1 00:00:15,078 --> 00:00:15,870 ♪ One, two ♪ 2 00:00:16,746 --> 00:00:18,248 ♪ Don't call us freaks of nature ♪ 3 00:00:18,248 --> 00:00:20,250 ♪ We're more than sticks and stones ♪ 4 00:00:20,250 --> 00:00:23,211 ♪ This life has more to offer Than you'll find on your own ♪ 5 00:00:23,211 --> 00:00:24,462 ♪ You haven't seen us lately ♪ 6 00:00:24,462 --> 00:00:26,047 ♪ We're underestimated ♪ 7 00:00:26,047 --> 00:00:27,590 ♪ We may look small and delicate ♪ 8 00:00:27,590 --> 00:00:30,260 ♪ No, no, no, no ♪ 9 00:00:30,260 --> 00:00:32,887 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones ♪ 10 00:00:33,346 --> 00:00:36,057 ♪ Together we feel so strong ♪ 11 00:00:36,474 --> 00:00:38,434 ♪ You better get to know us ♪ 12 00:00:38,434 --> 00:00:40,645 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones ♪♪ 13 00:00:43,189 --> 00:00:46,484 [ screaming ] 14 00:00:47,068 --> 00:00:48,903 [ groaning ] 15 00:00:49,404 --> 00:00:51,698 ‐ Ugh, gross. Tomatoes. 16 00:00:51,698 --> 00:00:54,117 What practical use could they possibly serve? 17 00:00:54,409 --> 00:00:56,786 BERRY: Rocksy, come on! 18 00:00:56,786 --> 00:00:59,497 This grass bubble ain't gonna bounce itself! 19 00:00:59,497 --> 00:01:03,084 ♪ 20 00:01:03,084 --> 00:01:04,294 ‐ Yeah... 21 00:01:04,294 --> 00:01:06,337 ‐ Let's do this forever! 22 00:01:06,838 --> 00:01:09,632 ‐ Twig, hey, Twig! Doesn't this look like so much fun? 23 00:01:10,174 --> 00:01:12,135 LEAF: Don't waste your breath, Rocksy. 24 00:01:12,135 --> 00:01:13,386 Woosh. 25 00:01:13,886 --> 00:01:15,638 We all know my bro is just a little... 26 00:01:16,306 --> 00:01:17,265 scaredytwig. 27 00:01:17,515 --> 00:01:19,392 ‐ What are you talking about? 28 00:01:19,475 --> 00:01:21,352 I am extremely brave. 29 00:01:27,734 --> 00:01:29,652 Well, I don't see you jumping up there. 30 00:01:29,652 --> 00:01:33,156 ‐ That's because we all know leaves don't jump, bro. 31 00:01:34,282 --> 00:01:36,492 They soar! 32 00:01:36,492 --> 00:01:40,330 Woo! Soaring! What's up down below! 33 00:01:41,080 --> 00:01:42,665 ‐ Fine. I'll show you who's brave. 34 00:01:43,166 --> 00:01:46,336 Rocksy! Tag me in. 35 00:01:46,961 --> 00:01:51,090 ‐ Oh, thank goodness. You're gonna have so much fun‐‐ 36 00:01:51,883 --> 00:01:53,384 ‐ Gotta be brave. Gotta be brave. 37 00:01:54,510 --> 00:01:56,179 Gotta be brave. Gotta be brave. 38 00:01:57,347 --> 00:01:58,973 Hey, that wasn't so bad. 39 00:01:59,807 --> 00:02:04,354 Hey, everyone! This isn't scary after all! I'm gonna be brave more often! 40 00:02:04,354 --> 00:02:07,732 [ laughing ] 41 00:02:07,732 --> 00:02:08,649 [ footsteps ] 42 00:02:08,649 --> 00:02:09,442 ‐ What was that? 43 00:02:11,778 --> 00:02:13,655 [ screaming ] 44 00:02:14,447 --> 00:02:16,949 ‐ Berry! Twig! Get away from that thing! 45 00:02:17,742 --> 00:02:19,369 ‐ I'm workin' on it, Rocksy. 46 00:02:19,369 --> 00:02:20,161 BERRY: Me first! 47 00:02:20,328 --> 00:02:21,371 [ screaming ] 48 00:02:21,371 --> 00:02:23,665 ♪ 49 00:02:23,748 --> 00:02:25,333 [ screaming ] 50 00:02:27,377 --> 00:02:28,711 ‐ Twig! ‐ Twig! 51 00:02:32,340 --> 00:02:34,384 ‐ Get out of here! 52 00:02:34,717 --> 00:02:35,510 Please? 53 00:02:35,718 --> 00:02:38,429 ‐ Twig! What are you doing? ‐ I'm being brave. 54 00:02:38,721 --> 00:02:41,432 ‐ Oh, my gorb. No, Twig. Baby steps. 55 00:02:41,724 --> 00:02:43,559 ‐ Stay away from my friends! 56 00:02:44,936 --> 00:02:46,979 [ footsteps ] 57 00:02:47,897 --> 00:02:48,690 Did it leave? 58 00:02:50,983 --> 00:02:53,403 Oh, well, that's a different view from before. 