1 00:02:47,421 --> 00:02:48,922 I'll kill them! 2 00:02:49,548 --> 00:02:50,966 I'll kill them all! 3 00:02:51,466 --> 00:02:53,592 Traitors and villains! 4 00:02:53,593 --> 00:02:55,302 - They dare strike at me! - Your Grace. 5 00:02:55,303 --> 00:02:57,888 - I am the king! - Your Grace! Yes, yes. 6 00:02:57,889 --> 00:03:00,350 - I am the king! - Yes, Your Grace. Please, Your Grace. 7 00:03:01,726 --> 00:03:03,437 Traitors and villains! 8 00:03:05,188 --> 00:03:06,398 Fire from the sky. 9 00:03:06,982 --> 00:03:09,818 This is war! I declare war! 10 00:03:11,236 --> 00:03:13,196 I declare war! 11 00:04:09,628 --> 00:04:11,838 The gates have been shut. 12 00:04:13,131 --> 00:04:15,133 The search progresses. 13 00:04:16,176 --> 00:04:18,178 The villain will be found. 14 00:04:19,596 --> 00:04:22,432 We mustn't be shaken by this. 15 00:04:26,144 --> 00:04:27,896 This act. 16 00:04:31,608 --> 00:04:34,444 - The child. - The child is dead. 17 00:04:37,572 --> 00:04:39,408 His pain is ended. 18 00:04:42,869 --> 00:04:45,664 But what they've done to my girl. 19 00:04:46,248 --> 00:04:47,457 Yes. 20 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:04,516 And they will pay for this. 21 00:05:15,402 --> 00:05:16,236 Who will pay? 22 00:05:16,237 --> 00:05:19,447 Whosever hand did this or caused it to be done. 23 00:05:19,448 --> 00:05:23,910 And what if the hand that's done it is not who must be blamed? 24 00:05:25,537 --> 00:05:28,832 The gods punish us. They punish me. 25 00:05:30,333 --> 00:05:31,960 For what sin? 26 00:05:36,089 --> 00:05:37,381 Daughter, listen to me. 27 00:05:37,382 --> 00:05:44,389 We will mourn as we must, but some good may yet come of this. 28 00:05:47,058 --> 00:05:50,436 And where were the members of this council while the murderer threatened their king? 29 00:05:50,437 --> 00:05:51,729 Were you also threatened, Your Grace? 30 00:05:51,730 --> 00:05:53,023 I could have been! 31 00:05:57,110 --> 00:05:59,738 My son is my legacy! 32 00:06:00,906 --> 00:06:03,658 My son is heir to the Iron Throne! 33 00:06:05,619 --> 00:06:08,954 And where were you, the Lord Commander of my Kingsguard? 34 00:06:08,955 --> 00:06:11,917 I was abed, Your Grace, having ordered the Night's Watch. 35 00:06:12,501 --> 00:06:13,502 Abed. 36 00:06:14,336 --> 00:06:15,545 Abed! 37 00:06:16,463 --> 00:06:19,382 Instead of safeguarding the sanctity of my family! 38 00:06:20,008 --> 00:06:23,052 This is not the time for blind accusations, Your Grace. 39 00:06:23,053 --> 00:06:24,720 We'll know who did this soon enough. 40 00:06:24,721 --> 00:06:27,264 Who did this? Who... What? 41 00:06:27,265 --> 00:06:29,725 Is there any question who did this? 42 00:06:29,726 --> 00:06:33,187 Who would do this save the bitch queen of bastards, 43 00:06:33,188 --> 00:06:35,856 the smug cunt of Dragonstone? 44 00:06:35,857 --> 00:06:39,318 There she sits across the bay, on her rock, laughing at me. 45 00:06:39,319 --> 00:06:42,155 She's fucking laughing at me! 46 00:06:50,414 --> 00:06:52,123 You wished her life to be spared. 47 00:06:52,124 --> 00:06:54,959 If I may, Your Grace. My Lords. 48 00:06:54,960 --> 00:06:57,045 The guard has detained someone. 49 00:06:57,629 --> 00:07:00,257 The man we apprehended is known to us. 50 00:07:01,133 --> 00:07:02,259 He's a gold cloak. 51 00:07:03,260 --> 00:07:04,760 Noted for his brutal nature. 52 00:07:04,761 --> 00:07:07,263 We caught him, fleeing the Gate of the Gods 53 00:07:07,264 --> 00:07:09,599 with the child's head in a sack. 54 00:07:12,310 --> 00:07:13,686 I'll kill him myself. 55 00:07:13,687 --> 00:07:17,315 We'd do well to get what information we can from the blackguard. 56 00:07:18,859 --> 00:07:21,652 I trust in the mastery of your trade, Lord Larys. 57 00:07:21,653 --> 00:07:23,988 Oh, always studying, always protocol. 58 00:07:23,989 --> 00:07:25,364 We know our enemy! 59 00:07:25,365 --> 00:07:28,618 A king may have more than one enemy, Your Grace. 60 00:07:29,035 --> 00:07:32,621 We would do well to ascertain if this is your sister's hand 61 00:07:32,622 --> 00:07:36,000 or if there is a serpent nestled closer to our bosoms. 62 00:07:36,001 --> 00:07:38,086 I suppose you're right, Ironrod. 63 00:07:39,087 --> 00:07:40,839 Could be anyone. 64 00:07:41,882 --> 00:07:45,093 It could be any one of you in this room. 65 00:07:55,061 --> 00:07:56,897 Lord Jasper is correct. 66 00:07:57,689 --> 00:07:59,982 In one sense, we must determine what happened 67 00:07:59,983 --> 00:08:02,985 and if we in the Keep are still in peril. 68 00:08:02,986 --> 00:08:05,363 In another sense, of course, 69 00:08:07,783 --> 00:08:09,409 it doesn't matter. 70 00:08:12,496 --> 00:08:14,498 You mean to blame Rhaenyra. 71 00:08:15,290 --> 00:08:17,249 Tell the realm she has done this. 72 00:08:17,250 --> 00:08:20,961 I'll have the realm told nothing. We were assaulted within our own walls. 73 00:08:20,962 --> 00:08:24,340 Within our own beds. I will not be seen as weak. 74 00:08:24,341 --> 00:08:26,968 You're already seen as weak, Aegon. 75 00:08:28,345 --> 00:08:29,971 You fucking... 76 00:08:36,228 --> 00:08:39,021 A hasty coronation, a dragon escaping the pit. 77 00:08:39,022 --> 00:08:40,398 The people see an omen. 78 00:08:41,316 --> 00:08:42,817 They whisper in the streets. 