1 00:00:06,945 --> 00:00:09,113 [ grunting ] 2 00:00:09,113 --> 00:00:10,073 [ Leaf sneezes ] 3 00:00:10,073 --> 00:00:11,366 [ scream ] 4 00:00:11,366 --> 00:00:15,078 ♪ 5 00:00:15,078 --> 00:00:15,912 ♪ One, two! ♪ 6 00:00:16,538 --> 00:00:18,206 ♪ Don't call us freaks of nature ♪ 7 00:00:18,206 --> 00:00:20,041 ♪ We're more than sticks and stones ♪ 8 00:00:20,041 --> 00:00:23,002 ♪ This life has more to offer Than you'll find on your own ♪ 9 00:00:23,002 --> 00:00:24,546 ♪ You haven't seen us lately ♪ 10 00:00:24,546 --> 00:00:26,130 ♪ We're underestimated ♪ 11 00:00:26,130 --> 00:00:30,176 ♪ We may look small and delicate No, no, no, no, no! ♪ 12 00:00:30,176 --> 00:00:33,096 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones ♪ 13 00:00:33,096 --> 00:00:36,474 ♪ Together we feel so strong ♪ 14 00:00:36,474 --> 00:00:38,309 ♪ You better get to know us ♪ 15 00:00:38,309 --> 00:00:40,728 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones! ♪♪ 16 00:00:42,397 --> 00:00:44,232 ♪ 17 00:00:44,232 --> 00:00:48,236 ‐ All right, gang. It's cold out there, so make sure to bundle up. 18 00:00:48,236 --> 00:00:53,491 ‐ Of course, Twig. Winter is fun, but it can hurt you if you don't prepare. 19 00:00:53,491 --> 00:00:54,575 [ chuckles ] 20 00:00:54,575 --> 00:00:57,120 ‐ You guys look like a bunch of puffballs! 21 00:00:57,120 --> 00:00:59,747 I'm not even cold out here and I'm naked! 22 00:00:59,747 --> 00:01:00,957 [ shivering ] 23 00:01:00,957 --> 00:01:03,501 ‐ No, Berry, now's not the time 24 00:01:03,501 --> 00:01:06,629 for your spunky yet adorable defiance of the rules! 25 00:01:06,629 --> 00:01:10,133 ‐ You're being far too free spirited for this kind of weather! 26 00:01:10,133 --> 00:01:12,969 ‐ That's right I am. I don't need your rules! 27 00:01:12,969 --> 00:01:13,886 [ laughs ] 28 00:01:13,886 --> 00:01:15,722 ‐ Wee! ROCKSY: Berry, wait! 29 00:01:15,722 --> 00:01:19,392 ‐ Seasonal fun! Ugh! ‐ Berry! 30 00:01:19,392 --> 00:01:23,271 ‐ Whoa, what is this shiny stuff? Whoa! Ugh! 31 00:01:23,271 --> 00:01:28,693 ‐ Huh, it seems to be some sort of expert‐level ground. 32 00:01:28,693 --> 00:01:29,652 Ow! 33 00:01:29,652 --> 00:01:34,365 ‐ Isn't this where the pond used to be? Weird. Ugh! 34 00:01:35,158 --> 00:01:36,034 ‐ Hmm? 35 00:01:36,242 --> 00:01:38,286 ♪ 36 00:01:38,286 --> 00:01:40,913 ‐ Uh! It's back. ‐ What's back? 37 00:01:40,913 --> 00:01:41,831 ‐ Uh, nothing! 38 00:01:41,831 --> 00:01:46,085 ‐ Yeah, what's wrong, Leaf? ‐ Oh, no, bro. Look, you have one too. 39 00:01:46,085 --> 00:01:50,465 ‐ I have a what now? Hey! You free later? 40 00:01:50,465 --> 00:01:53,217 ‐ Don't talk to it! ‐ What do you mean it? It's me! 41 00:01:53,217 --> 00:01:57,597 ‐ No, it's not, Berry. That thing is, uh, that's your, uh... 42 00:01:57,597 --> 00:01:58,598 [ Leaf raspberries ] 43 00:01:58,598 --> 00:02:01,225 Oh, what's it called again? Your double‐ganger! 44 00:02:01,225 --> 00:02:05,355 ‐ Psh! Double‐ganger? ‐ Yeah, Leaf, what's a double‐ganger? 45 00:02:05,355 --> 00:02:06,647 ‐ I first encountered them 46 00:02:06,647 --> 00:02:10,276 while training in the secluded fortress of the Yucca mountains. 47 00:02:11,569 --> 00:02:13,738 I was doing my best to get my body right. 48 00:02:13,738 --> 00:02:14,656 Ugh! 49 00:02:14,656 --> 00:02:18,201 But at my lowest moment, there it was in the window. 50 00:02:19,619 --> 00:02:21,871 Telling me I looked like half a string bean 51 00:02:21,871 --> 00:02:23,414 and a piece of paper had a baby. 52 00:02:24,248 --> 00:02:27,752 Half a string bean! Ah! Looks like you have them too. 53 00:02:27,752 --> 00:02:31,214 ‐ Oh, wow. Look at that. Hello, handsome! 54 00:02:31,589 --> 00:02:32,507 ‐ Hi! 55 00:02:32,507 --> 00:02:35,510 ‐ Stop! Double‐gangers are not your friends! 56 00:02:35,510 --> 00:02:38,471 They're always following you around, making you feel bad. 57 00:02:38,471 --> 00:02:39,681 They're always like... 58 00:02:39,681 --> 00:02:43,226 "Look at those shrimpy boy muscles. You can't even lift a piece of dust!" 59 00:02:43,226 --> 00:02:47,063 I know, I know, I'm working on it! Okay, okay, 60‐second plank. 