59 00:03:04,914 --> 00:03:08,042 Huh? It's gone. Being brave actually worked! 60 00:03:08,501 --> 00:03:10,586 ‐ Dude, I think that thing was a Zebra Panther. 61 00:03:10,837 --> 00:03:12,463 ‐ High fives all around! 62 00:03:12,463 --> 00:03:14,549 ‐ Yeah, you deserve some skin. 63 00:03:14,549 --> 00:03:16,467 ‐ Hot skin comin' in! 64 00:03:16,467 --> 00:03:19,637 I can't believe I'm finally getting a high five. 65 00:03:25,393 --> 00:03:28,271 ‐ I'm gonna let you guys deal with this. I'm out. Whoosh! 66 00:03:29,397 --> 00:03:30,398 ‐ Aw, Berry. 67 00:03:31,274 --> 00:03:34,235 Hey, stop, or you're gonna get me going with the waterworks. 68 00:03:36,404 --> 00:03:38,406 ‐ Uh, Twig? ‐ Yes, Berry? 69 00:03:38,781 --> 00:03:41,534 ‐ Why don't you go tell someone else about your heroism? 70 00:03:43,077 --> 00:03:44,162 ‐ Oh, of course! 71 00:03:44,245 --> 00:03:46,581 I should let everyone know about my brave deed. 72 00:03:47,498 --> 00:03:50,418 You know, this is the best day I have ever had. 73 00:03:51,210 --> 00:03:53,588 ‐ I don't think Twig knows he stinks. 74 00:03:53,796 --> 00:03:55,006 ‐ We need to tell him. 75 00:03:55,423 --> 00:03:57,508 ‐ Hey, Twig, you stin‐‐ ‐ No! 76 00:03:57,925 --> 00:04:01,262 I mean, yes, he does smell absolutely rancid, 77 00:04:01,262 --> 00:04:03,639 but he said today is his best day ever! 78 00:04:03,931 --> 00:04:06,684 If we tell him he stinks, we'll ruin it for him. 79 00:04:08,144 --> 00:04:09,896 ‐ So, what do we do? 80 00:04:09,896 --> 00:04:11,105 ‐ I don't know. 81 00:04:12,315 --> 00:04:13,858 What is that? 82 00:04:15,234 --> 00:04:16,486 [ sniffing ] 83 00:04:16,486 --> 00:04:18,779 Oh! So nice! 84 00:04:18,988 --> 00:04:20,698 Berry, this is the answer. 85 00:04:20,698 --> 00:04:22,533 Get a whiff of that flower patch. 86 00:04:22,617 --> 00:04:26,537 ‐ Great, but, uh... How does that help us? 87 00:04:26,537 --> 00:04:27,663 [ buzzing ] 88 00:04:27,663 --> 00:04:31,626 ‐ Scoobity bap‐bop. Oh, boy, I sure am hungry. 89 00:04:31,626 --> 00:04:33,085 [ buzzing ] 90 00:04:33,085 --> 00:04:35,630 [ munching ] 91 00:04:35,630 --> 00:04:38,591 [ slurping ] 92 00:04:38,591 --> 00:04:41,135 Mm, that sure was a tasty sandwich. 93 00:04:41,135 --> 00:04:42,261 [ sniffing ] 94 00:04:42,720 --> 00:04:43,971 I smell awful! 95 00:04:43,971 --> 00:04:46,265 [ buzzing ] 96 00:04:46,265 --> 00:04:48,309 Guess I better clean up before I go home. 97 00:04:48,309 --> 00:04:52,146 Mmhmm! There we go. That freshened me right up. 98 00:04:52,855 --> 00:04:54,649 ‐ Oh, yeah, good idea. 99 00:04:54,899 --> 00:04:58,361 We just tell Twig to go de‐stink himself in there. 100 00:04:58,528 --> 00:05:01,113 ‐ But he can't know he's being de‐stunk. 101 00:05:01,280 --> 00:05:02,573 ‐ Guh! 102 00:05:02,573 --> 00:05:06,536 Why do you have to make everything some sort of elaborate scheme? 103 00:05:07,078 --> 00:05:09,705 ‐ To protect the feelings of those I love. 104 00:05:09,914 --> 00:05:10,706 ‐ By, uh... 105 00:05:11,082 --> 00:05:12,083 lying? 106 00:05:15,586 --> 00:05:16,754 Fine. 107 00:05:17,171 --> 00:05:19,757 But if this doesn't work after two to three times... 108 00:05:19,757 --> 00:05:23,177 the truth, Rocksy, the truth will burst out of me! 109 00:05:23,553 --> 00:05:25,680 'Cause I can't control that sort of thing. 110 00:05:25,680 --> 00:05:27,557 ‐ You won't need to, baby. 111 00:05:27,765 --> 00:05:28,808 Because this plan... 112 00:05:30,393 --> 00:05:31,727 is gonna work! 113 00:05:32,353 --> 00:05:36,774 And so, the zebra panther left, and I suffered absolutely no consequences! 