1 00:01:50,250 --> 00:01:54,165 Ser Ryam was an excellent Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. 2 00:01:55,250 --> 00:01:58,815 But he was sick. I hope he died in peace. 3 00:01:59,083 --> 00:02:02,699 Yes, your grace. He died in his sleep. 4 00:02:03,233 --> 00:02:06,015 The Silent Sisters prepare their remains. 5 00:02:06,333 --> 00:02:10,265 His successor, Ser Harrold, would like to meet 6 00:02:10,533 --> 00:02:13,132 A replacement for Ser Ryam in the Guard. 7 00:02:13,733 --> 00:02:15,749 Your grace, my lords. 8 00:02:16,516 --> 00:02:19,115 The Kingsguard needs to find its seventh member. 9 00:02:20,683 --> 00:02:24,500 With the help of the Hand of the King, I invited candidates to court. 10 00:02:24,583 --> 00:02:26,132 They all gave an excellent proof of themselves. 11 00:02:30,316 --> 00:02:31,515 Four ships lost! 12 00:02:32,150 --> 00:02:33,449 One carried my flag. 13 00:02:34,483 --> 00:02:36,582 The Stepstones are on fire, 14 00:02:36,833 --> 00:02:38,649 And you stand here babbling. 15 00:02:38,916 --> 00:02:40,699 If you want to talk about it... 16 00:02:40,950 --> 00:02:42,832 I worry about the future 17 00:02:43,300 --> 00:02:44,615 Of my ships and my men. 18 00:02:44,866 --> 00:02:47,699 The Crown will compensate you and make you an offer 19 00:02:47,983 --> 00:02:48,999 The families. 20 00:02:49,250 --> 00:02:50,815 I don't want to be compensated. 21 00:02:53,416 --> 00:02:57,099 I want to take control of the Stepstones by force, and chase away the crab chow. 22 00:02:57,366 --> 00:03:00,249 I will not go to war with the Free Cities. 23 00:03:00,500 --> 00:03:02,582 These pirates are not part of it. 24 00:03:02,816 --> 00:03:05,682 Who do you think provides them with ships and supplies? 25 00:03:06,216 --> 00:03:07,749 Throughout its history, 26 00:03:08,016 --> 00:03:11,215 The Seven Kingdoms never fought the Free Cities. 27 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:12,932 If that happen, 28 00:03:13,483 --> 00:03:15,048 The losses would be immense. 29 00:03:19,750 --> 00:03:22,849 Why does crab feeding fear us? 30 00:03:25,133 --> 00:03:28,582 The king's brother has taken Dragonstone and protects it 31 00:03:28,833 --> 00:03:30,132 With their golden robes. 32 00:03:30,383 --> 00:03:31,165 Daemon planted himself there 33 00:03:31,433 --> 00:03:32,965 For more than six months. 34 00:03:33,233 --> 00:03:34,815 And the crown doesn't lift an eyelash. 35 00:03:35,066 --> 00:03:37,149 Be careful, Lord Corlys. 36 00:03:37,666 --> 00:03:41,048 A seat at the king's table doesn't make him like you. 37 00:03:44,383 --> 00:03:45,649 I do what I could do, 38 00:03:47,183 --> 00:03:48,965 And sent emissaries to Pentos 39 00:03:49,216 --> 00:03:51,798 And to Volantis to find common cause. 40 00:03:52,583 --> 00:03:55,148 Ships and men will be mobilized. 41 00:03:55,666 --> 00:03:57,932 The Stepstones issue will be resolved.. 42 00:03:58,216 --> 00:03:59,265 In due time. 43 00:03:59,766 --> 00:04:01,549 You have dragon riders, father. 44 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:09,265 Envy us. 45 00:04:13,650 --> 00:04:16,715 The matter is not so simple, Rhaenyra. 46 00:04:16,966 --> 00:04:18,249 It would be a show of force. 47 00:04:19,033 --> 00:04:20,799 At least the princess has a plan. 48 00:04:24,633 --> 00:04:25,415 I'm just saying that we should... 49 00:04:25,650 --> 00:04:26,965 It might be ... 50 00:04:27,483 --> 00:04:29,782 We could make the most of it 51 00:04:30,050 --> 00:04:31,599 Of the resources the princess talks about. 52 00:04:33,650 --> 00:04:37,515 Take her to see the Lord Commander candidates. 53 00:04:39,316 --> 00:04:40,565 Good idea, your grace. 54 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:43,382 this knight 55 00:04:43,650 --> 00:04:46,982 It will also ensure your protection. Then you must choose it. 56 00:05:06,450 --> 00:05:08,232 Sor Desmond Caron. 57 00:05:08,483 --> 00:05:10,532 A skilled knight, princess. 58 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:12,065 Please go ahead. 59 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:19,015 Son of Ser Royce Caron, Ser Desmond proved his strength 60 00:05:19,250 --> 00:05:21,532 In and out of tournaments. 61 00:05:22,133 --> 00:05:24,582 He recently crossed the Bosco del Re 62 00:05:24,833 --> 00:05:26,615 And delivered a hunter 63 00:05:27,650 --> 00:05:28,682 the Justice. 64 00:05:39,100 --> 00:05:41,915 Thank him for his faithful service. 65 00:05:42,700 --> 00:05:45,749 Thank you for your loyal service to the Crown, ser. 66 00:05:56,766 --> 00:05:58,782 Sor Rymun Mallister 67 00:06:00,816 --> 00:06:03,882 Son of Lord Lymond Mallister of Seagard. 68 00:06:04,133 --> 00:06:05,649 Cider scrum winner. 69 00:06:06,950 --> 00:06:08,732 Last left in the saddle.. of 23 riders. 70 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:10,782 Rider since the age of 18. 71 00:06:11,050 --> 00:06:12,999 How many of these knights have battle experience? 