1 00:00:02,530 --> 00:00:03,820 Previously on The Equalizer... Hey, Mom, 2 00:00:04,020 --> 00:00:05,350 is everything okay? I just got served. 3 00:00:05,550 --> 00:00:08,390 Your father wants sole custody of you. 4 00:00:08,590 --> 00:00:10,010 Please don't do this. 5 00:00:10,970 --> 00:00:13,130 I will not stand by and watch you become collateral damage 6 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:14,690 of your mother's secret life. 7 00:00:14,890 --> 00:00:16,500 ROBYN: I'm telling myself that I'm setting 8 00:00:16,700 --> 00:00:18,100 injustice right, but what does any of that matter 9 00:00:18,300 --> 00:00:20,430 if doing all of that makes me lose Dee? 10 00:00:20,630 --> 00:00:22,600 Just won't be equalizing anymore. 11 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:24,200 I'm officially retired. 12 00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:25,740 Robyn is out there saving lives. 13 00:00:25,940 --> 00:00:27,470 She's gonna give all of that up 14 00:00:27,670 --> 00:00:30,310 because you are accusing her of being a bad mother. 15 00:00:30,510 --> 00:00:32,180 The world cannot afford 16 00:00:32,380 --> 00:00:34,910 to lose Robyn, and neither can Dee. 17 00:00:35,110 --> 00:00:37,280 Miles is dropping his petition for custody. 18 00:00:37,480 --> 00:00:39,090 What does this mean for you now? 19 00:00:39,290 --> 00:00:41,590 Well, it means I get to continue helping people. 20 00:00:41,790 --> 00:00:43,460 Just need to find a better balance 21 00:00:43,660 --> 00:00:45,870 between work and family. 22 00:00:50,010 --> 00:00:52,230 (punches landing) (grunting) 23 00:00:52,430 --> 00:00:54,980 (heavy breathing) 24 00:00:58,090 --> 00:01:00,170 Where are they? 25 00:01:00,370 --> 00:01:01,720 Leave them alone. 26 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:04,540 My family has nothing to do... (grunts) 27 00:01:04,740 --> 00:01:06,460 (coughs) 28 00:01:09,060 --> 00:01:12,000 Tell me where they are. 29 00:01:14,570 --> 00:01:17,740 (groans) (muffled voices approaching) 30 00:01:28,750 --> 00:01:31,170 (muffled screaming) 31 00:01:31,370 --> 00:01:32,560 (laughs) 32 00:01:36,660 --> 00:01:38,730 (gunshot) (gasping) 33 00:01:45,370 --> 00:01:47,600 * * 34 00:01:53,640 --> 00:01:55,010 (Delilah sighs) 35 00:01:56,010 --> 00:01:57,300 Morning, all. 36 00:01:57,500 --> 00:01:59,670 You're up early. Ugh, I am loving 37 00:01:59,870 --> 00:02:01,900 the highlights in those braids. 38 00:02:02,100 --> 00:02:04,470 Thank you. I'm just fired up for my training session 39 00:02:04,670 --> 00:02:06,110 with Mel. We're gonna work on 40 00:02:06,310 --> 00:02:08,620 submission holds. (grunting) 41 00:02:09,430 --> 00:02:11,640 Uh, change of plans. (chuckles) 42 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:13,410 Mel's doing a great job with you, 43 00:02:13,610 --> 00:02:15,080 but if I'm gonna train you, too, 44 00:02:15,280 --> 00:02:16,880 you're gonna have to shore up your fundamentals. 45 00:02:17,080 --> 00:02:18,320 Okay. 46 00:02:18,520 --> 00:02:20,550 Stamina, patience, technique. 47 00:02:20,750 --> 00:02:22,720 All necessary to build a firm foundation. 48 00:02:22,920 --> 00:02:24,990 The best discipline for that 49 00:02:25,190 --> 00:02:27,790 is boxing, so I had Dante 50 00:02:27,990 --> 00:02:29,530 pull a favor and hook you up with someone. 51 00:02:29,730 --> 00:02:32,900 Boxing coach? The best in the city. 52 00:02:33,100 --> 00:02:34,630 Trust me, 53 00:02:34,830 --> 00:02:36,270 when he's done with you, your form will be pristine. 54 00:02:36,470 --> 00:02:39,710 I don't know, "fundamentals" sounds a lot like starting over. 55 00:02:39,910 --> 00:02:41,370 Is that really necessary? 56 00:02:41,570 --> 00:02:43,380 VI: You know what my father said, 57 00:02:43,580 --> 00:02:44,810 "If you take shortcuts, eventually, 58 00:02:45,010 --> 00:02:46,510 you gonna get cut short." 59 00:02:46,710 --> 00:02:47,950 You hear that? 60 00:02:48,150 --> 00:02:49,780 That's the sound of knowledge being dropped. 61 00:02:49,980 --> 00:02:52,900 (phone chimes) 62 00:02:57,740 --> 00:02:59,710 I got to go to work. 63 00:03:00,510 --> 00:03:02,160 Knock 'em dead. 64 00:03:02,360 --> 00:03:04,580 Protect yourself at all times. (chuckling) 65 00:03:06,680 --> 00:03:08,980 You be safe. 66 00:03:14,820 --> 00:03:17,340 He lost his memory? So he claims. 67 00:03:17,540 --> 00:03:20,150 No I.D., no recollection of anything. 68 00:03:20,350 --> 00:03:23,230 So, why's he here instead of a hospital? 69 00:03:24,400 --> 00:03:26,740 Better to let him explain. 70 00:03:37,650 --> 00:03:38,960 Start at the beginning. 71 00:03:39,160 --> 00:03:41,230 Uh... (sniffs) Uh, well, that won't take long, 72 00:03:41,430 --> 00:03:43,640 seeing as I woke up in a dumpster this morning 73 00:03:43,840 --> 00:03:45,970 with, uh, with this grapefruit on my head 74 00:03:46,170 --> 00:03:49,310 and-and no recollection of how I got it or anything else. 75 00:03:49,510 --> 00:03:50,840 Uh, I wandered into a pool hall 76 00:03:51,040 --> 00:03:53,280 to keep warm, and the bartender heard my story, 77 00:03:53,480 --> 00:03:56,920 told me about your message board, and, uh, here I am. 78 00:03:57,120 --> 00:03:58,920 So, what can you remember? I mean, 79 00:03:59,120 --> 00:04:02,820 I can remember basic stuff like-like how to use a fork, 80 00:04:03,020 --> 00:04:06,170 Nazis are bad, always hold the door open for a woman. 81 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:09,860 Did-did I get that wrong? I got that wrong? 82 00:04:10,060 --> 00:04:11,800 Ugh, maybe I'm worse off than I thought. 83 00:04:12,000 --> 00:04:13,000 What about the personal stuff? 84 00:04:13,200 --> 00:04:14,400 That's the problem. 85 00:04:14,600 --> 00:04:17,270 I... I don't know who I am 86 00:04:17,470 --> 00:04:19,190 or where I'm from. 87 00:04:20,490 --> 00:04:22,540 Nothing before this morning. 88 00:04:22,740 --> 00:04:24,040 So, why not go to the police? 89 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:26,410 I thought about that, but when I realized I had 90 00:04:26,610 --> 00:04:28,960 this in my pocket, I... 91 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,450 Are you crazy? I'm sorry. 92 00:04:31,650 --> 00:04:32,550 I just wanted to show you. 93 00:04:32,750 --> 00:04:34,920 I-I don't think it's loaded. 94 00:04:35,120 --> 00:04:36,460 Well, it is. 95 00:04:36,660 --> 00:04:39,690 (sniffs) And it's been fired recently. 96 00:04:39,890 --> 00:04:41,760 Serial number's been filed down. 97 00:04:41,960 --> 00:04:43,660 You care to explain that? I wish I could, but I... 98 00:04:43,860 --> 00:04:45,660 But you can't remember. 99 00:04:45,860 --> 00:04:47,100 Why-why would I have something like that on me? 100 00:04:47,300 --> 00:04:49,170 In my experience, people who have a gun on them 101 00:04:49,370 --> 00:04:51,670 are either in trouble, 102 00:04:51,870 --> 00:04:53,610 or they're looking to start some. 103 00:04:53,810 --> 00:04:55,710 Any chance there's a third scenario? 104 00:04:55,910 --> 00:04:57,990 'Cause neither of those sound great. 105 00:04:59,060 --> 00:05:00,050 Listen, 106 00:05:00,250 --> 00:05:03,580 I know you're in a difficult position, 107 00:05:03,780 --> 00:05:05,380 but this kind of thing is not what I do. 108 00:05:05,580 --> 00:05:08,490 On your website, it says, "You got a problem? 