1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,200 That completes tonight's COVID briefing. 2 00:00:02,200 --> 00:00:03,840 I will now take questions on video. 3 00:00:03,840 --> 00:00:05,560 First up, Nicki Minaj. 4 00:00:05,560 --> 00:00:08,360 'Er, I've got a question for your science ass. 5 00:00:08,360 --> 00:00:10,120 'My cousin's friend's testicles 6 00:00:10,120 --> 00:00:13,160 'did blow up the size of Trinidad from the vaccine. 7 00:00:13,160 --> 00:00:14,480 'Yes, boo. 8 00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:18,680 'Also, if you belch, fart and sneeze at the same time, you die. 9 00:00:18,680 --> 00:00:20,880 'My manager's dog said it did that. Right, Barbz? 10 00:00:20,880 --> 00:00:25,200 'And if you eat a booger, you get pregnant with a booger baby. 11 00:00:25,200 --> 00:00:27,560 'That's real. And they have feelings. 12 00:00:27,560 --> 00:00:30,920 'What's that, booger baby? You don't want the vaccine? 13 00:00:30,920 --> 00:00:33,200 'Don't worry, I'm doing research 14 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:35,200 'and I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. 15 00:00:35,200 --> 00:00:36,320 'O-K-K-K-K-K-K.' 16 00:00:37,360 --> 00:00:40,440 Still, better than taking questions from The Daily Mail. 17 00:00:40,440 --> 00:00:44,440 # Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh 18 00:00:44,440 --> 00:00:47,040 # Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah 19 00:00:47,040 --> 00:00:50,160 # Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh 20 00:00:50,160 --> 00:00:53,480 # Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah 21 00:00:53,480 --> 00:00:57,640 # Oh-ah ah-ah-ah-ah! # 22 00:00:57,640 --> 00:00:59,400 SIREN BLARES 23 00:01:00,640 --> 00:01:03,640 IAIN STIRLING: 'Every year, the leaders of the G20, 24 00:01:03,640 --> 00:01:05,640 'the world's biggest economies, 25 00:01:05,640 --> 00:01:08,440 'come together to settle their differences. 26 00:01:08,440 --> 00:01:12,280 'At stake, the lives and livelihoods of humanity. 27 00:01:12,280 --> 00:01:13,760 'Boring! 28 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:17,520 'So the G20 leaders have asked us here at Love Island 29 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:19,000 'to shake things up! 30 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:21,560 'We've brought them to this two-and-a-half-star resort 31 00:01:21,560 --> 00:01:23,480 'on the rocky side of Ibiza, 32 00:01:23,480 --> 00:01:27,240 'where they'll ensure global financial stability, 33 00:01:27,240 --> 00:01:31,560 'form trade alliances, and most importantly, find love!' 34 00:01:37,560 --> 00:01:40,160 Jacinda and I are a natural alliance. 35 00:01:40,160 --> 00:01:42,920 We already sent Trudeau and Erdogan home. 36 00:01:42,920 --> 00:01:44,400 They totally botched the 37 00:01:44,400 --> 00:01:46,680 "Pass The Carrot With Your Arse" challenge. 38 00:01:46,680 --> 00:01:49,640 But Putin and Merkel are forging bilateral agreements 39 00:01:49,640 --> 00:01:51,200 like wombats in a billabong. 40 00:01:51,200 --> 00:01:54,800 Who wants to get annihilated by doing vodka-Molly shots? 41 00:01:54,800 --> 00:01:56,080 Shouldn't we grapple 42 00:01:56,080 --> 00:01:59,080 with the problem of dual hemisphere deflation? 43 00:01:59,080 --> 00:02:03,320 How about you deal with your dual hemisphere deflation, am I right? 44 00:02:03,320 --> 00:02:06,200 Ugh! This is a European beach. Grow up! 45 00:02:06,200 --> 00:02:10,400 Hey, Putin! That's my flag you're towelling off with! 46 00:02:10,400 --> 00:02:14,080 Sorry. Already used it to dry my crotch. 47 00:02:14,080 --> 00:02:15,560 Huh! BORIS MUMBLES 48 00:02:15,560 --> 00:02:18,080 I did not come here to make friends. 49 00:02:18,080 --> 00:02:20,040 Well, I'm desperate to make friends, 50 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:22,480 and all I get is a face full of dick towel! 51 00:02:25,560 --> 00:02:27,920 Scotland's health system's at crisis point. 52 00:02:27,920 --> 00:02:29,920 Nobody in Scotland can get an ambulance. 53 00:02:29,920 --> 00:02:31,120 What am I going to do? 54 00:02:31,120 --> 00:02:33,440 Have you tried blaming England, First Minister? 55 00:02:33,440 --> 00:02:35,720 Of course I have, you wee fud! SHE GRUNTS 56 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:37,280 THUD, HE GROANS 57 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:38,560 But the NHS is fully devolved. 