1 00:00:04,583 --> 00:00:08,041 - Okay, can we strip that light just a little bit more? 2 00:00:08,125 --> 00:00:09,916 Little more, little more. 3 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:12,208 Yeah, yeah, there! Let's not go nuts. 4 00:00:12,291 --> 00:00:14,291 I spent way too much on Botox for that. 5 00:00:14,375 --> 00:00:16,583 - [chuckles] 6 00:00:16,666 --> 00:00:19,916 - Okay, so, Ava, I stay seated, um, 7 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:23,083 until the fertility run, which is right after the broken foot. 8 00:00:23,166 --> 00:00:26,500 - Uh, sorry, I think Claus collector is first. 9 00:00:26,583 --> 00:00:30,083 - Oh, crap! I forgot. Yes, yes, okay. 10 00:00:30,166 --> 00:00:31,583 So it's broken foot, 11 00:00:31,666 --> 00:00:33,708 uh, debt collector who looks like Santa Claus, 12 00:00:33,791 --> 00:00:35,708 then fertility. - Yes. 13 00:00:35,791 --> 00:00:37,166 - I'm never gonna remember all this. 14 00:00:37,250 --> 00:00:39,375 - Just bring your notebook onstage. 15 00:00:39,458 --> 00:00:41,291 - Oh, oh, oh, no way. 16 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:44,875 Never happen, not in 2,499 shows, no. 17 00:00:44,958 --> 00:00:48,250 - Right, but, again, this is a different kind of show. 18 00:00:48,333 --> 00:00:50,250 I mean, I think having the notebook up there 19 00:00:50,333 --> 00:00:51,583 makes it feel way more raw 20 00:00:51,666 --> 00:00:54,750 like coffeehouse vibes, you know? 21 00:00:54,833 --> 00:00:57,166 - Coffeehouse vibes? - Yep. 22 00:00:57,250 --> 00:00:58,833 - Terrific. Oh, I know. 23 00:00:58,916 --> 00:01:00,916 I'll get them to attach the bathroom key to a big chunk 24 00:01:01,000 --> 00:01:02,666 of wood, you know, with a little leather strap. 25 00:01:02,750 --> 00:01:05,041 - Of course the reversible jacket is a priority for us. 26 00:01:05,125 --> 00:01:07,000 She's just been busy with-- 27 00:01:07,083 --> 00:01:10,000 - [laughs] - Yes, I know. 28 00:01:11,708 --> 00:01:14,458 Understood. No, no, you should not call her. 29 00:01:14,541 --> 00:01:15,916 You know she loves to shoot the messenger. 30 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:18,458 Let me figure out a way to bring it up 31 00:01:18,541 --> 00:01:20,208 to her delicately, and I'll get back to you. 32 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:22,958 - And I saw those old photos of you, so maybe also... 33 00:01:23,041 --> 00:01:25,000 - [laughs] - Okay, talk soon. 34 00:01:25,083 --> 00:01:26,958 - I'll look like Joan Baez. 35 00:01:27,041 --> 00:01:28,625 - Okay, don't bring a notebook. 36 00:01:28,708 --> 00:01:30,375 I'm trying to help you. Just a reminder. 37 00:01:30,458 --> 00:01:33,500 [cell phone chimes] 38 00:01:38,291 --> 00:01:39,791 Hey, um, 39 00:01:39,875 --> 00:01:41,791 I actually have to get going to my doctor's appointment. 40 00:01:41,875 --> 00:01:44,958 - You're leaving now? We barely got started. 41 00:01:45,041 --> 00:01:48,500 - Yeah, um, but it was the only appointment that I could get. 42 00:01:48,583 --> 00:01:52,500 It's just a routine post-op thing, you know, no biggie. 43 00:01:52,583 --> 00:01:55,125 Major complications are very rare, 44 00:01:55,208 --> 00:01:59,333 but there can be pain, uh, bleeding, um... 45 00:01:59,416 --> 00:02:01,250 I read somewhere vaginal discharge-- 46 00:02:01,333 --> 00:02:03,416 - Please, just--yeah, fine. 47 00:02:03,500 --> 00:02:04,916 Thank you. Just go. It's okay. 48 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:06,583 - All right. - But do me a favor. 49 00:02:06,666 --> 00:02:09,833 Will you stay off WebMD? It's bad for your personality. 50 00:02:09,916 --> 00:02:11,208 - Copy that. 51 00:02:11,291 --> 00:02:12,666 - I'll see you at the run-through tomorrow. 52 00:02:12,750 --> 00:02:14,916 - Okay, thanks. Great. Love you, bye. 53 00:02:16,541 --> 00:02:18,125 - Oh, finally. 54 00:02:18,208 --> 00:02:20,291 So Roy is threatening to downgrade the jackets 55 00:02:20,375 --> 00:02:22,666 to digital-only if we delay the launch. 56 00:02:22,750 --> 00:02:24,208 - What? - I know. 57 00:02:24,291 --> 00:02:26,041 Nightmare scenario, but we may be able to appease him 58 00:02:26,125 --> 00:02:27,500 with an in-studio appearance. 59 00:02:27,583 --> 00:02:30,000 - Oh, God, Roy is so dramatic. 60 00:02:30,083 --> 00:02:32,875 He's like Nancy Kerrigan after that whole-- 61 00:02:32,958 --> 00:02:35,333 - Brutal attack? - Yeah. 62 00:02:35,416 --> 00:02:37,500 - Okay, well, I can't keep kicking the can down the road, 63 00:02:37,583 --> 00:02:39,000 so since Ava's gone, 64 00:02:39,083 --> 00:02:40,958 can we please meet tonight and schedule something? 65 00:02:41,041 --> 00:02:44,000 - Marcus, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I can't. I've got promo photos. 66 00:02:44,083 --> 00:02:45,875 I've got to prep for the press tomorrow. 