1 00:00:01,159 --> 00:00:04,040 ♪♪ 2 00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:07,110 Bubblegum: All citizens 3 00:00:06,049 --> 00:00:07,110 of the Candy Kingdom. 4 00:00:07,129 --> 00:00:09,230 Lumpy Space Princess: 5 00:00:07,129 --> 00:00:09,230 Oh, my glob. 6 00:00:10,009 --> 00:00:11,109 [ Shing! ] 7 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:16,059 [ Beeping ] 8 00:00:19,199 --> 00:00:21,140 [ Whooshing ] 9 00:00:24,230 --> 00:00:28,160 [ Beating ] 10 00:00:28,179 --> 00:00:34,149 ♪♪ 11 00:00:35,159 --> 00:00:37,020 ♪♪ 12 00:00:37,039 --> 00:00:39,100 BMO: Did you know there are 13 00:00:37,039 --> 00:00:39,100 more stars in the sky 14 00:00:39,119 --> 00:00:43,030 than there are grains of sand 15 00:00:39,119 --> 00:00:43,030 in the sky? 16 00:00:43,049 --> 00:00:44,170 It's true. 17 00:00:44,189 --> 00:00:46,189 This is a rare giant asteroid 18 00:00:46,210 --> 00:00:48,219 made entirely of heavy metal. 19 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:51,130 His name is Lars Darksaber. 20 00:00:51,149 --> 00:00:54,049 I don't know any of these guys. 21 00:00:54,070 --> 00:00:56,090 Whoa! 22 00:00:54,070 --> 00:00:56,090 Look at that big boy go! 23 00:00:56,109 --> 00:00:58,189 That's gotta be 24 00:00:56,109 --> 00:00:58,189 the biggest comet I ever did -- 25 00:00:58,210 --> 00:01:00,170 I... 26 00:01:00,189 --> 00:01:02,090 What the heck? 27 00:01:04,010 --> 00:01:05,189 Let's forget we saw this. 28 00:01:05,209 --> 00:01:11,019 Just another ineffable mystery 29 00:01:05,209 --> 00:01:11,019 in a universe full of mysteries. 30 00:01:14,189 --> 00:01:16,230 I wrote this song for my hat! 31 00:01:17,010 --> 00:01:21,129 ♪ Some people say 32 00:01:17,010 --> 00:01:21,129 that space is lonely ♪ 33 00:01:21,150 --> 00:01:26,039 ♪ Silent, empty, sparkling, 34 00:01:21,150 --> 00:01:26,039 and immense ♪ 35 00:01:26,060 --> 00:01:31,120 ♪ But wide-open spaces 36 00:01:26,060 --> 00:01:31,120 put smiles on cowboy faces ♪ 37 00:01:31,140 --> 00:01:36,039 ♪ Even when they're stuck 38 00:01:31,140 --> 00:01:36,039 inside their tents ♪ 39 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:40,229 ♪ Yes, I've got my mission 40 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:40,229 to distract me ♪ 41 00:01:41,009 --> 00:01:45,180 ♪ From friendly folks 42 00:01:41,009 --> 00:01:45,180 I had to leave back home ♪ 43 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:50,210 ♪ And I've got my potatoes, 44 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:50,210 more exciting than tornadoes ♪ 45 00:01:50,229 --> 00:01:55,229 ♪ Potatoes, potatoes, 46 00:01:50,229 --> 00:01:55,229 buy my fresh potatoes ♪ 47 00:01:56,009 --> 00:01:58,079 ♪ Terraforming Martian soil ♪ 48 00:01:58,099 --> 00:02:02,000 ♪ Just put 'em in a pot 49 00:01:58,099 --> 00:02:02,000 to boil ♪ 50 00:02:08,039 --> 00:02:11,060 Aaaaaaaaah! 51 00:02:11,080 --> 00:02:13,009 [ Grunts ] 52 00:02:13,169 --> 00:02:16,000 Anybody get mashed? 53 00:02:19,180 --> 00:02:21,150 Alert! Alert! 54 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:26,069 Time to make the doughnuts. 55 00:02:27,110 --> 00:02:29,180 Boy, that meteoroid storm 56 00:02:27,110 --> 00:02:29,180 was scary. 57 00:02:29,199 --> 00:02:33,129 There probably won't be 58 00:02:29,199 --> 00:02:33,129 scary cool things on Mars. 59 00:02:35,020 --> 00:02:37,229 It will just be me, alone. 60 00:02:38,009 --> 00:02:40,150 Football: You'll always have me, 61 00:02:38,009 --> 00:02:40,150 BMO. 62 00:02:40,170 --> 00:02:45,000 Yes, Football, but I meant new, 63 00:02:40,170 --> 00:02:45,000 interesting people. 64 00:02:46,219 --> 00:02:51,050 ♪ I have left my dream 65 00:02:46,219 --> 00:02:51,050 of grand adventure ♪ 66 00:02:51,069 --> 00:02:56,150 ♪ For the quiet 67 00:02:51,069 --> 00:02:56,150 of my Martian 'tater farm ♪ 68 00:02:58,150 --> 00:03:00,060 Hi. 69 00:03:02,069 --> 00:03:03,180 You can stretch! 70 00:03:03,199 --> 00:03:05,199 Do you talk? 71 00:03:06,039 --> 00:03:07,020 Hmm. 72 00:03:07,039 --> 00:03:09,180 Well, 73 00:03:07,039 --> 00:03:09,180 you are round and green, 74 00:03:09,199 --> 00:03:11,090 so I'm going 75 00:03:09,199 --> 00:03:11,090 to call you Olive, 76 00:03:11,110 --> 00:03:13,229 after my favorite type 77 00:03:11,110 --> 00:03:13,229 of bread. 78 00:03:14,009 --> 00:03:16,009 My name is BMO. 79 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:19,210 [ Warbling ] 80 00:03:19,229 --> 00:03:21,199 [ Chuckles ] 81 00:03:23,150 --> 00:03:25,060 You like what you see, 82 00:03:23,150 --> 00:03:25,060 huh? 83 00:03:25,079 --> 00:03:28,159 You've got good taste. 84 00:03:28,180 --> 00:03:31,030 Huh? What are you doing? 85 00:03:34,129 --> 00:03:35,229 [ Gasps ] That was Mars! 86 00:03:36,009 --> 00:03:37,189 We are going 87 00:03:36,009 --> 00:03:37,189 the wrong way! 88 00:03:37,210 --> 00:03:39,110 Olive! 89 00:03:42,039 --> 00:03:44,150 [ Screams ] 90 00:03:44,170 --> 00:03:46,229 So trippy! 91 00:03:50,050 --> 00:03:51,030 Oh, no, no, no! 92 00:03:51,050 --> 00:03:53,000 The stars are all jacked! 93 00:03:53,020 --> 00:03:55,170 Olive, you interfered 94 00:03:53,020 --> 00:03:55,170 with my mission! 95 00:03:55,189 --> 00:03:57,150 [ Growls ] 96 00:03:57,170 --> 00:04:00,199 ♪♪ 97 00:04:00,219 --> 00:04:02,150 Okay, I changed my mind! 98 00:04:02,169 --> 00:04:04,229 You can interfere, Olive! 99 00:04:05,009 --> 00:04:06,180 Please! 100 00:04:06,199 --> 00:04:12,199 ♪♪ 101 00:04:12,219 --> 00:04:14,090 15 minutes have elapsed. 102 00:04:14,110 --> 00:04:17,100 Subject continues to struggle 103 00:04:14,110 --> 00:04:17,100 like a dum-dum. 104 00:04:17,120 --> 00:04:19,120 Its attempts are pitiful. 105 00:04:19,139 --> 00:04:21,120 But I am sworn 106 00:04:19,139 --> 00:04:21,120 not to interfere. 107 00:04:21,139 --> 00:04:25,000 [ Chiming ] 108 00:04:25,019 --> 00:04:26,079 KS-2: Y4, report! 109 00:04:26,100 --> 00:04:28,009 I found a weird bug bot 110 00:04:26,100 --> 00:04:28,009 on a rock. 111 00:04:28,029 --> 00:04:29,189 Ah, Hugo's not gonna care 112 00:04:28,029 --> 00:04:29,189 about that. 113 00:04:29,209 --> 00:04:32,209 Don't come back 114 00:04:29,209 --> 00:04:32,209 until you find something useful. 115 00:04:32,230 --> 00:04:34,220 Yes, ma'am. 116 00:04:36,060 --> 00:04:38,009 [ Sighs ] 117 00:04:38,029 --> 00:04:41,129 ♪♪ 118 00:04:42,040 --> 00:04:44,009 [ Warbling ] 119 00:04:44,029 --> 00:04:48,170 ♪♪ 120 00:04:48,189 --> 00:04:50,139 This is great! 121 00:04:50,159 --> 00:04:51,199 New entry. 122 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:53,199 Gray Elves and Shell People 123 00:04:51,220 --> 00:04:53,199 are squaring off 124 00:04:53,220 --> 00:04:55,170 over a newly excavated site. 125 00:04:55,189 --> 00:04:57,129 But which side will prevail? 126 00:04:57,149 --> 00:04:59,170 Do the less-dominant Shells 127 00:04:57,149 --> 00:04:59,170 fail to grasp 128 00:04:59,189 --> 00:05:01,230 the importance 129 00:04:59,189 --> 00:05:01,230 of the Elves' unity mission? 130 00:05:02,009 --> 00:05:04,209 Elves! 131 00:05:02,009 --> 00:05:04,209 By the laws of the Drift, 132 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:09,050 we assert our claim to this 133 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:09,050 very sweet photon transmogger. 134 00:05:09,069 --> 00:05:10,120 Heck, no, Cole. 135 00:05:10,139 --> 00:05:12,170 The transmogger belongs 136 00:05:10,139 --> 00:05:12,170 to Mr. M. 137 00:05:12,189 --> 00:05:13,230 I have the receipt. 138 00:05:14,009 --> 00:05:16,050 From you. 139 00:05:14,009 --> 00:05:16,050 You sold it, man. 140 00:05:16,069 --> 00:05:17,100 That never happened! 141 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:19,089 And/or I don't remember 142 00:05:17,120 --> 00:05:19,089 doing it! 143 00:05:19,110 --> 00:05:20,129 WE need that part! 144 00:05:20,149 --> 00:05:22,209 I challenge you 145 00:05:20,149 --> 00:05:22,209 to a drift duel. 146 00:05:22,230 --> 00:05:24,040 One-on-one, Cole. 147 00:05:24,060 --> 00:05:26,149 Last man standing gets 148 00:05:24,060 --> 00:05:26,149 the transmogger, 149 00:05:26,170 --> 00:05:28,129 AKA me. 150 00:05:28,149 --> 00:05:31,079 Oh, you think you're so tough 151 00:05:28,149 --> 00:05:31,079 with your lava blaster. 152 00:05:31,100 --> 00:05:33,019 But it's no match 153 00:05:31,100 --> 00:05:33,019 for my... 154 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:35,149 [ Grunting ] 155 00:05:35,170 --> 00:05:37,199 ...stink sacs! 156 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:40,060 Such a rare 157 00:05:37,220 --> 00:05:40,060 and majestic sight. 158 00:05:40,079 --> 00:05:41,230 Ew! No, thank you. 159 00:05:42,009 --> 00:05:44,129 Ooh, stink you right up. 160 00:05:44,149 --> 00:05:46,090 On the count of five. 161 00:05:46,110 --> 00:05:49,220 One, two, thr-- 162 00:05:50,000 --> 00:05:52,209 Now, Lenny Longlegs! 163 00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:54,100 Hey, you're cheating! 164 00:05:54,120 --> 00:05:56,159 ♪♪ 165 00:05:56,180 --> 00:05:57,220 This is it! 166 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:00,170 Ha, ha! 167 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:00,170 The Elves stand victorious ag-- 168 00:06:06,110 --> 00:06:07,120 It's ruined! 169 00:06:07,139 --> 00:06:08,209 No! 170 00:06:07,139 --> 00:06:08,209 No! 171 00:06:07,139 --> 00:06:08,209 No! 172 00:06:07,139 --> 00:06:08,209 No! 173 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:12,050 Aaaaah! 174 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:12,050 Aaaaah! 175 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:12,050 Aaaaah! 176 00:06:08,230 --> 00:06:12,050 Aaaaah! 