1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:07,000 Downloaded from YTS.MX 2 00:00:08,000 --> 00:00:13,000 Official YIFY movies site: YTS.MX 3 00:02:08,550 --> 00:02:15,380 Around 800 years ago, in Sidhavanam forest, an ancient hamlet was home to a hundred families. 4 00:02:16,460 --> 00:02:19,550 A river called “Jeevadhara” flowed from the forest 5 00:02:20,210 --> 00:02:23,920 The sheer magic of the place inspired many Yogis 6 00:02:23,920 --> 00:02:27,670 and sages to roam here and undertake severe penances. 7 00:02:28,300 --> 00:02:35,170 These Yogis and Sages became beaconlights to the families of the hamlet and preached Dharma every day 8 00:02:35,380 --> 00:02:42,710 And taught them how to make medicinal herbs from the local vegetation, live life the Ayurveda way and become a great civilization. 9 00:02:43,420 --> 00:02:46,210 For generations together and no matter any calamity, 10 00:02:46,210 --> 00:02:53,710 they exhorted them to never forsake this place and stand eternal vigil to this place and shared a secret of the Universe. 11 00:02:54,420 --> 00:02:59,340 One day, Sidhavanam hamlet came under attack from a Devilish Tribe. 12 00:02:59,840 --> 00:03:06,210 Thanks to the collective divine powers of the sages and the blessed appearance of the Goddess Mother who stood like a protector, 13 00:03:06,210 --> 00:03:08,090 the Devilish tribe was vanquished. 14 00:03:09,210 --> 00:03:14,130 As the hamlet people got petrified to bear the sight of Goddess annihilating the evil tribes... 15 00:03:14,130 --> 00:03:19,800 ...Goddess Mother created a momentary Solar Eclipse to hide from plain sight all the destruction of evil. 16 00:03:21,050 --> 00:03:23,670 After the eradication of evil, 17 00:03:23,670 --> 00:03:25,590 the Goddess perhaps wanted to forever stand by the hamlet 18 00:03:26,050 --> 00:03:34,630 hence manifested Herself physically on a hill thereby standing eternal vigil on Sidhavanam hamlet. 19 00:03:35,710 --> 00:03:40,960 The people of hamlet built a temple for the Goddess in gratitude to her benign blessings 20 00:03:40,960 --> 00:03:49,000 With water from Jeevandhara river and flora and fauna from Sidhavanam, the hamlet people started offering oblations to the Holy Goddess in devotion. 21 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:56,670 With assurance that her foot protects Sidhavanam, they named it as “Padhaghattam”. 22 00:03:57,090 --> 00:04:03,380 For centuries, the temple’s fame spread wide and spawned a great city. 23 00:04:03,710 --> 00:04:05,460 That is Dharmasthali. 24 00:04:06,050 --> 00:04:14,420 Born out of Padaghattam, Dharmasthali became a lodestar for Padaghattam itself and flourished for centuries with adherence to Dharma. 25 00:04:19,210 --> 00:04:21,300 [PRESENT DHARMASTHALI] 26 00:04:21,300 --> 00:04:25,170 For few years now, Dharmasthali sowed seeds of unholiness, 27 00:04:25,500 --> 00:04:27,300 Thief...Thief. 28 00:04:32,710 --> 00:04:34,460 and started proliferating evil deeds. 29 00:04:37,550 --> 00:04:38,960 Sir...this paddy belongs to the Goddess... 30 00:04:39,840 --> 00:04:42,670 And should go to feed the Gurukul and the Orphanage. 31 00:04:45,590 --> 00:04:47,420 Send all bags to Basava sir's house. 32 00:04:50,590 --> 00:04:52,670 It became a sanctuary for crimes. 33 00:04:59,170 --> 00:05:07,630 But Padaghattam remained pure like fire on the other bank of the river and carried on life with principles of Dharma. 34 00:05:07,880 --> 00:05:09,420 [PRESENT PADHAGHATTAM] 35 00:05:09,670 --> 00:05:25,630 The mother who feeds entire universe, who have eternal voice and who demolish illness 36 00:05:27,590 --> 00:05:46,050 The reason behind golry of padhaghattam and we surrender our self to the mighty goddess 37 00:05:46,210 --> 00:05:47,750 Mom.. 38 00:05:52,710 --> 00:05:53,710 Greetings! MLA Sir. 39 00:05:53,800 --> 00:05:54,880 Greetings! Veda. 40 00:05:55,210 --> 00:05:58,550 They are all researchers and teachers at Ayurveda University. 41 00:05:59,420 --> 00:06:02,500 They have come to meet you and discuss something. 42 00:06:03,050 --> 00:06:05,800 Please sit down. -sit down 43 00:06:09,670 --> 00:06:17,750 It is quite silly why Ayurveda Experts like you live in seclusion at far-flung places. 44 00:06:20,050 --> 00:06:25,750 Come into the real world and join hands with us you will see miracles happen in your lives. 45 00:06:27,800 --> 00:06:32,500 For centuries, our lives are intertwined with Siddhavanam and Dharmasthali. 46 00:06:33,590 --> 00:06:35,920 Not one soul will leave this place. 47 00:06:38,710 --> 00:06:44,710 Do you really want to live in the Dharmasthali Veda after seeing what’s happening over there? 48 00:06:47,210 --> 00:06:50,630 A mother’s role is to instruct and rectify childrens’ mistakes, 49 00:06:50,960 --> 00:06:52,210 not to abandon them. 50 00:07:25,210 --> 00:07:29,880 If you come next week also and take the medicine Everyone will tell ' you are a good girl '. 51 00:07:30,300 --> 00:07:31,250 Okay! 52 00:07:34,170 --> 00:07:38,090 This temple is built by Padaghattam themselves 53 00:07:38,590 --> 00:07:40,710 With this Ghattamma mother, 54 00:07:41,420 --> 00:07:45,550 Dharma as the way, selflessness as the goal 55 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:48,880 each day reminisce their selflessness 56 00:07:49,050 --> 00:07:57,750 It is our duty to remember Padagattam people forever. 57 00:08:23,090 --> 00:08:25,630 I think I have warned enough, mother... 58 00:08:25,630 --> 00:08:30,460 Don't talk about the people of Padhaghattam From his throught 59 00:08:31,090 --> 00:08:37,460 Either they fear me less...or love them more. I don't understand 60 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:40,130 Next time he says anything about them, 61 00:08:40,170 --> 00:08:45,670 just beware that your heartbeat for them and heart might just get separated...okay? 62 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:51,090 How should I tell ? 63 00:09:08,170 --> 00:09:12,170 Think again sir, arresting him is not that easy. 64 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:16,670 As a police, aren’t you ashamed to speak like that? 65 00:09:16,710 --> 00:09:18,090 You Better stay here. 66 00:09:20,500 --> 00:09:22,710 Four officers came looking for you... 67 00:09:27,340 --> 00:09:28,050 Greetings Sir... 68 00:09:28,590 --> 00:09:30,340 In spite of being a Municipal chairmen, 69 00:09:30,340 --> 00:09:32,090 it is unfortunate how brazenly you are looting the temple town. 70 00:09:32,130 --> 00:09:33,000 We are getting complaints... 71 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:36,050 Hey...do you know who you are talking to? 72 00:09:36,130 --> 00:09:36,840 Yes, we do... 73 00:09:37,170 --> 00:09:40,340 That’s why we came with enough proofs. 74 00:09:40,880 --> 00:09:45,500 It’s a felony to leave Dharmasthali without having the Goddess’s Darshan... 75 00:09:46,210 --> 00:09:48,500 Let's have the Darshan first... 76 00:09:48,500 --> 00:09:50,880 and talk in leisure. 77 00:09:58,880 --> 00:10:06,800 Did you ever try to find out what happened to those officers who came exactly like you, before? 78 00:10:07,960 --> 00:10:09,050 No. 79 00:10:23,170 --> 00:10:27,050 You came to this position means, You might be intelligent... 80 00:10:27,090 --> 00:10:28,840 By coming to Dharmastali, 81 00:10:28,840 --> 00:10:32,840 How can you be so naive to nab a person like Basava so easily... 82 00:10:45,300 --> 00:10:48,000 Hail, Ghattamma... Hail, Ghattamma... 83 00:10:50,420 --> 00:10:54,460 I hope all of you told at home that you are meeting God today. 84 00:11:34,050 --> 00:11:38,460 Sorry sir...it’s been a mistake. Please sir. 85 00:11:44,170 --> 00:11:47,710 Mutilate them and throw them in the river Jeevadhara. 86 00:11:49,210 --> 00:11:53,380 Ask Obulu to find out who is the one who spoke openly about us. 87 00:11:53,380 --> 00:11:54,170 Okay brother. 88 00:11:54,300 --> 00:11:56,210 Greetings Basava brother... 89 00:11:56,460 --> 00:11:58,090 How is the Gurukul? -All good brother 90 00:11:58,250 --> 00:12:00,050 Are you all studying well? -Yes, brother 91 00:12:00,750 --> 00:12:04,090 Inspite always studies... Even if we wanted to have some fun, 92 00:12:04,210 --> 00:12:06,250 your guys are not sending stuff. 93 00:12:08,670 --> 00:12:12,590 Why students don’t need all that 94 00:12:13,300 --> 00:12:16,000 If not now, when then? Send them immediately... 95 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:16,550 Okay.. 96 00:12:16,550 --> 00:12:20,250 Organise rallies that demand a MLA post for brother... -Okay brother... 97 00:12:20,300 --> 00:12:22,050 Tell all the students... -Okay 98 00:12:38,210 --> 00:12:42,710 All the four officers who came in search of Basava are found dead in Jeevadhara... 99 00:12:43,170 --> 00:12:46,380 Looks like there’s no law and order in Dharmasthali 100 00:12:47,090 --> 00:12:49,250 It’s our Dharma to guard Padhaghattam... 101 00:12:51,090 --> 00:12:52,670 Let’s discharge our duty. 102 00:12:52,880 --> 00:12:55,170 We have to live like this seeing Basava’s misrule... 103 00:12:56,340 --> 00:12:59,960 Doesn’t a Mother who rules the world know what’s bothering the world? 