1 00:00:06,945 --> 00:00:08,821 [ grunting ] 2 00:00:08,821 --> 00:00:09,781 [ Leaf sneezes ] 3 00:00:09,781 --> 00:00:10,865 [ screams ] 4 00:00:11,533 --> 00:00:15,036 ♪ 5 00:00:15,036 --> 00:00:16,120 ♪ One, two! ♪ 6 00:00:16,496 --> 00:00:18,206 ♪ Don't call us freaks of nature ♪ 7 00:00:18,206 --> 00:00:20,083 ♪ We're more than sticks and stones ♪ 8 00:00:20,083 --> 00:00:23,002 ♪ This life has more to offer Than you'll find on your own ♪ 9 00:00:23,002 --> 00:00:24,504 ♪ You haven't seen us lately ♪ 10 00:00:24,504 --> 00:00:26,089 ♪ We're underestimated ♪ 11 00:00:26,089 --> 00:00:30,093 ♪ We may look small and delicate No, no, no, no, no! ♪ 12 00:00:30,093 --> 00:00:33,179 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones ♪ 13 00:00:33,179 --> 00:00:36,224 ♪ Together we feel so strong ♪ 14 00:00:36,224 --> 00:00:38,226 ♪ You better get to know us ♪ 15 00:00:38,226 --> 00:00:40,687 ♪ We are The Mighty Ones! ♪♪ 16 00:00:42,397 --> 00:00:43,523 ♪ 17 00:00:43,523 --> 00:00:48,236 ‐ Ha! I got the "Chosen Blade of Grass" in the safety circle. 18 00:00:48,236 --> 00:00:49,612 You lose! Ow! 19 00:00:49,612 --> 00:00:54,075 ‐ Well, I had my "Oddly Heavy Ball Used for Shattering Dreams!" 20 00:00:54,075 --> 00:00:56,035 And I shattered your dreams. 21 00:00:56,369 --> 00:00:58,788 ‐ Leaf, we're on the same team! 22 00:00:58,788 --> 00:01:00,665 ‐ Uh, sorry. I thought you were Berry. 23 00:01:00,665 --> 00:01:04,794 ‐ Leaf, Mega‐throw me! ‐ You got it. 24 00:01:04,794 --> 00:01:06,546 [ grunt ] 25 00:01:06,546 --> 00:01:08,172 [ chuckles ] 26 00:01:08,172 --> 00:01:09,132 ‐ Leaf! 27 00:01:09,132 --> 00:01:13,303 Don't Mega‐throw Berry, she's still not on your team! 28 00:01:13,303 --> 00:01:15,013 ‐ Oh, dang. Right, sorry. 29 00:01:15,888 --> 00:01:19,726 ‐ Twig, we're gonna win! Are you by the goal yet? 30 00:01:20,768 --> 00:01:21,603 ‐ Uh... 31 00:01:22,061 --> 00:01:22,895 Yes. 32 00:01:23,646 --> 00:01:24,439 [ grunts ] 33 00:01:26,774 --> 00:01:29,777 ‐ Nice goal, Twig! That's 30 points for Twig and Berry! 34 00:01:30,069 --> 00:01:35,158 ‐ Yeah! ‐ Round 342 starts in five. 35 00:01:35,158 --> 00:01:38,828 ‐ Rocksy, it's been four days of nonstop playing Whack‐Smack. 36 00:01:38,828 --> 00:01:41,998 I'm starting to get grumpy, can we please play something else? 37 00:01:41,998 --> 00:01:44,125 ‐ It hasn't been that long, right, Berry? 38 00:01:45,543 --> 00:01:46,753 ‐ Where am I? 39 00:01:47,920 --> 00:01:50,757 ‐ Prematurely old! Minus five points! 40 00:01:50,757 --> 00:01:51,716 ‐ Don't worry, bro. 41 00:01:51,716 --> 00:01:54,677 We'll let you start off this time. Everyone! Take position! 42 00:01:55,803 --> 00:01:58,097 ‐ Okay, Twig, let 'er rip! 43 00:02:00,516 --> 00:02:01,351 TWIG: Ugh! 44 00:02:03,770 --> 00:02:04,812 ‐ Aw, Why? 45 00:02:07,106 --> 00:02:13,112 [ Fake Twig chirping ] 46 00:02:17,450 --> 00:02:18,868 [ Alien screeches ] 47 00:02:25,291 --> 00:02:28,044 ‐ Twig, next time, you should try throwing it, 48 00:02:28,044 --> 00:02:29,545 uh, good. 49 00:02:30,546 --> 00:02:33,883 ♪ 50 00:02:33,883 --> 00:02:36,344 ‐ I throw it just fine, Berry. 51 00:02:36,344 --> 00:02:39,180 I'm just not having fun playing Whack‐Smack anymore. 52 00:02:39,180 --> 00:02:40,807 I say we play something else. 53 00:02:40,807 --> 00:02:43,101 ‐ Uh, sure, Twig. What do you wanna play? 54 00:02:43,101 --> 00:02:46,312 ‐ Uh, we can play, uh, freeze... 55 00:02:46,312 --> 00:02:47,230 tag? 56 00:02:49,107 --> 00:02:51,025 W‐what's wrong with freeze tag? 57 00:02:52,527 --> 00:02:54,404 Fine! Play Whack‐Smack. 58 00:02:54,404 --> 00:02:57,699 But when you guys want to play something way more exciting, 59 00:02:57,699 --> 00:02:59,867 you can come find ol' Twig. 60 00:03:01,536 --> 00:03:02,787 ‐ Twig, you're back! 61 00:03:05,832 --> 00:03:08,876 ‐ They'll come crawlin' back in no time. 62 00:03:10,461 --> 00:03:12,088 [ pants ] 63 00:03:13,840 --> 00:03:17,802 ‐ Incredible, Twig was in the protection zone! 64 00:03:17,802 --> 00:03:18,970 ‐ What a maniac! 