1 00:00:52,556 --> 00:00:55,183 Yeah! Like there it is, baby! 2 00:00:55,207 --> 00:00:57,253 Welcome to California! 3 00:00:57,773 --> 00:00:59,755 I can't believe I'm actually here. 4 00:01:00,464 --> 00:01:03,184 Believe it, Sister. This is where it all beings. 5 00:01:03,828 --> 00:01:05,327 But you're sure it's cool right? 6 00:01:05,585 --> 00:01:07,612 I can crash with you guys at your friend's place? 7 00:01:08,081 --> 00:01:09,276 He doesn't even know me. 8 00:01:09,692 --> 00:01:11,999 Aw it's cool alright. Seth's door is always open. 9 00:01:12,337 --> 00:01:13,286 To the right kind of people 10 00:01:14,119 --> 00:01:17,026 Seth told us we should always be on the lookout for cool young people... 11 00:01:17,050 --> 00:01:19,168 ...who see the system for what it is, Marcy. 12 00:01:20,349 --> 00:01:22,941 5 minutes with Seth and you'll know escaping your parents 13 00:01:22,966 --> 00:01:25,281 suburban prison was the best thing you've ever done. 14 00:01:25,784 --> 00:01:29,178 Yeah, they were so hung up on keeping up with the Jonses 15 00:01:29,327 --> 00:01:30,787 they lost touch with their souls. 16 00:01:32,471 --> 00:01:34,987 Well, Seth knows all about souls... 17 00:01:35,334 --> 00:01:36,051 You'll see. 18 00:01:41,624 --> 00:01:46,379 It is said, "Not all those who wander are lost." 19 00:01:47,563 --> 00:01:48,639 But many are. 20 00:01:49,272 --> 00:01:50,416 And once lost... 21 00:01:51,082 --> 00:01:53,812 ...they may truly be lost forever. 22 00:01:58,482 --> 00:02:00,842 Home again, home again, jiggety-jig 23 00:02:01,817 --> 00:02:04,723 Lucky for us, weren't stopped by no pig 24 00:02:12,545 --> 00:02:15,792 Be it ever so crumbly, there's no place like home 25 00:02:27,174 --> 00:02:28,512 That's some statue. 26 00:02:29,043 --> 00:02:31,975 Yeah, it reminds me of my old man after he's had a few 27 00:02:32,891 --> 00:02:34,267 Pretty out of sight, isn't it? 28 00:02:34,795 --> 00:02:37,589 It used to belong to some old-time movie actor 29 00:02:38,047 --> 00:02:39,966 What matters is that it's Seth's now. 30 00:02:40,533 --> 00:02:41,859 And what's his... is ours. 31 00:02:42,494 --> 00:02:44,704 Yeah, we share and share alike. 32 00:02:46,197 --> 00:02:47,407 Let's get inside already. 33 00:02:47,959 --> 00:02:49,265 I really have the munchies. 34 00:02:49,289 --> 00:02:52,827 Wouldn't mind a sandwich myself before the festivities begin 35 00:02:53,428 --> 00:02:54,997 Is there some kind of party tonight? 36 00:02:55,513 --> 00:02:58,165 Wherever Seth is, there's always a party. 37 00:02:58,608 --> 00:03:00,526 He's where that happening, is happening, man 38 00:03:01,026 --> 00:03:01,550 Come on. 39 00:03:02,094 --> 00:03:02,570 Great. 40 00:03:02,836 --> 00:03:04,465 I just need a minute to get my head together 41 00:03:32,501 --> 00:03:32,949 Ugh. 42 00:03:33,727 --> 00:03:35,896 The reflection is just an illusion 43 00:03:36,771 --> 00:03:39,501 The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances. 44 00:03:40,401 --> 00:03:41,026 Who are you... 45 00:03:41,390 --> 00:03:42,086 Oh! 46 00:03:42,828 --> 00:03:45,739 You must be their friend, their guide or whatever... 47 00:03:46,128 --> 00:03:46,598 ...sati... 48 00:03:47,798 --> 00:03:49,888 No, I'm afraid not. 49 00:03:50,978 --> 00:03:54,836 Good. A decent guru wouldn't be caught dead in my dad's hat. 50 00:03:55,426 --> 00:03:55,732 Hmm. 51 00:03:56,885 --> 00:03:58,435 Why do friends follow this man? 52 00:03:59,278 --> 00:04:01,729 I don't know. I haven't even met him yet. 53 00:04:02,111 --> 00:04:05,564 I suppose we're all looking for something our parent's generation doesn't care about. 54 00:04:06,327 --> 00:04:07,360 Truth, I guess. 