1 00:00:07,208 --> 00:00:09,583 This program is based on real events. 2 00:00:09,666 --> 00:00:14,583 However, certain characters, names, incidents, location, and dialogue 3 00:00:14,666 --> 00:00:18,416 have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes. 4 00:00:18,500 --> 00:00:23,750 However, our story is not fiction. We lost our son Riley at... 5 00:00:26,125 --> 00:00:27,291 [sobbing] 6 00:00:28,166 --> 00:00:32,166 ...28 years old. He became addicted to OxyContin 7 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:34,750 from a back injury. Uh... 8 00:00:35,625 --> 00:00:37,666 He tried his hardest to... 9 00:00:38,875 --> 00:00:42,125 get right and get straight again and get sober, 10 00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:44,000 and he just couldn't do it. 11 00:00:44,083 --> 00:00:47,708 He was a wonderful kid, he had the biggest heart you ever saw, 12 00:00:47,791 --> 00:00:50,000 and our lives will never be the same. 13 00:00:54,083 --> 00:00:55,083 I can't. 14 00:01:01,583 --> 00:01:04,583 - [traffic passing by] - [indistinct chatter] 15 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:49,000 Hello. 16 00:01:55,541 --> 00:01:57,666 First, I want you to know I'm sorry. 17 00:02:01,916 --> 00:02:02,916 I am. 18 00:02:03,916 --> 00:02:05,166 I'm really sorry. 19 00:02:16,416 --> 00:02:20,500 You have to know that I thought I was helping people. At first. 20 00:02:21,166 --> 00:02:23,666 You have to believe that because that's what I believed. 21 00:02:25,708 --> 00:02:28,333 [sobbing] And then I knew I wasn't helping people. 22 00:02:29,041 --> 00:02:31,625 And then I kept doing it. 23 00:02:32,208 --> 00:02:33,791 I still did it. 24 00:02:35,541 --> 00:02:38,750 And I think it's because money fucks with your head. 25 00:02:39,250 --> 00:02:40,291 It fucked with my head, 26 00:02:40,375 --> 00:02:43,500 and I think about if I could go back and if I could do it different... 27 00:02:43,583 --> 00:02:45,625 But I don't... I don't know. 28 00:02:45,708 --> 00:02:46,708 I don't know. 29 00:02:49,083 --> 00:02:50,083 I'm sorry. 30 00:02:52,791 --> 00:02:54,750 I had no idea how weak... 31 00:02:56,916 --> 00:02:58,125 How weak I am. 32 00:02:58,958 --> 00:03:01,041 And I just... I'm done. 33 00:03:01,958 --> 00:03:05,125 I'm done hurting people. I'm done. 34 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:09,125 Do I look like a psychiatrist? 35 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:34,041 [sobbing] 36 00:04:09,541 --> 00:04:12,833 This is e-mails, call notes, everything, from day one. 37 00:04:13,416 --> 00:04:15,583 I will do whatever you need. 38 00:04:46,083 --> 00:04:47,958 [dramatic music playing] 39 00:04:49,791 --> 00:04:52,875 [Edie] I didn't care much for that little Shannon Shaeffer, 40 00:04:52,958 --> 00:04:54,208 but she loaded us up. 41 00:04:55,041 --> 00:04:58,000 Gave us the case we needed to present to the DOJ. 42 00:04:58,083 --> 00:05:03,041 We had Purdue by the balls. This was the fucking crown jewels. 43 00:05:03,125 --> 00:05:05,041 What can you tell me about titrating up? 44 00:05:05,125 --> 00:05:09,083 That meant that we wanted the doctors to continuously increase 45 00:05:09,166 --> 00:05:11,846 - the dosage they were giving patients. - [Edie] They told you that? 46 00:05:11,916 --> 00:05:14,166 Felt like the sheriff in an old Western movie. 47 00:05:14,250 --> 00:05:18,583 - Who are we talking about? - Britt told me most of the things to say. 48 00:05:18,666 --> 00:05:22,000 If you wanna make some money, get doctors to prescribe a higher dosage. 49 00:05:22,083 --> 00:05:24,375 - [Edie] Britt what? - [Shannon] Hufford. 50 00:05:24,458 --> 00:05:26,916 There was Mr. Udell. 51 00:05:27,000 --> 00:05:28,416 It's best that you call us. 52 00:05:28,500 --> 00:05:31,708 Their success reflected my success. 53 00:05:32,791 --> 00:05:37,125 Richard wanted us to get them to trust us, to listen to us, to believe us. 54 00:05:37,208 --> 00:05:39,351 - [Pelletier] You've done good work, John. - Team effort. 55 00:05:39,375 --> 00:05:42,226 [Pelletier] When we go after a Mafia, we don't attack the family head on. 56 00:05:42,250 --> 00:05:45,041 That's what we did with Enron. Purdue should be no different. 57 00:05:45,125 --> 00:05:47,083 We start with the lieutenants. 58 00:05:47,166 --> 00:05:49,416 People who know the truth and have a lot to lose. 59 00:05:49,500 --> 00:05:51,291 That's Howard Udell for sure. 60 00:05:51,375 --> 00:05:54,208 Goldenheim and Friedman were there every step of the way too. 61 00:05:54,291 --> 00:05:57,458 Once you pop these guys, it's just another step up the ladder. 62 00:05:58,666 --> 00:05:59,500 Let's get them. 63 00:05:59,583 --> 00:06:00,976 - Hell-fucking-yeah. - [John] I'm in. 64 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:02,041 [man 1] Hell-fucking-yes. 65 00:06:02,125 --> 00:06:03,285 - [man 2] Amen. - [Edie] Yeah. 66 00:06:04,125 --> 00:06:07,250 - Think we can get him to flip? - [John] We only need one. 67 00:06:07,916 --> 00:06:08,958 Mr. Friedman... 68 00:06:10,041 --> 00:06:13,166 consider this meeting a professional courtesy. 