1 00:04:57,396 --> 00:04:59,104 -Let's not spend too much. -Okay. 2 00:05:01,312 --> 00:05:05,104 -Do you have kurta-pajamas? -Yes. What kind do you want? 3 00:05:05,646 --> 00:05:08,312 Not too dressy, but not too plain. 4 00:05:08,396 --> 00:05:09,812 Show me some simple ones. 5 00:05:13,479 --> 00:05:14,854 How much is this? 6 00:05:14,937 --> 00:05:16,312 750 rupees. 7 00:05:20,646 --> 00:05:22,354 Show me that white one. 8 00:05:22,437 --> 00:05:23,479 The one at the top. 9 00:05:25,396 --> 00:05:26,729 How's this? 10 00:05:28,187 --> 00:05:29,187 It's nice. 11 00:05:31,437 --> 00:05:33,687 Do check the fitting of the pajamas. 12 00:05:33,771 --> 00:05:35,729 You need to sit comfortably on stage. 13 00:05:35,812 --> 00:05:39,521 Thank you for the warning, Grandma. I've never bought clothes before. 14 00:05:41,521 --> 00:05:43,479 Mind if I try them on and sit down? 15 00:05:43,562 --> 00:05:46,729 How can I let you, sir? They'll get dirty. 16 00:05:48,604 --> 00:05:50,104 Should I try on a shawl too? 17 00:05:50,187 --> 00:05:52,521 Shawl? Why just a shawl? 18 00:05:52,604 --> 00:05:56,229 Flaunt some diamond rings and gold chains as well on stage. 19 00:05:57,312 --> 00:06:00,229 You think the judges will give you points for your clothes? 20 00:06:02,812 --> 00:06:05,479 Father always said, "Once you're on stage, 21 00:06:05,562 --> 00:06:07,687 everything is part of the performance." 22 00:06:17,604 --> 00:06:20,646 Our next contestant is Sharad Nerulkar. 23 00:06:29,854 --> 00:06:31,854 I'm presenting Raag Bageshree, 24 00:06:31,937 --> 00:06:34,604 a traditional composition in fast tempo. 25 00:06:56,146 --> 00:06:57,604 Are you busy? 26 00:06:58,687 --> 00:07:00,937 What the hell, Ajji? Can't you see? 27 00:07:01,021 --> 00:07:03,562 Your mother is on the phone. Talk to her. 28 00:07:03,646 --> 00:07:05,437 I'll call her later. 29 00:07:05,521 --> 00:07:08,396 You've been saying "later, later" for so many days. 30 00:07:08,479 --> 00:07:11,229 Stop bugging me. I said I'd call her later. 31 00:07:11,312 --> 00:07:14,937 She's saying you haven't answered her calls in three days. 32 00:07:15,479 --> 00:07:18,146 My phone wasn't working. 33 00:07:18,229 --> 00:07:21,187 Viju has been unwell for many days. 34 00:07:21,729 --> 00:07:25,146 What can I do from here? She'll just have to deal with it. 35 00:07:25,229 --> 00:07:26,979 Go and visit her. 36 00:07:27,854 --> 00:07:30,354 Ajji, my competition is in two days. 37 00:07:30,437 --> 00:07:33,479 Please let me practice. Tell her I will call her. 38 00:07:34,229 --> 00:07:37,687 Tell her yourself. Don't involve me. 39 00:07:38,354 --> 00:07:40,437 I keep getting caught between the two of you. 40 00:07:40,521 --> 00:07:42,146 Such a headache. 41 00:07:42,896 --> 00:07:45,021 Is that any reason to start crying now? 42 00:08:25,979 --> 00:08:30,729 Saints and ascetics have attained this music 43 00:08:30,812 --> 00:08:34,354 after thousands of years of rigorous spiritual pursuit. 44 00:08:34,437 --> 00:08:37,229 It cannot be learnt so easily. 45 00:08:39,187 --> 00:08:41,562 Even ten lifetimes are not enough. 46 00:08:43,604 --> 00:08:46,729 The sacred texts don't merely prescribe, 47 00:08:46,812 --> 00:08:49,104 "This Raag uses the Pancham," 48 00:08:49,771 --> 00:08:54,396 or, "That Raag skips the Dhaivat." 49 00:08:57,771 --> 00:08:59,937 Through this music, 50 00:09:00,521 --> 00:09:05,354 we are shown the path to the Divine. 51 00:09:09,062 --> 00:09:12,146 There's a reason why Indian classical music 52 00:09:12,229 --> 00:09:15,521 is considered an Eternal Quest. 53 00:09:17,646 --> 00:09:20,604 And to embark on that quest, 54 00:09:20,687 --> 00:09:23,854 you will have to surrender and sacrifice. 55 00:09:25,104 --> 00:09:27,687 If you want to earn money, 56 00:09:28,729 --> 00:09:31,021 raise a family, 57 00:09:31,854 --> 00:09:35,521 then perform love songs or film songs. 58 00:09:36,604 --> 00:09:38,854 Don't tread this path. 59 00:09:39,604 --> 00:09:42,271 If you want to walk this path, 60 00:09:42,354 --> 00:09:45,854 learn to be lonely and hungry. 61 00:10:29,937 --> 00:10:30,937 Here. 62 00:10:32,021 --> 00:10:33,812 Do you need anything else? 63 00:10:34,354 --> 00:10:35,187 No. 64 00:10:35,937 --> 00:10:39,021 I heard that Sumit Khade from Nagpur is competing too. 65 00:10:39,521 --> 00:10:40,771 He has solid training. 66 00:10:40,854 --> 00:10:43,062 Why are you saying this in front of him? 67 00:10:43,146 --> 00:10:45,687 I met Rishi and Kruti outside. 68 00:10:45,771 --> 00:10:46,812 They're so sly. 69 00:10:47,396 --> 00:10:50,646 I casually asked them what Raag they're performing today. 70 00:10:51,396 --> 00:10:54,271 They just didn't reply. Avoided the subject totally. 71 00:10:54,937 --> 00:10:56,896 -Drop it now. -Sharad Nerulkar? 72 00:10:57,771 --> 00:10:58,646 Sharad? 73 00:11:05,854 --> 00:11:07,187 -All the best. -Yes. 74 00:12:01,146 --> 00:12:03,104 I'm presenting Raag Bageshree. 75 00:12:03,896 --> 00:12:07,104 A traditional composition in fast tempo. 76 00:13:26,937 --> 00:13:27,979 Thanks. 77 00:13:29,604 --> 00:13:31,604 Bravo! What a performance. 78 00:13:32,354 --> 00:13:35,146 Our next contestant is Nitin Avasthe. 79 00:13:35,229 --> 00:13:36,104 That was good. 80 00:13:36,187 --> 00:13:37,646 -Honestly? -Yes. It was good. 81 00:13:38,771 --> 00:13:41,979 Was the reverb too much? I couldn't tell from the stage. 82 00:13:42,062 --> 00:13:43,729 No, it was fine. 83 00:13:45,271 --> 00:13:47,771 Let's give him a big hand. 84 00:13:57,812 --> 00:14:01,062 And the much awaited moment 85 00:14:01,146 --> 00:14:02,812 has finally arrived. 86 00:14:03,562 --> 00:14:06,146 The judges have come to a decision. 87 00:14:06,229 --> 00:14:08,896 To present the Gupte Builders Awards 88 00:14:08,979 --> 00:14:12,062 for Young Performer 2006, 89 00:14:12,146 --> 00:14:15,896 I invite Mr. Dattatreya Kirloskar on stage. 90 00:14:15,979 --> 00:14:17,771 A big round of applause. 91 00:14:24,854 --> 00:14:28,146 He is the son of Maestro Balkrishna Kirloskar. 92 00:14:28,771 --> 00:14:34,396 He is a little late, but he has come all the way from Mulund to be with us. 93 00:14:39,562 --> 00:14:44,771 I request Mr. Dattatreya to present the winners with a trophy. 94 00:14:47,771 --> 00:14:51,437 The third prize goes to Namita Satam. 95 00:14:58,854 --> 00:15:02,437 The second prize goes to Sumit Khade. 96 00:15:08,812 --> 00:15:12,479 And today's ultimate, most important award, 97 00:15:12,562 --> 00:15:17,104 The winner of Young Performer 2006 is… 98 00:15:17,771 --> 00:15:19,396 Chinmayee Wadhawkar! 99 00:15:27,771 --> 00:15:32,812 Hearty congratulations to the winners from Gupte Builders. 100 00:15:32,896 --> 00:15:34,521 A huge round of applause. 101 00:16:13,354 --> 00:16:16,312 As you breathe in, think positive thoughts. 102 00:16:18,187 --> 00:16:19,562 As you breathe out, 103 00:16:20,771 --> 00:16:25,187 let go of any negative thoughts. 104 00:16:30,937 --> 00:16:32,687 Now we will meditate. 105 00:16:40,562 --> 00:16:42,812 Do not stop any thoughts. 106 00:16:53,729 --> 00:16:56,729 Now we will start the breathing exercise. 107 00:17:27,187 --> 00:17:30,729 A restless mind 108 00:17:32,062 --> 00:17:35,104 simply cannot sing Khayal music 109 00:17:35,187 --> 00:17:38,729 with depth and authenticity. 110 00:17:41,771 --> 00:17:45,896 To worship every note, 111 00:17:46,562 --> 00:17:49,812 every microtone, 112 00:17:50,479 --> 00:17:56,062 your mind has to be pure and unblemished. 113 00:17:59,437 --> 00:18:01,479 What is Khayal? 114 00:18:02,312 --> 00:18:05,354 It is the state of mind of the singer 115 00:18:05,896 --> 00:18:09,812 at that time, in that particular moment. 116 00:18:10,646 --> 00:18:15,479 He presents that state through the medium of a Raag. 117 00:18:16,854 --> 00:18:21,146 While singing, you yourself don't know 118 00:18:21,229 --> 00:18:23,521 which new aspect 119 00:18:23,604 --> 00:18:28,521 of the Raag you will uncover. 120 00:18:32,729 --> 00:18:38,187 If you want the Truth of the Raag to spontaneously reveal itself, 121 00:18:38,854 --> 00:18:41,646 you will have to rid your mind of falsehood, 122 00:18:41,729 --> 00:18:46,646 greed, and impure thoughts. 123 00:18:49,312 --> 00:18:52,021 Not everyone has the inherent discipline 124 00:18:52,104 --> 00:18:55,979 and faith required for this… 125 00:18:56,062 --> 00:18:57,521 You're still at it? 126 00:18:57,604 --> 00:18:59,687 Enough of this Maai saga now. 127 00:19:00,479 --> 00:19:03,479 What saga? This is also work, isn't it? 128 00:19:03,562 --> 00:19:06,354 These are hour-long tapes. Obviously it will take time. 129 00:19:07,187 --> 00:19:08,354 Do those later. 130 00:19:09,396 --> 00:19:11,937 Have you completed the Sadarang Conference ones? 131 00:19:12,521 --> 00:19:14,354 Yes, '72 and '74 are done. 132 00:19:14,437 --> 00:19:15,812 I can't find the '73 tape. 133 00:19:16,396 --> 00:19:17,437 How can that be? 134 00:19:17,979 --> 00:19:20,437 It was right here. I saw it the other day. 135 00:19:21,104 --> 00:19:22,312 I haven't seen it. 136 00:19:23,604 --> 00:19:27,521 That one has Rambhau Arolkar's Basant-Bahar on it. 137 00:19:28,687 --> 00:19:30,146 He sang it so well. 138 00:19:30,646 --> 00:19:32,729 That man was a master of combining Raags. 