1 00:00:22,097 --> 00:00:23,689 Doi la unu? Vor reuși. 2 00:00:26,527 --> 00:00:27,443 Voi lua acel pariu. 3 00:00:30,773 --> 00:00:32,197 Par fericiți. 4 00:00:32,274 --> 00:00:33,615 Toți fac la început. 5 00:00:44,027 --> 00:00:46,528 Nu arunca asta. E o gumă bună. 6 00:00:46,547 --> 00:00:48,047 În regulă! 7 00:00:48,123 --> 00:00:49,956 Trebuie... trebuie să fac o lovitură. 8 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:51,592 Este Lady Luck. 9 00:00:53,112 --> 00:00:54,386 Bine, intră aici cu mine. 10 00:01:01,211 --> 00:01:02,877 -Bine. -Să terminăm și să mergem acasă. 11 00:01:02,897 --> 00:01:04,563 Nu trebuie să mă întrebi de două ori. 12 00:01:12,722 --> 00:01:14,055 O, haide. 13 00:01:14,133 --> 00:01:16,133 -Ce faci, Stevie? 14 00:01:16,135 --> 00:01:17,910 Nu pot să mă distrez și eu? 15 00:01:17,986 --> 00:01:19,653 Te-am văzut pe tine și pe sora ta proști... 16 00:01:19,729 --> 00:01:20,621 Cumnată. 17 00:01:21,731 --> 00:01:23,307 Sunt căsătorită cu fratele ei. 18 00:01:23,325 --> 00:01:25,325 -Hmm. -Acum, dacă mă scuzați... 19 00:01:25,402 --> 00:01:27,994 Hei, te interesează mesele de la parter? 20 00:01:28,147 --> 00:01:29,755 Aș putea face asta pentru tine, Thony. 21 00:01:29,832 --> 00:01:31,164 Fiona a spus că nu permiți asta. 22 00:01:31,317 --> 00:01:33,467 Adică, nu pentru ilegali, ci pentru tine... 23 00:01:34,762 --> 00:01:35,743 Nu, mulțumesc. Sunt bine. 24 00:01:35,763 --> 00:01:36,929 O, haide. 25 00:01:37,080 --> 00:01:38,222 Încerc doar să ajut. 26 00:01:41,009 --> 00:01:42,917 Esti prea bun pentru asta? 27 00:01:42,937 --> 00:01:44,103 Nu am nevoie de asemenea ajutor. 28 00:01:45,681 --> 00:01:47,514 Lasă-mă acum. 29 00:01:47,666 --> 00:01:50,592 Crezi că ești atât de inteligent? Un singur telefon. 30 00:01:50,644 --> 00:01:54,020 Nu veți da acel apel pentru că ne angajați este ilegal. 31 00:01:54,173 --> 00:01:57,174 Și dacă ne predai, te vei face doar rău. 32 00:01:57,176 --> 00:01:58,817 Hei, cu cine naiba crezi că vorbești, nu? 33 00:01:58,969 --> 00:02:01,678 Nu mă atinge. Am zis să pleci de pe mine! 34 00:02:01,697 --> 00:02:02,621 Dă-i drumul! 35 00:02:07,944 --> 00:02:09,128 eu--eu-- 36 00:02:09,964 --> 00:02:11,463 Nu respiră. 37 00:02:15,285 --> 00:02:17,177 O, nu, nu, nu! 38 00:02:20,366 --> 00:02:22,457 Oh, Dumnezeule. Ce face ea? 39 00:02:40,661 --> 00:02:41,976 Suna la 911. 40 00:02:41,996 --> 00:02:43,495 De unde ai știut cum să faci asta? 41 00:02:43,572 --> 00:02:44,663 Ea este doctor. 42 00:02:46,725 --> 00:02:47,624 Să iesim de aici. 43 00:02:51,321 --> 00:02:52,671 -Ești... ești bine? Da. 44 00:02:52,748 --> 00:02:54,080 O să fie bine? 45 00:02:54,233 --> 00:02:56,324 Nu cred că va fi vreodată bine, dar va trăi. 46 00:02:56,343 --> 00:03:00,921 El este ca orice alt idiot, dar tu... ai fost uimitor. 47 00:03:01,073 --> 00:03:02,406 Adică, văzând că faci asta, 48 00:03:02,408 --> 00:03:04,683 ar trebui să salvezi vieți, nu să spălați toaletele. 49 00:03:04,834 --> 00:03:06,092 Ah, dar de ce să alegi? 50 00:03:06,169 --> 00:03:09,188 Pot salva vieți în timp ce spăl toaletele. 51 00:03:20,016 --> 00:03:22,117 -Ce e, Jaz? 52 00:03:24,947 --> 00:03:27,597 Jaz, Jaz, vulturul a aterizat. 53 00:03:27,599 --> 00:03:29,357 Copie. 54 00:03:29,435 --> 00:03:31,952 O, ce cauți aici, nu? 55 00:03:32,104 --> 00:03:33,879 - E trecut de 2:00 am - Nu am putut dormi, mamă. 56 00:03:34,030 --> 00:03:35,105 Unde e Chris? 57 00:03:35,123 --> 00:03:36,122 Trebuia să te urmărească. 58 00:03:36,275 --> 00:03:37,633 Luca mă urmărește? 59 00:03:41,480 --> 00:03:43,305 Te-am vazut. 60 00:03:44,132 --> 00:03:47,559 Chris. Chris! 61 00:03:47,711 --> 00:03:48,644 Unde esti? 62 00:03:51,957 --> 00:03:54,441 Tu. Mergi in pat. Acum! 63 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:57,294 Este karma de când eram copil. 64 00:03:57,296 --> 00:03:59,655 Sunt îngeri în comparație cu tine. 65 00:04:02,468 --> 00:04:04,576 Ce? - Chris! 66 00:04:04,653 --> 00:04:05,786 Ce naiba crezi că faci 67 00:04:05,821 --> 00:04:07,471 să-ți lași sora singură afară, nu? 68 00:04:07,489 --> 00:04:08,413 Ea e bine. 69 00:04:08,640 --> 00:04:10,307 Oh, până când cineva sună la Serviciile pentru Copii 70 00:04:10,325 --> 00:04:11,750 și ei îmi deportează fundul și apoi ce? 71 00:04:11,827 --> 00:04:13,067 Dacă ți-ai făcut temele, 72 00:04:13,087 --> 00:04:14,402 poate ai avea ceva sens în capul tău. 73 00:04:14,421 --> 00:04:15,662 Tot ceea ce. 74 00:04:15,739 --> 00:04:18,590 Nu, nu mă „orice”! 75 00:04:23,097 --> 00:04:24,654 Noapte bună, Thony. 76 00:04:24,673 --> 00:04:26,765 Noapte bună, Fi. 77 00:04:53,961 --> 00:04:55,335 Luca. 78 00:04:57,113 --> 00:05:00,281 Ți-am spus să nu mă aștepți. 