55 00:04:08,079 --> 00:04:13,116 Truth lies not at the end of the road, but inside those who walk the road. 56 00:04:14,810 --> 00:04:17,747 Right. What did you say your name was? 57 00:04:18,051 --> 00:04:21,273 I didn't but there are some who know me as... 58 00:04:21,959 --> 00:04:23,500 ...The Phantom Stranger. 59 00:04:24,853 --> 00:04:27,005 Well, you certainly are strange nice. 60 00:04:27,824 --> 00:04:28,783 Nice meeting ya. 61 00:04:29,850 --> 00:04:31,575 I wouldn't go in there if I were you. 62 00:04:32,358 --> 00:04:34,871 You're not like them... not yet. 63 00:04:35,180 --> 00:04:38,559 You don't know me. You don't know anything about me 64 00:04:38,959 --> 00:04:40,170 So just buzz off! 65 00:04:47,361 --> 00:04:48,009 Weirdo. 66 00:04:58,939 --> 00:05:00,540 Come in! Come in already! 67 00:05:04,006 --> 00:05:04,976 There you are! 68 00:05:05,219 --> 00:05:07,703 We thought maybe you'd escaped our clutches! 69 00:05:09,488 --> 00:05:12,031 So, where's the much-discussed Seth 70 00:05:12,925 --> 00:05:15,554 Don't sweat it. He'll come when the time is right. 71 00:05:15,737 --> 00:05:17,278 Man likes to make an entrance 72 00:05:18,998 --> 00:05:21,281 - Is that him? - Are you kidding? 73 00:05:21,781 --> 00:05:23,438 It's Jonathan Lord, the actor. 74 00:05:23,901 --> 00:05:25,311 Don't you watch old movies? 75 00:05:25,765 --> 00:05:28,483 This house used to belong to him before he gave it to Seth 76 00:05:29,385 --> 00:05:31,735 He gave it to him? Why would anyone-? 77 00:05:31,759 --> 00:05:34,622 People will give you just about everything they have? 78 00:05:36,997 --> 00:05:38,477 All you have to do is let them. 79 00:05:43,229 --> 00:05:44,080 I'm Seth. 80 00:05:46,960 --> 00:05:48,271 Pleased to meet you Marcy. 81 00:05:48,945 --> 00:05:50,029 You know my name? 82 00:05:51,371 --> 00:05:54,682 I know you... so pure and true. 83 00:05:56,122 --> 00:06:00,325 Searching for meaning in a world all screwed up by war... 84 00:06:00,624 --> 00:06:02,548 ...pollution and lies. 85 00:06:05,029 --> 00:06:06,250 I was once like you. 86 00:06:07,250 --> 00:06:13,695 I journeyed far and wide trying to find my purpose on this little pebble in space. 87 00:06:14,472 --> 00:06:17,349 Then... I discovered the secret. 88 00:06:20,793 --> 00:06:24,328 I found my true self... my calling. 89 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:26,146 And what is that? 90 00:06:26,578 --> 00:06:29,528 Helping other people find their true selves. 91 00:06:30,117 --> 00:06:31,210 Once that happens... 92 00:06:31,736 --> 00:06:35,822 ...any place you are, is where you are meant to be. 93 00:06:36,561 --> 00:06:37,634 Heavy. 94 00:06:38,354 --> 00:06:40,726 My friends have done well bringing you here. 95 00:06:41,714 --> 00:06:44,441 Please stay. The night is young. 96 00:08:19,319 --> 00:08:21,297 I've never met anyone like you. 97 00:08:21,742 --> 00:08:23,824 There is no one else like me, Marcy. 98 00:08:25,111 --> 00:08:30,538 It's stupid. I'm frightened of you and drawn to you at the same time. 99 00:08:31,420 --> 00:08:32,999 There's nothing to be frightened of. 100 00:08:34,120 --> 00:08:37,126 I give you purpose. You give me... 101 00:08:37,971 --> 00:08:39,183 ...life. 102 00:08:55,427 --> 00:08:58,942 You won't have her, Seth. You feasted enough on these children. 103 00:08:59,653 --> 00:09:02,819 They come willingly. They do my work for me. 104 00:09:03,163 --> 00:09:06,734 Not this one. She doesn't know what you are. Let her go. 105 00:09:07,169 --> 00:09:07,754 Now! 106 00:09:08,837 --> 00:09:11,189 Only a true innocent can defeat me. 107 00:09:12,472 --> 00:09:13,917 And we both know... 108 00:09:14,668 --> 00:09:16,703 You're far from innocent. 