60 00:02:47,689 --> 00:02:50,233 One, two, three, four... 61 00:02:50,233 --> 00:02:52,944 ‐ I dunno, my double‐ganger seems pretty nice! 62 00:02:52,944 --> 00:02:57,657 ‐ Ha! That's rich. As a man of science, this offends me! 63 00:02:57,657 --> 00:03:01,911 Double‐gangers aren't real. There's another word for these things. 64 00:03:01,911 --> 00:03:07,125 Ugh, ugh! What was it? Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! 65 00:03:07,125 --> 00:03:08,876 [ panting ] 66 00:03:08,876 --> 00:03:13,256 ‐ 60! Ugh, Twig! Stop being a dirk! Everyone knows science is fake. 67 00:03:13,256 --> 00:03:16,134 ‐ Ooh! What's my double‐ganger gonna do? 68 00:03:17,176 --> 00:03:18,219 Sue me? 69 00:03:18,219 --> 00:03:20,138 I'll see you in court. 70 00:03:20,138 --> 00:03:22,598 ‐ One must never taunt the double‐ganger! 71 00:03:22,598 --> 00:03:26,686 ‐ Don't taunt it, huh? That sounds like another rule. 72 00:03:26,686 --> 00:03:30,440 Well, maybe I'll do this. Nya‐nya! 73 00:03:30,440 --> 00:03:35,862 ‐ Don't! You'll invoke its curse! ‐ Nya, nya! Ugh! Huh? 74 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:37,905 [ screams ] 75 00:03:38,364 --> 00:03:40,825 Hey, guys, my tongue is stuck! 76 00:03:40,825 --> 00:03:44,245 ‐ Uh! Are you okay? ‐ Yeah, I'm okay. Jeez! 77 00:03:44,245 --> 00:03:48,332 ‐ Berry, we need to get you outta here. ‐ You'll fuh‐fuh‐fuh‐fuh‐freeze! 78 00:03:48,332 --> 00:03:51,836 ‐ Well, maybe I wanna fuh‐fuh‐fuh‐fuh‐freeze! 79 00:03:51,836 --> 00:03:55,298 [ Leaf clicking tongue ] 80 00:03:56,841 --> 00:04:00,636 ‐ Is there something you wanna say there, Leaf? Or, um... 81 00:04:06,267 --> 00:04:10,062 ‐ What did I tell you? Now you are cursed to be tethered to your double‐ganger. 82 00:04:10,062 --> 00:04:10,897 "Tethered!" 83 00:04:10,897 --> 00:04:12,231 [ laughs ] 84 00:04:12,231 --> 00:04:14,859 ‐ Okay, cram the tall tales, Leaf. 85 00:04:14,859 --> 00:04:18,112 Watch how an intellectual solves this problem. 86 00:04:18,112 --> 00:04:20,490 [ grunting ] 87 00:04:20,490 --> 00:04:22,658 [ Twig moans ] 88 00:04:22,658 --> 00:04:24,118 ‐ Here, let me try! 89 00:04:24,118 --> 00:04:26,621 [ Rocksy grunting ] 90 00:04:26,621 --> 00:04:30,833 Man, that just doesn't wanna let go, huh? 91 00:04:30,833 --> 00:04:35,671 [ Berry screaming ] 92 00:04:35,671 --> 00:04:37,298 ‐ Rocksy! ‐ Sorry! 93 00:04:42,261 --> 00:04:46,641 ‐ Can you guys stop trying to help me? You're only making it worse. 94 00:04:46,641 --> 00:04:48,351 ‐ And it'll keep getting worse. 95 00:04:49,435 --> 00:04:53,105 Only you, alone, may free yourself 96 00:04:53,105 --> 00:04:55,983 by appeasing your double‐ganger. 97 00:04:55,983 --> 00:04:57,443 Say sorry. 98 00:04:57,443 --> 00:05:00,238 Oh, of course, Mr. Double‐ganger. She will. Right away. 99 00:05:00,238 --> 00:05:03,199 ‐ No, I won't! She should apologize to me! 100 00:05:03,199 --> 00:05:06,494 ‐ With that attitude, you're going to be stuck here forever, bro. 101 00:05:06,494 --> 00:05:09,413 ‐ See if I care. ‐ Claptrap! 102 00:05:09,413 --> 00:05:12,542 ‐ What? ‐ Everything Leaf is saying is claptrap! 103 00:05:12,542 --> 00:05:15,711 ‐ That kinda sounds like something a double‐ganger might say. 104 00:05:15,711 --> 00:05:16,879 ‐ Oh, that's it! 105 00:05:16,879 --> 00:05:20,758 I'm off to find a real, practical solution to this mess. 106 00:05:20,758 --> 00:05:22,718 Ah! Whoa, whoa, oof! 107 00:05:23,135 --> 00:05:27,223 ‐ C'mon, Rocksy. ‐ We'll be right back, Berry! 108 00:05:27,223 --> 00:05:30,518 ‐ Stay warm, okay? LEAF: You don't understand! 109 00:05:30,518 --> 00:05:32,937 This is between Berry and her double‐ganger! 110 00:05:32,937 --> 00:05:34,272 TWIG: Claptrap! 111 00:05:34,272 --> 00:05:36,941 ‐ I told you I'm fine! 112 00:05:37,733 --> 00:05:39,443 I am not cold. 113 00:05:39,443 --> 00:05:40,528 [ shivering ] 114 00:05:40,528 --> 00:05:43,406 ‐ Hey, guys, do tongues grow back? 115 00:05:43,406 --> 00:05:46,284 ‐ Oh, I dunno. I thought you were Mr. Science. 