79 00:05:00,359 --> 00:05:02,634 Și să nu joci jocuri video atât de târziu. 80 00:05:02,711 --> 00:05:04,303 Nu sunt. E tati. 81 00:05:04,379 --> 00:05:07,789 I-am spus că mă uit la Jaz jucând mingea. 82 00:05:07,866 --> 00:05:09,808 Când o să vii acasă să te joci cu popii tăi, nu? 83 00:05:09,885 --> 00:05:11,143 Marco? 84 00:05:12,204 --> 00:05:13,370 Bine, ai auzit-o pe mama ta. 85 00:05:13,388 --> 00:05:15,689 Pune-o și dormi, bine? 86 00:05:16,984 --> 00:05:18,466 Mingea e viață. 87 00:05:18,544 --> 00:05:20,301 Viața lui Ball. 88 00:05:20,379 --> 00:05:21,403 Pumn, Luca. 89 00:05:22,214 --> 00:05:24,072 -Bine. 90 00:05:26,309 --> 00:05:28,810 Wow, unde ai fost? Am încercat să ajung la tine. 91 00:05:28,829 --> 00:05:29,828 Lucrez noaptea, Marco. 92 00:05:29,979 --> 00:05:31,555 Când ar trebui să fii acasă. 93 00:05:31,557 --> 00:05:33,239 Ești acolo acum un an de când donatorul s-a retras. 94 00:05:33,392 --> 00:05:36,242 -Opt luni. - Deci ce s-a schimbat, nu? 95 00:05:36,319 --> 00:05:37,985 Acele clinici tot nu-l vor vedea pe Luca. 96 00:05:38,005 --> 00:05:39,671 Suntem într-un registru de donatori, Marco. 97 00:05:39,748 --> 00:05:41,131 Trebuie doar să avem răbdare. 98 00:05:41,991 --> 00:05:43,324 Vorbește despre asta mai târziu. 99 00:05:43,344 --> 00:05:45,585 -La revedere. Tine minte. 100 00:05:46,830 --> 00:05:48,597 Bine, alune. 101 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:51,683 E timpul pentru decolare? 102 00:05:51,835 --> 00:05:53,668 La fel ca Neil Armstrong. 103 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:55,912 Și Chino Roque. 104 00:05:55,931 --> 00:05:58,231 Bine, unde vrei să mergi mai întâi? 105 00:05:59,101 --> 00:06:01,101 Marte - nu, Saturn. 106 00:06:01,177 --> 00:06:02,677 -Saturn? -Da. 107 00:06:02,696 --> 00:06:04,345 Aceasta? 108 00:06:04,423 --> 00:06:05,179 Bine. 109 00:06:05,199 --> 00:06:06,848 Pentru că are un inel. 110 00:06:06,867 --> 00:06:09,701 Bine. Acum închide ochii. 111 00:06:09,853 --> 00:06:11,328 Inchide ochii. 112 00:06:12,188 --> 00:06:13,497 Și du-te la culcare. 113 00:06:18,695 --> 00:06:20,212 Și gratuit. 114 00:06:23,366 --> 00:06:25,366 Ei bine, are o deficiență imunitară rară, 115 00:06:25,386 --> 00:06:28,278 și nu există registre ale măduvei osoase acasă. 116 00:06:28,280 --> 00:06:30,371 Fiul meu este cambodgian-filipinez, 117 00:06:30,449 --> 00:06:32,707 deci este aproape imposibil să găsești o altă potrivire. 118 00:06:33,619 --> 00:06:36,686 Da, de aceea UCLA ne-a trimis la clinica ta. 119 00:06:38,899 --> 00:06:40,148 Da, acesta este numărul meu. 120 00:06:41,735 --> 00:06:42,809 Mulțumesc. 121 00:06:42,961 --> 00:06:44,385 -La naiba. 122 00:06:44,463 --> 00:06:46,129 Ce vei face dacă nu te sună înapoi? 123 00:06:46,131 --> 00:06:48,198 Le voi dărâma ușile dacă va trebui. 124 00:06:48,909 --> 00:06:50,725 Elena. Mulțumesc, hei. 125 00:06:50,744 --> 00:06:52,652 Nada pentru tine sau pentru tine. 126 00:06:52,729 --> 00:06:53,895 Amândoi sunteți concediați. 127 00:06:53,914 --> 00:06:54,821 Stai ce? 128 00:06:54,973 --> 00:06:56,306 Nu poți face asta. 129 00:06:56,308 --> 00:06:58,250 Mi-am pierdut cel mai mare contract de catering 130 00:06:58,326 --> 00:06:59,251 din cauza cascadorii pe care ai făcut-o. 131 00:06:59,402 --> 00:07:01,086 Da, dar Thony i-a salvat viața lui Stevie. 132 00:07:01,163 --> 00:07:02,479 După ce aproape l-ai ucis. 133 00:07:02,497 --> 00:07:04,756 Ți-am spus că unele locuri de muncă pot fi dificile. 134 00:07:04,833 --> 00:07:06,407 Te referi la viol. 135 00:07:07,152 --> 00:07:08,485 Bine, am lucrat trei nopți cu Stevie 136 00:07:08,503 --> 00:07:10,745 din moment ce ne-ai trimis la acel job; ne datorezi. 137 00:07:10,822 --> 00:07:13,156 Crezi că vei fi plătit pentru asta acum? 138 00:07:13,175 --> 00:07:15,158 Da, dacă nu vrei să răspândim vestea 139 00:07:15,177 --> 00:07:16,417 ca nu platesti. 140 00:07:16,495 --> 00:07:17,844 Ne vei da ceea ce ni se datorează 141 00:07:17,996 --> 00:07:19,771 pentru că dacă toți mergem, 142 00:07:19,848 --> 00:07:21,565 pierzi mai mult de un contract. 143 00:07:24,928 --> 00:07:26,778 Știi ce? 144 00:07:26,930 --> 00:07:28,947 Amândoi sunteți necazuri. 145 00:07:29,098 --> 00:07:30,356 Gata cu turele împreună. 146 00:07:52,531 --> 00:07:53,805 Hei, Thony. 147 00:07:53,882 --> 00:07:55,031 Verifică. 148 00:07:55,050 --> 00:07:57,217 Pentru cei 16 ani ai lui Shelby. 149 00:07:57,293 --> 00:07:59,269 Fiicei tale îi va plăcea, Theo. 150 00:08:00,981 --> 00:08:03,648 Arman, omul orei. Mă bucur să te văd, omule. 151 00:08:03,725 --> 00:08:05,542 Mă bucur să te văd și pe tine, Theo. Totul gata să meargă? 152 00:08:05,544 --> 00:08:08,211 Ah, se va întâmpla așa cum vrei tu să se întâmple. 