1 00:00:38,958 --> 00:00:40,416 When I was ten, 2 00:00:40,500 --> 00:00:42,583 your grandfather brought me to the aftermath 3 00:00:42,666 --> 00:00:44,333 of the Battle of Hildenard. 4 00:00:44,416 --> 00:00:49,458 He offered me a gold coin for every blade I retrieved from the fallen. 5 00:00:49,541 --> 00:00:51,458 Said we needed the steel. 6 00:00:52,083 --> 00:00:53,583 But I knew it was a lie. 7 00:00:54,583 --> 00:00:57,791 He wanted me to know death. 8 00:00:58,750 --> 00:01:02,000 Kino says war is a failure of statecraft. 9 00:01:02,083 --> 00:01:04,541 Your brother thinks he can talk his way out of anything. 10 00:01:04,625 --> 00:01:06,791 He fancies himself a fox among the wolves. 11 00:01:06,875 --> 00:01:10,708 But mark me, child, if you want to last in this world, 12 00:01:10,791 --> 00:01:14,958 you must learn to be both the fox and the wolf. 13 00:01:17,458 --> 00:01:19,125 We'll paint the walls in gold. 14 00:01:19,916 --> 00:01:22,041 Import crystal chandeliers. 15 00:01:22,125 --> 00:01:24,208 Advisors will enter here, 16 00:01:24,291 --> 00:01:28,208 but the regent will have her own, secret entrance. 17 00:01:28,291 --> 00:01:31,041 She should have a kind, fat face. 18 00:01:31,125 --> 00:01:36,500 Clever, to charm her subjects, but pliable so we can mold her. 19 00:01:36,583 --> 00:01:38,333 Perhaps, she could be my daughter. 20 00:01:39,166 --> 00:01:40,958 You'd give me a throne? 21 00:01:41,041 --> 00:01:46,750 I will give you the world, child, if you prove you can take it. 22 00:01:59,916 --> 00:02:01,458 What should we do with her? 23 00:02:08,208 --> 00:02:10,000 She won't make trouble for us. 24 00:02:10,583 --> 00:02:14,000 Strip her of her possessions and send her to the far colonies. 25 00:02:17,875 --> 00:02:20,500 -She's a symbol of the old regime. 26 00:02:20,583 --> 00:02:23,291 Kill her now, and only one must die. 27 00:02:23,958 --> 00:02:26,166 Let her live and you may need to kill thousands. 28 00:02:26,250 --> 00:02:29,041 We can show the people we are merciful. 29 00:02:47,208 --> 00:02:48,708 A wolf has no mercy. 30 00:03:14,708 --> 00:03:16,791 -Will you be okay? 31 00:03:17,625 --> 00:03:19,541 -I'll be right back. -Okay. 32 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:29,625 {\an8}Jinx! 33 00:04:02,666 --> 00:04:03,750 It's gone. 34 00:04:03,833 --> 00:04:04,750 What? 35 00:04:07,791 --> 00:04:09,375 It was all for nothing. 36 00:04:58,666 --> 00:05:01,875 {\an8} 37 00:05:01,958 --> 00:05:07,208 {\an8} 38 00:05:07,291 --> 00:05:14,125 {\an8} 39 00:05:21,250 --> 00:05:23,416 {\an8} 40 00:05:23,500 --> 00:05:26,750 {\an8} 41 00:05:51,333 --> 00:05:52,833 Sir, we've secured the area. 42 00:05:53,333 --> 00:05:56,000 I've got orders to escort you back into the city. 43 00:05:56,875 --> 00:05:57,875 Sir? 44 00:05:59,125 --> 00:06:00,333 Are you all right? 45 00:06:40,083 --> 00:06:43,291 Who lives here? Another Councilor friend of yours? 46 00:06:47,750 --> 00:06:49,333 Caitlyn! 47 00:06:49,416 --> 00:06:52,833 Oh. We were so worried. Thank goodness you're safe! 48 00:06:52,916 --> 00:06:54,250 And you found a stray. 49 00:06:54,833 --> 00:06:56,333 This is Vi. 50 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:58,083 She's from the undercity. 51 00:06:58,166 --> 00:06:59,208 So I see. 52 00:06:59,875 --> 00:07:02,083 Could we have a word, Caitlyn? 53 00:07:02,833 --> 00:07:04,000 In private. 