109 00:05:08,690 --> 00:05:10,390 Odds against you? I can help you." 110 00:05:10,590 --> 00:05:14,330 If that doesn't apply to me, then I don't know what does. 111 00:05:14,530 --> 00:05:16,580 I have nowhere else to turn. 112 00:05:19,750 --> 00:05:22,100 Well... 113 00:05:22,300 --> 00:05:25,470 if you're a good guy, and you're in trouble, 114 00:05:25,670 --> 00:05:26,840 I can't exactly turn you away. 115 00:05:27,040 --> 00:05:28,870 And if you're a bad guy, 116 00:05:29,070 --> 00:05:30,980 then I definitely can't turn you loose on the city. 117 00:05:31,180 --> 00:05:33,750 Okay, so you'll help? I'll do what I can. 118 00:05:33,950 --> 00:05:35,010 We'll start by running prints. 119 00:05:35,210 --> 00:05:36,680 Maybe that'll give us the who. 120 00:05:36,880 --> 00:05:38,780 Okay, great, great. Thank you. Don't thank me yet. 121 00:05:38,980 --> 00:05:40,590 I'm gonna have a friend run tests on this gun. 122 00:05:40,790 --> 00:05:42,820 But if I don't like what I find out... 123 00:05:43,020 --> 00:05:44,020 It's okay, it's okay. 124 00:05:44,220 --> 00:05:47,490 I just want to know because... 125 00:05:47,690 --> 00:05:49,360 the not knowing... 126 00:05:49,560 --> 00:05:51,380 is unbearable. 127 00:05:55,050 --> 00:05:56,470 Come on. 128 00:05:56,670 --> 00:05:58,800 Where are we going? To that dumpster you crawled out of. 129 00:05:59,000 --> 00:06:01,040 Maybe you dropped something that'll help. 130 00:06:01,240 --> 00:06:03,830 At minimum, maybe it'll jar your memory. 131 00:06:12,770 --> 00:06:14,890 * Yeah, we the best * 132 00:06:15,090 --> 00:06:17,190 * All I do is win, win, win, no matter what * 133 00:06:17,390 --> 00:06:18,460 Keep those hands up. * Got money on my mind... * 134 00:06:18,660 --> 00:06:20,360 Yup, the one-one-two combo. 135 00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:22,930 Keep moving! Keep moving! * Whenever me and Khaled do the remix * 136 00:06:23,130 --> 00:06:25,180 Good job! Throw one. * Everybody hands go up * 137 00:06:26,550 --> 00:06:29,030 * And they stay there... * Stick and move! 138 00:06:29,230 --> 00:06:30,800 Use your jab. 139 00:06:31,000 --> 00:06:35,240 Don't drop your hands. Stop headhunting. 140 00:06:35,440 --> 00:06:37,940 Detective Dante? Hey. I'm here. Off the ropes! 141 00:06:38,140 --> 00:06:40,680 Morning, Delilah. Morning. 142 00:06:40,880 --> 00:06:42,770 Hands up. 143 00:06:43,370 --> 00:06:45,950 The one-one-two. This place is intense. 144 00:06:46,150 --> 00:06:48,490 It is. Spent a lot of time here myself. 145 00:06:48,690 --> 00:06:50,820 Put that weight on him. Put the weight on him 146 00:06:51,020 --> 00:06:53,230 I got someone special I want to introduce you to. 147 00:06:53,430 --> 00:06:56,800 That's Manny. Local legend. Golden Gloves champ. 148 00:06:57,000 --> 00:06:59,530 Went on to have a pretty good pro career. 149 00:06:59,730 --> 00:07:01,430 Even got a shot at the title once. 150 00:07:01,630 --> 00:07:02,740 Come on. 151 00:07:02,940 --> 00:07:03,970 * Up, down * 152 00:07:04,170 --> 00:07:06,270 * 'Cause all I do is win, win... * 153 00:07:06,470 --> 00:07:08,570 That's it, that's it. Keep the left hand up. 154 00:07:08,770 --> 00:07:09,710 (grunts) (bell rings) 155 00:07:09,910 --> 00:07:10,940 All right. 156 00:07:11,140 --> 00:07:12,950 Good work, Jackson. 157 00:07:13,150 --> 00:07:14,830 Hey. 158 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:18,280 Morning, young lady. So, is this my, uh, 159 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:19,590 my new student? 160 00:07:19,790 --> 00:07:20,820 I am. 161 00:07:21,020 --> 00:07:22,560 Manny, meet Delilah. 162 00:07:22,760 --> 00:07:24,390 Daughter of a good friend of mine. 163 00:07:24,590 --> 00:07:27,560 Well, then I have to give you the special workout. 164 00:07:27,760 --> 00:07:28,830 You're gonna start her with that? 165 00:07:29,030 --> 00:07:30,810 You know the drill. 166 00:07:31,750 --> 00:07:33,600 They all go through that. 167 00:07:33,800 --> 00:07:35,000 What's that? 168 00:07:35,200 --> 00:07:36,570 You're about to find out. 169 00:07:36,770 --> 00:07:40,110 All right, I'll let y'all get to it. 170 00:07:40,310 --> 00:07:42,480 MANNY: Put your stuff over here. 171 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:43,480 Okay. 172 00:07:43,680 --> 00:07:46,140 So, the most 173 00:07:46,340 --> 00:07:49,150 important thing in any discipline of fighting 174 00:07:49,350 --> 00:07:52,020 is the footwork, okay? So... 175 00:07:52,220 --> 00:07:53,490 You're never gonna be as strong or as fast 176 00:07:53,690 --> 00:07:54,820 as you want to be unless you have a 177 00:07:55,020 --> 00:07:56,190 stable foundation. 178 00:07:56,390 --> 00:07:58,220 Now, remember, you got to keep your feet 179 00:07:58,420 --> 00:07:59,390 shoulder width apart. 180 00:07:59,590 --> 00:08:01,260 Left foot forward, you're gonna sit down 181 00:08:01,460 --> 00:08:04,300 and move the foot first. Yeah, just like that. 182 00:08:04,500 --> 00:08:07,530 Left foot first. But don't drag it. Yeah. Don't drag it. 183 00:08:07,730 --> 00:08:09,170 Lift it. Try again. 184 00:08:09,370 --> 00:08:12,070 There you go. One big circle. 185 00:08:12,270 --> 00:08:15,040 Keep going. Again and again and again. Okay. 186 00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:17,110 How long do I have to keep doing this? 187 00:08:17,310 --> 00:08:17,980 500 times. 188 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:19,900 Seriously? Yeah. 189 00:08:20,760 --> 00:08:21,650 Keep going. Don't stop 190 00:08:21,850 --> 00:08:23,050 until I tell you. 191 00:08:23,250 --> 00:08:24,650 Now that's it. Keep going. 192 00:08:24,850 --> 00:08:27,000 Okay. 193 00:08:27,940 --> 00:08:30,160 Don't stop. 194 00:08:30,360 --> 00:08:32,530 ROBYN: Anything familiar? 195 00:08:32,730 --> 00:08:34,060 It's that one. 196 00:08:34,260 --> 00:08:37,630 Okay, the tiniest thing can trigger recall. 197 00:08:37,830 --> 00:08:40,200 Sights, sounds, smells. 198 00:08:40,400 --> 00:08:42,150 You never know. (phone ringing) 199 00:08:45,090 --> 00:08:46,810 Okay, just keep 200 00:08:47,010 --> 00:08:48,570 looking around. Maybe you'll find a wallet, 201 00:08:48,770 --> 00:08:51,780 I.D., anything. (phone beeps) 202 00:08:51,980 --> 00:08:53,980 Hey. How'd it go? 203 00:08:54,180 --> 00:08:56,210 Uh, she's excited to try something new. 204 00:08:56,410 --> 00:08:58,350 Manny'll take good care of her. 205 00:08:58,550 --> 00:09:00,590 Thank you for setting that up. DANTE: No problem. 206 00:09:00,790 --> 00:09:03,190 Regarding your mystery man... 207 00:09:03,390 --> 00:09:04,820 ballistics on the gun are gonna take a minute, 208 00:09:05,020 --> 00:09:06,360 but I did get a hit on the prints. 209 00:09:06,560 --> 00:09:08,810 His name is Roy Hayes. 210 00:09:09,910 --> 00:09:12,830 Okay, so his prints were in the system. Why? Do you know? 211 00:09:13,030 --> 00:09:14,800 Wasn't for a crime, but 212 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,940 prints get logged for all sorts of reasons. 213 00:09:17,140 --> 00:09:19,500 Company background checks, teaching jobs, um, 214 00:09:19,710 --> 00:09:23,480 military applications. Oh, one more thing. 215 00:09:23,680 --> 00:09:25,980 His address is in a small town in Michigan. 216 00:09:26,180 --> 00:09:27,980 So, what's he doing here? 217 00:09:28,180 --> 00:09:28,980 Good question. 218 00:09:29,180 --> 00:09:30,720 Okay, do me a favor, 219 00:09:30,920 --> 00:09:32,120 send his name and address to Harry. 220 00:09:32,320 --> 00:09:34,250 Maybe he can find out more about our Roy Hayes 221 00:09:34,450 --> 00:09:36,420 by poking around his hometown. 