79 00:08:42,818 --> 00:08:45,694 They say, perhaps Rhaenyra should be queen. 80 00:08:45,695 --> 00:08:50,283 And so, you would name her: monster. Slayer of infants. 81 00:08:50,951 --> 00:08:53,536 I would do more than that. 82 00:08:53,537 --> 00:08:56,747 A funeral progress. Let them see the child. 83 00:08:56,748 --> 00:09:01,002 Let them look upon the works of this pretender to the throne. 84 00:09:03,380 --> 00:09:04,464 Father. 85 00:09:07,467 --> 00:09:09,469 - My king... - No. 86 00:09:10,137 --> 00:09:13,722 I will not have my little son's body 87 00:09:13,723 --> 00:09:15,599 dragged through the street like a dead dog. 88 00:09:15,600 --> 00:09:17,686 Not dragged! Honored! 89 00:09:18,395 --> 00:09:22,524 Escorted to the dragon pit to be burned as a Targaryen prince. 90 00:09:23,567 --> 00:09:24,734 Your Grace. 91 00:09:24,735 --> 00:09:26,611 No. 92 00:09:32,826 --> 00:09:35,454 Let no one say I do not grieve. 93 00:09:36,121 --> 00:09:38,581 Jaehaerys was my grandson. I loved him. 94 00:09:38,582 --> 00:09:41,501 I will not have him die in vain. 95 00:09:42,461 --> 00:09:44,044 Those who declared for Rhaenyra, 96 00:09:44,045 --> 00:09:46,797 will they still support her when they hear of her depravity? 97 00:09:46,798 --> 00:09:48,884 Or will they rather not renounce her? 98 00:09:51,178 --> 00:09:55,182 Jaehaerys will do more for us now than a thousand knights in battle. 99 00:10:01,563 --> 00:10:03,522 You will have your war, Your Grace. 100 00:10:03,523 --> 00:10:08,236 But if you wait a short time, you may yet double your strength. 101 00:10:10,906 --> 00:10:12,115 Mother. 102 00:10:17,370 --> 00:10:20,539 The Hand sets on a difficult path, my darling, 103 00:10:20,540 --> 00:10:22,834 but it might be the right one. 104 00:10:23,585 --> 00:10:27,630 Let the Silent Sisters ready the prince for his final journey. 105 00:10:27,631 --> 00:10:30,841 And riding behind him, his mother the Queen, 106 00:10:30,842 --> 00:10:32,968 and with her, the Queen Dowager. 107 00:10:32,969 --> 00:10:34,595 No, I do not wish to be a spectacle. 108 00:10:34,596 --> 00:10:38,224 The realm must see the sorrow of the crown, 109 00:10:38,225 --> 00:10:41,978 a sorrow best expressed through its most gentle souls. 110 00:10:45,148 --> 00:10:50,362 I think you'll all agree the king himself must be spared. 111 00:11:05,460 --> 00:11:08,088 There's to be a funeral for Jaehaerys. 112 00:11:13,552 --> 00:11:16,555 We've been asked to ride on a wagon behind his body. 113 00:11:22,018 --> 00:11:23,437 I don't want to. 114 00:11:25,063 --> 00:11:26,690 Neither do I. 115 00:11:28,859 --> 00:11:30,861 But when a thing like this happens, 116 00:11:32,195 --> 00:11:34,823 a blow to the king is a blow to the realm. 117 00:11:35,907 --> 00:11:37,950 When the people share our grief, they draw closer to us. 118 00:11:37,951 --> 00:11:39,703 I don't want them closer. 119 00:11:40,787 --> 00:11:42,497 I don't know them. 120 00:11:43,665 --> 00:11:45,584 Sometimes, we have to pretend. 121 00:11:47,919 --> 00:11:48,919 Why? 122 00:11:50,046 --> 00:11:52,507 We are representatives of the throne. We have a duty. 123 00:11:55,469 --> 00:11:58,262 Helaena, what you saw last night when you came to my room... 124 00:11:58,263 --> 00:12:00,515 This is for my boy. 125 00:13:19,261 --> 00:13:22,139 I was hired by Daemon Targaryen. 126 00:13:22,806 --> 00:13:25,766 He paid us. Half now, half when the job is done. 127 00:13:25,767 --> 00:13:28,270 - Who is "us"? - A ratcatcher. 128 00:13:29,229 --> 00:13:33,400 Employed by the household. I don't know his right name. 129 00:13:42,117 --> 00:13:48,623 Behold the works of Rhaenyra Targaryen! 130 00:13:51,168 --> 00:13:55,172 Pretender to the throne! 131 00:13:58,425 --> 00:14:00,301 Kingslayer! 132 00:14:00,302 --> 00:14:02,386 Deepest sympathies, my Queen. 133 00:14:02,387 --> 00:14:04,054 Gods be with you, my Queen. 134 00:14:04,055 --> 00:14:05,931 We support you, Queen Helaena. 135 00:14:05,932 --> 00:14:10,020 Defiler of the innocent! 136 00:14:17,486 --> 00:14:22,699 Behold the works of Rhaenyra, the cruel! 137 00:14:25,577 --> 00:14:27,579 Are you gonna hurt me? 138 00:14:28,663 --> 00:14:29,790 No. 139 00:14:31,541 --> 00:14:33,376 But I cannot vouch for His Grace. 140 00:14:58,693 --> 00:15:04,657 Behold the works of Rhaenyra Targaryen! 141 00:15:04,658 --> 00:15:06,492 Our Queen! 142 00:15:06,493 --> 00:15:10,580 Pretender to the throne! 143 00:15:13,375 --> 00:15:15,460 Kingslayer! 144 00:15:35,230 --> 00:15:37,441 Queen Helaena! 145 00:15:42,612 --> 00:15:43,780 What's happening there? 146 00:15:46,533 --> 00:15:48,285 What's going on? Move it, then! 147 00:15:53,665 --> 00:15:56,001 - Queen Helaena! - Helaena. 148 00:16:02,674 --> 00:16:04,509 Queen Helaena! 149 00:16:08,054 --> 00:16:09,139 Helaena. 150 00:16:09,723 --> 00:16:12,225 Heave! Heave! 151 00:16:18,815 --> 00:16:23,195 A curse, a curse on Rhaenyra, the monstrous! 152 00:16:30,118 --> 00:16:34,080 It is yet unclear how the Keep itself was breached. 153 00:16:34,081 --> 00:16:36,416 The boy's head was severed from his body. 154 00:16:37,375 --> 00:16:40,003 Thousands witnessed the procession. 155 00:16:40,629 --> 00:16:43,923 And they are accusing me of having a hand in this. 156 00:16:43,924 --> 00:16:45,549 It appears so. 157 00:16:45,550 --> 00:16:48,344 There have been messages sent to that effect 158 00:16:48,345 --> 00:16:49,638 throughout the realm. 