72 00:06:14,616 --> 00:06:16,149 Excluding hunters. 73 00:06:24,100 --> 00:06:25,865 Sor Criston Cole. 74 00:06:31,700 --> 00:06:33,215 the attendant's son 75 00:06:33,216 --> 00:06:34,799 From the Lord of Blackhaven. 76 00:06:36,550 --> 00:06:38,049 Welcome, Ser Criston. 77 00:06:40,616 --> 00:06:42,399 Did you fight in the stormlands? 78 00:06:42,650 --> 00:06:44,465 In the Lowlands of Dorne, princess. 79 00:06:44,966 --> 00:06:47,799 A year of infantry to repel the Dornishmen. 80 00:06:49,333 --> 00:06:52,882 Ser Dondarrion knighted me after a success in the Bones. 81 00:06:58,250 --> 00:06:59,682 I choose to be Criston Cole. 82 00:07:00,316 --> 00:07:03,132 Let's not make a hasty decision, princess. 83 00:07:04,383 --> 00:07:07,715 Ser Criston is undoubtedly a valiant warrior, 84 00:07:07,966 --> 00:07:12,265 But the Crakehalls and Mallisters are important allies of the Crown. 85 00:07:12,516 --> 00:07:16,515 Seagart, for example, is our main protection against the Iron Islands. 86 00:07:16,849 --> 00:07:18,132 These men are tournament drivers. 87 00:07:18,900 --> 00:07:20,965 My father needs a man who fought the battle to protect him. 88 00:07:23,766 --> 00:07:25,299 Do not you think? 89 00:07:27,099 --> 00:07:28,615 That's right, princess. 90 00:07:28,866 --> 00:07:29,615 So let's get ready 91 00:07:29,883 --> 00:07:31,699 For the investiture of Ser Criston. 92 00:07:39,650 --> 00:07:42,182 The capital of Valyria was built on a volcano, 93 00:07:42,433 --> 00:07:43,699 Just like Dragonstone. 94 00:07:44,733 --> 00:07:47,299 The dragon lords, flower of nobility, 95 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:50,265 They lived here, next to a volcano. 96 00:07:50,616 --> 00:07:53,682 Close to the source of your magic and power. 97 00:07:54,200 --> 00:07:55,465 There was Anogrion. 98 00:07:57,766 --> 00:08:00,065 Blood mages practiced their art there. 99 00:08:02,366 --> 00:08:04,215 What you've built... is wonderful. 100 00:08:07,016 --> 00:08:09,832 Oh, I only study history and I provide the plans for the crown. 101 00:08:10,099 --> 00:08:12,365 Masons build the buildings. 102 00:08:12,883 --> 00:08:15,298 Will Westeros become another Valyria? 103 00:08:15,716 --> 00:08:16,465 It depends 104 00:08:16,733 --> 00:08:20,082 Whether you talk about the empire during its heyday..or its downfall. 105 00:08:21,100 --> 00:08:24,449 A thousand dragons, a fleet that covered 106 00:08:24,700 --> 00:08:26,215 All the seas of the world. 107 00:08:28,816 --> 00:08:31,899 Valyria's glory will never be equaled. 108 00:08:32,683 --> 00:08:33,449 To the Seven Underworlds! 109 00:08:49,416 --> 00:08:52,765 - How's it going with Rhaenyra? - What do you mean? 110 00:08:52,800 --> 00:08:55,615 These days, he barely talks to me. 111 00:08:56,133 --> 00:08:58,449 It might be hard for her 112 00:08:59,500 --> 00:09:01,565 Unburden your heart. 113 00:09:03,150 --> 00:09:04,182 Just need time. 114 00:09:06,500 --> 00:09:08,032 I needed it when my mother died. 115 00:09:14,266 --> 00:09:16,332 I wish it would come to me and... 116 00:09:17,616 --> 00:09:18,615 Why not the other way around? 117 00:09:19,650 --> 00:09:22,499 Sometimes I'd rather face the Dark Terror 118 00:09:22,766 --> 00:09:24,049 Than my fifteen-year-old daughter. 119 00:09:27,466 --> 00:09:30,332 I think she would trust you if you asked her. 120 00:09:31,383 --> 00:09:33,432 You are so good to hear, Your Grace. 121 00:09:38,650 --> 00:09:41,215 Rhaenyra doesn't know anything about our conversation, does she? 122 00:09:43,816 --> 00:09:44,849 I mean ... 123 00:09:46,366 --> 00:09:48,165 I don't think he would understand. 124 00:09:48,933 --> 00:09:50,215 No, your grace. 125 00:10:03,483 --> 00:10:05,799 It's been 6 months since my mother died, 126 00:10:06,066 --> 00:10:10,015 And they already want my father to marry and find another heir. 127 00:10:10,283 --> 00:10:11,549 I know these men 128 00:10:11,816 --> 00:10:15,449 They were secretly plotting when I was sent away. 129 00:10:15,716 --> 00:10:19,032 Don't worry about lord and king's business. 130 00:10:21,100 --> 00:10:22,649 Let's say your father remarried... 131 00:10:31,166 --> 00:10:32,699 Your father loves you. 132 00:10:38,933 --> 00:10:40,982 He chose you as his heir. 133 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:44,565 He didn't choose me... he rejected Daemon. 134 00:11:01,250 --> 00:11:02,515 Kneel with me. 135 00:11:19,300 --> 00:11:21,882 It's the only way I can be with my mother. 136 00:11:23,400 --> 00:11:25,199 In the silence of the Temple of the Seven, 137 00:11:26,483 --> 00:11:28,282 I feel close to her. 138 00:11:33,133 --> 00:11:34,415 It's stupid, I know. 139 00:11:34,666 --> 00:11:36,482 I don't think it's stupid. 140 00:11:37,766 --> 00:11:38,815 No way. 141 00:11:38,816 --> 00:11:40,049 Everything is fine. 142 00:11:42,850 --> 00:11:44,732 You could try. 143 00:11:48,033 --> 00:11:51,615 If you don't do it for me, do it for them. 144 00:12:15,966 --> 00:12:17,732 What should I speak? 