1 00:00:01,541 --> 00:00:03,821 FIREWORKS BANG 2 00:00:03,821 --> 00:00:07,461 MUSIC: 'Broken Hearted Melody' by Sarah Vaughan 3 00:00:13,781 --> 00:00:15,701 OK, bye, guys. See you later. 4 00:00:17,661 --> 00:00:24,621 # Once you were our song of love 5 00:00:24,621 --> 00:00:30,221 # Now you just keep taunting me 6 00:00:31,901 --> 00:00:36,021 # With the memory of 7 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:42,701 # His tender love Oh, broken hearted melody 8 00:00:42,701 --> 00:00:47,141 # Must you keep reminding me 9 00:00:47,141 --> 00:00:49,541 # Of the lips I long to kiss... # 10 00:00:49,541 --> 00:00:50,581 MUSIC FADES 11 00:00:52,381 --> 00:00:54,061 Argh! SHE GIGGLES 12 00:00:54,061 --> 00:00:56,381 Stop. I'll see you later. 13 00:01:09,741 --> 00:01:12,741 LAUGHTER ECHOING GIRL: Oh, my God! 14 00:01:15,381 --> 00:01:17,621 TOILET FLUSHES 15 00:01:19,381 --> 00:01:24,101 BROKEN HEARTED MELODY ECHOES 16 00:01:33,061 --> 00:01:34,701 Don't be such an arse. 17 00:01:36,101 --> 00:01:37,581 SHE GASPS No! 18 00:01:37,581 --> 00:01:41,461 MUFFLED SCREAMING 19 00:01:42,421 --> 00:01:44,981 No! No! Help me! 20 00:03:51,221 --> 00:03:54,261 WOMAN: Jasper, it's time to come in now! 21 00:04:00,101 --> 00:04:03,381 MAN, ANGRILY: Jasper! Come in now! 22 00:04:44,701 --> 00:04:46,381 You're welcome, Professor. 23 00:04:48,301 --> 00:04:50,221 CHATTER 24 00:04:51,901 --> 00:04:54,181 CHATTER FADES 25 00:05:21,061 --> 00:05:22,861 Ladies and gentlemen... 26 00:05:22,861 --> 00:05:25,061 Ah! ALL GASP 27 00:05:32,741 --> 00:05:35,941 Today, we will be discussing perpetrator identification. 28 00:05:36,941 --> 00:05:40,261 Studies have shown that 73% of wrongful convictions 29 00:05:40,261 --> 00:05:42,941 are due to false perpetrator identification. 30 00:05:42,941 --> 00:05:47,381 Witnesses often give contradictory or wildly divergent accounts. 31 00:05:47,381 --> 00:05:51,181 Today, it is our task to explore why. 32 00:05:51,181 --> 00:05:53,061 In page seven of your lecture handout, 33 00:05:53,061 --> 00:05:55,341 you will find a list of multiple choice questions 34 00:05:55,341 --> 00:05:58,461 concerning the attack on my person you so recently witnessed. 35 00:05:58,461 --> 00:06:00,461 Your time starts... 36 00:06:03,341 --> 00:06:04,381 ..now. 37 00:06:10,341 --> 00:06:13,701 All right, Mr Wilson. I think that's all for now, mate. 38 00:06:13,701 --> 00:06:16,821 Yeah, thank you. We'll be in touch. Happy to help you. 39 00:06:16,821 --> 00:06:19,221 Sorry I'm late. How's your head? 40 00:06:19,221 --> 00:06:21,461 Mind your own business, Detective Sergeant. 41 00:06:25,061 --> 00:06:28,101 Rabbit doesn't look too happy. The college are freaking out. 42 00:06:28,101 --> 00:06:29,381 What have we got so far? 43 00:06:29,381 --> 00:06:32,821 Sum total of sod all. It's a student's toilet. 44 00:06:32,821 --> 00:06:35,021 Body fluids, finger prints, obscene graffiti. 45 00:06:35,021 --> 00:06:36,621 There's DNA everywhere. 46 00:06:36,621 --> 00:06:37,821 Like I said, sod all. 47 00:06:37,821 --> 00:06:40,301 The initial medical exam has turned up nothing usable. 48 00:06:40,301 --> 00:06:41,381 There are no witnesses, 49 00:06:41,381 --> 00:06:44,221 and the victim's in a state of shock and can't remember anything. 50 00:06:44,221 --> 00:06:45,861 Has she been to the referral centre? 51 00:06:45,861 --> 00:06:48,021 Yeah, she spoke to a doctor at the hospital. 52 00:06:48,021 --> 00:06:51,021 And our rape specialist followed up about an hour or two later. 53 00:06:51,021 --> 00:06:52,621 She said her necklace was missing, 54 00:06:52,621 --> 00:06:54,421 but that's about all they can get out of her. 55 00:06:54,421 --> 00:06:56,501 Did you say necklace? Yeah. 56 00:06:56,501 --> 00:06:59,421 Winters, have you checked CCTV? 57 00:06:59,421 --> 00:07:01,581 Installed, but not turned on. 58 00:07:01,581 --> 00:07:04,581 They were worried it was an invasion of the students' privacy. 59 00:07:04,581 --> 00:07:06,501 Where? Second cubicle. 60 00:07:07,901 --> 00:07:09,541 What's with you and Danny-boy? 61 00:07:09,541 --> 00:07:11,581 I don't know what you're talking about. 62 00:07:11,581 --> 00:07:14,181 By the look on his face, he's got your DNA all over him. 63 00:07:14,181 --> 00:07:16,621 I'm never less than completely professional, Martin, 64 00:07:16,621 --> 00:07:19,581 unlike some people I could mention. You photographed all this? 65 00:07:19,581 --> 00:07:23,381 Up on the server in half an hour, Detective Sergeant. 66 00:07:23,381 --> 00:07:24,701 Boss! 67 00:07:24,701 --> 00:07:26,461 Now that she's been properly processed, 68 00:07:26,461 --> 00:07:28,221 am I OK to follow up with her? PHONE BEEPS 69 00:07:28,221 --> 00:07:30,861 I don't see the point. She's already spoken to Dr Rosenbaum. 70 00:07:30,861 --> 00:07:32,421 Oh, God help me. 71 00:07:32,421 --> 00:07:35,261 I've got the DCI texting me every five minutes for an update. 72 00:07:36,541 --> 00:07:39,941 Rosenbaum's a rape specialist. I know, smart-arse. 73 00:07:41,901 --> 00:07:43,581 It feels a bit weird to be back. 74 00:07:43,581 --> 00:07:45,941 Your old stomping ground. Yeah. 75 00:07:45,941 --> 00:07:49,141 So, what makes you think you'll get anything more out of the victim? 76 00:07:49,141 --> 00:07:52,741 Not me. But since we're here... 77 00:07:53,741 --> 00:07:55,701 PROFESSOR T: Final question. 