153 00:08:08,230 --> 00:08:10,213 Rece. Hai să bem ceva. Sunt secat. 154 00:08:10,232 --> 00:08:12,232 Hei, hei, ce naiba e cu tine, omule? 155 00:08:12,308 --> 00:08:13,825 -Hai, arată-ți puțin respect. -Ce? 156 00:08:13,977 --> 00:08:15,385 Știu că tatăl tău nu te-a crescut 157 00:08:15,387 --> 00:08:16,978 sa actioneze asa. Trebuie să-ți ceri scuze. 158 00:08:16,997 --> 00:08:18,813 E in regula. Nu m-a văzut. 159 00:08:18,832 --> 00:08:20,499 Oricine nu te poate vedea este orb. 160 00:08:20,575 --> 00:08:23,576 - Haide, scuze. În regulă. 161 00:08:23,729 --> 00:08:26,246 Îmi pare rău, bine? 162 00:08:26,398 --> 00:08:28,548 -Esti bine? -Este bine. 163 00:08:31,069 --> 00:08:32,177 Hai să luăm băutura aia. 164 00:08:32,328 --> 00:08:33,178 -Da bine. Câștigă niște bani mari. 165 00:08:33,329 --> 00:08:35,222 -În regulă. -Da bine. 166 00:08:41,930 --> 00:08:43,429 Am spus nu. 167 00:08:43,582 --> 00:08:44,430 Haide. 168 00:08:44,525 --> 00:08:46,082 Îmi ceri să arunc lupta? 169 00:08:46,101 --> 00:08:47,600 La naiba cu zgomotul acela! 170 00:08:47,753 --> 00:08:50,086 Hei, nu întreb. Diva! 171 00:08:50,105 --> 00:08:51,938 In niciun caz. 172 00:08:52,015 --> 00:08:54,107 M-am chinuit pentru asta, Theo. 173 00:08:54,259 --> 00:08:55,659 Hei, nu este vorba despre tine. 174 00:08:57,262 --> 00:08:59,429 Uite, am familia mea. Fetița mea. 175 00:08:59,447 --> 00:09:02,415 Aceasta--aceasta--asta este mai mare decât noi toți. 176 00:09:04,193 --> 00:09:05,502 O faci să arate bine... 177 00:09:06,955 --> 00:09:08,338 Și coboară greu. 178 00:09:21,119 --> 00:09:23,144 Ei cred întotdeauna că ne dețin. 179 00:09:24,565 --> 00:09:25,689 Doar dacă le lăsăm. 180 00:10:45,387 --> 00:10:46,127 Bună, șase. 181 00:10:46,204 --> 00:10:47,979 Hei. Cum a fost lupta? 182 00:10:48,056 --> 00:10:50,039 Dacă aș fi pariat, aș fi câștigat. 183 00:10:50,041 --> 00:10:51,207 Ar trebui să intrăm în ring 184 00:10:51,226 --> 00:10:53,042 pentru că ar fi mai bine decât asta. 185 00:10:53,044 --> 00:10:54,227 Asta e corect. 186 00:10:54,379 --> 00:10:56,713 Manny Pacquiao, dă-te deoparte pentru Lady Luck! 187 00:10:56,731 --> 00:10:57,572 Ei bine, dacă sunt Lady Luck, 188 00:11:00,068 --> 00:11:01,159 Uau, ua, hei... 189 00:11:01,310 --> 00:11:02,309 Hei, yo, Theo, nu am terminat aici! 190 00:11:02,329 --> 00:11:03,310 Hei, mă voi ocupa de asta. 191 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:04,478 O să mă ocup de asta, bine? 192 00:11:04,498 --> 00:11:05,738 Thony? Thony, ești... 193 00:11:05,891 --> 00:11:07,148 Bine, nu puteam face nimic. 194 00:11:07,167 --> 00:11:09,058 Hei, dracu asta! Tu-- 195 00:11:09,077 --> 00:11:10,410 Ma descurc. Hei. 196 00:11:10,562 --> 00:11:12,562 vom rezolva ceva, bine? 197 00:11:12,580 --> 00:11:14,005 Trebuie să-ți păstrezi calmul, omule. În regulă? 198 00:11:14,157 --> 00:11:15,248 Da, nu, suntem cool. 199 00:11:15,324 --> 00:11:16,582 Jur, nu s-a mai întâmplat niciodată. 200 00:11:16,659 --> 00:11:17,509 În regulă. 201 00:11:22,407 --> 00:11:23,348 Ce naiba a fost aia? 202 00:11:23,499 --> 00:11:25,258 M-am săturat de scuzele lui. 203 00:11:25,334 --> 00:11:27,001 O, nu, nu, nu, nu. 204 00:11:30,006 --> 00:11:31,915 Pleacă naibii de aici, omule! 205 00:11:31,933 --> 00:11:33,400 Pleacă de aici, acum! 206 00:11:56,942 --> 00:11:58,550 Buna frumoaso. 207 00:12:23,076 --> 00:12:24,659 Sunt doar o femeie de curățenie. 208 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:29,414 Lasă-mă să-l curăţ pentru tine. 209 00:12:49,327 --> 00:12:50,918 Dacă așteptați, sângele se va infiltra în ciment. 210 00:12:50,937 --> 00:12:53,104 Trebuie defalcat. 211 00:12:54,165 --> 00:12:55,940 Peroxidul de sodiu este cel mai bun. 212 00:13:01,506 --> 00:13:02,655 Ce ești tu? Un fel de specialist? 213 00:13:04,117 --> 00:13:06,201 Te pot ajuta să faci asta să dispară. 214 00:13:07,270 --> 00:13:08,953 Înălbitorul și apa clocotită vor face acest lucru. 215 00:13:09,105 --> 00:13:10,205 Apă rece. 216 00:13:10,957 --> 00:13:12,540 Căldura fixează pata. 217 00:13:20,634 --> 00:13:23,384 Lasă-o doar să-și facă treaba. S-ar putea să înveți ceva. 218 00:14:14,262 --> 00:14:16,229 A spus că își va hrăni băiatul de pe acest etaj. 219 00:14:19,084 --> 00:14:20,174 Sunt mândru de munca mea 220 00:14:20,193 --> 00:14:22,318 pentru că am o familie care are nevoie de mine. 221 00:14:26,032 --> 00:14:28,441 Ti-ar placea ceva de baut? 222 00:14:28,593 --> 00:14:29,242 Este târziu. 223 00:14:30,519 --> 00:14:33,121 Numele meu este Arman, dacă are vreo diferență. 224 00:14:35,542 --> 00:14:36,766 De unde ești? 225 00:14:36,784 --> 00:14:38,084 Cambodgia. 226 00:14:39,954 --> 00:14:41,296 Locuiesc in Filipine. 