58 00:02:38,560 --> 00:02:40,880 People are starting to realise this is my fault. 59 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:42,480 I have to call in the British Army! 60 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:46,320 I'll drive your damn ambulances. 61 00:02:46,320 --> 00:02:48,320 That's great, Tom, but why? 62 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:49,680 Because when I was in the Navy, 63 00:02:49,680 --> 00:02:51,600 I had to get justice for a murdered private - 64 00:02:51,600 --> 00:02:52,960 William T Santiago. 65 00:02:52,960 --> 00:02:55,720 To honour his memory, any job that he would have done, I have to do. 66 00:02:55,720 --> 00:02:57,720 And even though he was a United States Marine 67 00:02:57,720 --> 00:02:59,040 based at Guantanamo Bay, 68 00:02:59,040 --> 00:03:03,120 I know he'd be right here driving ambulances in Glasgow. 69 00:03:03,120 --> 00:03:04,800 You're on. Great. 70 00:03:04,800 --> 00:03:07,440 But I'll need someone to help me navigate the Scottish roads. 71 00:03:07,440 --> 00:03:08,760 Alex Salmond. 72 00:03:10,520 --> 00:03:12,200 Goddammit, I'm trying to help people, 73 00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:13,680 but you keep taking us the wrong way. 74 00:03:13,680 --> 00:03:16,680 It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey. 75 00:03:16,680 --> 00:03:19,120 Dude, did you eat the map? Tell me the truth! 76 00:03:19,120 --> 00:03:21,080 Did you eat the map? 77 00:03:21,080 --> 00:03:22,280 HE BELCHES 78 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:23,760 You can't handle the truth. 79 00:03:23,760 --> 00:03:26,320 So you admit it! I rest my case. 80 00:03:26,320 --> 00:03:28,760 TYRES SCREECH BOTH: Whoa! 81 00:03:28,760 --> 00:03:30,000 SPLASHING 82 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:34,800 I'm sorry, Santiago! 83 00:03:36,760 --> 00:03:38,480 TEXT ALERT 84 00:03:38,480 --> 00:03:40,080 I've got a text! 85 00:03:40,080 --> 00:03:42,360 "Islanders, you have to negotiate 86 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:45,440 "a 3% reduction in global carbon emissions 87 00:03:45,440 --> 00:03:48,840 "while passing a raw squid from mouth to mouth." 88 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:49,880 GASPING 89 00:03:49,880 --> 00:03:54,800 GRUNTING: This would've been easier if you hadn't left the EU. 90 00:03:56,000 --> 00:03:58,840 That's negative two points for the squid slip! 91 00:03:58,840 --> 00:04:00,800 BOTH: Vegemite! 92 00:04:00,800 --> 00:04:04,720 'The bison calf is dead, and the vulture feasts on its eyes. 93 00:04:04,720 --> 00:04:09,360 'Cold, indifferent nature cares nothing for a mother's tears.' 94 00:04:09,360 --> 00:04:12,720 Another Werner BLEEP Herzog animal documentary. 95 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:17,640 Lighten up, you miserable bastard! Nature can be BLEEP funny. 96 00:04:17,640 --> 00:04:21,120 Funny? How? All we ever do is eat or get eaten. 97 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:22,880 Funny how? Funny this! 98 00:04:22,880 --> 00:04:24,560 HE FARTS, THEN LAUGHS 99 00:04:24,560 --> 00:04:26,280 Vern, that's disgusting! 100 00:04:26,280 --> 00:04:27,320 Sorry, honey. 101 00:04:27,320 --> 00:04:28,400 SHE FARTS 102 00:04:28,400 --> 00:04:30,400 Fooled you! Oof, Jesus! 103 00:04:30,400 --> 00:04:33,160 Whoa! Wow! What, have you been eating dung beetles again? 104 00:04:33,160 --> 00:04:34,360 BOTH FART 105 00:04:34,360 --> 00:04:36,640 Hey, Herzog, film this, you gloomy Teutonic BLEEP! 106 00:04:36,640 --> 00:04:37,920 HE LAUGHS 107 00:04:37,920 --> 00:04:39,520 LION ROARS, CRUNCH 108 00:04:41,360 --> 00:04:43,440 Vern? Vern? 109 00:04:43,440 --> 00:04:44,680 Oh, shit. 110 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:49,480 'Across the earth blows the cold wind of death.' 111 00:04:49,480 --> 00:04:51,440 He has a point. 112 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:57,400 The Love Island Summit is supposed to build community. 113 00:04:57,400 --> 00:05:01,040 Who knew getting people drunk in the sun just causes drama? 114 00:05:01,040 --> 00:05:03,440 You won't commit to copyright protection, 115 00:05:03,440 --> 00:05:06,200 your performance in the lap-dance challenge made me weep. 116 00:05:06,200 --> 00:05:09,000 I have to question if you're here for the right reasons! 