1 00:00:29,613 --> 00:00:32,407 -This is MissZammer. 2 00:00:29,613 --> 00:00:32,407 -This is SummerGypsy. 3 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:34,785 -My name is EzekielChaos. 4 00:00:32,449 --> 00:00:34,785 -SparklyPancakes. 5 00:00:34,827 --> 00:00:35,995 TaylorSwift. 6 00:00:36,036 --> 00:00:38,747 -I play Top. 7 00:00:36,036 --> 00:00:38,747 -And I play Jungle these days. 8 00:00:38,789 --> 00:00:40,958 -I like to support as Teemo. 9 00:00:38,789 --> 00:00:40,958 -I fight for Demacia. 10 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:42,710 Oh, yeah, we're playing LoL . 11 00:00:42,751 --> 00:00:45,044 I was like, "What's LoL ?" 12 00:00:42,751 --> 00:00:45,044 He's like, "Laugh Out Loud?" 13 00:00:45,086 --> 00:00:47,756 I was like, "No, fool! 14 00:00:45,086 --> 00:00:47,756 That's League of Legends !" 15 00:00:47,798 --> 00:00:52,553 Holy crud, did this suck us in 16 00:00:47,798 --> 00:00:52,553 and get us connected. 17 00:00:52,594 --> 00:00:55,973 -We're raging at each other. 18 00:00:52,594 --> 00:00:55,973 [laughs] 19 00:00:52,594 --> 00:00:55,973 -We're raging. We're laughing. 20 00:00:56,015 --> 00:00:58,976 [man 1] League is something 21 00:00:56,015 --> 00:00:58,976 that is not as much of a game, 22 00:00:59,018 --> 00:01:01,645 but more of a place 23 00:00:59,018 --> 00:01:01,645 where we can be ourselves 24 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:06,441 and enjoy what we do 25 00:01:01,687 --> 00:01:06,441 and who we do it with. 26 00:01:06,483 --> 00:01:07,568 [man 1] You guys ready? 27 00:01:07,609 --> 00:01:08,944 -[man 2] Yeah. 28 00:01:07,609 --> 00:01:08,944 -[woman 1] Yup. 29 00:01:08,986 --> 00:01:10,320 -[man 3] Queue it. 30 00:01:08,986 --> 00:01:10,320 -[man 1] Let's do it. 31 00:01:10,362 --> 00:01:13,240 -[man 1] Here we go . 32 00:01:10,362 --> 00:01:13,240 -[chimes] 33 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:15,200 -[man 1] All right we're queuing 34 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:15,200 up. 35 00:01:13,281 --> 00:01:15,200 -[keys clacking] 36 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:17,578 GLHF, everybody. 37 00:01:19,621 --> 00:01:21,874 [crowd cheering] 38 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,295 [upbeat music playing] 39 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,049 -[keys clacking] 40 00:01:27,588 --> 00:01:30,049 -[indistinct dialogue] 41 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:31,800 -I wasn't ready. 42 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:31,800 -I can do it. 43 00:01:31,842 --> 00:01:33,886 We got to gank real quick. 44 00:01:34,636 --> 00:01:36,346 [man] There's always been 45 00:01:34,636 --> 00:01:36,346 that parent to child stigma 46 00:01:36,388 --> 00:01:39,391 of whatever you don't understand 47 00:01:36,388 --> 00:01:39,391 is obviously not valuable. 48 00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:44,145 A lot of parents or society saw 49 00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:44,145 people as being antisocial. 50 00:01:44,187 --> 00:01:47,024 "Hey, this kid is holed up 51 00:01:44,187 --> 00:01:47,024 in his room playing games 52 00:01:47,066 --> 00:01:49,610 and it's totally 53 00:01:47,066 --> 00:01:49,610 ruining society." 54 00:01:49,651 --> 00:01:51,946 -[crowd cheering] 55 00:01:49,651 --> 00:01:51,946 -[upbeat music playing] 56 00:01:58,786 --> 00:02:02,205 [woman] I don't think gaming 57 00:01:58,786 --> 00:02:02,205 is as niche and isolated 58 00:02:02,247 --> 00:02:03,832 as a lot of people think it is. 59 00:02:03,874 --> 00:02:06,293 There are these really 60 00:02:03,874 --> 00:02:06,293 strong human stories. 61 00:02:06,334 --> 00:02:08,754 He started playing 62 00:02:06,334 --> 00:02:08,754 and I found out he liked me. 63 00:02:08,796 --> 00:02:10,547 We've only known each other 64 00:02:08,796 --> 00:02:10,547 about a year. 65 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:12,132 Give or take. 66 00:02:12,173 --> 00:02:14,927 Give or take and we're just like 67 00:02:12,173 --> 00:02:14,927 brothers, so... [clicks tongue] 68 00:02:14,969 --> 00:02:17,178 [upbeat music playing] 69 00:02:18,013 --> 00:02:20,766 [crowd cheering] 70 00:02:21,850 --> 00:02:23,685 The game is all done 71 00:02:21,850 --> 00:02:23,685 through the word of mouth. 72 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:26,521 85 percent of the people who 73 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:26,521 come is through a friend. 74 00:02:26,563 --> 00:02:28,690 [crowd cheering] 75 00:02:28,732 --> 00:02:32,820 League of Legends has over 100 76 00:02:28,732 --> 00:02:32,820 million players actively playing 77 00:02:28,732 --> 00:02:32,820 every month. 78 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:36,156 That's over one percent of 79 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:36,156 people on Earth. 80 00:02:36,197 --> 00:02:39,660 The nerds are coming together. 81 00:02:36,197 --> 00:02:39,660 We will dominate this world. 82 00:02:40,035 --> 00:02:44,790 [man] Competition and player 83 00:02:40,035 --> 00:02:44,790 versus player engagement 84 00:02:44,832 --> 00:02:47,250 is as old as video games 85 00:02:44,832 --> 00:02:47,250 have been around. 86 00:02:48,376 --> 00:02:51,212 -We don't get that competitive. 87 00:02:48,376 --> 00:02:51,212 -Not a single one of us is 88 00:02:48,376 --> 00:02:51,212 competitive. 89 00:02:51,254 --> 00:02:52,965 We swear. 90 00:02:53,632 --> 00:02:55,258 [man] It's a giant guerilla 91 00:02:53,632 --> 00:02:55,258 warfare scenario 92 00:02:55,300 --> 00:02:58,345 and only the smartest, strongest 93 00:02:55,300 --> 00:02:58,345 and best players come out alive. 94 00:02:58,386 --> 00:03:00,597 -[caster 2] Oh, my God, he wins 95 00:02:58,386 --> 00:03:00,597 the game! 96 00:02:58,386 --> 00:03:00,597 -[caster 1] He got it! 97 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:03,058 [female reporter] 98 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:03,058 The finals drew in 36 million. 99 00:03:03,100 --> 00:03:05,602 That's more than the 100 00:03:03,100 --> 00:03:05,602 Stanley Cup Finals, 101 00:03:05,644 --> 00:03:10,398 the World Series 102 00:03:05,644 --> 00:03:10,398 and the NBA finals combined. 103 00:03:17,948 --> 00:03:20,325 [theme music playing] 104 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:27,248 [gamer 1] 105 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:27,248 I've been playing games my whole 106 00:03:25,039 --> 00:03:27,248 life. 107 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:31,336 I started playing PC games 108 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:31,336 when I was about seven years old 109 00:03:31,378 --> 00:03:34,089 and I thought it was 110 00:03:31,378 --> 00:03:34,089 like a magic puzzle. 111 00:03:34,131 --> 00:03:36,424 It just felt like 112 00:03:34,131 --> 00:03:36,424 a whole new world opening up 113 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,011 because I had a huge passion 114 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,011 for games like Dungeons & 115 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:39,011 Dragons 116 00:03:39,053 --> 00:03:41,429 and role-playing 117 00:03:39,053 --> 00:03:41,429 games in general. 118 00:03:41,471 --> 00:03:45,059 [gamer 2] The most powerful game 119 00:03:41,471 --> 00:03:45,059 experience that I ever had, 120 00:03:45,100 --> 00:03:47,061 even to this day, 121 00:03:48,562 --> 00:03:51,439 was in a text based multi-user 122 00:03:48,562 --> 00:03:51,439 game called Dragon Realms . 123 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,234 You could sort of boot up 124 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,234 the computer, log in, 125 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:57,362 and be surrounded by hundreds 126 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:57,362 of thousands of people 127 00:03:57,404 --> 00:04:00,032 from all around the world 128 00:03:57,404 --> 00:04:00,032 simultaneously logged in, 129 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:06,663 living out adventures in a world 130 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:06,663 with seemingly limitless 131 00:04:00,074 --> 00:04:06,663 possibilities. 132 00:04:06,705 --> 00:04:08,498 [gamer 1] 133 00:04:06,705 --> 00:04:08,498 My parents were pretty anti 134 00:04:06,705 --> 00:04:08,498 -game. 135 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:10,834 They were big on 136 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:10,834 academics and sports. 137 00:04:10,876 --> 00:04:13,503 So we had pretty strict rules 138 00:04:10,876 --> 00:04:13,503 in the house. 139 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:15,255 [gamer 2] 140 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:15,255 For me, it was a bit of an 141 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:15,255 escape. 142 00:04:15,296 --> 00:04:20,010 and when I was really into 143 00:04:15,296 --> 00:04:20,010 games, 144 00:04:15,296 --> 00:04:20,010 I wasn't the best student 145 00:04:20,052 --> 00:04:23,138 it became a huge source of 146 00:04:20,052 --> 00:04:23,138 conflict and clashing. 147 00:04:23,889 --> 00:04:26,141 [CNBC anchor] 148 00:04:23,889 --> 00:04:26,141 Let's take a look at League of 149 00:04:23,889 --> 00:04:26,141 Legends , 150 00:04:26,183 --> 00:04:28,268 it is one of the most popular 151 00:04:26,183 --> 00:04:28,268 video games out there. 152 00:04:28,309 --> 00:04:30,812 It is raking in 153 00:04:28,309 --> 00:04:30,812 billions in revenue. 154 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:32,773 Riot Games is the 155 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:32,773 company behind it 156 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:36,359 and today the company is front 157 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:36,359 and center on the cover of Inc. 158 00:04:32,814 --> 00:04:36,359 magazine. 159 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:39,196 Joining us now 160 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:39,196 for a CNBC Power Lunch exclusive 161 00:04:39,238 --> 00:04:43,075 are Riot Games co-founders 162 00:04:39,238 --> 00:04:43,075 Brandon Beck and Marc Merrill. 163 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:45,953 Brandon and Marc, welcome. 164 00:04:43,117 --> 00:04:45,953 Good to have you both here. 165 00:04:45,994 --> 00:04:48,329 I think one of the great 166 00:04:45,994 --> 00:04:48,329 delicious ironies here 167 00:04:48,371 --> 00:04:50,249 and either one of you 168 00:04:48,371 --> 00:04:50,249 can pick up on this 169 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:53,001 is that neither of your parents 170 00:04:50,290 --> 00:04:53,001 were all that thrilled 171 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:57,714 at the amount of time you spent 172 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:57,714 gaming as young guys. 173 00:04:57,756 --> 00:05:00,717 What are you-- What do they say 174 00:04:57,756 --> 00:05:00,717 now? How do you like me now? 175 00:05:00,759 --> 00:05:02,219 Yeah, exactly. You know, uh, 176 00:05:02,261 --> 00:05:04,512 actually my first Nintendo 177 00:05:02,261 --> 00:05:04,512 was something that I won 178 00:05:04,554 --> 00:05:06,890 at my first grade school raffle 179 00:05:06,932 --> 00:05:08,308 because my parents 180 00:05:06,932 --> 00:05:08,308 were so anti-video games 181 00:05:08,349 --> 00:05:10,018 and so, you know, 182 00:05:08,349 --> 00:05:10,018 we'd sort of think about it. 183 00:05:10,060 --> 00:05:12,312 It was fate, couldn't 184 00:05:10,060 --> 00:05:12,312 keep us away. 185 00:05:13,147 --> 00:05:16,483 [Beck] 186 00:05:13,147 --> 00:05:16,483 Marc and I met at a summer 187 00:05:13,147 --> 00:05:16,483 program 188 00:05:16,524 --> 00:05:18,359 right before college. 189 00:05:16,524 --> 00:05:18,359 I was younger than him. 190 00:05:18,401 --> 00:05:20,612 So I was one of the young kids 191 00:05:18,401 --> 00:05:20,612 in the program. 192 00:05:20,654 --> 00:05:22,405 I was like, 16. 193 00:05:22,447 --> 00:05:25,575 I think he was 17 or 18, 194 00:05:22,447 --> 00:05:25,575 he was about to go to USC. 195 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:28,453 And I'm like, "Oh, you're from L 196 00:05:25,617 --> 00:05:28,453 .A. Oh, cool, well, me too." 197 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:31,414 And "Oh, you like video games," 198 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:31,414 and we instantly sort of hit it 199 00:05:28,495 --> 00:05:31,414 off. 200 00:05:31,706 --> 00:05:35,043 [Beck] Marc had this dichotomy 201 00:05:31,706 --> 00:05:35,043 of like, an Eagle Scout 202 00:05:35,085 --> 00:05:37,212 who was captain of 203 00:05:35,085 --> 00:05:37,212 the football team 204 00:05:37,254 --> 00:05:41,633 and crushing it in school 205 00:05:37,254 --> 00:05:41,633 and like, tabletop D&D nerd. 206 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:44,678 [Merrill] Brandon was a business 207 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:44,678 major and the consummate 208 00:05:41,675 --> 00:05:44,678 business guy, 209 00:05:44,719 --> 00:05:51,018 even from a really young age, he 210 00:05:44,719 --> 00:05:51,018 was just really thoughtful about 211 00:05:44,719 --> 00:05:51,018 opportunities. 212 00:05:51,601 --> 00:05:54,521 [Beck] Marc and I were playing 213 00:05:51,601 --> 00:05:54,521 tons and tons of games. 214 00:05:54,562 --> 00:05:57,149 [Merrill] We're playing the heck 215 00:05:54,562 --> 00:05:57,149 out of Counter-Strike and 216 00:05:54,562 --> 00:05:57,149 Starcraft 217 00:05:57,191 --> 00:05:59,609 and World of Warcraft at the 218 00:05:57,191 --> 00:05:59,609 time were sort of our main 219 00:05:57,191 --> 00:05:59,609 games. 220 00:05:59,651 --> 00:06:02,988 But, ultimately, our favorite 221 00:05:59,651 --> 00:06:02,988 game at the time was DOTA . 222 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:08,535 [man] 223 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:08,535 DOTA was a custom mod for 224 00:06:04,531 --> 00:06:08,535 Warcraft 3 . 225 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:11,246 When Blizzard shipped Warcraft 3 226 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:11,246 they shipped it with a map 227 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:11,246 editor 228 00:06:11,288 --> 00:06:13,165 and people would 229 00:06:11,288 --> 00:06:13,165 use the map editor 230 00:06:13,207 --> 00:06:16,001 to make different scenarios 231 00:06:13,207 --> 00:06:16,001 that you could play on. 232 00:06:16,043 --> 00:06:20,839 [Merrill] It really pioneered a 233 00:06:16,043 --> 00:06:20,839 new sub-genre of real time 234 00:06:16,043 --> 00:06:20,839 strategy games 235 00:06:20,881 --> 00:06:24,843 by focusing on one particular 236 00:06:20,881 --> 00:06:24,843 unit that was really powerful 237 00:06:20,881 --> 00:06:24,843 and interesting 238 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:26,678 and then working with a team 239 00:06:24,885 --> 00:06:26,678 of other people. 240 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:28,889 [voice in game] 241 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:28,889 It's come to this! 242 00:06:28,930 --> 00:06:31,432 Five players was 243 00:06:28,930 --> 00:06:31,432 really a lot of coordination. 244 00:06:31,474 --> 00:06:33,894 That was really 245 00:06:31,474 --> 00:06:33,894 fun and exciting. 246 00:06:33,935 --> 00:06:35,729 [Mescon] But it 247 00:06:33,935 --> 00:06:35,729 loaded really slow. 248 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:38,690 And there was a strong lack 249 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:38,690 of matchmaking, 250 00:06:38,732 --> 00:06:40,234 so you could be playing 251 00:06:40,275 --> 00:06:42,527 with someone who was 252 00:06:40,275 --> 00:06:42,527 ten times better than you were. 253 00:06:42,569 --> 00:06:44,445 [voice in game] First blood! 254 00:06:45,864 --> 00:06:48,033 You had to kind of beat your 255 00:06:45,864 --> 00:06:48,033 head against the wall at every 256 00:06:45,864 --> 00:06:48,033 step 257 00:06:48,075 --> 00:06:51,245 from hearing about the game 258 00:06:48,075 --> 00:06:51,245 to getting the installation done 259 00:06:51,286 --> 00:06:55,082 to downloading the map to 260 00:06:51,286 --> 00:06:55,082 getting into the game for the 261 00:06:51,286 --> 00:06:55,082 first time. 262 00:06:55,414 --> 00:06:59,002 [Merrill] Even though it left a 263 00:06:55,414 --> 00:06:59,002 lot to be desired from a service 264 00:06:55,414 --> 00:06:59,002 standpoint, 265 00:06:59,044 --> 00:07:01,755 DOTA demonstrated 266 00:06:59,044 --> 00:07:01,755 that games as a service 267 00:07:01,796 --> 00:07:04,549 was something that could work. 268 00:07:04,591 --> 00:07:06,593 [keys clacking] 269 00:07:06,634 --> 00:07:08,303 [Beck] 270 00:07:06,634 --> 00:07:08,303 We felt like a lot of game 271 00:07:06,634 --> 00:07:08,303 companies 272 00:07:08,345 --> 00:07:11,681 weren't really focused 273 00:07:08,345 --> 00:07:11,681 on gamers like us. 274 00:07:11,723 --> 00:07:16,019 We don't want to buy a box, 275 00:07:11,723 --> 00:07:16,019 play a game and be done 30 hours 276 00:07:11,723 --> 00:07:16,019 later. 277 00:07:16,061 --> 00:07:21,400 If the online multiplayer arena 278 00:07:16,061 --> 00:07:21,400 of the game was compelling 279 00:07:16,061 --> 00:07:21,400 enough, 280 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:24,819 we want to spend hundreds of 281 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:24,819 hours in it, thousands of hours 282 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:24,819 in it. 283 00:07:24,861 --> 00:07:28,489 We wanted to compete as part 284 00:07:24,861 --> 00:07:28,489 of a community over and over 285 00:07:24,861 --> 00:07:28,489 again. 286 00:07:28,531 --> 00:07:29,741 [Merrill] We then 287 00:07:28,531 --> 00:07:29,741 started to ask, 288 00:07:29,783 --> 00:07:32,077 "What does the future 289 00:07:29,783 --> 00:07:32,077 game company look like?" 290 00:07:32,411 --> 00:07:34,621 And how can we 291 00:07:32,411 --> 00:07:34,621 potentially build that? 292 00:07:34,662 --> 00:07:36,831 We spent nine months 293 00:07:34,662 --> 00:07:36,831 putting together a plan, 294 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:39,751 trying to talk ourselves 295 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:39,751 out of it, really. 296 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:42,503 [Beck] We wanted to build a 297 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:42,503 company that unapologetically 298 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:42,503 embraced 299 00:07:42,545 --> 00:07:44,756 the hardcore gamers 300 00:07:42,545 --> 00:07:44,756 that might be considered niche 301 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:47,134 or a small slice 302 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:47,134 of the audience. 303 00:07:47,175 --> 00:07:51,138 We had a feeling that this isn't 304 00:07:47,175 --> 00:07:51,138 a particularly small niche 305 00:07:51,179 --> 00:07:54,599 and there is a lot of us 306 00:07:51,179 --> 00:07:54,599 and there is a lot of pain 307 00:07:51,179 --> 00:07:54,599 points 308 00:07:54,641 --> 00:07:56,851 that we could solve as a company 309 00:07:56,893 --> 00:07:59,980 that really cared about that 310 00:07:56,893 --> 00:07:59,980 type of player experience. 311 00:08:03,566 --> 00:08:05,902 [Beck] 312 00:08:03,566 --> 00:08:05,902 So Marc and I pulled the trigger 313 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:12,492 and we started Riot Games in 314 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:12,492 2006 in West Los Angeles. 315 00:08:13,160 --> 00:08:14,786 [Mescon] It's like 316 00:08:13,160 --> 00:08:14,786 the gaming company version 317 00:08:14,828 --> 00:08:16,288 of like, The Mighty Ducks. 318 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:19,374 We were in this tiny office 319 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:19,374 with this stained floor 320 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:22,377 and we had one conference room 321 00:08:19,416 --> 00:08:22,377 and the ceiling leaked. 322 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:24,796 [man] 323 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:24,796 I guess from the investor 324 00:08:22,419 --> 00:08:24,796 perspective 325 00:08:25,964 --> 00:08:28,049 it would have been described 326 00:08:25,964 --> 00:08:28,049 as "capital efficient," which, 327 00:08:25,964 --> 00:08:28,049 you know, 328 00:08:28,091 --> 00:08:31,011 I think that in the common 329 00:08:28,091 --> 00:08:31,011 vernacular that means "shitty." 330 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:37,309 We essentially had some really 331 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:37,309 passionate, really smart, really 332 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:37,309 inexperienced interns 333 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:41,104 and a couple of industry vets, 334 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:41,104 who hadn't had a lot of career 335 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:41,104 success. 336 00:08:41,146 --> 00:08:44,024 [Beck] We had to learn 337 00:08:41,146 --> 00:08:44,024 everything we didn't know 338 00:08:44,065 --> 00:08:46,443 and do it with a very young team 339 00:08:47,610 --> 00:08:50,113 and we were really nervous 340 00:08:47,610 --> 00:08:50,113 because it was months before we 341 00:08:47,610 --> 00:08:50,113 had a big demo 342 00:08:50,155 --> 00:08:52,157 and key milestone 343 00:08:50,155 --> 00:08:52,157 for the company. 344 00:08:52,199 --> 00:08:55,785 Marc and Brandon 345 00:08:52,199 --> 00:08:55,785 demoed the game to me 346 00:08:55,827 --> 00:08:59,206 on the street in San Francisco. 347 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:04,752 He put the laptop on a newsstand 348 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:04,752 and we proceed to play 349 00:09:04,794 --> 00:09:09,424 this really crude tech demo, 350 00:09:04,794 --> 00:09:09,424 like the game play. 351 00:09:09,466 --> 00:09:14,304 And I saw the game and I just 352 00:09:09,466 --> 00:09:14,304 thought, "Oh, God, what have I 353 00:09:09,466 --> 00:09:14,304 gotten myself into." 354 00:09:14,346 --> 00:09:16,181 That map is awful. 