1 00:00:01,033 --> 00:00:02,938 Previously on "The Cleaning Lady"... 2 00:00:04,047 --> 00:00:06,006 I'm willing to help you. 3 00:00:06,006 --> 00:00:08,573 Are you okay? 4 00:00:08,573 --> 00:00:10,140 Robert! 5 00:00:10,140 --> 00:00:11,881 They said you had a cardiac arrest. 6 00:00:11,881 --> 00:00:12,925 Get them to run the test again, 7 00:00:12,925 --> 00:00:14,405 check everything. 8 00:00:16,755 --> 00:00:18,409 Kamdar brought us to Maya. 9 00:00:18,409 --> 00:00:20,063 He said he knew she was a rat. 10 00:00:20,063 --> 00:00:21,934 And that if I didn't shoot her, he would've killed Thony. 11 00:00:21,934 --> 00:00:23,371 Kamdar's backing 12 00:00:23,371 --> 00:00:24,937 one of the biggest human-trafficking rings 13 00:00:24,937 --> 00:00:27,027 on the west coast... drugs, prostitution. 14 00:00:27,027 --> 00:00:28,506 We take him down, we can dismantle 15 00:00:28,506 --> 00:00:30,160 half a dozen syndicates in Vegas. 16 00:00:30,160 --> 00:00:31,727 My nephew has a high fever, 17 00:00:31,727 --> 00:00:33,903 and he started throwing up about an hour ago. 18 00:00:33,903 --> 00:00:36,079 Proof of insurance, Social Security number. 19 00:00:36,079 --> 00:00:37,254 Did you get the new medicine? 20 00:00:37,254 --> 00:00:38,603 It is illegal to administer this drug. 21 00:00:38,603 --> 00:00:39,996 Save her son. 22 00:00:39,996 --> 00:00:41,258 Social Services will stay with Luca. 23 00:00:41,258 --> 00:00:42,868 You're not taking my son away from me! 24 00:00:42,868 --> 00:00:44,000 Do you hear me?! 25 00:00:54,097 --> 00:00:57,361 You have to let her go. She has nothing to do with this. 26 00:00:57,361 --> 00:00:59,624 - Just get in the car, ma'am. - I took that ventilator. 27 00:00:59,624 --> 00:01:00,756 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. 28 00:01:00,756 --> 00:01:01,800 Hey, hey. What's going on here? 29 00:01:01,800 --> 00:01:02,888 Garrett? 30 00:01:02,888 --> 00:01:04,586 FBI Special Agent Garrett Miller. 31 00:01:04,586 --> 00:01:06,109 What are the charges, officer? 32 00:01:06,109 --> 00:01:07,241 Child endangerment, 33 00:01:07,241 --> 00:01:08,807 administration of an illegal drug, 34 00:01:08,807 --> 00:01:10,592 and felony theft of medical equipment. 35 00:01:10,592 --> 00:01:11,897 What the hell did you do, Thony? 36 00:01:11,897 --> 00:01:13,073 We didn't steal any equipment. 37 00:01:13,073 --> 00:01:14,900 We were using it on Luca. 38 00:01:14,900 --> 00:01:17,207 He's having his treatment inside, and it's working. 39 00:01:17,207 --> 00:01:19,079 You have to tell them to let us go. 40 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:20,776 Dr. De La Rosa is an active asset 41 00:01:20,776 --> 00:01:23,953 in a Federal case, so she has to be released to me. 42 00:01:23,953 --> 00:01:25,955 She's already been cleared with the AUSA. 43 00:01:25,955 --> 00:01:28,436 You can call Detective Williams and confirm it. 44 00:01:34,137 --> 00:01:35,617 What about Fiona? 45 00:01:35,617 --> 00:01:37,488 Officer, if you could... 46 00:01:37,488 --> 00:01:39,577 If you don't have clearance on her, she's coming with us. 47 00:01:39,577 --> 00:01:40,578 Take her. 48 00:01:40,578 --> 00:01:42,798 - Alright, let's go. - Oh, no. 49 00:01:42,798 --> 00:01:44,669 No, please, don't let them take me. 50 00:01:44,669 --> 00:01:47,019 Please. My kids need me. 51 00:01:47,019 --> 00:01:48,412 Garrett, say something! 52 00:01:48,412 --> 00:01:50,153 I just need some time to figure this out, okay?! 53 00:01:50,153 --> 00:01:51,850 Garrett! Oh, my God. 54 00:01:51,850 --> 00:01:52,982 No. I... 55 00:01:52,982 --> 00:01:54,810 I didn't... 56 00:01:54,810 --> 00:01:56,507 Please. 57 00:02:14,308 --> 00:02:16,179 Get away from me! 58 00:02:19,226 --> 00:02:20,923 Don't touch me! 59 00:02:23,099 --> 00:02:24,883 I didn't poison you! 60 00:02:26,929 --> 00:02:29,105 Then how did that medicine get into my system?! 61 00:02:42,074 --> 00:02:44,381 Nadia, let me in. 62 00:02:45,687 --> 00:02:47,210 I want to talk to you. 63 00:02:53,042 --> 00:02:56,915 Joseph, let me go, please. 64 00:02:56,915 --> 00:02:58,047 You know I can't do that. 65 00:02:58,047 --> 00:02:59,744 Please, let me go. 66 00:03:09,754 --> 00:03:12,322 So, what can you do? 67 00:03:12,322 --> 00:03:14,194 I don't know, alright? 68 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:17,109 I can't just wave a magic wand. 69 00:03:17,109 --> 00:03:18,372 Well, you got me out. 70 00:03:18,372 --> 00:03:20,069 Yeah, as my informant. 71 00:03:20,069 --> 00:03:21,723 Look, unless you can deliver something on Kamdar, 72 00:03:21,723 --> 00:03:25,248 you can't keep demanding things. 73 00:03:25,248 --> 00:03:26,684 Okay, so if I give you something, 74 00:03:26,684 --> 00:03:29,513 you can arrest him and then you can get Fiona out? 75 00:03:29,513 --> 00:03:31,341 Wait a minute. 76 00:03:31,341 --> 00:03:33,038 What do you have on him that you haven't given me? 77 00:03:33,038 --> 00:03:35,215 Thony. 78 00:03:35,215 --> 00:03:36,433 I told you that he helped me 79 00:03:36,433 --> 00:03:39,131 with a-an experimental drug from Manila. 80 00:03:39,131 --> 00:03:40,916 The one that got you and Fiona arrested? 81 00:03:40,916 --> 00:03:43,875 What I didn't tell you is that I went with him. 82 00:03:43,875 --> 00:03:46,443 To Manila? Yeah. 83 00:03:46,443 --> 00:03:49,446 And we got a lot more than just Luca's drugs. 