222 00:09:36,620 --> 00:09:39,320 Will do. I'll let you know as soon as those ballistics 223 00:09:39,520 --> 00:09:41,230 come in. 224 00:09:41,430 --> 00:09:42,950 (grunts) 225 00:09:43,880 --> 00:09:47,600 Well, turns out your name is Roy Hayes 226 00:09:47,800 --> 00:09:49,070 from Michigan. 227 00:09:49,270 --> 00:09:50,240 Roy. 228 00:09:50,440 --> 00:09:51,600 Roy. 229 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:53,440 My name is Roy. 230 00:09:53,640 --> 00:09:56,310 (laughs) Roy. Huh. 231 00:09:56,510 --> 00:09:57,340 Huh, that's funny. 232 00:09:57,540 --> 00:10:00,580 I-I-I don't feel like a Roy. 233 00:10:00,780 --> 00:10:03,750 Any memories coming back? 234 00:10:03,950 --> 00:10:06,420 Um... Roy. Nothing. 235 00:10:06,620 --> 00:10:08,150 I mean, I'm-I'm glad I have a name. 236 00:10:08,350 --> 00:10:11,090 (laughs) Oh, I was afraid I was gonna be 237 00:10:11,290 --> 00:10:12,560 "Hey, you" for the rest of my life. 238 00:10:12,760 --> 00:10:15,290 And Michigan? Does that mean anything to you? 239 00:10:15,490 --> 00:10:16,830 No. Nothing. 240 00:10:17,030 --> 00:10:19,610 What about the dumpster? What do you feel when you look at it? 241 00:10:23,890 --> 00:10:25,100 Scared. 242 00:10:25,300 --> 00:10:26,910 That's good. Instinct can be a form 243 00:10:27,110 --> 00:10:28,310 of memory recall. 244 00:10:28,510 --> 00:10:30,310 Okay, why would I be scared of a dumpster? 245 00:10:30,510 --> 00:10:32,650 I mean, if I had to guess, I'd say you were 246 00:10:32,850 --> 00:10:34,710 running from someone, you 247 00:10:34,910 --> 00:10:35,880 tried to hide in here 248 00:10:36,080 --> 00:10:37,480 and banged your head. 249 00:10:37,680 --> 00:10:39,530 ROY: Running from who? 250 00:10:40,170 --> 00:10:41,790 (gunshots) Get down! 251 00:10:41,990 --> 00:10:44,010 Look out! 252 00:10:45,210 --> 00:10:47,440 (tires screeching) 253 00:10:51,680 --> 00:10:54,320 Thank God you're okay. Who... 254 00:11:01,160 --> 00:11:02,780 ROBYN: There were two of them. 255 00:11:02,980 --> 00:11:04,210 They must've been circling the block looking for him. 256 00:11:04,410 --> 00:11:05,940 You were right. Roy jumped into that dumpster to hide 257 00:11:06,140 --> 00:11:07,310 from those guys. 258 00:11:07,510 --> 00:11:09,210 Harry find out anything else about Roy Hayes 259 00:11:09,410 --> 00:11:11,980 from Michigan? Yeah, that he was the solo name on his lease, 260 00:11:12,180 --> 00:11:14,590 and he works at Home Depot. Harry left a message 261 00:11:14,790 --> 00:11:15,720 for his manager to call him back. 262 00:11:15,920 --> 00:11:17,960 Meanwhile, he's gonna keep digging. 263 00:11:18,160 --> 00:11:19,860 Hey, I, um, 264 00:11:20,060 --> 00:11:21,630 don't mean to be ungrateful, but, um, 265 00:11:21,830 --> 00:11:23,500 these clothes are... 266 00:11:23,700 --> 00:11:26,160 weird. Yeah, they belong to my husband. 267 00:11:26,360 --> 00:11:27,800 Listen, I'm gonna need you to be careful 268 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:29,720 with that sweater. I know it may look like... 269 00:11:30,620 --> 00:11:31,870 ...a child knit it, 270 00:11:32,070 --> 00:11:34,340 but it's actually by a very famous 271 00:11:34,540 --> 00:11:36,370 Japanese designer who no one is sure 272 00:11:36,570 --> 00:11:38,410 really exists. 273 00:11:38,610 --> 00:11:40,410 Hmm? 274 00:11:40,610 --> 00:11:42,550 It's very expensive, is what all that means. 275 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:43,750 Oh, okay. Is what I'm trying to say. 276 00:11:43,950 --> 00:11:45,280 I'll keep that in mind. Great. 277 00:11:45,480 --> 00:11:47,790 All right, um, by the way, I, uh... MEL: Yeah? 278 00:11:47,990 --> 00:11:49,390 Don't stretch it. Oh, Roy... 279 00:11:49,590 --> 00:11:51,560 Check this out. I have a tattoo. 280 00:11:51,760 --> 00:11:53,430 Think it means something? 281 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:56,130 That you have a thing for lions? 282 00:11:56,330 --> 00:11:57,400 (phone camera clicks) 283 00:11:57,600 --> 00:11:58,930 We should send it to Harry. MEL: Mm-hmm. 284 00:11:59,130 --> 00:12:01,400 Maybe if he posts it to one of his tattoo subreddits, 285 00:12:01,600 --> 00:12:03,440 someone will recognize the artist. 286 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:06,220 (laughs) You guys are really good at this. 287 00:12:07,520 --> 00:12:08,440 Oh, also... 288 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:09,840 Don't stretch the... 289 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:12,160 I found this when I was changing. 290 00:12:13,230 --> 00:12:15,680 That is some confusing manscaping. 291 00:12:15,880 --> 00:12:17,530 MEL: Yeah, it is. 292 00:12:19,530 --> 00:12:21,520 Hey. I know this stamp. 293 00:12:21,720 --> 00:12:24,790 It's from Sanctuary 57. 294 00:12:24,990 --> 00:12:27,790 Sanctuary? Like a church? 295 00:12:27,990 --> 00:12:29,830 (chuckles) More like the opposite. 296 00:12:30,030 --> 00:12:32,830 It's a lounge on the Lower East Side. 297 00:12:33,030 --> 00:12:35,470 Let's just say their clientele isn't exactly law-abiding. 298 00:12:35,670 --> 00:12:38,920 Maybe I went there for the "two for one" drink special? 299 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:42,940 The point is, you were there. 300 00:12:43,140 --> 00:12:44,980 That means, if anyone saw you, 301 00:12:45,180 --> 00:12:47,080 they might know what you were up to last night. 302 00:12:47,280 --> 00:12:48,550 MEL: Yeah. 303 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:50,720 Listen, I'm gonna take him down to the club, 304 00:12:50,920 --> 00:12:51,980 we'll check it out. Okay? 305 00:12:52,180 --> 00:12:53,320 Okay, I'll touch bases with Harry, 306 00:12:53,520 --> 00:12:54,750 see if he dug up anything else 307 00:12:54,950 --> 00:12:57,870 about Roy's life back in Michigan. MEL: Okay. 308 00:12:59,010 --> 00:13:01,280 Roy, we're going downtown. 309 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:05,600 * Uh! * 310 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:07,200 * Yeah! * 311 00:13:07,400 --> 00:13:08,330 * What you heard... * 312 00:13:08,530 --> 00:13:09,940 MANNY: Keep those hands up. 313 00:13:10,140 --> 00:13:11,640 Keep moving. 314 00:13:11,840 --> 00:13:14,010 * On your own, X gon' deliver to ya... * 315 00:13:14,210 --> 00:13:15,610 MANNY: Lean back. One-one-two. 316 00:13:15,810 --> 00:13:17,240 One-one-two. There you go. 317 00:13:17,440 --> 00:13:19,610 Bring that left hand back. Guard your face. 318 00:13:19,810 --> 00:13:20,880 All right, all right, all right, take a break, 319 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:22,310 take a break, take a break. 320 00:13:22,510 --> 00:13:24,420 Get a little jump rope in. All right, champ? 321 00:13:24,620 --> 00:13:28,450 * I'll do it again 'cause I am right, so I gots to win * 322 00:13:28,650 --> 00:13:30,290 * Break bread with the enemy * 323 00:13:30,490 --> 00:13:32,890 * But no matter how many cats I break bread with... * 324 00:13:33,090 --> 00:13:34,490 You know your stance is too wide. 325 00:13:34,690 --> 00:13:38,500 An hour and a half later, and I still can't get it right. 326 00:13:38,700 --> 00:13:39,760 Who knew something could be so hard 327 00:13:39,970 --> 00:13:41,470 and so boring at the same time? 328 00:13:41,670 --> 00:13:43,940 Look, I know it's frustrating, but if you want to get better, 329 00:13:44,140 --> 00:13:45,790 listen to Manny. He's the truth. 