104 00:13:04,500 --> 00:13:10,800 I can visualise a blazing red sword rending the realms of darkness soon. 105 00:13:36,050 --> 00:13:44,340 [Dharmasthali] 106 00:14:01,420 --> 00:14:06,170 [Siddha Gurukul University] 107 00:14:06,630 --> 00:14:10,050 Hey Rajyalakshmi...Where is your inseparable friend Devaghattamma? Not seen her for a while... 108 00:14:10,380 --> 00:14:12,460 Did you hide her somewhere from me.? 109 00:14:12,550 --> 00:14:16,090 Don’t act smart...or I will train my sights on you... 110 00:14:18,090 --> 00:14:19,710 she also looking very attractive 111 00:14:22,210 --> 00:14:23,800 [Chantings] 112 00:14:34,170 --> 00:14:36,420 Nothing to think...What did I say? 113 00:14:36,460 --> 00:14:37,630 Nothing less than a thousand. 114 00:14:37,630 --> 00:14:39,460 Your business is going good. 115 00:14:39,460 --> 00:14:41,170 Well...are you throwing it away for free? 116 00:14:53,460 --> 00:14:54,420 Hey, Nagulu. -Brother. 117 00:14:54,500 --> 00:14:55,380 How are you? 118 00:14:56,460 --> 00:14:58,050 How’s the journey brother? 119 00:14:58,500 --> 00:14:59,920 no one doubted. 120 00:15:01,840 --> 00:15:04,920 Told them that we do carpentry work, no one doubted. 121 00:15:06,090 --> 00:15:09,170 Today one choir came who sing songs on the Mother Goddess. 122 00:15:09,170 --> 00:15:10,210 Shall we have a look ? 123 00:15:10,500 --> 00:15:11,300 Hmm.. 124 00:15:11,460 --> 00:15:12,880 If possible. 125 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:52,090 Lord of the Mountains, Benevolence Personified, Protector of the Mountain Race! 126 00:15:52,210 --> 00:15:56,840 When the Holy Consort awakes at night, 127 00:15:57,000 --> 00:16:01,960 And wears a garland of jasmine flowers reminiscing the Lord of the Himalayas 128 00:16:11,090 --> 00:16:15,880 When the darting Serpent around Lord Siva’s neck gets restless for union, 129 00:16:15,880 --> 00:16:20,880 ... the ashes smearing his body fall from his body moving swiftly, 130 00:16:20,920 --> 00:16:25,500 As the Lord himself gets consumed in call for mating by His holy consort. 131 00:17:08,170 --> 00:17:13,090 Amidst Her eyes burning like ember and her casually disheveled hair, 132 00:17:13,090 --> 00:17:17,800 ...and the impetuous blob on Her forehead, the moonlight has returned! 133 00:17:17,800 --> 00:17:22,920 Sensing its Lord Shiva himself, Goddess Parvati’s blushes knew no bounds. 134 00:17:56,840 --> 00:18:01,630 Even the Lord of the Universe has to stay submissive at home, 135 00:18:01,750 --> 00:18:06,590 ...beg for small mercies from His wife, 136 00:18:06,590 --> 00:18:11,090 No rules can be enforced for matrimonial harmony, 137 00:18:11,090 --> 00:18:15,840 ..sometimes love-sick, sometimes boredom, 138 00:18:15,840 --> 00:18:26,170 ...mostly ending in conjugal bliss by the dawn. And by morning, all’s well between the Holy Couple. 139 00:18:36,090 --> 00:18:40,960 It’s a daily ritual of the world’s holy couple to spar and bury the hatchet, 140 00:18:41,050 --> 00:18:45,550 It’s been going on for ages like this, to celebrate after a fight, 141 00:18:45,550 --> 00:18:51,210 Giving a message from their family fables about how to forge bonding. 142 00:18:51,800 --> 00:18:56,500 If you get me married We both will serve you different dishes daily. 143 00:18:56,500 --> 00:18:58,880 If asked about marriage, Never talks 144 00:18:59,170 --> 00:19:01,590 Must be new here...we are your neighbours... 145 00:19:01,670 --> 00:19:03,500 We couldn’t spot a lady in the house. 146 00:19:03,500 --> 00:19:06,710 So we tried to help you in cooking with some curries 147 00:19:06,750 --> 00:19:09,590 Ah...mother...excellent mother... 148 00:19:10,170 --> 00:19:13,300 We don’t even entertain thoughts about women... 149 00:19:13,300 --> 00:19:17,090 Do you know anyone here around this area? We will be right here in your midst... 150 00:19:18,710 --> 00:19:19,460 It slipped.. 151 00:19:19,670 --> 00:19:23,170 Understood...you mean slip of my tongue? You’re so subtle 152 00:19:23,210 --> 00:19:24,550 Your baby? 153 00:19:24,630 --> 00:19:25,500 Come..come...co... 154 00:19:27,210 --> 00:19:30,000 What's your name? -Umadevi... 155 00:19:30,840 --> 00:19:32,960 Do not hesitate to ask for any help just in case... 156 00:19:32,960 --> 00:19:33,420 Okay. 157 00:19:33,420 --> 00:19:34,420 Come Uma... 158 00:19:35,920 --> 00:19:39,840 Look...I heard about a place called Padaghattam here 159 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:42,300 But why am I not able to see any dweller from that place so far? 160 00:19:43,550 --> 00:19:47,630 They stopped coming to Dharmasthali because of all the unholy stuff 161 00:19:47,840 --> 00:19:51,670 Some come once a week to give Ayurvedic medicines, treat and then leave. 162 00:20:19,920 --> 00:20:22,550 unable to see what i do in Dharmasthali, 163 00:20:23,380 --> 00:20:26,710 Someone jealous of us must have gone to the officers and cried foul about us. 164 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:35,000 Whereas they got drown in Jeevadhara and only brought more misery. 165 00:20:38,880 --> 00:20:44,130 You can cure the sick in the town with herbs that heal. 166 00:20:44,460 --> 00:20:50,800 But don’t you know that there’s no cure for anyone if Dharmasthali ceases to exist? 167 00:20:54,630 --> 00:20:59,800 You’ll face dire consequences if you commit such evil deeds in Dharmasthali. 168 00:21:22,000 --> 00:21:25,550 Every day you have to cross Jeevadhara River from Padaghattam. 169 00:21:25,840 --> 00:21:32,670 Do you buggers realise what happens if the boats turn topsy-turvy? Won’t even find bodies to cry on... 170 00:21:53,000 --> 00:21:56,340 The sons of Goddess mother that fondled them, Padagattam sons 171 00:21:56,340 --> 00:21:58,590 Their sins have come to kicking the very heart of them. 172 00:21:58,880 --> 00:22:05,710 I wonder what more calamities are to be savoured by Holy Mother after all these sad developments. 173 00:22:48,670 --> 00:22:50,340 Do the work.. 174 00:22:55,800 --> 00:22:56,840 Who are you? 175 00:23:01,380 --> 00:23:02,460 What do you want? 176 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:04,500 Need two kgs of Stuff. 177 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:06,630 Which place ? 178 00:23:07,500 --> 00:23:13,670 Any place where we can sell our wares is good enough to be called as our own. 179 00:23:15,170 --> 00:23:17,880 Hey, Pack 2 kg stuff. 180 00:23:53,920 --> 00:23:55,670 Came for a little " stuff " 181 00:24:00,500 --> 00:24:01,960 Who's she? 182 00:24:01,960 --> 00:24:03,420 Never seen her... 183 00:24:03,710 --> 00:24:04,880 New joining. 184 00:24:05,420 --> 00:24:07,670 Hey, show me your face. 185 00:25:43,380 --> 00:25:46,460 Anyone who puts his legs on the hearts of Paadhagatam people, 186 00:25:46,880 --> 00:25:48,960 That leg has to be removed. 187 00:25:50,960 --> 00:25:54,170 Can’t say which leg though. 188 00:26:04,130 --> 00:26:05,840 Your unrighteousness have reached extreme limit. 189 00:26:05,840 --> 00:26:11,250 Public will think that it’s all because of the Ghattamma Mother’s fury. 190 00:26:14,050 --> 00:26:16,960 Let them all think so. 191 00:26:50,420 --> 00:26:57,750 I wonder what more calamities are to be savoured by Holy Mother after all these sad developments. 192 00:27:22,420 --> 00:27:25,130 Are you going to treat the folks who kicked you in the temple ? 193 00:27:25,550 --> 00:27:27,590 How do we care whoever it is. 194 00:27:27,590 --> 00:27:29,460 We give medical treatment without prejudice to all. 195 00:27:58,170 --> 00:28:01,340 Obulu has gone away somewhere, nobody has a clue. 196 00:28:04,420 --> 00:28:07,130 He only knows all about the tally of the toddy liquor loads, 197 00:28:07,130 --> 00:28:09,880 send our men to capture him wherever he is. 198 00:28:09,880 --> 00:28:10,590 Okay 199 00:28:12,960 --> 00:28:18,500 [A PRIVATE FARM HOUSE ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF HYDERABAD] 200 00:28:24,500 --> 00:28:29,380 If I am behind you, it's because I look up to when I am in need 201 00:28:30,550 --> 00:28:33,500 You know how crucial Siddhavanam forests are to me. 202 00:28:33,670 --> 00:28:35,630 Why is that file still pending? 203 00:28:35,710 --> 00:28:38,460 Everyone knows what happened in Jagadalpur forest, 204 00:28:40,880 --> 00:28:44,000 Did you forget what Acharya’s troop did to your gang? 205 00:28:54,840 --> 00:28:58,920 It’s challenging now to go to another forest, before that fire is put out 206 00:29:00,500 --> 00:29:03,420 Instead, why don’t you choose another business.. 207 00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:22,380 you guys roam around me like dogs and try to advise me 'what to do,' 208 00:29:27,960 --> 00:29:29,590 "Acharya." 209 00:29:30,590 --> 00:29:34,130 From one week, why Umadevi is not coming for music classes. 210 00:29:34,380 --> 00:29:40,250 We are only interested in learning the education Why this music? We don’t want it. 211 00:29:40,300 --> 00:29:43,340 Please don’t say that...she loves music 212 00:29:43,550 --> 00:29:47,210 If she practises hard, she can reach the top 213 00:29:47,300 --> 00:29:51,670 Don’t worry about what it costs... send her from tomorrow 214 00:29:51,880 --> 00:29:53,090 I will take care of the rest. 215 00:29:53,170 --> 00:29:54,170 Okay. 216 00:29:54,590 --> 00:29:57,380 Attend the classes in the morning Umadevi 217 00:29:57,460 --> 00:29:59,590 Okay, Nilambari teacher. 