114 00:05:36,983 --> 00:05:39,902 I mean, what? Hey, do you wanna meet my friends? 115 00:05:40,528 --> 00:05:42,989 Rocksy, Berry! You're gonna love this guy! 116 00:05:43,531 --> 00:05:44,323 Hello? 117 00:05:44,615 --> 00:05:46,284 ROCKSY: Help us! BERRY: Over here! 118 00:05:46,617 --> 00:05:48,995 ‐ The flowers are attacking us! 119 00:05:49,620 --> 00:05:53,082 ‐ If only someone could leap to our rescue... 120 00:05:53,082 --> 00:05:53,875 ‐ Nice. 121 00:05:54,542 --> 00:05:58,421 ‐ Oh, no, I've faced down a zebra panther before, but... 122 00:05:58,671 --> 00:05:59,589 But flowers? 123 00:05:59,839 --> 00:06:02,800 ‐ Oh, my gosh! Now they are eating us! 124 00:06:02,800 --> 00:06:04,010 Help! 125 00:06:04,969 --> 00:06:06,804 ‐ Ah... 126 00:06:09,765 --> 00:06:12,435 ‐ Gotta be brave. Gotta be brave. You got this, Twig. 127 00:06:13,686 --> 00:06:15,062 [ screaming ] 128 00:06:15,605 --> 00:06:17,565 Let go of my friends, you... 129 00:06:18,357 --> 00:06:19,150 flowers! 130 00:06:20,902 --> 00:06:22,945 Huh? Rocksy! Berry! 131 00:06:23,779 --> 00:06:25,740 ‐ Dang it. ‐ Did you see that? 132 00:06:26,616 --> 00:06:29,994 I'm so glad you're okay. 133 00:06:31,037 --> 00:06:33,789 ‐ Thanks for saving us, hero... 134 00:06:34,624 --> 00:06:35,791 ‐ Hero? 135 00:06:36,042 --> 00:06:37,627 Hee‐roo... 136 00:06:37,627 --> 00:06:39,503 Hero, hero... 137 00:06:40,421 --> 00:06:42,298 This word feels strange in my mouth. 138 00:06:42,632 --> 00:06:44,800 But I suppose I did slay the zebra panther. 139 00:06:44,800 --> 00:06:48,220 And these nefarious flowers did wilt before my brave onslaught... 140 00:06:48,220 --> 00:06:51,641 So, umm... I guess, yeah, a hero! 141 00:06:52,391 --> 00:06:54,769 I almost wish there was a simpler explanation. 142 00:06:54,769 --> 00:06:57,813 ‐ Maybe there is a simpler explanation... 143 00:06:57,813 --> 00:06:59,732 ‐ Shh‐shh‐shh. C'mon. ‐ Whoa! 144 00:07:00,024 --> 00:07:02,735 ‐ Mmm... Nope. I can't think of anything. 145 00:07:04,153 --> 00:07:06,781 ‐ The truth is about to come out, Rocksy. 146 00:07:07,281 --> 00:07:10,368 It's either that or my guts. I can't tell. 147 00:07:10,660 --> 00:07:11,577 ‐ Hold it in, girl. 148 00:07:11,744 --> 00:07:14,830 I mean, when has Twig ever shown this much confidence? 149 00:07:15,081 --> 00:07:19,710 ‐ Man! I feel amazing! Nothing's gonna keep this champion down. 150 00:07:19,710 --> 00:07:22,797 [ mimics crowd noise ] 151 00:07:22,797 --> 00:07:28,427 Can he do it? He's gonna eat the sun! 152 00:07:28,844 --> 00:07:29,762 [ eating noises ] 153 00:07:29,762 --> 00:07:32,682 ‐ See, Berry? He's going to eat the sun. 154 00:07:32,682 --> 00:07:34,934 ‐ Yeah, I guess that is pretty cool. 155 00:07:34,934 --> 00:07:37,228 We still gotta get rid of that stink, though. 156 00:07:37,228 --> 00:07:38,479 What should we try next? 157 00:07:38,479 --> 00:07:40,690 ‐ For the stink? Uh, I don't know. 158 00:07:40,815 --> 00:07:43,442 I'm not exactly the best source on cleanliness. 159 00:07:43,442 --> 00:07:45,111 [ buzzing ] 160 00:07:45,111 --> 00:07:46,987 Wait, Rocksy, you're like... 161 00:07:46,987 --> 00:07:49,657 never stinky after our long days of adventuring. 162 00:07:49,657 --> 00:07:51,659 ‐ Yeah, what's your secret? 163 00:07:51,659 --> 00:07:54,078 ‐ Oh, well, it's kind of embarrassing. 164 00:07:54,286 --> 00:07:55,830 ‐ Tell us. 165 00:07:56,038 --> 00:07:58,666 ‐ I... I have a lotion guy. 166 00:07:59,041 --> 00:08:00,876 Derek! Derek! 167 00:08:01,544 --> 00:08:04,547 Hey, Derek! Where are... 168 00:08:04,547 --> 00:08:06,090 Oh, he's right there. 