145 00:12:18,500 --> 00:12:20,015 Anything you want. 146 00:12:21,550 --> 00:12:22,815 It's between the gods and you. 147 00:12:56,966 --> 00:12:59,765 I want you to see me as something other than your daughter. 148 00:13:02,283 --> 00:13:05,615 Even my father doesn't understand us, women. 149 00:13:09,683 --> 00:13:11,232 When I want to talk to him, 150 00:13:12,250 --> 00:13:14,315 I always have to take the first step. 151 00:13:18,166 --> 00:13:18,948 Thanks. 152 00:13:30,716 --> 00:13:33,799 Your grace, thank you for coming. 153 00:13:34,800 --> 00:13:36,082 I know tempers are on fire today. 154 00:13:36,283 --> 00:13:39,982 I attach great importance to the bond that unites our homes. 155 00:13:40,466 --> 00:13:42,782 Rhaenys is my favorite cousin. 156 00:13:44,350 --> 00:13:45,615 I want to apologize 157 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:48,982 For the remarks made during the restricted council. 158 00:13:49,516 --> 00:13:51,065 I didn't mean to offend you. 159 00:13:52,366 --> 00:13:55,782 Your fleet is an important asset to the kingdom. 160 00:13:56,300 --> 00:13:58,982 But you understand that my duty as king.. 161 00:13:59,199 --> 00:14:02,299 It is to avoid war as long as possible. 162 00:14:02,566 --> 00:14:04,899 Nobody wants open war. 163 00:14:06,199 --> 00:14:08,282 May I speak sincerely, Your Grace? 164 00:14:09,783 --> 00:14:12,649 I appreciate the candor of my advisors. 165 00:14:13,150 --> 00:14:14,999 I fear the enemy's eyes 166 00:14:15,266 --> 00:14:17,599 They are currently fixed in the Red Keep. 167 00:14:18,100 --> 00:14:19,399 The queen is dead. 168 00:14:19,666 --> 00:14:23,065 A woman was named heir for the first time. 169 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:26,899 The king's brother took over Dragonstone 170 00:14:27,166 --> 00:14:28,715 Without any opposition. 171 00:14:29,733 --> 00:14:34,349 And a foreign power is occupying our main sea lane. 172 00:14:35,650 --> 00:14:38,749 This is a very sad image of my kingdom. 173 00:14:39,000 --> 00:14:39,765 It's the harsh reality 174 00:14:40,016 --> 00:14:41,049 Prima. 175 00:14:42,116 --> 00:14:44,965 The Crown is seen as vulnerable. 176 00:14:45,733 --> 00:14:48,132 And a blind foray into the Steps.. 177 00:14:48,366 --> 00:14:49,665 Would it prove otherwise? 178 00:14:49,900 --> 00:14:51,732 To ride a storm, 179 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:54,865 Either we run towards it, or we go around it. 180 00:14:55,133 --> 00:14:57,465 But we never wait for their attacks. 181 00:14:58,766 --> 00:15:01,382 What conduct do you propose to adopt, 182 00:15:02,133 --> 00:15:03,165 my Lord? 183 00:15:05,483 --> 00:15:07,082 We unite our families. 184 00:15:08,133 --> 00:15:09,415 Marry our daughter, Laena. 185 00:15:09,683 --> 00:15:12,582 Let's unite the two great houses of Valyria. 186 00:15:12,833 --> 00:15:15,715 Binding your dragons to our fleet with blood, 187 00:15:15,966 --> 00:15:19,865 You will determine that the glory of your kingdom is in the days to come, 188 00:15:20,133 --> 00:15:21,698 Not in the past. 189 00:15:25,850 --> 00:15:27,415 I have to recognize.. 190 00:15:28,199 --> 00:15:30,549 That I had never thought about getting married again. 191 00:15:30,816 --> 00:15:32,865 Aemma died just 6 months ago. 192 00:15:33,133 --> 00:15:36,215 Sooner or later you will have to find a new wife, Your Grace, the realm expects that. 193 00:15:36,500 --> 00:15:39,615 To strengthen your lineage and produce heirs. 194 00:15:40,116 --> 00:15:42,982 There is no better person than Laena. 195 00:16:09,483 --> 00:16:11,815 we talked a little 196 00:16:14,166 --> 00:16:15,215 Since when ... 197 00:16:18,616 --> 00:16:20,182 Much to my regret. 198 00:16:21,916 --> 00:16:25,099 We must be free to speak openly. 199 00:16:25,366 --> 00:16:26,649 You are free to speak whenever you want, 200 00:16:27,166 --> 00:16:28,499 You are the king. 201 00:16:36,533 --> 00:16:38,082 I loved your mother.. 202 00:16:39,133 --> 00:16:40,165 With all my heart. 203 00:16:43,566 --> 00:16:44,815 Me too. 204 00:17:00,450 --> 00:17:03,282 Ser Harrold has gathered brave knights. 205 00:17:05,849 --> 00:17:07,415 But I talked to them 206 00:17:07,416 --> 00:17:11,315 And Ser Criston is the only one who has ever really fought in battle. 207 00:17:12,883 --> 00:17:15,232 He will shine in the Kingsguard. 208 00:17:20,716 --> 00:17:22,532 During the little council... 209 00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:24,099 Don't think about it anymore. 210 00:17:24,350 --> 00:17:26,699 - I thought I might... - You're young. 211 00:17:27,983 --> 00:17:29,299 You will learn. 212 00:17:52,766 --> 00:17:56,665 This is our best chance to save your finger, Sire. 213 00:17:58,233 --> 00:18:01,099 The worms will remove the necrotic flesh 214 00:18:01,366 --> 00:18:03,182 And rot. 215 00:18:08,383 --> 00:18:11,999 I just granted Lord Corlys an audience 216 00:18:12,150 --> 00:18:13,032 E para Rhaenys. 