69 00:06:13,833 --> 00:06:16,750 The United States is going to be bringing a case against you. 70 00:06:16,833 --> 00:06:19,708 So now is the time for you to make a choice. 71 00:06:20,291 --> 00:06:22,208 Will you be cooperating with us? 72 00:06:22,291 --> 00:06:25,625 Or will you be making things much more difficult for yourself? 73 00:06:25,708 --> 00:06:26,708 This is our case. 74 00:06:27,541 --> 00:06:30,000 The United States versus you. 75 00:06:31,875 --> 00:06:36,041 - What could you possibly charge me with? - It's a felony to lie about a drug, 76 00:06:36,125 --> 00:06:39,208 and it's a felony to make money off a drug you know you lied about, 77 00:06:39,291 --> 00:06:42,500 and it's a felony to conspire with others to make money off a drug 78 00:06:42,583 --> 00:06:45,166 you all lied about together. 79 00:06:45,250 --> 00:06:46,250 How about this? 80 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:47,958 Fuck all of you. 81 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:49,291 [Howard] This is horseshit. 82 00:06:50,875 --> 00:06:53,541 - The DOJ will never support this. - They already have. 83 00:06:53,625 --> 00:06:57,541 In addition to all the above, we're charging you, Mr. Udell... 84 00:06:57,625 --> 00:07:00,500 specifically with lying to Congress. 85 00:07:00,583 --> 00:07:01,791 You're charging me? 86 00:07:01,875 --> 00:07:03,791 You might wanna look through that report. 87 00:07:03,875 --> 00:07:04,791 Why me? 88 00:07:04,875 --> 00:07:07,250 Oh. You're the one who testified to Congress 89 00:07:07,333 --> 00:07:10,125 that the first time you heard OxyContin was being abused 90 00:07:10,208 --> 00:07:13,791 was when the U.S. attorney from Maine sent that letter to all the doctors. 91 00:07:13,875 --> 00:07:15,333 [John] We know that was a lie. 92 00:07:15,416 --> 00:07:16,776 [Edie] I'm sure everybody knew it, 93 00:07:16,833 --> 00:07:19,625 but you're the one who said it, Dr. Goldenheim. 94 00:07:19,708 --> 00:07:21,041 You're twisting my words. 95 00:07:21,125 --> 00:07:23,958 So you're wondering now, "Will Purdue protect me, 96 00:07:24,041 --> 00:07:26,208 or throw me to the wolves to save the company?" 97 00:07:26,291 --> 00:07:27,291 It's a good question. 98 00:07:27,333 --> 00:07:31,750 Do you really believe Richard Sackler gives a fuck about you or your family? 99 00:07:31,833 --> 00:07:35,000 And speaking as a wolf, we're ready for you 100 00:07:35,083 --> 00:07:38,000 and we're gonna put you in jail for a long time, Dr. Goldenheim. 101 00:07:38,083 --> 00:07:39,666 Or you can cooperate. 102 00:07:41,958 --> 00:07:44,333 [all howling] 103 00:07:52,291 --> 00:07:54,958 - What are we supposed to do? - I don't wanna go to jail. 104 00:07:55,041 --> 00:07:56,250 No one is going to jail. 105 00:07:56,333 --> 00:07:59,291 Someone is going to jail, and it's not gonna be me! 106 00:07:59,375 --> 00:08:01,656 [Howard] They are not interested in us. We are small fish. 107 00:08:01,708 --> 00:08:04,166 - Quiet! Quiet! - They want you. They want the family. 108 00:08:04,250 --> 00:08:07,416 Nobody is gonna do a damn thing until we get organized. 109 00:08:07,500 --> 00:08:11,083 - I knew they would come for us. - We just have to lawyer up. 110 00:08:11,166 --> 00:08:15,125 You didn't take them seriously and now these hillbillies are gonna disembowel us. 111 00:08:24,416 --> 00:08:26,583 What were you thinking? You know? 112 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:28,416 I wish I knew. 113 00:08:29,416 --> 00:08:32,666 - It's not fucking okay! - Come on, keep it together! 114 00:08:32,750 --> 00:08:34,791 You think you're on some holy fucking crusade? 115 00:08:34,875 --> 00:08:36,416 - Huh? - Get off! 116 00:08:36,500 --> 00:08:37,500 Stop! 117 00:08:38,166 --> 00:08:42,166 You think you're helping people? Fixing something that's broken? 118 00:08:42,750 --> 00:08:44,375 - [whistles] - [dog barking] 119 00:08:44,458 --> 00:08:45,541 [smoke detector beeps] 120 00:08:46,208 --> 00:08:51,291 We'll take care of you. You've been loyal and you've done absolutely nothing... 121 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:53,666 - Unch, shut the fuck up! - [whimpering] 122 00:08:53,750 --> 00:08:57,583 - Son! Don't talk to the dog... - Dad, shut the fuck up. 123 00:08:58,166 --> 00:08:59,541 [Britt] You don't judge me! 124 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:03,458 I'm not a bad person. 125 00:09:05,708 --> 00:09:06,958 I'm not a bad person. 126 00:09:08,541 --> 00:09:09,583 Fuck is this? 127 00:09:09,666 --> 00:09:12,916 - Snap out of it! Look at me. - I mean it! 128 00:09:13,916 --> 00:09:16,083 Executives at Purdue have declined to cooperate. 129 00:09:16,166 --> 00:09:18,875 Any idea what Purdue is offering them to stay in line? 130 00:09:18,958 --> 00:09:20,666 - They're not taking us seriously. - No. 131 00:09:20,750 --> 00:09:23,541 A case like this hasn't gone to trial since Big Tobacco. 132 00:09:23,625 --> 00:09:25,166 - Exactly. - They fought. 133 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:26,875 Our case is miles ahead of theirs. 134 00:09:26,958 --> 00:09:29,583 And they ended up paying $260 billion. 135 00:09:29,666 --> 00:09:31,833 We're going to trial, aren't we? 136 00:09:32,541 --> 00:09:34,750 Oh, yeah, we're going to trial. 