159 00:16:50,847 --> 00:16:54,809 We must send our own messages, denying this vile allegation. 160 00:16:54,810 --> 00:16:56,519 I will do so at once 161 00:16:56,520 --> 00:16:58,854 but I'm not sure they will be received in good faith. 162 00:16:58,855 --> 00:17:02,275 And we must double our guard, here and in Driftmark. 163 00:17:03,443 --> 00:17:05,653 There will be swift retribution in one form or another... 164 00:17:05,654 --> 00:17:07,614 I have seen to it, Your Grace. 165 00:17:08,782 --> 00:17:10,741 Let me fly out on Vermax. 166 00:17:10,742 --> 00:17:12,701 Rhaenys is needed in the Gullet and I can watch for movements 167 00:17:12,702 --> 00:17:14,746 - from King's Landing. - No. 168 00:17:16,248 --> 00:17:19,708 It must be said that the damage to our position is immeasurable, 169 00:17:19,709 --> 00:17:23,422 at a time when we most need loyalty to our cause. 170 00:17:24,214 --> 00:17:26,216 But it's a lie. 171 00:17:27,175 --> 00:17:29,885 Having lost my own son, 172 00:17:29,886 --> 00:17:34,433 that I would inflict such a thing on Helaena, of all people. 173 00:17:35,517 --> 00:17:37,227 An innocent. 174 00:17:43,316 --> 00:17:47,779 The death of Prince Lucerys was a shock and an insult. 175 00:17:48,780 --> 00:17:53,159 A mother so aggrieved might, naturally, seek relief in retribution. 176 00:17:53,160 --> 00:17:55,077 Are you suggesting, Ser Alfred, 177 00:17:55,078 --> 00:17:58,205 that my grief drove me to order the decapitation of a child? 178 00:17:58,206 --> 00:18:02,293 I merely thought, perhaps, an action taken in haste. 179 00:18:02,294 --> 00:18:03,795 Mind yourself. 180 00:18:22,856 --> 00:18:26,233 Did you send assassins to murder children in their beds? 181 00:18:26,234 --> 00:18:27,943 I sent the queen's vengeance for her son. 182 00:18:27,944 --> 00:18:29,779 What did you tell this "vengeance"? 183 00:18:29,780 --> 00:18:32,073 What did you say to him, Daemon, 184 00:18:32,074 --> 00:18:34,158 that a boy lies dead and I am accused of killing it? 185 00:18:34,159 --> 00:18:36,494 Mysaria provided me with names and a subterfuge. 186 00:18:36,495 --> 00:18:41,499 I was clear in my instructions: Aemond, the brother of Aegon the Usurper. 187 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:44,211 - I cannot be responsible for a mistake. - Cannot be responsible? 188 00:18:49,800 --> 00:18:53,886 If Aemond was not to be found, what were your instructions then? 189 00:18:53,887 --> 00:18:55,346 They did not concern, in any way, 190 00:18:55,347 --> 00:18:57,515 - that of a little child. - You said that it was your aim 191 00:18:57,516 --> 00:19:01,143 to spill Hightower blood, and if not Aemond, then anyone would do. 192 00:19:01,144 --> 00:19:03,437 - No. - You have wounded me. 193 00:19:03,438 --> 00:19:05,481 Weakened my claim to the throne, 194 00:19:05,482 --> 00:19:09,610 my ability to raise an army, my standing among my own council. 195 00:19:09,611 --> 00:19:11,946 I said no. 196 00:19:11,947 --> 00:19:13,949 I don't believe you. 197 00:19:25,252 --> 00:19:27,879 And so we come to it, at long last. 198 00:19:32,551 --> 00:19:34,553 Cannot trust you, Daemon. 199 00:19:36,513 --> 00:19:41,435 I've never trusted you, wholly, much though I wished to, willed myself to. 200 00:19:43,395 --> 00:19:46,397 But now I have seen that your heart belongs only to you. 201 00:19:46,398 --> 00:19:49,483 And when I was a child, I took this as a challenge. 202 00:19:49,484 --> 00:19:52,069 But I am older now. I have challenges enough. 203 00:19:52,070 --> 00:19:54,238 - I have served you faithfully. - Have you? 204 00:19:54,239 --> 00:19:56,991 Or have you used me as a tool 205 00:19:56,992 --> 00:19:59,786 with which to grasp at your stolen inheritance? 206 00:20:18,221 --> 00:20:20,598 When Ser Erryk brought you the crown, 207 00:20:20,599 --> 00:20:23,309 did I myself not place it upon your brow? 208 00:20:23,310 --> 00:20:27,897 Yes, but before that, you sought to lead a council of war 209 00:20:27,898 --> 00:20:30,816 while I labored alone in my bedchamber. 210 00:20:30,817 --> 00:20:32,818 And afterward, when I thought it meet to consider 211 00:20:32,819 --> 00:20:35,071 - the terms our foes put before us... - A folly! A folly! 212 00:20:35,072 --> 00:20:37,239 To give up my brother's throne to the traitorous lies 213 00:20:37,240 --> 00:20:39,825 - of Otto Hightower! - My throne, Daemon, 214 00:20:39,826 --> 00:20:41,285 mine! 215 00:20:41,286 --> 00:20:45,999 I think you used my words as an excuse to take your own revenge, 216 00:20:46,750 --> 00:20:50,127 to indulge the darkness you keep sheathed within you like a blade. 217 00:20:50,128 --> 00:20:51,587 You think me some kind of monster... 218 00:20:51,588 --> 00:20:52,922 I don't know what to think of you. 219 00:20:52,923 --> 00:20:55,341 I don't know what you are, or who it is you serve. 220 00:20:55,342 --> 00:20:57,301 Am I not on my way, even now, 221 00:20:57,302 --> 00:21:02,140 to Harrenhal to raise an army in your name, Rhaenyra? Yours! 222 00:21:09,940 --> 00:21:14,569 Do you accept me as your queen and ruler? 