117 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:12,400 I'm not into communal activities unless enforced by the state. 118 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:14,320 MOBILE VIBRATES 119 00:05:14,320 --> 00:05:16,200 I've got a text! 120 00:05:16,200 --> 00:05:18,000 SHE READS: "Tonight, we vote on... 121 00:05:20,080 --> 00:05:21,280 "..sanctions." 122 00:05:21,280 --> 00:05:24,040 Oh, fuck! Fuck! I'm not here. 123 00:05:25,080 --> 00:05:27,000 DANCE MUSIC PLAYS 124 00:05:28,760 --> 00:05:33,040 We all voted on sanctions, and it's time to read the results. 125 00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:36,440 And the vote is... 126 00:05:37,560 --> 00:05:39,240 ..sanctions on Russia! 127 00:05:39,240 --> 00:05:40,800 GASPING 128 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:43,120 Damn it! I need to upgrade my vote-rigging software. 129 00:05:43,120 --> 00:05:44,760 I've got a text! 130 00:05:44,760 --> 00:05:46,920 It's yet another big twist. 131 00:05:46,920 --> 00:05:50,360 A new Islander is joining us right now. 132 00:05:50,360 --> 00:05:53,320 Ooh, I hope it's hot twins! 133 00:05:57,680 --> 00:05:59,640 Howdy! Oh, God! 134 00:05:59,640 --> 00:06:01,680 That is the exact opposite of hot twins. 135 00:06:01,680 --> 00:06:04,000 All right, America's here. 136 00:06:04,000 --> 00:06:05,720 I'm declaring a new alliance. 137 00:06:05,720 --> 00:06:08,720 Australia, the UK, and the US. 138 00:06:08,720 --> 00:06:10,880 #AwkusMaximus. 139 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:12,720 Take that, bat breath. 140 00:06:12,720 --> 00:06:14,080 Ooh, I'm so scared (!) 141 00:06:14,080 --> 00:06:17,000 Mr American Big Mac and his two chicken nuggets. 142 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:19,600 Hey, Australia is getting nuclear submarines, 143 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:24,240 for which the UK is providing precision-engineered biscuits. 144 00:06:24,240 --> 00:06:26,800 You were supposed to buy French submarines, 145 00:06:26,800 --> 00:06:29,280 powered by fine Bordeaux diesel fuel! 146 00:06:29,280 --> 00:06:32,720 Right, but the instruction manual was in bloody French! 147 00:06:32,720 --> 00:06:34,480 Your loss. 148 00:06:34,480 --> 00:06:35,920 Periscope up! 149 00:06:35,920 --> 00:06:37,200 SHE GIGGLES Oh! 150 00:06:38,480 --> 00:06:42,920 Guys, you know I'm loving your chanting very much, 151 00:06:42,920 --> 00:06:46,560 but at the Liverpools we are wanting to make the chanting less offensive. 152 00:06:46,560 --> 00:06:48,040 What's the point in that? 153 00:06:48,040 --> 00:06:50,360 Well, you get to support the Liverpools, 154 00:06:50,360 --> 00:06:53,400 but also not make other people feel so bad. 155 00:06:53,400 --> 00:06:55,760 Let's try it, ja? Ha-ha! 156 00:06:55,760 --> 00:06:58,480 The referee's a wanker! 157 00:06:58,480 --> 00:07:02,880 But masturbation is a healthy part of the human experience! 158 00:07:02,880 --> 00:07:05,320 Right, guys! Ha-ha! Boom! 159 00:07:05,320 --> 00:07:07,760 You're shit and you know you are! 160 00:07:07,760 --> 00:07:11,640 Which shows an impressive degree of insight and modesty! 161 00:07:11,640 --> 00:07:15,800 You fat bastard! You fat bastard! 162 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:19,600 All body shapes are valid! In or out of wedlock! 163 00:07:19,600 --> 00:07:21,360 Shut up, you wanker! 164 00:07:21,360 --> 00:07:23,320 Ow! THUDDING 165 00:07:23,320 --> 00:07:26,440 Feedback. Wow! fantastic! 166 00:07:26,440 --> 00:07:28,000 Ha-ha! 167 00:07:30,080 --> 00:07:31,280 Good evening. 168 00:07:31,280 --> 00:07:34,160 Britain's carbon dioxide, or CO2, supplies are falling, 169 00:07:34,160 --> 00:07:35,800 putting our food supplies at risk. 170 00:07:35,800 --> 00:07:37,040 There are many reasons, 171 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:40,320 but I've been told by the government that none of them are Brexit. 172 00:07:40,320 --> 00:07:42,880 Luckily, we all produce CO2 when we talk, 173 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:45,280 in a process called "out-gassing". 174 00:07:45,280 --> 00:07:48,080 We have developed a device to harness this. 175 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:51,440 I will now demonstrate with the help of the Prime Minister. 