227 00:14:43,550 --> 00:14:44,632 Și mă întorc curând. 228 00:14:46,035 --> 00:14:47,594 Nu am nevoie de probleme. 229 00:15:04,129 --> 00:15:06,404 Chiar trebuie să mă întorc la familia mea. 230 00:15:13,821 --> 00:15:17,306 Bine, hai să te ducem acasă înainte să le fie prea dor de tine. 231 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:43,409 Vezi, de asta mama te iubește mai mult decât pe mine. 232 00:16:43,561 --> 00:16:45,061 Deși nu înțeleg de ce ai vrea să cureți 233 00:16:45,079 --> 00:16:46,587 după ce am făcut curățenie toată noaptea. 234 00:16:48,174 --> 00:16:50,842 Nu vreau sa fac curat. Vreau doar ca lucrurile să fie curate. 235 00:16:50,993 --> 00:16:53,428 Oh, știu că slăbiți, doctore. 236 00:16:56,924 --> 00:17:00,092 Hei, hei, hei, ce-i ce sa întâmplat? 237 00:17:00,169 --> 00:17:02,245 Tu... faci asta când te învârtești. 238 00:17:02,263 --> 00:17:04,080 -Ce--ce--ce sa întâmplat? -Am nevoie de duba ta. 239 00:17:04,098 --> 00:17:06,607 Azi îl duc pe Luca la clinică. 240 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:10,010 Bine, hai... hai să vorbim. 241 00:17:10,088 --> 00:17:11,270 Bine, există un motiv pentru care majoritatea TNT-urilor 242 00:17:11,422 --> 00:17:13,422 nu va pune piciorul într-un spital. 243 00:17:13,424 --> 00:17:16,016 Dacă intri acolo și vorbești cu persoana greșită, 244 00:17:16,036 --> 00:17:18,110 esti nenorocit, bine? 245 00:17:18,187 --> 00:17:20,020 Trebuie să rămânem invizibili. 246 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:22,040 Nu, am terminat de așteptat. 247 00:17:22,116 --> 00:17:24,075 Fiecare zi îl pune pe Luca în pericol. 248 00:17:24,227 --> 00:17:25,376 Dacă mi se întâmplă ceva? 249 00:17:25,528 --> 00:17:28,421 Dacă s-a întâmplat ceva... fumează... 250 00:17:29,774 --> 00:17:31,274 Bine, l-am prins pe Luca. 251 00:17:32,034 --> 00:17:33,700 Dar dacă... vreau să spun, dacă există ceva 252 00:17:33,778 --> 00:17:35,178 vrei să vorbim despre acum... 253 00:17:42,954 --> 00:17:44,228 Am nevoie doar de cheile tale. 254 00:17:52,964 --> 00:17:56,657 Doar... nu te lăsa tras. 255 00:18:22,994 --> 00:18:24,143 Iată, iubito. 256 00:18:28,942 --> 00:18:30,108 Thony De La Rosa. 257 00:18:32,687 --> 00:18:35,196 Mă întorc imediat, arahide. Doar stai aici. 258 00:18:35,949 --> 00:18:37,764 Dimineaţă. 259 00:18:37,784 --> 00:18:39,375 Așa că am vorbit cu dr. Ramtej de la UCLA, 260 00:18:39,377 --> 00:18:42,678 și mi-a trimis viza ta pentru un transplant de măduvă osoasă. 261 00:18:42,697 --> 00:18:43,621 Este expirat. 262 00:18:44,791 --> 00:18:47,183 Ei bine, noi... donatorul sa retras, 263 00:18:47,201 --> 00:18:49,794 si de atunci asteptam un alt meci. 264 00:18:49,871 --> 00:18:51,295 Ți-ai prelungit viza? 265 00:18:52,615 --> 00:18:54,132 Uh, este în proces. 266 00:18:55,193 --> 00:18:56,384 Deci este un nu? 267 00:18:58,787 --> 00:19:00,263 Mă tem că nu te putem ajuta. 268 00:19:03,792 --> 00:19:04,684 Doamnă, vă rog. 269 00:19:06,537 --> 00:19:11,399 Fiul meu are nevoie de această terapie genică, altfel nu va reuși. 270 00:19:13,486 --> 00:19:16,362 Chiar vei respinge un băiețel de cinci ani? 271 00:19:18,140 --> 00:19:19,824 Dacă ar fi fiul tău? 272 00:19:19,975 --> 00:19:21,308 Îmi pare rău, dar oricine nu se poate conforma 273 00:19:21,360 --> 00:19:23,143 cu toate protocoalele este neeligibil. 274 00:19:23,163 --> 00:19:25,054 Ei bine, dacă citești din nou acea documentație, 275 00:19:25,056 --> 00:19:26,164 o sa vezi ca sunt doctor 276 00:19:26,315 --> 00:19:29,074 într-unul dintre cele mai aglomerate centre medicale din Manila. 277 00:19:29,151 --> 00:19:31,076 -Desigur, ne vom conforma. -Ești un ilegal. 278 00:19:31,153 --> 00:19:33,229 Nu putem risca ca fiul tău să fie deportat 279 00:19:33,247 --> 00:19:35,247 înainte ca perioada de probă de 52 de săptămâni să se încheie. 280 00:19:35,400 --> 00:19:37,341 -Acum, dacă mă scuzați. 281 00:19:38,403 --> 00:19:40,586 Institutul de Medicină a Celulelor Stem. 282 00:19:40,738 --> 00:19:41,587 Cu ce ​​vă pot ajuta? 283 00:19:43,999 --> 00:19:45,141 Da, cum te cheamă? 284 00:19:51,916 --> 00:19:53,006 Haide, Luca. E timpul să mergem. 285 00:19:53,084 --> 00:19:55,842 Nu, ai spus că ne vedem la doctor. 286 00:19:55,862 --> 00:19:57,010 -Trebuie să plecăm. -Nu vreau sa plec. 287 00:19:57,030 --> 00:19:59,680 Nu e corect, mami. 288 00:19:59,699 --> 00:20:01,924 Luca, știu, bine, iubito? 289 00:20:01,926 --> 00:20:05,536 Dar e timpul să plecăm acum, bine? 290 00:20:07,598 --> 00:20:09,022 Bine. 291 00:20:09,100 --> 00:20:10,565 Acesta este băiatul meu bun. 292 00:20:10,567 --> 00:20:12,376 Ia-ți geanta. 