1 00:00:01,835 --> 00:00:03,420      Previously on Super Pumped...    2 00:00:03,461 --> 00:00:05,088        He's just gonna see                  a guy in his lame jeans       3 00:00:05,130 --> 00:00:06,631       and these fucking shoes.       4 00:00:06,673 --> 00:00:08,174         Yeah, he'll see                      you're a dung-colored man.  5 00:00:08,216 --> 00:00:10,468            Your ideas will matter.             Not your clothes.         6 00:00:10,510 --> 00:00:12,429           -He'll see that.                     -Grow or die.              7 00:00:12,470 --> 00:00:14,097          -Full access card?                   -You come and go            8 00:00:14,139 --> 00:00:15,348      at Uber cab as you please.      9 00:00:15,390 --> 00:00:16,516             -One of us?                          -Full access.            10 00:00:16,558 --> 00:00:18,143                 Nice.                11 00:00:18,184 --> 00:00:20,687      Boom! You just got                   grey-balled, motherfucker!      12 00:00:20,729 --> 00:00:23,064        [clapping and cheering]       13 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:24,733          -Is this illegal?                    -[laughing]                 14 00:00:24,774 --> 00:00:27,527  VCs have a purpose other            than just writing a check.         15 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:29,237           I have a purpose.          16 00:00:29,279 --> 00:00:31,740       Advising, vision shaping.      17 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:33,366        Really? You're not owed       18 00:00:33,408 --> 00:00:35,243       anything except a return,            which I will give you.         19 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:36,703  I'm the one who put you in here,  20 00:00:36,745 --> 00:00:38,079      I'm the one                          who can take you out, too.      21 00:00:38,121 --> 00:00:40,040             I say we keep                           Bill close for now.  22 00:00:40,081 --> 00:00:41,833       But you keep                         doing what you're doing.       23 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,001           We're killing it.          24 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:44,711           -TK, this is...                      -Gabi Holzwarth.           25 00:00:44,753 --> 00:00:46,546  -What did you say to her?           -I told her she needed to meet     26 00:00:46,588 --> 00:00:48,381         the next Jeff Bezos.         27 00:00:48,423 --> 00:00:49,883  Hi, what made you choose Lyft       instead of Uber?                   28 00:00:49,924 --> 00:00:51,259              It's so much cheaper,  29 00:00:51,301 --> 00:00:52,761                and the drivers                      are super friendly.  30 00:00:52,802 --> 00:00:54,596          We make more money.                  And we get tips.            31 00:00:54,637 --> 00:00:58,892  These motherfuckers.                They're stealing all my shit!      32 00:00:58,933 --> 00:01:01,644  Oh, we're going to fucking war.    33 00:02:06,000 --> 00:02:09,796          , Everyone's a critic             Looking back up the river      34 00:02:09,838 --> 00:02:12,215          Every boat is leaking                    In this town            35 00:02:14,092 --> 00:02:15,760          But I found my place       36 00:02:15,802 --> 00:02:17,804           And it's all right        37 00:02:17,846 --> 00:02:21,391   I got my own way to believe     38 00:02:21,432 --> 00:02:23,560               It's okay             39 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:26,813          Mine is mine and yours               Won't take its place        40 00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:30,316         Now, make your getaway      41 00:02:30,358 --> 00:02:33,361       We had 93% of the market                     on lock.               42 00:02:33,403 --> 00:02:35,029        We invented this shit.        43 00:02:35,071 --> 00:02:37,031       But now, look at heaven.       44 00:02:37,073 --> 00:02:38,867     Look at what it's telling us.    45 00:02:38,908 --> 00:02:40,702       Our first-mover advantage                   is dimming.             46 00:02:40,743 --> 00:02:42,036         And what's taking it?        47 00:02:42,078 --> 00:02:44,038                 Lyft.                48 00:02:44,080 --> 00:02:47,333         John fucking Zimmer?         49 00:02:47,375 --> 00:02:50,545  This guy's been drafting on our     speed the whole Tour de France.    50 00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:52,172  He's always been behind us,        51 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:53,673      and now he's gonna pretend               like he's winning?          52 00:02:53,715 --> 00:02:55,508       I'm the one in the yellow                 fucking jersey.           53 00:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,886         We need to just knock            these assholes off the road.     54 00:02:57,927 --> 00:02:59,971            Are the drivers                    the assholes or--?          55 00:03:00,013 --> 00:03:01,681          Lyft, fucker. Lyft.         56 00:03:01,723 --> 00:03:03,224        I am being cucked now.             What are we doing about it?     57 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,190           Well, the drivers                  like the optionality.        58 00:03:10,231 --> 00:03:11,691        [Hendricks] We can't stop          our guys from double-apping     59 00:03:11,733 --> 00:03:13,026         and driving for both.        60 00:03:13,067 --> 00:03:15,820       We should just buy Lyft.                   Absorb them.             61 00:03:15,862 --> 00:03:17,447             We don't have                   the war chest for that.       62 00:03:17,488 --> 00:03:19,449         -Okay, let's get it.               -[Gurley] Look, who cares      63 00:03:19,490 --> 00:03:21,534          about John Zimmer's               little rideshare company?      64 00:03:21,576 --> 00:03:23,286     You've got a powerful brand.                   Build it.              65 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:24,537       Keep your focus on that.       66 00:03:24,579 --> 00:03:26,372       Stop obsessing over Lyft.      67 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:28,499            You know, Bill,                     I get your point.          68 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:31,044      But we are in the war room                   right now.              69 00:03:31,085 --> 00:03:32,545           And it seems none             of you guys want to go to war,    70 00:03:32,587 --> 00:03:34,464       but that's what this is.       71 00:03:34,505 --> 00:03:35,882       And you don't get it done             with milk and cookies.        72 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:37,342            You're quoting                     Bobby Knight at me?         73 00:03:37,383 --> 00:03:40,261                -Nice.                   -Look, you are so fucking good,  74 00:03:40,303 --> 00:03:43,848        but this isn't zero-sum            like a basketball game is.      75 00:03:43,890 --> 00:03:45,183      That's exactly what it is.      76 00:03:45,225 --> 00:03:46,935            Uber right now                     is like Google was          77 00:03:46,976 --> 00:03:48,686        at the dawn of search.        78 00:03:48,728 --> 00:03:50,772    One entrant in a crowded pool.             What did Google do?         79 00:03:50,813 --> 00:03:52,065            They flattened                     their competitors,          80 00:03:52,106 --> 00:03:53,858  and now they're fucking Google.    81 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:55,902    Google did it by being better,           not by being Al Capone.       82 00:03:55,944 --> 00:03:57,111     "Don't be evil" ring a bell?     83 00:03:57,153 --> 00:03:58,863     Yeah. Tell that to AltaVista.    84 00:04:02,325 --> 00:04:04,369      It's funny you say Capone,                     though.               85 00:04:04,410 --> 00:04:08,498         I remember my parents            never wanted to get us cable     86 00:04:08,539 --> 00:04:09,916         because they thought                 we were just, like,          87 00:04:09,958 --> 00:04:11,584         watching MTV all day                     or something.            88 00:04:11,626 --> 00:04:14,170  But then eventually they caved          when I was, like, seven.        89 00:04:14,212 --> 00:04:17,715  And the first weekend we had it,  90 00:04:17,757 --> 00:04:20,760  my dad found   The Untouchables,     91 00:04:20,802 --> 00:04:22,929    because he thought it was like            history or something.        92 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:24,264       Because, you know, it is.      93 00:04:24,305 --> 00:04:25,932         Okay, right, so my--         94 00:04:25,974 --> 00:04:28,726        My dad and Cory and me                 were sitting there          95 00:04:28,768 --> 00:04:31,104         watching this, like,                    history lesson.           96 00:04:31,145 --> 00:04:32,689  I'd have started you                on   The Dirty Dozen,                97 00:04:32,730 --> 00:04:34,107  like my dad did me, but sure.      98 00:04:34,148 --> 00:04:36,484     Okay, but De Niro as Capone.     99 00:04:39,904 --> 00:04:43,616  That banquet scene with the bat.  100 00:04:43,658 --> 00:04:46,744  Capone was just like, walking...  101 00:04:46,786 --> 00:04:48,788        talking, and then bam!        102 00:04:48,830 --> 00:04:50,456         Fucking brains that guy.      103 00:04:50,498 --> 00:04:51,791          That shit changed me.        104 00:04:51,833 --> 00:04:53,126         I felt like my skull         105 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:55,003  that just got hit with a bat.      106 00:04:55,044 --> 00:04:56,629      I couldn't sleep for, like,                    a week.               107 00:04:56,671 --> 00:04:58,131     I felt horrible for the guy.     108 00:04:58,172 --> 00:04:59,465                I mean,                  he just gets brained at dinner.  109 00:04:59,507 --> 00:05:02,510         But I saw the point.         110 00:05:03,678 --> 00:05:05,221           He had it coming.          111 00:05:05,263 --> 00:05:06,639      Uh, I don't know if he did.     112 00:05:06,681 --> 00:05:07,932         That's not important.        113 00:05:07,974 --> 00:05:10,268  The point is, that shit worked.    114 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:13,062  You crack a guy's cranium open     115 00:05:13,104 --> 00:05:14,689           between the soup                    and the fish dish?          116 00:05:14,731 --> 00:05:17,734          You know, you make                 an example of somebody,       117 00:05:17,775 --> 00:05:19,527     people start to fall in line.    118 00:05:21,029 --> 00:05:22,530          That is what needs                     to happen here.           119 00:05:24,615 --> 00:05:26,617                   Just to clarify,  120 00:05:26,659 --> 00:05:29,537  you want to beat the drivers               into submission?             121 00:05:30,788 --> 00:05:32,457            I want to win.            122 00:05:32,498 --> 00:05:33,624            And disloyalty,           123 00:05:33,666 --> 00:05:35,626      however it shows its face,      124 00:05:35,668 --> 00:05:37,670      that needs to be punished.      125 00:05:37,712 --> 00:05:39,672  Well, we're not the Mob, though.  126 00:05:39,714 --> 00:05:43,343  Okay, but if you don't want to      own this whole fucking business,  127 00:05:43,384 --> 00:05:46,679    like it's prohibition and we're        the only ones making gin,      128 00:05:46,721 --> 00:05:48,848         then why are we here?        129 00:05:50,933 --> 00:05:52,685      [Gabi]   You threatened them                with a baseball bat?        130 00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:55,188           No, not them... exactly.  131 00:05:55,229 --> 00:05:56,814                    It was a meta--  132 00:05:58,107 --> 00:05:59,317                What I'm saying is,  133 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:02,028              sometimes fear works.  134 00:06:04,155 --> 00:06:05,823        Not that it-- I don't know.  135 00:06:05,865 --> 00:06:06,991      I don't know what I'm saying.  136 00:06:07,033 --> 00:06:10,453               You make me nervous.  137 00:06:10,495 --> 00:06:13,873        No, I don't,                   but it's a good line.              138 00:06:13,915 --> 00:06:16,501              [chuckles]                          Every once in a while.  139 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:21,923       So tell me about the violin.  140 00:06:24,926 --> 00:06:26,219  [sighs]                            141 00:06:26,260 --> 00:06:29,555  I guess I didn't know              142 00:06:29,597 --> 00:06:31,974  that I really wanted                   to play at first.                143 00:06:32,016 --> 00:06:33,643  It felt like homework.             