84 00:03:49,446 --> 00:03:50,752 How much more? 85 00:03:50,752 --> 00:03:53,145 A large shipping container. 86 00:03:53,145 --> 00:03:54,973 I thought we were just bringing medicine, 87 00:03:54,973 --> 00:03:57,976 but he smuggled in Fentanyl, lots of it. 88 00:03:57,976 --> 00:03:59,195 God damn it, Thony. 89 00:03:59,195 --> 00:04:01,284 That's what we could have busted him on. 90 00:04:01,284 --> 00:04:02,981 How come you didn't tell me any of this? 91 00:04:02,981 --> 00:04:05,767 Now that crap is gonna hit the streets. 92 00:04:05,767 --> 00:04:06,985 I know. 93 00:04:06,985 --> 00:04:08,726 - Where's that shipment now? - I don't know. 94 00:04:08,726 --> 00:04:10,598 Kamdar's men came yesterday. 95 00:04:10,598 --> 00:04:12,252 They moved it. 96 00:04:15,994 --> 00:04:18,127 Alright, look, if we can get our hands on those drugs, 97 00:04:18,127 --> 00:04:20,477 I can put him away for life. Okay. 98 00:04:20,477 --> 00:04:22,000 But you're gonna have to testify. 99 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:23,175 I can't do that. 100 00:04:23,175 --> 00:04:24,786 He'll come after my whole family. 101 00:04:24,786 --> 00:04:26,657 Not if I can protect you. 102 00:04:26,657 --> 00:04:29,834 We get those drugs, you testify, right? 103 00:04:29,834 --> 00:04:31,967 I can use that to get Fiona out of jail, 104 00:04:31,967 --> 00:04:33,316 relocate your family, 105 00:04:33,316 --> 00:04:35,927 give you new identities, legal ones. 106 00:04:35,927 --> 00:04:37,059 - You could do that? - Yeah. 107 00:04:37,059 --> 00:04:39,017 If we can get Kamdar behind bars, yes. 108 00:04:39,017 --> 00:04:40,323 But this is a two-way street, 109 00:04:40,323 --> 00:04:44,632 and if you keep anything from me, deal's off. 110 00:04:46,895 --> 00:04:49,767 Arrested? How? 111 00:04:49,767 --> 00:04:52,292 I-I needed this ventilator for Luca, 112 00:04:52,292 --> 00:04:53,641 but they would not let us use it 113 00:04:53,641 --> 00:04:55,033 because of this new drug 114 00:04:55,033 --> 00:04:56,470 that hadn't been approved here, 115 00:04:56,470 --> 00:04:58,689 and we got ourself into a lot of trouble, 116 00:04:58,689 --> 00:04:59,864 and it was my fault. 117 00:04:59,864 --> 00:05:01,431 So, how come they let you out? 118 00:05:01,431 --> 00:05:03,172 Can you two give us a minute? 119 00:05:03,172 --> 00:05:04,216 We need to know what's going on. 120 00:05:07,219 --> 00:05:10,135 I have been doing some work for an FBI agent. 121 00:05:10,135 --> 00:05:11,441 What? 122 00:05:11,441 --> 00:05:13,356 He's going to help your mom get out of jail. 123 00:05:13,356 --> 00:05:15,227 He's the one who drove us from the police station. 124 00:05:15,227 --> 00:05:16,228 He's a good guy. 125 00:05:16,228 --> 00:05:18,883 I thought he was just a friend. 126 00:05:18,883 --> 00:05:20,363 Why didn't you tell me he was FBI? 127 00:05:20,363 --> 00:05:23,018 Because it's not something I'm supposed to talk about. 128 00:05:23,018 --> 00:05:25,237 Look, he's going to help your mom. 129 00:05:25,237 --> 00:05:27,239 So, everyone knew but me? 130 00:05:27,239 --> 00:05:28,893 She was just trying to protect us, okay? 131 00:05:28,893 --> 00:05:31,548 It's not... I'm not a kid anymore. 132 00:05:31,548 --> 00:05:34,246 You should've told me. 133 00:05:34,246 --> 00:05:37,032 Jaz. Jaz! Come on. 134 00:05:40,122 --> 00:05:41,558 Fiona's gonna be okay. 135 00:05:41,558 --> 00:05:43,038 I want to make sure of this. 136 00:05:43,038 --> 00:05:44,474 Oh, she better be, 137 00:05:44,474 --> 00:05:45,910 because it sounds like it was your fault. 138 00:05:45,910 --> 00:05:48,086 I needed that ventilator for Luca. 139 00:05:48,086 --> 00:05:50,001 So you just took it? 140 00:05:50,001 --> 00:05:52,700 As long as you continue to make these choices, 141 00:05:52,700 --> 00:05:54,441 you're just gonna keep hurting this family. 142 00:05:56,443 --> 00:05:58,270 I need to go check on my daughter. 143 00:06:02,318 --> 00:06:03,493 Alright, we'll get surveillance up 144 00:06:03,493 --> 00:06:05,016 in Kamdar's suite, see if Nadia's in there. 145 00:06:05,016 --> 00:06:06,409 Well, if she is, we need to get her out 146 00:06:06,409 --> 00:06:08,280 - before any of this goes down. - No. 147 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:10,718 We can't make a move until we get those drugs. 148 00:06:10,718 --> 00:06:12,608 And you have no idea where he's moved them? 149 00:06:12,633 --> 00:06:13,171 No. 150 00:06:13,196 --> 00:06:14,939 What made you even think you could get away 151 00:06:14,939 --> 00:06:17,289 with stealing from Kamdar? 152 00:06:17,289 --> 00:06:19,117 They thought he'd be dead. 153 00:06:19,117 --> 00:06:21,424 I can still testify without them, right? 154 00:06:21,424 --> 00:06:22,773 No. No, without evidence, 155 00:06:22,773 --> 00:06:24,079 we won't have enough to convict. 156 00:06:24,079 --> 00:06:25,297 It'll be your word against his. 157 00:06:25,297 --> 00:06:26,864 Okay, let me talk to Kamdar. 158 00:06:26,864 --> 00:06:28,257 I'll try to figure out where the drugs are. 159 00:06:28,257 --> 00:06:29,432 No way. After that stunt 160 00:06:29,432 --> 00:06:31,434 at the shipping yard, you guys are burned. 161 00:06:31,434 --> 00:06:33,523 I think she's right. The moment Kamdar sees us, 162 00:06:33,523 --> 00:06:35,307 he's gonna want to put a bullet in our heads. 163 00:06:35,307 --> 00:06:36,787 What about Fiona? 