65 00:03:18,970 --> 00:03:22,473 ‐ Here, I'll get that for you, since you're still under the stiff spell. 66 00:03:23,599 --> 00:03:26,978 ‐ Nuh, uh‐uh! No licking in the protection zone. 67 00:03:27,687 --> 00:03:29,605 ‐ Here, just take this. 68 00:03:29,605 --> 00:03:32,108 And like always, just carry it over to their goal! 69 00:03:33,901 --> 00:03:35,903 And go! 70 00:03:35,903 --> 00:03:37,280 Twig! Twig! Twig! 71 00:03:37,280 --> 00:03:38,823 ‐ Yes? 72 00:03:38,823 --> 00:03:40,408 BERRY: Go, go, go, go! 73 00:03:40,408 --> 00:03:42,785 ‐ Well, guess you guys didn't want to play 74 00:03:42,785 --> 00:03:45,413 without old Twig, huh? 75 00:03:45,413 --> 00:03:48,583 ♪ 76 00:03:48,583 --> 00:03:51,586 ‐ Oh, no! Twig knows the Ziggy‐Zag maneuver! 77 00:03:51,586 --> 00:03:54,380 ‐ Quick, let's do the "Stop Ziggy‐Zagging Séance!" 78 00:03:54,380 --> 00:03:56,048 Oh‐whoa‐whoa‐whoa. 79 00:03:56,048 --> 00:03:57,008 ‐ Stop! 80 00:04:00,761 --> 00:04:02,263 ‐ Why didn't he stop? 81 00:04:02,263 --> 00:04:06,559 Oh, no, I leaned on my left foot instead of my right! 82 00:04:06,559 --> 00:04:08,811 Oh, I ruined the séance! 83 00:04:08,811 --> 00:04:11,814 ‐ Rocksy, you may have ruined absolutely everything, 84 00:04:11,814 --> 00:04:13,399 but I've got one last plan! 85 00:04:14,775 --> 00:04:18,988 Freeze breath! Ha! Now you can't move or talk. 86 00:04:19,363 --> 00:04:21,032 [ chirping ] 87 00:04:21,032 --> 00:04:23,868 Heh. I'd like to see you get the ball to the goal now. 88 00:04:24,368 --> 00:04:26,704 ‐ Hey, guys! Can I play too? Ugh! 89 00:04:27,580 --> 00:04:29,749 [ Ben and Leaf scream ] 90 00:04:29,749 --> 00:04:32,251 ‐ They, they replaced me! 91 00:04:32,251 --> 00:04:33,336 BERRY: Twig! 92 00:04:33,336 --> 00:04:34,337 [ Berry laughs ] 93 00:04:34,337 --> 00:04:36,464 Twig, you won for us! 94 00:04:36,714 --> 00:04:37,924 [ Fake Twig chirps ] 95 00:04:37,924 --> 00:04:42,762 No need to say a word, Twig! I'll celebrate our victory with a dance. 96 00:04:42,762 --> 00:04:46,682 [ vocalizing ] 97 00:04:46,682 --> 00:04:49,352 ‐ Wait a second. They think that's me? 98 00:04:50,645 --> 00:04:51,896 I can't believe it. 99 00:04:52,104 --> 00:04:55,691 They have me confused for an obvious imposter! 100 00:04:55,691 --> 00:04:57,151 And they can't even tell! 101 00:04:57,151 --> 00:04:58,903 [ crying ] 102 00:04:58,903 --> 00:05:02,406 No, no, no! That's not me! That's not me! 103 00:05:02,406 --> 00:05:06,994 MUD: Twig, Twig, over here. 104 00:05:06,994 --> 00:05:07,829 ‐ Huh? 105 00:05:08,204 --> 00:05:12,124 ‐ Hey, Twig, it's me, your silly ol' pal Mud Puddle. 106 00:05:12,416 --> 00:05:13,543 ‐ You're alive? 107 00:05:13,543 --> 00:05:15,169 MUD: Yeah, huh! 108 00:05:15,169 --> 00:05:17,129 ‐ And you've been here this whole time? 109 00:05:17,129 --> 00:05:18,381 MUD: Oh, yes. 110 00:05:18,381 --> 00:05:19,674 ‐ Oh, sorry. 111 00:05:19,674 --> 00:05:22,426 ‐ Twig, there's a solution to your dilemma. 112 00:05:22,426 --> 00:05:25,304 Just go talk to your incredibly understanding friends. 113 00:05:25,304 --> 00:05:28,391 I'm sure they just don't know they're hanging out with a fake. 114 00:05:28,391 --> 00:05:30,685 ‐ Hey, yeah, you're right, Mud Puddle! 115 00:05:30,685 --> 00:05:35,815 Then they'll surely get rid of Twig‐2. Or should I say "Two‐wig!" 116 00:05:37,358 --> 00:05:38,943 Or Lenny. 117 00:05:39,986 --> 00:05:41,153 Thanks, Mud Puddle! 118 00:05:41,153 --> 00:05:42,989 ‐ Of course, Twig. 119 00:05:42,989 --> 00:05:46,576 But don't forget, for my advice, you owe me seven favors. 120 00:05:46,868 --> 00:05:49,912 Seven favors... 121 00:05:49,912 --> 00:05:50,746 [ Mud farts ] 122 00:05:54,208 --> 00:06:00,047 [ everybody grunting ] 123 00:06:00,047 --> 00:06:03,885 [ grunting and choking ] 124 00:06:03,885 --> 00:06:05,094 [ gasps ] 125 00:06:05,094 --> 00:06:05,928 ‐ Whoa. 126 00:06:09,432 --> 00:06:12,476 ‐ Guys, guys! It's me, the real Twig! 127 00:06:12,476 --> 00:06:13,936 There are two Twigs! 