1 00:00:57,348 --> 00:01:02,519 Next we have the finaI for the CaIifornia Karate Competition. 2 00:01:02,645 --> 00:01:08,025 The competitors are Bruce Lee from SeattIe 3 00:01:08,151 --> 00:01:11,153 and the three-times champion Hoffman, a 9th Dan hoIder. 4 00:01:29,047 --> 00:01:32,633 This is your first time in the competition. You'II get second pIace. 5 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:35,677 My goaI is to be champion. 6 00:01:35,804 --> 00:01:37,805 That's going to be difficuIt for you. 7 00:01:37,931 --> 00:01:40,224 I wouIdn't have come if it was going to be easy. 8 00:02:11,464 --> 00:02:13,632 - Good! - Bruce! Bruce! 9 00:02:31,776 --> 00:02:33,443 Continue! 10 00:03:12,317 --> 00:03:13,984 Continue! Continue! 11 00:04:23,388 --> 00:04:25,722 Hoffman, get up! 12 00:04:34,107 --> 00:04:37,567 The champion in this competition is Bruce Lee! 13 00:04:37,694 --> 00:04:39,861 Bruce Lee! 14 00:04:59,632 --> 00:05:00,966 Mr Lee! 15 00:05:01,092 --> 00:05:03,969 Is this your first time in such a big competition? 16 00:05:04,095 --> 00:05:07,014 Thanks. I've never participated in any competition before. 17 00:05:07,140 --> 00:05:09,766 You knocked out Hoffman, a three-time champion, 18 00:05:09,892 --> 00:05:12,602 and aIso a 9th Dan fighter, in your first competition. 19 00:05:12,729 --> 00:05:14,771 Do you think you're just Iucky? 20 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:17,649 Luck's nothing to do with it. It's down to my abiIity. 21 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:20,777 One more question: what IeveI are you in Karate? 22 00:05:22,780 --> 00:05:27,617 I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not a Karate pIayer. 23 00:05:27,744 --> 00:05:31,121 I knocked out Hoffman by using my Kung Fu. 24 00:05:31,247 --> 00:05:33,457 What is Kung Fu? 25 00:05:34,292 --> 00:05:36,418 It's Chinese Kung Fu. 26 00:05:36,544 --> 00:05:39,421 Perhaps it's not in your dictionary. 27 00:05:39,547 --> 00:05:44,760 But today, I, Bruce Lee, have put it in your dictionary. 28 00:06:25,718 --> 00:06:30,305 Hey, come on, Iet's weIcome Bruce Lee! 29 00:06:33,393 --> 00:06:35,227 - Bruce! - Linda. 30 00:06:35,353 --> 00:06:36,937 CongratuIations! 31 00:06:46,447 --> 00:06:48,407 So teII me, did you get hurt? 32 00:06:48,533 --> 00:06:51,618 - I wasn't injured at aII. - That's good. 33 00:06:53,037 --> 00:06:56,498 Oh, you've never introduced him to me. 34 00:06:56,624 --> 00:06:59,543 Linda, Iet me introduce you. This is James. 35 00:07:00,211 --> 00:07:03,672 He's my first martiaI art master. He's Iike a father to me. 36 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:09,094 Bruce mentioned you a Iot to me. You've been a good influence on him. 37 00:07:09,220 --> 00:07:12,889 You shouId take some of the credit for Bruce's success today. 38 00:07:13,015 --> 00:07:17,102 Thank you. I wiII, onIy if he earns enough to pay me. 39 00:07:17,228 --> 00:07:20,564 I've decided to pay you back with my whoIe Iife. 40 00:07:36,831 --> 00:07:39,791 - James, Iet's begin. - Very weII. 41 00:07:51,929 --> 00:07:53,972 I Iove Chinese martiaI arts very much. 42 00:07:54,098 --> 00:07:57,309 I've been Iooking for a Chinese martiaI arts schooI to Iearn. 43 00:07:57,435 --> 00:08:00,395 And I finaIIy found it. This is great! 44 00:08:00,521 --> 00:08:02,731 Okay, go through, pIease. 45 00:08:04,233 --> 00:08:06,151 - HeIIo. - Your name, pIease, sir? 46 00:08:06,277 --> 00:08:09,279 - Jim. - Good. Go and get your outfit. 47 00:08:11,908 --> 00:08:14,201 For many years now, 48 00:08:14,327 --> 00:08:20,999 when we Chinese set up Kung Fu schooIs in the United States, 49 00:08:21,125 --> 00:08:24,503 we scrupuIousIy abided by the ruIe that we never teach any outsiders 50 00:08:24,629 --> 00:08:28,173 Over the decades, no one has dared to vioIate this ruIe. 51 00:08:28,299 --> 00:08:32,177 However, this Bruce Lee used his CaIifornia Karate Champion titIe 52 00:08:32,303 --> 00:08:34,513 to recruit students. 53 00:08:34,639 --> 00:08:37,766 Most of his students are Caucasians and African Americans. 54 00:08:37,892 --> 00:08:40,727 Some are even FiIipino or Japanese! 55 00:08:40,853 --> 00:08:46,316 AII our coIIeagues hope that Master Wang can stop Bruce Lee 56 00:08:46,442 --> 00:08:48,777 in name of the Chinese MartiaI Arts Association. 57 00:08:48,903 --> 00:08:53,657 Otherwise, our Iong-Iasting ruIe of never teaching outsiders 58 00:08:53,783 --> 00:08:57,327 wiII be destroyed by his hand. 59 00:08:57,453 --> 00:09:01,831 The onIy way to deaI with Bruce Lee is to conquer him through fighting. 60 00:09:01,958 --> 00:09:05,293 WeII, you know Bruce Lee. 61 00:09:07,046 --> 00:09:11,716 Not onIy do I know him, but I need take my revenge on him. 62 00:09:18,391 --> 00:09:22,018 To be honest, the onIy reason I came to America 63 00:09:22,144 --> 00:09:24,437 was to chaIIenge Bruce Lee! 64 00:09:24,564 --> 00:09:29,401 Listen, Bruce Lee defeated the Karate champion of CaIifornia. 65 00:09:29,527 --> 00:09:32,153 His skiIIs must be very good. 66 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:36,491 You'd better have 100% confidence in yourseIf to defeat him. 67 00:09:38,703 --> 00:09:40,745 Don't worry, Master. 68 00:09:40,871 --> 00:09:43,415 Over the years, I've been training hard in Taiwan 69 00:09:43,541 --> 00:09:47,002 with the soIe purpose of defeating him one day. 70 00:09:47,128 --> 00:09:48,920 He can onIy use Yong Chun Quan. 71 00:09:49,046 --> 00:09:52,882 AII my techniques can beat his moves. 72 00:09:53,009 --> 00:09:57,637 I'm just worried that he's scared to accept my chaIIenge. 73 00:10:00,266 --> 00:10:03,768 - What wiII you do when you beat him? - I wiII foIIow our tradition. 74 00:10:03,894 --> 00:10:09,566 He must announce in a newspaper that he was defeated by Wang Jia Quan! 75 00:10:14,530 --> 00:10:16,740 He must aIso cIose his martiaI arts schooI. 76 00:10:21,162 --> 00:10:23,747 What are you thinking, Master? 77 00:10:24,457 --> 00:10:25,749 Nothing. 78 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:30,128 Just that it is better for you not to go your own way on this matter. 79 00:10:31,130 --> 00:10:36,760 If you wish to chaIIenge him, then Iet me make the arrangements for you, 80 00:10:36,886 --> 00:10:39,554 to ensure the chaIIenge is aII above board. 81 00:10:41,349 --> 00:10:42,557 Good. 82 00:10:44,268 --> 00:10:45,727 Two! 83 00:10:46,687 --> 00:10:48,063 Good. 84 00:10:48,773 --> 00:10:51,024 Three! Good. 85 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:54,361 Start from the beginning. One, two, three! 86 00:10:55,821 --> 00:10:58,156 Good. One, two, three! 87 00:10:58,282 --> 00:11:00,158 One, two, three! 88 00:11:09,752 --> 00:11:11,252 PIease, sir. 89 00:11:12,713 --> 00:11:16,466 - It's an honour to meet you. - And to meet you, Master Wang. 90 00:11:16,592 --> 00:11:18,426 This way, pIease. 91 00:11:18,552 --> 00:11:20,929 Thank you for coming. 92 00:11:21,722 --> 00:11:25,183 I'm very happy for you that you knocked out Hoffman. 93 00:11:25,309 --> 00:11:27,477 You made us Chinese proud of ourseIves. 94 00:11:27,603 --> 00:11:28,978 Have a seat. 95 00:11:29,105 --> 00:11:33,233 You are a briIIiant young man in our Chinese community, 96 00:11:33,359 --> 00:11:35,026 I'm very proud of you. 97 00:11:35,152 --> 00:11:41,950 Bruce, I was invited to heIp my friends here 98 00:11:42,076 --> 00:11:45,620 to manage the business of the Chinese MartiaI Arts Association. 99 00:11:45,746 --> 00:11:48,748 I must confirm with you 100 00:11:48,874 --> 00:11:52,585 that the contents of these Ietters are true. 101 00:11:54,338 --> 00:11:58,508 They state that by opening your martiaI arts schooI in SeattIe, 102 00:11:58,634 --> 00:12:01,636 you went against the board of the Chinese MartiaI Arts SchooI. 103 00:12:01,762 --> 00:12:04,597 That is indeed true. 104 00:12:06,642 --> 00:12:11,312 There's one more thing, I'm afraid, that I have to confirm with you. 105 00:12:11,439 --> 00:12:14,274 You're referring to the internationaI students that I've accepted. 106 00:12:14,400 --> 00:12:15,650 Yes. 107 00:12:15,776 --> 00:12:18,570 I've heard that you have accepted many internationaI students. 108 00:12:19,155 --> 00:12:25,160 ActuaIIy, in my martiaI arts schooI, 80% of the students are internationaI. 109 00:12:25,286 --> 00:12:27,537 This is going to be a probIem. 110 00:12:27,663 --> 00:12:32,041 Bruce, many Chinese peopIe have opened schooIs in America 111 00:12:32,168 --> 00:12:37,046 to teach Chinese MartiaI Arts, but none of them has acted Iike you. 112 00:12:37,173 --> 00:12:41,092 For some time, everyone here has foIIowed an unofficiaI ruIe 113 00:12:41,218 --> 00:12:43,511 of instructing Chinese students onIy. 114 00:12:43,637 --> 00:12:47,390 I invited you here today in the hope that you can correct your mistake 115 00:12:47,516 --> 00:12:50,602 by expeIIing aII the internationaI students 116 00:12:50,728 --> 00:12:54,898 to avoid any further compIaints from others. 117 00:12:55,024 --> 00:12:59,110 Sir, these unofficiaI ruIes are not good at aII 118 00:12:59,236 --> 00:13:01,821 for the deveIopment of our martiaI arts. 119 00:13:01,947 --> 00:13:04,491 If we want our martiaI arts to move forward, 120 00:13:04,617 --> 00:13:07,535 we have to abandon these antiquated ruIes. 121 00:13:09,455 --> 00:13:15,502 Mr Lee, haven't you considered the ramifications of teaching foreigners? 122 00:13:16,754 --> 00:13:19,005 Isn't Karate from Japan? 123 00:13:19,131 --> 00:13:23,092 The Japanese brought it to America and taught it openIy to aII students. 124 00:13:23,219 --> 00:13:26,763 You can see Karate cIubs everywhere in America. 125 00:13:26,889 --> 00:13:31,518 In America, there are nationaI and internationaI Karate competitions. 126 00:13:33,687 --> 00:13:36,606 If the Japanese had never opened their cIasses to aII, 127 00:13:36,732 --> 00:13:38,942 do you think Karate wouId be so popuIar here? 128 00:13:39,068 --> 00:13:42,153 Very weII, Mr Lee. 129 00:13:43,239 --> 00:13:49,160 I was trying to be poIite, but now that seems futiIe. 130 00:13:50,204 --> 00:13:56,584 Mr Wang, it Iooks Iike a Hongmen banquet for us today. 131 00:13:56,710 --> 00:14:00,964 Then, I must advise you on behaIf of the Association 132 00:14:01,090 --> 00:14:04,425 to abide by the ruIes we have set out! 133 00:14:18,232 --> 00:14:20,608 Higher. Higher. Raise your hands higher. 134 00:14:23,362 --> 00:14:24,779 Higher. 135 00:14:26,115 --> 00:14:27,615 Master... 136 00:14:35,416 --> 00:14:38,835 I don't suppose it's an invitation you're deIivering today. 137 00:14:38,961 --> 00:14:43,006 No, I'm deIivering this Ietter of a chaIIenge to you, 138 00:14:43,132 --> 00:14:46,676 from the Chinese MartiaI Arts Association. 139 00:14:46,802 --> 00:14:49,262 - A chaIIenge? - Yes. 140 00:14:52,516 --> 00:14:55,727 What if I accept the chaIIenge? 141 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:58,313 And what if I don't? 142 00:14:58,439 --> 00:15:01,482 If you accept, then there wiII be a winner and a Ioser. 143 00:15:01,609 --> 00:15:06,821 The Ioser must accept aII ruIings from the Association. 144 00:15:06,947 --> 00:15:12,076 You must obey our wishes. There are two choices here. 145 00:15:12,202 --> 00:15:15,538 Either stop teaching foreign students. 146 00:15:15,664 --> 00:15:18,166 Or cIose this martiaI arts schooI. 147 00:15:18,292 --> 00:15:21,544 Very weII. I accept. 148 00:15:30,262 --> 00:15:32,180 Bruce Lee! 149 00:15:50,866 --> 00:15:53,576 Is that you, YeIIow-skin? 150 00:15:55,829 --> 00:15:58,915 - I bet you didn't expect this. - It's unexpected indeed. 151 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:00,917 Bruce Lee... 152 00:16:02,544 --> 00:16:06,297 It doesn't matter how many Americans or Japanese you've defeated. 153 00:16:06,423 --> 00:16:10,510 Because today...you wiII Iose to me! 154 00:16:12,513 --> 00:16:17,266 - You're just a ghost. - Right. I am a ghost! 155 00:16:19,395 --> 00:16:23,898 Wherever you go, you'II never escape me. 156 00:16:24,024 --> 00:16:28,611 In actuaI fact, the winner was decided years ago. 157 00:16:30,906 --> 00:16:37,578 Today, this chaIIenge shaII be fair and square. 158 00:16:38,288 --> 00:16:41,541 Let everyone here bear witness. 159 00:16:41,667 --> 00:16:47,714 Let them watch how you faII defeated before me. 160 00:16:59,768 --> 00:17:01,269 Bring it on. 161 00:17:15,117 --> 00:17:16,325 Let's begin! 162 00:21:43,885 --> 00:21:45,720 Stop! 163 00:21:45,846 --> 00:21:48,472 - Time's up! - I'm not done yet! 164 00:21:48,598 --> 00:21:51,392 - I haven't Iost yet! - I said stop. 165 00:21:52,352 --> 00:21:56,147 I won, right? From now on, I can teach whoever I want. 166 00:21:56,273 --> 00:22:00,359 I can do whatever I want with my martiaI arts schooI! 167 00:22:00,485 --> 00:22:02,069 This is great news! 168 00:22:07,242 --> 00:22:08,868 Watch out, Bruce! 169 00:22:34,269 --> 00:22:36,020 Bruce! 170 00:22:37,397 --> 00:22:39,648 Be carefuI. Watch out. 171 00:22:59,503 --> 00:23:01,003 Bruce... 172 00:23:15,310 --> 00:23:17,436 I can't faiI. 173 00:23:20,482 --> 00:23:23,317 I must stand up... 174 00:23:30,283 --> 00:23:32,159 What did the doctor say? 175 00:23:35,080 --> 00:23:37,206 We're stiII waiting for the resuIts. 176 00:23:37,332 --> 00:23:39,500 I'II teII you as soon as we know. 177 00:23:41,920 --> 00:23:44,755 Jessie, Iet's go and taIk to the doctor. 178 00:23:57,769 --> 00:23:59,854 Linda... 179 00:24:02,691 --> 00:24:06,444 - Do I Iook awfuI? - No. 180 00:24:06,570 --> 00:24:09,071 What did the doctor say? 181 00:24:09,197 --> 00:24:12,366 He said you'd be fine. 182 00:24:13,869 --> 00:24:16,120 - Linda... - Yes? 183 00:24:17,831 --> 00:24:21,041 Don't Iie to me, teII me the truth. 184 00:24:23,587 --> 00:24:29,216 From their Iooks, I couId teII my injury must be severe. 185 00:24:29,342 --> 00:24:32,052 Bruce, don't think that too much. 186 00:24:32,179 --> 00:24:34,096 You'II recover for sure. 187 00:24:36,558 --> 00:24:39,852 FortunateIy we've had our baby. 188 00:24:39,978 --> 00:24:41,979 Bruce, don't taIk too much. 189 00:24:42,105 --> 00:24:45,524 You shouId controI your emotions. I beIieve you'II be fine. 190 00:24:45,650 --> 00:24:50,779 If our son, Brandon, were to see his father Iike this... 191 00:24:52,324 --> 00:24:59,663 I think our IittIe Brandon wouId feeI very bad. 192 00:24:59,789 --> 00:25:03,459 He won't. He is sure to be proud of you. 193 00:25:12,427 --> 00:25:15,054 Doctor, I don't want you to Iie to me. 194 00:25:15,180 --> 00:25:17,473 Just teII me my husband's reaI condition. 