144 00:06:33,684 --> 00:06:36,687        And eventually,                it became my best friend.          145 00:06:36,729 --> 00:06:40,525    Plus, playing, you burn almost            200 calories an hour.        146 00:06:40,566 --> 00:06:42,652                     Is that right?  147 00:06:42,693 --> 00:06:44,904                What else do I need                 to know about you?    148 00:06:48,616 --> 00:06:52,245  Maybe that I'm surprised            that we're here together.          149 00:06:52,286 --> 00:06:53,996       When we met,                    we spoke so briefly.               150 00:06:54,038 --> 00:06:57,041  I didn't know what you thought.    151 00:06:57,083 --> 00:06:58,751         I was surprised               when you came and found me         152 00:06:58,793 --> 00:07:00,753  playing at the farmer's market.    153 00:07:02,255 --> 00:07:04,006                   No, you weren't.  154 00:07:04,048 --> 00:07:05,133              But it's a good line.  155 00:07:05,174 --> 00:07:06,676  [chuckles]                         156 00:07:06,717 --> 00:07:08,261        -Every once in a while.                     -Uh-huh.               157 00:07:08,302 --> 00:07:09,512                           [laughs]  158 00:07:09,554 --> 00:07:10,596             Here you are.            159 00:07:10,638 --> 00:07:11,931                         Thank you.  160 00:07:13,182 --> 00:07:15,226               So, what do you play  161 00:07:15,268 --> 00:07:18,104          to burn off the best meal                in the Bay Area?       162 00:07:21,357 --> 00:07:23,276  Uh...                              163 00:07:23,317 --> 00:07:24,986  "Sibelius," probably.              164 00:07:25,027 --> 00:07:27,196  The concerto in D minor             if we're having dessert.           165 00:07:27,238 --> 00:07:28,573                           [laughs]  166 00:07:28,614 --> 00:07:30,408            Okay, hold on,                      I need the full download  167 00:07:30,450 --> 00:07:32,118                      on everything                 I need to listen to  168 00:07:32,160 --> 00:07:34,745  so I can know how great you are.  169 00:07:34,787 --> 00:07:36,622                  Thank God for Ek.  170 00:07:36,664 --> 00:07:38,124                  Ek?                 171 00:07:38,166 --> 00:07:40,543  Yeah. Ek is a founder, like me.    172 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:43,421         I actually tried to crack          this space with the company,  173 00:07:43,463 --> 00:07:44,797                     but Ek did it.  174 00:07:44,839 --> 00:07:47,049                 It's Spotify.                  See, look, you just, uh,  175 00:07:47,091 --> 00:07:49,635           put in everything there             that I need to listen to.  176 00:08:00,104 --> 00:08:01,564  I can tell you're thinking hard.  177 00:08:01,606 --> 00:08:02,982  [laughs]                           178 00:08:03,024 --> 00:08:04,525  It's important.                    179 00:08:06,777 --> 00:08:08,571  What are you doing?                180 00:08:08,613 --> 00:08:11,157         I'm just putting in a code         to give you free Uber.        181 00:08:13,659 --> 00:08:14,952            I prefer Lyft.            182 00:08:17,038 --> 00:08:19,332              [snickers]              183 00:08:19,373 --> 00:08:21,501                -Careful.                          -[giggling]             184 00:08:26,214 --> 00:08:27,507              Come on in.             185 00:08:29,133 --> 00:08:32,178           Sorry, I've, uh,                   sort of been in work mode.  186 00:08:36,057 --> 00:08:37,350  I've seen worse.                   187 00:08:38,726 --> 00:08:40,561      I call this place my Jam Pad.  188 00:08:43,231 --> 00:08:45,024  I think I'll kiss you anyway.      189 00:08:45,066 --> 00:08:46,567               [laughs]               190 00:09:01,207 --> 00:09:03,292         [seagulls squawking]         191 00:09:06,879 --> 00:09:08,714              [Tarantino]                    Portrait of a man at war.      192 00:09:08,756 --> 00:09:11,300       Yeah, that's great. Nice.      193 00:09:11,342 --> 00:09:12,802          Well, I'm not at war.        194 00:09:12,843 --> 00:09:14,053              I'm sitting in                      a booth somewhere          195 00:09:14,095 --> 00:09:15,680        telling you about this guy     196 00:09:15,721 --> 00:09:19,308             who is, in fact,                 very much at fucking war.      197 00:09:19,350 --> 00:09:20,893           Are we doing it?           198 00:09:20,935 --> 00:09:23,271            We're doing it.           199 00:09:23,312 --> 00:09:25,815           They say good wars,                      winnable ones,           200 00:09:25,856 --> 00:09:28,568  are fought on a single front.      201 00:09:28,609 --> 00:09:31,904       But what if you have to win            on all the fucking fronts?     202 00:09:31,946 --> 00:09:34,574  New plan. We're gonna step up       the information technology         203 00:09:34,615 --> 00:09:36,659  on our drivers.                    204 00:09:36,701 --> 00:09:39,370             You mean surveillance.  205 00:09:39,412 --> 00:09:40,746      We don't have to use words                   like that.              206 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:57,597                -Hello.                           -Hey, there.             207 00:10:07,732 --> 00:10:10,276       So, uh, you like driving?      208 00:10:10,318 --> 00:10:11,569  It's a good way to meet people.    209 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:13,362             Yeah, I bet.             210 00:10:13,404 --> 00:10:15,281        And, uh, San Francisco,       211 00:10:15,323 --> 00:10:17,950           you probably get                  a lot of crazies, huh?        212 00:10:21,495 --> 00:10:23,122        You think we can modify               having to figure out         213 00:10:23,164 --> 00:10:24,999      who the double-appers are?      214 00:10:25,041 --> 00:10:26,459             Snoop around                    in our drivers' phones,       215 00:10:26,500 --> 00:10:28,461         see if they ever used                    the Lyft app.            216 00:10:28,502 --> 00:10:30,171           Might be doable.           217 00:10:30,212 --> 00:10:31,672         Might cross the line.        218 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:36,844  Might be a good time to consider       the business you've chosen.     219 00:10:41,974 --> 00:10:43,976               [typing]               220 00:10:45,853 --> 00:10:48,272           And what if it's not                     a finite war,            221 00:10:48,314 --> 00:10:50,650            but a forever war?         222 00:10:50,691 --> 00:10:52,860            Well, then you do                     what you have to,          223 00:10:52,902 --> 00:10:55,363         and anyone calls you out                  on the morality,          224 00:10:55,404 --> 00:10:57,365            that motherfucker                is either a child, an enemy,    225 00:10:57,406 --> 00:10:58,824          or a fucking traitor.        226 00:10:58,866 --> 00:11:02,828  So I see you have both logos                and both apps.              227 00:11:02,870 --> 00:11:06,791     But you're not more               of a Lyft guy, are you?            228 00:11:06,832 --> 00:11:09,669     Just asking, because I happen              to know that Uber          229 00:11:09,710 --> 00:11:14,382  has some very special incentives        coming online right now.       230 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:19,762  [laughs]                           231 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:20,888  Okay, okay, hold on.               232 00:11:24,350 --> 00:11:26,477                 -Halas.                            -You quit?              233 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:28,187             I quit Lyft.             234 00:11:28,229 --> 00:11:31,357     The bonuses Uber is offering,              you have no idea.          235 00:11:31,399 --> 00:11:34,068  We are thrilled to have you               exclusive to Uber.            236 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:35,653        -Twenty dollars a mile?                      -Yeah.                237 00:11:35,695 --> 00:11:37,571  And the price for the rider                stays the same.              238 00:11:37,613 --> 00:11:40,825  We just appreciate your loyalty.  239 00:11:40,866 --> 00:11:44,036    And, uh, tell all your friends,                  okay?                240 00:11:44,078 --> 00:11:46,372              So they are                    just giving away money?       241 00:11:46,414 --> 00:11:48,249          No, no, no,   habiti.         242 00:11:48,290 --> 00:11:50,876  They're giving away money to us.  243 00:11:50,918 --> 00:11:52,503         It's very different.         244 00:11:54,255 --> 00:11:56,549          [Travis, laughing]               Fucking work-life balance.      245 00:11:56,590 --> 00:11:58,300            If I hear those                   three words again...         246 00:12:00,261 --> 00:12:01,887              -What's up?                    -We can find them now,        247 00:12:01,929 --> 00:12:04,056                 the double-appers.                Pretty soon, anyway.  248 00:12:04,098 --> 00:12:06,058    We won't have to go one by one               from the field.           249 00:12:06,100 --> 00:12:07,977  We can do it all from here.        250 00:12:08,018 --> 00:12:09,895        And they'll never know            we're scanning their phones?     251 00:12:09,937 --> 00:12:12,148            Hold on, well,               if we can get in their phones,    252 00:12:12,189 --> 00:12:13,691        we can turn on the mics                 and the cameras.           253 00:12:13,733 --> 00:12:15,735            We can find out                    who's taking Lyft?          254 00:12:15,776 --> 00:12:17,236  Can.                               255 00:12:17,278 --> 00:12:18,696    Not sure I'd want                  to see what happens                256 00:12:18,738 --> 00:12:20,072  in the back of those cars.         257 00:12:21,741 --> 00:12:24,118               [crying]               258 00:12:29,123 --> 00:12:31,125       -She's the prettier one.                  -Yeah, I know.            259 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:32,293  Look, I can't help it.             260 00:12:32,334 --> 00:12:34,420  You are insecure                    about this shit.                   261 00:12:34,462 --> 00:12:35,921  What am I supposed to say?         262 00:12:35,963 --> 00:12:38,382  No, you look like shit                   in that bikini?                263 00:12:46,474 --> 00:12:48,100           Oh, it's all right        264 00:12:48,142 --> 00:12:50,144             It's all right          265 00:12:50,186 --> 00:12:51,812  Sometimes I wish you were dead.    266 00:12:51,854 --> 00:12:54,106  Great. Fucking wonder--                   you know what?                267 00:12:54,148 --> 00:12:55,983         Sometimes,                    I wish I was dead too.             268 00:12:56,025 --> 00:12:57,276  [mumbling]                         269 00:12:57,318 --> 00:12:58,944               [all] Oh!              270 00:12:58,986 --> 00:13:00,362  Dude!                              271 00:13:00,404 --> 00:13:01,697  [laughs]                           272 00:13:01,739 --> 00:13:05,201   Whoa, shake that thing now      273 00:13:05,242 --> 00:13:07,453        -    Shake that thing          - Baby, shake that thing now     274 00:13:07,495 --> 00:13:09,455            Shake that thing                 Baby, shake that thing      275 00:13:09,497 --> 00:13:12,124  Austin sent out street teams to     request and cancel Lyft rides,     276 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:13,751                  which peels off                   some of the drivers.  277 00:13:13,793 --> 00:13:15,961  Now, this is the same idea,               just less analog.             278 00:13:16,003 --> 00:13:17,963         Let's go. By the way,           did she move to the regulators?  279 00:13:18,005 --> 00:13:19,632                 Yep.                 280 00:13:19,673 --> 00:13:21,300              [Tarantino]                  So now you got your espionage    281 00:13:21,342 --> 00:13:24,136           with a solid helping                of clandestine attacks.       282 00:13:24,178 --> 00:13:26,305           And then, of course,        283 00:13:26,347 --> 00:13:27,807  you've got your frontal attack.    284 00:13:27,848 --> 00:13:30,601             -Miss Geidt.                  -My team took 20 Lyft rides     285 00:13:30,643 --> 00:13:32,770  over the past 24 hours,            286 00:13:32,812 --> 00:13:36,148  which means we got in the back      of Class C licensed vehicles,      287 00:13:36,190 --> 00:13:39,819      driven by regular                old civilians for Lyft.            288 00:13:39,860 --> 00:13:42,154         Well, unless you were            forced by gunpoint, I don't--    289 00:13:42,196 --> 00:13:44,573  Just wondering when you're gonna        start enforcing the law.       290 00:13:47,743 --> 00:13:51,997    We are monitoring the situation              very closely.            