217 00:18:13,300 --> 00:18:15,415 Very kind of you. 218 00:18:15,416 --> 00:18:18,015 Lord Corlys must have appreciated this gesture of mine. 219 00:18:18,800 --> 00:18:20,849 He proposed a marriage to me. 220 00:18:21,883 --> 00:18:23,949 With whom, Your Grace? 221 00:18:24,716 --> 00:18:26,265 Miss Leana. 222 00:18:27,033 --> 00:18:29,065 To join the forces of our homes 223 00:18:29,366 --> 00:18:32,199 And establish that the glory of my kingdom is yet to come, 224 00:18:32,466 --> 00:18:33,515 And it still hasn't passed. 225 00:18:33,666 --> 00:18:35,865 It was presumptuous on the part of Lord Corlys, Your Grace. 226 00:18:36,666 --> 00:18:38,199 This matter should be discussed 227 00:18:38,466 --> 00:18:39,782 To the restricted council. 228 00:18:39,883 --> 00:18:42,332 That's what I'm doing. 229 00:18:44,183 --> 00:18:45,015 Then .. 230 00:18:45,216 --> 00:18:47,815 What do you advise me, my dear Otto? 231 00:18:48,583 --> 00:18:50,132 Mrs Leana 232 00:18:51,183 --> 00:18:53,232 She is very young, Your Grace. 233 00:18:53,766 --> 00:18:58,432 True, but the problems that arose in the Grand Council remain. 234 00:18:58,700 --> 00:19:00,015 marry their daughter 235 00:19:00,266 --> 00:19:03,115 It would help a lot to resolve the outstanding issues. 236 00:19:04,400 --> 00:19:06,732 And the alliance of two great houses 237 00:19:06,983 --> 00:19:08,815 It would be a sign of unity 238 00:19:09,066 --> 00:19:11,499 To the kingdom.. and beyond. 239 00:19:12,133 --> 00:19:14,465 The Grand Master's argument is valid. 240 00:19:16,250 --> 00:19:19,599 - But I fear Rhaenyra's reaction. - Why, my lord? 241 00:19:20,383 --> 00:19:21,682 Your mother died. 242 00:19:22,216 --> 00:19:24,332 Your father has to take care of the succession, that's normal. 243 00:19:31,266 --> 00:19:32,032 Myself... 244 00:19:32,566 --> 00:19:35,399 I loved my wife deeply. 245 00:19:36,116 --> 00:19:39,299 The pain of his death still haunts me. 246 00:19:40,850 --> 00:19:42,415 Being forced to remarry 247 00:19:43,700 --> 00:19:44,482 to replace you 248 00:19:44,733 --> 00:19:46,532 In the name of duty... 249 00:19:47,583 --> 00:19:48,365 you are the king, 250 00:19:50,466 --> 00:19:52,299 But I don't envy you.. 251 00:20:20,050 --> 00:20:22,365 How was the Black Terror? 252 00:20:22,900 --> 00:20:25,482 You were the last to ride Balerion. 253 00:20:25,733 --> 00:20:28,582 Just for a short time, before dying. 254 00:20:29,083 --> 00:20:32,715 Its extinction marked the end of ancient Valyria. 255 00:20:33,483 --> 00:20:35,249 Vhagar is still alive. 256 00:20:35,783 --> 00:20:37,049 Somewhere .. 257 00:20:37,300 --> 00:20:39,332 It's too big for the Dragon Pit. 258 00:20:39,883 --> 00:20:42,215 Some would say it's too big even for our world. 259 00:20:43,250 --> 00:20:45,049 Do you know where he nestled? 260 00:20:45,300 --> 00:20:45,799 What you mean to say? 261 00:20:46,050 --> 00:20:48,132 Do you know where Vhagar is now? 262 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:53,032 According to the dragon guardians, it should be somewhere on the shores of the Narrow Sea. 263 00:20:53,283 --> 00:20:56,382 In the Port of Ibben, we sometimes hear his song.. 264 00:20:56,933 --> 00:20:58,749 They say it's sad. 265 00:21:00,583 --> 00:21:02,399 Loneliness also affects dragons. 266 00:21:09,450 --> 00:21:10,449 It would be an honor for me, 267 00:21:11,250 --> 00:21:15,165 Unite our houses as in the times of ancient Valyria. 268 00:21:15,383 --> 00:21:18,299 I will have children of pure Valyrian blood 269 00:21:18,550 --> 00:21:21,915 To strengthen the royal bloodline, and with it the kingdom. 270 00:21:22,183 --> 00:21:24,249 These are your father's words. 271 00:21:29,400 --> 00:21:30,449 What did your mother tell you? 272 00:21:32,533 --> 00:21:35,865 That I wouldn't sleep with you until I was 14. 273 00:22:01,816 --> 00:22:03,132 It bothers you, right? 274 00:22:09,066 --> 00:22:10,649 My father is the King. 275 00:22:11,150 --> 00:22:14,015 He must remarry and strengthen the bloodline. 276 00:22:14,283 --> 00:22:16,599 I asked if you mind. 277 00:22:16,866 --> 00:22:19,815 Laena is your daughter. Does that bother you? 278 00:22:21,050 --> 00:22:22,349 Clear. 279 00:22:24,183 --> 00:22:27,015 But I understand the order of things. 280 00:22:28,816 --> 00:22:30,615 I doubt this is your case. 281 00:22:33,700 --> 00:22:36,565 If your intention was to arouse my anger, 282 00:22:36,816 --> 00:22:39,415 Know that you have failed, princess. 283 00:22:40,433 --> 00:22:41,732 On the contrary. 284 00:22:45,083 --> 00:22:45,832 let it be my daughter 285 00:22:46,100 --> 00:22:50,249 or someone else, your father will have a new wife. 286 00:22:50,766 --> 00:22:52,815 will generate new heirs 287 00:22:53,083 --> 00:22:55,965 And one of them will inevitably be a boy. 288 00:22:56,433 --> 00:22:58,282 When he comes of age, 289 00:22:58,533 --> 00:23:02,465 You will be considered the heir to the throne, not you. 290 00:23:05,050 --> 00:23:07,115 Because that's the order of things. 