355 00:09:17,224 --> 00:09:19,642 It was like the-- It was so 356 00:09:17,224 --> 00:09:19,642 terrible, so cheesy looking. 357 00:09:19,684 --> 00:09:22,062 [Snow] It was clunky. 358 00:09:19,684 --> 00:09:22,062 The interface was really bad. 359 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:23,897 The art was really bad. 360 00:09:24,481 --> 00:09:26,691 But they'd managed to do more 361 00:09:24,481 --> 00:09:26,691 in three months 362 00:09:26,733 --> 00:09:30,404 than some of these other 363 00:09:26,733 --> 00:09:30,404 companies that were paying 364 00:09:26,733 --> 00:09:30,404 stupid sums of money. 365 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:33,365 And I was just like, "Wow! 366 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:33,365 This is actually pretty 367 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:33,365 compelling." 368 00:09:36,159 --> 00:09:39,162 It was so ambitious. 369 00:09:36,159 --> 00:09:39,162 The amount of software 370 00:09:39,204 --> 00:09:42,457 that they wanted 371 00:09:39,204 --> 00:09:42,457 to write was crazy. 372 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:46,794 We built matchmaking. 373 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:46,794 We built your inventory, champ 374 00:09:42,499 --> 00:09:46,794 select. 375 00:09:46,836 --> 00:09:48,755 We were building everything 376 00:09:46,836 --> 00:09:48,755 outside of the game. 377 00:09:48,796 --> 00:09:51,758 [man] 378 00:09:48,796 --> 00:09:51,758 The engine was an absolute mess. 379 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:54,719 It barely ran. 380 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:54,719 You know, you can't expect that 381 00:09:51,799 --> 00:09:54,719 much 382 00:09:54,761 --> 00:09:56,721 of a company that's 383 00:09:54,761 --> 00:09:56,721 never shipped a game, 384 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:58,806 with a President and CEO 385 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:58,806 that have never shipped a game. 386 00:09:58,848 --> 00:10:01,851 There was a lot of pressure. 387 00:09:58,848 --> 00:10:01,851 We have one shot at this. 388 00:10:02,936 --> 00:10:05,480 that's fun, 389 00:10:02,936 --> 00:10:05,480 The real problem to solve 390 00:10:02,936 --> 00:10:05,480 is you have to make a game 391 00:10:05,522 --> 00:10:08,316 that all these people that love 392 00:10:05,522 --> 00:10:08,316 DOTA and love Warcraft 393 00:10:08,358 --> 00:10:13,113 and love strategy and love 394 00:10:08,358 --> 00:10:13,113 hardcore games, are going to 395 00:10:08,358 --> 00:10:13,113 want to play. 396 00:10:17,033 --> 00:10:19,202 [Jew] 397 00:10:17,033 --> 00:10:19,202 The game was about characters. 398 00:10:20,412 --> 00:10:25,250 and built mood boards of awesome 399 00:10:20,412 --> 00:10:25,250 art 400 00:10:20,412 --> 00:10:25,250 We basically scoured pop culture 401 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:27,586 and things that captured 402 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:27,586 powerful archetypes 403 00:10:27,627 --> 00:10:32,466 from history and from folk tales 404 00:10:27,627 --> 00:10:32,466 and from fables. 405 00:10:34,217 --> 00:10:36,719 We took the ones that we thought 406 00:10:34,217 --> 00:10:36,719 were the most compelling 407 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:39,389 and kind of added 408 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:39,389 our kind of pop fantasy spin to 409 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:39,389 them 410 00:10:39,431 --> 00:10:41,266 to bring them to life 411 00:10:39,431 --> 00:10:41,266 and to show a face to them 412 00:10:41,308 --> 00:10:43,393 players have never seen before. 413 00:10:44,352 --> 00:10:48,815 They'll be tattooed and badass 414 00:10:44,352 --> 00:10:48,815 and they're kind of renegades. 415 00:10:48,856 --> 00:10:53,194 And so, we needed to make 40 416 00:10:48,856 --> 00:10:53,194 champions in a year and a half. 417 00:10:53,653 --> 00:10:55,989 And make sure that we covered 418 00:10:53,653 --> 00:10:55,989 a wide cast 419 00:10:56,030 --> 00:10:58,699 so that any player 420 00:10:56,030 --> 00:10:58,699 that came in could say like, 421 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:00,285 "That one's awesome, 422 00:10:58,741 --> 00:11:00,285 I wanna play that one," 423 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:01,911 then have a good time. 424 00:11:00,327 --> 00:11:01,911 That was the goal. 425 00:11:01,953 --> 00:11:05,081 [clicks] 426 00:11:05,706 --> 00:11:08,627 [game voice-over] 427 00:11:05,706 --> 00:11:08,627 Welcome to Summoner's Rift. 428 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:15,592 League of Legends is a five 429 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:15,592 -on-five game that's played 430 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:15,592 across 20 to 45 minutes. 431 00:11:15,634 --> 00:11:18,428 In it, you cooperate with your 432 00:11:15,634 --> 00:11:18,428 team of four other players 433 00:11:18,470 --> 00:11:21,389 to try to storm the base 434 00:11:18,470 --> 00:11:21,389 of your opponent's 435 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:25,435 and destroy it before they storm 436 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:25,435 your base and destroy you. 437 00:11:25,477 --> 00:11:29,606 One of the closest sports 438 00:11:25,477 --> 00:11:29,606 analogies for League of Legends 439 00:11:25,477 --> 00:11:29,606 is basketball. 440 00:11:29,648 --> 00:11:32,609 There's a map in League of 441 00:11:29,648 --> 00:11:32,609 Legends called Summoner's Rift, 442 00:11:32,651 --> 00:11:36,571 and that map is the same every 443 00:11:32,651 --> 00:11:36,571 single time much like a 444 00:11:32,651 --> 00:11:36,571 basketball court. 445 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:38,490 As far as the game 446 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:38,490 play elements go, 447 00:11:38,532 --> 00:11:42,285 you get to pick what type of 448 00:11:38,532 --> 00:11:42,285 thing you want to be going in. 449 00:11:42,327 --> 00:11:44,078 In basketball you 450 00:11:42,327 --> 00:11:44,078 have point guards, 451 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:47,123 centers, power forwards, 452 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:47,123 forwards, shooting guards. 453 00:11:47,165 --> 00:11:51,836 At this point, League of Legends 454 00:11:47,165 --> 00:11:51,836 has 137 different things on the 455 00:11:47,165 --> 00:11:51,836 roster. 456 00:11:51,878 --> 00:11:55,756 So the amount of different 457 00:11:51,878 --> 00:11:55,756 things you can play as is really 458 00:11:51,878 --> 00:11:55,756 big. 459 00:11:55,798 --> 00:12:00,887 You're in this fantastic, 460 00:11:55,798 --> 00:12:00,887 magical world, and you need to 461 00:11:55,798 --> 00:12:00,887 divide and conquer. 462 00:12:00,928 --> 00:12:05,433 What draws players in 463 00:12:00,928 --> 00:12:05,433 and drives that process of 464 00:12:00,928 --> 00:12:05,433 mastery 465 00:12:05,475 --> 00:12:08,269 is the fact that 466 00:12:05,475 --> 00:12:08,269 you are so connected 467 00:12:08,311 --> 00:12:12,899 to that character 468 00:12:08,311 --> 00:12:12,899 that a tiny, tiny mistake 469 00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:17,278 can result in a massive defeat 470 00:12:12,940 --> 00:12:17,278 or a huge victory. 471 00:12:17,612 --> 00:12:22,200 Once you kill the other team's 472 00:12:17,612 --> 00:12:22,200 base, which is called the Nexus, 473 00:12:17,612 --> 00:12:22,200 you win. 474 00:12:22,242 --> 00:12:25,620 -[explosion] 475 00:12:22,242 --> 00:12:25,620 -[game voice-over] Victory! 476 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:29,499 I remember the first time 477 00:12:26,996 --> 00:12:29,499 we wanted to show 478 00:12:29,541 --> 00:12:32,252 anyone outside the company 479 00:12:29,541 --> 00:12:32,252 League of Legends 480 00:12:32,293 --> 00:12:36,339 and we weren't sure 481 00:12:32,293 --> 00:12:36,339 if it sucked or not. 482 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:40,385 [birds chirping] 483 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:42,053 [Mescon] 484 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:42,053 When you're building a 485 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:42,053 community, 486 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:44,972 you really have to start 487 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:44,972 with the individuals. 488 00:12:45,640 --> 00:12:47,267 And so, I think day one was, 489 00:12:45,640 --> 00:12:47,267 let's start establishing 490 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:50,604 personal relationships 491 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:50,604 with the 200 people 492 00:12:50,645 --> 00:12:53,772 that are going to be the first 493 00:12:50,645 --> 00:12:53,772 people who get into this thing. 494 00:12:53,814 --> 00:12:57,360 one on one. 495 00:12:53,814 --> 00:12:57,360 Riot Games is here at PAX really 496 00:12:53,814 --> 00:12:57,360 to interact with the community 497 00:12:57,402 --> 00:12:59,904 You know we have a huge focus 498 00:12:57,402 --> 00:12:59,904 on the community as a company 499 00:12:59,946 --> 00:13:02,574 and so we love talking to the 500 00:12:59,946 --> 00:13:02,574 users, having them, 501 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,783 you know, sit down and play the 502 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,783 game, getting their feedback 503 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,783 live 504 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:08,538 promote the game and expose a 505 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:08,538 lot of people 506 00:13:04,825 --> 00:13:08,538 and really trying to also 507 00:13:08,580 --> 00:13:11,082 who have never heard 508 00:13:08,580 --> 00:13:11,082 of the kind of MOBA genre 509 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:13,126 or "Multiplayer Online Battle 510 00:13:11,124 --> 00:13:13,126 Arena" genre, 511 00:13:13,167 --> 00:13:16,129 which League of Legends 512 00:13:13,167 --> 00:13:16,129 has really helped to pioneer. 513 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:20,425 It handles a lot like DOTA , 514 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:20,425 coming from years of DOTA 515 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:20,425 experience. 516 00:13:20,467 --> 00:13:22,176 This looks like it's actually 517 00:13:22,218 --> 00:13:24,011 not going to be just a mini 518 00:13:22,218 --> 00:13:24,011 -game, you know. 519 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:27,014 It's an actual, like, 520 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:27,014 solid game, you know. 521 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:29,183 [man] I was not expecting 522 00:13:27,056 --> 00:13:29,183 to enjoy it this much. 523 00:13:29,225 --> 00:13:32,019 I'm generally not very good 524 00:13:29,225 --> 00:13:32,019 at multi-player games 525 00:13:32,061 --> 00:13:36,650 and there's something like a 526 00:13:32,061 --> 00:13:36,650 three-hour wait to get in a game 527 00:13:32,061 --> 00:13:36,650 right now. 528 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:41,529 [commentator] Sivir, an ally of 529 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:41,529 Tarakey on the blue team, just 530 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:41,529 got killed 531 00:13:41,571 --> 00:13:44,031 and now Morgana 532 00:13:41,571 --> 00:13:44,031 is up there all by herself. 533 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:46,200 She could get sniped herself 534 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:46,200 if she's not careful. 535 00:13:46,242 --> 00:13:49,329 The Frost Phoenix is up there, 536 00:13:46,242 --> 00:13:49,329 it could slow her down and kill 537 00:13:46,242 --> 00:13:49,329 her. 538 00:13:49,370 --> 00:13:51,623 Yeah, I got my beta key already. 539 00:13:49,370 --> 00:13:51,623 Downloaded it last night. 540 00:13:51,665 --> 00:13:53,458 I played it last night, too. 541 00:13:51,665 --> 00:13:53,458 [chuckles] 542 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,669 Can't get enough, yeah, man. 543 00:13:56,835 --> 00:13:58,546 [clicks] 544 00:13:59,798 --> 00:14:02,841 [Beck] We had gone three years 545 00:13:59,798 --> 00:14:02,841 without making any revenue, 546 00:14:02,883 --> 00:14:06,596 just spending other 547 00:14:02,883 --> 00:14:06,596 people's money. 548 00:14:06,638 --> 00:14:11,142 Then, we had the audacity 549 00:14:06,638 --> 00:14:11,142 to not sell our game 550 00:14:11,184 --> 00:14:13,728 and to make it 551 00:14:11,184 --> 00:14:13,728 available for free. 552 00:14:14,937 --> 00:14:18,316 [Merrill] Free games had a huge 553 00:14:14,937 --> 00:14:18,316 stigma in the late 2000s, 554 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:21,653 because the only games 555 00:14:18,358 --> 00:14:21,653 that were available 556 00:14:21,695 --> 00:14:24,572 that were free were really old 557 00:14:21,695 --> 00:14:24,572 games from Asia. 558 00:14:24,614 --> 00:14:26,825 [shrieks] 559 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:30,370 [man] MapleStory was the first 560 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:30,370 free-to-play game in North 561 00:14:26,866 --> 00:14:30,370 America. 562 00:14:30,411 --> 00:14:32,831 When I first brought 563 00:14:30,411 --> 00:14:32,831 MapleStory out here, 564 00:14:32,872 --> 00:14:35,583 a lot of the business 565 00:14:32,872 --> 00:14:35,583 was going towards console. 566 00:14:35,625 --> 00:14:38,670 So, I kind of went on a path 567 00:14:35,625 --> 00:14:38,670 to being an evangelist 568 00:14:38,712 --> 00:14:40,421 for online gaming 569 00:14:38,712 --> 00:14:40,421 and for free-to-play. 570 00:14:40,463 --> 00:14:43,466 Because, not only was 571 00:14:40,463 --> 00:14:43,466 online gaming very strange, 572 00:14:43,508 --> 00:14:45,677 free-to-play was extremely 573 00:14:43,508 --> 00:14:45,677 strange and the PC, 574 00:14:45,719 --> 00:14:48,179 supposedly as a 575 00:14:45,719 --> 00:14:48,179 platform, was dying. 576 00:14:48,221 --> 00:14:49,764 Traditionally, people buy stuff. 577 00:14:49,806 --> 00:14:51,974 But the one thing that free 578 00:14:49,806 --> 00:14:51,974 -to-play really addresses 579 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:53,601 is that it's free-to-play. 580 00:14:53,643 --> 00:14:55,936 So a lot of kids would start 581 00:14:53,643 --> 00:14:55,936 playing these games 582 00:14:55,978 --> 00:14:58,606 because there wasn't a hurdle 583 00:14:55,978 --> 00:14:58,606 for them to play. 584 00:14:58,648 --> 00:15:01,275 But, free-to-play 585 00:14:58,648 --> 00:15:01,275 kind of has this reputation 586 00:15:01,317 --> 00:15:03,152 of being a little bit scammy 587 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:05,613 and tricking you to do these 588 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:05,613 things or there's going to be 589 00:15:03,194 --> 00:15:05,613 another player 590 00:15:05,655 --> 00:15:09,950 that buys power who's going to 591 00:15:05,655 --> 00:15:09,950 basically overpower you with 592 00:15:05,655 --> 00:15:09,950 their wallet. 593 00:15:09,992 --> 00:15:12,412 Then, out of nowhere 594 00:15:09,992 --> 00:15:12,412 came Riot Games 595 00:15:12,453 --> 00:15:15,665 and they used free-to-play 596 00:15:12,453 --> 00:15:15,665 kind of in the right way. 597 00:15:15,915 --> 00:15:17,417 [Snow] I'll never forget this. 598 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,336 We're in this meeting 599 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,336 and we're talking about Annie, 600 00:15:20,378 --> 00:15:22,255 how she's all built with fire, 601 00:15:23,339 --> 00:15:25,925 and we're talking about Blue 602 00:15:23,339 --> 00:15:25,925 Annie, and she would use frost. 603 00:15:25,966 --> 00:15:29,387 Maybe Frost Annie 604 00:15:25,966 --> 00:15:29,387 would have like a slower attack 605 00:15:25,966 --> 00:15:29,387 rate 606 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:32,515 but a little bit more damage 607 00:15:29,429 --> 00:15:32,515 rate, and we'd sell that. 608 00:15:32,557 --> 00:15:37,186 You see Steve Feak kind of 609 00:15:32,557 --> 00:15:37,186 sitting there a little down 610 00:15:32,557 --> 00:15:37,186 about it, 611 00:15:37,228 --> 00:15:39,564 "Steve, you haven't said 612 00:15:37,228 --> 00:15:39,564 anything. 613 00:15:37,228 --> 00:15:39,564 and Brandon says, 614 00:15:39,606 --> 00:15:41,775 What do you think?" 615 00:15:39,606 --> 00:15:41,775 Steve looks up and he's like, 616 00:15:41,816 --> 00:15:46,905 "I don't like it, 617 00:15:41,816 --> 00:15:46,905 but I'm having a hard time 618 00:15:41,816 --> 00:15:46,905 saying why." 619 00:15:46,946 --> 00:15:49,532 And Brandon says, 620 00:15:46,946 --> 00:15:49,532 "Does it-- Does it feel bad?" 621 00:15:49,574 --> 00:15:53,536 And Steve's like, 622 00:15:49,574 --> 00:15:53,536 "Yeah, it just feels bad." 623 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:57,164 power. 624 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:57,164 [man] So, we decided 625 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:57,164 early on that we wouldn't sell 626 00:15:57,206 --> 00:16:00,919 We didn't want the person 627 00:15:57,206 --> 00:16:00,919 with the most money to win the 628 00:15:57,206 --> 00:16:00,919 game. 629 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:03,045 People said, "Oh, 630 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:03,045 man, we're giving up 631 00:16:03,087 --> 00:16:06,090 assuredly making 632 00:16:03,087 --> 00:16:06,090 $100 million on this game 633 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:09,844 where we don't know how much 634 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:09,844 we'll make." 635 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:09,844 in order to try this experiment 636 00:16:10,678 --> 00:16:15,015 There are ways that people do 637 00:16:10,678 --> 00:16:15,015 spend money, they engage deeper 638 00:16:10,678 --> 00:16:15,015 with our content. 639 00:16:15,558 --> 00:16:18,185 We offer a series of champions 640 00:16:15,558 --> 00:16:18,185 on a free rotation, 641 00:16:18,227 --> 00:16:19,979 so several of them will be free. 642 00:16:20,020 --> 00:16:23,190 Those champions rotate 643 00:16:20,020 --> 00:16:23,190 every couple of weeks. 644 00:16:23,232 --> 00:16:26,736 Some players use the free 645 00:16:23,232 --> 00:16:26,736 champions as part of their 646 00:16:23,232 --> 00:16:26,736 repertoire in a game. 647 00:16:26,778 --> 00:16:29,823 For others, they'll buy the ones 648 00:16:26,778 --> 00:16:29,823 that they like the most. 649 00:16:29,864 --> 00:16:34,034 And they will spend our in-game 650 00:16:29,864 --> 00:16:34,034 digital currency called Riot 651 00:16:29,864 --> 00:16:34,034 Points. 652 00:16:34,076 --> 00:16:37,580 One of the other big items 653 00:16:34,076 --> 00:16:37,580 that we sell in the game are 654 00:16:34,076 --> 00:16:37,580 skins. 655 00:16:37,622 --> 00:16:40,333 Skins are a uniform. 656 00:16:40,374 --> 00:16:41,668 [man] 657 00:16:40,374 --> 00:16:41,668 Because the game is free, 658 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:43,628 because people get so much value 659 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:43,628 out of it, 660 00:16:43,670 --> 00:16:47,256 our players are like, 661 00:16:43,670 --> 00:16:47,256 "Yeah, I'll pay for that skin. 662 00:16:47,298 --> 00:16:51,511 It's kind of a silly idea, but 663 00:16:47,298 --> 00:16:51,511 I'm more than happy to pay for 664 00:16:47,298 --> 00:16:51,511 an outfit. 665 00:16:51,552 --> 00:16:53,387 I'll spend my five, 666 00:16:51,552 --> 00:16:53,387 ten dollars, whatever, 667 00:16:53,429 --> 00:16:56,599 because I had a thousand hours 668 00:16:53,429 --> 00:16:56,599 of fun in this game." 669 00:16:56,933 --> 00:17:00,561 [Enock] About a week before we 670 00:16:56,933 --> 00:17:00,561 got to the launch date, 671 00:17:00,603 --> 00:17:03,648 people came into the game 672 00:17:00,603 --> 00:17:03,648 and tried out the store 673 00:17:03,690 --> 00:17:06,359 and the store 674 00:17:03,690 --> 00:17:06,359 immediately fell over. 675 00:17:08,110 --> 00:17:10,530 Literally we get 500 people in, 676 00:17:10,571 --> 00:17:13,658 as we're scaling up to a couple 677 00:17:10,571 --> 00:17:13,658 thousand in a scale test, store 678 00:17:10,571 --> 00:17:13,658 falls over. 679 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:16,619 and watching the public chat 680 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:16,619 channel 681 00:17:13,700 --> 00:17:16,619 We're sitting there 682 00:17:16,661 --> 00:17:20,915 and one guy had gotten through 683 00:17:16,661 --> 00:17:20,915 the store and had bought Cho 684 00:17:16,661 --> 00:17:20,915 -Gath. 685 00:17:20,957 --> 00:17:22,500 [character laughs] 686 00:17:22,542 --> 00:17:25,419 And he was like, "No worries, 687 00:17:22,542 --> 00:17:25,419 guys, I got my man Cho. 688 00:17:25,461 --> 00:17:27,213 It's all good." [chuckles] 689 00:17:27,254 --> 00:17:29,841 It was like one guy out of like 690 00:17:27,254 --> 00:17:29,841 5,000 or something, 691 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:33,177 and I was like, "Oh, this is 692 00:17:29,883 --> 00:17:33,177 bad. This is really bad." 693 00:17:33,219 --> 00:17:35,596 There was no store in the game. 694 00:17:33,219 --> 00:17:35,596 There was no way to make money. 695 00:17:35,638 --> 00:17:38,641 We would be paying 696 00:17:35,638 --> 00:17:38,641 all the infrastructure costs 697 00:17:38,683 --> 00:17:40,601 and having all the 698 00:17:38,683 --> 00:17:40,601 players in the game, 699 00:17:40,643 --> 00:17:43,062 but without a way for them 700 00:17:40,643 --> 00:17:43,062 to unlock any content. 701 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:47,191 And so that was when we decided, 702 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:47,191 let's think through this as 703 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:47,191 players. 