223 00:21:17,489 --> 00:21:20,700 Or do you cling, even now, to what you think you lost? 224 00:21:23,036 --> 00:21:25,621 - What I think I lost? - You did not lose it. 225 00:21:25,622 --> 00:21:27,581 You gave it away 226 00:21:27,582 --> 00:21:31,043 because you thought ever and only of your own glory 227 00:21:31,044 --> 00:21:32,503 and not of my father in his grief 228 00:21:32,504 --> 00:21:33,879 - who needed you. - Your father was a coward 229 00:21:33,880 --> 00:21:36,966 who knew I was the stronger son, that I was the leader of men 230 00:21:36,967 --> 00:21:38,551 and he was afraid to be seen in my shadow. 231 00:21:38,552 --> 00:21:40,177 Is that what you understand of your own brother? 232 00:21:40,178 --> 00:21:42,930 You know him better than I do, who was raised at his side? 233 00:21:42,931 --> 00:21:45,891 Do you believe he made you heir because of your great wisdom? 234 00:21:45,892 --> 00:21:47,227 Because of your virtue? 235 00:21:48,145 --> 00:21:50,479 - How dare you. - Or did he merely use you as a tool 236 00:21:50,480 --> 00:21:53,983 to put me in my place because he was afraid of me? 237 00:21:53,984 --> 00:21:56,861 Because he knew your legacy, unlike mine, would never outshine his own. 238 00:21:56,862 --> 00:22:00,157 He was not afraid of you, Daemon! 239 00:22:00,949 --> 00:22:05,995 He could not trust you any more than I can trust you. 240 00:22:05,996 --> 00:22:08,914 He was a fool who sought greatness 241 00:22:08,915 --> 00:22:10,708 but shrank from spilling blood to achieve it. 242 00:22:10,709 --> 00:22:13,003 And I see you will suffer the same fate. 243 00:22:14,254 --> 00:22:16,214 You struck down a child. 244 00:22:20,218 --> 00:22:22,137 It was a mistake. 245 00:22:26,725 --> 00:22:28,435 You're pathetic. 246 00:23:03,929 --> 00:23:05,305 Father? 247 00:23:14,523 --> 00:23:16,733 You wish to see me, Your Grace? 248 00:23:25,867 --> 00:23:31,705 When morning comes, take Moondancer and keep a watch on King's Landing. 249 00:23:31,706 --> 00:23:33,625 I must know which course they take next. 250 00:23:34,209 --> 00:23:36,002 I will be vigilant. 251 00:23:36,503 --> 00:23:37,921 I depend on you, Baela. 252 00:23:39,172 --> 00:23:41,633 Stay high and keep your distance. 253 00:23:42,884 --> 00:23:45,512 We can afford no further mistakes. 254 00:23:55,063 --> 00:23:56,565 My father? 255 00:24:00,652 --> 00:24:03,071 He must follow his own path. 256 00:25:55,308 --> 00:25:57,269 If you please, m'lord. 257 00:27:21,520 --> 00:27:23,522 Have you told anyone? 258 00:27:26,525 --> 00:27:28,360 What do you take me for? 259 00:27:30,404 --> 00:27:32,239 One who seeks absolution. 260 00:27:33,532 --> 00:27:36,034 There is none for what I've done. 261 00:29:12,881 --> 00:29:14,508 What is this? 262 00:29:17,719 --> 00:29:19,887 It's a reminder of yesterday, I think. 263 00:29:19,888 --> 00:29:21,806 The procession was muddy. 264 00:29:21,807 --> 00:29:24,309 - I'll replace it hence. - Do it now. 265 00:29:27,521 --> 00:29:29,230 The night was long, Ser Criston, 266 00:29:29,231 --> 00:29:32,859 - and I had not eaten... - You defy my authority, Ser Arryk. 267 00:29:34,653 --> 00:29:35,820 I do not. 268 00:29:35,821 --> 00:29:40,325 The white cloak is a symbol of our purity, our fidelity. 269 00:29:41,410 --> 00:29:43,285 Kingsguard are a sacred trust. 270 00:29:43,286 --> 00:29:47,082 Will you so easily sully our ancient honor? 271 00:30:00,887 --> 00:30:02,889 I have erred, my lord. 272 00:30:04,099 --> 00:30:05,725 I'll remedy the error. 273 00:30:11,064 --> 00:30:13,692 Where were you when Jaehaerys was murdered? 274 00:30:17,654 --> 00:30:19,030 With King Aegon. 275 00:30:20,699 --> 00:30:23,939 And you were not in the private quarters where you might have prevented the crime. 276 00:30:24,536 --> 00:30:27,663 His Grace wished to entertain his companions in the throne room. 277 00:30:27,664 --> 00:30:29,331 But if you had thought to go upstairs... 278 00:30:29,332 --> 00:30:31,084 Where were you, Lord Commander? 279 00:30:32,669 --> 00:30:35,129 And why has Helaena the queen been granted no sworn protector? 280 00:30:35,130 --> 00:30:36,547 Surely once she ascended, she... 281 00:30:36,548 --> 00:30:39,593 Your brother is a thief and a traitor to the crown! 282 00:30:48,643 --> 00:30:50,102 You well know how it pains me. 283 00:30:50,103 --> 00:30:52,146 How are we to know that you do not secretly share 284 00:30:52,147 --> 00:30:54,649 - his sentiments? - I denounced him before the king. 285 00:30:55,067 --> 00:30:57,860 We were one soul in two bodies, yes. 286 00:30:57,861 --> 00:31:00,822 If I'd shared his sentiments, I would've fled with him. 287 00:31:02,532 --> 00:31:05,452 First, your brother betrays us. 288 00:31:07,579 --> 00:31:09,539 And then the young prince 289 00:31:10,540 --> 00:31:14,001 is murdered on your watch. 290 00:31:14,002 --> 00:31:15,504 You are mad, Ser. 291 00:31:15,962 --> 00:31:19,966 - Mad! You cannot think that I did this! - What I think has no relevance! 292 00:31:22,969 --> 00:31:25,597 You have brought disgrace upon our ranks 293 00:31:28,850 --> 00:31:31,269 and now you must restore it. 294 00:31:32,938 --> 00:31:34,272 How am I to do that? 295 00:31:50,747 --> 00:31:55,210 You will go to Dragonstone and strike down Rhaenyra in her own halls. 296 00:31:57,045 --> 00:31:59,630 The way she sought to do with Aemond. 