293 00:20:12,453 --> 00:20:14,295 Pa. 294 00:20:27,393 --> 00:20:30,144 Spune-i că vreau să-l văd. 295 00:21:01,928 --> 00:21:03,594 Orice vrei de la mine... 296 00:21:04,913 --> 00:21:06,913 Stai dracu departe de fiul meu. 297 00:21:06,933 --> 00:21:08,749 N-am spus niciun cuvânt nimănui. 298 00:21:08,768 --> 00:21:11,084 Nu-i voi lăsa pe oamenii tăi să mă urmărească așa. 299 00:21:11,162 --> 00:21:14,421 Ai facut o treaba buna. Te vreau la telefon. 300 00:21:14,440 --> 00:21:18,109 Aceasta este plata ta pentru noaptea trecută și un telefon arzător. 301 00:21:19,837 --> 00:21:22,446 Nu, nu sunt de vânzare. 302 00:21:22,523 --> 00:21:26,025 Am făcut ceea ce am făcut ca să rămân în viață, dar asta nu sunt cine sunt. 303 00:21:26,177 --> 00:21:28,694 Uite, avem un doctor de gardă. 304 00:21:28,846 --> 00:21:30,121 Doctorul Saroyan. 305 00:21:31,198 --> 00:21:33,182 Nu sunt cineva care poate fi cumpărat. 306 00:21:33,184 --> 00:21:34,366 Nu, clar ești o femeie 307 00:21:34,519 --> 00:21:36,109 care este obișnuit să impună respect. 308 00:21:36,129 --> 00:21:38,445 Asta iti ofer chiar acum. 309 00:21:38,464 --> 00:21:42,207 Look, you and I, we're both in a country that's not our own. 310 00:21:43,027 --> 00:21:44,752 We're not afforded the same privileges 311 00:21:44,787 --> 00:21:45,861 everybody else has. 312 00:21:45,880 --> 00:21:47,305 When it comes to keeping your son alive, 313 00:21:47,456 --> 00:21:50,699 it's not about doing things the right way or the wrong way 314 00:21:50,718 --> 00:21:52,034 but any way you can. 315 00:21:52,036 --> 00:21:54,036 I want you to take this and think on it. 316 00:21:58,634 --> 00:21:59,525 Why? 317 00:22:01,103 --> 00:22:03,487 Why do you want me to work for you? 318 00:22:03,564 --> 00:22:05,406 Because I like you. 319 00:22:08,328 --> 00:22:09,827 And I don't wanna have to kill you. 320 00:22:36,022 --> 00:22:38,414 Fi, I've got some new cleaning solution to try. 321 00:22:38,416 --> 00:22:40,082 Mm-hmm, screw cleaning. 322 00:22:40,101 --> 00:22:42,175 It turns out that guy Brandon I went out with 323 00:22:42,195 --> 00:22:43,586 is a manager at the Golden Phoenix. 324 00:22:43,604 --> 00:22:46,105 If I play my cards right, we'll be slinging cocktails 325 00:22:46,257 --> 00:22:48,107 instead of scrubbing toilets. 326 00:22:48,259 --> 00:22:49,425 Why would he hire anyone 327 00:22:49,427 --> 00:22:52,111 without a work visa in a place like that? 328 00:22:52,263 --> 00:22:53,429 Well, if things work out with him, 329 00:22:53,447 --> 00:22:55,331 maybe he'll let the paper slide. 330 00:22:56,767 --> 00:22:57,625 Slow down, áte. 331 00:22:59,437 --> 00:23:01,879 And I've learned, okay? So I don't need you judging. 332 00:23:02,030 --> 00:23:03,196 I'm not judging. 333 00:23:03,216 --> 00:23:04,957 Good, 'cause I'm seeing him at the club tonight 334 00:23:05,109 --> 00:23:06,258 and I said you're coming. 335 00:23:07,461 --> 00:23:08,386 Mm-hmm. 336 00:23:11,057 --> 00:23:13,057 I can't leave Luca to just go party. 337 00:23:13,208 --> 00:23:17,544 No, it's job interview. A real opportunity. 338 00:23:17,563 --> 00:23:20,289 And we won't leave until after you put Luca to bed 339 00:23:20,307 --> 00:23:23,609 and make sure Chris watches him this time. 340 00:23:24,887 --> 00:23:26,428 Come on, when's the last time 341 00:23:26,464 --> 00:23:29,965 we ever got dressed up and went dancing? 342 00:23:31,560 --> 00:23:33,202 Come on, you haven't even seen the real Vegas. 343 00:23:36,064 --> 00:23:37,473 Hello? 344 00:23:37,491 --> 00:23:39,250 Hi, this is Dr. Kirschner's office. 345 00:23:39,401 --> 00:23:41,085 I'm calling to schedule an appointment for Luca. 346 00:23:41,236 --> 00:23:43,145 How's next Thursday at 11:00? 347 00:23:43,164 --> 00:23:45,256 Eh, yes, that's perfect. 348 00:23:45,407 --> 00:23:48,408 Uh, yes, but--but how-- how about the paperwork? 349 00:23:48,428 --> 00:23:51,003 Since you have a referral from Dr. Saroyan, 350 00:23:51,079 --> 00:23:52,504 the doctor said that won't be a problem. 351 00:23:54,416 --> 00:23:57,250 Dr. Saroyan. Oh, yes of course. 352 00:23:57,328 --> 00:23:58,936 I'll be sure to thank him. 353 00:23:59,087 --> 00:24:00,012 Great! Have a nice day. 354 00:24:00,164 --> 00:24:01,605 You too. Thank you. 355 00:24:04,426 --> 00:24:06,852 -It's the stem cell clinic. Mm-hmm. 356 00:24:07,004 --> 00:24:08,571 They're gonna see Luca! 357 00:24:09,782 --> 00:24:11,023 Oh, my God! 358 00:24:11,175 --> 00:24:12,691 Oh, my God, you really are Lady Luck. 359 00:24:12,843 --> 00:24:15,177 Ah! Okay! All right! 360 00:24:15,196 --> 00:24:16,954 Let's do it. Let's go out and have some fun. 361 00:24:17,105 --> 00:24:18,271 Yeah! Okay, yes! 362 00:24:18,349 --> 00:24:20,683 Wait, wait, what-- what are you gonna wear? 363 00:24:20,701 --> 00:24:23,869 No, never mind. Got it. 364 00:24:24,021 --> 00:24:26,446 -No. Got it. 365 00:24:56,329 --> 00:24:59,330 Aw, look at you! Look at us. 366 00:24:59,406 --> 00:25:01,557 I mean, we're just as hot as those waitresses. 