128 00:06:15,688 --> 00:06:17,815 You guys gotta stop eating and listen to me! 129 00:06:19,066 --> 00:06:20,735 [ chirps ] 130 00:06:20,735 --> 00:06:22,361 ♪ 131 00:06:22,361 --> 00:06:23,529 Guys. 132 00:06:23,529 --> 00:06:26,824 ‐ Sorry, bro. If we're going to listen to you, we should stop eating. 133 00:06:26,824 --> 00:06:29,118 ‐ That is what I just said. ‐ Oh, okay. Cool. 134 00:06:29,118 --> 00:06:32,413 ‐ Guys, my identity is in danger! Hey! 135 00:06:32,413 --> 00:06:33,372 [ Twig grunts ] 136 00:06:35,833 --> 00:06:40,046 [ Twig grunting ] 137 00:06:42,924 --> 00:06:46,260 What are you doing? Those are my friends! 138 00:06:47,678 --> 00:06:49,639 So what if I turned them away? 139 00:06:49,639 --> 00:06:52,391 They'll realize you're not me and come crawling back. 140 00:06:52,391 --> 00:06:54,101 ROCKSY: Twig! We're done eating. 141 00:06:54,644 --> 00:06:55,895 ‐ Whoa! Hey! 142 00:06:55,895 --> 00:06:58,856 ‐ Heh, y'know, don't know what's up with you today, 143 00:06:58,856 --> 00:07:01,150 but I like you so much more! 144 00:07:01,150 --> 00:07:03,736 BERRY: Same here, you're a lot less of a grump! 145 00:07:03,736 --> 00:07:04,695 ‐ Ugh. 146 00:07:04,695 --> 00:07:06,739 ‐ C'mon, Twig, let's play another round! 147 00:07:08,658 --> 00:07:10,076 ♪ 148 00:07:10,076 --> 00:07:11,077 ‐ Oh! 149 00:07:11,369 --> 00:07:14,914 What do I do, what do I do? They really like Lenny! 150 00:07:14,914 --> 00:07:17,208 Oh, no, what if they like him more than me? 151 00:07:17,208 --> 00:07:21,587 No! He thinks he can replace me? Well, I'm going to replace him. 152 00:07:22,004 --> 00:07:26,425 I'll make him disappear and no one will ever know. 153 00:07:26,842 --> 00:07:29,220 MUD: Twig, Twig, I'll know. 154 00:07:30,554 --> 00:07:35,142 But I'll keep your secret for an extra seven favors. 155 00:07:35,142 --> 00:07:37,019 ‐ Ugh! Add it to my tab. 156 00:07:37,520 --> 00:07:41,315 ‐ You guys stay all the way over there, I got it! 157 00:07:41,315 --> 00:07:42,483 [ pants ] 158 00:07:42,483 --> 00:07:43,693 [ Fake Twig chirping ] 159 00:07:47,196 --> 00:07:48,030 [ Twig grunts ] 160 00:07:49,907 --> 00:07:50,741 [ Leaf grunts ] 161 00:07:51,200 --> 00:07:52,785 [ Berry and Leaf laughing ] 162 00:07:52,785 --> 00:07:53,703 [ Twig grunts ] 163 00:07:53,703 --> 00:07:54,745 [ chuckles ] 164 00:07:54,745 --> 00:07:59,917 ‐ Then, I said, that's not dinner, that's my twin sister! 165 00:07:59,917 --> 00:08:01,585 [ laugh ] 166 00:08:01,585 --> 00:08:05,047 ♪ 167 00:08:05,047 --> 00:08:05,881 BEE: Ow! 168 00:08:06,173 --> 00:08:09,719 [ Rocksy vocalizes ] 169 00:08:11,512 --> 00:08:13,514 ‐ Aw! 170 00:08:14,014 --> 00:08:15,850 [ crying ] 171 00:08:15,850 --> 00:08:17,893 ‐ I miss my friends. 172 00:08:22,273 --> 00:08:23,983 I've been a fool! 173 00:08:24,191 --> 00:08:27,987 I took my friends for granted and now they love that imposter! 174 00:08:28,237 --> 00:08:30,114 I wish I knew how to get them back! 175 00:08:30,114 --> 00:08:31,741 MUD: Twig. 176 00:08:31,949 --> 00:08:35,828 Twig, I'll do it! For an additional 189 favors. 177 00:08:35,828 --> 00:08:39,123 ‐ Okay, that's enough out of you. I've got to apologize! 178 00:08:39,123 --> 00:08:42,084 But how do I get their attention? They're so into Lenny! 179 00:08:42,752 --> 00:08:43,836 I got it! 180 00:08:43,836 --> 00:08:46,422 Ah! 181 00:08:47,131 --> 00:08:48,090 Ah! 182 00:08:48,090 --> 00:08:50,301 Great, now that I've got your attention‐‐ 183 00:08:50,301 --> 00:08:53,095 ‐ Hold that thought, Twig. You were saying, Twig? 184 00:08:53,888 --> 00:08:54,722 ‐ Huh? 185 00:08:55,639 --> 00:08:56,474 ‐ Guys? 186 00:08:56,474 --> 00:08:58,350 [ screaming ] 187 00:08:58,350 --> 00:09:01,729 ‐ Why are there two Twigs? ‐ I'm freaking out, bro! 188 00:09:01,729 --> 00:09:03,314 ‐ Which is the real Twig? 189 00:09:03,314 --> 00:09:05,691 ‐ Are you serious? That one has four arms! 190 00:09:05,691 --> 00:09:07,068 ‐ What are we, arm counters? 191 00:09:07,068 --> 00:09:10,237 ‐ Oh, there's got to be a way to tell them apart. 192 00:09:10,237 --> 00:09:13,908 Uh, what if we cut him in half and count his rings? 193 00:09:13,908 --> 00:09:16,702 ‐ That's a terrible idea! ‐ I've got it! 194 00:09:16,702 --> 00:09:19,622 What if they participate in a battle to the death? 