704 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:51,529 If we were a player, 705 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:51,529 what would we want to happen to 706 00:17:47,233 --> 00:17:51,529 us? 707 00:17:51,571 --> 00:17:56,158 And so as gamers we decided, 708 00:17:51,571 --> 00:17:56,158 let's make everything free. 709 00:17:56,492 --> 00:17:58,995 [Snow] We called it a launch 710 00:17:56,492 --> 00:17:58,995 party like, "Hey, we've 711 00:17:56,492 --> 00:17:58,995 launched!" 712 00:17:59,037 --> 00:18:01,372 When in the background 713 00:17:59,037 --> 00:18:01,372 you had like half the company 714 00:18:01,414 --> 00:18:02,832 trying to build a store. 715 00:18:02,874 --> 00:18:05,334 And after locking ourselves 716 00:18:02,874 --> 00:18:05,334 in a room for, you know, 717 00:18:05,376 --> 00:18:10,840 110 hours a week for about six 718 00:18:05,376 --> 00:18:10,840 weeks, uh, we ended up shipping 719 00:18:05,376 --> 00:18:10,840 the store. 720 00:18:10,882 --> 00:18:13,217 [Snow] We brought the system 721 00:18:10,882 --> 00:18:13,217 down November 18th 722 00:18:13,259 --> 00:18:15,762 and we brought it 723 00:18:13,259 --> 00:18:15,762 back up November 19th. 724 00:18:15,803 --> 00:18:18,097 This right here is Riot Games 725 00:18:15,803 --> 00:18:18,097 history. 726 00:18:18,138 --> 00:18:23,352 screen and it's blank for like 727 00:18:18,138 --> 00:18:23,352 two minutes. 728 00:18:18,138 --> 00:18:23,352 But we're like, staring at the 729 00:18:23,394 --> 00:18:27,189 And then lo and behold 730 00:18:23,394 --> 00:18:27,189 this little blip shows up for 731 00:18:23,394 --> 00:18:27,189 five bucks. 732 00:18:27,231 --> 00:18:29,191 [all cheering] 733 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:32,570 And so we're like, 734 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:32,570 "It works, it works. It totally 735 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:32,570 works!" 736 00:18:33,905 --> 00:18:36,657 And that was the launch 737 00:18:33,905 --> 00:18:36,657 of League of Legends . 738 00:18:44,999 --> 00:18:47,627 -[chanting] 739 00:18:44,999 --> 00:18:47,627 -[woman groans] 740 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:53,424 [Beck] 741 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:53,424 League was not an instant 742 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:53,424 success. 743 00:18:54,467 --> 00:18:55,802 It wasn't like we 744 00:18:54,467 --> 00:18:55,802 launched the game 745 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:58,345 and then suddenly our numbers 746 00:18:55,843 --> 00:18:58,345 went through the roof. 747 00:18:58,679 --> 00:19:01,432 It was marginally 748 00:18:58,679 --> 00:19:01,432 bigger than the day before, 749 00:19:01,474 --> 00:19:05,185 and the next day was just 750 00:19:01,474 --> 00:19:05,185 marginally bigger than the prior 751 00:19:01,474 --> 00:19:05,185 day. 752 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:07,605 To tell you the truth, 753 00:19:05,436 --> 00:19:07,605 when I first saw this game, 754 00:19:07,647 --> 00:19:10,483 I thought it was lame. 755 00:19:07,647 --> 00:19:10,483 I thought it was boring. 756 00:19:10,524 --> 00:19:14,528 I looked at the game 757 00:19:10,524 --> 00:19:14,528 and it didn't really appeal to 758 00:19:10,524 --> 00:19:14,528 me. 759 00:19:14,570 --> 00:19:16,739 After the three hour download 760 00:19:14,570 --> 00:19:16,739 and patching, 761 00:19:16,781 --> 00:19:18,658 we got onto League and he was 762 00:19:16,781 --> 00:19:18,658 like, "Dude, just play it," 763 00:19:18,699 --> 00:19:20,576 and I begrudgingly agreed. 764 00:19:20,952 --> 00:19:23,913 There's kind of this saying 765 00:19:20,952 --> 00:19:23,913 in game dev that 766 00:19:23,955 --> 00:19:26,457 the game developers 767 00:19:23,955 --> 00:19:26,457 are the best at the games 768 00:19:26,499 --> 00:19:30,003 until about a week 769 00:19:26,499 --> 00:19:30,003 after it gets released to the 770 00:19:26,499 --> 00:19:30,003 players. 771 00:19:30,044 --> 00:19:34,757 Once you reach just so many 772 00:19:30,044 --> 00:19:34,757 people, they quickly are the 773 00:19:30,044 --> 00:19:34,757 ones that discover 774 00:19:34,799 --> 00:19:37,384 all the things 775 00:19:34,799 --> 00:19:37,384 that you never knew were there. 776 00:19:38,011 --> 00:19:39,804 [Jatt] 777 00:19:38,011 --> 00:19:39,804 When I first started playing the 778 00:19:38,011 --> 00:19:39,804 game, 779 00:19:39,846 --> 00:19:42,056 a lot of people thought the 780 00:19:39,846 --> 00:19:42,056 company was a dumpster fire. 781 00:19:42,098 --> 00:19:45,434 You log on Tuesday afternoon, 782 00:19:42,098 --> 00:19:45,434 can't play, servers are down. 783 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:48,146 The store is down again. 784 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:48,146 I crashed out again. 785 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:49,689 Oh, the client's full of bugs. 786 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:51,440 [man] 787 00:19:49,730 --> 00:19:51,440 It was certainly stressful. 788 00:19:51,482 --> 00:19:53,985 People were running around 789 00:19:51,482 --> 00:19:53,985 with their hair on fire a lot of 790 00:19:51,482 --> 00:19:53,985 the time 791 00:19:54,027 --> 00:19:57,404 as we were attempting to sort 792 00:19:54,027 --> 00:19:57,404 of, keep the wheels on the car. 793 00:19:57,446 --> 00:20:01,408 Any time anything went wrong was 794 00:19:57,446 --> 00:20:01,408 like, "Oh, my God, fix this shit 795 00:19:57,446 --> 00:20:01,408 right now! 796 00:20:01,450 --> 00:20:03,161 We can't lose this momentum!" 797 00:20:03,202 --> 00:20:06,205 It was a problem 798 00:20:03,202 --> 00:20:06,205 where the servers were 799 00:20:03,202 --> 00:20:06,205 overloaded, 800 00:20:06,246 --> 00:20:07,874 but no one would log off. 801 00:20:07,915 --> 00:20:11,377 There was this real sense 802 00:20:07,915 --> 00:20:11,377 of blink and you'll miss it. 803 00:20:11,418 --> 00:20:16,007 So it was sort of the players 804 00:20:11,418 --> 00:20:16,007 fighting the game as much as 805 00:20:11,418 --> 00:20:16,007 each other. 806 00:20:17,591 --> 00:20:20,011 [Marshall] Things slowly started 807 00:20:17,591 --> 00:20:20,011 to stabilize in North America. 808 00:20:20,053 --> 00:20:21,637 They were way worse in Europe. 809 00:20:21,679 --> 00:20:23,848 European fans were furious. 810 00:20:25,808 --> 00:20:28,019 [Merrill] 811 00:20:25,808 --> 00:20:28,019 In Europe, we weren't really 812 00:20:25,808 --> 00:20:28,019 growing. 813 00:20:28,061 --> 00:20:31,064 The reason is because we were 814 00:20:28,061 --> 00:20:31,064 publishing League of Legends 815 00:20:28,061 --> 00:20:31,064 through a partner 816 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:34,942 that had misaligned interests 817 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:34,942 and weren't trying to operate 818 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:34,942 the game 819 00:20:34,984 --> 00:20:36,694 in the same way that really care 820 00:20:34,984 --> 00:20:36,694 about the players. 821 00:20:36,736 --> 00:20:39,155 And that culminated 822 00:20:36,736 --> 00:20:39,155 in one particular weekend 823 00:20:39,197 --> 00:20:41,908 where on a Friday 824 00:20:39,197 --> 00:20:41,908 the service went down 825 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:46,162 at like 11:45, 11:50 826 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:46,162 local time in France 827 00:20:46,204 --> 00:20:50,457 and we actually can't get anyone 828 00:20:46,204 --> 00:20:50,457 that will restart the servers 829 00:20:50,499 --> 00:20:52,085 until Monday morning. 830 00:20:52,126 --> 00:20:53,961 It looks fine on the screen, 831 00:20:52,126 --> 00:20:53,961 guys, but trust me, it's not. 832 00:20:54,003 --> 00:20:56,380 I'm clicking like a maniac 833 00:20:54,003 --> 00:20:56,380 and it's not working for me. 834 00:20:56,422 --> 00:20:59,675 Attack. Attack that one! 835 00:20:59,717 --> 00:21:02,261 Oh, my goodness, gracious me. 836 00:21:02,302 --> 00:21:04,513 I get on the forums 837 00:21:02,302 --> 00:21:04,513 with the European players 838 00:21:04,555 --> 00:21:06,599 and just start to see 839 00:21:04,555 --> 00:21:06,599 people complaining. 840 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:08,851 People are just 841 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:08,851 scrambling and upset, 842 00:21:08,893 --> 00:21:11,979 and from the player perspective, 843 00:21:08,893 --> 00:21:11,979 Riot doesn't care. 844 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:16,442 The players don't care about the 845 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:16,442 nuances between partners and 846 00:21:12,021 --> 00:21:16,442 other stuff. 847 00:21:16,483 --> 00:21:18,444 Someone's got to be there. 848 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:21,739 Like, "Hey guys, I know this is 849 00:21:19,112 --> 00:21:21,739 bad, but I'm here." 850 00:21:21,781 --> 00:21:24,324 And every 15, 20 minutes like, 851 00:21:21,781 --> 00:21:24,324 "Here's an update. 852 00:21:24,366 --> 00:21:26,160 Here's an update. 853 00:21:24,366 --> 00:21:26,160 Here's an update." 854 00:21:26,452 --> 00:21:29,122 And when that doesn't happen, 855 00:21:26,452 --> 00:21:29,122 the imagination runs wild. 856 00:21:29,163 --> 00:21:33,000 People start to make up stuff 857 00:21:29,163 --> 00:21:33,000 and it just goes south really 858 00:21:29,163 --> 00:21:33,000 fast. 859 00:21:35,836 --> 00:21:37,797 [Snow] When you're looking 860 00:21:35,836 --> 00:21:37,797 at that kind of data, 861 00:21:37,838 --> 00:21:41,425 you realize that the fundamental 862 00:21:37,838 --> 00:21:41,425 belief that players are human 863 00:21:37,838 --> 00:21:41,425 beings 864 00:21:41,467 --> 00:21:43,219 that deserve to be 865 00:21:41,467 --> 00:21:43,219 treated with respect, 866 00:21:43,261 --> 00:21:45,221 and our partner 867 00:21:43,261 --> 00:21:45,221 doesn't share it, 868 00:21:45,263 --> 00:21:48,515 that-- That's just-- It's not-- 869 00:21:45,263 --> 00:21:48,515 It wasn't going to work. 870 00:21:48,557 --> 00:21:51,144 We were very fortunate in being 871 00:21:48,557 --> 00:21:51,144 able to unwind that deal 872 00:21:51,185 --> 00:21:52,979 and then launch Riot Europe. 873 00:21:53,020 --> 00:21:54,981 [keys clacking] 874 00:21:55,898 --> 00:21:58,776 We had exactly 53 days between 875 00:21:55,898 --> 00:21:58,776 the moment we hand-shaked 876 00:21:58,818 --> 00:22:03,114 and the moment they were going 877 00:21:58,818 --> 00:22:03,114 to stop servicing the game to 878 00:21:58,818 --> 00:22:03,114 find a data center, 879 00:22:03,156 --> 00:22:06,284 set up an entity, hire people, 880 00:22:03,156 --> 00:22:06,284 catch up localization, 881 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:09,411 build up a website, 882 00:22:06,325 --> 00:22:09,411 setting up the whole thing. 883 00:22:09,453 --> 00:22:14,333 And 53 days later, over a 884 00:22:09,453 --> 00:22:14,333 weekend, we transferred the 885 00:22:09,453 --> 00:22:14,333 service. 886 00:22:14,374 --> 00:22:16,794 While we were doing the 887 00:22:14,374 --> 00:22:16,794 transfer, the volcano went off. 888 00:22:16,836 --> 00:22:18,754 [rumbling] 889 00:22:18,796 --> 00:22:23,676 Tonight, travelers are stranded 890 00:22:18,796 --> 00:22:23,676 in all on six continents. 891 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:29,849 Volcanic ash has caused the 892 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:29,849 worst disruption in air travel 893 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:29,849 since 9/11. 894 00:22:29,890 --> 00:22:34,312 Europe, 895 00:22:29,890 --> 00:22:34,312 [Snow] So the volcano blows in 896 00:22:29,890 --> 00:22:34,312 Iceland, sending soot all across 897 00:22:34,352 --> 00:22:36,230 canceling all the flights, 898 00:22:36,272 --> 00:22:39,859 literally two days before I'm 899 00:22:36,272 --> 00:22:39,859 supposed to transfer the 900 00:22:36,272 --> 00:22:39,859 service. 901 00:22:39,900 --> 00:22:44,780 So I had to plan all these 902 00:22:39,900 --> 00:22:44,780 alternate flight routes to get 903 00:22:39,900 --> 00:22:44,780 hardware in. 904 00:22:44,822 --> 00:22:49,702 Africa and then up around the 905 00:22:44,822 --> 00:22:49,702 Middle East 906 00:22:44,822 --> 00:22:49,702 We were flying stuff through 907 00:22:49,743 --> 00:22:53,580 to come in to Germany from the 908 00:22:49,743 --> 00:22:53,580 ea-- Like, it was insane. 909 00:22:54,123 --> 00:22:57,335 [beeps, whirring] 910 00:22:58,418 --> 00:23:00,129 So, when we took 911 00:22:58,418 --> 00:23:00,129 over the service, 912 00:23:00,171 --> 00:23:05,218 North America was 913 00:23:00,171 --> 00:23:05,218 about 18% bigger than Europe 914 00:23:05,259 --> 00:23:07,261 and within three months 915 00:23:07,303 --> 00:23:10,097 Europe was nine percent 916 00:23:07,303 --> 00:23:10,097 bigger than North America, 917 00:23:10,139 --> 00:23:12,225 and it was growing faster. 918 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:18,356 After we launched in Europe, we 919 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:18,356 realized we can do a pretty good 920 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:18,356 job by ourselves. 921 00:23:18,396 --> 00:23:23,069 This is actually what our 922 00:23:18,396 --> 00:23:23,069 players want. They want a direct 923 00:23:18,396 --> 00:23:23,069 relationship with Riot. 924 00:23:23,777 --> 00:23:27,948 The biggest thing that we did 925 00:23:23,777 --> 00:23:27,948 very early was establishing the 926 00:23:23,777 --> 00:23:27,948 forums 927 00:23:27,990 --> 00:23:31,160 as being a really important 928 00:23:27,990 --> 00:23:31,160 conversation and communication 929 00:23:31,202 --> 00:23:33,287 that we would have with players 930 00:23:33,329 --> 00:23:34,705 and that players 931 00:23:33,329 --> 00:23:34,705 would have with each other, 932 00:23:34,747 --> 00:23:38,125 actively asking questions, 933 00:23:34,747 --> 00:23:38,125 generating content. 934 00:23:39,835 --> 00:23:44,882 [Merrill] Season One was the 935 00:23:39,835 --> 00:23:44,882 introduction of ranked ladders, 936 00:23:39,835 --> 00:23:44,882 competitive play. 937 00:23:44,924 --> 00:23:47,385 was all about playing normal 938 00:23:44,924 --> 00:23:47,385 games. 939 00:23:44,924 --> 00:23:47,385 Prior to that time the game 940 00:23:47,425 --> 00:23:48,761 There was no stat tracking. 941 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:50,971 When ranked entered the scene, 942 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:50,971 all of a sudden, 943 00:23:51,013 --> 00:23:54,350 that's where players who really 944 00:23:51,013 --> 00:23:54,350 wanted to test their competitive 945 00:23:51,013 --> 00:23:54,350 mettle 946 00:23:54,392 --> 00:23:56,685 had an opportunity in the game 947 00:23:54,392 --> 00:23:56,685 to go play against each other. 948 00:23:56,727 --> 00:23:59,105 Let it ride, baby! 949 00:23:56,727 --> 00:23:59,105 Let it ride. Boom! 950 00:23:59,146 --> 00:24:02,816 Season One was our first 951 00:23:59,146 --> 00:24:02,816 experiment in Esports. 952 00:24:04,318 --> 00:24:07,529 They were just sort of like one 953 00:24:04,318 --> 00:24:07,529 -off tournaments with a random 954 00:24:04,318 --> 00:24:07,529 set of teams 955 00:24:07,571 --> 00:24:11,158 that were willing and able to 956 00:24:07,571 --> 00:24:11,158 show up and often the whole 957 00:24:07,571 --> 00:24:11,158 tournament 958 00:24:11,200 --> 00:24:13,451 would be played over the course 959 00:24:11,200 --> 00:24:13,451 of a day or two. 960 00:24:13,493 --> 00:24:16,122 And that meant a lot 961 00:24:13,493 --> 00:24:16,122 of back to back to back games, 962 00:24:16,163 --> 00:24:19,583 which was also, in some cases, 963 00:24:16,163 --> 00:24:19,583 tedious to watch. 964 00:24:20,084 --> 00:24:23,503 And so the Season One finals 965 00:24:20,084 --> 00:24:23,503 was going to be our attempt 966 00:24:23,545 --> 00:24:26,506 to wrap that loose season 967 00:24:23,545 --> 00:24:26,506 altogether and crown a winner, 968 00:24:26,548 --> 00:24:28,466 and we wanted to 969 00:24:26,548 --> 00:24:28,466 do it at DreamHack, 970 00:24:28,508 --> 00:24:31,511 because DreamHack was the 971 00:24:28,508 --> 00:24:31,511 biggest LAN party in the world. 972 00:24:31,553 --> 00:24:34,681 [techno music playing] 973 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:39,477 [Banks] 974 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:39,477 DreamHack is this really cool 975 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:39,477 event 976 00:24:39,519 --> 00:24:42,940 where they take 977 00:24:39,519 --> 00:24:42,940 these old aircraft hangers. 978 00:24:42,982 --> 00:24:47,194 There's like 20,000 or 30,000 979 00:24:42,982 --> 00:24:47,194 kids all playing games. 980 00:24:47,236 --> 00:24:49,155 The tables are built 981 00:24:47,236 --> 00:24:49,155 out of like pallets 982 00:24:49,196 --> 00:24:51,324 and they bring their own 983 00:24:49,196 --> 00:24:51,324 equipment and chairs. 984 00:24:51,365 --> 00:24:53,575 It's one of the coolest gaming 985 00:24:51,365 --> 00:24:53,575 events in the world. 986 00:24:55,077 --> 00:24:56,870 [man] Ladies and gentlemen, 987 00:24:55,077 --> 00:24:56,870 welcome back to the Elmia 988 00:24:55,077 --> 00:24:56,870 convention center, 989 00:24:56,912 --> 00:24:58,456 Jönköping, Sweden. 990 00:24:58,496 --> 00:25:00,874 We are here for the DreamHack 991 00:24:58,496 --> 00:25:00,874 Summer 2011 championship game. 992 00:25:00,916 --> 00:25:02,835 The final's about 993 00:25:00,916 --> 00:25:02,835 to go underway, 994 00:25:02,876 --> 00:25:05,754 $100,000 tournament held 995 00:25:02,876 --> 00:25:05,754 by League of Legends and Riot 996 00:25:02,876 --> 00:25:05,754 Games. 997 00:25:05,796 --> 00:25:08,548 [Beck] 998 00:25:05,796 --> 00:25:08,548 Four hundred thousand people 999 00:25:05,796 --> 00:25:08,548 tuned in 1000 00:25:08,590 --> 00:25:10,968 to watch the finals of Season 1001 00:25:08,590 --> 00:25:10,968 One at DreamHack, 1002 00:25:11,010 --> 00:25:12,886 which blew our minds. 1003 00:25:12,928 --> 00:25:14,930 [Riv] 1004 00:25:12,928 --> 00:25:14,930 There it is. First blood. 1005 00:25:15,973 --> 00:25:18,309 And it looks like it is going to 1006 00:25:15,973 --> 00:25:18,309 be Jarvan falling down Shueshei. 1007 00:25:18,351 --> 00:25:20,353 [woman] 1008 00:25:18,351 --> 00:25:20,353 It was so interesting to see 1009 00:25:20,394 --> 00:25:24,398 this untapped, like, 1010 00:25:20,394 --> 00:25:24,398 just world of potential 1011 00:25:24,440 --> 00:25:27,651 where the fans were passionate 1012 00:25:24,440 --> 00:25:27,651 and they were fans of the game, 1013 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:30,946 but like, now they're also fans 1014 00:25:27,693 --> 00:25:30,946 of people playing the game. 1015 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:32,781 [Phreak] One turret's down, 1016 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:32,781 they're gonna back off. 1017 00:25:32,823 --> 00:25:34,574 Linak taking 1018 00:25:32,823 --> 00:25:34,574 a lot of damage from Ashe. 1019 00:25:34,616 --> 00:25:37,036 one turret dead, second turret 1020 00:25:34,616 --> 00:25:37,036 dead. 1021 00:25:34,616 --> 00:25:37,036 Three hundred damage, that is 1022 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:38,996 -[Riv] Oh, my! 1023 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:38,996 -[Phreak] Fnatic going to win 1024 00:25:39,038 --> 00:25:40,873 the Season One championship! 1025 00:25:40,914 --> 00:25:43,917 Congratulations to Fnatic 1026 00:25:40,914 --> 00:25:43,917 for winning Season One. 1027 00:25:43,959 --> 00:25:46,544 -GG. 1028 00:25:43,959 --> 00:25:46,544 -[Riv] GG indeed. 1029 00:25:46,586 --> 00:25:48,297 [all cheering] 1030 00:25:48,339 --> 00:25:50,883 [Merrill] When Fnatic won, 1031 00:25:48,339 --> 00:25:50,883 people were super happy 1032 00:25:50,924 --> 00:25:55,137 to see these players that have a 1033 00:25:50,924 --> 00:25:55,137 career being birthed. 1034 00:25:55,762 --> 00:25:57,806 When did you know 1035 00:25:55,762 --> 00:25:57,806 that you had won? 1036 00:25:57,848 --> 00:26:01,060 -A moment ago when their Nexus 1037 00:25:57,848 --> 00:26:01,060 exploded! -[woman laughs] 1038 00:26:01,101 --> 00:26:04,480 [commentator] What are you guys 1039 00:26:01,101 --> 00:26:04,480 going do with your hard-earned 1040 00:26:01,101 --> 00:26:04,480 cash? 1041 00:26:04,522 --> 00:26:07,191 party for all my friends at 1042 00:26:04,522 --> 00:26:07,191 home. 1043 00:26:04,522 --> 00:26:07,191 I want to like, throw a big 1044 00:26:07,233 --> 00:26:08,775 [crowd cheering] 1045 00:26:08,817 --> 00:26:11,695 [Beck] It was a clear indicator 1046 00:26:08,817 --> 00:26:11,695 that the level of interest 1047 00:26:11,737 --> 00:26:14,614 within our community 1048 00:26:11,737 --> 00:26:14,614 around Esports was really high. 1049 00:26:14,656 --> 00:26:19,453 I don't think 1050 00:26:14,656 --> 00:26:19,453 that's ever felt like the norm. 1051 00:26:19,495 --> 00:26:22,873 At the same time, we were keenly 1052 00:26:19,495 --> 00:26:22,873 aware of what was going on in 1053 00:26:19,495 --> 00:26:22,873 Korea. 1054 00:26:22,915 --> 00:26:24,958 [music playing] 1055 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:27,378 [man] By the mid-2000s, 1056 00:26:28,462 --> 00:26:31,715 digital stadiums were built in 1057 00:26:28,462 --> 00:26:31,715 Korea for playing Starcraft . 1058 00:26:31,757 --> 00:26:34,760 Full-sized stadiums, 1059 00:26:31,757 --> 00:26:34,760 full of people screaming. 1060 00:26:34,801 --> 00:26:40,099 Starcraft is a game 1061 00:26:34,801 --> 00:26:40,099 where you are not on the field. 1062 00:26:40,140 --> 00:26:42,560 You're playing like the coach 1063 00:26:40,140 --> 00:26:42,560 of a football game. 1064 00:26:42,600 --> 00:26:44,728 You're directing Xs and Os. 1065 00:26:46,480 --> 00:26:51,818 But one of the things about 1066 00:26:46,480 --> 00:26:51,818 League is that it has an easier 1067 00:26:46,480 --> 00:26:51,818 entry ramp. 1068 00:26:51,860 --> 00:26:57,157 It's easier to pay attention to 1069 00:26:51,860 --> 00:26:57,157 the antics of one unit, and one 1070 00:26:51,860 --> 00:26:57,157 unit, and one unit, 1071 00:26:57,199 --> 00:26:59,868 instead of a battlefield 1072 00:26:57,199 --> 00:26:59,868 with 10,000 units. 1073 00:26:59,910 --> 00:27:03,080 It's hard to follow the action 1074 00:26:59,910 --> 00:27:03,080 if you're not trained. 