169 00:08:06,465 --> 00:08:07,925 ‐ Ooh. Not this dude. 170 00:08:07,925 --> 00:08:09,301 [ buzzing ] 171 00:08:09,301 --> 00:08:10,177 Skiddly‐bop! 172 00:08:10,177 --> 00:08:12,179 ‐ Uh... Derek, Rocksy? 173 00:08:12,388 --> 00:08:15,725 ‐ I know, I know. Derek, hey. 174 00:08:16,058 --> 00:08:19,937 You're judging me, Berry, but Derek's goop is the most freshest in the yard. 175 00:08:19,937 --> 00:08:21,230 Ooh, minty! 176 00:08:22,857 --> 00:08:26,444 [ sloshing ] 177 00:08:27,778 --> 00:08:28,571 Ah... 178 00:08:28,863 --> 00:08:31,907 If anything's gonna cure Twig's stink, it's this stuff. 179 00:08:31,907 --> 00:08:35,077 ‐ But isn't Twig like... terrified of Derek? 180 00:08:35,369 --> 00:08:38,831 ‐ Well, I guess he'll just have to be brave... 181 00:08:39,665 --> 00:08:42,960 ‐ Rocksy! Berry! Where did they go? 182 00:08:43,085 --> 00:08:44,837 I hope nothing happened to them. 183 00:08:45,129 --> 00:08:47,214 ‐ All right, Derek, go get him. 184 00:08:47,923 --> 00:08:49,508 ‐ Derek. I gotta hide. 185 00:08:50,384 --> 00:08:52,970 No. Twig, you're being brave today. 186 00:08:53,512 --> 00:08:54,513 Hello, Derek. 187 00:08:55,931 --> 00:08:57,808 Have you seen Rocksy and Berry around here? 188 00:08:59,018 --> 00:09:00,311 Why don't I believe you? 189 00:09:01,645 --> 00:09:03,898 You've done something to them, haven't you? 190 00:09:05,566 --> 00:09:08,694 You monster. Well, I'm not going to let you get away with it. 191 00:09:08,944 --> 00:09:11,405 You tell me where my friends are right now! 192 00:09:11,405 --> 00:09:13,908 Whoa! Hey! Get off of me! 193 00:09:13,908 --> 00:09:17,119 [ murmuring ] 194 00:09:17,495 --> 00:09:20,831 ‐ Ah! 195 00:09:22,917 --> 00:09:26,253 ‐ By Jove, I brought down the beastly Derek. 196 00:09:26,879 --> 00:09:28,005 At this point I... 197 00:09:28,214 --> 00:09:30,925 I think I'm unstoppable. 198 00:09:30,925 --> 00:09:32,760 ‐ This is getting out of control. 199 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:34,887 ‐ What do you mean? He's fine. 200 00:09:36,889 --> 00:09:42,269 ‐ I can do anything! And I dare anyone to challenge me on that! 201 00:09:42,269 --> 00:09:45,147 ‐ Twig, you saved us again! 202 00:09:47,149 --> 00:09:48,776 Derek, sorry about this... 203 00:09:48,776 --> 00:09:51,195 ‐ Wow! I merely had to think about saving you 204 00:09:51,195 --> 00:09:53,656 and you materialized. Am I magic? 205 00:09:53,989 --> 00:09:56,826 ‐ Yeah, I think you are. Right, Berry? 206 00:09:56,826 --> 00:09:58,369 ‐ Enough of the lies. 207 00:09:58,369 --> 00:09:59,912 ‐ Lies? ‐ Berry, no! 208 00:09:59,912 --> 00:10:01,789 ‐ You stin... 209 00:10:04,875 --> 00:10:05,709 ‐ I what now? 210 00:10:06,794 --> 00:10:09,171 ‐ Twig, you stin... 211 00:10:11,298 --> 00:10:12,967 [ footsteps ] 212 00:10:14,718 --> 00:10:16,887 ‐ Berry, can you hold that thought for a second? 213 00:10:16,887 --> 00:10:21,308 Ah, looks like the zebra panther is back for seconds. 214 00:10:21,976 --> 00:10:22,852 ‐ Twig, stop! 215 00:10:23,477 --> 00:10:27,148 ‐ Hey, zebra panther! I got something to say! 216 00:10:31,861 --> 00:10:33,946 ‐ Twig! What are you doing? 217 00:10:37,199 --> 00:10:39,869 ‐ I'm being brave. 218 00:10:40,995 --> 00:10:42,371 ‐ You stink and you smell bad! 219 00:10:42,663 --> 00:10:43,455 Gah! 220 00:10:45,040 --> 00:10:47,918 ‐ Can he do it again? Yeah, I think he can definitely do it! 221 00:10:47,918 --> 00:10:49,879 ♪ 222 00:10:49,879 --> 00:10:53,257 ‐ Oh, no! Twig's about to get double sprayed. 