137 00:09:34,833 --> 00:09:37,125 [Mortimer] It's time to talk settlement, Richie. 138 00:09:37,208 --> 00:09:38,750 We must protect our name. 139 00:09:38,833 --> 00:09:42,000 It stands for culture, the arts, education, science. 140 00:09:42,083 --> 00:09:46,875 Yeah. If not, we are gonna forever be known as the OxyContin family. 141 00:09:47,666 --> 00:09:50,916 - Is that what you want? - I built this. I will defend it. 142 00:09:54,500 --> 00:09:55,833 [Mortimer] We need to cut a deal. 143 00:09:55,916 --> 00:09:58,375 It's important we resolve this right away, son. 144 00:09:58,458 --> 00:10:02,333 If you retreat at all, if you give them an inch, 145 00:10:02,416 --> 00:10:04,916 they will never, ever stop coming after us. 146 00:10:05,000 --> 00:10:06,125 They will come after you 147 00:10:07,041 --> 00:10:10,000 and your money and your galleries and your schools. 148 00:10:10,583 --> 00:10:13,416 They will hunt you down. It might take years. 149 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:17,125 You might be dead and gone, but they will destroy this family. 150 00:10:19,541 --> 00:10:22,041 They will dismantle everything we've built, 151 00:10:22,125 --> 00:10:23,125 brick by brick. 152 00:10:26,625 --> 00:10:30,333 - That's just not true, Richard. - It is true. It is fucking true. 153 00:10:31,125 --> 00:10:32,041 Mark my words. 154 00:10:32,125 --> 00:10:37,250 If we admit to any wrongdoing, at all, they will make us pay forever. 155 00:10:42,333 --> 00:10:44,541 Do not give them an inch. 156 00:10:47,416 --> 00:10:48,625 [breathing heavily] 157 00:11:01,208 --> 00:11:02,458 [smoke detector beeps] 158 00:11:10,458 --> 00:11:15,125 Well, everybody wants to be the man 'til it's time to be the man. 159 00:11:15,208 --> 00:11:16,125 [smoke detector beeps] 160 00:11:16,208 --> 00:11:17,958 - Yes. - Mm. 161 00:11:19,166 --> 00:11:20,375 What should I do? 162 00:11:20,458 --> 00:11:22,583 Oh, you wanna know what to do? 163 00:11:22,666 --> 00:11:24,875 You want some advice now? 164 00:11:25,500 --> 00:11:28,916 You want me to take the wheel now that the car is about to go off the cliff? 165 00:11:29,583 --> 00:11:31,000 Please, be nice. 166 00:11:31,083 --> 00:11:33,375 Nice? We are far past nice. 167 00:11:33,458 --> 00:11:35,791 We left nice a long time ago. 168 00:11:35,875 --> 00:11:38,541 We left nice in earwax removers. 169 00:11:38,625 --> 00:11:41,041 We are no longer in the realm of nice. 170 00:11:41,125 --> 00:11:42,625 We are good people. 171 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:46,142 - We're giving people their lives back. - Okay, okay. Where you going? 172 00:11:46,166 --> 00:11:48,541 - I don't know. - Then we don't need to go anywhere yet. 173 00:11:48,625 --> 00:11:50,125 - No? Okay. - Okay, no. 174 00:11:50,208 --> 00:11:52,833 You're a good boy. I need you to be strong. 175 00:11:52,916 --> 00:11:53,791 [smoke detector beeps] 176 00:11:53,875 --> 00:11:55,715 You're okay, that's it. We are gonna go to war. 177 00:11:55,750 --> 00:11:57,708 - Okay. - You're gonna go to war now. 178 00:11:57,791 --> 00:11:59,958 - Yep. - Yep, but war is not nice. 179 00:12:00,041 --> 00:12:04,041 This is real war. It's ugly and it's dirty and it hurts. 180 00:12:05,250 --> 00:12:08,916 Come on, it's okay. No, no, no. Don't go. Okay. Okay. Okay. 181 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:12,458 - You got this. Okay. Oh, yeah. - [groaning] 182 00:12:12,541 --> 00:12:13,958 [sobbing] 183 00:12:17,750 --> 00:12:19,166 I don't wanna go to war. 184 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:23,458 Nobody wants to go to war, but war is not a choice. 185 00:12:23,541 --> 00:12:25,208 It's time for you to fight. 186 00:12:25,291 --> 00:12:27,541 - You are strong and smart. - Yeah. 187 00:12:27,625 --> 00:12:30,041 - You will fight and we will win. - Okay. 188 00:12:30,125 --> 00:12:34,166 The Purdue and the Sackler name must survive. Do you hear me? 189 00:12:34,250 --> 00:12:36,833 - Say it with me. They must survive! - They must survive! 190 00:12:36,916 --> 00:12:37,833 - I'll win! - I'll win. 191 00:12:37,916 --> 00:12:39,041 - I'll fight! - I'll fight. 192 00:12:39,125 --> 00:12:40,500 - I will fight! - I will fight! 193 00:12:40,583 --> 00:12:42,250 - And I will win! - I will win! 194 00:12:42,333 --> 00:12:43,875 Yes. Sackler! 195 00:12:43,958 --> 00:12:45,500 - Sackler! - Yeah. 196 00:12:46,125 --> 00:12:48,125 I will fight! I will fight! 197 00:12:48,208 --> 00:12:49,750 [smoke detector beeps] 198 00:12:49,833 --> 00:12:50,833 I will fight. 199 00:12:51,375 --> 00:12:53,375 [Edie] Richard and Purdue went out and bought 200 00:12:53,458 --> 00:12:55,583 the most expensive lawyers money could buy. 201 00:12:56,875 --> 00:12:58,416 My name is Mary Jo White. 202 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:02,291 I was the first female U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. 203 00:13:02,375 --> 00:13:07,166 I led the prosecution against Gambino crime boss John Gotti in 1992. 204 00:13:07,250 --> 00:13:11,916 And the World Trade Center bomber, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, in 1993. 205 00:13:12,000 --> 00:13:13,458 I'm Howard Shapiro. 