1075 00:27:03,830 --> 00:27:05,958 When we look at early Esports, 1076 00:27:05,999 --> 00:27:08,335 part of the reason 1077 00:27:05,999 --> 00:27:08,335 that they took off in Korea 1078 00:27:08,377 --> 00:27:11,505 is because Korea 1079 00:27:08,377 --> 00:27:11,505 is a small country 1080 00:27:11,547 --> 00:27:16,802 that is dense and so it was 1081 00:27:11,547 --> 00:27:16,802 wired with high speed Internet. 1082 00:27:16,843 --> 00:27:20,473 Far higher speed Internet 1083 00:27:16,843 --> 00:27:20,473 than we have in the United 1084 00:27:16,843 --> 00:27:20,473 States. 1085 00:27:20,514 --> 00:27:22,600 Because the population is dense, 1086 00:27:22,640 --> 00:27:26,103 the idea that people 1087 00:27:22,640 --> 00:27:26,103 could just go downstairs 1088 00:27:26,145 --> 00:27:29,148 to the local Internet cafes. 1089 00:27:26,145 --> 00:27:29,148 That was a thing. 1090 00:27:30,732 --> 00:27:35,613 PC gamers view Korea 1091 00:27:30,732 --> 00:27:35,613 as sort of the Mecca of PC 1092 00:27:30,732 --> 00:27:35,613 gaming, 1093 00:27:35,653 --> 00:27:39,408 where PC gaming is mainstream 1094 00:27:35,653 --> 00:27:39,408 and where everybody gets it. 1095 00:27:39,450 --> 00:27:42,869 You know you can have an 1096 00:27:39,450 --> 00:27:42,869 airliner that's painted with 1097 00:27:39,450 --> 00:27:42,869 Starcraft 2 logo 1098 00:27:42,911 --> 00:27:45,747 and that's okay, 1099 00:27:42,911 --> 00:27:45,747 and it makes sense. 1100 00:27:46,706 --> 00:27:50,752 That's just a phenomenally cool 1101 00:27:46,706 --> 00:27:50,752 place to be as a gamer. 1102 00:27:51,669 --> 00:27:53,422 [keys clacking] 1103 00:27:53,464 --> 00:27:57,551 The competition in Korea 1104 00:27:53,464 --> 00:27:57,551 is extremely severe. 1105 00:27:57,593 --> 00:28:00,262 I would say the most severe 1106 00:27:57,593 --> 00:28:00,262 in the entire world 1107 00:28:00,304 --> 00:28:02,889 if you look at just 1108 00:28:00,304 --> 00:28:02,889 online games alone. 1109 00:28:05,643 --> 00:28:09,729 There are 200 to 400 new games 1110 00:28:05,643 --> 00:28:09,729 that are published each year 1111 00:28:09,771 --> 00:28:11,524 on top of the 200 to 400 games 1112 00:28:11,565 --> 00:28:15,777 that are already actively 1113 00:28:11,565 --> 00:28:15,777 being operated in the market. 1114 00:28:16,069 --> 00:28:19,823 [Peterscheck] They also play 1115 00:28:16,069 --> 00:28:19,823 pretty much only online PC games 1116 00:28:19,865 --> 00:28:21,825 and they're almost 1117 00:28:19,865 --> 00:28:21,825 all free-to-play. 1118 00:28:21,867 --> 00:28:24,620 So, when we go to Korea, the 1119 00:28:21,867 --> 00:28:24,620 novelty of League of Legends in 1120 00:28:21,867 --> 00:28:24,620 the West, 1121 00:28:24,662 --> 00:28:26,622 which is that it's free 1122 00:28:24,662 --> 00:28:26,622 to play online PC game, 1123 00:28:26,664 --> 00:28:27,998 that's nonexistent in Korea. 1124 00:28:28,040 --> 00:28:30,584 Everybody has that. 1125 00:28:28,040 --> 00:28:30,584 So, what else you got? 1126 00:28:33,212 --> 00:28:36,756 [in Korean] 1127 00:28:33,212 --> 00:28:36,756 Cheers ring out from the League 1128 00:28:33,212 --> 00:28:36,756 of Legends press conference. 1129 00:28:36,798 --> 00:28:39,968 These people are not your 1130 00:28:36,798 --> 00:28:39,968 average individuals. 1131 00:28:40,010 --> 00:28:43,556 I just want to say hi to all the 1132 00:28:40,010 --> 00:28:43,556 League of Legends fans out the 1133 00:28:40,010 --> 00:28:43,556 there in Korea. 1134 00:28:43,597 --> 00:28:46,892 We're getting ready to provide 1135 00:28:43,597 --> 00:28:46,892 a phenomenal quality of service 1136 00:28:46,933 --> 00:28:49,311 and bring the game 1137 00:28:46,933 --> 00:28:49,311 here to Korea. 1138 00:28:49,353 --> 00:28:51,855 [in Korean] 1139 00:28:49,353 --> 00:28:51,855 I thought it was just lip 1140 00:28:49,353 --> 00:28:51,855 service, 1141 00:28:51,897 --> 00:28:54,066 a marketing policy to be 1142 00:28:51,897 --> 00:28:54,066 successful in Korea. 1143 00:28:54,107 --> 00:28:58,028 But it wasn't that. It was 1144 00:28:54,107 --> 00:28:58,028 really sincere. 1145 00:28:58,612 --> 00:29:00,864 The Korean players as well, 1146 00:29:00,906 --> 00:29:04,535 were able to feel a lot of 1147 00:29:00,906 --> 00:29:04,535 sincerity from Riot Games. 1148 00:29:04,577 --> 00:29:06,828 [in Korean] 1149 00:29:04,577 --> 00:29:06,828 League of Legends, AOS 1150 00:29:06,870 --> 00:29:09,623 [Peterscheck] The newest game 1151 00:29:06,870 --> 00:29:09,623 on the top ten list in Korea 1152 00:29:09,665 --> 00:29:13,085 before we launched was 1153 00:29:09,665 --> 00:29:13,085 like three and a half, four 1154 00:29:09,665 --> 00:29:13,085 years old. 1155 00:29:13,126 --> 00:29:15,588 So very few of these games 1156 00:29:13,126 --> 00:29:15,588 ever crack the top ten. 1157 00:29:15,629 --> 00:29:19,049 Most go up and then go into 1158 00:29:15,629 --> 00:29:19,049 obscurity very, very quickly. 1159 00:29:19,091 --> 00:29:24,930 So we finally launched, and on 1160 00:29:19,091 --> 00:29:24,930 day six, we break it into top 1161 00:29:19,091 --> 00:29:24,930 ten, 1162 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:29,893 and we were looking at ourselves 1163 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:29,893 thinking, "Holy cow, did this 1164 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:29,893 really happen?" 1165 00:29:30,477 --> 00:29:33,939 And the next thing we know 1166 00:29:30,477 --> 00:29:33,939 after three months, 1167 00:29:33,980 --> 00:29:36,191 it's the number 1168 00:29:33,980 --> 00:29:36,191 one game in Korea. 1169 00:29:42,573 --> 00:29:46,076 [Oh] To the Korean gamers, 1170 00:29:42,573 --> 00:29:46,076 it was very different. 1171 00:29:46,118 --> 00:29:49,204 It had qualities of competition, 1172 00:29:49,246 --> 00:29:52,040 qualities of strategy, 1173 00:29:49,246 --> 00:29:52,040 qualities of speed 1174 00:29:52,082 --> 00:29:56,128 and so many components 1175 00:29:52,082 --> 00:29:56,128 that a lot of gamers really 1176 00:29:52,082 --> 00:29:56,128 truly enjoy. 1177 00:29:57,296 --> 00:29:59,757 [Peterscheck] 1178 00:29:57,296 --> 00:29:59,757 I think there's cultural 1179 00:29:57,296 --> 00:29:59,757 universals. 1180 00:29:59,798 --> 00:30:02,134 People want social competition. 1181 00:30:02,175 --> 00:30:04,470 As the game grows, 1182 00:30:04,511 --> 00:30:06,472 it creates this 1183 00:30:04,511 --> 00:30:06,472 positive feedback loop 1184 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:08,265 where more and more people 1185 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:08,265 know about it, 1186 00:30:08,307 --> 00:30:10,976 which means more and more people 1187 00:30:08,307 --> 00:30:10,976 want to know how to play it, 1188 00:30:11,017 --> 00:30:13,395 so they can compete. 1189 00:30:13,437 --> 00:30:14,938 [Cadwell] There has to be 1190 00:30:13,437 --> 00:30:14,938 something about the game 1191 00:30:14,980 --> 00:30:16,732 that continues to be rewarding. 1192 00:30:16,774 --> 00:30:19,693 For League of Legends , that's 1193 00:30:16,774 --> 00:30:19,693 mastery, the pursuit of mastery. 1194 00:30:19,735 --> 00:30:23,280 Knowing I'm getting better, 1195 00:30:19,735 --> 00:30:23,280 spending effort to pursue 1196 00:30:19,735 --> 00:30:23,280 getting better, 1197 00:30:23,322 --> 00:30:26,366 feeling rewarded 1198 00:30:23,322 --> 00:30:26,366 when I have gotten better. 1199 00:30:28,410 --> 00:30:31,789 Those are experiences that are 1200 00:30:28,410 --> 00:30:31,789 appealing regardless of what 1201 00:30:28,410 --> 00:30:31,789 culture you're in. 1202 00:30:31,830 --> 00:30:34,625 ["Dance of the Sugar 1203 00:30:31,830 --> 00:30:34,625 Plum Fairy" playing] 1204 00:30:35,917 --> 00:30:38,629 [Koster] Tetris resonated 1205 00:30:35,917 --> 00:30:38,629 across all the cultures in the 1206 00:30:35,917 --> 00:30:38,629 world. 1207 00:30:38,671 --> 00:30:42,007 So it got that part. 1208 00:30:38,671 --> 00:30:42,007 But it wasn't sport-like. 1209 00:30:42,048 --> 00:30:45,177 The biggest thing that makes 1210 00:30:42,048 --> 00:30:45,177 a sport is spectators. 1211 00:30:45,218 --> 00:30:48,305 League of Legends 1212 00:30:45,218 --> 00:30:48,305 is what's gotten me into 1213 00:30:45,218 --> 00:30:48,305 Esports. 1214 00:30:48,347 --> 00:30:52,309 There are people cheering out 1215 00:30:48,347 --> 00:30:52,309 there and really rooting for 1216 00:30:48,347 --> 00:30:52,309 these pro teams 1217 00:30:52,351 --> 00:30:53,686 and League of Legends has really 1218 00:30:53,727 --> 00:30:55,979 just come a long way 1219 00:30:53,727 --> 00:30:55,979 in a short amount of time. 1220 00:30:56,021 --> 00:30:59,817 I wanted to watch the LCS, 1221 00:30:56,021 --> 00:30:59,817 uh, the finals so bad 1222 00:30:59,858 --> 00:31:03,195 because it was really something 1223 00:30:59,858 --> 00:31:03,195 cool to me. 1224 00:31:05,905 --> 00:31:07,741 [Merrill] After the 1225 00:31:05,905 --> 00:31:07,741 Season 1 finals, 1226 00:31:07,783 --> 00:31:11,203 I think everybody at Riot was 1227 00:31:07,783 --> 00:31:11,203 buzzing from the reaction from 1228 00:31:07,783 --> 00:31:11,203 players 1229 00:31:11,244 --> 00:31:13,789 and really started to challenge 1230 00:31:11,244 --> 00:31:13,789 ourselves to think about, okay, 1231 00:31:13,831 --> 00:31:17,292 what does Esports look like for 1232 00:31:13,831 --> 00:31:17,292 Riot and for League of Legends ? 1233 00:31:17,876 --> 00:31:19,919 [man] We knew it was 1234 00:31:17,876 --> 00:31:19,919 going to be a big undertaking. 1235 00:31:19,961 --> 00:31:22,715 We had no road map. 1236 00:31:19,961 --> 00:31:22,715 We had a really small focused 1237 00:31:19,961 --> 00:31:22,715 team, 1238 00:31:22,756 --> 00:31:27,553 but it wasn't a team that had 1239 00:31:22,756 --> 00:31:27,553 much prior knowledge in 1240 00:31:22,756 --> 00:31:27,553 broadcast. 1241 00:31:27,594 --> 00:31:30,013 How do we officially get 1242 00:31:27,594 --> 00:31:30,013 started? Are you going to be 1243 00:31:27,594 --> 00:31:30,013 kicking us off here? 1244 00:31:30,055 --> 00:31:32,516 I believe you have the chat 1245 00:31:30,055 --> 00:31:32,516 prompt so if you want to tell 1246 00:31:30,055 --> 00:31:32,516 them to start. 1247 00:31:32,558 --> 00:31:34,267 Uh, I don't have 1248 00:31:32,558 --> 00:31:34,267 chat right here. 1249 00:31:34,309 --> 00:31:36,729 [Dustin Beck] When you think of 1250 00:31:34,309 --> 00:31:36,729 NFL, you think of Sunday 1251 00:31:34,309 --> 00:31:36,729 football. 1252 00:31:36,770 --> 00:31:39,606 You think of marquee matchups 1253 00:31:36,770 --> 00:31:39,606 on Monday night. 1254 00:31:39,648 --> 00:31:40,982 And Esports didn't 1255 00:31:39,648 --> 00:31:40,982 really have that. 1256 00:31:41,024 --> 00:31:43,026 It was these intermittent 1257 00:31:41,024 --> 00:31:43,026 quarterly tournaments 1258 00:31:43,068 --> 00:31:44,695 that had no real rhyme 1259 00:31:43,068 --> 00:31:44,695 or reason on timing. 1260 00:31:44,737 --> 00:31:47,656 It was when's the venue 1261 00:31:44,737 --> 00:31:47,656 going to be available. 1262 00:31:48,031 --> 00:31:50,450 [man] As a player, I had 1263 00:31:48,031 --> 00:31:50,450 watched League of Legends 1264 00:31:48,031 --> 00:31:50,450 Esports 1265 00:31:50,492 --> 00:31:53,746 since the Season One 1266 00:31:50,492 --> 00:31:53,746 competitions at DreamHack. 1267 00:31:53,787 --> 00:31:56,373 And at the time my impression 1268 00:31:53,787 --> 00:31:56,373 of League of Legends 1269 00:31:53,787 --> 00:31:56,373 tournaments, 1270 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:59,084 honestly, is that 1271 00:31:56,415 --> 00:31:59,084 they were very unreliable. 1272 00:31:59,125 --> 00:32:00,794 -Why are you yelling at me? 1273 00:31:59,125 --> 00:32:00,794 -[man] Are you live? 1274 00:32:00,836 --> 00:32:02,629 Yes, we're live! 1275 00:32:00,836 --> 00:32:02,629 Stop yelling at me. 1276 00:32:02,671 --> 00:32:04,631 -Yeah. 1277 00:32:02,671 --> 00:32:04,631 -Frickin' A. 1278 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:07,967 [Rozelle] 1279 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:07,967 This is just not worthy of a 1280 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:07,967 fan's time. 1281 00:32:08,009 --> 00:32:12,681 We knew at that point we wanted 1282 00:32:08,009 --> 00:32:12,681 to create a formal league. 1283 00:32:12,723 --> 00:32:16,184 [Dustin] We built out what we 1284 00:32:12,723 --> 00:32:16,184 thought the LCS could be. 1285 00:32:16,226 --> 00:32:19,605 We knew it needed a consistent 1286 00:32:16,226 --> 00:32:19,605 schedule of events, 1287 00:32:19,646 --> 00:32:24,484 a weekly regular season with a 1288 00:32:19,646 --> 00:32:24,484 playoffs, with a World Final 1289 00:32:19,646 --> 00:32:24,484 event. 1290 00:32:24,526 --> 00:32:26,653 [man] You're a little fuzzy. 1291 00:32:24,526 --> 00:32:26,653 Are you using wireless? 1292 00:32:26,695 --> 00:32:28,864 I am using wireless. 1293 00:32:26,695 --> 00:32:28,864 Do you want me to plug it in? O 1294 00:32:26,695 --> 00:32:28,864 a-- 1295 00:32:28,906 --> 00:32:30,490 -If you could, that would be 1296 00:32:28,906 --> 00:32:30,490 neat. -Yeah. 1297 00:32:30,532 --> 00:32:31,575 -Yeah, hold on. 1298 00:32:30,532 --> 00:32:31,575 -[keys clacking] 1299 00:32:31,617 --> 00:32:33,993 [man] I remember meeting Whalen. 1300 00:32:34,035 --> 00:32:37,289 worried about what you guys are 1301 00:32:34,035 --> 00:32:37,289 doing here. 1302 00:32:34,035 --> 00:32:37,289 I told him like, I'm really 1303 00:32:37,330 --> 00:32:39,124 There are all these tournaments 1304 00:32:37,330 --> 00:32:39,124 and you're gonna start 1305 00:32:39,165 --> 00:32:41,251 to formalize it all into this. 1306 00:32:42,127 --> 00:32:43,962 Are people going to tune in 1307 00:32:42,127 --> 00:32:43,962 every single week to watch this? 1308 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:46,214 If you're talking about 1309 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:46,214 like scrapping the whole thing 1310 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:46,214 and going, 1311 00:32:46,256 --> 00:32:48,133 yeah, this Esports thing, 1312 00:32:46,256 --> 00:32:48,133 I don't know so much about it. 1313 00:32:48,174 --> 00:32:50,218 We're strongly committed 1314 00:32:48,174 --> 00:32:50,218 to Esports at Riot. 1315 00:32:50,260 --> 00:32:53,430 So this is-- This is a thing 1316 00:32:50,260 --> 00:32:53,430 and it's going to be around. 1317 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:56,975 [Beck] Esports enhances 1318 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:56,975 the experience of being a 1319 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:56,975 player. 1320 00:32:57,016 --> 00:33:00,562 You have something to aspire to. 1321 00:32:57,016 --> 00:33:00,562 Players enjoy watching the game. 1322 00:33:00,604 --> 00:33:02,940 That's really the 1323 00:33:00,604 --> 00:33:02,940 perspective that we take 1324 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:05,442 for sort of justifying the 1325 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:05,442 investment. 1326 00:33:02,981 --> 00:33:05,442 that makes the most sense 1327 00:33:05,484 --> 00:33:07,778 But, we definitely like, 1328 00:33:05,484 --> 00:33:07,778 don't have that crystal ball. 1329 00:33:07,820 --> 00:33:09,905 We're going to sort 1330 00:33:07,820 --> 00:33:09,905 of learn as we go. 1331 00:33:10,530 --> 00:33:13,992 When Riot came out 1332 00:33:10,530 --> 00:33:13,992 and announced the huge things 1333 00:33:14,033 --> 00:33:15,494 that they were going 1334 00:33:14,033 --> 00:33:15,494 to do in Esports, 1335 00:33:15,535 --> 00:33:18,246 everyone was really, 1336 00:33:15,535 --> 00:33:18,246 really skeptical. 1337 00:33:18,288 --> 00:33:21,875 We're thinking this was 1338 00:33:18,288 --> 00:33:21,875 too big, too much, too fast. 1339 00:33:21,917 --> 00:33:24,878 It was going to be a disaster. 1340 00:33:21,917 --> 00:33:24,878 It was going to fail. 1341 00:33:25,295 --> 00:33:29,758 [Rozelle] We really laid the 1342 00:33:25,295 --> 00:33:29,758 foundation for what would 1343 00:33:25,295 --> 00:33:29,758 eventually become the LCS, 1344 00:33:29,800 --> 00:33:32,093 but first we actually had to get 1345 00:33:29,800 --> 00:33:32,093 through the end of Season Two 1346 00:33:32,135 --> 00:33:34,304 and ensuring that 1347 00:33:32,135 --> 00:33:34,304 we ended strongly 1348 00:33:34,346 --> 00:33:35,764 with a good World Championship. 1349 00:33:35,806 --> 00:33:38,475 [crowd cheering] 1350 00:33:43,313 --> 00:33:47,985 Season Two World Championship 1351 00:33:43,313 --> 00:33:47,985 was by far the biggest Esports 1352 00:33:43,313 --> 00:33:47,985 event 1353 00:33:48,026 --> 00:33:49,402 Riot had ever put on. 1354 00:33:49,444 --> 00:33:50,946 It's going to be really amazing. 1355 00:33:50,988 --> 00:33:53,740 The big thing here is World 1356 00:33:50,988 --> 00:33:53,740 Elite has yet to be seen 1357 00:33:53,782 --> 00:33:56,451 in the previous two days 1358 00:33:53,782 --> 00:33:56,451 of this tournament. 1359 00:33:56,743 --> 00:33:58,787 [Beck] We had been having 1360 00:33:56,743 --> 00:33:58,787 this remarkable tournament 1361 00:33:58,829 --> 00:34:02,749 and it's this really cool 1362 00:33:58,829 --> 00:34:02,749 setting, that was in sort of the 1363 00:33:58,829 --> 00:34:02,749 courtyard 1364 00:34:02,791 --> 00:34:05,084 between the Staples Center 1365 00:34:02,791 --> 00:34:05,084 and the Nokia Center. 1366 00:34:05,126 --> 00:34:06,670 Whoo! 1367 00:34:06,712 --> 00:34:08,755 League of Legends number one. 1368 00:34:08,797 --> 00:34:12,384 -[all yelling] Taipei Assassins! 1369 00:34:08,797 --> 00:34:12,384 -Whoo! 1370 00:34:12,425 --> 00:34:15,846 [Beck] We're in the middle 1371 00:34:12,425 --> 00:34:15,846 of W.E., top team from China, 1372 00:34:15,888 --> 00:34:19,599 against CLG, top team from EU. 1373 00:34:19,641 --> 00:34:22,936 [man] We're CLG. We're like 1374 00:34:19,641 --> 00:34:22,936 a dark horse coming into the 1375 00:34:19,641 --> 00:34:22,936 World Finals. 1376 00:34:22,978 --> 00:34:25,146 We're doing pretty well for the 1377 00:34:22,978 --> 00:34:25,146 year, but no one expected us 1378 00:34:25,188 --> 00:34:27,607 to really get 1379 00:34:25,188 --> 00:34:27,607 through to the top. 1380 00:34:27,649 --> 00:34:31,069 We're going into the group 1381 00:34:27,649 --> 00:34:31,069 stages against World Elite. 1382 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:33,864 One of the big Chinese teams 1383 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:33,864 at the time. 1384 00:34:34,364 --> 00:34:36,783 [host] 1385 00:34:34,364 --> 00:34:36,783 Only one quarterfinal matchup 1386 00:34:34,364 --> 00:34:36,783 remains 1387 00:34:36,825 --> 00:34:41,413 before two epic semi-final 1388 00:34:36,825 --> 00:34:41,413 showdowns to determine who will 1389 00:34:36,825 --> 00:34:41,413 play for the right 1390 00:34:41,454 --> 00:34:44,165 to call themselves 1391 00:34:41,454 --> 00:34:44,165 the Season Two World Champions. 1392 00:34:44,207 --> 00:34:46,501 Ladies and gentlemen, 1393 00:34:44,207 --> 00:34:46,501 the final day 1394 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:49,796 of the Season Two 1395 00:34:46,543 --> 00:34:49,796 World Playoffs begins now. 1396 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:52,883 [Dustin] That was kind of the 1397 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:52,883 peak of Esport popularity at 1398 00:34:49,838 --> 00:34:52,883 that point. 1399 00:34:52,925 --> 00:34:56,011 Stakes were as high as they've 1400 00:34:52,925 --> 00:34:56,011 ever been for League of Legends 1401 00:34:52,925 --> 00:34:56,011 Esports, 1402 00:34:56,053 --> 00:34:58,597 and we just-- We just 1403 00:34:56,053 --> 00:34:58,597 fell on our face. 1404 00:34:58,638 --> 00:35:01,474 [crowd cheering] 1405 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:07,981 stages went from being like one 1406 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:07,981 of the best days, 1407 00:35:02,935 --> 00:35:07,981 [Beck] The Season Two group 1408 00:35:08,023 --> 00:35:13,486 -frankly ever, to one of the 1409 00:35:08,023 --> 00:35:13,486 worst. -[crowd cheering] 1410 00:35:14,279 --> 00:35:17,198 [Dustin] Everything was going 1411 00:35:14,279 --> 00:35:17,198 great. Amazing team fight. 1412 00:35:17,240 --> 00:35:18,742 The game was about 1413 00:35:17,240 --> 00:35:18,742 to be decided. 1414 00:35:18,784 --> 00:35:22,788 And all of a sudden, 1415 00:35:18,784 --> 00:35:22,788 the Internet goes out. 1416 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:24,915 [Deman] 1417 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:24,915 ...I think he was grabbed. 1418 00:35:24,957 --> 00:35:27,166 CaoMei's guardian angels 1419 00:35:24,957 --> 00:35:27,166 does get dropped! 1420 00:35:27,208 --> 00:35:28,501 -Oh, my God! 1421 00:35:27,208 --> 00:35:28,501 -[crowd roaring] 1422 00:35:28,543 --> 00:35:31,421 I do not believe 1423 00:35:28,543 --> 00:35:31,421 what has happened. 1424 00:35:31,463 --> 00:35:34,215 You get this little blurb on 1425 00:35:31,463 --> 00:35:34,215 your screen "Attempting to 1426 00:35:31,463 --> 00:35:34,215 reconnect." 1427 00:35:34,257 --> 00:35:35,634 That's bad. 1428 00:35:35,675 --> 00:35:37,552 Just saw attempting to reconnect 1429 00:35:37,594 --> 00:35:39,721 and teams lagged out, 1430 00:35:37,594 --> 00:35:39,721 players lagged out 1431 00:35:39,763 --> 00:35:41,807 and everyone's 1432 00:35:39,763 --> 00:35:41,807 kind of up in arms. 1433 00:35:41,848 --> 00:35:43,850 Like, "What the heck 1434 00:35:41,848 --> 00:35:43,850 just happened there?" 1435 00:35:44,434 --> 00:35:46,853 [Deman] 1436 00:35:44,434 --> 00:35:46,853 Fifty-nine minutes, 30 seconds 1437 00:35:44,434 --> 00:35:46,853 gone. 1438 00:35:46,895 --> 00:35:50,065 Ladies and gentlemen, 1439 00:35:46,895 --> 00:35:50,065 what the hell? 1440 00:35:50,523 --> 00:35:53,526 Normally, like, 1441 00:35:50,523 --> 00:35:53,526 if there is a pause or a lag 1442 00:35:50,523 --> 00:35:53,526 issue, 1443 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:55,445 we can kind of fix 1444 00:35:53,568 --> 00:35:55,445 it at the time, 1445 00:35:55,487 --> 00:35:57,530 and our guys are just 1446 00:35:55,487 --> 00:35:57,530 like nodding their heads like, 1447 00:35:57,572 --> 00:35:59,699 "I don't think 1448 00:35:57,572 --> 00:35:59,699 we're going to get this back." 1449 00:35:59,741 --> 00:36:03,411 So we cannot unpause it 1450 00:35:59,741 --> 00:36:03,411 and recreate where it left off. 1451 00:36:03,453 --> 00:36:07,082 And so all the progress 1452 00:36:03,453 --> 00:36:07,082 into this game is lost. 1453 00:36:07,124 --> 00:36:10,585 time. So they decide to do 1454 00:36:07,124 --> 00:36:10,585 another one. 1455 00:36:07,124 --> 00:36:10,585 The game was pretty close at the 1456 00:36:10,627 --> 00:36:12,921 [Deman] Ladies and gentlemen, 1457 00:36:10,627 --> 00:36:12,921 there you can see it on your 1458 00:36:10,627 --> 00:36:12,921 screen. 