330 00:13:47,020 --> 00:13:49,770 Haven't seen you here before. 331 00:13:49,980 --> 00:13:51,410 My first time. 332 00:13:51,610 --> 00:13:52,810 All right. You come here a lot? 333 00:13:53,010 --> 00:13:55,510 Yeah, every day, twice a day. 334 00:13:55,710 --> 00:13:57,520 That's pretty hardcore. 335 00:13:57,720 --> 00:13:59,730 I'm training for the Junior Olympics. 336 00:14:00,800 --> 00:14:01,650 What? 337 00:14:01,850 --> 00:14:03,390 Wow, no way. 338 00:14:03,590 --> 00:14:06,290 That's so cool. Yeah, it'd be a whole lot cooler if I make it. 339 00:14:06,490 --> 00:14:09,630 When you make it. I'm Delilah. 340 00:14:09,830 --> 00:14:11,910 Jackson. 341 00:14:13,680 --> 00:14:15,150 Delilah's a pretty name. 342 00:14:16,450 --> 00:14:18,190 Suits you. 343 00:14:19,550 --> 00:14:21,110 So, you training for something 344 00:14:21,310 --> 00:14:23,060 or just looking for some self-defense? 345 00:14:24,060 --> 00:14:25,890 It's a little bit of both. 346 00:14:26,930 --> 00:14:28,550 Well, keep at it. You got potential. 347 00:14:28,750 --> 00:14:30,050 * First we gonna rock * 348 00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:32,280 * Then we gonna roll, then we let it pop * 349 00:14:32,480 --> 00:14:34,300 * Go, let it go. * 350 00:14:40,940 --> 00:14:42,190 "Two for one" drinks. 351 00:14:42,390 --> 00:14:45,430 Uh, don't you think it's-it's a little early? 352 00:14:45,630 --> 00:14:47,370 Roy, before, you were wondering 353 00:14:47,570 --> 00:14:49,270 if you'd come here for the half-priced drinks. 354 00:14:49,470 --> 00:14:50,970 You must have remembered that sign. 355 00:14:51,170 --> 00:14:52,470 That's good. Look around. 356 00:14:52,670 --> 00:14:54,360 See if there's anything else you recognize. 357 00:14:56,260 --> 00:14:58,880 I... You could have brought me to an actual sanctuary, 358 00:14:59,080 --> 00:15:00,680 and this would all look the same. 359 00:15:00,880 --> 00:15:01,850 Okay? I'm-I'm never 360 00:15:02,050 --> 00:15:03,180 gonna get my mind back, am I? 361 00:15:03,380 --> 00:15:04,280 Hey, hey, hey, Roy. 362 00:15:04,480 --> 00:15:06,020 (sighs) Chill, Roy. Listen. 363 00:15:06,220 --> 00:15:08,420 I saw a lot of head injuries when I was in the military. 364 00:15:08,620 --> 00:15:09,850 The most important thing 365 00:15:10,060 --> 00:15:11,590 is to not get discouraged. 366 00:15:11,790 --> 00:15:14,960 You never know when a spark's gonna hit. 367 00:15:15,160 --> 00:15:16,590 WOMAN: Oh, there she is. 368 00:15:16,790 --> 00:15:19,080 Hey, what's up? 369 00:15:19,710 --> 00:15:21,220 Good. 370 00:15:22,680 --> 00:15:24,850 Like that. Come on. 371 00:15:26,150 --> 00:15:29,210 Please stop. That looks like that hurts. 372 00:15:29,410 --> 00:15:32,440 I just want to talk. All out of talk, honey. Now step off. 373 00:15:32,640 --> 00:15:34,610 Easy, girl, this is designer. 374 00:15:34,810 --> 00:15:36,750 Is it? Okay... W... 375 00:15:36,950 --> 00:15:38,550 It's a-it's a damn good knockoff. 376 00:15:38,750 --> 00:15:41,200 I don't want any trouble. 377 00:15:42,770 --> 00:15:43,890 All right? 378 00:15:44,090 --> 00:15:45,190 What's your name? 379 00:15:45,390 --> 00:15:46,420 Nina. 380 00:15:46,620 --> 00:15:47,760 Okay, Nina, 381 00:15:47,960 --> 00:15:49,530 you saw this guy, and you ran. 382 00:15:49,730 --> 00:15:51,330 Why? 383 00:15:51,530 --> 00:15:52,600 You can tell me or 384 00:15:52,800 --> 00:15:54,430 I can call my friends at the NYPD 385 00:15:54,630 --> 00:15:56,200 and they can make this block their new hangout. 386 00:15:56,400 --> 00:15:59,170 I may or may not 387 00:15:59,370 --> 00:16:02,460 have taken his money clip last night. 388 00:16:03,760 --> 00:16:05,130 That's why you're here, right? 389 00:16:06,430 --> 00:16:09,280 Uh... y-yeah, yes. 390 00:16:09,480 --> 00:16:10,920 Abs... Totally. Just tell me everything 391 00:16:11,120 --> 00:16:12,520 you know about last night. 392 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:14,050 How did you meet him? 393 00:16:14,250 --> 00:16:16,490 I was at the club, I was doing my thing, 394 00:16:16,690 --> 00:16:19,860 and he-he waved me over. Said he wanted some company, 395 00:16:20,060 --> 00:16:23,550 but... barely paid attention to me. 396 00:16:24,780 --> 00:16:27,500 I had to do all of the talking, which, normally, I don't mind. 397 00:16:27,700 --> 00:16:30,670 But, suddenly, he gets up and tries to leave 398 00:16:30,870 --> 00:16:32,340 before we could conduct business. 399 00:16:32,540 --> 00:16:35,270 Wait a second, wait a second. Okay. 400 00:16:35,470 --> 00:16:37,210 You told me you were in love with me 401 00:16:37,410 --> 00:16:39,480 and you wanted to get married. 402 00:16:39,680 --> 00:16:41,810 Can't blame a girl for trying. 403 00:16:42,010 --> 00:16:44,280 (laughs) I remember something. 404 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:46,130 Do you remember anything else? 405 00:16:47,970 --> 00:16:49,320 No. MEL: Okay. 406 00:16:49,520 --> 00:16:52,520 Keep trying. You, money clip. Hey, hand it over. 407 00:16:52,720 --> 00:16:54,260 Come on. I don't have it anymore. 408 00:16:54,460 --> 00:16:55,860 You know what a cavity search is, right? 409 00:16:56,060 --> 00:16:57,480 Okay, fine. 410 00:17:00,250 --> 00:17:01,950 I may have spent some of the money already. 411 00:17:05,950 --> 00:17:07,970 Valor Motel. 412 00:17:08,170 --> 00:17:10,610 You're visiting from out of town. 413 00:17:10,810 --> 00:17:12,260 This might be where you're staying. 414 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:15,050 Thank you. 415 00:17:15,250 --> 00:17:16,500 Come on. 416 00:17:20,000 --> 00:17:22,840 (dishes clattering) Damn. 417 00:17:26,410 --> 00:17:29,180 You good? You seem a little off. 418 00:17:30,380 --> 00:17:32,060 I just keep having these crazy nightmares. 419 00:17:32,260 --> 00:17:34,000 Oh, yeah. I get those. 420 00:17:34,200 --> 00:17:36,900 I get this one recurring one where I'm on a cooking show, 421 00:17:37,100 --> 00:17:38,400 and I'm right in the middle 422 00:17:38,600 --> 00:17:41,940 of making a perfect beef tenderloin wrapped in bacon. 423 00:17:42,140 --> 00:17:44,410 Speaking of tenderloin, I look down, totally nude. 424 00:17:44,610 --> 00:17:46,380 I mean, I'm wearing an apron, but, you know, it's too short. 425 00:17:46,580 --> 00:17:48,850 You remember that conversation we had about oversharing? 426 00:17:49,050 --> 00:17:50,420 I do. I'm sorry. 427 00:17:50,620 --> 00:17:52,120 T.M.I. Got it. 428 00:17:52,320 --> 00:17:53,920 I think I'm just stressed out. 429 00:17:54,120 --> 00:17:56,320 Well, don't discount your dreams, you know? 430 00:17:56,520 --> 00:17:59,270 They say it's your subconscious trying to tell you something. 431 00:18:00,740 --> 00:18:02,630 Maybe. 432 00:18:02,830 --> 00:18:03,830 I just came to see if you found out 433 00:18:04,030 --> 00:18:05,360 anything else on Roy. Yeah, well, 434 00:18:05,560 --> 00:18:07,130 at first, not very much. 435 00:18:07,330 --> 00:18:09,370 Some community college credits, 436 00:18:09,570 --> 00:18:10,900 rescued a Pekingese, 437 00:18:11,100 --> 00:18:13,710 zero social media presence. So, I decided 438 00:18:13,910 --> 00:18:15,870 to dig a little deeper, and the deeper I went, 439 00:18:16,070 --> 00:18:18,640 the more I became convinced that his 440 00:18:18,840 --> 00:18:21,200 electronic footprint is fake. 441 00:18:22,400 --> 00:18:23,520 What? 442 00:18:23,720 --> 00:18:25,120 Yeah. Something about the specificity 443 00:18:25,320 --> 00:18:26,880 and the pattern of the spending. 