223 00:10:53,257 --> 00:10:54,925 ‐ We can't handle double stink. 224 00:10:55,009 --> 00:10:57,511 If he has double stink, we're all gonna die! 225 00:10:57,511 --> 00:10:59,054 ‐ This is all our fault. 226 00:10:59,054 --> 00:10:59,889 ‐ Your fault. 227 00:11:00,890 --> 00:11:02,141 ‐ Here we go... 228 00:11:03,309 --> 00:11:04,476 [ screams ] 229 00:11:04,476 --> 00:11:06,103 ‐ I'm coming, Twig! 230 00:11:06,937 --> 00:11:10,691 ‐ Whoosh... All right, guys, I'm back. What're we up to? What're we doing? 231 00:11:11,025 --> 00:11:12,902 Oh, yeah, the Zebra Panther. 232 00:11:14,028 --> 00:11:14,820 ROCKSY: Twig! 233 00:11:14,987 --> 00:11:15,863 TWIG: Rocksy? 234 00:11:15,863 --> 00:11:17,948 [ screaming ] 235 00:11:19,950 --> 00:11:21,744 [ screaming ] 236 00:11:23,287 --> 00:11:25,706 Huh. Those tomatoes broke my fall. 237 00:11:26,040 --> 00:11:28,250 But now I'm all covered in tomato juice. 238 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:31,795 Too bad there isn't any practical purpose for this tomato juice. 239 00:11:34,882 --> 00:11:35,925 Guys! Guys! 240 00:11:36,717 --> 00:11:40,930 Oh, oh! Oh, no, you guys stink! 241 00:11:41,805 --> 00:11:42,932 ‐ Ah! 242 00:11:45,142 --> 00:11:46,936 ‐ Looks like it's raining again. 243 00:11:47,186 --> 00:11:49,563 ‐ Eh? Is it? I didn't even notice. 244 00:11:49,980 --> 00:11:55,236 [ screaming ] 245 00:11:55,236 --> 00:11:57,321 ‐ Don't worry, guys. We may be cold, 246 00:11:57,321 --> 00:12:01,951 but at least we'll be nice and dry under this sturdy blade of grass. 247 00:12:03,661 --> 00:12:04,745 Ah, dang it. 248 00:12:04,745 --> 00:12:07,706 [ screaming ] 249 00:12:08,082 --> 00:12:11,794 On the other hand, at least we lived our lives to the fullest. 250 00:12:12,419 --> 00:12:15,130 ‐ Huh, kinda wish I had gotten more into baking. 251 00:12:15,130 --> 00:12:16,632 [ angelic harp music ] 252 00:12:16,632 --> 00:12:18,842 ‐ Huh? Do you guys hear that music? 253 00:12:19,843 --> 00:12:23,347 ‐ Have we finally reached the great beyond? 254 00:12:24,223 --> 00:12:26,642 Not that that would be exciting... 255 00:12:27,226 --> 00:12:28,185 [ forced laughter ] 256 00:12:29,144 --> 00:12:31,105 ‐ I think the music's coming from over there! 257 00:12:31,105 --> 00:12:37,486 ♪ 258 00:12:37,486 --> 00:12:38,404 What the... 259 00:12:38,404 --> 00:12:40,322 ♪ 260 00:12:40,322 --> 00:12:43,367 ‐ Oh, hey, guys. What took you so long? Make yourself at home. 261 00:12:43,617 --> 00:12:46,578 ‐ Warm! Warm. Warm. ‐ Warm! Warm. Warm. 262 00:12:46,578 --> 00:12:48,831 Ah. Warm. 263 00:12:49,206 --> 00:12:51,417 ‐ Leaf, your shelter is amazing! 264 00:12:51,834 --> 00:12:53,335 Where'd you find fire? 265 00:12:53,335 --> 00:12:54,628 ‐ Uh, firefly. 266 00:12:54,962 --> 00:12:58,465 ‐ Fire what? Wait, what is that? Is that like a, like a thing? 267 00:12:58,966 --> 00:13:01,010 Or someone who‐‐ ‐ Whoa, whoa, Rocksy. 268 00:13:01,218 --> 00:13:04,096 You gotta just chill and accept what life throws at you. 269 00:13:04,346 --> 00:13:05,681 You know, roll with it. 270 00:13:06,265 --> 00:13:08,559 ‐ Twig! What the herk are you doing? 271 00:13:08,559 --> 00:13:10,019 ‐ While I am very impressed 272 00:13:10,019 --> 00:13:12,896 by the apparent structural integrity of these walls. 273 00:13:12,896 --> 00:13:14,523 One can never be too careful. 274 00:13:14,523 --> 00:13:17,026 ‐ Yeah! Let's give this thing a pounding! 275 00:13:18,736 --> 00:13:22,031 ‐ Oh, maybe you should stop. ‐ I think they know what they're doing. 