218 00:30:00,420 --> 00:30:01,960 Okay...bye 219 00:30:27,340 --> 00:30:28,090 Didn't find her Vedha! 220 00:30:28,090 --> 00:30:29,380 Did you see our girl 'Ghattamma' -No, sir 221 00:30:29,380 --> 00:30:32,000 Veda, No sign of her. 222 00:30:32,250 --> 00:30:34,630 Did you see our girl Devaghattamma anywhere son? 223 00:30:34,670 --> 00:30:35,750 No. 224 00:30:37,130 --> 00:30:39,960 Sir, have you seen our Padaghattam girl anywhere? 225 00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:40,710 No sir 226 00:30:42,250 --> 00:30:45,880 Our girl Devaghattamma hasn’t returned to our place sir... 227 00:30:45,920 --> 00:30:46,840 Did you see her? 228 00:30:46,840 --> 00:30:48,840 No...but did you search in the Gurukul? 229 00:30:48,840 --> 00:30:50,880 Went there also, Heard that she left in evening it self 230 00:30:50,880 --> 00:30:51,630 Saw, no where. 231 00:30:51,670 --> 00:30:53,750 Must’ve stopped for some shelter in the rain 232 00:30:53,800 --> 00:30:55,710 No matter what, 233 00:30:55,840 --> 00:30:59,000 She lights a lamp and chants mantras herself for the Forest Goddess... 234 00:30:59,710 --> 00:31:00,840 Come let’s go. 235 00:31:02,250 --> 00:31:06,050 Exactly, She fell in our trap When it's raining. 236 00:31:09,500 --> 00:31:10,590 Who will go first ? 237 00:31:11,840 --> 00:31:18,920 Hey...let me first get a taste of her... then will decide by chits 238 00:31:33,670 --> 00:31:35,090 Mother Ghattamma...! 239 00:31:35,880 --> 00:31:37,920 we named her after you 240 00:31:39,130 --> 00:31:42,090 Not a soul will rest until she returns 241 00:31:43,800 --> 00:31:45,550 Where did you hide her, 242 00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:48,500 wherever she is send her safely to "Padaghattam" . 243 00:31:51,710 --> 00:31:55,590 [Siddha Gurukula University] 244 00:32:06,800 --> 00:32:10,300 Can’t find her here... Seems to have escaped...Go fetch her 245 00:32:11,750 --> 00:32:13,340 Brother...We can’t find her here 246 00:32:13,380 --> 00:32:16,840 Okay...you two go there... And you come with me. 247 00:32:53,250 --> 00:32:57,960 You are the one to light the lamp... shouldn’t put out the lamp like this 248 00:33:10,380 --> 00:33:11,630 Here she is... 249 00:33:12,050 --> 00:33:14,670 I thought we are going to miss her today.. 250 00:33:16,590 --> 00:33:17,880 Who are you? 251 00:33:17,880 --> 00:33:19,170 what business you have here? 252 00:33:19,250 --> 00:33:21,130 I should be asking you that question 253 00:33:21,710 --> 00:33:24,840 What are you supposed to do? What are you up to now? 254 00:33:24,840 --> 00:33:25,840 who the hell are you? 255 00:33:27,340 --> 00:33:32,250 They call me Acharya... even if I don’t teach any lessons... 256 00:33:32,750 --> 00:33:36,630 Perhaps, since I impart life lessons. 257 00:33:36,840 --> 00:33:41,420 Either ignore what’s going on here... or die in our hands. 258 00:33:43,800 --> 00:33:48,250 It will take a while before we leave... it’s already too late for you 259 00:33:48,710 --> 00:33:55,000 Do pooja and light a lamp as you do in "Padhaghattam". By sitting there worship your goddess. 260 00:33:58,340 --> 00:34:01,340 Don’t worry... Go there 261 00:34:03,210 --> 00:34:06,250 She should be giving the shouts, not giving sacred chants and doing worship 262 00:34:06,250 --> 00:34:07,500 Go and drag her. 263 00:34:19,460 --> 00:34:24,880 Do it as rigorously as you would do every day at Padaghattam. 264 00:34:31,170 --> 00:34:48,130 The mother who feeds entire universe, who have eternal voice and who demolish illness 265 00:34:50,920 --> 00:35:11,130 The reason behind golry of padhaghattam and we surrender our self to the mighty goddess 266 00:35:29,170 --> 00:35:44,960 daughter of forest, protector of greenery and who destroys angry and agony 267 00:35:47,210 --> 00:36:03,050 Give us the strength and give us the wisdom mother of consciousness 268 00:36:06,800 --> 00:36:22,210 Goddess of kindness who daily showering by eternal river water as worship 269 00:36:26,630 --> 00:36:41,840 Give us will and wish mother along with purity 270 00:36:59,590 --> 00:37:02,420 Siddha Gurukula University... 271 00:37:03,750 --> 00:37:08,750 You ought to know more about Siddha than me... 272 00:37:09,500 --> 00:37:11,130 Siddha... 273 00:37:11,840 --> 00:37:13,710 Siddha...Brother. 274 00:37:16,210 --> 00:37:18,340 Siddha... 275 00:37:20,550 --> 00:37:23,420 Siddha made enormous sacrifices for this Dharmasthali. 276 00:37:24,050 --> 00:37:27,500 ...that’s what every stone and shrub in this valley tells you and knows it... 277 00:37:27,750 --> 00:37:31,670 you folks have forgotten all of that and turned cold-hearted ... 278 00:37:33,250 --> 00:37:38,170 Even Ghattamma has become a silent witness to your doings. 279 00:37:38,250 --> 00:37:42,170 But I am going to ensure every stone resonates to the sacrifice made by Siddha, 280 00:37:42,170 --> 00:37:43,840 if not , I will straighten them out. 281 00:37:53,300 --> 00:37:54,210 Father 282 00:37:54,250 --> 00:37:55,960 Why don’t you borrow from someone for now... 283 00:37:55,960 --> 00:37:57,590 Will buy it next month..okay? 284 00:38:05,000 --> 00:38:09,170 What happened to your cheerful face Umadevi? Quite unsual 285 00:38:09,710 --> 00:38:12,710 All I am asking dad is to buy a flute for me... 286 00:38:12,750 --> 00:38:18,000 Every time he says,”next time”... All my friends have one...except me 287 00:38:39,750 --> 00:38:41,130 Hey, Flute!... 288 00:38:41,460 --> 00:38:44,800 So you too have one... Can you play? 289 00:38:44,800 --> 00:38:48,460 It’s not mine...in memory of a friend’s 290 00:38:48,460 --> 00:38:50,170 Really...then I don’t want it 291 00:38:51,090 --> 00:38:55,840 It’s okay...you’re my friend too... Play it...reminds Me of my friend 292 00:38:55,840 --> 00:38:57,420 is it ? Okay. 293 00:39:01,300 --> 00:39:04,250 (Musical Notes) 294 00:39:04,630 --> 00:39:07,050 What have you thought about Nilambari’s marriage? 295 00:39:08,000 --> 00:39:10,800 Unless you talk and come to a consensus, she is going to wait perennially 296 00:39:11,210 --> 00:39:13,460 For the remaining life 297 00:39:14,800 --> 00:39:17,630 Uma...It’s not like that...see 298 00:39:33,170 --> 00:39:36,460 Where did you find this Uma...Who gave it? 299 00:39:36,500 --> 00:39:38,300 A friend next-door gave it 300 00:40:04,500 --> 00:40:05,590 Who are you? 301 00:40:11,710 --> 00:40:13,090 How did you get this? 302 00:40:15,300 --> 00:40:17,050 Who gave it to you? Please Tell me. 303 00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:18,750 Siddha... 304 00:40:20,840 --> 00:40:22,170 How do you know Siddha? 305 00:40:52,630 --> 00:40:57,210 Siddha used to tell In this Dharmasthali, dharma is there in very inch of it 306 00:40:57,880 --> 00:41:00,840 But that is not to be seen any where 307 00:41:01,630 --> 00:41:02,300 Reason. 308 00:41:03,920 --> 00:41:08,920 After Siddha left this place, Dharmasthali came under the iron grip of Basava. 309 00:41:09,380 --> 00:41:15,300 The scale of his wicked deeds erased all the good Dharma preached by Padaghattam. 310 00:41:16,670 --> 00:41:18,840 Tomorrow is the D-Day of the Chariot Procession of Ghattamma. 311 00:41:19,300 --> 00:41:22,710 A festival usually ushered in by Padaghattam people. 312 00:41:24,420 --> 00:41:31,050 But instead, it is going to be inaugurated by that evil man. 313 00:41:32,750 --> 00:41:37,710 I can’t see how the Holy Goddess can bear witness to this unholy spectacle. 314 00:41:38,630 --> 00:41:42,960 To stop seeing that,I just hope my heart stops beating 315 00:41:45,500 --> 00:41:47,590 Let’s see how it unfolds tomorrow 316 00:43:32,630 --> 00:43:34,630 Hey, What are you doing? 317 00:43:46,500 --> 00:43:51,000 Auspicious time running out... Let’s start the Procession... 318 00:43:54,500 --> 00:44:00,090 It’s felony to pull the chariot with blood-stained hands, move on and let someone else take over... 319 00:44:04,800 --> 00:44:07,300 Call Padaghattam people who are well-trained in this... 320 00:44:23,090 --> 00:44:27,670 Time’s running out...Padaghattam people please come... 321 00:45:33,420 --> 00:45:38,130 Hail Ghattamma.... Hail Ghattamma... 322 00:45:40,550 --> 00:45:42,420 Hail Ghattamma... 323 00:45:43,340 --> 00:45:45,210 Hail Ghattamma... 324 00:45:46,300 --> 00:45:48,170 Hail Ghattamma... 325 00:45:48,960 --> 00:45:51,340 Hail Ghattamma... 326 00:45:57,420 --> 00:46:00,050 Hail Ghattamma... 327 00:46:00,750 --> 00:46:03,670 Hail Ghattamma... 328 00:46:58,170 --> 00:47:00,630 There is something which got scratched in the crowd... 329 00:47:10,800 --> 00:47:17,090 I felt his eyes were snooping on me... 330 00:47:20,420 --> 00:47:26,710 Search across Dharmasthali...I need to look him up 331 00:47:27,250 --> 00:47:30,130 And find out what he is scanning for 332 00:47:34,670 --> 00:47:35,750 Open the Register. 333 00:47:35,800 --> 00:47:36,750 What's your Name? From which place you are? 334 00:47:43,550 --> 00:47:45,340 Brother, No one found. 335 00:47:53,170 --> 00:47:56,090 You did a good job...take this.. -Don’t want money... 