67 00:02:45,958 --> 00:02:47,375 - Okay. 68 00:02:47,458 --> 00:02:51,958 - Why don't you just go and enjoy your free time? 69 00:02:53,875 --> 00:02:55,750 - O...kay. 70 00:02:58,541 --> 00:03:01,041 Very scary when she tries to be nice. 71 00:03:01,125 --> 00:03:03,541 - Okay, let's go back to one. 72 00:03:06,458 --> 00:03:08,125 Gary! 73 00:03:09,875 --> 00:03:12,375 Ah, Jesus, I'm not gonna miss the drunks that work here. 74 00:03:12,458 --> 00:03:16,166 [upbeat electronic music] 75 00:03:16,250 --> 00:03:23,333 ♪ ♪ 76 00:03:28,458 --> 00:03:30,416 - [giggles] 77 00:03:30,500 --> 00:03:35,416 ♪ ♪ 78 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:38,291 - Hey, how's it going? - Ugh, so good. 79 00:03:38,375 --> 00:03:40,333 Everyone in L.A. has such good style. 80 00:03:40,416 --> 00:03:42,916 I can't tell who's HAIM and who's just three people. 81 00:03:43,000 --> 00:03:44,666 - HAIM is actually on tour right now, so... 82 00:03:44,750 --> 00:03:46,500 - Ugh, I love that you know that. 83 00:03:46,583 --> 00:03:48,291 - Bryce Dallas Howard's in the bathroom, though. 84 00:03:48,375 --> 00:03:49,666 - Oh, my God. 85 00:03:49,750 --> 00:03:51,666 - She's actually been in there a long time. 86 00:03:51,750 --> 00:03:53,083 - Oh. 87 00:03:53,166 --> 00:03:55,583 Well, I'll have whatever she had. 88 00:03:55,666 --> 00:03:58,083 - I can't disclose that. Sorry. - Oh, my God, of course. Sorry. 89 00:03:58,166 --> 00:03:59,291 That's on me. That's on me. 90 00:03:59,375 --> 00:04:00,875 Um, I'll just have, like, 91 00:04:00,958 --> 00:04:04,833 an iced matcha latte with elderberry syrup, please. 92 00:04:04,916 --> 00:04:08,583 - Okay, that'll be $11.58. - Oh, my God! 93 00:04:08,666 --> 00:04:11,916 That is so expensive. I love it. 94 00:04:12,000 --> 00:04:14,125 - Bump those 10%. - 10%. Got it. 95 00:04:14,208 --> 00:04:15,416 - Hey, Deb. 96 00:04:15,500 --> 00:04:18,125 You got a second? - For you? No. 97 00:04:18,208 --> 00:04:19,875 - I come as a friend. 98 00:04:19,958 --> 00:04:21,958 - [scoffs] 99 00:04:22,041 --> 00:04:25,041 - I hear you're doing a whole new hour. 100 00:04:25,125 --> 00:04:26,375 For your final show? 101 00:04:26,458 --> 00:04:28,666 - Mm-hmm. - Come on. 102 00:04:28,750 --> 00:04:30,166 What is that? 103 00:04:30,250 --> 00:04:33,375 - Oh, so now you're a critic. - [laughs] Deborah. 104 00:04:33,458 --> 00:04:34,958 - This show's gonna be a big hit. 105 00:04:35,041 --> 00:04:36,625 A lot of important people are coming-- 106 00:04:36,708 --> 00:04:38,916 people who know something about art, like Steve Wynn, 107 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:40,875 Manny Azenberg-- - Steve Wynn's blind. 108 00:04:40,958 --> 00:04:42,375 He put his elbow through a Picasso. 109 00:04:42,458 --> 00:04:43,833 - Whatever. 110 00:04:43,916 --> 00:04:46,333 - Look, this is your final show on this stage. 111 00:04:46,416 --> 00:04:48,666 I know you're upset. I know that things are changing. 112 00:04:48,750 --> 00:04:50,791 But don't do anything that you'll regret 113 00:04:50,875 --> 00:04:53,291 just because you're mad at me. - [scoffs] 114 00:04:53,375 --> 00:04:55,333 - You know, I just don't want you to embarrass yourself. 115 00:04:55,416 --> 00:04:56,916 - Oh, well, thanks for looking out for me, 116 00:04:57,000 --> 00:04:59,000 you condescending piece of shit. 117 00:04:59,083 --> 00:05:02,958 And you've always had my back. That way, it's easier to stab. 118 00:05:03,041 --> 00:05:04,583 By my calculations, this is my theater 119 00:05:04,666 --> 00:05:07,125 till Saturday, so get the hell out. 120 00:05:07,208 --> 00:05:09,333 - Wow. Okay. 121 00:05:09,416 --> 00:05:11,666 Oh, it's, uh, my theater, Deb. 122 00:05:11,750 --> 00:05:14,916 - Get the fuck out. - [chuckles] 123 00:05:15,000 --> 00:05:16,791 Have a good show. 124 00:05:19,708 --> 00:05:22,500 [soft music] 125 00:05:22,583 --> 00:05:23,791 - So sorry about the wait. 126 00:05:23,875 --> 00:05:25,500 Your food will be out very soon. 127 00:05:25,583 --> 00:05:28,250 - Oh, I have been eating buffet food for months. 128 00:05:28,333 --> 00:05:32,083 It's an honor to wait for food that has not been prepared yet. 129 00:05:32,166 --> 00:05:34,083 [chuckles] - Okay. 130 00:05:34,166 --> 00:05:35,791 - Oh, order for Ruby. 131 00:05:35,875 --> 00:05:38,041 - Just a moment. - Thanks. 132 00:05:38,125 --> 00:05:40,666 - Hey. - Oh, my God, hey. 133 00:05:40,750 --> 00:05:42,000 [both laugh] 134 00:05:42,083 --> 00:05:43,958 What are you doing here? 135 00:05:44,041 --> 00:05:46,083 - Well, I'm only in town for 24 hours, 136 00:05:46,166 --> 00:05:49,500 and I was craving the mussels from this place. 137 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,875 Also, I know this was, like, our favorite spot, 138 00:05:51,958 --> 00:05:54,166 so it probably seems like I came here to run into you, 139 00:05:54,250 --> 00:05:56,583 but I didn't plan for that to hap-- 140 00:05:56,666 --> 00:05:58,083 I mean, it did happen, 141 00:05:58,166 --> 00:05:59,916 but, you know, take that up with the universe. 142 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:03,208 - Dude, stop. It's great to see you. 143 00:06:03,291 --> 00:06:06,166 - It's great to see you, too. 144 00:06:06,250 --> 00:06:09,708 - Are--are you eating alone? 145 00:06:09,791 --> 00:06:11,541 That's not a very you thing. 