276 00:13:22,031 --> 00:13:24,742 ‐ Ah! Ah! Ah! ‐ Ah! Ah! Ah! 277 00:13:24,742 --> 00:13:30,080 [ screaming ] 278 00:13:33,375 --> 00:13:37,713 ‐ Oh, no. Guys! The fire just went out! 279 00:13:38,047 --> 00:13:41,133 Oh, what are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? 280 00:13:43,469 --> 00:13:47,389 No, Twig, don't start hyperventilating. You're gonna get me hyperventila... 281 00:13:50,059 --> 00:13:51,268 ‐ Hmm? Huh? 282 00:13:57,566 --> 00:13:58,817 ‐ Welp. I'm outta here. 283 00:13:59,193 --> 00:14:01,361 ‐ Leaf? Where are you going? 284 00:14:01,361 --> 00:14:03,447 ‐ Don't worry, I'm gonna go... 285 00:14:03,447 --> 00:14:05,449 [ mumbling ] 286 00:14:05,449 --> 00:14:08,368 ‐ What? I didn't hear what you said. 287 00:14:09,244 --> 00:14:11,205 We gotta find more warmth or we'll freeze! 288 00:14:11,455 --> 00:14:16,126 ‐ Rocksy, one word is the solution to all your problems. 289 00:14:16,502 --> 00:14:17,294 Firefly. 290 00:14:20,130 --> 00:14:21,131 ‐ Uh, Leaf! 291 00:14:21,548 --> 00:14:24,051 Nothing you're saying makes sense! 292 00:14:24,051 --> 00:14:26,095 ‐ What? Leaf's abandoning us? 293 00:14:26,428 --> 00:14:30,265 Okay, let's not freak out, there's no need to freak out, 294 00:14:30,557 --> 00:14:33,143 we're not freaking out, are we? 295 00:14:33,143 --> 00:14:34,561 ‐ No! ‐ Good! 296 00:14:35,562 --> 00:14:37,064 We're all gonna die. 297 00:14:37,064 --> 00:14:39,399 ‐ We're gonna be just fine. 298 00:14:40,442 --> 00:14:43,737 The last thing Leaf said before he blew away was "firefly." 299 00:14:44,154 --> 00:14:46,115 We just need to find this "firefly"! 300 00:14:46,115 --> 00:14:47,407 Now who's with me! 301 00:14:47,533 --> 00:14:48,700 ‐ We are! ‐ We are! 302 00:14:49,910 --> 00:14:51,954 ‐ Hey, what is a firefly? 303 00:14:51,954 --> 00:14:53,288 ‐ I have no idea! 304 00:14:54,123 --> 00:14:56,625 [ buzzing ] 305 00:14:57,167 --> 00:14:59,920 Excuse me! Are you guys fireflies? 306 00:14:59,920 --> 00:15:04,591 ‐ No, man, we're ze Fresh Flyz! But take a look at that stump over there. 307 00:15:04,591 --> 00:15:08,137 ‐ Okay, sorry for bothering you. Watch out for that raindrop thing. 308 00:15:08,137 --> 00:15:09,179 ‐ What? Oh, nein... 309 00:15:09,513 --> 00:15:10,764 [ screaming ] 310 00:15:13,559 --> 00:15:15,686 ‐ Any fireflies in here? 311 00:15:15,686 --> 00:15:17,771 ‐ Firefly? 312 00:15:18,313 --> 00:15:19,690 Oh, boy... 313 00:15:21,650 --> 00:15:22,442 Oh... 314 00:15:25,445 --> 00:15:29,241 ‐ Ugh, he's so slow! ‐ Hurry up! 315 00:15:29,324 --> 00:15:30,909 Hurry up! 316 00:15:30,909 --> 00:15:33,162 ‐ Ah, forget it! Let's go check the toilet. 317 00:15:35,289 --> 00:15:37,291 ‐ I don't have a firefly... 318 00:15:37,791 --> 00:15:41,170 but I do have a fireplace! 319 00:15:42,796 --> 00:15:44,965 Oh! They're gone... 320 00:15:45,549 --> 00:15:46,341 Oh, well. 321 00:15:47,551 --> 00:15:51,388 ‐ Say, none of you would happen to be fireflies, would you? 322 00:15:51,388 --> 00:15:54,057 [ screaming ] 323 00:15:54,057 --> 00:15:56,226 ‐ Try over there! By the butt pits! 324 00:15:56,226 --> 00:16:01,356 [ shivering ] 325 00:16:03,192 --> 00:16:05,485 ‐ Guys... I think I found it! 326 00:16:06,570 --> 00:16:09,031 Look at this handsome dude! 327 00:16:09,281 --> 00:16:11,325 He's gotta be a firefly! 328 00:16:11,617 --> 00:16:13,368 ‐ I have no idea what that thing is, 329 00:16:13,952 --> 00:16:17,289 but I'm pretty sure it's definitely not a firefly. 