139 00:19:34,187 --> 00:19:35,562 Look for that tape. 140 00:19:36,896 --> 00:19:40,146 We have an order to make a CD box set, 1972 to 1975. 141 00:19:41,562 --> 00:19:42,604 How many? 142 00:19:43,687 --> 00:19:46,979 Make a master. Then we'll do 30-40 sets. 143 00:19:55,687 --> 00:19:59,062 MAAI'S SPEECHES 144 00:20:17,729 --> 00:20:19,854 Do you have any Shankar Bhatt CDs? 145 00:20:19,937 --> 00:20:20,771 No, sir. 146 00:20:22,271 --> 00:20:24,437 How about Sultan Saheb? 147 00:20:25,021 --> 00:20:26,479 No, they are out of stock. 148 00:20:27,854 --> 00:20:29,812 Then what would you recommend? 149 00:20:30,479 --> 00:20:34,312 Actually, sir, we specialize in rare and lesser-known records. 150 00:20:34,396 --> 00:20:37,979 All these CDs have been converted from old cassettes and LPs. 151 00:20:39,396 --> 00:20:41,521 I've never heard of these names. 152 00:20:41,604 --> 00:20:44,479 Yes, sir, but they are as good as the famous names. 153 00:20:45,187 --> 00:20:47,437 For example, this is Ustad Nissar Aslam Shaikh 154 00:20:47,521 --> 00:20:48,771 of the Agra tradition. 155 00:20:48,854 --> 00:20:50,896 He had the same guru as Sultan Saheb. 156 00:20:50,979 --> 00:20:52,979 But he didn't get as much recognition. 157 00:20:53,646 --> 00:20:55,479 -How much is it? -150 rupees. 158 00:20:57,104 --> 00:20:58,187 No, thanks. 159 00:20:59,229 --> 00:21:01,021 Sir, we also have an offer on right now, 160 00:21:01,104 --> 00:21:04,146 a 12-CD pack of All India Radio recordings. 161 00:21:04,229 --> 00:21:08,437 The regular price is 1,500 rupees. With our discount, it's only 1,000. 162 00:21:09,896 --> 00:21:11,854 No, thank you. 163 00:21:15,896 --> 00:21:17,604 Do you have any devotional music? 164 00:21:18,187 --> 00:21:19,187 We don't, right? 165 00:21:19,937 --> 00:21:21,687 No, only classical music. 166 00:21:22,896 --> 00:21:24,812 I'll come back during the interval. 167 00:21:28,521 --> 00:21:30,437 Everyone wants devotional stuff. 168 00:21:36,479 --> 00:21:37,937 Should we go in and listen? 169 00:21:38,562 --> 00:21:39,687 Are you nuts? 170 00:21:40,354 --> 00:21:41,896 Your ears will start bleeding. 171 00:22:03,312 --> 00:22:04,979 It's fucking nonsense! 172 00:22:06,646 --> 00:22:10,521 How low can you stoop for this hoity-toity crowd? 173 00:22:12,229 --> 00:22:14,312 What the heck was he playing today? 174 00:22:14,396 --> 00:22:16,146 And the audience was clapping away. 175 00:22:17,771 --> 00:22:20,104 All these "annual membership" types… 176 00:22:20,187 --> 00:22:22,396 They'll applaud for anyone playing anything. 177 00:22:25,104 --> 00:22:27,979 And even the artistes have no musical standpoint. 178 00:22:28,896 --> 00:22:30,604 It's like an assorted buffet… 179 00:22:31,229 --> 00:22:34,854 A serious Raag for 20 minutes, a light one for 15, a love song, a devotional one. 180 00:22:34,937 --> 00:22:35,854 Done. 181 00:22:36,896 --> 00:22:38,979 But the sponsors love it. 182 00:22:39,937 --> 00:22:41,229 Screw the sponsors. 183 00:22:41,937 --> 00:22:44,104 They push the same four, five famous names. 184 00:22:44,187 --> 00:22:47,104 All the shows go to them and everything sounds the same. 185 00:22:48,104 --> 00:22:52,271 No matter what the Raag, it's the same structure, same gimmicks. 186 00:22:52,354 --> 00:22:53,771 All predictable. 187 00:22:55,271 --> 00:22:56,354 Rice, please. 188 00:22:58,479 --> 00:22:59,854 But I don't get it. 189 00:22:59,937 --> 00:23:02,812 Shakir Bhai used to play so beautifully. 190 00:23:04,062 --> 00:23:06,354 I've heard his recordings from the '80s. 191 00:23:07,979 --> 00:23:10,812 So much poise, such clarity of notes. 192 00:23:11,896 --> 00:23:13,562 How can someone change so much? 193 00:23:14,354 --> 00:23:15,771 For money, what else? 194 00:23:17,312 --> 00:23:18,979 That's why Guruji, Maai, 195 00:23:19,062 --> 00:23:21,271 never got into this concert circuit racket. 196 00:24:37,896 --> 00:24:38,771 What? 197 00:24:41,062 --> 00:24:42,062 What's wrong? 198 00:24:42,604 --> 00:24:43,729 I don't know. 199 00:24:46,604 --> 00:24:47,854 What do you mean? 200 00:24:48,854 --> 00:24:50,771 I couldn't come up with new phrases. 201 00:24:51,562 --> 00:24:53,104 It was repetitive, wasn't it? 202 00:24:54,604 --> 00:24:56,229 Why is it repetitive? 203 00:24:58,062 --> 00:24:59,104 I don't know. 204 00:25:00,854 --> 00:25:02,771 You practiced, right? 205 00:25:03,979 --> 00:25:04,896 Yes. 206 00:25:05,687 --> 00:25:07,354 Then why are you stuck? 207 00:25:10,854 --> 00:25:12,146 Try again. 208 00:25:34,271 --> 00:25:35,604 I'm just repeating myself. 209 00:25:37,104 --> 00:25:37,979 You sing. 210 00:27:15,187 --> 00:27:16,396 Good. 211 00:29:02,646 --> 00:29:03,771 Well done. 212 00:29:07,312 --> 00:29:08,146 Listen. 213 00:29:08,687 --> 00:29:10,521 Just let him go, please. 214 00:29:10,604 --> 00:29:12,396 His friends have been calling him. 215 00:29:13,062 --> 00:29:14,354 Do you want to go? 216 00:29:14,437 --> 00:29:15,646 Yes, of course. 217 00:29:16,229 --> 00:29:19,396 Obviously. Even on a Sunday you're forcing him to learn music. 218 00:29:19,479 --> 00:29:20,646 What else? 219 00:29:20,729 --> 00:29:22,646 What's wrong with that? 220 00:29:23,396 --> 00:29:26,729 Ustad Saheb would even beat his children till they got it right. 221 00:29:26,812 --> 00:29:30,479 -We've heard this story a hundred times. -But it's true. 222 00:29:31,187 --> 00:29:33,646 He'd tie their hair to a nail on the wall. 223 00:29:33,729 --> 00:29:36,104 We're just enjoying ourselves, right? 224 00:29:36,187 --> 00:29:40,229 I'll teach you a traditional composition in the same Raag. Hold the note. 225 00:29:41,437 --> 00:29:43,187 Very good. 226 00:29:56,979 --> 00:29:58,104 Shaardya. 227 00:29:58,729 --> 00:30:00,562 Come on. Everyone's waiting. 228 00:30:01,229 --> 00:30:03,062 Hey, come inside. 229 00:30:03,146 --> 00:30:03,979 No, I'm good. 230 00:30:04,062 --> 00:30:06,312 Come on now. Sit. 231 00:30:09,271 --> 00:30:12,229 I'm teaching him what we call a bandish. 232 00:30:13,479 --> 00:30:16,104 Uncle, I don't understand any of this. 233 00:30:16,187 --> 00:30:17,521 Can Shaardya come with me? 234 00:30:17,604 --> 00:30:20,479 A bandish is a very valuable composition. 235 00:30:21,604 --> 00:30:23,562 When two musicians got married, 236 00:30:23,646 --> 00:30:25,687 these compositions were gifted as the dowry. 237 00:30:25,771 --> 00:30:28,229 They used to be as precious as life itself. 238 00:30:28,312 --> 00:30:29,771 Why are you torturing these kids? 239 00:30:29,854 --> 00:30:31,604 Just let them go and play. 240 00:30:32,896 --> 00:30:37,687 Go fly, fly away to your home 241 00:30:38,187 --> 00:30:43,771 Go fly, fly away to your home… 242 00:30:44,646 --> 00:30:48,354 Five, four, three, two, one. 243 00:30:52,521 --> 00:30:57,562 Welcome back to our show Gharana. 244 00:30:58,604 --> 00:31:00,104 Before the break, 245 00:31:00,187 --> 00:31:05,104 Mr. Mukund shed some light on the history of the Alwar school of music. 246 00:31:05,187 --> 00:31:09,646 Mr. Mukund is not only a singer trained in the Alwar style, 247 00:31:10,312 --> 00:31:14,896 he has also written a book on the history of its music, 248 00:31:14,979 --> 00:31:17,562 entitled The Eternal Flame. 249 00:31:18,771 --> 00:31:21,396 Mr. Mukund, let me now turn to another subject. 250 00:31:22,437 --> 00:31:27,646 In your book, you have written about how this music has changed over time 251 00:31:27,729 --> 00:31:31,687 and how it has somehow lost its essence today. 252 00:31:32,646 --> 00:31:33,687 It is true. 253 00:31:34,687 --> 00:31:37,687 A lot of people did not like me writing this. 254 00:31:37,771 --> 00:31:40,646 I have even been criticized for it. 255 00:31:41,479 --> 00:31:46,229 But if people want to listen to this music today, where can they find it? 256 00:31:47,854 --> 00:31:48,979 They won't find it. 257 00:31:51,146 --> 00:31:56,229 It is almost impossible to find that kind of music today, 258 00:31:57,479 --> 00:31:58,896 that divine purity. 259 00:31:59,812 --> 00:32:03,146 My guru, Maestro Vinayak Pradhan, always tells me 260 00:32:03,229 --> 00:32:06,687 that if you wanted to experience Ustad's music, 261 00:32:06,771 --> 00:32:11,104 there was only one person, Maestra Sindhubai Jadhav. 262 00:32:11,854 --> 00:32:14,354 We lovingly refer to her as "Maai." 263 00:32:15,562 --> 00:32:18,479 Our guru says that his music 264 00:32:19,062 --> 00:32:21,646 does not even come close to her genius. 265 00:32:22,771 --> 00:32:24,479 Why was she so special? 266 00:32:26,604 --> 00:32:28,979 I've asked Guruji this question many times. 267 00:32:29,937 --> 00:32:34,937 He says that it is impossible to describe her music in words. 268 00:32:35,562 --> 00:32:38,271 -But aren't there any recordings? -No. 269 00:32:39,396 --> 00:32:41,937 Maai never allowed anyone to record her music. 270 00:32:43,354 --> 00:32:47,271 There's barely a photo of her, let alone interviews. 271 00:32:48,062 --> 00:32:51,021 She was different. She was an ascetic. 272 00:32:54,729 --> 00:32:56,562 What a cutie you were as a kid. 273 00:32:56,646 --> 00:32:57,604 Very sweet. 274 00:32:58,646 --> 00:32:59,979 And what about now? 275 00:33:01,687 --> 00:33:03,437 Why didn't you show me this before? 276 00:33:04,521 --> 00:33:08,062 I've heard so much about your father, but this is the first time I've seen him. 277 00:33:08,146 --> 00:33:09,687 This was on VHS till now. 278 00:33:09,771 --> 00:33:11,396 I just transferred it yesterday. 