1459 00:36:12,963 --> 00:36:14,464 We are into the game. 1460 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:18,217 Let's hope for the last time 1461 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:18,217 in the quarterfinals 1462 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:22,597 because I don't think anyone 1463 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:22,597 here will be able to handle 1464 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:22,597 another remake. 1465 00:36:22,639 --> 00:36:24,474 And it happened again and again. 1466 00:36:24,516 --> 00:36:27,144 [Deman] It clearly is adding up, 1467 00:36:24,516 --> 00:36:27,144 the amount of cheers they've 1468 00:36:24,516 --> 00:36:27,144 had-- 1469 00:36:27,185 --> 00:36:29,479 -Oh, my God. 1470 00:36:27,185 --> 00:36:29,479 -[crowd clamoring] 1471 00:36:31,857 --> 00:36:33,650 [Jatt] I don't know 1472 00:36:31,857 --> 00:36:33,650 what this means. 1473 00:36:33,692 --> 00:36:36,111 -Like, are we going to remake 1474 00:36:33,692 --> 00:36:36,111 again? 1475 00:36:33,692 --> 00:36:36,111 -Of course they are. We might. 1476 00:36:36,153 --> 00:36:38,030 -What else are they going to do? 1477 00:36:36,153 --> 00:36:38,030 -It could happen. 1478 00:36:38,071 --> 00:36:39,489 Imagine you're in 1479 00:36:38,071 --> 00:36:39,489 any prosporting game 1480 00:36:39,531 --> 00:36:41,700 and you have to just start over 1481 00:36:39,531 --> 00:36:41,700 after you're sweating 1482 00:36:41,741 --> 00:36:44,036 and you're out there for 30 1483 00:36:41,741 --> 00:36:44,036 minutes. That's what happened. 1484 00:36:44,077 --> 00:36:47,706 A typical League of Legends game 1485 00:36:44,077 --> 00:36:47,706 should go on for about maybe 35 1486 00:36:44,077 --> 00:36:47,706 minutes 1487 00:36:47,747 --> 00:36:50,917 to 45 minutes, an hour at most. 1488 00:36:50,959 --> 00:36:54,629 in the group stages for seven 1489 00:36:50,959 --> 00:36:54,629 hours. 1490 00:36:50,959 --> 00:36:54,629 We played this one game 1491 00:36:54,671 --> 00:36:56,715 No matter how long 1492 00:36:54,671 --> 00:36:56,715 League of Legends Esports goes, 1493 00:36:56,756 --> 00:36:59,176 if it grows on for ten years 1494 00:36:56,756 --> 00:36:59,176 and becomes bigger than the 1495 00:36:56,756 --> 00:36:59,176 Super Bowl, 1496 00:36:59,217 --> 00:37:01,386 all those things, 1497 00:36:59,217 --> 00:37:01,386 everyone who was here will be 1498 00:36:59,217 --> 00:37:01,386 like, 1499 00:37:01,427 --> 00:37:04,556 "Remember when they had 1500 00:37:01,427 --> 00:37:04,556 a seven hour best of three," 1501 00:37:04,597 --> 00:37:07,308 and everyone will know 1502 00:37:04,597 --> 00:37:07,308 what they're talking about. 1503 00:37:07,350 --> 00:37:11,021 And we're sitting on stage 1504 00:37:07,350 --> 00:37:11,021 saying, "Riot, is this game 1505 00:37:07,350 --> 00:37:11,021 going to happen?" 1506 00:37:11,063 --> 00:37:13,606 Where is the competitive 1507 00:37:11,063 --> 00:37:13,606 integrity? Where is all this 1508 00:37:11,063 --> 00:37:13,606 other stuff? 1509 00:37:13,648 --> 00:37:16,902 These teams were playing. 1510 00:37:13,648 --> 00:37:16,902 What are you going to do about 1511 00:37:13,648 --> 00:37:16,902 it? 1512 00:37:17,318 --> 00:37:20,321 the plug. 1513 00:37:17,318 --> 00:37:20,321 [Beck] Eventually, we just 1514 00:37:17,318 --> 00:37:20,321 decide, you know, we got to pull 1515 00:37:20,363 --> 00:37:22,323 We had to send our audience home 1516 00:37:22,365 --> 00:37:25,869 without having finished the 1517 00:37:22,365 --> 00:37:25,869 group stages, even though they 1518 00:37:22,365 --> 00:37:25,869 purchased tickets. 1519 00:37:25,911 --> 00:37:27,662 We were so disappointed 1520 00:37:25,911 --> 00:37:27,662 in ourselves. 1521 00:37:27,704 --> 00:37:29,748 Like we were-- We had just-- 1522 00:37:29,789 --> 00:37:33,043 and we just like let everyone 1523 00:37:29,789 --> 00:37:33,043 down. 1524 00:37:29,789 --> 00:37:33,043 We'd built up this huge event 1525 00:37:33,085 --> 00:37:35,045 [crowd clamoring] 1526 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:42,260 [Jatt] It was the biggest 1527 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:42,260 tournament. It was a high 1528 00:37:38,840 --> 00:37:42,260 profile failure. 1529 00:37:42,301 --> 00:37:47,224 That's something that could 1530 00:37:42,301 --> 00:37:47,224 totally alter the course of Riot 1531 00:37:42,301 --> 00:37:47,224 Esports. 1532 00:37:50,102 --> 00:37:53,688 First step was letting our fans 1533 00:37:50,102 --> 00:37:53,688 know and Brandon bit the bullet 1534 00:37:50,102 --> 00:37:53,688 on that one. 1535 00:37:53,730 --> 00:37:57,025 And he's like, "I'm going to go 1536 00:37:53,730 --> 00:37:57,025 out there and talk to everyone." 1537 00:37:57,067 --> 00:38:00,070 It kills us to have 1538 00:37:57,067 --> 00:38:00,070 to deliver this news 1539 00:38:00,112 --> 00:38:03,698 because you guys have been 1540 00:38:00,112 --> 00:38:03,698 so unbelievably patient with us, 1541 00:38:03,740 --> 00:38:06,952 but let me explain 1542 00:38:03,740 --> 00:38:06,952 exactly what's going on. 1543 00:38:06,993 --> 00:38:10,705 We've been having a myriad 1544 00:38:06,993 --> 00:38:10,705 of Internet connectivity issues. 1545 00:38:10,747 --> 00:38:13,792 Given what these players 1546 00:38:10,747 --> 00:38:13,792 have been through so far today, 1547 00:38:13,833 --> 00:38:18,046 we think the possibility 1548 00:38:13,833 --> 00:38:18,046 of another restart on a game 1549 00:38:18,088 --> 00:38:19,881 would just be unfair to them. 1550 00:38:19,923 --> 00:38:22,134 We recognize the sacrifice 1551 00:38:22,175 --> 00:38:25,053 that you guys have made 1552 00:38:22,175 --> 00:38:25,053 being patient with us today. 1553 00:38:25,095 --> 00:38:28,306 I want to talk about what we're 1554 00:38:25,095 --> 00:38:28,306 going to do for you guys, the 1555 00:38:25,095 --> 00:38:28,306 live audience. 1556 00:38:28,347 --> 00:38:30,892 We're going to be refunding 1557 00:38:28,347 --> 00:38:30,892 your tickets. 1558 00:38:30,934 --> 00:38:33,352 I'm sure you don't care about 1559 00:38:30,934 --> 00:38:33,352 that. We're going to be 1560 00:38:30,934 --> 00:38:33,352 refunding your tickets. 1561 00:38:33,394 --> 00:38:36,773 We're going to be giving you 1562 00:38:33,394 --> 00:38:36,773 guys $25 in Riot Points. 1563 00:38:36,815 --> 00:38:39,109 [crowd cheering] 1564 00:38:45,406 --> 00:38:46,783 One more thing. 1565 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:49,744 We also have 1566 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:49,744 a merchandise store full of 1567 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:49,744 stuff 1568 00:38:49,786 --> 00:38:51,913 and we want to give that 1569 00:38:49,786 --> 00:38:51,913 to you guys, too, for free. 1570 00:38:51,955 --> 00:38:54,332 [crowd cheering] 1571 00:38:55,083 --> 00:38:56,876 [Vu] 1572 00:38:55,083 --> 00:38:56,876 At that point we open up the 1573 00:38:55,083 --> 00:38:56,876 merch store. 1574 00:38:56,918 --> 00:39:00,046 We said everybody can get, 1575 00:38:56,918 --> 00:39:00,046 you know, merch for free. 1576 00:39:00,088 --> 00:39:02,966 We ordered pizza for all the 1577 00:39:00,088 --> 00:39:02,966 people who were staying there. 1578 00:39:03,008 --> 00:39:06,011 I want to just one more time, 1579 00:39:03,008 --> 00:39:06,011 we're so sorry about this. 1580 00:39:06,052 --> 00:39:07,887 Literally, we've been 1581 00:39:06,052 --> 00:39:07,887 scrambling like crazy. 1582 00:39:07,929 --> 00:39:10,765 We've been having so much fun. 1583 00:39:10,807 --> 00:39:12,809 -Thank you. 1584 00:39:10,807 --> 00:39:12,809 -[crowd cheering] 1585 00:39:12,851 --> 00:39:16,688 And they start to chant, Riot. 1586 00:39:16,938 --> 00:39:21,860 [all chanting] 1587 00:39:16,938 --> 00:39:21,860 Riot! Riot! Riot! 1588 00:39:21,901 --> 00:39:26,698 [Beck] They were actually, 1589 00:39:21,901 --> 00:39:26,698 remarkably understanding at the 1590 00:39:21,901 --> 00:39:26,698 end. 1591 00:39:26,739 --> 00:39:29,117 That felt amazing. 1592 00:39:29,659 --> 00:39:32,204 [Dustin] Our ops team built 1593 00:39:29,659 --> 00:39:32,204 an offline server. 1594 00:39:32,245 --> 00:39:34,206 They ripped a server out 1595 00:39:32,245 --> 00:39:34,206 of our data center 1596 00:39:34,247 --> 00:39:37,167 and made it so that the Internet 1597 00:39:34,247 --> 00:39:37,167 can no longer mess with our 1598 00:39:34,247 --> 00:39:37,167 tournaments. 1599 00:39:37,209 --> 00:39:40,128 And then that kind of fueled us 1600 00:39:37,209 --> 00:39:40,128 into Galen Center, 1601 00:39:40,170 --> 00:39:43,256 which was a couple days later 1602 00:39:40,170 --> 00:39:43,256 for the live event for the 1603 00:39:40,170 --> 00:39:43,256 finals. 1604 00:39:43,298 --> 00:39:44,924 Rivington the Third 1605 00:39:43,298 --> 00:39:44,924 here coming to you 1606 00:39:44,966 --> 00:39:48,094 live from USC's Galen Center 1607 00:39:44,966 --> 00:39:48,094 in Los Angeles. 1608 00:39:48,136 --> 00:39:50,180 Guys, let's take a moment to go 1609 00:39:48,136 --> 00:39:50,180 behind the scenes 1610 00:39:50,222 --> 00:39:53,225 and just see what's going 1611 00:39:50,222 --> 00:39:53,225 into the production of the world 1612 00:39:50,222 --> 00:39:53,225 finals. 1613 00:39:53,266 --> 00:39:55,143 Right now, the grand final stage 1614 00:39:55,185 --> 00:39:57,645 in the process of being built 1615 00:39:55,185 --> 00:39:57,645 in preparation 1616 00:39:57,687 --> 00:40:01,774 for the League of Legends Season 1617 00:39:57,687 --> 00:40:01,774 Two World Finals. 1618 00:40:05,945 --> 00:40:07,822 [crowd applauding] 1619 00:40:08,406 --> 00:40:09,532 [commentator] 1620 00:40:08,406 --> 00:40:09,532 TPA was in the driver's seat. 1621 00:40:09,574 --> 00:40:11,951 Toyz was on Oriana yet again 1622 00:40:11,993 --> 00:40:15,454 and his shock wave into 1623 00:40:11,993 --> 00:40:15,454 Stanley's taunt gave them 1624 00:40:11,993 --> 00:40:15,454 complete control, 1625 00:40:15,496 --> 00:40:19,251 locking up two members of Azubu 1626 00:40:15,496 --> 00:40:19,251 leading to a Baron. 1627 00:40:19,959 --> 00:40:22,087 Not playing 1628 00:40:19,959 --> 00:40:22,087 like the underdog any longer, 1629 00:40:22,128 --> 00:40:24,923 the Taipei Assassins 1630 00:40:22,128 --> 00:40:24,923 push their way to the Nexus 1631 00:40:24,964 --> 00:40:29,552 defeating Azubu Frost to become 1632 00:40:24,964 --> 00:40:29,552 the Season Two World Champions. 1633 00:40:29,594 --> 00:40:32,430 Against all odds they take home 1634 00:40:29,594 --> 00:40:32,430 one million dollars, 1635 00:40:32,471 --> 00:40:35,725 the Summoner's Cup and the righ 1636 00:40:32,471 --> 00:40:35,725 to be called champions of the 1637 00:40:32,471 --> 00:40:35,725 world. 1638 00:40:35,767 --> 00:40:38,477 [crowd cheering] 1639 00:40:44,567 --> 00:40:49,281 [all chanting] 1640 00:40:44,567 --> 00:40:49,281 TPA! TPA! TPA! 1641 00:40:50,115 --> 00:40:53,576 [Beck] Our own naiveté was 1642 00:40:50,115 --> 00:40:53,576 actually an advantage in those 1643 00:40:50,115 --> 00:40:53,576 early years. 1644 00:40:53,618 --> 00:40:56,621 We never really felt 1645 00:40:53,618 --> 00:40:56,621 like it was going to be real, 1646 00:40:56,662 --> 00:40:58,748 like, more than sort 1647 00:40:56,662 --> 00:40:58,748 of like a dream, 1648 00:40:58,790 --> 00:41:02,085 but players were just showing up 1649 00:40:58,790 --> 00:41:02,085 en masse and filling all the 1650 00:40:58,790 --> 00:41:02,085 seats, 1651 00:41:02,127 --> 00:41:04,587 and it felt justified. 1652 00:41:04,629 --> 00:41:07,424 It didn't feel like we were 1653 00:41:04,629 --> 00:41:07,424 being extravagant or crazy. 1654 00:41:07,465 --> 00:41:09,801 It felt like, we can do this. 1655 00:41:09,842 --> 00:41:12,220 And then the question became, 1656 00:41:09,842 --> 00:41:12,220 "How the heck do we pull it off? 1657 00:41:12,262 --> 00:41:15,181 Like, how do we broadcast this?" 1658 00:41:19,894 --> 00:41:22,188 I was the guy 1659 00:41:19,894 --> 00:41:22,188 that had the broadcast 1660 00:41:19,894 --> 00:41:22,188 experience 1661 00:41:22,230 --> 00:41:23,606 and I had worked at NBC 1662 00:41:23,648 --> 00:41:27,485 and I had worked on sports 1663 00:41:23,648 --> 00:41:27,485 before Esports. 1664 00:41:27,526 --> 00:41:30,405 There were a lot of aspects 1665 00:41:27,526 --> 00:41:30,405 of broadcast sports 1666 00:41:30,447 --> 00:41:35,034 that we were able to bring 1667 00:41:30,447 --> 00:41:35,034 into this new frontier 1668 00:41:35,076 --> 00:41:36,619 where there were 1669 00:41:35,076 --> 00:41:36,619 these young people 1670 00:41:36,661 --> 00:41:39,372 who are so passionate 1671 00:41:36,661 --> 00:41:39,372 about playing this game. 1672 00:41:39,414 --> 00:41:41,291 It's like opening up 1673 00:41:39,414 --> 00:41:41,291 a new world for them 1674 00:41:41,333 --> 00:41:44,919 that added 1675 00:41:41,333 --> 00:41:44,919 some of that drama of live TV. 1676 00:41:45,420 --> 00:41:51,509 We're trying to find the right 1677 00:41:45,420 --> 00:41:51,509 blend of sport, game, and kind 1678 00:41:45,420 --> 00:41:51,509 of show. 1679 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:53,303 [crowd] 1680 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:53,303 Demacia! 1681 00:41:53,345 --> 00:41:55,013 [Rozelle] We have to stay true 1682 00:41:53,345 --> 00:41:55,013 to League of Legends . 1683 00:41:55,054 --> 00:41:58,975 There are some sort of 1684 00:41:55,054 --> 00:41:58,975 ceremonial game show almost 1685 00:41:55,054 --> 00:41:58,975 aspect to it. 1686 00:41:59,017 --> 00:42:00,352 We're going to ask 1687 00:41:59,017 --> 00:42:00,352 some of our fans 1688 00:42:00,393 --> 00:42:02,687 if they could marry a champion, 1689 00:42:00,393 --> 00:42:02,687 who would it be? 1690 00:42:02,728 --> 00:42:04,522 -I'd marry Leona. 1691 00:42:02,728 --> 00:42:04,522 -I love the Teemo. 1692 00:42:04,563 --> 00:42:07,108 I would marry Teemo 1693 00:42:04,563 --> 00:42:07,108 because of the hat. 1694 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:09,986 [Rozelle] In Season Three, 1695 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:09,986 we had to grow our talent pool, 1696 00:42:10,028 --> 00:42:13,739 our on-air personality pool 1697 00:42:10,028 --> 00:42:13,739 before we could even host an 1698 00:42:10,028 --> 00:42:13,739 analyst desk. 1699 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:16,117 And that's something we wanted 1700 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:16,117 to do from the get go. 1701 00:42:16,159 --> 00:42:17,869 Because we're big football fans 1702 00:42:17,910 --> 00:42:20,163 and we know that it's not just 1703 00:42:17,910 --> 00:42:20,163 about watching the game. 1704 00:42:20,205 --> 00:42:22,290 It's about watching 1705 00:42:20,205 --> 00:42:22,290 the analysis. 1706 00:42:22,332 --> 00:42:24,459 He's in the worst shape of all. 1707 00:42:22,332 --> 00:42:24,459 He's down to half health 1708 00:42:24,501 --> 00:42:27,545 and he's going to get dropped by 1709 00:42:24,501 --> 00:42:27,545 Cybolic, Vladimir, right here. 1710 00:42:27,586 --> 00:42:29,297 [Gafford] With professional 1711 00:42:27,586 --> 00:42:29,297 Esports players, 1712 00:42:29,339 --> 00:42:31,299 when they started even playing 1713 00:42:29,339 --> 00:42:31,299 League of Legends , 1714 00:42:31,341 --> 00:42:32,925 Esports didn't exist. 1715 00:42:32,967 --> 00:42:35,970 For them, they've just suddenly 1716 00:42:32,967 --> 00:42:35,970 gotten dragged and dropped 1717 00:42:36,012 --> 00:42:39,891 into this world of 1718 00:42:36,012 --> 00:42:39,891 stardom and fandom. 1719 00:42:40,433 --> 00:42:44,521 [gamer] 1720 00:42:40,433 --> 00:42:44,521 When I first decided to pursue 1721 00:42:40,433 --> 00:42:44,521 this, 1722 00:42:45,021 --> 00:42:48,233 my dad definitely thought 1723 00:42:45,021 --> 00:42:48,233 it was a bad idea. 1724 00:42:48,274 --> 00:42:50,151 [Snoopeh] 1725 00:42:48,274 --> 00:42:50,151 I was playing from Scotland. 1726 00:42:51,152 --> 00:42:52,862 There's this stigma that's 1727 00:42:51,152 --> 00:42:52,862 attached with gaming in general, 1728 00:42:52,904 --> 00:42:55,948 which is when your mom's 1729 00:42:52,904 --> 00:42:55,948 basically on your case all the 1730 00:42:52,904 --> 00:42:55,948 time saying, 1731 00:42:55,990 --> 00:42:58,284 "Get off the computer, 1732 00:42:55,990 --> 00:42:58,284 go and do something productive." 1733 00:42:58,326 --> 00:43:01,996 with my parents in regards to, 1734 00:42:58,326 --> 00:43:01,996 you know, 1735 00:42:58,326 --> 00:43:01,996 There was an educating process 1736 00:43:02,038 --> 00:43:04,249 this is a-- This 1737 00:43:02,038 --> 00:43:04,249 can be a big deal. 1738 00:43:04,290 --> 00:43:07,126 Let's go baby, double kill! 1739 00:43:04,290 --> 00:43:07,126 Get that top tower! 1740 00:43:07,168 --> 00:43:11,797 We overestimated the pro player 1741 00:43:07,168 --> 00:43:11,797 ability to like actually engage 1742 00:43:07,168 --> 00:43:11,797 with the crowd 1743 00:43:11,839 --> 00:43:14,926 because, again, these are 17, 1744 00:43:11,839 --> 00:43:14,926 18, 19-year-old kids 1745 00:43:14,967 --> 00:43:18,430 who aren't used to being stars. 1746 00:43:18,471 --> 00:43:21,891 [LemonNation] I had to start 1747 00:43:18,471 --> 00:43:21,891 doing interviews and dealing 1748 00:43:18,471 --> 00:43:21,891 with fans. 1749 00:43:21,933 --> 00:43:23,851 I definitely was 1750 00:43:21,933 --> 00:43:23,851 not good at that, 1751 00:43:23,893 --> 00:43:26,563 I've really always been scared 1752 00:43:23,893 --> 00:43:26,563 of like public speaking 1753 00:43:26,604 --> 00:43:29,482 and being on stage 1754 00:43:26,604 --> 00:43:29,482 and all of that kind of thing. 1755 00:43:30,233 --> 00:43:32,193 [Phreak] Welcome 1756 00:43:30,233 --> 00:43:32,193 back to the show. 1757 00:43:32,235 --> 00:43:35,447 Ballz from the victorious 1758 00:43:32,235 --> 00:43:35,447 Quantic Gaming. 1759 00:43:32,235 --> 00:43:35,447 Phreak here with LemonNation and 1760 00:43:35,488 --> 00:43:37,449 You guys didn't make 1761 00:43:35,488 --> 00:43:37,449 it through groups. 1762 00:43:37,490 --> 00:43:39,534 How do you feel 1763 00:43:37,490 --> 00:43:39,534 when you're like, a favorite 1764 00:43:39,576 --> 00:43:42,203 and you like-- 1765 00:43:39,576 --> 00:43:42,203 What does that do to you? 1766 00:43:42,495 --> 00:43:47,333 Uh... it was very depressing. 1767 00:43:42,495 --> 00:43:47,333 We were joking about suicide. 1768 00:43:47,375 --> 00:43:49,419 [both chuckle] 1769 00:43:49,461 --> 00:43:51,588 I've always been too awkward 1770 00:43:49,461 --> 00:43:51,588 I guess, you know? 1771 00:43:51,629 --> 00:43:53,756 [chuckles] 1772 00:43:53,798 --> 00:43:56,926 Sometimes they don't understand 1773 00:43:53,798 --> 00:43:56,926 the importance of, you know, 1774 00:43:56,968 --> 00:43:58,261 giving a good interview 1775 00:43:58,303 --> 00:44:01,431 and doing all these 1776 00:43:58,303 --> 00:44:01,431 promotional activities. 1777 00:44:01,473 --> 00:44:04,183 They don't realize 1778 00:44:01,473 --> 00:44:04,183 that what they're signing up for 1779 00:44:04,225 --> 00:44:06,102 is not just playing this game 1780 00:44:04,225 --> 00:44:06,102 at a professional level, 1781 00:44:06,144 --> 00:44:09,730 but it's being this kind 1782 00:44:06,144 --> 00:44:09,730 of celebrity player. 1783 00:44:10,231 --> 00:44:14,110 You have this huge amount of 1784 00:44:10,231 --> 00:44:14,110 influence and eyes on you all 1785 00:44:10,231 --> 00:44:14,110 the time. 1786 00:44:14,152 --> 00:44:18,030 It's keeping sponsors happy 1787 00:44:14,152 --> 00:44:18,030 and keeping your fans engaged 1788 00:44:18,072 --> 00:44:21,618 and a lot of it is growing up, 1789 00:44:18,072 --> 00:44:21,618 you know, very quickly. 1790 00:44:21,659 --> 00:44:24,329 job. Like, you play video games 1791 00:44:21,659 --> 00:44:24,329 for a living? 1792 00:44:21,659 --> 00:44:24,329 It sounds like a really easy 1793 00:44:24,370 --> 00:44:26,956 That sounds great. 1794 00:44:24,370 --> 00:44:26,956 My kid would love to do that. 1795 00:44:26,998 --> 00:44:28,791 It's not that easy. 1796 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:32,211 It puts an immense amount 1797 00:44:28,833 --> 00:44:32,211 of pressure on you as a player. 1798 00:44:32,253 --> 00:44:34,589 There's no respite, 1799 00:44:32,253 --> 00:44:34,589 there's no hiding. 1800 00:44:35,632 --> 00:44:38,301 You're constantly online. 1801 00:44:35,632 --> 00:44:38,301 And if I'm not online, I'm 1802 00:44:35,632 --> 00:44:38,301 missing out. 1803 00:44:38,968 --> 00:44:41,513 [Allen] If I practice football 1804 00:44:38,968 --> 00:44:41,513 for eight hours in a day, 1805 00:44:41,554 --> 00:44:43,515 I am completely exhausted. 1806 00:44:43,556 --> 00:44:45,224 I have no more energy left. 1807 00:44:45,266 --> 00:44:47,268 I go home and I rest 1808 00:44:45,266 --> 00:44:47,268 and I come back the next day. 1809 00:44:47,310 --> 00:44:51,564 Esports doesn't have 1810 00:44:47,310 --> 00:44:51,564 that physical limitation. 1811 00:44:51,939 --> 00:44:55,276 [Snoopeh] We could be playing 1812 00:44:51,939 --> 00:44:55,276 anywhere between ten to 14 hours 1813 00:44:51,939 --> 00:44:55,276 a day, 1814 00:44:55,318 --> 00:44:58,488 and that's just playing. 1815 00:44:55,318 --> 00:44:58,488 That's not necessarily the 1816 00:44:55,318 --> 00:44:58,488 thinking. 1817 00:44:58,530 --> 00:45:01,407 I go to bed and I'm thinking 1818 00:44:58,530 --> 00:45:01,407 about the game. 1819 00:45:02,074 --> 00:45:04,827 [Ocelote] If you can play 1820 00:45:02,074 --> 00:45:04,827 for 12 or 13 hours, you should. 1821 00:45:04,869 --> 00:45:07,497 But, that takes a toll on you. 1822 00:45:04,869 --> 00:45:07,497 It's like a hammer on your head. 1823 00:45:07,539 --> 00:45:10,249 Boom, boom, boom. Everyday. 1824 00:45:07,539 --> 00:45:10,249 Boom, boom, boom. 1825 00:45:10,291 --> 00:45:12,960 [Riv] It looks like Dyrus is 1826 00:45:10,291 --> 00:45:12,960 down for the count already. 1827 00:45:13,002 --> 00:45:15,921 [Kobe] 1828 00:45:13,002 --> 00:45:15,921 That is classic Dyrus right 1829 00:45:13,002 --> 00:45:15,921 there. 