330 00:16:17,289 --> 00:16:20,375 ‐ Don't listen to them, handsome dude. 331 00:16:20,375 --> 00:16:25,422 ♪ 332 00:16:25,422 --> 00:16:26,215 ‐ Not here. 333 00:16:26,840 --> 00:16:28,884 No firefly! Nuh‐uh. 334 00:16:29,176 --> 00:16:30,219 ‐ Ah? Nope. 335 00:16:30,844 --> 00:16:32,554 ‐ Not a firefly! Not a firefly! 336 00:16:34,264 --> 00:16:37,100 ‐ I'm so cold! 337 00:16:37,601 --> 00:16:39,353 ‐ Hey, what's that in the distance? 338 00:16:39,978 --> 00:16:42,147 I think it's Mr. Ladybug. 339 00:16:42,147 --> 00:16:45,400 ♪ 340 00:16:45,400 --> 00:16:49,863 ‐ Gah! This is pointless! Mr. Ladybug is not a firefly! 341 00:16:49,863 --> 00:16:52,282 ‐ We might as well ask him if he's seen anything. 342 00:16:52,824 --> 00:16:56,578 Hey, Mr. Ladybug, do you know where the firefly is? 343 00:16:57,371 --> 00:16:58,163 ‐ Huh? 344 00:16:58,163 --> 00:16:59,581 ♪ 345 00:16:59,581 --> 00:17:00,457 ‐ Whoa. 346 00:17:00,457 --> 00:17:04,419 ♪ 347 00:17:04,419 --> 00:17:07,256 I think he wants us to follow him. 348 00:17:07,256 --> 00:17:08,423 ♪ 349 00:17:08,423 --> 00:17:10,092 Hey, wait up! 350 00:17:10,092 --> 00:17:12,427 ♪ 351 00:17:12,427 --> 00:17:14,429 ‐ Uh... what? ‐ Woah... 352 00:17:14,429 --> 00:17:17,266 ‐ Uh, are you sure we're in the right place? 353 00:17:17,432 --> 00:17:20,477 This doesn't seem like Mr. Ladybug's scene... 354 00:17:20,477 --> 00:17:21,436 ‐ Mm... 355 00:17:21,436 --> 00:17:27,484 ♪ 356 00:17:27,484 --> 00:17:28,902 ‐ Password? 357 00:17:28,902 --> 00:17:31,280 ♪ 358 00:17:31,280 --> 00:17:32,447 Alright, you're good. 359 00:17:33,407 --> 00:17:37,244 [ screaming ] 360 00:17:38,287 --> 00:17:40,789 ‐ Whoa! ‐ Whoa! 361 00:17:40,789 --> 00:17:45,085 ♪ 362 00:17:45,085 --> 00:17:48,463 ‐ Alright, everyone. Get ready for the drop. 363 00:17:48,964 --> 00:17:54,511 Here it comes! 364 00:17:55,178 --> 00:17:56,513 Psst! Now, Tommy! 365 00:17:56,638 --> 00:17:58,473 ‐ Oh! Mm‐hm, mm‐hm, mm‐hm. 366 00:17:59,558 --> 00:18:03,770 [ mumbling ] 367 00:18:05,606 --> 00:18:11,486 ♪ 368 00:18:11,486 --> 00:18:13,280 ‐ She's doing the worm! 369 00:18:13,280 --> 00:18:16,116 ‐ Woo! Yeah! Yeah! Woo! 370 00:18:16,408 --> 00:18:17,701 Woo! 371 00:18:17,701 --> 00:18:19,953 ‐ I'm having a great time! 372 00:18:19,953 --> 00:18:22,247 ‐ Yeah! Me too...! 373 00:18:23,081 --> 00:18:23,957 Son. 374 00:18:23,957 --> 00:18:26,293 ♪ 375 00:18:26,293 --> 00:18:29,755 [ screaming ] 376 00:18:29,755 --> 00:18:32,549 ‐ This place was made for me. 377 00:18:32,549 --> 00:18:35,552 ‐ Berry, wait. And she's gone. 378 00:18:35,719 --> 00:18:39,556 Hey, Mr. Ladybug, is the firefly here? 379 00:18:39,556 --> 00:18:44,227 ♪ 380 00:18:44,227 --> 00:18:46,188 And he's gone. 381 00:18:46,188 --> 00:18:48,357 ‐ Why can't we just stay here, Rocksy? 382 00:18:48,774 --> 00:18:51,860 It's so toasty and warm! 383 00:18:52,778 --> 00:18:55,739 Hmm... I wonder where they're getting so much heat? 384 00:18:55,739 --> 00:19:00,327 ‐ Burn it! Burn it! Burn it! 385 00:19:06,917 --> 00:19:10,837 ‐ Huh? Rocksy, We gotta find the firefly and get out of here befo‐‐ Ah! 386 00:19:11,338 --> 00:19:13,924 ‐ Burn it! Burn it! ‐ Ooh! Fun! 387 00:19:13,924 --> 00:19:15,550 Woo‐hoo‐hoo‐hoo! 388 00:19:15,550 --> 00:19:19,179 ‐ Rocksy! Oh, no, she can't hear me! Oh, there's Mr. Ladybug! 