279 00:33:13,104 --> 00:33:15,229 I want to listen to your father singing. 280 00:33:16,479 --> 00:33:18,896 His stories were more interesting. 281 00:33:20,437 --> 00:33:21,812 His singing was okay. 282 00:33:26,396 --> 00:33:29,062 -Can I ask you something? -Sure. 283 00:33:29,687 --> 00:33:33,604 Tejas told me that your father had some old tapes of Maai. 284 00:33:34,229 --> 00:33:35,354 What tapes? 285 00:33:36,354 --> 00:33:39,812 Of lectures that she gave her senior disciples in Belgaum. 286 00:33:40,521 --> 00:33:41,979 But how can there be tapes? 287 00:33:42,562 --> 00:33:45,479 Apparently, Karim Saheb recorded them secretly. 288 00:33:46,729 --> 00:33:49,104 Yes, Dad mentioned this once. 289 00:33:49,896 --> 00:33:52,062 But I've never seen any tapes like that. 290 00:33:55,229 --> 00:33:57,271 Never mind. Have you shared this with your mom? 291 00:33:58,104 --> 00:33:59,854 You should. She'll be so happy. 292 00:34:00,521 --> 00:34:03,146 You know how sentimental she is about Dad? 293 00:34:03,729 --> 00:34:05,229 This will make it even worse. 294 00:34:18,896 --> 00:34:20,812 I'll leave now. It's late. 295 00:35:35,479 --> 00:35:38,562 Do not stop the flow of thoughts in your mind. 296 00:35:39,979 --> 00:35:42,104 Just observe them. 297 00:35:44,562 --> 00:35:47,146 Let your repressed emotions 298 00:35:47,687 --> 00:35:49,312 come to the fore. 299 00:35:50,687 --> 00:35:52,729 Good, bad, all of them. 300 00:35:54,562 --> 00:35:58,729 They exist. Just observe them. 301 00:36:05,729 --> 00:36:09,604 Just like your mind, your body is trying to converse with you. 302 00:36:13,396 --> 00:36:15,562 Try to listen to it. 303 00:36:37,937 --> 00:36:40,271 I wanted to tell you something. 304 00:36:41,312 --> 00:36:43,312 But I just can't remember it. 305 00:36:43,896 --> 00:36:46,312 If it's the electricity bill, I'll pay it today. 306 00:36:46,396 --> 00:36:48,771 No, no. Not the bill. 307 00:36:48,854 --> 00:36:50,104 It was something else. 308 00:36:51,104 --> 00:36:52,604 Was it about your medicines? 309 00:36:53,437 --> 00:36:55,229 No, not the medicines either. 310 00:36:56,021 --> 00:36:57,979 Forget it. I can't remember. 311 00:36:59,646 --> 00:37:01,104 Did you speak to your mother? 312 00:37:02,187 --> 00:37:03,812 I spoke to her just yesterday. 313 00:37:03,896 --> 00:37:04,896 What did she say? 314 00:37:06,354 --> 00:37:07,896 That everything is fine. 315 00:37:09,854 --> 00:37:12,062 I just don't understand her. 316 00:37:12,146 --> 00:37:14,854 She says one thing to you, another thing to me, 317 00:37:14,937 --> 00:37:17,771 and has something totally different on her mind. 318 00:37:17,854 --> 00:37:19,521 What's happened now? 319 00:37:19,604 --> 00:37:21,646 She was crying on the phone yesterday. 320 00:37:22,729 --> 00:37:25,396 She said I should have a talk with you. 321 00:37:26,062 --> 00:37:27,229 About what? 322 00:37:27,312 --> 00:37:28,604 About getting a job. 323 00:37:29,771 --> 00:37:32,187 But I'm working with Kishore now. 324 00:37:32,271 --> 00:37:34,271 I told her the same thing. 325 00:37:34,354 --> 00:37:36,396 But she said, "That's not a real job." 326 00:37:36,479 --> 00:37:40,521 "Kishore pays him peanuts," and so on. 327 00:37:41,687 --> 00:37:43,646 Did she say this, or are you saying it? 328 00:37:44,479 --> 00:37:45,896 Why would I say it? 329 00:37:47,021 --> 00:37:49,229 How does she know how much I earn? 330 00:37:49,729 --> 00:37:51,104 I haven't told her. 331 00:37:51,812 --> 00:37:55,312 But she knows that we're always short of money. 332 00:37:55,396 --> 00:37:58,104 The rent on that house, Viju's fees… 333 00:37:58,687 --> 00:38:01,021 How much can she take care of alone? 334 00:38:01,854 --> 00:38:05,104 Don't hide behind Mum, okay? 335 00:38:05,729 --> 00:38:08,729 If you can't afford me living here, just say so. 336 00:38:08,812 --> 00:38:09,979 I'll leave right away. 337 00:38:10,062 --> 00:38:12,687 Why are you talking like this? 338 00:38:12,771 --> 00:38:15,021 We're only concerned for your future. 339 00:38:15,771 --> 00:38:19,271 Look, Ajji, I can either pursue my music, or I can have a job. 340 00:38:19,354 --> 00:38:21,062 I can't do both. 341 00:38:21,562 --> 00:38:22,979 Why can't you? 342 00:38:23,646 --> 00:38:26,604 Don't all your friends have jobs? 343 00:38:26,687 --> 00:38:29,354 Doesn't Tejas work? Doesn't Sneha work? 344 00:38:30,062 --> 00:38:31,646 But I don't want to. 345 00:38:32,771 --> 00:38:34,437 I'll leave the house if you want. 346 00:38:35,479 --> 00:38:37,187 That's no way to behave. 347 00:38:37,271 --> 00:38:39,354 You're as stubborn as your father. 348 00:38:40,021 --> 00:38:41,687 And how he suffered later on. 349 00:38:44,646 --> 00:38:46,687 Don't compare me with Dad. 350 00:38:47,396 --> 00:38:50,479 If I don't make it, I won't go around blaming the whole world. 351 00:38:53,687 --> 00:38:56,562 I don't know what to say to this boy. 352 00:39:05,896 --> 00:39:07,604 Guruji, should we start? 353 00:39:11,354 --> 00:39:13,687 Okay, we are ready to begin. 354 00:39:14,937 --> 00:39:18,271 I know many of you are here because of the article I wrote last week. 355 00:39:18,854 --> 00:39:23,479 And I really wasn't exaggerating when I said that this man is an unsung genius. 356 00:39:23,562 --> 00:39:25,021 A hidden gem of Mumbai. 357 00:39:25,812 --> 00:39:29,479 Guruji, I thank you on behalf of all of us here tonight 358 00:39:29,562 --> 00:39:31,354 for agreeing to perform for us. 359 00:39:32,312 --> 00:39:36,312 I think I'm gonna stop talking now and let Guruji create his magic. 360 00:39:41,104 --> 00:39:44,062 Whatever Reena just said in English… 361 00:39:44,812 --> 00:39:46,812 I didn't understand most of it. 362 00:39:48,562 --> 00:39:52,021 But I will attempt to sing something decent for you all. 363 00:41:59,062 --> 00:42:00,937 No, you are not listening. 364 00:42:20,729 --> 00:42:22,396 Sing with an open throat. 365 00:43:36,396 --> 00:43:37,312 Get up. 366 00:43:40,646 --> 00:43:42,937 His blood pressure is low, that's all. 367 00:43:43,896 --> 00:43:44,937 How low? 368 00:43:45,687 --> 00:43:48,396 It's at 60. Last time it was 80. 369 00:43:48,479 --> 00:43:49,354 Oh, God. 370 00:43:50,187 --> 00:43:51,979 Any other complaints? 371 00:43:52,646 --> 00:43:55,354 My back hurts a lot, here on the lower side. 372 00:43:57,104 --> 00:44:00,021 And urine, stools? All normal? 373 00:44:00,687 --> 00:44:04,812 Yes, that's all fine. Just this backache. 374 00:44:05,729 --> 00:44:07,937 And what about the coughing? 375 00:44:08,021 --> 00:44:08,979 Oh, yes. 376 00:44:10,437 --> 00:44:14,604 Sometimes, at night, I start coughing a lot. 377 00:44:15,812 --> 00:44:18,479 Once it starts, it just doesn't stop. 378 00:44:19,437 --> 00:44:22,229 Do you feel cold then? Or feverish? 379 00:44:22,979 --> 00:44:24,812 No, just the cough. 380 00:44:28,521 --> 00:44:29,437 Okay. 381 00:44:30,271 --> 00:44:32,521 Take this medication 382 00:44:32,604 --> 00:44:35,187 and drop by next month. 383 00:44:35,271 --> 00:44:36,146 Yes. 384 00:44:36,229 --> 00:44:38,687 I've prescribed a painkiller for your back. 385 00:44:39,354 --> 00:44:42,354 Only take it if the pain is severe, otherwise avoid it. 386 00:44:43,271 --> 00:44:46,187 And keep drinking plenty of water. 387 00:44:47,479 --> 00:44:49,854 -Do you exercise? -No. 388 00:44:51,521 --> 00:44:55,229 Then take him for a walk, at least two to three times a week. 389 00:44:55,312 --> 00:44:56,896 Yes, Doctor. 390 00:45:01,187 --> 00:45:02,354 How much do I owe you? 391 00:45:03,562 --> 00:45:06,854 Including the last visit, 450 rupees. 392 00:45:08,271 --> 00:45:10,896 Is it okay if I pay you next week? 393 00:45:10,979 --> 00:45:13,521 -That's fine. -No. I have it. 394 00:45:13,604 --> 00:45:16,812 -You can give it to me later, it's okay. -It's no problem. 395 00:45:28,354 --> 00:45:30,396 What's wrong? 396 00:45:31,437 --> 00:45:32,396 Nothing. 397 00:45:33,312 --> 00:45:34,437 Are you upset? 398 00:45:35,271 --> 00:45:38,812 No. You just take care of your health. 399 00:45:39,896 --> 00:45:41,729 That's not what I'm talking about. 400 00:45:42,521 --> 00:45:44,354 I'm talking about the other night. 401 00:45:45,312 --> 00:45:46,312 What about it? 402 00:45:48,062 --> 00:45:49,396 Were you upset? 403 00:45:50,604 --> 00:45:53,437 No, I was angry with myself, that's all. 404 00:45:54,854 --> 00:45:56,437 What's there to be angry about? 405 00:45:56,937 --> 00:46:00,562 Your voice was not at its best, so what? 406 00:46:04,729 --> 00:46:07,604 -Did someone say something to you? -No. 407 00:46:11,104 --> 00:46:12,937 Why are you so restless? 408 00:46:14,646 --> 00:46:16,187 Where are you rushing to? 409 00:46:20,062 --> 00:46:23,187 This is the age to practice and that's what you should do. 410 00:46:26,021 --> 00:46:28,187 I do nothing but practice, 411 00:46:29,062 --> 00:46:30,646 and yet this keeps happening. 412 00:46:31,937 --> 00:46:33,479 Then I get angry with myself. 413 00:46:35,021 --> 00:46:38,312 Really? You're getting angry already? 414 00:46:41,187 --> 00:46:42,771 How old are you? 415 00:46:42,854 --> 00:46:43,771 Twenty-four. 416 00:46:45,021 --> 00:46:49,479 Till the age of 40, we never thought about anything but practice. 