78 00:07:55,701 --> 00:07:57,741 The man had A - a moustache, B - a beard, 79 00:07:57,741 --> 00:08:01,741 C - a moustache and a beard, D - none of the above. 80 00:08:01,741 --> 00:08:05,381 The answer was D. 81 00:08:06,381 --> 00:08:07,941 Hm. 82 00:08:07,941 --> 00:08:11,221 It promises to be a challenging year. 83 00:08:11,221 --> 00:08:12,941 You may be seated. 84 00:08:14,061 --> 00:08:17,341 Perhaps you might redeem your collective failure 85 00:08:17,341 --> 00:08:20,141 by offering an explanation. 86 00:08:20,141 --> 00:08:23,421 We were taken by surprise? 87 00:08:23,421 --> 00:08:26,661 Most criminal enterprise relies on an element of surprise. 88 00:08:26,661 --> 00:08:28,861 Anyone else? 89 00:08:30,901 --> 00:08:32,781 No-one? 90 00:08:35,141 --> 00:08:36,701 Look at you all. 91 00:08:36,701 --> 00:08:39,981 CLUCKING 92 00:08:39,981 --> 00:08:43,421 Like a battery farm of gutless chickens. 93 00:08:43,421 --> 00:08:47,501 Heaven forbid that anyone should stand out from the flock. 94 00:08:47,501 --> 00:08:49,581 Almost without exception, 95 00:08:49,581 --> 00:08:52,701 you failed to describe the detailed physiognomy of the perpetrator. 96 00:08:52,701 --> 00:08:55,541 Why might that be? 97 00:08:57,621 --> 00:09:01,101 Trauma. Crime is inherently traumatic. 98 00:09:01,101 --> 00:09:03,541 Both victim and witness may fall foul 99 00:09:03,541 --> 00:09:07,341 of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. 100 00:09:07,341 --> 00:09:09,701 The hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary 101 00:09:09,701 --> 00:09:13,141 and thence to the adrenal gland, releasing cortisol. 102 00:09:13,141 --> 00:09:15,141 This leads to tunnel vision. 103 00:09:15,141 --> 00:09:19,861 A narrow snapshot of the event encodes onto the brain. 104 00:09:19,861 --> 00:09:22,781 Within seconds, this memory starts to fade, 105 00:09:22,781 --> 00:09:25,061 to become contaminated, 106 00:09:25,061 --> 00:09:27,861 turning us into unreliable narrators. 107 00:09:29,061 --> 00:09:32,141 A violent event leaves a wound 108 00:09:32,141 --> 00:09:35,101 which spreads and infects everything. 109 00:09:36,141 --> 00:09:39,581 Trauma scrambles the senses, ladies and gentlemen. 110 00:09:39,581 --> 00:09:44,541 It transforms even the most lucid mind into a labyrinth. 111 00:09:51,501 --> 00:09:54,301 Professor. You might remember me. 112 00:09:54,301 --> 00:09:56,141 Please do not make me guess. 113 00:09:56,141 --> 00:09:58,941 Lisa Donckers. I'm a detective sergeant now. 114 00:09:58,941 --> 00:10:01,661 Academia's loss is the constabulary's gain. 115 00:10:01,661 --> 00:10:03,901 I was hoping I might take a minute of your time. 116 00:10:03,901 --> 00:10:05,941 You already have. Please come to the point. 117 00:10:05,941 --> 00:10:10,341 A young woman was raped last night 100 yards from here. 118 00:10:10,341 --> 00:10:12,221 And what does that have to do with me? 119 00:10:12,221 --> 00:10:14,541 I spent three years here listening to you. 120 00:10:14,541 --> 00:10:16,741 I know you could help us get inside her mind. 121 00:10:18,821 --> 00:10:21,781 My interest in crime is purely academic, Detective. 122 00:10:21,781 --> 00:10:24,061 I do not like to get my hands dirty. 123 00:10:32,261 --> 00:10:34,661 The victim's too traumatised to tell us anything. 124 00:10:34,661 --> 00:10:36,861 We've got no forensic evidence to go on, 125 00:10:36,861 --> 00:10:38,701 and my boss has got a lot on his plate. 126 00:10:38,701 --> 00:10:40,661 But I've got this hinge that... Hinge? 127 00:10:40,661 --> 00:10:42,461 A connection to another crime. 128 00:10:42,461 --> 00:10:46,381 Five years ago. Well, she lost this necklace, and... 129 00:10:46,381 --> 00:10:48,261 So you think it's a serial rapist? 130 00:10:48,261 --> 00:10:51,501 Exactly. Five years ago, there was another case just like this. 131 00:10:51,501 --> 00:10:54,501 Five years ago? And no related cases in-between? 132 00:10:54,501 --> 00:10:56,501 Yes. No. I don't know. The point is... 133 00:10:56,501 --> 00:10:59,581 What was it about this five-year-old case that first drew your attention? 134 00:10:59,581 --> 00:11:03,781 Well, I just... I happened to... It's... It's complicated. 135 00:11:03,781 --> 00:11:06,781 Detective... Donckers. Lisa Donckers. 136 00:11:06,781 --> 00:11:10,821 Mm. A memorable name, yet... I really think you could help. 137 00:11:10,821 --> 00:11:13,221 And I really think it's best to keep personal involvement 138 00:11:13,221 --> 00:11:15,981 out of an investigation. Wouldn't you agree? 139 00:11:20,901 --> 00:11:23,221 We're checking everyone with access to that dorm. 140 00:11:23,221 --> 00:11:25,301 Male key card holders only. 141 00:11:25,301 --> 00:11:27,501 But it's a long list. It could take days, weeks, even. 142 00:11:27,501 --> 00:11:30,101 The master of the college is on my back. 143 00:11:30,101 --> 00:11:32,061 I'll do what I can to speed things up. 144 00:11:32,061 --> 00:11:34,501 They're cross-checking with known sex offenders. 145 00:11:38,381 --> 00:11:40,581 Are you all right, Paul? 146 00:11:42,301 --> 00:11:43,541 Ma'am? 147 00:11:43,541 --> 00:11:45,821 It's just, er... 148 00:11:47,141 --> 00:11:50,541 You know, given the, er, circumstances... 