109 00:09:24,682 --> 00:09:27,931 You've infested this plane too long, Seth. 110 00:09:31,619 --> 00:09:33,644 Tonight, it ends. 111 00:09:33,744 --> 00:09:35,970 Hah. I don't think so. 112 00:09:35,994 --> 00:09:39,651 The power of the Ouroboros pendant assures me end less time. 113 00:09:39,908 --> 00:09:42,395 It's my circle of everlasting life. 114 00:09:42,938 --> 00:09:44,431 Let's test that theory. 115 00:09:58,736 --> 00:10:01,073 Your power is waning, Dark One. 116 00:10:01,398 --> 00:10:03,298 I have more than enough to finish you. 117 00:10:09,757 --> 00:10:10,657 Stranger, wait! 118 00:10:11,290 --> 00:10:14,107 I have great power. I can offer you much. 119 00:10:14,753 --> 00:10:17,451 Even end your wandering. We can help each other. 120 00:10:17,475 --> 00:10:19,200 I will help, Evil One. 121 00:10:19,690 --> 00:10:22,919 I'll end the eons of misery you've inflicted on others. 122 00:10:29,990 --> 00:10:31,368 Well done, my dear. 123 00:10:31,845 --> 00:10:35,149 You're my very favorite house guest in centuries. 124 00:10:36,917 --> 00:10:40,210 I don't understand. What's happening? Who is this guy? 125 00:10:43,821 --> 00:10:45,286 Don't you recognize him, Marcy? 126 00:10:45,974 --> 00:10:50,137 He's the man. He's the sister. The status quo. 127 00:10:50,612 --> 00:10:53,266 Marcy... you must get away from here. 128 00:10:53,650 --> 00:10:55,390 He is a blight! 129 00:10:55,560 --> 00:10:56,644 No! He's good! 130 00:10:56,986 --> 00:10:58,242 You're the invader here. 131 00:10:58,995 --> 00:11:01,633 Seth's appearance is a lie. Don't believe him! 132 00:11:06,415 --> 00:11:08,562 Your aura is remarkable stranger. 133 00:11:09,364 --> 00:11:11,724 You are positively brimming with life. 134 00:11:12,099 --> 00:11:15,527 Unlike you, Seth. You walk this realm in living death. 135 00:11:15,711 --> 00:11:16,749 A parasite! 136 00:11:22,819 --> 00:11:25,504 I'll live off you for a hundred years. 137 00:11:25,869 --> 00:11:29,986 No longer will I be reduced to draining scraps from these lost whelps. 138 00:11:30,927 --> 00:11:32,403 Run Marcy! Run! 139 00:11:46,577 --> 00:11:48,386 They barely whetted my appetite. 140 00:11:49,053 --> 00:11:52,476 You searched for the truth, Marcy. What do you think of it? 141 00:11:53,774 --> 00:11:54,744 It's... 142 00:11:55,538 --> 00:11:57,734 so... 143 00:11:57,759 --> 00:11:58,490 groovy. 144 00:12:01,504 --> 00:12:04,906 My mind is blown, Seth. Your power... 145 00:12:05,477 --> 00:12:07,747 It's a shining brilliant thing. 146 00:12:08,149 --> 00:12:09,869 You walk in eternity. 147 00:12:10,003 --> 00:12:11,391 The King of Ages. 148 00:12:11,792 --> 00:12:14,956 But you don't have it all, not yet. 149 00:12:15,873 --> 00:12:18,305 Don't you know what every king needs. 150 00:12:19,100 --> 00:12:20,010 A queen. 151 00:12:21,453 --> 00:12:24,724 I was searching for my purpose, my truth... 152 00:12:25,324 --> 00:12:26,318 and I found it. 153 00:12:27,094 --> 00:12:28,571 I found you. 154 00:12:29,413 --> 00:12:31,036 Darling child. 155 00:12:39,379 --> 00:12:40,999 Nooo! 156 00:12:42,118 --> 00:12:44,671 Ahh! 157 00:12:45,012 --> 00:12:46,769 You little bitch. 158 00:12:49,711 --> 00:12:50,258 I'll... 159 00:12:50,476 --> 00:12:51,017 kill... 160 00:12:51,257 --> 00:12:52,302 you... 161 00:12:53,553 --> 00:12:57,263 Ahhh! 162 00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:02,334 Ick. 163 00:13:04,596 --> 00:13:05,658 I'll have you free in a minute 164 00:13:07,276 --> 00:13:09,152 I hoped you would make the right choice. 165 00:13:13,265 --> 00:13:14,259 What now, Marcy? 166 00:13:15,055 --> 00:13:16,516 Keep searching for your truth? 167 00:13:17,272 --> 00:13:21,953 Truth truth lies not at the end of a road, but inside those who walk the road. 168 00:13:22,952 --> 00:13:26,418 I'll keep traveling for now. Who knows what I'll find, but... 169 00:13:29,581 --> 00:13:31,041 I'll bring my own truth with me. 170 00:13:31,871 --> 00:13:34,307 How does that sound, Stra-?