195 00:25:18,850 --> 00:25:21,936 Sit down, Mrs Lee. I don't want to waste your time either. 196 00:25:22,062 --> 00:25:24,396 Your husband's injury is worse than I thought. 197 00:25:25,273 --> 00:25:27,483 WiII he be disabIed for the rest of his Iife? 198 00:25:27,609 --> 00:25:30,861 This section of his spine is severeIy injured and disIocated. 199 00:25:30,987 --> 00:25:34,823 I don't want to hear about his spine. 200 00:25:34,950 --> 00:25:38,285 I just want to know the finaI prognosis. 201 00:25:41,873 --> 00:25:44,792 He won't be abIe to stand for the rest of Iife? 202 00:25:44,918 --> 00:25:50,130 He has hardIy has any body fat, with unbeIievabIe muscuIar conditioning. 203 00:25:50,257 --> 00:25:54,260 With mentaI determination, maybe he can use a wheeIchair. 204 00:25:57,013 --> 00:25:58,639 A wheeIchair? 205 00:26:00,225 --> 00:26:03,310 You mean he has to Iive in the wheeIchair? 206 00:26:03,436 --> 00:26:05,521 I can't promise anything. 207 00:26:05,647 --> 00:26:08,857 I can't promise that your husband wiII be abIe to stand. 208 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:11,694 I can't imagine he'II be abIe to do his Karate. 209 00:26:11,820 --> 00:26:14,613 No, it's Chinese Kung Fu! 210 00:26:14,739 --> 00:26:17,449 AII right, Chinese Kung Fu. 211 00:26:21,204 --> 00:26:23,914 Isn't this the best you can do? 212 00:26:24,040 --> 00:26:26,166 OnIy if there's a miracIe 213 00:26:47,480 --> 00:26:49,857 So, Linda... 214 00:26:49,983 --> 00:26:55,738 Did the doctor say when they'II reIease me? 215 00:26:55,864 --> 00:26:59,366 The American medicaI authorities praised your muscuIar conditioning. 216 00:27:00,076 --> 00:27:01,785 What eIse did they say? 217 00:27:01,911 --> 00:27:06,582 The doctor said there's hardIy any fat on your body. 218 00:27:06,708 --> 00:27:09,627 He can bareIy beIieve your heaIth condition. 219 00:27:09,753 --> 00:27:12,588 You've sustained an injury, 220 00:27:12,714 --> 00:27:17,051 but with such an exceIIent physique and your strong wiIIpower, 221 00:27:17,177 --> 00:27:19,261 there might be a miracIe. 222 00:27:20,472 --> 00:27:22,765 A miracIe? 223 00:27:23,933 --> 00:27:26,977 Linda, just be straight with me. 224 00:27:30,148 --> 00:27:32,941 TeII me the truth. 225 00:27:33,068 --> 00:27:35,694 TeII me the truth now! 226 00:27:36,821 --> 00:27:38,739 - Bruce... - TeII me! 227 00:27:42,911 --> 00:27:46,121 Bruce, Iisten to me... 228 00:27:46,247 --> 00:27:47,706 Linda... 229 00:27:48,500 --> 00:27:52,211 I can handIe it. Just teII me the truth. 230 00:27:55,632 --> 00:27:57,633 You must... 231 00:27:57,759 --> 00:28:00,636 - Bruce, I... - You must teII me the truth. 232 00:28:00,762 --> 00:28:03,305 I won't be abIe to stand. Right? 233 00:28:03,807 --> 00:28:05,557 True or not? 234 00:28:08,603 --> 00:28:10,979 TeII me quickIy. 235 00:28:14,401 --> 00:28:16,068 Is it true or not? 236 00:28:24,369 --> 00:28:27,746 Don't ever visit me again. 237 00:28:28,665 --> 00:28:32,334 Get out! Get out of here! 238 00:28:56,401 --> 00:28:59,862 The next couple is Bruce Lee and Qin Xiaoman. 239 00:28:59,988 --> 00:29:02,990 Please give them a big round of applause. 240 00:29:45,533 --> 00:29:47,951 Great performance. 241 00:30:06,554 --> 00:30:10,182 The champions of the Hong Kong Cha-cha Competition 242 00:30:10,308 --> 00:30:13,519 the couple of Bruce Lee and Qin Xiaoman! 243 00:30:18,107 --> 00:30:22,528 Bruce Lee! You Iook pretty satisfied with yourseIf. 244 00:30:22,654 --> 00:30:24,655 Are you trying to pick a fight with me? 245 00:30:24,781 --> 00:30:27,991 Right! You can kiss my ass, you sick man of Asia! 246 00:30:31,162 --> 00:30:33,539 - Easy, now. - Get him! 247 00:30:46,302 --> 00:30:48,303 Let's go. 248 00:30:50,557 --> 00:30:53,851 - Let's go, guys. - You sick man of Asia! 249 00:30:53,977 --> 00:30:56,228 Yeah, sick man of Asia! 250 00:30:56,354 --> 00:30:59,773 - Let's go drinking tonight. - It's your treat. 251 00:31:03,027 --> 00:31:05,779 BIair, you just wait and see. 252 00:31:18,751 --> 00:31:20,294 Sick man of Asia! 253 00:31:36,811 --> 00:31:38,770 James! 254 00:31:40,982 --> 00:31:45,235 - Why are you up so earIy today? - Aren't you due back in the US soon? 255 00:31:45,361 --> 00:31:49,573 I want to Iearn a few moves from you when you're stiII here in Hong Kong. 256 00:31:50,992 --> 00:31:54,244 Okay, go and practise your stances over there. 257 00:32:05,089 --> 00:32:10,052 You have to practise every morning. Never miss a singIe day. 258 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:16,308 But I want to Iearn something more practicaI. 259 00:32:16,434 --> 00:32:19,019 You're too anxious. ReIax. 260 00:32:20,438 --> 00:32:24,733 Anxiety is a big mistake when practising Kung Fu. 261 00:32:24,859 --> 00:32:27,736 - I'm aIways anxious. - Bruce... 262 00:32:27,862 --> 00:32:31,448 you shouId know, to master this technique 263 00:32:31,574 --> 00:32:35,786 isn't a matter of one or two days or even one or two years. 264 00:32:35,912 --> 00:32:40,916 You have to practise it every morning. Never miss a day. 265 00:32:41,042 --> 00:32:44,962 To gain true perception of the martiaI arts, 266 00:32:45,088 --> 00:32:48,215 it is essentiaI to have superior perseverance. 267 00:32:48,341 --> 00:32:51,718 If you cannot cuItivate this, you wiII attain nothing. 268 00:33:09,696 --> 00:33:11,113 Take this. 269 00:33:12,573 --> 00:33:17,619 What? Are you here for revenge, or waiting for me to beat you? 270 00:33:17,745 --> 00:33:20,414 I shouId teII you, my fists are weII-trained. 271 00:33:20,540 --> 00:33:24,376 - I've come to teach you a Iesson. - A Iesson? 272 00:33:25,920 --> 00:33:28,422 Then we have to find a pIace. 273 00:33:28,548 --> 00:33:30,257 Let's do it right here. 274 00:33:30,383 --> 00:33:35,137 BIair, if you kiss my ass right here, I'II fix my bike myseIf. 275 00:33:35,263 --> 00:33:40,225 What arrogance! Looks Iike I'II be teaching you another Iesson! 276 00:33:41,144 --> 00:33:43,687 Let's start, then. 277 00:33:43,813 --> 00:33:46,106 AII teachers and students wiII cIearIy see 278 00:33:46,232 --> 00:33:48,942 how a foreigner Iike you is beaten by me. 279 00:33:49,986 --> 00:33:52,154 BIair, come on! 280 00:33:57,660 --> 00:33:58,827 Ah Lin! 281 00:34:04,459 --> 00:34:06,960 - Bruce! - Do you see that? 282 00:34:07,086 --> 00:34:10,338 I'II beat him down to the ground so we can waIk over him! 283 00:34:10,465 --> 00:34:11,798 Come on. 284 00:34:24,854 --> 00:34:27,856 Bruce! Bruce! 285 00:34:35,031 --> 00:34:37,365 So you're back finaIIy! 286 00:34:37,492 --> 00:34:41,244 Bruce, admit what you've done to your father now! 287 00:34:41,370 --> 00:34:43,455 Father, don't beat me before I expIain. 288 00:34:43,581 --> 00:34:44,998 Don't say anything! 289 00:34:45,124 --> 00:34:48,126 I know aIready! I've toId you, no more fighting. 290 00:34:48,252 --> 00:34:53,090 I toId you when you waIked out this morning! You heard me! 291 00:34:53,216 --> 00:34:55,592 I never promised you that I wouIdn't fight. 292 00:34:56,886 --> 00:34:59,387 Bruce, get away! Get away, Bruce, hurry! 293 00:34:59,514 --> 00:35:01,765 Get away quickIy, Bruce! 294 00:35:01,891 --> 00:35:05,811 - AII you know is how to fight! - Father! Father! 295 00:35:09,649 --> 00:35:12,776 What's wrong with you? You can't beat mother! 296 00:35:12,902 --> 00:35:15,821 - You must never do that! - It doesn't matter, I'm aII right. 297 00:35:15,947 --> 00:35:18,740 I wiII never run away even if you beat me to death. 298 00:35:19,742 --> 00:35:23,411 - I couIdn't feeI happier! - Happy? 299 00:35:23,538 --> 00:35:27,791 You've caused great troubIe and you stiII feeI happy? 300 00:35:27,917 --> 00:35:31,419 You swear to me that you won't fight any more! 301 00:35:31,546 --> 00:35:34,172 - Don't you hear me? - Dad, stop! 302 00:35:34,298 --> 00:35:35,966 I'II promise... 303 00:35:36,926 --> 00:35:38,969 I won't fight any Ionger. 304 00:35:39,095 --> 00:35:42,806 But don't ask me to promise you not to fight back 305 00:35:42,932 --> 00:35:45,100 when others insuIt me! 306 00:35:46,102 --> 00:35:50,730 Today it was you who picked a fight with BIair at the schooI entrance. 307 00:35:50,857 --> 00:35:55,068 But yesterday at Yu Dang Street he insuIted me. 308 00:35:55,987 --> 00:35:58,071 Do you understand what it's Iike? 309 00:35:59,282 --> 00:36:01,449 He broke my sister's bike. 310 00:36:02,660 --> 00:36:06,163 He did aII this on purpose and I didn't provoke him! 311 00:36:06,289 --> 00:36:09,207 The bike is broken but I can get it fixed. 312 00:36:09,333 --> 00:36:13,587 Stop creating troubIe! You must've done something to offend him! 313 00:36:13,713 --> 00:36:14,963 No. 314 00:36:16,007 --> 00:36:18,049 What did I do to offend him? 315 00:36:18,176 --> 00:36:22,053 My onIy offence was winning the championship for the Cha-cha. 316 00:36:22,180 --> 00:36:25,015 He's British and I'm Chinese. 317 00:36:25,141 --> 00:36:27,893 I'm not quaIified to win the championship! 318 00:36:28,895 --> 00:36:33,148 Bruce, that's enough. Don't say that any more. 319 00:36:37,320 --> 00:36:40,822 Yes, we are Chinese. China is a nation of etiquette. 320 00:36:41,490 --> 00:36:45,785 You can't scoId or strike back even if you are wronged. 321 00:36:45,912 --> 00:36:47,704 Father! 322 00:36:47,830 --> 00:36:50,457 He caIIed me a sick man of Asia. 323 00:36:51,542 --> 00:36:54,586 The son of a sick man of Asia! 324 00:37:39,632 --> 00:37:42,217 You are Bruce Lee? 325 00:37:59,735 --> 00:38:01,278 Yes. 326 00:38:02,989 --> 00:38:05,907 Let's Ieave here quickIy. 327 00:38:10,413 --> 00:38:13,832 You must compete with someone of superior Kung Fu skiIIs. 328 00:38:15,418 --> 00:38:19,004 I just want to compete with you. 329 00:38:19,130 --> 00:38:21,423 You want to fight me? 330 00:38:22,717 --> 00:38:24,634 Come on. 331 00:39:06,969 --> 00:39:08,678 Bruce! 332 00:39:12,975 --> 00:39:14,684 Stop! 333 00:39:15,978 --> 00:39:18,313 What's your name? 334 00:39:19,398 --> 00:39:22,734 Kung Fu. I'm trying out my Kung Fu skiIIs. 335 00:39:25,363 --> 00:39:26,863 Kung Fu? 336 00:39:28,824 --> 00:39:30,533 Kung Fu... 337 00:39:58,562 --> 00:40:02,273 I just want to teII you, 338 00:40:02,400 --> 00:40:06,444 that it seems Bruce has made up his mind. 339 00:40:06,570 --> 00:40:09,864 He has come to a decision by himseIf. 340 00:40:11,033 --> 00:40:13,201 ReaIIy? 341 00:40:13,327 --> 00:40:16,746 Haiquan, you didn't aIIow him to Iearn martiaI arts before. 342 00:40:16,872 --> 00:40:19,457 I fuIIy agreed with you 343 00:40:19,583 --> 00:40:22,293 PeopIe Iike us, who are actors or Kung Fu masters, 344 00:40:22,420 --> 00:40:26,381 find it hard to make a Iiving, so what's the point of Iearning it? 345 00:40:27,466 --> 00:40:29,926 But I taIked about it with him this evening. 346 00:40:30,469 --> 00:40:34,931 AII he wants, in his heart, is to Iearn Kung Fu. 347 00:40:36,350 --> 00:40:41,604 I'm afraid this time neither you nor I can change his mind. 348 00:40:41,730 --> 00:40:46,484 As oId saying goes, "It is a wise father that knows his own chiId." 349 00:40:46,610 --> 00:40:50,488 Let me ask you, do you know your own son? 350 00:40:50,614 --> 00:40:52,949 He's my son. How can I not know him weII? 351 00:40:53,075 --> 00:40:54,659 But you don't! 352 00:40:56,954 --> 00:41:00,081 To be frank with you, Bruce is a very smart kid. 353 00:41:00,207 --> 00:41:02,876 Once he dedicates himseIf, he puts his whoIe heart into it. 354 00:41:03,002 --> 00:41:06,129 And if he wants to Iearn, he can Iearn faster than anyone. 355 00:41:06,255 --> 00:41:09,174 That's right. Take the Cha-cha for exampIe. 356 00:41:09,300 --> 00:41:11,885 Why do you think he Iearned it? 357 00:41:12,011 --> 00:41:14,512 Haiquan, you have no idea. 358 00:41:14,638 --> 00:41:16,681 Let me teII you the reason. 359 00:41:16,807 --> 00:41:19,517 His foreign cIassmates Iook down upon him, 360 00:41:19,643 --> 00:41:22,520 so he wanted to show them how good he couId be. 361 00:41:23,939 --> 00:41:27,901 But Bruce doesn't aIways remain committed to one thing. 362 00:41:28,027 --> 00:41:31,696 See, he won the Cha-cha championship this time, right? 363 00:41:31,822 --> 00:41:33,698 But then he changed his mind. 364 00:41:33,824 --> 00:41:37,035 This is what you don't understand about him. 365 00:41:38,496 --> 00:41:44,167 I think that from today, we shouId seriousIy consider 366 00:41:44,293 --> 00:41:47,837 getting a reaI Kung Fu master to train him. 367 00:41:49,882 --> 00:41:56,804 James, if Bruce reaIIy wants to Iearn Kung Fu, 368 00:41:58,891 --> 00:42:02,894 you'd be the best master, why bother asking anyone eIse? 369 00:42:03,020 --> 00:42:05,146 To teII you the truth, 370 00:42:06,440 --> 00:42:11,027 if Bruce reaIIy wants to Iearn Kung Fu, I cannot train him. 371 00:42:11,153 --> 00:42:15,573 I'm not among the top Kung Fu masters in Hong Kong. 372 00:42:15,699 --> 00:42:18,535 So I want to introduce him as soon as possibIe 373 00:42:18,661 --> 00:42:21,829 to the head teacher of the schooI of Yong Chun Quan: Master Ye. 374 00:42:42,309 --> 00:42:45,478 It's 1 :30am and he's stiII practising! 375 00:42:57,116 --> 00:43:00,159 It's after midnight. What the heII is he doing? 376 00:43:02,580 --> 00:43:04,080 Let's go. 377 00:43:40,618 --> 00:43:42,160 What are you doing here? 378 00:43:49,418 --> 00:43:52,754 - I'm here to see Master Wang. - What do you want? 379 00:43:52,880 --> 00:43:57,008 I'm here to chaIIenge that yeIIow-skin master. 380 00:43:59,553 --> 00:44:01,429 Fight him. 381 00:44:31,794 --> 00:44:34,170 WeII done! 382 00:45:31,353 --> 00:45:33,187 Father... 383 00:45:33,981 --> 00:45:38,526 Bruce, grab your shirt and foIIow me. I'm taking you to meet someone. 384 00:45:43,532 --> 00:45:45,116 Hurry up! 385 00:45:45,659 --> 00:45:47,118 QuickIy! 386 00:45:58,714 --> 00:46:00,381 Come on, foIIow me! 387 00:46:00,883 --> 00:46:02,383 Father... 388 00:46:06,263 --> 00:46:07,889 Come on! 389 00:46:12,269 --> 00:46:13,519 Hurry up! 390 00:46:49,348 --> 00:46:52,099 I won't give up, Father. 391 00:46:52,226 --> 00:46:56,604 Bruce, you didn't give up. You've done weII. 392 00:47:03,779 --> 00:47:06,447 Master Ye, I have brought my son to you. 393 00:47:06,573 --> 00:47:08,199 I foIIowed your instruction. 394 00:47:08,325 --> 00:47:11,536 I made him run here from Kingsburg Park. 395 00:47:11,662 --> 00:47:14,330 Bruce made the distance. 396 00:47:14,456 --> 00:47:18,876 Not so many peopIe can run here directIy from Kingsburg Park. 397 00:47:19,002 --> 00:47:23,256 So he has passed your first test. 398 00:47:25,968 --> 00:47:28,469 WeII, come in. I'II accept him. 399 00:47:44,611 --> 00:47:49,532 Yong Chun Quan was created by Master Wu Mei from Fujian. 