177 00:06:14,220 --> 00:06:21,100 [ Laughing ] 178 00:06:21,120 --> 00:06:24,120 Phew! I thought that I was 179 00:06:21,120 --> 00:06:24,120 toast bread for sure. 180 00:06:24,139 --> 00:06:27,060 But I'm completely 181 00:06:24,139 --> 00:06:27,060 uninjured! 182 00:06:29,160 --> 00:06:33,149 Lucky I didn't crash 183 00:06:29,160 --> 00:06:33,149 into anything important. 184 00:06:33,170 --> 00:06:35,090 [ All grunt ] 185 00:06:35,110 --> 00:06:37,110 Ha! You weird babies. 186 00:06:37,129 --> 00:06:39,040 That's nothing to cry about. 187 00:06:39,060 --> 00:06:41,149 It's just garbage trash. 188 00:06:41,170 --> 00:06:42,149 Shelves! 189 00:06:42,170 --> 00:06:45,110 I -- Ugh, 190 00:06:42,170 --> 00:06:45,110 I mean Elves and Shells, 191 00:06:45,129 --> 00:06:47,000 I propose a truce. 192 00:06:47,019 --> 00:06:48,220 Let us put aside 193 00:06:47,019 --> 00:06:48,220 our conflict. 194 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:50,110 Good babies. 195 00:06:50,129 --> 00:06:52,069 Let us join our forces, 196 00:06:52,090 --> 00:06:53,220 and together, united, 197 00:06:54,000 --> 00:06:55,230 destroy that little robot! 198 00:06:56,009 --> 00:06:57,000 What? 199 00:06:57,019 --> 00:06:58,209 [ All shouting ] 200 00:06:58,230 --> 00:06:59,199 Oh, no. 201 00:06:59,220 --> 00:07:01,220 -Get him! 202 00:06:59,220 --> 00:07:01,220 -After the robot! 203 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:04,189 But I'm so cute. 204 00:07:04,209 --> 00:07:06,149 -Huh? 205 00:07:04,209 --> 00:07:06,149 -Get them! 206 00:07:06,170 --> 00:07:08,199 BMO: [ Laughs ] 207 00:07:06,170 --> 00:07:08,199 You're a rabbit! 208 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:10,120 [ All shouting ] 209 00:07:10,139 --> 00:07:12,149 -Get him! 210 00:07:10,139 --> 00:07:12,149 -Aaah! 211 00:07:12,170 --> 00:07:19,199 ♪♪ 212 00:07:19,220 --> 00:07:20,199 Aah! 213 00:07:20,220 --> 00:07:22,120 They have terrible aim. 214 00:07:22,139 --> 00:07:24,129 Keep both eyes open! 215 00:07:24,149 --> 00:07:25,230 Robot, what the heck? 216 00:07:26,009 --> 00:07:28,019 Cheese, I'm in trouble! 217 00:07:28,040 --> 00:07:29,160 ♪♪ 218 00:07:29,180 --> 00:07:32,040 We'll go around! 219 00:07:32,060 --> 00:07:34,079 Hup! 220 00:07:34,100 --> 00:07:37,139 Aaaah! 221 00:07:37,159 --> 00:07:39,069 Ah! 222 00:07:39,090 --> 00:07:41,100 Blah, 223 00:07:39,090 --> 00:07:41,100 why did I interfere? 224 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:44,129 Oh, stupid, stupid, stupid! 225 00:07:44,149 --> 00:07:46,079 [ All shouting ] 226 00:07:46,100 --> 00:07:48,100 Tantrum babies. 227 00:07:51,170 --> 00:07:53,090 [ Indistinct conversations ] 228 00:07:53,110 --> 00:07:56,209 Aah! 229 00:07:53,110 --> 00:07:56,209 S-Sorry! Sorry! 230 00:07:56,230 --> 00:07:58,079 Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry! 231 00:07:58,100 --> 00:07:59,170 Don't hate me! 232 00:07:59,189 --> 00:08:04,129 ♪♪ 233 00:08:04,149 --> 00:08:05,160 Ah! 234 00:08:05,180 --> 00:08:09,060 ♪♪ 235 00:08:09,079 --> 00:08:10,209 Move over! 236 00:08:10,230 --> 00:08:13,029 [ Grunting ] 237 00:08:13,050 --> 00:08:14,110 I'm stuck. 238 00:08:14,129 --> 00:08:17,120 [ Horn honks ] 239 00:08:18,029 --> 00:08:19,199 Mr. M? 240 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:21,199 Well? 241 00:08:21,220 --> 00:08:23,079 Where's the transmogger? 242 00:08:23,100 --> 00:08:26,089 Some little bot came 243 00:08:23,100 --> 00:08:26,089 outta nowhere a-and trashed it. 244 00:08:26,110 --> 00:08:27,209 But we'll track him down, 245 00:08:26,110 --> 00:08:27,209 sir. 246 00:08:27,230 --> 00:08:29,139 Forget him! 247 00:08:27,230 --> 00:08:29,139 Go back 248 00:08:29,160 --> 00:08:31,100 and see if you can salvage 249 00:08:29,160 --> 00:08:31,100 the pieces. 250 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:33,220 Shouldn't we report this 251 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:33,220 to Hugo? 252 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:36,070 Oh! 253 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:36,070 No need to worry. 254 00:08:36,090 --> 00:08:38,190 I'll take care of that 255 00:08:36,090 --> 00:08:38,190 personally. 256 00:08:41,090 --> 00:08:43,159 Y4: Field log, supplementary. 257 00:08:43,179 --> 00:08:46,190 After, uh, 258 00:08:43,179 --> 00:08:46,190 thoughtful consideration, 259 00:08:46,210 --> 00:08:50,029 I've scientifically decided 260 00:08:46,210 --> 00:08:50,029 to take the alien robot in 261 00:08:50,049 --> 00:08:53,100 for further study, 262 00:08:50,049 --> 00:08:53,100 scientifically. 263 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:56,019 [ Gasps ] 264 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:56,019 So beautiful! 265 00:08:56,039 --> 00:09:00,049 ♪♪ 266 00:09:00,070 --> 00:09:02,019 More Olives? 267 00:09:02,039 --> 00:09:03,070 Finally! 268 00:09:03,090 --> 00:09:04,200 Huh? Where are we? 269 00:09:04,220 --> 00:09:06,200 My secret lab. 270 00:09:06,220 --> 00:09:08,179 A secret lab? 271 00:09:10,139 --> 00:09:12,120 [ Gasps ] 272 00:09:10,139 --> 00:09:12,120 A secret lab! 273 00:09:12,139 --> 00:09:15,019 It's just how I've always 274 00:09:12,139 --> 00:09:15,019 pictured it... 275 00:09:15,039 --> 00:09:17,029 for the last two minutes. 276 00:09:17,049 --> 00:09:19,029 There's gotta be an "off" 277 00:09:17,049 --> 00:09:19,029 switch somewhere. 278 00:09:19,049 --> 00:09:21,039 Aah! 279 00:09:19,049 --> 00:09:21,039 Don't look at my bottom! 280 00:09:21,059 --> 00:09:23,100 It can simulate 281 00:09:21,059 --> 00:09:23,100 embarrassment. 282 00:09:23,120 --> 00:09:25,080 Its maker must have been 283 00:09:23,120 --> 00:09:25,080 a weirdo. 284 00:09:25,100 --> 00:09:27,009 I'm a self-made man. 285 00:09:27,029 --> 00:09:28,220 But who are you? 286 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:31,090 You can call me Y4, 287 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:31,090 if you must. 288 00:09:31,110 --> 00:09:32,220 No, that's boring. 289 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:35,149 I will call you Harmonica. 290 00:09:35,169 --> 00:09:36,230 I don't like that. 291 00:09:37,009 --> 00:09:38,100 It's funny, though. 292 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:40,230 I have thought about calling 293 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:40,230 myself something else. 294 00:09:41,009 --> 00:09:42,080 Yeah, that's what I did. 295 00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:46,039 I called myself BMO, 296 00:09:42,100 --> 00:09:46,039 and the rest is history. 297 00:09:46,059 --> 00:09:47,179 Really? 298 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,039 'Cause it looks like it's just 299 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,039 printed on your side there. 300 00:09:49,059 --> 00:09:50,159 Okay, thank you. 301 00:09:50,179 --> 00:09:53,019 Pick a name now. 302 00:09:50,179 --> 00:09:53,019 Okay. 303 00:09:53,039 --> 00:09:58,179 Hypothetically, 304 00:09:53,039 --> 00:09:58,179 how about Wiiii... 305 00:09:58,200 --> 00:10:00,080 Five? 306 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:03,029 I love it! 307 00:10:03,049 --> 00:10:05,100 Y5 will take care of that. 308 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:07,120 I feel great 309 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:07,120 about this new name. 310 00:10:07,139 --> 00:10:08,190 Begin science log. 311 00:10:08,210 --> 00:10:10,110 The alien robot entity's 312 00:10:08,210 --> 00:10:10,110 arm node 313 00:10:10,129 --> 00:10:14,190 seems to be attached 314 00:10:10,129 --> 00:10:14,190 by a galaxy standard bolt. 315 00:10:14,210 --> 00:10:16,139 There we go. 316 00:10:16,159 --> 00:10:17,190 Good as new. 317 00:10:17,210 --> 00:10:19,200 Hello, BMO. 318 00:10:19,220 --> 00:10:21,159 I guess I gotta 319 00:10:19,220 --> 00:10:21,159 knock you out now. 320 00:10:21,179 --> 00:10:25,049 For science. 321 00:10:25,070 --> 00:10:26,049 Oh. 322 00:10:26,070 --> 00:10:27,220 He's yours? 323 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,039 BMO is his own big boy, 324 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,039 thank you. 325 00:10:30,059 --> 00:10:33,049 That old maintenance droid 326 00:10:30,059 --> 00:10:33,049 seems to think you're important. 327 00:10:33,070 --> 00:10:34,110 Olive? 328 00:10:34,129 --> 00:10:37,090 She's a no-good-for-nothing 329 00:10:34,129 --> 00:10:37,090 troublemaker. 330 00:10:37,110 --> 00:10:40,009 Don't give me 331 00:10:37,110 --> 00:10:40,009 that puppy eye! 332 00:10:40,029 --> 00:10:41,049 Serious? 333 00:10:41,070 --> 00:10:43,149 What's the worst a li'l robot 334 00:10:41,070 --> 00:10:43,149 can do? 335 00:10:47,110 --> 00:10:50,129 You know, you guys don't really 336 00:10:47,110 --> 00:10:50,129 have to hang around. 337 00:10:50,149 --> 00:10:52,169 Pssh! 338 00:10:50,149 --> 00:10:52,169 That dang robot has to come back 339 00:10:52,190 --> 00:10:54,169 to this ship eventually. 340 00:10:54,190 --> 00:10:56,139 Bob, 341 00:10:54,190 --> 00:10:56,139 do you have any threes? 342 00:10:56,159 --> 00:10:58,059 Uh, go fish. 343 00:10:58,080 --> 00:10:59,139 [ Rumbling ] 344 00:10:59,159 --> 00:11:01,169 My winning hand! 345 00:11:01,190 --> 00:11:03,070 I got a bad feeling. 346 00:11:03,090 --> 00:11:05,090 [ Alarm blaring ] 347 00:11:05,110 --> 00:11:06,210 Woop, woop, woop, woop! 348 00:11:06,230 --> 00:11:09,110 I hear that 349 00:11:06,230 --> 00:11:09,110 everywhere I go. 350 00:11:11,090 --> 00:11:13,169 The atmosphere is getting 351 00:11:11,090 --> 00:11:13,169 sucked out of the breach! 352 00:11:13,190 --> 00:11:15,129 We need to vacate this pod! 353 00:11:15,149 --> 00:11:16,179 No, I need my ship! 354 00:11:16,200 --> 00:11:18,120 Your ship is long gone! 355 00:11:18,139 --> 00:11:19,200 Lead the way, lady. 356 00:11:19,220 --> 00:11:20,230 [ Distant screaming ] 357 00:11:21,009 --> 00:11:22,070 Cole: I do not like this! 358 00:11:22,090 --> 00:11:23,129 Come on, Y5! 