54 00:07:09,500 --> 00:07:11,250 You have to speak to the Council. 55 00:07:11,333 --> 00:07:13,083 Speak to the Council? 56 00:07:13,166 --> 00:07:15,583 You understand you've broken several laws? 57 00:07:15,666 --> 00:07:17,791 She was doing what she thought was right. 58 00:07:19,666 --> 00:07:21,166 I'll take responsibility. 59 00:07:21,250 --> 00:07:23,041 You're a Councilor's daughter. 60 00:07:23,125 --> 00:07:25,416 Your actions reflect on the entire body. 61 00:07:25,500 --> 00:07:27,500 My actions? 62 00:07:27,583 --> 00:07:29,708 {\an8}You know what else reflects on the Council? 63 00:07:29,791 --> 00:07:32,791 {\an8}Its citizens living on the streets. Being poisoned. 64 00:07:32,875 --> 00:07:35,625 Having to choose between a kingpin who wants to exploit them 65 00:07:35,708 --> 00:07:38,000 and a government that doesn't give a shit. 66 00:07:38,083 --> 00:07:39,333 -Caitlyn! 67 00:07:41,791 --> 00:07:45,250 I'm sure our daughter could use some rest after her adventures. 68 00:07:51,791 --> 00:07:53,791 -I'll schedule an audience. 69 00:07:55,208 --> 00:07:56,458 Thank you. 70 00:07:56,541 --> 00:07:59,958 You and your friend can address the Council yourselves. 71 00:08:00,041 --> 00:08:02,916 I'd suggest you prepare accordingly. 72 00:08:24,500 --> 00:08:28,583 -Her injuries are severe. -You think I can't see that? 73 00:08:29,416 --> 00:08:30,250 Huh. 74 00:08:30,833 --> 00:08:36,000 I believe I can save her, but the process will be demanding. 75 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:39,250 -Sometimes death is a mercy. 76 00:08:39,333 --> 00:08:41,458 She can take it. 77 00:08:41,541 --> 00:08:43,625 And before I begin, I must know… 78 00:08:44,666 --> 00:08:46,541 Are you prepared to lose her? 79 00:08:48,291 --> 00:08:50,041 -Jinx? 80 00:08:50,541 --> 00:08:52,833 -Jinx! 81 00:08:54,125 --> 00:08:58,458 She won't die, Doctor. 82 00:08:58,541 --> 00:08:59,666 She can't. 83 00:09:02,458 --> 00:09:04,166 I understand. 84 00:09:07,708 --> 00:09:10,625 Please understand, this is for your own sanity. 85 00:09:16,250 --> 00:09:18,750 I, too, once had a daughter. 86 00:09:33,708 --> 00:09:35,500 Silco isn't taking guests. 87 00:09:35,583 --> 00:09:36,708 Not a problem. 88 00:09:36,791 --> 00:09:40,500 Wasn't here for him. Thought I might bend your ear. 89 00:09:43,750 --> 00:09:46,416 You know when I ask my mates what Silco's up to, 90 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:49,166 your name's first out of their mouths. 91 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:53,250 "Sevika's out in the harbor," or "Sevika paid the knuckleheads a visit." 92 00:09:54,083 --> 00:09:55,625 You're a scary lady. 93 00:09:57,875 --> 00:09:59,000 Get to your point. 94 00:09:59,500 --> 00:10:01,708 Run a tight ship, don't you? 95 00:10:01,791 --> 00:10:03,916 Except it's not your ship. 96 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:06,708 It's his and Jinx's. 97 00:10:06,791 --> 00:10:08,416 This is your plan? 98 00:10:08,500 --> 00:10:11,708 Undermine Silco by making a half-assed play at my ego? 99 00:10:12,583 --> 00:10:13,791 Gotta hand it to you, Finn. 100 00:10:13,875 --> 00:10:16,791 Every time I think you can't get dumber, you dig a new low. 101 00:10:18,125 --> 00:10:21,416 Let's be plain, then. He's slipping. 102 00:10:21,500 --> 00:10:23,666 The undercity's devolving to chaos. 103 00:10:23,750 --> 00:10:27,250 And somehow, I get the feeling he isn't up there balancing booksheets. 