195 00:09:19,622 --> 00:09:21,665 We can't live with two Twigs, 196 00:09:21,665 --> 00:09:24,627 and unfortunately there's no other way to tell them apart. 197 00:09:25,294 --> 00:09:28,672 Uh, guys! This may be the fake Twig! 198 00:09:28,672 --> 00:09:30,382 ‐ Berry! 199 00:09:30,382 --> 00:09:31,383 [ Berry grunts ] 200 00:09:31,383 --> 00:09:33,385 LEAF: Berry! Jump, we'll catch you! 201 00:09:33,719 --> 00:09:35,763 ‐ What? Don't tell her to jump! 202 00:09:35,763 --> 00:09:38,516 ‐ My arms are massive! I could totally catch her! 203 00:09:38,516 --> 00:09:42,019 ‐ Wait, I got an idea! Leaf, Mega‐Throw me! 204 00:09:42,019 --> 00:09:44,855 ‐ Heh. No way, man, you are not on my team. 205 00:09:44,855 --> 00:09:48,442 ‐ Leaf, just do it! ‐ Let me go, maybe Fake Twig! 206 00:09:49,652 --> 00:09:50,611 [ Twig pants ] 207 00:09:50,611 --> 00:09:51,529 ‐ Now! 208 00:09:51,529 --> 00:09:53,447 [ Leaf grunts ] 209 00:09:53,447 --> 00:09:55,116 [ Twig grunting ] 210 00:09:55,116 --> 00:09:56,742 Take that. Aw, shoot! 211 00:09:57,618 --> 00:09:59,370 [ chuckles and sighs ] 212 00:09:59,370 --> 00:10:02,456 ‐ Berry! Are you alright? ‐ Looks like it. 213 00:10:02,456 --> 00:10:05,167 ‐ What about the Twigs? Did you see them land anywhere? 214 00:10:05,167 --> 00:10:07,294 [ Twig screams ] 215 00:10:07,294 --> 00:10:08,546 TWIG: Ouch! 216 00:10:08,546 --> 00:10:09,630 [ Fake Twig chirps ] 217 00:10:10,714 --> 00:10:12,758 ‐ Guys, guys, guys! 218 00:10:12,758 --> 00:10:15,511 There's no need to fight. We can sort this out! 219 00:10:15,511 --> 00:10:18,264 ‐ Wait, wait, wait, wait! Do fight! 220 00:10:18,264 --> 00:10:21,892 Whoever wins the rumble round will decide who the real Twig is! 221 00:10:23,018 --> 00:10:24,854 [ Twig groaning ] 222 00:10:24,854 --> 00:10:26,230 [ Leaf chuckles ] 223 00:10:26,230 --> 00:10:29,108 ‐ Oh, okay, he's got some moves. 224 00:10:29,108 --> 00:10:31,652 [ screams ] 225 00:10:31,652 --> 00:10:32,570 [ Twig grunting ] 226 00:10:32,570 --> 00:10:34,071 TWIG: Oh, please no! 227 00:10:34,321 --> 00:10:35,406 Oh, stop! 228 00:10:35,406 --> 00:10:38,367 [ screaming ] 229 00:10:38,367 --> 00:10:40,870 ‐ Yes! ‐ Oh, interesting. 230 00:10:41,078 --> 00:10:45,166 ‐ Ah! Ah! Please! No! Oh! Different body part! 231 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:46,458 ‐ That is not good. 232 00:10:46,458 --> 00:10:50,504 ‐ Uh, huh, uh, huh! Make it stop! Make it‐‐ 233 00:10:53,048 --> 00:10:56,969 [ chirping ] 234 00:10:56,969 --> 00:10:58,345 ‐ Well, that settles that! 235 00:10:58,345 --> 00:11:00,014 ‐ Twig! LEAF: Buddy. 236 00:11:00,431 --> 00:11:01,765 [ laugh ] 237 00:11:01,765 --> 00:11:03,267 ‐ It's really you! 238 00:11:03,267 --> 00:11:04,226 [ Twig chuckles ] 239 00:11:04,226 --> 00:11:07,062 ‐ Oh! You finally know it's really me? 240 00:11:07,062 --> 00:11:12,818 ‐ Aw, of course, the Twig we know could never win a fight! 241 00:11:12,818 --> 00:11:14,028 ‐ We should have noticed 242 00:11:14,028 --> 00:11:16,447 your distinctively frail posture immediately. 243 00:11:16,447 --> 00:11:18,991 ‐ Sorry, we didn't consider your feelings earlier. 244 00:11:18,991 --> 00:11:20,826 ‐ Aw, you guys... 245 00:11:20,826 --> 00:11:23,621 ‐ C'mon, bro! Let's play our new favorite game, 246 00:11:23,621 --> 00:11:25,497 "Paying Attention to Your Needs." 247 00:11:25,497 --> 00:11:28,542 ‐ Uh, this is actually a little uncomfortable for me. 248 00:11:28,542 --> 00:11:29,752 ROCKSY: No, it's not! 249 00:11:29,752 --> 00:11:31,587 ♪ 250 00:11:31,587 --> 00:11:34,465 [ chirping ] 251 00:11:34,465 --> 00:11:36,508 [ screeching ] 252 00:11:36,508 --> 00:11:41,513 [ chirping ] 253 00:11:44,600 --> 00:11:47,770 ‐ Hey, you bruisers, the landlady's coming by later 254 00:11:47,770 --> 00:11:50,314 to inspect the house. We gotta clean up. 255 00:11:50,314 --> 00:11:52,024 ‐ Eh, no problem. 