206 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:17,916 I was general counsel for the FBI from 1993 to 1997. 207 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:23,166 Rudolph William Louis Giuliani. 208 00:13:26,541 --> 00:13:31,333 We had 'em, we had 'em, we had 'em. 209 00:13:36,583 --> 00:13:39,500 - [muzak playing over speakers] - [indistinct chatter] 210 00:13:48,291 --> 00:13:49,291 What? 211 00:13:49,958 --> 00:13:52,708 I said congrats. A month, that's legit. 212 00:13:53,708 --> 00:13:54,750 Oh. 213 00:13:56,166 --> 00:13:57,166 Thanks, man. 214 00:13:59,333 --> 00:14:00,333 [woman] Next. 215 00:14:04,250 --> 00:14:06,583 - Morning, Shelby. - Hi, Glen. 216 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:09,416 - How are you? - Good. 217 00:14:10,791 --> 00:14:12,083 [Shelby] Congrats on 30 days. 218 00:14:14,208 --> 00:14:16,416 - Thank you. Have a good day. - You too. 219 00:14:16,500 --> 00:14:17,833 ["Heroin" playing] 220 00:14:26,375 --> 00:14:27,458 Let's get out of here. 221 00:14:27,541 --> 00:14:29,958 - [Tyler] You all good? - I'm all good. 222 00:14:30,041 --> 00:14:32,750 Okay. So, what does methadone taste like? 223 00:14:32,833 --> 00:14:33,875 Uh... 224 00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:36,875 A little bit of cat piss and a lot of cough syrup. 225 00:14:36,958 --> 00:14:40,250 - Yeah, but does it work? - It works. It's gonna work. 226 00:14:41,875 --> 00:14:44,125 I know my word means nothing right now, but it will. 227 00:14:45,083 --> 00:14:47,458 - Let's get a fucking burger. - Hell yeah. 228 00:15:03,625 --> 00:15:04,625 Hey. 229 00:15:05,583 --> 00:15:07,250 None of this was your fault. 230 00:15:08,541 --> 00:15:09,708 You understand? 231 00:15:15,750 --> 00:15:17,666 - I love you. - I love you too. 232 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:23,375 What do you say we clean this pigsty up? 233 00:15:23,458 --> 00:15:24,541 You got it, chief. 234 00:15:25,625 --> 00:15:28,500 [Glen] I'll be needing my best employee back at work. 235 00:15:28,583 --> 00:15:31,041 - [Tyler] That depends. - Maybe a little more than weekends. 236 00:15:31,125 --> 00:15:34,750 I'm listening. We can discuss the terms of renegotiation. 237 00:15:34,833 --> 00:15:38,333 - Are we negotiating? Maybe... - We are. I'm forming a union. 238 00:15:39,208 --> 00:15:40,125 Good luck. 239 00:15:40,208 --> 00:15:43,125 - Are you working for free now, Mom? - You couldn't afford me. 240 00:15:43,208 --> 00:15:45,333 - I can't afford you? - No, you can't. 241 00:15:45,416 --> 00:15:47,666 [Glen] Let's get you another cucumber, right? 242 00:15:48,208 --> 00:15:49,208 Okay. 243 00:15:50,208 --> 00:15:53,166 Oh, no. This is very serious right here. 244 00:15:53,250 --> 00:15:55,916 You got a screw loose here. 245 00:15:56,583 --> 00:15:59,958 You know what that means, I gotta double, triple check every screw 246 00:16:00,041 --> 00:16:03,541 in every drawer throughout the house, just to safeguard it. 247 00:16:03,625 --> 00:16:07,583 That's a potential disaster if I don't. I'll have to stay the night. 248 00:16:08,958 --> 00:16:10,458 - Glen... - What? 249 00:16:11,083 --> 00:16:13,541 - You gotta go. - Go where? 250 00:16:15,875 --> 00:16:16,916 Where am I going? 251 00:16:17,000 --> 00:16:18,041 [door closes] 252 00:16:19,166 --> 00:16:20,166 Don't do this. 253 00:16:21,083 --> 00:16:22,083 We made a deal. 254 00:16:24,166 --> 00:16:25,166 Okay. 255 00:16:35,583 --> 00:16:36,666 I miss you. 256 00:16:40,000 --> 00:16:41,291 I miss being here. 257 00:16:43,333 --> 00:16:44,375 I miss... 258 00:16:45,333 --> 00:16:46,791 whatever that thing is. 259 00:16:48,333 --> 00:16:49,500 I miss Kaylee. 260 00:16:50,625 --> 00:16:52,625 May I sleep beside you tonight? 261 00:16:55,541 --> 00:16:56,541 You gotta go. 262 00:17:00,416 --> 00:17:01,416 Okay. 263 00:17:02,041 --> 00:17:05,041 ♪ 'Cause it makes me feel Like I'm a man... ♪ 264 00:17:05,916 --> 00:17:06,916 Loud and clear. 265 00:17:06,958 --> 00:17:09,083 ♪ When I put a spike into my vein ♪ 266 00:17:09,166 --> 00:17:13,083 ♪ And I'll tell ya Things aren't quite the same... ♪ 267 00:17:13,166 --> 00:17:14,166 Give me a kiss. 268 00:17:15,833 --> 00:17:18,333 ♪ And I feel just like Jesus' son... ♪ 269 00:17:18,416 --> 00:17:19,791 - I love you. - Me too. 270 00:17:19,875 --> 00:17:22,375 ♪ And I guess that I just don't know ♪ 271 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:23,916 ♪ And I guess... ♪ 272 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:25,833 - Good night, Ty. - [Tyler] Good night! 273 00:17:34,541 --> 00:17:35,541 ♪ I ♪ 274 00:17:38,250 --> 00:17:40,250 ♪ Have made ♪ 275 00:17:42,708 --> 00:17:44,750 ♪ The big decision ♪ 276 00:17:51,625 --> 00:17:53,041 [chuckles] 277 00:17:53,125 --> 00:17:54,458 ♪ I'm ♪ 278 00:17:56,916 --> 00:17:58,916 ♪ Gonna try ♪ 279 00:18:00,541 --> 00:18:02,833 ♪ To nullify my life ♪ 280 00:18:03,666 --> 00:18:06,583 ♪ 'Cause when the blood begins to flow ♪ 281 00:18:06,666 --> 00:18:10,041 ♪ When it shoots up the dropper's neck ♪ 282 00:18:10,125 --> 00:18:13,458 ♪ When I'm closing in on death ♪ 283 00:18:31,291 --> 00:18:34,916 [Edie] The countless hours, the moments of hopelessness, 284 00:18:35,000 --> 00:18:36,583 were about to pay off. 285 00:18:39,375 --> 00:18:40,666 [crowd shouting] 286 00:18:41,291 --> 00:18:43,416 Purdue was caught lying to Congress. 