359 00:11:23,149 --> 00:11:25,049 Toward the screaming! 360 00:11:25,070 --> 00:11:26,179 But that's not what I do! 361 00:11:26,200 --> 00:11:28,100 It's what I do... 362 00:11:28,120 --> 00:11:30,070 sometimes. 363 00:11:33,200 --> 00:11:35,009 [ Gasps ] Hooray! 364 00:11:35,029 --> 00:11:38,070 I can't stay made at you, 365 00:11:35,029 --> 00:11:38,070 magic skateboard. 366 00:11:38,090 --> 00:11:40,039 Come on, Y5! 367 00:11:42,179 --> 00:11:44,059 Y5: Against 368 00:11:42,179 --> 00:11:44,059 all rational thought, 369 00:11:44,080 --> 00:11:47,000 the intrepid researcher returns 370 00:11:44,080 --> 00:11:47,000 to the breach to -- 371 00:11:47,019 --> 00:11:48,110 Holy! 372 00:11:48,129 --> 00:11:50,029 -Help! 373 00:11:48,129 --> 00:11:50,029 -Help! 374 00:11:50,049 --> 00:11:52,070 Ooh, 375 00:11:50,049 --> 00:11:52,070 look at those legs waggle! 376 00:11:52,090 --> 00:11:53,110 Gimme the blowtorch! 377 00:11:53,129 --> 00:11:56,009 No! Mine! 378 00:11:53,129 --> 00:11:56,009 Oh, no! 379 00:11:56,029 --> 00:11:58,029 Ahhh! 380 00:11:56,029 --> 00:11:58,029 Ahhh! 381 00:11:58,049 --> 00:12:03,039 ♪♪ 382 00:12:03,059 --> 00:12:05,159 Oh! 383 00:12:05,179 --> 00:12:08,019 Hey, wait. 384 00:12:08,039 --> 00:12:12,120 He died as he lived -- 385 00:12:08,039 --> 00:12:12,120 sucking big time. 386 00:12:12,139 --> 00:12:13,190 Crab guy! 387 00:12:13,210 --> 00:12:16,070 You need to throw your shields 388 00:12:13,210 --> 00:12:16,070 all at once! 389 00:12:16,090 --> 00:12:18,110 Uh, no. 390 00:12:16,090 --> 00:12:18,110 Why would I? 391 00:12:18,129 --> 00:12:21,149 Because BMO has a mission. 392 00:12:21,169 --> 00:12:24,230 Shells, throw your shields 393 00:12:21,169 --> 00:12:24,230 when the green box commands! 394 00:12:25,009 --> 00:12:26,080 Now! 395 00:12:26,100 --> 00:12:32,009 ♪♪ 396 00:12:32,029 --> 00:12:37,169 ♪♪ 397 00:12:37,190 --> 00:12:40,000 Easy like potato pie. 398 00:12:40,019 --> 00:12:41,120 BMO, that was incredible. 399 00:12:41,139 --> 00:12:44,049 You single-handedly 400 00:12:41,139 --> 00:12:44,049 saved everyone! 401 00:12:52,169 --> 00:12:54,139 Olive. 402 00:12:54,159 --> 00:12:56,200 Okay. 403 00:12:54,159 --> 00:12:56,200 I know what you're all thinking. 404 00:12:56,220 --> 00:12:59,120 With my ship gone, 405 00:12:56,220 --> 00:12:59,120 I am trapped here. 406 00:12:59,139 --> 00:13:03,120 So, yes, I will save 407 00:12:59,139 --> 00:13:03,120 your terrible land. 408 00:13:03,139 --> 00:13:05,210 It does need saving, correct? 409 00:13:05,230 --> 00:13:08,139 [ Rumbling ] 410 00:13:08,159 --> 00:13:10,139 Yes. 411 00:13:08,159 --> 00:13:10,139 Very well. 412 00:13:10,159 --> 00:13:13,200 Then I appoint myself 413 00:13:10,159 --> 00:13:13,200 your new sheriff. 414 00:13:16,230 --> 00:13:20,000 Now, show me where 415 00:13:16,230 --> 00:13:20,000 the trouble is! 416 00:13:20,019 --> 00:13:23,059 Well, there's a lot of trouble 417 00:13:20,019 --> 00:13:23,059 in the drift. 418 00:13:23,080 --> 00:13:26,100 [ Beeping ] 419 00:13:27,110 --> 00:13:32,110 ♪♪ 420 00:13:32,129 --> 00:13:33,120 Woof. 421 00:13:33,139 --> 00:13:36,100 Looks like I'm gonna need 422 00:13:33,139 --> 00:13:36,100 a deputy. 423 00:13:40,120 --> 00:13:42,100 I can't pay you. 424 00:13:44,090 --> 00:13:46,200 [ Watch swishes ] 425 00:13:47,230 --> 00:13:49,009 BMO... 426 00:13:49,029 --> 00:13:51,090 you've just been 427 00:13:49,029 --> 00:13:51,090 summoned to... 428 00:13:51,110 --> 00:13:54,029 meet some very 429 00:13:51,110 --> 00:13:54,029 influential citizens. 430 00:13:54,049 --> 00:13:55,059 That's great! 431 00:13:55,080 --> 00:13:56,110 It will give me a chance 432 00:13:55,080 --> 00:13:56,110 to check out 433 00:13:56,129 --> 00:13:58,139 my new stomping grounds. 434 00:13:58,159 --> 00:14:00,100 Great! 435 00:14:03,090 --> 00:14:05,230 Back home, I'd only walk 436 00:14:03,090 --> 00:14:05,230 this far by accident. 437 00:14:06,009 --> 00:14:08,080 What was the name 438 00:14:06,009 --> 00:14:08,080 of your home world again? 439 00:14:08,100 --> 00:14:09,179 It is far from here. 440 00:14:09,200 --> 00:14:14,230 A little blue-and-green planet 441 00:14:09,200 --> 00:14:14,230 called BMO World. 442 00:14:15,009 --> 00:14:16,149 Never heard of it. 443 00:14:16,169 --> 00:14:17,200 Phew! 444 00:14:17,220 --> 00:14:18,230 Aah. 445 00:14:19,009 --> 00:14:20,210 I need to make a pit stop. 446 00:14:23,080 --> 00:14:25,210 Oh, my goodness! 447 00:14:25,230 --> 00:14:27,049 Hello, big cousin! 448 00:14:27,070 --> 00:14:29,000 Hugomat: Welcome, driftgoer. 449 00:14:29,019 --> 00:14:31,009 It's just a Hugomat. 450 00:14:31,029 --> 00:14:33,009 They're literally 451 00:14:31,029 --> 00:14:33,009 everywhere. 452 00:14:37,169 --> 00:14:38,230 Cool! 453 00:14:39,009 --> 00:14:41,049 Your...sports energy drink... 454 00:14:41,070 --> 00:14:42,179 is ready. 455 00:14:42,200 --> 00:14:46,149 Whew! 456 00:14:42,200 --> 00:14:46,149 Energy drinks. 457 00:14:46,169 --> 00:14:49,169 The future is amazing. 458 00:14:49,190 --> 00:14:51,220 Golly. 459 00:14:49,190 --> 00:14:51,220 Did you make all of this? 460 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:56,169 No. I didn't personally build 461 00:14:52,000 --> 00:14:56,169 an ancient space station. 462 00:14:56,190 --> 00:14:58,080 Whoa! 463 00:14:58,100 --> 00:15:00,120 Buy my eggs! 464 00:14:58,100 --> 00:15:00,120 Buy my eggs! 465 00:15:00,139 --> 00:15:02,120 Or I swear to glob 466 00:15:00,139 --> 00:15:02,120 I'll eat them myself! 467 00:15:02,139 --> 00:15:07,129 ♪♪ 468 00:15:07,149 --> 00:15:10,029 Hey, check out 469 00:15:07,149 --> 00:15:10,029 this hothouse mess. 470 00:15:10,049 --> 00:15:12,149 Nobody goes 471 00:15:10,049 --> 00:15:12,149 into Jungle Pod. 472 00:15:12,169 --> 00:15:15,100 The life forms have all mutated 473 00:15:12,169 --> 00:15:15,100 into strange 474 00:15:15,120 --> 00:15:17,090 and dangerous things. 475 00:15:17,110 --> 00:15:19,049 Come on. 476 00:15:19,070 --> 00:15:22,080 I will play with you, 477 00:15:19,070 --> 00:15:22,080 strange things. 478 00:15:22,100 --> 00:15:23,169 [ Hisses ] 479 00:15:23,190 --> 00:15:25,179 [ Growls ] 480 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:28,190 Darling: Dude, climb with 481 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:28,190 your legs, not your arms. 482 00:15:28,210 --> 00:15:30,009 Sweetie: 483 00:15:28,210 --> 00:15:30,009 I'm getting tired! 484 00:15:30,029 --> 00:15:32,019 We're almost there, Sweetie! 485 00:15:30,029 --> 00:15:32,019 Come on! 486 00:15:32,039 --> 00:15:34,059 What are you up to? 487 00:15:34,080 --> 00:15:36,149 Uh, well, hello, there, 488 00:15:34,080 --> 00:15:36,149 Sheriff BMO. 489 00:15:36,169 --> 00:15:39,039 My brother and I are just, uh, 490 00:15:36,169 --> 00:15:39,039 climbing up to the coin slot 491 00:15:39,059 --> 00:15:43,110 of this Hugomat 492 00:15:39,059 --> 00:15:43,110 for some, uh, exercise. 493 00:15:43,129 --> 00:15:44,200 We love fitness! 494 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:47,190 You two sound like some fishy 495 00:15:44,220 --> 00:15:47,190 four flushers. 496 00:15:47,210 --> 00:15:49,159 I've got my eye on you... 497 00:15:49,179 --> 00:15:51,220 fishies! 498 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:53,190 I'm so scared. 499 00:15:56,210 --> 00:15:58,039 ♪♪ 500 00:15:58,059 --> 00:16:02,049 [ Honking ] 501 00:16:02,070 --> 00:16:03,210 What's wrong, partner? 502 00:16:03,230 --> 00:16:07,179 Hey, you're that new guy who's 503 00:16:03,230 --> 00:16:07,179 all over the inter-pod streams. 504 00:16:07,200 --> 00:16:08,230 Yes, I'm famous. 505 00:16:09,009 --> 00:16:11,230 Now tell us why you're crying, 506 00:16:09,009 --> 00:16:11,230 ugly man. 507 00:16:12,009 --> 00:16:14,179 Well, it's one 508 00:16:12,009 --> 00:16:14,179 of my baby space lards. 509 00:16:14,200 --> 00:16:17,090 It won't come back in 510 00:16:14,200 --> 00:16:17,090 from stargrazin'. 511 00:16:17,110 --> 00:16:19,179 Which is what I call 512 00:16:17,110 --> 00:16:19,179 grazin'. 513 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:22,120 They look so cold 514 00:16:19,200 --> 00:16:22,120 and scared! 515 00:16:22,139 --> 00:16:25,090 [ Clicks tongue ] 516 00:16:22,139 --> 00:16:25,090 BMO lasso! 517 00:16:25,110 --> 00:16:28,139 ♪♪ 518 00:16:28,159 --> 00:16:31,039 [ Grunting ] 519 00:16:31,059 --> 00:16:33,070 Man, I don't know 520 00:16:31,059 --> 00:16:33,070 what I would have done 521 00:16:33,090 --> 00:16:36,090 if this tender little baby 522 00:16:33,090 --> 00:16:36,090 had frozen... 523 00:16:36,110 --> 00:16:38,169 before I could eat it. 524 00:16:38,190 --> 00:16:40,169 What?! 525 00:16:38,190 --> 00:16:40,169 You want in on this? 526 00:16:40,190 --> 00:16:42,029 I make my own sauce. 527 00:16:42,049 --> 00:16:44,019 In my sauce gland. 528 00:16:42,049 --> 00:16:44,019 No! 529 00:16:44,039 --> 00:16:45,139 I saved this lard. 530 00:16:45,159 --> 00:16:47,090 You will repay me 531 00:16:45,159 --> 00:16:47,090 by caring for him 532 00:16:47,110 --> 00:16:49,100 and keeping him safe 533 00:16:47,110 --> 00:16:49,100 forever. 534 00:16:49,120 --> 00:16:50,230 Also, his name is Ricky! 535 00:16:51,009 --> 00:16:51,220 Yaa! 536 00:16:52,000 --> 00:16:53,029 Yes, sir. 537 00:16:53,049 --> 00:16:54,110 Gimme that! 538 00:16:54,129 --> 00:16:56,200 This robot expends energy 539 00:16:54,129 --> 00:16:56,200 in ways 540 00:16:56,220 --> 00:16:58,179 that yield it no benefit. 541 00:16:58,200 --> 00:17:00,220 So weird. 542 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:02,129 Deputy, carry this. 543 00:17:02,149 --> 00:17:04,160 I don't have pockets. 