336 00:47:57,420 --> 00:47:59,460 Why don’t you take it? 337 00:47:59,670 --> 00:48:01,300 It’s a small job... 338 00:48:02,710 --> 00:48:06,630 You helped me get back up again...Take it. 339 00:48:08,670 --> 00:48:10,920 It’s just a photo, isn’t it? 340 00:48:11,960 --> 00:48:14,460 But why are you showing behind and talking? 341 00:48:18,920 --> 00:48:25,550 Brother-in-law, We have combed the entire village... No trace of any doubt. 342 00:48:26,000 --> 00:48:30,250 We scrutinised all the new people in the town... But none so far 343 00:48:31,050 --> 00:48:34,250 Must be here...somewhere here... 344 00:48:44,460 --> 00:48:45,880 What happened to the work for which you came, Acharya..? 345 00:48:46,000 --> 00:48:47,960 He is yet to visit this place... 346 00:48:49,750 --> 00:48:51,170 I am waiting for him 347 00:48:52,250 --> 00:48:54,840 That’s fine..how are our folks? 348 00:48:55,090 --> 00:48:57,050 We are all meeting tomorrow night at Jagityala 349 00:48:57,050 --> 00:48:59,250 Why? - know Sivudu right... 350 00:48:59,460 --> 00:49:02,380 his mother’s last wish that he gets married to his sister-in-law... 351 00:49:02,380 --> 00:49:04,250 He said he will be delighted if you can make it. 352 00:49:08,170 --> 00:49:08,880 Brother... 353 00:49:15,170 --> 00:49:17,420 We met like this, Very happy. 354 00:49:18,800 --> 00:49:20,750 How are you, Bridegroom? 355 00:49:20,750 --> 00:49:22,340 It’s all for my mother, brother 356 00:49:22,670 --> 00:49:24,840 So, it’s not about the girl is it? So, should I tie the knot with her... 357 00:49:24,840 --> 00:49:26,000 so you Can happily take care of your mother? 358 00:49:26,050 --> 00:49:26,500 Hey.. 359 00:49:27,340 --> 00:49:30,460 Brother...ceremony is in the morning... why don’t you take some spirit? 360 00:49:30,750 --> 00:49:32,000 Okay.. 361 00:49:55,380 --> 00:49:58,800 Havoc! Havoc! Everywhere Havoc! 362 00:49:58,800 --> 00:50:01,590 Havoc Wherever I go! 363 00:50:02,380 --> 00:50:05,840 Havoc Havoc, all over! 364 00:50:05,840 --> 00:50:08,210 My beauty drives people mad 365 00:50:09,130 --> 00:50:12,880 The swing in my plaits 366 00:50:12,880 --> 00:50:16,340 Drives up the traffic every minute 367 00:50:16,340 --> 00:50:20,130 Where can I hide my lissomness? 368 00:50:20,130 --> 00:50:23,090 Very hard...Very hard... 369 00:50:23,210 --> 00:50:26,630 Yes indeed, Mandakini 370 00:50:26,630 --> 00:50:30,210 Ignore the voyeurs... 371 00:50:30,210 --> 00:50:36,960 It’s hard, I know, Mandakini I admire your belly button... 372 00:51:08,500 --> 00:51:15,630 Every man wants to be my ladies’ tailor to measure my perfect body 373 00:51:15,630 --> 00:51:22,300 Right you are...even we get some livelihood now 374 00:51:22,300 --> 00:51:29,550 Men want to be gynaceologists so they can feel my body 375 00:51:29,550 --> 00:51:36,130 This is a bit exaggerated but nevertheless lovely to hear, dear 376 00:51:36,130 --> 00:51:40,000 It’s tough to get out of home with my bounty of features 377 00:51:40,000 --> 00:51:41,380 Very hard.. 378 00:51:41,380 --> 00:51:46,670 Very hard..Very hard..Mandakini 379 00:51:46,710 --> 00:51:50,130 You’ve ignited an incense stick of your beauty 380 00:51:50,130 --> 00:51:53,670 It’s tough on you, Mandakini 381 00:51:53,670 --> 00:51:57,300 Ward off the evil eye, with your elders’ help 382 00:52:31,840 --> 00:52:38,920 Do you know how men ogle at me? 383 00:52:38,920 --> 00:52:45,630 : That’s another lie...now you’re feigning. 384 00:52:45,630 --> 00:52:52,920 No, the men climb to our terrace to watch me bathe 385 00:52:52,920 --> 00:52:59,590 Stop lying with your litany of lies. 386 00:52:59,590 --> 00:53:03,250 : It’s tough to remain veiled with my body beautiful... 387 00:53:03,250 --> 00:53:04,840 very tough 388 00:53:04,840 --> 00:53:10,130 Very hard...very hard Mandakini 389 00:53:10,130 --> 00:53:13,590 No more discussions! 390 00:53:13,590 --> 00:53:17,000 Very hard..Mandakini 391 00:53:17,000 --> 00:53:20,590 Let the glamour parade begin! 392 00:53:40,630 --> 00:53:42,630 You are right... 393 00:53:42,630 --> 00:53:44,000 Obulu absconding from work 394 00:53:44,000 --> 00:53:46,710 even the students in Gurukul turned sincere... 395 00:53:46,750 --> 00:53:49,630 Someone is here and upto something 396 00:54:00,340 --> 00:54:03,340 Rathore Sir... please come 397 00:54:07,250 --> 00:54:09,590 You have taken Dharmasthali in your grip... 398 00:54:10,550 --> 00:54:15,630 but you are making small mistakes and collecting loose change Basava... 399 00:54:16,750 --> 00:54:19,550 Everyone is afraid of you... 400 00:54:20,090 --> 00:54:24,420 But if you have to grow politically, this is not enough Basava. 401 00:54:35,130 --> 00:54:39,630 While I couldn’t accomplish here when I sent my brother Dharmasthali last time, 402 00:54:40,000 --> 00:54:44,800 I am happy atleast you have achieved what you wished. 403 00:54:46,590 --> 00:54:49,800 Now I want you to accomplish my unfinished dreams. 404 00:54:52,500 --> 00:54:55,590 I want the Siddhavanam forest that you can see from here. 405 00:54:56,670 --> 00:55:01,630 I have annexed other forests by displacing the Adivasis there. 406 00:55:02,130 --> 00:55:09,960 But in this forest where Padaghattam people are worshipped as God by all the neighborhood, I am helpless. 407 00:55:11,300 --> 00:55:15,550 I should make them commit errors and then get them banished by the everyone who live here. 408 00:55:50,750 --> 00:55:55,210 Sir, Suddenly she fell down. 409 00:55:57,090 --> 00:55:58,800 (weeping) 410 00:55:59,460 --> 00:56:00,800 Nurse .. 411 00:56:04,750 --> 00:56:06,130 Doctor.. 412 00:56:15,630 --> 00:56:18,420 The ayurvedic medicine taken by the children contained poison 413 00:56:19,500 --> 00:56:24,250 Can’t say what will happen until 24 hours pass. 414 00:56:26,420 --> 00:56:31,840 Surprised how such experienced Padaghattam people gave such a medicine ... 415 00:56:34,300 --> 00:56:39,050 Seems like a wilful mistake...they knew everything. 416 00:56:39,210 --> 00:56:42,460 How they did this on innocent children? 417 00:56:43,460 --> 00:56:48,710 instead...Picking innocent children now means they will resort to more cruelties in future. 418 00:56:49,710 --> 00:56:52,590 Let’s break their bones and tell them it is wrong to do like this... 419 00:56:53,840 --> 00:56:56,340 Come..lets go Let’s go. 420 00:57:03,840 --> 00:57:05,210 Hey come, 421 00:57:22,340 --> 00:57:25,590 How many more childrens lives will you take with this poison mix? 422 00:57:27,130 --> 00:57:29,710 How can you even think of harming young innocents like this? 423 00:57:32,630 --> 00:57:34,340 Stop...What’s all this? 424 00:58:22,130 --> 00:58:24,880 It’s the same medicine that Padaghattam people give each time 425 00:58:25,130 --> 00:58:27,630 but now they say it has become poison. 426 00:58:50,500 --> 00:58:52,590 I am now a reformed man sir 427 00:58:54,250 --> 00:58:56,800 Until The Padhaghattam people are there, Nothing will happen to the girl. 428 00:58:57,840 --> 00:59:00,170 But woe betide if something happens to Padhaghattam 429 00:59:02,840 --> 00:59:07,710 We bow to those people, no matter how evil we are, With utmost devotion sir, 430 00:59:08,750 --> 00:59:10,840 But now they have an existential threat.. 431 00:59:12,340 --> 00:59:14,920 Strangers have entered into the town. 432 00:59:15,210 --> 00:59:17,550 They must have mixed poison in Ayurvedic doses. 433 00:59:18,960 --> 00:59:21,800 There is a bigger conspiracy happening on Padhaghattam 434 00:59:32,590 --> 00:59:35,630 Let this night pass, no harm shall come to him. 435 00:59:36,000 --> 00:59:38,170 But if we overstay here tonight, 436 00:59:38,210 --> 00:59:40,210 There’s risk to all lives of Padaghattam 437 00:59:40,670 --> 00:59:44,880 If we all have to survive another day, We have to leave this place, here and now. 438 00:59:47,670 --> 00:59:50,880 What are you talking...leave Padaghattam? 439 00:59:50,880 --> 00:59:54,170 For whatever reasons we inhabited this place for generations, 440 00:59:54,630 --> 00:59:59,000 It’s time to move on from here, if we all wish to survive. 441 01:00:00,170 --> 01:00:02,500 We may not know why we are living here for ages, 442 01:00:02,960 --> 01:00:05,460 but, our leader Veda surely knows 443 01:00:05,500 --> 01:00:09,300 why Atleast for his sake, let’s weigh our thoughts and ...instead of rushing out 444 01:00:09,340 --> 01:00:11,380 We lived here for centuries... 445 01:00:11,420 --> 01:00:14,710 But if we stay longer, I am afraid the place will turn a graveyard 446 01:00:15,250 --> 01:00:16,420 Enough is enough.. 447 01:00:16,710 --> 01:00:20,590 We can safeguard our leader Veda’s life only if we flee this place 448 01:01:25,590 --> 01:01:27,250 It’s all going as per the plan. 449 01:01:27,590 --> 01:01:31,340 next week we can start the work.. Will have oath auspicious time fixed. 450 01:01:31,380 --> 01:01:31,960 Brother-in-law. 451 01:01:32,380 --> 01:01:33,340 Okay sir. 452 01:01:36,130 --> 01:01:40,460 All the five men who mixed poison in Ayurvedic medicine surrendered at the police station. 453 01:01:55,920 --> 01:01:58,300 While those men were confined to the abandoned bungalow, 454 01:01:58,300 --> 01:02:00,710 this fellow was fooling around that place... 