164 00:06:36,787 --> 00:06:38,963 You said that I had to testify to get her back. 165 00:06:38,963 --> 00:06:41,575 There is a truckload of Fentanyl about to hit the streets 166 00:06:41,575 --> 00:06:43,925 that you are responsible for. 167 00:06:43,925 --> 00:06:45,143 So, no matter how much 168 00:06:45,143 --> 00:06:46,623 Miller wants to help your sister-in-law, 169 00:06:46,623 --> 00:06:48,973 she is not the FBI's priority right now. 170 00:06:53,369 --> 00:06:54,631 So, that's it? 171 00:06:54,631 --> 00:06:56,720 You're not gonna give me a chance? 172 00:06:56,720 --> 00:06:58,809 I can get back in with Kamdar. 173 00:06:58,809 --> 00:07:00,594 It's too dangerous. You know that. 174 00:07:00,594 --> 00:07:02,247 Just let us handle it, Thony. 175 00:07:02,247 --> 00:07:03,814 Once we got Kamdar behind bars, 176 00:07:03,814 --> 00:07:06,643 then you can do your part and testify. 177 00:07:06,643 --> 00:07:08,384 And I'll see about Fiona. 178 00:07:13,694 --> 00:07:15,173 He's wrong. 179 00:07:15,173 --> 00:07:17,001 - I can get back in with Kamdar. - You can't. 180 00:07:17,001 --> 00:07:18,829 You need to stay the hell away from him. 181 00:07:18,829 --> 00:07:21,484 And what, let Fiona stay in jail and get deported? 182 00:07:21,484 --> 00:07:24,966 Do you really trust the FBI to protect you? 183 00:07:24,966 --> 00:07:27,011 There's only one way to make sure none of us get hurt. 184 00:07:27,011 --> 00:07:29,840 If you kill Kamdar, you get arrested, 185 00:07:29,840 --> 00:07:31,015 I'll lose Fiona. 186 00:07:31,015 --> 00:07:32,495 You don't understand, Thony. 187 00:07:32,495 --> 00:07:35,455 As long as Kamdar is breathing, none of us are safe. 188 00:08:08,531 --> 00:08:10,751 Hey. You okay? 189 00:08:12,274 --> 00:08:14,537 No. 190 00:08:14,537 --> 00:08:15,799 JD's right. 191 00:08:15,799 --> 00:08:18,889 I-I did this to you, and I'm sorry. 192 00:08:18,889 --> 00:08:21,718 Look, we did it for Luca, but now, 193 00:08:21,718 --> 00:08:23,241 I have to think about my kids. 194 00:08:23,241 --> 00:08:24,982 I mean, what are they gonna do 195 00:08:24,982 --> 00:08:26,810 with their mother in jail, huh? O-Or if I get deported. 196 00:08:26,810 --> 00:08:31,075 I-I don't even want them to see me in here like this. 197 00:08:31,075 --> 00:08:34,426 I told them that Garrett is going to help. 198 00:08:34,426 --> 00:08:36,385 Oh, no! No. 199 00:08:36,385 --> 00:08:38,648 You can't make promises like that to them. 200 00:08:38,648 --> 00:08:39,997 He will. 201 00:08:39,997 --> 00:08:41,564 He said if I testify, he will get you out of here. 202 00:08:41,564 --> 00:08:43,827 He's gonna give us papers, green cards. 203 00:08:43,827 --> 00:08:45,046 Even for Chris. 204 00:08:45,046 --> 00:08:47,439 Ahh. 205 00:08:47,439 --> 00:08:49,790 That sounds just too good to be true. 206 00:08:52,619 --> 00:08:54,272 Come on. 207 00:08:54,272 --> 00:08:57,058 It is, isn't it? 208 00:08:57,058 --> 00:08:59,713 I just need to find the evidence. 209 00:08:59,713 --> 00:09:02,933 So, Garrett's boss seems to think I can't do it, but... 210 00:09:02,933 --> 00:09:05,849 No, because you can't do everything, Thony. 211 00:09:05,849 --> 00:09:07,503 Yes, I can. Just... 212 00:09:09,940 --> 00:09:11,594 I know how to talk to Kamdar. 213 00:09:11,594 --> 00:09:13,596 I'm gonna make him trust me again, 214 00:09:13,596 --> 00:09:16,120 and I will find the evidence before they can. 215 00:09:17,687 --> 00:09:21,778 Wait, you're gonna do this without the FBI backing you? 216 00:09:21,778 --> 00:09:23,475 Yes. That's the only way. 217 00:09:23,475 --> 00:09:25,434 I-I can get you out of here and protect us. 218 00:09:25,434 --> 00:09:27,654 No, no, no. Not if it gets you killed. 219 00:09:31,832 --> 00:09:33,137 I'm gonna fix this, Fi. 220 00:09:33,137 --> 00:09:35,792 Just... I promise. 221 00:09:35,792 --> 00:09:37,228 ...enough. 222 00:09:37,228 --> 00:09:39,013 I promise. 223 00:09:54,898 --> 00:09:57,988 Look, man, you said I had until next week. 224 00:09:57,988 --> 00:10:01,992 I've paid Kamdar five times what I borrowed already. 225 00:10:01,992 --> 00:10:03,167 It's killing me. 226 00:10:03,167 --> 00:10:06,170 Well, that's how it works. 227 00:10:06,170 --> 00:10:08,999 But I didn't come here to take your money. 228 00:10:08,999 --> 00:10:10,348 See, I have a different deal to offer, 229 00:10:10,348 --> 00:10:12,916 one that will get you out. 230 00:10:12,916 --> 00:10:14,526 Hey, no, no, no, not that crap. 231 00:10:14,526 --> 00:10:16,616 Pour us a couple of 25 Year Reserves. 232 00:10:28,453 --> 00:10:30,673 Thony's intel was good. 233 00:10:30,673 --> 00:10:33,807 Jefferson's now got eyes on Kamdar's suite. 234 00:10:33,807 --> 00:10:36,026 The vantage point is limited, but it's something. 235 00:10:36,026 --> 00:10:37,288 Is Nadia still in there? 236 00:10:37,288 --> 00:10:39,551 Yeah, and she seems safe for now. 237 00:10:39,551 --> 00:10:40,683 Good. 238 00:10:40,683 --> 00:10:41,858 'Cause we're gonna tie this sonofabitch 239 00:10:41,858 --> 00:10:43,860 to every Fentanyl overdose in the city. 240 00:10:43,860 --> 00:10:45,383 If we find the drugs. 241 00:10:45,383 --> 00:10:46,994 We will. 242 00:10:46,994 --> 00:10:48,648 From your lips. 243 00:10:50,824 --> 00:10:52,695 Dinner at Bluey's tonight? 