatter] 524 00:33:17,250 --> 00:33:18,958 -[camper 2] Alone? -[camper 3] How is that possible? 525 00:33:19,041 --> 00:33:20,541 -[camper 4] Yeah. -[camper 5] Yeah, he's okay. 526 00:33:20,666 --> 00:33:21,916 [girl] He must be the one. 527 00:33:22,708 --> 00:33:24,083 [Mr. Brunner] Hush, Annabeth. 528 00:33:25,208 --> 00:33:28,958 He's waking. Everyone, give him some space, please. 529 00:33:31,083 --> 00:33:33,958 Welcome to camp, Percy Jackson. 530 00:33:35,625 --> 00:33:37,250 We've been expecting you. 531 00:33:37,625 --> 00:33:39,291 [♪ music crescendos] 532 00:33:40,958 --> 00:33:43,833 [♪ theme music playing] 533 00:35:19,583 --> 00:35:21,541 [♪ dramatic instrumental music playing] 534 00:35:27,375 --> 00:35:29,125 Let the games begin! 535 00:35:29,458 --> 00:35:30,583 [campers shout] 536 00:35:33,500 --> 00:35:34,625 [campers shout] 537 00:35:34,875 --> 00:35:37,375 [Percy] It was so important I get here 'cause my father's a god. 538 00:35:38,333 --> 00:35:39,625 So, I'm gonna go find him. 539 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:43,583 [♪ theme music resumes] 540 00:37:11,208 --> 00:37:12,708 [♪ theme music concludes]