455 01:02:00,840 --> 01:02:02,800 Maybe he is the one orchestrating the whole thing. 456 01:02:10,500 --> 01:02:15,170 Are you the culprit? You ungrateful wretch! 457 01:02:15,670 --> 01:02:21,250 I thought you had more sense than your brother-in-law 458 01:02:22,210 --> 01:02:25,880 How did you believe I can do all this? 459 01:02:26,590 --> 01:02:29,710 The man who broke both the limbs of Obulu... 460 01:02:31,550 --> 01:02:34,250 the one who cut your wrist at the Fair 461 01:02:34,840 --> 01:02:39,590 and the one who broke the bones of those who mixed poison in medicines is all one person. 462 01:02:39,590 --> 01:02:42,250 Who's that? Who's that...? 463 01:02:44,710 --> 01:02:52,500 There’s a carpenter who came to the Western Bazar... 464 01:02:53,880 --> 01:02:57,710 They say he is so skilled in his craft that his hand 465 01:02:59,000 --> 01:03:07,750 I think many have vouched for that, I mean brother, can cut anybody like the saw he uses, 466 01:03:12,090 --> 01:03:14,380 So many have seen that. 467 01:03:14,750 --> 01:03:16,090 Next you are the one. 468 01:03:44,800 --> 01:03:52,590 For 800 years, this dense Siddhavanam forest is enmeshed with Padaghattam And you people want to abandon it? 469 01:03:55,960 --> 01:03:58,050 The Goddess which manifested to protect you, 470 01:03:58,050 --> 01:04:01,130 the world of Dharmasthali which you have created. 471 01:04:01,300 --> 01:04:02,840 isn’t it a mistake to leave all that, Sir? 472 01:04:03,000 --> 01:04:07,460 As someone just said, “ We doubt if the Goddess meant to protect us is still residing here... 473 01:04:07,500 --> 01:04:12,210 As for Dharmasthali...it’s only a place... but Dharma is long dead there. 474 01:04:14,050 --> 01:04:19,710 Our bonding with Padaghattam, Dharmasthali, and Jeevadhara is broken.. 475 01:04:21,170 --> 01:04:26,300 There’s no river without water... no Dharmasthali exists beyond your shadows 476 01:04:26,380 --> 01:04:27,840 that's all past.. 477 01:04:28,090 --> 01:04:30,960 no doubt, we once adorned Ghattamma like lamps 478 01:04:31,130 --> 01:04:37,170 Now we have become moths to the fire of those very lamps... they are killing us. 479 01:04:38,630 --> 01:04:42,750 This place Jeevadhara itself is a witness to all the life that’s proliferated here. 480 01:04:44,250 --> 01:04:49,800 Even though I am not a life-giver, I vow to protect you putting my life as a front. 481 01:04:50,630 --> 01:04:54,960 Believe me, Please return to Padaghattam...Go back. 482 01:04:56,750 --> 01:05:00,300 If he says so, it will happen...Let’s all turn back 483 01:05:02,250 --> 01:05:06,550 You must be new to this place... We have a monster there... 484 01:05:06,840 --> 01:05:10,090 There’s no end to his litany of evil deeds which makes Ghattamma also a hapless bystander. 485 01:05:10,800 --> 01:05:11,960 Think again, 486 01:05:23,960 --> 01:05:26,460 There think of the devils...they are coming...let’s go 487 01:05:26,500 --> 01:05:28,130 They are coming for me. 488 01:05:30,500 --> 01:05:32,920 I have come prepared for this. 489 01:05:33,210 --> 01:05:37,750 What are you saying sir...Do you know what it is to spar with him...You don’t know who and whence 490 01:05:37,800 --> 01:05:42,800 I think you don’t know him well...just come with us. 491 01:05:44,090 --> 01:05:47,800 Come with us sir...Look, they are trooping in. 492 01:05:56,420 --> 01:05:58,670 Sir, we are all leaving this place. 493 01:06:00,170 --> 01:06:04,840 you all leaving okay, Someone by name Acharya came here 494 01:06:06,250 --> 01:06:07,210 Where? 495 01:06:10,340 --> 01:06:11,550 Where is that fellow? 496 01:06:15,920 --> 01:06:17,000 Where? 497 01:06:38,130 --> 01:06:41,500 We will dissuade him and take him alongwith us...Leave him alone sir. 498 01:06:49,420 --> 01:06:52,460 To win a war, we must only march one step forward... 499 01:06:52,800 --> 01:06:54,710 But me to win this war, 500 01:06:54,710 --> 01:07:00,420 I need each one of you to retreat one step back... until you reach Padaghattam. 501 01:07:01,590 --> 01:07:04,250 Did you see the dread in their eyes? 502 01:07:05,590 --> 01:07:09,800 How can that wither away with these morsels of courage you are injecting with? 503 01:07:10,630 --> 01:07:12,460 It won’t work...They won’t go back. 504 01:07:14,800 --> 01:07:15,800 Come.. 505 01:07:34,500 --> 01:07:35,380 Hey, 506 01:10:31,710 --> 01:10:32,920 Who are you? 507 01:10:32,920 --> 01:10:34,210 COMARADE...! 508 01:10:40,460 --> 01:10:42,630 Comrade Acharya. 509 01:10:44,750 --> 01:10:47,170 You think you can escape after clashing with me? 510 01:10:47,380 --> 01:10:50,050 I intend to see you perish... 511 01:10:51,210 --> 01:10:55,420 How dare you speak like this in front of me... In my Dharmasthali. 512 01:10:57,380 --> 01:10:59,050 What’s your strength? 513 01:11:03,960 --> 01:11:06,800 For twenty years or more, 514 01:11:08,050 --> 01:11:12,500 when we roam in the jungle and thrive in the midst of wild animals 515 01:11:12,840 --> 01:11:16,050 on one hand and hundreds of cops on the other hand, 516 01:11:16,840 --> 01:11:19,460 And nothing harmed me, 517 01:11:19,500 --> 01:11:22,710 What else do I have except courage and strength. 518 01:11:22,750 --> 01:11:25,090 Do you think it is an act of bravado to inflict minor wounds 519 01:11:25,090 --> 01:11:30,170 On my hand with a knife when no one else’s looking. 520 01:11:31,130 --> 01:11:33,250 I just wanted to announce myself ... 521 01:11:34,130 --> 01:11:42,920 but had I had my way, the dagger would have cut deeper into your chest... 522 01:11:45,300 --> 01:11:47,170 Why did you come here? 523 01:11:47,550 --> 01:11:49,170 What do you want? 524 01:11:49,800 --> 01:11:56,250 Return of past glory in Dharmasthali and restoration of Dharma in Padaghattam. 525 01:11:57,090 --> 01:11:59,800 in-fact, Padaghattam should remain in existence. 526 01:12:02,630 --> 01:12:04,880 Just because someone asks you a favour, 527 01:12:04,880 --> 01:12:07,210 you think you can monopolise the whole of Padaghattam just like that... 528 01:12:09,050 --> 01:12:12,210 If you want to go from Dharmasthali to Padaghattam, 529 01:12:12,250 --> 01:12:15,420 you have to cross not just Jeevadhara river 530 01:12:16,130 --> 01:12:18,670 But also surpass Acharya, understand? 531 01:12:19,710 --> 01:12:22,000 How are you connected to Padaghattam? 532 01:12:22,380 --> 01:12:24,460 If anything happens to Padaghattam Why do you care? 533 01:12:25,710 --> 01:12:30,840 Divine Forest on one side... Holy Water body on the other side.. 534 01:12:32,500 --> 01:12:34,920 ...Padaghattam in the middle. 535 01:12:43,800 --> 01:12:47,800 Divine Forest on one side... Holy Water body on the other side.. ... 536 01:12:49,670 --> 01:12:51,630 Padaghattam in the middle. 537 01:12:51,750 --> 01:12:53,750 Each grain of sand... 538 01:12:55,340 --> 01:12:57,460 Each grain of sand... 539 01:12:58,960 --> 01:13:00,710 Contains Mother’s infinite love 540 01:13:00,920 --> 01:13:02,670 Contains Mother’s infinite love 541 01:13:04,130 --> 01:13:11,630 That guards you and me until we die... 542 01:13:35,750 --> 01:13:41,170 [Siddha-Ready] 543 01:13:45,300 --> 01:13:48,750 [Few years ago] 544 01:14:38,170 --> 01:14:39,250 Siddha.. 545 01:15:43,090 --> 01:15:47,050 [Chanting] 546 01:16:07,800 --> 01:16:08,460 Take this. 547 01:16:12,710 --> 01:16:16,670 [Chanting] 548 01:16:29,670 --> 01:16:31,920 The Goddess’s necklace is missing... 549 01:16:36,710 --> 01:16:37,380 Hold this. 550 01:18:08,420 --> 01:18:09,960 Not for this brother... 551 01:18:10,840 --> 01:18:15,170 Before leaving Dharmasthali you realise the hasty action and its consequences... 552 01:18:18,000 --> 01:18:20,920 You can also learn Dharma and leave after a few days. 553 01:18:21,420 --> 01:18:22,170 Come. 554 01:18:30,130 --> 01:18:32,170 [Dharmasthali Gurukul University] 555 01:18:39,130 --> 01:18:40,130 Don't leave your grip. 556 01:18:49,840 --> 01:18:54,550 Everybody’s saying that you have chased and beaten boys from other village 557 01:18:58,670 --> 01:19:02,000 I only ensured they feel responsible for their actions. 558 01:19:05,050 --> 01:19:09,300 It is just a petty theft...do they deserve such punishment? 559 01:19:12,460 --> 01:19:15,420 I wanted to make them know what they did is not Dharma. 560 01:19:25,670 --> 01:19:31,460 What if Dharmasthali becomes Adharmasthali (Unholy) because of many and bigger mistakes repeating? 561 01:19:31,460 --> 01:19:33,460 How will you react? 562 01:19:55,960 --> 01:20:00,550 How can Dharmasthali become Adharmasthali? 563 01:20:01,750 --> 01:20:04,000 I just wanted to test your strength. That's why said so, 564 01:20:04,130 --> 01:20:07,840 Nothing will harm Dharmasthali as long you are here. 565 01:20:22,130 --> 01:20:26,550 True...As long as Siddha lives, nothing happens to Dharmasthali. 566 01:20:27,000 --> 01:20:28,840 You can’t even grow. 567 01:20:37,550 --> 01:20:38,090 Take this. 568 01:20:38,210 --> 01:20:39,300 Siddha... -Sir. 569 01:20:42,380 --> 01:20:47,090 Nothing, Siddha... Nilambari’s mischief is driving me mad... 570 01:20:47,170 --> 01:20:52,090 Why do you say that sir? Isn’t she the most talented music artiste here? 571 01:20:52,170 --> 01:20:55,170 She knows a lot more than music... 572 01:20:58,130 --> 01:20:59,920 You are out of tune, Paparao. 