444 00:18:27,080 --> 00:18:29,520 Normal spending is more random. 445 00:18:29,720 --> 00:18:30,790 It's, like, too perfect. 446 00:18:30,990 --> 00:18:32,460 You know, like it's been manufactured. 447 00:18:32,660 --> 00:18:35,190 Based on that and some other matrixes, 448 00:18:35,390 --> 00:18:37,200 I'm 99% sure that his footprint, 449 00:18:37,400 --> 00:18:39,130 his identity, was totally invented. 450 00:18:39,330 --> 00:18:41,920 He's not really Roy Hayes. (phone rings) 451 00:18:44,090 --> 00:18:46,990 Dante, what do you have for me? 452 00:18:49,520 --> 00:18:51,640 This is it. 453 00:18:51,840 --> 00:18:54,010 Number 24. 454 00:18:54,210 --> 00:18:55,410 All right, something in here has 455 00:18:55,610 --> 00:18:56,650 got to tell us more 456 00:18:56,850 --> 00:18:58,420 about me, right? Why I came to New York. 457 00:18:58,620 --> 00:18:59,950 That's right. 458 00:19:00,150 --> 00:19:02,200 Stay positive. (phone rings) 459 00:19:05,110 --> 00:19:06,590 Hey, Rob, we just got to the motel. What's up? 460 00:19:06,790 --> 00:19:07,830 Nothing good. 461 00:19:08,030 --> 00:19:10,400 Ballistics just came back on Roy's gun. 462 00:19:10,600 --> 00:19:12,610 It was used in a murder five days ago. 463 00:19:15,520 --> 00:19:17,400 Interesting. I checked in 464 00:19:17,600 --> 00:19:19,240 with the front manager on the way in. 465 00:19:19,440 --> 00:19:21,870 Apparently, Roy got here six days ago. 466 00:19:22,070 --> 00:19:22,940 We going in? 467 00:19:23,140 --> 00:19:24,360 Yeah. 468 00:19:27,860 --> 00:19:29,180 I wouldn't jump to conclusions. 469 00:19:29,380 --> 00:19:30,920 He could have gotten that gun yesterday. 470 00:19:31,120 --> 00:19:34,690 Having a gun doesn't mean he's a murderer. 471 00:19:34,890 --> 00:19:37,990 Maybe, but a blood-stained 472 00:19:38,190 --> 00:19:40,980 motel room might. 473 00:19:49,920 --> 00:19:52,370 (exhales) Look at this. 474 00:19:52,570 --> 00:19:54,270 Is Roy Hayes a killer? 475 00:19:54,470 --> 00:19:55,870 Rob, I hate to say it, 476 00:19:56,070 --> 00:19:57,980 but maybe it's time we bring him in to Dante. 477 00:19:58,180 --> 00:19:59,010 I'm not so sure. 478 00:19:59,210 --> 00:20:00,450 But what I am certain of 479 00:20:00,650 --> 00:20:02,250 is your name is not Roy Hayes. 480 00:20:02,450 --> 00:20:04,950 It's an alias you likely came up with What? 481 00:20:05,150 --> 00:20:07,690 four years ago when you turned up in Michigan. 482 00:20:07,890 --> 00:20:11,420 So, okay, so on top of all this, I'm a fugitive? 483 00:20:11,620 --> 00:20:13,660 This just keeps getting worse and worse. 484 00:20:13,860 --> 00:20:16,910 Okay, I... I'm a terrible person. 485 00:20:17,680 --> 00:20:19,330 What other explanation could there be? 486 00:20:19,530 --> 00:20:22,570 I know all the evidence is pointing the opposite way, 487 00:20:22,770 --> 00:20:25,440 but my gut is telling me there's more to this. 488 00:20:25,640 --> 00:20:28,110 Hey, I just got a hit on Roy's ink. 489 00:20:28,310 --> 00:20:31,840 Uh, there's a guy on a forum here who says he recognizes 490 00:20:32,040 --> 00:20:34,850 the style and thinks the artist works in a shop 491 00:20:35,050 --> 00:20:36,900 in Ditmas Park in Brooklyn. 492 00:20:38,100 --> 00:20:39,280 That's less than a mile from here. 493 00:20:39,480 --> 00:20:41,050 ROBYN: Mel, you take Roy to the tattoo parlor. 494 00:20:41,250 --> 00:20:42,990 See if anyone can tell you who Roy was 495 00:20:43,190 --> 00:20:45,390 before he became Roy Hayes. And Harry and I 496 00:20:45,590 --> 00:20:47,390 will try to get surveillance footage from the motel. 497 00:20:47,590 --> 00:20:50,830 Maybe it can tell us exactly what happened in that room. 498 00:20:51,030 --> 00:20:52,730 Keep it nice and loose, turn the wrist. 499 00:20:52,930 --> 00:20:55,330 Boom, boom, right come through, turn that hip. 500 00:20:55,530 --> 00:20:57,070 Keep working on that. 501 00:20:57,270 --> 00:20:58,870 You got this. 502 00:20:59,070 --> 00:21:01,140 Hey, young lady, break is over. 503 00:21:01,340 --> 00:21:03,140 You stop when you're finished, not when you're tired. 504 00:21:03,340 --> 00:21:06,240 * When this all came along I starting keeping my eye * 505 00:21:06,440 --> 00:21:08,250 * On the prize money hunt, I know it's played * 506 00:21:08,450 --> 00:21:10,580 * Soon I was back at square one, hear what I'm saying? * 507 00:21:10,780 --> 00:21:13,350 * Now I'm back in the ring ready to fight and I'm staying... * 508 00:21:13,550 --> 00:21:15,500 You know what to do, man. 509 00:21:16,570 --> 00:21:20,880 * Back in the ring, back in the ring... * 510 00:21:26,380 --> 00:21:27,720 You saw that? 511 00:21:29,180 --> 00:21:30,740 Hey, it's none of my business. Yeah, you're right. 512 00:21:30,940 --> 00:21:33,020 It's none of your business. 513 00:21:34,920 --> 00:21:37,160 Sorry for snooping. 514 00:21:40,630 --> 00:21:42,580 It's not like it's a full-time hustle, 515 00:21:42,780 --> 00:21:44,450 all right? Every now and again I get paid 516 00:21:44,650 --> 00:21:46,480 to deliver these packages. It's cash. 517 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:47,870 Fast and easy. 518 00:21:50,670 --> 00:21:53,090 And I get it. I do. 519 00:21:53,290 --> 00:21:54,310 But? 520 00:21:58,380 --> 00:22:00,060 It's just that, I mean... 521 00:22:00,260 --> 00:22:02,330 you seem like a pretty big deal around here. 522 00:22:02,530 --> 00:22:05,770 Everyone thinks you really have a chance to make it. 523 00:22:05,970 --> 00:22:07,640 It'd just be a shame to watch you jeopardize 524 00:22:07,840 --> 00:22:10,940 what looks like a really bright future. That's the thing-- 525 00:22:11,140 --> 00:22:12,540 it might not be a future. 526 00:22:12,740 --> 00:22:13,950 Without the cash, I can't get 527 00:22:14,150 --> 00:22:15,310 the right training, the right gear, 528 00:22:15,510 --> 00:22:17,010 the right diet... I understand you got to do 529 00:22:17,210 --> 00:22:18,920 what you got to do, but there is always another way. 530 00:22:19,120 --> 00:22:21,090 It's not that simple. I know. 531 00:22:21,290 --> 00:22:23,670 But like someone told me this morning... 532 00:22:24,670 --> 00:22:26,390 ...when you take shortcuts, 533 00:22:26,590 --> 00:22:29,340 eventually you get cut short. 534 00:22:30,340 --> 00:22:32,000 Doesn't matter anyway. 535 00:22:32,200 --> 00:22:34,070 They won't let me stop if I wanted to. 536 00:22:34,270 --> 00:22:37,450 Look, just, just don't tell Manny, all right? 537 00:22:38,450 --> 00:22:39,790 I won't. 538 00:22:42,460 --> 00:22:44,690 But maybe you should. 539 00:22:45,790 --> 00:22:47,230 He might be able to help. 540 00:22:51,970 --> 00:22:53,720 HARRY: Hey. 541 00:22:53,920 --> 00:22:54,950 I got a couple of decent angles 542 00:22:55,150 --> 00:22:57,590 of Roy from the motel cams. 543 00:22:57,790 --> 00:22:59,720 I found this. 544 00:22:59,920 --> 00:23:00,990 That guy dead or unconscious? 545 00:23:01,190 --> 00:23:02,460 I don't know. His face is too obscured 546 00:23:02,660 --> 00:23:04,850 so I can't get any facial rec. 547 00:23:06,750 --> 00:23:09,020 Zoom in on that plate. Yeah. 548 00:23:12,220 --> 00:23:13,340 Okay. 549 00:23:13,540 --> 00:23:16,240 Uh, looks like the car's registered to 550 00:23:16,440 --> 00:23:17,980 Pedro Martinez. Wonder if it's 551 00:23:18,180 --> 00:23:19,410 the same guy that just got tossed in the trunk. 