146 00:06:11,625 --> 00:06:13,125 - Yeah, you know, I am. 147 00:06:13,208 --> 00:06:15,208 I've had a lot of practice as of late. 148 00:06:15,291 --> 00:06:17,458 And besides, you know what? It's probably for the best, 149 00:06:17,541 --> 00:06:19,708 because I just ordered the entire menu, 150 00:06:19,791 --> 00:06:21,958 and no one should witness what I'm about to do. 151 00:06:22,041 --> 00:06:23,750 - There you go. 152 00:06:23,833 --> 00:06:26,041 - Hey, can you actually plate this? 153 00:06:26,125 --> 00:06:27,666 I'm gonna eat at the bar. 154 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:28,791 - Sure. 155 00:06:28,875 --> 00:06:30,666 ♪ ♪ 156 00:06:30,750 --> 00:06:32,833 - I want to witness it. 157 00:06:32,916 --> 00:06:35,791 - Okay. I warned you. 158 00:06:35,875 --> 00:06:37,125 - [chuckles] 159 00:06:37,208 --> 00:06:40,333 - [muttering to herself] 160 00:06:44,750 --> 00:06:46,041 - Can I get you a snack? 161 00:06:46,125 --> 00:06:47,583 You didn't finish any of your dinner. 162 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:49,708 - No, no. I'm fine. I'm just working. 163 00:06:49,791 --> 00:06:52,791 - Maybe try one of the CBD tinctures I gave you. 164 00:06:52,875 --> 00:06:54,916 A couple drops. Tiny, tiny. 165 00:06:55,000 --> 00:06:57,791 - Yeah, no, no, no, thanks. I'm good. 166 00:06:57,875 --> 00:06:59,791 You can go home. - Okay. 167 00:06:59,875 --> 00:07:03,958 Oh, my niece, she doesn't want the comp ticket to your show. 168 00:07:04,041 --> 00:07:05,458 She has plans with her roommate. 169 00:07:05,541 --> 00:07:06,791 I don't think it's her roommate. 170 00:07:06,875 --> 00:07:08,166 I think it's a girlfriend, but-- 171 00:07:08,250 --> 00:07:10,833 - I'm--I really need to work. - Oh. 172 00:07:10,916 --> 00:07:13,666 - Good night. - Okay, good night. 173 00:07:19,583 --> 00:07:21,750 - It was rough at first. 174 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:23,875 Sometimes it's still brutal. 175 00:07:23,958 --> 00:07:27,291 But, you know, at least now we kind of get each other. 176 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:31,125 And I actually think the show we're writing is really good. 177 00:07:31,208 --> 00:07:35,166 - Wow. Have you become a person that respects their boss? 178 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:38,208 - [laughs] That or I have Stockholm syndrome, 179 00:07:38,291 --> 00:07:39,458 which is fine. 180 00:07:39,541 --> 00:07:40,916 I love Swedish culture. - Mm-hmm. 181 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:43,250 - It usually comes with free health care. 182 00:07:43,333 --> 00:07:45,500 [both laugh] 183 00:07:45,583 --> 00:07:49,041 Anyway, um, how's, uh, Kelly? 184 00:07:50,750 --> 00:07:54,250 - Uh, I literally hate to tell you you were right, 185 00:07:54,333 --> 00:07:57,041 but, um, we broke up a month ago. 186 00:07:57,125 --> 00:08:01,291 - Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. - Mm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 187 00:08:01,375 --> 00:08:04,333 - No, but, like, seriously, I-I really didn't mean-- 188 00:08:04,416 --> 00:08:05,958 - No, no, it's--it's fine. 189 00:08:06,041 --> 00:08:07,791 You know, my schedule was insane, 190 00:08:07,875 --> 00:08:12,083 and then when I was home, we just fought all the time, so... 191 00:08:12,166 --> 00:08:15,583 - I totally understand why you didn't reach out, 192 00:08:15,666 --> 00:08:18,666 but if you do ever need to talk, 193 00:08:18,750 --> 00:08:20,750 you know you can call me. 194 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:22,833 I promise, I know not to send you 195 00:08:22,916 --> 00:08:25,375 unsolicited pornography anymore. 196 00:08:25,458 --> 00:08:27,166 - Oh, you do? - Yes. 197 00:08:27,250 --> 00:08:30,541 Obviously, I still would, but you would have to ask, so... 198 00:08:30,625 --> 00:08:32,500 [both laugh] 199 00:08:32,583 --> 00:08:35,541 [moody music] 200 00:08:35,625 --> 00:08:38,708 - There's something different about you. 201 00:08:38,791 --> 00:08:41,416 - I--you know, I have been dressing 202 00:08:41,500 --> 00:08:43,083 in a way that de-emphasizes 203 00:08:43,166 --> 00:08:45,708 the size of my hands, but other than that... 204 00:08:45,791 --> 00:08:48,458 - Uh-uh, you're not spiraling 205 00:08:48,541 --> 00:08:51,458 or making me spiral. 206 00:08:51,541 --> 00:08:53,666 - Um, I don't know. 207 00:08:53,750 --> 00:08:56,958 I think maybe I'm, like... 208 00:08:57,041 --> 00:08:58,041 happy? 209 00:08:58,125 --> 00:08:59,916 [laughs] Oh, God, I sound like you 210 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,583 after you did mushrooms with that witch in Idyllwild. 211 00:09:02,666 --> 00:09:05,125 - Oh, no! Mm-mm. - [laughs] 212 00:09:05,208 --> 00:09:07,750 - That was insane. I was very happy, though. 213 00:09:07,833 --> 00:09:09,250 [both laugh] 214 00:09:09,333 --> 00:09:13,916 ♪ ♪ 215 00:09:14,000 --> 00:09:15,666 So the interview... 216 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:16,916 - Yeah. - Is tomorrow. 