573 01:21:00,420 --> 01:21:02,880 Nothing wrong, when I am going mad already, Nilambari. 574 01:21:03,920 --> 01:21:07,920 You like me that much, Papi -Yes 575 01:21:07,920 --> 01:21:13,340 Music can heal any disease, cure any pain. 576 01:21:15,880 --> 01:21:21,090 If your music heals even one of them, You win my heart. 577 01:21:31,300 --> 01:21:32,340 Stop. 578 01:21:42,840 --> 01:21:44,590 What are you doing? 579 01:21:46,000 --> 01:21:51,210 Don’t dare come here again... 580 01:21:51,420 --> 01:21:52,460 I will break your legs. 581 01:21:52,670 --> 01:21:56,800 But her mischievous ways are bringing new headaches every day. 582 01:21:57,170 --> 01:22:00,710 She’s a good girl...Intelligent...Don’t be harsh on her. 583 01:22:00,710 --> 01:22:05,210 Why don’t you temper her down, since you’re both in the same class 584 01:22:05,420 --> 01:22:11,090 Rest assured sir, I will....Let me start with some Yoga and Meditation in the morning...things will be smooth. 585 01:22:11,130 --> 01:22:12,050 Good 586 01:22:15,210 --> 01:22:16,130 Greetings. 587 01:22:23,380 --> 01:22:24,500 Nilambari... 588 01:22:28,340 --> 01:22:29,300 Nilambari... 589 01:23:46,960 --> 01:23:52,550 Uncle told me that you teach well and asked me to be alert..... 590 01:23:53,550 --> 01:23:56,420 But you have been teaching everybody except me.. 591 01:23:56,800 --> 01:23:58,800 Please come teach something, Siddha. 592 01:23:58,800 --> 01:24:02,710 You are so well-versed in everything... What can I teach you? 593 01:24:02,710 --> 01:24:07,670 I mean...you know everything... what more can you learn from me 594 01:24:08,670 --> 01:24:10,920 Come, teach me a nice grip ... 595 01:24:11,250 --> 01:24:12,000 Come. 596 01:24:12,590 --> 01:24:15,500 Ok then...we will be at the cow ranch... 597 01:24:15,880 --> 01:24:20,590 take your time and teach how to get good grips in a couple of days...don’t teach in one go. 598 01:25:37,170 --> 01:25:48,210 Neelambari Neelambari, the nonpareil! 599 01:25:52,550 --> 01:25:59,750 The perfect beauty, lady queen of Her Master. 600 01:26:00,170 --> 01:26:07,050 Salute you, the sibling of moon, I’m coming to you..Neelambari 601 01:26:07,500 --> 01:26:17,170 Stop murmuring sacred chants like a priest, I've no time to waste! 602 01:26:17,170 --> 01:26:26,380 I know nothing lovely lady Feeling helpless with your gaiety! 603 01:26:26,380 --> 01:26:32,090 Take me through a guided tour of your riches, 604 01:26:32,090 --> 01:26:41,550 Neelambari Neelambari, the nonpareil! 605 01:26:41,550 --> 01:26:52,210 Neelambari, Neelambari, the teasing beauty! 606 01:27:59,210 --> 01:28:09,000 I’m still basking in the glory of dreams about chasing you... 607 01:28:09,000 --> 01:28:13,800 You’re still learning, dear student, train harder 608 01:28:13,800 --> 01:28:18,670 Stop not till you reach your goal. 609 01:28:18,670 --> 01:28:23,380 Never, not till my last breath, my dear 610 01:28:23,380 --> 01:28:28,500 You’re the raison d’etre of my existence, my darling. 611 01:28:28,590 --> 01:28:32,880 Now and forever with you, life after life. 612 01:28:32,880 --> 01:28:42,550 Neelambari Neelambari, the nonpareil! 613 01:28:42,550 --> 01:28:53,090 Neelambari, Neelambari, the teasing beauty! 614 01:29:08,630 --> 01:29:11,880 He is younger brother of big business man Rathore... 615 01:29:12,050 --> 01:29:13,000 Please sit. -Sit 616 01:29:17,340 --> 01:29:20,090 He came here to discuss a business proposal. 617 01:29:20,300 --> 01:29:24,380 I asked him to meet here as everybody looks up to Padaghattam here.. 618 01:29:25,550 --> 01:29:26,630 Tell me.. 619 01:29:27,880 --> 01:29:29,710 Dharmasthali is a famous town 620 01:29:30,840 --> 01:29:37,170 but all name and fame comes because it is a temple town. We can scale it to the next level 621 01:29:39,920 --> 01:29:41,050 Cause it's a temple town 622 01:29:41,050 --> 01:29:43,340 You get some livelihood Because of the pilgrims 623 01:29:43,670 --> 01:29:45,460 it's the only source of income. 624 01:29:45,880 --> 01:29:48,710 make it as an Industrial town so that it depends less on earnings from temple tourism. 625 01:29:49,340 --> 01:29:51,590 All of your lives will get transformed... 626 01:29:53,500 --> 01:29:56,380 Everybody is happy here. 627 01:29:57,090 --> 01:29:59,550 We don't really need that big change. 628 01:30:01,800 --> 01:30:04,750 Don’t think small.. Lives will get held. 629 01:30:05,920 --> 01:30:09,380 You can only grow in life by the scale of your ambition and aspiration. 630 01:30:09,460 --> 01:30:10,590 who will grow...? 631 01:30:11,750 --> 01:30:15,710 You can go elsewhere if you want to grow more and more. 632 01:30:17,550 --> 01:30:20,130 You are all small-time tribals living in forestlands... 633 01:30:21,800 --> 01:30:23,630 What do you know? 634 01:30:23,920 --> 01:30:24,880 Dharmam. 635 01:30:27,170 --> 01:30:30,500 Dharma...Whatever Padaghattam says according to Dharma is the gospel 636 01:30:36,670 --> 01:30:39,750 You are young and must be having some temptations... 637 01:30:40,750 --> 01:30:44,710 How can you listen to these closed-mindset fellows? 638 01:30:46,590 --> 01:30:48,630 Divine forest on one side... 639 01:30:48,800 --> 01:30:50,710 Holy Water on the other side... 640 01:30:52,300 --> 01:30:54,670 Padaghattam in between... 641 01:30:58,000 --> 01:31:03,340 Each grain of sand... Contains Mother’s infinite love.. 642 01:31:05,210 --> 01:31:09,590 That guards you and me until we die... 643 01:31:12,420 --> 01:31:17,300 Our lives remain protected as long as we swear by Padaghattam, blessed by the Divine Goddess. 644 01:31:17,840 --> 01:31:20,460 If you understood, You can leave. 645 01:31:29,000 --> 01:31:32,460 You must be here with some aspirations. 646 01:31:32,800 --> 01:31:37,090 Even I have some aspirations. From many years. 647 01:31:37,500 --> 01:31:41,630 Staying here and chanting only Dharma.. 648 01:31:41,630 --> 01:31:44,630 I'm like a cannabis plant in a basil garden 649 01:31:44,630 --> 01:31:50,630 If you join hands with me, we can uproot all the basil plants. 650 01:31:51,550 --> 01:31:54,630 What do you want? -Dharmasthali... 651 01:31:56,550 --> 01:32:02,250 I want to become the Lord of Dharmasthali ... where the powerful mother goddess is. 652 01:32:03,210 --> 01:32:06,380 everything here should be in my control. 653 01:32:06,630 --> 01:32:09,880 With our support, You can achieve whatever you want. 654 01:32:10,800 --> 01:32:14,210 Let us make small beginnings.. 655 01:32:55,750 --> 01:33:01,460 Stop there, wait. 656 01:33:14,210 --> 01:33:18,590 I did expect a turn of events at Dharmasthali but not this kind. 657 01:33:21,710 --> 01:33:24,210 Happy atleast our people survived 658 01:33:28,380 --> 01:33:31,050 In a town like that, Who has dare to do it? 659 01:33:59,500 --> 01:34:02,920 In temple premises We have tried to explain things easily... 660 01:34:03,750 --> 01:34:06,340 Some get it, some don’t...Those who didn’t get it, 661 01:34:08,000 --> 01:34:11,960 we are obliged to straighten them out... 662 01:34:17,750 --> 01:34:21,050 Here everyone are gentle, Always do Pooja and perform rituals, 663 01:34:21,050 --> 01:34:25,250 You might think that, We rely on the deity whenever difficulties arise. 664 01:34:25,250 --> 01:34:26,460 You may be mistaken. 665 01:34:28,210 --> 01:34:34,550 we charge ahead to take things in control like possessed men under the Goddess’s influence. 666 01:34:39,250 --> 01:34:47,300 I hope you and your people now realize how difficult it is to confront the divinity within us. 667 01:35:02,550 --> 01:35:03,800 Good...good.. 668 01:35:03,960 --> 01:35:04,750 Greetings 669 01:35:04,800 --> 01:35:05,960 What brings you here Sir? 670 01:35:06,000 --> 01:35:07,550 Need to discuss an important matter 671 01:35:11,340 --> 01:35:13,460 Here’s Divine Prasad... 672 01:35:16,000 --> 01:35:19,800 Nilambari and Siddha love each other. 673 01:35:20,300 --> 01:35:22,090 I’ve learnt of this recently... 674 01:35:22,590 --> 01:35:24,420 Inspite being born in Padhaghattam, 675 01:35:24,420 --> 01:35:26,960 Siddha is a gem of a boy...Since you raised him up, 676 01:35:27,960 --> 01:35:29,920 wanted to discuss about their marriage with you. 677 01:35:34,590 --> 01:35:36,380 Even though Padhaghattam raised him, 678 01:35:37,420 --> 01:35:39,250 his biological parents are some other... 679 01:35:40,500 --> 01:35:43,250 Very long ago they deserted him in Siddhavanam, 680 01:35:44,250 --> 01:35:48,050 They may return any day and take him back... 681 01:35:49,630 --> 01:35:54,090 Better not to pin hopes on him... 682 01:35:55,210 --> 01:35:58,380 Please convince Nilambari about this complication. 683 01:36:02,550 --> 01:36:07,590 Due to the presence of a temple in this village, Everyone sat on the couch trying to make no small mistake 684 01:36:07,840 --> 01:36:11,340 People here, have to change as normal people. 685 01:36:13,840 --> 01:36:18,460 When there’s no temple here, only town will remember. 686 01:36:20,750 --> 01:36:21,880 Bring down the temple, is it? 687 01:36:23,170 --> 01:36:24,590 It's a ancient temple ... 688 01:36:25,840 --> 01:36:27,670 The rains are also pouring heavily, 689 01:36:29,840 --> 01:36:34,210 It is natural for such temples and schools to collapse, 690 01:36:40,630 --> 01:36:41,710 Siddha! 