176 00:07:51,440 --> 00:07:54,000 Mr Johnson, tell us about Winston Churchill. 177 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:56,240 Ah, yes! Winston Churchill, 178 00:07:56,240 --> 00:07:59,800 perhaps the greatest Prime Minister this country has ever had. 179 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:02,880 A colossus, bestriding the world stage. 180 00:08:02,880 --> 00:08:05,120 We've already produced enough hot gas 181 00:08:05,120 --> 00:08:07,560 to carbonate 15 barrels of beer. 182 00:08:07,560 --> 00:08:10,320 ..packing. Indefatigable, unshakeable. 183 00:08:10,320 --> 00:08:11,720 He is, without doubt... 184 00:08:11,720 --> 00:08:13,440 FRANTIC BLEEPING 185 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:14,520 The pressure's too high! 186 00:08:14,520 --> 00:08:16,720 Deploy the emergency-braking question! 187 00:08:16,720 --> 00:08:18,760 How many children do you have? 188 00:08:18,760 --> 00:08:20,640 FRANTIC BLEEPING 189 00:08:20,640 --> 00:08:22,760 The bulldog spirit of the indomitable British. 190 00:08:22,760 --> 00:08:24,120 It's not working! ALARM BLARES 191 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:26,360 Take cover! CLATTERING 192 00:08:26,360 --> 00:08:28,440 BOOMING 193 00:08:36,440 --> 00:08:40,640 I have nothing to offer but blood, sweat and gas. 194 00:08:40,640 --> 00:08:42,160 HE BELCHES 195 00:08:47,400 --> 00:08:51,600 Madame Vice President, I'm proud of the work 196 00:08:51,600 --> 00:08:53,840 we two have done for the Black community. 197 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:57,200 It's hard to believe that in our lifetime 198 00:08:57,200 --> 00:09:00,520 we've made Juneteenth a federal holiday! 199 00:09:00,520 --> 00:09:03,280 No-one was asking for it, but we got it done. 200 00:09:03,280 --> 00:09:06,320 Still, it does seem more of a symbolic gesture. 201 00:09:06,320 --> 00:09:09,480 Yes, a gesture of progress! 202 00:09:09,480 --> 00:09:13,080 A progressive gesture of symbolism. 203 00:09:13,080 --> 00:09:15,760 You know what would be a real progressive step? 204 00:09:15,760 --> 00:09:17,720 Actual reparations. 205 00:09:17,720 --> 00:09:19,960 I feel you, sister. We're not sisters. 206 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:21,640 I hear you, girlfriend. 207 00:09:21,640 --> 00:09:26,760 Well, reparations are politically risky and an uphill battle, 208 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:29,640 but I will make something happen! 209 00:09:29,640 --> 00:09:32,040 Mr Lin-Manuel Miranda, 210 00:09:32,040 --> 00:09:37,200 I want you to write a song celebrating reparations. 211 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:38,640 Wow, it's really gonna happen! 212 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:43,320 Yes, the uplifting hope of starting the conversation about reparations 213 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:46,440 is going to happen, thanks to your song. 214 00:09:46,440 --> 00:09:49,960 It'll be like that Imagine video from the pandemic! 215 00:09:49,960 --> 00:09:52,720 That was widely hated... but widely viewed! 216 00:09:52,720 --> 00:09:57,200 I'll call the song Raparations. I would never have thought of that. 217 00:09:57,200 --> 00:10:00,800 Of course, the man who invented hip-hop is a genius. 218 00:10:00,800 --> 00:10:03,440 I'm already in the flow. Gimme a beat. 219 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:06,600 SHE BEATBOXES 220 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:08,920 # Nancy Pelosi You're gonna toast me 221 00:10:08,920 --> 00:10:12,160 # Cos this song will be Closely associated 222 00:10:12,160 --> 00:10:14,680 # With not being hated. # 223 00:10:14,680 --> 00:10:16,000 BEATBOXING STOPS 224 00:10:16,000 --> 00:10:17,520 Don't worry, I'm working on it. 225 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:25,600 In the end, the only alliance that survived was Jacinda and me. 226 00:10:25,600 --> 00:10:28,080 Not surprising, since we are basically one country. 227 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:30,400 And how's that working out? 228 00:10:30,400 --> 00:10:31,480 Bloody awful. 229 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:34,680 We're in a war over who invented the Pavlova dessert. 230 00:10:34,680 --> 00:10:36,600 Plus, everyone keeps confusing our accents. 