417 00:46:50,729 --> 00:46:53,604 We could not utter a single word in front of Maai. 418 00:46:54,312 --> 00:46:57,187 We just kept our heads down and sang. 419 00:46:58,896 --> 00:47:01,146 And you want everything in a hurry? 420 00:47:01,937 --> 00:47:02,771 No. 421 00:47:06,521 --> 00:47:10,354 Did Kishore tell you about the Teachers' Day concert? 422 00:47:10,437 --> 00:47:13,312 Yes. Tejas and Sneha are performing, right? 423 00:47:14,729 --> 00:47:16,312 And you are not? 424 00:47:17,312 --> 00:47:20,021 Kishore didn't say anything to me. 425 00:47:20,854 --> 00:47:24,104 -Of course you'll be singing too. -Okay. 426 00:47:24,937 --> 00:47:27,521 -Start preparing. -Yes. 427 00:48:41,229 --> 00:48:43,271 Damn, it's really cold. 428 00:48:44,312 --> 00:48:46,479 We'll be shivering in the morning. 429 00:48:47,854 --> 00:48:50,396 This is the perfect weather 430 00:48:50,479 --> 00:48:53,854 for those hot potato patties and some tea at Ramdas. 431 00:48:54,687 --> 00:48:58,229 Actually, he is traveling all the way just for those Ramdas patties. 432 00:48:59,104 --> 00:49:01,937 He's not interested in the concert at all. 433 00:49:02,021 --> 00:49:03,062 Yes, of course. 434 00:49:03,562 --> 00:49:05,479 I've heard the Maestro umpteen times. 435 00:49:06,229 --> 00:49:08,187 The real joy is in the patties. 436 00:49:08,271 --> 00:49:11,687 The rice flakes there are excellent too, with fried peanuts. 437 00:49:12,396 --> 00:49:13,521 So I'm the fool. 438 00:49:14,312 --> 00:49:17,062 I thought we were traveling in the middle of the night 439 00:49:17,146 --> 00:49:18,854 to listen to the Maestro, 440 00:49:18,937 --> 00:49:20,562 but you guys are on a food trip. 441 00:49:21,479 --> 00:49:24,896 Look, with the Maestro it's 50-50. 442 00:49:25,479 --> 00:49:27,771 When he's good, he is very good. 443 00:49:27,854 --> 00:49:30,271 When he's bad, it's really unbearable. 444 00:49:31,104 --> 00:49:34,104 It's 50-50 because he is a genius. 445 00:49:35,312 --> 00:49:38,479 Every performance he tries something new, always experimenting. 446 00:49:39,312 --> 00:49:41,646 When it works, you hit the jackpot. 447 00:49:41,729 --> 00:49:44,937 Yes, but that's why you have to go and listen to him ten times. 448 00:49:45,021 --> 00:49:47,312 And only four of those times would be worth it. 449 00:49:48,021 --> 00:49:51,479 I have a feeling he's going to play well today. 450 00:49:51,562 --> 00:49:54,021 It's beautiful there, in the midst of nature. 451 00:49:54,771 --> 00:49:56,771 Nature has nothing to do with it. 452 00:49:56,854 --> 00:49:58,354 He needs his rum. 453 00:49:58,979 --> 00:50:00,937 If that has been arranged, he'll play well. 454 00:50:01,021 --> 00:50:03,354 Come on. Rum at sunrise? 455 00:50:03,437 --> 00:50:07,479 It doesn't matter whether it's day or night, 456 00:50:07,562 --> 00:50:09,604 once he's chugged two pegs, 457 00:50:10,312 --> 00:50:12,062 his hands start to play. 458 00:50:12,937 --> 00:50:15,354 Papa, what Raag will he play today? 459 00:50:15,437 --> 00:50:16,854 You're still awake? 460 00:50:17,687 --> 00:50:19,229 Go back to sleep. 461 00:50:19,312 --> 00:50:21,771 Otherwise you'll be dozing off during the concert. 462 00:50:23,312 --> 00:50:25,646 You tell me, which are the morning Raags? 463 00:50:26,854 --> 00:50:29,312 -Todi… -And? 464 00:50:30,854 --> 00:50:33,146 -Bhairav… -And? 465 00:50:36,812 --> 00:50:39,854 If you can name two more Raags, 466 00:50:39,937 --> 00:50:42,271 I will give you chocolates in the morning. 467 00:50:43,604 --> 00:50:44,854 Lalit? 468 00:50:44,937 --> 00:50:46,979 Good! One more. 469 00:50:48,437 --> 00:50:51,271 -Marwa? -Marwa is a morning Raag? 470 00:50:51,354 --> 00:50:52,354 No. 471 00:50:53,812 --> 00:50:55,146 I don't know any more. 472 00:50:55,979 --> 00:50:58,521 You mentioned Bhairav. A similar one? 473 00:50:58,604 --> 00:50:59,437 Ahir Bhairav. 474 00:50:59,521 --> 00:51:00,354 Correct. 475 00:51:01,396 --> 00:51:03,812 Don't forget to get that chocolate. 476 00:51:04,479 --> 00:51:05,396 Now go to sleep. 477 00:51:05,479 --> 00:51:06,604 But you woke me up. 478 00:51:06,687 --> 00:51:08,729 Okay, okay. Now sleep. 479 00:51:11,896 --> 00:51:15,104 There's another story about the Maestro and Lalit. 480 00:51:15,187 --> 00:51:18,187 Shubho from Kolkata told me. 481 00:51:18,854 --> 00:51:22,687 Once, he had a 5:00 a.m. slot at Dover Lane. 482 00:51:22,771 --> 00:51:26,021 He announced that he would be playing Lalit. 483 00:51:26,729 --> 00:51:29,021 Someone from the audience said, 484 00:51:29,104 --> 00:51:32,312 "You played it just last week in Delhi." 485 00:51:33,271 --> 00:51:34,729 "Play something else." 486 00:51:35,604 --> 00:51:37,271 He replied, 487 00:51:37,354 --> 00:51:41,437 "Not just last week, I have been playing only Lalit for the last two months." 488 00:51:42,104 --> 00:51:43,896 "That Raag is upset with me." 489 00:51:44,646 --> 00:51:46,937 "I've been trying very hard to woo it back." 490 00:51:47,937 --> 00:51:51,812 They say he played such a magnificent Lalit that day, 491 00:51:52,396 --> 00:51:56,771 the entire crowd was mesmerized. 492 00:51:58,229 --> 00:51:59,312 Wow. 493 00:52:00,062 --> 00:52:01,437 He's a mad fucker. 494 00:53:13,479 --> 00:53:15,437 What's going on? Are you okay? 495 00:53:16,062 --> 00:53:17,187 I'm fine. 496 00:53:21,021 --> 00:53:23,229 Here, drink some warm water. 497 00:53:25,562 --> 00:53:27,771 -You wait outside, I'll come. -Okay. 498 00:54:01,104 --> 00:54:02,729 Here, have a cough drop. 499 00:54:02,812 --> 00:54:03,854 No, I don't want it. 500 00:54:04,604 --> 00:54:06,146 You're not wearing your kurta? 501 00:54:06,229 --> 00:54:07,812 I'll wear it there. 502 00:54:07,896 --> 00:54:10,437 -It'll get crumpled on the way. -Let's go. 503 00:54:10,521 --> 00:54:11,687 Give me your blessings. 504 00:54:11,771 --> 00:54:14,479 Why here? There's still time. 505 00:54:14,562 --> 00:54:16,354 I'll go by bike. You come later. 506 00:54:16,437 --> 00:54:17,604 But I'm ready to leave. 507 00:54:18,229 --> 00:54:19,771 I need some silence on the way. 508 00:54:19,854 --> 00:54:21,479 I won't utter a word. 509 00:54:22,562 --> 00:54:24,146 Please come on your own. 510 00:54:24,229 --> 00:54:25,437 And your kurta? 511 00:54:26,604 --> 00:54:27,437 Sorry. 512 00:54:27,521 --> 00:54:29,521 -Should I carry it? -No. 513 00:54:30,687 --> 00:54:32,687 Wait. I'll get some sweet yoghurt. 514 00:54:32,771 --> 00:54:35,021 Yoghurt before singing? Really? 515 00:54:35,104 --> 00:54:36,771 Then some sugar for good luck. 516 00:54:37,854 --> 00:54:39,312 I'll see you there. 517 00:54:55,521 --> 00:54:59,104 If you want to learn my music, 518 00:54:59,771 --> 00:55:04,021 then forget about the audience and other such notions. 519 00:55:05,646 --> 00:55:11,229 I do not sing for the audience or for patrons. 520 00:55:12,854 --> 00:55:15,604 I have no interest in showing off 521 00:55:15,687 --> 00:55:17,979 how many complex Raags I have mastered 522 00:55:18,062 --> 00:55:21,937 or how much training I have. 523 00:55:23,562 --> 00:55:28,437 I sing only for my Guru 524 00:55:29,021 --> 00:55:31,104 and for God. 525 00:55:33,646 --> 00:55:35,729 The other day someone asked me, 526 00:55:36,396 --> 00:55:40,604 "Maai, but shouldn't we choose the Raag 527 00:55:41,229 --> 00:55:44,396 depending on the audience present?" 528 00:55:46,021 --> 00:55:50,604 I said, "There are 200 people in a room." 529 00:55:51,521 --> 00:55:54,479 "And 200 people have 200 minds." 530 00:55:55,229 --> 00:55:57,812 "How many people will you try to please?" 531 00:55:58,562 --> 00:56:01,146 "Are you a circus monkey?" 532 00:56:04,146 --> 00:56:07,271 We have plenty of posers around 533 00:56:07,354 --> 00:56:12,771 who perform all sorts of vocal acrobatics in the name of classical music. 534 00:56:13,771 --> 00:56:20,521 Fortunately, that's not the kind of training I got from my Guruji. 535 00:56:22,271 --> 00:56:24,104 He would always say, 536 00:56:24,979 --> 00:56:27,771 "Once you close your eyes and utter the first note, 537 00:56:28,521 --> 00:56:34,229 nothing other than the Raag must be allowed to enter your mind." 538 00:56:35,521 --> 00:56:40,479 "Then it does not matter, even if you fail that day… 539 00:56:41,437 --> 00:56:46,354 because at least you tried with sincerity." 540 00:56:54,771 --> 00:56:55,854 Greetings. 541 00:56:57,104 --> 00:57:01,646 I'd like to welcome you all to this Teachers' Day celebration. 542 00:57:03,146 --> 00:57:05,021 It is an auspicious day 543 00:57:05,104 --> 00:57:09,104 to celebrate the age-old master-disciple tradition. 544 00:57:10,896 --> 00:57:14,229 Maestro Vinayak Pradhan of the Alwar lineage 545 00:57:14,312 --> 00:57:19,521 has trained several students in music over the past 40 years. 546 00:57:20,646 --> 00:57:25,187 Today, five of his young students 547 00:57:25,271 --> 00:57:26,937 will present their music. 548 00:57:28,396 --> 00:57:32,312 The program begins with Sharad Nerulkar. 549 00:57:38,062 --> 00:57:40,979 He is accompanied on the tabla by Amar Moghe. 550 00:57:44,187 --> 00:57:48,271 And on the harmonium is Tushar Modak. 551 00:57:52,187 --> 00:57:55,604 With Guruji's permission, let's begin. 