149 00:11:50,541 --> 00:11:54,101 Given what you are having to deal with at home, 150 00:11:54,101 --> 00:11:56,501 I would understand... I'm OK, Ma'am. 151 00:11:56,501 --> 00:11:58,301 ..if you'd prefer to just let someone else... 152 00:11:58,301 --> 00:12:00,461 Christina, I'm OK. 153 00:12:00,461 --> 00:12:02,741 I'm OK. 154 00:12:02,741 --> 00:12:04,741 Just leave it, please. 155 00:12:07,221 --> 00:12:09,861 DOOR CLOSES OK. 156 00:12:11,221 --> 00:12:12,541 Hey. 157 00:12:12,541 --> 00:12:14,301 Where did you disappear to? 158 00:12:14,301 --> 00:12:17,701 Aw, did you miss me? Can I see your notes, please? 159 00:12:25,101 --> 00:12:26,901 Last night was fun. 160 00:12:30,901 --> 00:12:33,141 We drank too much. 161 00:12:36,021 --> 00:12:39,581 Look me in the eye, tell me it meant nothing. It meant nothing. 162 00:12:46,781 --> 00:12:48,581 I said look me in the eye. 163 00:12:51,141 --> 00:12:54,741 Well, it was very nice. Is there a crime number yet? 164 00:12:56,501 --> 00:13:00,181 Is that all I mean to you, just... a number? 165 00:13:00,181 --> 00:13:02,061 It was a mistake. 166 00:13:02,061 --> 00:13:04,101 OK? Let's just pretend it never happened. 167 00:13:09,501 --> 00:13:13,021 It has to be. It just has to be. 168 00:13:13,021 --> 00:13:15,781 What has to be? 169 00:13:16,941 --> 00:13:18,701 I knew it. 170 00:13:20,261 --> 00:13:24,061 Where has this come from? It's another unsolved rape case. 171 00:13:24,061 --> 00:13:26,381 You keep the file on your desk? She was a friend. 172 00:13:26,381 --> 00:13:28,301 You've got friends? 173 00:13:28,301 --> 00:13:29,861 That's very funny. 174 00:13:29,861 --> 00:13:32,781 Saskia Dawson. She was in my year. 175 00:13:34,101 --> 00:13:36,621 I was there, at this party. 176 00:13:39,261 --> 00:13:41,901 She was tired and wanted to go home. 177 00:13:44,741 --> 00:13:46,661 I wasn't, so I stayed. 178 00:14:06,861 --> 00:14:08,021 MUFFLED SCREAMS 179 00:14:09,461 --> 00:14:11,981 She's avoided me ever since. 180 00:14:11,981 --> 00:14:14,381 You shouldn't blame yourself. 181 00:14:15,381 --> 00:14:18,021 They found these carvings on the frame of Saskia's bed, 182 00:14:18,021 --> 00:14:20,301 and her statement mentions a locket. 183 00:14:20,301 --> 00:14:23,341 The guy who raped her yanked it from her neck. Holy shit. 184 00:14:24,861 --> 00:14:27,541 Maybe best not mention to Rabbit that she was your friend. 185 00:14:27,541 --> 00:14:28,941 It's not a personal thing, Dan. 186 00:14:28,941 --> 00:14:31,421 I can keep my private life out of the office. 187 00:14:35,101 --> 00:14:37,341 So, where are you off to, Detective Sergeant? 188 00:14:37,341 --> 00:14:39,701 If I tell you, will you back me up? 189 00:14:42,781 --> 00:14:45,181 MUSIC: 'La Bambola' by Patty Pravo 190 00:14:45,181 --> 00:14:47,381 PHONE RINGING 191 00:14:47,381 --> 00:14:50,461 'Jasper.' We speak at last. 192 00:14:50,461 --> 00:14:54,461 'What are you insinuating?' You have been screening my calls. 193 00:14:54,461 --> 00:14:57,501 Nonsense, darling. I've just been terribly busy. 194 00:14:57,501 --> 00:14:59,461 DOG BARKS 'So it would seem.' 195 00:14:59,461 --> 00:15:00,661 What does that mean? 196 00:15:00,661 --> 00:15:03,221 'It means, Mother, that I passed the house this morning.' 197 00:15:03,221 --> 00:15:06,621 'Which house, darling?' Our house, Mother. Our family home. 198 00:15:06,621 --> 00:15:08,541 'Former, dear heart.' 199 00:15:08,541 --> 00:15:11,101 Our FORMER family home. 200 00:15:11,101 --> 00:15:13,021 Is that former family, or former home? 201 00:15:13,021 --> 00:15:16,301 Oh, Jasper, darling, we've talked about this. 202 00:15:16,301 --> 00:15:18,581 'No, Mother, YOU have talked about it.' 203 00:15:18,581 --> 00:15:20,461 WE'VE talked about it. 204 00:15:20,461 --> 00:15:23,141 It's madness. To be sitting on a goldmine 205 00:15:23,141 --> 00:15:25,381 when you can't even bear to set foot in the place. 206 00:15:25,381 --> 00:15:28,061 KNOCK AT DOOR Jasper. 207 00:15:28,061 --> 00:15:30,341 'Goodbye, Mother.' 208 00:15:32,381 --> 00:15:35,181 How is Adelaide? Her usual gracious self. 209 00:15:36,421 --> 00:15:37,461 I see. 210 00:15:40,301 --> 00:15:43,221 Just a quiet word between colleagues and friends. 211 00:15:43,221 --> 00:15:46,381 I received a complaint from one of your students. 212 00:15:47,901 --> 00:15:51,261 You called them animals. CLUCKING 213 00:15:51,261 --> 00:15:55,021 Chickens. A flock of gutless chickens. 214 00:15:55,021 --> 00:15:58,101 Yeah. Not much of a distinction. 215 00:15:58,101 --> 00:16:01,301 A distinction, nonetheless. For metaphorical purposes at least. 216 00:16:01,301 --> 00:16:04,181 You can't go around insulting the students. 217 00:16:04,181 --> 00:16:06,981 Tenure can be taken away, you know, Jasper. 218 00:16:08,741 --> 00:16:10,821 If our reputation is brought into disrepute... 219 00:16:12,061 --> 00:16:14,741 ..or in cases of gross moral turpitude. 220 00:16:14,741 --> 00:16:17,621 Perhaps we should debate what constitutes gross moral turpitude. 221 00:16:21,221 --> 00:16:23,021 Well, that's all sorted, then. 222 00:16:31,861 --> 00:16:34,861 You're very brave to be doing this, Diana. 223 00:16:34,861 --> 00:16:40,381 I just... I want him caught and to get closure. 224 00:16:40,381 --> 00:16:42,861 For me and for the other girl that you told me about. 