544 00:17:05,160 --> 00:17:07,180 ♪♪ 545 00:17:07,200 --> 00:17:09,180 Mm. 546 00:17:09,200 --> 00:17:11,150 [ Rumbling ] 547 00:17:11,170 --> 00:17:14,079 [ Screaming ] 548 00:17:17,069 --> 00:17:19,089 It's another gravity outage! 549 00:17:20,180 --> 00:17:21,200 [ Grunts ] 550 00:17:21,220 --> 00:17:23,019 Aaaah! 551 00:17:23,039 --> 00:17:24,190 Ohh! 552 00:17:24,210 --> 00:17:27,059 Blooey. 553 00:17:24,210 --> 00:17:27,059 This station is trash. 554 00:17:27,079 --> 00:17:29,009 I've got my work cut out 555 00:17:27,079 --> 00:17:29,009 for me. 556 00:17:29,029 --> 00:17:31,150 Don't worry. 557 00:17:29,029 --> 00:17:31,150 Hugo's got a plan to fix things. 558 00:17:31,170 --> 00:17:33,019 Who's Hugo? 559 00:17:33,039 --> 00:17:35,059 CGO: ♪ Hey, baby, I hear 560 00:17:33,039 --> 00:17:35,059 the blues a-callin' ♪ 561 00:17:35,079 --> 00:17:38,049 ♪ Tossed salads 562 00:17:35,079 --> 00:17:38,049 and scrambled eggs ♪ 563 00:17:38,069 --> 00:17:39,099 Oh, my. 564 00:17:39,119 --> 00:17:40,150 ♪ And maybe I seem 565 00:17:39,119 --> 00:17:40,150 a bit confused ♪ 566 00:17:40,170 --> 00:17:42,190 I think I know this song. 567 00:17:42,210 --> 00:17:44,019 ♪ But I got you pegged ♪ 568 00:17:42,210 --> 00:17:44,019 Forget about 569 00:17:42,210 --> 00:17:44,019 that old robot. 570 00:17:44,039 --> 00:17:46,109 We've got a mission, 571 00:17:44,039 --> 00:17:46,109 remember? 572 00:17:46,130 --> 00:17:49,150 Good night, Seattle! 573 00:17:46,130 --> 00:17:49,150 We love you! 574 00:17:49,170 --> 00:17:54,220 01110000, 01100001, 01110011, 575 00:17:49,170 --> 00:17:54,220 0111001, 01110111, 576 00:17:55,000 --> 00:18:00,140 01101111, 01110010, 01100100. 577 00:18:00,160 --> 00:18:02,039 Who are we going to see 578 00:18:00,160 --> 00:18:02,039 again? 579 00:18:02,059 --> 00:18:03,190 I forgot. 580 00:18:03,210 --> 00:18:06,000 [ Gasps ] Bunnies! 581 00:18:06,019 --> 00:18:07,160 So many bunnies! 582 00:18:07,180 --> 00:18:11,009 Haha, 583 00:18:07,180 --> 00:18:11,009 this one runs a hotel! 584 00:18:11,029 --> 00:18:12,079 Dad: If he's impressed 585 00:18:11,029 --> 00:18:12,079 with it, 586 00:18:12,099 --> 00:18:14,079 our place on the Unity Pod 587 00:18:12,099 --> 00:18:14,079 is a lock. 588 00:18:14,099 --> 00:18:16,079 -If Y4's data isn't flawed... 589 00:18:14,099 --> 00:18:16,079 -Um, I'm back. 590 00:18:16,099 --> 00:18:17,230 -...which, you know... 591 00:18:16,099 --> 00:18:17,230 -Mom? 592 00:18:18,009 --> 00:18:20,160 Dad? 593 00:18:18,009 --> 00:18:20,160 Come look what I found. 594 00:18:20,180 --> 00:18:21,230 Oh, my brain! 595 00:18:22,009 --> 00:18:23,210 A functioning 596 00:18:22,009 --> 00:18:23,210 service droid! 597 00:18:23,230 --> 00:18:26,019 I haven't seen one of these 598 00:18:23,230 --> 00:18:26,019 in forever. 599 00:18:26,039 --> 00:18:28,200 Mom, let me introduce you 600 00:18:26,039 --> 00:18:28,200 to... 601 00:18:28,220 --> 00:18:30,000 Howdy, Mom! 602 00:18:30,019 --> 00:18:31,210 Nice to meet... 603 00:18:34,059 --> 00:18:37,069 ♪♪ 604 00:18:37,089 --> 00:18:40,000 There's bound to be 605 00:18:37,089 --> 00:18:40,000 useful U-Pod parts in here. 606 00:18:40,019 --> 00:18:41,079 We should call Mr. M! 607 00:18:41,099 --> 00:18:43,039 I did good, right? 608 00:18:43,059 --> 00:18:45,099 These are some great... 609 00:18:45,119 --> 00:18:47,160 parts. 610 00:18:47,180 --> 00:18:49,049 [ Rumbling ] 611 00:18:49,069 --> 00:18:50,089 [ Alarm blares ] 612 00:18:49,069 --> 00:18:50,089 Another failure? 613 00:18:50,109 --> 00:18:51,220 It's in Communications Pod! 614 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:54,000 There's never been 615 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:54,000 one this close before! 616 00:18:54,019 --> 00:18:55,089 What do we do? 617 00:18:55,109 --> 00:18:57,099 BMO likes alarms. 618 00:18:55,109 --> 00:18:57,099 Y4, hush! 619 00:18:57,119 --> 00:18:59,079 The adults are talking. 620 00:19:01,069 --> 00:19:02,150 ...eet you! 621 00:19:02,170 --> 00:19:03,170 Huh? 622 00:19:03,190 --> 00:19:06,059 BMO! 623 00:19:03,190 --> 00:19:06,059 There's a pod in danger. 624 00:19:06,079 --> 00:19:08,089 Let's ride! 625 00:19:08,109 --> 00:19:09,150 [ Humming ] 626 00:19:09,170 --> 00:19:10,170 KS-2: Y4! 627 00:19:10,190 --> 00:19:12,019 What about Mr. M? 628 00:19:12,039 --> 00:19:15,160 Don't worry. 629 00:19:12,039 --> 00:19:15,160 I'll watch over the, uh, parts. 630 00:19:18,059 --> 00:19:23,089 ♪♪ 631 00:19:23,109 --> 00:19:28,130 ♪♪ 632 00:19:28,150 --> 00:19:31,140 Come on, keep printing stuff 633 00:19:28,150 --> 00:19:31,140 we can heist this thing with. 634 00:19:31,160 --> 00:19:33,059 We gotta bail! 635 00:19:33,079 --> 00:19:34,230 Wait! 636 00:19:35,009 --> 00:19:38,029 It's our duty to evacuate 637 00:19:35,009 --> 00:19:38,029 the citizens. 638 00:19:38,049 --> 00:19:39,230 I will save you, 639 00:19:38,049 --> 00:19:39,230 weird duck! 640 00:19:40,009 --> 00:19:41,160 I'm fine! 641 00:19:41,180 --> 00:19:42,210 Aah! 642 00:19:42,230 --> 00:19:44,170 Robots can't go 643 00:19:42,230 --> 00:19:44,170 in the water! 644 00:19:44,190 --> 00:19:45,220 Fine! 645 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:47,069 You are my arms and legs. 646 00:19:47,089 --> 00:19:49,150 Now help me get everyone 647 00:19:47,089 --> 00:19:49,150 to safety! 648 00:19:49,170 --> 00:19:50,230 Bumbo: Excuse me. 649 00:19:51,009 --> 00:19:53,220 We're too small and stupid 650 00:19:51,009 --> 00:19:53,220 to save ourselves. 651 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:56,109 Don't worry, Bumbos. 652 00:19:56,130 --> 00:19:58,059 Bumbos: Uh-oh. Uh-oh. 653 00:19:56,130 --> 00:19:58,059 Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. 654 00:19:58,079 --> 00:19:59,039 Shush! 655 00:19:59,059 --> 00:20:00,099 Hey, use your big brain 656 00:20:00,119 --> 00:20:02,190 and think of another way 657 00:20:00,119 --> 00:20:02,190 out of here. 658 00:20:02,210 --> 00:20:03,230 Um... 659 00:20:04,009 --> 00:20:05,150 Oh! 660 00:20:05,170 --> 00:20:07,059 There's another hatch 661 00:20:05,170 --> 00:20:07,059 over this way. 662 00:20:07,079 --> 00:20:08,170 Bumbos: Hop, hop, hop, hop. 663 00:20:07,079 --> 00:20:08,170 Hop, hop, hop, hop. 664 00:20:08,190 --> 00:20:10,099 Hop, hop, hop, hop. 665 00:20:08,190 --> 00:20:10,099 Through here. 666 00:20:10,119 --> 00:20:12,019 Hop, hop, hop, hop. 667 00:20:12,039 --> 00:20:13,190 Wait, I think 668 00:20:12,039 --> 00:20:13,190 I forgot something. 669 00:20:13,210 --> 00:20:15,119 Can I go back? 670 00:20:13,210 --> 00:20:15,119 Get out! 671 00:20:15,140 --> 00:20:16,190 Okay. 672 00:20:16,210 --> 00:20:19,109 Darling and Sweetie: 673 00:20:16,210 --> 00:20:19,109 Sheriff! We messed up! 674 00:20:19,130 --> 00:20:20,190 Aaaaah! 675 00:20:20,210 --> 00:20:22,059 You can swim, right? 676 00:20:22,079 --> 00:20:23,150 Yes, but badly. 677 00:20:23,170 --> 00:20:25,119 Giddy up! 678 00:20:23,170 --> 00:20:25,119 Ow! 679 00:20:25,140 --> 00:20:29,099 ♪♪ 680 00:20:29,119 --> 00:20:30,200 H-Hello? 681 00:20:29,119 --> 00:20:30,200 KS-2: Y4! 682 00:20:30,220 --> 00:20:32,009 Where are you?! 683 00:20:32,029 --> 00:20:33,069 Mr. M is on his way 684 00:20:33,089 --> 00:20:35,210 to pick up that unit 685 00:20:33,089 --> 00:20:35,210 for dismemberment. 686 00:20:35,230 --> 00:20:39,140 Heading back now! 687 00:20:35,230 --> 00:20:39,140 Aaaah! 688 00:20:39,160 --> 00:20:41,049 What's going on? 689 00:20:41,069 --> 00:20:44,009 [ Cracking ] 690 00:20:48,170 --> 00:20:51,180 Both: Aaaah! 691 00:20:48,170 --> 00:20:51,180 Get me outta here! 692 00:20:51,200 --> 00:20:55,119 Y5, chew through the glass 693 00:20:51,200 --> 00:20:55,119 with your big, nasty teeth. 694 00:20:55,140 --> 00:20:58,180 Huh? 695 00:20:55,140 --> 00:20:58,180 Yay, Olive! 696 00:20:58,200 --> 00:21:00,119 Swing! 697 00:20:58,200 --> 00:21:00,119 Swing now! 698 00:21:00,140 --> 00:21:04,009 Hup! 699 00:21:04,029 --> 00:21:05,059 Geez, careful much? 700 00:21:05,079 --> 00:21:06,200 You almost smashed 701 00:21:05,079 --> 00:21:06,200 our loot. 702 00:21:06,220 --> 00:21:09,200 Yeah, 703 00:21:06,220 --> 00:21:09,200 watch it next time. 704 00:21:11,170 --> 00:21:13,200 Can't this rabbit swim 705 00:21:11,170 --> 00:21:13,200 any faster? 706 00:21:13,220 --> 00:21:15,230 On it. 707 00:21:16,009 --> 00:21:17,160 Did you just light 708 00:21:16,009 --> 00:21:17,160 a firework on my -- 709 00:21:17,180 --> 00:21:20,049 [ Screaming ] 710 00:21:22,140 --> 00:21:24,029 I told you 711 00:21:22,140 --> 00:21:24,029 we would make it. 712 00:21:24,049 --> 00:21:26,079 You sure are a worried wart, 713 00:21:24,049 --> 00:21:26,079 Olive. 714 00:21:26,099 --> 00:21:30,109 Hey, Flatfoot, we found 715 00:21:26,099 --> 00:21:30,109 this thing inside the Hugomat. 716 00:21:30,130 --> 00:21:32,089 We don't know 717 00:21:30,130 --> 00:21:32,089 what it does. 718 00:21:32,109 --> 00:21:35,029 So, it's yours. 719 00:21:35,049 --> 00:21:38,049 Ooh, that's smooth data. 720 00:21:38,069 --> 00:21:40,049 [ Groans ] 721 00:21:40,069 --> 00:21:42,190 I can't believe I did that. 722 00:21:42,210 --> 00:21:44,210 How did it feel? 723 00:21:44,230 --> 00:21:46,049 Kinda... 724 00:21:46,069 --> 00:21:47,130 good, actually. 725 00:21:47,150 --> 00:21:48,190 Of course! 726 00:21:48,210 --> 00:21:51,079 You're my deputy, 727 00:21:48,210 --> 00:21:51,079 after all! 728 00:21:51,099 --> 00:21:52,119 Oh! 729 00:21:52,140 --> 00:21:53,200 R-Right. 730 00:21:53,220 --> 00:21:56,049 Listen, BMO. 731 00:21:56,069 --> 00:21:59,069 Yes, my true friend? 732 00:21:59,089 --> 00:22:03,140 Uh, BMO, there's something 733 00:21:59,089 --> 00:22:03,140 I need to tell you. 734 00:22:08,099 --> 00:22:10,210 Get in the car. 735 00:22:10,230 --> 00:22:13,190 We should accept this ride 736 00:22:10,230 --> 00:22:13,190 from a stranger. 