291 00:13:52,039 --> 00:13:54,583  Yeah, I can tell.                  292 00:13:56,710 --> 00:14:00,047  The thing is, we care too much           about passenger safety         293 00:14:00,089 --> 00:14:03,133  to let Betty the soccer mom           turn her Prius into a cab         294 00:14:03,175 --> 00:14:04,969  to pay for her Vicodin habit,      295 00:14:05,010 --> 00:14:07,555  but you've got us                     considering it.                   296 00:14:07,596 --> 00:14:12,142       Well, I will certainly alert            the soccer moms ASAP.      297 00:14:12,184 --> 00:14:14,937         Though I have a feeling...  298 00:14:14,979 --> 00:14:17,106          the drivers aren't                    the middle-aged,           299 00:14:17,147 --> 00:14:19,275        drug-addled dilettantes                 you're conjuring,          300 00:14:19,316 --> 00:14:22,820       but more the working poor          who are busting their heinies    301 00:14:22,862 --> 00:14:25,030  hustling to fill in the blanks     302 00:14:25,072 --> 00:14:28,701      so that maybe they can get          a decent meal for their kids.    303 00:14:28,742 --> 00:14:32,037          Not so much to buy                   a few more Norcos.          304 00:14:32,079 --> 00:14:33,581               [scoffs]               305 00:14:34,748 --> 00:14:36,458  This goes one of two ways.         306 00:14:36,500 --> 00:14:38,711  You start enforcing the laws                   on Lyft,                 307 00:14:38,752 --> 00:14:41,505  or we have justification            to break those same laws.          308 00:14:41,547 --> 00:14:45,384       And once we start,              we won't stop like Lestat          309 00:14:45,426 --> 00:14:46,719  after a taste of blood,            310 00:14:46,760 --> 00:14:49,179  or teenage boys with YouPorn.      311 00:14:52,141 --> 00:14:53,851  Do me a favor.                     312 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:58,272     Wait five minutes before          you call Zimmer to tell him.       313 00:14:58,314 --> 00:15:00,691  [Tarantino]   So now they know                  you're after them,         314 00:15:00,733 --> 00:15:02,693            and that you have                  your forces mobilizing.       315 00:15:02,735 --> 00:15:05,779     [Gurley] Wars are expensive,         and this one's no different.     316 00:15:05,821 --> 00:15:07,781       These driver incentives              are getting very pricey.       317 00:15:07,823 --> 00:15:10,743    -You're still with me on this?           -In theory, absolutely.       318 00:15:10,784 --> 00:15:13,287           It'd be damn nice                    to take out Lyft.          319 00:15:13,329 --> 00:15:16,040           But in practice,               we may be financing something    320 00:15:16,081 --> 00:15:18,292            that only ends                        in a bloody stalemate.  321 00:15:20,961 --> 00:15:24,089  We think it's time for a raise         round to fill the coffers.       322 00:15:24,131 --> 00:15:26,175        -[Fenton] A road show.               -[Travis] Oh, no, no.         323 00:15:26,216 --> 00:15:28,594        I need to be at the conn,          not out begging for capital     324 00:15:28,636 --> 00:15:31,096       -we don't actively need.                -Show him the list.         325 00:15:35,225 --> 00:15:37,186         We raise enough money                to actually beat Lyft        326 00:15:37,227 --> 00:15:39,438     instead of pissing away money              pissing them off.          327 00:15:39,480 --> 00:15:42,608            Kleiner, Excel,                     TPG and Greylock.          328 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:45,527       This is a little anemic,                 don't you think?           329 00:15:45,569 --> 00:15:47,446                                No.  330 00:15:47,488 --> 00:15:50,449            That is spinach            and prime USDA beef right there.  331 00:15:50,491 --> 00:15:52,117  [chuckles]                         332 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:56,080          $350 million on the table            if you close all those.    333 00:15:56,121 --> 00:15:58,290  What about Google Ventures?        334 00:16:01,752 --> 00:16:03,170       Well, they haven't raised                 their hand yet.           335 00:16:03,212 --> 00:16:04,797    Well, make them                    raise their hand.                  336 00:16:04,838 --> 00:16:06,590  That's your special talent          right? You're Bill Gurley.         337 00:16:06,632 --> 00:16:08,801    Truth is, I don't want them to.         Not at the moment yet.        338 00:16:08,842 --> 00:16:10,511                 I do.                339 00:16:10,552 --> 00:16:13,222       David Drummond and Google               Ventures rolls in?          340 00:16:13,263 --> 00:16:15,516  Come on, we're minted. That         sends a message to the valley.     341 00:16:15,557 --> 00:16:17,101      The whole business world.               That we're special.          342 00:16:17,142 --> 00:16:19,812         That we're not Lyft.         343 00:16:19,853 --> 00:16:21,814       Here's how Google rolls.       344 00:16:21,855 --> 00:16:23,649        They're going to insist            on being your lead investor     345 00:16:23,691 --> 00:16:25,317          on the first round.         346 00:16:25,359 --> 00:16:27,486          They'll limit their spend             to $100 million tops.     347 00:16:27,528 --> 00:16:29,113           That's all they'll shoot                their first hand.      348 00:16:29,154 --> 00:16:31,991          Stops everyone else                from going beyond that.       349 00:16:32,032 --> 00:16:34,910        They will bigfoot you,               they will lowball you,        350 00:16:34,952 --> 00:16:36,537        and you'll be screwed.        351 00:16:38,038 --> 00:16:39,790       You ever been to a rodeo?      352 00:16:39,832 --> 00:16:41,333              [chuckles]              353 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:43,168     Went to a pie-eating contest                     once.                354 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:45,295  I got messy and sick, but I won.  355 00:16:45,337 --> 00:16:47,589        Yeah, well, at a rodeo,       356 00:16:47,631 --> 00:16:49,174         all the young riders,        357 00:16:49,216 --> 00:16:51,510       they always want to climb              onto the rankest bull        358 00:16:51,552 --> 00:16:53,345  to, you know, prove themselves,    359 00:16:53,387 --> 00:16:56,890     but it's best to get yourself               seasoned first,           360 00:16:56,932 --> 00:16:59,143         because bull's always                   gonna be there.           361 00:16:59,184 --> 00:17:02,104        But you ride too soon,                  you might not be.          362 00:17:02,146 --> 00:17:03,939               [Travis]                     And if I finish the ride       363 00:17:03,981 --> 00:17:05,315        and I win the big shiny                   belt buckle,             364 00:17:05,357 --> 00:17:06,859       then I'm a legend, right?      365 00:17:06,900 --> 00:17:08,527  So I'm not seeing the downside.    366 00:17:08,569 --> 00:17:10,571           Word gets around                that they turned you down.      367 00:17:10,612 --> 00:17:13,657          It will snuff a lot               of possibilities, Travis.      368 00:17:13,699 --> 00:17:15,159       TPG, others on that list.      369 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:16,827          It starts a trend.          370 00:17:16,869 --> 00:17:18,996     And word always gets around.     371 00:17:25,169 --> 00:17:27,504              Pretty good list, TK.  372 00:17:27,546 --> 00:17:29,173        And you know we'll kill it.  373 00:17:36,221 --> 00:17:38,390  All right, fine. Road show.        374 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:40,517            Let's book it.            375 00:17:40,559 --> 00:17:42,478            All right then.           376 00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:47,775               Open it.               377 00:17:48,734 --> 00:17:50,235                      What is this?  378 00:17:53,113 --> 00:17:56,909                  [gasps] Oh, shit.  379 00:17:56,950 --> 00:17:58,535  What-- what made you do this--?    380 00:17:58,577 --> 00:17:59,912         You said that                 you're doing a road show,          381 00:17:59,953 --> 00:18:02,372  so you got to look, you know...    382 00:18:02,414 --> 00:18:04,208                 Yeah.                383 00:18:04,249 --> 00:18:06,043     So I'm not a dun-colored mare?  384 00:18:09,296 --> 00:18:12,341                It's, uh, Salinger.  385 00:18:12,382 --> 00:18:14,927  Oh, I didn't like                   Catcher in the Rye.                386 00:18:14,968 --> 00:18:17,179  It was overrated to me,             so I skipped the others.           387 00:18:17,221 --> 00:18:18,764  Worth it?                          388 00:18:20,265 --> 00:18:22,142                          Uh, yeah.  389 00:18:22,184 --> 00:18:24,561                   I mean, I guess.  390 00:18:24,603 --> 00:18:28,273              But thank you so much                   for the shoes.      391 00:18:28,315 --> 00:18:30,442              It's so sweet of you.  392 00:18:31,985 --> 00:18:33,320  You're welcome.                    393 00:19:14,945 --> 00:19:16,697               [beeping]              394 00:19:27,249 --> 00:19:29,126          [computer chiming]          395 00:19:31,253 --> 00:19:32,588                 Hey.                 396 00:19:32,629 --> 00:19:35,257              Hey. You okay?           397 00:19:35,299 --> 00:19:39,011            Yeah, you know,                 you left these Polaroids       398 00:19:39,052 --> 00:19:40,929           from the Tahoe trip?        399 00:19:40,971 --> 00:19:43,891        Yeah. You can keep them                   if you want.             400 00:19:44,892 --> 00:19:46,768             Okay, well...            401 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:49,897          also, they're here                   if you want them.           402 00:19:51,732 --> 00:19:53,483      It's a pretty awesome trip.     403 00:19:53,525 --> 00:19:55,360            You called to talk                     about traveling?          404 00:19:59,198 --> 00:20:00,657       We're doing a road show.       405 00:20:00,699 --> 00:20:03,035       Or I said I would do it,       406 00:20:03,076 --> 00:20:04,870          but I think I could                probably walk it back.        407 00:20:04,912 --> 00:20:06,455              Why would you?           408 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:10,375         Zimmer's gonna find out                      about it,              409 00:20:10,417 --> 00:20:12,169       and he'll know I need money                   to beat him.            410 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:13,879           It just feels weak.         411 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:19,218  You don't like asking for money,   because it makes you feel needy.  412 00:20:19,259 --> 00:20:22,721      And you don't want to need             anything from anybody.        413 00:20:23,805 --> 00:20:27,059         But tell yourself this.       414 00:20:27,100 --> 00:20:31,355  Soon enough, you'll never have      to ask for anything ever again.    415 00:20:31,396 --> 00:20:32,731        And you know when that is.     416 00:20:32,773 --> 00:20:34,066            After this round,          417 00:20:34,107 --> 00:20:35,692  this meeting, this money close.    418 00:20:35,734 --> 00:20:37,402       Yeah, I can't wait for that.    419 00:20:37,444 --> 00:20:38,904               This is your ticket.  420 00:20:38,946 --> 00:20:40,739      And it's not a scratch-off.     421 00:20:40,781 --> 00:20:42,449      You already have the magic              numbers in your head.        422 00:20:42,491 --> 00:20:44,076      You know what to fill out.      423 00:20:44,117 --> 00:20:45,869          But you need to get              the guy to hand it to you.      424 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:49,248            Yeah, exactly.            425 00:20:49,289 --> 00:20:52,125            See? As usual.            426 00:20:52,167 --> 00:20:53,919           [laughs] Exactly.          427 00:21:00,926 --> 00:21:02,219               How are you?            428 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:04,596             New place okay?           429 00:21:05,472 --> 00:21:07,099           Yeah, it's great.          430 00:21:07,140 --> 00:21:09,393         Uh, would have loved              something a little bigger.      431 00:21:09,434 --> 00:21:11,270               Wow, subtle.            