225 00:16:44,821 --> 00:16:48,981 You're covering for her, Winters. I'm serious, sir. It's her grandma. 226 00:16:48,981 --> 00:16:52,061 You need to partner up for this kind of case. It was an emergency, OK? 227 00:16:52,061 --> 00:16:57,181 Is this the canteen guy? Yeah. Henri Watson, 33 years old. 228 00:16:57,181 --> 00:17:00,941 Had some minor previous, for indecent exposure. 229 00:17:01,941 --> 00:17:04,981 Good afternoon, madam. Detective Inspector Rabbit, Cambridge Police. 230 00:17:04,981 --> 00:17:06,781 Can we have a word with Henri Watson, please? 231 00:17:06,781 --> 00:17:08,741 Police? Yes, madam. 232 00:17:08,741 --> 00:17:12,141 We just need a few words with your son. Henri's my husband. 233 00:17:15,581 --> 00:17:17,261 My apologies. 234 00:17:17,261 --> 00:17:19,861 Rabbit! Rabbit!? 235 00:17:21,861 --> 00:17:24,181 Oi, stop! 236 00:17:25,701 --> 00:17:27,181 Oi, stop! 237 00:17:27,181 --> 00:17:29,461 Stop! 238 00:17:42,821 --> 00:17:45,941 BOTH PANTING 239 00:17:45,941 --> 00:17:47,421 Sod this. 240 00:17:54,421 --> 00:17:57,941 A word of warning, the professor is brilliant. 241 00:17:57,941 --> 00:17:59,621 He's also a bit of an oddball. 242 00:18:01,821 --> 00:18:04,781 Professor Tempest. This is Diana Tyson. 243 00:18:04,781 --> 00:18:05,901 Congratulations. 244 00:18:11,021 --> 00:18:12,661 Would you excuse us? 245 00:18:14,581 --> 00:18:19,261 Detective, I have limited tolerance for being ambushed. I'm sorry. OK? 246 00:18:19,261 --> 00:18:22,661 My mistake, but we can't send her home now. Please. 247 00:18:22,661 --> 00:18:26,621 I'm immune to your charms. Just talk to the victim, for God's sake. 248 00:18:36,501 --> 00:18:39,701 Anything the professor can help you remember, it could be important. 249 00:18:41,421 --> 00:18:44,101 I'm told you recall few particulars of the attack. 250 00:18:44,101 --> 00:18:48,981 I've tried, and nothing seems to... come. 251 00:18:48,981 --> 00:18:50,781 It's called dissociation, Miss Tyson. 252 00:18:51,901 --> 00:18:55,861 A coping mechanism our brains use to protect us in moments of extremis. 253 00:18:55,861 --> 00:18:57,861 We disconnect. 254 00:18:57,861 --> 00:19:00,461 It's hard even to think about it. 255 00:19:00,461 --> 00:19:02,821 The professor can help you remember 256 00:19:02,821 --> 00:19:05,501 to access any information you're repressing. 257 00:19:05,501 --> 00:19:07,541 You're familiar with hypnotherapy, I assume? 258 00:19:08,941 --> 00:19:12,141 So you must understand that what may surface is more than information. 259 00:19:13,901 --> 00:19:16,981 The question is, are you ready for that? 260 00:19:23,141 --> 00:19:24,501 I think not. 261 00:19:24,501 --> 00:19:26,581 I'm sorry? 262 00:19:26,581 --> 00:19:29,661 Miss Tyson is acting in a logical manner. 263 00:19:31,101 --> 00:19:33,941 Her brain is advising her not to revisit the trauma. 264 00:19:38,261 --> 00:19:40,741 Professor, why won't you help her? 265 00:19:40,741 --> 00:19:43,141 Help her? Help you, you mean. 266 00:19:43,141 --> 00:19:45,101 Miss Tyson has chosen to help herself. 267 00:19:45,101 --> 00:19:48,021 Her subconscious has walled off this experience for a reason. 268 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:50,461 You're happy to leave him out there, free to attack others? 269 00:19:50,461 --> 00:19:52,981 Perhaps it'll be another five years before he strikes again. 270 00:19:52,981 --> 00:19:54,381 You don't believe that. 271 00:19:55,621 --> 00:19:58,221 I concur. It seems unlikely. 272 00:20:02,661 --> 00:20:04,661 Any news on Henri Watson? 273 00:20:04,661 --> 00:20:07,181 Still on the loose. He can't run forever, though. 274 00:20:09,221 --> 00:20:10,261 Where's Donckers? 275 00:20:11,621 --> 00:20:13,461 She should be here shortly. 276 00:20:13,461 --> 00:20:16,381 We're due to check out another potential suspect. 277 00:20:17,621 --> 00:20:21,581 Everything all right between the two of you? Why do you ask, ma'am? 278 00:20:21,581 --> 00:20:24,261 Rabbit's been complaining. 279 00:20:24,261 --> 00:20:26,941 About her occasional absences? More like frequent, I'd say. 280 00:20:26,941 --> 00:20:31,061 Every time I look out here, all I see is Dan Solo, alone at his desk. 281 00:20:31,061 --> 00:20:34,381 Well, we've got a lot on. You should be working together. 282 00:20:34,381 --> 00:20:37,421 We are, ma'am, but Lisa's out talking to her contact, 283 00:20:37,421 --> 00:20:40,061 someone she thinks can advise us on the Tyson case. Who's that? 284 00:20:43,261 --> 00:20:44,701 Her old criminology lecturer. 285 00:20:46,941 --> 00:20:48,421 Professor Tempest? 286 00:20:49,701 --> 00:20:50,821 You know him? 287 00:21:44,741 --> 00:21:47,581 Too bad Professor Smarty-pants couldn't help you out. 288 00:21:47,581 --> 00:21:50,341 Thanks for covering, anyway. You owe me. 289 00:21:50,341 --> 00:21:52,221 DOORBELL RINGS 290 00:21:52,221 --> 00:21:55,581 How about you buy me a drink? 291 00:21:57,141 --> 00:21:58,261 To say thanks. 292 00:21:58,261 --> 00:22:01,821 I'm giving up drink for a while, Dan. All right. 293 00:22:03,181 --> 00:22:05,381 Will you come to our gig tonight, anyway? 294 00:22:05,381 --> 00:22:06,901 DOOR OPENS 295 00:22:09,221 --> 00:22:10,941 Hello? 296 00:22:10,941 --> 00:22:13,941 Dennis is doing a late shift today. 297 00:22:13,941 --> 00:22:16,501 Could you tell us about your husband's whereabouts last night? 