256 00:11:52,024 --> 00:11:53,317 [ things breaking ] 257 00:11:53,317 --> 00:11:54,610 [ Raccoon whining ] 258 00:11:54,610 --> 00:11:55,444 [ alarm beeps ] 259 00:11:57,154 --> 00:11:59,156 ‐ Huh? Nothing a little paint won't fix. 260 00:11:59,156 --> 00:12:02,201 ‐ I dunno, the only paint we have is our instrument paint. 261 00:12:02,201 --> 00:12:04,495 And it's pink. How's that gonna work? 262 00:12:04,495 --> 00:12:05,537 ‐ What do you mean? 263 00:12:05,537 --> 00:12:08,499 It would be so metal if the house matched them! 264 00:12:08,499 --> 00:12:11,877 ‐ Ugh, fine. Time to grab your biggest brushes! 265 00:12:11,877 --> 00:12:12,920 [ chuckles ] 266 00:12:12,920 --> 00:12:13,879 ‐ Uh... 267 00:12:13,879 --> 00:12:15,923 [ Kensington grunting ] 268 00:12:16,257 --> 00:12:19,551 ‐ Now, that's what I'm talking about. Let's get to work, ladies. 269 00:12:19,551 --> 00:12:22,304 [ laughing ] 270 00:12:22,304 --> 00:12:27,226 [ laughing ] 271 00:12:27,226 --> 00:12:28,227 ‐ Whoa, hey! 272 00:12:28,227 --> 00:12:31,063 ‐ Ugh! 273 00:12:31,063 --> 00:12:32,523 I'm so restless. 274 00:12:32,523 --> 00:12:35,818 I want to experience something new. Something fresh. 275 00:12:35,818 --> 00:12:38,195 ‐ How can anyone get sick of splashies? 276 00:12:38,195 --> 00:12:41,407 ‐ We've been doing splashies in this puddle for 18 days! 277 00:12:41,407 --> 00:12:43,075 Let's mix it up! 278 00:12:43,075 --> 00:12:48,455 ‐ How dare you, splashies is everything. Ooh! Oh, hey! Stop! 279 00:12:48,455 --> 00:12:51,333 ‐ Well, I could show you my nature walk. 280 00:12:51,333 --> 00:12:55,671 ‐ Ew! What is that? ‐ It's a guided tour by yours truly. 281 00:12:55,671 --> 00:12:58,674 Showing you all my favorite must‐sees in the yard. 282 00:12:58,674 --> 00:13:02,094 ‐ I'm in. Sounds new, sounds fresh. Stimulate me! 283 00:13:02,094 --> 00:13:03,846 ‐ You will not regret it! 284 00:13:06,432 --> 00:13:10,102 Ah! Soak in the world around you! 285 00:13:10,102 --> 00:13:13,230 Notice the majesty of the mushrooms. 286 00:13:13,230 --> 00:13:16,900 ‐ Twig, we see mushrooms every day. What's different about mushrooms? 287 00:13:16,900 --> 00:13:22,114 ‐ Ah, ah! Behold! The slow beautiful growth of the moss! 288 00:13:22,114 --> 00:13:24,867 ‐ What? Please. I have moss on my head. 289 00:13:24,867 --> 00:13:26,160 ‐ Oh, wait! 290 00:13:26,160 --> 00:13:27,494 [ laughs ] 291 00:13:27,494 --> 00:13:29,330 I was hoping we'd get to see this. 292 00:13:29,330 --> 00:13:31,081 ‐ Oh‐oh, what? What is it? 293 00:13:31,081 --> 00:13:32,708 ‐ Dirt! ‐ Dirt? 294 00:13:32,708 --> 00:13:35,252 I was promised stimulation, Twig. 295 00:13:35,252 --> 00:13:38,464 You're just showing me stuff I see every day! 296 00:13:38,464 --> 00:13:41,258 ‐ Well, I was going to save this until the end, 297 00:13:41,258 --> 00:13:46,013 but it looks like I'm going to have to take you straight to the grand finale! 298 00:13:46,013 --> 00:13:48,265 ‐ Oh! Now we're talking. 299 00:13:48,265 --> 00:13:49,224 ‐ Welcome! 300 00:13:49,475 --> 00:13:52,978 This is my favorite spot to visit when I'm sad. 301 00:13:53,228 --> 00:13:55,022 ‐ So, you're here, like, all the time? 302 00:13:56,440 --> 00:13:57,274 ‐ Yeah. 303 00:13:58,525 --> 00:13:59,359 Huh. 304 00:14:00,319 --> 00:14:02,404 ROCKSY: Finally, something exciting! 305 00:14:02,404 --> 00:14:04,323 ‐ Oh, wait, hey! Hey, wait, wait for me! 306 00:14:04,698 --> 00:14:06,075 Behold! 307 00:14:06,366 --> 00:14:11,080 The most pristine area of the entire yard. 308 00:14:11,080 --> 00:14:15,709 ‐ This? Twig, I'm sorry, but more moss, more dirt? 309 00:14:15,709 --> 00:14:18,462 This is the same thing I see every day! 310 00:14:18,462 --> 00:14:21,757 I need something different. I need something new. 311 00:14:21,757 --> 00:14:25,177 Doesn't anyone know how to have a little fun? 312 00:14:25,177 --> 00:14:26,970 ‐ Oh, looks good, right? 313 00:14:26,970 --> 00:14:28,347 [ laughing ] 314 00:14:28,347 --> 00:14:29,973 Ready for the show! 315 00:14:32,476 --> 00:14:36,396 ‐ Aren't you fed up too, Twig? Don't you also want more? 316 00:14:36,396 --> 00:14:39,233 How badly do you just want something different? 