432 00:21:11,311 --> 00:21:13,105                 What?                433 00:21:13,146 --> 00:21:15,190    I don't know, you're telling me           to convince people          434 00:21:15,232 --> 00:21:16,733        to put money into Uber,       435 00:21:16,775 --> 00:21:18,610         but then you want me               to take money out of Uber      436 00:21:18,652 --> 00:21:21,238      and sell some of my shares                so I can pay you.          437 00:21:21,280 --> 00:21:22,948         Don't. Fucking don't.        438 00:21:22,990 --> 00:21:26,285     I'm just saying-- look, you--          you told me to stay here.      439 00:21:26,326 --> 00:21:27,828          You said you wanted                  to find a new spot.         440 00:21:27,869 --> 00:21:29,955  -You said you would buy me out.                  -I will.               441 00:21:29,997 --> 00:21:33,292        Okay, so stop accusing me       of being some kind of Valkyrie.    442 00:21:38,171 --> 00:21:39,464               I should go.            443 00:21:39,506 --> 00:21:40,841           Whoa, whoa, whoa.          444 00:21:40,882 --> 00:21:42,426  You're gonna leave it like that?  445 00:21:42,467 --> 00:21:44,011          Do you want                  to consider for a second           446 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:45,804       you just got into my head                   right now?              447 00:21:45,846 --> 00:21:47,431      You're like Lancaster Dodd           from the fucking   Master.        448 00:21:47,472 --> 00:21:49,683  Travis, you're no Freddie Quell.  449 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:51,518           You can handle this                 without making yourself       450 00:21:51,560 --> 00:21:52,978        a torpedo juice cocktail.      451 00:21:53,020 --> 00:21:54,980             -Okay, fine.                             -Hey...               452 00:21:58,692 --> 00:22:00,819       you're going to be great                     at this.               453 00:22:00,861 --> 00:22:02,612              I promise.              454 00:22:02,654 --> 00:22:04,406             You can do this.          455 00:22:07,159 --> 00:22:08,660              Thank you.              456 00:22:12,456 --> 00:22:13,749           [computer chimes]          457 00:22:21,381 --> 00:22:22,758          Here you go, guys.          458 00:22:22,799 --> 00:22:24,343          [Travis] Thank you.         459 00:22:24,384 --> 00:22:25,677                Thanks.               460 00:22:25,719 --> 00:22:27,554                 Here.                461 00:22:36,855 --> 00:22:38,774  Kalanick, right?                   462 00:22:41,526 --> 00:22:43,695                      Emil Michael.  463 00:22:43,737 --> 00:22:45,364               And you guys are...?  464 00:22:45,405 --> 00:22:47,199               InfoVis.               465 00:22:47,240 --> 00:22:48,492                 Never heard of it.  466 00:22:48,533 --> 00:22:51,036  B2B.                               467 00:22:51,078 --> 00:22:53,705  Crowd analytics.                   468 00:22:56,375 --> 00:22:58,168  Hasn't been a great run for us.    469 00:22:58,210 --> 00:23:03,340  That's really surprising given      the confidence you're emanating.  470 00:23:08,095 --> 00:23:10,055      You probably walk in,            and they hand you a check.         471 00:23:10,097 --> 00:23:11,431  [chuckles]                         472 00:23:12,933 --> 00:23:14,643               Usually.               473 00:23:16,269 --> 00:23:18,063     You didn't do your homework,                    Travis.               474 00:23:18,105 --> 00:23:20,899  -All I do is homework. Come on.     -Regulators, taxicab commissions  475 00:23:20,941 --> 00:23:22,734       are gonna do all they can                to shut you down.          476 00:23:22,776 --> 00:23:24,820    There's not gonna be a problem.        You know I'm a survivor.       477 00:23:24,861 --> 00:23:26,905              At Swoosh you almost                 did not survive, man.  478 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:29,199    -That was ahead of its time.       -I looked at your projections.     479 00:23:29,241 --> 00:23:31,076    You have to spend at least five          times more marketing         480 00:23:31,118 --> 00:23:32,702         just to have anybody                   know who you are.          481 00:23:32,744 --> 00:23:34,579      I'm gonna raise all that.               That's gonna be fun.         482 00:23:34,621 --> 00:23:36,248        Yeah, you know how much                   fucking money            483 00:23:36,289 --> 00:23:38,208    you're going to have to raise?              You know my rule.          484 00:23:38,250 --> 00:23:40,794        We went through this in          Red Swoosh over and over again.  485 00:23:40,836 --> 00:23:43,088     I am not going to invest in a       company where you have to raise  486 00:23:43,130 --> 00:23:44,756  hundreds of millions of dollars    487 00:23:44,798 --> 00:23:46,425        to do tens of millions               of dollars in revenues.       488 00:23:46,466 --> 00:23:48,427  Bro, we are going to be making            billions of dollars.          489 00:23:48,468 --> 00:23:50,637       This idea is much bigger                 than Red Swoosh.           490 00:23:50,679 --> 00:23:53,223            -You know that.               -Billions in revenues, maybe.    491 00:23:53,265 --> 00:23:55,434       But you're going to have           to spend billions of dollars     492 00:23:55,475 --> 00:23:57,436             to get there,             and I'll get diluted to nothing.  493 00:23:57,477 --> 00:23:59,604      I don't-- what's the point             of making an investment       494 00:23:59,646 --> 00:24:02,232      in a company where I put in                a lot of money,           495 00:24:02,274 --> 00:24:03,692        and I end up with zip?        496 00:24:03,733 --> 00:24:05,819  If you pass on this right now,     497 00:24:05,861 --> 00:24:07,737     I'm never coming back to you.    498 00:24:07,779 --> 00:24:10,615  Guess what, Travis. I just did.    499 00:24:14,244 --> 00:24:15,370                [sighs]               500 00:24:17,956 --> 00:24:19,541              [man] Hello, InfoVis.  501 00:24:19,583 --> 00:24:22,210          We are ready to go.                   Please follow me.          502 00:24:30,343 --> 00:24:32,387     I told you we came too early.    503 00:24:32,429 --> 00:24:34,222         Yeah, I don't want to rush                and get sweaty.        504 00:24:34,264 --> 00:24:35,724               Some of these places                  got leather seats,  505 00:24:35,765 --> 00:24:38,977  and the leather and the sweat...            not a fun combo.           506 00:24:45,317 --> 00:24:47,319           Oh, shit! Sorry.           507 00:24:48,361 --> 00:24:49,821                           [laughs]  508 00:24:49,863 --> 00:24:51,281                            Travis?  509 00:24:51,323 --> 00:24:53,033               -Zimmer.                              -Yeah.                510 00:24:56,036 --> 00:24:57,704              Uh, I know.             511 00:24:57,746 --> 00:24:59,414             But we loved                   your campaign that much.       512 00:24:59,456 --> 00:25:02,000             Figure we can't ignore                we're in a dogfight,  513 00:25:02,042 --> 00:25:03,502             might as well lean in.  514 00:25:03,543 --> 00:25:04,753                   And the VCs                    seem to get it so far.  515 00:25:04,794 --> 00:25:06,087         [Kate] Yeah, my, uh--        516 00:25:06,129 --> 00:25:07,631        my shirt's our closer.        517 00:25:07,672 --> 00:25:09,549      Though I guess technically,               it's your shirt.           518 00:25:09,591 --> 00:25:11,676            -So thank you.                       -[both laugh]             519 00:25:11,718 --> 00:25:13,678       Hey, good luck in there.       520 00:25:17,557 --> 00:25:19,351                [Kate]                     He's taller than I thought.     521 00:25:28,401 --> 00:25:33,240  I just need to get in your Wi-Fi            and I'll be set.           522 00:25:37,744 --> 00:25:42,123     Travis, Emil, the team and I           are excited you came in.       523 00:25:45,001 --> 00:25:48,713      Yeah, no, I don't think so.     524 00:25:50,840 --> 00:25:52,425                  You guys just had                   a company in here  525 00:25:52,467 --> 00:25:54,886            I don't even want to be             in the same room with.    526 00:25:54,928 --> 00:25:56,596       I mean, I get it, right?       527 00:25:56,638 --> 00:25:58,890       Companies have to donate          to Republicans and to Democrats  528 00:25:58,932 --> 00:26:01,893         so you're greased in             with whoever wins, but you...    529 00:26:01,935 --> 00:26:03,853              you're VCs.             530 00:26:03,895 --> 00:26:06,147     You're supposed to believe in       the company you put money into,  531 00:26:06,189 --> 00:26:07,816       not just protect yourself               in the possibility          532 00:26:07,857 --> 00:26:09,192       you made the wrong call.       533 00:26:11,778 --> 00:26:16,783    So your pitch is we go with you         or Lyft, but not both?        534 00:26:21,288 --> 00:26:23,790    I'm gonna make it easy for you.            We're done here.           535 00:26:25,917 --> 00:26:27,335         Thanks for the water.        536 00:26:32,090 --> 00:26:34,426         Cancel the meetings.         537 00:26:34,467 --> 00:26:36,469                -Which?                           -All of them.            538 00:26:37,470 --> 00:26:40,223             That's fucking genius.  539 00:26:40,265 --> 00:26:41,933                           [laughs]  540 00:26:41,975 --> 00:26:43,935        That's fucking insane.             You canceled the road show?     541 00:26:43,977 --> 00:26:46,271  -You don't want to do the raise?      -No, no, no. We're doing it.     542 00:26:46,313 --> 00:26:48,440        Bill, look, it's like,              you ever been to a club?       543 00:26:48,481 --> 00:26:50,942  You know, the velvet rope that      makes everyone want to get in?     544 00:26:50,984 --> 00:26:54,279    So I am a club called Unicorn,          and if investors want in,      545 00:26:54,321 --> 00:26:55,864       they got to get in line.       546 00:26:55,905 --> 00:26:57,782               -[laughs]                        -Maybe that stunt          547 00:26:57,824 --> 00:26:59,576            that you pulled                   at the VC firm works.        548 00:26:59,618 --> 00:27:01,661       Maybe they want in so bad               they make an offer.         549 00:27:01,703 --> 00:27:03,830         They block out Lyft.         550 00:27:03,872 --> 00:27:06,207        Even so, we still have                 to raise the rest.          551 00:27:06,249 --> 00:27:08,209      We're gonna raise the rest,                     dude.                552 00:27:08,251 --> 00:27:09,628     We're just gonna do it here.     553 00:27:09,669 --> 00:27:11,129     We're flipping the paradigm.     554 00:27:11,171 --> 00:27:12,922         It's not a road show.        555 00:27:14,924 --> 00:27:17,135         Home show. Home show!        556 00:27:17,177 --> 00:27:19,596          Home show! Come on!         557 00:27:19,638 --> 00:27:22,599                Right?                   You're with the insurgents now.  558 00:27:22,641 --> 00:27:23,892           This shouldn't be                 fucking with your head.       559 00:27:23,933 --> 00:27:25,810  No, I'm just trying                     to figure out                   560 00:27:25,852 --> 00:27:28,521  how it is that starving                  your own company               561 00:27:28,563 --> 00:27:31,983             is insurgency               and not just a temper tantrum.    562 00:27:32,025 --> 00:27:33,985          -Worked for Gandhi.                     -Yeah, well,             563 00:27:34,027 --> 00:27:35,445  when Gandhi made that choice,      564 00:27:35,487 --> 00:27:37,322      he was the one                   doing the starving.                565 00:27:37,364 --> 00:27:39,658  Not his investors.                 