298 00:22:16,501 --> 00:22:17,581 Yesterday? 299 00:22:17,581 --> 00:22:21,781 He was at home with me. We were watching Gordon Ramsay. 300 00:22:21,781 --> 00:22:24,821 You follow his new show? I try not to. 301 00:22:24,821 --> 00:22:26,981 I can put on a stone watching cooking shows. 302 00:22:26,981 --> 00:22:28,861 What about later that night? 303 00:22:28,861 --> 00:22:31,021 He went to bed around 11. 304 00:22:31,021 --> 00:22:33,341 His shifts are a bit irregular at the moment. 305 00:22:33,341 --> 00:22:35,381 He says it's messing up his biorhythm. 306 00:22:35,381 --> 00:22:38,381 So he tries to stick to a regular bedtime. 307 00:22:38,381 --> 00:22:42,141 MUFFLED MUSIC THROUGH HEADPHONES 308 00:23:15,061 --> 00:23:16,221 Hi. 309 00:23:24,421 --> 00:23:26,701 Ah, shit! Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am. 310 00:23:26,701 --> 00:23:29,101 So sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. 311 00:23:29,101 --> 00:23:31,101 I thought everyone had gone home. 312 00:23:31,101 --> 00:23:33,621 I hear you wanna hire a consultant. 313 00:23:36,661 --> 00:23:38,581 Did Dan tell you that? 314 00:23:39,821 --> 00:23:42,341 Professor Tempest is... It's a good initiative. 315 00:23:44,101 --> 00:23:46,941 Just make sure you get authorisation from DI Rabbit first. 316 00:23:49,301 --> 00:23:52,661 MUFFLED MUSIC THROUGH HEADPHONES 317 00:23:59,381 --> 00:24:01,341 FAST APPROACHING FOOTSTEPS 318 00:24:01,341 --> 00:24:03,981 MUFFLED SHRIEK No! 319 00:24:03,981 --> 00:24:06,061 No! 320 00:24:06,061 --> 00:24:08,501 MUFFLED YELLING 321 00:24:10,981 --> 00:24:12,781 HE YELLS 322 00:24:22,981 --> 00:24:25,021 CLUNK 323 00:25:07,381 --> 00:25:08,781 This is Professor Tempest. 324 00:25:08,781 --> 00:25:11,021 I'm calling about number 10 Worsley Street. 325 00:25:11,021 --> 00:25:12,981 My mother has instructed you to sell the house. 326 00:25:14,461 --> 00:25:16,621 There's been a change of circumstance. 327 00:25:16,621 --> 00:25:19,061 It's no longer for sale. Thank you. 328 00:25:48,701 --> 00:25:52,141 Morning. Where is everyone? 329 00:25:52,141 --> 00:25:53,861 Yes. 330 00:25:53,861 --> 00:25:56,461 The gig was a great success. Thanks for asking. 331 00:25:56,461 --> 00:25:58,981 Morning. Morning, boss. 332 00:25:58,981 --> 00:26:00,581 How's your grandmother? 333 00:26:00,581 --> 00:26:04,381 Still pushing up daisies, last time I checked. I beg your pardon? 334 00:26:04,381 --> 00:26:06,301 My nana died ten years ago. Why are you asking? 335 00:26:08,341 --> 00:26:09,581 Er... 336 00:26:10,621 --> 00:26:14,221 Professor, what are you doing here? And who's this? 337 00:26:14,221 --> 00:26:16,981 Professor Tempest? Oh, you know each other? 338 00:26:16,981 --> 00:26:18,461 Jasper. 339 00:26:19,581 --> 00:26:21,541 I was not expecting a reception committee. 340 00:26:22,541 --> 00:26:23,901 Thank you for coming over. 341 00:26:23,901 --> 00:26:26,901 We need to get a few things straightened out. 342 00:26:28,301 --> 00:26:32,141 We very much appreciate your involvement in this case. 343 00:26:32,141 --> 00:26:35,661 I'm not involved. Despite the best efforts of Sergeant Bossy Boots. 344 00:26:35,661 --> 00:26:38,181 But if you really wanna help us catch this scumbag, 345 00:26:38,181 --> 00:26:39,701 we need to make it official. So... 346 00:26:39,701 --> 00:26:42,661 I do not catch scumbags. I study them. 347 00:26:42,661 --> 00:26:45,821 You will need special permission to interview witnesses and suspects. 348 00:26:45,821 --> 00:26:49,421 All information and leads must be shared, 349 00:26:49,421 --> 00:26:51,501 and no more games behind anyone's back. 350 00:26:53,781 --> 00:26:56,701 Even the most cursory study of criminal psychology will tell you 351 00:26:56,701 --> 00:26:58,421 that there are certain constants 352 00:26:58,421 --> 00:27:00,821 when it comes to profiling serious sexual offenders. 353 00:27:01,861 --> 00:27:05,661 Men between 25 and 35. Parents divorced, usually in childhood. 354 00:27:05,661 --> 00:27:08,221 Almost always the product of excessive discipline 355 00:27:08,221 --> 00:27:11,701 or abusive behaviours, or both. Often single. Antisocial. 356 00:27:11,701 --> 00:27:14,101 Problems with intimacy. Not unintelligent. 357 00:27:14,101 --> 00:27:17,141 Mate, can you put the brakes on? But with a fairly low verbal IQ. 358 00:27:17,141 --> 00:27:19,821 So, we're looking for a single man, from a broken home, 359 00:27:19,821 --> 00:27:21,901 with a poor vocabulary. Case solved! 360 00:27:22,941 --> 00:27:25,701 We've got limited manpower, so we're focusing on males 361 00:27:25,701 --> 00:27:28,981 with access to the building and a criminal record. 362 00:27:28,981 --> 00:27:31,981 Our prime suspect, Henri Watson. 363 00:27:31,981 --> 00:27:34,581 Works for the college canteen. 364 00:27:34,581 --> 00:27:38,781 No alibi, and has a criminal record for a minor sexual offence. 365 00:27:38,781 --> 00:27:41,181 Did a runner when we turned up at his door. Got a warrant out. 366 00:27:41,181 --> 00:27:45,261 Dennis Banks works for the contractors who clean the college. 367 00:27:45,261 --> 00:27:48,781 Has served prison time, but not for sexual offences. 