217 00:09:17,000 --> 00:09:19,041 - Tomorrow, yeah. Um, oh, my God. 218 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:21,583 It would be so incredible to work with them. 219 00:09:21,666 --> 00:09:25,083 They're so cool, but... 220 00:09:25,166 --> 00:09:27,416 I don't know. I'll probably say something stupid to mess it up. 221 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:30,791 - Oh, stop. You know you're charming. 222 00:09:30,875 --> 00:09:32,500 It's annoying, actually. 223 00:09:32,583 --> 00:09:35,500 ♪ ♪ 224 00:09:35,583 --> 00:09:36,750 - [laughs] - Ugh. 225 00:09:36,833 --> 00:09:38,625 [both laughing] 226 00:09:38,708 --> 00:09:40,416 Um, what are you up to now? 227 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:42,708 Bricker's hosting this whiskey tasting 228 00:09:42,791 --> 00:09:44,083 before he goes on Whole 30 229 00:09:44,166 --> 00:09:46,958 for that Bob Dylan biopic he's doing. 230 00:09:47,041 --> 00:09:48,416 [both laugh] 231 00:09:48,500 --> 00:09:51,500 Wow, that was the whitest thing I've ever said. 232 00:09:51,583 --> 00:09:53,916 - Yeah, even I think that. 233 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:56,208 Well, I'm sure you'll have fun. 234 00:09:56,291 --> 00:09:58,583 - It'd be more fun if you came. 235 00:10:01,041 --> 00:10:05,166 Or, um, we could skip the tasting altogether 236 00:10:05,250 --> 00:10:07,625 and go back to my place. 237 00:10:07,708 --> 00:10:10,666 [soft music] 238 00:10:10,750 --> 00:10:17,833 ♪ ♪ 239 00:10:21,333 --> 00:10:23,791 - Fuck. 240 00:10:23,875 --> 00:10:25,750 I want to. 241 00:10:27,458 --> 00:10:29,166 And I'm in physical pain saying this, 242 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:31,583 but, ah, I think I got to go back to my hotel 243 00:10:31,666 --> 00:10:33,291 and do some homework. 244 00:10:33,375 --> 00:10:34,833 I want to be prepared for tomorrow 245 00:10:34,916 --> 00:10:38,291 instead of my usual move, which is just wing it 246 00:10:38,375 --> 00:10:40,041 and hope they don't call me on it. 247 00:10:40,125 --> 00:10:42,291 - I get it. 248 00:10:42,375 --> 00:10:45,666 - Maybe I'll be back in L.A. soon. 249 00:10:45,750 --> 00:10:47,333 - I hope so. 250 00:10:47,416 --> 00:10:49,250 - Me too. 251 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:51,041 ♪ ♪ 252 00:10:51,125 --> 00:10:52,750 [birds chirping] 253 00:10:52,833 --> 00:10:55,458 - Yeah, can you just stay on the line until I'm sure? 254 00:10:55,541 --> 00:10:57,375 Okay. 255 00:10:58,916 --> 00:11:01,083 - Oh, hi. - Hi. 256 00:11:01,166 --> 00:11:04,333 Can I help you? - Oh, sorry. I live in 4A. 257 00:11:04,416 --> 00:11:05,541 This is my stuff. 258 00:11:05,625 --> 00:11:07,125 I'm just looking for my Fenty Pumas. 259 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:08,791 You know the ones with the gummy soles? 260 00:11:08,875 --> 00:11:11,375 - Well, that's interesting because I live in 4A. 261 00:11:11,458 --> 00:11:13,583 - Oh, shit. You're Jordan, the subletter. 262 00:11:13,666 --> 00:11:16,208 - Yeah. - Sorry, I meant I own 4A. 263 00:11:16,291 --> 00:11:18,708 I'm Ava. I tried knocking earlier. 264 00:11:18,791 --> 00:11:21,333 - Yeah, I was in the shower. - Whoo! 265 00:11:21,416 --> 00:11:22,708 Got 'em. 266 00:11:22,791 --> 00:11:24,208 Sorry. 267 00:11:24,291 --> 00:11:26,208 I got to get to an interview, and I need to look cool, 268 00:11:26,291 --> 00:11:29,875 hip, young but also not trying too hard, you know. 269 00:11:29,958 --> 00:11:31,375 So I popped back here, 270 00:11:31,458 --> 00:11:34,083 get the Fenty Pumas with the gummy soles. 271 00:11:34,166 --> 00:11:35,791 - Yeah, I heard that before. 272 00:11:35,875 --> 00:11:37,083 Uh, you know what? - Uh-huh. 273 00:11:37,166 --> 00:11:38,458 - Since you're here, 274 00:11:38,541 --> 00:11:40,208 do you mind checking out the bathroom? 275 00:11:40,291 --> 00:11:41,791 The skylight will not close. 276 00:11:41,875 --> 00:11:43,916 - Oh, my God, I didn't know that thing opened. Cool! 277 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:46,750 But, no, I got to get to this meeting, and I'm already late. 278 00:11:46,833 --> 00:11:48,750 So nice to meet you, Jordan. 279 00:11:48,833 --> 00:11:51,375 [cell phone chimes] Siri, text Kayla. 280 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:52,916 - Yeah, hi. 281 00:11:53,000 --> 00:11:55,375 - Did she just say she was there for an interview? 282 00:11:55,458 --> 00:11:57,666 - Yeah. - Huh. 283 00:12:00,791 --> 00:12:04,458 [ice rattling, door closes] 284 00:12:04,541 --> 00:12:06,375 Midday martini? 285 00:12:06,458 --> 00:12:10,041 - Ugh, do I look completely exhausted? 286 00:12:10,125 --> 00:12:11,750 - No. - I couldn't sleep. 287 00:12:11,833 --> 00:12:14,333 Marty tells me that I'm going to embarrass myself 288 00:12:14,416 --> 00:12:15,458 with this new show. 289 00:12:15,541 --> 00:12:17,000 What does he know? 290 00:12:17,083 --> 00:12:20,625 His job is just a series of high-cholesterol lunches. 291 00:12:20,708 --> 00:12:22,541 - Clearly, the show is stressing you out, 292 00:12:22,625 --> 00:12:25,291 and there's no shame in going back to what works. 