317 00:14:39,233 --> 00:14:40,275 Something new? 318 00:14:40,901 --> 00:14:41,777 [ gasps ] 319 00:14:41,777 --> 00:14:45,155 ‐ Oh! my nature trail. ‐ Finally! Something new! 320 00:14:45,155 --> 00:14:46,532 [ chuckles ] 321 00:14:46,532 --> 00:14:50,202 ‐ I don't know, Rocksy. It's different. I don't like different. 322 00:14:50,202 --> 00:14:52,246 I've never seen anything like it before. 323 00:14:52,246 --> 00:14:54,790 ‐ Me either! This is so thrilling! 324 00:14:54,790 --> 00:14:56,917 [ panting ] 325 00:14:56,917 --> 00:15:02,047 This is exactly what we need. Ooh, so puddly and sticky. 326 00:15:02,047 --> 00:15:04,299 [ laughing ] 327 00:15:04,299 --> 00:15:06,009 ‐ What are you? 328 00:15:06,009 --> 00:15:09,138 ‐ Whoa, look! You can spread it out! 329 00:15:09,138 --> 00:15:12,516 Hmm. That's better. Don't you think, Twig? 330 00:15:12,516 --> 00:15:14,768 Wow! I'm so stimulated! 331 00:15:14,768 --> 00:15:18,438 ‐ But, Rocksy‐‐ ‐ What should we call it? It's so pretty. 332 00:15:19,314 --> 00:15:21,358 ‐ Eck, but it stinks! 333 00:15:21,358 --> 00:15:24,653 ‐ A pretty stink. Wild. 334 00:15:24,945 --> 00:15:28,323 I like it. We'll call it Pree... 335 00:15:28,323 --> 00:15:29,449 Pree... 336 00:15:29,449 --> 00:15:30,993 Preeetink? 337 00:15:30,993 --> 00:15:32,286 Pre... 338 00:15:32,286 --> 00:15:34,079 Prink? 339 00:15:34,079 --> 00:15:35,539 Pip, Pink? 340 00:15:35,539 --> 00:15:37,875 Pink! We'll call it "Pink." 341 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:40,335 ‐ We don't know where this Pink stuff came from. 342 00:15:40,335 --> 00:15:42,254 We probably shouldn't be touching it. 343 00:15:42,254 --> 00:15:45,507 ‐ We should touch everything with this and share it with the world! 344 00:15:45,507 --> 00:15:48,260 ‐ We should test it first? But not on the nature trail! 345 00:15:48,260 --> 00:15:51,054 ‐ You're right! We should test it on the nature trail. 346 00:15:51,054 --> 00:15:53,182 It could really use a little sprucing up. 347 00:15:53,515 --> 00:15:56,560 ♪ Pinkin' up the nature trail! Pinkin' up the nature trail! ♪ 348 00:15:56,560 --> 00:15:58,562 ♪ Pinkin' up the nature trail! ♪ 349 00:15:58,562 --> 00:15:59,646 ‐ Oh, oh! 350 00:15:59,646 --> 00:16:02,024 ROCKSY: Pink! Pink! Pink! Pink! 351 00:16:02,024 --> 00:16:03,150 ‐ Oh, no! 352 00:16:03,150 --> 00:16:05,152 [ vocalizing ] 353 00:16:05,152 --> 00:16:06,236 [ screaming ] 354 00:16:06,236 --> 00:16:08,405 ‐ Show me the Pink! 355 00:16:08,405 --> 00:16:09,990 ‐ Oh... 356 00:16:09,990 --> 00:16:10,908 [ Twig sighs ] 357 00:16:10,908 --> 00:16:13,285 ♪ Makin' nature better With some Pink! ♪ 358 00:16:13,619 --> 00:16:16,705 ‐ And some for you, little Beetleman, Hmm? 359 00:16:16,705 --> 00:16:20,834 ♪ 360 00:16:21,376 --> 00:16:25,214 ‐ Pink, Pink, Pink, Pink! Pink, Pink, Pink! 361 00:16:25,214 --> 00:16:30,844 ‐ Ah, I wish everyone could see this. It's so beautiful. Oop! An uncovered spot? 362 00:16:30,844 --> 00:16:34,097 ♪ Spreading the Pink On the spot that's not pink ♪ 363 00:16:34,389 --> 00:16:36,725 [ Rocksy groans ] 364 00:16:36,725 --> 00:16:38,393 Spread... 365 00:16:38,393 --> 00:16:40,520 What? The Pink's all dried up? 366 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:41,980 ‐ Oh, thank, Gorb. 367 00:16:41,980 --> 00:16:45,651 ‐ Aw, boo. Uh! What if more fell somewhere else? 368 00:16:45,651 --> 00:16:47,402 [ panting ] 369 00:16:47,402 --> 00:16:51,073 Wee! Ah! Pink? Pink? 370 00:16:51,073 --> 00:16:53,075 ‐ She just kept interrupting me, 371 00:16:53,075 --> 00:16:55,786 and doing what she wanted to do no matter what I said. 372 00:16:55,786 --> 00:16:59,122 Now the Pink is all over my nature trail, and I don't like it. 373 00:16:59,414 --> 00:17:00,457 So different. 374 00:17:00,457 --> 00:17:03,502 ‐ Different is just different until it isn't anymore. 375 00:17:03,502 --> 00:17:04,586 Then it's the same. 376 00:17:04,586 --> 00:17:07,297 ‐ I'm sure it's fine. It's just one of her Rocksy phases. 377 00:17:07,297 --> 00:17:09,925 ‐ Yeah, she probably moved on to something new by now. 378 00:17:09,925 --> 00:17:13,428 ‐ I just wish Rocksy had taken my concerns more seriously. 