297 00:31:59,631 --> 00:32:02,509 We will pay the princess back in her own bloody coin. 298 00:32:04,511 --> 00:32:07,471 - Alone? - Does your courage fail you, Ser Arryk? 299 00:32:07,472 --> 00:32:09,223 It's not a matter of courage. 300 00:32:09,224 --> 00:32:12,853 The castle is defended against all enemies, now especially. 301 00:32:14,187 --> 00:32:16,147 - How would I enter? - Your twin serves there 302 00:32:16,148 --> 00:32:17,648 at the pleasure of the so-called queen. 303 00:32:17,649 --> 00:32:20,068 They will mistake you for him if you play the part. 304 00:32:21,069 --> 00:32:24,822 We are sworn to serve forthrightly, not to traffic in deception. 305 00:32:24,823 --> 00:32:29,286 Put down the pretender and you will end a war before it begins. 306 00:32:37,335 --> 00:32:39,295 - If they see the two of us... - You must not let that happen. 307 00:32:39,296 --> 00:32:42,007 - You would send me to my death. - Or to triumph. 308 00:32:44,676 --> 00:32:46,636 And glory. 309 00:32:52,058 --> 00:32:54,060 Now, will you go? 310 00:32:55,103 --> 00:32:58,023 Or must I question your loyalty to the king? 311 00:33:03,820 --> 00:33:07,115 As you command, my lord. 312 00:33:17,250 --> 00:33:19,169 You missed supper. 313 00:33:19,711 --> 00:33:21,170 I wasn't hungry. 314 00:33:21,171 --> 00:33:23,507 I don't think anyone was, really. 315 00:33:24,216 --> 00:33:26,218 Too many empty seats. 316 00:33:27,552 --> 00:33:28,720 Do you know where he went? 317 00:33:29,846 --> 00:33:32,015 Harrenhal, I would think. 318 00:33:36,103 --> 00:33:38,313 Sometimes I think I hate him. 319 00:33:41,733 --> 00:33:44,653 It's hard, with fathers. 320 00:33:45,821 --> 00:33:48,031 What do you remember of my uncle? 321 00:33:48,865 --> 00:33:51,076 He taught us to catch fish 322 00:33:52,327 --> 00:33:55,330 and sing sailors' shanties. 323 00:33:55,997 --> 00:33:57,999 He had a weakness for cake. 324 00:33:59,876 --> 00:34:03,880 And Ser Harwin Strong? 325 00:34:05,715 --> 00:34:09,136 He was gentle, and fierce. 326 00:34:11,847 --> 00:34:15,851 They called him "Breakbones." 327 00:34:17,519 --> 00:34:19,855 He loved us, I think. 328 00:34:21,857 --> 00:34:23,859 Of course, he did. 329 00:34:29,197 --> 00:34:31,032 I miss Luke. 330 00:35:11,990 --> 00:35:14,201 Daemon sent them to kill me. 331 00:35:16,661 --> 00:35:18,288 I was out. 332 00:35:19,164 --> 00:35:20,624 You were with me. 333 00:35:21,416 --> 00:35:23,418 In truth, I am proud 334 00:35:24,377 --> 00:35:26,797 that he considers me such a foe. 335 00:35:28,715 --> 00:35:31,218 And that he seeks to murder me in my bed. 336 00:35:32,260 --> 00:35:34,096 He's afraid of me. 337 00:35:34,971 --> 00:35:36,807 As well he should be. 338 00:35:38,100 --> 00:35:40,393 The boy is grown into a man. 339 00:35:40,977 --> 00:35:43,105 No. Not here. 340 00:35:53,323 --> 00:35:55,659 I do regret that business with Luke. 341 00:35:56,993 --> 00:35:58,745 I lost my temper that day. 342 00:35:59,204 --> 00:36:00,831 I am sorry for it. 343 00:36:01,498 --> 00:36:03,375 I am glad to hear it. 344 00:36:06,336 --> 00:36:08,964 They used to tease me, you know? 345 00:36:11,341 --> 00:36:13,427 Because I was different. 346 00:36:15,887 --> 00:36:19,849 {\an8}I would remind you only that when princes lose their temper, 347 00:36:19,850 --> 00:36:22,352 {\an8}it is often others who suffer. 348 00:36:25,564 --> 00:36:29,192 {\an8}The smallfolk. Like me. 349 00:36:33,905 --> 00:36:35,198 How is she? 350 00:36:36,158 --> 00:36:37,868 Much the same. 351 00:36:49,504 --> 00:36:52,757 The markets have been running low since the blockade. 352 00:36:52,758 --> 00:36:55,218 Surely the city cannot yet be short of food. 353 00:36:56,052 --> 00:36:58,597 I think not, but people are afraid. 354 00:36:59,222 --> 00:37:01,975 Those with means are hoarding everything they can. 355 00:37:04,269 --> 00:37:07,688 I walked two hours today to find a chicken for the pot 356 00:37:07,689 --> 00:37:10,442 and paid three times as much as I should have. 357 00:37:24,623 --> 00:37:26,458 The selfishness of people. 358 00:37:27,084 --> 00:37:30,795 I cannot blame anyone for doing what I myself would do if I could. 359 00:37:30,796 --> 00:37:33,924 I don't think you'd let children go hungry while you filled your own cellars. 360 00:37:34,883 --> 00:37:37,094 Lucky we don't have enough coin to find out. 361 00:37:39,471 --> 00:37:42,474 The king has promised us some relief. 362 00:37:44,101 --> 00:37:45,727 Did he say when? 363 00:37:52,567 --> 00:37:54,778 I'm afraid, Hugh. 364 00:38:04,204 --> 00:38:07,874 I see all your great adventures have done nothing for your looks. 365 00:38:11,503 --> 00:38:14,756 Well met, brother, after many months away. 366 00:38:24,599 --> 00:38:25,934 I missed you. 367 00:38:27,978 --> 00:38:29,270 Did you slay many pirates? 368 00:38:29,271 --> 00:38:31,480 Oh, more than you, to be sure. 369 00:38:31,481 --> 00:38:32,648 A jest. 370 00:38:32,649 --> 00:38:35,776 One you may regret as you're supping alone tonight. 371 00:38:35,777 --> 00:38:36,945 I regret it already. 372 00:38:37,738 --> 00:38:39,655 I've broken my teeth on hard tack, Addam. 