116 00:05:46,284 --> 00:05:48,327 ‐ I am Mr. Science! ‐ Oh, yeah? 117 00:05:48,327 --> 00:05:50,538 Well, then, how do you explain this? 118 00:05:50,955 --> 00:05:53,791 Because it looks to me like we're being followed. 119 00:05:53,791 --> 00:05:55,918 That's right! 120 00:05:55,918 --> 00:05:57,378 [ laughs ] 121 00:05:57,378 --> 00:05:59,297 Please, how did you know where we were? 122 00:05:59,297 --> 00:06:02,758 ‐ C'mon, back me up here, Rocks. This is called something else, right? 123 00:06:03,718 --> 00:06:07,680 ‐ Wait, so why are we doing this? ‐ Uh, me mum's comin' over. 124 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:10,016 We have to look like we have our lives together. 125 00:06:10,016 --> 00:06:12,685 Responsible adults decorate for the holiday season! 126 00:06:12,685 --> 00:06:13,936 ‐ It's March? 127 00:06:15,396 --> 00:06:19,734 ‐ Poison Prevention Awareness Month! ‐ Alright! 'Tis the season! 128 00:06:22,153 --> 00:06:24,655 ‐ Hmm, a sound? Well, that should be nothing. 129 00:06:24,655 --> 00:06:25,531 [ gasps ] 130 00:06:25,531 --> 00:06:27,575 Gulp! Oh, no. Whoa. 131 00:06:27,575 --> 00:06:29,827 [ hisses ] 132 00:06:29,827 --> 00:06:30,745 Oh, no. 133 00:06:30,745 --> 00:06:32,204 [ hisses ] 134 00:06:32,204 --> 00:06:35,750 Oh, Twigs? How do I explain this away? 135 00:06:35,750 --> 00:06:38,836 ‐ Your precious science seems to be failing you. 136 00:06:38,836 --> 00:06:41,172 ‐ No! I swear there's another name for this! 137 00:06:41,172 --> 00:06:43,507 ‐ Leaf, Twig! Are you trapped? 138 00:06:43,507 --> 00:06:48,054 ‐ Ah! Get us out of here, Rocksy. I'm scared. Ah! Oh! 139 00:06:48,054 --> 00:06:51,599 ‐ You're pathetic. Thirty curtsy lunges! 140 00:06:51,599 --> 00:06:54,518 One, two, three, four... 141 00:06:54,518 --> 00:06:55,895 ‐ Five, six... ‐ Twig, Twig! 142 00:06:55,895 --> 00:06:58,064 ‐ What's going on! What do we do! ‐ Get in here! 143 00:06:58,064 --> 00:07:00,358 ‐ I can't tell what's going on, this is so scary! 144 00:07:00,358 --> 00:07:03,861 ‐ And Leaf won’t stop counting! ‐ You can't get out, I can't get in! Twig! 145 00:07:03,861 --> 00:07:06,906 ‐ This is so weird! Oh! Twig, Twig! ‐ I need it! To live. Oh, why! 146 00:07:06,906 --> 00:07:08,366 [ Mr. Ladybug grunts ] 147 00:07:08,366 --> 00:07:10,534 ‐ Oh, hey, Mr. Ladybug! W‐what's wrong? 148 00:07:10,534 --> 00:07:11,619 [ Mr. Ladybug grunts ] 149 00:07:11,619 --> 00:07:13,746 ‐ Oh, we woke you up from your hibernation, 150 00:07:13,746 --> 00:07:16,165 potentially risking your chances for survival 151 00:07:16,165 --> 00:07:18,167 through the harsh unforgiving winter? 152 00:07:18,167 --> 00:07:19,377 ‐ Mm‐hmm. 153 00:07:19,377 --> 00:07:22,088 ‐ Oh, well, hey, you know what might help cheer you up? 154 00:07:22,088 --> 00:07:26,175 ‐ Helping us with our problems. ‐ Yeah! 155 00:07:26,175 --> 00:07:28,219 ‐ That's the spirit, Mr. Ladybug! 156 00:07:28,219 --> 00:07:30,554 Just use your strength to break us out of here! 157 00:07:30,554 --> 00:07:33,140 ‐ 26, 27, 28, 29, 30! That's impossible, bro! 158 00:07:33,140 --> 00:07:35,393 A double‐ganger's barrier is impenetrable. 159 00:07:35,393 --> 00:07:38,979 ‐ Just let him try! Mr. Ladybug is really strong. 160 00:07:38,979 --> 00:07:42,525 ‐ Yeah, I mean, he's pretty strong I guess, I dunno. 161 00:07:42,525 --> 00:07:43,776 [ Double‐ganger laughs ] 162 00:07:43,776 --> 00:07:47,363 Way stronger than you! Weak! 163 00:07:48,406 --> 00:07:49,240 Uh! 164 00:07:49,240 --> 00:07:50,157 [ gasp ] 165 00:07:50,157 --> 00:07:53,411 ‐ Mr. Ladybug! ‐ Hey, wait, that's impossible! 166 00:07:53,703 --> 00:07:57,748 ‐ Wow, look at these muscles. He is a beast! 167 00:07:57,748 --> 00:08:03,003 ‐ He's probably the strongest guy we know! Oh! Oh, Ladybug! 168 00:08:03,003 --> 00:08:06,882 Maybe you'd be able to help us free Berry with these beautiful hams of yours. 