293 00:12:25,375 --> 00:12:27,791 - No, no, no. Ava and I have worked too hard on this. 294 00:12:27,875 --> 00:12:29,500 - Well, about Ava, uh, I don't know 295 00:12:29,583 --> 00:12:31,250 if you should be putting all your trust in her. 296 00:12:31,333 --> 00:12:35,000 - Okay, you know what? What is it with you and her? 297 00:12:35,083 --> 00:12:36,916 Are you seriously jealous of a 25-year-old? 298 00:12:37,000 --> 00:12:38,208 - [chuckles] Jea--No. 299 00:12:38,291 --> 00:12:39,875 - Is it really about the material, 300 00:12:39,958 --> 00:12:42,083 or is it the fact that it was her idea and not yours? 301 00:12:42,166 --> 00:12:44,291 - Huh, okay. 302 00:12:44,375 --> 00:12:46,833 You know, you're absolutely right. 303 00:12:46,916 --> 00:12:48,666 Uh, your material is not my department. 304 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:50,791 I have plenty to do. 305 00:12:50,875 --> 00:12:53,791 You have plenty to drink. I'll let you get to it. 306 00:12:59,791 --> 00:13:01,541 [door opens] - [sighs] 307 00:13:01,625 --> 00:13:03,916 [door closes] 308 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,958 [upbeat synth music] 309 00:13:07,041 --> 00:13:10,625 ♪ ♪ 310 00:13:10,708 --> 00:13:14,750 - Uh-oh, union strong, baby! [giggles] 311 00:13:14,833 --> 00:13:18,750 [cell phone vibrating] 312 00:13:18,833 --> 00:13:21,333 Oof, not today, girl. 313 00:13:21,416 --> 00:13:24,833 ♪ ♪ 314 00:13:24,916 --> 00:13:27,500 Hell, yeah, C stand. 315 00:13:27,583 --> 00:13:29,291 [bicycle bell dings] 316 00:13:29,375 --> 00:13:30,708 ♪ ♪ 317 00:13:30,791 --> 00:13:33,125 - ♪ Now I want you ♪ 318 00:13:33,208 --> 00:13:36,750 ♪ To leave me alone ♪ 319 00:13:36,833 --> 00:13:39,333 [indistinct conversation] 320 00:13:39,416 --> 00:13:42,750 - [sighs] [cell phone vibrating] 321 00:13:42,833 --> 00:13:47,000 ♪ ♪ 322 00:13:47,083 --> 00:13:48,458 Deborah. 323 00:13:48,541 --> 00:13:50,250 - There's a lot fewer jokes in this whole thing, 324 00:13:50,333 --> 00:13:52,125 a-and I'm afraid that without pausing for laughs, 325 00:13:52,208 --> 00:13:53,875 it's all gonna feel way too short. 326 00:13:53,958 --> 00:13:56,375 I mean, I could be up there for 32 minutes, 327 00:13:56,458 --> 00:13:58,041 and then what? 328 00:13:58,125 --> 00:14:00,250 - Jesus, I picked up 'cause I thought it was an emergency. 329 00:14:00,333 --> 00:14:02,791 - It is! I mean, we've never even run the show 330 00:14:02,875 --> 00:14:04,125 with a full house before. 331 00:14:04,208 --> 00:14:06,000 It just-- it just feels too rushed. 332 00:14:06,083 --> 00:14:07,833 - Well, I think it's long enough, 333 00:14:07,916 --> 00:14:09,583 but we can practice the pacing at the run-through later today. 334 00:14:09,666 --> 00:14:11,333 - No, I don't want to wait till 5:00. 335 00:14:11,416 --> 00:14:13,000 Just come over now, and we'll do it. 336 00:14:13,083 --> 00:14:14,541 - I really don't think that's necessary. 337 00:14:14,625 --> 00:14:16,041 Plus, I'm at the doctor. 338 00:14:16,125 --> 00:14:17,791 - I thought your appointment was yesterday. 339 00:14:17,875 --> 00:14:20,375 - Yeah, well, they ordered some bloodwork on... 340 00:14:20,458 --> 00:14:23,041 uh, my blood, so I'm back. 341 00:14:23,125 --> 00:14:24,958 [bell ringing] - I don't know. It just-- 342 00:14:25,041 --> 00:14:28,208 I just keep imagining myself up onstage, 343 00:14:28,291 --> 00:14:31,541 and, uh, it's just silence. 344 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:33,875 - You've been through way worse than silence, Deborah. 345 00:14:33,958 --> 00:14:37,250 Plus, the show is good, like, really fucking good. 346 00:14:37,333 --> 00:14:39,500 You should be proud of it. 347 00:14:39,583 --> 00:14:41,458 I know I am. 348 00:14:43,416 --> 00:14:45,250 Trust me. 349 00:14:45,333 --> 00:14:48,333 - Okay, okay. I do. 350 00:14:48,416 --> 00:14:50,750 - Okay. I got to go. I'll see you at 5:00. 351 00:14:50,833 --> 00:14:52,250 - Okay. 352 00:14:58,166 --> 00:14:59,666 - It just feels like she's just so raw. 353 00:14:59,750 --> 00:15:01,041 Do you know what I mean? I think it's-- 354 00:15:01,125 --> 00:15:02,750 - Oh, there she is! - Hi! 355 00:15:02,833 --> 00:15:04,375 I'm Ava. So nice to meet you. 356 00:15:04,458 --> 00:15:06,958 Sorry I'm late. The traffic was terrible. 357 00:15:07,041 --> 00:15:08,916 - Oh, our assistant checked in with your manager. 358 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:10,875 She said you had a pregnancy scare. 359 00:15:10,958 --> 00:15:12,291 - Ugh, Kayla. 360 00:15:12,375 --> 00:15:13,916 Um, that's actually my manager's assistant, 361 00:15:14,000 --> 00:15:16,416 and I-I haven't had sex in a while, actually. 362 00:15:16,500 --> 00:15:18,958 [chuckles] And he used a condom, 363 00:15:19,041 --> 00:15:21,291 and, uh, the next morning he killed himself. 364 00:15:21,375 --> 00:15:25,333 - Wow! [laughs] We heard you had a dark sense of humor. 365 00:15:25,416 --> 00:15:27,958 - Ugh, not a joke. Let's do this meeting. 366 00:15:28,041 --> 00:15:29,416 [cell phone vibrating] 367 00:15:29,500 --> 00:15:31,291 - Finally, I've called you three times. 