389 00:19:19,388 --> 00:19:21,973 Help! Help, Mr. Ladybug! Help! 390 00:19:23,558 --> 00:19:24,601 Oh, no... 391 00:19:25,060 --> 00:19:27,062 Oh, Berry! Berry, Help! 392 00:19:27,562 --> 00:19:28,689 Help! ‐ Woo! 393 00:19:30,023 --> 00:19:31,525 Woo‐hoo‐hoo‐hoo! 394 00:19:31,525 --> 00:19:33,360 ‐ Burn the sticks! Burn it! 395 00:19:33,360 --> 00:19:35,404 ‐ Well, at least I'll die warm... 396 00:19:37,155 --> 00:19:40,367 ‐ Oh, look at that! It's firefly time! 397 00:19:40,367 --> 00:19:44,162 ‐ Fire! Fly! Fire! Fly! Fire! Fly! Fire! Fly! Fire! Fly! 398 00:19:44,162 --> 00:19:50,293 [ wowing ] 399 00:19:50,293 --> 00:19:53,588 ‐ Ooh. Hoh! 400 00:19:54,214 --> 00:19:56,174 ‐ Oh. Oh! 401 00:19:58,009 --> 00:19:59,803 ‐ We love you! ‐ We love you! 402 00:19:59,803 --> 00:20:04,224 ‐ Find your essence in my fluorescence. 403 00:20:04,224 --> 00:20:08,228 Stand under my light and we'll jitter all night! 404 00:20:09,604 --> 00:20:13,775 Let's get down as the world spins round! 405 00:20:13,775 --> 00:20:15,026 ‐ It's really her! 406 00:20:17,487 --> 00:20:22,075 ‐ Sway and swoon under this full moon. 407 00:20:24,953 --> 00:20:26,955 ‐ Oh! Firefly! 408 00:20:28,415 --> 00:20:30,375 ‐ Oh! Yeah! Uh‐huh! 409 00:20:30,751 --> 00:20:33,295 Oh, yeah, work it, yes! 410 00:20:33,295 --> 00:20:35,130 ♪ 411 00:20:35,130 --> 00:20:38,425 ‐ Uh, are you guys feeling any heat? 412 00:20:38,425 --> 00:20:40,594 ‐ Oh... ‐ I feel no warmth... 413 00:20:40,927 --> 00:20:45,015 But, oh, I could get lost in there... 414 00:20:45,015 --> 00:20:46,016 ‐ Yeah... 415 00:20:46,016 --> 00:20:49,227 ♪ 416 00:20:49,227 --> 00:20:50,896 ‐ Oh... ‐ Oh... 417 00:20:52,439 --> 00:20:54,107 ‐ Whoa! ‐ Whoa! 418 00:21:02,240 --> 00:21:03,408 ‐ Huh? Whaah? 419 00:21:03,492 --> 00:21:06,411 ♪ 420 00:21:06,411 --> 00:21:08,622 ‐ Hey, hey, hey! Excuse me! 421 00:21:08,622 --> 00:21:12,501 What are you doin' on my stage? Who let these freaks in? 422 00:21:12,501 --> 00:21:15,086 ‐ Oh! Our friend Mr. Ladybug let us in! 423 00:21:15,086 --> 00:21:16,254 Right down there! 424 00:21:16,254 --> 00:21:18,256 ‐ Hi, Mr. Ladybug! ‐ Hi, Mr. Ladybug! 425 00:21:19,174 --> 00:21:20,884 ‐ How could you? 426 00:21:20,884 --> 00:21:23,637 [ screaming ] 427 00:21:23,637 --> 00:21:25,764 ‐ What do we do, Rocksy? 428 00:21:25,764 --> 00:21:26,973 ‐ Uh... 429 00:21:31,686 --> 00:21:34,105 ‐ Ugh, they did not like us. 430 00:21:35,816 --> 00:21:38,944 ‐ Don't worry, guys, it'll all be over soon. 431 00:21:39,569 --> 00:21:41,154 ‐ Wait... is that... 432 00:21:41,154 --> 00:21:42,447 [ harp music ] 433 00:21:42,447 --> 00:21:43,323 It is! 434 00:21:43,323 --> 00:21:44,825 ♪ 435 00:21:44,825 --> 00:21:46,284 It's Leaf! 436 00:21:46,284 --> 00:21:48,703 ‐ There you guys are! Why'd you bail on me? 437 00:21:48,703 --> 00:21:51,498 ‐ Are you kidding us? You're the one who flew away‐‐ 438 00:21:51,498 --> 00:21:54,501 Yeah, it's all good though. Y'know, I forgive you, guys. 439 00:21:54,501 --> 00:21:57,295 ♪ 440 00:21:57,295 --> 00:21:58,880 ‐ Bro, what are you doing? 441 00:21:58,880 --> 00:22:01,341 ‐ Okay, Leaf, time to come down now! 442 00:22:01,550 --> 00:22:05,428 ‐ No way, chica, I'm fire flying! 443 00:22:09,349 --> 00:22:10,225 ‐ Leaf! ‐ Leaf! 444 00:22:12,602 --> 00:22:13,645 ‐ I'm good. 445 00:22:14,771 --> 00:22:20,402 ‐ Oh. Fire fly... I get it now. 446 00:22:20,402 --> 00:22:23,154 ‐ Oh, yeah! Fire fly! ‐ Oh, yeah. Great. 447 00:22:24,948 --> 00:22:27,659 ‐ Man, we thought of something completely different 448 00:22:27,659 --> 00:22:29,578 when you said fire fly, Leaf. 449 00:22:29,578 --> 00:22:33,582 ‐ Ah, it's okay, one day you'll reach my level of wisdom and technique. 450 00:22:33,582 --> 00:22:35,876 ‐ Don't worry, I think I'm already there. 451 00:22:36,543 --> 00:22:38,753 Just gotta roll with it. 452 00:22:39,963 --> 00:22:44,759 [ screaming ] 453 00:22:45,719 --> 00:22:52,726 ♪ 454 00:22:52,726 --> 00:22:59,691 ♪ 455 00:22:59,691 --> 00:23:05,739 ♪