169 00:08:06,882 --> 00:08:08,092 [ chuckles ] 170 00:08:08,092 --> 00:08:08,926 ‐ Ooh! 171 00:08:10,094 --> 00:08:13,723 ‐ It's not gonna work! "Strongest guy we know." 172 00:08:13,723 --> 00:08:17,017 String bean paper baby. 173 00:08:17,393 --> 00:08:18,561 Wait! I'm coming too! 174 00:08:20,104 --> 00:08:21,188 This isn't gonna work! 175 00:08:21,188 --> 00:08:23,566 ‐ Hey, sorry, we're kinda busy right now. 176 00:08:23,566 --> 00:08:26,485 We're saving the day, in a scientific way! 177 00:08:26,485 --> 00:08:29,655 ‐ Big muscles are science? ‐ Yeah, probably. 178 00:08:29,655 --> 00:08:32,241 ‐ Big muscles are science, right? ‐ Yeah, I think so. 179 00:08:32,241 --> 00:08:33,200 ‐ There she is! 180 00:08:33,200 --> 00:08:34,994 [ shivering ] 181 00:08:34,994 --> 00:08:36,370 ‐ Oh, man. ‐ Oh, no! 182 00:08:36,370 --> 00:08:38,539 ‐ Mr. Ladybug. Think you can break her free? 183 00:08:38,539 --> 00:08:41,125 [ Mr. Ladybug grunts ] 184 00:08:41,625 --> 00:08:45,379 ‐ Hi, Berry, we're here to save you! ‐ Are you holdin' up okay there? 185 00:08:45,379 --> 00:08:50,551 ‐ I t‐t‐t‐t‐old you I'm f‐f‐f fine! 186 00:08:50,551 --> 00:08:53,387 ‐ Ladybug, stop! The curse is getting worse! 187 00:08:53,387 --> 00:08:57,183 ‐ Double‐gangers aren't real! 188 00:08:57,183 --> 00:09:01,020 ‐ Keep going. Keep going! ‐ Stop it! No, stop! 189 00:09:01,020 --> 00:09:03,522 ‐ Let's take her for a ride, captain. 190 00:09:03,522 --> 00:09:04,982 [ shivering ] 191 00:09:04,982 --> 00:09:09,445 ‐ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! ‐ Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya! 192 00:09:09,445 --> 00:09:10,446 [ Berry grunting ] 193 00:09:10,446 --> 00:09:13,157 ‐ What? ‐ Uh! We did it! 194 00:09:13,157 --> 00:09:14,742 [ grunts ] 195 00:09:16,285 --> 00:09:18,329 Berry! Are you okay? 196 00:09:18,746 --> 00:09:23,292 ‐ My tongue, give me my tongue. ‐ Of course, right away. 197 00:09:23,292 --> 00:09:25,961 Hey, Leaf, could you go ahead and pull her tongue up? 198 00:09:25,961 --> 00:09:28,798 ‐ Uh, yeah, sure. Let's hope I'm strong enough. 199 00:09:28,798 --> 00:09:31,133 [ grunts ] 200 00:09:31,133 --> 00:09:33,594 ‐ Huh? Oh, no. ‐ Huh! 201 00:09:33,594 --> 00:09:36,472 Looks like science is real, after all. 202 00:09:36,472 --> 00:09:37,306 [ chuckles ] 203 00:09:37,306 --> 00:09:40,434 ‐ I think I know a couple a dudes who might disagree. 204 00:09:41,936 --> 00:09:45,773 ‐ Still think double‐gangers aren't real? ‐ Eh, yeah. 205 00:09:47,024 --> 00:09:47,983 [ Berry moans ] 206 00:09:47,983 --> 00:09:50,694 ‐ C'mon, buddy, you're doing great! 207 00:09:50,694 --> 00:09:55,074 Let's go get warm inside, huh? You're so close. 208 00:09:55,324 --> 00:09:56,992 [ grunts ] 209 00:09:57,326 --> 00:10:02,248 Berry! What a silly time to collapse, you're almost there. Come on in! 210 00:10:02,248 --> 00:10:03,082 [ Berry grunts ] 211 00:10:03,082 --> 00:10:04,125 What are you doing? 212 00:10:04,125 --> 00:10:07,920 ‐ You're always telling me what to do and it never helps! 213 00:10:07,920 --> 00:10:10,673 I have to do this my own way. 214 00:10:12,049 --> 00:10:16,637 ‐ Berry! What did you just say? 215 00:10:16,637 --> 00:10:19,723 I can't understand you! 216 00:10:20,391 --> 00:10:24,562 ‐ She said she has to do this her own way. Come back in, Rocksy. Let her go. 217 00:10:24,562 --> 00:10:27,314 [ crying ] 218 00:10:27,314 --> 00:10:30,526 ‐ You think Berry will be okay? ‐ Oh, yeah, she'll be fine. 219 00:10:30,526 --> 00:10:33,821 She just needs some time to look within and reflect. 220 00:10:33,821 --> 00:10:35,614 ‐ Yeah, reflect. 221 00:10:37,074 --> 00:10:38,909 Reflect. 222 00:10:38,909 --> 00:10:44,915 ♪ 223 00:10:58,929 --> 00:11:03,809 ♪ 224 00:11:03,809 --> 00:11:07,313 Reflections! Oh, that's what they're called! 225 00:11:07,313 --> 00:11:08,856 [ laughs ] 226 00:11:08,856 --> 00:11:13,319 ‐ Duh, reflections! ‐ Oh, sweet relief that was gonna kill me. 227 00:11:13,319 --> 00:11:16,363 It was on the tip of my tongue! No pun intended. 228 00:11:16,363 --> 00:11:19,617 ‐ Wait, what are you talking about? Is this about double‐gangers? 