231 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:38,800 Which is crazy, because they're totally different. 232 00:10:38,800 --> 00:10:40,200 Wait, did I say that? 233 00:10:41,320 --> 00:10:43,600 SLOW JAZZ MUSIC 234 00:10:43,600 --> 00:10:46,600 Branding is all about creating an experience. 235 00:10:46,600 --> 00:10:48,640 And I will teach you how to sell that. 236 00:10:51,320 --> 00:10:54,680 As you enjoy a bottle of my delicious Whatamana tequila... 237 00:10:54,680 --> 00:10:57,000 Go out and buy it, I can wait. 238 00:10:59,160 --> 00:11:00,480 I'm Dwayne Johnson. 239 00:11:00,480 --> 00:11:04,040 And you're paying me to sell you tequila. 240 00:11:07,560 --> 00:11:09,240 Lin-Manuel, 241 00:11:09,240 --> 00:11:13,640 what's our three-minute hip-hop song about reparations like? 242 00:11:13,640 --> 00:11:15,440 Like a four-hour musical. 243 00:11:15,440 --> 00:11:18,240 I play Alexander Hamilton's great-grandson, 244 00:11:18,240 --> 00:11:22,280 a time-travelling space immigrant who serves justice to the oppressed. 245 00:11:22,280 --> 00:11:24,520 Check out my space wig. BEAT STARTS 246 00:11:24,520 --> 00:11:27,800 # Yo, I'm Devon Hamilton, you see 247 00:11:27,800 --> 00:11:29,720 # It's t-t-2093 248 00:11:29,720 --> 00:11:33,200 # Gonna heal a broken nation With a raparation 249 00:11:33,200 --> 00:11:36,320 # Conversation A conversation that is serious 250 00:11:36,320 --> 00:11:38,640 # Make you delirious You hearing this? 251 00:11:38,640 --> 00:11:41,560 # I'm Devon Hamilton And I also play the flute. # 252 00:11:41,560 --> 00:11:44,960 HE PLAYS FLUTE 253 00:11:44,960 --> 00:11:48,720 Great! But does it fully represent the Black community? 254 00:11:48,720 --> 00:11:52,000 Why don't you ask my co-star, Ariana Grande? 255 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:55,000 SHE VOCALISES 256 00:11:56,840 --> 00:11:59,240 Wow! She sounds and looks so Black. 257 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:02,320 # It's tan from a can! # 258 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:07,920 So your plan to advance reparations is Hamilton II: In Space? 259 00:12:07,920 --> 00:12:11,680 It's a joyous celebration of our cultural diversity, 260 00:12:11,680 --> 00:12:14,240 with an edgy sci-fi twist! 261 00:12:14,240 --> 00:12:17,000 And the Democratic Party gets a piece of the box office. 262 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:20,600 So everybody gets money except for the Black people who need it. 263 00:12:20,600 --> 00:12:23,160 BEAT RESTARTS 264 00:12:23,160 --> 00:12:25,760 # And all the rich liberals Feel as good as can be 265 00:12:25,760 --> 00:12:29,040 # Getting paid, but watch the play To show solidarity. # 266 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:31,560 HE PLAYS FLUTE 267 00:12:31,560 --> 00:12:35,160 JAMES BOND MUSICAL STING 268 00:12:35,160 --> 00:12:37,400 Phoebe, I got your new rewrite. 269 00:12:37,400 --> 00:12:38,800 Good, isn't it? 270 00:12:38,800 --> 00:12:40,840 Mm. Got a couple of concerns. 271 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:42,920 It starts off in Moneypenny's office. 272 00:12:42,920 --> 00:12:44,400 Bit of flirty banter. 273 00:12:44,400 --> 00:12:47,720 But when Bond goes in to see M, we stay with Moneypenny, 274 00:12:47,720 --> 00:12:50,520 who turns to camera and says... 275 00:12:50,520 --> 00:12:52,120 "He shagged me up the arse." 276 00:12:52,120 --> 00:12:55,640 Yes? Well, normally, it's more innuendo. 277 00:12:55,640 --> 00:12:57,040 Bond might say, 278 00:12:57,040 --> 00:12:59,560 "I once took her up the Orinoco." Oh. 279 00:12:59,560 --> 00:13:02,560 Er... What if I change it to "He came on my tits"? 280 00:13:02,560 --> 00:13:05,920 Meanwhile, we're missing all the explanation about the mission. 281 00:13:05,920 --> 00:13:09,080 The mission's not the real story. The relationships are. Well... 282 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:11,400 I suppose you ARE the genius. 283 00:13:11,400 --> 00:13:12,600 Oh, sod it. 284 00:13:12,600 --> 00:13:15,400 I mean, in Die Another Day, he had an invisible car. 285 00:13:15,400 --> 00:13:18,440 BOND THEME PLAYS 286 00:13:21,280 --> 00:13:24,080 Why don't we raise the stakes, Mr Scary-Finger? 287 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:27,280 As you wish, Mr Bond. 288 00:13:30,160 --> 00:13:33,160 Why is it so bloody hard to find a good vibrator? 