552 00:23:19,610 --> 00:23:20,910 We need to find that car. It's an older model, 553 00:23:21,110 --> 00:23:22,880 no GPS or roadside assistance. 554 00:23:23,080 --> 00:23:25,520 But let's see if Pedro left his phone on. 555 00:23:25,720 --> 00:23:27,450 Yep, he did. 556 00:23:27,650 --> 00:23:29,790 Looks like Pedro is stopped on the side of the road. 557 00:23:29,990 --> 00:23:32,520 Okay, send me that location and let me know 558 00:23:32,720 --> 00:23:34,580 if that phone moves. Yep. 559 00:23:35,810 --> 00:23:38,630 Well, I'm... I'm back to square one. Okay, my name's 560 00:23:38,830 --> 00:23:39,960 not Roy, I'm not from Michigan. 561 00:23:40,160 --> 00:23:42,230 What I do know is that I'm a murderer. 562 00:23:42,430 --> 00:23:44,200 We don't know that for sure. What other explanation is there? 563 00:23:44,400 --> 00:23:45,570 There was a gun. 564 00:23:45,770 --> 00:23:46,900 The blood in the hotel room? 565 00:23:47,100 --> 00:23:49,860 I did something bad to someone. 566 00:23:52,660 --> 00:23:54,050 Look, if it makes you feel better, 567 00:23:54,250 --> 00:23:56,180 not everyone thinks you're capable of murder. 568 00:23:56,380 --> 00:23:59,530 My friend wouldn't be helping you if she did. 569 00:24:00,200 --> 00:24:03,370 Oh, good, we're here. 570 00:24:04,940 --> 00:24:07,270 And it's closed. 571 00:24:08,280 --> 00:24:09,790 Great. Uh, well, 572 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:11,700 that was a bust. Uh, where you going? 573 00:24:11,900 --> 00:24:13,930 The car's this way. I'm-I'm not... I'm not sure. 574 00:24:14,130 --> 00:24:15,400 It... Something's familiar 575 00:24:15,600 --> 00:24:17,800 about this neighborhood. It's like, okay, it's like 576 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:20,040 my head knows where it's headed, even if I don't. 577 00:24:20,240 --> 00:24:22,140 Okay, good, uh, don't think about it. 578 00:24:22,340 --> 00:24:23,560 Just go with it. 579 00:24:24,690 --> 00:24:26,330 Turn left here. 580 00:24:33,330 --> 00:24:34,390 Across? 581 00:24:34,590 --> 00:24:36,570 Think so. 582 00:24:38,410 --> 00:24:40,090 Something about this neighborhood. 583 00:24:40,290 --> 00:24:42,830 I remember this street. 584 00:24:43,030 --> 00:24:45,480 It feels like I've been here before. 585 00:24:48,050 --> 00:24:49,630 It's-it's very strong. 586 00:24:49,830 --> 00:24:51,090 I remember it, I re... 587 00:24:52,320 --> 00:24:53,540 Wait! 588 00:24:53,740 --> 00:24:55,890 (kids laughing) 589 00:25:02,600 --> 00:25:04,570 Here. 590 00:25:05,570 --> 00:25:07,250 This is a crime scene. 591 00:25:07,450 --> 00:25:09,150 You know this house? 592 00:25:09,350 --> 00:25:10,150 Yeah. 593 00:25:10,350 --> 00:25:11,960 There's a bedroom in the back. 594 00:25:12,160 --> 00:25:15,240 And-and there's a door to the kitchen on the side. 595 00:25:16,840 --> 00:25:18,030 I know that, but I... 596 00:25:18,230 --> 00:25:19,860 I have no idea how. 597 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:21,550 (dialing) 598 00:25:22,980 --> 00:25:25,220 (phone rings) 599 00:25:27,720 --> 00:25:28,940 Hey, Mel. 600 00:25:29,140 --> 00:25:30,510 Something tells me this isn't a social call. 601 00:25:30,710 --> 00:25:32,740 Unfortunately, no. I'm at a crime scene. 602 00:25:32,940 --> 00:25:34,150 I just texted you the address. 603 00:25:34,350 --> 00:25:35,610 Can you tell me what happened here? 604 00:25:35,810 --> 00:25:37,400 Give me a sec. 605 00:25:48,780 --> 00:25:50,260 Homicide. 606 00:25:50,460 --> 00:25:52,730 Brutal one. Man was shot. 607 00:25:52,930 --> 00:25:54,770 And the tongue was cut out. 608 00:25:54,970 --> 00:25:56,230 Ten days ago. 609 00:25:56,430 --> 00:25:58,120 Geez. 610 00:25:59,090 --> 00:26:00,040 Could you send me a picture 611 00:26:00,240 --> 00:26:01,440 of the victim's driver's license 612 00:26:01,640 --> 00:26:03,110 and anything else you got on him? 613 00:26:03,310 --> 00:26:05,030 This have to do with your new client? 614 00:26:05,930 --> 00:26:07,140 Maybe. Why? 615 00:26:07,340 --> 00:26:08,680 The number of murders he's connected to 616 00:26:08,880 --> 00:26:10,950 keeps growing. When am I gonna get to talk to this guy? 617 00:26:11,150 --> 00:26:13,150 Soon. I promise. 618 00:26:13,350 --> 00:26:15,540 I'm gonna hold you to that. 619 00:26:20,070 --> 00:26:21,830 Oh, come on, come on, come on. 620 00:26:22,030 --> 00:26:23,390 (phone chimes) 621 00:26:23,590 --> 00:26:25,560 Roy. 622 00:26:25,760 --> 00:26:28,950 Do you recognize this man? 623 00:26:49,440 --> 00:26:51,420 That's... 624 00:26:51,620 --> 00:26:53,660 that's my father. 625 00:26:53,860 --> 00:26:55,290 Th-that's my father. 626 00:26:55,490 --> 00:26:58,580 If anyone can tell us who I am, it's him. 627 00:27:02,720 --> 00:27:05,240 Roy, I'm so sorry, I... 628 00:27:05,440 --> 00:27:07,610 your father was killed here 629 00:27:07,810 --> 00:27:09,360 ten days ago. 630 00:27:10,390 --> 00:27:11,660 What? 631 00:27:12,390 --> 00:27:15,850 Wait, wait, my father was murdered ten days ago? 632 00:27:16,050 --> 00:27:17,850 And four days after, 633 00:27:18,050 --> 00:27:21,270 you came to town and you bought a street gun. 634 00:27:22,100 --> 00:27:23,820 Do you think... 635 00:27:24,020 --> 00:27:25,290 Yeah. 636 00:27:25,490 --> 00:27:27,560 I think you came to town for revenge 637 00:27:27,760 --> 00:27:30,230 and, judging by the blood 638 00:27:30,430 --> 00:27:33,410 in that motel room, I think you got it. 639 00:27:43,830 --> 00:27:45,680 So it turns out our amnesiac-- the artist formerly known as 640 00:27:45,880 --> 00:27:47,680 Roy Hayes-- is actually Eric Davies. 641 00:27:47,880 --> 00:27:49,680 His mom died when he was young. 642 00:27:49,880 --> 00:27:52,220 He grew up with his father, Arthur Davies. 643 00:27:52,420 --> 00:27:53,820 ROBYN: I see. 644 00:27:54,020 --> 00:27:55,550 So after Eric's father's killed, 645 00:27:55,750 --> 00:27:57,290 he comes to town looking for revenge. 646 00:27:57,490 --> 00:27:58,560 Any suspects in the murder? 647 00:27:58,760 --> 00:27:59,690 HARRY: Yeah, a good one, actually. 648 00:27:59,890 --> 00:28:02,540 Sending you a pic now. 649 00:28:03,580 --> 00:28:05,300 (beep) 650 00:28:05,500 --> 00:28:07,950 Rodolfo Martinez. 651 00:28:13,120 --> 00:28:15,810 That's the shooter who tried to take us out this morning. 652 00:28:16,010 --> 00:28:17,470 Well, the guy's a total psychopath. 653 00:28:17,670 --> 00:28:19,110 He's got a history of violent crimes. 654 00:28:19,310 --> 00:28:21,110 He went upstate three years ago for murder 655 00:28:21,310 --> 00:28:22,980 after a gunfight with a rival went awry 656 00:28:23,180 --> 00:28:25,220 and he killed a passerby. And the witness 657 00:28:25,420 --> 00:28:27,150 was... Eric Davies. 658 00:28:27,350 --> 00:28:28,820 That explains the fake ID. 659 00:28:29,020 --> 00:28:31,260 He must have been put into WITSEC after he testified. 660 00:28:31,460 --> 00:28:33,860 Yeah, well, Rodolfo should still be in prison 661 00:28:34,060 --> 00:28:35,260 but his sentence was vacated 662 00:28:35,460 --> 00:28:37,360 after a tainted chain of custody evidence. 663 00:28:37,560 --> 00:28:38,630 So Rodolfo gets out, 664 00:28:38,830 --> 00:28:40,360 he murders Eric's father, 665 00:28:40,560 --> 00:28:42,600 and then he cuts his tongue out to send a message 666 00:28:42,800 --> 00:28:44,500 to Eric about snitching. 667 00:28:44,700 --> 00:28:46,140 Wait. 668 00:28:46,340 --> 00:28:48,370 The guy Eric stuffed into that car-- 669 00:28:48,570 --> 00:28:50,830 what was his last name? 670 00:28:52,360 --> 00:28:53,810 Martinez. Same as Rodolfo. 