400 00:47:49,658 --> 00:47:52,994 It is simpIe and highIy practicaI. 401 00:47:53,120 --> 00:47:57,498 The pattern that Guo XinIi is practising now is caIIed "The LittIe Idea". 402 00:47:57,624 --> 00:48:00,376 WeII, then. Get ready to train. 403 00:48:00,502 --> 00:48:03,004 Practise "free combat" in smaII groups. 404 00:48:04,631 --> 00:48:08,301 Yong Chun Quan requires the coordination of hands and feet. 405 00:48:08,427 --> 00:48:10,553 The technique incIudes San-Pang Fist, 406 00:48:10,679 --> 00:48:13,514 Po-Pai Fist and Xun-Qiao Beat. 407 00:48:15,684 --> 00:48:18,060 The steps incIude: the CIamp Step, 408 00:48:18,186 --> 00:48:20,646 the Tripod Step, the Chasing Step 409 00:48:21,398 --> 00:48:24,400 and aIso One-Leg Standing. 410 00:48:24,526 --> 00:48:27,278 What he's doing is caIIed "Striking Fists", 411 00:48:27,404 --> 00:48:30,406 which invoIves Iaunching an attack whiIe defending. 412 00:48:30,532 --> 00:48:32,325 He's practising "Chasing Step", 413 00:48:32,451 --> 00:48:36,913 a move that requires both speed and ferocity. 414 00:48:37,039 --> 00:48:40,750 And he's "Grabbing and Striking", which is used for fighting cIoseIy. 415 00:48:40,876 --> 00:48:42,960 Yong Chun Quan is a form of boxing 416 00:48:43,086 --> 00:48:46,923 that combines Neijia Quan with the fists being heId cIose to the body. 417 00:48:47,049 --> 00:48:49,550 It's for combat, not competitions. 418 00:48:49,676 --> 00:48:54,305 Come, ZhongIiang. Show him the "One-inch Punch". 419 00:48:54,431 --> 00:48:56,641 Give me a board. 420 00:48:56,767 --> 00:49:01,395 It's caIIed the "One-inch Punch", because within the span of an inch 421 00:49:01,521 --> 00:49:04,565 one must unIeash aII one's strength to beat down the opponent. 422 00:49:04,691 --> 00:49:07,985 - Within the span of an inch? - That's right. 423 00:49:09,655 --> 00:49:13,783 NormaIIy when boxing, you're drawing strength from your waist and arms, 424 00:49:13,909 --> 00:49:15,618 but with Yong Chun Quan 425 00:49:15,744 --> 00:49:18,955 the force comes from the movement of your whoIe body. 426 00:49:19,081 --> 00:49:23,584 Thus, one can strike a powerfuI bIow within the distance ofjust one inch. 427 00:49:25,545 --> 00:49:27,088 HoId it. 428 00:50:32,279 --> 00:50:34,447 Good morning, Master. 429 00:50:36,658 --> 00:50:39,201 Did you run over here? 430 00:50:39,327 --> 00:50:42,747 Yes. FoIIowing your instructions, I've been running 10 kms every day. 431 00:50:42,873 --> 00:50:45,458 Five kiIometres here and back. 432 00:50:45,584 --> 00:50:47,376 Good. Maintain that. 433 00:50:47,502 --> 00:50:49,587 Master, what are you going to teach me today? 434 00:50:50,964 --> 00:50:53,549 Do you see that corner? 435 00:50:54,176 --> 00:50:57,970 Go over there and practise your stance. Do it for two hours. 436 00:50:58,096 --> 00:50:59,680 Just the stance position? 437 00:50:59,806 --> 00:51:02,058 Master, I want to Iearn techniques that are used in actuaI combat. 438 00:51:02,184 --> 00:51:05,102 - I can practise that at home. - Enough. 439 00:51:06,855 --> 00:51:08,564 Make a stance. 440 00:51:11,193 --> 00:51:12,693 Yes, Master. 441 00:52:10,919 --> 00:52:13,170 - Morning, Master. - Morning. 442 00:52:14,422 --> 00:52:17,925 Master, can I practise one-to-one with my brothers today? 443 00:52:18,385 --> 00:52:20,886 I've been practising my stance for a week. 444 00:52:22,722 --> 00:52:26,392 ZhongIiang, work with him on strengthening his wrists. 445 00:52:27,144 --> 00:52:28,602 Let's go. 446 00:52:43,076 --> 00:52:44,994 Let's go, Bruce. 447 00:52:49,291 --> 00:52:51,959 Bruce, can you Iift it, or is it too hard? 448 00:52:52,460 --> 00:52:56,422 - Why shouId we practise it? - No, not Iike that. 449 00:52:58,175 --> 00:53:01,802 Grab the poIe from one end and then Iift it evenIy. 450 00:53:02,596 --> 00:53:04,680 PIant your Iegs. 451 00:53:08,894 --> 00:53:10,728 Let me try. 452 00:53:13,523 --> 00:53:15,649 See, I can Iift it evenIy. 453 00:53:18,320 --> 00:53:20,404 Can you hoId it stiII for an hour? 454 00:53:21,323 --> 00:53:26,368 Brother, can I just stop practising this nonsense? 455 00:53:26,494 --> 00:53:28,913 I don't want to spend my hoIiday in this way. 456 00:53:29,456 --> 00:53:32,583 You'II achieve nothing if you don't practise the basic skiIIs. 457 00:53:32,709 --> 00:53:35,169 Just do whatever the Master teIIs you. 458 00:53:36,046 --> 00:53:38,172 Master, Bruce is stiII practising. 459 00:53:53,521 --> 00:53:57,066 Bruce, you're aImost done. 460 00:53:57,192 --> 00:54:00,027 - You may rest. - Leave me aIone. 461 00:54:01,738 --> 00:54:06,659 So, you thought the Master wouIdn't keep to his word? 462 00:54:08,495 --> 00:54:11,664 But do you know why I asked you to keep pIanting your Iegs? 463 00:54:13,458 --> 00:54:17,336 It seems that you stiII don't understand the essence of MartiaI Arts. 464 00:54:17,462 --> 00:54:19,421 The essence? 465 00:54:19,547 --> 00:54:22,049 What were you thinking of when you were pIanting your Iegs just now? 466 00:54:22,175 --> 00:54:23,968 What couId I be thinking? 467 00:54:24,094 --> 00:54:27,388 I was just thinking why my Master had changed his mind. 468 00:54:27,514 --> 00:54:31,475 - And anything more? - I'II do whatever you ask of me. 469 00:54:31,601 --> 00:54:35,938 Trust me, Master. I'II keep standing untiI you are satisfied. 470 00:54:36,064 --> 00:54:37,940 Bruce, I have to say, 471 00:54:38,066 --> 00:54:42,111 that what you have done over the past days was aII a waste. 472 00:54:42,237 --> 00:54:44,655 What? I don't understand that. 473 00:54:44,781 --> 00:54:47,241 Do you know why you have to pIant your Iegs? 474 00:54:49,119 --> 00:54:53,789 James toId me that to pIant the Iegs is to practise skiIIs. 475 00:54:53,915 --> 00:54:58,127 Achievements in Kung Fu wiII be Iost if one does not practise basic skiIIs. 476 00:54:58,253 --> 00:55:01,005 I beIieve Master wiII teach me reaI Kung Fu soon. 477 00:55:01,131 --> 00:55:05,801 If Master wants me to Iift poIes for the rest of my Iife, I'II just do it. 478 00:55:05,927 --> 00:55:11,765 So, James has taught you the importance of pIanting the Iegs. 479 00:55:11,891 --> 00:55:14,310 However, you haven't perceived its true meaning. 480 00:55:14,436 --> 00:55:19,940 For aII peopIe who practise Kung Fu, pIanting the Iegs is a basic skiII. 481 00:55:21,943 --> 00:55:26,822 It's not onIy Ieg work, 482 00:55:26,948 --> 00:55:30,326 but more importantIy, it's to strengthen your mind and spirit. 483 00:55:30,452 --> 00:55:33,996 The essence of practising Kung Fu is to practise your mind and spirit, 484 00:55:34,122 --> 00:55:37,750 and that means to strengthen your mind and spirit. 485 00:55:37,876 --> 00:55:39,793 PIanting the Iegs strengthens one's mind and spirit? 486 00:55:39,919 --> 00:55:43,839 You are right, Bruce. You're too anxious and impetuous. 487 00:55:43,965 --> 00:55:47,009 It is vitaI to a practitioner of Kung Fu 488 00:55:47,135 --> 00:55:51,138 to make both his body and mind as caIm as stiII water. 489 00:55:51,806 --> 00:55:55,517 A caIm mind can reach a pIace thousands of kiIometres away. 490 00:55:55,643 --> 00:55:59,438 When pIanting your Iegs, you shouId stand as stiII as a tree. 491 00:55:59,564 --> 00:56:03,150 Imagine you are a taII tree reaching for the sky. 492 00:56:03,818 --> 00:56:06,653 No matter how taII the tree is, it stands on its root. 493 00:56:06,780 --> 00:56:08,280 So your entire body and mind 494 00:56:08,406 --> 00:56:11,325 shouId take root in the earth under your feet. 495 00:56:12,327 --> 00:56:16,705 The deeper your root enters the earth, the better your Kung Fu is. 496 00:56:26,091 --> 00:56:28,842 Kung Fu builds up yourself inside and outside at the same time. 497 00:56:28,968 --> 00:56:33,013 Finally you melt into heaven and earth as a whole. 498 00:56:33,515 --> 00:56:35,182 lf you can reach this level, 499 00:56:35,308 --> 00:56:40,187 at that time your entire body and mind will become one with water. 500 00:56:40,939 --> 00:56:45,901 From a tree, you turn into water, which infiltrates everything on earth. 501 00:56:46,027 --> 00:56:50,406 Then, you will reach an even higher level of Kung Fu. 502 00:56:51,866 --> 00:56:53,867 Only when you are consciously or unconsciously 503 00:56:53,993 --> 00:56:56,453 becoming one with water, 504 00:56:57,789 --> 00:57:02,418 can your body and mind melt into the earth under your feet. 505 00:57:02,544 --> 00:57:07,047 Only at that time, can you discover the right way of Kung Fu. 506 00:57:39,998 --> 00:57:44,460 The Master is back! 507 00:57:44,586 --> 00:57:46,462 - Master! - Master! 508 00:57:50,633 --> 00:57:52,259 Keep practising. 509 00:58:18,661 --> 00:58:21,163 Did you ask him to Iift two poIes at the same time? 510 00:58:21,289 --> 00:58:23,832 No. He did it himseIf. 511 00:58:23,958 --> 00:58:27,044 I've been out for too Iong. Has he been Iike this aII the time? 512 00:58:27,754 --> 00:58:29,671 Yes. He's been doing it the whoIe day. 513 00:58:31,299 --> 00:58:35,552 WeII done. He has the makings of a martiaI artist. 514 00:58:35,678 --> 00:58:39,723 It seems he disIikes boring exercises, 515 00:58:40,308 --> 00:58:44,102 and he just wanted to do something against your orders. 516 00:58:44,229 --> 00:58:46,146 What a character! 517 00:59:14,717 --> 00:59:16,552 Watch your posture. 518 00:59:45,540 --> 00:59:47,291 Master. 519 00:59:47,417 --> 00:59:50,502 Bruce, from today 520 00:59:50,628 --> 00:59:54,047 you may pair up with your EIder Brother to practise. 521 00:59:54,173 --> 00:59:56,883 ReaIIy? That's great. 522 00:59:57,010 --> 00:59:59,136 Go over there and train. 523 01:00:00,179 --> 01:00:01,763 Thank you, Master. 524 01:00:56,486 --> 01:00:58,612 SIow down. Don't drag me. 525 01:00:58,738 --> 01:01:00,197 Hurry up! 526 01:01:00,323 --> 01:01:03,659 Why did you bring me here so earIy? You want to be beaten again? 527 01:01:03,785 --> 01:01:05,702 Come in with me. 528 01:01:05,828 --> 01:01:08,914 Use your head and try to get YeIIow-skin over here. 529 01:01:09,040 --> 01:01:12,793 Bruce, I reaIIy can't do that for you. 530 01:01:12,919 --> 01:01:14,503 You've just recovered. 531 01:01:14,629 --> 01:01:18,215 You can't just find someone to beat you. 532 01:01:18,800 --> 01:01:21,677 - Hurry up and come on. - AII right, then. 533 01:01:26,766 --> 01:01:30,227 - Go. - Okay, I'II go. 534 01:01:30,353 --> 01:01:32,688 What shouId I say when I get in? 535 01:01:32,814 --> 01:01:36,316 Just teII him his worst nightmare is waiting for him. 536 01:01:42,323 --> 01:01:43,657 What? 537 01:01:45,368 --> 01:01:47,411 Whose nightmare are you? 538 01:01:47,537 --> 01:01:49,037 Yours, of course. 539 01:01:50,456 --> 01:01:53,792 - Mine? - I'd Iike to Iearn something from you. 540 01:02:00,717 --> 01:02:04,261 It seems I didn't kick you hard enough Iast time. 541 01:02:05,346 --> 01:02:09,683 What do you want me to break, your ribs or your Iegs? 542 01:02:12,353 --> 01:02:15,897 What if I break your ribs or your Iegs? 543 01:02:21,279 --> 01:02:23,405 Then I'II say you are great. 544 01:02:25,199 --> 01:02:26,908 Come on. 545 01:02:35,501 --> 01:02:38,920 Bruce, do you want to die here? 546 01:03:38,773 --> 01:03:40,273 A kick? 547 01:03:41,192 --> 01:03:42,776 Kick, then! 548 01:04:05,007 --> 01:04:08,677 - ZhongIiang, begin. - Yes, Master. 549 01:04:08,803 --> 01:04:11,471 XinIi, pIay the defending roIe today. 550 01:04:12,640 --> 01:04:13,849 Bruce? 551 01:04:14,517 --> 01:04:17,394 - Yes, Master. - Master! 552 01:04:19,647 --> 01:04:21,731 You two get ready. 553 01:04:23,609 --> 01:04:28,321 Make sure you can reach your target. Ready? Begin! 554 01:04:33,911 --> 01:04:36,413 Bruce, when fighting with Yong Chun Quan, 555 01:04:36,539 --> 01:04:40,292 don't stick to its pre-arranged patterns, do whatever you feeI Iike. 556 01:05:00,771 --> 01:05:02,689 XinIi, continue. 557 01:05:32,386 --> 01:05:33,929 Good! 558 01:05:39,226 --> 01:05:41,436 - Are you aII right, Brother? - I'm fine. 559 01:05:41,562 --> 01:05:43,480 You used the One-inch Punch. 560 01:05:43,606 --> 01:05:45,607 WeII, I did it invoIuntariIy. 561 01:05:45,733 --> 01:05:48,610 I didn't know you couId do it. You've not been training Iong enough. 562 01:05:48,736 --> 01:05:52,489 - Good one, Bruce. - WeII done, Bruce. 563 01:05:53,240 --> 01:05:54,741 Bruce, 564 01:05:55,576 --> 01:05:59,829 though you used the skiIIs of the One-inch Punch just now, 565 01:05:59,956 --> 01:06:03,416 you didn't do it very weII. 566 01:06:03,542 --> 01:06:09,589 Your Brother didn't expect you to be abIe to use it in such a short time. 567 01:06:10,716 --> 01:06:14,803 He was therefore off-guard, and you were very Iucky. 568 01:06:14,929 --> 01:06:17,263 Yes, Master. I didn't expect that either. 569 01:06:17,390 --> 01:06:20,809 I think Bruce's punching is quite powerfuI now. 570 01:06:20,935 --> 01:06:23,895 Bruce, to Iearn a certain type of boxing, 571 01:06:24,021 --> 01:06:26,940 it's essentiaI to grasp the fundamentaI skiIIs. 572 01:06:27,066 --> 01:06:29,609 Your Brother has taught you, 573 01:06:29,735 --> 01:06:33,279 but if you want to perform it perfectIy, 574 01:06:33,406 --> 01:06:35,490 you must put your whoIe heart into it. 575 01:06:35,616 --> 01:06:37,951 And that takes time. 576 01:06:39,620 --> 01:06:40,954 Get a board. 577 01:06:42,999 --> 01:06:44,833 Have a try. 578 01:06:50,256 --> 01:06:51,756 More strength. 579 01:06:57,179 --> 01:07:01,975 WeII, you have Iearned the essentiaIs of the One-inch Punch. 580 01:07:02,101 --> 01:07:09,065 But smashing the board with one punch can't be Iearned in one day. 581 01:07:09,859 --> 01:07:14,904 Bruce, remember that what you are Iearning now is reaI MartiaI Arts. 582 01:07:15,031 --> 01:07:16,698 The more you progress, 583 01:07:16,824 --> 01:07:19,993 you'II see how fundamentaI hand and step movements 584 01:07:20,119 --> 01:07:21,911 become Iess important. 585 01:07:22,038 --> 01:07:24,873 The more you practise, the more you wiII understand this. 586 01:07:24,999 --> 01:07:27,584 To put it simpIy, 587 01:07:27,710 --> 01:07:31,713 you must gain power from your feet and punch from the heart. 588 01:07:31,839 --> 01:07:34,716 Attack when you can, and defend each inch of Iand. 589 01:07:34,842 --> 01:07:38,928 Gain power from your feet and punch from the heart. 590 01:07:39,930 --> 01:07:43,725 Attack when you can, and defend each inch of Iand. 591 01:07:43,851 --> 01:07:46,936 Just Iike a chiId hoIding a mirror... 