289 00:13:34,440 --> 00:13:35,680 I had to see you! 290 00:13:35,680 --> 00:13:37,360 Because you want to shag me up the arse? 291 00:13:37,360 --> 00:13:41,200 You're so damaged and posh, and you're SO clumsy. 292 00:13:41,200 --> 00:13:43,360 Argh! Ooh! GLASS SHATTERS 293 00:13:43,360 --> 00:13:45,840 My old flatmate accidentally killed herself, you see. 294 00:13:45,840 --> 00:13:48,440 I wonder if Mr Scary-Finger knows anything about that. 295 00:13:50,120 --> 00:13:52,560 Ooh, I'd like him to shag me up the arse! 296 00:13:52,560 --> 00:13:55,040 What are you implying, Mr Bond? 297 00:13:55,040 --> 00:13:57,600 Only that this is no time to die! 298 00:13:57,600 --> 00:13:59,120 ONLOOKERS GASP 299 00:13:59,120 --> 00:14:02,040 Mmm! Oh! 300 00:14:02,040 --> 00:14:04,360 SOUNDS OF FIGHTING IN BACKGROUND 301 00:14:06,560 --> 00:14:08,720 FIGHTING CONTINUES 302 00:14:10,480 --> 00:14:12,200 Are you sure it's going to work? 303 00:14:12,200 --> 00:14:14,680 Bound to. I'm getting ten grand a day for this. 304 00:14:14,680 --> 00:14:16,120 Fair point. 305 00:14:16,120 --> 00:14:19,000 'FIRST DATES' MUSICAL STING 306 00:14:21,760 --> 00:14:25,480 Hi, I'm Bill. I'm recently single. 307 00:14:25,480 --> 00:14:28,080 I'm into cookies, enterprise software 308 00:14:28,080 --> 00:14:31,520 and giving my fortune away to anybody but my ex-wife. 309 00:14:31,520 --> 00:14:33,720 PRODUCER: And how do you like to have fun? 310 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:37,120 I write my name in Wingdings! 311 00:14:37,120 --> 00:14:39,400 Here at Emmanuel Macron's restaurant 312 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,280 everyone is on their first date. 313 00:14:41,280 --> 00:14:43,080 Welcome, sir. 314 00:14:43,080 --> 00:14:45,600 I think we have ze perfect lady for you. 315 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:47,960 Hi, I'm Liz Windsor. 316 00:14:47,960 --> 00:14:49,560 What am I looking for? 317 00:14:49,560 --> 00:14:52,520 Well, I'm fresh out of a long-term relationship, 318 00:14:52,520 --> 00:14:55,040 so definitely nothing serious. 319 00:14:55,040 --> 00:14:57,160 And no more cousins. 320 00:14:57,160 --> 00:14:59,440 PRODUCER: Is there anything you're worried about? 321 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:02,480 Hmm. Is the sceptre too much? 322 00:15:02,480 --> 00:15:05,640 So, do you have any children? 323 00:15:05,640 --> 00:15:08,800 Yes. Same! Do you want any more? 324 00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:12,320 Christ, no. I barely want the ones I have. 325 00:15:12,320 --> 00:15:14,480 Are yours waiting for you to die? 326 00:15:14,480 --> 00:15:16,680 Yeah! I feel ya. 327 00:15:16,680 --> 00:15:18,400 Ooh la la! 328 00:15:18,400 --> 00:15:20,920 Connection? 329 00:15:20,920 --> 00:15:24,480 I don't know. I mean, sure, he's got his own hips, 330 00:15:24,480 --> 00:15:27,920 but I suppose one was rather hoping for Zac Efron. 331 00:15:29,440 --> 00:15:33,480 SLURRED: I'm just trying to make the world better, you know? 332 00:15:33,480 --> 00:15:38,160 But seems like whatever I do, someone's got a problem with me. 333 00:15:38,160 --> 00:15:41,400 That's why I never do anything. 334 00:15:41,400 --> 00:15:43,360 Say... 335 00:15:43,360 --> 00:15:45,040 You ever visit Pornhub? 336 00:15:45,040 --> 00:15:47,720 Yeah, I mean, obviously she's a cougar. 337 00:15:47,720 --> 00:15:51,360 But there's something about that sceptre... 338 00:15:51,360 --> 00:15:54,040 Yeah, I think there is an attraction. 339 00:15:54,040 --> 00:15:57,320 He only went to the toilet twice during dinner. 340 00:15:57,320 --> 00:15:59,480 He's an LA six. 341 00:15:59,480 --> 00:16:02,600 Windsor nine, if you know what I mean. 342 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:06,080 Say, you know about computers, right? 343 00:16:06,080 --> 00:16:07,720 Hypothetically, 344 00:16:07,720 --> 00:16:12,200 would you be able to erase somebody's son's internet history? 345 00:16:12,200 --> 00:16:15,640 Are you inviting me home for coffee? 346 00:16:15,640 --> 00:16:19,040 MUSIC SWELLS 347 00:16:19,040 --> 00:16:21,160 So, would you like to see each other again? 348 00:16:21,160 --> 00:16:22,880 Well, I had fun. 349 00:16:22,880 --> 00:16:26,720 You seem like a genuine guy. No webbed hands or feet. 350 00:16:26,720 --> 00:16:29,320 I'm up for seeing where this goes. You? 351 00:16:29,320 --> 00:16:31,080 Absolutely. 