287 00:18:43,916 --> 00:18:47,250 We were going after Friedman, Udell, and Goldenheim. 288 00:18:47,791 --> 00:18:49,750 They were facing significant jail time. 289 00:18:51,625 --> 00:18:52,958 There would be no settlement. 290 00:18:54,750 --> 00:18:55,958 Thousands of people... 291 00:18:56,041 --> 00:18:58,166 [woman] Rot in jail, you killers! 292 00:18:58,250 --> 00:19:00,791 [Edie] These fools would be our first conviction. 293 00:19:00,875 --> 00:19:05,208 And the next one is Dr. Richard Sackler. 294 00:19:05,291 --> 00:19:06,541 [pensive music playing] 295 00:19:12,083 --> 00:19:13,375 [smoke detector beeps] 296 00:19:21,375 --> 00:19:22,541 [indistinct chatter] 297 00:19:46,666 --> 00:19:47,666 Brownlee! 298 00:20:04,000 --> 00:20:06,041 You lie, you hurt people, 299 00:20:06,125 --> 00:20:10,500 you let greed dominate you, you go down and you get what you deserve. 300 00:20:10,583 --> 00:20:11,583 Justice. 301 00:20:17,250 --> 00:20:18,458 [bailiff] All rise. 302 00:21:10,666 --> 00:21:12,458 A settlement has been reached. 303 00:21:13,125 --> 00:21:14,541 [tense music playing] 304 00:21:14,625 --> 00:21:15,875 [mouthing words] 305 00:21:15,958 --> 00:21:18,333 Purdue has agreed to plead guilty 306 00:21:18,416 --> 00:21:22,750 to one count of fraudulently misbranding OxyContin. 307 00:21:23,541 --> 00:21:25,125 [woman] That's bullshit! 308 00:21:25,208 --> 00:21:26,541 [man] Are you kidding me? 309 00:21:26,625 --> 00:21:28,541 [spectators shouting] 310 00:21:30,291 --> 00:21:33,208 - [Edie] Raymond and Mortimer called Rudy. - [phone rings] 311 00:21:34,666 --> 00:21:35,666 This is Rudy. 312 00:21:37,375 --> 00:21:38,458 Mm-hm. 313 00:21:38,541 --> 00:21:40,083 [Edie] Rudy called Congress. 314 00:21:41,166 --> 00:21:43,083 Congress called the White House. 315 00:21:43,666 --> 00:21:45,708 The White House called the DOJ. 316 00:21:46,416 --> 00:21:49,125 - The DOJ called... Brownlee. - [cell phone ringing] 317 00:21:53,125 --> 00:21:54,125 Brownlee. 318 00:21:55,250 --> 00:21:57,416 [spectators murmuring] 319 00:22:02,375 --> 00:22:03,375 Okay. 320 00:22:04,208 --> 00:22:05,208 Yeah. 321 00:22:05,708 --> 00:22:08,041 [Edie] Brownlee essentially had to cut a deal. 322 00:22:11,583 --> 00:22:17,458 Michael Friedman, Howard Udell, and Paul Goldenheim 323 00:22:17,541 --> 00:22:19,375 have agreed to plead guilty 324 00:22:19,458 --> 00:22:23,875 to one count each of misdemeanor misbranding. 325 00:22:23,958 --> 00:22:26,375 [dramatic music playing] 326 00:22:34,458 --> 00:22:37,000 And that's how the fucking game is played. 327 00:22:38,833 --> 00:22:41,041 Half a million people die, 328 00:22:41,875 --> 00:22:45,541 and guys like Richard Sackler make a phone call in the middle of the night 329 00:22:45,625 --> 00:22:47,916 and absolutely nothing changes. 330 00:22:54,458 --> 00:22:56,541 Brownlee, what is going on? 331 00:22:56,625 --> 00:22:59,500 You guys can't even look me in the eye. Look at me, goddamn it! 332 00:23:05,125 --> 00:23:07,708 Except for Purdue's bank account, which only gets bigger 333 00:23:07,791 --> 00:23:11,083 and bigger and bigger and bigger. 334 00:23:13,541 --> 00:23:16,541 We believe that this afternoon, justice was served. 335 00:23:16,625 --> 00:23:18,083 - Julie Hall! - [crowd] Julie Hall! 336 00:23:18,166 --> 00:23:20,333 - [man] Tim Webber! - [crowd] Tim Webber! 337 00:23:22,416 --> 00:23:23,250 [man] Ginger Parker! 338 00:23:23,333 --> 00:23:26,541 Today is a good day for patients suffering from pain. 339 00:23:27,250 --> 00:23:28,850 - [man] Tim Webber! - [crowd] Tim Webber! 340 00:23:28,875 --> 00:23:32,583 And for the physicians to provide their care. 341 00:23:32,666 --> 00:23:34,958 - [man] Ginger Parker! - [crowd] Ginger Parker! 342 00:23:35,041 --> 00:23:37,041 - [man] Julie Hall! - [crowd] Julie Hall! 343 00:23:37,125 --> 00:23:39,250 - [man] Tim Webber! - [crowd] Tim Webber! 344 00:23:40,958 --> 00:23:42,000 [shouting] 345 00:23:42,833 --> 00:23:45,583 I believe that as a result of this settlement... 346 00:23:45,666 --> 00:23:47,250 [crowd shouting] 347 00:23:48,583 --> 00:23:51,791 ...Purdue will now be marketing and promoting its products 348 00:23:52,291 --> 00:23:55,000 in an honest and responsible manner. 349 00:23:55,083 --> 00:23:59,208 [Edie] Richard Sackler, you did a good job making all that money. 350 00:24:12,458 --> 00:24:13,458 [sighs] 351 00:24:18,833 --> 00:24:20,500 I was so fucking stupid. 352 00:24:23,791 --> 00:24:26,541 Calling it a slap on the wrist would be an exaggeration. 353 00:24:30,375 --> 00:24:33,416 Purdue was making $30 million a week. 354 00:24:36,958 --> 00:24:39,000 [clears throat] And the worst part... 355 00:24:41,291 --> 00:24:45,708 the very worst part of it all is that Purdue didn't have to stop. 356 00:24:47,791 --> 00:24:49,791 They got to keep making OxyContin. 357 00:24:56,208 --> 00:25:00,000 [Arthur] You just don't get it. What happened to going to war? 358 00:25:00,083 --> 00:25:04,250 This game you're playing, the fact that you're playing it at all, 359 00:25:04,333 --> 00:25:06,583 major mistake. Fight! Big mistake. 