229 00:11:19,617 --> 00:11:20,451 [ chuckles ] 230 00:11:20,451 --> 00:11:24,788 ‐ Yeah, there are no double‐gangers. I‐I just had the wrong word for it. 231 00:11:24,788 --> 00:11:29,418 What I meant was, I feel really bad when I see my reflection. 232 00:11:29,418 --> 00:11:35,341 ‐ So now we might never see Berry again because you're afraid of your reflection? 233 00:11:35,341 --> 00:11:36,675 ‐ Hmm, yeah. 234 00:11:36,675 --> 00:11:39,345 I guess that's a pretty good summary of the situation. 235 00:11:39,678 --> 00:11:41,430 ‐ Oh, okay. 236 00:11:44,099 --> 00:11:46,143 ♪ 237 00:11:46,143 --> 00:11:47,978 [ squealing ] 238 00:11:47,978 --> 00:11:49,855 [ yawns ] 239 00:11:51,023 --> 00:11:52,650 [ squirrel screams ] 240 00:11:55,694 --> 00:11:57,738 [ squirrel screaming ] 241 00:11:58,864 --> 00:12:01,659 ‐ Kensington, I think I found your missing snake. 242 00:12:01,659 --> 00:12:02,952 ‐ Oh! Monty? 243 00:12:02,952 --> 00:12:05,412 ‐ I just watched it eat like seven squirrels. 244 00:12:05,412 --> 00:12:08,540 ‐ That's not my snake. Mine's a reticulated python. 245 00:12:08,540 --> 00:12:11,168 That over there's just a venomous bush viper. 246 00:12:14,421 --> 00:12:17,675 ‐ Huh! Venomous? How do we get rid of it? 247 00:12:17,675 --> 00:12:20,469 ‐ Don't worry, mate, I'm sure it'll just leave on its own. 248 00:12:20,469 --> 00:12:21,720 [ squirrel screaming ] 249 00:12:21,720 --> 00:12:25,599 ‐ It's never going to leave on its own. We need to come up with a plan fast. 250 00:12:25,599 --> 00:12:29,061 We're running out of squirrels. Leaf, you're flying distraction. 251 00:12:29,061 --> 00:12:30,271 ‐ Got it. ‐ Twig! 252 00:12:30,271 --> 00:12:32,856 ‐ You're on extrication standby. ‐ Aye, aye. 253 00:12:32,856 --> 00:12:35,734 ‐ Rocksy, you handle ballistics. Rocksy? 254 00:12:35,734 --> 00:12:37,152 [ crying ] 255 00:12:37,152 --> 00:12:39,780 ‐ What's wrong with her? ‐ She's blanketing. 256 00:12:39,780 --> 00:12:41,865 She is definitely afraid of something. 257 00:12:41,865 --> 00:12:46,745 ‐ Hmm. If only there was some way to figure out what she's afraid of. 258 00:12:46,745 --> 00:12:49,039 ‐ Snakes. Ah, they gonna kill me. 259 00:12:49,039 --> 00:12:51,709 The snakes, they gonna kill me and I don't like snakes! 260 00:12:51,709 --> 00:12:53,419 ‐ Well, I guess we'll never know. 261 00:12:53,419 --> 00:12:55,838 ‐ How are you guys not terrified of that thing? 262 00:12:55,838 --> 00:12:57,214 It's horrible! 263 00:12:57,214 --> 00:12:59,216 [ Leaf grunts ] 264 00:12:59,216 --> 00:13:01,885 ‐ Chill, Rocksy, it's just a snake. 265 00:13:01,885 --> 00:13:04,221 ‐ Yeah, it's not like it's gonna eat us, 266 00:13:04,221 --> 00:13:06,515 it's just gonna eat every squirrel in the yard. 267 00:13:06,515 --> 00:13:08,267 [ squirrel screaming ] 268 00:13:08,267 --> 00:13:10,394 ‐ Hey! Save some for the rest of us! 269 00:13:10,936 --> 00:13:13,480 ‐ Look, squirrels aside, I don't know what it is. 270 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:18,110 I just every time I look at it, I just freeze up. It's too spoopy! 271 00:13:18,110 --> 00:13:22,072 ‐ What's so spoopy about snakes? ‐ They have those soulless eyes! 272 00:13:22,072 --> 00:13:25,451 ‐ I have soulless eyes. ‐ Oh, and those venomous fangs. 273 00:13:25,451 --> 00:13:29,330 ‐ Hey, I got those too! ‐ Oh, and it just slithers everywhere! 274 00:13:29,330 --> 00:13:32,666 ‐ I slither all the time, and you love me, Rocksy. 275 00:13:33,125 --> 00:13:35,419 ‐ Ah! Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop, it! 276 00:13:35,419 --> 00:13:38,505 Ah, you're right, maybe I am being unreasonable. 277 00:13:38,505 --> 00:13:40,924 ‐ Great so the plan is a go. ‐ What plan? 278 00:13:41,341 --> 00:13:45,763 ‐ Okay, Leaf, she's ready! ‐ All right! Hey, Bush Viper! 279 00:13:45,763 --> 00:13:48,849 Lay your soulless eyes on this! 280 00:13:48,849 --> 00:13:54,021 [ grunts ] 281 00:13:54,021 --> 00:13:54,855 [ farts ] 282 00:13:55,397 --> 00:13:58,025 ‐ Rocksy, it's important to confront your fears. 