244 00:10:52,695 --> 00:10:54,392 You're on. 245 00:11:05,708 --> 00:11:07,057 Jefferson, how's the view? 246 00:11:07,057 --> 00:11:10,191 I got a better view of myself than anything else. 247 00:11:10,191 --> 00:11:12,236 But I got some movement inside. 248 00:11:12,236 --> 00:11:14,499 Alright, man, if things get interesting, let me know. 249 00:11:14,499 --> 00:11:15,936 Copy. 250 00:11:18,068 --> 00:11:19,374 Come on, Jaz. 251 00:11:19,374 --> 00:11:20,592 Let's talk about this. 252 00:11:20,592 --> 00:11:21,724 No! 253 00:11:21,724 --> 00:11:24,988 I don't want to talk you anymore. 254 00:11:24,988 --> 00:11:26,250 What happened? 255 00:11:26,250 --> 00:11:27,861 You should've married Mom when I said so. 256 00:11:29,210 --> 00:11:32,735 I spoke to an attorney to see what options we have, 257 00:11:32,735 --> 00:11:34,911 and, uh, to find out if it made a difference 258 00:11:34,911 --> 00:11:37,261 if I married your mom. And? 259 00:11:37,261 --> 00:11:38,741 He said it's too late for that. 260 00:11:38,741 --> 00:11:40,438 Because she's already being detained, 261 00:11:40,438 --> 00:11:42,049 it'll be hard to prove that it's not fraud. 262 00:11:42,049 --> 00:11:43,746 But we've been living here with you. 263 00:11:43,746 --> 00:11:45,530 Eh, doesn't that help? 264 00:11:45,530 --> 00:11:50,231 I mean, you guys are in a relationship, in a way. 265 00:11:50,231 --> 00:11:51,885 Aren't you? 266 00:11:56,150 --> 00:11:58,456 The bigger issue is that she's been living here 267 00:11:58,456 --> 00:12:00,197 illegally all these years, 268 00:12:00,197 --> 00:12:03,853 so she'll have to leave the country first. 269 00:12:03,853 --> 00:12:06,464 And then she can come back? 270 00:12:06,464 --> 00:12:09,467 She'll be barred from returning for 10 years. 271 00:12:09,467 --> 00:12:10,642 10 years? 272 00:12:10,642 --> 00:12:11,861 No, that's... that's insane. 273 00:12:11,861 --> 00:12:13,123 There... There's gotta be another way! 274 00:12:13,123 --> 00:12:15,430 There's a possibility for a waiver, 275 00:12:15,430 --> 00:12:17,649 but we have to prove extreme hardship. 276 00:12:17,649 --> 00:12:20,087 Okay, well, what about us? Jaz? 277 00:12:20,087 --> 00:12:22,219 Is she just supposed to grow up without a mom? 278 00:12:22,219 --> 00:12:24,656 Unfortunately, having kids here doesn't count. 279 00:12:24,656 --> 00:12:26,223 But... 280 00:12:26,223 --> 00:12:27,877 What's that gonna do to my mom? 281 00:12:27,877 --> 00:12:29,487 How is she gonna deal with not seeing us or... 282 00:12:29,487 --> 00:12:31,794 or... or being with us? 283 00:12:31,794 --> 00:12:34,405 It's gonna kill her. 284 00:12:34,405 --> 00:12:35,972 I can talk to another lawyer. 285 00:12:35,972 --> 00:12:39,280 I can get another opinion, but he said 286 00:12:39,280 --> 00:12:41,325 that even if she had a green card, 287 00:12:41,325 --> 00:12:44,589 grand theft is a deportable offense. 288 00:12:44,589 --> 00:12:46,504 Because they took the medical equipment, 289 00:12:46,504 --> 00:12:48,028 he doesn't think we have much of a case. 290 00:12:51,031 --> 00:12:52,989 I want to see her. Okay. 291 00:12:52,989 --> 00:12:55,687 Um, go tell your sister to come eat something 292 00:12:55,687 --> 00:12:56,819 and then we'll head over... No, no, no. 293 00:12:56,819 --> 00:12:59,822 I-I want to see her alone. 294 00:13:06,350 --> 00:13:08,352 Hey. 295 00:13:08,352 --> 00:13:12,182 Hi. Wait, um, wh... where's Jaz? 296 00:13:12,182 --> 00:13:13,923 - Is everything okay? - Yeah. 297 00:13:13,923 --> 00:13:15,359 Chris wanted to speak with you alone. 298 00:13:15,359 --> 00:13:18,710 I'll just be outside, give you guys some space. 299 00:13:18,710 --> 00:13:20,408 Um, okay. 300 00:13:23,672 --> 00:13:26,283 What... What's going on, anak? 301 00:13:26,283 --> 00:13:28,372 I, um... 302 00:13:28,372 --> 00:13:31,114 I just wanted to let you know that I made a decision. 303 00:13:31,114 --> 00:13:34,726 If you get deported, then I'm going with you. 304 00:13:34,726 --> 00:13:35,858 What? No. 305 00:13:35,858 --> 00:13:37,207 No, no, no, no. That's not happening. 306 00:13:37,207 --> 00:13:38,730 Hey, it's my choice, okay? 307 00:13:38,730 --> 00:13:39,862 I'm not gonna let you go alone. 308 00:13:39,862 --> 00:13:41,342 Come on, Chris, this is crazy. 309 00:13:41,342 --> 00:13:42,865 No, it's not. 310 00:13:42,865 --> 00:13:44,954 I'm not even supposed to be here, alright? 311 00:13:44,954 --> 00:13:46,869 I'm a TNT, just like you. 312 00:13:46,869 --> 00:13:49,567 You're wrong, okay? 313 00:13:49,567 --> 00:13:52,744 You're supposed to be here because everything I did, 314 00:13:52,744 --> 00:13:54,877 I did for you... Don't roll your eyes at me. 315 00:13:54,877 --> 00:13:56,052 Everything I did, I did for you. 316 00:13:56,052 --> 00:13:57,532 I know. I know. 317 00:13:57,532 --> 00:14:00,361 I-I see that, and I appreciate it. 318 00:14:00,361 --> 00:14:01,449 I do. No. 319 00:14:01,449 --> 00:14:02,711 No, you don't, because if you did, 320 00:14:02,711 --> 00:14:03,886 you wouldn't be saying this. 321 00:14:06,367 --> 00:14:10,240 Look, every sacrifice I've made, 322 00:14:10,240 --> 00:14:14,723 every lie I've told, every toilet I've cleaned, 323 00:14:14,723 --> 00:14:19,032 it was for you 324 00:14:19,032 --> 00:14:21,861 so you could have a life here. 325 00:14:21,861 --> 00:14:23,079 Okay, and you're not throwing that away. 326 00:14:23,079 --> 00:14:24,602 You hear me? 327 00:14:24,602 --> 00:14:26,604 But how am I supposed to stay here 328 00:14:26,604 --> 00:14:28,128 if you're forced to go? 329 00:14:30,957 --> 00:14:33,263 Because this is your home, anak. 330 00:14:35,657 --> 00:14:37,311 You're meant to be here. 331 00:14:42,185 --> 00:14:44,187 Look, I-I know... 332 00:14:44,187 --> 00:14:45,536 I know this must be hard on you, 333 00:14:45,536 --> 00:14:48,104 but... 334 00:14:48,104 --> 00:14:51,934 the best thing you can do for me right now 335 00:14:51,934 --> 00:14:55,633 is... is live the life 336 00:14:55,633 --> 00:14:58,636 I've always wanted you to have. 337 00:14:58,636 --> 00:14:59,986 Hmm? 338 00:15:13,477 --> 00:15:15,566 He'll see you. 339 00:15:38,328 --> 00:15:40,852 There's something called "honor amongst thieves". 