592 01:07:47,063 --> 01:07:52,150 ...to set a piece of paper aIight. 593 01:07:52,276 --> 01:07:54,569 The mirror coIIects the sunIight 594 01:07:54,695 --> 01:08:01,409 concentrates it on one point, and then the fire wiII bIaze. 595 01:08:01,535 --> 01:08:02,619 I understand, Master. 596 01:08:02,745 --> 01:08:05,747 And what's more, you can utiIise your opponent's power. 597 01:08:05,873 --> 01:08:08,750 The power from the opponent can be utiIised 598 01:08:08,876 --> 01:08:11,795 by redirecting it back on him in a spIit second. 599 01:08:11,921 --> 01:08:14,506 That way, we save our own energy and defeat the opponent. 600 01:08:14,632 --> 01:08:19,177 WeII, meditate upon this and you wiII attain it some day. 601 01:08:19,303 --> 01:08:21,971 For effective Kung Fu when you attack, 602 01:08:22,098 --> 01:08:25,058 you must be able to concentrate all your energy 603 01:08:25,184 --> 01:08:27,435 to strike all of a sudden on one point. 604 01:08:27,561 --> 01:08:29,437 When you defend, 605 01:08:29,563 --> 01:08:32,816 you must be abIe to eIiminate the opponent's attack fast, 606 01:08:32,942 --> 01:08:37,153 to turn your position from defence to offence 607 01:08:37,279 --> 01:08:39,280 with the suddenness of a thunder boIt. 608 01:08:39,406 --> 01:08:43,076 When you launch an attack at your opponent 609 01:08:43,202 --> 01:08:46,204 as sudden as lightning, 610 01:08:46,330 --> 01:08:49,374 you can combine defence with offence, 611 01:08:49,500 --> 01:08:54,003 weakening and hitting the power of your opponent. 612 01:08:55,256 --> 01:08:59,801 This is the level you should achieve while fighting with Yong Chun Quan. 613 01:08:59,927 --> 01:09:03,429 Defend while you're attacking, and attack while you're defending. 614 01:09:03,556 --> 01:09:06,266 This requires speed and skill. 615 01:09:06,392 --> 01:09:10,937 This is what you should practise as a martial artist. 616 01:09:41,302 --> 01:09:42,510 Bruce... 617 01:09:43,512 --> 01:09:46,181 I aIways see you as a man of iron. 618 01:09:48,267 --> 01:09:51,936 You are a hero in my heart. 619 01:09:53,981 --> 01:09:55,815 But now you act... 620 01:09:57,985 --> 01:09:59,652 ...differentIy. 621 01:10:01,780 --> 01:10:05,158 You are weak and scared sometimes. 622 01:10:06,160 --> 01:10:10,872 You know... you've disappointed me. 623 01:10:16,545 --> 01:10:19,547 The tragedy has aIready happened. 624 01:10:19,673 --> 01:10:23,551 We can't change that fact, Bruce. 625 01:10:23,677 --> 01:10:28,056 But you are Bruce Lee and won't be beaten down by anyone. 626 01:10:28,182 --> 01:10:33,853 Your physique and wiII power are strong. 627 01:10:33,979 --> 01:10:35,897 You can make miracIes happen. 628 01:10:41,654 --> 01:10:44,113 We can face it together. 629 01:10:45,366 --> 01:10:47,867 We can overcome any obstacIes. 630 01:10:57,586 --> 01:11:00,296 Bruce, I Iove you. 631 01:11:06,095 --> 01:11:08,096 No matter what happens, 632 01:11:08,222 --> 01:11:11,891 I wiII aIways be with you. 633 01:11:12,393 --> 01:11:14,602 But you must stay strong. 634 01:11:15,896 --> 01:11:18,481 You must face up to reaIity. 635 01:11:20,109 --> 01:11:22,068 You have to accept it. 636 01:11:24,154 --> 01:11:25,738 Understand? 637 01:11:29,368 --> 01:11:33,288 Linda...I understand. 638 01:11:33,414 --> 01:11:38,501 To heII with American medicaI science! I won't Iet it happen to me. 639 01:11:39,128 --> 01:11:43,047 Trust me, Linda. I'II make the miracIe happen. 640 01:11:44,133 --> 01:11:46,134 I won't faiI Iike this. 641 01:11:47,261 --> 01:11:50,138 - I won't. - I trust you, Bruce. 642 01:11:50,264 --> 01:11:52,181 I beIieve in you. 643 01:12:02,609 --> 01:12:04,319 You'II be fine. 644 01:12:06,071 --> 01:12:07,447 James... 645 01:12:08,615 --> 01:12:10,283 Kimura... 646 01:12:11,535 --> 01:12:12,994 I'm sorry. 647 01:12:19,126 --> 01:12:20,793 Why are you here? 648 01:12:22,796 --> 01:12:24,547 Wang Yunsheng, 649 01:12:25,549 --> 01:12:28,509 there's an oId saying that death Iurks just over your shouIder. 650 01:12:28,635 --> 01:12:30,887 You have injured Bruce Iike this. 651 01:12:31,013 --> 01:12:34,015 What do you want from him today? 652 01:12:34,141 --> 01:12:36,601 James, don't misunderstand us. 653 01:12:37,603 --> 01:12:40,980 We heard about Bruce's severe injury. 654 01:12:41,106 --> 01:12:42,815 We are truIy sorry. 655 01:12:43,984 --> 01:12:46,819 We just came to visit him today. 656 01:12:51,825 --> 01:12:54,660 Mr Lee, how are you feeIing? 657 01:12:54,787 --> 01:12:57,789 That shouId be obvious from the sight of me. 658 01:12:57,915 --> 01:12:59,916 Yes, right... 659 01:13:00,042 --> 01:13:03,920 Such an incident was totaIIy unexpected. 660 01:13:05,005 --> 01:13:09,008 What he has done to you is absoIuteIy unforgivabIe. 661 01:13:10,427 --> 01:13:13,179 I've aIready dismissed him. 662 01:13:15,057 --> 01:13:19,727 You can feeI at ease and justified now that he has Ieft. 663 01:13:19,853 --> 01:13:23,648 Master Wang, that's a very smart course of action. 664 01:13:24,483 --> 01:13:27,026 Mr Lee, you misunderstand. 665 01:13:28,946 --> 01:13:33,074 I feeI very bad that such an accident happened. 666 01:13:34,451 --> 01:13:38,746 The Iast few days, my coIIeagues and I have been thinking... 667 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:43,167 We are aII Chinese here, 668 01:13:43,293 --> 01:13:45,753 Iiving in a foreign country. 669 01:13:45,879 --> 01:13:48,714 We shouId have negotiated everything peacefuIIy, 670 01:13:50,634 --> 01:13:52,427 instead of ending up Iike this. 671 01:13:53,887 --> 01:13:56,180 I feeI fuIIy responsibIe. 672 01:13:56,306 --> 01:14:01,394 I have discussed it with aII my Chinese martiaI arts coIIeagues in CaIifornia, 673 01:14:01,520 --> 01:14:08,109 and we have come as representatives of the Association of MartiaI Arts 674 01:14:08,235 --> 01:14:12,447 to offer you our apoIogies, Mr Lee. 675 01:14:14,575 --> 01:14:16,701 Master Wang... 676 01:14:21,582 --> 01:14:26,002 Masters, I don't deserve this. 677 01:14:26,128 --> 01:14:28,129 PIease stand up. 678 01:14:29,673 --> 01:14:33,801 Master Wang said that we are aII Chinese. 679 01:14:35,053 --> 01:14:38,347 For that, I am satisfied. I bIame none of you. 680 01:14:39,600 --> 01:14:42,935 Bruce is right. PIease stand up. 681 01:14:48,108 --> 01:14:51,235 Master Wang, pIease rise. 682 01:14:55,824 --> 01:14:58,117 Linda, Iift him up. 683 01:15:00,287 --> 01:15:02,497 Master Wang, pIease rise. 684 01:15:07,961 --> 01:15:10,713 James? Kimura? 685 01:15:12,132 --> 01:15:14,467 HeIp Master Wang up. 686 01:15:28,357 --> 01:15:30,233 Master Wang, 687 01:15:30,359 --> 01:15:34,320 we Chinese have a very Iow sociaI status in foreign countries. 688 01:15:36,698 --> 01:15:40,201 We are cursed as the Sick Men of Asia 689 01:15:40,327 --> 01:15:43,120 or pigtaiIed yeIIow dogs. 690 01:15:44,623 --> 01:15:47,375 How dare they treat us Iike this? 691 01:15:47,501 --> 01:15:52,129 Isn't it because we're not united but aIways fighting among ourseIves? 692 01:15:53,590 --> 01:15:57,218 If we can put a stop 693 01:15:57,344 --> 01:16:02,431 to aII our internaI squabbIes and fighting and the chaos it causes, 694 01:16:02,558 --> 01:16:05,726 I wiII admit the fact even if I might never stand up again. 695 01:16:05,852 --> 01:16:08,062 I most sureIy wiII. 696 01:16:08,188 --> 01:16:10,606 PIease, Master Wang... 697 01:16:12,025 --> 01:16:13,526 PIease stand up. 698 01:16:19,032 --> 01:16:20,408 Bruce Lee... 699 01:16:23,203 --> 01:16:26,414 ...you are my master on how to be a reaI man. 700 01:16:47,853 --> 01:16:49,186 One. 701 01:16:50,063 --> 01:16:51,230 Two. 702 01:16:53,567 --> 01:16:54,859 Three. 703 01:17:01,742 --> 01:17:06,621 Bruce, if it is too painfuI, Iet's take a break. 704 01:17:06,747 --> 01:17:08,831 I can do it. 705 01:17:08,957 --> 01:17:12,960 Your strength is three times stronger than others. 706 01:17:13,086 --> 01:17:15,421 - No probIem. - Okay, go ahead. 707 01:17:22,220 --> 01:17:24,138 Bruce, be carefuI. 708 01:17:24,264 --> 01:17:26,641 How is it? Can you continue? 709 01:17:35,108 --> 01:17:38,736 Bruce, can you feeI it? 710 01:17:38,862 --> 01:17:40,529 FeeI what? 711 01:17:40,656 --> 01:17:44,700 I think you're graduaIIy recovering the strength in your Iegs. 712 01:17:44,826 --> 01:17:47,411 So the physiotherapy's working. 713 01:17:47,537 --> 01:17:49,622 You are doing great! 714 01:17:53,460 --> 01:17:57,338 What are you doing? Just a IittIe more. Drink it aII. 715 01:17:57,464 --> 01:17:59,674 You must drink it aII. 716 01:17:59,800 --> 01:18:01,509 AII of it! 717 01:18:07,766 --> 01:18:10,101 I'm useIess. I even got food on your cIothes. 718 01:18:10,227 --> 01:18:12,520 That doesn't matter at aII. 719 01:18:12,646 --> 01:18:15,564 The herbaI medicine stimuIates the growth of heaIthy energy. 720 01:18:16,692 --> 01:18:18,984 If you want your inner body's energy 721 01:18:19,111 --> 01:18:22,780 to traveI to the injured area and cure the wound, 722 01:18:22,906 --> 01:18:26,033 the first thing you shouId do is take herbaI medicine. 723 01:18:26,159 --> 01:18:30,663 At the same time, I think you must start with acupuncture. 724 01:18:32,165 --> 01:18:34,834 This wiII open up the meridians in your body 725 01:18:34,960 --> 01:18:37,336 and boost your bIood circuIation. 726 01:18:38,547 --> 01:18:40,881 - I see - You know... 727 01:18:41,007 --> 01:18:47,012 The magic of Chinese acupuncture is not onIy for head-aches or sprains. 728 01:18:48,557 --> 01:18:52,351 We aIso provide treatment 729 01:18:52,477 --> 01:18:56,188 through the reIationship between our body and our environment. 730 01:18:56,314 --> 01:18:58,566 This is simpIy a concept of the whoIe. 731 01:18:59,943 --> 01:19:03,237 - A concept of the whoIe? - Yes. 732 01:19:03,363 --> 01:19:07,575 ActuaIIy the concept of the whoIe can aIso appIy to martiaI arts. 733 01:19:07,701 --> 01:19:11,162 For exampIe, when attacking and defending, 734 01:19:11,288 --> 01:19:13,956 it's important to maintain the whoIe body's harmony 735 01:19:14,082 --> 01:19:16,375 to fuIIy empIoy Yong Chun Quan skiIIs. 736 01:19:16,501 --> 01:19:18,210 You're crazy about martiaI arts! 737 01:19:18,336 --> 01:19:20,755 Everything can be reIated to your martiaI arts. 738 01:19:29,556 --> 01:19:33,768 - I remember a competition.. - What competition? 739 01:19:33,894 --> 01:19:40,274 I just reaIised that Chinese martiaI arts have a drawback in actuaI combat. 740 01:19:40,400 --> 01:19:43,694 For exampIe, in both the Hong Quan that you've taught me 741 01:19:43,820 --> 01:19:46,405 and the Yong Chun Quan Master Ye has taught me, 742 01:19:46,531 --> 01:19:50,242 there's some distance between them and reaI combat. 743 01:19:50,368 --> 01:19:52,828 You're making an interesting point. 744 01:19:52,954 --> 01:19:57,625 I think traditionaI martiaI arts styIes, their movements and patterns, 745 01:19:57,751 --> 01:20:01,253 are aII outdated and suffer from a Iack of innovation. 746 01:20:03,465 --> 01:20:04,924 I want to... 747 01:20:06,134 --> 01:20:11,680 I want to empty the gIass and then refiII it. 748 01:20:11,807 --> 01:20:17,645 - This is how I'm thinking. - Empty the gIass and then refiII it? 749 01:20:21,149 --> 01:20:24,235 What you are doing now is phiIosophising! 750 01:20:24,361 --> 01:20:29,156 LateIy, since I'm not abIe to move around, 751 01:20:29,282 --> 01:20:32,493 I've had pIenty of time to think about these things 752 01:20:32,619 --> 01:20:34,703 and the theory of maritaI arts. 753 01:20:34,830 --> 01:20:40,292 I must make use of this period of time to empty my own gIass. 754 01:20:40,418 --> 01:20:43,754 I beIieve I wiII fiII it with what I need. 755 01:20:43,880 --> 01:20:49,009 Learning Kung Fu influences our thoughts and lifestyle. 756 01:20:50,720 --> 01:20:53,472 By training in the skills from certain schools, 757 01:20:54,057 --> 01:20:56,559 one can reach the highest levels, 758 01:20:56,685 --> 01:20:59,311 but you still won't develop greatly. 759 01:20:59,437 --> 01:21:02,022 Following the traditional models, 760 01:21:02,148 --> 01:21:05,568 you can only learn something old. 761 01:21:05,694 --> 01:21:08,070 ln your martial training, 762 01:21:08,196 --> 01:21:11,991 don't limit yourself to any school or any tradition. 763 01:21:12,117 --> 01:21:15,035 The core of martial arts is freedom. 764 01:21:25,547 --> 01:21:28,215 - Daddy's over here. - Come on, son. 765 01:21:28,341 --> 01:21:30,384 Let Daddy hoId you. 766 01:21:30,510 --> 01:21:33,137 - We won't do that, wiII we? - Let Daddy hoId you! 767 01:21:33,263 --> 01:21:35,681 SmiIe for Daddy! 768 01:21:36,516 --> 01:21:40,519 Brandon wants to perform a show for Daddy. 769 01:21:40,645 --> 01:21:43,522 - Come over here, son. - Brandon, come on. 770 01:21:43,648 --> 01:21:45,107 Come on. 771 01:21:46,568 --> 01:21:49,194 - Come on, son. - Go to Daddy. 772 01:21:49,321 --> 01:21:51,864 - Come over here, son. - Go to Daddy. 773 01:22:03,501 --> 01:22:05,085 Son! 774 01:22:07,589 --> 01:22:09,715 - You scared me then. - Bruce... 775 01:22:10,216 --> 01:22:11,884 You stood up! 776 01:22:15,889 --> 01:22:18,849 Linda, it's Brandon that heIped me stand up. 777 01:22:18,975 --> 01:22:20,601 Bruce... 778 01:22:20,727 --> 01:22:23,270 Give him to me, honey. 779 01:22:23,396 --> 01:22:26,231 Oh, darIing, I'm so proud of you. 780 01:22:27,567 --> 01:22:31,236 Come on. Let me take a waIk with you two men. 781 01:22:31,363 --> 01:22:32,947 Let's go. 782 01:22:33,073 --> 01:22:36,200 I stood up because of Brandon. I reaIIy didn't expect it. 783 01:22:36,326 --> 01:22:37,993 You can waIk! 784 01:22:38,119 --> 01:22:39,787 Yes, I can waIk. 785 01:24:12,881 --> 01:24:15,299 Bruce, have you read today's newspaper? 786 01:24:18,261 --> 01:24:24,016 You don't know what "The MiracIe Return of Bruce Lee" means to us. 787 01:24:24,726 --> 01:24:27,227 The number of appIying students is aImost at capacity. 788 01:24:27,353 --> 01:24:29,313 Did you hear what Kimura say? 789 01:24:29,439 --> 01:24:31,565 UsuaIIy he's very sIow-paced, 790 01:24:31,691 --> 01:24:35,027 but when he got the good news today, he rushed over to teII you. 791 01:24:36,905 --> 01:24:38,614 I've known for a Iong time. 792 01:25:18,655 --> 01:25:20,155 Master Yamamoto, 793 01:25:20,281 --> 01:25:23,617 Bruce Lee is going to show his Kung Fu at our arena. 794 01:25:23,743 --> 01:25:26,829 - Is he going to be there? - Yes. 795 01:25:26,955 --> 01:25:30,541 I just came back from the Committee. The secretary that toId me. 796 01:25:30,667 --> 01:25:33,335 Now we have the chance. 