373 00:38:39,656 --> 00:38:43,367 Say you have a pot of your goat stew simmering at home. 374 00:38:43,368 --> 00:38:45,078 You're in luck. 375 00:38:45,704 --> 00:38:47,247 In more ways than one. 376 00:38:48,081 --> 00:38:52,002 I hear Lord Corlys himself commended you for your service to him. 377 00:38:54,546 --> 00:38:56,672 - He did. - Will you sail with him 378 00:38:56,673 --> 00:38:58,759 when his ship has been repaired? 379 00:38:59,634 --> 00:39:02,094 I am one of a dozen shipwrights now called from Hull 380 00:39:02,095 --> 00:39:03,805 to attend with all speed to your fleet. 381 00:39:05,265 --> 00:39:06,808 He made no offer. 382 00:39:07,601 --> 00:39:10,102 And I would rather he didn't, truth be told. 383 00:39:10,103 --> 00:39:12,397 Do not be foolish, Alyn. 384 00:39:14,024 --> 00:39:17,068 To serve with the Sea Snake is to make your fortune. 385 00:39:17,069 --> 00:39:19,195 Had I such a chance, I would leap at it. 386 00:39:19,196 --> 00:39:21,448 That's because you haven't seen what I've seen. 387 00:39:21,907 --> 00:39:24,283 There is a war brewing, Addam. 388 00:39:24,284 --> 00:39:25,367 A real one. 389 00:39:25,368 --> 00:39:28,162 Another opportunity to distinguish yourself. 390 00:39:28,163 --> 00:39:30,706 - Remind him of your worth. - I need no favors. 391 00:39:30,707 --> 00:39:33,710 But, brother, he owes you, he owes us. 392 00:39:36,046 --> 00:39:38,048 Does the stew have carrots in it? 393 00:39:43,303 --> 00:39:45,305 I mistrust this silence. 394 00:39:46,848 --> 00:39:50,268 Daemon flies when we most need his hand at the oar. 395 00:39:51,394 --> 00:39:54,105 Devotion has never sat well with him. 396 00:39:54,106 --> 00:39:58,902 Where he goes, he wishes to be his own master. 397 00:40:00,737 --> 00:40:03,156 Well, he is the king consort. 398 00:40:06,451 --> 00:40:08,745 But he is not the king. 399 00:40:09,538 --> 00:40:12,082 Neither am I, but I manage. 400 00:40:15,335 --> 00:40:20,006 I too have felt the crown pass over me. It is a hard thing to accept. 401 00:40:22,759 --> 00:40:26,304 And now Viserys is dead and all claims are in doubt. 402 00:40:27,180 --> 00:40:30,600 You do not think Daemon will challenge her? 403 00:40:32,602 --> 00:40:34,229 Not as such. 404 00:40:38,275 --> 00:40:41,235 But neither can he allow her to command him. 405 00:40:41,236 --> 00:40:42,529 Pity. 406 00:40:43,405 --> 00:40:47,617 I have, on occasion, found that to be quite enjoyable. 407 00:40:52,456 --> 00:40:54,875 {\an8}Let us take him at his word. 408 00:40:56,084 --> 00:40:59,087 {\an8}If he can take Harrenhal, all may well be forgiven. 409 00:41:00,088 --> 00:41:02,507 In the meantime, I am here. 410 00:41:03,925 --> 00:41:05,010 And Meleys. 411 00:41:08,722 --> 00:41:11,349 We will not let the queen falter. 412 00:41:40,295 --> 00:41:43,298 The lady Mysaria, Your Grace. 413 00:41:53,934 --> 00:41:57,020 You're aware of yesterday's events in King's Landing? 414 00:41:58,647 --> 00:41:59,940 I am. 415 00:42:00,816 --> 00:42:02,858 Tell me what part you played in their unfolding. 416 00:42:02,859 --> 00:42:04,527 I had nothing to do with it. 417 00:42:04,528 --> 00:42:07,113 I know you are entwined with the usurpers, 418 00:42:07,114 --> 00:42:09,573 that you aided them in denying me my birthright. 419 00:42:09,574 --> 00:42:11,826 I took profits from an inevitability. 420 00:42:11,827 --> 00:42:14,203 I regret it now. 421 00:42:14,204 --> 00:42:15,789 I'm sure you do. 422 00:42:18,708 --> 00:42:19,793 Who are you? 423 00:42:21,545 --> 00:42:23,046 A prisoner. 424 00:42:34,975 --> 00:42:38,561 I gave Daemon two names. That is the extent of it. 425 00:42:38,562 --> 00:42:41,273 And I did not wish to do that much. 426 00:42:41,982 --> 00:42:43,817 He said it was the price of my freedom. 427 00:42:52,909 --> 00:42:54,911 Does he say otherwise? 428 00:42:55,495 --> 00:42:57,122 He is gone. 429 00:42:58,665 --> 00:43:00,292 For how long? 430 00:43:01,418 --> 00:43:04,379 A week, or forever. I do not know. 431 00:43:09,843 --> 00:43:13,847 He does do that, doesn't he? 432 00:43:22,981 --> 00:43:24,983 You remember me now. 433 00:43:28,862 --> 00:43:30,322 He said he would marry you. 434 00:43:32,741 --> 00:43:37,119 - He said you carried his child. - Not everyone found the jest funny. 435 00:43:37,120 --> 00:43:42,124 And now it seems he's done it again, made a promise and then slipped away. 436 00:43:42,125 --> 00:43:45,628 You trade in the secrets of the Red Keep. 437 00:43:45,629 --> 00:43:48,422 Your web runs unseen through King's Landing. 438 00:43:48,423 --> 00:43:51,842 And now, when my enemy coils himself to strike at me... 439 00:43:51,843 --> 00:43:56,973 I can do nothing now but ask you to honor your husband's words. 440 00:43:57,474 --> 00:43:59,476 It would not serve me to set you free. 441 00:44:02,104 --> 00:44:05,440 At best, I lose an asset to my cause. 442 00:44:08,110 --> 00:44:09,902 At worst, you betray me in some foul way. 443 00:44:09,903 --> 00:44:12,948 I have no interest in betraying you, Your Grace. 444 00:44:15,033 --> 00:44:16,243 So you say. 445 00:44:25,419 --> 00:44:28,129 I was brought to Westeros with nothing. 446 00:44:28,130 --> 00:44:30,923 I toiled in service, I stole. 447 00:44:30,924 --> 00:44:34,009 I sold my own body for coin or bread. 448 00:44:34,010 --> 00:44:36,303 And I listened. 449 00:44:36,304 --> 00:44:38,347 I collected confidences. 450 00:44:38,348 --> 00:44:40,850 I made myself valuable to powerful men. 451 00:44:40,851 --> 00:44:43,185 Bit by bit, I earned my living. 