368 00:15:31,375 --> 00:15:32,666 - Sorry, I got a new phone, 369 00:15:32,750 --> 00:15:34,583 but Kayla set it up with her iCloud, 370 00:15:34,666 --> 00:15:38,833 so I saw a lot of pictures I never should've seen. 371 00:15:38,916 --> 00:15:41,375 Uh, anyway, I've been in HR all afternoon. 372 00:15:41,458 --> 00:15:42,875 I'm so sorry. What's going on? 373 00:15:42,958 --> 00:15:44,791 - Well, Deborah found out that Ava went to L.A. 374 00:15:44,875 --> 00:15:46,958 for that interview, and she's pissed. 375 00:15:47,041 --> 00:15:49,208 - Hold on. I don't know what you're talking about. 376 00:15:49,291 --> 00:15:51,291 What interview? - Wait, you're asking me? 377 00:15:51,375 --> 00:15:54,500 - Hey, uh, it was me. My bad. 378 00:15:54,583 --> 00:15:57,125 I-I'm-- That was my fault. 379 00:15:57,208 --> 00:16:00,000 - Marcus, hold on. Wait. What are you talking about? 380 00:16:00,083 --> 00:16:02,083 - I'm so sorry-- I totally forgot to tell you 381 00:16:02,166 --> 00:16:03,708 I set up that meeting behind your back. 382 00:16:03,791 --> 00:16:07,166 - You set up a meeting for Ava behind my back, 383 00:16:07,250 --> 00:16:11,166 when she's working for Deborah, one of our biggest clients? 384 00:16:11,250 --> 00:16:12,708 What are you doing? 385 00:16:12,791 --> 00:16:14,875 - I'm hip-pocketing Ava. You told me to take initiative. 386 00:16:14,958 --> 00:16:16,833 - You can't hip-pocket my clients! 387 00:16:16,916 --> 00:16:20,500 They're my clients! Please, get out of here, okay? 388 00:16:20,583 --> 00:16:22,500 Leave! - Lo siento, papi. 389 00:16:22,583 --> 00:16:24,666 - Stop calling me papi! 390 00:16:24,750 --> 00:16:28,750 - I'm really sorry. Really so--Got to go. 391 00:16:28,833 --> 00:16:31,541 - Okay, Marcus, I am caught up. 392 00:16:31,625 --> 00:16:34,500 Um, how do I fix this? 393 00:16:34,583 --> 00:16:37,541 - Well, you can start by calling her and apologizing. 394 00:16:37,625 --> 00:16:39,500 - So, when people are on a roll at a slot machine, 395 00:16:39,583 --> 00:16:41,541 they'll often piss and shit themselves 396 00:16:41,625 --> 00:16:43,250 instead of getting up. 397 00:16:43,333 --> 00:16:45,375 So, if you're ever passing through, watch where you sit. 398 00:16:45,458 --> 00:16:48,541 - Americans are disgusting! - Oh, we are. 399 00:16:48,625 --> 00:16:50,875 - Can I get you guys anything else? 400 00:16:50,958 --> 00:16:52,958 - Oh, um, I would love a Diet Coke, 401 00:16:53,041 --> 00:16:54,875 uh, from the fountain, please. 402 00:16:54,958 --> 00:16:56,458 - You got it. - Thanks. 403 00:16:56,541 --> 00:16:58,666 - Okay, well, we shouldn't keep you here all day 404 00:16:58,750 --> 00:17:00,708 just because you're fun to talk to. 405 00:17:00,791 --> 00:17:03,375 - So we loved your sample. - Loved it. 406 00:17:03,458 --> 00:17:06,083 - Thank you. That's so nice to hear. 407 00:17:06,166 --> 00:17:08,458 - Our producers would absolutely kill me 408 00:17:08,541 --> 00:17:11,916 for giving away leverage here, but... 409 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:14,583 in our minds, you're hired. 410 00:17:14,666 --> 00:17:17,541 - Oh, my Go--Are you serious? - Yep. 411 00:17:17,625 --> 00:17:19,458 - Amazing! Thank you. 412 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:21,375 - We're gonna start in a couple of weeks, 413 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:23,333 and, uh, we are renting 414 00:17:23,416 --> 00:17:25,500 a beachfront bungalow in Santa Monica 415 00:17:25,583 --> 00:17:26,916 to write out of. - It's gorgeous. 416 00:17:27,000 --> 00:17:29,375 - Uh, the beach? - Mm-hmm. 417 00:17:29,458 --> 00:17:31,875 Okay, I'm getting my pussy waxed. 418 00:17:31,958 --> 00:17:34,083 [laughter] - Oh, my God, I love it! 419 00:17:34,166 --> 00:17:37,083 Oh, that's brilliant. You are so fun. 420 00:17:37,166 --> 00:17:39,541 We just cannot wait to hear more of your stories. 421 00:17:39,625 --> 00:17:41,541 - Oh, I've got stories. 422 00:17:41,625 --> 00:17:44,708 There is so much about Vegas people don't know. 423 00:17:44,791 --> 00:17:47,000 - Oh, no, um, we meant about your boss. 424 00:17:47,083 --> 00:17:49,291 Yeah, our show is about a bitch PM. 425 00:17:49,375 --> 00:17:51,458 - Yeah, prime minister. - Mm-hmm. 426 00:17:51,541 --> 00:17:54,541 - We believe that true feminism is being able to just say 427 00:17:54,625 --> 00:17:56,916 that some women are cunty monsters. 428 00:17:57,000 --> 00:17:58,666 You know, we want to showcase that on TV, 429 00:17:58,750 --> 00:18:00,791 and we feel like you've got a lot of experience 430 00:18:00,875 --> 00:18:03,875 with a nightmare boss. [laughs] 431 00:18:03,958 --> 00:18:05,750 - Oh... 432 00:18:05,833 --> 00:18:07,416 that's it? 433 00:18:07,500 --> 00:18:10,875 That's--that's what the show's about, just some shitty woman? 434 00:18:10,958 --> 00:18:13,333 - Well, it's a well-observed character study... 435 00:18:13,416 --> 00:18:15,125 - It is, yeah. - Of a shitty woman. 436 00:18:15,208 --> 00:18:16,958 - Mm-hmm. Oh, you know, actually, 437 00:18:17,041 --> 00:18:18,458 we heard this story that she ditched you 438 00:18:18,541 --> 00:18:20,125 in the middle of the desert one time. 439 00:18:20,208 --> 00:18:23,458 Is that true? Because that is positively biblical. 