340 00:15:40,852 --> 00:15:44,160 You don't abide by that principle, do you? 341 00:15:44,160 --> 00:15:46,467 Look, I didn't steal from you. 342 00:15:46,467 --> 00:15:48,295 Arman did. 343 00:15:48,295 --> 00:15:50,340 I need that medication for my son, 344 00:15:50,340 --> 00:15:51,776 and you need a new supplier. 345 00:15:51,776 --> 00:15:53,126 Nothing's changed. 346 00:15:53,126 --> 00:15:54,170 I mean, he tried to steal from you 347 00:15:54,170 --> 00:15:55,389 because you cut him out, 348 00:15:55,389 --> 00:15:56,868 but there's no reason for you to cut me out. 349 00:15:56,868 --> 00:15:58,609 Don't listen to her, Robert. 350 00:15:58,609 --> 00:16:00,002 She's not someone who can be trusted. 351 00:16:00,002 --> 00:16:01,873 How do you know she didn't re-route the drugs? 352 00:16:01,873 --> 00:16:04,964 Because I need you as much as you need me. 353 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:07,270 That drug from Manila works. 354 00:16:07,270 --> 00:16:10,491 But I only got one box before your men stopped me. 355 00:16:10,491 --> 00:16:12,972 If I don't get the rest, my son could die. 356 00:16:12,972 --> 00:16:16,801 That sounds very much like what you need. 357 00:16:16,801 --> 00:16:19,543 Look, that pharmaceutical contact 358 00:16:19,543 --> 00:16:22,024 in Manila is mine. 359 00:16:22,024 --> 00:16:24,157 With all the corruption, people don't trust easily 360 00:16:24,157 --> 00:16:25,985 in the Philippines. 361 00:16:25,985 --> 00:16:28,509 I know how to keep that pipeline going, 362 00:16:28,509 --> 00:16:30,946 just like you asked, without Arman. 363 00:16:34,210 --> 00:16:36,647 And so, you'd switch allegiances just like that? 364 00:16:36,647 --> 00:16:39,215 Because she's a selfish snake. 365 00:16:39,215 --> 00:16:43,393 Everything I've done, I've done for my son. 366 00:16:43,393 --> 00:16:48,529 So, you may not trust me, but you can trust that. 367 00:16:48,529 --> 00:16:51,227 Yes, Arman helped me in the past, 368 00:16:51,227 --> 00:16:53,403 but you're the one who can help me now, 369 00:16:53,403 --> 00:16:57,755 and I need this deal more than anybody. 370 00:16:57,755 --> 00:17:01,933 And that's why you saved my life... 371 00:17:01,933 --> 00:17:03,718 after I was poisoned. 372 00:17:06,460 --> 00:17:08,592 When does your son need the rest of his medicine? 373 00:17:08,592 --> 00:17:10,072 As soon as possible. 374 00:17:10,072 --> 00:17:11,943 Just let her have them, Robert, then be done with her. 375 00:17:11,943 --> 00:17:13,423 The last thing you want is to be in the Caymans 376 00:17:13,423 --> 00:17:15,817 worrying about how she could be screwing you over. 377 00:17:19,560 --> 00:17:21,605 Alright, let's go. 378 00:17:21,605 --> 00:17:23,346 Now? 379 00:17:23,346 --> 00:17:26,784 That entire shipment's about to be handed over to my buyer. 380 00:17:26,784 --> 00:17:28,264 It's best we catch them before it happens, 381 00:17:28,264 --> 00:17:29,396 don't you think? 382 00:17:42,931 --> 00:17:45,890 What the hell? 383 00:17:45,890 --> 00:17:48,893 Come on. I would hate to keep our buyer waiting again. 384 00:17:55,117 --> 00:17:56,901 What's up? 385 00:17:56,901 --> 00:17:57,989 We got a problem. 386 00:17:57,989 --> 00:18:00,296 Your girl Thony is with Kamdar. 387 00:18:00,296 --> 00:18:01,471 You didn't put her in there, did you? 388 00:18:01,471 --> 00:18:02,820 Hell no. You sure? 389 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:04,387 Yeah. And they're heading out. 390 00:18:04,387 --> 00:18:06,824 Something is going down now. 391 00:18:06,824 --> 00:18:08,609 Alright, Caudillo's got eyes on the valet. 392 00:18:08,609 --> 00:18:10,915 Alright, make sure he stays with them. 393 00:18:24,015 --> 00:18:26,322 Caudillo, tell me you've got Kamdar. 394 00:18:26,322 --> 00:18:28,019 Yeah. They're down here at the valet. 395 00:18:28,019 --> 00:18:29,282 And Thony? 396 00:18:29,282 --> 00:18:30,500 She just got in a vehicle with them. 397 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:32,154 There's two S.U.V.s in front. 398 00:18:32,154 --> 00:18:35,026 Thony's riding with Kamdar in the third behind them. 399 00:18:35,026 --> 00:18:36,158 Any idea where they're headed? 400 00:18:36,158 --> 00:18:38,029 Not yet, but they're on the move, 401 00:18:38,029 --> 00:18:41,250 turning northbound on the strip, with heavy security detail. 402 00:18:41,250 --> 00:18:42,425 We're on our away, 403 00:18:42,425 --> 00:18:45,124 but do not engage until you have backup. 404 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:46,690 Understood. 