452 00:44:43,186 --> 00:44:46,815 A house, a household, a home. 453 00:44:47,399 --> 00:44:49,151 Then they set it all aflame. 454 00:44:50,777 --> 00:44:54,406 - Who did? - The Hightowers, I can only assume. 455 00:44:55,615 --> 00:45:00,162 The Hand did not like it when I showed my teeth. 456 00:45:01,955 --> 00:45:04,331 But I thank him for it. 457 00:45:04,332 --> 00:45:09,462 For too long, I made it my aim to be of consequence. 458 00:45:09,463 --> 00:45:13,800 But now, I see that was the wish of a child. 459 00:45:14,801 --> 00:45:18,346 Daemon. Otto Hightower. 460 00:45:19,139 --> 00:45:20,848 Makes no difference. 461 00:45:20,849 --> 00:45:22,934 They will never accept me. 462 00:45:23,852 --> 00:45:26,521 I might as well have remained a whore. 463 00:45:32,527 --> 00:45:33,945 How did you get that scar? 464 00:47:13,920 --> 00:47:15,297 Oh no. 465 00:47:16,173 --> 00:47:17,507 My son. 466 00:47:34,107 --> 00:47:36,693 - Who are they? - Ratcatchers. 467 00:47:38,236 --> 00:47:39,905 In the king's employ. 468 00:47:42,074 --> 00:47:43,450 What'd they do? 469 00:48:11,311 --> 00:48:13,146 What have you done? 470 00:48:17,442 --> 00:48:19,653 The ratcatchers! 471 00:48:20,445 --> 00:48:23,615 Oh. I had them hanged. 472 00:48:26,284 --> 00:48:30,121 The maggot who took my son confessed to an accomplice. 473 00:48:30,122 --> 00:48:32,665 He could not say for certain which man it was, so. 474 00:48:32,666 --> 00:48:33,666 Idiot! 475 00:48:33,667 --> 00:48:35,793 Beware how you speak to your king, my lord. 476 00:48:35,794 --> 00:48:40,172 The king is my grandson and my grandson is a fool! 477 00:48:40,173 --> 00:48:43,759 He's worse than a fool! He's murdered innocent men! 478 00:48:43,760 --> 00:48:45,177 And one guilty one. 479 00:48:45,178 --> 00:48:48,264 And hanged them from the walls of the city for all to see! 480 00:48:48,265 --> 00:48:50,516 Plot against the king, and I will pay it back a hun... 481 00:48:50,517 --> 00:48:53,562 They are fathers and brothers and sons! 482 00:48:53,979 --> 00:48:57,565 And their wives and children gather now at our gates to weep 483 00:48:57,566 --> 00:48:59,234 and curse your name! 484 00:49:11,079 --> 00:49:15,249 With your child's blood, we bought their approval. 485 00:49:15,250 --> 00:49:18,335 With your mother's tears, we made a bitter sacrifice 486 00:49:18,336 --> 00:49:20,504 against the deprivations to come. 487 00:49:20,505 --> 00:49:22,758 And you've thrown it away. 488 00:49:24,009 --> 00:49:28,847 After all I've done for you. Thoughtless, feckless, 489 00:49:30,140 --> 00:49:31,557 self-indulgent. 490 00:49:31,558 --> 00:49:33,517 At least I did something. 491 00:49:33,518 --> 00:49:36,520 I have not answered injury to the crown with, what? 492 00:49:36,521 --> 00:49:40,024 Wailing and currying favor with the fishwives? 493 00:49:40,025 --> 00:49:41,692 I will not be thought weak. 494 00:49:41,693 --> 00:49:44,320 Even now, news of Rhaenyra's monstrous crime 495 00:49:44,321 --> 00:49:45,529 spreads through the realm. 496 00:49:45,530 --> 00:49:49,158 The great houses falter. They cannot but come to our side. 497 00:49:49,159 --> 00:49:51,495 I wish to spill blood, not ink! 498 00:49:52,704 --> 00:49:54,331 We must act. 499 00:49:55,123 --> 00:49:57,334 Ser Criston Cole has acted. 500 00:50:06,176 --> 00:50:12,182 And what has Ser Criston Cole done? 501 00:50:13,433 --> 00:50:16,061 He has sent Ser Arryk to slay Rhaenyra. 502 00:50:21,525 --> 00:50:22,734 Alone? 503 00:50:25,153 --> 00:50:27,531 He's pretending to be his own twin. Brilliant. 504 00:50:32,411 --> 00:50:34,413 Gods help us all. 505 00:50:34,871 --> 00:50:37,499 It's time the bitch queen paid a price. 506 00:50:40,794 --> 00:50:44,463 And you acceded to this prank 507 00:50:44,464 --> 00:50:47,300 without consulting me or the council? 508 00:50:48,176 --> 00:50:51,220 Instead of judgment, you display impetuousness, 509 00:50:51,221 --> 00:50:54,265 and diminish us in the eyes of our enemy! 510 00:50:54,266 --> 00:50:57,185 Ill-considered, trifling! 511 00:51:07,612 --> 00:51:11,283 Do you never think of your father? His... 512 00:51:12,617 --> 00:51:14,494 forbearance, his... 513 00:51:15,412 --> 00:51:17,664 judiciousness, his... 514 00:51:20,667 --> 00:51:22,793 his dignity. 515 00:51:22,794 --> 00:51:24,713 Fuck dignity! 516 00:51:25,422 --> 00:51:26,882 I want revenge. 517 00:51:29,509 --> 00:51:31,511 My father is dead. 518 00:51:33,889 --> 00:51:35,307 He is. 519 00:51:37,184 --> 00:51:40,020 And we are the poorer for it. 520 00:51:54,910 --> 00:51:57,162 He was right about you. 521 00:51:59,831 --> 00:52:01,666 He made me king. 522 00:52:06,254 --> 00:52:08,465 Is that what you think? 523 00:52:15,013 --> 00:52:18,016 Remove your badge, Ser Otto. 524 00:52:25,774 --> 00:52:27,984 You were my father's Hand. 525 00:52:29,277 --> 00:52:30,695 Not mine. 526 00:52:31,571 --> 00:52:32,989 Take it off. 527 00:52:35,242 --> 00:52:37,119 You wouldn't dare. 528 00:52:40,163 --> 00:52:41,832 I have dared 529 00:52:42,707 --> 00:52:44,960 and I find it stimulating. 530 00:52:54,803 --> 00:52:56,805 Insolent pup. 531 00:53:00,767 --> 00:53:06,273 You think yourself clever, but without a strong Hand at your side 532 00:53:08,984 --> 00:53:10,193 to guide? 