283 00:13:58,025 --> 00:14:02,613 Try to confront it really hard, like right between the eyes if possible. 284 00:14:02,613 --> 00:14:06,283 ‐ Eh, let's at least talk about this! ‐ Nope, you're gonna be fine. Boom! 285 00:14:06,283 --> 00:14:10,496 [ screams ] 286 00:14:12,289 --> 00:14:14,625 Why do I feel like this is somehow my fault? 287 00:14:14,625 --> 00:14:17,586 ‐ Well, at least she went out doing what she loved. 288 00:14:17,586 --> 00:14:20,130 ‐ What are you talking about? She hated snakes. 289 00:14:20,130 --> 00:14:22,800 ‐ Did she? I'm pretty sure she didn't like squirrels. 290 00:14:22,800 --> 00:14:25,219 ‐ Okay, come on. Let's go get her out. 291 00:14:25,219 --> 00:14:26,762 [ Berry grunts ] 292 00:14:26,762 --> 00:14:27,679 [ Twig moans ] 293 00:14:28,597 --> 00:14:31,517 Hello! Rocksy? 294 00:14:38,273 --> 00:14:40,109 ROCKSY: Uh! Hey! 295 00:14:40,818 --> 00:14:43,278 ‐ Yep! She's down there. Come on, let's go. 296 00:14:43,278 --> 00:14:44,613 ‐ Hey, wait for me. 297 00:14:45,531 --> 00:14:49,159 ‐ All right, buddy system. You do not wanna get lost in here. 298 00:14:49,159 --> 00:14:51,495 ‐ Are you sure? It's sort of a one way trip. 299 00:14:51,495 --> 00:14:52,412 [ Berry chuckles ] 300 00:14:52,412 --> 00:14:56,542 ‐ Trust me, Leaf. I've been inside my fair share of reptiles. 301 00:14:56,542 --> 00:14:58,127 You're gonna wanna stay close. 302 00:14:58,127 --> 00:15:00,462 First we go past the lungs, 303 00:15:00,462 --> 00:15:02,589 down this squishy thing. 304 00:15:02,589 --> 00:15:04,591 Through the intestine. 305 00:15:05,300 --> 00:15:06,218 Wait. 306 00:15:06,218 --> 00:15:08,303 Back through the intestines. 307 00:15:08,303 --> 00:15:09,721 Past the rumpus room. 308 00:15:09,721 --> 00:15:12,683 And I'm totally lost. 309 00:15:12,683 --> 00:15:13,892 [ Rocksy screams ] 310 00:15:14,351 --> 00:15:15,602 [ Rocksy screams ] 311 00:15:16,270 --> 00:15:17,688 [ Rocksy screams ] 312 00:15:17,688 --> 00:15:20,482 ‐ Hey, guys! I think I hear Rocksy through this sphincter. 313 00:15:20,482 --> 00:15:23,861 ‐ Ew, ew! I don't like that word. ‐ What? That's what it's called. 314 00:15:23,861 --> 00:15:26,029 ‐ It's a sphincter. ‐ Nah! Stop saying it! 315 00:15:26,029 --> 00:15:27,239 ‐ Dude, it's just a word. 316 00:15:27,239 --> 00:15:29,491 ‐ Well, can you please call it something else? 317 00:15:29,491 --> 00:15:32,536 ‐ Okay, Twig. I think I heard Rocksy 318 00:15:32,536 --> 00:15:36,039 through this circular orifice of muscle that expands and contracts. 319 00:15:36,039 --> 00:15:38,083 ‐ Much better. Uh! 320 00:15:38,083 --> 00:15:39,084 [ Berry grunts ] 321 00:15:39,084 --> 00:15:40,460 ‐ It's totally a sphincter. 322 00:15:41,587 --> 00:15:42,421 [ Berry grunts ] 323 00:15:42,421 --> 00:15:44,131 ‐ Uh, where are we now? 324 00:15:45,132 --> 00:15:46,341 BERRY: The stomach. 325 00:15:46,675 --> 00:15:47,509 [ chuckles ] 326 00:15:47,509 --> 00:15:51,096 ‐ Oh, look, it's raining. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! 327 00:15:51,096 --> 00:15:53,307 Yeah, we should probably try to find Rocksy. 328 00:15:53,307 --> 00:15:54,683 ‐ Sooner rather than later. 329 00:15:54,683 --> 00:15:56,810 ‐ Yeah, she's probably freaking out by now. 330 00:15:56,810 --> 00:15:58,979 ♪ 331 00:15:59,396 --> 00:16:00,731 ‐ Hey. 332 00:16:00,731 --> 00:16:04,735 ‐ Rocksy? Oh, man, Rocksy, you're okay! 333 00:16:04,735 --> 00:16:09,031 ‐ What? Yeah, of course. Welcome to the pad. Refreshments, anyone? 334 00:16:09,031 --> 00:16:11,158 ‐ Oh, my, thanks! ‐ All right, thank you. 335 00:16:11,158 --> 00:16:12,951 ‐ I'm so psyched you guys are here! 336 00:16:12,951 --> 00:16:16,872 ‐ Ah! Oh, oh, it burns! It burns! Ah, ah, ah! Stop! 337 00:16:16,872 --> 00:16:19,583 ‐ Stop! Ah! Ah! ‐ Hu? What's in this stuff? 338 00:16:20,626 --> 00:16:22,961 ‐ It's organic! ‐ Wow. 339 00:16:22,961 --> 00:16:25,964 We were worried you'd have a tough time all alone in here. 340 00:16:25,964 --> 00:16:29,218 But I love what you've done with the decor. 