1830 00:45:15,963 --> 00:45:18,007 [man] He's going to have to be 1831 00:45:15,963 --> 00:45:18,007 careful, keeping an eye on... 1832 00:45:18,049 --> 00:45:22,637 When I was a player, I knew the 1833 00:45:18,049 --> 00:45:22,637 risks, but I felt like I was a 1834 00:45:18,049 --> 00:45:22,637 gladiator, 1835 00:45:22,679 --> 00:45:25,264 you know, in an arena 1836 00:45:22,679 --> 00:45:25,264 and I had to entertain the 1837 00:45:22,679 --> 00:45:25,264 people. 1838 00:45:25,306 --> 00:45:27,933 [Riv] They could 1839 00:45:25,306 --> 00:45:27,933 look to finish it. 1840 00:45:27,975 --> 00:45:31,437 [Allen] Good Esports games 1841 00:45:27,975 --> 00:45:31,437 are all about moments. 1842 00:45:31,479 --> 00:45:34,691 League of Legends 1843 00:45:31,479 --> 00:45:34,691 has these peaks and valleys. 1844 00:45:34,773 --> 00:45:36,817 When the Jungler is coming up 1845 00:45:34,773 --> 00:45:36,817 through the river, 1846 00:45:36,859 --> 00:45:39,654 the suspense starts to build 1847 00:45:36,859 --> 00:45:39,654 as he goes in for a gank. 1848 00:45:39,696 --> 00:45:43,074 And the crowd in anticipation is 1849 00:45:39,696 --> 00:45:43,074 like, "Oh, what's going to 1850 00:45:39,696 --> 00:45:43,074 happen?" 1851 00:45:43,115 --> 00:45:45,618 No! 1852 00:45:46,452 --> 00:45:48,996 The xPeke backdoor play is 1853 00:45:46,452 --> 00:45:48,996 probably one, if not the most, 1854 00:45:46,452 --> 00:45:48,996 famous play of all time. 1855 00:45:49,038 --> 00:45:52,166 It's time for the last League of 1856 00:45:49,038 --> 00:45:52,166 Legends game of the day 1857 00:45:52,208 --> 00:45:53,668 and it's a big one, 1858 00:45:52,208 --> 00:45:53,668 ladies and gentlemen. 1859 00:45:53,710 --> 00:45:57,463 -Please welcome Fnatic Raidcall! 1860 00:45:53,710 --> 00:45:57,463 -[crowd cheering] 1861 00:45:57,505 --> 00:46:01,008 [Horn] 1862 00:45:57,505 --> 00:46:01,008 xPeke is playing for Fnatic. 1863 00:46:01,050 --> 00:46:03,720 He's going up against Ocelote 1864 00:46:01,050 --> 00:46:03,720 and SK Gaming. 1865 00:46:03,760 --> 00:46:05,762 Do you have something 1866 00:46:03,760 --> 00:46:05,762 to say to your rivals? 1867 00:46:05,804 --> 00:46:09,225 -Have fun. 1868 00:46:05,804 --> 00:46:09,225 -Okay. Thank you very much, 1869 00:46:05,804 --> 00:46:09,225 guys. 1870 00:46:09,267 --> 00:46:13,896 [Horn] xPeke uses his teleport 1871 00:46:09,267 --> 00:46:13,896 to sneak into the opponent's 1872 00:46:09,267 --> 00:46:13,896 base. 1873 00:46:13,938 --> 00:46:16,107 [announcer] ...he instantly 1874 00:46:13,938 --> 00:46:16,107 teleports straight... 1875 00:46:16,148 --> 00:46:18,775 [Horn] He only needs to get 1876 00:46:16,148 --> 00:46:18,775 one more shot on him 1877 00:46:18,817 --> 00:46:21,696 and he'll be dead and 1878 00:46:18,817 --> 00:46:21,696 SK would have won. 1879 00:46:21,738 --> 00:46:26,618 And he's able to keep rift 1880 00:46:21,738 --> 00:46:26,618 walking around the Nexus for 1881 00:46:21,738 --> 00:46:26,618 several seconds 1882 00:46:26,659 --> 00:46:29,328 while he's evading 1883 00:46:26,659 --> 00:46:29,328 the other defense coming in. 1884 00:46:29,370 --> 00:46:32,164 [commentator] Is anyone going 1885 00:46:29,370 --> 00:46:32,164 to be able to deal with this 1886 00:46:29,370 --> 00:46:32,164 one? 1887 00:46:32,206 --> 00:46:34,959 Catches him with another axe. 1888 00:46:32,206 --> 00:46:34,959 He's very low on health. 1889 00:46:35,000 --> 00:46:36,669 They're pushing on the Nexus. 1890 00:46:36,711 --> 00:46:38,296 And he's able to 1891 00:46:36,711 --> 00:46:38,296 take down the Nexus. 1892 00:46:38,337 --> 00:46:41,257 -I do not believe it! 1893 00:46:38,337 --> 00:46:41,257 -Oh, my God! 1894 00:46:41,299 --> 00:46:42,508 They slaughtered them! 1895 00:46:42,550 --> 00:46:45,219 [crowd cheering] 1896 00:46:48,180 --> 00:46:53,018 xPeke and Fnatic 1897 00:46:48,180 --> 00:46:53,018 were just in utter disbelief. 1898 00:46:53,603 --> 00:46:57,315 Ocelote and SK, 1899 00:46:53,603 --> 00:46:57,315 they were very, very upset. 1900 00:46:57,356 --> 00:47:00,817 This is the ultimate drama 1901 00:46:57,356 --> 00:47:00,817 with so much on the line. 1902 00:47:01,068 --> 00:47:04,071 This really does feel 1903 00:47:01,068 --> 00:47:04,071 a lot like sports. 1904 00:47:04,113 --> 00:47:07,492 We are just destroyed 1905 00:47:04,113 --> 00:47:07,492 right now as a team. 1906 00:47:07,824 --> 00:47:09,368 [clears throat] 1907 00:47:09,410 --> 00:47:11,954 [voice breaking] 1908 00:47:09,410 --> 00:47:11,954 And we failed. We failed. 1909 00:47:11,996 --> 00:47:13,456 [Ocelote] I'm not going to lie. 1910 00:47:13,498 --> 00:47:15,667 Even today, 1911 00:47:13,498 --> 00:47:15,667 I'm a bit salty about that one. 1912 00:47:15,708 --> 00:47:18,210 [chuckles] Um... 1913 00:47:15,708 --> 00:47:18,210 it was a good play, 1914 00:47:18,252 --> 00:47:22,173 especially in that context, 1915 00:47:18,252 --> 00:47:22,173 great tournament, important 1916 00:47:18,252 --> 00:47:22,173 game. 1917 00:47:22,214 --> 00:47:24,091 [crowd cheering] 1918 00:47:24,133 --> 00:47:28,304 As bad as that moment was, 1919 00:47:24,133 --> 00:47:28,304 when it comes into competition, 1920 00:47:28,346 --> 00:47:33,976 you always need competitors 1921 00:47:28,346 --> 00:47:33,976 that you want to destroy. 1922 00:47:34,268 --> 00:47:36,895 [Snoopeh] As a professional 1923 00:47:34,268 --> 00:47:36,895 gamer, there's no balance. 1924 00:47:36,937 --> 00:47:39,524 You just can't afford 1925 00:47:36,937 --> 00:47:39,524 to have a social life. 1926 00:47:39,565 --> 00:47:41,651 But, then you have to realize 1927 00:47:39,565 --> 00:47:41,651 why we all do it. 1928 00:47:41,693 --> 00:47:43,611 Like, we love the competition. 1929 00:47:43,653 --> 00:47:47,782 We love saying "we're the best." 1930 00:47:43,653 --> 00:47:47,782 We love kicking someone else's 1931 00:47:43,653 --> 00:47:47,782 ass. 1932 00:47:47,824 --> 00:47:49,116 That's what we all strive for. 1933 00:47:49,158 --> 00:47:52,453 We strive to prove ourselves 1934 00:47:49,158 --> 00:47:52,453 on a world stage. 1935 00:47:53,371 --> 00:47:55,247 [metal clanking] 1936 00:47:59,126 --> 00:48:02,129 [cheering] 1937 00:48:02,963 --> 00:48:07,051 [Beck] Marc and I grew up in LA. 1938 00:48:02,963 --> 00:48:07,051 Staples is the home of the 1939 00:48:02,963 --> 00:48:07,051 Lakers. 1940 00:48:07,092 --> 00:48:10,346 So, being here today is just, 1941 00:48:07,092 --> 00:48:10,346 I don't know how to describe it. 1942 00:48:10,388 --> 00:48:12,306 It's just really sentimental. 1943 00:48:13,182 --> 00:48:17,144 Welcome to the Season Three 1944 00:48:13,182 --> 00:48:17,144 World Championship Final! 1945 00:48:17,186 --> 00:48:19,271 Coming to you live 1946 00:48:17,186 --> 00:48:19,271 from the Staples Center 1947 00:48:19,313 --> 00:48:21,524 here in Los Angeles, California. 1948 00:48:21,566 --> 00:48:23,234 [crowd cheering] 1949 00:48:23,275 --> 00:48:26,028 And we've got the double boxes 1950 00:48:23,275 --> 00:48:26,028 and double redundancies? 1951 00:48:26,070 --> 00:48:28,905 We have two servers. 1952 00:48:26,070 --> 00:48:28,905 We have Internet back-up. 1953 00:48:28,947 --> 00:48:30,907 We have back-up power. 1954 00:48:30,949 --> 00:48:32,909 [crowd cheering] 1955 00:48:32,951 --> 00:48:34,829 This is the spot 1956 00:48:32,951 --> 00:48:34,829 where we will bring you guys 1957 00:48:34,871 --> 00:48:38,207 all the analysis, the 1958 00:48:34,871 --> 00:48:38,207 highlights, and the predictions 1959 00:48:34,871 --> 00:48:38,207 for tonight's final, 1960 00:48:38,249 --> 00:48:40,626 starting with our extended 1961 00:48:38,249 --> 00:48:40,626 pre-game coverage. 1962 00:48:40,668 --> 00:48:44,505 Yeah. Good luck. 1963 00:48:40,668 --> 00:48:44,505 Crush it. See you, guys. 1964 00:48:44,839 --> 00:48:46,923 [Horn] 1965 00:48:44,839 --> 00:48:46,923 By bringing up the players on a 1966 00:48:44,839 --> 00:48:46,923 lift 1967 00:48:46,965 --> 00:48:51,429 and using technology to sort of 1968 00:48:46,965 --> 00:48:51,429 elevate this new type of sport, 1969 00:48:51,470 --> 00:48:54,891 for us that felt 1970 00:48:51,470 --> 00:48:54,891 like another step forward. 1971 00:48:55,349 --> 00:49:01,397 SK Telecom, they will be 1972 00:48:55,349 --> 00:49:01,397 the Season three World 1973 00:48:55,349 --> 00:49:01,397 Champions! 1974 00:49:02,648 --> 00:49:04,692 [Rozelle] 1975 00:49:02,648 --> 00:49:04,692 League is such an international 1976 00:49:02,648 --> 00:49:04,692 game 1977 00:49:04,734 --> 00:49:07,111 and the international leagues 1978 00:49:04,734 --> 00:49:07,111 are so popular. 1979 00:49:07,152 --> 00:49:08,780 We knew we wanted 1980 00:49:07,152 --> 00:49:08,780 to take it on the road. 1981 00:49:08,821 --> 00:49:11,282 Korea was the obvious choice. 1982 00:49:16,746 --> 00:49:19,039 [in Korean] 1983 00:49:16,746 --> 00:49:19,039 The Seoul World Cup 1984 00:49:16,746 --> 00:49:19,039 stadium is, to Koreans, 1985 00:49:19,081 --> 00:49:21,709 a very historic place. 1986 00:49:21,751 --> 00:49:24,378 The fact that it's possible to 1987 00:49:21,751 --> 00:49:24,378 do Esports in a place like this 1988 00:49:24,629 --> 00:49:27,423 with 40,000 paid spectators 1989 00:49:24,629 --> 00:49:27,423 gathering, 1990 00:49:27,465 --> 00:49:29,425 that becomes huge news. 1991 00:49:29,884 --> 00:49:33,763 Forty thousand people? What the 1992 00:49:29,884 --> 00:49:33,763 hell? 40,000 people? 1993 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:40,018 [Phreak] The opening ceremony 1994 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:40,018 will begin shortly with 1995 00:49:37,391 --> 00:49:40,018 traditional Korean music 1996 00:49:40,060 --> 00:49:42,647 followed by a live performance 1997 00:49:40,060 --> 00:49:42,647 from Imagine Dragons, 1998 00:49:42,688 --> 00:49:44,356 playing their hit 1999 00:49:42,688 --> 00:49:44,356 song "Warriors." 2000 00:49:44,398 --> 00:49:47,276 ♪ We are the warriors ♪ 2001 00:49:47,318 --> 00:49:50,863 [in Korean] 2002 00:49:47,318 --> 00:49:50,863 Spending big money on events 2003 00:49:47,318 --> 00:49:50,863 like this isn't very common. 2004 00:49:51,447 --> 00:49:53,031 Especially in a place like 2005 00:49:51,447 --> 00:49:53,031 Korea, 2006 00:49:53,073 --> 00:49:56,661 parents with young children 2007 00:49:53,073 --> 00:49:56,661 consider games to be harmful. 2008 00:49:57,829 --> 00:49:59,664 If you enjoy games too much, 2009 00:49:59,705 --> 00:50:02,999 you can't study well and go to 2010 00:49:59,705 --> 00:50:02,999 a good college. 2011 00:50:03,584 --> 00:50:05,586 You can't get a good job. 2012 00:50:06,044 --> 00:50:08,798 Until these perceptions change, 2013 00:50:08,840 --> 00:50:11,843 it's difficult to say when it 2014 00:50:08,840 --> 00:50:11,843 will be acknowledged as a sport. 2015 00:50:11,884 --> 00:50:13,678 [crowd cheering] 2016 00:50:13,719 --> 00:50:17,598 Hello, Berlin! 2017 00:50:13,719 --> 00:50:17,598 [speaking German] 2018 00:50:17,640 --> 00:50:19,099 Ladies and gentlemen, 2019 00:50:17,640 --> 00:50:19,099 are you guys ready 2020 00:50:19,141 --> 00:50:22,311 for the 2015 League of Legends 2021 00:50:19,141 --> 00:50:22,311 World Championship? 2022 00:50:22,353 --> 00:50:24,438 [crowd cheering] 2023 00:50:26,315 --> 00:50:29,610 [announcer] 2024 00:50:26,315 --> 00:50:29,610 At Mid Lane, Faker! 2025 00:50:30,402 --> 00:50:32,404 Then you have players like 2026 00:50:30,402 --> 00:50:32,404 Faker. 2027 00:50:30,402 --> 00:50:32,404 [Gafford] 2028 00:50:32,446 --> 00:50:34,615 Who, I guess 2029 00:50:32,446 --> 00:50:34,615 if there is a Michael Jordan 2030 00:50:34,657 --> 00:50:37,242 of League of Legends or Esports, 2031 00:50:34,657 --> 00:50:37,242 this is the guy. 2032 00:50:38,202 --> 00:50:41,956 I think almost universally 2033 00:50:38,202 --> 00:50:41,956 considered the best player, 2034 00:50:41,998 --> 00:50:45,376 Faker has remained dominant 2035 00:50:41,998 --> 00:50:45,376 for years now. 2036 00:50:45,417 --> 00:50:47,378 He's just that good. 2037 00:50:48,462 --> 00:50:52,884 I have so much to tell you, but 2038 00:50:48,462 --> 00:50:52,884 my English is not good. 2039 00:50:52,925 --> 00:51:00,016 So, thank you and... thank for 2040 00:50:52,925 --> 00:51:00,016 cheering and always loving me. 2041 00:51:00,056 --> 00:51:02,977 [crowd cheering] 2042 00:51:07,272 --> 00:51:09,984 It feels like we're returning 2043 00:51:07,272 --> 00:51:09,984 to our roots, 2044 00:51:10,026 --> 00:51:12,820 but with way better 2045 00:51:10,026 --> 00:51:12,820 production values 2046 00:51:12,862 --> 00:51:15,322 and capabilities to actually 2047 00:51:12,862 --> 00:51:15,322 deliver a show like this. 2048 00:51:15,364 --> 00:51:18,074 [Horn] 2049 00:51:15,364 --> 00:51:18,074 We used projection on the floor 2050 00:51:18,116 --> 00:51:22,204 to demonstrate how the field 2051 00:51:18,116 --> 00:51:22,204 position would work on the Rift. 2052 00:51:23,789 --> 00:51:26,082 [Dustin] 2053 00:51:23,789 --> 00:51:26,082 You could feel as the stakes 2054 00:51:23,789 --> 00:51:26,082 rose, 2055 00:51:26,124 --> 00:51:28,961 the intensity of the fans 2056 00:51:26,124 --> 00:51:28,961 and of the players 2057 00:51:29,003 --> 00:51:31,839 and the entire 2058 00:51:29,003 --> 00:51:31,839 vibe of the event. 2059 00:51:31,881 --> 00:51:35,676 [Quickshot] SK Telecom 2060 00:51:31,881 --> 00:51:35,676 have overcome every challenge. 2061 00:51:35,718 --> 00:51:39,304 They are the undisputed 2062 00:51:35,718 --> 00:51:39,304 best team in the world! 2063 00:51:39,346 --> 00:51:41,223 The SKT reign continues. 2064 00:51:41,265 --> 00:51:43,392 They win their third 2065 00:51:41,265 --> 00:51:43,392 World Championship! 2066 00:51:43,434 --> 00:51:46,144 -[crowd cheering] 2067 00:51:43,434 --> 00:51:46,144 -[Kobe] Truly a legend. 2068 00:51:48,397 --> 00:51:51,650 [crowd cheering] 2069 00:51:48,397 --> 00:51:51,650 Faker! Faker! Faker! 2070 00:51:51,692 --> 00:51:53,945 [Riv] 2071 00:51:51,692 --> 00:51:53,945 Faker became such a big player, 2072 00:51:53,986 --> 00:51:57,364 because he could do all these 2073 00:51:53,986 --> 00:51:57,364 mechanically advanced moves, 2074 00:51:57,406 --> 00:51:59,199 always hitting everything 2075 00:51:57,406 --> 00:51:59,199 at the right second. 2076 00:51:59,241 --> 00:52:01,159 That's where idols come in. 2077 00:52:01,201 --> 00:52:04,914 That's where you start 2078 00:52:01,201 --> 00:52:04,914 wanting to be like somebody. 2079 00:52:09,251 --> 00:52:13,213 Today's games 2080 00:52:09,251 --> 00:52:13,213 were absolutely awesome! 2081 00:52:13,255 --> 00:52:17,175 I lost my voice 2082 00:52:13,255 --> 00:52:17,175 because I was screaming too 2083 00:52:13,255 --> 00:52:17,175 loud. 2084 00:52:17,217 --> 00:52:21,597 It was the best experience 2085 00:52:17,217 --> 00:52:21,597 I've ever had for League . 2086 00:52:22,056 --> 00:52:25,059 [Gafford] Because they have 2087 00:52:22,056 --> 00:52:25,059 spent virtually zero dollars 2088 00:52:25,101 --> 00:52:27,185 on traditional marketing, 2089 00:52:27,227 --> 00:52:30,898 League of Legends has kind of 2090 00:52:27,227 --> 00:52:30,898 flown underneath the radar by 2091 00:52:27,227 --> 00:52:30,898 the mainstream. 2092 00:52:30,940 --> 00:52:35,360 Suddenly, when all these stories 2093 00:52:30,940 --> 00:52:35,360 started popping up about Esports 2094 00:52:35,402 --> 00:52:37,571 and these tournaments and, 2095 00:52:35,402 --> 00:52:37,571 "Wow, the Staples Center 2096 00:52:37,613 --> 00:52:40,282 was sold out for 2097 00:52:37,613 --> 00:52:40,282 this massive event," 2098 00:52:40,324 --> 00:52:45,287 you naturally had a lot of 2099 00:52:40,324 --> 00:52:45,287 derision from traditional media. 2100 00:52:45,329 --> 00:52:48,624 [female reporter] It's a pastime 2101 00:52:45,329 --> 00:52:48,624 some think is symbolic of 2102 00:52:45,329 --> 00:52:48,624 slackers, 2103 00:52:48,666 --> 00:52:51,627 -of teenagers killing time. 2104 00:52:48,666 --> 00:52:51,627 -[crowd cheering] 2105 00:52:51,669 --> 00:52:55,422 But video gaming is now 2106 00:52:51,669 --> 00:52:55,422 a professional sport. 2107 00:52:55,464 --> 00:52:58,717 [NBC4 reporter] You could call 2108 00:52:55,464 --> 00:52:58,717 it the Super Bowl of video 2109 00:52:55,464 --> 00:52:58,717 gaming. 2110 00:52:58,759 --> 00:53:01,720 It's the biggest competitive 2111 00:52:58,759 --> 00:53:01,720 event we've never heard of. 2112 00:53:01,762 --> 00:53:03,764 -[NBC4 reporter] League of 2113 00:53:01,762 --> 00:53:03,764 Legends. -[female reporter] 2114 00:53:01,762 --> 00:53:03,764 League of Legends. 2115 00:53:03,806 --> 00:53:05,850 -[reporter 1] League of Legends. 2116 00:53:03,806 --> 00:53:05,850 -[reporter 2] League of Legends. 2117 00:53:05,891 --> 00:53:07,476 [radio host] 2118 00:53:05,891 --> 00:53:07,476 What is League of Legends ? 2119 00:53:07,518 --> 00:53:10,104 [man] League of Legends 2120 00:53:07,518 --> 00:53:10,104 is the most played, like, game 2121 00:53:07,518 --> 00:53:10,104 ever. 2122 00:53:10,146 --> 00:53:12,815 -The most--? 2123 00:53:10,146 --> 00:53:12,815 -The most played, downloaded 2124 00:53:10,146 --> 00:53:12,815 game. 2125 00:53:12,857 --> 00:53:14,692 Oh, because it's-- 2126 00:53:12,857 --> 00:53:14,692 it's an Internet game? 2127 00:53:14,733 --> 00:53:17,611 I had zero knowledge 2128 00:53:14,733 --> 00:53:17,611 of the fact that this exists. 2129 00:53:17,653 --> 00:53:19,195 You didn't know 2130 00:53:17,653 --> 00:53:19,195 there were cyber athletes? 2131 00:53:19,237 --> 00:53:21,323 My hand to God, I didn't know. 2132 00:53:21,365 --> 00:53:25,786 But my issue is it's still not a 2133 00:53:21,365 --> 00:53:25,786 sport. It's a game. 2134 00:53:25,828 --> 00:53:28,122 Have you guys seen Esports 2135 00:53:25,828 --> 00:53:28,122 and the Eleague? 2136 00:53:28,164 --> 00:53:29,373 I don't know if that's sports. 2137 00:53:29,414 --> 00:53:31,167 Do you have any statistics 2138 00:53:31,207 --> 00:53:34,210 on how many of those people 2139 00:53:31,207 --> 00:53:34,210 also go to Star Trek 2140 00:53:31,207 --> 00:53:34,210 conventions? 2141 00:53:34,252 --> 00:53:35,880 [ MMA Hour host] I 2142 00:53:34,252 --> 00:53:35,880 find it very bizarre. 2143 00:53:35,921 --> 00:53:39,215 this is the sign of the 2144 00:53:35,921 --> 00:53:39,215 apocalypse 2145 00:53:35,921 --> 00:53:39,215 I feel like it's really-- 2146 00:53:39,257 --> 00:53:41,177 that people are actually 2147 00:53:39,257 --> 00:53:41,177 into this sort of thing. 2148 00:53:41,217 --> 00:53:43,762 [man] I don't feel that way. 2149 00:53:41,217 --> 00:53:43,762 I'm kind of excited about this. 2150 00:53:43,804 --> 00:53:46,182 I can understand people 2151 00:53:43,804 --> 00:53:46,182 watching a golf game. 2152 00:53:46,222 --> 00:53:48,433 -[announcer] No. 2153 00:53:46,222 --> 00:53:48,433 -[crowd cheers] 2154 00:53:48,475 --> 00:53:50,186 [man] 2155 00:53:48,475 --> 00:53:50,186 I can't understand people 2156 00:53:50,226 --> 00:53:52,146 watching somebody 2157 00:53:50,226 --> 00:53:52,146 play a computer game. 2158 00:53:52,188 --> 00:53:54,439 Well, I have to say my wife 2159 00:53:52,188 --> 00:53:54,439 can't understand people 2160 00:53:54,481 --> 00:53:57,026 watching a golf game 2161 00:53:54,481 --> 00:53:57,026 because she's not a golfer. 2162 00:53:57,068 --> 00:54:01,030 So, if you're not a gamer 2163 00:53:57,068 --> 00:54:01,030 that's not going to appeal to 2164 00:53:57,068 --> 00:54:01,030 you. 2165 00:54:01,072 --> 00:54:05,201 For a lot of the older folks, 2166 00:54:01,072 --> 00:54:05,201 they're like, amazed by it. 2167 00:54:05,241 --> 00:54:08,037 watch other people playing a 2168 00:54:05,241 --> 00:54:08,037 game? 2169 00:54:05,241 --> 00:54:08,037 They're like, how could people 2170 00:54:08,079 --> 00:54:11,040 The flip side is we watch other 2171 00:54:08,079 --> 00:54:11,040 people playing a game all the 2172 00:54:08,079 --> 00:54:11,040 time. 2173 00:54:11,082 --> 00:54:14,501 -Games like basketball, 2174 00:54:11,082 --> 00:54:14,501 football, etc. -Yeah. 2175 00:54:14,543 --> 00:54:17,963 -[baseball commentator] Throw 2176 00:54:14,543 --> 00:54:17,963 home! -[basketball commentator] 2177 00:54:14,543 --> 00:54:17,963 Won't go! 2178 00:54:18,589 --> 00:54:20,758 I like sitting down and watching 2179 00:54:18,589 --> 00:54:20,758 League of Legends games. 2180 00:54:20,799 --> 00:54:23,135 Like, I don't normally watch 2181 00:54:20,799 --> 00:54:23,135 sports either. [chuckles] 2182 00:54:23,177 --> 00:54:24,845 Which is funny 2183 00:54:23,177 --> 00:54:24,845 because I played a lot of 2184 00:54:23,177 --> 00:54:24,845 sports. 2185 00:54:24,887 --> 00:54:26,764 [football commentator] 2186 00:54:24,887 --> 00:54:26,764 Chris Kluwe is perfect. 2187 00:54:26,805 --> 00:54:29,141 Chris' right footed punt. 2188 00:54:26,805 --> 00:54:29,141 Very high. 2189 00:54:29,183 --> 00:54:31,936 [Kluwe] You have five guys 2190 00:54:29,183 --> 00:54:31,936 working together on a team 2191 00:54:31,977 --> 00:54:34,063 and if they don't work together 2192 00:54:34,105 --> 00:54:37,608 then the other team's going to 2193 00:54:34,105 --> 00:54:37,608 beat them, and I mean, that's 2194 00:54:34,105 --> 00:54:37,608 what a team sport is. 2195 00:54:38,316 --> 00:54:40,611 [Gafford] 2196 00:54:38,316 --> 00:54:40,611 You have traditional sports 2197 00:54:38,316 --> 00:54:40,611 athletes 2198 00:54:40,652 --> 00:54:43,239 like Rick Fox enter the space 2199 00:54:40,652 --> 00:54:43,239 with his own team. 2200 00:54:43,279 --> 00:54:45,365 [Fox] They are digital athletes. 2201 00:54:45,407 --> 00:54:48,953 athletes. No look, can you think 2202 00:54:45,407 --> 00:54:48,953 about-- 2203 00:54:45,407 --> 00:54:48,953 They're professional digital 2204 00:54:48,994 --> 00:54:51,538 athlete. 2205 00:54:48,994 --> 00:54:51,538 look, I think about what it took 2206 00:54:48,994 --> 00:54:51,538 for me to become a professional 2207 00:54:51,580 --> 00:54:53,165 Took a lot of concentration, 2208 00:54:53,207 --> 00:54:57,002 a lot of dedication, practice, 2209 00:54:53,207 --> 00:54:57,002 preparation, stamina. 2210 00:54:57,044 --> 00:54:59,171 They're sponsored. 2211 00:54:57,044 --> 00:54:59,171 They have careers. 2212 00:54:59,213 --> 00:55:01,423 They make hundreds 2213 00:54:59,213 --> 00:55:01,423 of thousands of dollars. 2214 00:55:02,674 --> 00:55:07,679 player is close to $300,000 a 2215 00:55:02,674 --> 00:55:07,679 year. 2216 00:55:02,674 --> 00:55:07,679 [Allen] The average salary for a 2217 00:55:07,721 --> 00:55:09,347 [Gafford] There is 2218 00:55:07,721 --> 00:55:09,347 rumors like Faker 2219 00:55:09,389 --> 00:55:12,350 turned down multimillion dollar 2220 00:55:09,389 --> 00:55:12,350 salaries in China. 2221 00:55:14,270 --> 00:55:17,898 [reporter] Players are now 2222 00:55:14,270 --> 00:55:17,898 even eligible for U.S. P1 visas 2223 00:55:17,940 --> 00:55:20,525 normally reserved 2224 00:55:17,940 --> 00:55:20,525 for touring athletes. 