552 01:01:07,646 --> 01:01:11,396 He who has faith in Saraswati, the Goddess of Music, 553 01:01:12,229 --> 01:01:14,812 will surely be blessed by her. 554 01:01:16,687 --> 01:01:19,729 You don't just practice the music, 555 01:01:20,479 --> 01:01:25,729 but also endurance and perseverance. 556 01:01:27,104 --> 01:01:32,271 Because this journey is long and arduous. 557 01:01:33,562 --> 01:01:36,271 I have seen the best of them 558 01:01:36,354 --> 01:01:39,646 give up midway. 559 01:01:41,104 --> 01:01:45,187 There will be a thousand occasions to succumb and accept defeat. 560 01:01:45,979 --> 01:01:48,854 But you must not. 561 01:01:50,896 --> 01:01:54,729 He who has control over his mind… 562 01:01:55,646 --> 01:02:02,146 can never be swayed from his path, no matter what the circumstances. 563 01:02:58,771 --> 01:03:00,646 Don't look directly at the lens. 564 01:03:05,396 --> 01:03:08,312 Should we do a casual one? 565 01:03:08,396 --> 01:03:10,229 As if you're enjoying it? 566 01:03:11,021 --> 01:03:12,562 Or do you only want a serious look? 567 01:03:13,187 --> 01:03:14,354 No, let's do it. 568 01:03:14,437 --> 01:03:17,062 Yeah, that way you'll have more options. 569 01:03:17,146 --> 01:03:18,771 Sure. What should I do? 570 01:03:19,396 --> 01:03:20,646 Turn this way a little. 571 01:03:22,354 --> 01:03:24,771 No, not that much. A little less. Yes. 572 01:03:24,854 --> 01:03:25,937 Perfect. 573 01:03:31,021 --> 01:03:32,521 Look here and smile. 574 01:03:35,604 --> 01:03:39,062 No, no, not just a smile, smile and sing. 575 01:03:39,146 --> 01:03:41,271 As if you're enjoying singing. 576 01:03:58,604 --> 01:04:02,187 Good! It's nicely done. Who made it? 577 01:04:02,771 --> 01:04:04,437 A friend of mine. 578 01:04:06,021 --> 01:04:07,979 Send me his number. 579 01:04:08,062 --> 01:04:09,896 We want to make a website too. 580 01:04:09,979 --> 01:04:11,771 Actually we have one, 581 01:04:11,854 --> 01:04:14,187 but no one has updated it for two years. 582 01:04:14,271 --> 01:04:16,354 Sure, I'll give you his details. 583 01:04:18,812 --> 01:04:22,354 As I was passing by, I thought I should drop in. 584 01:04:23,271 --> 01:04:26,521 I'm glad you did. Do come by sometimes. 585 01:04:26,604 --> 01:04:30,021 I wanted to invite you personally. 586 01:04:30,104 --> 01:04:31,896 Really? To what? 587 01:04:31,979 --> 01:04:35,937 -To my performance at Kalyan next Sunday. -Nice! 588 01:04:36,021 --> 01:04:37,729 I thought I should invite you. 589 01:04:39,896 --> 01:04:44,354 I'll come. Message me the details. 590 01:04:44,437 --> 01:04:46,312 I've got you an invite. 591 01:04:56,437 --> 01:04:58,229 I'd be happy if you came. 592 01:05:03,854 --> 01:05:06,521 We'll also organize a show with you. 593 01:05:06,604 --> 01:05:08,146 Oh, thank you. 594 01:05:09,271 --> 01:05:12,521 Nowadays, people come to listen to newcomers. 595 01:05:12,604 --> 01:05:13,562 Yes. 596 01:05:15,646 --> 01:05:19,021 -We did a "Woman Power" show recently. -I see. 597 01:05:19,104 --> 01:05:20,562 The turnout was good. 598 01:05:20,646 --> 01:05:23,729 I see. I couldn't attend that one. 599 01:05:25,021 --> 01:05:28,312 Shahana and Gayatri performed. 600 01:05:28,396 --> 01:05:30,271 -I see. -It went well. 601 01:05:35,354 --> 01:05:38,646 Now we're thinking of doing a "Diwali Dawn" show. 602 01:05:39,479 --> 01:05:43,646 -We'll have you sing there. -It would be my honor. 603 01:05:44,687 --> 01:05:47,271 You, Aditya, Shivani… 604 01:05:48,021 --> 01:05:51,646 a show with two or three of you young performers. 605 01:05:51,729 --> 01:05:53,021 Sure. 606 01:05:55,937 --> 01:05:59,354 It's hard to find sponsors these days. 607 01:06:00,854 --> 01:06:03,937 -For unknown names. -Yes, that's true. 608 01:06:06,062 --> 01:06:08,854 -But I'll let you know. -Okay. 609 01:06:09,604 --> 01:06:11,771 But do come for my program. 610 01:06:11,854 --> 01:06:12,937 I will. 611 01:07:14,979 --> 01:07:16,562 What is it? I'm in class. 612 01:07:18,729 --> 01:07:19,729 What happened? 613 01:07:22,271 --> 01:07:23,812 Is it bad? 614 01:07:56,604 --> 01:07:58,062 What's the matter? 615 01:07:58,146 --> 01:08:00,229 His joints are aching a lot. 616 01:08:01,021 --> 01:08:01,937 I see. 617 01:08:03,187 --> 01:08:04,187 Guruji? 618 01:08:12,104 --> 01:08:13,437 Are you feeling feverish? 619 01:08:13,521 --> 01:08:15,146 No, there's no fever. 620 01:08:15,729 --> 01:08:16,854 Okay. 621 01:08:16,937 --> 01:08:18,479 Did you give him any medicine? 622 01:08:18,562 --> 01:08:20,271 Yes, a painkiller. 623 01:08:21,229 --> 01:08:22,854 How will just a painkiller help? 624 01:08:23,396 --> 01:08:25,979 -Did you massage his legs? -No. 625 01:08:26,646 --> 01:08:28,812 Then what did you do all this time? 626 01:08:28,896 --> 01:08:30,062 Just sit around? 627 01:08:30,812 --> 01:08:32,021 Sorry, dada. 628 01:08:33,521 --> 01:08:35,104 Leave now, both of you. 629 01:08:35,979 --> 01:08:37,187 No, we can wait. 630 01:08:37,271 --> 01:08:39,521 In case you need us to get something. 631 01:08:39,604 --> 01:08:41,812 No, it's okay. You can go. 632 01:08:54,562 --> 01:08:58,312 -Guruji, would you like to lie down? -Yes. 633 01:09:14,146 --> 01:09:15,396 Is it aching a lot? 634 01:09:16,312 --> 01:09:17,562 Let's go to the doctor. 635 01:09:18,937 --> 01:09:20,312 That useless doctor… 636 01:09:21,146 --> 01:09:24,229 just keeps prescribing medicines and charges so much. 637 01:09:25,187 --> 01:09:26,479 That's not true at all. 638 01:09:27,104 --> 01:09:29,187 In fact, he always takes less from us. 639 01:09:30,646 --> 01:09:33,937 Last month, he prescribed medicines worth 1,000 rupees. 640 01:09:35,104 --> 01:09:37,812 I had to borrow money from Mukund. 641 01:09:39,271 --> 01:09:40,604 I'll pay him back. 642 01:09:42,562 --> 01:09:44,437 And please don't borrow from him. 643 01:09:44,521 --> 01:09:46,021 Ask me for it. 644 01:09:47,229 --> 01:09:48,354 He's very sly. 645 01:09:48,937 --> 01:09:51,812 Whenever he lends you money, he calls me 646 01:09:51,896 --> 01:09:54,354 and asks if Guruji can perform. 647 01:09:55,104 --> 01:09:57,187 So what did you reply? 648 01:09:57,854 --> 01:09:59,229 What can I say? 649 01:09:59,312 --> 01:10:02,896 I tell him you're not up to it these days and to not accept the shows. 650 01:10:04,437 --> 01:10:05,771 I would have done it. 651 01:10:07,396 --> 01:10:08,646 There's no need. 652 01:10:10,396 --> 01:10:12,187 You suffer so much afterwards. 653 01:10:15,229 --> 01:10:18,604 {\an8}Now we've had another instance just yesterday in Jharkhand. 654 01:10:18,687 --> 01:10:21,854 {\an8}Two people killed allegedly because they were cattle thieves. 655 01:10:21,937 --> 01:10:23,854 {\an8}Do you see a pattern emerging 656 01:10:23,937 --> 01:10:27,729 {\an8}in the manner in which these deaths or lynchings are being carried out? 657 01:10:27,812 --> 01:10:30,312 Or are they all very separate instances? 658 01:10:30,396 --> 01:10:33,312 Fame India has reached the City of Joy: Kolkata! 659 01:10:33,396 --> 01:10:37,437 Thousands have turned up with hope in their hearts and dreams in their eyes 660 01:10:37,521 --> 01:10:41,937 in pursuit of the Golden Ticket. Let's see who has impressed our judges. 661 01:10:54,354 --> 01:10:56,812 Just when the judges had lost all hope… 662 01:10:57,396 --> 01:10:58,229 No. 663 01:10:58,312 --> 01:11:02,271 …in came a nervous, timid girl. 664 01:11:03,729 --> 01:11:05,729 -Hi. -Hello. 665 01:11:05,812 --> 01:11:07,354 What's your name? 666 01:11:07,437 --> 01:11:10,479 I am Shaswati Bose and I'm from Jhargram. 667 01:11:10,562 --> 01:11:13,812 Okay. And what will you be singing for us? 668 01:11:13,896 --> 01:11:16,854 I would like to attempt Ustad Abdul Rashid Khan's song 669 01:11:16,937 --> 01:11:19,312 "Aaye Aaye Sajana Mere." 670 01:11:19,937 --> 01:11:22,354 I wish you all the best! Please start. 671 01:12:01,062 --> 01:12:03,062 Okay. That's enough. 672 01:12:04,396 --> 01:12:07,729 Shaswati, what you just sang… 673 01:12:08,396 --> 01:12:09,354 What was that? 674 01:12:10,396 --> 01:12:12,312 Why, sir? Was it not good? 675 01:12:13,104 --> 01:12:15,104 No, it was not good. 676 01:12:15,812 --> 01:12:20,021 It was very good! It was fabulous! 677 01:12:20,104 --> 01:12:24,812 I agree. You have a phenomenal voice. Phenomenal! 678 01:12:25,437 --> 01:12:29,146 We're going to see you in Mumbai! Congratulations! 679 01:12:29,729 --> 01:12:30,937 Come here! 680 01:12:37,396 --> 01:12:39,479 -Thank you. -See you in Mumbai. 681 01:12:49,104 --> 01:12:51,562 I'm so happy. 682 01:12:52,146 --> 01:12:54,937 Our dream of seeing her sing on this show 683 01:12:55,021 --> 01:12:57,812 has come true today. I'm very happy. 684 01:13:10,896 --> 01:13:12,604 Increase the monitor volume. 685 01:13:29,187 --> 01:13:31,771 Give me more tanpuras in the monitor. 686 01:15:45,896 --> 01:15:48,771 DIWALI MORNING WITH RISING STARS. 687 01:16:53,479 --> 01:16:57,104 I definitely want to keep my writing and commentary 688 01:16:57,187 --> 01:16:59,437 confined to music at this point in time. 689 01:16:59,521 --> 01:17:01,771 I think it is our inability to 690 01:17:02,646 --> 01:17:04,396 rationally view history 691 01:17:04,479 --> 01:17:06,562 and separate it from what we do. 692 01:17:06,646 --> 01:17:08,854 We always look for an explanation 693 01:17:08,937 --> 01:17:13,021 as to who we are and how we fit into our contemporary cultural context. 694 01:18:49,687 --> 01:18:52,937 Do not get entangled in technicalities. 