566 00:27:50,543 --> 00:27:54,631       Because mutiny on the bounty         Is what we're all about       567 00:27:54,673 --> 00:27:57,801        I'm gonna board your ship               And turn it on out         568 00:27:57,842 --> 00:28:00,387              No soft sucker           With a parrot on his shoulder     569 00:28:00,428 --> 00:28:03,598         I'm bad, getting bolder               Cold getting colder         570 00:28:03,640 --> 00:28:06,685           Terrorizing suckers                 On the seven seas           571 00:28:06,726 --> 00:28:08,478         And if you've got beef      572 00:28:08,520 --> 00:28:10,063            You'll get capped                      In the knees            573 00:28:10,105 --> 00:28:13,358              We got 16 men                   On a dead man's chest        574 00:28:13,400 --> 00:28:16,444         And I shot those suckers            And I'll shoot the rest       575 00:28:16,486 --> 00:28:19,447           Most illingest B-boy                 I got that feeling         576 00:28:19,489 --> 00:28:23,076           'Cause I am most ill            And I'm rhyming and stealing   577 00:28:23,118 --> 00:28:24,703              [no audio]              578 00:28:28,873 --> 00:28:31,876          Snatching gold chains              Nicking pieces of eight       579 00:28:31,918 --> 00:28:33,378             I got your money                     And your honey           580 00:28:33,420 --> 00:28:35,213         And the fly name plate      581 00:28:35,255 --> 00:28:37,298              We got wenches                      On the benches           582 00:28:37,340 --> 00:28:38,842          Bitties with titties       583 00:28:38,883 --> 00:28:40,343          Housing all girlies        584 00:28:40,385 --> 00:28:42,220           From city to city         585 00:28:42,262 --> 00:28:44,389   One for all and all for one     586 00:28:44,431 --> 00:28:48,059              Taking out MCs                    With a big shotgun         587 00:28:48,101 --> 00:28:50,979   All for one and one for all     588 00:28:51,020 --> 00:28:54,566         Because the Beastie Boys                 Have gone AWOL           589 00:28:54,607 --> 00:28:57,652           Most rhyminest B-boy              I'm stretching my shade       590 00:28:57,694 --> 00:29:00,572          Most shootinest B-boy                I think you're shit         591 00:29:00,613 --> 00:29:03,742           Most rhyminest B-boy        I'll steal your shit, homeboy     592 00:29:03,783 --> 00:29:06,745           Most taxinest B-boy                 I'll tax you, boy           593 00:29:06,786 --> 00:29:10,123        Most illingest, illingest                Illingest B-boy           594 00:29:10,165 --> 00:29:14,252         Taxing all y'all squares                      Yeah                595 00:29:14,294 --> 00:29:16,254  I've tried every fucking thing.    596 00:29:16,296 --> 00:29:19,466       I can't get this class C                bullshit shut down.         597 00:29:19,507 --> 00:29:21,384      Yeah, and Zimmer knows it,               and he's using it.          598 00:29:21,426 --> 00:29:23,261           Every meeting now                  someone's asking me,         599 00:29:23,303 --> 00:29:24,846       what does Uber have to do                 to get bigger?            600 00:29:24,888 --> 00:29:26,306  Do you have an answer?             601 00:29:26,347 --> 00:29:28,099            It occurs to me                  I think we got polite.        602 00:29:28,141 --> 00:29:29,893      We're just using registered             livery drivers, why?         603 00:29:29,934 --> 00:29:31,311     Because it's a fucking rule?     604 00:29:31,352 --> 00:29:33,062                 I mean while Lyft                    is undercutting us  605 00:29:33,104 --> 00:29:34,647     like they're Costco of livery.  606 00:29:34,689 --> 00:29:36,232                  We're disruptors.  607 00:29:36,274 --> 00:29:39,068         We can't be afraid                   to disrupt even ourselves.  608 00:29:41,613 --> 00:29:42,822       We open up the business.       609 00:29:42,864 --> 00:29:44,532                  Let in civilians,  610 00:29:44,574 --> 00:29:46,910  anybody with a driver's license          can come join the team.        611 00:29:46,951 --> 00:29:49,287          We will crush Lyft                   at their own game.          612 00:29:49,329 --> 00:29:52,624           Luxury in an app.               That was the vision always.     613 00:29:52,665 --> 00:29:54,125       And it's a great vision.       614 00:29:54,167 --> 00:29:56,586     Uber is a black car company.     615 00:29:56,628 --> 00:29:59,297      No one wants to ride around           in someone's used Camry.       616 00:29:59,339 --> 00:30:01,883  Are you so sure about that?        617 00:30:04,844 --> 00:30:08,264              This is the last time                 this ever happens.    618 00:30:08,306 --> 00:30:11,810             Police walked in                     For Jimmy Jazz           619 00:30:11,851 --> 00:30:15,897          I said "He ain't here                But he sure went by"        620 00:30:15,939 --> 00:30:18,608         Oh, you're looking for      621 00:30:18,650 --> 00:30:20,985               Jimmy Jazz            622 00:30:22,237 --> 00:30:23,947            Yeah, they said          623 00:30:23,988 --> 00:30:27,992             Satta Massagana                     For Jimmy Dread           624 00:30:28,034 --> 00:30:31,037             Cut off his ears                 And chop off his head        625 00:30:31,079 --> 00:30:33,706          Police come look for       626 00:30:33,748 --> 00:30:35,500               Jimmy Jazz            627 00:30:35,542 --> 00:30:38,044            Jazz, Jazz, Jazz         628 00:30:38,086 --> 00:30:39,546               So go look            629 00:30:43,842 --> 00:30:46,302         Wow! Thanks so much, guys.  630 00:30:46,344 --> 00:30:48,137            Have a fantastic night.  631 00:30:50,056 --> 00:30:51,391             [Gurley] Chatty fella.  632 00:30:51,432 --> 00:30:53,101               [Austin]                   That's the Lyft UX in action.    633 00:30:53,142 --> 00:30:54,853      You know, you sit up front,              you make a friend.          634 00:30:54,894 --> 00:30:56,396               [Garrett]                 Yeah, I'm not that lonely yet.    635 00:30:56,437 --> 00:30:57,939            I'm not saying                  that it couldn't happen,       636 00:30:57,981 --> 00:31:00,108       but there's nothing cool              about that experience.        637 00:31:00,149 --> 00:31:01,693               [Gurley]                    Maybe that's not the point.     638 00:31:01,734 --> 00:31:03,903         Are we selling cool,              or selling transportation?      639 00:31:05,572 --> 00:31:07,198      We're selling cool transpo.     640 00:31:07,240 --> 00:31:08,950  Elegant. James fucking Bond.       641 00:31:08,992 --> 00:31:11,035  That's the brand.                   Always has been.                   642 00:31:11,077 --> 00:31:13,621       [Austin] TK, it's your call.  643 00:31:13,663 --> 00:31:15,874            I mean, it's your call.  644 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:21,337                 Both.                645 00:31:21,379 --> 00:31:23,131  You go into a department store,    646 00:31:23,172 --> 00:31:25,133     they have that shitty jewelry           on the counter, right?        647 00:31:25,174 --> 00:31:27,051          But the good stuff                 is in the glass boxes.        648 00:31:27,093 --> 00:31:29,012        -Two levels of service.               -Exactly, all right.         649 00:31:29,053 --> 00:31:31,389     So you want luxury, you want         cool, you can pay for cool.      650 00:31:31,431 --> 00:31:33,057      But we slide another option                 into the app.            651 00:31:33,099 --> 00:31:35,685            Charge 35% less                    and call it UberX,          652 00:31:35,727 --> 00:31:37,020        so it still feels cool.       653 00:31:38,605 --> 00:31:40,690        It's always X with you.       654 00:31:40,732 --> 00:31:42,400  Yeah, the X is for "extra sexy."  655 00:31:42,442 --> 00:31:44,235           [Garrett laughs]           656 00:31:44,277 --> 00:31:45,695       You would laugh at that.       657 00:31:51,117 --> 00:31:54,954  Dude, you brought me in to grind        on these kinds of calls.       658 00:31:56,289 --> 00:31:58,291          Yeah. That's true.          659 00:32:03,046 --> 00:32:04,589  But I'm still gonna                 give you my opinion,               660 00:32:04,631 --> 00:32:06,591      and I expect you                 to take it seriously.              661 00:32:09,469 --> 00:32:11,095  And then I'll ride with you                     on it.                  662 00:32:11,137 --> 00:32:12,931  No matter what you decide.         663 00:32:12,972 --> 00:32:14,849  It's your company, man.            664 00:32:20,897 --> 00:32:22,440  For Garrett?                       665 00:32:33,159 --> 00:32:35,912               You know,                   I'm hearing Google Ventures     666 00:32:35,954 --> 00:32:37,705          is in the mix this round.  667 00:32:39,874 --> 00:32:41,209  That's weird.                      668 00:32:44,045 --> 00:32:47,423    I can't control the rumor mill,              Bill, can I?             669 00:32:53,680 --> 00:32:55,139              That's me.              670 00:33:16,035 --> 00:33:19,580        Once we added the UberX               functionality, boom,         671 00:33:19,622 --> 00:33:22,166        that is driver supply,               that is rider demand.         672 00:33:22,208 --> 00:33:23,334             What part of                    "do not disturb" do--?        673 00:33:23,376 --> 00:33:25,253            [whispers indistinctly]  674 00:33:42,228 --> 00:33:44,856              [Tarantino]                  David motherfucking Drummond.    675 00:33:44,897 --> 00:33:47,025  In theory, a top Google lawyer.    676 00:33:47,066 --> 00:33:50,028  In practice, Larry and Sergey's                business brain.           677 00:33:50,069 --> 00:33:52,196      Head of their investment arm,                Google Ventures.          678 00:33:52,238 --> 00:33:55,700        Loved and feared in every            boardroom in Silicon Valley.    679 00:33:55,742 --> 00:33:57,702                A real OG.             680 00:33:57,744 --> 00:34:00,121                And a BFD.             681 00:34:00,163 --> 00:34:02,832            And the one-man TK                set this entire trap for.      682 00:34:02,874 --> 00:34:06,753         Hi. Travis Kalanick.         683 00:34:06,794 --> 00:34:08,713     No shit. I'm in your office.     684 00:34:08,755 --> 00:34:10,840                         [chuckles]  685 00:34:10,882 --> 00:34:12,425                          Sit down.  686 00:34:14,177 --> 00:34:15,845     I don't imagine                   you made the drive                 687 00:34:15,887 --> 00:34:17,847  all the way from Mountain View              to hear me talk,            688 00:34:17,889 --> 00:34:19,348  so why don't you start?            689 00:34:19,390 --> 00:34:21,017                  I'm wondering                    who you think you are  690 00:34:21,059 --> 00:34:23,227      telling everyone in my valley            we're in your round.       691 00:34:25,438 --> 00:34:26,647              Aren't you?             692 00:34:26,689 --> 00:34:30,026     Because again,                    long drive, David.                 693 00:34:30,068 --> 00:34:31,819  Or is it Mr. Drummond?             694 00:34:31,861 --> 00:34:35,656    I'm more of a TK to my friends,          Travis to my enemies,        695 00:34:35,698 --> 00:34:40,119  and a fucking lottery ticket to     anybody who knows what's what.     696 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:49,712     Breakfast, Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.,      Charlie's Café on the campus.    697 00:34:49,754 --> 00:34:52,090         This is a home show,                   not a road show.           698 00:34:55,426 --> 00:34:57,762            You know what?                  I can make an exception.       699 00:34:57,804 --> 00:34:59,263             That's cool.             700 00:35:01,974 --> 00:35:03,267  But...                             701 00:35:05,436 --> 00:35:07,438  I want Larry Page there.           702 00:35:10,108 --> 00:35:11,776                That's a tough get.  703 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:14,779            I'll see what I can do.  704 00:35:27,500 --> 00:35:29,085          [chuckling] Um, hi.         705 00:35:29,127 --> 00:35:32,296      David fucking Drummond           came into the office today,        706 00:35:32,338 --> 00:35:34,632           and we are going               to the Googleplex on Tuesday.    707 00:35:34,674 --> 00:35:36,134     And Larry Page                    is gonna be there!                 708 00:35:36,175 --> 00:35:37,426  I feel fucking amazing!            709 00:35:37,468 --> 00:35:38,845                    I can see that.  710 00:35:41,973 --> 00:35:45,560  You are my good-luck charm.        711 00:35:45,601 --> 00:35:48,146           Okay. Well, I like that.  712 00:36:00,158 --> 00:36:01,492            [Travis sighs]            713 00:36:26,684 --> 00:36:28,227  Is he coming?                      714 00:36:36,027 --> 00:36:37,820              [Drummond]                  Larry Page, Travis Kalanick,     715 00:36:37,862 --> 00:36:39,030           and Emil Michael.          716 00:36:39,071 --> 00:36:40,907  It's so great to meet you, man.    717 00:37:01,135 --> 00:37:03,804  So, look, I'll admit                when I started Uber,               718 00:37:03,846 --> 00:37:05,806     it was just a way                 for me and my buddies              719 00:37:05,848 --> 00:37:08,226  to get around San Francisco             in limos like ballers.          720 00:37:08,267 --> 00:37:10,478  You know, we didn't have                   a grand plan.                721 00:37:10,519 --> 00:37:12,063             For a minute.            722 00:37:12,104 --> 00:37:13,731         But then I was forced                to learn to improvise        723 00:37:13,773 --> 00:37:15,983          once it turned out                  everybody wanted in.         724 00:37:16,025 --> 00:37:18,152  Has that ever happened to you?         