2225 00:55:20,567 --> 00:55:22,069 What is a P1A visa? 2226 00:55:22,111 --> 00:55:25,072 A P1A visa is a visa 2227 00:55:22,111 --> 00:55:25,072 that's given for athletes, 2228 00:55:25,114 --> 00:55:27,783 which means that you are 2229 00:55:25,114 --> 00:55:27,783 an exceptional athlete 2230 00:55:27,825 --> 00:55:30,452 from another country 2231 00:55:27,825 --> 00:55:30,452 coming into the United States 2232 00:55:30,494 --> 00:55:33,956 and you have to prove that 2233 00:55:30,494 --> 00:55:33,956 your athletic capabilities are 2234 00:55:30,494 --> 00:55:33,956 good enough 2235 00:55:33,998 --> 00:55:36,583 to guarantee you living 2236 00:55:33,998 --> 00:55:36,583 inside the United States. 2237 00:55:36,625 --> 00:55:39,211 equivalent of the Super Bowl in 2238 00:55:36,625 --> 00:55:39,211 my world? 2239 00:55:36,625 --> 00:55:39,211 The Worlds? Is this the 2240 00:55:39,253 --> 00:55:41,046 Yeah, I would say so. 2241 00:55:41,088 --> 00:55:43,757 Except the only difference would 2242 00:55:41,088 --> 00:55:43,757 be if the Super Bowl 2243 00:55:41,088 --> 00:55:43,757 is just U.S. 2244 00:55:43,799 --> 00:55:46,051 This is like, there's 13 2245 00:55:43,799 --> 00:55:46,051 countries that play this game, 2246 00:55:46,093 --> 00:55:47,886 and they all come together 2247 00:55:46,093 --> 00:55:47,886 for the World Championship. 2248 00:55:47,928 --> 00:55:50,639 The best Korean team comes 2249 00:55:47,928 --> 00:55:50,639 to the States to play 2250 00:55:50,681 --> 00:55:52,850 the best North American team. 2251 00:55:52,891 --> 00:55:55,019 The best team in 2252 00:55:52,891 --> 00:55:55,019 China come to play. 2253 00:55:55,060 --> 00:55:57,855 It's the best team. 2254 00:55:55,060 --> 00:55:57,855 Trained together for a whole 2255 00:55:55,060 --> 00:55:57,855 year. 2256 00:55:57,896 --> 00:55:59,231 Right. That's the difference. 2257 00:55:59,273 --> 00:56:00,941 So, you're getting the games 2258 00:55:59,273 --> 00:56:00,941 at the highest level. 2259 00:56:00,983 --> 00:56:03,319 [crowd cheering] 2260 00:56:04,486 --> 00:56:06,238 Oh, my God! 2261 00:56:06,864 --> 00:56:10,366 Quadrakill from Fnatic! 2262 00:56:06,864 --> 00:56:10,366 Quadrakill from Fnatic. 2263 00:56:10,408 --> 00:56:14,163 The feeling in there is exactly 2264 00:56:10,408 --> 00:56:14,163 the same as being on an field. 2265 00:56:14,205 --> 00:56:17,749 You have fans cheering. 2266 00:56:14,205 --> 00:56:17,749 You have, you know, big plays 2267 00:56:14,205 --> 00:56:17,749 developing. 2268 00:56:17,791 --> 00:56:20,544 You have moments of glory 2269 00:56:17,791 --> 00:56:20,544 and moments of defeat. 2270 00:56:21,003 --> 00:56:24,798 [football commentator] Eli 2271 00:56:21,003 --> 00:56:24,798 throwing into traffic on the 2272 00:56:21,003 --> 00:56:24,798 sideline. 2273 00:56:25,381 --> 00:56:29,261 [Horn] It'll be really 2274 00:56:25,381 --> 00:56:29,261 interesting to see if the 2275 00:56:25,381 --> 00:56:29,261 sustainability is there 2276 00:56:29,303 --> 00:56:33,098 and whether we can take League 2277 00:56:29,303 --> 00:56:33,098 and build it 2278 00:56:33,140 --> 00:56:36,310 into what can be 2279 00:56:33,140 --> 00:56:36,310 generationally relevant. 2280 00:56:36,352 --> 00:56:38,394 The way that we identify 2281 00:56:36,352 --> 00:56:38,394 with teams be it 2282 00:56:38,436 --> 00:56:41,732 if we're a Red Sox fan and we're 2283 00:56:38,436 --> 00:56:41,732 long suffering until the 2000s. 2284 00:56:41,773 --> 00:56:45,903 [baseball commentator] 2285 00:56:41,773 --> 00:56:45,903 The Boston Red Sox are World 2286 00:56:41,773 --> 00:56:45,903 Champions! 2287 00:56:45,944 --> 00:56:49,948 [Horn] We want to see that type 2288 00:56:45,944 --> 00:56:49,948 of generational rich fabric 2289 00:56:49,990 --> 00:56:53,493 of fandom 2290 00:56:49,990 --> 00:56:53,493 that goes beyond year to year. 2291 00:56:53,535 --> 00:56:58,623 That's the goal to have Esports 2292 00:56:53,535 --> 00:56:58,623 become sports that last. 2293 00:57:08,050 --> 00:57:11,845 The growth around League of 2294 00:57:08,050 --> 00:57:11,845 Legends and the growth around 2295 00:57:08,050 --> 00:57:11,845 Esports 2296 00:57:11,887 --> 00:57:15,182 has been tightly coupled 2297 00:57:11,887 --> 00:57:15,182 with accessibility of the 2298 00:57:11,887 --> 00:57:15,182 content. 2299 00:57:15,224 --> 00:57:18,435 Live streaming Twitch and 2300 00:57:15,224 --> 00:57:18,435 YouTube and Facebook, 2301 00:57:18,476 --> 00:57:20,979 all these places you can watch 2302 00:57:18,476 --> 00:57:20,979 this content. 2303 00:57:21,021 --> 00:57:23,357 Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, 2304 00:57:21,021 --> 00:57:23,357 to Greatest League Talk Show . 2305 00:57:23,399 --> 00:57:26,318 I am your host, Scarra. 2306 00:57:26,360 --> 00:57:30,488 Streaming has become 2307 00:57:26,360 --> 00:57:30,488 such a generational thing. 2308 00:57:30,530 --> 00:57:32,866 Some people don't 2309 00:57:30,530 --> 00:57:32,866 want to watch sports 2310 00:57:32,908 --> 00:57:36,828 or they don't want to watch, 2311 00:57:32,908 --> 00:57:36,828 like, TV, but they want to watch 2312 00:57:32,908 --> 00:57:36,828 gaming. 2313 00:57:36,870 --> 00:57:40,040 Use a slow roll. Wait for peopl 2314 00:57:36,870 --> 00:57:40,040 to slowly smash your face in. 2315 00:57:40,082 --> 00:57:43,877 They are gamers and in their 2316 00:57:40,082 --> 00:57:43,877 free time they want to watch 2317 00:57:40,082 --> 00:57:43,877 what they love. 2318 00:57:43,919 --> 00:57:46,922 All the top streamers are 2319 00:57:43,919 --> 00:57:46,922 usually old professional 2320 00:57:43,919 --> 00:57:46,922 players. 2321 00:57:46,964 --> 00:57:49,300 They're kind of going to have 2322 00:57:46,964 --> 00:57:49,300 to start fights off of Scarra. 2323 00:57:49,341 --> 00:57:53,137 If he can land really, really 2324 00:57:49,341 --> 00:57:53,137 good ults, he'll just make 2325 00:57:49,341 --> 00:57:53,137 things happen. 2326 00:57:53,178 --> 00:57:56,640 [Scarra] I ended up being like, 2327 00:57:53,178 --> 00:57:56,640 one of the first ever 2328 00:57:53,178 --> 00:57:56,640 educational streamers. 2329 00:57:56,681 --> 00:57:58,809 I would talk about 2330 00:57:56,681 --> 00:57:58,809 what I'm doing. 2331 00:57:58,850 --> 00:58:02,354 Now, that sounds crazy right? 2332 00:57:58,850 --> 00:58:02,354 Super easy. But is it? 2333 00:58:02,396 --> 00:58:05,441 Ideally, you don't want to get 2334 00:58:02,396 --> 00:58:05,441 into a range to Q over... 2335 00:58:05,482 --> 00:58:09,445 Think about you narrating your 2336 00:58:05,482 --> 00:58:09,445 life, every aspect of your life 2337 00:58:05,482 --> 00:58:09,445 every day. 2338 00:58:09,486 --> 00:58:10,737 That's what we're doing. 2339 00:58:10,779 --> 00:58:13,949 100 and f-- Oh, my God! 2340 00:58:13,991 --> 00:58:15,451 I have a subscriber base 2341 00:58:15,492 --> 00:58:18,454 where they pay a certain amount 2342 00:58:15,492 --> 00:58:18,454 every month to support me. 2343 00:58:18,495 --> 00:58:21,748 donations, and they can support 2344 00:58:18,495 --> 00:58:21,748 me just by watching 2345 00:58:18,495 --> 00:58:21,748 They can support me through 2346 00:58:21,790 --> 00:58:23,583 because I make money 2347 00:58:21,790 --> 00:58:23,583 through ad revenue as well. 2348 00:58:23,625 --> 00:58:27,463 I am currently making 2349 00:58:23,625 --> 00:58:27,463 six figures right now. 2350 00:58:27,504 --> 00:58:29,923 I will eventually 2351 00:58:27,504 --> 00:58:29,923 be a millionaire. 2352 00:58:29,965 --> 00:58:32,301 -Oh, my God, what a game. 2353 00:58:29,965 --> 00:58:32,301 -[game voice-over] Victory! 2354 00:58:32,343 --> 00:58:34,970 Infernal! Sorry. 2355 00:58:35,012 --> 00:58:38,849 [girl] I was exposed to Twitch 2356 00:58:35,012 --> 00:58:38,849 via my online friends 2357 00:58:38,890 --> 00:58:41,601 and I started watching these 2358 00:58:38,890 --> 00:58:41,601 streamers and I got hooked on it 2359 00:58:41,643 --> 00:58:44,313 and I'd watch them and I'd be 2360 00:58:41,643 --> 00:58:44,313 like, "Wow, I love what they do! 2361 00:58:44,355 --> 00:58:46,106 I wish I could do that someday." 2362 00:58:46,148 --> 00:58:48,108 Aw, give me the penta, dude! 2363 00:58:48,150 --> 00:58:50,068 As a streamer, I'm 2364 00:58:48,150 --> 00:58:50,068 here to entertain, 2365 00:58:50,110 --> 00:58:52,988 smile, and I want to enjoy what 2366 00:58:50,110 --> 00:58:52,988 I do. 2367 00:58:50,110 --> 00:58:52,988 I want to make people laugh, 2368 00:58:53,030 --> 00:58:56,283 Yes, yes! All three CS. 2369 00:58:56,325 --> 00:58:59,495 I did a lot of stuff like 2370 00:58:56,325 --> 00:58:59,495 student council in high school, 2371 00:58:59,536 --> 00:59:02,706 was a part of clubs, dance team, 2372 00:58:59,536 --> 00:59:02,706 soccer team, stuff like that. 2373 00:59:02,747 --> 00:59:04,541 I really love making friends 2374 00:59:04,582 --> 00:59:07,669 and I remember hitting triple 2375 00:59:04,582 --> 00:59:07,669 digits, "100 people watching." 2376 00:59:07,711 --> 00:59:10,881 I thought that was like, 2377 00:59:07,711 --> 00:59:10,881 the biggest deal ever. 2378 00:59:10,922 --> 00:59:15,927 Nowadays I average like 5,000 2379 00:59:10,922 --> 00:59:15,927 to 10,000 people watching me. 2380 00:59:16,261 --> 00:59:18,138 People come up to you 2381 00:59:16,261 --> 00:59:18,138 and they say like, 2382 00:59:18,180 --> 00:59:22,726 "I watched your stream and you 2383 00:59:18,180 --> 00:59:22,726 really helped me through a tough 2384 00:59:18,180 --> 00:59:22,726 time where 2385 00:59:22,767 --> 00:59:24,978 I lost a parent or 2386 00:59:22,767 --> 00:59:24,978 I lost a friend" 2387 00:59:25,020 --> 00:59:26,771 Thanks, Chenyascream! 2388 00:59:26,813 --> 00:59:29,483 Welcome to the Poki squad, 2389 00:59:26,813 --> 00:59:29,483 appreciate 'ya. 2390 00:59:29,525 --> 00:59:34,488 You really help people stay 2391 00:59:29,525 --> 00:59:34,488 happy and feel company just by 2392 00:59:29,525 --> 00:59:34,488 streaming. 2393 00:59:34,530 --> 00:59:37,657 So, I'm going to play with a 2394 00:59:34,530 --> 00:59:37,657 bunch of my viewers right now. 2395 00:59:37,699 --> 00:59:39,410 We're all just 2396 00:59:37,699 --> 00:59:39,410 loading into a game. 2397 00:59:39,451 --> 00:59:41,828 [game sounds] 2398 00:59:41,870 --> 00:59:43,580 [Ocelote] I love 2399 00:59:41,870 --> 00:59:43,580 human interaction. 2400 00:59:43,621 --> 00:59:46,666 And there's just no better way 2401 00:59:43,621 --> 00:59:46,666 to interact digitally 2402 00:59:46,708 --> 00:59:50,587 with anyone 2403 00:59:46,708 --> 00:59:50,587 than with live streaming, 2404 00:59:46,708 --> 00:59:50,587 period. 2405 00:59:51,213 --> 00:59:55,259 [Marshall] Ocelote was a 2406 00:59:51,213 --> 00:59:55,259 streamer back in the early days 2407 00:59:51,213 --> 00:59:55,259 of League of Legends . 2408 00:59:55,509 --> 00:59:58,303 There's comic timing to 2409 00:59:55,509 --> 00:59:58,303 everything. Even anger. 2410 00:59:58,345 --> 01:00:02,307 And if you're charismatic and 2411 00:59:58,345 --> 01:00:02,307 funny about being angry and 2412 00:59:58,345 --> 01:00:02,307 furious, 2413 01:00:02,349 --> 01:00:05,769 -that can go a long way. 2414 01:00:02,349 --> 01:00:05,769 -[screams] 2415 01:00:05,810 --> 01:00:10,190 It was kind of one of the first 2416 01:00:05,810 --> 01:00:10,190 streams that banked on being 2417 01:00:05,810 --> 01:00:10,190 entertainingly toxic. 2418 01:00:10,232 --> 01:00:14,319 Ocelote, Ocelote, Ocelote, yeah 2419 01:00:14,361 --> 01:00:16,572 When you're immature, 2420 01:00:16,613 --> 01:00:21,243 when you haven't lived through a 2421 01:00:16,613 --> 01:00:21,243 lot of ups and downs in life, 2422 01:00:21,285 --> 01:00:24,662 then you get thrown a bad 2423 01:00:21,285 --> 01:00:24,662 teammate, in a bad moment, 2424 01:00:24,704 --> 01:00:27,749 in front of a few thousand 2425 01:00:24,704 --> 01:00:27,749 people watching you, 2426 01:00:27,791 --> 01:00:30,294 and then that amount of 2427 01:00:27,791 --> 01:00:30,294 pressure, peer pressure. 2428 01:00:30,335 --> 01:00:33,797 It's just everything 2429 01:00:30,335 --> 01:00:33,797 comes too fast, 2430 01:00:33,838 --> 01:00:37,092 and you just feel very 2431 01:00:33,838 --> 01:00:37,092 frustrated about the situation. 2432 01:00:37,134 --> 01:00:40,637 And you say things that 2433 01:00:37,134 --> 01:00:40,637 you don't even feel yourself, 2434 01:00:37,134 --> 01:00:40,637 you know. 2435 01:00:42,347 --> 01:00:44,475 [Allen] In the case of Ocelote, 2436 01:00:44,516 --> 01:00:47,852 he would say terrible things 2437 01:00:44,516 --> 01:00:47,852 to insult people 2438 01:00:47,894 --> 01:00:50,564 whether it's your opponent 2439 01:00:47,894 --> 01:00:50,564 and you're just trash talking 2440 01:00:47,894 --> 01:00:50,564 them 2441 01:00:50,606 --> 01:00:52,441 or it's your own 2442 01:00:50,606 --> 01:00:52,441 teammate on your team 2443 01:00:52,483 --> 01:00:55,026 that has not performed up 2444 01:00:52,483 --> 01:00:55,026 to your standards. 2445 01:00:55,068 --> 01:00:56,945 Riot had to get 2446 01:00:55,068 --> 01:00:56,945 involved and say, 2447 01:00:56,987 --> 01:00:58,947 "If you're going to be 2448 01:00:56,987 --> 01:00:58,947 a professional athlete 2449 01:00:58,989 --> 01:01:01,032 representing 2450 01:00:58,989 --> 01:01:01,032 not only League of Legends, 2451 01:01:01,074 --> 01:01:04,744 but Riot Games, playing in this 2452 01:01:01,074 --> 01:01:04,744 League , you're going to need 2453 01:01:01,074 --> 01:01:04,744 to clean it up." 2454 01:01:05,537 --> 01:01:07,872 [Ocelote] Of course there was 2455 01:01:05,537 --> 01:01:07,872 no ill intent. And I'm a kid. 2456 01:01:07,914 --> 01:01:10,875 I remember it was about the time 2457 01:01:07,914 --> 01:01:10,875 that my father, actually, 2458 01:01:10,917 --> 01:01:13,253 was going through chemotherapy. 2459 01:01:13,295 --> 01:01:16,256 But reacting that badly, 2460 01:01:13,295 --> 01:01:16,256 especially in front of people, 2461 01:01:16,298 --> 01:01:18,467 is the worst thing you can do. 2462 01:01:18,509 --> 01:01:20,093 You know, because these kids 2463 01:01:18,509 --> 01:01:20,093 look up to you. 2464 01:01:20,135 --> 01:01:23,054 Fuck, fuck, fuck! 2465 01:01:23,096 --> 01:01:26,766 Showing them that kind of bad 2466 01:01:23,096 --> 01:01:26,766 side of competition 2467 01:01:26,808 --> 01:01:28,810 is the worst thing you can do. 2468 01:01:29,853 --> 01:01:32,730 I remember the community 2469 01:01:29,853 --> 01:01:32,730 and Riot being extremely fair. 2470 01:01:32,772 --> 01:01:37,194 which helped me also be self 2471 01:01:32,772 --> 01:01:37,194 -reflective. 2472 01:01:32,772 --> 01:01:37,194 Being judgmental, 2473 01:01:37,235 --> 01:01:39,488 But at the same time, 2474 01:01:37,235 --> 01:01:39,488 being empathetic, 2475 01:01:39,530 --> 01:01:42,324 and giving me a second chance, 2476 01:01:39,530 --> 01:01:42,324 which they did. 2477 01:01:42,366 --> 01:01:43,950 So, I'm incredibly 2478 01:01:42,366 --> 01:01:43,950 grateful for that. 2479 01:01:43,992 --> 01:01:47,454 Thank you very much to all of 2480 01:01:43,992 --> 01:01:47,454 you. I love you all. Bye. 2481 01:01:47,496 --> 01:01:50,081 While there's one 2482 01:01:47,496 --> 01:01:50,081 case of Ocelote, 2483 01:01:50,123 --> 01:01:53,418 there are a hundred 2484 01:01:50,123 --> 01:01:53,418 cases of players 2485 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:58,465 who have not reformed, 2486 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:58,465 who have not cut out the 2487 01:01:53,460 --> 01:01:58,465 toxicity. 2488 01:01:58,507 --> 01:02:01,426 [Koster] The Internet 2489 01:01:58,507 --> 01:02:01,426 has this amazing power to create 2490 01:01:58,507 --> 01:02:01,426 crowds 2491 01:02:01,468 --> 01:02:04,429 and crowds create anonymity. 2492 01:02:04,471 --> 01:02:05,805 [keys clacking] 2493 01:02:05,847 --> 01:02:07,891 [Kim] 2494 01:02:05,847 --> 01:02:07,891 Because it's free-to-play, 2495 01:02:08,642 --> 01:02:10,602 you can get people coming 2496 01:02:08,642 --> 01:02:10,602 into the game from anywhere 2497 01:02:10,644 --> 01:02:12,103 and you can have people having 2498 01:02:12,145 --> 01:02:15,148 almost zero accountability 2499 01:02:12,145 --> 01:02:15,148 for their actions there. 2500 01:02:16,233 --> 01:02:19,069 [Marshall] League of Legends 2501 01:02:16,233 --> 01:02:19,069 has a really bad reputation 2502 01:02:19,110 --> 01:02:22,989 for being toxic because you're 2503 01:02:19,110 --> 01:02:22,989 in a high pressure situation. 2504 01:02:23,657 --> 01:02:26,618 There are a lot of factors 2505 01:02:23,657 --> 01:02:26,618 outside of your control. 2506 01:02:27,160 --> 01:02:28,953 [laughing] 2507 01:02:28,995 --> 01:02:30,706 I can see why people 2508 01:02:28,995 --> 01:02:30,706 get frustrated 2509 01:02:30,747 --> 01:02:33,333 and I can see 2510 01:02:30,747 --> 01:02:33,333 why in today's online culture 2511 01:02:33,375 --> 01:02:35,919 that frustration turns 2512 01:02:33,375 --> 01:02:35,919 into something pretty ugly. 2513 01:02:35,960 --> 01:02:38,796 [man] No fucking joke. 2514 01:02:35,960 --> 01:02:38,796 I'm not kidding. Kill yourself. 2515 01:02:38,838 --> 01:02:42,259 [woman] It's very similar to 2516 01:02:38,838 --> 01:02:42,259 what you see in road rage, for 2517 01:02:38,838 --> 01:02:42,259 example. 2518 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:46,471 It leads to that "flash in the 2519 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:46,471 pan" rage where we tend to act 2520 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:46,471 out. 2521 01:02:46,513 --> 01:02:49,307 The part that I find very 2522 01:02:46,513 --> 01:02:49,307 painful, just as a gamer, 2523 01:02:49,349 --> 01:02:52,060 is that my crime 2524 01:02:49,349 --> 01:02:52,060 is that I show up as a woman. 2525 01:02:52,102 --> 01:02:54,187 I don't play on voice chat 2526 01:02:54,229 --> 01:02:56,523 because you're going to figure 2527 01:02:54,229 --> 01:02:56,523 out pretty quickly 2528 01:02:56,565 --> 01:02:58,858 that I'm not of the 2529 01:02:56,565 --> 01:02:58,858 male persuasion, 2530 01:02:59,943 --> 01:03:02,904 and so that usually leads to, 2531 01:02:59,943 --> 01:03:02,904 you know, variety of your 2532 01:02:59,943 --> 01:03:02,904 classic, 2533 01:03:02,946 --> 01:03:04,448 "get back to the 2534 01:03:02,946 --> 01:03:04,448 kitchen" comments 2535 01:03:04,489 --> 01:03:07,325 to nasty stuff that I'm totally 2536 01:03:04,489 --> 01:03:07,325 not going to repeat here. 2537 01:03:08,326 --> 01:03:11,329 [Marshall] I don't think it's a 2538 01:03:08,326 --> 01:03:11,329 League of Legends specific 2539 01:03:08,326 --> 01:03:11,329 problem. 2540 01:03:11,371 --> 01:03:13,749 I think it's a gaming problem. 2541 01:03:13,790 --> 01:03:16,293 For a lot of us, it's 2542 01:03:13,790 --> 01:03:16,293 become white noise. 2543 01:03:16,334 --> 01:03:20,880 If we got legitimately upset, 2544 01:03:16,334 --> 01:03:20,880 we would never play. 2545 01:03:21,423 --> 01:03:24,050 You almost have to learn a bit 2546 01:03:21,423 --> 01:03:24,050 about human psychology 2547 01:03:24,092 --> 01:03:27,721 and realize that this person 2548 01:03:24,092 --> 01:03:27,721 must be in such a terrible place 2549 01:03:27,763 --> 01:03:29,681 to be doing that kind of thing. 2550 01:03:29,723 --> 01:03:33,351 I almost feel bad for 2551 01:03:29,723 --> 01:03:33,351 them in that sense. 2552 01:03:33,727 --> 01:03:35,687 Although you can 2553 01:03:33,727 --> 01:03:35,687 get a lot of hate, 2554 01:03:35,729 --> 01:03:38,649 I try to focus more 2555 01:03:35,729 --> 01:03:38,649 on how to fix the situation 2556 01:03:38,690 --> 01:03:41,735 as opposed to being mad at it. 2557 01:03:42,653 --> 01:03:44,529 [groans] 2558 01:03:45,196 --> 01:03:46,906 [Koster] Early League 2559 01:03:45,196 --> 01:03:46,906 started out small enough 2560 01:03:46,948 --> 01:03:48,492 that many of these problems 2561 01:03:46,948 --> 01:03:48,492 didn't manifest. 2562 01:03:48,533 --> 01:03:50,661 -[shrieks] 2563 01:03:48,533 --> 01:03:50,661 -[Koster] Then it grew. 2564 01:03:50,702 --> 01:03:54,247 At some point, League said 2565 01:03:50,702 --> 01:03:54,247 we need to take this seriously. 2566 01:03:54,289 --> 01:03:58,710 We need to engage 2567 01:03:54,289 --> 01:03:58,710 in the process of governance. 2568 01:03:58,752 --> 01:04:00,504 [Phreak] 2569 01:03:58,752 --> 01:04:00,504 Welcome to the Tribunal. 2570 01:04:00,545 --> 01:04:03,548 The Tribunal allows you to shap 2571 01:04:00,545 --> 01:04:03,548 player behavior for the better, 2572 01:04:03,590 --> 01:04:06,384 acting directly on reports 2573 01:04:03,590 --> 01:04:06,384 from fellow players. 2574 01:04:06,426 --> 01:04:09,346 We built a penalty 2575 01:04:06,426 --> 01:04:09,346 system for that. 2576 01:04:09,387 --> 01:04:14,184 And we even experimented 2577 01:04:09,387 --> 01:04:14,184 with trying to pull the 2578 01:04:09,387 --> 01:04:14,184 community in 2579 01:04:14,225 --> 01:04:19,022 and have them be the arbiters 2580 01:04:14,225 --> 01:04:19,022 of what deserved a penalty or 2581 01:04:14,225 --> 01:04:19,022 what didn't. 2582 01:04:19,063 --> 01:04:22,442 [Phreak] After reviewing the 2583 01:04:19,063 --> 01:04:22,442 chat log, I decide that I want 2584 01:04:19,063 --> 01:04:22,442 to punish him. 2585 01:04:23,026 --> 01:04:25,570 But, if we jump in there and 2586 01:04:23,026 --> 01:04:25,570 we're like, "You can't do that" 2587 01:04:25,612 --> 01:04:27,405 and "That's terrible" 2588 01:04:25,612 --> 01:04:27,405 and all of these different 2589 01:04:25,612 --> 01:04:27,405 things. 2590 01:04:27,447 --> 01:04:30,408 Then what happens is we just 2591 01:04:27,447 --> 01:04:30,408 collectively as people dig our 2592 01:04:27,447 --> 01:04:30,408 heels in. 2593 01:04:30,450 --> 01:04:33,161 Like, "Whoa, this is change. 2594 01:04:30,450 --> 01:04:33,161 Whoa, what's happening?" 2595 01:04:33,411 --> 01:04:36,790 That's what lead us to say, 2596 01:04:33,411 --> 01:04:36,790 "Let's figure out what this gap 2597 01:04:33,411 --> 01:04:36,790 is." 2598 01:04:36,832 --> 01:04:38,709 And it turned out 2599 01:04:36,832 --> 01:04:38,709 that it was encouragement. 2600 01:04:38,750 --> 01:04:42,253 It was telling folks 2601 01:04:38,750 --> 01:04:42,253 when they're doing a great job, 2602 01:04:42,295 --> 01:04:43,797 that they're doing a great job. 2603 01:04:43,839 --> 01:04:46,675 Instead of it always being 2604 01:04:43,839 --> 01:04:46,675 about the punishments, 2605 01:04:46,717 --> 01:04:48,677 let's celebrate with players. 