691 01:36:41,710 --> 01:36:45,170 What Siddha! You are always doting on others’ kids... 692 01:36:45,170 --> 01:36:48,300 When will you marry so we can start playing with your kids? 693 01:36:54,170 --> 01:36:55,090 Okay. 694 01:36:55,340 --> 01:36:59,630 Aadanna! The priest’s daughter and I ... 695 01:37:02,130 --> 01:37:06,960 Siddha...the folks from the city are razing the temple to the ground 696 01:37:07,340 --> 01:37:09,670 For stopping them They did this, 697 01:37:11,670 --> 01:37:13,380 Aadanna... 698 01:37:14,340 --> 01:37:17,420 Aadanna... -Ghattamma’s Temple 699 01:37:18,960 --> 01:37:20,090 Ghattamma’s Temple 700 01:37:20,130 --> 01:37:21,750 Veda...take care of Aadanna 701 01:37:26,750 --> 01:37:30,300 We’ll finish him fist before the temple... 702 01:37:53,710 --> 01:37:54,670 Aadanna.. 703 01:37:56,340 --> 01:37:57,300 Aadanna.. 704 01:38:14,670 --> 01:38:19,090 Bring down the temple before dawn... 705 01:38:20,250 --> 01:38:22,800 If siddha come to stop you. 706 01:38:23,880 --> 01:38:27,000 With that temple he too should be grounded. 707 01:39:49,750 --> 01:39:52,130 Hey...break the temple doors open! 708 01:42:02,500 --> 01:42:07,000 [NEAR ANDHRA-ORISSA BORDER] 709 01:43:09,170 --> 01:43:12,630 Who are you? Where am I? 710 01:43:16,670 --> 01:43:18,630 You are safe with your people. 711 01:43:20,750 --> 01:43:22,550 You are our leader Sankaranna’s son 712 01:43:51,130 --> 01:43:52,250 Comrade..! 713 01:44:01,550 --> 01:44:02,710 Shankar... 714 01:44:12,840 --> 01:44:14,050 Shankar.. 715 01:44:19,750 --> 01:44:20,800 Sumathi.. 716 01:44:38,170 --> 01:44:40,340 Leave the place with son and troop... 717 01:44:40,460 --> 01:44:41,340 Sure, 718 01:44:41,500 --> 01:44:42,380 Acharya.. 719 01:44:47,880 --> 01:44:49,130 Tell, Shankaranna. 720 01:44:51,340 --> 01:44:56,550 Acharya, make sure he's also a part of the movement. 721 01:44:58,960 --> 01:45:00,590 Red salute! 722 01:45:00,920 --> 01:45:02,300 Red salute! 723 01:45:26,250 --> 01:45:29,250 Being an infant roaming in this forest would be dangerous, 724 01:45:29,500 --> 01:45:32,750 So, Acharya left you to grow in Padhaghattam near Siddavanam forest. 725 01:45:37,670 --> 01:45:39,090 Even if you didn’t see him, 726 01:45:39,670 --> 01:45:41,880 he always enquired about your well-being 727 01:45:42,500 --> 01:45:45,340 and admired the way you came up in life as if you were his own child. 728 01:45:46,380 --> 01:45:48,550 After all these years of staying happy and safe, 729 01:45:48,750 --> 01:45:51,670 he was not sure how to cross paths with you again. 730 01:45:51,800 --> 01:45:53,380 He is indeed your Guardian Angel, 731 01:45:53,840 --> 01:45:57,460 and has come into your life at the right moment again when you were in danger. 732 01:46:21,800 --> 01:46:22,840 Acharya... 733 01:46:39,050 --> 01:46:40,090 Siddha... 734 01:46:50,630 --> 01:46:52,590 As per Sankaranna’s wishes, 735 01:46:53,090 --> 01:46:56,170 we were waiting for an opportune moment to welcome you into our movement. 736 01:46:56,340 --> 01:46:58,300 Want to fill inspiration of the movement 737 01:47:01,000 --> 01:47:06,630 It runs deep in your veins, before coming here. the spirit of fighting injustice. 738 01:47:07,750 --> 01:47:13,460 The day has come when you join the Movement as per Shankara’s wish 739 01:47:14,840 --> 01:47:17,880 So, welcome you comrade to our troop. Welcome. 740 01:48:10,840 --> 01:48:13,090 Acharya... He is captured at point blank, 741 01:48:13,380 --> 01:48:16,250 We can’t save him now or we will all be caught. 742 01:48:16,340 --> 01:48:20,630 All your troop must be here somewhere. Tell them to show up...Tell them to show up. 743 01:48:26,550 --> 01:48:27,670 Guns down. 744 01:48:50,670 --> 01:48:55,130 As new commer in the troop, you must know some things 745 01:48:56,250 --> 01:48:58,920 Many will lose their lives in the struggle. 746 01:49:00,090 --> 01:49:05,340 Being sensitive and acting on impulse is not our trait, Comrade. 747 01:49:05,630 --> 01:49:15,210 It’s not impulsive..it’s my Dharma to protect those in danger by throwing all our mite in, Comrade. 748 01:49:39,630 --> 01:49:45,300 He is a born warrior, fierce like Red Mars. 749 01:49:46,340 --> 01:49:51,840 Now smeared in vermillion borne out of blood. 750 01:49:52,880 --> 01:49:58,170 Roaming in the trails of forest 751 01:49:59,250 --> 01:50:04,960 Keeping vigil at night and day like a World Protector! 752 01:50:05,380 --> 01:50:11,340 No family bonds here, guns the only company 753 01:50:12,210 --> 01:50:18,420 Exiled to forest to uplift the downtrodden and protect them forever. 754 01:50:18,500 --> 01:50:24,170 Piercing the sky like a shooting star, 755 01:50:24,170 --> 01:50:28,130 Lurking in the middle of planet like a volcano of fire like 756 01:50:28,550 --> 01:50:33,000 Marching in unison, matching step by step, 757 01:50:33,210 --> 01:50:38,750 ..it is now the rally of the masses for a mass revolution. 758 01:50:41,000 --> 01:50:45,750 A.. Amma Aa...Acharya 759 01:51:51,500 --> 01:51:58,550 We should all be prepared to sacrifice our lives or take lives, in this fight to re-establish an egalitarian society...Comrades. 760 01:51:59,750 --> 01:52:02,090 Red Salute! -Red Salute! 761 01:52:16,000 --> 01:52:17,550 Greetings, Brother. 762 01:52:18,090 --> 01:52:20,130 Everything is finished. 763 01:52:20,550 --> 01:52:27,090 Dense forest has been cut down And made us suffer from diseases. 764 01:52:27,300 --> 01:52:31,840 Came to know that some precious minerals are there. so, started digging 765 01:52:32,090 --> 01:52:36,210 So many people died because land and water became poisonous. 766 01:52:38,630 --> 01:52:43,300 We did our best to stop them but they killed many of us brutally sir. 767 01:52:43,550 --> 01:52:47,130 They even dragged our boys inside to forcibly make them slog at work sir. 768 01:52:51,380 --> 01:52:53,880 Aa...Acharya 769 01:53:32,590 --> 01:53:33,550 Where are you running. 770 01:53:40,420 --> 01:53:41,840 Rajendra... -Yes 771 01:53:42,380 --> 01:53:46,880 Acharya’s troop is roaming in our midst...Be careful... 772 01:53:47,170 --> 01:53:49,300 Where are the Security Personnel? 773 01:53:58,130 --> 01:53:59,710 Oh...here they are. 774 01:54:39,590 --> 01:54:41,460 You go and send that load. 775 01:54:42,420 --> 01:54:45,420 Need a break...Can you get me some tea? 776 01:54:46,630 --> 01:54:52,050 Enough of all your banter after reaching late... Still haven’t come to senses after yesterday’s high is it? 777 01:54:52,090 --> 01:54:53,550 Hey, Why are you babbling like that. 778 01:54:55,460 --> 01:54:56,340 Oh! 779 01:54:59,630 --> 01:55:00,840 Acharya sir... 780 01:55:03,090 --> 01:55:05,090 Ssss..Sorry...Prasad sir. 781 01:55:05,250 --> 01:55:06,460 What is this mindless killing when I am talking ? 782 01:55:06,500 --> 01:55:10,460 Arrey...I am pissed off because he said I am inebriated... Ram sir. 783 01:55:10,460 --> 01:55:11,340 I will talk to him...wait. 784 01:55:11,340 --> 01:55:13,250 Please talk...Please talk - I will 785 01:55:13,250 --> 01:55:14,960 Hey, why did he stab. 786 01:55:14,960 --> 01:55:17,460 He seems to have killed your man in a rush of unmedicated blood pressure... 787 01:55:17,460 --> 01:55:20,840 Why are jetting in between? 788 01:55:21,170 --> 01:55:24,590 What Ram Sir...Why are you killing people for talking? 789 01:55:24,590 --> 01:55:26,170 why is he pouncing on me? 790 01:55:26,170 --> 01:55:27,300 Control yourself please... 791 01:55:27,300 --> 01:55:34,250 Whatever happened, happened...Leave it. We need to get back to work and discharge our duty...Jai Hind. 792 01:55:34,920 --> 01:55:35,800 Come, sir. 793 01:55:38,800 --> 01:55:40,670 Hey, what are you looking at, hold him. 794 01:55:40,800 --> 01:55:43,630 Rajendra, hey...hey. 795 01:55:43,800 --> 01:55:48,250 Hey, Why are you fretting over...He must’ve gone by now... 796 01:55:48,340 --> 01:55:50,840 Load him in truck and sendoff. Good riddance...Hey 797 01:55:54,670 --> 01:55:57,300 Prasad sir, wait 798 01:55:57,800 --> 01:55:59,590 What is this, Prasad Sir... Why such haste... 799 01:55:59,590 --> 01:56:00,670 Again you killed. 800 01:56:00,670 --> 01:56:02,590 I can’t stand those menacing looks Ram Sir...I will again... 801 01:56:03,800 --> 01:56:05,800 Prasad sir, come aside Let me talk. 802 01:56:08,710 --> 01:56:10,340 Why so much rashness Ram sir 803 01:56:10,340 --> 01:56:12,000 What else can I do Prasad sir...he is just jostling me 804 01:56:12,090 --> 01:56:13,920 Are why don’t you just talk instead of stabbing 805 01:56:14,920 --> 01:56:17,050 Prasad sir, again... 806 01:56:17,050 --> 01:56:19,500 I didn’t do it intentionally... he hurled himself onto me and got stabbed 807 01:56:19,550 --> 01:56:21,050 You should have taken B.P Tablets 808 01:56:21,050 --> 01:56:23,800 Sorry sir...Sorry.. Get back to work. 809 01:56:33,840 --> 01:56:35,840 What’s happening here... 810 01:56:37,170 --> 01:56:38,750 Are they the Security personnel? 