You know, you have an idea       725 00:37:18,194 --> 00:37:19,904     and then it spins                 into something else?               726 00:37:24,617 --> 00:37:26,327              Maybe not.              727 00:37:26,369 --> 00:37:28,412  Maybe you just see it all                 in front of you               728 00:37:28,454 --> 00:37:29,747  perfectly mapped out,              729 00:37:29,789 --> 00:37:31,415     exactly the way                   it'll come to pass.                730 00:37:31,457 --> 00:37:33,668  I don't know, me? I have to stay           open to opportunity         731 00:37:33,709 --> 00:37:35,419  and nimble enough to change,       732 00:37:35,461 --> 00:37:37,880  because here's the thing:           we are not a limo company.         733 00:37:37,922 --> 00:37:39,757  We're a technology company.        734 00:37:39,799 --> 00:37:41,217  But if I had known that                   at the start,                 735 00:37:41,259 --> 00:37:42,885  I might have never started.        736 00:37:42,927 --> 00:37:44,845  You know, my mom, she says,            "Look before you leap."          737 00:37:44,887 --> 00:37:47,682     But I'm always like, how am I       going to get a good enough view  738 00:37:47,723 --> 00:37:49,100  and decide what's next             739 00:37:49,141 --> 00:37:51,352  if I'm not already up               in the air, you know?              740 00:37:51,394 --> 00:37:53,020  Because I took the leap, right?    741 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:54,772    Like you guys with Google Maps,             that is a leap.           742 00:37:54,814 --> 00:37:57,275    But you're up in the air,          and you can look, and boom.        743 00:37:58,818 --> 00:38:01,404  Autonomous vehicles, right?        744 00:38:05,992 --> 00:38:08,786            Yeah, you know,                     self-driving cars          745 00:38:08,828 --> 00:38:11,372     are very much front of mind.     746 00:38:11,414 --> 00:38:13,749         Still early stages, but...  747 00:38:14,709 --> 00:38:16,961                              Yeah.  748 00:38:20,256 --> 00:38:22,633       ["You're My Best Friend"                 by Queen playing]          749 00:38:27,305 --> 00:38:31,392         Ooh, you make me live       750 00:38:31,434 --> 00:38:35,021           Whatever this world                    Can give to me           751 00:38:35,062 --> 00:38:36,731                It's you             752 00:38:36,772 --> 00:38:39,442            You're all I see         753 00:38:39,483 --> 00:38:43,904        Ooh, you make me live now                     Honey                754 00:38:43,946 --> 00:38:46,866         Ooh, you make me live       755 00:38:48,617 --> 00:38:51,746   Oh, you're the best friend      756 00:38:51,787 --> 00:38:54,123            That I ever had          757 00:38:54,165 --> 00:38:58,878            I've been with you                 Such a long time...         758 00:39:06,594 --> 00:39:09,221  Look, it'd be easy                  for Google Ventures                759 00:39:09,263 --> 00:39:11,182  to just plug some money                     into Uber                   760 00:39:11,223 --> 00:39:14,101  and walk away and siphon off             some of our success.           761 00:39:14,143 --> 00:39:15,770        But I don't think              that's what you want to do.        762 00:39:15,811 --> 00:39:17,480      I think you want us              to grow together, right?           763 00:39:17,521 --> 00:39:19,190  Like, imagine we could                     share data                   764 00:39:19,231 --> 00:39:20,608  from all the millions of trips     765 00:39:20,649 --> 00:39:21,817  that Uber runs every day.          766 00:39:21,859 --> 00:39:23,819  Plug that into Google Maps         767 00:39:23,861 --> 00:39:25,404         or anything else              that we want to team up on.        768 00:39:25,446 --> 00:39:27,531                       Flying cars.  769 00:39:29,658 --> 00:39:32,078                       The numbers.  770 00:39:32,119 --> 00:39:33,371                         You aware?  771 00:39:33,412 --> 00:39:35,498             Flying cars?             772 00:39:35,539 --> 00:39:40,169     Move 14% of vehicles currently         on the road to air lanes,     773 00:39:40,211 --> 00:39:43,047                 traffic congestion                      goes down 82%.  774 00:39:44,173 --> 00:39:45,633  Wow.                               775 00:39:45,674 --> 00:39:46,884  That...                            776 00:39:51,514 --> 00:39:53,057              Your idea?              777 00:39:53,724 --> 00:39:55,309                 Uber?                778 00:39:55,351 --> 00:39:57,228  Oh, yeah.                          779 00:39:57,269 --> 00:39:58,729  Yeah, it was.                      780 00:39:58,771 --> 00:40:00,564     My partner, Garrett,              he ideated the concept,            781 00:40:00,606 --> 00:40:03,651     but I refined it                  and really built it.               782 00:40:06,737 --> 00:40:08,280             Interesting.             783 00:40:10,199 --> 00:40:13,911     How does route planning work?    784 00:40:13,953 --> 00:40:16,497           That's not easy.           785 00:40:16,539 --> 00:40:21,085        That's... is that OSRM,            or are you using our APIs?      786 00:40:21,127 --> 00:40:24,088  It's open-source.                  787 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:26,090                  Open-source what?  788 00:40:28,175 --> 00:40:30,594  OpenStreetMap, I'm pretty sure.    789 00:40:30,636 --> 00:40:33,097  It's-- it's really advanced.        We have the best guys on it.       790 00:40:35,433 --> 00:40:36,600            If you say so.            791 00:40:39,270 --> 00:40:44,483  You don't actually write code,               do you, Tyler?             792 00:40:45,317 --> 00:40:46,569                Travis.               793 00:40:46,610 --> 00:40:47,987               Kalanick.              794 00:40:53,742 --> 00:40:55,286                 Okay.                795 00:40:56,495 --> 00:40:58,622                 Good.                796 00:40:58,664 --> 00:41:01,459       Yeah, we should, you know...  797 00:41:04,587 --> 00:41:05,963                        You know...  798 00:41:13,345 --> 00:41:16,849      [door opening and closing]      799 00:41:18,642 --> 00:41:20,019            Let's do this.            800 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:24,607            If we come on,                   I'll get a board seat.        801 00:41:24,648 --> 00:41:25,941         -An observer's seat.                    -A voting seat.           802 00:41:25,983 --> 00:41:27,359        That's a deal-breaker.        803 00:41:27,401 --> 00:41:29,111      The only way I'm giving up      804 00:41:29,153 --> 00:41:30,821      a voting seat is if there's             a spend commensurate         805 00:41:30,863 --> 00:41:32,656    -with the people at this table.             -It's my table.           806 00:41:32,698 --> 00:41:34,950      If Uber weren't the hottest      entrant in transportation space,  807 00:41:34,992 --> 00:41:37,369      I wouldn't be sitting here,            and neither would you.        808 00:41:37,411 --> 00:41:38,871                Look...               809 00:41:40,915 --> 00:41:43,042  Amazon is a warehouse company.     810 00:41:43,083 --> 00:41:45,336  We are the everything company.     811 00:41:45,377 --> 00:41:46,712           You revolutionize                    transportation,            812 00:41:46,754 --> 00:41:48,214           you revolutionize                   urban development,          813 00:41:48,255 --> 00:41:50,174  real estate, the energy sector,    814 00:41:50,216 --> 00:41:51,967         food and hospitality,                trading and shipping.        815 00:41:52,009 --> 00:41:54,637      I mean, this is a lot more           than just how people shop.      816 00:41:54,678 --> 00:41:57,014        This is how they live,             and it's all frictionless,      817 00:41:57,056 --> 00:41:58,724      because that's who we are.      818 00:41:58,766 --> 00:42:00,851     Our brand changes the world,             just like your does.         819 00:42:00,893 --> 00:42:02,102            You got an ask?           820 00:42:05,397 --> 00:42:08,526             Quarter-bil.             821 00:42:08,567 --> 00:42:10,861    The most Google's ever invested          is a hundred million.        822 00:42:10,903 --> 00:42:12,696     I'm willing to talk something             in that ballpark--          823 00:42:12,738 --> 00:42:15,658              Talk about                   a quarter-billion dollars.      824 00:42:15,699 --> 00:42:17,576            That's the ask.           825 00:42:21,747 --> 00:42:24,041        -Can you believe that?              -That was fucking insane.      826 00:42:24,083 --> 00:42:26,293            Dude, the vibe between               me and Larry was tight.  827 00:42:26,335 --> 00:42:27,628                           [laughs]  828 00:42:30,256 --> 00:42:31,799  I'm calling Bill.                  829 00:42:31,840 --> 00:42:33,926           Hmm? No, no, no.                  Don't-- don't do that.        830 00:42:33,968 --> 00:42:36,387  Okay, maybe I don't?               831 00:42:36,428 --> 00:42:38,430      I'm running this play without         protection in the pocket.     832 00:42:38,472 --> 00:42:40,391  Fuck.                              833 00:42:40,432 --> 00:42:42,434       You went in there               without even telling Bill          834 00:42:42,476 --> 00:42:45,062  and without telling me what         the actual ask was gonna be?       835 00:42:46,313 --> 00:42:47,690  Are you actually in the pocket?    836 00:42:49,441 --> 00:42:51,068                          I'm fine.  837 00:42:51,110 --> 00:42:52,528  He's gonna find out.               838 00:42:52,570 --> 00:42:54,238                   He's not my dad.  839 00:42:54,280 --> 00:42:56,532      And if we nail a quarter-bil,           then he can apologize.      840 00:42:56,574 --> 00:43:00,536  If we don't, then he can gloat.    841 00:43:05,874 --> 00:43:08,711  [exhales]                          842 00:43:08,752 --> 00:43:11,005          You don't actually                  have the Google cash.        843 00:43:11,046 --> 00:43:12,590        We might never have it.       844 00:43:12,631 --> 00:43:14,842       You might have completely            blown it with that ask.        845 00:43:14,883 --> 00:43:16,969           I cannot believe              you're not with me on this one.  846 00:43:24,059 --> 00:43:25,853       Dude, the money is coming in              one way or another.         847 00:43:25,894 --> 00:43:27,271         Look at our growth rate.      848 00:43:27,313 --> 00:43:29,231        -Look at our burn rate.                   -That's true.            849 00:43:29,273 --> 00:43:31,275    -The incentives are killing us.      -But that's why we buy Lyft,     850 00:43:31,317 --> 00:43:34,236  so we can stop paying these           fucking incentives to the         851 00:43:34,278 --> 00:43:37,031        drivers, because where else                  are they gonna go?  852 00:43:37,072 --> 00:43:39,158               [scoffs]               853 00:43:41,660 --> 00:43:43,912            Maybe we should                    run this by Bill--          854 00:43:43,954 --> 00:43:46,957  No, we're not. Don't say "Bill."   We're not running by anything.     855 00:43:46,999 --> 00:43:48,626                   No run-bys.                    We endgame Lyft, okay?  856 00:43:48,667 --> 00:43:50,169           We get the Google money,            and we end them.           857 00:43:50,210 --> 00:43:51,962              That's it.              858 00:43:52,004 --> 00:43:53,881     Unless you want them nipping             at our heels forever.        859 00:43:57,176 --> 00:43:58,969              Should I have called?  860 00:43:59,970 --> 00:44:01,347  Give me the room.                  861 00:44:11,190 --> 00:44:12,816          I love saying that.         862 00:44:15,110 --> 00:44:16,195        David Drummond called.        863 00:44:18,530 --> 00:44:19,907              Called you?             864 00:44:19,948 --> 00:44:21,825             I'm the guy they call.  865 00:44:21,867 --> 00:44:23,661             That's how this works.  866 00:44:23,702 --> 00:44:25,454  When you fuck up, they call me.    867 00:44:25,496 --> 00:44:27,998         When you try to go deep          with Larry Page, they call me.  868 00:44:28,040 --> 00:44:30,000          When you land over             a quarter of a billion dollars    869 00:44:30,042 --> 00:44:32,544  of Google's money, they call me.  870 00:44:34,213 --> 00:44:35,673  Fuck you.                          871 00:44:35,714 --> 00:44:37,758              No, thanks. I'm good.  872 00:44:37,800 --> 00:44:40,427             My founder just raised                  some serious cash.  873 00:44:40,469 --> 00:44:42,096             [laughs] Oh!             874 00:44:43,389 --> 00:44:45,099           -You feeling it?                        -Holy shit!             875 00:44:45,140 --> 00:44:47,017  Yes. Holy shit.                    876 00:44:47,059 --> 00:44:49,019             I know how to win now.                    