352 00:16:31,080 --> 00:16:33,760 I mean, you played it totally emotionless, 353 00:16:33,760 --> 00:16:35,640 but what can I say? 354 00:16:35,640 --> 00:16:38,560 I'd like to show you the Tower of London. 355 00:16:38,560 --> 00:16:40,960 Stop it! No, YOU stop it! 356 00:16:40,960 --> 00:16:43,400 THEY CHUCKLE 357 00:16:43,400 --> 00:16:44,920 Don't stop it. 358 00:16:44,920 --> 00:16:47,160 Two billionaires found love. 359 00:16:47,160 --> 00:16:50,760 And the rest of us are left to clean up ze mess. 360 00:16:50,760 --> 00:16:53,080 Oh! Leftover pudding. 361 00:16:53,080 --> 00:16:55,840 HE SLURPS 362 00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:02,680 Mr President, 363 00:17:02,680 --> 00:17:06,360 the results of the Russian presidential election are in. 364 00:17:06,360 --> 00:17:09,040 A thousand apologies, but... 365 00:17:09,040 --> 00:17:10,440 you lost. 366 00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:13,840 What?! How?! Who could have possibly beaten me? 367 00:17:13,840 --> 00:17:16,520 Oh, ha! Only me! 368 00:17:16,520 --> 00:17:18,760 Wha...? Olivia Colman. 369 00:17:18,760 --> 00:17:21,240 Won the Emmy, now your election! 370 00:17:21,240 --> 00:17:23,560 Gosh, I win everything! She's right, you know. 371 00:17:25,840 --> 00:17:28,000 Oh, gosh, oopsie! 372 00:17:29,320 --> 00:17:31,360 ALARM BLARES 373 00:17:31,360 --> 00:17:32,840 MEN GRUNT 374 00:17:32,840 --> 00:17:35,960 Stop! Thief! He's nicking my scooter! 375 00:17:37,720 --> 00:17:40,920 Did someone call for The Foxman? 376 00:17:40,920 --> 00:17:43,360 The who? The Foxman. 377 00:17:43,360 --> 00:17:45,320 By day, I'm Keir Starmer, 378 00:17:45,320 --> 00:17:48,120 a politician limited by the irrelevance of the Labour Party. 379 00:17:48,120 --> 00:17:50,120 But by night, in the guise of Foxman, 380 00:17:50,120 --> 00:17:51,680 I tackle injustice wherever I see it. 381 00:17:51,680 --> 00:17:54,960 Within the prescribed legal and regulatory framework, obviously. 382 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:57,440 So you're a superhero with no utility belt, 383 00:17:57,440 --> 00:18:00,400 no ninja stars and no actual powers? 384 00:18:00,400 --> 00:18:04,120 True. But I do have a very complicated backstory. 385 00:18:04,120 --> 00:18:06,080 In that case, I'm off. Do something! 386 00:18:06,080 --> 00:18:08,800 There's a crime staring you right in the face! 387 00:18:08,800 --> 00:18:10,360 There is indeed. 388 00:18:10,360 --> 00:18:14,640 Your helmet does not comply with safety regulation EN1078, 389 00:18:14,640 --> 00:18:17,520 which clearly states that there should be no occultation 390 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:20,000 in the field of vision, horizontally, 391 00:18:20,000 --> 00:18:21,520 by a minimum of 105 degrees 392 00:18:21,520 --> 00:18:24,560 from the longitudinal vertical median plane. 393 00:18:24,560 --> 00:18:26,880 WHOOSH, FANFARE 394 00:18:26,880 --> 00:18:30,640 What the...? All right, bab. Show some fucking leadership. 395 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:33,600 Aren't you Jess Phillips, the annoying, outspoken feminist 396 00:18:33,600 --> 00:18:35,480 who wants to drag Labour more to the centre? 397 00:18:35,480 --> 00:18:37,760 No, I'm Viral! 398 00:18:37,760 --> 00:18:40,520 The annoying, outspoken feminist superhero 399 00:18:40,520 --> 00:18:43,240 who wants to make Labour more electable. 400 00:18:43,240 --> 00:18:44,640 Superhero, eh? 401 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:46,280 What's your backstory? 402 00:18:46,280 --> 00:18:51,160 Oh, fuck. Another Labour man banging on about the past. 403 00:18:51,160 --> 00:18:52,720 "Oh, old things!" 404 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:55,920 Stand back and let the young generation sort this out! 405 00:18:55,920 --> 00:18:57,440 Great idea. 406 00:18:57,440 --> 00:18:59,640 Let's convene a citizens' assembly of under 17... 407 00:18:59,640 --> 00:19:03,160 CHAINSAW REVS Convene my big Labour vag. 408 00:19:03,160 --> 00:19:06,800 SHE LAUGHS MANIACALLY 409 00:19:06,800 --> 00:19:09,080 THEY GASP 410 00:19:11,520 --> 00:19:13,280 You cut my scooter in half! 411 00:19:13,280 --> 00:19:15,880 Ah! An egalitarian solution. 412 00:19:15,880 --> 00:19:17,760 Redistribute resources equally. 