104 00:10:28,958 --> 00:10:32,541 Jinx gets a whim, suddenly his spine's made of jelly. 105 00:10:32,625 --> 00:10:35,541 And here you are, shoveling his shit. 106 00:10:36,791 --> 00:10:40,041 Ego is one thing, brain's another. 107 00:10:46,041 --> 00:10:49,500 You aren't the only one dissatisfied with his performance. 108 00:10:50,166 --> 00:10:52,958 There's bigger fish than Silco. 109 00:11:26,750 --> 00:11:31,000 Mel. Elora. You didn't have to come out to meet me. 110 00:11:31,083 --> 00:11:33,958 -What are you doing here, Mother? -Can I not visit? 111 00:11:34,041 --> 00:11:36,541 I've heard stories of Piltover's hospitality. 112 00:11:37,875 --> 00:11:41,625 You didn't sail halfway across the continent to sample the local cuisine. 113 00:11:41,708 --> 00:11:45,208 -It's been over a decade, Mel. -Since you banished me? 114 00:11:45,291 --> 00:11:46,791 Such drama. 115 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:50,708 I sent you here to oversee our family's interests and grow yourself. 116 00:11:50,791 --> 00:11:51,791 Which you have. 117 00:11:51,875 --> 00:11:55,333 You said, "Perhaps, your sentimentality will be more at home 118 00:11:55,416 --> 00:11:58,166 with those soft-spined idealists overseas." 119 00:12:00,125 --> 00:12:01,833 You have your father's memory. 120 00:12:01,916 --> 00:12:04,083 Don't try to ingratiate yourself with me. 121 00:12:04,166 --> 00:12:06,416 -Mel. -Or that. 122 00:12:11,166 --> 00:12:12,750 Your brother's gone. 123 00:12:16,291 --> 00:12:17,375 What happened? 124 00:12:18,958 --> 00:12:21,958 He crossed the wrong man. 125 00:12:23,000 --> 00:12:24,083 I was distracted. 126 00:12:25,166 --> 00:12:27,500 That's a mistake I can't take back. 127 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,916 Your Jayce Talis has turned his eye to Hextech weaponry. 128 00:12:35,000 --> 00:12:36,666 I knew it. 129 00:12:36,750 --> 00:12:38,291 War is coming. 130 00:12:38,375 --> 00:12:41,375 You've let the problems of your undercity fester too long. 131 00:12:41,458 --> 00:12:43,000 Piltover isn't like Noxus. 132 00:12:43,083 --> 00:12:46,000 War isn't our first and every recourse. 133 00:12:46,083 --> 00:12:50,416 I sponsored Hextech to protect the city, not burn it to the ground. 134 00:12:50,500 --> 00:12:53,208 It's not conjecture, it's a fact. 135 00:12:53,291 --> 00:12:57,083 Weapons can't be unmade and they are always used. 136 00:12:57,166 --> 00:13:00,958 I'm here to help guide you to the right decisions. 137 00:13:01,041 --> 00:13:04,625 -I don't need your guidance. -We'll see. 138 00:13:06,208 --> 00:13:07,666 Miss Medarda? 139 00:13:08,708 --> 00:13:09,708 -Yes? -Yes? 140 00:13:13,041 --> 00:13:14,791 He's for me, dear. 141 00:13:18,958 --> 00:13:21,375 I'm off to sample the local cuisine. 142 00:13:34,041 --> 00:13:37,791 We'll present our case to the Council tonight. 143 00:13:40,666 --> 00:13:41,833 You did all this yourself? 144 00:13:42,666 --> 00:13:44,208 Without even going down there? 145 00:13:46,791 --> 00:13:49,958 And I thought Powder could get obsessed. 146 00:13:52,750 --> 00:13:55,958 What happened to her, it's not your fault. 147 00:13:59,958 --> 00:14:01,875 When my parents were still alive… 148 00:14:03,916 --> 00:14:05,666 me and Powder used to share a bed like this. 149 00:14:06,250 --> 00:14:09,166 Except, maybe, half the size. 150 00:14:10,208 --> 00:14:15,208 We played a game where we pretended to be bigger and bigger monsters. 