379 00:17:13,428 --> 00:17:14,763 ‐ Uh‐huh, uh‐huh. 380 00:17:14,763 --> 00:17:18,558 Better watch out or Werbel the Whale is going to squirt you with his blowhole. 381 00:17:18,558 --> 00:17:21,019 ‐ Hey! Stop it. Stop it, Werbel. 382 00:17:21,019 --> 00:17:22,062 [ Twig laughs ] 383 00:17:22,062 --> 00:17:24,940 ‐ I really is amazing a whole entire whale 384 00:17:24,940 --> 00:17:27,693 can fit in this little puddle. 385 00:17:29,361 --> 00:17:31,530 ‐ There's got to be more Pink somewhere! 386 00:17:31,530 --> 00:17:34,074 [ mumbling ] 387 00:17:34,074 --> 00:17:35,075 Where's the Pink? 388 00:17:35,075 --> 00:17:36,868 [ Flowers screams ] 389 00:17:36,868 --> 00:17:38,120 Is there Pink in here? 390 00:17:38,120 --> 00:17:39,663 [ screams ] 391 00:17:39,913 --> 00:17:41,206 Do you have any Pink? 392 00:17:41,206 --> 00:17:43,500 ‐ No, I'm sorry. I don't have any Pink. 393 00:17:43,500 --> 00:17:46,211 ‐ Ugh! That's another thing you don't have. 394 00:17:46,211 --> 00:17:49,089 ‐ Maybe the Pink is inside Ben? 395 00:17:49,089 --> 00:17:50,841 ♪ 396 00:17:50,841 --> 00:17:53,385 Ugh! Matilda, have you seen any Pink? 397 00:17:53,385 --> 00:17:54,845 [ scream ] 398 00:17:54,845 --> 00:17:55,846 [ panting ] 399 00:17:55,846 --> 00:17:58,890 Pink! Pink! 400 00:17:59,516 --> 00:18:00,517 Ugh! 401 00:18:01,351 --> 00:18:04,605 Pink! 402 00:18:05,397 --> 00:18:07,149 Why is this so hard? 403 00:18:07,149 --> 00:18:11,737 The Pink was so new and so stimulating! There's gotta be more somewhere! 404 00:18:11,737 --> 00:18:14,698 ‐ Pink. Pink. Pink. ‐ Hey, little Beetleman, wait up. 405 00:18:14,698 --> 00:18:17,951 ‐ Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. 406 00:18:17,951 --> 00:18:21,038 ‐ Oh! Huh... 407 00:18:21,038 --> 00:18:23,081 That's a lot of Pink. 408 00:18:23,790 --> 00:18:27,377 ‐ Maybe they're right. Maybe I was overreacting. 409 00:18:27,377 --> 00:18:29,546 Maybe I'll get used to it? 410 00:18:29,546 --> 00:18:32,591 Oh. A little piece is falling off. I'll just... 411 00:18:32,591 --> 00:18:35,552 Huh? Uh! Oh! Hmm! 412 00:18:35,552 --> 00:18:38,055 Oh, uh, this has a little crack. 413 00:18:38,055 --> 00:18:40,474 [ groans ] 414 00:18:40,474 --> 00:18:42,309 Ah, ah, wait. Don't tell me! 415 00:18:42,309 --> 00:18:45,812 Uh! My mineral dirt! My baby moss! Ah! 416 00:18:45,812 --> 00:18:50,400 Please let the mushrooms be okay. Please let the mushrooms be okay. Hmm... 417 00:18:50,400 --> 00:18:55,572 ♪ 418 00:18:55,572 --> 00:18:58,283 [ screams ] 419 00:18:58,283 --> 00:19:00,827 The Pink destroyed my nature trail? 420 00:19:01,411 --> 00:19:02,746 Huh? 421 00:19:02,746 --> 00:19:05,457 BEETLES: Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. 422 00:19:05,457 --> 00:19:08,043 Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. 423 00:19:08,043 --> 00:19:13,507 Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. 424 00:19:13,507 --> 00:19:17,094 ‐ Everything's better with Pink! 425 00:19:17,094 --> 00:19:20,722 ‐ Rocksy, no more Pink! It's destroying the yard. 426 00:19:20,722 --> 00:19:22,224 ‐ What's that, Twig? 427 00:19:22,224 --> 00:19:24,393 [ mumbling ] 428 00:19:24,393 --> 00:19:26,895 ‐ Oh, you need more Pink over there? 429 00:19:26,895 --> 00:19:27,896 More down there. 430 00:19:27,896 --> 00:19:29,564 ‐ Pink. Pink. Pink. 431 00:19:29,564 --> 00:19:31,650 ‐ Rocksy, no! 432 00:19:31,650 --> 00:19:32,776 [ Twig screams ] 433 00:19:32,776 --> 00:19:34,903 ‐ He could use some Pink. 434 00:19:34,903 --> 00:19:37,781 ‐ I'm sorry, Percy, I just can't do this anymore. 435 00:19:37,781 --> 00:19:38,615 It's over. 436 00:19:38,615 --> 00:19:43,704 ‐ But, Patricia! It's my birthday! Oh, this day couldn't get any worse! 