811 01:56:38,750 --> 01:56:39,340 Sir.. 812 01:56:41,340 --> 01:56:46,170 We were about to assume duty when the Naxal’s intercepted and took out uniforms sir... 813 01:56:47,050 --> 01:56:48,300 I think it’s Acharya’s troop sir. 814 01:58:01,960 --> 01:58:10,550 Ye, come and Watch the play between a tiger and a leopard 815 01:58:10,550 --> 01:58:14,550 Finally, smiles return to our lives, 816 01:58:14,630 --> 01:58:18,880 Catching like wildfire, with drumbeats of happiness. 817 01:58:19,050 --> 01:58:22,920 Festivities return to the pitch dark forest! 818 01:58:22,920 --> 01:58:27,300 Even the winds are whirling to the dance of mother earth, 819 01:58:27,300 --> 01:58:31,300 Bright moonshine is piercing the nightfall of Cimmerian darkness 820 01:58:31,300 --> 01:58:35,670 Come let’s partake in this feast of festivities, 821 01:58:35,670 --> 01:58:40,130 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 822 01:58:40,130 --> 01:58:43,340 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 823 01:58:43,920 --> 01:58:48,380 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 824 01:58:48,380 --> 01:58:51,590 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 825 01:59:27,210 --> 01:59:31,250 Cuckoo, please don’t wake us with your wake-up call 826 01:59:31,250 --> 01:59:35,550 We’re lost in the count of days and nights 827 01:59:35,550 --> 01:59:39,460 Let’s dance and drink to our merry, 828 01:59:39,500 --> 01:59:44,000 Even a skyfall can’t ruin our party tonite, 829 01:59:44,000 --> 01:59:48,300 We’ve got the world in our palm and nothing to worry, 830 01:59:48,300 --> 01:59:52,210 Let’s spin the top, now that we’ve got the world in our hands. 831 01:59:52,250 --> 01:59:56,800 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 832 01:59:56,800 --> 02:00:00,210 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 833 02:00:00,630 --> 02:00:05,170 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 834 02:00:05,170 --> 02:00:08,590 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 835 02:00:53,050 --> 02:00:57,050 Every flora and fauna, now our friends. 836 02:00:57,050 --> 02:01:01,300 Each mound, each turn, now our allies. 837 02:01:01,300 --> 02:01:05,800 This forest showered its benevolence like a mother 838 02:01:05,800 --> 02:01:09,960 And nurtured us to become powerful weapons. 839 02:01:10,050 --> 02:01:14,130 The lives of everyone in the forest are dear to it. 840 02:01:14,210 --> 02:01:18,130 We’ve got to defend everybody now, and keep their woes away. 841 02:01:18,130 --> 02:01:22,670 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 842 02:01:22,670 --> 02:01:26,090 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 843 02:01:26,550 --> 02:01:31,090 Bravo! Bravo! Let’s go gaga! 844 02:01:31,090 --> 02:01:34,500 Let’s party the whole night, no holds barred! 845 02:02:02,170 --> 02:02:09,800 The Naxal’s have come to our mine in Jagadalpur forest, killed our people and abducted the Adivasi kids. 846 02:02:10,550 --> 02:02:17,500 They also said they will eliminate everyone who sets his foot upon this or any other forest. 847 02:02:18,050 --> 02:02:22,170 Before this warning becomes public information, we need to annihilate all of them in the forest itself. 848 02:02:27,800 --> 02:02:31,090 I need that forest at any cost, Khilla. 849 02:02:35,550 --> 02:02:38,670 Not like that keep it like this way. 850 02:02:43,880 --> 02:02:44,880 That's it 851 02:03:02,210 --> 02:03:04,960 I am expecting a retaliatory response from them after the cessation of mining activities.... 852 02:03:05,090 --> 02:03:06,880 Have to be careful Acharya. 853 02:03:11,800 --> 02:03:16,130 Yesterday, the kids you brought back were playing with a map 854 02:03:17,170 --> 02:03:18,920 After this forest, 855 02:03:18,920 --> 02:03:25,920 They are going to start mining in Paddhaghattam which is in Siddhavanam forest, 856 02:03:26,300 --> 02:03:30,630 I have seen a lot of damage being done in this forest due to mining 857 02:03:31,090 --> 02:03:36,710 I can’t stand the very thought of collateral damage that will be wreaked on my Padaghattam 858 02:03:37,670 --> 02:03:40,710 and wanted to repay my debt to them. 859 02:03:43,090 --> 02:03:47,960 I am very much indebted to Paddaghattam and the people over their. 860 02:03:50,670 --> 02:03:55,000 Your tireless efforts to rescue those in distress is my main inspiration... 861 02:03:55,800 --> 02:04:00,210 I want to go back and stand like a pillar of strength to my land and people, Acharya. 862 02:04:00,630 --> 02:04:02,300 I have seen you as a toddler... 863 02:04:03,210 --> 02:04:06,550 Now I see a fully-matured real Comrade... 864 02:04:07,420 --> 02:04:10,670 Okay, Start immediately... 865 02:04:14,670 --> 02:04:17,840 Surya...Please escort him all the way till he crosses the forest. 866 02:04:19,380 --> 02:04:20,590 Depart, Comrade.! 867 02:04:20,590 --> 02:04:22,460 Red Salute! -Red Salute! 868 02:05:16,340 --> 02:05:20,420 Acharya and his troop are currently in Kotha Paaka... 869 02:05:20,420 --> 02:05:24,750 They wouldn’t have crossed more than 15 kms by now 870 02:05:26,420 --> 02:05:28,750 So they would be still be in this vicinity... 871 02:05:29,670 --> 02:05:33,630 they may cross us anytime now... 872 02:05:34,710 --> 02:05:39,090 Let’s not spare anybody and finish them all We have to wrest control of the forest back to us... 873 02:05:39,960 --> 02:05:44,250 And if you happen to spot Acharya, 874 02:05:44,250 --> 02:05:48,590 remember to shoot him in the head right away...Understood? 875 02:06:01,090 --> 02:06:04,590 Siddha -Inform this to Acharya immediately 876 02:06:04,710 --> 02:06:05,590 Okay. 877 02:06:07,090 --> 02:06:08,420 Do we wait till they come? 878 02:06:11,250 --> 02:06:15,000 Let’s finish as many as we can and weaken the enemy. 879 02:10:13,130 --> 02:10:14,090 Acharya... 880 02:11:55,500 --> 02:11:56,670 Siddha.. 881 02:12:04,550 --> 02:12:05,500 Siddha,, 882 02:12:09,550 --> 02:12:10,630 Siddha.. 883 02:12:13,050 --> 02:12:14,250 Bose.. 884 02:12:20,500 --> 02:12:22,670 Siddha...Siddha.. 885 02:12:24,550 --> 02:12:27,130 Bose, call the doctor from near by village. 886 02:13:40,840 --> 02:13:46,300 [Padaghattam] 887 02:14:35,460 --> 02:14:43,300 Righteousness is to stand for help 888 02:14:46,090 --> 02:14:52,960 Courage is to walk with righteousness 889 02:15:03,840 --> 02:15:12,340 Red Salute! -Red Salute! 890 02:15:24,630 --> 02:15:30,500 I can't forget, Padaghattam has to remain intact as per the last wish of Siddha... 891 02:15:35,800 --> 02:15:38,420 If the precious Minerals in Siddhavanam been extracted. 892 02:15:39,670 --> 02:15:42,380 Biodiversity in the area is threatened, 893 02:15:44,380 --> 02:15:47,550 This truth is known by only the Paddaghatam leaders of all generations 894 02:15:53,710 --> 02:16:02,750 For that we stay here and protect the forest. That's the only known Dharma by us. 895 02:16:09,840 --> 02:16:11,920 Forsake not our duty to protect, even when life’s in peril 896 02:16:15,210 --> 02:16:21,000 Whatever we have mined so far is nothing compared to the plunder of deposits that awaits us here in this forest Basava 897 02:16:22,630 --> 02:16:25,300 The mineral wealth here is invaluable... 898 02:16:27,300 --> 02:16:34,130 Unbeknownst to them, they are using it like an Ayurvedic Sanctuary 899 02:16:35,500 --> 02:16:42,340 It’s a shame now a few hundred of nameless people coming between me and that forest. 900 02:16:43,380 --> 02:16:46,460 What if we kill those hundred people... 901 02:16:56,710 --> 02:17:03,000 The people of Padaghattam will celebrate the goddess incarnated day as a festival which comes once in 12 years... 902 02:17:03,250 --> 02:17:05,710 another three days to go for the festivities... 903 02:17:09,210 --> 02:17:13,500 If we ensure nobody steps out of their homes on that day in Dharmasthala. 904 02:17:13,670 --> 02:17:17,340 we can catch all of them(padhaghattam people) and slaughter them like goats. 905 02:17:17,670 --> 02:17:22,750 My men will get into the act of killing all the surreptitiously 906 02:17:23,710 --> 02:17:27,920 But we have to stop Acharya from turning into a savior 907 02:17:29,170 --> 02:17:36,050 The person who hides in the forest, if he Moves midst of society, why will the police leave him 908 02:17:49,670 --> 02:17:55,420 This is Jeevandhara responsible for the flourishing of the ecosystem in the forest of Sidhavanam. 909 02:17:56,250 --> 02:17:58,880 Let’s conserve water as preciously as we can... 910 02:17:59,460 --> 02:18:06,000 And pray to Ghattamma to give us the strength to follow Dharma. 911 02:18:06,210 --> 02:18:09,090 Let’s propitiate her and seek her blessings. 912 02:18:12,090 --> 02:18:13,460 Come, let's go. 913 02:19:51,250 --> 02:19:54,920 They are hundred of them....Everybody in Pooja. 914 02:19:55,340 --> 02:19:59,500 Before they realise what’s happening, we have to finish all of them. 915 02:20:01,000 --> 02:20:05,500 Do not spare even the women and the kids, Khilla. 916 02:20:06,130 --> 02:20:12,500 Hundred of them, right? Need to severe their heads. 917 02:20:13,170 --> 02:20:16,130 (Chants) 918 02:20:21,170 --> 02:20:24,130 (Chants) 919 02:20:31,130 --> 02:20:34,090 (Chants) 920 02:21:07,630 --> 02:21:10,590 (Sanskrit hymns) 921 02:21:19,880 --> 02:21:22,840 (Sanskrit hymns) 922 02:21:35,170 --> 02:21:38,130 (Sanskrit hymns) 923 02:24:37,880 --> 02:24:39,340 COMRADE...! 924 02:25:38,250 --> 02:25:41,210 (Sanskrit hymns)