151 00:14:16,583 --> 00:14:21,125 So she would say, "I'm a slug monster with venom for ooze." 152 00:14:22,375 --> 00:14:26,833 And I'd say, "Well, I'm a slug-eating crab with razor spikes." 153 00:14:29,125 --> 00:14:33,750 Sometimes, I… I'd get carried away and she'd get scared. 154 00:14:36,708 --> 00:14:39,416 I didn't want her to start crying and wake my parents up, so… 155 00:14:40,041 --> 00:14:42,333 I pretended to chase my own monsters away. 156 00:14:43,958 --> 00:14:44,833 I'd say… 157 00:14:46,000 --> 00:14:48,500 "No monster's gonna get you when I'm here." 158 00:14:50,166 --> 00:14:51,958 Then a real monster showed up. 159 00:14:54,791 --> 00:14:56,333 And I just ran away. 160 00:14:58,333 --> 00:14:59,750 I left her. 161 00:15:27,541 --> 00:15:30,500 You know, Powder, you're stronger than you think. 162 00:15:31,125 --> 00:15:32,083 Vi? 163 00:15:33,750 --> 00:15:35,791 I'm so sorry, Powder. 164 00:15:35,875 --> 00:15:38,291 -Your sister is jinx. -No! 165 00:15:39,791 --> 00:15:41,125 Jinx. 166 00:15:41,208 --> 00:15:43,041 No, no. No! 167 00:15:44,833 --> 00:15:47,250 I understand this must be painful. 168 00:15:47,333 --> 00:15:49,166 No! 169 00:15:49,250 --> 00:15:52,416 -I'm afraid it will only get worse. -Wait! 170 00:15:53,083 --> 00:15:56,833 No! 171 00:16:29,541 --> 00:16:31,041 What have you done? 172 00:16:32,375 --> 00:16:33,791 I saved her life. 173 00:16:51,500 --> 00:16:52,791 Hey, watch it, furball. 174 00:16:52,875 --> 00:16:54,416 Move. 175 00:17:26,583 --> 00:17:27,666 Oh. 176 00:17:28,458 --> 00:17:29,541 Hmm. 177 00:17:30,125 --> 00:17:32,041 -Hmm. 178 00:17:33,583 --> 00:17:34,791 Huh? 179 00:17:35,291 --> 00:17:36,541 Hmm… 180 00:17:39,041 --> 00:17:40,208 Like this. 181 00:17:42,166 --> 00:17:43,625 Get away from her. 182 00:17:45,875 --> 00:17:47,208 Bye… 183 00:18:06,375 --> 00:18:08,500 Oh, ingenious. 184 00:18:09,041 --> 00:18:12,250 Though these blades seem improperly pitched. 185 00:18:12,875 --> 00:18:14,250 You're wrong. 186 00:18:15,166 --> 00:18:16,750 It's designed for the fissures. 187 00:18:17,416 --> 00:18:18,833 The air is denser. 188 00:18:18,916 --> 00:18:19,750 Oh. 189 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:22,125 -Are you all right, lad? 190 00:18:22,208 --> 00:18:25,583 Yeah, I'm fine, I just sprained my ankle. 191 00:18:26,916 --> 00:18:29,291 Are you Councilor Heimerdinger? 192 00:18:30,250 --> 00:18:32,875 It's just Heimerdinger now. 193 00:18:33,375 --> 00:18:35,208 What are you doing on this side of the river? 194 00:18:36,166 --> 00:18:38,166 I wanted to offer my assistance 195 00:18:38,250 --> 00:18:40,458 to the citizens of the undercity, but… 196 00:18:40,958 --> 00:18:43,958 it seems I'm unwelcome. 197 00:18:46,250 --> 00:18:49,083 -What is it? -We're having the exact same day. 198 00:18:51,041 --> 00:18:55,291 That looks like more than a sprain. You need medical attention. 199 00:18:55,375 --> 00:18:58,583 I have to get home. It isn't safe for me here. 200 00:18:59,583 --> 00:19:03,208 I don't know how I'm gonna get there with my leg busted, and, well… 201 00:19:03,791 --> 00:19:05,083 you're holding my ride. 202 00:19:18,291 --> 00:19:21,458 Do they teach military history at your Academy, Mr. Talis? 203 00:19:22,125 --> 00:19:24,500 It's, um, Councilor Talis. 