737 00:22:18,130 --> 00:22:21,069 [ Sniffs ] 738 00:22:21,089 --> 00:22:24,150 This is a pretty sick ride, 739 00:22:21,089 --> 00:22:24,150 I gotta say. 740 00:22:25,170 --> 00:22:27,029 Aah! 741 00:22:30,059 --> 00:22:32,000 [ Gasps ] Is that...? 742 00:22:32,019 --> 00:22:35,099 That's the answer to all 743 00:22:32,019 --> 00:22:35,099 the Drift's problems! 744 00:22:35,119 --> 00:22:36,119 Behold! 745 00:22:36,140 --> 00:22:38,019 The Unity Pod! 746 00:22:38,039 --> 00:22:40,170 Oh, I thought it was 747 00:22:38,039 --> 00:22:40,170 a popcorn maker. 748 00:22:40,190 --> 00:22:43,140 Hugo's whippin' up some pretty 749 00:22:40,190 --> 00:22:43,140 sweet gadgets in there, 750 00:22:43,160 --> 00:22:47,029 the raddest stuff your little 751 00:22:43,160 --> 00:22:47,029 bot eyes will ever see. 752 00:22:47,049 --> 00:22:49,130 Oh, boy. 753 00:22:49,150 --> 00:22:51,119 So what if Hugo 754 00:22:49,150 --> 00:22:51,119 takes BMO apart? 755 00:22:51,140 --> 00:22:53,160 It -- It's for the greater good, 756 00:22:51,140 --> 00:22:53,160 right? 757 00:22:53,180 --> 00:22:56,220 And I am all about 758 00:22:53,180 --> 00:22:56,220 the greater good. 759 00:22:57,009 --> 00:22:58,190 Greater good! 760 00:23:01,119 --> 00:23:04,119 So many Hugomats. 761 00:23:01,119 --> 00:23:04,119 Yep, yep. 762 00:23:04,140 --> 00:23:06,059 I actually came up 763 00:23:04,140 --> 00:23:06,059 with those myself. 764 00:23:06,079 --> 00:23:09,059 Isn't that right, boss? 765 00:23:09,079 --> 00:23:10,160 Huh? 766 00:23:09,079 --> 00:23:10,160 Uh, yes. 767 00:23:10,180 --> 00:23:13,220 Ha, uh, the Hugomats 768 00:23:10,180 --> 00:23:13,220 were Mr. M's idea. 769 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:15,009 Hugo. 770 00:23:15,029 --> 00:23:17,000 That boy loves 771 00:23:15,029 --> 00:23:17,000 flashy gadgets. 772 00:23:17,019 --> 00:23:19,099 Me? 773 00:23:17,019 --> 00:23:19,099 I'm more of a pragmatist. 774 00:23:19,119 --> 00:23:21,210 You must be 775 00:23:19,119 --> 00:23:21,210 KS-2's daughter. 776 00:23:21,230 --> 00:23:22,230 Nice to meet you. 777 00:23:23,009 --> 00:23:24,230 Uh, you, too, also. 778 00:23:25,009 --> 00:23:27,150 Is this the spicy tech 779 00:23:25,009 --> 00:23:27,150 I heard about? 780 00:23:27,170 --> 00:23:28,210 You are so gray... 781 00:23:28,230 --> 00:23:30,009 and bald. 782 00:23:30,029 --> 00:23:32,180 Ha! 783 00:23:30,029 --> 00:23:32,180 Yeah, I am. 784 00:23:32,200 --> 00:23:34,109 Oh! 785 00:23:32,200 --> 00:23:34,109 Uh... 786 00:23:34,130 --> 00:23:35,109 [ Clears throat ] 787 00:23:35,130 --> 00:23:36,190 noice! 788 00:23:36,210 --> 00:23:39,119 Buh... 789 00:23:39,140 --> 00:23:42,180 Mr. M, why don't you 790 00:23:39,140 --> 00:23:42,180 entertain our guests for a bit? 791 00:23:42,200 --> 00:23:44,039 [ Clicks tongue ] 792 00:23:42,200 --> 00:23:44,039 You're a kid. 793 00:23:44,059 --> 00:23:46,000 Kids love dumb games, 794 00:23:44,059 --> 00:23:46,000 right? 795 00:23:46,019 --> 00:23:48,049 Um... 796 00:23:46,019 --> 00:23:48,049 Great! 797 00:23:48,069 --> 00:23:50,170 [ Humming ] 798 00:23:50,190 --> 00:23:51,230 [ Groans ] 799 00:23:52,009 --> 00:23:53,140 The greater good. 800 00:23:53,160 --> 00:23:59,150 ♪♪ 801 00:23:59,170 --> 00:24:02,109 What do you say 802 00:23:59,170 --> 00:24:02,109 we spice things up a bit? 803 00:24:02,130 --> 00:24:05,150 If I win, I get 804 00:24:02,130 --> 00:24:05,150 those fancy grav boots. 805 00:24:05,170 --> 00:24:07,039 What? 806 00:24:05,170 --> 00:24:07,039 No way. 807 00:24:07,059 --> 00:24:08,079 Oh, come on. 808 00:24:08,099 --> 00:24:11,039 If I lose, 809 00:24:08,099 --> 00:24:11,039 you get my fancy boots. 810 00:24:11,059 --> 00:24:12,170 Ugh. 811 00:24:12,190 --> 00:24:13,230 [ Gasps ] 812 00:24:14,009 --> 00:24:17,200 Dang, this robot is 813 00:24:14,009 --> 00:24:17,200 one-of-a-kind. 814 00:24:17,220 --> 00:24:20,089 But nothing here 815 00:24:17,220 --> 00:24:20,089 I can use. 816 00:24:20,109 --> 00:24:21,119 [ Sighs ] 817 00:24:21,140 --> 00:24:22,150 Bummer. 818 00:24:22,170 --> 00:24:25,009 Well, maybe next time, 819 00:24:22,170 --> 00:24:25,009 KS-2's daughter. 820 00:24:25,029 --> 00:24:26,009 Not so fast! 821 00:24:26,029 --> 00:24:27,130 The sheriff 822 00:24:26,029 --> 00:24:27,130 is here to help. 823 00:24:27,150 --> 00:24:30,059 Tell me what you need. 824 00:24:30,079 --> 00:24:31,210 Okay... 825 00:24:31,230 --> 00:24:35,039 We've located the final 826 00:24:31,230 --> 00:24:35,039 component for the Unity Pod -- 827 00:24:35,059 --> 00:24:36,210 the Genesis Crystal. 828 00:24:36,230 --> 00:24:40,200 Unfortunately, it lies within 829 00:24:36,230 --> 00:24:40,200 the impenetrable Jungle Pod. 830 00:24:40,220 --> 00:24:44,029 And all our attempts to grab 831 00:24:40,220 --> 00:24:44,029 it have been hot garbo. 832 00:24:44,049 --> 00:24:47,039 So, we're engineering 833 00:24:44,049 --> 00:24:47,039 our own. 834 00:24:47,059 --> 00:24:48,230 How's it going, guys? 835 00:24:49,009 --> 00:24:50,170 I think we've finally 836 00:24:49,009 --> 00:24:50,170 cracked it, sir. 837 00:24:50,190 --> 00:24:52,059 Permission to run a test? 838 00:24:52,079 --> 00:24:53,119 [ Whistles ] 839 00:24:53,140 --> 00:24:57,029 Cool, cool. 840 00:24:53,140 --> 00:24:57,029 Commencing test 325. 841 00:24:58,069 --> 00:25:00,190 [ Warbling ] 842 00:25:00,210 --> 00:25:02,160 Huh? 843 00:25:07,190 --> 00:25:09,029 That -- 844 00:25:07,190 --> 00:25:09,029 That shouldn't count! 845 00:25:09,049 --> 00:25:11,089 Tough beans, kid. 846 00:25:09,049 --> 00:25:11,089 A deal's a deal. 847 00:25:11,109 --> 00:25:12,119 No! 848 00:25:12,140 --> 00:25:14,140 Hugo Employee #2: 849 00:25:12,140 --> 00:25:14,140 Sorry, Hugo. 850 00:25:14,160 --> 00:25:16,049 Please don't be mad. 851 00:25:16,069 --> 00:25:18,119 You are not 852 00:25:16,069 --> 00:25:18,119 a very good scientist! 853 00:25:18,140 --> 00:25:21,019 Oh. 854 00:25:18,140 --> 00:25:21,019 Reset for test 326. 855 00:25:21,039 --> 00:25:23,170 No, I will get you 856 00:25:21,039 --> 00:25:23,170 the real junk. 857 00:25:23,190 --> 00:25:25,019 What? 858 00:25:23,190 --> 00:25:25,019 Oh -- Really? 859 00:25:25,039 --> 00:25:26,180 I'm your Huckleberry. 860 00:25:26,200 --> 00:25:29,039 Mr. M: Now, I gotta agree 861 00:25:26,200 --> 00:25:29,039 with the little bot, boss. 862 00:25:29,059 --> 00:25:31,089 He's quick, 863 00:25:29,059 --> 00:25:31,089 plants won't eat him... 864 00:25:31,109 --> 00:25:33,220 That's right. 865 00:25:31,109 --> 00:25:33,220 Plants hate me! 866 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:36,029 I'm smelling 867 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:36,029 what you're baking. 868 00:25:36,049 --> 00:25:37,079 Smells good. 869 00:25:37,099 --> 00:25:39,029 You know what? 870 00:25:37,099 --> 00:25:39,029 Let's try it. 871 00:25:39,049 --> 00:25:40,109 What the heck? 872 00:25:40,130 --> 00:25:42,170 Um, is that -- 873 00:25:40,130 --> 00:25:42,170 Saddle up, deputy! 874 00:25:42,190 --> 00:25:45,059 We are going to find 875 00:25:42,190 --> 00:25:45,059 some treasure! 876 00:25:46,230 --> 00:25:49,000 Are you really sure 877 00:25:46,230 --> 00:25:49,000 about this? 878 00:25:49,019 --> 00:25:52,019 I believe in us. 879 00:25:52,039 --> 00:25:53,200 I'll meet you 880 00:25:52,039 --> 00:25:53,200 out front. 881 00:25:53,220 --> 00:25:55,029 [ Clicks tongue ] 882 00:26:00,009 --> 00:26:00,230 Aah! 883 00:26:00,009 --> 00:26:00,230 Aah! 884 00:26:01,009 --> 00:26:02,160 Mom, uh, what, uh... 885 00:26:02,180 --> 00:26:04,200 There was some kind of accident 886 00:26:02,180 --> 00:26:04,200 at the crystal lab. 887 00:26:04,220 --> 00:26:06,230 Apparently the new 888 00:26:04,220 --> 00:26:06,230 prototype exploded... 889 00:26:07,009 --> 00:26:08,220 again. 890 00:26:07,009 --> 00:26:08,220 BMO: Oh, Mom. 891 00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:10,069 Don't worry 892 00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:10,069 about that fake. 893 00:26:10,089 --> 00:26:12,069 The BMO is headed 894 00:26:10,089 --> 00:26:12,069 to the Jungle Pod 895 00:26:12,089 --> 00:26:14,170 right now 896 00:26:12,089 --> 00:26:14,170 to fetch the real one. 897 00:26:14,190 --> 00:26:16,210 Why isn't BMO 898 00:26:14,190 --> 00:26:16,210 in a million pieces?! 899 00:26:16,230 --> 00:26:19,039 Uh, Hugo didn't need him? 900 00:26:19,059 --> 00:26:20,140 Fantastic! 901 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:22,230 So we're back 902 00:26:20,160 --> 00:26:22,230 at square one. 903 00:26:23,009 --> 00:26:24,049 Lady, stop talking. 904 00:26:24,069 --> 00:26:25,170 Come on, sidekick deputy! 905 00:26:25,190 --> 00:26:28,220 What?! You're following 906 00:26:25,190 --> 00:26:28,220 that little toy's orders?! 907 00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:31,039 No! I'm just following 908 00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:31,039 Hugo's orders! 909 00:26:31,059 --> 00:26:33,180 Y4! 910 00:26:31,059 --> 00:26:33,180 Tell me the truth! 911 00:26:37,160 --> 00:26:38,220 I'm sorry, Mom. 912 00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:40,230 I-I was just humoring it 913 00:26:39,000 --> 00:26:40,230 at first. 914 00:26:41,009 --> 00:26:43,000 So we could get to Hugo, 915 00:26:41,009 --> 00:26:43,000 no fuss. 916 00:26:43,019 --> 00:26:45,029 But I got carried away. 917 00:26:45,049 --> 00:26:48,039 I know I'm not some "deputy," 918 00:26:45,049 --> 00:26:48,039 alright? 919 00:26:48,059 --> 00:26:50,009 It was just a... 920 00:26:50,029 --> 00:26:51,210 dumb game. 921 00:26:54,009 --> 00:26:56,000 You two comin' or what? 922 00:26:56,019 --> 00:26:57,099 Yeah. 923 00:26:56,019 --> 00:26:57,099 I am. 924 00:26:57,119 --> 00:27:00,200 Because I'm the only one 925 00:26:57,119 --> 00:27:00,200 around here that doesn't bite. 926 00:27:02,039 --> 00:27:04,079 Aah! 927 00:27:04,099 --> 00:27:06,079 Stop it, Bad Olive! 