413 00:19:17,760 --> 00:19:19,480 No, destroy the bloody thing, 414 00:19:19,480 --> 00:19:23,760 because an adult man should not be on a scooter like a baby. 415 00:19:23,760 --> 00:19:26,720 You wanna suck some fucking milk from my big Labour tits? 416 00:19:26,720 --> 00:19:28,960 Not really. You seem quite angry. 417 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:31,560 Yeah, cos of the bloody patriarchy! 418 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:33,040 Now bugger off! 419 00:19:33,040 --> 00:19:35,200 I'm going to tweet about this! 420 00:19:36,920 --> 00:19:39,280 ECHOING: I'm going... Viral! 421 00:19:39,280 --> 00:19:40,360 HE GASPS 422 00:19:43,280 --> 00:19:44,840 Your methods differ from mine, 423 00:19:44,840 --> 00:19:47,720 and your language is a bit Wetherspoons-at-closing-time, 424 00:19:47,720 --> 00:19:49,640 but we fight for the same cause. 425 00:19:49,640 --> 00:19:52,920 Perhaps the centre and the left CAN join forces. 426 00:19:52,920 --> 00:19:54,800 And stop internal fighting? 427 00:19:54,800 --> 00:19:57,320 I'd never go viral again, duck. 428 00:19:57,320 --> 00:19:59,600 Right, I'm off on my scooter. 429 00:19:59,600 --> 00:20:01,320 A scooter?! But you said... 430 00:20:01,320 --> 00:20:04,040 It's fine when I do it, you fuck. 431 00:20:06,760 --> 00:20:10,520 Successful evening, sir? I learned a valuable lesson. 432 00:20:10,520 --> 00:20:13,640 If I'm gonna save this nation from the forces of darkness, 433 00:20:13,640 --> 00:20:16,640 I'm gonna have to talk about my genitals and swear a lot more. 434 00:20:16,640 --> 00:20:19,040 Indeed. Shall we go home? 435 00:20:19,040 --> 00:20:20,240 Yes. 436 00:20:20,240 --> 00:20:22,840 You big hairy twat. 437 00:20:22,840 --> 00:20:25,200 JAUNTY TUNE 438 00:20:28,080 --> 00:20:29,640 Emma Raducanu, 439 00:20:29,640 --> 00:20:33,240 congratulations on your tip-top teenage tennis triumph. 440 00:20:33,240 --> 00:20:35,800 And look at how much prize money they gave you. 441 00:20:35,800 --> 00:20:38,640 Yeah, I'm waiting for my nanny and a chimney sweep. 442 00:20:38,640 --> 00:20:40,800 They're going to help me invest it wisely. 443 00:20:40,800 --> 00:20:43,920 Well, there's nothing wiser than investing in your country. 444 00:20:43,920 --> 00:20:45,360 HE LAUGHS 445 00:20:45,360 --> 00:20:48,080 JAUNTY MUSIC 446 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:52,120 # I'm the handsome Chancellor Who you can trust 447 00:20:52,120 --> 00:20:55,600 # Under me The country won't go bust 448 00:20:55,600 --> 00:20:57,640 # When it comes to fiscal management 449 00:20:57,640 --> 00:20:59,480 # We're level and we're sane 450 00:20:59,480 --> 00:21:02,320 # We won't pour your money Down the drain 451 00:21:04,720 --> 00:21:07,600 # We'll buy dodgy PPE from our mates 452 00:21:07,600 --> 00:21:11,440 # Waste several billion On Track and Trace 453 00:21:11,440 --> 00:21:15,280 # Not to mention A pointless high-speed train 454 00:21:15,280 --> 00:21:18,080 # But we won't pour your money Down a drain 455 00:21:18,080 --> 00:21:22,400 # But you're ruining the country You're taxing all and sundry 456 00:21:22,400 --> 00:21:25,480 # I'm young, but I've got a brain 457 00:21:25,480 --> 00:21:27,360 # And you will pour my money Down the 458 00:21:27,360 --> 00:21:31,320 # Will pour my money down the Will pour my money down the drain. # 459 00:21:32,960 --> 00:21:35,080 Oh, just give it here! No way! 460 00:21:35,080 --> 00:21:36,640 Let go! Let go of it! 461 00:21:36,640 --> 00:21:37,960 BORIS GRUNTS 462 00:21:37,960 --> 00:21:40,120 Ow! Argh! 463 00:21:41,200 --> 00:21:42,720 Excuse me, sir. 464 00:21:42,720 --> 00:21:46,000 I've got tuppence. Where do I feed the pigeons? 465 00:21:46,000 --> 00:21:48,360 Tuppence? HE GASPS 466 00:21:49,360 --> 00:21:51,680 SPLASH Buggeration! 467 00:21:55,240 --> 00:21:58,000 # Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh 468 00:21:58,000 --> 00:22:01,080 # Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh 469 00:22:01,080 --> 00:22:05,040 # Oh-Oh-Oh Oh-Oh 470 00:22:05,040 --> 00:22:07,680 # Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh 471 00:22:07,680 --> 00:22:10,280 # Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah 472 00:22:10,280 --> 00:22:13,160 # Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah 473 00:22:13,160 --> 00:22:15,280 # Oh-ah Oh-ah Oh-ah 474 00:22:15,280 --> 00:22:16,480 # Oh-ah! # 475 00:22:16,480 --> 00:22:18,520 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com