695 01:18:54,396 --> 01:18:59,146 You may practice endlessly for years and years 696 01:18:59,729 --> 01:19:02,479 and gain complete mastery over technique, 697 01:19:02,562 --> 01:19:06,896 but it will not lead you to the Truth. 698 01:19:07,479 --> 01:19:12,896 Technique is merely a medium to express your inner life. 699 01:19:13,521 --> 01:19:15,937 Technique can be taught. 700 01:19:16,521 --> 01:19:19,271 Truth cannot. 701 01:19:19,812 --> 01:19:23,104 For that, you must have the strength 702 01:19:23,187 --> 01:19:26,854 to look inwards with unflinching honesty. 703 01:19:27,479 --> 01:19:30,687 This is extremely difficult. 704 01:19:30,771 --> 01:19:32,729 It is a lifelong quest. 705 01:19:32,812 --> 01:19:36,146 That is why we call it Asceticism. 706 01:19:36,229 --> 01:19:40,646 And eventually, when you do encounter the Truth, 707 01:19:41,271 --> 01:19:43,646 it takes great courage to face it. 708 01:19:43,729 --> 01:19:47,979 Because the Truth is often ugly. 709 01:19:48,646 --> 01:19:52,729 Unless this awareness seeps into your music… 710 01:21:14,187 --> 01:21:17,562 These phrases could have been sung much better. 711 01:21:20,729 --> 01:21:24,229 Once an idea has been fully expressed, don't stretch it further. 712 01:21:25,687 --> 01:21:29,021 Or else it sounds like you're just filling up time. 713 01:21:31,979 --> 01:21:35,271 Those organizers also ruined my mood before the show. 714 01:21:36,854 --> 01:21:39,896 No, it's not the organizers, Sharad. 715 01:21:41,062 --> 01:21:42,937 Your perspective is lacking. 716 01:21:45,687 --> 01:21:48,479 In some places, you're embellishing it too much. 717 01:21:49,396 --> 01:21:51,771 At other points, it's too bland. 718 01:21:53,521 --> 01:21:55,062 It's all scattered. 719 01:21:58,896 --> 01:22:01,146 You start off with one musical idea, 720 01:22:02,854 --> 01:22:04,687 then you jump to something else, 721 01:22:05,854 --> 01:22:07,812 and then some third thought pops up. 722 01:22:09,937 --> 01:22:11,896 It's all jumbled up. 723 01:22:14,312 --> 01:22:16,146 The music has no life in it. 724 01:22:18,729 --> 01:22:20,812 It was the same problem last time. 725 01:22:24,271 --> 01:22:26,479 Put more thought into your efforts. 726 01:22:26,562 --> 01:22:27,937 It will work out gradually. 727 01:23:31,354 --> 01:23:34,271 How many years are you going to waste like this? 728 01:23:36,146 --> 01:23:38,562 How much longer? 729 01:23:39,646 --> 01:23:43,604 Do you want to end up like your father? 730 01:23:45,687 --> 01:23:49,687 Your father was my most faithful 731 01:23:50,479 --> 01:23:53,396 but most incompetent student. 732 01:23:54,771 --> 01:23:57,062 Nobody told him 733 01:23:58,354 --> 01:24:02,146 that just by being in the company of talented musicians, 734 01:24:02,854 --> 01:24:05,896 and by publishing books about them, 735 01:24:06,771 --> 01:24:09,146 you don't become talented yourself. 736 01:24:10,562 --> 01:24:11,771 Till the very end, 737 01:24:12,521 --> 01:24:14,979 he harbored many delusions. 738 01:24:16,229 --> 01:24:18,146 But you are different, aren't you? 739 01:24:18,937 --> 01:24:20,354 You understand better. 740 01:24:21,229 --> 01:24:23,896 Guruji can't tell you this to your face. 741 01:24:25,062 --> 01:24:27,021 He loves you. 742 01:24:28,021 --> 01:24:30,062 He is dependent on you. 743 01:24:30,812 --> 01:24:31,896 But you… 744 01:25:10,979 --> 01:25:12,062 May I sit? 745 01:25:12,146 --> 01:25:13,146 Yes, please. 746 01:25:17,729 --> 01:25:18,812 Yes? 747 01:25:19,771 --> 01:25:22,604 Madam, I want to donate these tapes to the center. 748 01:25:25,646 --> 01:25:27,062 Are they working? 749 01:25:27,146 --> 01:25:28,187 Yes, they are. 750 01:25:30,562 --> 01:25:32,437 -Who's on it? -Maai. 751 01:25:33,187 --> 01:25:36,354 -Maai? -Sorry, Maestra Sindhubai Jadhav. 752 01:25:51,937 --> 01:25:53,604 How do you spell Sindhubai? 753 01:25:54,937 --> 01:26:00,146 S-I-N-D-H-U-B-A-I. 754 01:26:04,604 --> 01:26:06,187 What did she sing? 755 01:26:06,271 --> 01:26:07,312 Classical music. 756 01:26:12,146 --> 01:26:14,229 Did she win any awards? 757 01:26:15,312 --> 01:26:18,021 Yes, Sangeet Natak Akademi, 1973. 758 01:26:29,271 --> 01:26:32,187 Her name is not on the list, so the rate will be different. 759 01:26:32,812 --> 01:26:35,812 I don't want any money, I just want to donate them. 760 01:26:36,604 --> 01:26:38,146 How many tapes are there? 761 01:26:38,229 --> 01:26:39,479 Around eight. 762 01:26:42,229 --> 01:26:44,812 But there is no singing on them. 763 01:26:44,896 --> 01:26:45,771 What then? 764 01:26:46,354 --> 01:26:50,187 It's her lectures on music, delivered in 1972. 765 01:26:52,062 --> 01:26:54,104 Leave a sample here. 766 01:26:54,187 --> 01:26:57,271 I will have to ask if we can accept them. 767 01:26:58,354 --> 01:27:00,271 Madam, this is invaluable material. 768 01:27:00,354 --> 01:27:02,354 No one has ever had access to it. 769 01:27:02,437 --> 01:27:03,562 I see. 770 01:27:04,229 --> 01:27:05,937 Are you a collector? 771 01:27:06,021 --> 01:27:08,979 No, someone gave these tapes to my father. 772 01:27:09,062 --> 01:27:09,896 Okay. 773 01:27:11,604 --> 01:27:13,687 I'll give you a form to fill in. 774 01:27:19,146 --> 01:27:21,354 You'll have to come in again to label them. 775 01:27:21,437 --> 01:27:23,937 I've already labeled them perfectly. 776 01:27:24,812 --> 01:27:26,021 All right then. 777 01:27:32,646 --> 01:27:35,354 Madam, will they be sent to the library? 778 01:27:35,437 --> 01:27:36,979 Yes. On approval, 779 01:27:37,062 --> 01:27:40,146 they will be added to our on-site library and digital archive. 780 01:27:46,437 --> 01:27:47,854 How many copies do you have? 781 01:27:49,521 --> 01:27:51,187 This is the only one. 782 01:27:54,521 --> 01:27:56,312 Laxmitai, please take this away. 783 01:28:16,979 --> 01:28:20,187 Welcome back to The Fame India Season 2! 784 01:28:21,187 --> 01:28:26,687 Our next finalist from the top 12 is Shaswati Bose from Jhargram. 785 01:28:27,771 --> 01:28:32,437 She impressed the judges and secured a ticket to Mumbai. 786 01:28:32,521 --> 01:28:34,812 Let's look at her journey so far. 787 01:28:36,729 --> 01:28:40,479 Music is my everything. It's my all. 788 01:28:41,104 --> 01:28:44,146 I sing when I'm sad and when I'm happy. 789 01:28:44,729 --> 01:28:48,354 I want to make a career in music, and I want to excel. 790 01:28:48,437 --> 01:28:52,896 Ever since she was a child, I've wanted her to learn to sing. 791 01:28:52,979 --> 01:28:57,187 I've always supported her, and will keep on doing so. 792 01:28:58,021 --> 01:29:00,812 Fame is a really big platform for me. 793 01:29:00,896 --> 01:29:03,979 I've been showered with so much love. I feel blessed. 794 01:29:04,062 --> 01:29:08,562 I know this platform will help me realize my parents' dreams. 795 01:29:08,646 --> 01:29:11,687 I never imagined that all of this would happen. 796 01:30:26,604 --> 01:30:28,187 Let's have a five-minute break. 797 01:30:28,896 --> 01:30:30,021 Please come, Madam. 798 01:30:32,937 --> 01:30:34,354 Karan, get a chair. 799 01:30:35,604 --> 01:30:37,396 -How are you, sir? -Good, you? 800 01:30:37,479 --> 01:30:38,354 Fine. 801 01:30:39,021 --> 01:30:41,021 Sorry you had to wait. 802 01:30:41,104 --> 01:30:42,271 No problem. 803 01:30:43,396 --> 01:30:46,604 -Will you have some tea or coffee? -No, thank you. 804 01:30:46,687 --> 01:30:47,854 So, tell me… 805 01:30:48,646 --> 01:30:50,771 Did Karan tell you anything? 806 01:30:50,854 --> 01:30:53,854 He just said that you would be coming to see me. 807 01:30:54,479 --> 01:30:57,437 Actually, sir, he has an offer to join a band. 808 01:30:57,521 --> 01:31:00,979 But he will only take it up if you say it's okay. 809 01:31:01,062 --> 01:31:03,062 So he wants your permission, sir. 810 01:31:03,146 --> 01:31:04,271 What band is this? 811 01:31:04,354 --> 01:31:05,479 What is it? 812 01:31:06,271 --> 01:31:07,687 A college band, sir. 813 01:31:07,771 --> 01:31:10,187 The seniors are forming a fusion band. 814 01:31:10,271 --> 01:31:12,979 They've asked me to do the classical vocals. 815 01:31:13,062 --> 01:31:16,021 Okay. Is it for some album? 816 01:31:16,104 --> 01:31:18,854 No, sir. It's for college festivals 817 01:31:18,937 --> 01:31:21,979 like Malhar or Mood Indigo. 818 01:31:22,062 --> 01:31:25,562 Later there's the University Youth Festival. 819 01:31:26,312 --> 01:31:27,146 I see. 820 01:31:27,854 --> 01:31:29,812 I told him he must do it. 821 01:31:29,896 --> 01:31:33,729 It will give him stage experience and some exposure. 822 01:31:33,812 --> 01:31:36,604 But he says he will only do it if he has your go-ahead. 823 01:31:38,604 --> 01:31:41,604 So is it mainly Western or classical too? 824 01:31:41,687 --> 01:31:43,021 It's a mix, sir. 825 01:31:43,104 --> 01:31:46,312 There's an English singer, and I will do the classical part. 826 01:31:47,479 --> 01:31:48,354 I see. 827 01:31:49,937 --> 01:31:53,312 Let him go ahead, no problem. 828 01:31:54,729 --> 01:31:57,271 But then he doesn't need to come back here. 829 01:31:58,437 --> 01:31:59,312 Why, sir? 830 01:31:59,812 --> 01:32:01,271 What will he do here? 831 01:32:01,354 --> 01:32:02,812 He'll waste his time. 832 01:32:04,271 --> 01:32:06,521 He sings well enough to be in a band. 833 01:32:07,271 --> 01:32:10,562 He gets his notes right, he's had some training. That's enough. 