797 01:25:33,461 --> 01:25:36,505 AII SeattIe wiII know my name. 798 01:25:37,173 --> 01:25:41,301 I'II make sure this arrogant brat can't stand up. 799 01:25:41,427 --> 01:25:43,887 So you mean we'II chaIIenge him? 800 01:25:45,807 --> 01:25:49,810 Isn't this a chaIIenge? Just you wait for the show. 801 01:26:09,372 --> 01:26:11,582 Come and see the hero of SeattIe! 802 01:26:11,708 --> 01:26:14,376 Bruce Lee's Kung Fu is the best in the worId! 803 01:26:14,502 --> 01:26:17,337 Its 5000-year history and civiIisation wiII be on show. 804 01:26:17,463 --> 01:26:19,673 Don't miss this opportunity! 805 01:26:21,342 --> 01:26:22,926 Come on! 806 01:27:26,241 --> 01:27:27,783 You're reaIIy awesome. 807 01:27:27,909 --> 01:27:30,911 How did you beat me just now? 808 01:27:31,829 --> 01:27:33,914 What I used was Chinese Kung Fu. 809 01:27:56,604 --> 01:28:00,274 - Who are you? Give your name. - Yamamoto. 810 01:28:01,067 --> 01:28:03,944 I've waited so Iong for you and now you're here. 811 01:28:06,239 --> 01:28:08,156 It's a good opportunity. 812 01:28:08,283 --> 01:28:10,909 Bruce Lee, you can fight in any styIe. 813 01:28:11,577 --> 01:28:18,166 I've heard that you're arrogant. You said you had no equaI in SeattIe. 814 01:28:18,293 --> 01:28:20,585 That's right, that's what I said. 815 01:28:22,171 --> 01:28:28,552 WeII, just wait and see how I teach such arrogant Chinese. 816 01:28:29,470 --> 01:28:30,971 Okay. Come on. 817 01:29:24,400 --> 01:29:28,236 You're quite flexibIe, you brat! Come on, again! 818 01:29:59,394 --> 01:30:05,565 Bruce Lee! That shouId give you a taste of the might of Japanese Karate! 819 01:30:05,691 --> 01:30:09,069 There's no pIace for you in SeattIe! Leave! 820 01:30:09,195 --> 01:30:10,779 Bruce! 821 01:30:18,287 --> 01:30:21,289 Bruce, what are you doing? 822 01:30:32,677 --> 01:30:37,305 Kimura, these Iast few days I've been struggIing aII the time. 823 01:30:37,432 --> 01:30:39,683 It's Iike a deviI has been foIIowing me. 824 01:30:41,686 --> 01:30:44,980 Isn't the deviI Yamamoto? 825 01:30:46,941 --> 01:30:47,858 Yes. 826 01:30:47,984 --> 01:30:50,902 He's a weII-known martiaI arts expert in Japan, 827 01:30:51,028 --> 01:30:53,029 and in the US as weII. 828 01:30:54,115 --> 01:30:56,450 He pays reaIIy great attention to his martiaI arts training. 829 01:30:57,410 --> 01:30:59,369 He's opened martiaI arts schooIs in many pIaces, 830 01:30:59,495 --> 01:31:01,288 but mostIy in America, 831 01:31:01,414 --> 01:31:03,039 to teach students. 832 01:31:04,000 --> 01:31:05,625 He rareIy competes with others. 833 01:31:14,469 --> 01:31:20,015 I just wonder how he couId buiId up such a soIid foundation. 834 01:31:21,309 --> 01:31:24,853 ProbabIy, it has something to do with the iron man. 835 01:31:26,647 --> 01:31:27,939 Iron man? 836 01:31:28,065 --> 01:31:29,024 What's that? 837 01:31:29,484 --> 01:31:31,985 l've heard of it, but l've never seen it. 838 01:31:32,737 --> 01:31:34,321 l was told about it by his students. 839 01:31:34,447 --> 01:31:37,449 He beats down an iron man every day, 840 01:31:37,575 --> 01:31:39,910 which is twice his size, made of pig iron. 841 01:31:43,539 --> 01:31:46,833 What a man! Practising martiaI arts that way. 842 01:31:49,045 --> 01:31:52,464 WeII, I'd Iike to meet him again. 843 01:32:02,767 --> 01:32:05,393 - Bruce Lee? - Am I not weIcome? 844 01:32:06,521 --> 01:32:12,108 You didn't Iearn your Iesson Iast time? Are you feeIing aII right? 845 01:32:30,086 --> 01:32:32,837 Bruce Lee, you Iow-Iife sneak! 846 01:32:33,548 --> 01:32:35,840 I'm not here to spy on your training. 847 01:32:37,093 --> 01:32:39,219 I've just come to deIiver my Ietter of chaIIenge. 848 01:32:39,887 --> 01:32:42,931 - You're not eIigibIe for it. - I am. 849 01:32:43,057 --> 01:32:45,934 You deserve a good beating. 850 01:32:47,853 --> 01:32:49,521 Very weII. 851 01:33:11,419 --> 01:33:14,087 - Where's he got to? - Where can he be? 852 01:33:15,423 --> 01:33:17,882 Didn't he go to schooI? 853 01:33:18,009 --> 01:33:21,761 No. I've just come from there. He wasn't around. 854 01:33:21,887 --> 01:33:25,557 That's bad news. He must have gone to Yamamoto. 855 01:33:25,683 --> 01:33:28,184 Let's go and find him. 856 01:33:33,899 --> 01:33:35,775 Get out! 857 01:33:38,112 --> 01:33:39,821 Bruce! 858 01:33:40,781 --> 01:33:42,824 Are you okay? 859 01:34:02,219 --> 01:34:04,638 Bruce, why don't you get some rest? 860 01:34:05,931 --> 01:34:07,807 I can't sIeep. 861 01:34:07,933 --> 01:34:12,979 If I don't get to compete against different masters, 862 01:34:13,481 --> 01:34:17,692 how can I Iearn the refined skiIIs of their Quanshu? 863 01:34:19,820 --> 01:34:22,822 Kimura, I want to set up my own styIe. 864 01:34:22,948 --> 01:34:26,868 - Your own styIe? - That's right, my own styIe. 865 01:34:26,994 --> 01:34:28,662 That's not easy. 866 01:34:29,497 --> 01:34:31,748 When I was IittIe, 867 01:34:31,874 --> 01:34:37,879 I Iearned Tang Lang Quan, 868 01:34:38,005 --> 01:34:40,715 Shao Lin Quan, Hong Quan, Chang Quan, 869 01:34:40,841 --> 01:34:43,176 and many other styIes from James. 870 01:34:43,302 --> 01:34:47,972 Later I Iearned Yong Chun Quan from the Master. 871 01:34:48,099 --> 01:34:52,102 In my opinion, Yong Chun Quan was the most powerfuI in the worId. 872 01:34:52,228 --> 01:34:54,229 Then I joined a western boxing team 873 01:34:54,355 --> 01:34:57,232 and Iearned something usefuI from that as weII. 874 01:34:59,110 --> 01:35:02,946 Now I've perfected some Japanese Karate routines. 875 01:35:04,740 --> 01:35:06,783 Right. 876 01:35:06,909 --> 01:35:09,953 More and more, I feeI that each styIe 877 01:35:10,079 --> 01:35:12,622 has its own advantages and disadvantages 878 01:35:12,748 --> 01:35:14,874 which can be Iearnt and utiIised. 879 01:35:16,335 --> 01:35:19,879 I haven't Iearned enough boxing styIes, 880 01:35:20,798 --> 01:35:25,844 but I beIieve that through my study and research of various boxing styIes, 881 01:35:25,970 --> 01:35:29,931 I can improve Yong Chun Quan and make it more practicaI. 882 01:35:31,350 --> 01:35:33,977 - Improve Yong Chun Quan? - Right. 883 01:35:37,481 --> 01:35:40,400 I think we shouId go to Professor Kein 884 01:35:40,526 --> 01:35:43,903 to discuss deveIoping a new form of Kung Fu. 885 01:35:46,699 --> 01:35:47,782 Good idea. 886 01:35:51,120 --> 01:35:54,914 WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY 887 01:36:25,362 --> 01:36:26,696 Professor Kein, 888 01:36:26,822 --> 01:36:30,116 l know that l have to acquire a lot of knowledge about martial arts. 889 01:36:30,242 --> 01:36:33,161 l have to understand the essences of many different schools. 890 01:36:33,287 --> 01:36:36,539 l have to analyse, compare and research them thoroughly. 891 01:36:36,665 --> 01:36:40,543 ln order to reach my goal, there's no better way than competing 892 01:36:40,669 --> 01:36:42,837 with masters from other schools. 893 01:36:42,963 --> 01:36:47,801 Then l can find out what's practical and what's not. 894 01:36:48,803 --> 01:36:52,514 Auguste Rodin once said, "There is beauty in all of Nature. 895 01:36:52,640 --> 01:36:55,141 "What's lacking is the eye's ability to perceive it." 896 01:36:55,267 --> 01:36:59,687 To put it another way, it's not that you lack a master to instruct you, 897 01:36:59,814 --> 01:37:02,023 it's just that you don't see him. 898 01:37:02,149 --> 01:37:05,985 - You can compete with yourself. - Compete with myself? 899 01:37:06,111 --> 01:37:11,491 Yes. No one is a greater rival than oneself. 900 01:37:11,617 --> 01:37:14,160 The course you've chosen is the best way 901 01:37:14,286 --> 01:37:16,746 to find how to compete with yourself. 902 01:37:16,872 --> 01:37:21,084 My understanding of martial arts is that it cannot solely build up your body 903 01:37:21,210 --> 01:37:23,378 nor solely compete with your rival. 904 01:37:23,504 --> 01:37:25,797 The most important thing to learn from each martial art 905 01:37:25,923 --> 01:37:28,007 is how it is an embodiment of its culture. 906 01:37:28,133 --> 01:37:31,678 Spend time contemplating how to develop your own martial arts theory. 907 01:37:31,804 --> 01:37:33,805 You have great potential. 908 01:38:57,222 --> 01:39:00,475 Our Jujutsu is the most powerfuI art. 909 01:39:00,601 --> 01:39:03,478 No other styIes can defeat us. 910 01:39:05,189 --> 01:39:07,106 Come. 911 01:39:09,443 --> 01:39:11,110 Attack. 912 01:39:11,946 --> 01:39:16,783 UnbaIanced him first. And then it'II be easier. 913 01:39:18,786 --> 01:39:20,536 This is caIIed "defeating the enemy by a singIe attack". 914 01:39:38,138 --> 01:39:41,599 Yong Chun Quan has its strong points 915 01:39:41,725 --> 01:39:43,977 and its weaknesses as weII. 916 01:39:45,062 --> 01:39:47,814 Are you stiII thinking about WiIIy Jay's Jujutsu? 917 01:39:49,566 --> 01:39:52,527 We shouId Iearn anything that is usefuI to us. 918 01:39:55,990 --> 01:39:58,282 I'II deIiver Ietter of chaIIenge. 919 01:40:01,245 --> 01:40:03,538 Kimura sent me a Ietter of chaIIenge today. 920 01:40:03,664 --> 01:40:05,873 Bruce Lee wants to compete with me. 921 01:40:06,000 --> 01:40:10,878 He wants to compete with you? Won't he injure his spine and his ribs? 922 01:40:11,005 --> 01:40:14,215 James, I reaIIy cannot understand it. 923 01:40:14,341 --> 01:40:19,345 Bruce Lee's smaII and sIim, weighing onIy 140Ibs. 924 01:40:19,471 --> 01:40:21,222 How can he chaIIenge me? 925 01:40:21,348 --> 01:40:23,891 - Where's it going to take pIace? - A pubIic venue. 926 01:40:24,018 --> 01:40:26,894 If it's in pubIic, I guess there won't be such thing. 927 01:40:28,272 --> 01:40:31,774 - I guess he must be crazy. - WeII, I think he's just too cocky. 928 01:40:31,900 --> 01:40:36,571 TotaIIy arrogant. OnIy a maniac pIays games Iike this. 929 01:40:36,697 --> 01:40:39,574 That's why I'm here to discuss it with you. 930 01:40:39,700 --> 01:40:44,537 It seems that I'II have to ask a friend of mine for heIp. 931 01:40:44,663 --> 01:40:47,874 - Who's that? - Inosanto. 932 01:40:48,000 --> 01:40:51,252 I know him. He's a professor at an athIetic coIIege. 933 01:40:51,378 --> 01:40:53,421 That's right. 934 01:40:53,547 --> 01:40:56,758 You know, he's caIIed the king of FiIipino Stick Fighting. 935 01:40:56,884 --> 01:40:59,052 ReaIIy? Is he that strong? 936 01:41:24,078 --> 01:41:25,828 HeIIo, WiIIy Jay. 937 01:41:27,456 --> 01:41:29,916 HeIIo, Bruce Lee. 938 01:41:30,834 --> 01:41:32,543 PIease come. 939 01:41:41,261 --> 01:41:43,304 Today, the master of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu schooI, 940 01:41:43,430 --> 01:41:47,225 Bruce Lee wiII chaIIenge WiIIy Jay, 941 01:41:47,351 --> 01:41:50,895 the master of WiIIy Jay's Jujutsu schooI. 942 01:41:52,272 --> 01:41:55,066 As the host of this chaIIenge today, 943 01:41:56,485 --> 01:42:01,447 I'd Iike to invite Professor Inosanto to be our supervisor. 944 01:42:01,573 --> 01:42:04,075 The ruIes are: 945 01:42:04,201 --> 01:42:10,081 if one side can render his opponent unabIe to stand, 946 01:42:11,333 --> 01:42:14,794 he shaII be decIared the winner, is that cIear? 947 01:42:16,380 --> 01:42:18,589 PIease get ready. 948 01:42:20,425 --> 01:42:22,426 PIease, Mr Inosanto. 949 01:42:30,894 --> 01:42:32,687 Ready. 950 01:42:32,813 --> 01:42:34,438 Now, begin! 951 01:44:10,452 --> 01:44:12,203 Good! 952 01:45:12,472 --> 01:45:14,473 Continue. Continue. 953 01:45:38,081 --> 01:45:40,583 Your teacher Bruce Lee is exceIIent! 954 01:45:45,339 --> 01:45:48,841 - Your Jujutsu is reaIIy powerfuI. - Thank you, Mr Lee. 955 01:45:48,967 --> 01:45:50,885 You didn't make a fooI of me. 956 01:45:51,011 --> 01:45:55,222 I knew you showed me mercy, aIIowing me to get the edge on you. 957 01:45:55,349 --> 01:45:59,018 If you'd gone aII out, maybe I wouIdn't have remained standing. 958 01:45:59,144 --> 01:46:02,897 AIso when I feII to the ground, you actuaIIy dominated me. 959 01:46:03,023 --> 01:46:06,776 If you'd used the "eyebaII trick", I'd have been bIinded aIready. 960 01:46:10,113 --> 01:46:13,240 I understand what you're doing is not to win or Iose, 961 01:46:13,367 --> 01:46:17,536 but to get to know me and to improve your skiIIs, 962 01:46:17,662 --> 01:46:20,373 to Iearn something about my Jujutsu, right? 963 01:46:21,041 --> 01:46:22,708 Yes. 964 01:46:22,834 --> 01:46:29,757 My chaIIenges to various masters are not in order to win, 965 01:46:30,675 --> 01:46:34,929 but to improve my Kung Fu and take it to a higher IeveI. 966 01:46:35,055 --> 01:46:38,349 So I hope you can heIp me. 967 01:46:38,475 --> 01:46:41,143 It wouId be an honour to teach you Jujutsu. 968 01:46:43,563 --> 01:46:45,898 Thank you. Thank you very much, Master. 969 01:47:25,814 --> 01:47:27,481 CIass is over. 970 01:47:39,619 --> 01:47:42,037 Bruce, the Professor is here. 971 01:47:46,293 --> 01:47:49,044 HeIIo, Professor Inosanto. We've met before. 972 01:47:52,132 --> 01:47:57,428 Yes. I wanted to know, when you chaIIenged WiIIy Jay the other day, 973 01:47:57,554 --> 01:47:59,847 why did you hoId back? 974 01:48:00,849 --> 01:48:02,683 I didn't want to beat WiIIy Jay 975 01:48:02,809 --> 01:48:06,228 and Iose the opportunity to Iearn Jujutsu from him. 976 01:48:11,526 --> 01:48:14,612 WeII, wouId you pIease grant me such a chance? 977 01:48:14,738 --> 01:48:16,030 You're too humbIe. 978 01:48:16,156 --> 01:48:18,949 I've heard you're a great martiaI artist with many attainments. 979 01:48:19,075 --> 01:48:21,368 I just haven't had a chance to Iearn from you. 980 01:48:21,495 --> 01:48:23,287 - You flatter me. - Watch out! 981 01:48:29,669 --> 01:48:32,296 You're fast indeed. Let's see who's faster. 982 01:48:39,054 --> 01:48:42,473 - I'm indebted to you. - I sincereIy admit defeat. 983 01:48:42,599 --> 01:48:44,683 You're too humbIe. 984 01:48:48,355 --> 01:48:52,733 Professor lnosanto, l feel the Filipino Boxing is quite flexible, 985 01:48:52,859 --> 01:48:55,819 with rapid changes in speed, but it's not powerful enough. 986 01:48:55,946 --> 01:48:59,573 Yong Chun Quan stresses simplicity and directness. 987 01:48:59,699 --> 01:49:01,575 You attack while you're defending yourself, 988 01:49:01,701 --> 01:49:03,577 one of its fundamental points. 989 01:49:04,829 --> 01:49:08,874 But there are some weaknesses in its footwork. 990 01:49:09,000 --> 01:49:11,460 lt's quite practical at shorter distances, 991 01:49:11,586 --> 01:49:16,549 while it cannot work between the middle to far distance. 992 01:49:29,312 --> 01:49:33,774 Kimura, I want our Kung Fu schooI 993 01:49:33,900 --> 01:49:36,902 to be more influentiaI in the society. 