360 00:25:10,208 --> 00:25:13,875 You hammered one too many abusers, one too many children died, 361 00:25:13,958 --> 00:25:18,333 now you're lawyering up with the lowest, filthiest krill specimen on earth. 362 00:25:18,916 --> 00:25:21,250 Rudy Giuliani is a swamp creature. 363 00:25:24,541 --> 00:25:27,500 You will be permanently covered in a very specific flavor of shit 364 00:25:27,583 --> 00:25:28,875 that will never wash off. 365 00:25:28,958 --> 00:25:31,416 Settling is a huge mistake. 366 00:25:31,500 --> 00:25:32,500 I don't care. 367 00:25:33,208 --> 00:25:34,750 You'll be kicked out of the tribe. 368 00:25:35,416 --> 00:25:37,500 - What tribe? - The only tribe that matters. 369 00:25:37,583 --> 00:25:40,083 New York, London, Paris. The tribe. 370 00:25:40,166 --> 00:25:41,208 Fuck your tribe. 371 00:25:41,833 --> 00:25:46,875 I don't care about museums or King Tut's coffin or Fabergé eggs. 372 00:25:46,958 --> 00:25:48,916 Arthur, most people have awful taste. 373 00:25:49,000 --> 00:25:51,541 You evidently have impeccable taste. 374 00:25:51,625 --> 00:25:54,125 I have no taste. Zero. 375 00:25:54,208 --> 00:25:56,958 I care about making money and winning. That's it. 376 00:25:57,041 --> 00:25:58,541 I win, period. 377 00:25:58,625 --> 00:26:00,458 By any means necessary. 378 00:26:00,541 --> 00:26:01,708 Fuck your tribe. 379 00:26:02,291 --> 00:26:03,458 Fuck your tribe. 380 00:26:05,458 --> 00:26:06,708 [Edie] After the settlement, 381 00:26:07,416 --> 00:26:10,125 Richard doubled down and the floodgates opened. 382 00:26:11,333 --> 00:26:13,833 They gave Purdue a "get out of jail free" card, 383 00:26:13,916 --> 00:26:15,791 and they took full advantage, 384 00:26:15,875 --> 00:26:17,875 recording record profits. 385 00:26:18,791 --> 00:26:20,666 And everything we worked for, 386 00:26:21,666 --> 00:26:24,125 all of our evidence, and here's the fucking killer... 387 00:26:25,333 --> 00:26:29,500 part of striking the deal with Purdue meant that we had to bury it all. 388 00:26:30,083 --> 00:26:31,166 It was all sealed. 389 00:26:31,791 --> 00:26:35,708 All because of a phone call in the middle of the night. 390 00:26:36,416 --> 00:26:38,333 Brownlee was part of the system. 391 00:26:39,791 --> 00:26:41,750 I gave him more credit than he was due. 392 00:26:48,041 --> 00:26:50,750 Yeah, that was it for me because that was my, uh... 393 00:26:51,916 --> 00:26:54,250 "this is how life really works" moment. 394 00:26:58,875 --> 00:27:00,166 Good guys don't win. 395 00:27:04,250 --> 00:27:06,750 I was done playing the game, so I got out. 396 00:27:10,458 --> 00:27:11,458 I was out. 397 00:27:29,125 --> 00:27:30,416 What do you want? 398 00:27:32,291 --> 00:27:33,625 I came to talk to you. 399 00:27:34,125 --> 00:27:36,750 - Didn't think I'd see you again. - I know. 400 00:27:36,833 --> 00:27:39,041 I don't know that if I have anything to say to... 401 00:27:39,125 --> 00:27:41,666 Shawn. Can you please just sit down? 402 00:27:52,375 --> 00:27:53,375 All right. 403 00:27:59,458 --> 00:28:01,416 I was so angry with you. 404 00:28:05,125 --> 00:28:07,083 I held judgment against you. 405 00:28:07,666 --> 00:28:09,625 I never gave you the chance to, um... 406 00:28:10,916 --> 00:28:13,625 become somebody else besides that... 407 00:28:14,708 --> 00:28:16,708 pissed off 19-year-old boy. 408 00:28:18,166 --> 00:28:19,500 What do you want me to say? 409 00:28:20,083 --> 00:28:21,458 You said it all. 410 00:28:21,541 --> 00:28:23,541 You told me that you got your GED. 411 00:28:25,250 --> 00:28:27,250 And that you know how to cook now. 412 00:28:28,458 --> 00:28:32,333 [sobbing] And that you didn't get parole, with no explanation. 413 00:28:34,083 --> 00:28:37,500 And you told me over and over in letter after letter and... 414 00:28:38,375 --> 00:28:41,000 you told me all of that, that'd you'd become a man. 415 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:44,000 I didn't have anyone else to tell. 416 00:28:44,083 --> 00:28:45,708 I'm so sorry I wasn't listening. 417 00:28:45,791 --> 00:28:49,375 You're my brother and you are my only family. 418 00:28:49,458 --> 00:28:52,208 I am sorry for... 419 00:28:53,458 --> 00:28:55,750 letting you stay here by yourself. 420 00:28:56,916 --> 00:28:58,833 I thought you were bad. 421 00:28:59,541 --> 00:29:01,416 It turned out I didn't know what bad was. 422 00:29:03,708 --> 00:29:04,708 I know now. 423 00:29:06,083 --> 00:29:07,083 And it's not you. 424 00:29:08,291 --> 00:29:11,083 And I really want you to know me too, okay? 425 00:29:12,833 --> 00:29:14,250 I want you to know me. 426 00:29:19,583 --> 00:29:21,541 [rock music playing in distance] 427 00:29:27,125 --> 00:29:28,250 [groans] 428 00:29:30,250 --> 00:29:31,916 Shut up! 429 00:29:38,000 --> 00:29:39,000 [groans] 430 00:29:45,875 --> 00:29:47,500 Holy shit. 431 00:29:51,833 --> 00:29:52,833 Fucking... 