834 01:32:11,687 --> 01:32:13,729 Sir, are you upset? 835 01:32:13,812 --> 01:32:18,021 No, I'm being frank. He can do fusion, but he shouldn't come back to classical. 836 01:32:19,187 --> 01:32:21,896 He'd spoil the school's name, and mine as well. 837 01:32:22,812 --> 01:32:24,354 Why are you saying this? 838 01:32:25,521 --> 01:32:28,937 Look, he is still miles away from singing Khayal. 839 01:32:29,812 --> 01:32:32,646 If he gets into all of this, he'll never get there. 840 01:32:33,437 --> 01:32:36,104 So why waste time and money? That's all I'm saying. 841 01:32:36,771 --> 01:32:39,271 Sir, you're misunderstanding the issue. 842 01:32:39,354 --> 01:32:41,146 But you should also understand, 843 01:32:42,229 --> 01:32:44,854 if you want him to run before he can walk, go ahead. 844 01:32:44,937 --> 01:32:46,187 Don't ask me. 845 01:32:51,854 --> 01:32:53,437 Karan, have I upset you? 846 01:32:54,437 --> 01:32:55,979 Sorry if I crossed the line, madam. 847 01:32:56,062 --> 01:32:57,437 Why are you getting nervous? 848 01:32:58,021 --> 01:33:01,812 Is his father feeding us? We've paid him. 849 01:33:01,896 --> 01:33:03,479 He's not teaching you for free. 850 01:33:03,562 --> 01:33:04,937 Who is he to say no? 851 01:33:05,021 --> 01:33:07,396 Let's complain about him to the principal. 852 01:33:07,479 --> 01:33:08,937 I'll fix him. 853 01:33:09,021 --> 01:33:11,021 You will join the band and learn music too. 854 01:33:11,104 --> 01:33:13,604 No need to get nervous. Understood? 855 01:33:13,687 --> 01:33:15,021 Now don't cry like a baby. 856 01:33:58,729 --> 01:34:01,354 Hello, Ma? Can you hear me? 857 01:34:03,229 --> 01:34:04,437 I can hear you. 858 01:34:05,687 --> 01:34:06,729 How are you? 859 01:34:09,562 --> 01:34:10,604 I'm okay. 860 01:34:12,729 --> 01:34:15,521 Sorry, I totally forgot. 861 01:34:18,229 --> 01:34:21,146 Yes, tell Viju that I will take care of it. 862 01:34:21,937 --> 01:34:24,562 I will send it next month, don't worry. 863 01:34:27,312 --> 01:34:28,354 Yes. 864 01:34:31,937 --> 01:34:37,854 I was wondering if I should come and stay there for a few days? 865 01:34:41,812 --> 01:34:42,729 Yes. 866 01:34:43,771 --> 01:34:45,271 I will try to come next month. 867 01:34:48,187 --> 01:34:49,104 Sure. 868 01:34:51,771 --> 01:34:55,521 No, please. If you're going to bring that up, I won't come. 869 01:34:57,396 --> 01:34:59,062 Just four more years. 870 01:34:59,146 --> 01:35:00,562 As soon as I turn 40, 871 01:35:00,646 --> 01:35:02,604 we can start looking for a wife for me. 872 01:35:03,687 --> 01:35:05,896 Divorcees, widows, anyone will do. 873 01:35:07,437 --> 01:35:08,479 For real. 874 01:35:11,104 --> 01:35:11,979 What? 875 01:35:13,687 --> 01:35:15,021 The line is breaking up. 876 01:35:16,271 --> 01:35:17,271 Hello? 877 01:35:20,271 --> 01:35:22,312 Okay, bye now. 878 01:35:42,854 --> 01:35:44,437 Can I play one ball? 879 01:35:45,437 --> 01:35:46,396 Raja. 880 01:35:56,146 --> 01:35:57,604 Deliver a ball to him. 881 01:36:01,354 --> 01:36:02,479 Lovely ball! 882 01:36:40,104 --> 01:36:44,687 Today is the 35th anniversary of Maai's death. 883 01:36:46,229 --> 01:36:49,896 And if I don't sing well today, 884 01:36:51,604 --> 01:36:54,562 I fear she will suddenly appear before me… 885 01:36:55,729 --> 01:36:59,687 and give me a good scolding 886 01:36:59,771 --> 01:37:02,937 right in front of all of you. 887 01:37:06,479 --> 01:37:09,104 I will try my best to sing. 888 01:37:10,604 --> 01:37:12,187 Allow me some time… 889 01:37:13,479 --> 01:37:15,562 for my throat to warm up. 890 01:37:17,354 --> 01:37:19,604 And then let's hope my voice cooperates. 891 01:38:56,437 --> 01:38:58,646 Yes, sir. We're sitting inside. 892 01:39:02,896 --> 01:39:04,437 I'm so sorry I'm late. 893 01:39:04,521 --> 01:39:06,021 Have you been waiting long? 894 01:39:06,104 --> 01:39:07,771 No problem at all. 895 01:39:07,854 --> 01:39:09,979 -Hello, I'm Rajan Joshi. -Sharad. 896 01:39:11,271 --> 01:39:12,229 Please sit. 897 01:39:17,604 --> 01:39:20,146 What's this? Where's his glass? 898 01:39:20,229 --> 01:39:21,687 I don't drink. 899 01:39:21,771 --> 01:39:25,146 Come on, have one. I just look old. 900 01:39:25,896 --> 01:39:27,979 Please don't be shy. 901 01:39:28,062 --> 01:39:30,229 Actually, he's a singer, so that's why. 902 01:39:30,312 --> 01:39:32,687 -Nice! Classical? -Yes. 903 01:39:32,771 --> 01:39:35,271 One whiskey and a little water. 904 01:39:36,521 --> 01:39:37,354 And for you? 905 01:39:37,437 --> 01:39:39,187 -Repeat? -Repeat. 906 01:39:40,979 --> 01:39:43,229 -And for you? -Really, I'm fine. 907 01:39:43,312 --> 01:39:46,187 Have something, maybe a soft drink? 908 01:39:46,271 --> 01:39:49,896 Okay, fresh lime with plain water. Not cold. 909 01:39:52,812 --> 01:39:54,937 -You're a Mumbai guy? -Yes. 910 01:39:56,396 --> 01:39:58,687 He's a big fan of your work. 911 01:39:58,771 --> 01:40:02,146 He's read all your reviews in Sancharika. 912 01:40:03,021 --> 01:40:06,729 That's why all the musicians in Mumbai hated my guts. 913 01:40:08,312 --> 01:40:10,354 Because I would bash them all. 914 01:40:11,271 --> 01:40:14,021 I really love your writing. 915 01:40:14,104 --> 01:40:15,104 Thank you. 916 01:40:15,187 --> 01:40:19,812 Even from America, you have done so much research on the history of our music. 917 01:40:19,896 --> 01:40:21,021 It's really inspiring. 918 01:40:21,104 --> 01:40:22,687 -Great. -Thank you. 919 01:40:23,396 --> 01:40:26,104 It's good to hear that the younger generation 920 01:40:26,187 --> 01:40:28,687 is still interested in these things. 921 01:40:28,771 --> 01:40:32,229 It's easy now because of the websites and the Internet. 922 01:40:32,312 --> 01:40:34,437 It reaches everyone instantly. 923 01:40:35,729 --> 01:40:38,854 To be honest, I have so much material 924 01:40:39,521 --> 01:40:43,854 that I can easily keep writing for the next ten years. 925 01:40:44,437 --> 01:40:48,146 -Wow. -And this is just my Park City stuff. 926 01:40:48,229 --> 01:40:50,646 My Mumbai collection is another story. 927 01:40:53,479 --> 01:40:55,562 Ask Kishore what they used to call me. 928 01:40:56,854 --> 01:41:00,104 -They used to call him "music thief." -What? 929 01:41:00,187 --> 01:41:05,479 He would get hold of the rarest recordings and books from God knows where. 930 01:41:06,271 --> 01:41:12,312 Faiyaz Khan, Imrat Hussain, Kesarbai. You name it, he would have it. 931 01:41:12,396 --> 01:41:13,521 Wow. 932 01:41:16,021 --> 01:41:19,271 Actually, that's why I didn't invite you to my home. 933 01:41:20,062 --> 01:41:24,812 So many people have stolen things from my house, I have lost count. 934 01:41:25,604 --> 01:41:26,687 Meaning? 935 01:41:27,729 --> 01:41:32,979 If I went to the kitchen to get something, people would simply nick things. 936 01:41:33,604 --> 01:41:35,604 I'm talking about big, famous artistes. 937 01:41:35,687 --> 01:41:37,729 Jealous fuckers, all of them. 938 01:41:40,896 --> 01:41:43,854 Now look at Kishore. He's been chasing me for so many years. 939 01:41:44,687 --> 01:41:46,187 But in an honest way. 940 01:41:46,896 --> 01:41:48,479 I mean, he wants it for free. 941 01:41:49,062 --> 01:41:51,187 People have offered me millions of rupees. 942 01:41:51,812 --> 01:41:56,479 I told them, "Even if you buy me three houses in Colaba, 943 01:41:56,562 --> 01:41:59,146 there's some material that I will never part with." 944 01:42:02,604 --> 01:42:05,562 Anyway, tell me what you want. 945 01:42:05,646 --> 01:42:08,312 As I said on the phone, I want recordings-- 946 01:42:08,396 --> 01:42:09,646 Of Shantidevi? 947 01:42:09,729 --> 01:42:13,146 Yes, sir. Very few people have heard her. 948 01:42:13,229 --> 01:42:15,021 I'd like to publish a CD. 949 01:42:15,104 --> 01:42:18,604 Okay. Let me see what I have. 950 01:42:18,687 --> 01:42:20,479 Thank you, sir. Thanks. 951 01:42:21,729 --> 01:42:24,187 Recently, someone approached Sharma 952 01:42:24,271 --> 01:42:27,437 from All India Radio for Shantidevi's tapes. 953 01:42:27,521 --> 01:42:28,396 And? 954 01:42:28,479 --> 01:42:31,604 He said, "We don't keep music by whores." 955 01:42:32,854 --> 01:42:33,729 What? 956 01:42:34,604 --> 01:42:39,521 I mean, it's true that she was a prostitute. Everybody knows it. 957 01:42:40,104 --> 01:42:42,437 -What are you saying? -Yes. 958 01:42:43,312 --> 01:42:46,146 There are even photos of her in a bikini. 959 01:42:47,104 --> 01:42:51,521 I'm talking about the '40s, before she became famous. 960 01:42:51,604 --> 01:42:54,271 She had posed for some magazine. 961 01:42:55,271 --> 01:42:56,687 You're joking, right? 962 01:42:58,312 --> 01:42:59,729 No, I'm not. 963 01:42:59,812 --> 01:43:03,146 Later, some Gujarati businessman kept her as his mistress. 964 01:43:03,854 --> 01:43:06,896 He gave her money to learn music. 965 01:43:06,979 --> 01:43:10,062 That's why she added "Devi" to her name later. 966 01:43:10,146 --> 01:43:12,562 To give herself an air of purity. 967 01:43:15,021 --> 01:43:18,604 -You still want the recordings, right? -Of course I want them, sir. 968 01:43:21,854 --> 01:43:24,896 -Do you have recordings of Maai? -Maai? 969 01:43:25,771 --> 01:43:26,854 Sindhubai. 970 01:43:28,312 --> 01:43:29,854 I might have some. 971 01:43:30,521 --> 01:43:31,562 You do? 972 01:43:32,979 --> 01:43:35,062 But there are no recordings of her. 973 01:43:35,979 --> 01:43:38,354 That's because she refused to perform in public. 