204 00:19:25,333 --> 00:19:26,791 And I'm not sure. 205 00:19:26,875 --> 00:19:29,333 The Alornian General Sonnem Parlec 206 00:19:29,416 --> 00:19:32,333 used to find ways to meet his enemies blindfolded. 207 00:19:32,916 --> 00:19:35,666 He said a man's mind hides behind his body. 208 00:19:35,750 --> 00:19:38,666 Somehow, I doubt he ever tried this. 209 00:19:39,333 --> 00:19:40,541 You're Mel's mom. 210 00:19:41,291 --> 00:19:42,625 Among other things. 211 00:19:43,500 --> 00:19:46,375 Squeeze, child. You won't break it. 212 00:19:47,750 --> 00:19:49,666 I do have other matters, so if you'll excuse me… 213 00:19:49,750 --> 00:19:51,916 The threat of the undercity is real. 214 00:19:52,000 --> 00:19:55,250 -Your leadership is impotent. 215 00:19:55,333 --> 00:19:58,583 We may not be Noxus, but Piltover isn't as helpless as you think. 216 00:19:58,666 --> 00:20:00,500 Who said anything about Piltover? 217 00:20:00,583 --> 00:20:04,666 The Council is the problem. The mind hiding behind the body. 218 00:20:04,750 --> 00:20:09,000 Navigating your current crisis requires expertise you lack. 219 00:20:09,666 --> 00:20:13,083 Do you know what the success rate for senior Academy inventors is? 220 00:20:13,166 --> 00:20:14,250 Three percent. 221 00:20:14,833 --> 00:20:16,708 We're no strangers to failure. 222 00:20:16,791 --> 00:20:20,416 What makes this the City of Progress is that we keep trying until we get it right. 223 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:24,875 So thank you for your advice, Mrs. Medarda, but I have a city to run. 224 00:20:26,041 --> 00:20:27,208 Wait. 225 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:35,291 I see why this province and my daughter have fallen for you. 226 00:20:35,916 --> 00:20:37,833 You have the passion of youth. 227 00:20:38,333 --> 00:20:41,000 I have experience. 228 00:20:41,083 --> 00:20:44,958 I want you to succeed here, Jayce, to grace the world with Hextech. 229 00:20:45,041 --> 00:20:49,833 But if you don't accept certain realities, I fear you'll end up like General Parlec. 230 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:53,750 Slaughtered with your eyes closed. 231 00:20:56,708 --> 00:20:58,458 Three of my suppliers have said 232 00:20:58,541 --> 00:21:00,958 they intend to delay shipments until fall 233 00:21:01,041 --> 00:21:03,208 to give things "time to cool off." 234 00:21:03,291 --> 00:21:05,708 We have greater concerns than a dip in profits. 235 00:21:05,791 --> 00:21:08,666 The Sheriff betrayed us. We need better information. 236 00:21:08,750 --> 00:21:12,250 We need to act. Before anyone else gets killed. 237 00:21:12,875 --> 00:21:15,375 Perhaps Marcus was operating independently. 238 00:21:15,458 --> 00:21:18,791 What could anyone in the undercity offer him that he didn't have up here? 239 00:21:18,875 --> 00:21:20,500 It's not what they offered him, 240 00:21:21,083 --> 00:21:22,875 it's what he had to lose. 241 00:21:24,750 --> 00:21:28,166 Councilors, my daughter has a unique insight into our situation. 242 00:21:28,750 --> 00:21:29,666 Thank you. 243 00:21:31,041 --> 00:21:34,791 Councilors, this is Vi. She was born in the undercity. 244 00:21:35,291 --> 00:21:38,291 Even though we failed her in countless ways, 245 00:21:38,375 --> 00:21:42,291 she risked everything to show me what life is really like down there. 246 00:21:42,875 --> 00:21:46,625 People are starving, sick, ravaged by Shimmer. 