440 00:18:23,541 --> 00:18:25,166 - It's exactly what we're looking for. 441 00:18:25,250 --> 00:18:26,875 - Well, you don't really know her. 442 00:18:26,958 --> 00:18:30,750 - Look, Ava, we're simply commenting 443 00:18:30,833 --> 00:18:32,875 on the culture that calls women crazy 444 00:18:32,958 --> 00:18:35,708 by looking at a legitimately crazy woman. 445 00:18:35,791 --> 00:18:38,208 You know, the whole thing is like an examination 446 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:39,791 of women who are-- - Crazy. 447 00:18:39,875 --> 00:18:41,916 - Yeah, there we go. - Got it. 448 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:44,166 Um, you know what? 449 00:18:44,250 --> 00:18:46,583 I... 450 00:18:46,666 --> 00:18:48,958 I don't think this job is for me. 451 00:18:49,041 --> 00:18:52,500 - Hold on. You're going to pass on this just to keep working 452 00:18:52,583 --> 00:18:54,125 with an insult comic? 453 00:18:54,208 --> 00:18:55,833 - She's not an insult comic. 454 00:18:55,916 --> 00:18:57,458 She's actually really good. 455 00:18:57,541 --> 00:18:59,708 - Doesn't she have a whole run about Malala's face? 456 00:18:59,791 --> 00:19:01,875 - Well...yeah. 457 00:19:01,958 --> 00:19:03,583 - We took a chance on you. - Mm-hmm. 458 00:19:03,666 --> 00:19:05,833 - The network didn't want us to meet with you. 459 00:19:05,916 --> 00:19:07,291 We pushed back! - We did. 460 00:19:07,375 --> 00:19:09,041 - Oh, whatever. 461 00:19:09,125 --> 00:19:11,166 Fuck them, and fuck your show, 462 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:14,166 even though I'm sure it'll be fantastically successful 463 00:19:14,250 --> 00:19:17,000 because your accents make everything sound smarter 464 00:19:17,083 --> 00:19:18,500 than it actually is. 465 00:19:18,583 --> 00:19:21,625 I don't need your job. I'd rather have my dignity. 466 00:19:21,708 --> 00:19:25,208 [both scoff] 467 00:19:25,291 --> 00:19:28,375 Ugh! - Holy shit! Are you all right? 468 00:19:28,458 --> 00:19:30,250 - It's okay. It's okay. 469 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:33,458 I'm good. It's all good! 470 00:19:33,541 --> 00:19:35,250 - Hey. 471 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:37,166 Your Diva cup fell out of your bag. 472 00:19:37,250 --> 00:19:38,416 - Ah, thanks. 473 00:19:38,500 --> 00:19:41,625 [indistinct chatter] 474 00:19:42,958 --> 00:19:44,583 - [exhales sharply] Ooh. - Well... 475 00:19:48,416 --> 00:19:51,875 [cell phone vibrating] 476 00:19:51,958 --> 00:19:53,208 - Hi, Jimmy. 477 00:19:53,291 --> 00:19:54,791 I got two minutes till my next interview. 478 00:19:54,875 --> 00:19:56,916 - I just wanted to say I am so sorry about Ava. 479 00:19:57,000 --> 00:19:59,458 I had no idea she was coming to L.A. to interview for that job. 480 00:19:59,541 --> 00:20:01,041 I had nothing to do with it. 481 00:20:01,125 --> 00:20:02,708 - Andy's here from the "Las Vegas Sun." 482 00:20:02,791 --> 00:20:04,625 - I just wanted to explain that it was Kayla. 483 00:20:04,708 --> 00:20:06,583 She's truly an absolute idiot. - Okay, thanks for the call. 484 00:20:06,666 --> 00:20:08,541 - Could you just give me one more second? I just-- 485 00:20:08,625 --> 00:20:11,083 - Um, got to go. - Okay. 486 00:20:11,166 --> 00:20:13,875 [sighs] 487 00:20:13,958 --> 00:20:16,875 Kayla, oof, bad. 488 00:20:16,958 --> 00:20:18,458 - [sighs] 489 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:25,583 [cell phone clatters softly] 490 00:20:27,791 --> 00:20:29,458 - So, Deborah, everybody is talking 491 00:20:29,541 --> 00:20:30,708 about this new show of yours. 492 00:20:30,791 --> 00:20:32,083 - What can you tell me about it? 493 00:20:32,166 --> 00:20:35,250 - Good, good, good. Well, um... 494 00:20:35,333 --> 00:20:39,791 I will be telling the untold, most intimate stories 495 00:20:39,875 --> 00:20:44,083 of my personal life that no one has ever heard before. 496 00:20:44,166 --> 00:20:46,750 So it'll, uh... 497 00:20:46,833 --> 00:20:48,833 it'll be a real change of pace, 498 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:53,041 a real, um, change of, uh, tone. 499 00:20:53,125 --> 00:20:54,833 Uh... 500 00:20:57,708 --> 00:21:01,833 You know, you, uh--you asked me a question a few months ago 501 00:21:01,916 --> 00:21:04,666 about my ex-husband, Frank. 502 00:21:04,750 --> 00:21:09,208 He had just died, and I believe I said, "No comment." 503 00:21:09,291 --> 00:21:11,958 - Well, actually, you made light of my dandruff problem 504 00:21:12,041 --> 00:21:13,250 and told me to fuck off, 505 00:21:13,333 --> 00:21:15,125 so we really don't have to go there. 506 00:21:15,208 --> 00:21:16,958 - No, I want to. 507 00:21:17,041 --> 00:21:19,041 I want to talk about it. 508 00:21:20,791 --> 00:21:24,375 A lot of people think that Frank started my career. 509 00:21:24,458 --> 00:21:26,791 He didn't. 510 00:21:26,875 --> 00:21:30,458 But we did start our careers together... 511 00:21:30,541 --> 00:21:33,333 and it was a dream. 