928 00:27:06,099 --> 00:27:08,170 Olive! 929 00:27:06,099 --> 00:27:08,170 Let him go. 930 00:27:08,190 --> 00:27:10,009 I don't need your help. 931 00:27:10,029 --> 00:27:12,009 BMO, I didn't mean 932 00:27:10,029 --> 00:27:12,009 to hurt your feelings! 933 00:27:12,029 --> 00:27:14,210 I have no feelings! 934 00:27:14,230 --> 00:27:16,059 Forget about her, champ. 935 00:27:16,079 --> 00:27:20,000 Big, cool guys like us 936 00:27:16,079 --> 00:27:20,000 don't need nobody else. 937 00:27:20,019 --> 00:27:22,079 You make 938 00:27:20,019 --> 00:27:22,079 my feelings happy! 939 00:27:26,049 --> 00:27:28,059 KS-2: Y4! 940 00:27:26,049 --> 00:27:28,059 Come on! 941 00:27:28,079 --> 00:27:30,019 Yes, ma'am. 942 00:27:38,069 --> 00:27:42,130 ♪♪ 943 00:27:42,150 --> 00:27:45,220 Yep, this doesn't feel 944 00:27:42,150 --> 00:27:45,220 dangerous at all. 945 00:27:46,000 --> 00:27:49,140 [ Chuckles ] 946 00:27:49,160 --> 00:27:51,079 Aren't you coming? 947 00:27:51,099 --> 00:27:52,140 Oh, uh, no. 948 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:55,000 It's real easy 949 00:27:52,160 --> 00:27:55,000 to get lost in J-Pod. 950 00:27:55,019 --> 00:27:57,049 So I'll be guiding you 951 00:27:55,019 --> 00:27:57,049 with this map. 952 00:27:57,069 --> 00:28:00,099 Oh. 953 00:27:57,069 --> 00:28:00,099 But couldn't we bring the map? 954 00:28:00,119 --> 00:28:01,230 Think fast. 955 00:28:02,009 --> 00:28:04,160 We'll stay in touch 956 00:28:02,009 --> 00:28:04,160 through that walkie-talkie. 957 00:28:04,180 --> 00:28:08,039 You'll only be alone 958 00:28:04,180 --> 00:28:08,039 in the, uh, literal sense. 959 00:28:08,059 --> 00:28:10,069 BMO is never alone. 960 00:28:10,089 --> 00:28:11,150 Right, Football? 961 00:28:11,170 --> 00:28:14,119 Football: Please, don't bring me 962 00:28:11,170 --> 00:28:14,119 in there, BMO. 963 00:28:16,119 --> 00:28:19,099 Keep walking straight 964 00:28:16,119 --> 00:28:19,099 for 1,400 frames. 965 00:28:19,119 --> 00:28:21,009 Copy that. 966 00:28:21,029 --> 00:28:28,099 ♪♪ 967 00:28:28,119 --> 00:28:29,119 [ Growls ] 968 00:28:29,140 --> 00:28:33,109 1,002, 1,003, 1,004. 969 00:28:33,130 --> 00:28:35,059 I don't like this place, 970 00:28:33,130 --> 00:28:35,059 BMO. 971 00:28:35,079 --> 00:28:37,039 You are a delicate soul, 972 00:28:35,079 --> 00:28:37,039 Football. 973 00:28:37,059 --> 00:28:40,029 But BMO will not be 974 00:28:37,059 --> 00:28:40,029 intimidated by nature! 975 00:28:40,049 --> 00:28:44,099 Aah! 976 00:28:40,049 --> 00:28:44,099 Ah, so pretty. 977 00:28:44,119 --> 00:28:46,089 BMO, I'm scared. 978 00:28:46,109 --> 00:28:47,140 Oh, Football. 979 00:28:47,160 --> 00:28:49,130 I know 980 00:28:47,160 --> 00:28:49,130 you're a scaredy cat, 981 00:28:49,150 --> 00:28:51,210 but I have to complete 982 00:28:49,150 --> 00:28:51,210 my mission. 983 00:28:51,230 --> 00:28:57,069 BMO, I think maybe you're also 984 00:28:51,230 --> 00:28:57,069 scared of this mission. 985 00:28:57,089 --> 00:28:58,069 No. 986 00:28:58,089 --> 00:29:00,140 BMO, if you bonk this up 987 00:28:58,089 --> 00:29:00,140 and die, 988 00:29:00,160 --> 00:29:02,150 I couldn't live 989 00:29:00,160 --> 00:29:02,150 with myself. 990 00:29:02,170 --> 00:29:05,150 Oh, Football, 991 00:29:02,170 --> 00:29:05,150 I won't bonk up. 992 00:29:05,170 --> 00:29:06,130 Aah! 993 00:29:06,150 --> 00:29:08,009 Whack! 994 00:29:06,150 --> 00:29:08,009 Whack! 995 00:29:08,029 --> 00:29:09,220 [ Panting ] 996 00:29:11,200 --> 00:29:13,109 Aaaaaah! 997 00:29:13,130 --> 00:29:18,180 ♪♪ 998 00:29:18,200 --> 00:29:21,059 Lucky this hole was here. 999 00:29:21,079 --> 00:29:22,059 Oh. 1000 00:29:22,079 --> 00:29:23,180 Football: Not lucky, BMO. 1001 00:29:23,200 --> 00:29:25,200 You are in the dirt hole now. 1002 00:29:25,220 --> 00:29:28,029 Dirt hole! 1003 00:29:28,049 --> 00:29:29,049 Aaaaah! 1004 00:29:29,069 --> 00:29:30,200 Run, BMO! 1005 00:29:30,220 --> 00:29:33,099 ♪♪ 1006 00:29:33,119 --> 00:29:35,000 Aah! 1007 00:29:35,019 --> 00:29:36,119 Aah! 1008 00:29:36,140 --> 00:29:38,000 [ Grunts ] 1009 00:29:38,019 --> 00:29:45,059 ♪♪ 1010 00:29:45,079 --> 00:29:46,160 Ew! 1011 00:29:46,180 --> 00:29:51,230 ♪♪ 1012 00:29:52,009 --> 00:29:56,039 ♪♪ 1013 00:29:56,059 --> 00:29:59,150 [ Gasps ] You are 1014 00:29:56,059 --> 00:29:59,150 my gross ticket out of here! 1015 00:29:59,170 --> 00:30:02,049 Crusty piece of crab! 1016 00:30:02,069 --> 00:30:03,210 Fly, donkus! 1017 00:30:03,230 --> 00:30:11,109 ♪♪ 1018 00:30:11,130 --> 00:30:12,150 Yay! 1019 00:30:12,170 --> 00:30:16,099 You are my new best friend, 1020 00:30:12,170 --> 00:30:16,099 Crusty! 1021 00:30:16,119 --> 00:30:17,200 Crusty! 1022 00:30:17,220 --> 00:30:19,119 Mr. M: BMO? 1023 00:30:19,140 --> 00:30:21,059 BMO! 1024 00:30:21,079 --> 00:30:23,019 That was a close call, 1025 00:30:21,079 --> 00:30:23,019 Mr. M. 1026 00:30:23,039 --> 00:30:27,170 Mother Drift got a taste of BMO, 1027 00:30:23,039 --> 00:30:27,170 but I licked her right back. 1028 00:30:27,190 --> 00:30:29,079 Mr. M: Whose mother? 1029 00:30:29,099 --> 00:30:33,039 ♪♪ 1030 00:30:33,059 --> 00:30:34,119 KS-2: Y4! 1031 00:30:34,140 --> 00:30:36,210 Could you bring me a J-clamp 1032 00:30:34,140 --> 00:30:36,210 from out by the -- 1033 00:30:36,230 --> 00:30:38,180 Where are 1034 00:30:36,230 --> 00:30:38,180 your gravity boots? 1035 00:30:38,200 --> 00:30:41,130 I was playing cards with -- 1036 00:30:38,200 --> 00:30:41,130 You gambled?! 1037 00:30:41,150 --> 00:30:43,049 What?! 1038 00:30:41,150 --> 00:30:43,049 No! 1039 00:30:43,069 --> 00:30:45,039 The -- It was Mr. -- 1040 00:30:43,069 --> 00:30:45,039 Honestly, Y4! 1041 00:30:45,059 --> 00:30:46,220 We'll talk about this 1042 00:30:45,059 --> 00:30:46,220 later. 1043 00:30:47,000 --> 00:30:53,140 ♪♪ 1044 00:30:53,160 --> 00:31:00,079 ♪♪ 1045 00:31:00,099 --> 00:31:02,039 Ha! 1046 00:31:05,019 --> 00:31:09,079 Wait. 1047 00:31:05,019 --> 00:31:09,079 That's another Hugomat stick. 1048 00:31:09,099 --> 00:31:11,180 I wonder what's on these. 1049 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:13,019 Wow. 1050 00:31:11,200 --> 00:31:13,019 Okay. 1051 00:31:13,039 --> 00:31:15,049 I didn't know you could do that. 1052 00:31:15,069 --> 00:31:17,109 Whoa! What the h-- 1053 00:31:17,130 --> 00:31:19,180 Hey, good job, li'l guy! 1054 00:31:19,200 --> 00:31:22,109 You'll be on top of the crystal 1055 00:31:19,200 --> 00:31:22,109 in a mm-bop! 1056 00:31:25,009 --> 00:31:26,079 [ Gasps ] 1057 00:31:26,099 --> 00:31:27,160 It's... 1058 00:31:27,180 --> 00:31:29,089 mad indignant. 1059 00:31:29,109 --> 00:31:32,029 All of the Hugomats 1060 00:31:29,109 --> 00:31:32,029 are networked. 1061 00:31:32,049 --> 00:31:33,170 Mr. M has them identifying 1062 00:31:33,190 --> 00:31:37,039 useful components in each pod 1063 00:31:33,190 --> 00:31:37,039 without anyone knowing. 1064 00:31:37,059 --> 00:31:38,190 That's so... 1065 00:31:38,210 --> 00:31:39,230 unethical. 1066 00:31:40,009 --> 00:31:42,190 [ Sighs ] I hope BMO is okay. 1067 00:31:42,210 --> 00:31:44,180 Football: I don't feel good 1068 00:31:42,210 --> 00:31:44,180 about this, BMO. 1069 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:46,220 I'm going to take this crystal, 1070 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:46,220 Football. 1071 00:31:47,000 --> 00:31:48,119 I'm going to be a hero. 1072 00:31:48,140 --> 00:31:50,029 I don't need a deputy! 1073 00:31:50,049 --> 00:31:53,000 I don't need anybody! 1074 00:31:53,019 --> 00:31:55,190 [ Screeching ] 1075 00:31:55,210 --> 00:32:02,019 ♪♪ 1076 00:32:02,039 --> 00:32:05,049 Shoot, shoot, shoot, 1077 00:32:02,039 --> 00:32:05,049 shoot, shoot! 1078 00:32:05,069 --> 00:32:07,190 Y5: Look, Olive. 1079 00:32:05,069 --> 00:32:07,190 The Genesis Crystal is... 1080 00:32:07,210 --> 00:32:09,000 moving. 1081 00:32:09,019 --> 00:32:10,150 BMO did it! 1082 00:32:10,170 --> 00:32:12,150 Wait. 1083 00:32:10,170 --> 00:32:12,150 Wait, wait, wait! 1084 00:32:12,170 --> 00:32:15,039 All of the failed pods 1085 00:32:12,170 --> 00:32:15,039 are missing components. 1086 00:32:15,059 --> 00:32:18,109 By taking them, 1087 00:32:15,059 --> 00:32:18,109 Mr. M is killing the Drift. 1088 00:32:18,130 --> 00:32:20,049 We have to warn Hugo! 1089 00:32:20,069 --> 00:32:23,029 [ Screaming ] 1090 00:32:23,049 --> 00:32:27,140 [ Roaring ] 1091 00:32:27,160 --> 00:32:29,029 Blood! 1092 00:32:29,049 --> 00:32:31,220 Blood-erflies! 1093 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:34,029 Mr. M! 1094 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:34,029 I got the crystal! 1095 00:32:34,049 --> 00:32:38,160 Throw it here 1096 00:32:34,049 --> 00:32:38,160 so you can run faster! 1097 00:32:38,180 --> 00:32:39,210 Yes! 1098 00:32:39,230 --> 00:32:41,180 Now catch me! 1099 00:32:44,160 --> 00:32:46,089 Oh. 1100 00:32:48,180 --> 00:32:49,170 [ Whistles ] 1101 00:32:49,190 --> 00:32:52,210 Very unfortunate. 1102 00:32:52,230 --> 00:32:55,019 Football: Oh, BMO, 1103 00:32:52,230 --> 00:32:55,019 you tried, 1104 00:32:55,039 --> 00:32:57,049 but you were never the hero 1105 00:32:55,039 --> 00:32:57,049 of the story 1106 00:32:57,069 --> 00:32:58,190 I like to call life. 1107 00:32:58,210 --> 00:33:01,130 You were always 1108 00:32:58,210 --> 00:33:01,130 just the cute sidekick. 1109 00:33:01,150 --> 00:33:02,210 Football! 1110 00:33:02,230 --> 00:33:04,170 Oh, no, don't cry, BMO. 1111 00:33:04,190 --> 00:33:07,019 You know I'm an empath. 1112 00:33:07,039 --> 00:33:08,210 Huh?! 1113 00:33:07,039 --> 00:33:08,210 No! No! 1114 00:33:08,230 --> 00:33:10,130 Football! 