405 00:19:11,193 --> 00:19:13,152 Talk to me, Caudillo. Where are they now? 406 00:19:13,152 --> 00:19:15,371 Just turned west on Range Road. 407 00:19:15,371 --> 00:19:17,199 - What the hell is out there? - Not much. 408 00:19:17,199 --> 00:19:20,202 I gotta drop back or I'll be seen. 409 00:19:20,202 --> 00:19:21,769 Alright, just don't lose them. 410 00:19:28,210 --> 00:19:29,559 Garrett? 411 00:19:29,559 --> 00:19:30,821 I told you to stay the hell away from Kamdar. 412 00:19:30,821 --> 00:19:32,214 What the hell are you talking about? 413 00:19:32,214 --> 00:19:33,346 Thony's with him now. 414 00:19:33,346 --> 00:19:35,217 Damn it. 415 00:19:35,217 --> 00:19:37,045 You have any idea where they're going? 416 00:19:37,045 --> 00:19:39,482 You're gonna have to give me more than that. 417 00:19:39,482 --> 00:19:42,224 We're in North Vegas, heading west on Range Road. 418 00:19:42,224 --> 00:19:43,356 Yeah, there's a junkyard out there. 419 00:19:43,356 --> 00:19:45,227 Kamdar used to send me to collect. 420 00:19:45,227 --> 00:19:46,750 They have to be headed in that direction. 421 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:47,751 I'll see you there. 422 00:19:47,751 --> 00:19:49,927 No. You stay the hell away. 423 00:19:52,060 --> 00:19:54,018 Arman! 424 00:19:54,018 --> 00:19:55,194 Damn it. 425 00:20:00,808 --> 00:20:02,940 My buyer has some trust issues, 426 00:20:02,940 --> 00:20:04,333 which is why we're here. 427 00:20:04,333 --> 00:20:07,902 And I have to say, so do I. 428 00:20:07,902 --> 00:20:11,122 I really, really need to get those meds 429 00:20:11,122 --> 00:20:14,125 back to the hospital for Luca. 430 00:20:14,125 --> 00:20:15,779 Don't worry. 431 00:20:15,779 --> 00:20:17,781 Your meds are here. 432 00:20:30,272 --> 00:20:32,231 I told you not to come here. 433 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:35,146 Yeah, well, you know that wasn't happening. 434 00:20:35,146 --> 00:20:36,844 You're not going in without this. 435 00:20:38,846 --> 00:20:40,151 Come on. 436 00:20:40,151 --> 00:20:42,023 Let's go pretend to be on the same side. 437 00:20:46,027 --> 00:20:47,289 Come on! 438 00:21:00,476 --> 00:21:04,001 There's something I still need to discuss with you. 439 00:21:04,001 --> 00:21:05,307 You said my cardiac arrest 440 00:21:05,307 --> 00:21:06,656 was caused by a drug interaction. 441 00:21:06,656 --> 00:21:08,615 Well, that was just a guess. 442 00:21:08,615 --> 00:21:11,270 Don't lie to me, Thony. 443 00:21:26,589 --> 00:21:28,852 How many? About five, six. 444 00:21:30,332 --> 00:21:32,987 I swear. 445 00:21:32,987 --> 00:21:34,771 What? 446 00:21:34,771 --> 00:21:36,338 You saved my life, yes, 447 00:21:36,338 --> 00:21:39,167 but you just happened to be right there. 448 00:21:39,167 --> 00:21:41,343 Like you knew what was coming. 449 00:21:41,343 --> 00:21:43,693 And Joseph told me you refused to use the defibrillator 450 00:21:43,693 --> 00:21:45,869 that would've killed me. Yes. 451 00:21:45,869 --> 00:21:47,828 Based on all my experience as a doctor... 452 00:21:47,828 --> 00:21:50,874 The truth, Thony! The truth. 453 00:21:50,874 --> 00:21:54,400 If I knew anything, Robert, I would tell you, okay? 454 00:21:58,360 --> 00:22:00,710 - Finish her. - What? Think of... 455 00:22:00,710 --> 00:22:02,233 Think of my son. 456 00:22:02,233 --> 00:22:03,539 And I-I just saved your life. 457 00:22:03,539 --> 00:22:07,238 And for that, I'll grant a life for a life. 458 00:22:07,238 --> 00:22:09,066 Your son can live. 459 00:22:09,066 --> 00:22:12,200 We won't touch your family. 460 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:14,289 But you've lied to me one too many times. 461 00:22:15,595 --> 00:22:17,161 No. 462 00:22:40,010 --> 00:22:41,577 Don't move! 463 00:22:45,538 --> 00:22:47,583 Aah! 464 00:23:15,698 --> 00:23:17,961 Stay there! 465 00:23:35,979 --> 00:23:37,503 Robert Kamdar! 466 00:23:38,852 --> 00:23:40,506 Up against the vehicle. 467 00:23:42,682 --> 00:23:43,770 We got him. 468 00:23:51,473 --> 00:23:54,128 Garrett? 469 00:23:54,128 --> 00:23:55,346 Garrett, can you hear me? 470 00:23:58,698 --> 00:24:00,177 Garrett down! 471 00:24:00,177 --> 00:24:03,180 Help! 472 00:24:03,180 --> 00:24:05,487 Breathe. 473 00:24:05,487 --> 00:24:07,054 Garrett. 474 00:24:10,710 --> 00:24:12,102 Stay with me. 475 00:24:12,102 --> 00:24:14,453 Garrett, stay with me. 476 00:24:14,453 --> 00:24:15,671 Hold on. Hold on. 477 00:24:18,065 --> 00:24:19,370 You did it. 478 00:24:19,370 --> 00:24:20,894 No, we did it. 479 00:24:23,549 --> 00:24:25,551 Agent down over here! 480 00:24:27,727 --> 00:24:29,729 Garrett? 481 00:24:32,688 --> 00:24:36,213 Garrett. 482 00:24:36,213 --> 00:24:38,172 N... No. 483 00:25:14,295 --> 00:25:16,558 Hi. 484 00:25:20,606 --> 00:25:21,781 How is he doing? 485 00:25:21,781 --> 00:25:24,435 Good. The doctor said the treatment worked. 486 00:25:24,435 --> 00:25:26,568 He's stable. 487 00:25:26,568 --> 00:25:28,396 Salamat. Ingot ka. 488 00:26:02,169 --> 00:26:03,387 Mom! 489 00:26:03,387 --> 00:26:05,259 No touching. 490 00:26:17,619 --> 00:26:19,969 How are guys doing? And how... how's Luca? 491 00:26:19,969 --> 00:26:22,624 He was sleeping, so they wouldn't let us see him, 492 00:26:22,624 --> 00:26:24,321 but the social worker says he's doing okay. 493 00:26:24,321 --> 00:26:27,629 Good. Good. 494 00:26:27,629 --> 00:26:30,327 Well, sometimes, you need to do what you know 495 00:26:30,327 --> 00:26:31,633 is right in your heart, 496 00:26:31,633 --> 00:26:34,244 and even when other people say it's wrong. 