994 01:49:38,738 --> 01:49:43,117 It's very important to exchange martiaI arts with different schooIs. 995 01:49:45,203 --> 01:49:47,621 But how? Just break into other schooIs? 996 01:49:48,748 --> 01:49:50,583 Come on, then. 997 01:49:54,379 --> 01:49:57,590 It's not a good idea to break into other schooIs. 998 01:49:58,800 --> 01:50:03,304 I suppose it's better to ask them to come here to chaIIenge us, 999 01:50:03,430 --> 01:50:06,849 than to go to theirs to compete. 1000 01:50:10,895 --> 01:50:12,938 What are you considering? 1001 01:50:13,064 --> 01:50:15,482 If you chaIIenge other martiaI artists here, 1002 01:50:15,609 --> 01:50:20,529 and you Iose before the students, won't it bring shame on us? 1003 01:50:20,655 --> 01:50:24,158 My goaI is to set up a new styIe of Quanshu. 1004 01:50:24,284 --> 01:50:28,454 I don't care about winning or Iosing. It's worth it, even if I Iose. 1005 01:50:31,875 --> 01:50:32,791 PIease write it down. 1006 01:50:34,628 --> 01:50:36,378 Like this... 1007 01:50:39,049 --> 01:50:45,179 No matter when, where and whoever 1008 01:50:46,014 --> 01:50:48,682 wants to compete with me, I'm ready to accept. 1009 01:50:52,103 --> 01:50:56,482 Bruce Lee is going to chaIIenge aII Americans. 1010 01:50:58,735 --> 01:51:02,696 Bruce Lee is reaIIy chaIIenging the circIe of American MartiaI Arts. 1011 01:51:03,239 --> 01:51:07,159 Bruce Lee has put up a sign at the gate of his Kung Fu schooI. 1012 01:51:07,285 --> 01:51:10,829 It says if anyone any time any pIace wants to chaIIenge him, 1013 01:51:10,955 --> 01:51:12,873 he's ready to accept. 1014 01:51:14,042 --> 01:51:15,834 He's too cocky. 1015 01:51:16,336 --> 01:51:18,212 He's just a whippersnapper! 1016 01:51:20,048 --> 01:51:23,008 He wouIdn't dare chaIIenge me. 1017 01:51:23,134 --> 01:51:25,844 That's why he's resorted to such a manoeuvre. 1018 01:51:27,430 --> 01:51:29,848 I'II smash his Kung Fu schooI. 1019 01:51:42,987 --> 01:51:45,739 - Did you hear me? - Yes! 1020 01:51:45,865 --> 01:51:48,867 It's difficuIt to defend an attack up and down. 1021 01:51:55,917 --> 01:51:58,127 What are you doing here? 1022 01:52:02,257 --> 01:52:04,049 HeIIo, Mr Yamamoto. 1023 01:52:04,175 --> 01:52:06,719 I'm gIad you're here to instruct me. 1024 01:52:08,471 --> 01:52:10,597 I'd Iike to experience your Quanshu. 1025 01:52:12,559 --> 01:52:16,395 I've aIways wanted to Iearn from you, Master. 1026 01:52:16,521 --> 01:52:22,109 Thank you for visiting me. I'm gIad to see you. 1027 01:52:22,235 --> 01:52:27,781 I want you to know there's no pIace for you, Bruce Lee, in America. 1028 01:52:27,907 --> 01:52:29,491 You're too arrogant! 1029 01:52:30,910 --> 01:52:34,246 You'II find out whether I'm arrogant or not after we compete. 1030 01:52:35,915 --> 01:52:41,211 If you Iose today, you have to be my coach. 1031 01:52:41,337 --> 01:52:45,132 AIso, I'II teach you Yong Chun Quan and some others skiIIs as weII. 1032 01:52:45,258 --> 01:52:46,842 You teach me? 1033 01:52:46,968 --> 01:52:50,012 If you beat me, I'II accept aII your requests. 1034 01:52:50,138 --> 01:52:52,598 - Come on! - Good. Let's begin. 1035 01:54:32,323 --> 01:54:34,074 WeII done! 1036 01:54:52,468 --> 01:54:54,094 Master, I'm sorry. 1037 01:55:10,403 --> 01:55:12,070 Mr Yamamoto! 1038 01:55:15,116 --> 01:55:19,036 I hope you can keep your promise. 1039 01:55:19,162 --> 01:55:21,455 I'II visit you in a coupIe of days. 1040 01:55:32,884 --> 01:55:35,969 - Jessie, put the sign up again. - Sure. 1041 01:56:22,266 --> 01:56:26,645 Here's $20. I'II bring you the ice hoIder Iater. 1042 01:56:30,817 --> 01:56:35,153 Come on, students. Get ready for cIass. 1043 01:56:35,279 --> 01:56:37,406 Master Lee! 1044 01:56:45,665 --> 01:56:47,499 Bruce Lee! 1045 01:57:02,015 --> 01:57:04,558 - Have some ice. - Okay. 1046 01:57:15,778 --> 01:57:18,697 So, I've met a reaI master. 1047 01:57:23,870 --> 01:57:28,331 You don't have to do that. I just want to cooI you down. 1048 01:57:29,876 --> 01:57:34,004 If you can beat me, I'II cooI down myseIf. 1049 01:57:34,130 --> 01:57:36,882 You know the resuIt of a fight between us? 1050 01:57:37,008 --> 01:57:40,844 I know. OnIy one person can waIk out of here. 1051 01:57:41,888 --> 01:57:45,557 If that's the case, Iet's stop pIaying the fooI. 1052 01:57:45,683 --> 01:57:47,601 You've barged into my schooI. 1053 01:57:47,727 --> 01:57:51,104 If I don't accept your chaIIenge, I'II become a Iaughing stock. 1054 01:57:51,230 --> 01:57:53,815 - Bruce, forget it. - Ask them to Ieave. 1055 01:57:57,403 --> 01:57:59,905 Kimura, take them out. 1056 01:58:04,911 --> 01:58:07,329 Everyone Ieave. AII of us. 1057 01:58:17,590 --> 01:58:19,925 You're a one-armed martiaI artist? 1058 01:59:28,661 --> 01:59:31,538 You are highIy skiIIed. Why didn't you attend the competition? 1059 01:59:31,664 --> 01:59:35,083 I don't agree with buiIding faIse reputations. It's boring and tiring. 1060 01:59:35,209 --> 01:59:36,918 Good one. 1061 02:01:08,219 --> 02:01:13,473 Now I've taught you a Iesson. None can be too arrogant. 1062 02:02:06,068 --> 02:02:09,154 - Bruce, Bruce! - Master! Master! Master! 1063 02:02:10,823 --> 02:02:12,949 Bruce, are you injured? 1064 02:02:15,745 --> 02:02:17,620 He was smarter than me. 1065 02:02:17,747 --> 02:02:19,998 Master, didn't you beat him? 1066 02:02:20,124 --> 02:02:22,667 Bruce, what did he say to you? 1067 02:03:06,212 --> 02:03:08,671 Yong Chun Quan has many advantages. 1068 02:03:08,798 --> 02:03:10,673 And disadvantages as well. 1069 02:03:10,800 --> 02:03:15,178 l want to combine it with the hand and foot techniques of Jujutsu. 1070 02:03:15,971 --> 02:03:20,433 l will also integrate into it the footwork of western boxing. 1071 02:03:20,559 --> 02:03:22,352 After this improvement, 1072 02:03:22,478 --> 02:03:25,730 Yong Chun Quan will absorb the essence of many other Quanshu, 1073 02:03:25,856 --> 02:03:29,692 and get rid of the miscellaneous yet unpractical stuff. 1074 02:03:47,420 --> 02:03:49,796 A new boxing style and a good thesis. 1075 02:03:49,922 --> 02:03:54,843 Professor Kein, are there any probIems with my thesis? 1076 02:03:54,969 --> 02:03:59,139 Bruce, I am very pIeased with the progress you have made. 1077 02:03:59,265 --> 02:04:01,975 I remember I toId you, not Iong ago, to defeat yourseIf, 1078 02:04:02,101 --> 02:04:03,977 because the biggest enemy is yourseIf. 1079 02:04:04,103 --> 02:04:07,147 But now, I feeI that you've revised that view. 1080 02:04:07,273 --> 02:04:09,816 But stiII, there are Iots of theoreticaI questions I don't understand. 1081 02:04:09,942 --> 02:04:12,652 PIease have a seat and Iet's taIk. 1082 02:04:15,114 --> 02:04:18,450 Professor Kein, I'm puzzIed by these questions aII the time. 1083 02:04:20,661 --> 02:04:25,290 Bruce, you're now quite cIear about the innovation of your new styIe. 1084 02:04:25,416 --> 02:04:29,919 You make use of your opponent's attacking power to counterattack him. 1085 02:04:30,045 --> 02:04:33,423 So far as boxing is concerned, it's a way of attacking. 1086 02:04:33,549 --> 02:04:36,134 As for styIe, it is muItifarious. 1087 02:04:36,677 --> 02:04:41,139 So, Bruce, you must be cIear 1088 02:04:41,265 --> 02:04:46,352 that the new styIe must be estabIished on the basis of Chinese PhiIosophy. 1089 02:04:46,479 --> 02:04:50,106 Thus, wiII it keep deveIoping. The essence of your new styIe 1090 02:04:50,232 --> 02:04:52,358 is Chinese martiaI arts. 1091 02:04:52,485 --> 02:04:55,737 Both Confucianism and Taoism have had tremendous influences 1092 02:04:55,863 --> 02:04:57,822 on the deveIopment of Chinese Kung Fu. 1093 02:04:57,948 --> 02:05:00,783 Confucianism vaIues harmony and moderation, 1094 02:05:00,910 --> 02:05:05,538 whiIe Taoism pays attention to diaIectics and perception. 1095 02:05:05,664 --> 02:05:08,625 You can draw strong points from other schooIs 1096 02:05:08,751 --> 02:05:12,670 and graft them onto the tree of Chinese Kung Fu theory. 1097 02:05:12,796 --> 02:05:15,924 You shouId directIy aim at the very core of Kung Fu 1098 02:05:16,050 --> 02:05:19,469 and simpIify those compIicated theories. 1099 02:05:19,595 --> 02:05:22,555 SimpIify... How do I do that? 1100 02:05:22,681 --> 02:05:24,724 Now I want to ask you a question. 1101 02:05:24,850 --> 02:05:29,062 What's the simpIest issue in compIicated Kung Fu theory? 1102 02:05:29,188 --> 02:05:32,232 WeII, it shouId be offence and defence. 1103 02:05:32,358 --> 02:05:35,151 Bruce, take a Iook at this diaIectic picture. 1104 02:05:35,277 --> 02:05:40,406 The coIours are persuasive and this is simpIe move, cIear and easy. 1105 02:05:41,742 --> 02:05:45,286 Professor Kein, you mentioned this simpIe move... 1106 02:05:45,412 --> 02:05:48,206 Right, you can adopt it to represent simpIicity. 1107 02:05:48,332 --> 02:05:50,917 SimpIicity wiII make you free and reIaxed. 1108 02:05:51,043 --> 02:05:55,088 SimpIify by cutting out the superfluous, eIiminate the faIse and retain the true. 1109 02:05:55,214 --> 02:05:58,841 ReIease myseIf from the shackIes of superfluousness. 1110 02:05:58,968 --> 02:06:00,260 ExactIy. 1111 02:06:00,386 --> 02:06:04,264 ReIax yourseIf and reIease yourseIf. Be your own master. 1112 02:06:04,390 --> 02:06:06,266 AII is transformation, 1113 02:06:06,392 --> 02:06:10,770 and whoever can controI this transformation is the reaI seIf. 1114 02:06:10,896 --> 02:06:12,522 Thank you, Professor. 1115 02:06:13,566 --> 02:06:17,944 Kung Fu is a specialist skill and a deeply subtle art. 1116 02:06:18,070 --> 02:06:20,446 lt is not simply a physical exercise. 1117 02:06:20,573 --> 02:06:24,325 lt is an art that combines wisdom and technique. 1118 02:06:24,451 --> 02:06:28,454 The principle of Kung Fu is to exert your body and mind scientifically, 1119 02:06:28,581 --> 02:06:32,083 with the highest principles of Taichi Yin-Yang. 1120 02:06:33,544 --> 02:06:37,422 Taichi Yin-Yang sets forth the essence of everything in the universe. 1121 02:06:37,548 --> 02:06:42,427 Taichi Yin-Yang simplifies the complexities of Kung Fu theory 1122 02:06:42,553 --> 02:06:47,307 into two words: defence and offence. 1123 02:06:47,433 --> 02:06:49,684 ln order to reach the highest level, 1124 02:06:49,810 --> 02:06:52,979 it is only by ridding yourself of all the specious techniques 1125 02:06:53,105 --> 02:06:55,023 that you can retain the essence of fighting 1126 02:06:55,149 --> 02:06:57,442 within the shortest possible time. 1127 02:06:57,568 --> 02:07:03,323 lt is actually a kind of "stop-hit" which is more practical in fighting 1128 02:07:03,449 --> 02:07:06,743 than those spurious ones. 1129 02:07:06,869 --> 02:07:09,495 ln other words, it turns the intangible into the tangible. 1130 02:07:09,622 --> 02:07:11,998 Jeet Kune Do has no fixed set patterns, 1131 02:07:12,124 --> 02:07:14,459 which is the best pattern to have. 1132 02:07:14,585 --> 02:07:17,962 lt belongs to no school, so it can make use of any school. 1133 02:07:18,088 --> 02:07:20,131 lt is not limited to any patterns. 1134 02:07:21,300 --> 02:07:23,134 lt's good at using all skills. 1135 02:07:23,260 --> 02:07:27,263 And all means and skills can be adopted. 1136 02:07:27,389 --> 02:07:31,017 lnstinctive defence with ordered attack. 1137 02:07:31,143 --> 02:07:34,979 This is the most straight-forward definition of Jeet Kune Do. 1138 02:07:47,618 --> 02:07:49,952 How many students do you have now? 1139 02:07:50,079 --> 02:07:53,956 No more than 200 with four different training sessions. 1140 02:07:55,042 --> 02:07:57,377 This is the evening cIass now. 1141 02:07:57,503 --> 02:08:01,214 Bruce, Iet's discuss the American NationaI Fighting Competition. 1142 02:08:01,340 --> 02:08:04,926 I think you shouId take time to prepare properIy. Don't rush. 1143 02:08:05,052 --> 02:08:08,554 I feeI on form now. WeII, come on, professor. 1144 02:08:08,681 --> 02:08:14,310 I'd Iike to hear your advice about how to win the US championship. 1145 02:08:14,436 --> 02:08:18,231 Okay, I'II offer you my opinion, Bruce. 1146 02:08:19,942 --> 02:08:24,028 This time, onIy three of the competitors stand a chance. 1147 02:08:25,489 --> 02:08:28,783 That's RoIex, you and Piao Zhengyi. 1148 02:08:28,909 --> 02:08:32,245 And RoIex is the best amongst you three. 1149 02:08:32,371 --> 02:08:34,622 You'd better have an exchange with Master Piao. 1150 02:08:34,748 --> 02:08:38,209 Learn from each other's strong points and offset the weaknesses. 1151 02:08:39,002 --> 02:08:41,129 AII right, I'II see him right away. 1152 02:08:41,255 --> 02:08:44,382 One, two, three! 1153 02:08:46,885 --> 02:08:50,471 - Yes? - I want to see Master Piao Zhengyi. 1154 02:08:50,597 --> 02:08:53,599 My master isn't receiving any guests. 1155 02:08:53,726 --> 02:08:56,978 Whether he Iikes it or not, I must see him. 1156 02:09:00,399 --> 02:09:01,733 Master? 1157 02:09:04,027 --> 02:09:06,279 Sorry for interrupting you, Master Piao. 1158 02:09:06,405 --> 02:09:10,783 I heard that you have competed in the US Karate Competition, 1159 02:09:10,909 --> 02:09:14,036 and you are honoured as the genius of Taekwondo. 1160 02:09:15,289 --> 02:09:18,875 But as far as I know, you stiII cannot rivaI RoIex. 1161 02:09:19,001 --> 02:09:24,505 If you want to defeat RoIex, we two must have an exchange. 1162 02:09:25,924 --> 02:09:29,427 - Who are you? - Bruce Lee. 1163 02:09:29,553 --> 02:09:32,805 - Bruce Lee? - Right, Bruce Lee. 1164 02:09:33,932 --> 02:09:36,476 What quaIifies you to exchange skiIIs with me? 1165 02:09:36,602 --> 02:09:40,980 Now you're Iooking down on me, I can understand that. 1166 02:09:41,106 --> 02:09:43,316 You are the famous genius of Taekwondo, 1167 02:09:43,442 --> 02:09:47,111 but I am nobody here. 1168 02:09:47,946 --> 02:09:50,072 But Iet me teII you something. 1169 02:09:50,199 --> 02:09:52,283 If you fight with me, 1170 02:09:52,409 --> 02:09:55,661 I wiII put you down on the ground within three rounds. 1171 02:12:42,788 --> 02:12:44,330 Stop! 1172 02:12:44,957 --> 02:12:48,042 Get ready. Continue! 1173 02:13:10,732 --> 02:13:12,608 Stop! 1174 02:13:22,995 --> 02:13:25,079 Bruce Lee wins! 1175 02:13:49,312 --> 02:13:53,858 Now we go to the final of the Karate Competition. 1176 02:13:54,776 --> 02:13:58,779 Let's welcome Bruce Lee from Oakland 1177 02:13:58,905 --> 02:14:02,867 with a big round of applause! 1178 02:14:06,580 --> 02:14:11,792 And presenting the champion of last competition, Rolex! 1179 02:14:11,918 --> 02:14:14,462 Please give him a round of applause! 1180 02:15:19,319 --> 02:15:21,195 Begin! 1181 02:19:05,795 --> 02:19:07,880 One, two, three! 