247 00:21:47,500 --> 00:21:48,916 They live in constant fear 248 00:21:49,000 --> 00:21:51,750 of the coordinated efforts of violent crime lords. 249 00:21:52,291 --> 00:21:54,041 One man leads these efforts. 250 00:21:54,125 --> 00:21:55,208 Silco. 251 00:21:55,958 --> 00:21:58,458 We've done investigations of Silco. 252 00:21:58,541 --> 00:22:01,166 They yielded no such level of organization. 253 00:22:01,250 --> 00:22:03,291 And who led these investigations? 254 00:22:05,208 --> 00:22:06,791 What does this Silco even want from us? 255 00:22:06,875 --> 00:22:09,625 He believes the undercity should be independent. 256 00:22:09,708 --> 00:22:11,791 He calls it the Nation of Zaun. 257 00:22:14,375 --> 00:22:16,708 What about these? Do you know who made them? 258 00:22:16,791 --> 00:22:18,416 No, well… 259 00:22:19,000 --> 00:22:21,166 -Uh… -Her name is Jinx. 260 00:22:21,708 --> 00:22:23,291 This Jinx has the Gemstone? 261 00:22:24,791 --> 00:22:27,333 -Then we have to go in by force. -That could trigger war. 262 00:22:27,416 --> 00:22:30,708 -There are good people down there. -Hmph. Bad ones too. 263 00:22:30,791 --> 00:22:33,750 Even if we wanted to invade, they have Shimmer. 264 00:22:34,333 --> 00:22:35,750 We have Hextech. 265 00:22:36,375 --> 00:22:37,625 What happened to you? 266 00:22:37,708 --> 00:22:40,375 We've been talking about talking for weeks now. 267 00:22:40,458 --> 00:22:42,666 They're still cleaning the blood off the bridge. 268 00:22:42,750 --> 00:22:45,750 -When do we say enough is enough? -Jayce, you don't know war. 269 00:22:46,333 --> 00:22:47,208 I do. 270 00:22:47,291 --> 00:22:52,083 It must be our last resort. There may be a diplomatic solution. 271 00:22:53,750 --> 00:22:54,791 She's right. 272 00:23:02,208 --> 00:23:04,625 What? You want to negotiate with him? 273 00:23:04,708 --> 00:23:07,666 It may be the only way to avoid further bloodshed. 274 00:23:07,750 --> 00:23:10,958 This is insane. Did you learn nothing? 275 00:23:11,041 --> 00:23:13,000 You can't talk to him! 276 00:23:13,083 --> 00:23:16,208 He hates you. Everything you stand for. 277 00:23:16,791 --> 00:23:18,833 He will never back down. 278 00:23:21,791 --> 00:23:25,500 -Enforcers, please escort them out. -Forget it. 279 00:23:25,583 --> 00:23:27,916 I remember where your fancy damn door is. 280 00:23:40,333 --> 00:23:41,875 Vi! Wait! 281 00:23:42,375 --> 00:23:44,875 Wait! Where are you going? 282 00:23:44,958 --> 00:23:47,041 I don't know. Back where I came from? 283 00:23:47,125 --> 00:23:49,416 Seems like that's what everyone up here wants. 284 00:23:49,500 --> 00:23:51,625 -I can fix this. -You can't! 285 00:23:51,708 --> 00:23:54,416 This is how things are. How they've always been. 286 00:23:54,500 --> 00:23:57,000 I was so stupid to think it could change. 287 00:23:57,083 --> 00:24:00,958 There must be something else we can do. Some other way. 288 00:24:01,041 --> 00:24:03,291 We'll make a new plan. We have to try. 289 00:24:03,916 --> 00:24:06,541 We tried. Okay? It wasn't enough. 290 00:24:06,625 --> 00:24:09,833 Topside and bottom. Oil and water. That's all there is. 291 00:24:10,625 --> 00:24:11,833 What about us? 292 00:24:14,375 --> 00:24:15,458 Oil and water. 293 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:17,208 Wasn't meant to be. 294 00:24:19,041 --> 00:24:22,208 -You're just saying that. -Do yourself a favor, Cupcake. 