497 00:26:34,244 --> 00:26:35,724 Okay, but it's not right that you have to pay 498 00:26:35,724 --> 00:26:37,247 for it like this. 499 00:26:37,247 --> 00:26:39,336 I know, anak. 500 00:26:39,336 --> 00:26:42,078 But... But don't worry. 501 00:26:42,078 --> 00:26:45,995 Your Auntie T is, uh... she's working on getting me out. 502 00:26:45,995 --> 00:26:48,171 But what if she can't? 503 00:26:48,171 --> 00:26:51,522 What if you get deported? 504 00:26:51,522 --> 00:26:53,220 Um... 505 00:26:55,570 --> 00:26:59,530 I guess... I guess, maybe your... your dad can... 506 00:26:59,530 --> 00:27:03,186 Oh, Fi, you know I've got them. 507 00:27:03,186 --> 00:27:06,755 That's something you don't have to worry about, okay? 508 00:27:06,755 --> 00:27:09,105 We'll be fine, Mom. 509 00:27:09,105 --> 00:27:10,498 We'll be okay. 510 00:27:10,498 --> 00:27:12,152 We'll work it out. 511 00:27:14,589 --> 00:27:18,549 I'm just... I'm holding you tight right now. 512 00:27:22,118 --> 00:27:25,469 Don't worry. Your Auntie T, she's on it. 513 00:27:41,268 --> 00:27:42,878 They told me I'd find you here. 514 00:27:46,708 --> 00:27:48,275 Have a seat, Thony. 515 00:28:04,117 --> 00:28:06,728 You know, Garrett graduated 516 00:28:06,728 --> 00:28:10,601 97th in his class at the Academy? 517 00:28:10,601 --> 00:28:13,256 97th out of 250. 518 00:28:15,041 --> 00:28:18,653 He was average at best. 519 00:28:20,394 --> 00:28:24,441 But no one had better instincts in the field. 520 00:28:24,441 --> 00:28:27,618 He could always find a way to wiggle out of anything, 521 00:28:27,618 --> 00:28:31,057 land on his own two feet... 522 00:28:31,057 --> 00:28:33,581 until he met you. 523 00:28:33,581 --> 00:28:35,278 I never meant for this to happen. 524 00:28:35,278 --> 00:28:39,674 We told you your status as a CI was compromised. 525 00:28:41,676 --> 00:28:44,461 We told you not to engage with Kamdar. 526 00:28:44,461 --> 00:28:47,116 I-I did what I had to for Fiona, 527 00:28:47,116 --> 00:28:49,249 and Garrett told me that he would help get her back 528 00:28:49,249 --> 00:28:50,772 if I delivered Kamdar. 529 00:28:50,772 --> 00:28:53,166 And now he's dead because of it. 530 00:28:55,516 --> 00:28:57,431 You broke protocols. 531 00:28:57,431 --> 00:28:59,781 You endangered lives. 532 00:28:59,781 --> 00:29:02,218 Not to mention the countless crimes 533 00:29:02,218 --> 00:29:05,482 you committed with Arman that Garrett let slide. 534 00:29:08,921 --> 00:29:11,793 But Garrett wouldn't want Fiona 535 00:29:11,793 --> 00:29:13,664 to suffer for your mistakes, 536 00:29:13,664 --> 00:29:17,320 so I am going to take your statement 537 00:29:17,320 --> 00:29:18,495 and forward it 538 00:29:18,495 --> 00:29:21,498 to the U.S. Attorney's Office. 539 00:29:21,498 --> 00:29:22,804 And if they approve it, 540 00:29:22,804 --> 00:29:28,288 we will file the paperwork to get Fiona out. 541 00:29:34,207 --> 00:29:35,817 Thank you. 542 00:29:38,385 --> 00:29:41,214 Please state your name for the record. 543 00:29:42,302 --> 00:29:44,260 Thony De La Rosa. 544 00:29:44,260 --> 00:29:48,351 Sorry to interrupt, but I just got a call from AUSA Serrano. 545 00:29:48,351 --> 00:29:50,701 Kamdar posted bail. 546 00:29:50,701 --> 00:29:51,964 He's out. 547 00:29:51,964 --> 00:29:55,141 Sonofabitch. 548 00:29:55,141 --> 00:29:57,360 How did this happen? 549 00:29:57,360 --> 00:29:58,666 He's a flight risk. 550 00:29:58,666 --> 00:29:59,754 His lawyers convinced the judge 551 00:29:59,754 --> 00:30:01,538 that if he surrendered his passports, 552 00:30:01,538 --> 00:30:03,192 he's not going anywhere. 553 00:30:03,192 --> 00:30:05,629 That's not true. 554 00:30:05,629 --> 00:30:08,719 He's... He's going to the Cayman Islands. 555 00:30:08,719 --> 00:30:11,374 - What? - Nadia tried to tell me. 556 00:30:11,374 --> 00:30:13,028 He's got a private plane. 557 00:30:13,028 --> 00:30:14,943 He's paying off immigration officers. 558 00:30:14,943 --> 00:30:18,512 He's leaving the country. 559 00:30:18,512 --> 00:30:20,557 Do you know where he keeps his plane? 560 00:30:20,557 --> 00:30:22,603 Yes. I-I can take you there. 561 00:30:27,173 --> 00:30:29,479 You better be right, because if Kamdar gets away, 562 00:30:29,479 --> 00:30:30,741 the deal is off. 563 00:30:30,741 --> 00:30:32,004 You just said that you were... 564 00:30:32,004 --> 00:30:33,657 Garrett may have bent over backwards for you, 565 00:30:33,657 --> 00:30:34,876 but the U.S. Attorney's Office 566 00:30:34,876 --> 00:30:36,835 isn't going to pull strings for nothing. 567 00:30:36,835 --> 00:30:38,575 I already helped you catch him. 568 00:30:38,575 --> 00:30:40,360 It's not my fault he managed to post bail. 569 00:30:40,360 --> 00:30:42,014 Doesn't matter. If we lose Kamdar, 570 00:30:42,014 --> 00:30:44,146 there won't be anything for you to testify to. 571 00:30:44,146 --> 00:30:45,408 I'll round up the squad cars and meet you there. 572 00:30:45,408 --> 00:30:47,236 I'll send coordinates as soon as I have them. 573 00:30:47,236 --> 00:30:49,325 Copy! 574 00:31:07,604 --> 00:31:10,346 He said about two minutes. 575 00:31:10,346 --> 00:31:12,740 No. Not till Nadia gets here. 576 00:31:15,786 --> 00:31:17,310 Here she is. 577 00:31:20,052 --> 00:31:22,619 First you keep me a prisoner, then you let him kidnap me! 578 00:31:22,619 --> 00:31:24,447 You haven't been kidnapped. You've been escorted. 