368 00:27:48,781 --> 00:27:50,581 His wife has vouched for his whereabouts 369 00:27:50,581 --> 00:27:53,061 on the night of the crime. And then there's a caretaker 370 00:27:53,061 --> 00:27:54,941 who was working in the building that night 371 00:27:54,941 --> 00:27:57,581 and has no-one to confirm his whereabouts. 372 00:27:57,581 --> 00:28:00,981 But he only has a drink-driving conviction from ten years ago. 373 00:28:00,981 --> 00:28:04,541 And that's it. That's all we've got. 374 00:28:04,541 --> 00:28:05,901 So far. 375 00:28:05,901 --> 00:28:08,101 They're the main focus of our investigation. 376 00:28:08,101 --> 00:28:11,621 But we're also broadening our search to include student key-card holders. 377 00:28:11,621 --> 00:28:14,821 I really don't think that will be necessary, Detective Inspector. 378 00:28:14,821 --> 00:28:16,061 I beg your pardon? 379 00:28:16,061 --> 00:28:18,381 The perpetrator has been associated with the university 380 00:28:18,381 --> 00:28:20,861 for at least five years. We can deduce that 381 00:28:20,861 --> 00:28:24,301 courtesy of the diligent detective work of Detective Sergeant Donckers. 382 00:28:24,301 --> 00:28:26,821 We believe the case is connected 383 00:28:26,821 --> 00:28:29,461 to the rape of another young woman, named Saskia Dawson. 384 00:28:29,461 --> 00:28:32,901 There are several features in common between the two. 385 00:28:32,901 --> 00:28:38,061 A stolen necklace in both instances and similar inscriptions. 386 00:28:43,781 --> 00:28:47,221 Revelations. Chapter 17. Verse five. 387 00:28:47,221 --> 00:28:50,261 Ezekiel. Chapter 16. Verse 33. 388 00:28:50,261 --> 00:28:51,541 "O profane woman. 389 00:28:51,541 --> 00:28:54,661 "You bribe your lovers to come from all directions for your harlotries." 390 00:28:54,661 --> 00:28:57,541 There's a high probability that you're looking for a churchgoer. 391 00:28:57,541 --> 00:29:00,301 And the question you should be asking yourself is... 392 00:29:00,301 --> 00:29:03,581 why has he waited so long before striking again? 393 00:29:03,581 --> 00:29:05,381 What triggered it? Precisely. 394 00:29:05,381 --> 00:29:09,621 He's lost control, and if that's the case... 395 00:29:09,621 --> 00:29:11,901 He's likely to rape again. Exactly so. 396 00:29:11,901 --> 00:29:15,501 Check with Student Welfare as well as the nearby hospitals. 397 00:29:15,501 --> 00:29:17,821 Specifically for cases of sexual assault. 398 00:29:17,821 --> 00:29:19,421 The purpose of education 399 00:29:19,421 --> 00:29:22,781 is to replace a narrow mind with an open mind, Detective Inspector. 400 00:29:25,421 --> 00:29:29,301 Ladies, gentlemen, Christina. I wish you a pleasant day. 401 00:29:46,101 --> 00:29:47,541 Jasper. 402 00:29:53,461 --> 00:29:55,461 TANGO MUSIC 403 00:30:28,301 --> 00:30:30,381 MISS SNARES CLEARS THROAT 404 00:30:30,381 --> 00:30:33,461 This is not in the job description. 405 00:30:34,501 --> 00:30:36,021 You have a visitor, Professor. 406 00:30:38,821 --> 00:30:40,461 Sweetheart. 407 00:30:40,461 --> 00:30:42,101 Mother. 408 00:30:44,381 --> 00:30:45,741 Oh... 409 00:30:47,341 --> 00:30:50,101 Your father loved this city. 410 00:30:50,101 --> 00:30:52,661 That is one thing we can agree on. 411 00:30:54,061 --> 00:30:56,781 And he loved you too, Jasper. 412 00:30:56,781 --> 00:30:58,461 He did. 413 00:30:58,461 --> 00:31:00,981 You do not need to tell me that, Mother. 414 00:31:00,981 --> 00:31:03,981 And I love you... 415 00:31:03,981 --> 00:31:06,741 even though I sometimes wonder why. 416 00:31:09,341 --> 00:31:11,901 I was going to tell you about the house, darling. 417 00:31:11,901 --> 00:31:13,221 When, exactly? 418 00:31:13,221 --> 00:31:14,581 When an offer had been made, 419 00:31:14,581 --> 00:31:17,301 I thought it would make it easier to give your blessing. 420 00:31:17,301 --> 00:31:20,021 So you acknowledge that you require my blessing? 421 00:31:20,021 --> 00:31:23,901 Legally, it requires your permission to be sold. 422 00:31:23,901 --> 00:31:26,261 Permission that will not be granted. 423 00:31:26,261 --> 00:31:28,101 What do you mean? 424 00:31:29,661 --> 00:31:31,541 I intend to move in. 425 00:31:32,901 --> 00:31:35,101 Don't be absurd. 426 00:31:35,101 --> 00:31:38,141 You won't get through the front door without a gallon of bleach 427 00:31:38,141 --> 00:31:40,901 and a hundredweight of wet wipes. 428 00:31:40,901 --> 00:31:43,781 Why, darling? 429 00:31:43,781 --> 00:31:46,581 Think of your lovely flat. 430 00:31:46,581 --> 00:31:49,461 So clean and sterile. 431 00:31:49,461 --> 00:31:51,541 But it is not home. 432 00:31:51,541 --> 00:31:55,661 But that old house isn't our home any longer either, sweetheart. 433 00:31:55,661 --> 00:31:59,661 It's a shell... of unhappy memories. 434 00:32:03,341 --> 00:32:05,581 VENTILATOR HISSES, MONITOR BEEPS 435 00:32:10,861 --> 00:32:13,381 And this is Milly Standish. 436 00:32:13,381 --> 00:32:17,021 She's the only other female patient admitted in the last 48 hours. 437 00:32:17,021 --> 00:32:20,181 First year student. Same college as Diana Tyson. 438 00:32:20,181 --> 00:32:23,861 She's in a coma. You won't be able to interview her like the others. 439 00:32:23,861 --> 00:32:25,781 Can you say what happened to her? 440 00:32:25,781 --> 00:32:28,501 Acute subdural haematoma. 441 00:32:28,501 --> 00:32:30,381 She fell down a staircase, it says here. 442 00:32:30,381 --> 00:32:32,061 Any other injuries? No. 443 00:32:32,061 --> 00:32:34,621 Er... Excuse me for a moment. 