291 00:23:09,166 --> 00:23:11,499 Once queen, I will disturb you. 292 00:23:12,800 --> 00:23:15,132 I wish it were possible. 293 00:23:15,916 --> 00:23:20,315 But the kingdom could have appointed a queen to the Great Council of Harrenhal. 294 00:23:20,566 --> 00:23:21,832 He rejected the idea. 295 00:23:22,166 --> 00:23:25,215 They rejected you, Princess Rhaenys 296 00:23:26,000 --> 00:23:27,799 "The Queen Who Wasn't" 297 00:23:28,816 --> 00:23:30,899 Not the idea of ​​a female queen, in fact those same men bowed to me. 298 00:23:31,183 --> 00:23:33,732 And do you remember them bringing them the wine? 299 00:23:38,433 --> 00:23:43,115 Here's the hard truth that no one dared to tell you. 300 00:23:44,166 --> 00:23:46,999 Men would give fire and blood to the kingdom 301 00:23:47,533 --> 00:23:50,382 Instead of seeing a woman rule. 302 00:23:55,300 --> 00:23:58,132 Your father is not naive. 303 00:24:10,883 --> 00:24:13,732 The Select Council urges me to remarry. 304 00:24:16,050 --> 00:24:18,382 The kingdom asks for a new queen. 305 00:24:23,583 --> 00:24:26,699 A kind and generous queen will reassure her subjects. 306 00:24:31,933 --> 00:24:34,499 The select council suggested a name 307 00:24:36,850 --> 00:24:37,365 Lady Corlys 308 00:24:37,633 --> 00:24:41,015 He offered me his daughter's hand. 309 00:24:41,533 --> 00:24:43,099 Miss Leana. 310 00:24:44,133 --> 00:24:45,932 An excellent choice, Your Grace. 311 00:24:48,050 --> 00:24:51,165 I confess I don't know her very well. 312 00:24:51,733 --> 00:24:54,032 She is undoubtedly sweet and generous. 313 00:24:54,300 --> 00:24:56,649 He will enjoy your company, as I will. 314 00:25:12,550 --> 00:25:14,099 I brought a gift. 315 00:25:33,800 --> 00:25:35,615 I asked for it to be fixed. 316 00:25:39,483 --> 00:25:40,782 Your .. 317 00:25:41,816 --> 00:25:44,182 A nice gesture from you, Alicent. 318 00:25:48,366 --> 00:25:48,865 Very kind. 319 00:25:57,216 --> 00:25:58,249 In between. 320 00:26:01,366 --> 00:26:03,132 The King's Hand, Your Grace. 321 00:26:07,650 --> 00:26:10,499 I urgently convened the little council. 322 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:12,049 For what reason? 323 00:26:13,083 --> 00:26:15,332 You better see it directly. 324 00:26:16,666 --> 00:26:17,949 Great. 325 00:26:29,200 --> 00:26:33,700 {\an8}It was when the night was dark, at the time of the bat. 326 00:26:34,700 --> 00:26:38,500 {\an8}The thief escaped our pursuit. 327 00:26:38,600 --> 00:26:41,000 {\an8}How did you manage to steal a dragon egg 328 00:26:41,100 --> 00:26:43,000 {\an8}under the eyes of 50 guards? 329 00:26:43,600 --> 00:26:47,500 {\an8}It was Prince Daemon who took it, Lord. 330 00:26:48,383 --> 00:26:49,132 The prince 331 00:26:49,400 --> 00:26:51,499 He left a missive that contains 332 00:26:51,500 --> 00:26:52,782 One explanation. 333 00:26:53,300 --> 00:26:54,832 "It is with pleasure 334 00:26:55,100 --> 00:26:56,399 That I, Daemon Targaryen, 335 00:26:56,650 --> 00:26:59,199 Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir 336 00:26:59,466 --> 00:27:01,549 From the Iron Throne, 337 00:27:01,816 --> 00:27:04,132 I inform you that I am about to have a second wife, 338 00:27:04,383 --> 00:27:06,965 As in the days of ancient Valyria. 339 00:27:07,233 --> 00:27:08,782 will take the title 340 00:27:09,033 --> 00:27:11,915 From Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. 341 00:27:12,700 --> 00:27:16,299 Your Grace is pregnant. Also, a dragon egg 342 00:27:16,800 --> 00:27:20,165 Will be placed in the crib, as tradition dictates 343 00:27:20,416 --> 00:27:21,982 From House Targaryen. " 344 00:27:22,250 --> 00:27:23,015 The prince 345 00:27:23,516 --> 00:27:25,849 He invited you to his wedding, sir. 346 00:27:26,916 --> 00:27:27,699 In two days. 347 00:27:28,700 --> 00:27:29,999 Gods have mercy. 348 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:32,065 Who is this lady Mysaria? 349 00:27:32,250 --> 00:27:33,615 - We think it's... - You whore. 350 00:27:36,233 --> 00:27:37,799 This is an act of sedition. 351 00:27:38,050 --> 00:27:39,099 I agree. 352 00:27:39,100 --> 00:27:39,865 My brother 353 00:27:40,133 --> 00:27:41,682 Try to provoke me. 354 00:27:42,200 --> 00:27:43,765 He waits for my reaction. 355 00:27:44,016 --> 00:27:46,115 The kingdom is watching, sir. 356 00:27:46,383 --> 00:27:47,632 What should I do? 357 00:27:47,983 --> 00:27:49,532 Send him to the Wall? 358 00:27:50,316 --> 00:27:52,382 Stick your head on a pike? 359 00:27:52,899 --> 00:27:56,699 Daemon conquered Deago Rock, surrounded by his golden cloaks 360 00:27:56,966 --> 00:27:59,282 And stole a scary weapon. 361 00:28:03,900 --> 00:28:05,900 {\an8}What egg did Daemon steal? 362 00:28:12,900 --> 00:28:15,900 {\an8}o of Dreamfyre, princess. 363 00:28:18,400 --> 00:28:22,400 {\an8}the one you chose for Prince Baelon's birthplace. 364 00:28:25,816 --> 00:28:27,449 Collect a supply, Otto. 365 00:28:28,933 --> 00:28:30,499 I'm going to Dragonstone. 