432 00:29:59,166 --> 00:30:00,166 Hey! 433 00:30:01,875 --> 00:30:02,875 Hey! 434 00:30:04,958 --> 00:30:05,958 Fuck. 435 00:30:09,708 --> 00:30:10,708 Ma'am. 436 00:30:12,500 --> 00:30:13,500 - Hey. - [music stops] 437 00:30:13,541 --> 00:30:14,833 [cartoons playing on TV] 438 00:30:19,166 --> 00:30:20,958 Ma'am. Hey. 439 00:30:22,541 --> 00:30:24,083 Tell me you're good. 440 00:30:25,708 --> 00:30:27,708 Wake the fuck up, guys. 441 00:30:27,791 --> 00:30:29,041 Hey, wake up. 442 00:30:32,875 --> 00:30:34,250 What the fuck? 443 00:30:34,333 --> 00:30:35,916 [tense music playing] 444 00:30:42,041 --> 00:30:43,208 [sighs] 445 00:31:12,000 --> 00:31:13,833 - [Lily] Hello? - [Glen] Hey, babe. 446 00:31:13,916 --> 00:31:15,916 - Hi. - I just... 447 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:19,375 I'm... I'm just calling to see if you want me to pick up... 448 00:31:20,791 --> 00:31:22,625 anything for dinner tonight. 449 00:31:22,708 --> 00:31:23,958 Give you a night off. 450 00:31:24,041 --> 00:31:26,166 No, it's okay, you don't have to do that. 451 00:31:26,250 --> 00:31:27,791 No, I... I want to. 452 00:31:27,875 --> 00:31:29,125 Okay, if you want to. 453 00:31:29,208 --> 00:31:31,583 I'll pick it up from... From Tony's. 454 00:31:31,666 --> 00:31:34,000 Can you get me some of that stuff that I like? 455 00:31:34,791 --> 00:31:37,625 - Grilled calamari coming up. - Yeah, the calamari. 456 00:31:37,708 --> 00:31:40,166 - Can you get extra horseradish? - Okay. 457 00:31:40,250 --> 00:31:42,625 Okay, yeah, let's... Let's do that. 458 00:31:43,250 --> 00:31:45,041 Are you okay? You sound tired. 459 00:31:45,125 --> 00:31:47,166 No, no, it's just these... 460 00:31:47,250 --> 00:31:50,416 These neighbors have been just up all night, so... 461 00:31:51,416 --> 00:31:53,250 You didn't get into a fight, did you? 462 00:31:54,000 --> 00:31:55,000 Honey, I'm good. 463 00:31:56,291 --> 00:31:57,958 You know I adore you, right? 464 00:31:59,250 --> 00:32:00,250 I adore you. 465 00:32:02,041 --> 00:32:03,250 Okay. I'll see you soon. 466 00:32:03,750 --> 00:32:04,750 Okay. 467 00:32:05,583 --> 00:32:06,583 Bye. 468 00:32:08,833 --> 00:32:10,083 [phone beeps] 469 00:32:37,041 --> 00:32:38,083 [snorting] 470 00:32:38,166 --> 00:32:39,500 [tense music playing] 471 00:32:57,375 --> 00:32:59,916 [Lily, distorted] You okay? You sound tired. You sound tired. 472 00:33:08,375 --> 00:33:10,125 You didn't get into a fight, did you? 473 00:33:25,750 --> 00:33:26,958 [clears throat] 474 00:33:31,458 --> 00:33:32,458 That's it. 475 00:33:32,500 --> 00:33:33,500 That's, uh... 476 00:33:35,375 --> 00:33:36,375 all I got. 477 00:33:39,916 --> 00:33:41,000 I hope that helps. 478 00:33:44,541 --> 00:33:46,666 You know everything now that I know. 479 00:33:48,916 --> 00:33:50,333 Thank you, Ms. Flowers. 480 00:33:50,416 --> 00:33:51,416 I'm sure it will. 481 00:33:55,750 --> 00:33:57,000 You've been a great help. 482 00:34:05,458 --> 00:34:07,291 I sincerely wish you guys luck. 483 00:34:20,375 --> 00:34:22,375 [ominous music playing] 484 00:34:52,000 --> 00:34:53,666 [snorting] 485 00:34:55,375 --> 00:34:57,375 [Glen, distorted] OxyContin... 486 00:35:00,375 --> 00:35:02,416 [Dr. Hartman] It is as safe as any other opioid. 487 00:35:05,583 --> 00:35:07,875 [Glen] OxyContin gave me my life back. 488 00:35:08,875 --> 00:35:10,666 Thank you, Purdue Pharma. 489 00:35:21,333 --> 00:35:23,333 Thank you, Purdue Pharma. 490 00:35:26,125 --> 00:35:27,666 [pensive music playing] 491 00:35:41,750 --> 00:35:42,750 [echoing] Hey. 492 00:35:46,250 --> 00:35:47,750 None of this was your fault. 493 00:35:49,000 --> 00:35:50,125 Understand? 494 00:35:53,958 --> 00:35:54,958 I love you. 495 00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:02,041 Here. Look at this. 496 00:36:02,125 --> 00:36:03,875 I'm at an 11 right now! 497 00:36:05,208 --> 00:36:07,291 Write the fucking script! 498 00:36:08,916 --> 00:36:10,458 [heartbeat racing] 499 00:36:13,916 --> 00:36:15,166 [heartbeat slowing] 500 00:36:28,041 --> 00:36:29,916 Hey, bud. You all right? 501 00:36:30,875 --> 00:36:33,708 Hey. Come on, bud. Let's go. Get up. 502 00:36:34,458 --> 00:36:35,541 Ah, jeez. 503 00:36:40,375 --> 00:36:43,791 Hey, man, you all right? Hey, buddy, you good? 504 00:36:44,583 --> 00:36:47,083 - Hey, come on, man, wake up. - Is he dead? 505 00:36:47,166 --> 00:36:49,291 - He ain't breathing. - I'm gonna call 911, okay? 506 00:36:49,375 --> 00:36:52,208 [man] Yeah, just watch him for a second, I'm gonna be right back. 507 00:36:52,291 --> 00:36:54,083 [dispatcher] Yeah, we got a 10-55 here. 508 00:36:54,166 --> 00:36:56,458 A 42-year-old male, suspected overdose. 509 00:36:56,541 --> 00:36:59,250 7-Eleven on Waters and Main. Send the coroners. 510 00:36:59,333 --> 00:37:01,226 - [police sirens wailing] - ["Kettering" playing] 511 00:37:01,250 --> 00:37:07,583 ♪ I wish that I had known In that first minute we met ♪ 512 00:37:07,666 --> 00:37:13,166 ♪ The unpayable debt that I owed you ♪ 513 00:37:14,833 --> 00:37:21,375 ♪ 'Cause you'd been abused By the bone that refused you ♪ 514 00:37:21,458 --> 00:37:25,916 ♪ And you hired me to make up for that ♪ 515 00:37:26,000 --> 00:37:27,166 Mm. Yummy. 516 00:37:28,708 --> 00:37:34,500 ♪ Walking in that room When you had tubes in your arms ♪ 517 00:37:34,583 --> 00:37:40,416 ♪ Those singing morphine alarms Out of tune... ♪ 518 00:37:50,958 --> 00:37:52,458 [Shawn] Ah. There she is. 519 00:37:55,833 --> 00:37:56,875 Thanks. 