341 00:16:29,801 --> 00:16:32,179 You have really taken to snake life. 342 00:16:32,179 --> 00:16:33,889 [ laughs maniacally ] 343 00:16:33,889 --> 00:16:35,015 ‐ Very good! 344 00:16:35,015 --> 00:16:38,644 Well, we don't use the S‐word in here, but otherwise, yep. 345 00:16:39,978 --> 00:16:44,399 ‐ She does know where we are, right? ‐ Eh, she's taking this oddly well. 346 00:16:44,399 --> 00:16:46,818 ‐ Hey, we all cope differently. 347 00:16:46,818 --> 00:16:49,905 ‐ Ah! Yeah, we should get out of here before we get digested. 348 00:16:49,905 --> 00:16:51,949 ‐ Ha‐ha! Let me take you guys on the tour. 349 00:16:51,949 --> 00:16:55,244 So, this is the breakfast nook. You remember the squirrels. 350 00:16:55,244 --> 00:16:56,495 ‐ Uh‐huh. ‐ Whattup. 351 00:16:56,495 --> 00:16:58,080 ‐ Just don't look 'em in the eye. 352 00:16:58,705 --> 00:17:03,043 Uh! Oh, man! Is that a Zoombie? Cool! 353 00:17:03,043 --> 00:17:05,837 [ laughing ] 354 00:17:05,837 --> 00:17:09,216 ‐ What's a Zoombie? ‐ Uh, Zorkrosoft's answer to the ZPlod. 355 00:17:09,216 --> 00:17:13,679 ‐ Yeah, it's only the best zusic player of 2005! 356 00:17:13,679 --> 00:17:15,430 ♪ 357 00:17:15,430 --> 00:17:19,851 ‐ Oh! Dance party! ‐ I love Rocksy's new attitude. 358 00:17:19,851 --> 00:17:20,936 ‐ Me, too! 359 00:17:20,936 --> 00:17:26,400 [ singing ] 360 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:27,317 ‐ Woo! 361 00:17:27,317 --> 00:17:28,860 [ grunting ] 362 00:17:28,860 --> 00:17:29,903 [ Rocksy chuckles ] 363 00:17:29,903 --> 00:17:32,030 ‐ Can't be scared while you're dancing! 364 00:17:32,030 --> 00:17:37,619 ♪ 365 00:17:37,619 --> 00:17:39,288 ‐ Uh! Uh! Ugh... 366 00:17:39,997 --> 00:17:43,917 ‐ Huh‐huh! Ah! Man, this party's beefed! 367 00:17:43,917 --> 00:17:45,836 Plus Twig's being absorbed. 368 00:17:45,836 --> 00:17:46,670 [ mumbles ] 369 00:17:46,670 --> 00:17:47,671 Up you go! 370 00:17:47,671 --> 00:17:49,006 [ Twig panting ] 371 00:17:49,006 --> 00:17:52,384 ‐ Ugh, might be time to shut down the club. 372 00:17:52,384 --> 00:17:53,468 [ chuckles ] 373 00:17:53,468 --> 00:17:58,432 ‐ What? Aw, guys, c'mon, the party's just getting started. 374 00:18:00,267 --> 00:18:03,645 ‐ Okay, but this snake is literally eating us alive, Rocksy. 375 00:18:03,645 --> 00:18:06,815 ‐ I told you, we don't use the S‐word in here. 376 00:18:06,815 --> 00:18:08,609 ‐ I'm just saying, we have to go! 377 00:18:08,609 --> 00:18:09,526 [ laughing ] 378 00:18:09,526 --> 00:18:11,862 ‐ Oh, is it time to go, Twig? 379 00:18:12,946 --> 00:18:14,406 Okay, let's head out, guys, 380 00:18:14,406 --> 00:18:17,784 right through this big sphincter over here. Here I go! 381 00:18:17,784 --> 00:18:20,078 I'm leaving! 382 00:18:20,078 --> 00:18:22,289 Psych! What do you think this is? 383 00:18:24,583 --> 00:18:27,336 You want me to leave? I can't go out there. 384 00:18:27,336 --> 00:18:29,046 There's a snake out there! 385 00:18:29,046 --> 00:18:33,425 So, no, thank you, I'm better off staying here. 386 00:18:33,425 --> 00:18:34,676 Uh! Hit me. 387 00:18:34,676 --> 00:18:37,346 ‐ Does she seem okay to you guys? 388 00:18:37,346 --> 00:18:38,639 [ laughing ] 389 00:18:38,639 --> 00:18:44,561 ‐ Goldfish! Who are you calling a cheater? ‐ Ugh! You guys go ahead, I'll catch up. 390 00:18:44,561 --> 00:18:47,314 Just meet me outside and hold that snake mouth open. 391 00:18:47,314 --> 00:18:50,108 ‐ A'ight, peace. ‐ Don't get digested, 'kay? 392 00:18:51,109 --> 00:18:55,530 ‐ Hey, Rocksy, how are we doing, buddy? ‐ I'm not leaving. 393 00:18:55,530 --> 00:18:56,657 [ chuckles ] 394 00:18:56,657 --> 00:19:02,037 ‐ That's chill, that's chill. I came here to party, am I right? 395 00:19:02,037 --> 00:19:05,165 ‐ Ah! Oh, whoops. ‐ How long are you gonna stay here? 396 00:19:05,165 --> 00:19:09,836 ‐ Hey, man, I'm in it to win it. Yeah, that'll grow back. 397 00:19:09,836 --> 00:19:10,671 [ sighs ] 398 00:19:10,671 --> 00:19:13,298 I am thirsty. Uh! Ah, here we go. 399 00:19:16,134 --> 00:19:17,135 [ coughs ] 400 00:19:17,135 --> 00:19:18,470 Ah! 401 00:19:19,971 --> 00:19:23,725 Ah, that's good. Eh, guess I'll have another round. 