367 00:25:01,575 --> 00:25:03,167 Do you know how much those girls make in one night? 368 00:25:03,244 --> 00:25:04,701 More than we do in a week. 369 00:25:04,778 --> 00:25:05,911 You can tell by their shoes. 370 00:25:06,063 --> 00:25:08,321 -You mean their boots? 371 00:25:08,341 --> 00:25:11,217 And don't worry--if this works out, we'll get a pair. 372 00:25:13,237 --> 00:25:14,678 -Fiona. -Brandon! 373 00:25:14,830 --> 00:25:16,088 Hi! There you are. 374 00:25:16,164 --> 00:25:18,090 And this must be... 375 00:25:18,242 --> 00:25:19,908 Thony, my sister from another mother. 376 00:25:19,927 --> 00:25:21,426 Well, I've heard all about you, Thony. 377 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:24,188 Um, so what do you--what do you think of our VIP deck? 378 00:25:24,265 --> 00:25:27,933 It--it has an amazing view. 379 00:25:28,010 --> 00:25:30,919 Tables up here start at $1,000 minimum. 380 00:25:30,921 --> 00:25:32,421 Well, it's our bread and butter. 381 00:25:32,423 --> 00:25:35,090 Bottles range from 600 for a house vodka 382 00:25:35,109 --> 00:25:38,018 to 24 grand for a six liter of bubbly. 383 00:25:38,037 --> 00:25:39,428 Gratuity added, of course. 384 00:25:39,446 --> 00:25:40,779 Oh, wow. 385 00:25:40,931 --> 00:25:42,206 So how about another drink 386 00:25:42,283 --> 00:25:43,189 and then we'll have a little chat. 387 00:25:43,209 --> 00:25:44,449 -Yeah. Yeah, yeah. -Yeah? 388 00:25:44,602 --> 00:25:46,710 -Yeah, of course. -You, uh, fill her in? 389 00:25:46,862 --> 00:25:48,528 -Of course. -Good. 390 00:25:48,548 --> 00:25:52,550 Okay, let me take these, and I will be right back. 391 00:25:52,626 --> 00:25:53,509 Thank you. 392 00:25:55,555 --> 00:25:57,279 Fill me in on what? 393 00:25:57,298 --> 00:25:59,390 All right, look, here's the deal. 394 00:25:59,541 --> 00:26:01,967 Brandon said he'll let us work here 395 00:26:02,061 --> 00:26:04,119 if we sell a little E on the side. 396 00:26:04,121 --> 00:26:06,972 -Sell what? -E--ecstasy. 397 00:26:07,124 --> 00:26:09,716 You mean drugs. Fi, no. 398 00:26:09,735 --> 00:26:12,311 It's not a drug, drug. It's just, like, a party thing. 399 00:26:12,463 --> 00:26:14,630 That's the only way Brandon's gonna hire you? 400 00:26:14,632 --> 00:26:17,966 Yeah, but-- Thony, imagine working here. 401 00:26:17,985 --> 00:26:19,243 Come on, for 15 years, I've jumped 402 00:26:19,320 --> 00:26:20,560 from one crappy job to the next. 403 00:26:20,580 --> 00:26:23,472 This is my shot to make real money in a place 404 00:26:23,474 --> 00:26:25,899 -that I'm not ashamed of. 405 00:26:25,918 --> 00:26:27,459 So don't blow this for me. 406 00:26:30,089 --> 00:26:31,905 It's Maria-- she's probably calling me 407 00:26:31,924 --> 00:26:33,165 to cover her shift tonight. 408 00:26:33,317 --> 00:26:36,835 Fi, please don't do this. 409 00:26:36,912 --> 00:26:39,305 Jus--just go. 410 00:26:42,993 --> 00:26:43,992 Hello. 411 00:26:43,994 --> 00:26:46,252 -What took you so long? -I-- 412 00:26:46,272 --> 00:26:48,180 Never mind, I'm on my way. 413 00:26:48,332 --> 00:26:49,998 No, no, no, I-I'm not home. 414 00:26:50,000 --> 00:26:51,667 I'm--I'm out. I'm at the Golden Phoenix. 415 00:26:51,669 --> 00:26:54,361 Okay, I'll meet you down at the casino then. 416 00:27:10,020 --> 00:27:12,796 I need to get changed. 417 00:27:12,873 --> 00:27:14,381 There's no time, but you'll be fine. 418 00:27:17,711 --> 00:27:19,136 It's a good color on you. 419 00:27:22,457 --> 00:27:25,792 I wanted to thank you for calling the clinic for my son. 420 00:27:25,811 --> 00:27:27,552 It was nothing. 421 00:27:27,629 --> 00:27:29,188 So was it a date? 422 00:27:31,058 --> 00:27:33,392 No, it was a girls' night out. 423 00:27:33,468 --> 00:27:34,985 That's good. 424 00:27:35,137 --> 00:27:36,561 Not everything can be about your son. 425 00:27:36,714 --> 00:27:38,714 Excuse me? 426 00:27:38,732 --> 00:27:40,240 My mother was a housekeeper. 427 00:27:41,402 --> 00:27:44,310 She used to work six, seven days a week. 428 00:27:44,330 --> 00:27:46,580 You know, there was one thing I always wanted for her. 429 00:27:47,667 --> 00:27:49,241 Just to see her happy. 