444 00:32:36,261 --> 00:32:37,861 Let's go. Wait. 445 00:32:39,141 --> 00:32:40,581 What are you doing? 446 00:32:40,581 --> 00:32:44,541 Education's purpose is to replace a narrow mind with an open mind. 447 00:32:44,541 --> 00:32:47,061 So let's go through her belongings again 448 00:32:47,061 --> 00:32:48,941 to see what we might have missed. 449 00:32:50,701 --> 00:32:53,421 Why don't you check her pockets of whatever she was wearing? 450 00:32:57,741 --> 00:32:59,701 Smell this. 451 00:33:03,181 --> 00:33:04,541 It's pepper spray. 452 00:33:04,541 --> 00:33:07,501 We need to get her round-the-clock protection as quick as possible. 453 00:33:12,501 --> 00:33:14,621 Professor, we've got another one. 454 00:33:18,701 --> 00:33:20,781 Thanks for skipping your lunch, Professor. 455 00:33:20,781 --> 00:33:23,421 We wanted to do this as quickly as possible 456 00:33:23,421 --> 00:33:25,221 before she changes her mind. 457 00:33:27,821 --> 00:33:29,941 We meet again, Miss Tyson. 458 00:33:31,101 --> 00:33:33,581 You're safe within the goldfish bowl... 459 00:33:33,581 --> 00:33:35,221 OVER SPEAKERS: '..of your psyche. 460 00:33:35,221 --> 00:33:38,221 'Are you sure you wish to step outside?' 461 00:33:38,221 --> 00:33:41,861 Well, I'd much rather stay the goldfish, 462 00:33:41,861 --> 00:33:44,261 but it's not just about me, is it? 463 00:33:44,261 --> 00:33:46,341 I told Diana we have another victim. 464 00:33:46,341 --> 00:33:47,581 Very well. 465 00:33:47,581 --> 00:33:49,341 Close your eyes. 466 00:33:50,341 --> 00:33:51,981 PAUL: Hold your horses. 467 00:33:51,981 --> 00:33:53,541 I'm sitting in. 468 00:33:53,541 --> 00:33:56,101 That will not be necessary. 469 00:33:57,421 --> 00:33:59,861 Excuse us, please. 470 00:33:59,861 --> 00:34:01,421 SOFTLY: Sorry. 471 00:34:06,661 --> 00:34:08,901 I'm still the sodding boss around here. 472 00:34:08,901 --> 00:34:12,261 Your anger and frustration are misplaced, Detective Inspector. 473 00:34:12,261 --> 00:34:15,821 I suggest your energies are better directed towards fixing the problems 474 00:34:15,821 --> 00:34:18,341 you are so transparently experiencing in your private life. 475 00:34:26,221 --> 00:34:31,661 He lost his only daughter six months ago in a hit-and-run accident. 476 00:34:53,261 --> 00:34:55,261 I will channel your natural desire 477 00:34:55,261 --> 00:34:57,861 to disassociate from these terrible events. 478 00:34:57,861 --> 00:35:00,261 I will take you back, but as an observer, 479 00:35:00,261 --> 00:35:02,661 not as Diana Tyson. Do you understand? 480 00:35:04,741 --> 00:35:07,061 Can you see Diana on her bicycle? 481 00:35:10,301 --> 00:35:12,061 Yes. 482 00:35:12,061 --> 00:35:14,501 Has she reached the door yet? 483 00:35:14,501 --> 00:35:15,581 CARD READER BEEPS 484 00:35:17,901 --> 00:35:20,821 Are you following her to the lavatories? 485 00:35:21,981 --> 00:35:23,821 Mm-hm. 486 00:35:23,821 --> 00:35:27,341 Do you notice anything unusual? 487 00:35:32,221 --> 00:35:33,501 No. 488 00:35:35,301 --> 00:35:36,581 You're in the cubicle. 489 00:35:36,581 --> 00:35:38,901 She hears something. 490 00:35:40,061 --> 00:35:41,341 Is it significant? 491 00:35:41,341 --> 00:35:43,341 LAUGHTER ECHOING GIRL: Oh, my God! 492 00:35:47,341 --> 00:35:48,821 What's she doing now? 493 00:35:48,821 --> 00:35:51,781 'She comes out of the cubicle.' 494 00:35:53,061 --> 00:35:54,861 She washes her hands. 495 00:35:57,781 --> 00:35:59,661 GASPING 496 00:35:59,661 --> 00:36:02,221 The mirror! There's someone there. 497 00:36:02,221 --> 00:36:03,941 What does he do to Diana? 498 00:36:05,101 --> 00:36:08,061 'He drags her by the hair.' 499 00:36:12,741 --> 00:36:14,421 He rips her necklace. 500 00:36:14,421 --> 00:36:16,741 Can you see his face? No, he's... 501 00:36:16,741 --> 00:36:18,541 'He's got a balaclava on.' 502 00:36:18,541 --> 00:36:20,541 But what about his eyes? His hands? 503 00:36:20,541 --> 00:36:22,461 His right hand, he's... 504 00:36:22,461 --> 00:36:24,741 He's got a tattoo. It's... 505 00:36:24,741 --> 00:36:28,021 four or... five dots. 506 00:36:30,061 --> 00:36:32,461 SHE SOBS 507 00:36:34,301 --> 00:36:36,381 Five dots? 508 00:36:36,381 --> 00:36:38,461 Well done, Miss Tyson. 509 00:36:38,461 --> 00:36:40,341 Well done. 510 00:36:41,581 --> 00:36:44,061 A prison tattoo. 511 00:36:45,381 --> 00:36:46,621 Mm. 512 00:36:46,621 --> 00:36:48,661 DAN: Dennis Banks served prison time. 513 00:36:48,661 --> 00:36:53,501 DISTANT SIRENS 514 00:36:59,341 --> 00:37:01,901 DOORBELL RINGS 515 00:37:03,941 --> 00:37:06,021 We need to speak to your husband, Mrs Banks. 516 00:37:18,941 --> 00:37:20,661 BUDGIES TWEETING 517 00:37:23,901 --> 00:37:25,981 Show me your hands, please, Mr Banks. 518 00:37:28,101 --> 00:37:30,101 Turn them over. 519 00:37:39,541 --> 00:37:41,581 DAN: Can you come with us, please, Mr Banks? 520 00:37:56,301 --> 00:37:58,421 LISA: Professor, did you get the notes I sent 521 00:37:58,421 --> 00:38:00,581 from my interview with Jasmine Banks? 522 00:38:00,581 --> 00:38:02,381 He fits your profile, 523 00:38:02,381 --> 00:38:03,861 and we found this. 524 00:38:03,861 --> 00:38:05,581 It's Diana Tyson's chain, 525 00:38:05,581 --> 00:38:07,741 but he claims he found it while he was cleaning. 