671 00:28:54,010 --> 00:28:56,280 Wait, you think Eric got the revenge that he wanted 672 00:28:56,480 --> 00:28:59,070 by killing Rodolfo's brother? 673 00:29:00,630 --> 00:29:02,700 I just found the car. 674 00:29:04,040 --> 00:29:06,320 I think we're about to find out whether Roy-slash-Eric 675 00:29:06,520 --> 00:29:08,340 is a nice guy-slash-killer. 676 00:29:25,630 --> 00:29:27,760 (muffled grunting) 677 00:29:32,030 --> 00:29:33,790 Pedro Martinez? Yes, let me out! 678 00:29:33,990 --> 00:29:35,150 Now! Excuse me? 679 00:29:35,350 --> 00:29:36,420 Did I stutter? 680 00:29:36,620 --> 00:29:37,890 Get me out of here! You know, if it was me 681 00:29:38,090 --> 00:29:39,790 tied up in a trunk all night and someone found me, 682 00:29:39,990 --> 00:29:42,290 I'd try honey, not vinegar. 683 00:29:42,490 --> 00:29:44,200 Do you know who my brother is? Yeah. Rodolfo. 684 00:29:44,400 --> 00:29:45,530 Now, unless you want to spend another night 685 00:29:45,730 --> 00:29:46,560 tied up in this trunk, 686 00:29:46,760 --> 00:29:48,500 tell me about Eric Davies. 687 00:29:48,700 --> 00:29:50,780 How'd it go down? 688 00:29:51,690 --> 00:29:53,600 Okay, have it your way. 689 00:29:53,800 --> 00:29:55,940 W-Wait, wait, wait! Okay, okay, okay. 690 00:29:56,140 --> 00:29:58,340 I was at Sanctuary 57 Club last night. 691 00:29:58,540 --> 00:30:00,680 Soon as I left, Eric appears out of nowhere, 692 00:30:00,880 --> 00:30:02,780 Shoves a gun in my face. 693 00:30:02,980 --> 00:30:04,550 Makes me drive us to this crappy motel. 694 00:30:04,750 --> 00:30:05,680 Why'd he kidnap you? 695 00:30:05,880 --> 00:30:07,550 How the hell should I know? 696 00:30:07,750 --> 00:30:09,950 Okay! Okay, okay. 697 00:30:10,150 --> 00:30:12,020 He took me up to his room, 698 00:30:12,220 --> 00:30:13,960 took my phone, told me to call my brother. 699 00:30:14,160 --> 00:30:16,060 I tell him go to hell, I went for the gun. 700 00:30:16,260 --> 00:30:18,360 It goes off and I got shot in the leg. 701 00:30:18,560 --> 00:30:20,230 Not your lucky day, huh, Pedro? 702 00:30:20,430 --> 00:30:22,630 So the guy actually bandaged me up. 703 00:30:22,830 --> 00:30:25,500 Then he makes me call Rodolfo, tells him he just wants to talk. 704 00:30:25,700 --> 00:30:29,140 Meeting place must've been around here somewhere, 'cause... 705 00:30:29,340 --> 00:30:31,740 Eric parked the car and never came back. 706 00:30:31,940 --> 00:30:34,100 My brother take care of him? No. 707 00:30:35,060 --> 00:30:36,380 But not for lack of trying. 708 00:30:36,580 --> 00:30:38,720 Looks like Eric did a pretty good job with your tourniquet. 709 00:30:38,920 --> 00:30:40,250 I would thank him. 710 00:30:40,450 --> 00:30:42,390 No, no, no, no, wait! Come on, come on! 711 00:30:42,590 --> 00:30:46,070 Come on! Let me out of here, come on! 712 00:30:47,370 --> 00:30:48,860 ROBYN: Well, at least we know 713 00:30:49,060 --> 00:30:50,430 Eric's not a killer. 714 00:30:50,630 --> 00:30:51,600 Why else would he rendezvous 715 00:30:51,800 --> 00:30:53,200 with his father's murderer? 716 00:30:53,400 --> 00:30:54,870 Wait a minute. 717 00:30:55,070 --> 00:30:58,270 Eric's bizarre chest hair. 718 00:30:58,470 --> 00:30:59,670 He was wearing a wire. 719 00:30:59,870 --> 00:31:01,440 He was trying to get Rodolfo to confess. 720 00:31:01,640 --> 00:31:03,470 Wow, that's... 721 00:31:03,670 --> 00:31:05,140 the dumbest idea I've ever heard. 722 00:31:05,340 --> 00:31:06,740 I mean, you got to hand it to the guy. 723 00:31:06,940 --> 00:31:08,350 He's got nerve. Yeah. 724 00:31:08,550 --> 00:31:11,120 So they meet, things go sideways, Eric has to 725 00:31:11,320 --> 00:31:13,220 run for his life, then he gets concussed 726 00:31:13,420 --> 00:31:15,290 diving into a metal dumpster to hide. 727 00:31:15,490 --> 00:31:17,420 The guy's lucky to be alive. Yeah, well, it's 728 00:31:17,620 --> 00:31:20,460 only a matter of time before Rodolfo catches up with him. 729 00:31:20,660 --> 00:31:21,690 Where is he now? 730 00:31:21,890 --> 00:31:23,030 MEL: Eric was so emotional. 731 00:31:23,230 --> 00:31:24,460 He wouldn't leave the house. 732 00:31:24,660 --> 00:31:26,730 So I called Dante to send in a uniformed cop 733 00:31:26,930 --> 00:31:31,150 to let him inside. I figured it would spark more memories. 734 00:31:43,760 --> 00:31:46,000 * * 735 00:31:54,380 --> 00:31:56,880 (laughs) 736 00:32:10,690 --> 00:32:12,930 (sniffles, cries) 737 00:32:42,990 --> 00:32:45,230 * * 738 00:32:48,700 --> 00:32:51,120 DISPATCHER: David 83, we have an officer 739 00:32:51,320 --> 00:32:53,220 in need of assistance. 10th and Broadway. 740 00:32:53,420 --> 00:32:55,290 Report immediately. This is David 83. 741 00:32:55,490 --> 00:32:58,010 On my way. ETA five minutes. 742 00:33:01,280 --> 00:33:03,330 Hey, Eric, I have an emergency call. 743 00:33:03,530 --> 00:33:06,600 Sit tight. I'll have a patrol car swing by ASAP. 744 00:33:06,800 --> 00:33:08,980 ERIC: Okay. 745 00:33:12,390 --> 00:33:16,110 It's me. He's in the house, alone. 746 00:33:16,310 --> 00:33:17,840 RODOLFO: Don't let him leave. 747 00:33:18,040 --> 00:33:19,990 I'm on my way. 748 00:33:34,110 --> 00:33:35,760 Listen, stay out here. 749 00:33:35,960 --> 00:33:37,940 Keep watch. 750 00:34:01,700 --> 00:34:03,800 (soft clattering nearby) 751 00:34:15,820 --> 00:34:19,620 I've been waiting for this the last three years. 752 00:34:21,260 --> 00:34:22,640 Turn around. 753 00:34:22,840 --> 00:34:24,240 I want to see your face 754 00:34:24,440 --> 00:34:26,560 when I end you. 755 00:34:28,330 --> 00:34:29,800 What... 756 00:34:34,140 --> 00:34:36,570 Let's you and me hang out for a bit. 757 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:39,490 Toss that piece. 758 00:34:39,690 --> 00:34:41,760 Now, normally, this would be 759 00:34:41,960 --> 00:34:43,630 the point where I say "don't move." 760 00:34:43,830 --> 00:34:46,810 But in your case, I kind of wish you would. 761 00:34:48,080 --> 00:34:49,430 Eric! 762 00:34:49,630 --> 00:34:51,700 Whoa, whoa, Eric, Eric! Hold up a second. 763 00:34:51,900 --> 00:34:53,500 He killed my father. 764 00:34:53,700 --> 00:34:55,170 Cut out his tongue. I know. 765 00:34:55,370 --> 00:34:58,640 And he will pay, but if you end his life, you end yours. 766 00:34:58,840 --> 00:35:00,230 I don't care anymore. 767 00:35:06,200 --> 00:35:08,520 Eric, I called your job 768 00:35:08,720 --> 00:35:11,960 in Michigan. I-I asked them to reach out t-to anybody 769 00:35:12,160 --> 00:35:13,460 who might know you. 770 00:35:13,660 --> 00:35:15,330 That date on your arm-- 771 00:35:15,530 --> 00:35:18,010 that's your son's birthday. 772 00:35:19,710 --> 00:35:21,730 Eric, this is your girlfriend, okay? 773 00:35:21,930 --> 00:35:24,990 You two have a child together. 774 00:35:28,590 --> 00:35:30,840 I have a son? 775 00:35:31,040 --> 00:35:31,710 Yeah. 776 00:35:31,910 --> 00:35:34,210 I love you, Daddy. 777 00:35:34,410 --> 00:35:36,060 Please come home. 778 00:35:36,830 --> 00:35:38,500 (both laughing) 779 00:35:42,270 --> 00:35:43,990 (panting) 780 00:35:44,190 --> 00:35:46,170 Come home, baby. 781 00:35:48,680 --> 00:35:50,780 I remember them. 782 00:35:51,910 --> 00:35:53,910 (grunts) 783 00:35:55,420 --> 00:35:57,620 Thanks for moving. 