1115 00:33:08,230 --> 00:33:10,130 Help! 1116 00:33:10,150 --> 00:33:13,150 BMO! 1117 00:33:18,079 --> 00:33:19,170 [ Crackles ] 1118 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:27,019 Oh. 1119 00:33:27,039 --> 00:33:31,230 This is probably bad, huh? 1120 00:33:32,009 --> 00:33:33,019 [ Chuckles ] 1121 00:33:33,039 --> 00:33:34,180 I think I'm dying. 1122 00:33:34,200 --> 00:33:35,220 But that's okay. 1123 00:33:36,000 --> 00:33:38,029 BMO always bounces back. 1124 00:33:38,049 --> 00:33:40,210 Purple BMO: Mnh-mnh. 1125 00:33:38,049 --> 00:33:40,210 Not this time. 1126 00:33:40,230 --> 00:33:42,140 But I'm supposed 1127 00:33:40,230 --> 00:33:42,140 to save the Drift. 1128 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:45,190 That's my job. 1129 00:33:42,160 --> 00:33:45,190 Now your job is to be dead. 1130 00:33:45,210 --> 00:33:46,230 Oh, no. 1131 00:33:47,009 --> 00:33:48,220 BMO, you can get 1132 00:33:47,009 --> 00:33:48,220 through this. 1133 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:50,160 Really? 1134 00:33:49,000 --> 00:33:50,160 Just kidding. 1135 00:33:50,180 --> 00:33:52,079 Yellow BMO: You're not a hero. 1136 00:33:52,099 --> 00:33:56,140 All BMOs: You're nothing 1137 00:33:52,099 --> 00:33:56,140 but a little kid, BMO. 1138 00:33:56,160 --> 00:33:58,119 Oh. 1139 00:33:58,140 --> 00:34:01,089 No. 1140 00:33:58,140 --> 00:34:01,089 BMO always bounces ba-- 1141 00:34:04,180 --> 00:34:08,050 Hugo! 1142 00:34:04,180 --> 00:34:08,050 Hugo, Hugo, Hugo! 1143 00:34:08,070 --> 00:34:09,170 I never had to do this 1144 00:34:08,070 --> 00:34:09,170 much exercise 1145 00:34:09,190 --> 00:34:11,099 before I ran into BMO -- 1146 00:34:09,190 --> 00:34:11,099 Aah! 1147 00:34:11,119 --> 00:34:13,139 I've been waiting 1148 00:34:11,119 --> 00:34:13,139 for those J-clamps. 1149 00:34:13,159 --> 00:34:16,039 Mom, look what I grabbed 1150 00:34:13,159 --> 00:34:16,039 from Mr. M's office! 1151 00:34:16,059 --> 00:34:17,170 He's behind all of it -- 1152 00:34:17,190 --> 00:34:19,230 the Drift collapse, 1153 00:34:17,190 --> 00:34:19,230 the pod failures. 1154 00:34:20,010 --> 00:34:23,030 He's a no-good, rootin'-tootin' 1155 00:34:20,010 --> 00:34:23,030 four flusher! 1156 00:34:23,050 --> 00:34:24,119 I don't know if those 1157 00:34:23,050 --> 00:34:24,119 are swear words, 1158 00:34:24,139 --> 00:34:27,150 but that sassy robot 1159 00:34:24,139 --> 00:34:27,150 has messed you up. 1160 00:34:27,170 --> 00:34:29,150 Mr. M: [ Whistling ] 1161 00:34:29,170 --> 00:34:30,190 What's up, bunnies? 1162 00:34:30,210 --> 00:34:33,030 Hopefully nothing... 1163 00:34:30,210 --> 00:34:33,030 slanderous. 1164 00:34:33,050 --> 00:34:34,159 I am so sorry, sir. 1165 00:34:34,179 --> 00:34:35,219 [ Stammers ] 1166 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:37,150 [ Chewing ] 1167 00:34:37,170 --> 00:34:39,130 No harm done. 1168 00:34:39,150 --> 00:34:45,010 Ha! I've already got all 1169 00:34:39,150 --> 00:34:45,010 the proof backed up right here! 1170 00:34:45,030 --> 00:34:48,079 Woof. 1171 00:34:48,099 --> 00:34:49,110 Mom! 1172 00:34:49,130 --> 00:34:51,030 Where's BMO? 1173 00:34:49,130 --> 00:34:51,030 Uhp, uhp, uhp. 1174 00:34:51,050 --> 00:34:54,070 The good news is that he got 1175 00:34:51,050 --> 00:34:54,070 the Genesis Crystal. 1176 00:34:54,090 --> 00:34:59,079 The even better news 1177 00:34:54,090 --> 00:34:59,079 is that li'l BMO died a hero. 1178 00:34:59,099 --> 00:35:01,019 Both: Hurrah! 1179 00:34:59,099 --> 00:35:01,019 No! 1180 00:35:01,039 --> 00:35:02,090 I have to save him! 1181 00:35:02,110 --> 00:35:04,090 No, Y4! 1182 00:35:04,110 --> 00:35:07,079 My name is Y5. 1183 00:35:07,099 --> 00:35:08,210 BMO is my friend. 1184 00:35:08,230 --> 00:35:13,019 And I let him down because 1185 00:35:08,230 --> 00:35:13,019 I didn't want to disappoint you. 1186 00:35:13,039 --> 00:35:14,039 Y4! 1187 00:35:14,059 --> 00:35:15,159 Ha. 1188 00:35:14,059 --> 00:35:15,159 Kids, right? 1189 00:35:15,179 --> 00:35:18,039 Always calling out 1190 00:35:15,179 --> 00:35:18,039 their deadbeat parents. 1191 00:35:18,059 --> 00:35:20,010 What? 1192 00:35:18,059 --> 00:35:20,010 What? 1193 00:35:20,030 --> 00:35:22,110 [ Panting ] 1194 00:35:22,130 --> 00:35:25,159 I can't do this alone. 1195 00:35:22,130 --> 00:35:25,159 Olive's gone. 1196 00:35:25,179 --> 00:35:27,150 It's too far 1197 00:35:25,179 --> 00:35:27,150 to the Jungle Pod. 1198 00:35:27,170 --> 00:35:29,159 I'm too slow. 1199 00:35:31,219 --> 00:35:33,159 Huh? 1200 00:35:35,079 --> 00:35:38,090 [ Honking ] 1201 00:35:38,110 --> 00:35:42,039 ♪♪ 1202 00:35:42,059 --> 00:35:44,000 Ricky! 1203 00:35:42,059 --> 00:35:44,000 Aah! 1204 00:35:44,019 --> 00:35:45,059 Stop. 1205 00:35:44,019 --> 00:35:45,059 Stop. 1206 00:35:45,079 --> 00:35:46,099 He's not here. 1207 00:35:46,119 --> 00:35:48,199 Listen, BMO's in trouble. 1208 00:35:52,050 --> 00:35:53,210 [ Groaning ] 1209 00:35:53,230 --> 00:35:54,210 BMO! 1210 00:35:54,230 --> 00:35:58,030 I'll get you...o-o-o-o-ut! 1211 00:35:58,050 --> 00:36:00,050 Aah! 1212 00:36:00,070 --> 00:36:01,170 Aah! 1213 00:36:01,190 --> 00:36:03,170 Stop! 1214 00:36:01,190 --> 00:36:03,170 Hey, back off! 1215 00:36:03,190 --> 00:36:05,230 We had to squeeze all these 1216 00:36:03,190 --> 00:36:05,230 parts out of a sealed pod. 1217 00:36:06,010 --> 00:36:09,099 That's my friend! 1218 00:36:06,010 --> 00:36:09,099 [ Crying ] 1219 00:36:09,119 --> 00:36:11,019 I'll sell you the parts. 1220 00:36:11,039 --> 00:36:14,000 Ain't this the bunny that what, 1221 00:36:11,039 --> 00:36:14,000 like, saved us? 1222 00:36:14,019 --> 00:36:16,090 Please! 1223 00:36:14,019 --> 00:36:16,090 The Drift is in danger, 1224 00:36:16,110 --> 00:36:20,099 and BMO's the only 1225 00:36:16,110 --> 00:36:20,099 one people will listen to! 1226 00:36:20,119 --> 00:36:21,179 Ohh, my conscience gland. 1227 00:36:21,199 --> 00:36:24,119 We may know somebody 1228 00:36:21,199 --> 00:36:24,119 who can help. 1229 00:36:27,170 --> 00:36:29,000 -Ha! 1230 00:36:27,170 --> 00:36:29,000 -Yo, CGO. 1231 00:36:29,019 --> 00:36:31,059 You up? 1232 00:36:29,019 --> 00:36:31,059 CGO? 1233 00:36:33,059 --> 00:36:35,059 I smell that goody scrap. 1234 00:36:35,079 --> 00:36:37,070 I call dibs. 1235 00:36:35,079 --> 00:36:37,070 Make us an offer. 1236 00:36:37,090 --> 00:36:39,010 What? 1237 00:36:37,090 --> 00:36:39,010 Cut it out! 1238 00:36:39,030 --> 00:36:43,010 I-I mean, ma'am, these two said 1239 00:36:39,030 --> 00:36:43,010 you could patch up the sheriff. 1240 00:36:43,030 --> 00:36:44,039 Hmm. 1241 00:36:44,059 --> 00:36:45,219 This is a Mo Co Bot. 1242 00:36:46,000 --> 00:36:47,099 You know this model? 1243 00:36:47,119 --> 00:36:51,090 I'm practically a cousin, 1244 00:36:47,119 --> 00:36:51,090 a janky off-brand cousin. 1245 00:36:51,110 --> 00:36:53,079 Yeah, 1246 00:36:51,110 --> 00:36:53,079 but can you do it, though? 1247 00:36:53,099 --> 00:36:55,050 Hmm...probs. 1248 00:36:55,070 --> 00:36:56,110 Whoo-hoo! 1249 00:36:56,130 --> 00:36:58,119 With BMO's cred, 1250 00:36:56,130 --> 00:36:58,119 we can convince Hugo 1251 00:36:58,139 --> 00:37:00,179 to stop Mr. M's schemes. 1252 00:37:00,199 --> 00:37:02,050 Hugo? 1253 00:37:02,070 --> 00:37:06,030 I don't know what you've heard, 1254 00:37:02,070 --> 00:37:06,030 but Hugo is the worst. 1255 00:37:06,050 --> 00:37:07,159 What do you know? 1256 00:37:07,179 --> 00:37:08,179 Uh, duh. 1257 00:37:08,199 --> 00:37:10,070 He created me. 1258 00:37:10,090 --> 00:37:14,130 We go way back, to the real 1259 00:37:10,090 --> 00:37:14,130 busted last days of Earth. 1260 00:37:16,219 --> 00:37:18,199 Hugo had a big brain 1261 00:37:16,219 --> 00:37:18,199 and a rocket 1262 00:37:18,219 --> 00:37:21,039 and led an exodus 1263 00:37:18,219 --> 00:37:21,039 to the stars... 1264 00:37:21,059 --> 00:37:23,099 on the cheap. 1265 00:37:21,059 --> 00:37:23,099 [ Beeping ] 1266 00:37:24,210 --> 00:37:26,190 [ Screaming ] 1267 00:37:28,130 --> 00:37:30,070 The Grays warned him 1268 00:37:28,130 --> 00:37:30,070 about the dangers 1269 00:37:30,090 --> 00:37:33,039 of bio-hacking 1270 00:37:30,090 --> 00:37:33,039 their alien style, 1271 00:37:33,059 --> 00:37:35,150 but Hugo gets his way. 1272 00:37:35,170 --> 00:37:37,019 [ Coughing ] 1273 00:37:41,090 --> 00:37:43,070 [ Screaming ] 1274 00:37:43,090 --> 00:37:45,159 Then we were saved 1275 00:37:43,090 --> 00:37:45,159 by a orb. 1276 00:37:49,150 --> 00:37:53,000 The Drift was already 1277 00:37:49,150 --> 00:37:53,000 breaking down when we got here. 1278 00:37:53,019 --> 00:37:55,079 But after Hugo set up shop, 1279 00:37:55,099 --> 00:37:59,039 well, he just makes 1280 00:37:55,099 --> 00:37:59,039 everything worse. 1281 00:37:59,059 --> 00:38:01,039 I got chucked 1282 00:37:59,059 --> 00:38:01,039 into the trash. 1283 00:38:01,059 --> 00:38:04,159 That little service droid 1284 00:38:01,059 --> 00:38:04,159 went back into space. 1285 00:38:04,179 --> 00:38:06,039 Poor thing. 1286 00:38:06,059 --> 00:38:08,170 I wonder if she ever found 1287 00:38:06,059 --> 00:38:08,170 what she was looking for. 1288 00:38:11,219 --> 00:38:13,059 Hugo's a great guy... 1289 00:38:13,079 --> 00:38:16,000 as long as he thinks 1290 00:38:13,079 --> 00:38:16,000 you're good for something. 1291 00:38:22,150 --> 00:38:25,090 Hey, 1292 00:38:22,150 --> 00:38:25,090 quit leaking on my scrap. 1293 00:38:25,110 --> 00:38:27,070 Fingers crossed. 1294 00:38:30,110 --> 00:38:32,059 Maybe he needs to warm up 1295 00:38:30,110 --> 00:38:32,059 a bit. 1296 00:38:32,079 --> 00:38:39,170 ♪♪ 1297 00:38:39,190 --> 00:38:41,010 [ Whistles ] 1298 00:38:41,030 --> 00:38:46,059 ♪♪ 1299 00:38:46,079 --> 00:38:51,090 ♪♪ 1300 00:38:51,110 --> 00:38:53,039 Whoop. 