437 00:19:43,704 --> 00:19:45,747 Ah, I spoke too soon! 438 00:19:45,747 --> 00:19:47,916 ‐ Pink for you! ‐ Pink! 439 00:19:47,916 --> 00:19:50,377 [ screams ] 440 00:19:50,377 --> 00:19:52,087 ‐ And Pink for Ben! 441 00:19:52,629 --> 00:19:53,588 ‐ Oh! 442 00:19:53,588 --> 00:19:57,551 [ screaming ] 443 00:19:57,551 --> 00:20:00,345 ‐ Oh, they're screaming with joy! 444 00:20:00,345 --> 00:20:02,681 The world really is a better place with Pink. 445 00:20:02,681 --> 00:20:03,890 ‐ Pink, Pink! 446 00:20:03,890 --> 00:20:06,935 ‐ Pink, Pink, Pink, Pink, Pink, Pink! 447 00:20:06,935 --> 00:20:08,145 [ Berry chuckles ] 448 00:20:08,145 --> 00:20:09,396 [ Leaf sighs ] 449 00:20:09,980 --> 00:20:12,399 [ chuckles ] 450 00:20:12,399 --> 00:20:13,900 ‐ Wha? Huh? 451 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:17,821 ‐ Guys! It's Rocksy, she's ruining everything with the Pink! 452 00:20:17,821 --> 00:20:21,032 Leaf, can you fly me up to Rocksy, so I can talk some sense into her? 453 00:20:21,032 --> 00:20:24,035 ‐ You got it, bro. But remember, I can't just fly on command. 454 00:20:24,035 --> 00:20:26,204 We're going to have to wait for the wind. 455 00:20:26,204 --> 00:20:31,918 ♪ 456 00:20:31,918 --> 00:20:33,754 Any minute. 457 00:20:33,754 --> 00:20:34,796 [ Twig grunts ] 458 00:20:34,796 --> 00:20:36,840 BEETLES: Pink! Pink! Pink! Pink! 459 00:20:36,840 --> 00:20:41,595 [ imitates wind ] 460 00:20:41,595 --> 00:20:42,679 [ groans ] 461 00:20:42,679 --> 00:20:44,806 Pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. 462 00:20:44,806 --> 00:20:49,144 ‐ Ugh! This is taking too long. I'll have to get up there myself. 463 00:20:51,438 --> 00:20:52,773 ‐ Any minute. 464 00:20:52,773 --> 00:20:55,317 [ panting ] 465 00:20:55,317 --> 00:21:00,739 [ grunting ] 466 00:21:00,739 --> 00:21:01,782 BERRY: Hey, Twig. 467 00:21:01,782 --> 00:21:02,866 ‐ What? How? 468 00:21:02,866 --> 00:21:05,494 ‐ Rocksy was telling us how great this Pink stuff is. 469 00:21:05,494 --> 00:21:07,162 ‐ Rocksy! Shut it off! 470 00:21:07,162 --> 00:21:09,664 The Pink! It's destroying everything it touches! 471 00:21:09,664 --> 00:21:12,584 ‐ No, it makes things better! Right, Beetleman? 472 00:21:12,584 --> 00:21:15,212 ‐ Pink! Pink! Pink... 473 00:21:15,212 --> 00:21:16,588 [ gasps ] 474 00:21:16,588 --> 00:21:19,341 ‐ Beetleman? Help me prove my point. 475 00:21:19,341 --> 00:21:21,843 ‐ Do the dance! ‐ It's happening again. 476 00:21:22,260 --> 00:21:25,388 No! Rocksy, you need to stop spreading the Pink. 477 00:21:25,388 --> 00:21:28,266 When you cover things with it, it dries up, and then... 478 00:21:28,975 --> 00:21:30,310 [ gasp ] 479 00:21:30,310 --> 00:21:32,145 ‐ Pink! Pink! Pink! 480 00:21:32,145 --> 00:21:33,980 ‐ See? ‐ No, that? 481 00:21:33,980 --> 00:21:37,859 No, that's Beetleman being Beetleman. That guy's full of tricks. 482 00:21:37,859 --> 00:21:38,693 [ chuckles ] 483 00:21:39,361 --> 00:21:42,948 ‐ Pink, Pink, Pink... 484 00:21:42,948 --> 00:21:43,949 Pink... 485 00:21:43,949 --> 00:21:49,037 [ screaming ] 486 00:21:49,412 --> 00:21:51,248 [ groans ] 487 00:21:51,248 --> 00:21:52,666 ‐ Oh, no! 488 00:21:52,666 --> 00:21:54,626 [ groaning ] 489 00:21:54,626 --> 00:21:57,796 ‐ I'm sorry, guys. What have I done? 490 00:21:57,796 --> 00:22:00,382 ‐ In what world would you think 491 00:22:00,382 --> 00:22:03,593 leaving a spilled can of paint would go unnoticed by me? 492 00:22:04,219 --> 00:22:05,554 I'm very disappointed. 493 00:22:06,513 --> 00:22:11,142 Besides that, everything else looks great. Good job, girls, I love you very much. 494 00:22:11,142 --> 00:22:12,394 ‐ Phew! ‐ I told you. 495 00:22:12,394 --> 00:22:16,022 ‐ Thanks, Miss Weenburger. So how do you clean paint up? 496 00:22:16,022 --> 00:22:17,315 ‐ Eh... 497 00:22:17,315 --> 00:22:18,525 Rice? 498 00:22:18,525 --> 00:22:19,734 ‐ Rice! 499 00:22:20,485 --> 00:22:23,697 ‐ Oh, why do I have to be right all the time? 500 00:22:28,702 --> 00:22:29,536 Wha? 501 00:22:30,287 --> 00:22:32,330 ‐ Riceies? ‐ Riceies! 502 00:22:32,330 --> 00:22:34,666 [ Leaf and Berry laugh ] 503 00:22:34,666 --> 00:22:38,003 ‐ Well, Rocksy, looks like it's a great opportunity 504 00:22:38,003 --> 00:22:39,421 for you and I to‐‐ 505 00:22:39,421 --> 00:22:41,047 ‐ Ugh! I'm so bored. 506 00:22:41,047 --> 00:22:44,175 [ Rocksy groaning ] 507 00:22:45,760 --> 00:22:51,766 ♪