520 00:37:58,833 --> 00:38:00,500 - So? How painful was it? - Mm. 521 00:38:01,041 --> 00:38:03,458 - Well... - Well, I'm very proud of you. 522 00:38:03,541 --> 00:38:05,333 Well, thanks for making me go. 523 00:38:05,416 --> 00:38:07,625 - Wanna go eat? I got you. - Yeah. 524 00:38:08,500 --> 00:38:11,583 - You know how much I love you. - Yes, I do. [laughs] I do. 525 00:38:23,625 --> 00:38:30,208 [anchor 1] The owners of Purdue Pharma, accused of fueling the opioid epidemic, 526 00:38:30,291 --> 00:38:32,416 may give up ownership of the company... 527 00:38:32,500 --> 00:38:36,458 Multi-billion dollar plan to settle lawsuits against Purdue Pharma. 528 00:38:36,541 --> 00:38:40,208 [anchor 2] The Sackler family will forfeit ownership of Purdue Pharma, 529 00:38:40,291 --> 00:38:44,208 turn over 30 million documents, and pay $4.5 billion. 530 00:38:51,583 --> 00:38:52,666 [door opens] 531 00:39:24,291 --> 00:39:25,791 Congratulations, Richard. 532 00:39:26,416 --> 00:39:30,416 You have successfully initiated the destruction of the Sackler brand. 533 00:39:30,958 --> 00:39:33,750 You don't have to be so dramatic about it. 534 00:39:33,833 --> 00:39:35,250 A deal was reached. 535 00:39:35,333 --> 00:39:37,416 You and my idiot brothers destroyed the company 536 00:39:37,500 --> 00:39:39,791 and now you owe $4.5 billion. 537 00:39:39,875 --> 00:39:43,000 Yes, but it's paid out over a decade, 538 00:39:43,083 --> 00:39:47,916 which means we can probably cover it with investment returns and interest. 539 00:39:48,583 --> 00:39:50,666 It will likely cost us nothing. 540 00:39:51,791 --> 00:39:53,708 And we admit to no wrongdoing. 541 00:39:55,000 --> 00:39:56,000 Who cares? 542 00:39:56,791 --> 00:39:57,791 What? 543 00:39:57,833 --> 00:40:00,625 - Who cares? - What do you mean, who cares? 544 00:40:01,291 --> 00:40:05,208 This deal gives us full immunity. They can never go after us again. 545 00:40:05,750 --> 00:40:08,333 Look at me. Look at me. 546 00:40:10,333 --> 00:40:11,333 You were weak. 547 00:40:14,750 --> 00:40:15,750 [sighs] 548 00:40:22,375 --> 00:40:23,750 You conceded. 549 00:40:27,875 --> 00:40:29,791 I don't give a fuck about immunity! 550 00:40:29,875 --> 00:40:32,333 You let them tear down the name that I fucking built! 551 00:40:32,416 --> 00:40:33,416 I built it! 552 00:40:33,916 --> 00:40:35,583 Fuck you! Apologize to me. 553 00:40:35,666 --> 00:40:37,875 - I won't. No, I won't. - Apologize to me! 554 00:40:37,958 --> 00:40:39,208 I won't apologize. 555 00:40:42,375 --> 00:40:44,625 You destroyed the name! 556 00:40:44,708 --> 00:40:46,791 You destroyed the legacy! 557 00:40:47,458 --> 00:40:49,458 Goddamn you! 558 00:40:50,125 --> 00:40:51,833 [tense music playing] 559 00:40:55,875 --> 00:40:57,208 You failed! 560 00:41:17,083 --> 00:41:18,083 Damn you! 561 00:41:20,125 --> 00:41:21,583 My legacy! 562 00:41:26,291 --> 00:41:28,131 [Rosie] Dr. Richard, I didn't hear you come in. 563 00:41:30,291 --> 00:41:31,958 Can I get you anything, sir? 564 00:41:33,625 --> 00:41:35,541 No, thank you, Rosie. I'm fine. 565 00:41:41,250 --> 00:41:42,458 [smoke detector beeps] 566 00:41:59,791 --> 00:42:01,208 [smoke detector beeps] 567 00:42:09,041 --> 00:42:11,083 ["The Sound of Silence" playing] 568 00:42:12,208 --> 00:42:15,416 ♪ Hello darkness, my old friend ♪ 569 00:42:15,500 --> 00:42:16,791 [beeping continues] 570 00:42:16,875 --> 00:42:20,083 ♪ I've come to talk with you again ♪ 571 00:42:21,208 --> 00:42:24,916 ♪ Because a vision softly creeping ♪ 572 00:42:26,000 --> 00:42:29,625 ♪ Left its seeds while I was sleeping ♪ 573 00:42:30,500 --> 00:42:36,291 ♪ And the vision That was planted in my brain ♪ 574 00:42:37,083 --> 00:42:38,916 ♪ Still remains ♪ 575 00:42:40,291 --> 00:42:45,416 ♪ Within the sound of silence ♪ 576 00:42:46,083 --> 00:42:50,750 ♪ In restless dreams I walked alone ♪ 577 00:42:50,833 --> 00:42:54,541 ♪ Narrow streets of cobblestone ♪ 578 00:42:55,625 --> 00:42:59,500 ♪ 'Neath the halo of a street lamp ♪ 579 00:42:59,583 --> 00:43:03,833 ♪ I turned my collar To the cold and damp ♪ 580 00:43:04,708 --> 00:43:10,416 ♪ When my eyes were stabbed By the flash of a neon light ♪ 581 00:43:11,291 --> 00:43:12,958 ♪ That split the night ♪ 582 00:43:14,791 --> 00:43:19,541 ♪ And touched the sound of silence ♪ 583 00:43:20,416 --> 00:43:24,833 ♪ And in the naked light I saw ♪ 584 00:43:24,916 --> 00:43:28,750 ♪ Ten thousand people, maybe more ♪ 585 00:43:29,750 --> 00:43:33,333 ♪ People talking without speaking ♪ 586 00:43:34,333 --> 00:43:38,666 ♪ People hearing without listening ♪ 587 00:43:38,750 --> 00:43:45,500 ♪ People writing songs That voices never share ♪ 588 00:43:46,500 --> 00:43:48,208 ♪ No one dared ♪ 589 00:43:49,500 --> 00:43:54,708 ♪ Disturb the sound of silence ♪ 590 00:43:55,666 --> 00:44:00,000 ♪ And the people bowed and prayed ♪ 591 00:44:00,083 --> 00:44:03,916 ♪ To the neon god they made ♪ 592 00:44:04,583 --> 00:44:07,541 ♪ And the sign said "The words of the prophets ♪ 593 00:44:07,625 --> 00:44:10,875 ♪ Are written on the subway walls ♪ 594 00:44:11,958 --> 00:44:13,958 ♪ And tenement halls ♪ 595 00:44:14,833 --> 00:44:16,833 ♪ And whispered ♪ 596 00:44:16,916 --> 00:44:23,583 ♪ In the sounds of silence" ♪