1301 00:38:51,110 --> 00:38:53,039 Was that me? 1302 00:38:53,059 --> 00:38:55,099 [ Rattling ] 1303 00:38:55,119 --> 00:38:56,230 Ow! 1304 00:38:57,010 --> 00:38:58,179 BMO, you have to wake up! 1305 00:38:58,199 --> 00:39:00,170 I can't fix this! 1306 00:39:00,190 --> 00:39:03,210 I'm just a little kid! 1307 00:39:03,230 --> 00:39:07,019 I said the same thing 1308 00:39:03,230 --> 00:39:07,019 when I was dying. 1309 00:39:07,039 --> 00:39:08,139 [ Crying ] 1310 00:39:08,159 --> 00:39:09,179 You saved me. 1311 00:39:09,199 --> 00:39:11,079 You can save the Drift. 1312 00:39:11,099 --> 00:39:13,099 But it's just too much. 1313 00:39:13,119 --> 00:39:16,039 Even when things look really, 1314 00:39:13,119 --> 00:39:16,039 really stupid, 1315 00:39:16,059 --> 00:39:18,090 we still have to try. 1316 00:39:20,070 --> 00:39:22,219 [ Whirring ] 1317 00:39:23,000 --> 00:39:24,159 Our suns all went out. 1318 00:39:24,179 --> 00:39:25,219 That's nothing. 1319 00:39:26,000 --> 00:39:28,000 All our crops are dying. 1320 00:39:28,019 --> 00:39:29,179 It's gross. 1321 00:39:29,199 --> 00:39:31,019 Oof! 1322 00:39:29,199 --> 00:39:31,019 Pod fails. 1323 00:39:31,039 --> 00:39:32,119 They're spreading 1324 00:39:31,039 --> 00:39:32,119 everywhere. 1325 00:39:32,139 --> 00:39:33,219 Y4 was right! 1326 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:36,130 I've never heard you say 1327 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:36,130 those words. 1328 00:39:36,150 --> 00:39:37,199 Hugo! 1329 00:39:37,219 --> 00:39:40,059 You have to shut down 1330 00:39:37,219 --> 00:39:40,059 the priming sequence! 1331 00:39:40,079 --> 00:39:43,070 We're on the verge 1332 00:39:40,079 --> 00:39:43,070 of station-wide collapse! 1333 00:39:43,090 --> 00:39:46,000 Uh, this is exactly 1334 00:39:43,090 --> 00:39:46,000 the kind of problem 1335 00:39:46,019 --> 00:39:49,050 the Unity Pod team 1336 00:39:46,019 --> 00:39:49,050 will be working to prevent. 1337 00:39:49,070 --> 00:39:51,219 Hugocorp Gold Members, 1338 00:39:49,070 --> 00:39:51,219 come on up here. 1339 00:39:52,190 --> 00:39:55,230 [ Screaming ] 1340 00:39:56,010 --> 00:39:57,010 Ohh! 1341 00:39:57,030 --> 00:39:58,090 Everyone, wait! 1342 00:39:58,110 --> 00:40:00,000 Hugo's up to no good! 1343 00:40:00,019 --> 00:40:01,159 There's proof 1344 00:40:00,019 --> 00:40:01,159 in this Hugomat! 1345 00:40:01,179 --> 00:40:04,230 Oh! Are you trying to get 1346 00:40:01,179 --> 00:40:04,230 another drive? 1347 00:40:05,010 --> 00:40:06,190 Do you still have the data? 1348 00:40:06,210 --> 00:40:09,170 That smooth, smooth data. 1349 00:40:09,190 --> 00:40:12,030 Right here. 1350 00:40:12,050 --> 00:40:13,150 [ Gasping ] 1351 00:40:13,170 --> 00:40:15,150 You're donking it all up, 1352 00:40:13,170 --> 00:40:15,150 Hugo! 1353 00:40:15,170 --> 00:40:17,119 Do you deny it? 1354 00:40:17,139 --> 00:40:19,070 Nah, it's all true. 1355 00:40:19,090 --> 00:40:21,039 The Unity Pod was always 1356 00:40:19,090 --> 00:40:21,039 designed 1357 00:40:21,059 --> 00:40:24,190 to save only myself 1358 00:40:21,059 --> 00:40:24,190 and my loyal inner circle. 1359 00:40:24,210 --> 00:40:26,130 The rest of the Drift is -- 1360 00:40:26,150 --> 00:40:29,059 Well, it's unfortunate 1361 00:40:26,150 --> 00:40:29,059 collateral damage 1362 00:40:29,079 --> 00:40:31,150 in the grand scheme of things. 1363 00:40:31,170 --> 00:40:33,159 Besides, 1364 00:40:31,170 --> 00:40:33,159 this all can't be on me. 1365 00:40:33,179 --> 00:40:37,000 Y'all thought the Unity Pod 1366 00:40:33,179 --> 00:40:37,000 sounded like a sweet deal, 1367 00:40:37,019 --> 00:40:40,090 as long as you thought you were 1368 00:40:37,019 --> 00:40:40,090 getting a piece of the pie. 1369 00:40:40,110 --> 00:40:44,039 But if anyone was offended 1370 00:40:40,110 --> 00:40:44,039 by my actions, 1371 00:40:44,059 --> 00:40:46,179 I am truly, truly... 1372 00:40:48,019 --> 00:40:49,099 [ Laughs ] 1373 00:40:50,099 --> 00:40:53,000 ♪♪ 1374 00:40:53,019 --> 00:40:57,050 Well, time for me to get 1375 00:40:53,019 --> 00:40:57,050 the heck out of here. 1376 00:40:57,070 --> 00:40:58,230 Wuh-oh! 1377 00:40:59,010 --> 00:41:01,090 There's no way to stop 1378 00:40:59,010 --> 00:41:01,090 the activation process. 1379 00:41:01,110 --> 00:41:04,019 The station's power 1380 00:41:01,110 --> 00:41:04,019 will be sucked dry! 1381 00:41:04,039 --> 00:41:07,079 No! 1382 00:41:04,039 --> 00:41:07,079 We were so close! 1383 00:41:07,099 --> 00:41:09,119 Why don't we just pull 1384 00:41:07,099 --> 00:41:09,119 the plug? 1385 00:41:09,139 --> 00:41:13,090 If we remove the plug 1386 00:41:09,139 --> 00:41:13,090 before it's powered up, 1387 00:41:13,110 --> 00:41:15,030 it won't turn on. 1388 00:41:15,050 --> 00:41:16,130 The robot is right. 1389 00:41:16,150 --> 00:41:18,139 The only way we can stop 1390 00:41:16,150 --> 00:41:18,139 the U-Pod from draining 1391 00:41:18,159 --> 00:41:21,090 all the juice from the Drift 1392 00:41:18,159 --> 00:41:21,090 is to eject it. 1393 00:41:21,110 --> 00:41:23,130 Yes! 1394 00:41:21,110 --> 00:41:23,130 Brute force! 1395 00:41:23,150 --> 00:41:27,010 Everyone, we're going to need 1396 00:41:23,150 --> 00:41:27,010 a lot of muscle. 1397 00:41:27,030 --> 00:41:28,179 I got muscle. 1398 00:41:28,199 --> 00:41:30,199 Lard muscle. 1399 00:41:30,219 --> 00:41:34,159 Go on! 1400 00:41:30,219 --> 00:41:34,159 Put yer bumps into it! 1401 00:41:34,179 --> 00:41:37,090 Swing those shields, 1402 00:41:34,179 --> 00:41:37,090 Shells! 1403 00:41:39,110 --> 00:41:41,170 Use your handsome bodies! 1404 00:41:41,190 --> 00:41:43,190 Go, go, go! 1405 00:41:43,210 --> 00:41:45,110 Ice that pod! 1406 00:41:45,130 --> 00:41:48,090 Aliens: Go, go, go, go, go, 1407 00:41:45,130 --> 00:41:48,090 go, go, go, go! 1408 00:41:48,110 --> 00:41:54,019 ♪♪ 1409 00:41:54,039 --> 00:41:56,170 Well, 1410 00:41:54,039 --> 00:41:56,170 here comes the rascal. 1411 00:42:00,150 --> 00:42:03,010 Ahhhhh! 1412 00:42:00,150 --> 00:42:03,010 We did it! 1413 00:42:03,030 --> 00:42:05,119 Oh! 1414 00:42:03,030 --> 00:42:05,119 -No, we did it! 1415 00:42:05,139 --> 00:42:08,050 [ Cheers and applause ] 1416 00:42:08,070 --> 00:42:09,159 Hold up, everyone! 1417 00:42:09,179 --> 00:42:11,099 I don't want to be a downer, 1418 00:42:09,179 --> 00:42:11,099 but we just launched 1419 00:42:11,119 --> 00:42:15,090 all of our 1420 00:42:11,119 --> 00:42:15,090 best resources into space. 1421 00:42:15,110 --> 00:42:17,159 Is it too late to get 1422 00:42:15,110 --> 00:42:17,159 on the U-Pod? 1423 00:42:22,139 --> 00:42:24,010 Y5: It's true. 1424 00:42:24,030 --> 00:42:27,110 Most of the station is dead now, 1425 00:42:24,030 --> 00:42:27,110 and all communications are down. 1426 00:42:27,130 --> 00:42:28,170 We're going to have to manage 1427 00:42:28,190 --> 00:42:30,170 the remaining resources 1428 00:42:28,190 --> 00:42:30,170 to survive. 1429 00:42:30,190 --> 00:42:32,210 We need to learn 1430 00:42:30,190 --> 00:42:32,210 how to help each other. 1431 00:42:32,230 --> 00:42:36,050 I know it's hard, 1432 00:42:32,230 --> 00:42:36,050 but we have to try, 1433 00:42:36,070 --> 00:42:38,079 or we won't make it. 1434 00:42:38,099 --> 00:42:40,099 [ Clears throat ] 1435 00:42:38,099 --> 00:42:40,099 I'll give it a shot. 1436 00:42:40,119 --> 00:42:43,130 Yeah. We can teach y'all how 1437 00:42:40,119 --> 00:42:43,130 to steal and, uh... 1438 00:42:43,150 --> 00:42:46,099 Forage for spare parts 1439 00:42:43,150 --> 00:42:46,099 in the defunct pods. 1440 00:42:46,119 --> 00:42:48,119 We'll rebuild 1441 00:42:46,119 --> 00:42:48,119 Hugo's old lab. 1442 00:42:48,139 --> 00:42:53,039 Maybe we can find some 1443 00:42:48,139 --> 00:42:53,039 non-apocalyptic energy. 1444 00:42:53,059 --> 00:42:55,079 KS-2: Y5? 1445 00:42:55,099 --> 00:42:56,150 Can you forgive us? 1446 00:42:56,170 --> 00:42:58,139 We were so focused on getting 1447 00:42:56,170 --> 00:42:58,139 our family 1448 00:42:58,159 --> 00:43:01,139 to a better place 1449 00:42:58,159 --> 00:43:01,139 that we lost our way. 1450 00:43:01,159 --> 00:43:04,019 You're an amazing person, 1451 00:43:01,159 --> 00:43:04,019 Y5. 1452 00:43:04,039 --> 00:43:07,010 [ Indistinct conversations ] 1453 00:43:08,099 --> 00:43:12,210 Yep, it's time for 1454 00:43:08,099 --> 00:43:12,210 this sheriff to move on. 1455 00:43:12,230 --> 00:43:14,230 Ricky, let's ride! 1456 00:43:15,010 --> 00:43:16,219 Yee-haw! 1457 00:43:17,000 --> 00:43:25,000 ♪♪ 1458 00:43:28,210 --> 00:43:30,019 [ Shuffling ] 1459 00:43:30,039 --> 00:43:33,019 Huh? 1460 00:43:33,039 --> 00:43:34,090 Oh, it's you. 1461 00:43:34,110 --> 00:43:36,090 Still disappointed in me? 1462 00:43:38,150 --> 00:43:39,199 Ha! 1463 00:43:39,219 --> 00:43:42,159 And I grabbed as many snacks 1464 00:43:39,219 --> 00:43:42,159 as I wanted. 1465 00:43:42,179 --> 00:43:44,090 The end. 1466 00:43:44,110 --> 00:43:47,150 I should tell that story to Y5 1467 00:43:44,110 --> 00:43:47,150 next time I see her. 1468 00:43:47,170 --> 00:43:49,210 I bet she will be mayor 1469 00:43:47,170 --> 00:43:49,210 by then. 1470 00:43:49,230 --> 00:43:51,099 [ Giggles ] 1471 00:43:51,119 --> 00:43:54,070 Huh? We are here! 1472 00:43:54,090 --> 00:43:56,010 I will strap in. 1473 00:43:56,030 --> 00:44:03,010 ♪♪ 1474 00:44:06,090 --> 00:44:07,210 Ricky, you beast! 1475 00:44:07,230 --> 00:44:10,050 Now go! 1476 00:44:07,230 --> 00:44:10,050 Be free! 1477 00:44:10,070 --> 00:44:11,230 My name is Twinkletoes. 1478 00:44:12,010 --> 00:44:13,190 Oh, okay. 1479 00:44:15,030 --> 00:44:21,050 ♪♪ 1480 00:44:21,070 --> 00:44:22,079 [ Laughs ] 1481 00:44:22,099 --> 00:44:24,039 Who's that? 1482 00:44:26,190 --> 00:44:36,019 ♪♪ 1483 00:44:36,039 --> 00:44:45,099 ♪♪ 1484 00:44:45,119 --> 00:44:54,190 ♪♪ 1485 00:44:54,210 --> 00:44:56,090 Good babies.