366 00:28:30,766 --> 00:28:32,832 - I'll bring Daemon back. - Your grace. 367 00:28:34,399 --> 00:28:37,799 Sorry, I can't agree with that. It's very dangerous. 368 00:28:38,050 --> 00:28:39,599 Daemon is out of control. 369 00:28:40,899 --> 00:28:42,732 Let me go to Dragonstone. 370 00:29:09,166 --> 00:29:10,732 You are absolutely sublime. 371 00:29:12,016 --> 00:29:14,099 Why are you pampering yourself like this? 372 00:29:20,133 --> 00:29:21,932 Do you see the king tonight? 373 00:29:25,016 --> 00:29:26,299 If yes you want. 374 00:29:29,399 --> 00:29:31,765 - Good morning, Ser Criston. - My lady. 375 00:29:32,283 --> 00:29:35,082 I've gathered your top 20 guards, Lord Main. 376 00:29:35,583 --> 00:29:37,398 Ser Harrold will accompany us. 377 00:29:41,533 --> 00:29:43,615 Take care of the Hand, Ser Criston. 378 00:31:01,583 --> 00:31:03,665 Welcome to Dragonstone, Otto. 379 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:08,315 Your stay on this island is about to end. 380 00:31:09,383 --> 00:31:12,749 Return the dragon egg, dismiss your army, 381 00:31:13,016 --> 00:31:14,582 banish your whore 382 00:31:15,883 --> 00:31:17,415 And let Dragonstone, 383 00:31:17,566 --> 00:31:18,465 By order of the king... 384 00:31:18,716 --> 00:31:19,515 Where? 385 00:31:19,800 --> 00:31:21,599 - ..I don't see it. - Your Majesty 386 00:31:21,883 --> 00:31:24,449 He would never approve of games like that. 387 00:31:29,700 --> 00:31:31,282 Ser Crispin, correct? 388 00:31:31,550 --> 00:31:32,815 Sor Criston Cole. 389 00:31:33,100 --> 00:31:34,932 Sorry. She had escaped me. 390 00:31:35,466 --> 00:31:37,782 Like the day I knocked you out in the tournament? 391 00:31:40,383 --> 00:31:41,132 Great. 392 00:31:41,399 --> 00:31:43,765 What a heartbreaking sight, Daemon 393 00:31:44,033 --> 00:31:47,949 To get the king's attention, are you acting like a populin simpleton? 394 00:31:48,466 --> 00:31:52,632 I simply follow the traditions of my home, just like my brother is doing. 395 00:31:53,166 --> 00:31:55,215 Traditions apply to real children, 396 00:31:55,500 --> 00:31:58,115 Not for bastards born to any whore. 397 00:31:58,899 --> 00:32:01,765 - Lady Mysaria is my future wife - It's despicable. 398 00:32:02,033 --> 00:32:04,132 You profane your name, 399 00:32:04,316 --> 00:32:05,665 Your house and the king. 400 00:32:05,933 --> 00:32:08,782 Love ignores titles and traditions. 401 00:32:10,083 --> 00:32:11,665 And you men of the Guard 402 00:32:12,450 --> 00:32:13,749 You are helping a traitor 403 00:32:14,000 --> 00:32:17,099 The king appointed me commander, my golden robes are faithful to me. 404 00:32:18,149 --> 00:32:19,982 You came for the egg. 405 00:32:21,533 --> 00:32:22,582 Here it is. 406 00:32:24,166 --> 00:32:25,465 You are crazy? 407 00:32:25,883 --> 00:32:27,299 You will never survive rebelling like this. 408 00:32:27,566 --> 00:32:28,865 Neither you. 409 00:32:29,899 --> 00:32:30,965 Choose violence, 410 00:32:31,016 --> 00:32:33,015 It would be to declare war 411 00:32:33,266 --> 00:32:34,315 To your king. 412 00:32:34,566 --> 00:32:35,615 It is wonderful. 413 00:32:36,899 --> 00:32:39,982 Even if you are the recipient of losing your unborn child and mother? 414 00:33:17,216 --> 00:33:17,732 Guards! 415 00:33:19,316 --> 00:33:20,349 Set the blades aside. 416 00:34:25,699 --> 00:34:28,515 - What are you doing? - I avoid a bloodbath. 417 00:34:28,766 --> 00:34:31,115 Ser Criston, bring the princess to safety. 418 00:34:31,650 --> 00:34:33,215 Don't panic Syrax. 419 00:34:34,266 --> 00:34:35,799 He fiercely protects me. 420 00:34:38,000 --> 00:34:42,500 {\an8}My father made me princess of Dragon Stone. 421 00:34:42,800 --> 00:34:46,400 {\an8}It is my castle that you occupy my uncle. 422 00:34:46,600 --> 00:34:48,600 {\an8}It will be yours when you come of age. 423 00:34:48,900 --> 00:34:51,200 {\an8}You upset your king. 424 00:34:51,400 --> 00:34:53,200 {\an8}And how did I annoy him? 425 00:34:53,500 --> 00:34:55,500 {\an8}Today I celebrate my wedding. 426 00:34:55,500 --> 00:34:57,200 {\an8}You already have a wife. 427 00:34:57,200 --> 00:34:58,900 {\an8}That I didn't choose. 428 00:35:00,100 --> 00:35:04,600 {\an8}And that's why you had to steal my brother's egg? 429 00:35:04,700 --> 00:35:06,900 {\an8}A dragon shared its cradle. 430 00:35:07,100 --> 00:35:09,400 {\an8}It will be the same for my son. 431 00:35:10,600 --> 00:35:12,100 {\an8}Will you be a father? 432 00:35:14,500 --> 00:35:16,000 {\an8}One day. 433 00:35:24,000 --> 00:35:26,049 Here I am in front of you, uncle. 434 00:35:28,650 --> 00:35:30,215 The object of your wrath. 435 00:35:30,733 --> 00:35:33,332 The reason for your disinheritance. 436 00:35:33,566 --> 00:35:37,449 If you want to be the heir, you'll have to kill me. 437 00:35:38,483 --> 00:35:40,032 So do it. 438 00:35:40,983 --> 00:35:43,149 Put an end to these inconveniences. 