533 00:53:13,905 --> 00:53:15,282 Give it to Cole. 534 00:53:20,036 --> 00:53:21,246 Your Grace? 535 00:53:25,751 --> 00:53:29,044 In this hour, you have proven yourself of more worth 536 00:53:29,045 --> 00:53:31,339 than a hundred old men. 537 00:53:34,676 --> 00:53:39,014 My new Hand will be a steel fist. 538 00:53:39,806 --> 00:53:44,561 You will regret this. 539 00:53:46,188 --> 00:53:47,814 Give it to him. 540 00:54:05,582 --> 00:54:07,375 You are dismissed. 541 00:54:18,136 --> 00:54:19,888 I do not know if I trust you. 542 00:54:20,597 --> 00:54:24,434 And I sense that there is danger in you yet. 543 00:54:26,061 --> 00:54:29,064 But I will keep the word of my house if you say that it was given. 544 00:54:37,322 --> 00:54:38,365 You may go. 545 00:54:39,825 --> 00:54:41,158 Your Grace. 546 00:54:41,159 --> 00:54:44,745 There's a Velaryon ship in the harbor bound for Myr by way of Pentos. 547 00:54:44,746 --> 00:54:46,832 I will see that you are given passage. 548 00:54:47,499 --> 00:54:49,626 I'm not so unworldly as to let you fly free. 549 00:54:50,001 --> 00:54:53,004 I am... Thank you. 550 00:54:56,049 --> 00:54:58,426 Ser Erryk, Mysaria will be leaving us. 551 00:54:58,427 --> 00:55:00,136 Let her collect her things. 552 00:55:00,137 --> 00:55:03,514 Then have someone take her down and secure her berth on the "Corwyn." 553 00:55:03,515 --> 00:55:04,808 Your Grace. 554 00:55:50,812 --> 00:55:52,439 A moment. 555 00:56:21,843 --> 00:56:23,303 Ser Erryk. 556 00:56:24,387 --> 00:56:28,265 - I thought you were within. - A sorry lack of vigilance. 557 00:56:28,266 --> 00:56:30,060 The enemy is about, good ser. 558 00:58:31,640 --> 00:58:34,016 Please try and lay down, Your Grace. 559 00:58:34,017 --> 00:58:36,103 Thank you, Elinda. 560 00:58:59,793 --> 00:59:01,211 Ser Erryk. 561 00:59:03,213 --> 00:59:05,048 It's been a strange day. 562 00:59:05,841 --> 00:59:08,760 I'm restless. I will stand this evening's duty. 563 00:59:22,566 --> 00:59:24,568 You must sleep tonight, Your Grace. 564 00:59:25,068 --> 00:59:26,862 Let me ask the maester for a draught. 565 00:59:27,696 --> 00:59:29,531 Perhaps that would be best. 566 00:59:31,324 --> 00:59:32,701 Thank you, Elinda. 567 00:59:43,920 --> 00:59:45,338 Ser Erryk? 568 00:59:53,096 --> 00:59:56,390 Believe me, I had no choice. 569 00:59:56,391 --> 00:59:58,309 I don't understand. 570 00:59:58,310 --> 00:59:59,728 Brother! 571 01:00:02,355 --> 01:00:03,648 Do not do this. 572 01:00:04,524 --> 01:00:05,859 I beg you. 573 01:00:07,986 --> 01:00:09,988 You were the one who betrayed us, Erryk. 574 01:00:32,302 --> 01:00:34,805 Run, Elinda! Run and find Ser Lorent! 575 01:01:12,926 --> 01:01:14,636 - Your Grace! - Ser Lorent! 576 01:01:21,309 --> 01:01:22,436 With me, Your Grace! 577 01:01:28,608 --> 01:01:29,651 Which? Which is Erryk? 578 01:01:40,704 --> 01:01:43,915 - We were born together. - You parted us! 579 01:01:45,959 --> 01:01:48,003 But I still love you, brother. 580 01:02:41,389 --> 01:02:42,599 Your Grace. 581 01:02:46,311 --> 01:02:47,521 Erryk. 582 01:02:48,396 --> 01:02:49,815 Forgive me. 583 01:02:50,774 --> 01:02:51,774 No! 584 01:02:52,275 --> 01:02:53,276 No! 585 01:03:02,702 --> 01:03:06,331 It is ignorance and vanity. 586 01:03:08,166 --> 01:03:11,585 You know as well as I do that Aegon must be kept in check. 587 01:03:11,586 --> 01:03:14,256 As does Ser Criston. The two of them together. 588 01:03:15,841 --> 01:03:17,843 Ser Criston is not temperate 589 01:03:18,885 --> 01:03:20,344 but his devotion cannot be questioned. 590 01:03:20,345 --> 01:03:23,265 - If it does come to war... - He's ensured it. 591 01:03:23,849 --> 01:03:27,935 He's young and unschooled. His faith is in steel and bone. 592 01:03:27,936 --> 01:03:30,229 He has not the long view. 593 01:03:30,230 --> 01:03:31,731 None of them do. 594 01:03:32,357 --> 01:03:34,108 They wish now not for the good of the realm 595 01:03:34,109 --> 01:03:38,155 but for the petty satisfaction of vengeance. 596 01:03:41,658 --> 01:03:42,993 Aegon is still malleable. 597 01:03:44,286 --> 01:03:47,038 It is the death of the child that has unstrung him. 598 01:03:53,712 --> 01:03:55,714 I can't stay here. 599 01:03:57,674 --> 01:03:59,885 Exiled from the council. 600 01:04:01,344 --> 01:04:05,599 Witness to the blundering of our plans. I'll return to Oldtown. 601 01:04:07,309 --> 01:04:08,893 The Hightowers still have strength 602 01:04:08,894 --> 01:04:14,440 and you have a son there who will take more kindly to instruction. 603 01:04:14,441 --> 01:04:17,527 Daeron may yet help us in weeks to come. 604 01:04:22,365 --> 01:04:24,367 Go rather to Highgarden. 605 01:04:26,787 --> 01:04:30,290 The Tyrells must be taken in hand. Their bannermen are wavering. 606 01:04:31,124 --> 01:04:33,043 While you're gone, I'll speak sense to him. 607 01:04:33,585 --> 01:04:35,045 His blood will cool. 608 01:04:35,837 --> 01:04:37,714 In time, you may yet return. 609 01:04:51,144 --> 01:04:56,358 The young are peacocks, all shrieking and feathers. 610 01:04:58,985 --> 01:05:03,615 But we will yet prevail and bring forth peace, I still believe it. 611 01:05:04,950 --> 01:05:07,160 As long as you and I hold fast. 612 01:05:20,173 --> 01:05:22,008 I have sinned. 613 01:05:25,804 --> 01:05:28,640 I do not wish to hear of it.