I know how.        877 00:44:49,061 --> 00:44:51,146       I already set up                the dinner with Zimmer.            878 00:44:51,188 --> 00:44:52,356  Now you can do it.                 879 00:44:52,398 --> 00:44:54,149              Okay, then.             880 00:44:54,191 --> 00:44:56,402  We're gonna go in there,            we're gonna scoop up Lyft.         881 00:44:56,443 --> 00:44:59,738           Zimmer is gonna--             he's gonna act weird at first.    882 00:44:59,780 --> 00:45:01,573            He's bleeding.                   His board's after him.        883 00:45:01,615 --> 00:45:03,992       He knows he's dying,            and he doesn't want to die.        884 00:45:04,034 --> 00:45:05,828  So you're gonna let him know       885 00:45:05,869 --> 00:45:09,081  that you're not going to go to      the press and call him a loser.    886 00:45:11,083 --> 00:45:13,210        And you're gonna treat            his employees with respect...    887 00:45:14,586 --> 00:45:16,422       and a seat on the board.       888 00:45:22,177 --> 00:45:24,555         -Okay, I can do that.                -Oh, I know you can,         889 00:45:24,596 --> 00:45:26,557  because a guy marries a woman                  with kids,               890 00:45:26,598 --> 00:45:30,352    he has to prove he's not gonna         fuck up her life or theirs.     891 00:45:30,394 --> 00:45:31,854              You get it?             892 00:45:31,895 --> 00:45:34,106                          I got it.  893 00:45:38,026 --> 00:45:40,487              Did you say                        over a quarter-billion?  894 00:45:40,529 --> 00:45:42,072           Two-fifty-seven.           895 00:45:42,114 --> 00:45:43,407                           [laughs]  896 00:45:46,618 --> 00:45:48,579         I guess it's okay if they          bigfoot us now, right, Bill?  897 00:45:48,620 --> 00:45:50,372  It's very fucking okay.             They bought the right.             898 00:45:50,414 --> 00:45:51,832                         [laughing]  899 00:45:55,335 --> 00:45:57,254               [Zimmer]                     The legend's always been       900 00:45:57,296 --> 00:46:00,549    the restaurants in Little India       all share the same kitchen.     901 00:46:00,591 --> 00:46:03,135     So you walk down Sixth Street              in New York City,          902 00:46:03,177 --> 00:46:06,138         and every storefront                 has a different name.        903 00:46:06,180 --> 00:46:08,098  They have a different collection           of Christmas lights         904 00:46:08,140 --> 00:46:10,184       and different aging menus              taped to the windows,        905 00:46:10,225 --> 00:46:12,394             but it's all a mirage.  906 00:46:12,436 --> 00:46:14,813    You mean like an actual mirage,      or people just can't believe     907 00:46:14,855 --> 00:46:16,482       that all these different                Indian restaurants          908 00:46:16,523 --> 00:46:17,983  share the same kitchen?            909 00:46:18,025 --> 00:46:19,193          Never did find out.         910 00:46:19,234 --> 00:46:20,819  [Kate] The vindaloo,               911 00:46:20,861 --> 00:46:22,905          it doesn't taste the same              at all those places.     912 00:46:22,946 --> 00:46:24,448  I just-- I call bullshit.          913 00:46:24,490 --> 00:46:26,241     Yeah, me too. Probably, right?  914 00:46:26,283 --> 00:46:28,202               But maybe                         that's the magic of it.  915 00:46:28,243 --> 00:46:30,412         Create the sense of choice  916 00:46:30,454 --> 00:46:32,790     that the customer is engaging               in a decision.            917 00:46:32,831 --> 00:46:35,793     But actually all the money's        flowing back to the same place.  918 00:46:35,834 --> 00:46:40,297  And in this case, that'd be us.    919 00:46:40,339 --> 00:46:41,799         Something like that.         920 00:46:47,012 --> 00:46:49,306                    [clears throat]  921 00:46:51,141 --> 00:46:54,937      We think you retaining 17%         of the company is a fair deal.    922 00:46:54,978 --> 00:46:56,897  We wanted 25.                      923 00:46:56,939 --> 00:46:58,982            We know, Kate.            924 00:47:02,694 --> 00:47:05,155          I can sit with 17.          925 00:47:05,197 --> 00:47:06,865       Board seat as discussed.       926 00:47:06,907 --> 00:47:09,159  Lyft retains its app and staff,    927 00:47:09,201 --> 00:47:11,787          and we can discuss                 lightening our C-suite.       928 00:47:11,829 --> 00:47:14,832     We have a few top performers             we'd like to protect.        929 00:47:29,930 --> 00:47:31,348            Eight percent.            930 00:47:35,060 --> 00:47:37,020               [laughs]               931 00:47:37,062 --> 00:47:38,355  You know what I wanted to say?     932 00:47:38,397 --> 00:47:40,107  Here's my final offer: nothing.    933 00:47:40,148 --> 00:47:42,025  Like the Lake Tahoe scene.         934 00:47:42,067 --> 00:47:44,194      I just didn't want you guys        to think I was screwing around.  935 00:47:44,236 --> 00:47:45,863           -[Gurley] Travis.               -[Kate] So you're serious?      936 00:47:45,904 --> 00:47:47,906         I mean, I also sprung                  for the Sam Wo's.          937 00:47:50,033 --> 00:47:51,535               [scoffs]               938 00:47:51,577 --> 00:47:53,370           You know, Travis,           sometimes when you put your dick  939 00:47:53,412 --> 00:47:55,122            out on a table,           940 00:47:55,163 --> 00:47:57,541      it doesn't necessarily mean              you have a big one.         941 00:47:57,583 --> 00:47:59,501          It might just mean                  you exposed yourself.        942 00:47:59,543 --> 00:48:02,588  You have no fucking idea            how many people assume             943 00:48:02,629 --> 00:48:04,089    that everything                    I've accomplished                  944 00:48:04,131 --> 00:48:06,842  is somehow to compensate            for everything I'm not.            945 00:48:08,051 --> 00:48:10,637  But you have to know               946 00:48:10,679 --> 00:48:13,390    the whole worth of your company      is predicated on my success.     947 00:48:14,308 --> 00:48:15,517          You're a tapeworm.          948 00:48:15,559 --> 00:48:17,269  I'm the host. You need me.         949 00:48:17,311 --> 00:48:19,688       What, to be on that wall?            I need you on that wall?       950 00:48:19,730 --> 00:48:23,066        You need me to survive.       951 00:48:23,108 --> 00:48:24,818  I understand you feel that way.    952 00:48:24,860 --> 00:48:26,778    This isn't about feelings, man.          This is about facts.         953 00:48:26,820 --> 00:48:29,364    You're shedding six and a half                percent a day            954 00:48:29,406 --> 00:48:32,034         of potential revenue                   to us post-UberX.          955 00:48:32,075 --> 00:48:33,285  We're gonna roll out                dynamic pricing.                   956 00:48:33,327 --> 00:48:34,202  That number's going to double.     957 00:48:34,244 --> 00:48:35,787    You're going to lose all your                   drivers.               958 00:48:35,829 --> 00:48:37,706  More than that, you're going to            lose your customers.         959 00:48:37,748 --> 00:48:38,999           because they like                 your little interface.        960 00:48:39,041 --> 00:48:40,292             But you know                     what they like more?         961 00:48:40,334 --> 00:48:41,752       A car that shows up fast,      962 00:48:41,793 --> 00:48:43,253         and you won't be able                   to provide it.            963 00:48:48,300 --> 00:48:50,928  [Gurley] He's not putting it             very diplomatically.           964 00:48:50,969 --> 00:48:55,599         His terms are not the ones                      I recommended.  965 00:49:00,479 --> 00:49:02,105            But it is true.           966 00:49:03,732 --> 00:49:05,233                           [laughs]  967 00:49:08,362 --> 00:49:10,030  Something funny?                   968 00:49:10,072 --> 00:49:11,865              You could have walked                out of here tonight    969 00:49:11,907 --> 00:49:14,326                  owning the entire                   rideshare space.    970 00:49:14,368 --> 00:49:16,453  Like Coke and Pepsi got hitched.  971 00:49:16,495 --> 00:49:17,955       But you're not smart enough.  972 00:49:17,996 --> 00:49:19,790              -[chuckles]                    -No, no, that's not it.       973 00:49:19,831 --> 00:49:23,585  You're not sophisticated enough.       You're not cultured enough.     974 00:49:23,627 --> 00:49:26,129  Fuck, you're not human enough.     975 00:49:27,547 --> 00:49:30,050      Sure, you have some savvy.      976 00:49:30,092 --> 00:49:32,094        And, yes, you are good                    with numbers.            977 00:49:32,135 --> 00:49:35,055          But you're too much             of a goddamn predatory animal    978 00:49:35,097 --> 00:49:37,099         to take a sure thing                 when it comes to you.        979 00:49:37,140 --> 00:49:38,642           I don't know why.          980 00:49:38,684 --> 00:49:40,519      I-- I don't actually care.      981 00:49:47,859 --> 00:49:49,778      Here's what's gonna happen.     982 00:49:49,820 --> 00:49:51,488         I'm not ever leaving                 the rideshare space.         983 00:49:51,530 --> 00:49:52,948                           Not now.  984 00:49:52,990 --> 00:49:54,241                I mean, I was ready                       to pull back.  985 00:49:54,282 --> 00:49:56,326        But after this, uh-uh.        986 00:49:56,368 --> 00:49:58,328     I will grow, and I will suck     987 00:49:58,370 --> 00:50:01,289     the ever-loving fucking life             out of your company.         988 00:50:01,331 --> 00:50:02,749        And I will outlast you.       989 00:50:02,791 --> 00:50:04,084            And when I do,                   when I go public first,       990 00:50:04,126 --> 00:50:06,169     I just want you to remember,     991 00:50:06,211 --> 00:50:09,131       you brought this shit-ton       of bricks down on your own head.  992 00:50:09,172 --> 00:50:11,425          Bill, thanks much.          993 00:50:20,726 --> 00:50:22,811              [chuckles]              994 00:50:22,853 --> 00:50:25,313  Well, that was fucking                     ridiculous.                  995 00:50:42,247 --> 00:50:43,874                [sighs]               996 00:50:54,634 --> 00:50:55,969              I had to take a walk.  997 00:50:56,011 --> 00:50:57,971  I'm sorry you wasted                     your evening.                  998 00:50:58,013 --> 00:50:59,681                         It's fine.  999 00:51:00,932 --> 00:51:02,392  I know it's not.                   1000 00:51:05,896 --> 00:51:07,731       What are you doing, Bill?      1001 00:51:07,773 --> 00:51:10,525            Riding shotgun                    with a guy like that?        1002 00:51:10,567 --> 00:51:12,694  I saw your face. You had no idea  1003 00:51:12,736 --> 00:51:14,571      he was gonna self-immolate                in there tonight.          1004 00:51:14,613 --> 00:51:17,574  I'm sorry we couldn't               throw you a lifeline,              1005 00:51:17,616 --> 00:51:19,493  but his point's not wrong.         1006 00:51:20,869 --> 00:51:22,412  Probably all healthier                   if we compete.                 1007 00:51:22,454 --> 00:51:24,414                 Sure.                1008 00:51:24,456 --> 00:51:26,500  You got to defend your founder.    1009 00:51:26,541 --> 00:51:28,418      Gurley stands behind his man.  1010 00:51:28,460 --> 00:51:32,714               But every time                       Travis gets a win...  1011 00:51:34,633 --> 00:51:36,593          you're making him believe  1012 00:51:36,635 --> 00:51:38,929       the world owes him that win.  1013 00:51:38,970 --> 00:51:41,807          First loss he has,             he's gonna think he's drowning,  1014 00:51:41,848 --> 00:51:45,310        and he's gonna stand on          your shoulders to save himself.  1015 00:51:45,352 --> 00:51:47,354        He'll push you right under.  1016 00:51:55,278 --> 00:51:56,863  John.                              1017 00:52:08,792 --> 00:52:10,794  Let me know if I can help you             this funding round.           1018 00:52:10,836 --> 00:52:15,132  Just, uh, make some quiet calls.  1019 00:52:15,173 --> 00:52:17,259        I used to consider you               one of the good ones.         1020 00:52:17,300 --> 00:52:20,303        Now I see you've turned        into a jackal like all the rest.  1021 00:52:20,345 --> 00:52:22,472           I don't want you                 anywhere near my company.      1022 00:52:34,442 --> 00:52:37,154           "Google Ventures                 is the largest investor,       1023 00:52:37,195 --> 00:52:41,449       "with $257.79 million in.      1024 00:52:41,491 --> 00:52:46,663      "This round values Uber at         around $3.4 billion pre-money,    1025 00:52:46,705 --> 00:52:49,541      $3.76 billion post-money."      