295 00:24:23,083 --> 00:24:26,750 Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just… 296 00:24:27,958 --> 00:24:30,500 forget me, okay? 297 00:25:32,458 --> 00:25:35,708 Viktor, I've been working on a private project 298 00:25:35,791 --> 00:25:38,125 for a couple weeks now. 299 00:25:38,208 --> 00:25:39,833 No. 300 00:25:54,250 --> 00:25:58,333 Viktor, I've been working on this for a year now and… 301 00:26:00,708 --> 00:26:01,666 Viktor. 302 00:26:13,916 --> 00:26:17,833 Viktor, I was hoping you might take a look at something I've been working on. 303 00:26:23,166 --> 00:26:24,250 Viktor… 304 00:26:24,333 --> 00:26:27,791 I was inspired by your… 305 00:26:28,291 --> 00:26:30,208 Everything you do inspires me. 306 00:26:38,750 --> 00:26:39,666 Viktor! 307 00:27:01,000 --> 00:27:02,625 Viktor! 308 00:27:26,958 --> 00:27:29,750 Sky? Sky? No. 309 00:27:29,833 --> 00:27:33,333 No! That… that can't… that can't… 310 00:28:16,625 --> 00:28:19,083 You want to make Silco pay for what he's done? 311 00:28:20,583 --> 00:28:22,000 I could have you arrested. 312 00:28:22,708 --> 00:28:24,750 You guys really like to bandy that threat around. 313 00:28:25,458 --> 00:28:27,333 You ever been to Stillwater? 314 00:28:27,416 --> 00:28:29,041 -No. 315 00:28:29,125 --> 00:28:32,375 So you just wave an arm, have someone dragged off, 316 00:28:32,458 --> 00:28:34,750 don't bother to find out what it does to someone 317 00:28:34,833 --> 00:28:39,166 being stuffed in a stone box for weeks, or months, or even years? 318 00:28:41,458 --> 00:28:45,458 -Yeah. I want to make Silco pay. -I want in. 319 00:28:46,083 --> 00:28:47,166 There is no in. 320 00:28:47,250 --> 00:28:49,916 -You heard the Council. -Fuck the Council. 321 00:28:50,000 --> 00:28:51,625 You said you were tired of doing nothing. 322 00:28:51,708 --> 00:28:54,916 That's the only sensible thing that came out of anyone's mouth tonight. 323 00:28:55,500 --> 00:28:56,791 I'm not a vigilante. 324 00:28:56,875 --> 00:28:59,333 No, you're a victim. 325 00:29:02,291 --> 00:29:05,291 -Huh… 326 00:29:10,875 --> 00:29:13,958 This so people notice you when you raise your hand in the boardroom? 327 00:29:14,041 --> 00:29:16,833 -We built them for mining the fissures. 328 00:29:16,916 --> 00:29:18,541 -Hmm. 329 00:29:18,625 --> 00:29:20,791 Someone close to me had a pair of these. 330 00:29:22,375 --> 00:29:26,250 You're the first person Caitlyn looked for when we made it to topside. 331 00:29:26,333 --> 00:29:28,208 Of everyone up here, 332 00:29:28,291 --> 00:29:31,500 you're the one she trusted to do something. 333 00:29:35,166 --> 00:29:37,500 What do you want me to do? Arrest him? 334 00:29:38,000 --> 00:29:40,375 Silco controls the undercity with Shimmer. 335 00:29:40,458 --> 00:29:41,916 Shut down his supply, 336 00:29:42,000 --> 00:29:45,125 and it's only a matter of time before his own people turn on him. 337 00:29:45,208 --> 00:29:46,375 And how do we do that? 338 00:29:46,458 --> 00:29:48,500 Take out his manufacturing facilities. 339 00:29:48,583 --> 00:29:51,000 Hit them hard and fast, before he can react. 340 00:29:55,791 --> 00:29:56,791 So… 341 00:29:57,666 --> 00:29:59,583 We got a deal, pretty boy? 342 00:30:35,041 --> 00:30:36,666 -Come on. -Over the bridge. 343 00:30:39,375 --> 00:30:40,375 Secured! 344 00:30:44,500 --> 00:30:45,416 Get back! 345 00:30:45,500 --> 00:30:46,875 You little punk. 346 00:30:51,750 --> 00:30:53,208 Hey! 347 00:31:28,750 --> 00:31:30,041 -Hmm. 348 00:31:57,916 --> 00:31:59,083 Hmm.