974 01:43:38,854 --> 01:43:42,354 -No, it wasn't like that-- -Forget it, let it be. 975 01:43:42,437 --> 01:43:46,146 I won't say anything more, you might be a devotee of hers. 976 01:43:46,229 --> 01:43:48,896 -No, he is an Alwar-- -Please, keep talking. 977 01:43:50,271 --> 01:43:51,146 Let it go. 978 01:43:51,687 --> 01:43:52,937 No, please continue. 979 01:43:55,979 --> 01:44:02,271 Look, I never believed this story that she had no interest in performing. 980 01:44:02,771 --> 01:44:06,521 That she was completely lost in trance-like practice, and all that. 981 01:44:07,146 --> 01:44:10,562 Is there any artist who is not interested in performing? 982 01:44:11,479 --> 01:44:15,396 -But she was different. -Yes, a little too "different." 983 01:44:17,771 --> 01:44:19,437 She was plain crazy. 984 01:44:19,521 --> 01:44:23,521 -Let's just talk about-- -Hold on. What are you trying to say? 985 01:44:25,646 --> 01:44:26,729 Let's drop it. 986 01:44:27,937 --> 01:44:29,896 Please, I want to hear this. 987 01:44:33,771 --> 01:44:37,146 I heard her sing in person, sitting in her own house. 988 01:44:37,937 --> 01:44:39,021 You heard Maai? 989 01:44:39,562 --> 01:44:42,062 About 30 years ago, when I was your age. 990 01:44:42,687 --> 01:44:43,687 But how? 991 01:44:44,854 --> 01:44:45,896 Don't ask. 992 01:44:46,604 --> 01:44:48,687 I've pulled off many such things in life. 993 01:44:49,437 --> 01:44:50,979 She was an exceptional singer, 994 01:44:51,687 --> 01:44:54,604 but as a human being, she was extremely offensive. 995 01:44:55,479 --> 01:44:57,687 The horrible stuff she used to say… 996 01:44:58,521 --> 01:45:01,646 "These Mughals came and polluted our music." 997 01:45:01,729 --> 01:45:05,187 "I won't sing compositions by Muslim people," and whatnot. 998 01:45:05,937 --> 01:45:08,646 She even killed her own daughter's career. 999 01:45:09,937 --> 01:45:12,646 But she mentored so many acclaimed musicians. 1000 01:45:14,146 --> 01:45:15,396 Name one. 1001 01:45:16,229 --> 01:45:17,687 Satish Raichand? 1002 01:45:18,437 --> 01:45:21,062 He was well-known before he went to Maai. 1003 01:45:21,146 --> 01:45:22,771 He was trained by Khan Saheb. 1004 01:45:23,437 --> 01:45:24,562 Devendra Bhise? 1005 01:45:25,479 --> 01:45:28,104 I don't like him at all. Hugely overrated. 1006 01:45:28,187 --> 01:45:31,187 -Sharad, let it go. -No, this is getting interesting. 1007 01:45:32,854 --> 01:45:34,271 Maestro Vinayak Pradhan? 1008 01:45:36,104 --> 01:45:37,521 He's also Maai's student. 1009 01:45:39,187 --> 01:45:41,521 -That guy from Dadar? -Yes. 1010 01:45:44,729 --> 01:45:46,771 He's another fabricated story. 1011 01:45:47,479 --> 01:45:50,479 "He's not interested in concerts, he's a teacher, 1012 01:45:50,562 --> 01:45:54,187 he's only committed to passing on the Alwar legacy," and so on. 1013 01:45:54,271 --> 01:45:57,979 The truth is that he couldn't handle the pressure of the stage. 1014 01:45:58,062 --> 01:46:00,687 Mr. Joshi, please. That's his guru. 1015 01:46:05,146 --> 01:46:06,146 I am sorry. 1016 01:46:06,229 --> 01:46:07,312 I had no idea. 1017 01:46:12,271 --> 01:46:15,229 -Let's wind it up now. -Yes, please. 1018 01:46:21,229 --> 01:46:23,271 But you know what, Kishore? 1019 01:46:23,354 --> 01:46:27,896 These new kids must know how to separate fact from fiction. 1020 01:46:27,979 --> 01:46:32,229 The era is gone when people could inflate someone into a demigod. 1021 01:46:32,312 --> 01:46:34,979 That's why so many people got exploited in this field. 1022 01:46:36,146 --> 01:46:38,312 Then carry on. Why are you holding back? 1023 01:46:40,146 --> 01:46:41,062 Look. 1024 01:46:42,646 --> 01:46:45,021 Fans love a good story. 1025 01:46:46,146 --> 01:46:49,646 Maai's students painted her as this mythical creature. 1026 01:46:51,604 --> 01:46:55,104 "Maai sang even with zero blood pressure." 1027 01:46:55,187 --> 01:46:57,937 What the fuck is zero blood pressure? 1028 01:46:59,354 --> 01:47:03,229 "Maai knew 23 of Khan Saheb's secret Raags." 1029 01:47:03,312 --> 01:47:06,271 Now who counted if there were 22 or 23? 1030 01:47:07,146 --> 01:47:11,854 I recently heard that someone secretly recorded some lectures of hers. 1031 01:47:12,479 --> 01:47:14,187 I haven't heard them yet, 1032 01:47:14,937 --> 01:47:16,187 but I'm pretty sure… 1033 01:47:17,021 --> 01:47:21,229 it's the most pretentious, self-righteous, elitist load of crock ever. 1034 01:48:02,812 --> 01:48:03,937 Come sit. 1035 01:48:10,021 --> 01:48:11,771 -Will you have tea? -Yes. 1036 01:48:14,937 --> 01:48:17,771 Guruji, please don't accept faraway concerts anymore. 1037 01:48:18,896 --> 01:48:21,479 Yesterday's journey was so tiring for you. 1038 01:48:22,729 --> 01:48:24,187 What else can I do? 1039 01:48:24,854 --> 01:48:26,937 I have to take whatever comes my way. 1040 01:48:28,187 --> 01:48:30,479 Do I get a monthly pension? 1041 01:48:31,146 --> 01:48:34,729 Or do you have millions of rupees to keep giving me? 1042 01:48:35,437 --> 01:48:37,187 Are you short of anything? 1043 01:48:38,854 --> 01:48:41,104 Why put yourself through this at your age? 1044 01:48:42,521 --> 01:48:44,187 On top of it all, 1045 01:48:44,812 --> 01:48:48,187 these bloody organizers don't even pay on time. 1046 01:48:49,271 --> 01:48:51,687 Remember that felicitation ceremony in Satara? 1047 01:48:52,312 --> 01:48:54,646 They haven't given me the honorarium yet. 1048 01:48:55,771 --> 01:48:58,437 They presented me with this big, fake check. 1049 01:48:58,521 --> 01:49:00,479 They never sent the real one. 1050 01:49:01,937 --> 01:49:03,354 I'll talk to them. 1051 01:49:05,562 --> 01:49:08,021 Then the Gokhales did a house concert. 1052 01:49:08,771 --> 01:49:10,479 They didn't even mention money. 1053 01:49:11,646 --> 01:49:15,687 Just handed me a cup of tea and some dry snacks. 1054 01:49:16,812 --> 01:49:21,104 Tell them to reimburse our travel expenses at least. 1055 01:49:23,354 --> 01:49:25,187 They didn't give you your taxi fare? 1056 01:49:51,979 --> 01:49:53,187 Guruji? 1057 01:56:52,062 --> 01:56:53,271 Now catch that one. 1058 01:56:55,396 --> 01:56:56,812 Now this one. 1059 01:56:59,104 --> 01:57:00,854 Now those tall buildings. 1060 01:57:33,521 --> 01:57:34,729 Shall we start? 1061 01:57:34,812 --> 01:57:36,437 Yes. One moment, please. 1062 01:57:38,271 --> 01:57:41,104 Sir, tell us about Anhad Sounds. 1063 01:57:42,854 --> 01:57:45,562 Anhad Sounds is a new company we've launched. 1064 01:57:46,271 --> 01:57:50,687 The company's mission is to promote North Indian classical music. 1065 01:57:50,771 --> 01:57:54,062 To ensure that it reaches a wide audience. 1066 01:57:55,104 --> 01:57:58,562 Legacy of Alwar is our first offering to music lovers. 1067 01:57:59,354 --> 01:58:03,771 This collection features 300 rare compositions 1068 01:58:03,854 --> 01:58:07,062 belonging to the Alwar tradition. 1069 01:58:08,604 --> 01:58:12,271 We were worried that Alwar's 200-year-old legacy 1070 01:58:12,354 --> 01:58:15,521 would get lost over time. 1071 01:58:16,104 --> 01:58:19,979 So I felt that it was important to document this. 1072 01:58:21,271 --> 01:58:25,854 This project is the culmination of nearly four years of research. 1073 01:58:26,979 --> 01:58:31,687 Maestros Vilas Bhat, Manoharbhau Mane, Archana Bhave 1074 01:58:31,771 --> 01:58:35,146 and many other veterans have contributed to this project. 1075 01:58:35,229 --> 01:58:38,521 Sir, how can listeners access this collection? 1076 01:58:39,396 --> 01:58:43,396 The entire collection is available on a USB stick. 1077 01:58:43,937 --> 01:58:47,729 It can be bought on the Anhad Sounds website. 1078 01:58:47,812 --> 01:58:51,062 What other plans does your company have? 1079 01:58:52,229 --> 01:58:56,229 We will be releasing more collections, 1080 01:58:56,312 --> 01:58:58,521 which we are currently working on. 1081 01:58:58,604 --> 01:59:04,271 We also plan to publish books related to music, offer online music classes… 1082 01:59:04,354 --> 01:59:08,062 We have lots of ideas. Let's see how they shape up. 1083 01:59:08,146 --> 01:59:09,104 Okay. 1084 01:59:12,146 --> 01:59:15,187 -Done? -Yes. Thank you, sir. 1085 01:59:15,271 --> 01:59:17,812 There's tea, coffee, and snacks, 1086 01:59:17,896 --> 01:59:19,146 please do help yourself. 1087 01:59:19,229 --> 01:59:20,729 Okay, thank you. 1088 02:00:03,687 --> 02:00:07,062 Oh, seeker! 1089 02:00:08,354 --> 02:00:12,812 At the edge of a well, oh, seeker 1090 02:00:14,604 --> 02:00:19,104 I sowed a tamarind seed 1091 02:00:20,354 --> 02:00:25,021 At the edge of a well, oh seeker 1092 02:00:26,437 --> 02:00:30,646 I sowed a tamarind seed 1093 02:00:31,979 --> 02:00:37,979 The tree sprouts fish 1094 02:00:38,062 --> 02:00:40,937 And casts a fine shade 1095 02:00:47,396 --> 02:00:52,521 At the edge of a well 1096 02:00:52,604 --> 02:00:54,687 Oh, seeker 1097 02:01:08,562 --> 02:01:13,562 At the edge of a well, oh, seeker 1098 02:01:16,937 --> 02:01:20,437 A deer was wed 1099 02:01:20,979 --> 02:01:25,562 At the edge of a well, oh, seeker 1100 02:01:27,187 --> 02:01:30,771 A deer was wed 1101 02:01:33,604 --> 02:01:37,812 She gave birth to five fawns 1102 02:01:45,271 --> 02:01:51,354 At the edge of a well, oh, seeker