512 00:21:33,416 --> 00:21:36,250 And when you share a sense of humor with someone, 513 00:21:36,333 --> 00:21:39,333 it's like finding someone who speaks your own, you know, 514 00:21:39,416 --> 00:21:41,416 private little language. 515 00:21:41,500 --> 00:21:44,666 And you make each other better. 516 00:21:44,750 --> 00:21:47,500 But his... 517 00:21:47,583 --> 00:21:49,750 ambition got in the way, 518 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:52,666 and he left me, 519 00:21:52,750 --> 00:21:55,333 and I was so scared 520 00:21:55,416 --> 00:21:58,125 because I thought I needed someone else 521 00:21:58,208 --> 00:22:02,083 and that I would never find anyone like him ever again. 522 00:22:03,208 --> 00:22:06,958 But then I found stand-up. 523 00:22:07,041 --> 00:22:08,833 Thank God. 524 00:22:08,916 --> 00:22:11,000 You know, everyone thinks that stand-up is so scary 525 00:22:11,083 --> 00:22:12,625 because you're up there all alone, 526 00:22:12,708 --> 00:22:17,208 but it is the least scary thing in the world... 527 00:22:17,291 --> 00:22:20,458 'cause no one can disappoint you. 528 00:22:20,541 --> 00:22:23,583 - Isn't that a little lonely, though? 529 00:22:25,041 --> 00:22:26,750 - It's just true. 530 00:22:28,041 --> 00:22:30,416 We come into this world completely alone, 531 00:22:30,500 --> 00:22:32,916 and that's how we leave it. 532 00:22:34,458 --> 00:22:36,125 Most people spend their whole lives 533 00:22:36,208 --> 00:22:39,541 pretending that's not true... 534 00:22:39,625 --> 00:22:41,708 but I don't pretend. 535 00:22:43,625 --> 00:22:45,333 I never have. 536 00:22:52,166 --> 00:22:55,500 - [breathing heavily] 537 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:07,250 Hey. Uh, where's Deborah? 538 00:23:07,333 --> 00:23:08,750 There was supposed to be a run-through. 539 00:23:08,833 --> 00:23:11,708 - She canceled it. - [scoffs] What? 540 00:23:11,791 --> 00:23:14,833 - Yeah. Like I just said, she canceled. 541 00:23:17,916 --> 00:23:20,166 - [sighs] 542 00:23:20,250 --> 00:23:23,625 [soft music] 543 00:23:23,708 --> 00:23:29,583 ♪ ♪ 544 00:23:29,666 --> 00:23:31,333 - Hey. 545 00:23:31,416 --> 00:23:33,500 - Hello. 546 00:23:33,583 --> 00:23:35,750 - You canceled the run-through? 547 00:23:35,833 --> 00:23:37,333 - Yeah. 548 00:23:37,416 --> 00:23:39,625 Got to keep it fresh. 549 00:23:39,708 --> 00:23:43,250 - Really? 'Cause I thought you wanted to practice. 550 00:23:44,208 --> 00:23:45,708 - How was your doctor's appointment? 551 00:23:45,791 --> 00:23:47,125 - It was fine. 552 00:23:47,208 --> 00:23:51,083 I-I barely remember it 'cause it was so... 553 00:23:51,166 --> 00:23:53,208 fine. 554 00:23:53,291 --> 00:23:55,625 - Great. 555 00:23:55,708 --> 00:23:58,458 Want to help? 556 00:23:58,541 --> 00:24:00,708 - Sure. 557 00:24:03,875 --> 00:24:05,708 Hey. 558 00:24:05,791 --> 00:24:07,208 - Hey. 559 00:24:10,375 --> 00:24:13,625 - Do you have any extra gloves or anything? 560 00:24:13,708 --> 00:24:15,625 [refrigerator door opens] - No. 561 00:24:15,708 --> 00:24:16,875 [glass clinks] 562 00:24:16,958 --> 00:24:19,416 Okay, so I need you to hold the tail. 563 00:24:19,500 --> 00:24:21,166 It's a little slippery. 564 00:24:21,250 --> 00:24:23,333 I wouldn't want to cut off one of those really long fingers. 565 00:24:23,416 --> 00:24:25,541 - [sighs] Wow, this is gross. 566 00:24:25,625 --> 00:24:27,666 [loud thud] 567 00:24:27,750 --> 00:24:31,125 - You'll get used to it. 568 00:24:31,208 --> 00:24:33,041 Thanks. 569 00:24:33,125 --> 00:24:36,000 - [softly] Yeah. 570 00:24:36,083 --> 00:24:39,583 - ♪ Just like a ship ♪ 571 00:24:39,666 --> 00:24:41,833 - ♪ Mm, without a sail ♪ 572 00:24:41,916 --> 00:24:45,375 - ♪ Without a sail ♪ 573 00:24:45,458 --> 00:24:47,583 - ♪ Just like a ship ♪ 574 00:24:47,666 --> 00:24:50,541 - ♪ Just like a ship ♪ 575 00:24:50,625 --> 00:24:53,166 - ♪ Mm, mm, without a sail ♪ 576 00:24:53,250 --> 00:24:56,291 - ♪ Without a sail ♪ 577 00:24:56,375 --> 00:24:58,708 - ♪ But I'm not worried because I know ♪ 578 00:24:58,791 --> 00:25:03,458 - ♪ But I know we can take it ♪ 579 00:25:03,541 --> 00:25:04,875 - ♪ I know ♪ 580 00:25:04,958 --> 00:25:07,833 - ♪ But I know we can take it ♪ 581 00:25:07,916 --> 00:25:10,166 - ♪ I know we can shake it ♪ 582 00:25:10,250 --> 00:25:13,833 - ♪ But I know we can take it ♪ 583 00:25:13,916 --> 00:25:15,875 - ♪ I know we can take it ♪ 584 00:25:15,958 --> 00:25:17,208 - ♪ But I know ♪ 585 00:25:17,291 --> 00:25:24,041 ♪ We can take it ♪ 586 00:25:24,125 --> 00:25:27,208 - I searched for pleasure ♪ 587 00:25:27,291 --> 00:25:31,208 - ♪ I searched for pleasure ♪ 588 00:25:31,291 --> 00:25:32,833 - ♪ But I found pain ♪ 589 00:25:32,916 --> 00:25:36,625 - ♪ But I found pain ♪ 590 00:25:36,708 --> 00:25:38,500 - ♪ I looked for sunshine ♪ 591 00:25:38,583 --> 00:25:42,416 - ♪ I looked for sunshine ♪ - ♪ Yes, I did ♪ 592 00:25:42,500 --> 00:25:44,458 ♪ But I found rain ♪ 593 00:25:44,541 --> 00:25:47,333 - ♪ But I found rain ♪ 594 00:25:47,416 --> 00:25:49,916 - ♪ And then I looked for my friends ♪ 595 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:53,666 - ♪ I looked for my friends ♪