526 00:38:07,741 --> 00:38:09,141 A jury might believe him. 527 00:38:09,141 --> 00:38:11,661 Without a confession, we may not have sufficient to hold him. 528 00:38:11,661 --> 00:38:13,221 What about his alibi? 529 00:38:13,221 --> 00:38:15,501 Well, his wife swears blind he was home all night, 530 00:38:15,501 --> 00:38:17,661 asleep for most of it. 531 00:38:22,421 --> 00:38:24,181 DOOR OPENS 532 00:38:27,621 --> 00:38:29,381 OVER SPEAKER: 'The time is 6:12pm. 533 00:38:29,381 --> 00:38:31,381 'I am DS Donckers, and present with me...' 534 00:38:31,381 --> 00:38:33,421 ..in the room is Dennis Banks, 535 00:38:33,421 --> 00:38:36,301 and police consultant Professor Jasper Tempest. 536 00:38:36,301 --> 00:38:39,461 It's really quite a transformation, Mr Banks. 537 00:38:39,461 --> 00:38:42,901 A choir boy at 12 and convict at 20. 538 00:38:42,901 --> 00:38:44,661 From songbird to jailbird. 539 00:38:44,661 --> 00:38:47,541 It says here you served four years for holding up a newsagents. 540 00:38:47,541 --> 00:38:48,861 Four years. 541 00:38:48,861 --> 00:38:51,341 Locked up with the pushers and the paedophiles. 542 00:38:51,341 --> 00:38:52,821 No wonder you got a tattoo. 543 00:38:52,821 --> 00:38:55,981 Are you buying this? Just give it a chance. 544 00:38:55,981 --> 00:38:58,701 Then a lifetime of emptying bins. 545 00:38:58,701 --> 00:39:00,461 My idea of hell, Mr Banks. 546 00:39:00,461 --> 00:39:04,541 'Cleaning up the filth of people your own age 547 00:39:04,541 --> 00:39:06,581 'who won't give you so much as the time of day.' 548 00:39:06,581 --> 00:39:09,581 'Revelations. Chapter 17.' 549 00:39:09,581 --> 00:39:12,421 "A woman full of abominations 550 00:39:12,421 --> 00:39:15,821 "and the filthiest of her fornication." 551 00:39:15,821 --> 00:39:18,741 So you give in to your grievance. 552 00:39:20,101 --> 00:39:21,941 And you get away with it. 553 00:39:24,301 --> 00:39:26,301 Why stop there? 554 00:39:27,621 --> 00:39:29,181 Then you meet, um... 555 00:39:31,541 --> 00:39:32,941 ..Jasmine. 556 00:39:34,461 --> 00:39:36,021 And finally you have some semblance 557 00:39:36,021 --> 00:39:37,661 of the life you've always prayed for. 558 00:39:40,181 --> 00:39:42,181 'On your hands and knees.' 559 00:39:42,181 --> 00:39:46,541 As your eyes look to God, but your thoughts turn to the Devil. 560 00:39:49,101 --> 00:39:50,981 This is bollocks. 561 00:39:50,981 --> 00:39:54,661 'Jasmine was all you needed to lock that part of you away.' 562 00:39:54,661 --> 00:39:56,701 PHONE BUZZES 563 00:39:56,701 --> 00:39:58,461 Winters. 564 00:40:00,061 --> 00:40:02,901 How did you find out she was having an affair, Mr Banks? 565 00:40:04,181 --> 00:40:05,621 You'd taken a sleeping pill 566 00:40:05,621 --> 00:40:07,581 so why would your wife need to check up on you? 567 00:40:07,581 --> 00:40:09,301 Unless she had a very good reason 568 00:40:09,301 --> 00:40:12,141 for wanting to be absolutely certain you were asleep. 569 00:40:18,581 --> 00:40:20,541 She'd been acting funny. 570 00:40:20,541 --> 00:40:23,301 I said I was going to bed, 571 00:40:23,301 --> 00:40:25,861 that I'd taken something to help me sleep. 572 00:40:34,261 --> 00:40:36,661 I heard her on the phone. 573 00:40:38,101 --> 00:40:39,981 'She left minutes later.' 574 00:40:41,621 --> 00:40:43,341 She broke her promise to you, 575 00:40:43,341 --> 00:40:45,941 so you broke your promise to yourself? 576 00:40:56,461 --> 00:41:01,661 Dennis Banks, did you rape Saskia Dawson and Diana Tyson, 577 00:41:01,661 --> 00:41:05,221 and are you guilty of the attempted rape of Milly Standish? 578 00:41:07,541 --> 00:41:09,661 Milly's no longer in a coma, Dennis. 579 00:41:10,661 --> 00:41:15,941 Dennis Banks, did you rape Saskia Dawson and Diana Tyson, 580 00:41:15,941 --> 00:41:18,261 and attempt to rape Milly Standish? 581 00:41:29,581 --> 00:41:31,381 I need to hear you say it! 582 00:41:37,021 --> 00:41:38,621 Yes. 583 00:41:46,581 --> 00:41:48,341 HE SNORTS LIGHTLY 584 00:42:02,941 --> 00:42:04,741 SHE EXHALES 585 00:42:13,221 --> 00:42:16,021 Thank you, Jasper. My pleasure, Christina. 586 00:42:23,021 --> 00:42:24,861 SHE CHUCKLES GENTLY 587 00:42:37,821 --> 00:42:40,501 This just came for you, Professor. 588 00:42:41,821 --> 00:42:43,541 I see. 589 00:42:43,541 --> 00:42:46,221 I'm not going to clean it. 590 00:43:45,061 --> 00:43:47,861 'Crime is inherently traumatic. 591 00:43:47,861 --> 00:43:52,341 'A narrow snapshot of the event encodes onto the brain.' 592 00:43:52,341 --> 00:43:57,661 Within seconds, this memory starts to fade, to become contaminated, 593 00:43:57,661 --> 00:44:00,981 turning us into unreliable narrators. 594 00:44:02,741 --> 00:44:04,861 DOORBELL RINGS 595 00:44:10,821 --> 00:44:13,421 'A violent event leaves a wound 596 00:44:13,421 --> 00:44:16,981 'which spreads and infects everything.' 597 00:44:27,381 --> 00:44:28,981 HE INHALES SHARPLY 598 00:44:36,581 --> 00:44:37,941 Hi. 599 00:44:37,941 --> 00:44:40,581 I know it's been a long time, but... 600 00:44:40,581 --> 00:44:42,221 we got him. 601 00:44:57,021 --> 00:45:00,701 'Trauma scrambles the senses, ladies and gentlemen.' 602 00:45:00,701 --> 00:45:05,261 It transforms even the most lucid mind into a labyrinth. 603 00:45:26,901 --> 00:45:29,541 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com