784 00:36:00,650 --> 00:36:02,810 * * 785 00:36:03,010 --> 00:36:04,540 MANNY: Think about it. 786 00:36:04,740 --> 00:36:07,010 Before you make a move. 787 00:36:07,210 --> 00:36:09,200 (indistinct chatter) 788 00:36:10,300 --> 00:36:11,880 * You're the love of my life * 789 00:36:12,080 --> 00:36:15,020 * I'm-a push you down, I'm-a push you down... * 790 00:36:15,220 --> 00:36:17,090 I got some trash I need to throw out, give me a sec. 791 00:36:17,290 --> 00:36:19,890 * I'm gonna make a foe, I'm gonna make a foe... * 792 00:36:20,090 --> 00:36:21,910 Hey, my man. 793 00:36:23,240 --> 00:36:25,500 So, I've been around this neighborhood 794 00:36:25,700 --> 00:36:27,760 about 40 years. 795 00:36:27,960 --> 00:36:30,430 Not too many people around here I don't know. 796 00:36:30,630 --> 00:36:32,040 So, you're new. 797 00:36:32,240 --> 00:36:33,140 And? 798 00:36:33,340 --> 00:36:34,710 I'm gonna explain something to you. 799 00:36:34,910 --> 00:36:36,910 I suggest you open up your ears. 800 00:36:37,110 --> 00:36:38,840 No business 801 00:36:39,040 --> 00:36:41,800 is conducted near my gym. 802 00:36:43,300 --> 00:36:44,180 Ever. 803 00:36:44,380 --> 00:36:46,550 That right? 804 00:36:46,750 --> 00:36:48,870 Mm-hmm. 805 00:36:51,610 --> 00:36:53,240 Well, you know what I think? 806 00:36:54,280 --> 00:36:57,430 Sounds like an old rule from an old man. 807 00:36:57,630 --> 00:36:59,600 Yeah, well... 808 00:36:59,800 --> 00:37:02,730 I suggest you step back 'cause... 809 00:37:02,930 --> 00:37:05,850 you might find out just how old I am. 810 00:37:09,820 --> 00:37:11,860 (grunting) 811 00:37:15,160 --> 00:37:17,730 You want some more of the old man combo? 812 00:37:18,730 --> 00:37:20,070 Is that what you want? 813 00:37:20,900 --> 00:37:22,890 This ain't over, old man. Yeah. 814 00:37:23,090 --> 00:37:25,610 Just remember what I told you. 815 00:37:29,640 --> 00:37:31,230 Everything okay? 816 00:37:31,430 --> 00:37:33,300 Yeah. 817 00:37:33,500 --> 00:37:35,900 Now, you did the right thing, coming to me. 818 00:37:36,100 --> 00:37:38,900 Now, you need to stay focused on your training. 819 00:37:39,100 --> 00:37:40,290 Got that? 820 00:37:41,690 --> 00:37:43,240 Get back in there. 821 00:37:43,440 --> 00:37:45,160 You got work to do. 822 00:37:48,260 --> 00:37:50,160 I got you. 823 00:37:56,800 --> 00:37:59,040 * * 824 00:38:03,110 --> 00:38:05,310 (coughs) 825 00:38:06,850 --> 00:38:09,670 Looking good. Just remember, keep your feet shoulder-width 826 00:38:09,870 --> 00:38:11,540 apart and li... Listen to Manny. 827 00:38:11,740 --> 00:38:13,770 He's the truth. (chuckles) 828 00:38:13,970 --> 00:38:16,410 (chuckles) Yeah. 829 00:38:16,610 --> 00:38:19,060 * * 830 00:38:29,070 --> 00:38:31,460 (indistinct radio chatter) 831 00:38:31,660 --> 00:38:33,040 Watch your head. 832 00:38:34,270 --> 00:38:35,630 (sighs) 833 00:38:35,830 --> 00:38:36,690 Thanks for your help. 834 00:38:36,890 --> 00:38:39,430 And calling your officer away 835 00:38:39,630 --> 00:38:40,860 sealed it. 836 00:38:41,060 --> 00:38:43,130 I'm just glad Rodolfo is going back where he belongs. 837 00:38:43,330 --> 00:38:46,990 Third strike means he's in for a long stay. 838 00:38:47,790 --> 00:38:50,570 Hey, and thanks for hooking Dee up with Manny. Ah, 839 00:38:50,770 --> 00:38:51,840 he's gonna be good for her. 840 00:38:52,040 --> 00:38:53,080 Yeah, I think so, too. 841 00:38:53,280 --> 00:38:55,580 She's an impressive young lady. 842 00:38:55,780 --> 00:38:57,680 That's because of you. 843 00:38:57,880 --> 00:39:00,100 The job you've done raising her. 844 00:39:01,030 --> 00:39:03,470 Thanks, Marcus. 845 00:39:09,940 --> 00:39:11,430 WOMAN: And he's reading about his daddy. 846 00:39:11,630 --> 00:39:13,000 Tell big man when he wakes up, 847 00:39:13,200 --> 00:39:14,200 I'll see him soon, all right? 848 00:39:14,400 --> 00:39:15,200 WOMAN: Love you. Bye. 849 00:39:15,400 --> 00:39:17,080 Mr. Eric Davies. 850 00:39:18,890 --> 00:39:20,400 Turns out you're a pretty good guy after all. 851 00:39:20,600 --> 00:39:21,840 It was, uh, it was a little dicey there 852 00:39:22,040 --> 00:39:23,360 for a second, wasn't it? 853 00:39:24,890 --> 00:39:26,880 Thank you for everything. 854 00:39:27,080 --> 00:39:29,400 Thank you for believing in me. 855 00:39:30,900 --> 00:39:32,880 So, what now? 856 00:39:33,080 --> 00:39:35,270 I am on the first flight back to Michigan. 857 00:39:37,640 --> 00:39:38,760 Well, 858 00:39:38,960 --> 00:39:40,620 Mr. Roy Hayes... 859 00:39:40,820 --> 00:39:42,940 has a great life to go back to. 860 00:39:50,550 --> 00:39:52,040 VI: Absolutely. 861 00:39:52,240 --> 00:39:54,000 "Deciduous," that was good. 862 00:39:54,200 --> 00:39:56,010 DELILAH: Deciduous? That's exactly right. 863 00:39:56,210 --> 00:39:58,110 (indistinct conversation) 864 00:39:58,310 --> 00:40:00,160 (Delilah laughs) 865 00:40:01,330 --> 00:40:02,910 I feel like I'm getting better at this. 866 00:40:03,110 --> 00:40:04,680 VI: You're getting amazing, Delilah. 867 00:40:04,880 --> 00:40:05,780 Can't believe you tried to slip 868 00:40:05,980 --> 00:40:08,520 "yo-dell" by me. Yo-dell? 869 00:40:08,720 --> 00:40:09,820 What the heck is "yo-dell"? 870 00:40:10,020 --> 00:40:11,760 DELILAH: I almost got you. Hey. 871 00:40:11,960 --> 00:40:13,920 VI: Hi, honey. DELILAH: Hey. 872 00:40:14,120 --> 00:40:15,590 Hey, we're starting a new round. You want to play? 873 00:40:15,790 --> 00:40:18,800 Just opened a bottle of the good stuff. Come relax, hang with us. 874 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:21,550 There is literally nothing I would rather do. 875 00:40:23,280 --> 00:40:25,190 Ooh, yeah. 876 00:40:26,350 --> 00:40:28,020 So, Dee. 877 00:40:28,920 --> 00:40:30,670 How's the new training going with Manny? 878 00:40:30,870 --> 00:40:33,480 Oh, my God. It was so repetitive. 879 00:40:33,680 --> 00:40:35,060 It was just... 880 00:40:36,500 --> 00:40:37,780 (laughing) 881 00:40:37,980 --> 00:40:39,020 No, I'm serious. 882 00:40:39,220 --> 00:40:41,820 But... you were right. 883 00:40:42,020 --> 00:40:43,190 I mean, Manny is the perfect person 884 00:40:43,390 --> 00:40:45,320 to train with. Yeah? 885 00:40:45,520 --> 00:40:48,210 You know he once fought for the welterweight championship? 886 00:40:49,640 --> 00:40:51,960 You know I once saved five Afghanistan villages 887 00:40:52,160 --> 00:40:53,850 from being bombed? 888 00:40:56,550 --> 00:40:57,530 (laughing) 889 00:40:57,730 --> 00:40:58,870 I can't top that. 890 00:40:59,070 --> 00:41:01,710 So tell her what else happened today. 891 00:41:01,910 --> 00:41:03,810 Oh, um... 892 00:41:04,010 --> 00:41:06,680 I met a boy. 893 00:41:06,880 --> 00:41:09,110 And there it is-- the real reason 894 00:41:09,310 --> 00:41:11,720 you want to go back to Manny's gym. No... 895 00:41:11,920 --> 00:41:13,750 Okay, tell me everything. 896 00:41:13,950 --> 00:41:15,400 Let's go. 897 00:41:16,200 --> 00:41:17,690 Okay. (laughs) 898 00:41:17,890 --> 00:41:19,690 Um, so his name is Jackson. Mm-hmm. 899 00:41:19,890 --> 00:41:21,860 And he's a boxer. 900 00:41:22,060 --> 00:41:24,600 A good start. He's tall and smart. 901 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:27,000 Smart is good. Smart is good. 902 00:41:27,200 --> 00:41:28,670 Brown eyes. Mm-hmm. 903 00:41:28,870 --> 00:41:30,870 Brown hair. He's really sweet. 904 00:41:31,070 --> 00:41:32,870 He better be. 905 00:41:33,070 --> 00:41:34,670 Sweet? Yeah, he's sweet. 906 00:41:34,870 --> 00:41:36,120 * * 907 00:41:41,830 --> 00:41:44,880 Captioning sponsored by CBS 908 00:41:45,080 --> 00:41:47,480 and TOYOTA. 909 00:41:47,680 --> 00:41:51,070 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org