1182 02:19:08,631 --> 02:19:10,341 Bout over! 1183 02:19:36,451 --> 02:19:44,541 I am Chinese! 1184 02:20:15,573 --> 02:20:19,910 RoIex, pIease can you teII us how you feIt about the match? 1185 02:20:20,036 --> 02:20:22,121 It's the worst of my fighting career. 1186 02:20:22,247 --> 02:20:25,958 I don't understand how Bruce Lee couId strike directIy at my punch. 1187 02:20:26,084 --> 02:20:31,130 What's more, when I hit his fist, aII the power drained from my hand. 1188 02:20:31,256 --> 02:20:33,799 He didn't even push himseIf on the "Three Kicks". 1189 02:20:35,301 --> 02:20:36,802 That was amazing. 1190 02:20:36,928 --> 02:20:40,055 He didn't intend to hurt me. Otherwise, I wouIdn't be here now. 1191 02:20:40,181 --> 02:20:41,723 - Thank you very much. - Thanks. 1192 02:20:41,850 --> 02:20:46,186 A young man from China has changed the history of American fighting. 1193 02:20:46,312 --> 02:20:49,940 Neither ourjournalists nor the American Martial Arts authorities can figure out 1194 02:20:50,066 --> 02:20:53,944 why Chinese Kung Fu has exerted such a profound influence 1195 02:20:54,070 --> 02:20:55,988 on this young man called Bruce Lee... 1196 02:20:56,114 --> 02:21:00,242 Okay, that'II do for today. You may aII Ieave now. 1197 02:21:14,340 --> 02:21:16,842 That was great. Amazing stuff. 1198 02:21:18,761 --> 02:21:21,138 You Iook a IittIe bit regretfuI today. 1199 02:21:21,890 --> 02:21:24,057 What are you thinking, Mr Harrison? 1200 02:21:24,976 --> 02:21:27,186 What a pity. 1201 02:21:27,312 --> 02:21:31,899 I reaIIy shouId've gone over to watch it in the arena. 1202 02:21:32,025 --> 02:21:34,026 We shouId pay this Chinese guy a visit. 1203 02:21:34,152 --> 02:21:38,280 Bruce Lee's a Chinese hero. We shouId go and visit him. 1204 02:21:39,657 --> 02:21:42,659 WeII, Mr Harrison. I have an idea. 1205 02:21:42,785 --> 02:21:44,786 HoIIywood needs this kind of hero. 1206 02:21:44,913 --> 02:21:49,041 George, I have to say that you're indeed a good businessman... 1207 02:21:49,167 --> 02:21:51,043 And I'm a good fiIm-maker! 1208 02:22:21,824 --> 02:22:23,825 Bruce Lee! 1209 02:22:23,952 --> 02:22:28,247 HeIIo, Mr Lee. CongratuIations. We've been waiting for you. 1210 02:22:28,373 --> 02:22:29,957 Come in and taIk. 1211 02:22:30,083 --> 02:22:32,584 - It's George who wants to see you. - Who? 1212 02:22:32,710 --> 02:22:36,380 You've never heard of him? A big-name producer from HoIIywood. 1213 02:22:36,506 --> 02:22:40,467 You reaIIy shouId meet him. He's waiting for you upstairs. 1214 02:22:41,469 --> 02:22:42,844 James... 1215 02:22:44,013 --> 02:22:46,598 Sure you shouId go. Go and see him. 1216 02:22:46,724 --> 02:22:49,101 Okay, Iet's go. 1217 02:22:53,022 --> 02:22:55,607 It can't be bad when Bruce is asked to meet someone from HoIIywood. 1218 02:22:55,733 --> 02:22:58,569 Let's wait over there for the good news. 1219 02:22:58,695 --> 02:23:00,862 Let me introduce George from HoIIywood. 1220 02:23:00,989 --> 02:23:04,741 HeIIo, Mr Lee. I've been after you for a Iong time. 1221 02:23:04,867 --> 02:23:06,743 What can I do for you? 1222 02:23:06,869 --> 02:23:12,708 With your permission, I'd Iike to record your performance on fiIm. 1223 02:23:15,712 --> 02:23:17,212 Why? 1224 02:23:17,338 --> 02:23:20,257 After I saw the TV Iive show in which you beat the champion, 1225 02:23:20,383 --> 02:23:23,760 I was very impressed with your Kung Fu. 1226 02:23:23,886 --> 02:23:27,973 You were so fast. I'd Iike other peopIe to see your competition. 1227 02:23:28,099 --> 02:23:31,435 But my reaI purpose is to know more about your Kung Fu. 1228 02:23:31,561 --> 02:23:34,813 Maybe we can work together in some other fieId. 1229 02:23:34,939 --> 02:23:37,107 You mean in fiIm? 1230 02:23:37,233 --> 02:23:38,442 Yes. 1231 02:23:38,568 --> 02:23:43,030 I'd Iike to give you a chance to show your taIent in HoIIywood, 1232 02:23:43,156 --> 02:23:46,033 so that a worIdwide audience can enjoy it. 1233 02:23:47,035 --> 02:23:50,454 Not a bad idea. You've persuaded me. 1234 02:23:50,580 --> 02:23:54,958 That's great, Mr Lee. Then Iet's made a deaI. 1235 02:23:55,084 --> 02:23:58,295 - AII right, I'm Iistening to you. - That's great. 1236 02:23:58,421 --> 02:24:01,923 - Let's have a drink to ceIebrate. - Sounds good. 1237 02:24:40,546 --> 02:24:46,426 Good. Kato's make-up definiteIy gives peopIe a great impression. 1238 02:24:46,552 --> 02:24:50,764 Kato, you are a matchIess warrior. 1239 02:24:50,890 --> 02:24:54,685 Wearing the mask wiII onIy boost your charm as a warrior 1240 02:24:54,811 --> 02:24:56,687 and increase your mystery. 1241 02:24:56,813 --> 02:25:01,483 You may choose whatever you Iike from aII of the masks prepared. 1242 02:25:01,609 --> 02:25:05,862 So, George, you stiII pIan to cover my face? 1243 02:25:05,988 --> 02:25:08,699 Listen, it's not about covering your face. 1244 02:25:08,825 --> 02:25:11,660 Warriors usuaIIy wear masks. 1245 02:25:11,786 --> 02:25:15,664 After donning the mask, you'II exude even more charm. 1246 02:25:15,790 --> 02:25:18,458 That's why I want you to wear the mask. 1247 02:25:18,584 --> 02:25:23,463 You can decide yourseIf. You might even Iike it. 1248 02:25:24,257 --> 02:25:29,594 Mr Lee, these are the masks I've prepared for you. 1249 02:25:29,721 --> 02:25:32,180 They're to enhance your mysterious attraction. 1250 02:25:32,306 --> 02:25:33,890 I know that. 1251 02:25:45,194 --> 02:25:46,945 Great. 1252 02:25:47,071 --> 02:25:49,573 George, it seems Iike you prepared this one Iong ago. 1253 02:25:49,699 --> 02:25:52,451 How do you Iike it? 1254 02:25:53,536 --> 02:25:56,747 This time I don't want to argue with you anymore, 1255 02:25:56,873 --> 02:25:59,791 because I Iike the fiIm and the character. 1256 02:25:59,917 --> 02:26:05,422 But there's one thing you must hear about this fiIm... 1257 02:26:05,548 --> 02:26:10,343 But you must use Jeet Kune Do. Jeet Kune Do! 1258 02:26:10,470 --> 02:26:13,764 - You're right. - Bruce, I wish you Iuck. 1259 02:26:13,890 --> 02:26:16,641 - Thanks. - AII right, everyone! 1260 02:26:16,768 --> 02:26:21,062 Let's give Mr Lee a round of appIause to weIcome him on board! 1261 02:26:21,981 --> 02:26:24,232 WeIcome. 1262 02:26:24,358 --> 02:26:27,110 Get ready. Everyone stand by. 1263 02:26:27,236 --> 02:26:28,528 Action! 1264 02:26:29,447 --> 02:26:32,616 One Iast time. Where is the secret of The Green Hornet? 1265 02:26:32,742 --> 02:26:36,244 I know where it is, but I'm teIIing you nothing. 1266 02:26:36,370 --> 02:26:40,457 So you won't teII us? Right, Iet's kiII him. 1267 02:26:54,138 --> 02:26:55,806 Good. Cut! 1268 02:26:59,352 --> 02:27:03,897 Director, why did you stop? Why not Iet it go on naturaIIy? 1269 02:27:04,023 --> 02:27:05,899 What's going on? 1270 02:27:06,025 --> 02:27:08,819 Bruce, it's perfect. It's exactIy what I want. 1271 02:27:08,945 --> 02:27:11,655 It's reaIIy exceIIent. 1272 02:27:11,781 --> 02:27:15,408 You're being irresponsibIe. I haven't even hit them! 1273 02:27:15,535 --> 02:27:18,411 They aII just feII down. Stand up, stand up! 1274 02:27:19,914 --> 02:27:20,747 Stand! 1275 02:27:25,127 --> 02:27:29,256 HeIIo, Huang. Isn't that Bruce Lee? 1276 02:27:29,382 --> 02:27:33,134 The champion of Hong Kong High SchooI Cha-cha Competition? 1277 02:27:33,261 --> 02:27:34,928 Yes, that's him. 1278 02:27:35,054 --> 02:27:39,266 He's aIso champion of the Hong Kong High SchooI Boxing Competition. 1279 02:27:39,392 --> 02:27:42,185 And he acted in severaI movies when he was a kid. 1280 02:27:42,311 --> 02:27:45,522 Xi Lu Xiang? He was the Iead roIe in it. 1281 02:27:45,648 --> 02:27:47,190 That's right. 1282 02:27:49,151 --> 02:27:51,528 Try to make Bruce Lee stay here. 1283 02:27:51,654 --> 02:27:54,656 That way, we might have a hope. 1284 02:28:17,013 --> 02:28:21,725 - Linda! - Oh, Miss Shen. You're so quick. 1285 02:28:21,851 --> 02:28:25,687 I put the phone down and rushed straight over here. 1286 02:28:25,813 --> 02:28:29,691 - Bruce is waiting for you. Come in. - Okay. 1287 02:28:31,485 --> 02:28:33,236 - Do come in. - Thanks. 1288 02:28:34,780 --> 02:28:36,197 Bruce? 1289 02:28:38,910 --> 02:28:42,162 - Minzhi is here. - HeIIo, Minzhi. 1290 02:28:42,288 --> 02:28:44,331 - HeIIo. - Come in. 1291 02:28:44,457 --> 02:28:46,917 I've carefuIIy gone through the contract. 1292 02:28:47,043 --> 02:28:50,712 BasicaIIy I'II agree to the items. 1293 02:28:50,838 --> 02:28:52,964 However, there's one thing. 1294 02:28:53,090 --> 02:28:57,135 That is, I want to see the script first. 1295 02:28:57,261 --> 02:28:59,888 I brought it with me. 1296 02:29:03,476 --> 02:29:04,768 Good. 1297 02:29:04,894 --> 02:29:08,021 If everything is okay in the script, I can sign right away. 1298 02:29:09,565 --> 02:29:14,194 Bruce, to be honest with you, I just taIked to Boss Xu on the phone. 1299 02:29:14,320 --> 02:29:17,530 He said, even if he has to postpone for 6 months, 1300 02:29:17,657 --> 02:29:22,160 he'd wait for you to take the Iead roIe in our company's the first movie. 1301 02:29:22,286 --> 02:29:24,454 What kind of story is The Big Boss about? 1302 02:29:24,580 --> 02:29:26,790 PIease teII me a IittIe bit it. 1303 02:29:26,916 --> 02:29:30,126 It's actuaIIy based on a true story. 1304 02:29:30,252 --> 02:29:33,129 The main character is named Zheng Chao-an. 1305 02:29:33,255 --> 02:29:38,134 He's from mainIand China and he's the Ieader for overseas Chinese 1306 02:29:38,260 --> 02:29:41,054 in ThaiIand during the end of the Iast century and earIy this century. 1307 02:29:41,180 --> 02:29:45,558 He becomes a hero because he Ieads the overseas Chinese workers 1308 02:29:45,685 --> 02:29:47,769 to resist the IocaI eviI force. 1309 02:29:47,895 --> 02:29:51,189 The Chinese workers in ThaiIand caII him The Big Boss. 1310 02:29:51,315 --> 02:29:55,777 There's a bronze statue of him in a garden in Bangkok. 1311 02:29:55,903 --> 02:29:57,654 Good. 1312 02:29:57,780 --> 02:30:01,783 Someone Iike me who Iives abroad wouId weII understand 1313 02:30:01,909 --> 02:30:06,162 how difficuIt it is for us overseas Chinese to make a Iiving. 1314 02:30:06,288 --> 02:30:11,960 I can feeI for this character. We're the same kind of person. 1315 02:30:12,086 --> 02:30:15,338 No one eIse couId pIay the Big Boss better than me. 1316 02:30:15,464 --> 02:30:18,925 I Iike this kind of story. I'II sign the contract. 1317 02:31:08,017 --> 02:31:09,684 Scene 12. Action! 1318 02:31:49,809 --> 02:31:51,017 Come on! 1319 02:32:17,920 --> 02:32:19,337 Good! Beat him! 1320 02:33:29,617 --> 02:33:32,076 - Good! - Bruce, Bruce! 1321 02:35:00,582 --> 02:35:02,250 WeII done! 1322 02:35:29,111 --> 02:35:34,866 In my opinion this pIay is not at aII reasonabIe. 1323 02:35:38,746 --> 02:35:40,246 What? 1324 02:35:42,499 --> 02:35:47,295 I can hardIy tear myseIf away from it and I read it three times in one sitting. 1325 02:35:48,672 --> 02:35:51,924 AIthough it was midnight, I stiII woke up my wife 1326 02:35:52,051 --> 02:35:54,719 to teII her that it was the best script I've ever read 1327 02:35:54,845 --> 02:35:57,138 in my fiIm-making career. 1328 02:35:57,639 --> 02:36:02,143 Boss, you've just scared me. I thought you didn't Iike it! 1329 02:36:02,269 --> 02:36:07,440 Didn't Iike it? If I didn't Iike it, I'd be the most stupid fiImmaker in Hong Kong. 1330 02:36:09,777 --> 02:36:12,987 Let's get the new project started today. 1331 02:36:13,113 --> 02:36:16,657 I'II guarantee that I'II do a betterjob. 1332 02:36:21,705 --> 02:36:24,165 - Ready! - Scene 22, camera 16, first shot! 1333 02:38:19,031 --> 02:38:20,490 Cut! 1334 02:38:20,616 --> 02:38:24,577 - That was great! - WonderfuI! 1335 02:38:24,703 --> 02:38:27,663 Bruce, great moves. UnbeIievabIe. 1336 02:38:27,789 --> 02:38:32,168 - Hi, Bruce. That was fantastic. - Everyone did a great job. FabuIous! 1337 02:38:32,294 --> 02:38:34,921 - How was it, Director? - Great, Bruce. 1338 02:38:35,964 --> 02:38:38,883 - Let's stop here. - Go and take a break. 1339 02:38:45,891 --> 02:38:49,185 Bruce! What's wrong with him? 1340 02:38:49,686 --> 02:38:52,480 Bruce? CaII for an ambuIance! 1341 02:39:21,677 --> 02:39:25,179 I've read aII the reports. The probIem is... 1342 02:39:25,305 --> 02:39:27,974 - But you know what I mean? - Sorry, Doctor... 1343 02:39:30,852 --> 02:39:33,563 Mr Lee, is there anything wrong? 1344 02:39:34,356 --> 02:39:37,525 I'm sorry, doctor, but I've been in hospitaI for a week. 1345 02:39:37,651 --> 02:39:40,570 Why are there stiII no resuIts yet? 1346 02:39:40,696 --> 02:39:42,446 Mr Lee, 1347 02:39:42,573 --> 02:39:46,742 we're examining aII of your reports very cIoseIy. 1348 02:39:50,247 --> 02:39:52,248 And the resuIts? 1349 02:39:52,374 --> 02:39:54,917 Some of the reports wiII be ready tomorrow. 1350 02:39:55,043 --> 02:39:59,589 We'II have to wait for aII of them before we can reach any concIusion. 1351 02:39:59,715 --> 02:40:02,258 What's your prognosis? 1352 02:40:06,930 --> 02:40:09,390 You're 32, right? 1353 02:40:10,726 --> 02:40:13,394 What do you mean? 1354 02:40:13,520 --> 02:40:18,399 It's hard for us to beIieve that you have virtuaIIy no body fat. 1355 02:40:20,068 --> 02:40:23,154 Your body is Iike a piece of steeI. 1356 02:40:24,740 --> 02:40:29,702 Doctor, whatever it is, you can teII me frankIy. 1357 02:40:29,828 --> 02:40:36,792 I'II teII you when the encephaIon scan report comes out. 1358 02:40:39,254 --> 02:40:43,132 You'd Iike to invite Bruce Lee to the States for the premiere? 1359 02:40:43,258 --> 02:40:45,593 That shouIdn't be a probIem. 1360 02:40:48,597 --> 02:40:50,514 Okay, okay. Bye. 1361 02:40:53,101 --> 02:40:55,019 Come in. 1362 02:40:57,648 --> 02:40:59,649 - Bruce! - Mr Xu. 1363 02:40:59,775 --> 02:41:02,526 Bruce, aren't you supposed to be resting in hospitaI? 1364 02:41:02,653 --> 02:41:04,570 What are you doing here? 1365 02:41:06,114 --> 02:41:08,532 I'm fine. How couId I stay in hospitaI? 1366 02:41:08,659 --> 02:41:13,245 - Are you reaIIy aII right? - I'm fine. As you can see. 1367 02:41:13,372 --> 02:41:15,456 - How couId I have anything wrong? - Great. 1368 02:41:15,582 --> 02:41:19,835 Bruce, Iet me teII you, George just caIIed. 1369 02:41:19,961 --> 02:41:24,840 He said those HoIIywood guys were very positive about Enter the Dragon. 1370 02:41:24,966 --> 02:41:27,343 You've done it again! 1371 02:41:27,469 --> 02:41:29,929 This is what we expected. 1372 02:41:30,055 --> 02:41:33,683 This time, it's much better than what we expected. 1373 02:41:34,976 --> 02:41:37,520 The HoIIywood producers have just decided 1374 02:41:37,646 --> 02:41:40,773 to hoId the premiere in August in the US. 1375 02:41:40,899 --> 02:41:45,111 They've invited you to the premiere. 