2606 01:04:48,719 --> 01:04:50,595 And that has worked 2607 01:04:48,719 --> 01:04:50,595 so much better 2608 01:04:50,637 --> 01:04:53,765 than just strictly focusing 2609 01:04:50,637 --> 01:04:53,765 on those penalties. 2610 01:04:54,224 --> 01:04:56,267 But we're never going to reach 2611 01:04:54,224 --> 01:04:56,267 perfect. There is no perfect. 2612 01:04:56,309 --> 01:04:57,811 There is no end state. 2613 01:04:57,853 --> 01:05:02,065 There's just this ongoing 2614 01:04:57,853 --> 01:05:02,065 understanding of players. 2615 01:05:04,776 --> 01:05:07,529 [gamer] Even though people might 2616 01:05:04,776 --> 01:05:07,529 say that the community is toxic, 2617 01:05:07,571 --> 01:05:09,489 I feel like we can 2618 01:05:07,571 --> 01:05:09,489 make it a better place 2619 01:05:09,531 --> 01:05:12,868 by being support talkers 2620 01:05:09,531 --> 01:05:12,868 rather than trash talkers. 2621 01:05:12,909 --> 01:05:14,578 Toxicity is negative. 2622 01:05:14,619 --> 01:05:17,288 Let's not keep that up. 2623 01:05:14,619 --> 01:05:17,288 We're all about good times. 2624 01:05:17,330 --> 01:05:20,291 [gamer 2] I'm here to say 2625 01:05:17,330 --> 01:05:20,291 that there is a whole side 2626 01:05:20,333 --> 01:05:22,960 that never gets talked 2627 01:05:20,333 --> 01:05:22,960 about full of awesome people 2628 01:05:23,002 --> 01:05:24,880 who are being 2629 01:05:23,002 --> 01:05:24,880 really good to each other. 2630 01:05:24,921 --> 01:05:27,924 So, keep playing League . 2631 01:05:24,921 --> 01:05:27,924 [clicks tongue] 2632 01:05:31,344 --> 01:05:35,557 League of Legends 2633 01:05:31,344 --> 01:05:35,557 is part of a very big movement. 2634 01:05:36,140 --> 01:05:39,977 It's the players and fans 2635 01:05:36,140 --> 01:05:39,977 that are all coming together 2636 01:05:40,019 --> 01:05:41,979 to craft this 2637 01:05:40,019 --> 01:05:41,979 experience together. 2638 01:05:42,021 --> 01:05:43,690 -[man] League of-- 2639 01:05:42,021 --> 01:05:43,690 -[all] Legends! 2640 01:05:43,732 --> 01:05:45,358 -[man] League of-- 2641 01:05:43,732 --> 01:05:45,358 -[all] Legends! 2642 01:05:45,400 --> 01:05:47,694 -[man] League of-- 2643 01:05:45,400 --> 01:05:47,694 -[all] Legends! 2644 01:05:47,736 --> 01:05:51,364 [Gafford] It's not just a bunch 2645 01:05:47,736 --> 01:05:51,364 of people independently 2646 01:05:47,736 --> 01:05:51,364 consuming something. 2647 01:05:51,406 --> 01:05:55,577 It is a ton of people 2648 01:05:51,406 --> 01:05:55,577 all over the world creating 2649 01:05:51,406 --> 01:05:55,577 something. 2650 01:05:55,911 --> 01:05:58,914 For them, it's about 2651 01:05:55,911 --> 01:05:58,914 the characters themselves. 2652 01:05:58,955 --> 01:06:01,625 It's this character 2653 01:05:58,955 --> 01:06:01,625 driven situation 2654 01:06:01,666 --> 01:06:04,920 where you kind of assume 2655 01:06:01,666 --> 01:06:04,920 the fantasy of this game. 2656 01:06:05,629 --> 01:06:07,839 [Koster] The huge cast of 2657 01:06:05,629 --> 01:06:07,839 characters that has developed 2658 01:06:07,881 --> 01:06:11,635 is one of the reasons 2659 01:06:07,881 --> 01:06:11,635 why League can have that 2660 01:06:07,881 --> 01:06:11,635 popularity. 2661 01:06:11,676 --> 01:06:13,929 It gives that access. 2662 01:06:14,554 --> 01:06:17,432 We're generally looking 2663 01:06:14,554 --> 01:06:17,432 for something that we identify 2664 01:06:14,554 --> 01:06:17,432 with, 2665 01:06:17,474 --> 01:06:22,729 and that means that anybody 2666 01:06:17,474 --> 01:06:22,729 can come to that and find a way 2667 01:06:17,474 --> 01:06:22,729 in. 2668 01:06:22,771 --> 01:06:25,106 [woman] I thought the art 2669 01:06:22,771 --> 01:06:25,106 of the characters was so cool. 2670 01:06:25,148 --> 01:06:27,609 This looks really fun and 2671 01:06:25,148 --> 01:06:27,609 interesting and I really like 2672 01:06:25,148 --> 01:06:27,609 it. 2673 01:06:27,651 --> 01:06:29,861 [gamer 3] Heimerdinger does have 2674 01:06:27,651 --> 01:06:29,861 that best swag walk. 2675 01:06:29,903 --> 01:06:33,114 -Yeah, he has that swag. 2676 01:06:29,903 --> 01:06:33,114 -Heimerdinger swag! 2677 01:06:33,156 --> 01:06:35,366 [Heimerdinger] 2678 01:06:33,156 --> 01:06:35,366 Order, entropy, a never-ending 2679 01:06:33,156 --> 01:06:35,366 cycle. 2680 01:06:35,408 --> 01:06:38,161 Oh, my God, I love Graves. 2681 01:06:38,202 --> 01:06:41,665 They made that Graves skin 2682 01:06:38,202 --> 01:06:41,665 with like, no shirt and I was 2683 01:06:38,202 --> 01:06:41,665 like, mm! 2684 01:06:41,706 --> 01:06:44,459 Feeling lucky? Try me. 2685 01:06:44,501 --> 01:06:47,587 I connect with it so much 2686 01:06:44,501 --> 01:06:47,587 that I am Draven. 2687 01:06:47,629 --> 01:06:49,923 [laughs] 2688 01:06:49,965 --> 01:06:52,550 My favorite character by far is 2689 01:06:49,965 --> 01:06:52,550 Teemo. He is an underdog. 2690 01:06:52,592 --> 01:06:56,262 He is a little guy. 2691 01:06:52,592 --> 01:06:56,262 He's not strong. He's very fast. 2692 01:06:56,304 --> 01:06:59,349 He can't really fight you 2693 01:06:56,304 --> 01:06:59,349 straight up one on one. 2694 01:06:59,390 --> 01:07:02,602 I like him because he is super 2695 01:06:59,390 --> 01:07:02,602 relatable to basically anyone. 2696 01:07:02,644 --> 01:07:04,020 [Teemo] Armed and ready! 2697 01:07:04,061 --> 01:07:06,314 It doesn't matter if you're from 2698 01:07:04,061 --> 01:07:06,314 China or Korea or USA, 2699 01:07:06,356 --> 01:07:10,318 you see this guy and you're 2700 01:07:06,356 --> 01:07:10,318 like, "I know what that 2701 01:07:06,356 --> 01:07:10,318 character is all about." 2702 01:07:13,822 --> 01:07:17,868 The characters have such vibrant 2703 01:07:13,822 --> 01:07:17,868 backgrounds and personality to 2704 01:07:13,822 --> 01:07:17,868 them. 2705 01:07:17,909 --> 01:07:20,537 And that's the reason why, for 2706 01:07:17,909 --> 01:07:20,537 example, you see so many people 2707 01:07:17,909 --> 01:07:20,537 cosplaying. 2708 01:07:20,578 --> 01:07:22,455 It's not just, like, 2709 01:07:20,578 --> 01:07:22,455 a generic character. 2710 01:07:22,497 --> 01:07:25,542 It's they're rich 2711 01:07:22,497 --> 01:07:25,542 and full of life. 2712 01:07:25,583 --> 01:07:26,918 I'm a casual player. 2713 01:07:26,960 --> 01:07:30,213 But I'm playing Wukong, 2714 01:07:26,960 --> 01:07:30,213 obviously. 2715 01:07:30,254 --> 01:07:32,549 He's a fun character to play. 2716 01:07:34,467 --> 01:07:36,720 [Merrill] You do not want to 2717 01:07:34,467 --> 01:07:36,720 mess with that dude. 2718 01:07:37,846 --> 01:07:39,556 Seven foot, virtually unkillable 2719 01:07:37,846 --> 01:07:39,556 barbarian warrior is coming at 2720 01:07:37,846 --> 01:07:39,556 you 2721 01:07:39,597 --> 01:07:42,433 with a sword 2722 01:07:39,597 --> 01:07:42,433 that can cleave you in two. 2723 01:07:42,767 --> 01:07:46,354 The designers decided 2724 01:07:42,767 --> 01:07:46,354 to name him after a character 2725 01:07:46,396 --> 01:07:48,982 that I had played in EverQuest , 2726 01:07:46,396 --> 01:07:48,982 which was a barbarian warrior. 2727 01:07:49,024 --> 01:07:50,734 So they thought Tryndamere 2728 01:07:49,024 --> 01:07:50,734 was a really cool name 2729 01:07:50,775 --> 01:07:52,903 and just fit the persona. 2730 01:07:52,944 --> 01:07:54,988 A lot of players, when I'm 2731 01:07:52,944 --> 01:07:54,988 playing, get disappointed 2732 01:07:55,030 --> 01:07:58,366 if I'm not playing Tryndamere. 2733 01:07:55,030 --> 01:07:58,366 They're like, "Please play 2734 01:07:55,030 --> 01:07:58,366 Tryndamere." 2735 01:08:04,831 --> 01:08:07,042 What's the secret to 2736 01:08:04,831 --> 01:08:07,042 League of Legends? 2737 01:08:07,083 --> 01:08:08,543 It's this right here. 2738 01:08:07,083 --> 01:08:08,543 It's the community. 2739 01:08:08,585 --> 01:08:11,254 -Oh. 2740 01:08:08,585 --> 01:08:11,254 -Look around. Do a 360. 2741 01:08:11,295 --> 01:08:14,340 That's the secret. That's 2742 01:08:11,295 --> 01:08:14,340 literally it. [chuckles] 2743 01:08:16,634 --> 01:08:18,887 [man] It's hard for me because 2744 01:08:16,634 --> 01:08:18,887 my parents don't really 2745 01:08:16,634 --> 01:08:18,887 understand 2746 01:08:18,929 --> 01:08:20,931 like, all this stuff, you know? 2747 01:08:20,972 --> 01:08:24,768 I've played with these guys 2748 01:08:20,972 --> 01:08:24,768 for like, a year now, if not 2749 01:08:20,972 --> 01:08:24,768 longer. 2750 01:08:24,809 --> 01:08:28,145 And it's just like, 2751 01:08:24,809 --> 01:08:28,145 I talk to these guys every 2752 01:08:24,809 --> 01:08:28,145 single day. 2753 01:08:28,187 --> 01:08:31,107 For me to actually come 2754 01:08:28,187 --> 01:08:31,107 and finally meet them, it's so 2755 01:08:28,187 --> 01:08:31,107 cool! 2756 01:08:31,148 --> 01:08:33,068 And when we're playing online, 2757 01:08:33,150 --> 01:08:37,697 it's nice to come on and have 2758 01:08:33,150 --> 01:08:37,697 family or a community that 2759 01:08:33,150 --> 01:08:37,697 understands that. 2760 01:08:38,615 --> 01:08:42,326 In games, there's no borders 2761 01:08:38,615 --> 01:08:42,326 that typically exist. 2762 01:08:42,368 --> 01:08:46,456 Like when I meet someone online, 2763 01:08:42,368 --> 01:08:46,456 I am meeting them at face value. 2764 01:08:46,497 --> 01:08:48,875 I know nothing about them, 2765 01:08:46,497 --> 01:08:48,875 I can't see them. 2766 01:08:48,917 --> 01:08:50,794 I don't know what race they are. 2767 01:08:50,835 --> 01:08:53,170 I don't know what 2768 01:08:50,835 --> 01:08:53,170 their socioeconomic background 2769 01:08:50,835 --> 01:08:53,170 is. 2770 01:08:53,212 --> 01:08:57,216 I don't know if they're 2771 01:08:53,212 --> 01:08:57,216 important or not. Like, it 2772 01:08:53,212 --> 01:08:57,216 doesn't matter. 2773 01:08:57,258 --> 01:08:58,426 [announcer] 2774 01:08:57,258 --> 01:08:58,426 Where are you guys from? 2775 01:08:58,468 --> 01:08:59,218 North Dakota. 2776 01:08:59,260 --> 01:09:00,428 Austin, Texas. 2777 01:09:00,470 --> 01:09:02,179 Anchorage, Alaska. 2778 01:09:02,221 --> 01:09:03,765 -Ugh. 2779 01:09:02,221 --> 01:09:03,765 -Pittsburgh. 2780 01:09:03,807 --> 01:09:05,391 -[both] Chicago. 2781 01:09:03,807 --> 01:09:05,391 -Vancouver. 2782 01:09:05,433 --> 01:09:07,602 [whoops] 2783 01:09:09,186 --> 01:09:12,189 League of Legends becomes 2784 01:09:09,186 --> 01:09:12,189 this universal language in of 2785 01:09:09,186 --> 01:09:12,189 itself. 2786 01:09:12,231 --> 01:09:14,191 Like, I can be in Shanghai 2787 01:09:14,233 --> 01:09:17,821 and see somebody with a Teemo 2788 01:09:14,233 --> 01:09:17,821 hat and instantaneously we have 2789 01:09:14,233 --> 01:09:17,821 this bond. 2790 01:09:17,862 --> 01:09:20,740 And can talk about like, "Oh, 2791 01:09:17,862 --> 01:09:20,740 Teemo!" and have smiles and 2792 01:09:17,862 --> 01:09:20,740 laughs. 2793 01:09:22,450 --> 01:09:25,620 It was just a hugely cool thing 2794 01:09:22,450 --> 01:09:25,620 to see the passion 2795 01:09:25,662 --> 01:09:27,705 that players would have 2796 01:09:25,662 --> 01:09:27,705 for League of Legends , 2797 01:09:27,747 --> 01:09:30,333 you know, in all these different 2798 01:09:27,747 --> 01:09:30,333 parts of the world. 2799 01:09:34,087 --> 01:09:36,339 [Beck] 2800 01:09:34,087 --> 01:09:36,339 Publishers like to think of 2801 01:09:34,087 --> 01:09:36,339 markets 2802 01:09:36,380 --> 01:09:39,175 as just completely 2803 01:09:36,380 --> 01:09:39,175 different internationally. 2804 01:09:39,216 --> 01:09:41,719 But I think gamers around the 2805 01:09:39,216 --> 01:09:41,719 world have an awful lot in 2806 01:09:39,216 --> 01:09:41,719 common 2807 01:09:41,761 --> 01:09:45,473 that people don't necessarily 2808 01:09:41,761 --> 01:09:45,473 recognize or appreciate. 2809 01:09:47,224 --> 01:09:50,186 [overlapping chatter] 2810 01:09:50,770 --> 01:09:52,814 [Gafford] 2811 01:09:50,770 --> 01:09:52,814 As huge and crazy as it is, 2812 01:09:52,856 --> 01:09:54,983 they've only managed to make 2813 01:09:52,856 --> 01:09:54,983 this one game. 2814 01:09:55,025 --> 01:09:58,695 And while they've certainly 2815 01:09:55,025 --> 01:09:58,695 admitted that there are more 2816 01:09:55,025 --> 01:09:58,695 games in the pipeline, 2817 01:09:58,987 --> 01:10:02,991 how much pressure must there be 2818 01:09:58,987 --> 01:10:02,991 on you if you're working on one 2819 01:09:58,987 --> 01:10:02,991 of those projects 2820 01:10:03,033 --> 01:10:05,869 to follow up something 2821 01:10:03,033 --> 01:10:05,869 like a League of Legends ? 2822 01:10:07,328 --> 01:10:10,040 You know, is League of Legends 2823 01:10:07,328 --> 01:10:10,040 the best game Riot will ever 2824 01:10:07,328 --> 01:10:10,040 make? 2825 01:10:10,081 --> 01:10:12,625 Is it the biggest game 2826 01:10:10,081 --> 01:10:12,625 they will ever make? 2827 01:10:12,667 --> 01:10:15,712 I don't know, 2828 01:10:12,667 --> 01:10:15,712 but there's a chance it could 2829 01:10:12,667 --> 01:10:15,712 be. 2830 01:10:17,047 --> 01:10:19,340 [Marshall] Ever since League of 2831 01:10:17,047 --> 01:10:19,340 Legends really kicked off 2832 01:10:19,382 --> 01:10:21,467 and became just sort 2833 01:10:19,382 --> 01:10:21,467 of a phenomenon, 2834 01:10:21,509 --> 01:10:24,512 everyone's sort of waiting to 2835 01:10:21,509 --> 01:10:24,512 see when it will die. 2836 01:10:25,138 --> 01:10:27,264 Every game dies. 2837 01:10:28,599 --> 01:10:32,228 Starcraft was the Esport 2838 01:10:28,599 --> 01:10:32,228 for a long time and it faded 2839 01:10:28,599 --> 01:10:32,228 away. 2840 01:10:32,770 --> 01:10:34,772 [LemonNation] 2841 01:10:32,770 --> 01:10:34,772 I don't think a game can last 2842 01:10:32,770 --> 01:10:34,772 forever. 2843 01:10:34,814 --> 01:10:37,150 I think eventually 2844 01:10:34,814 --> 01:10:37,150 another game will overlap it 2845 01:10:37,192 --> 01:10:41,029 as, you know, like the biggest 2846 01:10:37,192 --> 01:10:41,029 Esport. I think that's just the 2847 01:10:37,192 --> 01:10:41,029 nature of Esports. 2848 01:10:41,946 --> 01:10:43,781 [Allen] 2849 01:10:41,946 --> 01:10:43,781 There are more Esports titles 2850 01:10:41,946 --> 01:10:43,781 out there. 2851 01:10:43,823 --> 01:10:46,784 There are more games 2852 01:10:43,823 --> 01:10:46,784 taking up mind share. 2853 01:10:46,826 --> 01:10:49,328 It's a little bit of an arms 2854 01:10:46,826 --> 01:10:49,328 race of who's going to be doing 2855 01:10:46,826 --> 01:10:49,328 it best. 2856 01:10:49,370 --> 01:10:52,498 Who's going to invest more 2857 01:10:49,370 --> 01:10:52,498 people and more resources 2858 01:10:52,540 --> 01:10:56,127 into Esports and competition? 2859 01:10:56,794 --> 01:11:00,297 We're in a make or break time 2860 01:10:56,794 --> 01:11:00,297 for Esports. 2861 01:11:00,339 --> 01:11:03,426 Like, this thing needs 2862 01:11:00,339 --> 01:11:03,426 to continue to grow 2863 01:11:03,467 --> 01:11:06,221 at the rate that it's projected 2864 01:11:03,467 --> 01:11:06,221 to grow. People talk about it by 2865 01:11:03,467 --> 01:11:06,221 2020, 2866 01:11:06,262 --> 01:11:09,640 it's going to be a $1.5 billion 2867 01:11:06,262 --> 01:11:09,640 business every year. 2868 01:11:09,682 --> 01:11:12,393 All these investors have come in 2869 01:11:09,682 --> 01:11:12,393 buying the hype, 2870 01:11:12,435 --> 01:11:15,438 buying the speculation, 2871 01:11:12,435 --> 01:11:15,438 where this thing is going. 2872 01:11:15,479 --> 01:11:17,607 If it doesn't go that way, 2873 01:11:15,479 --> 01:11:17,607 this whole ecosystem 2874 01:11:17,648 --> 01:11:20,693 is at risk of collapsing. 2875 01:11:26,657 --> 01:11:32,580 [in Chinese] 2876 01:11:26,657 --> 01:11:32,580 This is Beijing, China. Welcome 2877 01:11:26,657 --> 01:11:32,580 to the 2017 World Championship! 2878 01:11:33,664 --> 01:11:37,376 [Horn] We wanted to go to China 2879 01:11:33,664 --> 01:11:37,376 and set up a show in the Bird's 2880 01:11:33,664 --> 01:11:37,376 Nest. 2881 01:11:37,418 --> 01:11:39,420 The home of the Olympics. 2882 01:11:39,462 --> 01:11:42,799 That presents a lot of risks 2883 01:11:39,462 --> 01:11:42,799 and it's scary. 2884 01:11:42,840 --> 01:11:45,885 This is the exact track 2885 01:11:42,840 --> 01:11:45,885 in which Usain Bolt 2886 01:11:45,927 --> 01:11:47,386 broke his own 100-meter record. 2887 01:11:47,428 --> 01:11:49,430 [Horn] Most sports have 2888 01:11:47,428 --> 01:11:49,430 100 years of history. 2889 01:11:49,472 --> 01:11:52,183 We have under ten. 2890 01:11:52,225 --> 01:11:54,560 We know that we need 2891 01:11:52,225 --> 01:11:54,560 to develop deeper bonds 2892 01:11:54,602 --> 01:11:58,898 with potential partners and 2893 01:11:54,602 --> 01:11:58,898 sponsors and we are incredibly 2894 01:11:54,602 --> 01:11:58,898 motivated. 2895 01:11:58,940 --> 01:12:02,110 So much of it has been about 2896 01:11:58,940 --> 01:12:02,110 Faker, as it always is. 2897 01:12:02,152 --> 01:12:03,945 But this year, 2898 01:12:02,152 --> 01:12:03,945 when they've needed him most, 2899 01:12:03,987 --> 01:12:06,990 he has played better 2900 01:12:03,987 --> 01:12:06,990 than ever before. 2901 01:12:08,324 --> 01:12:10,785 We wanted to create memories 2902 01:12:08,324 --> 01:12:10,785 with these big events 2903 01:12:10,827 --> 01:12:14,080 and we know that those memories 2904 01:12:10,827 --> 01:12:14,080 are what carry on. 2905 01:12:14,122 --> 01:12:19,669 When people look back, they 2906 01:12:14,122 --> 01:12:19,669 think of these kind of flashbulb 2907 01:12:14,122 --> 01:12:19,669 moments. 2908 01:12:19,710 --> 01:12:22,338 Those are the things 2909 01:12:19,710 --> 01:12:22,338 that you can't really value, 2910 01:12:22,379 --> 01:12:26,592 because it was a moment that all 2911 01:12:22,379 --> 01:12:26,592 of us will remember forever. 2912 01:12:26,634 --> 01:12:28,594 [roars] 2913 01:12:29,846 --> 01:12:31,514 [Phreak] The upset is complete 2914 01:12:29,846 --> 01:12:31,514 as the kills come through. 2915 01:12:31,555 --> 01:12:36,435 The SKT dynasty is over. 2916 01:12:31,555 --> 01:12:36,435 All hail the new kings! 2917 01:12:36,477 --> 01:12:38,562 Samsung Galaxy, 2918 01:12:38,604 --> 01:12:42,692 -your 2017 World Champions! 2919 01:12:38,604 --> 01:12:42,692 -[crowd cheering] 2920 01:12:44,235 --> 01:12:46,988 [Deficio] Every single player 2921 01:12:44,235 --> 01:12:46,988 talks about revenge 2922 01:12:47,030 --> 01:12:49,365 against SKT and they got it. 2923 01:12:49,406 --> 01:12:52,451 Faker is destroyed. 2924 01:13:08,259 --> 01:13:11,721 [Koster] Once a phenomenon 2925 01:13:08,259 --> 01:13:11,721 like League of Legends happens, 2926 01:13:11,762 --> 01:13:14,598 you can't undo the 2927 01:13:11,762 --> 01:13:14,598 effect it's had. 2928 01:13:14,640 --> 01:13:19,687 It may evolve, it may change, 2929 01:13:14,640 --> 01:13:19,687 but it doesn't just disappear. 2930 01:13:19,729 --> 01:13:22,982 The impact I think 2931 01:13:19,729 --> 01:13:22,982 has barely begun to be felt. 2932 01:13:23,024 --> 01:13:27,195 It might even be a generation 2933 01:13:23,024 --> 01:13:27,195 before we truly see it. 2934 01:13:28,279 --> 01:13:31,157 Our parents always kind of 2935 01:13:28,279 --> 01:13:31,157 thought that we would stop 2936 01:13:28,279 --> 01:13:31,157 playing these games. 2937 01:13:31,199 --> 01:13:33,617 And I think we're just starting 2938 01:13:31,199 --> 01:13:33,617 to hit the point 2939 01:13:33,659 --> 01:13:36,996 where people feel like games 2940 01:13:33,659 --> 01:13:36,996 are here to stay. 2941 01:13:37,830 --> 01:13:40,499 [Pokimane] Almost everybody 2942 01:13:37,830 --> 01:13:40,499 can be considered a gamer. 2943 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:42,252 Whether it be Candy Crush 2944 01:13:40,541 --> 01:13:42,252 on your phone 2945 01:13:42,293 --> 01:13:45,255 or whether you scrim League 2946 01:13:42,293 --> 01:13:45,255 eight hours every day. 2947 01:13:45,296 --> 01:13:49,050 You know, everybody can enjoy 2948 01:13:45,296 --> 01:13:49,050 some type of game. 2949 01:13:49,300 --> 01:13:51,677 [Scarra] 2950 01:13:49,300 --> 01:13:51,677 League of Legends is a 2951 01:13:49,300 --> 01:13:51,677 lifestyle. 2952 01:13:51,719 --> 01:13:54,764 I think the only thing my 2953 01:13:51,719 --> 01:13:54,764 parents want is me to find a 2954 01:13:51,719 --> 01:13:54,764 girlfriend. 2955 01:13:54,805 --> 01:13:56,807 And that's it. [laughs] 2956 01:13:56,849 --> 01:13:58,893 My parents are just like, 2957 01:13:56,849 --> 01:13:58,893 "You got to pursue a love life." 2958 01:13:58,935 --> 01:14:01,562 And I'm just like, "I'm busy 2959 01:13:58,935 --> 01:14:01,562 playing League, how do I do 2960 01:13:58,935 --> 01:14:01,562 that?" 2961 01:14:01,604 --> 01:14:05,858 I came out on League of Legends 2962 01:14:01,604 --> 01:14:05,858 with my boyfriend. 2963 01:14:05,900 --> 01:14:08,778 I play League of Legends 2964 01:14:05,900 --> 01:14:08,778 because my friends forced me to. 2965 01:14:08,819 --> 01:14:11,197 We ended up building a really 2966 01:14:08,819 --> 01:14:11,197 strong relationship through 2967 01:14:08,819 --> 01:14:11,197 League of Legends , 2968 01:14:11,239 --> 01:14:15,576 strong enough that he decided 2969 01:14:11,239 --> 01:14:15,576 to make me his best man at his 2970 01:14:11,239 --> 01:14:15,576 wedding. 2971 01:14:16,869 --> 01:14:21,124 [Beck] League of Legends isn't 2972 01:14:16,869 --> 01:14:21,124 done, it hasn't reached its full 2973 01:14:16,869 --> 01:14:21,124 potential. 2974 01:14:21,165 --> 01:14:22,875 We're not perfect 2975 01:14:21,165 --> 01:14:22,875 and we don't get it all right, 2976 01:14:22,917 --> 01:14:25,253 but, man, I just think 2977 01:14:22,917 --> 01:14:25,253 it's such a privilege 2978 01:14:25,295 --> 01:14:27,797 to help make the types of games 2979 01:14:27,838 --> 01:14:30,383 that I most love to experience. 2980 01:14:30,716 --> 01:14:32,718 [Merrill] We realize 2981 01:14:30,716 --> 01:14:32,718 that it's not about us. 2982 01:14:32,760 --> 01:14:35,763 It's about our audience 2983 01:14:32,760 --> 01:14:35,763 that we're trying to serve. 2984 01:14:35,805 --> 01:14:40,310 You're no longer who you were. 2985 01:14:35,805 --> 01:14:40,310 You are now part of something 2986 01:14:35,805 --> 01:14:40,310 greater. 2987 01:14:41,269 --> 01:14:45,273 [Beck] Everything that we do 2988 01:14:41,269 --> 01:14:45,273 is made possible by the 2989 01:14:41,269 --> 01:14:45,273 community, 2990 01:14:45,315 --> 01:14:49,319 their level of engagement, 2991 01:14:45,315 --> 01:14:49,319 their level of support. 2992 01:14:49,360 --> 01:14:50,653 The community is the game. 2993 01:14:56,409 --> 01:14:58,369 Nice job, guys. 2994 01:14:56,409 --> 01:14:58,369 [chuckles] 2995 01:14:58,411 --> 01:15:00,537 GG! [chuckles] 2996 01:15:13,343 --> 01:15:16,512 [theme music playing]