430 00:27:49,317 --> 00:27:52,127 I'll bet that's exactly what your son wants for you. 431 00:27:53,989 --> 00:27:55,381 Come on. Let's go. 432 00:28:25,037 --> 00:28:27,204 Yeah, right now. Go find him. Hey. 433 00:28:27,355 --> 00:28:29,097 My boss can never find out any of this 434 00:28:29,116 --> 00:28:31,616 happened here tonight, or it's my head on the line. 435 00:28:31,769 --> 00:28:33,435 I need this spotless by dawn. 436 00:28:33,454 --> 00:28:35,954 And one more thing--you don't speak to anybody in here. 437 00:28:36,031 --> 00:28:36,955 You understand that? 438 00:28:54,308 --> 00:28:56,650 Lucy! Time to go home. 439 00:28:57,737 --> 00:28:59,278 Hurry up. 440 00:29:13,143 --> 00:29:15,461 I'm sorry. Are you okay? 441 00:29:17,998 --> 00:29:20,466 A few more bruises won't kill me. 442 00:29:24,246 --> 00:29:26,671 But if you're really wanna hurt me, 443 00:29:26,748 --> 00:29:28,432 I can show you a few tricks. 444 00:29:30,010 --> 00:29:33,228 Oh, God. You're beautiful. 445 00:29:33,939 --> 00:29:35,439 I'm Nadia. 446 00:29:36,275 --> 00:29:39,359 The party's over. So you can go home now. 447 00:29:43,173 --> 00:29:45,282 Would you want me to call someone for you? 448 00:29:46,268 --> 00:29:48,343 Yeah, my husband's supposed to come. 449 00:29:48,362 --> 00:29:51,413 I've learned that husbands can be unreliable. 450 00:29:52,850 --> 00:29:53,665 So-- 451 00:29:55,202 --> 00:29:57,110 Okay, okay, let me get you some water. 452 00:29:57,129 --> 00:29:59,037 Oh, that's so sweet, but I'm just gonna 453 00:29:59,189 --> 00:30:00,547 lie here another minute. 454 00:30:59,917 --> 00:31:01,316 You're filthy. 455 00:31:02,361 --> 00:31:07,513 I prefer the term nasty. 456 00:31:07,533 --> 00:31:10,033 I see you've met my wife, hmm? 457 00:31:10,110 --> 00:31:12,944 You party pooper. 458 00:31:13,097 --> 00:31:15,664 I like her. Give her everything. 459 00:31:22,773 --> 00:31:23,939 What did I say? 460 00:31:24,625 --> 00:31:26,291 I told you not to speak to anybody here. 461 00:31:26,443 --> 00:31:30,095 And now you're telling me who I can and cannot talk to? 462 00:31:32,299 --> 00:31:34,224 I can see why you two get along. 463 00:31:38,805 --> 00:31:39,688 Good job. 464 00:32:19,179 --> 00:32:21,146 God, do you ever stop cleaning? 465 00:32:25,277 --> 00:32:27,352 You're actually gonna sell drugs for that guy? 466 00:32:27,429 --> 00:32:30,021 It's--it's the only way he'll overlook the paperwork 467 00:32:30,098 --> 00:32:31,264 at the club, and maybe the only way 468 00:32:31,283 --> 00:32:32,932 we're ever gonna get out of this rut. 469 00:32:32,952 --> 00:32:34,785 You have no idea who this guy is. 470 00:32:34,861 --> 00:32:36,620 I'm not an idiot, okay? 471 00:32:36,771 --> 00:32:37,955 Then how can you do this? 472 00:32:38,182 --> 00:32:39,957 You're lecturing me about going to the clinic for Luca 473 00:32:40,033 --> 00:32:41,183 but this is okay? 474 00:32:41,201 --> 00:32:45,370 This will get your ass deported or worse, Fi! 475 00:32:45,522 --> 00:32:49,174 What happens when the kids come home and suddenly you're gone? 476 00:32:50,785 --> 00:32:51,969 Fi, if you need money-- 477 00:32:52,120 --> 00:32:54,471 No, I don't need your charity. 478 00:32:54,622 --> 00:32:56,306 If you think you're so much smarter than me, 479 00:32:56,383 --> 00:32:58,475 then get the hell out of my house. 480 00:33:18,238 --> 00:33:20,146 Hey, cash is ready. Card's in the ambulance. 481 00:33:20,165 --> 00:33:22,224 Vamanos! We'll meet the boss down. 482 00:33:22,242 --> 00:33:24,001 What's going on? 483 00:33:24,152 --> 00:33:25,002 The cops found Theo's body. 484 00:33:25,078 --> 00:33:26,527 They haven't identified him yet, 485 00:33:26,563 --> 00:33:27,912 but they're gonna turn up here soon enough. 486 00:33:28,065 --> 00:33:29,655 What will happen to his family? 487 00:33:29,675 --> 00:33:32,426 If he was smart, he would have taken care of that. 488 00:33:35,997 --> 00:33:38,223 But people aren't always who you want them to be. 489 00:33:39,834 --> 00:33:40,909 Come on. 490 00:34:15,462 --> 00:34:17,220 You need to keep track of all the trash. 491 00:34:17,372 --> 00:34:19,614 Wipe everything clean. Mateo will come back for you. 492 00:34:19,633 --> 00:34:20,557 Got it? 493 00:34:21,451 --> 00:34:23,118 Come on, we're meeting with Hayak now. 494 00:34:23,120 --> 00:34:24,311 He wants to pick up for us. 495 00:34:48,145 --> 00:34:50,087 All right, move all the bags to the van. 496 00:34:50,163 --> 00:34:52,147 -Go on. -You got everything out? 497 00:34:52,149 --> 00:34:53,815 All the cash, the hard drives, the card skimmers, 498 00:34:53,834 --> 00:34:54,674 it's all out. 499 00:34:56,762 --> 00:34:58,261 Thanks for taking care of this. 500 00:34:58,413 --> 00:35:00,004 This should have never happened. 501 00:35:00,157 --> 00:35:01,489 If Theo did what he was paid to do, none of it 502 00:35:01,508 --> 00:35:03,583 -would have happened. -Son, please. 