439 00:37:31,333 --> 00:37:33,899 You announced our marriage 440 00:37:35,166 --> 00:37:36,432 Tomorrow. 441 00:37:38,266 --> 00:37:40,282 And I was expecting a baby 442 00:37:40,783 --> 00:37:42,332 Your baby. 443 00:37:42,600 --> 00:37:45,365 When we get married, that can happen. 444 00:37:45,616 --> 00:37:49,215 I did what it took to never have to give birth. 445 00:37:49,483 --> 00:37:52,065 Well, kids are annoying. 446 00:37:52,316 --> 00:37:54,649 You swore to protect me. 447 00:37:57,016 --> 00:37:58,315 Dragonstone is a safe place. 448 00:38:00,883 --> 00:38:04,732 Until the king claims the seat of his ancestors. 449 00:38:05,766 --> 00:38:07,832 Your men will not kill the prince, 450 00:38:08,083 --> 00:38:11,699 But what will they do with the whore he says he married 451 00:38:11,700 --> 00:38:12,732 And who is pregnant? 452 00:38:12,983 --> 00:38:14,515 Nobody will touch you. 453 00:38:15,516 --> 00:38:19,365 I've been sold numerous times. 454 00:38:19,900 --> 00:38:22,949 Since my birth.. in a land I forgot. 455 00:38:24,216 --> 00:38:27,565 I lived most of my days in terror. 456 00:38:28,350 --> 00:38:30,132 You are safe with me. 457 00:38:30,400 --> 00:38:31,432 You are a Targaryen. 458 00:38:31,683 --> 00:38:35,015 You can have fun teasing the king. 459 00:38:35,300 --> 00:38:36,565 But I do not. 460 00:38:38,366 --> 00:38:40,415 I'm not with you for the gold, 461 00:38:40,683 --> 00:38:41,982 For your power, 462 00:38:42,250 --> 00:38:43,549 or the color of your hair. 463 00:38:44,600 --> 00:38:46,682 I just wanted to be released. 464 00:38:46,933 --> 00:38:47,982 released? 465 00:38:51,150 --> 00:38:52,182 Of what? 466 00:38:53,466 --> 00:38:54,732 From fear. 467 00:39:20,616 --> 00:39:22,382 Please, Lorde Lyonel. 468 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:30,699 I seek an honest opinion. 469 00:39:30,966 --> 00:39:33,049 I wouldn't be able to do anything else. 470 00:39:34,066 --> 00:39:36,665 Since my name was spoken at the Great Council, 471 00:39:37,666 --> 00:39:40,549 I feel Corlys Velaryon's envious gaze on me, 472 00:39:40,800 --> 00:39:42,582 Across the black waters 473 00:39:43,366 --> 00:39:46,182 You are the highest rank in the kingdom. 474 00:39:46,716 --> 00:39:48,799 The envious I can see what they want. 475 00:39:52,700 --> 00:39:54,499 Laena Velaryon. 476 00:39:56,033 --> 00:39:58,615 Lord Corlys is the commander of your ship. 477 00:39:59,400 --> 00:40:01,449 Laena is the oldest in the richest house 478 00:40:01,733 --> 00:40:02,749 Of Kingdom. 479 00:40:03,016 --> 00:40:06,382 He comes from impeccable Valyrian stock. 480 00:40:06,650 --> 00:40:08,965 And he has Targaryen blood. 481 00:40:09,216 --> 00:40:10,765 What would be the problem? 482 00:40:10,983 --> 00:40:12,049 She is only 12 years old. 483 00:40:12,300 --> 00:40:13,582 But it will grow. 484 00:40:16,150 --> 00:40:17,415 I don't want to get married again. 485 00:40:18,216 --> 00:40:21,565 As king, some things need to be done. 486 00:40:22,333 --> 00:40:23,349 Like it or not. 487 00:40:23,600 --> 00:40:26,149 You will not escape marriage. 488 00:40:26,683 --> 00:40:28,732 And if I refuse your proposal 489 00:40:29,250 --> 00:40:31,332 He can take it wrong. 490 00:40:32,083 --> 00:40:35,899 Apart from a direct link to the throne, nothing will satisfy you. 491 00:40:36,650 --> 00:40:41,015 Keep in mind the shadow of war hanging over the Stepstones. 492 00:40:42,050 --> 00:40:44,599 The Sea Serpent owns half of our fleet. 493 00:40:44,850 --> 00:40:47,699 He would not deprive the kingdom of his support. 494 00:40:49,250 --> 00:40:52,265 - Who is he to deceive me? - Nobody. 495 00:40:54,083 --> 00:40:57,649 However, Lamarck is a better ally than an enemy. 496 00:40:59,183 --> 00:41:01,749 Corlys' gesture is calculated and natural 497 00:41:02,016 --> 00:41:03,299 For a man of his position. 498 00:41:05,666 --> 00:41:09,182 - You want an honest opinion... - Yes. 499 00:41:10,466 --> 00:41:12,265 Marry Laena Velaryon, Your Grace. 500 00:41:13,566 --> 00:41:16,632 Heed Lord Corlys' request and secure his support. 501 00:41:16,900 --> 00:41:18,182 Once and for all. 502 00:41:23,350 --> 00:41:24,382 Your grace. 503 00:41:24,650 --> 00:41:27,199 The princess has returned from Dragonstone. 504 00:41:27,700 --> 00:41:29,249 From Dragonstone? 505 00:41:48,266 --> 00:41:49,299 Your grace. 506 00:41:53,416 --> 00:41:54,949 You disobeyed me. 507 00:41:55,466 --> 00:41:58,765 You fled Port-Réal without saying a word. 508 00:41:59,550 --> 00:42:00,799 and you acted 509 00:42:01,050 --> 00:42:02,832 Without the king's permission. 510 00:42:05,850 --> 00:42:07,715 You are my only heir. 511 00:42:09,033 --> 00:42:11,065 You could have been killed! 512 00:42:14,383 --> 00:42:15,549 Can I seat? 513 00:42:26,650 --> 00:42:28,932 You went to Dragonstone. 514 00:42:29,400 --> 00:42:30,949 I took the egg without violence. 515 00:42:33,450 --> 00:42:36,832 A feat Ser Otto could not have accomplished alone. 