579 00:31:24,447 --> 00:31:26,058 I'm not going with you, Robert. 580 00:31:26,058 --> 00:31:27,798 You tried to kill me. 581 00:31:27,798 --> 00:31:30,105 I was just returning the favor, so be fair. 582 00:31:53,824 --> 00:31:56,001 Arman, wait. 583 00:31:59,004 --> 00:32:00,483 Arman. 584 00:32:13,322 --> 00:32:17,718 If you kill me, you'll never get away with it. 585 00:32:19,111 --> 00:32:21,156 I'm not gonna kill you. 586 00:32:40,871 --> 00:32:43,483 No. Nadia? 587 00:32:57,192 --> 00:32:58,324 Vamos. 588 00:34:17,925 --> 00:34:19,622 So, how does it feel, 589 00:34:19,622 --> 00:34:23,409 walking in here now, being your own boss? 590 00:34:25,019 --> 00:34:26,847 Not having to answer to anybody? 591 00:34:30,677 --> 00:34:34,289 Not Hayak... not Kamdar. 592 00:34:41,992 --> 00:34:44,038 From now on, this is all ours. 593 00:34:48,869 --> 00:34:51,959 You mean it's all mine. 594 00:35:03,840 --> 00:35:07,322 Auntie T. Hey. 595 00:35:07,322 --> 00:35:08,497 How's Luca doing? 596 00:35:08,497 --> 00:35:10,543 He's good. He's stabilized now. 597 00:35:13,154 --> 00:35:16,026 What's wrong, Thony? 598 00:35:16,026 --> 00:35:18,594 Um... 599 00:35:18,594 --> 00:35:20,988 The deal with the FBI fell apart. 600 00:35:20,988 --> 00:35:22,163 I'm so sorry. 601 00:35:22,163 --> 00:35:25,166 So, what does that... what does that mean? 602 00:35:25,166 --> 00:35:29,605 It means that your mom has to go back home. 603 00:35:29,605 --> 00:35:31,390 But this is her home. 604 00:35:33,566 --> 00:35:35,350 Hey, you said you'd fix this. 605 00:35:35,350 --> 00:35:37,657 I know, Chris. You promised. 606 00:35:37,657 --> 00:35:39,528 - I will fix this. - Where's your FBI guy? 607 00:35:39,528 --> 00:35:41,661 I want to ask him some things. Maybe... 608 00:35:41,661 --> 00:35:43,184 You can't. He's... He's gone. 609 00:35:43,184 --> 00:35:45,273 What do you mean, he's gone? 610 00:35:45,273 --> 00:35:48,711 He's... He's dead. 611 00:35:48,711 --> 00:35:50,191 Was that your fault, too? 612 00:35:50,191 --> 00:35:51,845 Chris. What?! 613 00:35:51,845 --> 00:35:53,455 How can you guys just stand there? 614 00:35:53,455 --> 00:35:56,154 She got Mom deported, 615 00:35:56,154 --> 00:35:57,851 and we're never gonna see her again. 616 00:35:57,851 --> 00:36:00,854 Blaming each other is not the way we're gonna get her back. 617 00:36:00,854 --> 00:36:03,030 We have to stick together as a family. 618 00:36:07,208 --> 00:36:08,862 Come here. Come here. It's okay. 619 00:36:08,862 --> 00:36:10,211 What are we gonna do? 620 00:36:10,211 --> 00:36:11,908 No matter what happens, 621 00:36:11,908 --> 00:36:15,390 both of you guys can stay with me, okay? 622 00:36:15,390 --> 00:36:18,045 My home is yours, too. No. 623 00:36:18,045 --> 00:36:21,396 Jaz could stay with you, but... 624 00:36:21,396 --> 00:36:24,486 Luca needs me, now more than ever. 625 00:36:24,486 --> 00:36:27,924 So, I have to be there for him. Okay? 626 00:36:27,924 --> 00:36:31,145 He can't keep losing everybody. 627 00:36:34,714 --> 00:36:36,716 Mommy? 628 00:36:36,716 --> 00:36:38,935 Hey, Luca. 629 00:36:38,935 --> 00:36:41,677 Lie down, lie down. 630 00:36:41,677 --> 00:36:42,939 Hey. 631 00:36:42,939 --> 00:36:44,593 I missed you. 632 00:36:44,593 --> 00:36:46,639 I missed you, too. 633 00:36:49,294 --> 00:36:50,425 Hey, buddy. 634 00:36:50,425 --> 00:36:52,427 Hi. 635 00:36:52,427 --> 00:36:54,951 - Hey, little man. - Hey, Luca. 636 00:36:54,951 --> 00:36:56,953 Hi. 637 00:36:56,953 --> 00:36:59,869 Where's Tita Fi? 638 00:38:23,431 --> 00:38:24,650 Aim. 639 00:38:25,781 --> 00:38:27,827 Ready? Aim. 640 00:41:22,305 --> 00:41:24,482 I told you not to kill Kamdar, 641 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:27,223 but you did it anyway. 642 00:41:27,223 --> 00:41:29,487 Fiona's gone because of you. 643 00:41:29,487 --> 00:41:31,706 Thony, she's alive. Alright? 644 00:41:31,706 --> 00:41:33,708 What I did kept us all safe. 645 00:41:33,708 --> 00:41:37,233 You need to help me get her back. 646 00:41:37,233 --> 00:41:39,584 You need to fix this. 647 00:41:44,371 --> 00:41:46,286 What you're asking for is not easy. 648 00:41:48,854 --> 00:41:50,203 There's a lot of risk, 649 00:41:50,203 --> 00:41:52,292 and Nadia can't find out about this. 650 00:41:54,381 --> 00:41:57,253 Thony, unless you trust me in how I do this, 651 00:41:57,253 --> 00:41:59,734 I can't help you. 652 00:41:59,734 --> 00:42:03,695 I never stopped trusting you. 653 00:42:03,695 --> 00:42:05,914 I know you did this to protect me, 654 00:42:05,914 --> 00:42:08,830 but you have to understand, I need to have my family back. 655 00:42:15,097 --> 00:42:16,751 Officer Jappa. 656 00:42:20,625 --> 00:42:22,844 I'm sure you were just as upset as I am 657 00:42:22,844 --> 00:42:26,282 about our friend, Mr. Kamdar. 658 00:42:26,282 --> 00:42:28,284 But the only change to your arrangement together 659 00:42:28,284 --> 00:42:29,459 will be the management. 660 00:42:29,459 --> 00:42:32,462 Your compensation will remain the same. 661 00:42:32,462 --> 00:42:36,118 Kamdar said you might be handling Manila. 662 00:42:36,118 --> 00:42:37,206 That's correct. 663 00:42:37,206 --> 00:42:39,208 There's one more thing. 664 00:42:39,208 --> 00:42:42,211 On our next shipment, I'm bringing someone back.