402 00:19:24,142 --> 00:19:27,604 [ moaning loudly ] 403 00:19:28,021 --> 00:19:31,692 [ screaming ] 404 00:19:31,692 --> 00:19:32,693 ‐ Berry! 405 00:19:33,985 --> 00:19:38,782 No! It's eating you! Baby, you're all Berry and no stem. 406 00:19:38,782 --> 00:19:41,410 I'm sorry, Berry, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? 407 00:19:41,410 --> 00:19:45,580 ‐ I'm not gonna let the snake eat you. ‐ Sounds good, chief. 408 00:19:45,580 --> 00:19:47,082 ‐ Is that tummy rumbles? 409 00:19:48,709 --> 00:19:52,379 Uh! I'm not gonna let this snake eat my best friend! 410 00:19:52,379 --> 00:19:56,341 ‐ We're getting outta here! ‐ Wait. We forgot something. 411 00:19:56,842 --> 00:19:59,094 ‐ We're getting outta here! 412 00:19:59,094 --> 00:20:00,721 [ panting ] 413 00:20:00,721 --> 00:20:02,431 We go past the lungs. 414 00:20:02,431 --> 00:20:04,349 Past the rumpus room. 415 00:20:04,349 --> 00:20:07,394 [ grunting ] 416 00:20:07,394 --> 00:20:08,687 Ah! What the? 417 00:20:12,566 --> 00:20:14,651 Ah! Almost there. 418 00:20:14,651 --> 00:20:16,903 [ Rocksy panting ] 419 00:20:17,738 --> 00:20:19,781 ‐ Oh, finally! There you are! 420 00:20:19,781 --> 00:20:23,535 ‐ Twig, hold the door! ‐ Hurry! I can't hold it much longer! 421 00:20:23,535 --> 00:20:24,619 [ laughs ] 422 00:20:24,619 --> 00:20:28,081 ‐ Oh, dang. ‐ Oh, you are the worst, Twig! 423 00:20:29,332 --> 00:20:34,796 Oh! C'mon, Rocksy, think of a way out. What do I do now? What do I do now? 424 00:20:34,796 --> 00:20:38,091 ‐ Rocksy, Rocksy, Rocksy! Ugh, this is butt. 425 00:20:38,091 --> 00:20:41,094 ‐ That's it snake, I'm done being scared! 426 00:20:41,344 --> 00:20:44,931 It's time for my face to face your face, face to face. 427 00:20:44,931 --> 00:20:45,849 [ pants ] 428 00:20:45,849 --> 00:20:49,144 Hey, you! Look me in the eye when I'm talking to you. 429 00:20:49,561 --> 00:20:51,646 Let me and my friends go. 430 00:20:52,814 --> 00:20:53,648 [ gasps ] 431 00:20:53,648 --> 00:20:54,483 Rude. 432 00:20:55,442 --> 00:20:59,362 The reptilian brain. Okay, yeah, how hard could it be? 433 00:20:59,905 --> 00:21:01,490 [ Snake coughs ] 434 00:21:01,490 --> 00:21:04,951 Oh, quite easy actually. Um, what? 435 00:21:04,951 --> 00:21:08,038 ‐ While we were in the snake, the snake got ate by a bigger snake. 436 00:21:08,038 --> 00:21:10,499 ‐ Pretty sure it's a reticulated python, ooh! 437 00:21:13,376 --> 00:21:14,211 [ burps ] 438 00:21:15,045 --> 00:21:16,296 ‐ Aw, crud balls. 439 00:21:16,797 --> 00:21:17,672 [ coughs ] 440 00:21:17,672 --> 00:21:20,717 ‐ Well, it's not all bad. We still got this wicked Zoombie. 441 00:21:20,717 --> 00:21:22,552 ‐ Why don't you play us out, Berry? 442 00:21:23,136 --> 00:21:26,097 ♪ 443 00:21:26,097 --> 00:21:31,561 ‐ Oh‐oh‐oh, I love this zong. ‐ Hey, guys! Over here! Look, windows! 444 00:21:33,522 --> 00:21:37,234 ‐ Wow. Hey you're right! You can see outside. 445 00:21:37,234 --> 00:21:42,447 ‐ Yeah. Isn't it great? ‐ Yeah. It really is a great view of... 446 00:21:42,447 --> 00:21:43,365 "The Yard." 447 00:21:43,365 --> 00:21:46,326 ‐ Hey, look! There's Dave! ‐ Dave! 448 00:21:46,326 --> 00:21:51,957 ♪ 449 00:21:51,957 --> 00:21:54,626 ‐ What? Hi! 450 00:21:54,626 --> 00:21:56,044 ‐ Mr. Ladybug! 451 00:21:56,044 --> 00:21:57,671 ‐ Join us! ‐ Come on! 452 00:21:57,671 --> 00:21:58,713 ‐ Oh! 453 00:22:03,134 --> 00:22:04,469 [ giggle ] 454 00:22:04,469 --> 00:22:07,556 ‐ How is it going? ‐ Ah! Oh? Ow. 455 00:22:07,556 --> 00:22:09,850 ‐ Hi! Hi! Hi! 456 00:22:09,850 --> 00:22:11,017 Hello! 457 00:22:11,017 --> 00:22:13,854 [ Ben's grown‐up babies laughing ] 458 00:22:13,854 --> 00:22:16,648 ‐ Oh, is that Dr. Clod? ‐ Oh! Yeah! 459 00:22:19,109 --> 00:22:22,654 ‐ Yay! ‐ Huh! Check it out! 460 00:22:26,658 --> 00:22:28,994 [ laughing ] 461 00:22:32,831 --> 00:22:36,084 ‐ Aw... 462 00:22:36,543 --> 00:22:37,627 [ Leaf sighs ] 463 00:22:37,627 --> 00:22:43,633 ♪ 464 00:22:45,886 --> 00:22:51,892 ♪