516 00:42:39,383 --> 00:42:40,899 Yup. eh well... 517 00:42:45,533 --> 00:42:48,065 I forget how much you look like her. 518 00:42:58,100 --> 00:42:59,615 your mother's absence 519 00:43:00,116 --> 00:43:02,415 It's a wound that will never heal. 520 00:43:03,433 --> 00:43:04,982 Without her, 521 00:43:05,500 --> 00:43:09,332 The Red Keep has lost a warmth it will never regain. 522 00:43:09,850 --> 00:43:13,132 Glad to hear that from you. 523 00:43:16,950 --> 00:43:19,782 And knowing that my grief is shared. 524 00:43:20,816 --> 00:43:24,615 I wish I could have comforted you better after his death. 525 00:43:27,150 --> 00:43:30,732 I had a hard time conceiving that my daughter was becoming a woman. 526 00:43:34,816 --> 00:43:36,115 But I know 527 00:43:36,900 --> 00:43:37,915 who understands 528 00:43:38,183 --> 00:43:40,215 What is expected of me. 529 00:43:40,733 --> 00:43:42,515 The king must take a wife. 530 00:43:47,566 --> 00:43:49,882 I can never replace your mother. 531 00:43:51,916 --> 00:43:53,982 And I will not change my line of succession. 532 00:43:56,533 --> 00:43:59,615 But you are my only heir and our line of succession is fragile. 533 00:43:59,866 --> 00:44:00,882 It can be broken easily. 534 00:44:02,166 --> 00:44:05,415 By remarrying, I will be able to secure our protection. 535 00:44:05,733 --> 00:44:06,732 Against who? 536 00:44:07,000 --> 00:44:08,799 Who wants to challenge us. 537 00:44:15,466 --> 00:44:18,015 I don't want to break our union. 538 00:44:18,533 --> 00:44:19,815 You are the king. 539 00:44:20,600 --> 00:44:23,932 Your supreme duty is to the kingdom. 540 00:44:27,033 --> 00:44:29,065 Mom would understand. 541 00:44:31,350 --> 00:44:33,132 Just as I understand. 542 00:45:17,950 --> 00:45:19,982 hello, gentlemen 543 00:45:30,816 --> 00:45:33,915 I decided to take a new wife. 544 00:45:51,533 --> 00:45:53,332 I'm getting married... 545 00:45:59,800 --> 00:46:01,632 com Lady Alicent Hightower, 546 00:46:03,716 --> 00:46:05,265 Until late spring. 547 00:46:11,850 --> 00:46:13,415 But it doesn't make any sense. 548 00:46:14,733 --> 00:46:17,599 My house is of Valyrian descent. 549 00:46:17,600 --> 00:46:19,699 The most powerful in the kingdom. 550 00:46:20,733 --> 00:46:22,299 And I am your king. 551 00:46:46,266 --> 00:46:47,582 Rhaenyra. 552 00:47:09,216 --> 00:47:12,615 House Velaryon originated in the times of ancient Valyria. 553 00:47:14,433 --> 00:47:17,265 It is older than House Targaryen, 554 00:47:18,816 --> 00:47:20,649 According to some writings. 555 00:47:21,933 --> 00:47:24,015 Unlike the Targaryens, 556 00:47:24,550 --> 00:47:26,615 We were not dragon lords. 557 00:47:27,916 --> 00:47:31,849 For centuries, my house drew its sustenance from the sea. 558 00:47:32,100 --> 00:47:34,682 With tenacity and luck. 559 00:47:36,766 --> 00:47:39,132 When I ascended the throne of Driftwood, 560 00:47:40,183 --> 00:47:41,999 I knew what I wanted. 561 00:47:43,833 --> 00:47:45,899 Then I understood. 562 00:47:47,200 --> 00:47:49,015 Unlike other gentlemen, 563 00:47:49,266 --> 00:47:53,715 I built my throne with sweat on my forehead. 564 00:48:00,000 --> 00:48:02,332 I always thought that you and me 565 00:48:02,616 --> 00:48:04,432 We were made of the same fabric. 566 00:48:13,000 --> 00:48:15,582 I didn't know your brother was king. 567 00:48:15,833 --> 00:48:19,199 We both have to chart our destinies. 568 00:48:19,933 --> 00:48:23,099 We have been ignored far too often. 569 00:48:25,450 --> 00:48:28,849 Did you take me to Driftmark to remind me of my post? 570 00:48:29,100 --> 00:48:31,182 Or is there another reason? 571 00:48:34,550 --> 00:48:36,615 A conflict shakes the Steps. 572 00:48:39,483 --> 00:48:40,549 A Myrien prince 573 00:48:40,800 --> 00:48:43,399 He feeds the sailors crabs. 574 00:48:43,666 --> 00:48:47,782 I asked the king to send my fleet to this area. 575 00:48:48,300 --> 00:48:50,099 But he refused. 576 00:48:50,366 --> 00:48:52,165 It was never your forte. 577 00:48:52,450 --> 00:48:53,749 Thing? 578 00:48:54,816 --> 00:48:56,132 be king. 579 00:49:00,800 --> 00:49:03,649 nutrigranchi has the support of the Free Cities 580 00:49:03,900 --> 00:49:05,965 who would love to see Westeros weakened. 581 00:49:08,333 --> 00:49:11,699 The king's lack of attention allowed him to gain strength. 582 00:49:13,516 --> 00:49:15,899 If we lose these sea lanes, 583 00:49:16,400 --> 00:49:18,199 My house will be shaken. 584 00:49:19,216 --> 00:49:22,099 Driftmark won't fall while the king warms up 585 00:49:22,366 --> 00:49:24,715 At feasts, dances and tournaments. 586 00:49:24,983 --> 00:49:27,565 I'll talk to my brother whenever and however I want. 587 00:49:29,666 --> 00:49:30,715 You are not going. 588 00:49:34,400 --> 00:49:36,999 An attack on the Steps would allow you to 589 00:49:37,266 --> 00:49:40,365 to prove its worth to those who doubt it. 590 00:49:42,183 --> 00:49:44,799 We are the eldest children in the kingdom. 591 00:49:46,100 --> 00:49:52,199 Our value is not taken for granted, it must be created.