1026 00:52:49,583 --> 00:52:51,376          This is absolutely                     fucking great.            1027 00:52:51,418 --> 00:52:53,461        Well, I'm happy to be here.  1028 00:52:53,503 --> 00:52:54,838               [laughs]               1029 00:53:02,429 --> 00:53:04,014       You going down                  to say hello to David?             1030 00:53:04,055 --> 00:53:05,348             Yeah, I'm walking now.  1031 00:53:05,390 --> 00:53:07,184     Uh, hey, listen,                  I was just curious.                1032 00:53:07,225 --> 00:53:10,520  When was it that, uh, you guys        decided to tank the Lyft deal     1033 00:53:10,562 --> 00:53:14,107              and try to kill them               instead of buying them?  1034 00:53:14,149 --> 00:53:17,694  There wasn't a specific                internal discussion.             1035 00:53:17,736 --> 00:53:19,362       Well, I mean, did you, uh--?  1036 00:53:19,404 --> 00:53:20,947     did you lose my phone number                 for a while,             1037 00:53:20,989 --> 00:53:23,116         or you forget how to dial?  1038 00:53:26,536 --> 00:53:29,456         We had a relationship            when you put me in, for sure.    1039 00:53:29,497 --> 00:53:31,875  And we still have one now.         1040 00:53:31,917 --> 00:53:34,211  It's different, though.                   It has to be.                 1041 00:53:34,252 --> 00:53:37,005  Now, I know that.                     You know that.                    1042 00:53:37,047 --> 00:53:40,050  Why don't we just enjoy                 his success, Bill?              1043 00:53:40,091 --> 00:53:42,385  It's all to our benefit.           1044 00:53:50,227 --> 00:53:52,229  Alright, take care of your mom.    1045 00:54:00,987 --> 00:54:02,614  [Amy] What time is your flight?    1046 00:54:02,656 --> 00:54:04,282          Tomorrow morning at 8:00.  1047 00:54:04,324 --> 00:54:07,369                 Hmm.                 1048 00:54:07,410 --> 00:54:10,872      You finally left Rex alone         to shoot around out there, huh?  1049 00:54:10,914 --> 00:54:13,750  I was just trying to impart            something about the game         1050 00:54:13,792 --> 00:54:15,543          to our guy                   before I leave tomorrow.           1051 00:54:15,585 --> 00:54:17,045  Not just about the game.           1052 00:54:17,087 --> 00:54:18,880           I tell you what,            I hope he listens to his coaches  1053 00:54:18,922 --> 00:54:20,382  better than he does to me,         1054 00:54:20,423 --> 00:54:22,259  because he tunes me out             like an old radio dial.            1055 00:54:22,300 --> 00:54:25,887         Because you play D1,                which he has to ignore,       1056 00:54:25,929 --> 00:54:28,431         or it'll be too hard                    to keep going.            1057 00:54:28,473 --> 00:54:32,686  You always say a good coach         finds a way to cut through.        1058 00:54:32,727 --> 00:54:35,563  Either gets loud or quiet,         1059 00:54:35,605 --> 00:54:39,276  or finds an angle                   until he's heard.                  1060 00:54:39,317 --> 00:54:41,361          I'm kind of sucking                    at that lately.           1061 00:54:45,115 --> 00:54:46,700             Say the rest.            1062 00:54:46,741 --> 00:54:48,118     The thing you don't want to.     1063 00:54:51,788 --> 00:54:55,125           Uber scored huge                    in this last round.         1064 00:54:56,835 --> 00:54:58,211               Massive.               1065 00:54:59,337 --> 00:55:01,131         And you're mad? Why?         1066 00:55:01,172 --> 00:55:03,091       Sounds like you did good.      1067 00:55:03,133 --> 00:55:05,343  Because his wins are his,          1068 00:55:05,385 --> 00:55:07,512  and his losses, his sins,                 are all of ours.              1069 00:55:07,554 --> 00:55:09,889  And he won't listen.               1070 00:55:09,931 --> 00:55:11,433       Ah, you know,                   I can't protect him.               1071 00:55:11,474 --> 00:55:12,934                 I...                 1072 00:55:12,976 --> 00:55:14,311            [clears throat]           1073 00:55:19,733 --> 00:55:22,485          I stood up for him.         1074 00:55:22,527 --> 00:55:25,322             A smart guy,                   a guy I greatly respect.       1075 00:55:25,363 --> 00:55:27,407  He looked me right in the eye,             right in the soul,           1076 00:55:27,449 --> 00:55:29,326            and he told me                    exactly what he saw.         1077 00:55:31,036 --> 00:55:32,537           There's nothing.           1078 00:55:38,376 --> 00:55:41,338     Well, if Travis won't let you                protect him,             1079 00:55:41,379 --> 00:55:43,673     then that's on him, not you.     1080 00:55:45,884 --> 00:55:47,177      Or is this about the money?     1081 00:55:47,218 --> 00:55:48,553                  No.                 1082 00:55:54,184 --> 00:55:55,602               A little.              1083 00:55:59,105 --> 00:56:00,899                A lot.                1084 00:56:00,940 --> 00:56:03,401        At the end of this run,                it's the one that--         1085 00:56:03,443 --> 00:56:06,237        it's the one that pays                 for all the others.         1086 00:56:06,279 --> 00:56:08,698      It's the one that makes it                   so we nev--             1087 00:56:11,493 --> 00:56:15,330          ever have to think                   about money again.          1088 00:56:16,748 --> 00:56:19,084           Oh, I don't think                   about it much now.          1089 00:56:19,125 --> 00:56:22,629      And I rarely heard you talk             about it until this--        1090 00:56:22,670 --> 00:56:26,049         this idea of changing         the family tree seemed possible.  1091 00:56:26,091 --> 00:56:30,220           Meaning I'm fine                   just the way we are.         1092 00:56:30,261 --> 00:56:33,014     But what if you got the money              out of your head           1093 00:56:33,056 --> 00:56:35,058     and made the right decision?     1094 00:56:35,100 --> 00:56:37,143      For the guy? For the team?      1095 00:56:37,185 --> 00:56:39,229             For everyone                     who deals with them?         1096 00:56:39,270 --> 00:56:41,231         Because if you don't,        1097 00:56:41,272 --> 00:56:44,609        I don't want to see you               carrying that around.        1098 00:56:49,739 --> 00:56:51,574      Hey, Bill, they should have            water out there for us.       1099 00:56:51,616 --> 00:56:53,326         But you want                  anything else to drink?            1100 00:56:53,368 --> 00:56:55,328  -You want a soda or something?          -Water sounds just fine.        1101 00:56:55,370 --> 00:56:57,330            -Thanks, Mike.                     -How about any, uh,         1102 00:56:57,372 --> 00:56:59,582      specific questions               you want me to ask you?            1103 00:57:02,043 --> 00:57:04,921    I think whatever you throw out          at me will be fine, yeah.      1104 00:57:07,674 --> 00:57:10,051  TK, Gurley's panel's up.           1105 00:57:10,093 --> 00:57:11,678                          Oh, yeah.  1106 00:57:11,719 --> 00:57:13,138       Think I mentioned the raise.  1107 00:57:14,180 --> 00:57:15,682  [cell phone pings]                 1108 00:57:15,723 --> 00:57:17,434  All right, it's about that time.             Are you ready?            1109 00:57:17,475 --> 00:57:19,769                -Yeah.                      -All right, let's do it.       1110 00:57:22,230 --> 00:57:25,150             You know, uh,             come to think of it, uh, Mike...  1111 00:57:27,569 --> 00:57:29,696                    yeah, there is.  1112 00:57:29,737 --> 00:57:32,949           [applause on TV]           1113 00:57:32,991 --> 00:57:35,160        [Isaac]   Bill, I got one                last question for you.       1114 00:57:35,201 --> 00:57:37,454          Do you think we're in                     a tech bubble?           1115 00:57:40,915 --> 00:57:43,084         I think that we're in                   a risk bubble.            1116 00:57:43,126 --> 00:57:45,628  Uh, especially with these, uh...  1117 00:57:45,670 --> 00:57:47,213  these so-called unicorns.          1118 00:57:49,340 --> 00:57:51,468          Except for your one              true unicorn, right, Bill?      1119 00:57:51,509 --> 00:57:56,806        We've flushed an excessive            amount of money onto them,     1120 00:57:56,848 --> 00:57:58,475              and they, uh--           1121 00:57:58,516 --> 00:58:01,644         Well, a lot of them,          including some favorites of mine  1122 00:58:01,686 --> 00:58:03,980        are, uh, acting, uh...        1123 00:58:05,231 --> 00:58:07,442  irrationally.                      1124 00:58:07,484 --> 00:58:09,110          Warren Buffett has a--       1125 00:58:09,152 --> 00:58:10,612           has a great saying.         1126 00:58:10,653 --> 00:58:12,280               "Be fearful                     when others are greedy,       1127 00:58:12,322 --> 00:58:14,073              and be greedy                   when others are fearful."      1128 00:58:14,115 --> 00:58:16,701      I'm not here to accuse anyone                of being greedy.          1129 00:58:16,743 --> 00:58:20,788        But there is nowhere near                    enough fear             1130 00:58:20,830 --> 00:58:22,499       in Silicon Valley right now.    1131 00:58:22,540 --> 00:58:27,670       And I think you will see           some dead unicorns this year.    1132 00:58:27,712 --> 00:58:29,589      [Isaac]   There you have it,               ladies and gentlemen.        1133 00:58:29,631 --> 00:58:31,841             -Bill Gurley.                        -[applause]              1134 00:58:35,386 --> 00:58:36,679        What the fuck was that?       1135 00:58:39,182 --> 00:58:41,017              [inaudible]             1136 00:58:47,857 --> 00:58:50,985     "Dead unicorns." What, is he      sending a coded fucking message?  1137 00:58:51,027 --> 00:58:54,364         Okay, we just raised               a crazy successful round.      1138 00:58:54,405 --> 00:58:56,866        We basically destroyed                 our nearest rival,          1139 00:58:56,908 --> 00:58:58,701  and that's his fucking response?  1140 00:58:58,743 --> 00:59:00,036            I guess it was.           1141 00:59:02,539 --> 00:59:04,832      All right, he wants to play          with fucking baseball bats.     1142 00:59:04,874 --> 00:59:06,584         Let's play with bats.        1143 00:59:06,626 --> 00:59:09,170       Penny, I need a sit-down                 with Bill Gurley           1144 00:59:09,212 --> 00:59:11,005  as soon as he is fucking back.     1145 00:59:11,047 --> 00:59:12,465     And get me building security.    1146 00:59:25,770 --> 00:59:29,607        The waiting drove me mad     1147 00:59:29,649 --> 00:59:33,486           You're finally here                    And I'm a mess           1148 00:59:33,528 --> 00:59:36,573       I take your entrance back     1149 00:59:36,614 --> 00:59:41,244              Can't let you                    Roam inside my head         1150 00:59:41,286 --> 00:59:44,831           I don't want to take                 What you can give          1151 00:59:44,872 --> 00:59:48,334          I would rather starve               Than eat your bread          1152 00:59:48,376 --> 00:59:52,255            I would rather run                   But I can't walk          1153 00:59:52,297 --> 00:59:56,676           Guess I'll lay alone                  Just like before          1154 01:00:13,151 --> 01:00:17,363                I'll take                       The varmint's path         1155 01:00:17,405 --> 01:00:21,034              Oh, and I must                     Refuse your test          1156 01:00:21,075 --> 01:00:22,577                 Shit.                1157 01:00:22,619 --> 01:00:25,079           And I will resist         1158 01:00:25,121 --> 01:00:28,625       This behavior's not unique   1159 01:00:28,666 --> 01:00:32,629           I don't want to hear                From those who know         1160 01:00:32,670 --> 01:00:36,299               They can buy                But can't put on my clothes     1161 01:00:36,341 --> 01:00:39,636           I don't want to limp                  For them to walk          1162 01:00:39,677 --> 01:00:43,264          Never would have known                   Of me before            1163 01:00:43,306 --> 01:00:46,976         I don't want to be held                   In your debt            1164 01:00:47,018 --> 01:00:50,813         I'll pay it off in blood                  Let I be wed            1165 01:00:50,855 --> 01:00:54,776            I'm already cut up                    And half dead            1166 01:00:54,817 --> 01:00:58,404            I'll end up alone                      Like I began            1167 01:01:12,627 --> 01:01:17,507          Everything has chains,                  Absolutely...