503 00:35:03,602 --> 00:35:04,559 Not now. 504 00:35:06,997 --> 00:35:07,938 You're running out of time. 505 00:35:08,089 --> 00:35:10,941 The police have ID'd Theo's body. 506 00:35:11,017 --> 00:35:12,350 I'm having the place wiped down as we speak. 507 00:35:12,502 --> 00:35:14,018 None of it's gonna be traced back to us. 508 00:35:14,171 --> 00:35:17,072 Nothing will because I'm taking care of it now. 509 00:35:17,858 --> 00:35:19,157 Tarik. 510 00:35:22,195 --> 00:35:24,371 Hey, I-I still have a cleaner inside. 511 00:35:26,458 --> 00:35:28,608 You mean the cleaner who should already be dead? 512 00:36:01,051 --> 00:36:02,384 Oh, my God. 513 00:36:08,909 --> 00:36:10,417 Damn it, damn it. 514 00:36:17,584 --> 00:36:18,508 Damn it. 515 00:36:33,099 --> 00:36:34,191 Come on! Come on! 516 00:36:54,529 --> 00:36:55,420 Are you okay? 517 00:37:09,061 --> 00:37:10,685 Don't move. 518 00:37:24,968 --> 00:37:26,225 Call Dr. Saroyan now. 519 00:37:26,245 --> 00:37:27,577 No, there-- -No, there's no time. 520 00:37:27,729 --> 00:37:29,746 The shrapnel cut deep. I need to cauterize it. 521 00:37:29,823 --> 00:37:31,748 -No. -Put him down now! 522 00:37:33,827 --> 00:37:35,460 Do you trust me? 523 00:37:37,905 --> 00:37:38,997 Yeah. 524 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:42,959 I need a knife and a lighter-- and get me some alcohol. 525 00:37:43,111 --> 00:37:44,669 Hold his thigh. Tight. 526 00:38:08,028 --> 00:38:09,619 Okay, we got it. Let's go. 527 00:38:21,041 --> 00:38:22,382 Where did you learn how to do that? 528 00:38:24,528 --> 00:38:26,136 Are you really some kind of doctor or something? 529 00:38:34,128 --> 00:38:35,370 It's a good thing I trust you. 530 00:38:35,388 --> 00:38:36,629 Then why the hell did you leave me to die? 531 00:38:36,798 --> 00:38:38,964 I came back for you when I found out they were gonna-- 532 00:38:38,984 --> 00:38:40,317 That's not enough! 533 00:38:40,468 --> 00:38:43,695 I agreed to clean, not to be treated like garbage. 534 00:38:45,382 --> 00:38:47,048 You want me to work for you? 535 00:38:47,067 --> 00:38:48,992 Protect me. 536 00:38:49,069 --> 00:38:50,994 Give me the respect I deserve. 537 00:38:52,647 --> 00:38:57,125 And if anything happens to me, swear my son will be protected. 538 00:39:01,823 --> 00:39:03,898 I give you my word. 539 00:39:31,428 --> 00:39:34,019 I'm sorry about your dad. 540 00:39:34,097 --> 00:39:35,263 It's Shelby? 541 00:39:35,281 --> 00:39:37,265 -Right. I worked for him. 542 00:39:37,283 --> 00:39:39,250 Then you know he was a screw-up. 543 00:39:41,104 --> 00:39:43,630 I know we-- we all make mistakes. 544 00:39:47,944 --> 00:39:50,128 But your daddy, he-- 545 00:39:50,204 --> 00:39:53,297 he never stopped talking about his baby girl. 546 00:39:53,374 --> 00:39:55,116 He was really proud of you. 547 00:39:57,120 --> 00:39:59,562 Um, I found this in his office. 548 00:40:09,983 --> 00:40:11,056 Thank you. 549 00:40:31,004 --> 00:40:32,745 How was the funeral? 550 00:40:32,764 --> 00:40:35,657 It was, uh, it was sad. 551 00:40:35,675 --> 00:40:37,992 That's not what I wanna talk about. 552 00:40:38,011 --> 00:40:40,145 I'm not gonna sell drugs, okay? 553 00:40:41,181 --> 00:40:44,348 Let's not--let's not talk about it. 554 00:40:44,501 --> 00:40:47,001 Well, I-I shouldn't have judged you. 555 00:40:47,061 --> 00:40:48,945 I know how hard it's been, 556 00:40:49,096 --> 00:40:50,596 and what should have been 557 00:40:50,674 --> 00:40:55,860 just a few weeks has turned into us taking over your home. 558 00:40:56,012 --> 00:40:57,845 So we'll find another place. 559 00:40:57,864 --> 00:40:59,205 S--stop. 560 00:41:01,126 --> 00:41:03,351 You're not going anywhere, okay? 561 00:41:03,353 --> 00:41:08,113 I just--I'm not losing my beshie just-- 562 00:41:08,133 --> 00:41:09,782 just when I got you back, huh? 563 00:41:16,216 --> 00:41:18,224 Thank you, áte. 564 00:41:26,726 --> 00:41:28,193 Morning, Luca. 565 00:41:32,232 --> 00:41:35,383 I've got a surprise for you. Wanna see it? 566 00:41:35,401 --> 00:41:38,203 -Yeah. Now come on, let's go. 567 00:41:43,226 --> 00:41:45,910 Okay, follow Mommy. 568 00:41:45,987 --> 00:41:50,507 Yes. Okay, that's right. 569 00:41:50,658 --> 00:41:52,258 Okay, stop here. 570 00:41:56,348 --> 00:41:58,473 Okay, come here, come here, come here. 571 00:42:01,669 --> 00:42:03,561 Now, open them. 572 00:42:05,040 --> 00:42:07,357 Surprise! 573 00:42:08,768 --> 00:42:10,434 Mommy am I--am I dreaming? 574 00:42:10,587 --> 00:42:12,344 Ah, no. 575 00:42:12,422 --> 00:42:14,697 Mommy made a bigger shell just for you. 576 00:42:14,774 --> 00:42:16,241 Mahal kita, Mommy. 577 00:42:17,035 --> 00:42:18,493 Mak srolanh kon, Luca. 578 00:42:20,764 --> 00:42:21,621 Come on, let's go! 579 00:43:47,851 --> 00:43:48,699 That's her.