1376 02:41:46,446 --> 02:41:51,367 This wiII be a good opportunity for you as a rising internationaI star. 1377 02:41:53,995 --> 02:41:58,124 So I accepted on your behaIf. 1378 02:41:59,835 --> 02:42:02,336 WeII, Mr Xu...here. 1379 02:42:03,714 --> 02:42:06,382 This is my screenpIay for Game of Death. 1380 02:42:06,508 --> 02:42:08,718 You may have the first viewing. 1381 02:42:08,844 --> 02:42:10,803 You need to rest for a few months. 1382 02:42:10,929 --> 02:42:14,223 We can wait untiI the reIease of Enter the Dragon. 1383 02:42:14,349 --> 02:42:17,727 No, no. I want to start fiIming right away. 1384 02:42:20,021 --> 02:42:23,023 Why are you so anxious to start? 1385 02:42:23,150 --> 02:42:27,445 If there's no probIem, I'd Iike to start in three days' time. 1386 02:42:28,530 --> 02:42:30,489 Are you reaIIy heaIthy enough? 1387 02:42:30,615 --> 02:42:33,826 Mr Xu, for this fiIm, 1388 02:42:33,952 --> 02:42:39,081 I'd Iike to invite severaI worId-cIass martiaI artists and ceIebrities to join us. 1389 02:42:39,207 --> 02:42:43,210 For exampIe, Inosanto, the "Nunchaku King of the PhiIippines". 1390 02:42:43,336 --> 02:42:45,796 He's a reaIIy skiIfuI martiaI artist. 1391 02:42:45,922 --> 02:42:51,635 Their coIIaboration wiII sureIy make our fiIm much better. 1392 02:42:51,762 --> 02:42:55,723 Fine, Bruce. I'II Iisten to you on the creative side of things. 1393 02:42:56,266 --> 02:42:57,975 I'II support you compIeteIy. 1394 02:42:58,101 --> 02:43:02,646 But you don't Iook weII enough. You must rest weII. 1395 02:43:02,773 --> 02:43:08,527 Mr Xu, I'II stiII have Iots of things to do before fiIming Game ofDeath. 1396 02:43:09,279 --> 02:43:11,280 I'm off now. 1397 02:43:12,199 --> 02:43:14,784 Game of Death? 1398 02:43:17,204 --> 02:43:20,623 So, why did you give it such a titIe? 1399 02:43:20,749 --> 02:43:24,084 Why? What's the probIem? 1400 02:43:24,211 --> 02:43:31,050 WeII...according to Chinese custom, it's not very auspicious. 1401 02:43:31,176 --> 02:43:33,677 Can we have a new titIe instead? 1402 02:43:34,971 --> 02:43:37,264 Not necessary. Take it as it is. 1403 02:43:41,186 --> 02:43:43,979 - Good. Push hard. - Daddy! 1404 02:43:44,940 --> 02:43:47,775 Do you know why we practise Kung Fu? 1405 02:43:49,152 --> 02:43:51,987 - To defeat others. - Not reaIIy. 1406 02:43:52,113 --> 02:43:54,490 Do you know what the "Way of Kung Fu" is? 1407 02:43:54,616 --> 02:43:58,035 No? WeII, the question's too deep for you. 1408 02:43:58,161 --> 02:44:02,581 But we martiaI artists have a simpIe goaI. 1409 02:44:02,707 --> 02:44:05,793 That is to chaIIenge our body to its Iimit. 1410 02:44:05,919 --> 02:44:08,796 Do you know what "Iimit" means? 1411 02:44:11,967 --> 02:44:14,927 Can you kick that Ieaf? Have a try. 1412 02:44:16,596 --> 02:44:19,098 Not yet, right? You have to wait a few years. 1413 02:44:19,224 --> 02:44:21,767 Then you'II be abIe to do it. 1414 02:44:23,061 --> 02:44:25,312 Watch Daddy show you a kick, okay? 1415 02:44:26,940 --> 02:44:28,983 - AII right. - I want to see a "TripIe Kick". 1416 02:44:34,155 --> 02:44:35,656 My God! 1417 02:44:35,782 --> 02:44:38,242 Daddy's doing "TripIe Kicks"! 1418 02:44:38,368 --> 02:44:41,745 Daddy's great! Do it again, pIease! 1419 02:44:48,503 --> 02:44:52,214 It's okay, darIing. Don't cry, Shannon. 1420 02:44:52,340 --> 02:44:55,050 - Let's go, Brandon. - Let's eat. 1421 02:44:55,176 --> 02:44:57,136 - We're going to eat. - Let's eat! 1422 02:44:57,262 --> 02:45:00,764 Guess what I cooked for you? DeIicious Foshan Pork. 1423 02:46:00,659 --> 02:46:03,619 Bruce... What is it? 1424 02:46:03,745 --> 02:46:06,830 We've started fiIming Game of Death. 1425 02:46:07,749 --> 02:46:12,252 You know once we start fiIming, we can't stop even for a day. 1426 02:46:40,281 --> 02:46:43,367 From now on, I'II be on set every day. 1427 02:46:43,493 --> 02:46:47,162 Mark each day on the caIendar for me, 1428 02:46:47,288 --> 02:46:51,792 and by next month, the shoot for Game of Death willbe over. 1429 02:46:53,878 --> 02:46:55,921 Okay. 1430 02:47:56,608 --> 02:48:00,569 Stop. When I hit you just now, I didn't hit the target. 1431 02:48:00,695 --> 02:48:03,363 So you have to keep punching. You must attack. 1432 02:48:04,199 --> 02:48:05,491 Let's do it again. 1433 02:48:50,120 --> 02:48:52,287 Bruce Lee, 1434 02:48:52,413 --> 02:48:54,498 you shaII eat the dust of the earth. 1435 02:49:07,804 --> 02:49:10,848 - Who is it? - May l speak with Bruce Lee? 1436 02:49:13,101 --> 02:49:14,726 HeIIo. Who is it? 1437 02:49:14,853 --> 02:49:16,895 It's me. 1438 02:49:17,021 --> 02:49:18,313 Bruce Lee, 1439 02:49:19,232 --> 02:49:23,777 you may forget everybody, but you won't ever forget me. 1440 02:49:23,903 --> 02:49:25,279 YeIIow-skin. 1441 02:49:27,448 --> 02:49:30,325 Our business is not yet done. 1442 02:49:30,451 --> 02:49:34,454 - What do you pIan to do? - You know! 1443 02:49:36,624 --> 02:49:38,125 Listen, YeIIow-skin... 1444 02:49:38,251 --> 02:49:41,461 We have no connection since we met in Oakland. 1445 02:49:41,588 --> 02:49:44,214 Your master, Wang Yunsheng, apoIogised to me. 1446 02:49:44,340 --> 02:49:45,716 No! 1447 02:49:45,842 --> 02:49:49,011 I made a mistake that time. 1448 02:49:49,137 --> 02:49:53,015 To make up for that, I'II chaIIenge you once more! 1449 02:49:53,141 --> 02:49:55,267 l'll defeat you fairly and openly! 1450 02:49:56,728 --> 02:50:01,190 Otherwise, the rest of my Iife wiII be meaningIess. 1451 02:50:01,316 --> 02:50:03,609 But I don't want to fight with you. 1452 02:50:04,861 --> 02:50:08,197 - You're afraid. - I'm not afraid of you. 1453 02:50:08,323 --> 02:50:12,868 I no Ionger have to prove myseIf through competitions. 1454 02:50:12,994 --> 02:50:15,621 I'm trying to promote the "Way of the MartiaI Arts". 1455 02:50:15,747 --> 02:50:18,248 I don't care about your "Way of the MartiaI Arts"! 1456 02:50:18,374 --> 02:50:20,834 My goal is to defeat you! 1457 02:50:20,960 --> 02:50:26,548 Listen, Bruce Lee... I'm now formaIIy chaIIenging you! 1458 02:50:27,926 --> 02:50:33,805 I toId you that I don't accept chaIIenges from anyone anymore. 1459 02:50:37,435 --> 02:50:40,854 No! Bruce Lee, you have to accept my chaIIenge! 1460 02:50:40,980 --> 02:50:43,523 I'II never give up! I wiII defeat you! 1461 02:50:46,611 --> 02:50:49,363 I must defeat you, Bruce Lee! 1462 02:51:35,076 --> 02:51:37,286 Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen... 1463 02:51:37,412 --> 02:51:38,578 Bruce... 1464 02:51:39,747 --> 02:51:41,081 DarIing... 1465 02:51:42,208 --> 02:51:44,084 Are you aII right? 1466 02:51:44,210 --> 02:51:45,711 I'm fine. 1467 02:51:47,797 --> 02:51:49,464 Come on. 1468 02:51:49,590 --> 02:51:52,050 Take a break. I'II prepare some snacks for you. 1469 02:51:52,176 --> 02:51:56,305 I've just Iearned from mother how to cook Foshan Dim Sum. 1470 02:51:57,598 --> 02:52:01,727 I know you must Iike it. It's aImost ready. 1471 02:52:01,853 --> 02:52:04,062 Take some rest. 1472 02:52:04,188 --> 02:52:05,856 Sweetheart... 1473 02:52:12,822 --> 02:52:15,782 I don't want to eat anything right now. 1474 02:52:15,908 --> 02:52:20,996 I just want to Iie my head on your Iap for a whiIe. 1475 02:52:21,122 --> 02:52:26,626 These days, you've seemed to have undergone some change. 1476 02:52:26,753 --> 02:52:30,630 Inosanto was right. You're exhausted physicaIIy and emotionaIIy. 1477 02:52:30,757 --> 02:52:34,551 You need to rest more. Just Iike you are now. 1478 02:52:34,677 --> 02:52:39,014 Lying down quietIy, thinking of nothing. 1479 02:52:39,140 --> 02:52:44,019 If you want, Bruce, I'II caII the hospitaI tomorrow 1480 02:52:44,145 --> 02:52:46,438 to set up an appointment for your check-ups. 1481 02:52:46,564 --> 02:52:50,609 If there's stiII no resuIt, I'II take you to the US for a check-up. 1482 02:52:50,735 --> 02:52:53,070 - AII right? - Damn it! 1483 02:52:54,489 --> 02:52:57,366 Do you want me to stop shooting the fiIm? 1484 02:52:57,492 --> 02:53:03,038 The crew is waiting for me and the boss has invested Iots of money. 1485 02:53:03,164 --> 02:53:06,958 But you want me to Iie in hospitaI and undergo tests, 1486 02:53:07,085 --> 02:53:09,419 and take a hoIiday in America! 1487 02:53:09,545 --> 02:53:12,506 What are you taIking about? 1488 02:53:15,885 --> 02:53:17,761 DarIing... 1489 02:53:20,681 --> 02:53:24,142 PIease don't contact the hospitaI again. 1490 02:53:24,852 --> 02:53:27,270 I don't have any iIIness. 1491 02:53:27,397 --> 02:53:33,068 AII I had was nothing but a headache caused by over-exhaustion. 1492 02:53:34,278 --> 02:53:38,573 You expect too much. You're under a Iot of pressure. 1493 02:53:38,699 --> 02:53:40,617 You need peace. 1494 02:53:50,378 --> 02:53:54,089 I'II take it. Who is it? 1495 02:53:54,215 --> 02:53:56,800 Bruce Lee, either you accept my challenge 1496 02:53:56,926 --> 02:53:59,428 or you admit your defeat in public! 1497 02:53:59,554 --> 02:54:02,514 Listen, you madman, Bruce won't accept your chaIIenge! 1498 02:54:04,434 --> 02:54:09,062 This is something between us men not you women! He's a coward! 1499 02:54:10,231 --> 02:54:12,357 I'm warning you. Leave us aIone! 1500 02:54:17,071 --> 02:54:18,572 Bruce, you can't. 1501 02:54:20,032 --> 02:54:23,577 Linda, I can never aIIow him to act with such arrogance. 1502 02:54:24,996 --> 02:54:28,999 EspeciaIIy at the present. I have to protect my dignity. 1503 02:54:29,750 --> 02:54:31,877 - Understand? - Bruce! 1504 02:54:34,797 --> 02:54:37,591 Very weII, I accept your chaIIenge. 1505 02:54:38,759 --> 02:54:41,761 TeII me the date and pIace. 1506 02:54:41,888 --> 02:54:43,388 Listen... 1507 02:54:44,932 --> 02:54:50,770 In three days, I'II invite aII the masters in Hong Kong 1508 02:54:52,273 --> 02:54:57,444 to watch the chaIIenge and see how my fists defeat Bruce Lee. 1509 02:54:58,696 --> 02:55:02,282 AII right, YeIIow-skin, you'II regret this. 1510 02:55:02,408 --> 02:55:07,454 Let me teII you, you don't know me or understand me at aII. 1511 02:55:09,081 --> 02:55:10,790 You won't disappoint me. 1512 02:55:11,459 --> 02:55:15,670 I'm teIIing you, I've never been defeated by anyone. 1513 02:55:16,672 --> 02:55:18,465 I wiII never Iose to anyone. 1514 02:55:19,300 --> 02:55:21,510 That's good. 1515 02:55:21,636 --> 02:55:25,138 Well, then, we'll meet in the arena. 1516 02:55:28,643 --> 02:55:32,521 AII right. You'd better bring a stretcher. 1517 02:55:32,647 --> 02:55:35,148 For yourseIf! 1518 02:55:35,274 --> 02:55:36,691 Madman! 1519 02:56:17,108 --> 02:56:18,650 Bruce Lee! 1520 02:56:21,112 --> 02:56:23,196 FinaIIy we meet again. 1521 02:56:26,117 --> 02:56:27,951 Long time no see. 1522 02:56:28,077 --> 02:56:31,204 You haven't changed at aII. You're stiII cocky. 1523 02:56:32,039 --> 02:56:35,250 It seems you've improved your Kung Fu. 1524 02:56:35,376 --> 02:56:39,337 Though I'm not sure if you've made any progress ethicaIIy. 1525 02:56:39,463 --> 02:56:42,591 I faiIed to defeat you the Iast time we met in America! 1526 02:56:42,717 --> 02:56:44,926 I've regretted it for many years! 1527 02:56:47,722 --> 02:56:52,434 Today's the day... we decide who the winner is! 1528 02:56:52,560 --> 02:56:53,977 Wait. 1529 02:56:54,895 --> 02:56:57,564 Before we start, I have a suggestion. 1530 02:56:58,733 --> 02:57:04,613 We'II first compete for one round, and if you can't defeat me, 1531 02:57:04,739 --> 02:57:06,656 we'II stop the competition. 1532 02:57:06,782 --> 02:57:08,575 Shut up! 1533 02:57:09,910 --> 02:57:11,995 If you're capabIe, 1534 02:57:12,121 --> 02:57:14,914 Iet your Kung Fu speak! 1535 02:57:48,282 --> 02:57:50,784 You've aIready Iost. 1536 02:57:52,161 --> 02:57:54,829 You're destined to Iose this chaIIenge. 1537 02:57:55,665 --> 02:57:59,417 You're just too eager, too eager to defeat me. 1538 02:57:59,543 --> 02:58:01,127 Shut up! 1539 02:58:02,254 --> 02:58:05,757 I wouIdn't have come here if I were afraid of death! 1540 02:58:11,430 --> 02:58:13,223 I am ready. 1541 02:58:17,770 --> 02:58:20,689 Let's stop here. 1542 02:58:20,815 --> 02:58:23,900 It's not a bad thing to know when to stop. 1543 02:59:21,041 --> 02:59:22,709 How do you Iike that? 1544 02:59:24,086 --> 02:59:29,132 I'm faster than you. My kicking is stronger than yours. 1545 02:59:29,258 --> 02:59:31,593 I've said it before, 1546 02:59:31,719 --> 02:59:36,931 Kung Fu requires more practice and Iess taIking. 1547 02:59:37,057 --> 02:59:39,768 Don't try to instruct me Iike a master! 1548 02:59:39,894 --> 02:59:41,644 Stop your nonsense. 1549 02:59:43,063 --> 02:59:44,355 Sign it! 1550 02:59:50,905 --> 02:59:53,072 - You dare not? - I wiII. 1551 03:01:04,436 --> 03:01:07,397 Today, you are finished! 1552 03:02:18,552 --> 03:02:20,470 Why don't you say stop? 1553 03:02:20,596 --> 03:02:23,431 Stop! Stop! Stop! 1554 03:02:23,557 --> 03:02:25,558 Bruce Lee, you win! 1555 03:02:41,408 --> 03:02:45,536 YeIIow-skin... you didn't ask me about my styIe of fighting. 1556 03:02:45,663 --> 03:02:47,246 Let me teII you. 1557 03:02:47,373 --> 03:02:49,916 It's Chinese MartiaI Art caIIed... 1558 03:02:51,335 --> 03:02:55,296 ..."Jeet Kune Do". 1559 03:05:19,775 --> 03:05:21,067 Bruce... 1560 03:06:01,108 --> 03:06:03,234 You pushed the Iimits. 1561 03:07:05,172 --> 03:07:07,590 The thirty-two years of Bruce Lee's life 1562 03:07:07,716 --> 03:07:12,220 was a journey filled with extraordinary vitality. 1563 03:07:12,346 --> 03:07:16,682 Bruce Lee has opened two brand-new fields of study for us. 1564 03:07:16,808 --> 03:07:20,311 He has contributed both his beautiful Kung Fu 1565 03:07:20,437 --> 03:07:22,897 and his immortal films to the world, 1566 03:07:23,023 --> 03:07:28,277 and hence has allowed the world to see authentic Chinese Kung Fu. 1567 03:07:28,403 --> 03:07:32,114 Chinese Kung Fu has astonished the world 1568 03:07:32,241 --> 03:07:35,034 through Bruce Lee's movies. 1569 03:07:35,160 --> 03:07:39,455 Chinese Kung Fu movies have opened a new and fresh chapter 1570 03:07:39,581 --> 03:07:42,375 thanks to Bruce Lee. 1571 03:07:43,335 --> 03:07:46,462 We believe, deep in our hearts, 1572 03:07:46,588 --> 03:07:49,090 that spirit is the backbone of the human body. 1573 03:07:49,216 --> 03:07:52,677 The day of death is also the time of resurrection, 1574 03:07:53,470 --> 03:07:56,430 because the spirit will not die. 1575 03:07:57,182 --> 03:08:02,353 May God bless Bruce Lee and accept his soul. 1576 03:08:02,479 --> 03:08:03,980 Amen. 1577 03:08:16,743 --> 03:08:18,828 Don't wake him.